ProTesT Users Guide
ProTesT Users Guide
ProTesT Users Guide
Preface .......................................................................................................xxxix
Structure of this Manual ..............................................................................................xxxix
Document Conventions ................................................................................................... xl
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings ...................................................................................... xli
Safety ............................................................................................................................ xlii
Index ..............................................................................................................I-1
Table 1.1 Communication Between ProTesT and the Test Instrument .............................. 1-2
Table 1.2 Test Plans and Macros ..................................................................................... 1-9
Table 2.1 SW 3 Switch Positions and Baud Rates ............................................................ 2-9
Table 3.1 Toolbar Command Description ..................................................................... 3-35
Table 5.1 Test Result Messages ....................................................................................... 5-6
Table A.1 SW 3 Switch Positions and Baud Rates ............................................................A-5
Table A.2 F6000 System Errors ......................................................................................A-12
Table B.1 Indications for Activated Sources .....................................................................B-4
Table B.2 Rotation of a Phase-to-Ground Fault ................................................................B-9
Table B.3 Sense Conditions for Each Type of Input ........................................................B-13
Table C.1 ASYNCH Test Tab Results Fields .....................................................................C-5
Table C.2 ASYNCH Action Tab Conditions Fields ...........................................................C-6
Table C.3 BSRHOI Test Tab Results Fields .....................................................................C-11
Table C.4 BSRHOI Action Tab Conditions Fields ...........................................................C-12
Table C.5 BSRHOI Sense Fields .....................................................................................C-13
Table C.6 BSRHOI Prefault Tab Fields ...........................................................................C-15
Table C.7 BSRHOV Test Tab Results Fields ...................................................................C-18
Table C.8 BSRHOV Action Tab Conditions Fields .........................................................C-19
Table C.9 BSRHOV Sense Fields ...................................................................................C-20
Table C.10 BSRHOV Prefault Tab Fields ..........................................................................C-22
Table C.11 CLOSEA Test Tab Results Fields .....................................................................C-24
Table C.12 CLOSEA Action Conditions Tab Fields ...........................................................C-25
Table C.13 CLOSEA Sense Fields .....................................................................................C-26
Table C.14 CREEPF Test Tab Results Fields ......................................................................C-29
Table C.15 CREEPF Action Tab Conditions Fields ............................................................C-30
Table C.16 CREEPF Sense Fields ......................................................................................C-31
Table C.17 CREEPI Test Tab Results Fields .......................................................................C-34
Table C.18 CREEPI Action Tab Conditions Fields .............................................................C-35
Table C.19 CREEPI Sense Fields .......................................................................................C-36
Table C.20 CREEPI Prefault Tab Fields .............................................................................C-37
Table C.21 CREEPV Test Tab Results Fields .....................................................................C-39
Table C.22 CREEPV Action Tab Conditions Fields ...........................................................C-40
Table C.23 CLOSEA Sense Fields .....................................................................................C-41
Document Conventions
The following font conventions serve to distinguish various references in
the text:
• Button labels, menu selections, and items on pick lists (items in a
display that the user can click) are shown in bold type.
• The names of displays are shown in bold type.
• Section names on the Control Panel, labels on the instrument
front panel, and other labels are shown in italics.
The following definitions distinguish the software controls in ProTesT
from the hardware on the instrument:
• Control Panel refers to the F6000 Control Panel option of the
ProTesT Tools menu.
• Instrument Front Panel refers to the front panel of the F2000 or the
F6000 Instrument.
COMPLIANCE The CE icon signifies that the equipment complies with CE requirements.
WARNING The WARNING icon signifies information that denotes a potentially
hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may result in death or serious
WARNING To eliminate the potential of dangerous electrical shock from the test
instrument, verify the safety ground before turning it on or using it.
Always turn the source output off and disable the unit before connecting,
removing, or touching any output terminal or cable.
DO NOT defeat the AC power input source ground connection and
verify that the power connections have proper hot and neutral polarity.
VOLTAGE-HIGH Dangerous and potentially fatal voltages can be developed across the
output terminals of any Power System Simulator. USE EXTREME
CAUTION when turning on or using the instrument. Always turn the
source output off and disable the unit before connecting, removing, or
touching any output terminal or cable. Never ground any instrument
output source connection.
The high intensity yellow LED flashes to indicate that dangerous and
potentially fatal voltages may be present. Flashing occurs when the
Battery Simulator is on, or when other sources are enabled or on.
About ProTesT
ProTesT is an interactive software system for automated relay testing. It
can be used with Doble’s F2000 series or F6000 series of power system
simulators (Figure 1.1 on page 1-2).
ProTesT runs on Microsoft Windows 9X/ME, Windows NT 4.0, or
Windows 2000 operating systems.
ProTesT give the user control of relay testing including:
• Creating and editing test plans for any type of relay
• Using ProTesT macros to test relay functions
• Running tests automatically
• Logging date and time stamped results
• Plotting characteristics
• Generating test reports
• Using relay settings to define test parameters and expected values
• Replaying records
• Providing fault parameters studies
• Using either F6000 or F2000 to run the same Test Plan, subject to
source capabilities
• Storing test plans and results in an ODBC-compliant client-server
The ProTesT Starter Kit is required for each test instrument to run ProTesT
macros where the:
• F2000 Instrument uses the F2910 ProTesT Starter Kit
• F6000 Instrument uses the F6910 Simulator Control and
Automation Module
Refer to Table 1.1 for the items ProTesT requires to communicate with
the F2000 and F6000 Instruments:
ProTesT Macros
ProTesT provides macros to test relay functions. These macros offer the
following features:
• Pickup and dropout
• Time characteristics
• Ohmic reach and plot
• Differential relay testing
• Frequency relay testing
• Synchronizer relay testing
• SSIMUL Macro for dynamic testing
• TRANS Macro for transient testing
ProTesT Plans
ProTesT macros are bundled in ProTesTPlans™ licensed for
company-wide use. Each ProTesTPlan includes macros to conduct tests
for a family of relays. Each of the seven plans corresponds to a type of
relay: A, F, I, P, T, V, and Z. The seven plans contain macros for these
types of tests:
A Plan Autosynchronizing Relay Test (ASYNC Macro)
F Plan Frequency (under/over frequency, time characteris-
I Plan Current (overcurrent, pickup and dropout,
instantaneous, time characteristic)
P Plan Power System Model (calculate test values to be
used in SSIMUL dynamic tests)
T Plan TRANS Macro for replaying COMTRADE wave-
form files (does not support the F2000 Series at this
V PlanVoltage (under/overvoltage, time characteris-
Z Plan Distance (reach, maximum torque angle,
TRANS TRANS macro for replaying COMTRADE
waveform files for the F2000 Series
To use a macro in ProTesT, specify macro parameters in standard
engineering units of voltage and current amplitude, phase angle, and
frequency. For more information, see Table 1.2 on page 1-9.
ProTesT provides:
• Automated relay calibration tests
• Standardized test plans with repeatable results, a quality system
• Ability to test complete protection schemes under simulated
power system conditions
• Better test results with less time and fewer people
Figure 1.2 ProTesT Menu Bar with Database Drop-down Menu Displayed
ProTesT Architecture
ProTesT organizes relay test data in a tree view hierarchy like folders in
Microsoft Windows Explorer. In ProTesT, the folders are location records
that can represent substations in a utility.
Location Tree
The Location tree organizes user-defined Relays and Test Plans. When a
new database is created, the Location tree is empty.
Click Edit|Append to create a new location. Then, type a descriptive
name and press Enter to confirm. Single-click a tree view record to
select, or double-click a record in the list to view the contents.
Relay identifies relays by name and number.
Test Plan
The Test Plan is a list of user-defined macros for a relay. Steady state
macros in a Test Plan test individual relay functions, such as reach,
instantaneous overcurrent, reverse current response, and timing.
Dynamic tests can be added using the SSIMUL Macro. Transient tests can
be added using the TRANS Macro.
Macros are added to the List View by selecting Edit|Insert to insert a
new test in front of the currently selected record, or Edit|Append to
append a new test at the end. Fill in a name, select the macro, and enter
optional comments. Other fields on the list show the time stamp of the
last Macro edit, and the last test date. The Eval column shows the last
Test status, if there are Test Results.
ProTesT Macros
ProTesT Macros are spreadsheet forms that specify Doble Instrument test
sources, action parameters, and expected results.
When the RUN button is clicked, a Macro performs precisely timed,
standard actions with one or more F2000/F6000 Instrument sources that
• Setting initial Amplitude, Phase, Frequency, and Timer Sense
• Doing Source Action; e.g., Linear Ramp, Pulsed Ramp, or Binary
Search with one or more Action sources
• Recording Operate Value or Operate Time
A ProTesT Macro applies action to a specific source parameter, such as
current amplitude or voltage amplitude. The Macro name in the
examples below indicates the source action:
• PRAMPV for pulsed ramp voltage
• BSRHOI for binary search current
• LRAMPF for linear ramp frequency
• PHROTI/PHROTV for linear ramp phase (or phase rotate)
• RCHLRI is a linear ramp reach test in the Z ProTesTPlans, which
performs the same action as LRAMPI in the I ProTesTPlans
Table 1.2 lists the available Test Macros by ProTesTPlans. See
Appendix C ”ProTesT Macro Reference Guide” for a detailed
explanation of each macro.
Z Plan: Distance Relays
Installation Procedure
To install ProTesT:
WARNING For F6000 Instruments, install ProTesT version 1.7 or higher.
Log In
At startup, a login window appears with a default User Name. Refer to
Figure 2.1. Change the name and Click OK to continue. The default User
Name is from the last login. Click the drop down arrow to see a list of
previous logins.
The ProTesT startup screen asks for a Password. The default shown is
DOBLE in clear text. All ProTesT databases have the default password
DOBLE, until a user changes the password for a selected database.
If a special Password has been assigned to a database, and that password
is not used at Login, the user is limited to read-only access; changes and
deletions are not allowed. However, the user can still run tests and save
Test Results, copy test plans for pasting in another database, and enter
comments on the User side of Notebooks.
To open the Setup dialog box, click Setup in the ProTesT menu bar
(Figure 2.3).
F2 Instrument
The Instrument section of the Setup display contains these settings for the
Baud Rate
The default baud rate of 9600 is recommended
to match factory default of instruments. Refer to
Table 2.1, and to the F2000 User Guide or F2250
Family of Power System Simulators.
Comm Port
The default is 1.
Doblecol32 Disable
Check this box only if setup errors occur with
F2000 Instruments.
The F2000 Communications Port Settings are set by switches SW2 and
SW3 on the F2000 CPU board, which can be viewed after removing the
F2000 top cover. Use Table 2.1 to check your port settings on the F2000.
300 On On Off On
1200 On Off Off On
2400 On On On Off
4800 Off On On Off
9600 Off Off On Off
19.2k On On Off Off
F6 Instrument
The Instrument section of the Setup display contains these settings for the
Comm Port If communication is through the serial port, set the
Comm Port and the Baud Rate in the Setup display.
The default is 1.
Baud Rate The baud rate for serial port communications must
be 57,600.
IP Address If communication in through the Ethernet port, the
IP address in the IP Address must match the
instrument IP address. The IP address appears in
the Instrument Display on the front panel when
the instrument is turned on and the F6000
firmware boots up.
Connect with Radio buttons to select serial or Ethernet
Control panel simulation
If the computer is not connected to an instrument,
or if the instrument is switched off, operate the
Control Panel in simulator mode. Simulator mode
is useful for training and for configuring tests that
will be conducted at a later time. To choose this
mode, check the box for Control panel simulation.
NOTE If the computer is not connected to an instrument or if the instrument is
switched off when the F6000 Control Panel is opened, an error message
appears. Acknowledge the error message. Then specify Control panel
simulation in the Setup display, or switch the instrument on.
After all the settings in the Setup display are changed or confirmed, click
OK to accept the modifications and close the display, or Cancel to close
without change.
Database Conversion
A new release of ProTesT may include changes to the database schema.
See ”Convert ProTesT Database” on page 3-27.
Change Alert
When attempting to open a database created by an earlier version of
ProTesT, a change alert dialog box may appear (Figure 2.4). Click Yes to
proceed with conversion of the old database. During conversion,
ProTesT creates a new database and copies records from the old
database into the new one. Click No in the dialog box to cancel the
Database Explorer
The ProTesT Database Explorer displays a tree view on the left and a list
view on the right (Figure 3.1).
Tree View
List View
Click a folder in the tree view (Figure 3.2) to select it and see the contents
in the list view. Click the [+] box to expand lower level branches of the
folder, as in Windows Explorer.
Double-click a record in the list view to open it and view its contents.
Menu Commands
Commands on the ProTesT Database Explorer menu bar (Figure 3.2 on
page 3-2) are explained in the remainder of this chapter. A
context-sensitive menu is available by clicking the right mouse button.
Database Menu
From the Database Menu:
New 1. To create a new database, select New from the Database Menu.
2. In the new database dialog box at File name, enter a database name
and press Save.
A new, empty database is created and is ready to be populated with
NOTE Database names cannot contain any spaces. Certain characters are also
not valid, such as ‘.’ and ‘/’.
Open 1. To open an existing database, select Open from the Database Menu.
2. From the list of databases, select the appropriate database and press
Close To close an open database, select Close from the Database Menu.
Printer Setup 1. To change your Windows printer setup, select Print Setup from the
Database Menu.
2. Select the appropriate print parameters to use in ProTesT and press
Recent File Used for access to recently opened database files.
Exit To exit ProTesT, select Exit from the Database Menu.
Edit Menu
From the Edit Menu, choose:
Cut To cut information:
1. Select one or more records in the list view by
highlighting with the mouse.
2. Select Cut from the Edit Menu or use the Toolbar icon,
which temporarily stores the data in the clipboard and
removes the data from its location.
A second cut or copy operation overwrites the previous
contents of the clipboard.
Copy To copy information:
1. Select one or more records list view by highlighting with
the mouse.
2. Select Copy from the Edit Menu or use the Toolbar icon,
which temporarily stores the data in a clipboard and
leaves the original data intact at its location.
A second cut or copy operation overwrites the previous
contents of the buffer.
Paste To paste information:
1. Position the cursor at the paste location.
2. Select Paste from the Edit Menu or use the Toolbar icon.
Multiple paste operations are possible for multiple
Insert To add a new record to the list view above a selected
location relay, or Test Plan:
1. Select Insert from the Edit Menu, or use the Toolbar icon.
2. Type the new record name into the box, and press Enter.
3. Fill in any remaining data fields.
Append To add a new record at the end of the list view of a location,
relay, or Test Plan:
1. Select Append from the Edit Menu, or use the Toolbar
2. Type the new record name into the box, and press Enter.
3. Fill in any remaining data fields.
Delete To delete one or more selected records from the list view of
a selected location, relay, or Test Plan:
• Select Delete from the Edit Menu, or use the Delete key.
NOTE Edit commands can be applied only to a single item in the tree view.
Find 1. To find a record in the open database, select Find from the Edit Menu,
or use the Toolbar icon. The Find display appears (Figure 3.3).
2. In the Find what field, enter part of the name to be located.
3. Select the database table to be searched (e.g., Relay or Test macro).
4. Select the field to be searched (e.g., Label or Macro type). All
matching records are listed.
5. Select Go To to open one of the records.
Move Down Select a record from the list view, and select Move Down from the Edit
Menu or click the Move Down icon on the Toolbar. The record is moved
one position downward.
Move Up Select a record from the list view, and select Move Up from the Edit
Menu or click the Move Up icon on the Toolbar. The record is moved
one position upward.
Macro Menu
From the Macro Menu:
Open To open a Macro, select the macro in the list view, then select Open
from the Macro Menu. Alternately, select the macro and press Enter, or
double-click the macro in the list view. ProTesT displays the Test tab
NOTE The Navigation window stays open when a Macro is opened.
Close To close an open Test, select Close from the Macro Menu, or click the
Go Back icon on the toolbar. ProTesT closes the Test tab view.
Save To save changes to a Test with the Test view open, select Save from the
Macro Menu. Alternately, click the Save icon on the Toolbar. ProTesT
saves the Test, and the Test view remains open.
Run To run a Test, select Run from the Macro Menu, click the Run icon on the
toolbar, or press the F12 key. If more than one test is selected on the list
view, the Run function performs an AutoRun sequence on just the
selected tests. Refer to Chapter 5 ”Running a Test”.
AutoRun To start an AutoRun sequence:
1. Select a test on the Test Plan, or open a Test view.
2. Select AutoRun from the Macro Menu or press Al+F12.
AutoRun begins with the currently selected Macro and proceeds
non-stop through all following Macros until it encounters a Notebook
or until the end of the Test Plan. Refer to Chapter 5 ”Running a Test”.
Setup Menu
For details on the Setup display and the configuration process, see
Chapter 2 ”Getting Started”.
View Menu
From the View Menu, toggle the toolbar and the status bar on and off.
Tools Menu
The Tools Menu (Figure 3.4) provides access to several utilities.
F6000 Control The F6000 Control Panel (Figure 3.5) contains all of the functions and
Panel controls needed to conduct manual tests with the F6000 Instrument. To
open the F6000 Control Panel, click Tools|F6000 Control Panel in the
ProTesT menu bar. See Appendix B ”F6000 Control Panel” for more
information on Control Panel settings.
2. Click Show Source Summary to show the VA rating and the range
settings for each configured source (Figure 3.7).
NOTE Current sources are selected on the basis of 150 VA output. To create a
300 VA source, select 2 current sources. To create a 450 VA source,
select 3 current sources. Then assign each source the same source
To use a pre-set configuration, select one of the options from the Pre-set
Configurations pick list at the bottom of the display:
• User Defined
• 3 Voltages and 3 Currents
• 3 Voltages and 3 Transient Currents
• 4 Voltages and 4 Currents
• 6 Currents (right bank)
• 1 Voltage and 2 Low Range Currents
• 1 Voltage 150 VA and 1 Current 450 VA
• 4 Voltages and 4 Transient Currents
• 6 Voltages
• 6 Low Range Currents
• 6 Low Range Transients
• 6 Transient Currents
• 1 Voltage and 2 Low Range Transients
3. To finish configuring the sources, click one of the three buttons at the
bottom of the display (Figure 3.7 on page 3-12):
• Click OK to configure the sources on the F6000 Instrument and
close the F6000 Configuration dialog.
• Click Cancel to ignore changes to the source configuration and
close the F6000 Configuration dialog.
• Click Apply to configure the sources on the F6000 Instrument
without closing the F6000 Configuration dialog.
F6000 Flash The F6000 Flash Loader updates F6000 instrument firmware. Refer to the
Loader F6000 User Guide for details on operation.
F6000 Key Code The F6000 Key Code updates F6000 Instrument options by downloading
a software key. Key codes can be obtained from Doble to update options
in the F6000.
Power System The Power System Model is enabled when the ProTesTPlan is installed
Model and an SSIMUL Macro is displayed.
It contains three tabbed views:
• Primary Ohms
• Secondary Ohms
• Results
When using the Power System Model, the primary impedance values are
entered for the near end source, line, and far end source. Impedance can
be entered in rectangular, polar, or per unit terms. Current and Potential
Transformer ratios are entered to compute secondary values for fault
The Power System Model calculates amplitude and phase angle
quantities to simulate power system events in an SSIMUL Macro.
This form of test is called a dynamic test. It can be used to test entire
protection schemes.
The Power System Model represents a two-machine equivalent with
lumped impedance parameters for line and source values. Faults are
simulated on the model with varied fault locations, resistance, and load
flows. Test Plans are created to model power system events such that the
complete relay system is tested for each case modeled. Relay reach and
direction (faults behind and in front) for the various zones and
combinations of zones are tested for each case, and classified as op or
no-op, depending on whether zone protection was enabled. For a Zone 1
relay with ± 5% accuracy, an operation should always occur at 95% of
setting (op case). For a fault at 106% of setting, there should be no
operation (no-op case). These two cases confirm the accuracy of the
Other dynamic relay tests that can be performed are operating time tests
at different system impedance ratios – the ratio of the source impedance
behind the relay to the set impedance of the relay.
