United States Coast Guard: Department Homeland Security
United States Coast Guard: Department Homeland Security
United States Coast Guard: Department Homeland Security
4 JUNE 2003
NVIC02 03
1. PURPOSE. This Circular provides amplifying information for implementing the Coast Guard's
policy announced in reference (a) for resolving conflicts between its regulations for the carriage of
navigation equipment and those in the 2000 revision of Chapter V of the 1974 International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).
a. Coast Guard Officers in Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMIs) should use this Circular when
determining whether a vessel to which reference (a) applies is in compliance with applicable
navigation equipment carriage requirements when there is a conflict between the requirements of
SOLAS Chapter V that entered into force on 1 July 2002 and the requirements in Titles 33 and
46 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This Circular will be distributed by electronic means
only and is available on the World Wide Web at http://www.uscg.millhq/g-m/nvic/.
b. While the guidance contained in this document may assist the industry, public, Coast Guard, and
other Federal and State regulators in applying statutory and regulatory requirements, the guidance
is not a substitute for applicable legal requirements; nor is it a regulation itself. Thus, it is not
intended to nor does it impose legally binding requirements on any party outside the Coast
a. The 2000 revision of SOLAS Chapter V significantly changed the carriage requirements for
shipboard navigation equipment. This revision was adopted at the 73 rd Session of the Maritime
Safety Committee in December 2000 and entered into force on 1 July 2002. This revision
includes changes to the existing tonnage thresholds as well as requirements for the carriage of
voyage data recorders (VDR) and automatic identification systems (AIS), and the acceptance of
electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS). As discussed in reference (b), the
2000 Revision of SOLAS Chapter V also requires that navigation equipment be type approved.
A summary of the changes to the tonnage thresholds as well as new equipment requirements is
provided in enclosure (1).
b. Because of the extensive changes contained in the 2000 Revision of SOLAS Chapter V, it will be
necessary to align the navigation equipment requirements that are in Titles 33 and 46 CFR.
Notice of the Coast Guard's policy for resolving problems that may result due to differences
between the requirements in SOLAS Chapter V and those in Titles 33 and 46 CFR was provided
in reference (a). It is the Coast Guard's policy that when a requirement in the 2000 Revision of
SOLAS Chapter V addresses the same navigation equipment as a requirement in either Title 33
or 46 CFR, the Coast Guard will accept the provision in SOLAS Chapter V as meeting the
corresponding Coast Guard regulation. Reference (a) will remain in effect until Titles 33 and 46
CFR are aligned with SOLAS Chapter V, or until August 16,2004, whichever is earlier.
c. Until the requirements in Titles 33 and 46 CFR are aligned with those in the 2000 Revision of
SOLAS Chapter V, the policy outlined in reference (a) is applicable to the following ships:
(1) U.S.-flag ships of 150 or more gross tons that engage on international voyages;
(2) U.S.-flag ships certificated solely for service on the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River
as far east as a straight line drawn from Cap de Rosiers to West Point, Anticosti Island, and,
on the north side of Anticosti Island, the 63rd Meridian; and,
(3) Foreign-flag ships to which SOLAS Chapter V applies that are operating on the navigable
waters of the United States.
d. As stated in reference (a), under SOLAS regulation 1112, the Coast Guard will not issue SOLAS
certificates to U.S.-flag ships that are not in full compliance with the applicable requirements of
the 2000 Revision of SOLAS Chapter V. Similarly the Coast Guard will continue to exercise
port state control authority under SOLAS regulation 1119 for foreign-flag ships that are not in
compliance with the applicable requirements of SOLAS Chapter V.