Other application tests include:
• Switch onto fault
• Blown fuse, memory, adaptive characteristics
• Programmable logic tests
With dynamic relay testing, these events can be very quickly modeled
and played back using the SSIMUL Macro.
Primary Ohms To work with the Power System Model, obtain the source impedance and
the line impedance for both ends of the line. The impedance is entered
only in primary quantities. Secondary impedance quantities are
calculated automatically by the program from the PT and CT ratios.
Impedances are entered as positive, negative, and zero sequence
components. If the negative sequence impedance is not available, set it
to the positive sequence impedance. If the source impedance is not
available, use these rules:
• Set the positive sequence impedance, negative sequence, and
zero sequence equal to each other.
• For a strong source, set the source impedance to line impedance
ratio (ZS/ZL) between one and five. For example, for a ZS/ZL ratio
of two, set the source impedance equal to two times the line
• For a weak source, set the source impedance to line impedance
ratio (ZS/ZL) between five and ten. For example, for a ZS/ZL ratio
of six, set the source impedance equal to six times the line
2. Enter the Base MVA and the voltage level of the line (in kilovolts).
The base MVA and voltage is required only when using Per Unit
impedance quantities. The Base Ohms is recalculated only when
switching from one coordinate system to another system.
3. Choose the correct coordinate system for the primary impedance to
be entered by clicking on the appropriate coordinate system button.
The Power System Model converts the impedances to the desired
coordinate system. Changing the coordinate system of the Primary
Ohms does not change the coordinate system of the Secondary
4. Enter the near end source impedance, the line impedance, and the far
end source impedance.
Use the Tab key to advance the cursor or click with the left mouse
• For polar coordinates, enter the magnitude and angle in primary
• For rectangular coordinates, enter the resistance and reactance in
primary Ohms.
• For Per Unit coordinates enter the resistance and reactance in per
unit quantities.
5. Enter the CT and PT ratios.
Enter the ratio as a primary quantity to one secondary quantity. For
example, a 2000/5 CT has a ratio of 400. The CT and PT ratios are
used to calculate the secondary impedance and fault voltages and
currents seen by the relay.
NOTE If only secondary data is available, use CT Ratio = PT Ratio = 1.
Secondary Ohms To access Secondary Ohms from the Power System Model:
1. Select the Secondary Ohms tab to see calculated secondary
quantities (Figure 3-13).
Nothing can be entered in the Secondary Ohms tab (Figure 3.9);
these are calculated quantities only.
Results To specify the type of fault and fault location, select the Results tab
(Figure 3.10).
Make States for The Make States button creates a three-state fault: Pre-fault, Fault and
SSIMUL Macro Post-fault. The states are automatically appended to the open SSIMUL
Macro. Only the fault data from the near end is inserted in the fault state.
The load flow voltage and current data is inserted into the pre-fault state.
The load flow voltage is inserted into the post-fault state.
More than one fault can be added to a SSIMUL Macro, creating a
dynamic test that tests several fault conditions in one macro.
Once states have been added to SSIMUL from the Power System Model,
they can be edited at the SSIMUL test screen.
NOTE The Power System Model uses the source name scheme selected in
Setup; the default scheme is VA, VB, VC, I1, I2, and I3. If the source
names are not present in the SSIMUL test, a prompt asks whether to add
new sources if required.
Vector Calculator To access the Doble Vector Calculator, choose Reports > Vector
The Vector Calculator consists of a Vector Table and Keypad
(Figure 3.11). Vectors are displayed graphically in the Vector View area.
A user-entered vector formula is displayed in the Formula Box, with a
result shown in the Answer Box.
Export / Import This function is not implemented. It is intended to export to and import
from a foreign database.
Graph To see characteristic Test Results plotted on a graph, select Tools|Graph.
A Test Result must be selected before any graph can be viewed.
To Plot a Single Result on a graph:
1. Select Tools|Graph|Display Graph.
This opens the graph window (Figure 3.12). If a macro Test tab is
open and a result is displayed, the values will appear on the graph.
2. Move the graph window out of the way by dragging it with the
mouse, or minimize it.
The graph window stays open and displays currently selected results.
3. Click More >> to see additional controls (Figure 3.13).
Import SS1 files Imports data from DOS SSIMUL.EXE stored in .SS1 files. A Test Plan must
be selected before using Import SS1 Files. Multiple simulations can be
imported from a single .SS1 file. Each simulation is converted as a single
SSIMUL Macro in the currently selected Test Plan.
Convert ProTesT To open an old ProTesT database in a new release of ProTesT, it may be
Database necessary to convert the old database. Use Convert Database to copy the
old database to a database that is compatible with the new ProTesT
release (Figure 3.14).
To convert a database:
1. Select Convert ProTesT Database in the Tools Menu.
2. Enter the path to the old ProTesT database, or use the Browse
3. Enter the name of the new converted ProTesT database.
If the path is not the same as that for the old database, enter the new
path or locate it using the Browse window.
NOTE Confirm that the previous ProTesT database is located on the local
hard drive.
4. Click Convert.
When the conversion is complete, the new database can be opened.
To convert a database:
1. In Windows Explorer, go to the C:\Program Files\Doble\ProTesT
2. Find and double-click the file called ProTesT_III_Convert.exe.
3. This starts the conversion program.
4. In the Protest Database box, browse till you find the path of the
database that you wish to convert, for example:
NOTE Be sure to select the location.dbf file.
5. In the ProTesT Database box, enter a new database name.
Do not use spaces or ./ - in the DB name
Click Convert to begin the Database conversion.
Change/Enter Click Change Password in the Tools Menu to change an existing
Password password.
Doble Reports
Click Reports in the top menu bar to open the Reports dialog
(Figure 3.16). Use the Reports dialog box to select and print standard test
The scope of a report is limited to what is selected in the tree view of the
Doble Explorer. For example, if a relay is selected in the tree view, the
report includes only test plans and test results for that relay.
The following standard reports are available in the Reports dialog box:
Current List Shows the contents of the current list view, where
the last test date and test result are shown.
Exception This is a Test Activity report, but only for those tests
whose last result was Fail.
NoteBook Lists contents of all NOTEBK Macros within the
scope of the report.
Test Activity Lists all the tests and test plans within the scope of
the report, including the date the relay was last
tested and the evaluation summary (Pass or Fail).
Test Plan Activity Lists all test plans within the scope of the report,
and the latest date of any test result.
Test Results Shows detailed results for all tests within the scope
of the report. Use the Test Results Date Parameters
dialog to specify the results to include
(Figure 3.17). The default is to report only the last
test result. If Query By Date is selected, enter a
date range. All the test results within that range are
reported. Note, however, that NOTEBK Macros
have no results and are not included.
To generate a report:
1. Click Report in the ProTesT menu bar.
2. Select a standard report from the pick list.
3. Select Print Preview to see the report on screen.
If the Test Results report is selected, the Test Results Date Parameters
dialog box appears (Figure 3.17). Use the dialog box to select results
within a specified date range.
4. Enter the date, month, and year in the From Date and To Date fields.
5. Click the Query By Date radio button.
6. Click OK.
The Doble Reports display appears with a preview of the selected test
results (Figure 3.18).
Go to Go to Print
first page next page Report Refresh
For the best view of the report, select full screen and Page Width
NOTE When previewing a document on the screen, the scroll bar and
Page Down/Page Up buttons access only the current page.
Click the Page Forward button in the toolbar at the top of the preview
display to turn the page.
• A black Page button indicates more pages exist.
• A gray Page button indicates no more pages exist.
Use the Last Page button to go to the last page. Similar control buttons go
to the previous page and first page of the report.
To select a printer, single-click the Printer Setup icon in the reports
To save the report as a file:
1. Click the Save File icon located on the toolbar.
The Export display appears (Figure 3.19).
2. Select the appropriate file format for the report from the Format
pick list.
To edit the report in Word, for example, select Word for Windows
3. Select the location for the saved report from the Destination pick list.
4. Click OK.
The report is saved in the format and location specified.
Window Menu
Arranges ProTesT windows for viewing, comparing, copying, and pasting
Test Plan and test data.
Cascade Arranges all open windows in an overlapping format with the title bars
displayed, such as Navigation window and Macro tab.
Tile Arranges all open windows in a tile format with the title bars displayed.
Arrange Icons This function is not implemented.
Help Menu
Click Help in the top menu bar to open ProTesT help.
Index Opens the table of contents to online help. Help includes much of the
information in this User Guide.
Using Help Provides basic information about how to navigate and use a Windows
Help System.
About ProTesT Provides the following information about ProTesT:
• Version number
• Product Code or serial number, which determines what
ProTesTPlan Macros are available
NOTE When looking at a Test, press the F1 key, and Help opens to the test
macro, showing how the macro action works.
Toolbar Summary
Toolbar icons are shortcuts to menu bar functions. Place the cursor on an
icon to see a tool tip description. Standard Windows icons are used for
Open, Save, Cut, Copy, and Paste. When a Macro is in view, the
Go Back icon closes the Macro and restores the tree and list view.
Table 3.1 explains each icon.
This chapter describes how to create a database of relay test plans and
introduces ProTesT macros.
Organizing Databases
Since ProTesT starts by opening a database, the first step is to create your
own database. Create ProTesT Location folders to identify relays and test
plans for specific substations. A Location folder can be used for every
substation in a geographic or business unit region or as a library to
contain sample relay test plans for common relays found in each
Adding Relays
To add relays to a Test Plan:
1. From the menu bar, select Edit|Append to add a new Location and
open it.
For a large substation, it may be convenient to add sub-folders to
represent terminals. A Location folder can contain either all
sub-folders or all Relay records, but not both.
2. Add Relay records, using a meaningful Relay ID, since this can be
used later as a search key.
Serial number, manufacturer abbreviation, and function description
are optional.
For the first time ProTesT user, it may be helpful to start by adding only a
few relays, especially when adding more complex numerical relays
which are more difficult to test manually, or older relays in critical
applications requiring coordination tests.
Copy ProTesT Data To copy data from one ProTesT database to another:
1. Select one or more records in the open database.
• A single Location folder or Relay can be selected in the tree view
• Multiple records can be selected in the list view
2. Click the Copy icon on the toolbar, or select Edit|Copy, or press
Paste and Transfer To create a database to receive the copy:
1. Select Database|New.
Alternatively, open an existing target database. The target should
reside on a hard drive or other high capacity drive.
A dialog box asks whether ProTesT data in the copy clipboard should
be saved.
2. Click Yes to open the new database.
3. To insert the copied data, click the Paste icon on the toolbar, or select
Edit|Paste, or press Ctrl+V.
The data is then copied to the target database.
4. Use Windows Explorer to transfer the target file to the laptop, via
networking, Internet, or high capacity media.
For a large database, file compression may be desirable for the
Update and Return Use the copied data to test relays. Reverse the above procedure (”Paste
and Transfer”) to update the master copy in the office. For a large
database, it may be necessary to have a database administrator manage
the updates.
ProTesT Macros
A ProTesT macro controls Doble voltage and current sources. Each
macro type follows a particular algorithm for changing one or more
source values, called Action values. The user identifies the sources to
use, their amplitude, phase, and frequency, and which values are Action
Macro Tables
Each macro consists of tables that define Doble sources, values, and
Action parameters. The tables are shown on several tabs beginning with
the Test tab (Figure 4.1).
Action Tab The Sense section on the Action tab defines the relay operate signal to
the Doble instrument and the Action table supplies parameters for the
1. For Sense, select contacts or voltage as the operate signal and the
transition from the drop-down menus.
As an example, contacts would be open to close (O→C) for pickup,
while dropout would be C→O.
2. From the drop-down menu, identify by source name the sense input
terminals that are to receive the operate signal.
The default, “MA” (Master), identifies either the F2000 instrument
with the green Master LED lit or Input 1 on the F6000.
Refer to Chapter 6 ”Sense Input” for details on Sense Delay and Sense
3. Select zero crossing from the drop-down menu.
Zero crossing is normally System; that is, Action changes occur when
the Doble reference frequency (50 or 60 Hz internal crystal or line
synch) has a positive zero crossing.
Source means that changes occur at the positive zero crossing of each
source. Therefore, if a phase offset exists between Action sources
with Source zero crossing, they change value in phase delay order
rather than at the same time, which is not usually desirable.
4. Fill in the Action table for each macro.
Refer to the specific descriptions provided in Appendix C ”ProTesT
Macro Reference Guide”.
Prefault Tab Many macros have a Prefault tab. This allows an initial state of normal
voltage and current to be applied to a relay before the Action begins. The
sources previously entered to the Test tab are displayed in this tab.
To enter data to the Prefault tab:
1. Modify the amplitude and phase, if necessary.
2. Enter the prefault duration.
The duration should be long enough for the relay to initialize before
the fault condition is applied by the Action.
Notebook Tab This is a two-column area for free-format text. The columns are labeled
Originator for notes to guide the tester, and User for comments from the
tester. For example, Originator notes can indicate when to change test
leads while User comments can record the results of visual inspection. A
page selection box allows the user to scroll through all the Notebook
pages in the Test Plan without losing position in the Test Plan.
NOTE If notes are present for a macro, a Notebook icon appears on the status
bar below the Test tab.
Report Tab The Report tab presents a print format report of test parameters and notes.
A test result can optionally be selected for inclusion in the report.
Selecting a Macro
ProTesT macros perform steady state, dynamic state, or transient tests.
Transient Test
Like SSIMUL, the TRANS macro plays a realistic fault through Doble
sources, but unlike SSIMUL, TRANS plays point-by-point transient
The TRANS macro allows the user to import waveform data from industry
standard COMTRADE files, select channels and a time frame of interest,
and save these for playback with ProTesT. For F2000 instruments, digital
source names are any valid source name with an L1 or L2 suffix, such as
VAL1, VBL2, or l2L2. For F6150 instruments, digital source names are
any valid source name with an L1 suffix, such as VAL1, VBL1, or l2L1. As
with SSIMUL, timers can be set up to record relay response. TRANS is
particularly useful for testing the effect of dc offset, harmonic content,
and l/r delay in a fault.
Connection Table
To fill in the Connection Table for identifying the Doble sources and
default values to be used in individual tests:
• Enter source names, normal amplitude and phase, and the initial
relay terminals to which the source leads are to be connected.
Source names and values entered in the Connection Table are
automatically filled in whenever a new test is added to the Test
Plan. Values in the new test can then be modified as needed, and
sources added or removed.
The discipline of creating a Connection Table can lead to designing a
better test procedure by focusing attention on the use of source
connections in a way that minimizes the number of lead changes during
the Test Plan. The number of sources available, and the order in which
tests are executed, can often be configured to simplify wiring changes
during the Test Plan.
Changing leads can be the source of operator error, particularly if tests
are re-run or run out of order. Lead changes take time away from running
tests. Where possible, it is best to set up all source connections and sense
leads one time at the beginning. Manual setups take more time and are
more error prone; running ProTesT is the easy part.
The Test Plan and each test macro have a Notebook tab (similar to
Figure 4.4 on page 4-10), to record setup instructions, relay settings, and
run time observations. Notebook text can be copied and pasted from one
Windows application to another using standard Copy/Paste commands.
A NOTEBK macro is a pure Notebook that is often inserted into a Test
Plan to advise the operator to change leads or relay settings before the
next test can be run. A good Test Plan usually begins with a NOTEBK
macro to explain the test procedure that follows.
The CREEP macro can reproduce the manual minimum pickup test. The
computer keyboard or mouse is used to step the current up or down.
CREEP also allows the user to indicate pickup from the keyboard, which
is useful if relay response is only a visual indicator such as a target drop.
Although this is a manual test, source setup is automatic and the result is
recorded in the ProTesT database.
CREEP action can be applied to current (CREEPI), voltage (CREEPV), and
frequency (CREEPF).
GO/NOGO is a simple A-to-B test. For pickup, GONGOI sets current
amplitude to an initial value (A) and after the offset duration, the test
value (B) is applied and held for a maximum on time. As soon as the
relay operates, the test ends and sources turn off, as is true for all steady
state macros.
Expected Value Steady state macros have expected values to determine Pass/Fail.
Although this is optional, a good test record normally requires it. For
GONGOI, as the name implies, the result is either Operate (Op) or No
Operation (No Op).
GO/NOGO action can be applied to current (GONGOI), voltage
(GONGOV), and frequency (GONGOF). Go/NoGo for phase is a phase
shift, done with PHSFTI and PHSFTV.
Time Test
A time test, like TIMEI, is an A-to-B test that adds a timer to record
operating time. In this case, expected value is an operate time, whether
the Action parameter is current (TIMEI), voltage (TIMEV), phase
(TIMEPH), or frequency (TIMEF). TOCPLT (Time Overcurrent Plot) runs a
sequence of time tests at specified multiples of tap, which can be
displayed as a time curve. There are similar time plot tests for voltage,
phase, and frequency.
Linear Ramp
Linear ramp of current or voltage amplitude is one of the most common
test methods. For example, LRAMPI can be used to test minimum pickup
of a definite time relay, such as a winding on an HU or STD differential
relay. However, LRAMPI is not the best option for a variable time relay,
such as with inductive disk overcurrent. The INDPUI macro is better
suited for this situation. However, linear ramp is simple, and everything
important about all other macros can be learned from using the linear
Linear Ramp LRAMPI begins at an offset (A) and ramps toward a limit (E), as shown in
Algorithm Figure 4.6 on page 4-17. The amplitude proceeds in a series of steps,
incrementing by a fixed delta value (C), and waiting a delta time (D) to
allow the relay to pick up at that value. As soon as pickup is sensed, the
macro stops and the amplitude is recorded. If no pickup occurs after the
limit is reached, the macro ends with a No Op.
Figure 4.6 shows the ramp starting at a low value and ramping to a
higher limit, however LRAMPI can start at a high offset and ramp down
toward a lower limit as in a dropout test or in the related macro
LRAMPV, for an undervoltage test. The offset or offset duration can be 0.
LRAMPI Rules LRAMPI rules are listed below. Refer to Figure 4.7.
1. The largest current, whether limit (E) or offset (A), determines the
range of the Doble current source.
This limit must be higher than the expected operate value, but low
enough to select the lowest current range that can make the relay
operate. This ensures that the maximum source power is applied.
Otherwise, the source compliance voltage may not be able to drive
the load, causing a “Source Error” that shuts down the test. This is
especially true for high burden electromechanical relays.
2. In a pickup test, make the Offset Current close to the expected value.
This makes the test run faster and avoids applying high current to the
relay longer than necessary.
3. The delta current (C) should be a meaningful value, perhaps 10% of
the tolerance.
If the expected = 1.5, and the pass/fail tolerance is 10% or 0.15 amp,
a delta current of 0.01 or 0.02 is good. Although the source allows
milliamp resolution, it may not be useful.
If the delta current is too large, the result may easily exceed the
pass/fail tolerance, even if the relay is working fine.
4. The delta time (D) must be long enough for the relay to notice.
Numeric relays respond very quickly to input changes, but
electromechanical relays take longer. If the delta time is too short, the
ramp races ahead of the relay’s ability to respond, and the recorded
pickup amplitude is too large (or too small).
A good approach when first designing a test is to make the delta time
long enough for the tester to see the relay start to respond at each step
(if a response can be seen), similar to running a manual test. Then
shorten the delta time until relay response becomes erratic. A good
starting delta time is often 10 cycles.
5. Near the pickup point, relays have an inverse operating time.
Since the relays may or may not respond, the delta time should be
much longer than the nominal relay operate time.
Inductive Pickup
To test inductive disk overcurrent relays, INDPUI is a better choice than
LRAMPI. INDPUI begins by applying a multiple of tap to make the relay
operate right away. Then, a linear ramp begins just above the tap value
and steps downward until the relay drops out. A second ramp turns back
upward looking for pickup. This algorithm is similar to a common form
of manual test. The dropout and pickup values are recorded, and the
average taken as the result. The rules for linear ramp (See page 4-18)
apply here also. Refer to Appendix C ”ProTesT Macro Reference Guide”
for further details.
INDPUI Rules 1. To make the relay operate initially, make the initial amplitude as
small as possible.
This minimizes the impact when the induction disk swings around to
make contact. At a high multiple, the impact is large and there is a lot
of contact bounce. The macro may interpret the bounce as
pickup-dropout-pickup before the downward ramp has barely
2. On long time constant relays, a high multiple may be necessary for
initial pickup.
To compensate for contact bounce, use Sense Duration as a filter.
Refer to Chapter 5, Sense Input for details on Sense Duration and
Sense Delay.
3. The primary cause of sense instability in INDPUI is contact bounce,
for which Sense Duration is the best filter.
It may also be useful, however, to apply Sense Delay. Whenever
source amplitude is set or changed, Sense Delay causes the Doble
sense input to shut off momentarily. This is useful when high initial
current is applied because it sets a minimum time initial current and a
minimum time the initial ramp step is held, thus allowing the
induction disk to stabilize.
Binary Search
Binary search combines a high-low pulsed search with a linear or pulse
ramp at the end. It is a fast and accurate test method that cannot be
duplicated by manual testing. In most cases, if linear ramp or pulsed
ramp work, binary search works also with the following added
• Using pulses, current load on the relay is minimized.
• Regardless of offset and limit, binary search quickly finds the
pickup if it is in the search range.
• If the desired result is No Op, binary search takes only 2 pulses to
determine No Op: one pulse at the midrange, and one at the
If the relay does not operate at the limit, the test is over.
• There is audible feedback that the test is working.
Beeps indicate that test pulses are causing a pickup. Lack of
audible feedback may indicate that the test setup is incorrect.
NOTE For binary search to work, the relay must reset between test pulses that
cause it to operate. For example, breaker fail detection might have to be
Binary Search Like pulsed ramp and linear ramp, binary search uses an offset (A) and a
Algorithm limit (C). Although Figure 4.8 shows the macro searching between a low
offset and a high limit, it can start from a high offset and search toward a
low limit. For BSRHOI, the offset can be normal load current with the
limit higher than the expected pickup.
The search starts halfway between offset and limit. Each test pulse is
halfway between the last No Op value and the last operate value (or the
limit). When test values differ by less than 3 “clicks” (ramp delta value),
the macro switches to a linear or pulse ramp for the actual operate value.
Note that if (G) ramp delta time = 0, a pulsed ramp is used, with pulse
and wait the same as for the search. For details, refer to the description of
BSRHOI in Appendix C ”ProTesT Macro Reference Guide”.
Binary Search Rules Use the rules for linear ramp listed in page 4-18. In addition, the
following rules apply:
1. The offset can affect the result, since the first test pulse is determined
by the difference between offset and limit.
Depending on the algorithm of the relay, the linear or pulse ramp
should be used.
2. The wait time must be long enough for the relay to reset or cool
3. Related relay elements not being tested may have to be disabled, if
the test pulse can cause them to operate and to report incorrect
4. If a search finds a pickup point, but the linear ramp at the end fails
resulting in No Op, increase the ramp delta value.
This happens because the ramp takes no more than 15 steps. If the
ramp delta value is too small, however, 15 steps may be undetectable
to the relay.
The electromechanical distance relays are also subject to transient
overreach when pulsed current is applied, whereas a ramp returns
the steady state response. Therefore, Action parameters may require
more tuning to produce desirable results.
To smooth out unwanted response to test pulses, Sense Delay may be
required. For more information, refer to Chapter 6, Sense Input.
5. When creating a new test, start with generous values for pulse
duration and wait.
If the test works, try reducing these values until the test no longer
returns consistent results. This optimizes the test to run faster.
Test Setup
When a test opens, the Test tab (Figure 5.1) is displayed.
BT Source If the Doble Battery Simulator is used, only an allowable dc voltage can
be selected; Phase and Frequency do not apply. If BT is used in more
than one test, insert a POWER Macro to turn BT on and leave it on
throughout the test sequence. Otherwise, BT turns on and off with each
test, forcing the relay to re-initialize. Note, however, that after POWER
runs, its amplitude overrides the BT amplitude in tests that follow.
Sense Connections Sense Connections, a free-format text window that holds up to
25 characters, is used to document where the sense leads connect at the
Jumpers Like Sense Connections, Jumpers is a 25 character free-format text field
that can be used to note any relay jumpers that must be inserted.
Notebook Tab Further instructions can be documented on the Notebook tab. If notes
exist on the Notebook tab, this icon appears on the right side of the
ProTesT status bar.
Run a Test
When setup is complete, the test can be run. To run the test:
• Click the Run button on the toolbar, press F12, or select
Macro|Run from the menu bar.
A test can be run from the test view or from the list view.
Steady state macros execute the following sequence of steps described
• Connect to Doble instrument
• Verify Test parameters
• Indicate a Test is in progress
• Check Sense
• Action algorithm proceeds
Test in Progress
A Test in Progress window appears, and initial values for amplitude,
phase, and frequency are set. If a Prefault is specified, those values are
set. Sources turn on and the Offset Duration begins.
Sense Check
At the end of the Offset Duration, ProTesT determines whether sense
input, indicating relay operation, has already occurred. If so, the test
terminates with a Sense Check error. This can happen in a dropout test,
for example, if the Offset Duration is not long enough, or the initial
conditions are not severe enough for the relay to pick up. Another cause
is incorrect sense settings on the Action tab, such as a setting of O→ C
instead of C→ O. Sense must be clear for the Action to start.
The macro action algorithm proceeds until relay operation is detected.
The test value is recorded and time stamped.
Tests can be aborted manually or automatically.
Manual Abort
To abort a test manually, click Stop on the Test in Progress window, or
press the spacebar or Enter key. On the F2000, pressing any red key on
the front panel aborts the test also.
Automatic Abort
A Sense Check error automatically aborts a test.
A Source Error also aborts a test, except in the following cases.
• In a Binary Search, the search range can include a value that the
source is unable to drive into the relay load, while the actual
operate point of the relay is much lower value that does not cause
a source error. The macro ignores source errors during the search
phase, but aborts with a source error if the error persists during
the final ramp.
• In multipoint tests, such as time or distance plots, source errors on
individual points are merely recorded as “Source” and the test
continues with the next point. For example, in TOCPLT, if a high
tap multiple causes a source error, other test points may work
with no problem.
Tests in a Test Plan can be run in a non-stop sequence using Autorun.
1. Select any test on the list view or open a test window.
2. Select Macro|Autorun or press Alt+F12.
After the selected test opens, runs, and posts the results to the screen,
the next test automatically opens and runs. The sequence continues
until either a NOTEBK Macro is encountered, or until the end of the
Test Plan. When a NOTEBK Macro is opened, it may advise changing
source leads or relay parameters.
A ProTesT dialog asks the user whether to continue the Autorun or to
If a test is manually aborted or if an error occurs, such as a Sense Check,
Autorun is terminated.
Autorun Delay
In Setup, there is a field called Autorun Delay. This adds a delay time
(seconds) between tests in Autorun to allow the user to view the results of
the preceding test or to allow the relay to reset. If a test fails, there may be
no point in continuing the Autorun. An Autorun delay of 3 to 5 seconds
is recommended.
A block of selected tests in a Test Plan can be run nonstop.
1. Select a test.
• To select sequential tests, hold the Shift key and use the Down
Arrow key or hold the Ctrl key and click the mouse.
• To select non-contiguous tests, use Ctrl and click the mouse.
2. Click the Run icon or press F12.
The selected tests will be run in order, just like with Autorun. If a
NOTEBK Macro is included, the sequence pauses, allowing the user
to continue or cancel further tests.
Summary Meaning
Sense Assignment
On the Action tab of a macro, the Sense section identifies the Action
source whose timer/sense input records relay pickup. The default
assignment is MA. This maps to the F2000 Master Instrument or Input 1
for the F6000. The Master F2000 provides reference signals for source
output, and is identified by the green LED on the Instrument front panel.
The Action source must be on the Master F2000.
Use the Sense source name to identify where to connect the sense leads.
ProTesT automatically makes that F2000 the Master and arms the sense
input. With F6000, ProTesT arms the sense input associated with the
source name.
Successive Tests in a Test Plan can specify a different sense source. With
F2000, the sense source must be an Action source. If all sense terminals
are connected in parallel, sense leads do not have to be changed
between tests. This saves time, since switching the Master manually or
changing sense lead connections at the instrument during the Test Plan
are not necessary.
Sense Delay
Every time the Action Source changes state, the firmware ignores sense
input for N cycles – a user defined number. At every step in the Action,
when source amplitude, phase, or frequency changes, the sense input
signal is ignored until the user specified Sense Delay interval has expired.
Use Sense Delay for filtering relay transient response to a step change
(as in LRAMP) or to an amplitude pulse (as in PRAMP or Binary Search)
to suppress transient overreach in a distance relay.
NOTE Relay transient response may lead the search pulses to converge to an
incorrect value. Then during the subsequent ramp, the relay may fail to
operate (the ramp takes a maximum of 15 steps, which are typically
small). Use Sense Delay to prevent faulty search convergence.
Sense Duration
Whenever a sense signal is detected, a Sense Duration timer is set by the
Doble instrument. If the sense signal drops out before the timer has
expired, the momentary pickup is ignored. If sense occurs again, the
timer is started afresh. Not until the sense signal has persisted for the
entire Sense Duration interval is it accepted as a sense.
Use Sense Duration to filter relay sense contact chatter such as the
unstable bouncing of an induction disk. Sense Duration is also useful if
relay output is unstable near the operation point.
NOTE Sense Duration is useful for the INDPUI (Inductive Pickup Current) and
INDPUV (Inductive Pickup Voltage) Macros, when testing an induction
disk relay. Sense output is typically very unstable when the initial
amplitude is applied to make the relay operate. A large Sense Duration
may be needed to get meaningful results.
Appendix A defines the error messages that can occur during ProTesT
operations. Some ProtTesT software errors (e.g., Invalid Password) are
considered self-explanatory and do not appear here. Obscure errors and
those that relate to running a test are documented here.
For F2000 Instruments, refer to the F2000 Troubleshooting Guide in the
F2000 Instruction Manual, for F2000 Instrument error codes displayed on
the front panel, or to the F2250 User’s Guide Error Message section. For
F6000 Instruments, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide in Chapter 6 of
the F6000 User Guide.
300 On On Off On
1200 On Off Off On
2400 On On On Off
4800 Off On On Off
9600 Off Off On Off
19.2k On On Off Off
Name Explanation
Current monitor Input line current is too large. The total of all amplifier outputs
(Power supply high amps) exceeds system specifications. Reduce the source amplitude or
the load.
Hardware detects that the instrument is drawing too much current
from the wall.
Voltage monitor Either the AC input line voltage is too high, or power is being fed
(Power supply high volts) back into the F6000 through the amplifier outputs.
Open ground detector Hardware problem that needs to be addressed before it is safe to
(Power supply) use the F6000.
When the F6000 clears the error, it should occur again if the
hardware problem has not been fixed.
Logic Output Hardware detects an overcurrent condition on a logic output. The
(Logic I/O) F6000 software shuts down all amplifiers.
The F6000 hardware latches all logic outputs open.
+12 Volt fail monitor Hardware disables amplifiers to prevent damage to relays on the
(DC power supply) amplifier assemblies if output from the DC power supply falls
below +5 volts.
High voltage heart beat Five-second software timeout on lack of communication while
hazardous voltages may be present on the front panel terminals.
The F6000 software shuts down the amplifiers.
Can occur if a communication cable is removed.
The PC gets a communication timeout and displays it to the user.
The system error is only displayed when communication is re-
NOTE Some system errors cannot be cleared. For example, if the instrument
has no analog I/O board, then the error condition remains until the
board is supplied.
NOTE For computers with screen resolution of 640x480 pixels, disable the
toolbar and the status bar from the View menu to display all of the
F6000 controls on one screen.
The Control Panel contains eight sections. The functions in these sections
control the instrument’s source outputs, logic inputs, logic outputs, and
timers. A listing of these sections and controls follows:
• Source table
• Ramp/Set sources
• Phasor diagram
• Logic and timer settings button
• Timers
• Logic output and logic input indicators
• Battery simulator
• System Output
• Abort
Source Table
The source table in the upper left-hand portion of the Control Panel
contains seven columns (Figure B.2). The column headings are:
• Source
• Amplitude
• Phase
• Frequency
• Range
• On
• Enable
NOTE If a source error occurs, the alarm is visible in the source table. The
name of the source affected changes to ER and blinks. The Amplitude
and Phase fields for that source also blink, and an audible alarm sounds
from the speakers of the control PC.
The first five columns contain the settings for each source:
Source The source column in Figure B.2 contains eight
entries for eight sources. The default naming
scheme for the voltage sources is VA, VB, VC, and
VN; the default naming scheme for the current
sources is I1, I2, I3, and IN.
Amplitude Amplitude indicates the voltage or current value of
a source. The range sets the maximum value for
the amplitude. If the amplitude entered exceeds the
maximum range value, an error message appears.
To correct the error, reduce the amplitude or
increase the range.
Phase The phase indicates the phase angle in degrees.
Enter a phase angle from –359.9° to 0° to +359.9°.
Frequency The default system frequency is 50/60 Hz. Use the
Setup display (Figure 3.3 on page 3-7) to change
the default frequency. Use the spinner arrows in
the Frequency column to select the AC harmonic
or to select a DC ‘+’ or a DC ‘–’ range.
Range The range setting determines the maximum value
for the amplitude of a particular source. For
maximum compliance voltage, use the lowest
current range that can produce the desired test
The last two columns in the source table contain On and Enable
buttons for each source.
On Click the On button to activate a source. The
button turns red, and the System Output button
blinks red. Click the On button again to turn
a source off, the button turns gray. The System
Output button stops blinking when all the sources
have been turned off.
Enable Click the Enable button to place selected sources
in standby status. The Enable button for each
source to be activated turns green. When System
Output is selected, all of the enabled sources turn
on. The System Output button turns red, and the
On buttons for the individual sources stay gray.
Clicking System Output again turns the enabled
sources off.
The default color for System Output, On, and Enable buttons is gray.
Table B.1 summarizes the panel indications associated with all three
WARNING The high intensity yellow LED flashes when the battery simulator or any
output source is enabled or on to indicate the potential for dangerous or
fatal voltages.
NOTE To turn off all active sources during a test, click Abort. Clicking Abort in
the Control Panel does not turn off the battery simulator.
Ramp/Set Sources
The Ramp/Set sources section (Figure B.3) contains five fields for varying
the values in the source table:
• Mode setting: Ramp or Set (default mode)
• Rate or Delta step pick list (or user entered value field)
• Variable to change: Phase, Amplitude (default variable), and
• Check boxes to designate sources to change
• Up and down control arrows
• Store and Recall buttons
NOTE Use the source table and the Ramp/Set section to control the amplitude,
phase angle, and frequency of each source during tests.
Sources to Change
The Ramp/Set section has eight check boxes, one for each source. To
change the selected variable (amplitude, phase angle, or frequency) for a
given source, click the checkbox for that source.
NOTE To avoid altering the values for a source during a test, make sure the
checkbox for that source is not selected.
Variable to Change
Under Change, select a variable to increase or decrease:
• Click the radio button for Phase to vary the phase angle of the
selected sources by clicking either the up or down control arrow.
• Click the radio button for Amplitude to vary the voltage or the
current of the selected sources by clicking either the up or down
control arrow.
• Click the radio button for Frequency to vary the frequency of the
selected sources by clicking either the up or down control arrow.
NOTE The frequency of the first source in the source table varies
independently of the other seven sources. The frequencies of sources
2 through 7 vary together, and are harmonically related to each other.
If VA is the only source checked in the Ramp/Set sources section, the
frequency for VA is the only variable that changes when the up or down
arrow is pressed. When VB is the only source checked, however, the
frequencies for VB, VC, VN, I1, I2, I3 and IN all change at the same time.
Control Arrows
The up and down arrows to the right of Ramp/Set on the Control Panel
permit the change of selected source variables. The up arrow increments
and the down arrow decrements the selected source variables. The type
of change depends on the mode selected (see ”Mode and Ramp/Delta
Step” on page B-7).
All eight sources in Figure B.3 on page B-5 are checked. When the up
arrow is pressed, the sources increase at the rate on step up by the
amount specified in the Rate or Delta Step field. Amplitude settings
cannot increase beyond the limit set in the Range column of the source
table. The setting stops at the last valid value and remains there.
Phasor Diagram
The phasor diagram in the upper right-hand portion of the Control Panel
is based on polar coordinates. Each phasor represents the amplitude and
phase angle of a source. The distance from the origin to the endpoint of
the phasor represents the amplitude of a source. The angle formed by the
phasor and the positive half of the horizontal axis represents the phase
angle of a source. The phasor in Figure B.4 shows current source I3 with
an amplitude of 10 A and a phase angle of 45°.
The phasor diagram gives a visual representation of the amplitude and
phase values in the source table. The source table and phasor diagram
interact with each other. Source table values are continuously updated as
phasors are dragged to new locations in the diagram using the mouse.
The change is not sent to the F6000 Instrument until the phasor is
Range Settings
The upper left-hand corner of the phasor diagram contains the highest
current setting from the Range column of the source table. The upper
right-hand corner of the phasor diagram contains the highest voltage
setting from the Range column of the source table.
These settings determine the scale of the phasor diagram. For example,
if the amplitude for current source I1 is 15 A and the range setting for that
source is 15 A, the I1 phasor reaches to the perimeter of the circle in the
phasor diagram. Similarly, if the potential for voltage source VA is 50 V
and the range setting for that source is 75 V, the length of the VA phasor
is two-thirds the radius of the circle in the phasor diagram.
Fault Rotate
Click Fault Rotate to rotate a fault from phase to phase without rewiring
the instrument front panel or relay under test.
Fault Rotate works only if the following conditions are met:
• The source configuration must be 3 Voltages and 3 Currents,
or 3 Voltages and 1 Current.
• All voltage sources must be on the same range.
• All current sources must be on the same range.
The Fault Rotate button in the phasor diagram is grayed out if one or
more of these conditions is not met.
Use a simple A-to-ground fault to try the Fault Rotate procedure. To
simulate the fault, the voltage VA drops and the current I1 goes up. For
this example, VA = 40 V and I1 = 10 A (Table B.2).
When the fault is rotated, the fault in A goes to B, the settings in phase B
go to C, and the settings in C go to A:
A →B
B →C
C →A
When the fault is rotated, VB = 40 V and I2 = 10 A. Rotated again,
VC = 40 V and I3 = 10 A (Table B.2). Both the source table and the
phasor diagram reflect these changes.
Source Initial Setup: Fault in Phase A Fault Rotated to Phase B Fault Rotated to Phase C
VA 40 V 0° 69 V 120° 69 V 240°
VB 69 V 240° 40 V 0° 69 V 120°
VC 69 V 120° 69 V 240° 40 V 0°
I1 10 A 330° 0A 90° 0A 210°
I2 0A 210° 10 A 330° 0A 90°
I3 0A 90° 0A 210° 10 A 330°
Multiple Phasors
When Multiple Phasors is checked, all the phasors for a set of voltage or
current sources can be moved by dragging and dropping any one of
them. Each phasor maintains its position relative to the other two. When
dragging the phasors, the source table is continuously updated, but the
new amplitude and phase angle values are not sent to the F6000
Instrument until the phasor selected is dropped. Figure B.5, Figure B.6,
and Figure B.7 show a configuration with three voltage sources and no
current sources. The three figures illustrate how the phase angles for VA,
VB, and VC change when the phasor for VA is shifted ~45° with Multiple
Phasors checked.
Figure B.6 Dotted Lines Show New Position of Phasors Before Release
Inputs Tab
The Inputs tab (Figure B.8) contains settings for eight logic inputs, one
for each input terminal on the instrument front panel. The Inputs tab also
contains controls for the AutoSensE and Threshold options.