02 03
should be used to determine when a requirement in the 2000 Revision of SOLAS Chapter V
corresponds with a requirement in Titles 33 and 46 CFR.
b. OCMls are encouraged to bring this Circular to the attention of appropriate individuals in the
marine industry within their zones.
tAmJ.tftUTA~ -
Enc1: (1) Summary of Significant Changes Impacting the Carriage of Navigation Equipment
in the 2000 Revision of SOLAS Chapter V
(2) Navigation Equipment Carriage Requirements Cross Reference
Non-Standard Distribution:
Enclosure (1) to NVIQ) 2 03
The 2000 revision of SOLAS Chapter V entered into force on 1 July 2002. This revision
is a complete rewrite of Chapter V and includes significant changes related to the carriage
of navigation equipment. They include changes to tormage thresholds for some existing
equipment requirements as well as carriage requirements for new systems.
Tonnage Thresholds
The 2000 revision of Chapter V changed the tonnage thresholds used to establish
equipment carriage requirements. The most significant change was the addition of a
tonnage threshold at 3,000 gross tons and replacing the threshold at 100,000 gross tons
with one at 50,000 gross tons. The 2000 revision also eliminated the 1600 gross ton
threshold. A comparison of the old and revised tonnage thresholds is show below.
Enclosure (l) to NVIC 0 2 03
New Equipment Requirements
The most publicized changes included in the 2000 revision of Chapter V are the
requirements for new systems. These include automatic identification systems (AIS) and
voyage data recorders (VDR) as well as the acceptance of electronic chart display and
information systems (ECDIS).
IMO has issued guidelines (MSCICirc.l 024) addressing the ownership, custody,
recovery, read-out and access to the VDR information.
Enclosure (2) to NVIC 02 0 3
This cross-reference is intended to assist vessel owners and operators as well as Coast
Guard marine inspectors, boarding officers, and investigating officers to determine
whether a vessel is in compliance with the applicable equipment requirements in
Regulations 19 and 20 of the 2000 revision of Chapter V of the 1974 International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), as amended.
As stated in the Notice of Policy published in the Federal Register (67 FR 53382), the
Coast Guard's policy for resolving discrepancies between the navigation equipment
requirements in the 2000 Revision of SOLAS Chapter V and those in Titles 33 and 46
Code of Federal Regulations is applicable to the following ships:
a. U.S.-flag ships of 150 or more gross tons that engage on international voyages;
b. U.S.-flag ships certificated solely for service on the Great Lakes and the St.
Lawrence River as far east as a straight line drawn from Cap de Rosiers to West
Point, Anticosti Island, and, on the north side of Anticosti Island, the 63rd
Meridian; and,
c. Foreign-flag ships to which SOLAS Chapter V applies that are operating on the
navigable waters of the United States.
Type Approval
Regulation 18 requires that all systems and equipment, including back-up arrangements
where applicable, that are installed on or after 1 July 2002 conform to performance
standards that are not inferior to those adopted by the International Maritime
Organization (IMO). The applicable IMO performance standard for required systems and
equipment is listed in Enclosure (1) of NVIC 8-01.
Enclosure (2) to NVleO 2 03
Regulation 19.2,2: In addition to the above, all ships of 150 or more gross tons shall also
be fitted with:
V Reg. that SOLAS Chap. V
Corresponding U.S.
entered into Reg. in force Description
force 1 Jul before 1 Jul 2002
2002 12(b)(iii) No corresponding A spare magnetic compass interchangeable with the
domestic regulations magnetic compass required by 11 46 CFR 111.75-18 A daylight-signaling lamp.
Enclosure (2) to NVIC 0 2 03
Regulation 19.2.3: In addition to the above, all ships of 300 or more gross tons shall also
be fitted with:
SOlAS Chap
V Reg. that SOlAS Chap. V
Corresponding U.S.
entered into Reg. in force Description
force 1 Jul before 1 Jul 2002
2002 12(k) 33 CFR 164.35(h) An echo sounding device to measure and display the
and (i) available depth of water.
46 CFR 32.15-10
46 CFR 77.27-1 Note:
46 CFR 96.27-1 1. In accordance with the SOlAS performance
46 CFR 108.701 standard, MSC.74(69), the echo sounder is required
46 CFR 167.40-20 to have a means of recording on paper or other
46 CFR 195.27-1 means the depth and associated time for 12 hours.
It also requires that there be a means of retrieving
this information.
2. SOlAS regulations in force prior to 1 Jul 2002
applicable to ships on international voyages 1600 GT
or more built before 25 May 1980 and ships of 500
GT or more built on or after 25 May 1980. 12(g) 33 CFR 164.35(a) A 9GHz radar
46 CFR 32.15-30
46 CFR 77.09-1 Note: The domestic regulations do not specify
46 CFR 96.25-1 frequency.
46 CFR 108.717
46 CFR 130.310
46 CFR 167.40-40
46 CFR 195.17-1 12(i) 33 CFR 164.350) An electronic plotting aid
1. Regulations in 46 CFR require that vessels required
to carry a radar also have facilities for plotting radar
information on the bridge. Plotting equipment
required by domestic regulations does not have to be
2. SOlAS regulations in force before 1 Jul 2002 did not
rpqllire th"'t the plotting ::.irl hp plpctronic. 12(1) 33 CFR 164.40 A speed and distance measuring device to indicated
speed and distance through the water.
Regulation 19.2.4: In addition to the above, all ships of 300 or more gross tons on
international voyages and all passengers ships irrespective of size shall also be fitted
SOlAS Chap
V Reg. that SOlAS Chap. V
Corresponding U.S.
entered into Reg. in force Description
force 1 Jul before 1 Jul 2002
19.2.4 No corresponding Corresponding An automatic identification system (AIS) as follows -
requirement domestic regulations
are pending Ships constructed on or after 1 July 2002 Ships engaged on intemational voyages constructed
before 1 July 2002 -
Enclosure (2) to NVIC 0 2 03
Regulation 19.2.4: In addition to the above, all ships of 300 or more gross tons on
international voyages and all passengers ships irrespective of size shall also be fitted
SOlAS Chap
V Reg. that SOlAS Chap. V
Corresponding U.S.
entered into Reg. in force Description
force 1 Jul before 1 Jul 2002
2002 In the case of tankers, not later than the first survey for
safety equipment on or after 1 July 2003, In the case of ships, other than passenger ships and
tankers, of 50,000 or more gross tons, not later than 1
July 2004, In the case of ships, other than passenger ships and
tankers, of 300 or more gross tons but less than 50,000
gross tons, not later than the first safety equipment
survey after 1 July 2004 or by 31 December 2004,
whichever occurs earlier; and, Ships not engaged on international voyages constructed
before 1 July 2002, not later than 1 July 2008.
Note: The Conference of Contracting Governments to SO LAS held in December 2002 amended the carriage dates
established by the 2000 Revision (SOlAS/CONF.5/32). The dates shown are the amended dates.
Regulation 19.2.5: In addition to the above, with the exception of the equipment required
by and, all ships of 500 or more gross tons shall also be fitted with:
SOlAS Chap
SOlAS Chap. V
V Reg. that
Reg. in force Corresponding U.S.
entered into Description
before 1 Jul Regulation
force 1 Jul
2002 12(d) and (e) 33 CFR 164.3S(d) A gyro compass, or other means, to determine and
46 CFR 32.1S-3S(b) display heading by shipborne non-magnetic means and
46 CFR 77.11-1 (b) to transmit heading information for input to the
46 CFR 96.17-1(b) equipment required by,19.2.4 and 19.2.5.S
46 CFR 10B.715(b)
46 CFR 167.40-4S(b) Note:
46 CFR 19S.19-1(b) 1. Domestic regulations are applicable to vessels 1600
or more GT on ocean or coasr"AJise routes.
2. SOlAS requirements in force prior to 1 Jul 2002
applicable to ships of 500 GT or more constructed on
or after 1 Sep 1984 and ships 1600 GT or more
constructed before 1 Sep 1984. 33 CFR 164.3S(0) A gyro compass heading repeater to supply heading
information visually at the emergency steering position.
19.2.S.3 12(d)(ii) No corresponding A gyro compass bearing repeater to take bearings over
(applicable to domestic regulation an arc of the horizon of 360 0 using the gyro compass.
ships 1600 GT Ships of less than 1,600 gross tons shall be fitted with
or more) such means as far as possible. 12(m) 33 CFR 164.3S(f), (I), Rudder, propeller, thrust, pitch and operational mode
(m), and (n) indicators, all to be readable from the conning position.