For each input, choose the Type of input and the Sense Condition:
Type Select Potential or Contact from the pick list.
Sense Condition Select the transition that must occur for the input
to be true.
Each input type, Potential or Contact, has two selectable sense
conditions. Table B.3 summarizes these selections for a relay with
normally open contacts. For normally closed output contacts, use inverse
logic (i.e., instead of Off to On, use On to Off).
The AutoSensE column lies to the right of the pick lists. Each logic
input has an AutoSensE radio button. Selecting AutoSensE for an
input freezes the ramping variable or variables when the required input
condition is sensed.
NOTE The default setting for the AutoSensE feature is ON. To disable the
AutoSensE radio buttons, click the Off check box at the bottom of the
AutoSensE column.
Locate the Threshold section beneath the Type and Sense Condition
columns. The Threshold section applies to inputs that have potential
present at their terminals.
The threshold setting of 15 V is provided to reduce sensitivity to circuit
noise. Use the 1.5 V setting when the circuit does not have noise present,
or greater sensitivity to circuit noise is required.
Outputs Tab
The Outputs tab (Figure B.9) sets the default contact status for each of the
eight logic outputs on the instrument front panel. Normally open is the
default contact status for all eight logic outputs in the Outputs tab. Click
the desired radio button for each output.
NOTE The logic outputs change state with the status of their mapped output
sources. See ”Input and Output Indicators” on page B-25.
Timers Tab
The Timers tab (Figure B.10) contains functions that define the start and
stop conditions for a particular timer. To set Timer 1, select the first radio
button under Set timer. The start and stop conditions for each timer are
set individually.
Define Triggers If a start condition or a stop condition requires an input signal from the
relay under test or from any other source, specify the input via the
Triggers display (Figure B.11). To open the Triggers display, click Define
triggers... in the Timers tab.
Click Set... for Trigger 1 in the Triggers display to open Set Trigger
Logic (Figure B.12). Use the Set Trigger Logic display to select the inputs
needed to make the trigger true. For instance, click 1 under Choose input
to put In1 in the Logic field.
In the Set Trigger Logic display, select the And operator (*) or the
Or operator (+) under Mask Operator to set the logical relationship for
two or more inputs. These three examples illustrate the logic for three
distinct triggers:
In1*In2 The trigger is asserted when both Input 1 and
Input 2 are true.
In1+In2 The trigger is asserted when either Input 1 or
Input 2 is true.
In1*~In2 The trigger is asserted when Input 1 is true and
Input 2 is not true.
Click Group inputs to place parentheses around a series of inputs in the
Logic field. Then select a group operator to set the logical relationship
between the group and another input. For example:
The trigger is asserted when Inputs 1 through 7 are
true, or when Input 8 is true.
The trigger is asserted when one of the first seven
inputs is true, and Input 8 is true.
Three restrictions govern the formation of logical expressions that use a
group operator:
• The mask operator for all of the inputs inside the parentheses
must be the same.
• The group operator outside the parentheses must be the opposite
of the mask operator inside the parentheses.
• Only one input can follow the group operator outside the
Click Delete last to delete the last input entered in the Logic field. To
clear all the inputs from the Logic field, click Delete last until all the
inputs are deleted.
Set Timer Click OK to close the Set Trigger Logic display. The text in the Logic field
Conditions of the Set Trigger Logic display appears in the Trigger Logic field of the
Triggers display (Figure B.13).
Click OK to close the Triggers display and return to the Timers tab
(Figure B.10 on page B-15). The trigger named Trigger 1 appears in both
the Start on source and the Stop on source pick lists.
Start on source The Start on source pick list contains the voltage
and current sources from the source table, plus the
defined triggers. Click the source or trigger in the
list required by the test protocol.
Start condition The Start condition pick list contains three events
or transitions: Off to On, On to Off, and On
Change. The On Change option permits time tests
that are initiated when there is a step change in the
selected source variables. Click the start condition
required by the test protocol. When the source or
trigger selected in Start on source meets the
specified start condition, the timer starts.
Stop on source The Stop on source pick list contains the voltage
and current sources from the source table, plus the
defined triggers. Select the source or trigger from
the list required by the test protocol.
Stop condition The Stop condition pick list contains two events or
transitions – Off to On, and On to Off. Click the
stop condition required by the test protocol. When
the source or trigger selected in Stop on source
meets the specified stop condition, the timer stops.
NOTE The timer start and stop conditions apply only to the voltage and
current sources. If a trigger is selected in Start on source, the Start
condition pick list is grayed out. Similarly, if a trigger is selected in Stop
on source, the Stop condition pick list is grayed out.
Set and Reset After selecting the desired entries from all four pick lists in the Timers tab,
click Set. The start condition defined in the first two pick lists appears in
the Start condition field in Figure B.14. The stop condition defined in
the third and fourth pick lists appears in the Stop condition field in
Figure B.14.
Figure B.14 Start and Stop Conditions Set in the Timers Tab
To redefine the start and stop conditions for a timer, click the radio
button for that timer. Then click Reset in the Set timer conditions section.
The Start condition and Stop condition fields for that timer go blank, and
new conditions from the pick lists can be selected.
Notes Tab
Use the Notes tab (Figure B.15) to document any part of a test setup
or test procedure by typing in text. For example, the Notes tab can be
used to record timer conditions in the Timers tab, triggers defined in the
Triggers display, or the reasons for key settings. When in simulator mode,
the settings for a test can be entered, saved, and sent to a technician in
the field. The field technician can then use the information in the Notes
tab to set up and conduct the test.
The Timers section contains readouts for eight timers (Figure B.16).
Using logic inputs and logic outputs, time tests are possible for up to
eight separate events. The timers allow configuration of the logic inputs
and outputs for specific relays or for an entire protection scheme. For
example, use the timers to measure pickup and dropout times for relay
under tests. Use any timer with any source, any input or output, and any
During a simple test of an overcurrent relay, the timer starts when the
source turns on and stops when the relay responds. The timer therefore
measures the response time of the relay.
NOTE Active timers have white fields. The initial reading for an active timer is
0.00 seconds. If the settings for a timer have not been defined in the
Timers tab, the readout for that timer is gray. All of the timers are
inactive when Ramp mode is selected.
Timing Status
The Timers section contains three Timing Status lights that function for
any and all timers:
Reset Active timers are reset to 0.00.
Running Time test is in progress.
Stopped Relay has responded. Timer shows elapsed time in
milliseconds, seconds, or cycles.
When System Output is clicked, the enabled sources turn on and the
enabled timers start. If the timer Stop button is then clicked, these
sources are switched off and the System Output button returns to its
previous status.
Timer Controls
Click Stop to stop timers that have not stopped due to a pre-defined stop
condition. Click Reset to return all the active timers to 0.00.
If Stop is clicked while the timer is running, NO-OP appears in the field
for that timer. NO-OP means No Operation. It appears in the timer
readout after an unsuccessful or an interrupted test. For example, when a
timer is started and then stopped manually during a test, NO-OP appears
in the timer field because the relay being tested did not respond.
Measurement Units
Set the measurement units for the timers with the radio buttons located
along the bottom of the Timers section. The options are milliseconds,
seconds, and cycles. The default selection is Seconds (Sec.).
To measure the elapsed time in milliseconds, click the radio button for
mSec. To measure the number of cycles that elapse during a test, click
the Cycles radio button. For example, if the default system frequency of
60 Hz is set, the timer shows 90 cycles for a time test that
lasts 1.5 seconds.
Status Indicators
Output Number or Input Number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Each power source maps to one logic output and one logic input.
The mapping of sources to inputs and outputs depends on the source
configuration in effect. The mapping rule assigns the inputs and outputs
to voltage and current sources in ascending order first from left to right,
then from top to bottom. Figure B.18, Figure B.19 on page B-26, and
Figure B.20 on page B-26 illustrate how the rule works for three common
source configurations.
Sources V1 V2 V3 I1 I2 I3
Indicators 1 2 3 4 5 6
Sources VN IN
Indicators 7 8
Figure B.18 Input and Output Indicators for Four Voltage Sources
and Four Current Sources
Sources V1 V2 V3 I1 I2 I3
Indicators 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure B.19 Input and Output Indicators for Three Voltage Sources
and Three Current Sources
Sources I1 I2 I3
Indicators 1 2 3
Sources I4 I5 I6
Indicators 4 5 6
Figure B.20 Input and Output Indicators for Six Current Sources
NOTE If a ProTesT macro specifies source MA, the macro uses Input 1 and
Output 1.
A logic output gives the F6000 the ability to send out its own signal. It is
a logical relay that opens or closes its contacts when its associated source
goes on. The output is in its normal state when the source is off. A
normally open output contact closes when the source is turned on and its
corresponding status indicator illuminates.
A logic input is a signal that originates with the relay under test and is
sent to the instrument. Any trigger necessary to run a test can be
programmed as a logic input. See ”Define Triggers” on page B-16 for
examples of how to use logic inputs in actual tests.
Battery Simulator
Locate the Battery section (Figure B.21) in the lower left-hand corner of
the Control Panel. If the test protocol requires a DC voltage supply, use
the pick list under Battery to set the voltage of the source. The options on
the list are: 48 V, 125 V, and 250 V DC.
Click the button to the left of the pick list to toggle the battery simulator
on and off. The battery simulator has the following operating
• When using the F6000 Control Panel, the battery simulator
provides continuous output while the user conducts tests or
changes logic and timer configurations.
• When using ProTesT test plans, the battery simulator provides
continuous output when either the F6000 Control Panel or the
F6000 Configuration display is selected, or when a third party
application external to ProTesT is run.
• The battery simulator switches off if ProTesT is shut down or if
communication with the F6000 Instrument is lost.
WARNING Care should be taken when using the battery simulator as it is capable
of up to 250 V DC at 60 Watts.
The Control Panel provides full control over each voltage and current
source, and maximum flexibility in preparing for and conducting tests of
protective relays:
• Pre-programmed and user-defined ramp values eliminate manual
errors in testing. The AutoSensE feature simplifies testing and
eliminates errors.
• The phasor diagram shows source table settings in real time and
allows the dragging and dropping of phasors to reset source table
• The Fault Rotate feature makes efficient testing of three-phase
relays possible.
• The eight individual timers enable measurements of eight
different timed events.
Two voltage sources, both fixed at 120 V, are used to test the relay.
One source, used to represent the bus side voltage, is fixed at 60/50 Hz.
The other source is used to represent generator voltage at the system
frequency, plus or minus the slip frequency. The example shown in
Figure C.1 illustrates 60.02 Hz for a 0.02 Hz slip frequency.
The main goal of testing is to compare the circuit breaker allowed
Closing Angle to the Actual circuit breaker Closing Angle. The difference
between these is the Close Angle Error (CAE), which is reported by the
macro in degrees. This result must fall within the range of the allowed
tolerance. This angle is actually derived, however, from a comparison of
the difference in mSecs, or cycles, between the expected value and the
test result value.
The Expected Time in Figure C.2 is the Advance Time plus the Output
Operating Time. In Figure C.3, the Advance Time is the circuit breaker
closing time. The Output Operate Time is the Relay Operate Time which
is sometimes published by relay manufacturers and should be considered
when calculating the Expected Time.
5. ProTesT calculates the breaker advance time using the timing value
measured by the instrument, according to:
Breaker advance time =
[(1/Slip frequency) * initial offset/360 ° ] - instrument measured
For a slip frequency setting of 0.02 and an initial offset of 0° (360°),
the time required for two voltages in synchronism is:
(1/Slip frequency * Initial offset/360°).
The time calculated is 50 seconds. This calculated time is compared
with the set time of the relay. The instrument measured time is
subtracted from the synchronization time.
6. The CAE is calculated as follows:
Error in Close Angle = [Tm – (Ts + Ti)] x (F1 - F2) x 360/1000]
• Tm = Measured Circuit Breaker advance time in milliseconds.
• Ts = Selected circuit breaker advance time (Action tab item G).
• Ti = Output relay operation time (Action tab item H).
• F1 = Source 1 Frequency Hz (= 60 Hz). Use FX in Frequency.
• F2 = Source 2 Frequency Hz (= 60.02). Use Action for Phase and
• 360 converts Hz to degrees/second.
• 1000 converts milliseconds to seconds.
For instance, if 190 milliseconds had been measured, then:
Error in Close Angle = [(Tm – (Ts + Ti)] x (F1 −F2) x 360/1000] =
[190 – (180+20)] x (60 −60.02) x 0.36 = −10 x (−0.02) x 0.36 =
0.07 degrees
NOTE The error in Advance time for 1° close angle error can be calculated as:
Time for 1° closing angle = 1/(Slip frequency * 360) = 1/(0.02*360) =
0.1389 seconds or 138.9 milliseconds.
From the allowable closing angle error, the tolerance on the circuit
breaker advance time can be calculated.
Test Tab
The ASYNCH Test Tab screen is shown in Table C.1.
Field Explanation
The ASYNCH Test Tab screen is shown in Figure C.2 on page C-2.
Action Tab
The ASYNCH Action Tab Conditions Fields are explained in Table C.2.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
One or more current sources can be ramped simultaneously, using the
same Action conditions. One or more voltage presets can be applied.
This macro ramps current sources. Use Binary Search wherever Linear
Ramp or Pulsed Ramp can be used; however, there are cases where it
cannot be used successfully, such as long reset times in induction disk
relays. When properly used, binary search is faster for determining the
Ohmic reach of current-operated distance relays or measuring the
pickup/dropout of overcurrent relays.
• Binary Search requires more tuning than a Linear Ramp or Pulsed
Ramp. The relay may respond differently to search pulses vs.
linear ramp steps. Sensing may be heard during the search, but
the ramp concludes with No Op – relay operation not detected.
Use sense delay to filter the relay transient response on the pulses,
so that the search converges to the correct value.
• If memory action is important to the relay, allow adequate wait
time for reset and a long enough pulse time to operate.
• Some relays require the use of pulsed ramp for testing. If so, select
the Pulsed Ramp option by setting Ramp Delta Time = 0.
• Search can be done either from low offset to high limit, or high
offset to low limit. When searching from a high offset, Ramp Delta
Current must be negative.
• Use Offset Current = 0, and non-zero Offset Duration Action
Delay if the polarizing voltage must be applied before the Action.
• Use sense delay to ensure that the search converges to a value
that can be detected with the ramp. A large delay may be
required, for example, 25 to 50% of the pulse duration. This filters
the transient response to the leading edge of the pulse. If contact
instability is also present, use sense delay as well.
Test Tab
On the BSRHOI Test Tab screen (Figure C.5 on page C-12):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source current amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The BSRHOI Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.4.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
After a small number of search pulses, the ramp begins. The test stops as
soon as the ramp detects relay operation, normally after three or four
steps, and the amplitude is recorded. If the relay does not operate after 15
ramp steps are taken, a No Op is recorded. No Op may be desired, if the
relay is not supposed to operate.
Operation Graph
The BSRHOI Operation graph is shown in Figure C.7.
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins using faulted
voltage and increasing current. The BSRHOI Prefault Tab fields are
explained in Table C.6.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
One or more voltage sources are ramped simultaneously, using the same
Action conditions. One or more voltage presets can be applied.
This macro ramps voltage sources. Use Binary Search wherever Linear
Ramp or Pulsed Ramp can be used; however, there are cases where it
cannot be used successfully. When used properly, Binary Search has
faster performance for determining Ohmic reach of voltage-operated
distance relays or pickup/dropout of overvoltage or undervoltage relays.
• Binary Search requires more tuning than Linear Ramp or Pulsed
Ramp. The relay may respond differently to search pulses vs.
linear ramp steps. Sensing may be heard during the search, but
the ramp concludes with No Op – relay operation not detected.
Use sense delay to filter relay transient response on the pulses, so
that the search converges to the correct value.
• If memory action is important to the relay, allow adequate wait
time for reset and a long enough pulse time to operate.
• Some relays require the use of pulsed ramp for testing. If so, select
the Pulsed Ramp option by setting Ramp Delta Time = 0.
• The search can be done either from low offset to high limit, or
high offset to low limit. When searching from a high offset, Ramp
Delta Voltage must be negative.
Test Tab
On the BSRHOV Test Tab Screen (Figure C.8 on page C-18):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source voltage amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The BSRHOV Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.7 on page C-18.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The BSRHOV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.8.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
After a small number of search pulses, the ramp begins. The test stops as
soon as the ramp detects relay operation, normally after three or four
steps, and the amplitude is recorded. If the relay does not operate after 15
ramp steps are taken, a No Op is recorded. No Op may be desired, if the
relay is not supposed to operate.
Operation Graph
The BSRHOV Operation graph is shown in Figure C.10.
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins using faulted
voltage and increasing current. The BSRHOV Prefault Tab fields are
explained in Table C.10 on page C-22.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
The phase of all sources is ramped at the specified rate. Mark AC source
phases ACTION, or A–120 or A+120 for phase offset, and enter values
for amplitude and frequency.
This macro tests phase and power swing relays.
NOTE Both voltage and current phase action can be used.
Test Tab
On the CLOSEA Test Tab screen (Figure C.11 on page C-25):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Specify phase as ACTION, A−120, A+120, for example, and enter
phase and frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The CLOSEA Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.12.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the phase is recorded.
Phase returns to offset, waits, and begins ramping in the other direction.
If the relay does not operate, a No Op is recorded.
Hints Note that Angle Limit is the maximum displacement from the line angle
that is allowed before a No Op is recorded.
Operation Graph
The CLOSEA Operation graph is shown in Figure C.13.
Test sources are initialized at the offset frequency. The next step requires
the user to increment or decrement the frequency. Click the up or down
spinner control on the Test in Progress Window, or use the Up arrow or
Down arrow. Frequency changes by the delta frequency are specified on
the Action tab. The macro ends when a sense signal occurs or when the
user clicks Record or presses Enter to record visually detected operation.
This macro manually tests frequency relays.
• Frequency values can be entered for the range 25 to 2000 Hz for
the F6000, F225x, and up to 600 Hz for F2100, F2200, F2500,
F2350, F27000; however, the test can run only if there is a
harmonic that can cover the specified range.
• The minimum frequency step is 0.001 Hz at the base frequency
for the F225x and the F6000, or 0.01 Hz otherwise. The
minimum step is multiplied by the harmonic; e.g., 0.002 or
0.02 Hz at second harmonic.
Test Tab
On the CREEPF Test Tab screen (Figure C.14 on page C-30):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Mark source frequency ACTION and enter amplitude and phase
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The CREEPF Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.14.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The CREEPF Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.15.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
Raise and lower the action value by changing the delta frequency. The
test stops as soon as the relay operates, or when Record is pressed and
the result is recorded.
Operation Graph
The CREEPF Operation graph is shown in Figure C.16.
Test sources are initialized and the Action Offset is applied. The next step
requires the user to increment or decrement the current. Click the up or
down spinner control on the Test in Progress Window, or use Up Arrow
or Down Arrow. Source output changes by the delta current are specified
on the Action tab. The macro ends when a sense signal occurs or when
the user clicks Record or presses Enter to record visually detected
This macro records visually detected relay operation. For example, use a
DC Action source to test an auxiliary relay or a relay target when no
contact or voltage sense signal can be provided.
• Because each keyboard action to change amplitude requires
ProTesT to send a command to the Instrument, entering inputs too
fast can cause problems.
• If using the F2410 rectified DI source, once a test current has
been applied, increments of current exhibit capacitive delay
before changing to the new amplitude.
Test Tab
On the CREEPI Test tab (Figure C.17 on page C-35):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source current amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The CREEPI Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.18.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
Raise and lower the action value by changing the delta frequency. The
test stops as soon as the relay operates, or when Record is pressed and
the result is recorded.
Operation Graph
The CREEPI Operation graph is shown in Figure C.19.