19.2.5.S No corresponding An automatic tracking aid to plot automatically the range
domestic requlation and bearinq of other tarqets to determine collision risk.
Note: Per 19.2.S.6 on all ships of SOO or more gross tons, failure of one piece of equipment should not reduce the ship's
ability to meet the requirements of,, and
Enclosure (2) to NV1CO 2 3
Regulation 19.2.7: In addition to the above, all ships of 3,000 or more gross tons shall also be fitted with:
SOlAS Chap
SOlAS Chap.
V Reg. that
V Reg. in force Corresponding U.S.
entered into Description
before 1 Jul Regulation
force 1 Jul
2002 12(h) 33 CFR 164.37 A 3GHz radar, or where considered appropriate by the
Administiation a second 9 GHz radar, which is functionaiiy
independent of the one required by
Regulation 19.2.8: In addition to the above, with the exception of the equipment required by, all ships of
10,000 or more ~ross tons shall also be fitted with:
SOlAS Chap
SOlAS Chap.
V Reg. that
V Reg. in force Corresponding U.S.
entered into Description
before 1 Jul Regulation
force 1 Jut
2002 120) 33 CFR 164.38 An automatic radar plotting aid to plot automatically the
range and bearing of at least 20 other targets, connected
to a device to indicate speed and distance through the
water, to determine if risk of collision exists, and to
simulate trial maneuvers.
Regulation 19.2.9: In addition to the above, all ships of 50,000 or more gross tons shall also be fitted with:
SOlAS Chap
SOlAS Chap.
V Reg. that
V Reg. in force Corresponding U.S.
entered into Description
before 1 Jul Regulation
force 1 Jul
2002 12(n) 33 CFR 164.42 A rate of turn indicator to determine and display the rate of
Enclosure (2) to NVIC 0 2 03
Regulation 20: Ships, when engaged on international voyages, shall be fitted with voyage data recorders as
SOlAS Chap
SOlAS Chap.
V Reg. that
V Reg. in Corresponding U.S.
entered into Description
force before 1 Regulation
force 1 Jul
20.1.1 passenger ships constructed on or after 1 July 2002;
20.1.2 Ro-ro passenger ships constructed before 1 July 2002 not
later than the first survey on or after 1 July 200.
20.1.3 No corresponding Passenger ships other than ro-ro passenger ships
domestic regulation constructed before 1 July 2002 not later than 1 January
20.1.4 Ships, other than passenger ships, of 3,000 or more gross
tons constructed on or after 1 July 2002.
Note: Administrations may exempt ships, other than ro-ro passenger ships, constructed before 1 July 2002 from being
fitted with a VDR where it can be demonstrated that interfacing a VDR with the existing equipment on the ship is
unreasonable and impracticable.
The following ships, when engaged on international voyages, shall be fitted with a ship security system as
SOlAS Chap.
SOlAS Chap V Reg. in force Corresponding U.S.
XI-2 Reg. before 1 Jul Regulation
6.1.1 Passenger ships, including high-speed passenger craft;
cargo ships, including high-speed craft, of 500 GT or more,
and mobile offshore drilling units constructed on or after 1
July 2004;
6.1.2 Passenger ships, including high-speed passenger craft,
constructed before 1 July 2004, not later than the first
No survey of the radio installation after 1 July 2004;
No corresponding
6.1.3 corresponding Oil tankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers, bulk carriers
domestic regulation
regulation and cargo high speed craft, of 500 gross tonnage and
upwards constructed before 1 July 2004, not later than the
first survey of the radio installation after 1 July 2004; and
6.1.4 Other cargo ships of 500 gross tonnage and upward
and mobile offshore dri!!ing units constructed before 1
July 2004, not later than the first survey of the radio
installation after 1 July 2006.
Note: This requirement was established by the Conference of Contracting Governments to SOLAS, see