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current. The CREEPI Prefault tab fields are
explained in Table C.20.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
Test sources are initialized and the Action Offset is applied. The next step
requires the user to increment or decrement the frequency. Click the up
or down spinner control on the Test in Progress Window, or use Up
Arrow or Down Arrow. Frequency changes by the delta frequency
specified on the Action tab. The macro ends when a sense signal occurs
or when the user clicks Record or presses Enter to record visually
detected operation.
This macro records visually detected relay operation. For example, use
DC Action to test an auxiliary relay or a relay target, when no contact or
voltage sense signal can be provided.
• Since each keyboard action to change amplitude requires
ProTesT to send a command to the Instrument, entering inputs too
fast can cause problems.
• If using the F2410 rectified DV source, once a test voltage has
been applied, increments of voltage exhibit capacitive delay
before changing to the new amplitude.
Test Tab
On the CREEPV Test Tab screen (Figure C.20 on page C-40):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source voltage amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The CREEPV Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.21.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The CREEPV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.22.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
Raise and lower the action value by the delta frequency. The test stops as
soon as the relay operates, or when Record is pressed and the result is
Operation Graph
The CREEPV Operation graph is shown in Figure C.22.
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins using faulted
voltage and increasing current. The CREEPV Prefault Tab fields are
explained in Table C.24.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set from the Test tab and
cannot be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
An offset current is applied, and at the end of the offset duration, a sense
check is performed to ensure that the relay has not already operated. The
first current ramp stops when the relay operates or when the limit has
been reached. The amplitude is then held for the wait time, which can be
zero, and another sense check is performed to ensure that the relay has
not already dropped out. Then the second ramp proceeds.
This macro tests minimum pickup of current operated relays.
• Ramp 1 Limit and Ramp 2 Limit are independent of the Offset
Current; i.e., the limit current can be higher or lower than the
offset current.
• Normal operation assumes that relay pickup and dropout occurs
in the range between Ramp 1 Limit and Ramp 2 Limit. If the relay
operates between Offset and Ramp 2 Limit during Ramp 1,
however, the ramp will reverse direction and never reach the
second limit. A No Op will be recorded.
Test Tab
On the DRAMPI Test Tab screen (Figure C.23):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source current amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The DRAMPI Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.25.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The DRAMPI Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.26.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
When the relay operates, the pickup current is recorded. After the Wait
time, Ramp 2 begins and the dropout current is recorded. If the relay
does not operate on either ramp, a No Op is recorded.
Operation Graph
The DRAMPI Operation graph is shown in Figure C.25.
An offset voltage is applied, and at the end of the offset duration, a sense
check is performed to ensure that the relay has not already operated. The
first voltage ramp stops when the relay operates or the limit has been
reached. The amplitude is then held for the wait time, which can be zero,
and another sense check is performed, to ensure that the relay has not
already dropped out. Then the second ramp proceeds.
This macro tests minimum pickup of voltage operated relays.
• Ramp 1 Limit and Ramp 2 Limit are independent of the Offset
Voltage; i.e., the limit voltage can be higher or lower than the
offset voltage.
• Normal operation assumes that relay pickup and dropout occurs
in the range between Ramp 1 Limit and Ramp 2 Limit. If the relay
operates between Offset and Ramp 2 Limit during Ramp 1,
however, the ramp will reverse direction and never reach the
second limit. A No Op will be recorded.
Test Tab
On the DRAMPV Test Tab screen (Figure C.26):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source voltage amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The DRAMPV Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.28.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The DRAMPV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.29.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
Voltage action begins with Ramp 1. When the relay operates the pickup
voltage is recorded. After the Wait time, Ramp 2 begins and the dropout
voltage is recorded. If the relay does not operate, a No Op is recorded.
Operation Graph
The DRAMPV Operation graph is shown in Figure C.28.
When EXTERN is run, ProTesT executes the specified command line,
similar to Start | Run from the Windows task bar. When a macro is run, it
launches a user-specified program in the specified drive and path.
Command line arguments can be specified. If the external program
accepts input from an ASCII file, notebook text can be exported to a file
from the Notebook page of the EXTERN Macro, Originator side. Text will
be exported to the file named as Input Filename. If the program produces
text file output, identified as Output Filename, the text file can be viewed
using the Open button on the user side of Notebook.
This macro executes a program to alter settings or to retrieve event data
from a microprocessor relay.
Setting changes can be passed via a script recorded in the Notebook and
written to a file read by the program called to communicate with the
• EXTERN runs automatically with AUTORUN.
• The program executed can be a Windows program or a
DOS program.
Test Tab
On the EXTERN Test Tab screen (Figure C.29):
Browse Use this button to open a window to locate a
program and optional input or output files.
Open Use this button to examine the contents of the
input file or the output file after the macro has run.
The EXTERN Test Tab Fields are explained in Table C.31.
Field Explanation
Notebook Tab
Select the Notebook tab and enter text on the Originator side to create a
file that can be read by the external program. When EXTERN is Run, the
ASCII text is written to the program’s Input Filename indicated.
The frequency of all sources is ramped from offset toward the Ramp 1
limit at the specified Hertz/second rate. Relay pickup stops Ramp 1;
otherwise the ramp goes to the first limit. After a wait, Ramp 2 begins.
Sources can be at different harmonics; e.g. one current can be at 60 Hz
(or 50 Hz), and another at 120 Hz (or 100 Hz), to test harmonic restraint
on a differential relay.
This macro tests frequency and differential relays.
• F2100, F2200, F2500, F2350 and F2700 instruments cannot ramp
frequency at a rate slower than 0.02 Hz/sec. Even though
frequency can be specified to 0.01 Hz, a ramp rate of 0.01 Hz/sec
cannot be used. Ramp rates above 10 Hz/sec can be specified
only to 0.10 Hz/sec.
• F225x and F6000 family instruments can ramp at a rate down to
0.001 Hz/sec.
• One source can have an Action frequency, while all others are at
base frequency, as long as the Action is Source 1 of the Master
F2000 (Source 1 is the top source on the F2000.) Any source on
the F6000 can be Action. Enter ACTION for one source
frequency, and indicate the frequency reference for the others:
FX (crystal) or FL (line). When the test is run, ProTesT will verify
that the Action source is indeed Source 1 of the Master.
Test Tab
On the FRDRMP Test Tab screen (Figure C.30):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source frequency ACTION and enter amplitude and phase
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The FRDRMP Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.32.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The FRDRMP Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.33.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
Ramp 1 begins; when the relay operates, and the pickup frequency is
recorded. After the Wait time, Ramp 2 begins and the dropout frequency
is recorded. If the relay does not operate, a No Op is recorded.
Hints Use Sense Delay or Sense Duration to ensure solid relay pickup. If a relay
is unstable at the pickup point, the down ramp reports a Sense Check; i.e,
the relay has already appeared to dropout before Ramp 2 begins.
Operation Graph
The FRDRMP Operation graph is shown in Figure C.32.
The frequency of all sources is ramped at the specified Hertz/second rate,
and the timer starts at the specified trigger frequency.
Set Max On Time = 0, and set the Timer Start Frequency to any value
between offset and limit. The relay is expected to operate before the
Frequency Limit is reached, which terminates the test.
Sources can be at different harmonics; e.g. one current can be at 60 Hz
(or 50 Hz), and another at 120 Hz (or 100 Hz), to test harmonic restraint
on a differential relay.
This macro tests frequency and differential relays.
• An optional Maximum On Time can be specified, which holds
the sources at the frequency limit for a specified number of
seconds. If Max On Time > 0, relay operation must occur while
the sources are at the Frequency Limit, otherwise, no sense will
be recorded. Recommended Value = 0.
• One source can have an Action frequency, while all others are at
base frequency, as long as the Action is Source 1 of the Master
F2000. Source 1 is the top source on the F2000. Any source on
the F6000 can be Action. Enter ACTION for one source
frequency, and indicate the frequency reference for the others:
FX (crystal) or FL (line). When the Test is run, ProTesT will verify
that the Action source is indeed Source 1 of the Master.
• The F6000 does not have FL or FE setting. Map this to the
FX setting.
Test Tab
On the FRRMPT Test Tab screen (Figure C.33 on page C-66):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source frequency ACTION and enter amplitude and phase
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The FRRMPT Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.35 on page C-66.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The FRRMPT Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.36.
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
Frequency action then begins. The test stops as soon as the relay operates
and the phase is recorded. If the relay does not operate, a No Op is
Operation Graph
The FRRMPT Operation graph is shown in Figure C.35.
GONGOF does an A to B frequency step change. It is also possible for
one source to be an Action frequency, while all others are at base
frequency, as long as the Action is Source 1 of the Master F2000 or the
F6000. Enter ACTION for one source frequency, and indicate the
frequency reference for the others: FX (crystal) or FL (line). When the Test
is run, ProTesT will verify that the Action source is indeed Source 1 of the
Master or F6000.
This macro tests frequency and differential relays.
• Time intervals for offset and Maximum On Time are measured in
cycles at the base frequency in effect at that time; i.e., the two
durations may be cycles at different frequencies.
• One source can have an Action frequency, while all others are at
base frequency, as long as the Action is Source 1 of the Master
F2000 or F6000. Any source on the F6000 can be Action. Enter
ACTION for one source frequency, and indicate the frequency
reference for the others: FX or FL. When the Test is run, ProTesT
will verify that the Action source is indeed Source 1 of the Master.
• The F6000 does not have FL or FE setting. Map this to the
FX setting.
Test Tab
On the GONGOF Test Tab screen (Figure C.36):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source frequency ACTION and enter amplitude and phase
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The GONGOF Test Tab Results fields are
explained in Table C.38.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The GONGOF Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.39.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
Frequency action then begins. The test stops as soon as the relay operates
or maximum on time is reached and the result is recorded as Pass or Fail.
Operation Graph
The GONGOF Operation Graph is shown in Figure C.38.
GONGOI does an A to B current step change.
This macro performs setpoint testing of overcurrent relays. Use DC
Action source to test a relay target, when contact or voltage sense signal
can be provided.
• To use DC Action, set Action current frequency to DC; to use the
F2410 rectified DC source, use the source name DI. Phase should
be left blank.
• With DC Action on the F2410, use an offset of 0 volts, and a
non-zero test current (or vice versa), to ensure a sharp DC current
transition, because of capacitive delay.
• With DC Action on the F2410, Pulse Duration should be at least
1.5 seconds (90 cycles at 60 Hz) to allow the F2410 to energize
to the test current, when going from 0 to test voltage. When going
from an elevated offset voltage to 0, Offset Duration should be
greater than 1.5 seconds (90 cycles at 60 Hz). F225x and F6000
DC sources respond immediately.
Test Tab
On the GONGOI Test Tab screen (Figure C.39 on page C-76):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source current amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values, except in the case of DC tests.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The GONGOI Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.41.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The GONGOI Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.42.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values
and then to Action values.
Current action begins. The test stops as soon as the relay operates or the
maximum on time is reached, and the result is recorded as either Pass or
Operation Graph
The GONGOI Operation graph is shown in Figure C.41.
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
The GONGOI Prefault Tab fields are explained in Table C.44.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
GONGOV does an A to B voltage step change.
This macro performs setpoint testing on under/overvoltage relays. Use
DC Action source to test an auxiliary relay or a relay target when contact
or voltage sense signal can be provided.
• To use DC Action, set Action current voltage to DC; to use the
F2410 rectified DC source, use the source name DV. Phase
should be left blank.
• With DC Action on F2410, use an offset of 0 volts, and a
non-zero test voltage (or vice versa), to ensure a sharp DC voltage
• With DC Action on F2410, Pulse Duration should be at least 1.5
seconds (90 cycles at 60 Hz) to allow the F2410 to energize to the
test voltage, when going from 0 to test voltage. When going from
offset voltage to 0, Offset Duration should be greater than 1.5
seconds (90 cycles at 60 Hz).
Test Tab
On the GONGOV Test Tab screen (Figure C.42):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source voltage amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The GONGOV Test Tab Results fields are
explained in Table C.45.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The GONGOV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.46.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
Voltage action begins. The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the
result is recorded as Pass or Fail.
Operation Graph
The GONGOV Operation Graph is shown in Figure C.44.
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
The GONGOV Prefault Tab Fields are explained in Table C.48.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
Current is applied at an initial amplitude to force the relay to operate. As
soon as the relay operates, current is immediately lowered to the ramp
starting current. The linear ramp moves down, until the relay drops out.
The macro then ramps back up, until the relay picks up again. Two
separate ramp rates are specified, so that the ramp to dropout can move
quickly, followed by a slower ramp back to pickup.
This macro tests minimum pickup and dropout for current relays.
• The initial amplitude should be high enough to guarantee relay
operation. If the amplitude is too high, however, it may cause a
high degree of contact bounce as the relay operates. Because the
downward ramp begins as soon as the relay operates, the ramp
may see unstable sense input and misinterpret the result. To filter
contact bounce, use a large amount of sense duration to hold the
initial pickup longer. Sense delay may also be helpful.
Test Tab
On the INDPUI Test Tab screen (Figure C.45 on page C-87):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source current amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The INDPUI Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.50.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
Current action then begins. The test looks for the initial relay pickup, a
dropout and a pickup. If the relay does not operate initially, an error is
noted. Similarly, errors are noted if the relay does not drop out, or if the
relay fails to pick up.
Hints Use enough sense duration to ensure stability of the sense result. If the
Test reports equal dropout and pickup values that are the same as the
Ramp Start Current, it is likely that Sense Duration is too short. As a
result, contact bounce at the initial amplitude is being misinterpreted as
pickup, dropout, and pickup, before the ramp has taken a step. Make
Sense Duration longer.
Operation Graph
The INDPUI Operation graph is shown in Figure C.47.
Voltage is applied at an initial amplitude to force the relay to operate. As
soon as the relay operates, voltage is immediately lowered to the ramp
starting voltage. The linear ramp moves down, until the relay drops out.
The macro then ramps back up, until the relay picks up again. Two
separate ramp rates are specified, so that the ramp to dropout can move
quickly, followed by a slower ramp back to pickup.
This macro tests minimum pickup and dropout for overvoltage relays.
• The initial amplitude should be high enough to guarantee relay
operation. If the amplitude is too high, however, it may cause a
high degree of contact bounce as the relay operates. Because the
downward ramp begins as soon as the relay operates, the ramp
may see unstable sense input and misinterpret the result. Use a
large amount of sense duration to hold the initial pickup longer.
Sense delay may also be helpful.
Test Tab
On INDPUV Test Tab screen (Figure C.48):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source voltage amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The INDPUV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.53.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
Voltage action then begins. The test looks for the initial relay pickup, a
dropout and a pickup. If the relay does not operate initially, an error is
noted. Similarly, errors are noted if the relay does not drop out, or if the
relay fails to pick up.
Hints Use enough sense duration to ensure stability of the sense result. If the
test reports equal dropout and pickup values that are the same as the
Ramp Start Voltage, it is likely that Sense Duration is too short. As a
result, contact bounce at the initial amplitude is being misinterpreted as
pickup, dropout, and pickup, before the ramp has taken a step. Make
Sense Duration longer.
Operation Graph
The INDPUV Operation Graph is shown in Figure C.50.
The frequency of all ACTION sources is ramped at the specified
Hertz/second rate. Sources can be at different harmonics; e.g. one
current can be at 60 Hz (or 50 Hz), and another at 120 Hz (or 100 Hz), to
test harmonic restraint on a differential relay.
This macro tests the operating frequency of different relays.
• scF225x and F6000 instruments can ramp at a rate down to 0.001
Hz/sec; however, F2100, F2200, F2500, F2350 and F2700
instruments cannot ramp frequency slower than 0.02 Hz/sec.
Ramp rates ab64ove 10 Hz/sec lose one decimal digit of
• One source can have an Action frequency, while all others are at
base frequency, as long as the Action is Source 1 of the Master
F2000. Any source on the F6000 can be Action. Enter ACTION
for one source frequency, and indicate the frequency reference
for the others: FX (crystal) or FL (line). When the Test is run,
ProTesT will verify that the Action source is indeed Source 1 of
the Master F2000.
• The F6000 does not have FL or FE setting. Map this to the
FX setting.
• Source 1 of the Master F2000 can, instead, be set to FX base
frequency, and all other sources can have ACTION frequency.
Any source on the F6000 can be FX.
• F2000 base frequency has a range of 25 to 99.99 Hz. Harmonics
allow frequencies up to 2000 Hz in F225x and 1000 Hz for the
F6000. Macro frequencies can be specified up to 1999 Hz as long
as ProTesT can find a harmonic to cover the required range.
Test Tab
On the LRAMPF Test Tab screen (Figure C.51):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source frequency ACTION and enter amplitude and phase
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The LRAMPF Test Tab Results Fields are explained
in Table C.55.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The LRAMPF Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.56.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the amplitude is
recorded. If the relay does not operate, a No Op is recorded. This is
desirable if the relay should not operate.
Operation Graph
The LRAMPF Operation graph is shown in Figure C.53.
One or more current sources are ramped simultaneously, using the same
Action conditions. One or more voltage presets can be applied. Sources
can have different phase angles, representing phase offset. Sources can
be at different harmonics; e.g. one current can be at 60 Hz (or 50 Hz),
and another at 120 Hz (or 100 Hz), to test harmonic restraint on a
differential relay.
This macro tests Ohmic reach of current-operated directional distance
relays at specific phase angles; Pickup/dropout of overcurrent relays;
Minimum pickup and harmonic restraint for differential relays with
harmonic inrush restraint.
• To minimize test time and heating, use an offset as close to the
expected operating point as possible.
• Most relays that can be tested with RCHLRI or LRAMPI can be
tested faster using RCHBOI or BSRHOI, the binary search macro.
Test Tab
On the LRAMPI Test Tab screen (Figure C.54 on page C-102):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source current amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The LRAMPI Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.58 on page C-102.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The LRAMPI Action Tab Conditions fields are explained n Table C.59.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the amplitude is
recorded. If the relay does not operate, a No Op is recorded. This is
desirable if the relay should not operate.
Hints • Use Offset Current = 0, and non-zero Offset Duration if polarizing
voltage must be applied before the Action.
• Test results depend on the ramp rate – too fast causes overshoot,
too slow stresses the relay and takes more time. Start with a slow
rate, using values that give a stable, acceptable result. Then
reduce the delta time until the result is no longer stable. Find the
fastest ramp that is acceptable.
• For example, set Delta Current to a range of 10 to 20 percent of
the tolerance amplitude. If the Expected Value is 1 Amp with a
tolerance of +10%, the tolerance amplitude is 1.0 X 10%, which
equals 0.1, resulting in a Delta amplitude of 0.01 to 0.02 Amp
(10% to 20% of .01).
• Set Delta Time to be two to five times the nominal relay operating
time for best accuracy. Use one to two times for lowest heat and
shortest test time.
Operation Graph
The LRAMPI Operation graph is shown in Figure C.56.
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current. The LRAMPI Prefault Tab fields are
explained in Table C.61.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
One or more voltage sources are ramped simultaneously, using the same
Action conditions. One or more voltage presets can be applied. Sources
can have different phase angles, representing phasor offset. Sources can
be at different harmonics; e.g. one voltage can be at 60 Hz (or 50 Hz),
and another at 120 Hz (or 100 Hz).
This macro tests Ohmic reach of voltage-operated directional distance
relays at specific phase angles; Pickup/dropout of overvoltage or
undervoltage relays.
• To minimize test time and heating, use an offset as close to the
expected operating point as possible.
• Most relays that can be tested with RCHLRV or LRAMPV can be
tested faster using RCHBOV or BSRHOV, the binary search
• For maximum source VA, use a source in the high end of a
voltage range.
Test Tab
On the LRAMPV Test Tab screen (Figure C.57 on page C-108):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source voltage amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The LRAMPV Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.62 on page C-108.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The LRAMPV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.63.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the amplitude is
recorded. If the relay does not operate, a No Op is recorded. This is
desirable if the relay should not operate.
Hints • Use Offset Voltage, and non-zero Offset Duration if polarizing
current must be applied before the Action.
• Test results depend on the ramp rate – too fast causes overshoot,
too slow stresses the relay and takes more time. Start with a slow
rate, using values that give a stable, acceptable result. Then
reduce the delta time until the result is no longer stable. Find the
fastest ramp that is acceptable.
• For example, set Delta Voltage to a range of 10 to 20 percent of
the tolerance amplitude.
• Set delta time to be two to five times nominal relay operating time
for best accuracy. Use one to two times for lowest heat and
shortest test time.
• Test results depend on the ramp rate – too fast causes overshoot,
too slow stresses the relay and takes more time. Start with a slow
rate, using values that give a stable, acceptable result. Then
reduce the Delta time until the result is no longer stable. Find the
fastest ramp that is acceptable.
Operation Graph
The LRAMPV Operation graph is shown in Figure C.59.
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current. The LRAMPV Prefault Tab fields are
explained in Table C.65.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
The phase of all ACTION sources is rotated at the specified rate. Mark AC
source phases ACTION, or A–120 or A+120 for phase offset, and enter
values for amplitude and frequency.
This macro tests phase and distance relays.
Test Tab
On the MAXTAI Test Tab screen (Figure C.60 on page C-115):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter source phases ACTION or A-120, A+120, etc. and enter
amplitude and frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The MAXTAI Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.67.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
Phase action then begins. The test stops as soon as the relay operates and
the phase is recorded. Phase returns to offset, waits, and begins ramping
in the other direction. If the relay does not operate, a No Op is recorded.
Hints MAXTAI can be used as a pickup test. Set the Line Angle equal to MTA
+/– 180 degrees. Phase will ramp into the operate zone of the relay from
each direction, lead and lag. The average of the two pickup points will
be MTA +/– 180 degrees.
Operation Graph
The MAXTAI Operation graph is shown in Figure C.62.
The phase of all ACTION sources is ramped at the specified rate. Mark
AC source phases ACTION, or A–120 or A+120 for phase offset, and
enter values for amplitude and frequency.
This macro tests phase and distance relays.
Test Tab
On the MAXTAV Test Tab screen (Figure C.63 on page C-120):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter source phases ACTION, or A–120 or A+120, etc. and enter
amplitude and frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The MAXTAV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.70.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
Phase action then begins. The test stops as soon as the relay operates and
the phase is recorded. Phase returns to offset, waits, and begins ramping
in the other direction. If the relay does not operate, a No Op is recorded.
Hints MAXTAV can be used as a pickup test. Set the Line Angle equal to MTA
+/– 180 degrees. Phase will ramp into the operate zone of the relay from
each direction, lead, and lag. The average of the two pickup points
should be MTA +/– 180 degrees.
Operation Graph
The MAXTAV Operation graph is shown in Figure C.65.
The Notebook is free format, with standard Windows text editing
controls, such as:
Home Moves the cursor to the start of a line.
End Moves the cursor to the end of a line.
Ctrl+Right Arrow Moves the cursor one word to the right
Ctrl+Left Arrow Moves the cursor one word to the left.
Ins key Toggles between Insert mode and Typeover mode
(Insert is the default).
Any ASCII character can be entered. The number of lines per page is
limited to 512.
NOTEBK enters or obtains instructions on changing test setup at different
points in the Test Plan. It can also be used to record visual inspection
notes and a checklist or questionnaire for the User to fill out.
• Use NOTEBK to pause an Autorun sequence of macro execution;
e.g., the Notebook may give instructions on changes to be made
in the test setup before proceeding.
• From any NOTEBK it is possible to access all pages in the Test
Plan Notebook. There is one page for each macro, and a first page
for the Test Plan. Use the spinner arrows or the pull-down list to
turn to view other pages in the Notebook. Changing the
Notebook view does not change the macro selection.
The phase of all Action sources is ramped at the specified rate. Mark AC
source phases ACTION, or A–120 or A+120 for phase offset, and enter
values for amplitude and frequency.
This macro tests phase and power swing relays.
Test Tab
On the PHROTI Test Tab screen (Figure C.67 on page C-127):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Mark source phases ACTION, or A–120 or A+120, etc. and enter
amplitude and frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.PL
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The PHROTI Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.73.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
Phase action then begins. The test stops as soon as the relay operates and
the phase is recorded. If the relay does not operate, a No Op is recorded.
Operation Graph
The PHROTI Operation graph is shown in Figure C.69.
The phase of all Action sources is ramped at the specified rate. Mark
voltage phases ACTION, or A–120 or A+120 for phase offset, and enter
values for amplitude and frequency.
This macro tests phase and power swing relays.
Test Tab
On the PHROTV Test Tab screen (Figure C.70 on page C-132):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Mark source phases ACTION, or A–120 or A+120, etc. and enter
amplitude and frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
PHROTV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.76.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
Phase action then begins. The test stops as soon as the relay operates and
the phase is recorded. If the relay does not operate, a No Op is recorded.
Operation Graph
The PHROTV Operation graph is shown in Figure C.72.
PHSFTI does an A to B phase step change. Phase offset between current
sources can be maintained for a phase shift.
This macro tests directional and power swing relays.
Test Tab
On the PHSFTI Test Tab screen (Figure C.73 on page C-136):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Mark source phases ACTION, or A–120 or A+120, etc. and enter
amplitude and frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The PHSFTI Test Tab Results fields are explained in
Table C.78 on page C-136.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Field Explanation
Result Pass/Fail.
Action Tab
The PHSFTI Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.79.
Field Explanation
Offset Phase The initial phase for all Action sources, typically
the normal balanced values.
Offset Duration How long to maintain the offset. Be sure it is
long enough for the relay to initialize.
Test Phase The test phase to apply.
Max On Time How long to maintain the test phase. Be sure it is
long enough for the relay to sense and respond.
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
The test stops as soon as the relay operates. The expected result is Op;
this can be changed to No Op.
Operation Graph
The PHSFTI Operation graph is shown in Figure C.75.
PHSFTV does an A to B phase step change. Phase offset between voltage
sources can be maintained for a phase shift.
This macro tests directional and power swing relays.
Test Tab
On the PHSFTV Test Tab screen (Figure C.76 on page C-140):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Mark source phases ACTION, or A–120 or A+120, etc. and enter
amplitude and frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Field Explanation
Result Pass/Fail.
Action Tab
The PHSFTV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.82.
Offset Phase The initial phase for all Action sources, typically
the normal, balanced values.
Offset Duration How long to maintain the offset. Be sure it is
long enough for the relay to initialize.
Test Phase The test phase to apply.
Max On Time How long to maintain the test phase. Be sure it is
long enough for the relay to sense and respond.
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
Phase action then begins. The test stops as soon as the relay operates.
The expected result is Op; this can be changed to No Op.
Operation Graph
The PHSFTV Operation graph is shown in Figure C.78.
The Test tab identifies one current as PRESET and one as ACTION.
Values of Preset current are entered on the Test tab. Use the Action tab to
define Action Conditions for the Binary Search. Action offset is given as a
% of Preset, so that each test begins with a different Action offset, one
that is balanced with the Preset current. (The Offset % can be greater or
smaller than 100%, or equal to 100%, depending on the tap
connections.) The Action Limit and sign of the delta current determine
whether the search goes up or down.
On the Test tab enter up to 12 Preset amplitudes. The PRESET current is
turned on with the ACTION, at values where the sources should be in
balance. If other sources are specified, such as voltages, they would also
be turned on, although additional sources are not normally required for
this test. When an Action point completes, both PRESET and ACTION
sources turn off. If a source error occurs, the test result is recorded as
SOURCE, and the test continues with the next point. Similarly, a
no-operate condition is recorded as No Op. (Source errors are ignored
during the search phase of Binary Search, but are detected during the
subsequent ramp.)
This macro is used to test Slope of current differential relays.
• If tap values apply to the relay, enter the values on the Test screen
for Preset Tap and Action Tap; the default is 1.0. Tap value is used
only for plotting. Test quantities are specified and recorded as
current amplitude. The formula can be changed without
re-running the test.
Test Tab
On the PLOTII Test Tab Results screen (Figure C.79):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source current amplitude as PRESET and ACTION and enter
phase and frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The PLOTII Test Tab Results fields are explained in
Table C.84.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The PLOTII Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.85.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Operation Graph
The PLOTII Operation graph is shown in Figure C.81.
The Test tab identifies one voltage as PRESET and one as ACTION.
Values of Preset voltage are entered on the Test tab. Use the Action tab to
define Action Conditions for the Binary Search. Action offset is given as a
% of Preset, so that each test begins with a different Action offset, one
that is balanced with the Preset voltage. (The Offset% can be greater or
smaller than 100%, depending on the tap connections.) The Action Limit
and sign of the delta voltage determine whether the search goes up or
On the Test tab enter up to 12 Preset amplitudes. The PRESET voltage is
turned on with the ACTION, at values where the sources should be in
balance. If other sources are specified, such as currents, they would also
be turned on, although additional sources are not normally required for
this test. When an Action point completes, both PRESET and ACTION
sources turn off. If a source error occurs, the test result is recorded as
SOURCE, and the test continues with the next point. Similarly, a
no-operate condition is recorded as No Op. (Source errors are ignored
during the search phase of Binary Search, but are detected during the
subsequent ramp.)
This macro tests the slope of voltage differential relays.
• If tap values apply to the relay, enter values on the Test screen for
Preset Tap and Action Tap; the default is 1.0. Tap value is used
only for plotting. Test quantities are specified and recorded as
current amplitude. The formula can be changed without running
the test.
Test Tab
On the PLOTVV Test Tab screen (Figure C.82):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source current amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The PLOTVV Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.87.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The PLOTVV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.88.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Operation Graph
The PLOTVV Operation graph is shown in Figure C.84.
The battery simulator is turned on by selecting a non-zero amplitude and
running the Power macro. The battery simulator remains on until the
Power macro is run again with a zero amplitude on the Test Plan.
Test Tab
On the POWER Test Tab screen (Figure C.85 on page C-156):
1. Enter a BT non-zero amplitude and run the macro to turn on DC
Enter a zero amplitude and run the macro to turn the BT source off.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
4. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
The POWER Test Tab Results fields are explained in Table C.90.
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
One or more current sources are ramped, simultaneously, in a series of
pulses using the same Action conditions. One or more voltage presets
can be applied. Sources can have different phase angles, representing
phase offset. Sources can be at different harmonics; e.g. one current can
be at 60 Hz (or 50 Hz), and another at 120 Hz (or 100 Hz), to test
harmonic restraint on a differential relay.
This macro tests Ohmic reach of current-operated directional distance
relays at specific phase angles; Pickup/dropout of overcurrent relays;
Minimum pickup and harmonic restraint for differential relays with
harmonic inrush restraint.
Use Pulsed Ramp instead of Linear Ramp to minimize heat load on relay,
or when the relay requires return to offset between test values.
• Most relays that can be tested with RCHPRI or PRAMPI can be
tested faster using RCHBOI or BSRHOI, the binary search macro.
Test Tab
On the PRAMPI Test Tab screen (Figure C.86):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source current amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The PRAMPI Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.91.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The PRAMPI Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.92.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The test stops as soon as the ramp operates and the amplitude is
recorded. If the relay does not operate, a No Op is recorded. No Op may
be desired, if the relay is not supposed to operate.
Operation Graph
The PRAMPI Operation graph is shown in Figure C.88.
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current. The PRAMPI Prefault Tab fields are
explained in Table C.94.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
One or more voltage sources are ramped, simultaneously, in a series of
pulses using the same Action conditions. One or more voltage presets
can be applied. Sources can have different phase angles, representing
phase offset. Sources can be at different harmonics; e.g. one voltage can
be at 60 Hz (or 50 Hz), and another at 120 Hz (or 100 Hz).
This macro tests Ohmic reach of voltage-operated directional distance
relays at specific phase angles; Pickup/dropout of overvoltage or
undervoltage relays.
Use when relay requires a return to offset between test values.
• Most relays that can be tested with RCHPRV or LRAMPV can be
tested faster using RCHBOV or BSRHOV, the binary search
Test Tab
On the PRAMPV Test Tab Results screen (Figure C.89):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source voltage amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The PRAMPV Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.95.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The PRAMPV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.96.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the amplitude is
recorded. If the relay does not operate a No Op is recorded. No Op may
be desired, if the relay is not supposed to operate.
Hints • Use Offset Voltage, and non-zero Offset Duration Action Delay if
polarizing voltage must be applied before the Action.
• Test results depend on the ramp rate – too fast causes overshoot,
too slow stresses the relay and takes more time. Start with a slow
rate, using values that give a stable, acceptable result. Then
reduce the delta time until the result is no longer stable. Find the
fastest ramp that is acceptable.
• The Wait time should be long enough to allow the relay to reset
or recover from the previous pulse. Make Wait as short as
possible to make the test run faster.
Operation Graph
The PRAMPV Operation graph is shown in Figure C.91.
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
One or more current sources can be ramped simultaneously, using the
same Action conditions. One or more voltage presets can be applied.
Use RCHBOI wherever Linear Ramp or Pulsed Ramp can be used;
however, there are cases where it cannot be used successfully such as
long reset times in induction disk relays. When properly used, binary
search is faster for determining Ohmic reach of current-operated distance
relays or measuring pickup/dropout of overcurrent relays.
• Binary Search requires more tuning than Linear Ramp or Pulsed
Ramp. The relay may respond differently to search pulses vs.
linear ramp steps. You may hear sensing during the search, but
the ramp concludes with No Op, relay operation not detected.
Use sense delay to filter relay transient response on the pulses, so
that search converges to the correct value.
• If memory action is important to the relay, allow adequate wait
time for reset and a long enough pulse time to operate.
• Some relays require the use of pulsed ramp for testing. If so, select
the Pulsed Ramp option by setting ramp Delta Time = 0.
• Search can be done either from low offset to high limit, or high
offset to low limit. When searching from a high offset, Ramp
Delta Voltage must be negative.
• Use Offset Current = 0, and non-zero Offset Duration Action
Delay if polarizing voltage must be applied before the Action.
• Use sense delay to ensure that the search converges to a value
that can be detected with the ramp. A large amount may be
required; e.g., 25 to 50% of the pulse duration. This filters
transient response to the leading edge of the pulse. If contact
instability is also present, use sense delay as well.
Test Tab
On the RCHBOI Test Tab screen (Figure C.92 on page C-172):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source current amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
The macro initially displays the results for the Cur-
rent Test conditions. To display prior results, click
the pull-down arrow and select a prior test. The
RCHBOI Test Tab Results fields are explained in
Table C.99.
Save Results
Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results
Click Delete Results to display a window contain-
ing saved test results. Select one or more test results
using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a toggle
action to select or unselect items. Click OK to com-
plete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The RCHBOI Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.100.
Field Explanation
Operation Graph
The RCHBOI Operation graph is shown in Figure C.94.
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
After a small number of search pulses, the ramp begins. The test stops as
soon as the ramp detects relay operation, normally after three or four
steps, and the amplitude is recorded. If the relay does not operate after 15
ramp steps are taken, a No Op is recorded. No Op may be desired, if the
relay is not supposed to operate.
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current.
The RCHBOI Prefault Tab fields are explained in Table C.102.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
This macro is used to ramp one or more current sources simultaneously,
using the same Action conditions. One or more voltage presets can be
RCHBOV can be used wherever Linear Ramp or Pulsed Ramp would be
used; however, there are cases where it cannot be used successfully.
When used properly, Binary Search has faster performance for
determining Ohmic reach of voltage-operated distance relays or
pickup/dropout of overvoltage or undervoltage relays.
• Binary Search requires more tuning than Linear Ramp or Pulsed
Ramp. The relay may respond differently to search pulses vs.
linear ramp steps. You may hear sensing during the search, but
the ramp concludes with No Op, relay operation not detected.
Use sense delay to filter relay transient response on the pulses, so
that search converges to the correct value.
• If memory action is important to the relay, allow adequate wait
time for reset and a long enough pulse time to operate.
• Some relays require the use of pulsed ramp for testing. If so, select
the Pulsed Ramp option by setting ramp Delta Time = 0.
• Search can be done either from low offset to high limit, or high
offset to low limit. When searching from a high offset, Ramp
Delta Voltage must be negative.
Test Tab
On the RCHBOV Test Tab screen (Figure C.95 on page C-178):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source voltage amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The RCHBOV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in
Table C.104.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
After a small number of search pulses, the ramp begins. The test stops as
soon as the ramp detects relay operation, normally after three or four
steps, and the amplitude is recorded. If the relay does not operate after 15
ramp steps are taken, a No Op is recorded. No Op may be desired, if the
relay is not supposed to operate.
Hints • Use Offset Voltage = 0, and non-zero Offset Duration Action
Delay if polarizing current must be applied before the Action.
• Use sense delay to ensure that the search converges to a value
that can be detected with the ramp. A large amount may be
required; e.g., 25 to 50% of the pulse duration. This filters
transient response to the leading edge of the pulse. If contact
instability is also present, use sense duration as well.
Operation Graph
The RCHBOV Operation graph is shown in Figure C.97.
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current. The RCHBOV Prefault Tab fields are
explained in Table C.106.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
One or more current sources are ramped simultaneously, using the same
Action conditions. One or more voltage presets can be applied. Sources
can have different phase angles, representing phase offset. Sources can
be at different harmonics; e.g. one current can be at 60 Hz (or 50 Hz),
and another at 120 Hz (or 100 Hz), to test harmonic restraint on a
differential relay.
This macro tests Ohmic reach of current-operated directional distance
relays at specific phase angles; Pickup/dropout of overcurrent relays;
Minimum pickup and harmonic restraint for differential relays with
harmonic inrush restraint.
• To minimize test time and heating, use an offset as close to the
expected operating point as possible.
• Most relays that can be tested with RCHLRI or LRAMPI can be
tested faster using RCHBOI or BSRHOI, binary search macros.
Test Tab
On the RCHLRI Test Tab screen (Figure C.98):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source current amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The RCHLRI Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.107.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The RCHLRI Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.108.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
After a small number of search pulses, the ramp begins. The test stops as
soon as the relay operates and the amplitude is recorded. If the relay does
not operate a No Op is recorded. No Op may be desired, if the relay is
not supposed to operate.
Operation Graph
The RCHLRI Operation graph is shown in Figure C.100.
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current. The RCHLRI Prefault Tab fields are
explained in Table C.110.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
One or more voltage sources are ramped simultaneously, using the same
Action conditions. One or more current presets can be applied. Sources
can have different phase angles, representing phase offset. Sources can
be at different harmonics; e.g. one voltage can be at 60 Hz (or 50 Hz),
and another at 120 Hz (or 100 Hz).
This macro tests Ohmic reach of voltage-operated directional distance
relays at specific phase angles; Pickup/dropout of overvoltage or
undervoltage relays.
• To minimize test time and heating, use an offset as close to the
expected operating point as possible.
• Most relays that can be tested with RCHLRV or LRAMPV can be
tested faster using RCHBOV or BSRHOV, the binary search
• For maximum source VA, use a source in the high end of a
voltage range.
Test Tab
On the RCHLRV Test Tab screen (Figure C.101 on page C-192):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source voltage amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The RCHLRV Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.111 on page C-192.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The RCHLRV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.112.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the amplitude is
recorded. If the relay does not operate a No Op is recorded. No Op may
be desired, if the relay is not supposed to operate.
Hints • Use Offset Voltage, and non-zero Offset Duration, if polarizing
current must be applied before the Action.
• Test results depend on the ramp rate – too fast causes overshoot,
too slow stresses the relay and takes more time. Start with a slow
rate, using values that give a stable, acceptable result. Then
reduce the delta time until the result is no longer stable. Find the
fastest ramp that is acceptable.
For example, set Delta Voltage to from 10 to 20 percent of the
tolerance amplitude.
• Set delta time to be two to five times nominal relay operating time
for best accuracy. Use one to two times for lowest heat and
shortest test time.
Operation Graph
The RCHLRV Operation graph is shown in Figure C.103.
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current. The RCHLRV Prefault Tab fields are
explained in Table C.114.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
One or more current sources are ramped simultaneously, using the same
Action conditions. One or more voltage presets can be applied. Sources
can have different phase angles, representing phase offset. Sources can
be at different harmonics; e.g. one current can be at 60 Hz (or 50 Hz),
and another at 120 Hz (or 100 Hz), to test harmonic restraint on a
differential relay.
This macro tests Ohmic reach of current-operated directional distance
relays at specific phase angles; Pickup/dropout of overcurrent relays;
Minimum pickup and harmonic restraint for differential relays with
harmonic inrush restraint.
Use Pulsed Ramp instead of Linear Ramp to minimize heat load on relay,
or when the relay requires return to offset between test values.
• Most relays that can be tested with RCHPRI or PRAMPI can be
tested faster using RCHBOI or BSRHOI, the binary search macro.
Test Tab
On the RCHPRI Test Tab screen (Figure C.104 on page C-198):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source current amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The RCHPRI Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.115.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The RCHPRI Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.116.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the amplitude is
recorded. If the relay does not operate a No Op is recorded. No Op may
be desired, if the relay is not supposed to operate.
Operation Graph
The RCHPRI Operation graph is shown in Figure C.106.
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current. The RCHPRI Prefault Tab fields are
explained in Table C.118.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency Frequency cannot be entered when using the
F2000 family of instruments. Frequency is set at
the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
One or more voltage sources are ramped simultaneously, using the same
Action conditions. One or more current presets can be applied. Sources
can have different phase angles, representing phase offset. Sources can
be at different harmonics; e.g. one voltage can be at 60 Hz (or 50 Hz),
and another at 120 Hz (or 100 Hz).
This macro tests Ohmic reach of voltage-operated directional distance
relays at specific phase angles; Pickup/dropout of overvoltage or
undervoltage relays.
• To minimize test time and heating, use an offset as close to the
expected operating point as possible.
• Most relays that can be tested with RCHLRV or LRAMPV can be
tested faster using RCHBOV or BSRHOV, binary search macros.
• For maximum source VA, use a source in the high end of a
voltage range.
Test Tab
On the RCHPRV Test Tab screen (Figure C.107):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source voltage amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The RCHPRV Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.119 on page C-204.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The RCHPRV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.120.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the amplitude is
recorded. If the relay does not operate a No Op is recorded. No Op may
be desired, if the relay is not supposed to operate.
Hints • Use Offset Voltage, and non-zero Offset Duration, if polarizing
current must be applied before the Action.
• Test results depend on the ramp rate – too fast causes overshoot,
too slow stresses the relay and takes more time. Start with a slow
rate, using values that give a stable, acceptable result. Then
reduce the delta time until the result is no longer stable. Find the
fastest ramp that is acceptable.
For example, set Delta Voltage to from 10 to 20 percent of the
tolerance amplitude.
• Set delta time to be two to five times nominal relay operating time
for best accuracy. Use one to two times for lowest heat and
shortest test time.
Operation Graph
The RCHLRV Operation graph is shown in Figure C.109.
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current. The RCHPRV Prefault Tab fields are
explained in Table C.122.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
Enter source names, connections, and frequency in the source table. In
each state define amplitude and phase for each source, and the state
duration in cycles. Synchronized amplitude and phase transitions occur
on each state change. The Test View screen shows three states for the
sources named in the Source table. Normally, three states represent
Prefault, Fault, and Post Fault conditions. As more states are added, the
view scrolls to the right, one state at a time. To add a state, add a name in
the state name row after the last state.
This macro investigates suspected relay misoperations, or evaluates
protection schemes. Use F2250 and F6000 logic output to test reclosers
and breaker fail relays.
• If different frequencies are to be injected, use an alternate
frequency. Set the frequency of one source (which must be
Source 1 of the master F2000 or any source of the F6000) to a
base frequency different from the frequency reference for all other
sources. For example, setting the frequency of Source 1 to FX or
FL, and all the other sources to numerical values: 60.00, 60.00
120.00.... FX designates the crystal base frequency and FL
designates the line frequency. The frequency for any source must
be a harmonic of the base frequency. In this example, the base
frequency for Source 1 is FX or FL, and for all other sources it is
• The F6000 does not support FL.
• Use Satellite Synchronization for end-to-end fault simulation
testing. Select FS to indicate satellite frequency reference, and
click on Duration under the Source table. Select Go At or Preset
Until to set the start time when the test is run.
Test View
Sources The SSIMUL Test View screen is shown in Figure C.110.
Select Phasor Display check box to view the states defined. The SSIMUL
Phasor Test View display is shown in Figure C.111.
Satellite Synchronization
For end-to-end, satellite synchronized testing,
specify the frequency of all sources as FS or FS*2
(up to FS*20) for harmonics. The Max Duration
pull-down box contains options for the first state to
start a satellite synchronized test. Select Go At or
Preset Until instead of Duration for State 1. Define
Go At or Preset Until with a starting time that has
been agreed with the test crew at the other end of
the line. SSIMUL will display UTC satellite time on
the screen, and the time will be continually
updated. Satellite status is also displayed to show
how many satellites are detected. Satellite
synchronized operation requires the satellite
interface and a GPS receiver and antenna.
Max Duration Duration time setting for first state – the default is
Duration; i.e., fixed number of cycles before
stepping to second state. The pull-down box
contains options for satellite-synchronized
end-to-end tests Go At Time, and Preset Until.
Go At Time When test is run, a satellite time window appears
with a default Go At time, the UTC time at which
test will start. The sources turn on at 0 amplitude,
but source values for first state do not appear until
the Go At time.
Preset Until Run test to set up the Instrument, and sources turn
on right away at the values of the first state.
Transition to the next state does not occur until the
selected UTC time.
Logic Out
Click this tab and enter a source name to identify the F225x and F6000
logic output to be used. Source selection is only from sources in the
Source column above. Each state has separate columns for logic output 1
(L1) and logic output 2 (L2 - not valid for F6000). To set logic output,
click in the state column in the row for the logic source. Click once for
low (green led state), twice for high (red led state). Clicking a third time
changes to reset.
Result Tab
Click the Result tab to arm timers to start in a specified state and to stop
on a sense event.
Field Explanation
A series of frequency shift time tests is performed, stepping frequency
from an offset value to a test value, for up to 12 separate tests. All sources
turn off between tests, and Offset is applied at the start of each test. A
reset time is specified to allow relays with induction disks or other similar
devices to reset between tests. If expected operate times and tolerances
are entered, pass/fail results are automatically recorded. Select
Tools/Graph/Display Graph from the menu bar to display the time
characteristic. The plot form can be changed without rerunning the test.
This macro tests frequency relays.
• Be sure to allow enough reset time to allow the relay to recover
fully between tests.
• One source can have an Action frequency, while all others are at
base frequency, as long as the Action is Source 1 of the Master
F2000 or Source 1 of the F6000. Any source on the F6000 can be
Action. Enter ACTION for one source frequency, and indicate the
frequency reference for the others: FX (crystal) or FL (line). When
the test is run, ProTesT will verify that the Action source is indeed
the correct source.
• The F6000 does not have FL or FE setting. Map this to the FX
• Source 1 of the Master F2000 or F6000 can, instead, be set to FX
base frequency, and all other sources can have ACTION
frequency. Any source on the F6000 can be FX.
• F2000 base frequency has a range of 25 to 99.99 Hz. Harmonics
allow frequencies up to 2000 Hz in F225x and 1000 Hz for the
F6000. Macro frequencies can be specified up to 1999 Hz as long
as ProTesT can find a harmonic to cover the required range.
Test Tab
On the TFRPLT Test Tab screen (Figure C.113 on page C-218):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source frequency amplitude ACTION and enter amplitude
and phase values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The TFRPLT Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.125.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
Phase action then begins. The test stops as soon as the relay operates and
the phase is recorded. Phase returns to offset, waits for the reset duration
before the next test point. If the relay does not operate, a No Op is
Operation Graph
The TFRPLT Operation graph is shown in Figure C.115.
(A) Offset
(B) Offset Duration
(C) Test Value
(D) Max On Time
B Sense D
TIMEF does an A to B frequency step change, with timer stop mode
This macro performs setpoint testing of frequency and power swing
• One source can have an Action frequency, while all others are at
base frequency, as long as the Action is Source 1 of the Master
F2000 or Source 1 of the F6000. Any source on the F6000 can be
Action. Enter ACTION for one source frequency, and indicate the
frequency reference for the others: FX (crystal) or FL (line). When
the Test is run, ProTesT will verify that the Action source is indeed
Source 1 of the Master F2000 or F6000.
• The F6000 does not have FL or FE setting. Map this to the FX
• Source 1 of the Master F2000 or F6000 can, instead, be set to FX
base frequency, and all other sources can have ACTION
frequency. Any source on the F6000 can be FX.
• F2000 base frequency has a range of 25 to 99.99 Hz. Harmonics
allow frequencies up to 2000 Hz in F225x and 1000 Hz for the
F6000. Macro frequencies can be specified up to 1999 Hz as long
as ProTesT can find a harmonic to cover the required range.
Test Tab
On the TIMEF Test Tab screen (Figure C.116):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source frequency amplitude ACTION and enter amplitude
and phase.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The TIMEF Test Tab Results fields are explained in
Table C.127.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The TIMEF Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.128.
Field Explanation
Offset Frequency The initial frequency for all Action sources; e.g.,
normal base frequency.
Offset Duration How long to maintain the offset. Be sure it is
long enough for the relay to initialize.
Test Frequency The test frequency to apply.
Max On Time How many seconds to maintain the test
frequency. Be sure it is long enough for the relay
to respond.
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
The frequency is stepped to the test value and the timer is started. The
test stops as soon as the relay operates and the time is recorded. If the
relay does not operate, a No Op is recorded.
Operation Graph
The TIMEF Operation graph is shown in Figure C.118.
TIMEI does an A to B current step change, with timer stop mode enabled.
This macro performs setpoint testing of overcurrent relays.
• Time test with DC Action current can only be done with F225x
and F6000 sources. F2410 slave DC source DI cannot do this.
• If using the slave F2410 DC source, and Source 1 of the Master
F2000 (top source) is ACTION, while Source 2 is set to DV or DI,
be sure to use Source zero crossing. This is true even if DV or DI
is not used. If System zero crossing is used, the Timer will not
Test Tab
On the TIMEI Test Tab screen (Figure C.119 on page C-228):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source current amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The TIMEI Action Tab fields are explained in Table C.131.
Field Explanation
Offset Current The initial current for all Action sources; e.g.,
normal load current.
Offset Duration How long to maintain the offset. Be sure it is
long enough for the relay to initialize.
Test Current The test current to apply.
Max On Time How many seconds to maintain the test current.
Be sure it is long enough for the relay to
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The current is stepped to the test value and the timer is started. The test
stops as soon as the relay operates and the time is recorded. If the relay
does not operate, a No Op is recorded.
Operation Graph
The TIMEI Operation graph is shown in Figure C.121.
(A) Offset
(B) Offset Duration
(C) Test Value
(D) Max On Time
Prefault B Sense D
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current. The TIMEI Prefault Tab fields are
explained in Table C.133.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
TIMEPH does a step change in phase for sources with ACTION indicated
in the phase field. Both current and voltage phases can be changed
together. If the expression A+nnn or A–nnn is given for phase, where nnn
is a phase offset, the offset is preserved when the phase shift occurs.
This macro tests directional and power swing relays.
Test Tab
On the TIMEPH Test Tab screen (Figure C.122 on page C-233):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source phase ACTION and enter amplitude and frequency
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The TIMEPH Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.135.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
The phase is shifted to the test value and the timer is started. Phase offset
is preserved if multiple Action phases are defined. The test stops as soon
as the relay operates and the time is recorded. If the relay does not
operate, a No Op is recorded.
Operation Graph
The TIMEPH Operation graph is shown in Figure C.124.
TIMEV does an A to B voltage step change, with timer stop mode
This macro performs setpoint testing of under/overvoltage relays. Use
DC Action to time an auxiliary relay or relay target, when a contact or
voltage sense signal can be provided. If using F2410 DV source, ensure
that Zero crossing equals SOURCE.
• If using a slave F2410 DV source, the time test is accurate only for
transitions from either 0 volts offset to non-zero test voltage, or
from non-zero offset to 0 voltage. The transition occurs either by
turning the source ON at the test voltage, or by turning the source
OFF, to go to zero voltage. On the transition from 0 volts, timer
start is delayed until a signal from the F2410 indicates that 1.5 V
is applied at the output contacts.
Test Tab
On the TIMEV Test Tab screen (Figure C.125 on page C-238):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source voltage amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The TIMEV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.138.
Field Explanation
Offset Voltage The initial voltage for all Action sources; e.g., the
normal voltage.
Offset Duration How long to maintain the offset. Be sure it is
long enough for the relay to initialize.
Test Voltage The test voltage to apply.
Max On Time How many seconds to maintain the test voltage.
Be sure it is long enough for the relay to
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The voltage is stepped to the test value and the timer is started. The test
stops as soon as the relay operates and the time is recorded. If the relay
does not operate, a No Op is recorded.
Operation Graph
The TIMEV Operation graph is shown in Figure C.127.
C (A) Offset
(B) Offset Duration
(C) Test Value
(D) Max On Time
Prefault B Sense D
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current. The TIMEV Prefault Tab fields are
explained in Table C.140.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
A series of time tests is performed, stepping current amplitude from an
offset to a test current, for up to 12 separate amplitudes. A reset time is
specified to allow relays with induction disks or other similar devices to
reset between tests. If expected operate times and tolerances are entered,
pass/fail results are automatically recorded. Select Tools/Graph/Display
Graph from the menu bar to display the time characteristic. The plot form
can be changed without rerunning the test.
This macro tests the induction disk, overcurrent relays, and directional
overcurrent elements in a distance relay. Run multiple TOCPLT tests at
different tap settings and plot a family of characteristic curves.
• Be sure to allow enough reset time to allow the relay to recover
fully between tests.
• If polarizing voltage is needed, use Offset Current and Offset Time
on the Action tab (Figure C.129 on page C-244).
Test Tab
On the TOCPLT Test Tab screen (Figure C.128):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source current amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The TOCPLT Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.141.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The TOCPLT Action Tab Conditions fields are shown in Table C.142.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the time is recorded. The
Action current turns off before starting the next test and during the reset
time. If the relay does not operate a No Op is recorded. No Op may be
desired, if the relay is not supposed to operate.
NOTE The test current is evaluated before running each test point. If needed,
the range is increased or decreased to maximize the available power
before conducting the test point.
Operation Graph
The TOCPLT Operation graph is shown in Figure C.130.
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current. The TOCPLT Prefault Tab fields are
explained in Table C.144.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
NOTE The Prefault quantities are applied before each test, up to 12 points.
A series of time tests is performed, stepping voltage amplitude from an
offset to a test voltage, for up to 12 separate amplitudes. A reset time is
specified to allow relays with induction disks or other similar devices to
reset between tests. If expected operate times and tolerances are entered,
pass/fail results are automatically recorded. Select Tools/Graph/Display
Graph from the menu bar to display the time characteristic. The plot form
can be changed without rerunning the test.
This macro tests over/undervoltage relays. Run multiple TOVPLT tests at
different tap settings and plot a family of characteristic curves.
• Be sure to allow enough reset time to allow the relay to recover
fully between tests.
Test Tab
On the TOVPLT Test Tab screen (Figure C.131):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source voltage amplitude ACTION and enter phase and
frequency values.
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The TOVPLT Test Tab Results fields are explained
in Table C.145.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The TOVPLT Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.146.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the time is recorded.
NOTE The test voltage is evaluated before running each test point. If needed,
the range is increased or decreased to maximize the available power
before conducting the test point.
Operation Graph
The TOVPLT Operation graph is shown in Figure C.133.
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current. The TOVPLT Prefault Tab fields are
explained in Table C.148.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
NOTE The Prefault quantities are applied before each test, up to 12 tests.
A series of phase shift time tests is performed, stepping phase from an
offset value to a test value, for up to 12 separate tests. A reset time is
specified to allow the relay to reset between tests. If expected operate
times and tolerances are entered, pass/fail results are automatically
recorded. Select Tools/Graph/Display Graph from the menu bar to
display the time characteristic. The plot form can be changed without
rerunning the test.
This macro tests directional and power swing relays.
• Be sure to provide enough reset time to allow the relay to recover
fully between tests.
Test Tab
On the TPHPLT Test Tab screen (Figure C.134):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Enter the source phase ACTION and enter amplitude and frequency
4. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
5. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The TPHPLT Test Tab Results fields are explained in
Table C.149.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The TPHPLT Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.150.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize and turn on as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action sources turn on at Offset values and move to Action
Phase action then begins. The test stops as soon as the relay operates and
the time is recorded. Sources turn off and wait before the next test point.
Operation Graph
The TPHPLT Operation graph is shown in Figure C.136.
Create a TRANS Macro in a Test Plan, then open the test and select a
Comtrade.cfg file to import. All channels are displayed on a common
time scale. Select one or more channels for playback. All other channels
can be deleted from the TRANS macro test data; otherwise, deselected
channels are merely hidden from view. Use the mouse to select a time
frame by drawing a zoom box over selected channels. Run a test and the
selected waveform segments are downloaded to the instrument for
playback. Timers can be set up on a Results tab similar to timer setup
on the SSIMUL macro (page C-209).
This macro evaluates protection schemes, or troubleshoots suspected
misoperation. Use to reproduce the effect of DC offset and L/R decay
during a fault.
View Tab
TRANS opens at the View tab (Figure C.137). The figure shows the signal
view of waveforms imported already into ProTesT.
Delete Trace
Control Buttons
mSec/Cycles Changes the scale shown at the bottom of the tab
between cycles and milliseconds.
Delete trace This is available for each trace. Click Delete trace
to remove the trace from the view. A prompt asks
whether to delete it, or to hide it from view. If
deleted, the data is removed from the database.
Drag and Drop Click Drag and Drop, hold down the left mouse
button, and drag to another trace. Release the
button and, if allowed, the trace being dragged will
be copied onto the target, which will now show
both traces.
Data Readout Left click anywhere on a graph to place a green start-of-time marker on
all traces; right click to place a red time end-of-time marker. A data area
to the right of the horizontal scroll bar displays three numbers for each
trace: the green value is the waveform amplitude at the green marker, the
red value is the amplitude at the red marker, and the yellow value is the
difference between them.
NOTE The three value-readouts may not all be visible until the traces are
Viewing Properties Right click anywhere on the View tab to display a pop-up menu, as long
as the start/end time markers are not being shown (Figure C.139).
Analog Tab
The Analog tab (Figure C.142) lists information about each analog trace.
Digital Tab
The Digital tab (Figure C.143) lists information about each digital trace.
Add a Doble source name to the SRC column to identify which logic
outputs play the trace. Click Inv to invert the output.
ZPLBOI does a sequence of Reach Binary Search tests at different
impedance phase angles. The user specifies up to four impedance angle
arcs, defined by From Angle, To Angle, and Delta. Reach tests are
performed at each angle in the arc, including the end points. Multiple
arcs make it possible to do a coarse sweep (e.g., every 10×) over a wide
range, then test at, perhaps, every 1× near the angle of maximum torque.
A third, very coarse, arc could verify no operation in the blind zone of a
directional distance relay. Select Tools/Graph/Display Graph from the
menu bar to display the time characteristic. The plot form can be
changed without rerunning the test.
This macro tests the high resolution steady state characteristic curve for
distance relay.
• Will record up to 100 points for a good curve.
• If fewer points are needed, use ZPXBOI, which allows Pass/Fail
Test Tab
On the ZPLBOI Test Tab screen (Figure C.144):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Mark the Action amplitude(s) and phase(s) ACTION or enter the
amplitude value.
4. Enter the frequency.
5. Specify phase as ACTION, A−120, A+120, for example, if phase offset
is required among multiple Action sources.
6. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
7. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Arc Table For each arc A, B, C, D define up to four impedance Arcs. Specify From
Angle, To Angle and Delta for each Arc to cover the angles of interest at a
given angular resolution. Select results from the Results pull-down arrow
to display prior results.
The arc angles entered are impedance angles. Action source angle is
assumed to be lagging, and is calculated by ProTesT based on the Voltage
Fault Angle entered on the Action tab.
The ZPLBOI Arcs are defined in Table C.152.
Arc Definition
Results Table A scrollable table shows the results of running the macro. ZPLBOI
records the impedance angle (Z Angle), calculated impedance, and
operate current for up to 100 test points. Impedance is calculated based
on the selected Fault Equation (i.e., impedance equation) selected.
There are no expected values, and no Pass/Fail indication. Test result will
show only as Run.
Action Tab
The ZPLBOI Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.153.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the time is recorded. The
current Action sources briefly turn off before starting the next test point.
Operation Graph
The ZPLBOI Operation graph is shown in Figure C.146.
The ZPLBOI Fault fields are explained in Table C.155.
Field Explanation
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current. The ZPLBOI Prefault Tab fields are
explained in Table C.156.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
ZPLBOV does a sequence of Reach Binary Search tests at different
impedance phase angles. The user specifies up to four impedance angle
arcs, defined by From Angle, To Angle, and Delta. Reach tests are
performed at each angle in the arc, including the end points. Multiple
arcs make it possible to do a coarse sweep (e.g., every 10×) over a wide
range, then test at, perhaps, every 1× near the angle of maximum torque.
A third, very coarse, arc could verify no operation in the blind zone of a
directional distance relay. Select Tools/Graph/Display Graph from the
menu bar to display the time characteristic. The plot form can be
changed without rerunning the test.
This macro tests the high resolution steady state characteristic curve for
distance relay.
• Will record up to 100 points for a good curve.
• If fewer points are needed, use ZPXBOV, which allows Pass/Fail
Test Tab
On the ZPLBOV Test Tab screen (Figure C.147 on page C-274):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Mark the Action amplitude(s) and phase(s) ACTION or enter the
amplitude value.
4. Enter the frequency.
5. Specify phase as ACTION, A-120, A+120, for example, if phase offset
is required among multiple Action sources.
6. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
7. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
Save Results
Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results
Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Arc Table Define up to four impedance Arcs. Specify From Angle, To Angle and
Delta for each Arc, to cover the angles of interest at a given angular
The arc angles entered are impedance angles. Action source angle is
assumed to be leading, and is calculated by ProTesT, based on the
Current Fault Angle entered on the Action tab.
The ZPLBOV Arcs are defined in Table C.157.
Arc Definition
Results Table A scrollable table shows the results of running the macro. ZPLBOV
records the impedance angle (Z angle), calculated impedance, and
operate voltage for up to 100 test points. Impedance is calculated based
on the selected Fault Equation (i.e., impedance equation) selected.
There are no expected values, and no Pass/Fail indication. Test result will
show only as Run.
Action Tab
The ZPLBOV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.158.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the time is recorded. The
voltage Action sources briefly turn off before starting the next test point.
Operation Graph
The ZPLBOV Operation graph is shown in Figure C.149.
The ZPLBOV Fault fields are explained in Table C.160.
Field Explanation
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
The ZPLBOV Prefault Tab fields are explained in Table C.161.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
ZPLLRI does a sequence of Linear Ramp Reach tests at different
impedance angles. The user specifies up to four impedance angle arcs,
defined by From Angle, To Angle, and Delta. Reach tests are performed
at each angle in the arc, including the end points. Multiple arcs make it
possible to do a coarse sweep (e.g., every 10×) over a wide range, then
test at, perhaps, every 1× near the angle of maximum torque. A third,
very coarse, arc could verify no operation in the blind zone of a
directional distance relay. Select Tools/Graph/Display Graph from the
menu bar to display the time characteristic. The plot form can be
changed without rerunning the test.
This macro tests the high resolution steady state characteristic curve for
distance relay.
• To minimize test time and heating, use an offset as close to the
expected operating points as possible or use ZPLBOI instead.
• Will record up to 100 points for a good curve.
• If fewer points are needed, use ZPXBOI, which allows Pass/Fail
Test Tab
On the ZPLLRI Test Tab screen (Figure C.150):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Mark the Action amplitude(s) and phase(s) ACTION or enter the
amplitude value.
4. Enter the frequency.
5. Specify phase as ACTION, A-120, A+120, for example, if phase offset
is required among multiple Action sources.
6. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
7. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Arc Table Define up to four impedance Arcs. Specify From Angle, To Angle and
Delta for each Arc, to cover the angles of interest at a given angular
The arc angles entered are impedance angles. Action source angle is
assumed to be lagging, and is calculated by ProTesT, based on the
Voltage Fault Angle entered on the Action tab.
The ZPLLRI Arcs are defined in Table C.162.
Arc Definition
Results Table A scrollable table shows the results running of the macro. ZPLLRI records
the impedance angle, calculated impedance, and operate current for up
to 100 test points. Impedance is calculated based on the selected Fault
Equation (i.e., impedance equation) selected.
There are no expected values, and no Pass/Fail indication. Test result will
show only as Run.
Action Tab
The ZPLLRI Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.163.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the time is recorded. The
current Action sources briefly turn off before starting the next test point.
Operation Graph
The ZPLLRI Operation graph is shown in Figure C.152.
The ZPLLRI Fault fields are explained in Table C.165.
Field Explanation
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
The ZPLLRI Prefault Tab fields are explained in Table C.166.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
ZPLLRV does a sequence of Linear Ramp Reach tests at different
impedance angles. The user specifies up to four impedance angle arcs,
defined by From Angle, To Angle, and Delta. Reach tests are performed
at each angle in the arc, including the end points. Multiple arcs make it
possible to do a coarse sweep (e.g., every 10×) over a wide range, then
test at, perhaps, every 1× near the angle of maximum torque. A third,
very coarse, arc could verify no operation in the blind zone of a
directional distance relay. Select Tools/Graph/Display Graph from the
menu bar to display the time characteristic. The plot form can be
changed without rerunning the test.
This macro tests the high resolution steady state characteristic curve for
distance relay.
• Will record up to 100 points for a good curve.
• If fewer points are needed, use ZPXBOV, which allows Pass/Fail
Test Tab
On the ZPLLRV Test Tab screen (Figure C.153):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Mark the Action amplitude(s) and phase(s) ACTION or enter the
amplitude value.
4. Enter the frequency.
Arc Table Define up to four impedance Arcs. Specify From Angle, To Angle and
Delta for each Arc, to cover the angles of interest at a given angular
The arc angles entered are impedance angles. Action source angle is
assumed to be leading, and is calculated by ProTesT, based on the
Current Fault Angle entered on the Action tab.
The ZPLLRV Arc are defined in Table C.167.
Arc Definition
Results Table A scrollable table shows the results of running the macro. ZPLLRV
records the impedance angle, calculated impedance, and operate
voltage for up to 100 test points. Impedance is calculated based on the
selected Fault Equation (i.e., impedance equation) selected.
There are no expected values, and no Pass/Fail indication. Test result will
show only as Run.
Action Tab
The ZPLLRV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.168.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the time is recorded. The
voltage Action sources briefly turn off before starting the next test point.
Operation Graph
The ZPLLRV Operation graph is shown in Figure C.155.
The ZPLLRV Fault fields are explained in Table C.170.
Field Explanation
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current.
The ZPLLRV Prefault Tab fields are explained in Table C.171.
Operations When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
ZPLPRI does a sequence of Pulsed Linear Ramp Reach tests at different
impedance angles. The user specifies up to four impedance angle arcs,
defined by From Angle, To Angle, and Delta. Reach tests are performed
at each angle in the arc, including the end points. Multiple arcs make it
possible to do a coarse sweep (e.g., every 10×) over a wide range, then
test at, perhaps, every 1× near the angle of maximum torque. A third,
very coarse arc could verify no operation in the blind zone of a
directional distance relay. Select Tools/Graph/Display Graph from the
menu bar to display the time characteristic. The plot form can be
changed without rerunning the test.
This macro tests the high resolution steady state characteristic curve for
distance relay. Use Pulsed Ramp instead of Linear Ramp to minimize
heat load on relay, or when the relay requires return to offset between
test values.
• Will record up to 100 points for a good curve.
• If fewer points are needed, use ZPXBOI, which allows Pass/Fail
Test Tab
On the ZPLPRI Test Tab screen (Figure C.156 on page C-294):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Mark the Action amplitude(s) and phase(s) ACTION or enter the
amplitude value.
4. Enter the frequency.
5. Specify phase as ACTION, A-120, A+120, for example, if phase offset
is required among multiple Action sources.
6. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
7. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Arc Table Define up to four impedance Arcs. Specify From Angle, To Angle and
Delta for each Arc, to cover the angles of interest at a given angular
The arc angles entered are impedance angles. Action source angle is
assumed to be lagging, and is calculated by ProTesT, based on the
Voltage Fault Angle entered on the Action tab.
The ZPLPRI Arcs are defined in Table C.172.
Arc Definition
Results Table A scrollable table shows the results of running the macro. ZPLPRI records
the impedance angle, calculated impedance, and operate current for up
to 100 test points. Impedance is calculated based on the selected Fault
Equation (i.e., impedance equation) selected.
There are no expected values, and no Pass/Fail indication. Test result will
show only as Run.
Action Tab
The ZPLPRI Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.173.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the time is recorded. The
current Action sources briefly turn off before starting the next test point.
Operation Graph
The ZPLPRI Operation graph is shown in Figure C.158.
The ZPLPRI Fault fields are explained in Table C.175.
Field Explanation
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current. The ZPLPRI Prefault Tab fields are
explained in Table C.176.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
ZPLPRI does a sequence of Pulsed Linear Ramp Reach tests at different
impedance angles. The user specifies up to four impedance angle arcs,
defined by From Angle, To Angle, and Delta. Reach tests are performed
at each angle in the arc, including the end points. Multiple arcs make it
possible to do a coarse sweep (e.g., every 10×) over a wide range, then
test at, perhaps, every 1× near the angle of maximum torque. A third,
very coarse, arc could verify no operation in the blind zone of a
directional distance relay. Select Tools/Graph/Display Graph from the
menu bar to display the time characteristic. The plot form can be
changed without rerunning the test.
This macro tests the high resolution steady state characteristic curve for
distance relay. Use when relay requires return to offset between test
• Will record up to 100 points for a good curve.
• If fewer points are needed, use ZPXBOV, which allows Pass/Fail
Test Tab
On the ZPLPRV Test Tab screen (Figure C.159):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Mark the Action amplitude(s) and phase(s) ACTION or enter the
amplitude value.
4. Enter the frequency.
5. Specify phase as ACTION, A-120, A+120, for example, if phase offset
is required among multiple Action sources.
6. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
7. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Arc Table Define up to four impedance Arcs. Specify From Angle, To Angle and
Delta for each Arc, to cover the angles of interest at a given angular
The arc angles entered are impedance angles. Action source angle is
assumed to be leading, and is calculated by ProTesT, based on the
Current Fault Angle entered on the Action tab.
The ZPLPRV Arcs are defined in Table C.177.
Arc Definition
Results Table A scrollable table shows the results of running the macro. ZPLPRV
records the impedance angle, calculated impedance, and operate
voltage for up to 100 test points. Impedance is calculated based on the
selected Fault Equation (i.e., impedance equation) selected.
There are no expected values, and no Pass/Fail indication. Test result will
show only as Run.
Action Tab
The ZPLPRV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained Table C.178.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the time is recorded. The
voltage Action sources briefly turn off before starting the next test point.
Operation Graph
The ZPLPRV Operation graph is shown in Figure C.161.
The ZPLPRV Fault fields are explained in Table C.180.
Field Explanation
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current. The ZPLPRV Prefault Tab fields are
explained in Table C.181.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
ZPXBOI does up to 12 Reach Binary Search tests at specified impedance
angles. Enter selected Z Angles for the test, plus an optional expected
impedance and +/– tolerance percentages for each test point. Test results
determine both Pass/Fail and the characteristic curve. Test angles can
also be entered to verify no operation in the blind zone of a directional
distance relay. Select Tools/Graph/Display Graph from the menu bar to
display the time characteristic. The plot form can be changed without
rerunning the test.
This macro combines the reach test with the impedance curve. Use three
or four points for fast relay test, at MTA and on either side.
Test Tab
On the ZPXBOI Test Tab screen (Figure C.162 on page C-308):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Mark the Action amplitude(s) and phase(s) ACTION or enter the
amplitude value.
4. Enter the frequency.
5. Specify phase as ACTION, A-120, A+120, for example, if phase offset
is required among multiple Action sources.
6. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
7. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The ZPXBOI Test Tab Result fields are explained in
Table C.182 on page C-308.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
The ZPXBOI Test Tab Result fields are explained in Table C.182. The user
can enter up to 12 test angles in the table, and expected impedance.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The ZPXBOI Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.183.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the time is recorded. The
current Action sources briefly turn off before starting the next test point.
Operation Graph
The ZPXBOI Operation graph is shown in Figure C.164.
The ZPXBOI Fault fields are explained in Table C.185.
Field Explanation
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current.
The ZPXBOI Prefault Tab fields are explained in Table C.186.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
ZPXBOV does up to 12 Reach Binary Search tests at specified impedance
angles. Enter selected Z Angles for the test, plus an optional expected
impedance and +/– tolerance percentages for each test point. Test results
determine both Pass/Fail and the characteristic curve. Test angles can
also be entered to verify no operation in the blind zone of a directional
distance relay. Select Tools/Graph/Display Graph from the menu bar to
display the time characteristic. The plot form can be changed without
rerunning the test.
This macro combines the reach test with the impedance curve. Use three
or four points for fast relay test, at MTA and on either side.
• Search can be from either low offset to high voltage limit, or from
elevated offset to low limit.
Test Tab
On the ZPXBOV Test Tab screen (Figure C.165):
1. Select valid source names in the Src column.
2. Use the High and Low fields to enter values for the source
connections between the instrument and the relay.
3. Mark the Action amplitude(s) and phase(s) ACTION or enter the
amplitude value.
4. Enter the frequency.
5. Specify phase as ACTION, A-120, A+120, for example, if phase offset
is required among multiple Action sources.
6. Enter test relay connections in the Sense Connections field when the
test relay is connected as a sense input or to a timer.
7. Enter the jumper connections in the Jumpers field.
Results The macro initially displays the results for the
Current Test conditions. To display prior results,
click the pull-down arrow and select a prior test.
The ZPXBOV Test Tab Result Fields are explained
in Table C.187.
Save Results Click Save Results after running a test and select
the new results to save. When exiting the macro,
save any macro changes and results if they have
not already been saved.
Delete Results Click Delete Results to display a window
containing saved test results. Select one or more
test results using the mouse. Ctrl+click works as a
toggle action to select or unselect items. Click OK
to complete deletion.
NOTE If battery simulator voltage is needed, enter BT as a source and select
amplitude, or run the POWER macro.
Test Tab
The ZPXBOV Test Tab Result fields are explained in Table C.187. Enter
up to 12 test angles in the table, and expected impedance.
Field Explanation
Action Tab
The ZPXBOV Action Tab Conditions fields are explained in Table C.188.
Field Explanation
Field Explanation
Run Click RUN on the toolbar or press F12 to run the test. The sources
initialize as follows:
• Non-Action sources turn on at Preset values.
• Action values turn on at Prefault values, move to offset values and
then to Action values.
The test stops as soon as the relay operates and the time is recorded. The
voltage Action sources briefly turn off before starting the next test point.
Operation Graph
The ZPXBOV Operation graph is shown in Figure C.167.
The ZPXBOV Fault fields are explained in Table C.190.
Field Explanation
Prefault Tab
The Prefault tab is used for steady state macros to assert initial conditions
before the values on the Test tab and Action offset are applied. This
allows an initial state of normal, balanced voltages and currents to be
applied for a duration before the macro action begins with faulted
voltage and increasing current.
Operation When the test is run, the Prefault is applied as
indicated. This allows an intelligent relay to see
normal conditions before responding to the fault
condition generated by running the macro. If the
Prefault duration is 0, no Prefault occurs.
The ZPXBOV Prefault Tab fields are explained in Table C.191.
Field Explanation
Source Name Source names are set on the Test tab and cannot
be modified.
Amplitude Enter the desired amplitude.
Phase Enter a phase in the range of –360.0° to 360.0°.
Frequency The Frequency value is set on the Test tab.
Prefault Duration Enter a duration for the Prefault condition.
A Plan 1-3
Aborting a test B-4
Architecture 1-7
Arrow usage B-6
Battery simulator B-27
Baud Rate requirements 2-10
Baud rates for switch positions 2-9, A-5
Benefits 1-4
Passwords 2-4
Sources B-5
Variables B-6
Communication errors A-5
Communications port 2-10
Control panel 3-10
Control panel configuration, saving B-28
Control panel simulation 2-10
ProTesT database 3-27
ProTesT III database 3-28
Convertible voltage 3-13
Current sources 3-13
Database conversion 3-27
Database explorer 3-1
Edit menu 3-5
Edit ProTesT data 3-3
Enable sources B-4
Error messages A-1
Ethernet communication selection 2-10
Execution errors A-2
Sense source is not an Action A-2
F Plan 1-3
F6000 Flash Loader 3-15
F6000 Key Code 3-15
Fault rotation B-9
GPS satellite errors. A-8
Hardware requirements 2-1
Help menu 3-34
I Plan 1-3
Icons in toolbar 3-35
IEEE 488 Bus Communication Errors A-7
Import SS1 files 3-26
Output and input B-25
Sources B-4
Input indicator B-25
Input sense conditions B-13
Inputs tab B-12
Installation procedure 2-1
Internal errors (F2000) A-4
IP address 2-10
Location tree 1-7
Logging in 2-3
Logic settings B-12
Macro menu 3-8
Macros 1-3
Macros, listed by plan 1-9
Measurement units B-24
Menu functions 1-4
Menus 3-4
Database 3-4
Edit 3-5
Help 3-34
Macro 3-8
Setup 3-9
Tools 3-9
View 3-9
Window 3-34
Multiple phasors B-10
Network errors (F2000) A-7
Notes tab B-22
Output indicator B-25
Outputs tab B-14
P Plan 1-3
Password 2-4
Phase-to-Ground fault rotations B-9
Phasor diagram B-8
Power System model 3-15
Primary ohms 3-16
Architecture 1-7
Benefits 1-4
Description of 1-1
Macros 1-3
Macros, definition of 1-8
Menu overview and functions 1-4
Using the menus 3-4
ProTestPlans, descriptions of 1-3
Ramp mode B-7
Range settings B-8
Reports 3-30
Rules for
Sense delay and sense duration 6-3
Saving a control panel configuration B-28
Secondary ohms 3-19
Select ProTesT data 3-3
Sense assignment 6-1
Sense delay 6-2
Sense delay vs. sense duration 6-3
Sense duration 6-2
Sense input filtering 6-1
Serial communication 2-10
Set mode B-7
Set trigger logic B-19
Setup 2-6
Setup menu 3-9
Software requirements 2-1
Source and line impedance 3-16
Source configurations 3-11
Source indicators B-4
Source table B-2
Source table settings B-7
Sources, changing B-5
Start condition B-20
Start on source B-20
Stop condition B-20
Stop on source B-20
Switch positions at baud rates 2-9, A-5
System errors (F6000) A-12
System output B-24
T Plan 1-3
Inputs B-12
Outputs B-14
Timers B-15
Test plan
Definition of 1-7
Controls B-24
Set/reset B-21
Settings B-12
Status B-24
Timers tab B-15
Toolbar commands 3-35
Tools menu 3-9
Transient waveform board errors A-9
Trigger logic, setting B-19
Triggers, definition of B-16
Units of measurement B-24
Using ProTesT menus 3-4
V Plan 1-3
Variables to change B-6
View menu 3-9
Waveform control diagnostics A-7
Windows menu 3-34
Z Plan 1-3