Aci 371R
Aci 371R
Aci 371R
(Reapproved 2003)
This ACI guide presents recommendations for materials, analysis, design, earthquake loads; load combinations; shear; shear strength; structural anal-
and construction of concrete-pedestal elevated water storage tanks. These ysis; structural design; walls.
structures are commonly referred to as composite-style elevated water
tanks that consist of a steel water storage tank supported by a cylindrical CONTENTS
reinforced concrete-pedestal. This document includes determination of Chapter 1—General, p. 371R-2
design loads, and recommendations for design and construction of the 1.1—Introduction
cast-in-place concrete portions of the structure.
Concrete-pedestal elevated water-storage tanks are structures that
present special problems not encountered in typical building designs. This
1.3—Drawings, specifications, and calculations
guide refers extensively to ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Struc- 1.4—Terminology
tural Concrete for many requirements, and describes how to apply ACI 318 1.5—Notation
to these structures. Determination of snow, wind, and seismic loads based 1.6—Metric units
on ASCE 7 is included. These loads will conform to the requirements of
national building codes that use ASCE 7 as the basis for environmental
loads. Special requirements, based on successful experience, for the unique Chapter 2—Materials, p. 371R-4
aspects of loads, analysis, design and construction of concrete-pedestal 2.1—General
tanks are presented. 2.2—Cements
Keywords: analysis; composite tanks; concrete-pedestal tanks; construc- 2.4—Water
tion; design; earthquake resistant structures; elevated water tanks; form- 2.5—Admixtures
work (construction); loads (forces): dead, live, water, snow, wind and 2.6—Reinforcement
ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and Chapter 3—Construction, p. 371R-5
Commentaries are intended for guidance in planning, design- 3.1—General
ing, executing, and inspecting construction. This document 3.2—Concrete
is intended for the use of individuals who are competent 3.3—Formwork
to evaluate the significance and limitations of its content 3.4—Reinforcement
and recommendations and who will accept responsibility 3.5—Concrete finishes
for the application of the material it contains. The American 3.6—Tolerances
Concrete Institute disclaims any and all responsibility for the 3.7—Foundations
stated principles. The Institute shall not be liable for any loss 3.8—Grout
or damage arising therefrom.
Reference to this document shall not be made in contract
ACI 371R-98 became effective February 27, 1998.
documents. If items found in this document are desired by Copyright 1998, American Concrete Institute.
the Architect/Engineer to be a part of the contract documents, All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any
means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic or
they shall be restated in mandatory language for incorporation mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduc-
tion or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in
by the Architect/Engineer. writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.
D = dead load Acv = effective horizontal concrete wall area resisting factored in-
E = horizontal earthquake effect plane shear Vuw, in.2 (mm2); Section 4.8.6
Ev = vertical earthquake effect Af = horizontal projected area of a portion of the structure where the
F = stored water wind drag coefficient Cf and the wind pressure pz are constant;
G = eccentric load effects due to dead load and water Section 4.6.3
L = interior floor live loads Ag = gross concrete area of a section
S = larger of snow load or minimum roof live load As = area of nonprestressed tension reinforcement
T = force due to restrained thermal movement, creep, shrinkage, or Av = effective peak velocity-related ground acceleration coefficient;
differential settlement Section 4.7.4
W = wind load effect
Aw = gross horizontal cross-sectional concrete area of wall, in.2
1.5.2 Variables—The following symbols are used to rep- (mm2) per unit length of circumference; Section 4.8.3
resent variables. Any consistent system of measurement may b = width of compression face in a member
be used, except as noted. bd = width of a doorway or other opening; Section 4.8.5
A = effective concrete tension area, in.2 (mm2); Section 4.4.3 be = combined inside and outside base plate edge distances; Section
Aa = effective peak ground acceleration coefficient; Section 4.7.2 4.10.5
bp = effective base plate width; Section 4.10.5 qs = wind stagnation pressure; Section 4.6.3
bx = cumulative opening width in a distance of 0.78 dw; Section qu = factored soil bearing pressure; Section 4.12.4
4.8.6 Qa = allowable service load capacity of a pile or pier; Section 4.12.5
Ca = seismic coefficient based on soil profile type and Aa; Section Qr = ultimate capacity of a pile or pier; Section 4.12.5
4.7.4 Qu = factored pile or pier load; Section 4.12.5
Ce = combined height and gust response factor; Section 4.6.3 R = seismic response modification coefficient; Section 4.7.4
Cf = wind force drag coefficient; Section 4.6.3 Rd = mean meridional radius of dome tank floor; Section 4.9.3
Cr = roof slope factor; Section 4.5.2 su = average undrained shear strength in top 100 ft (30 m); Table
Cs = seismic design coefficient; Section 4.7.6 4.7.3
Cv = seismic coefficient based on soil profile type and Av; Section T = fundamental period of vibration of structure, seconds; Section
4.7.4 4.7.5
Cw = wall strength coefficient; Section 4.8.3 V = total design lateral force or shear at base of structure; Section
d = distance from extreme compression to centroid tension rein- 4.7.6
forcement Vb = basic wind speed, miles per hour (m/sec); Section 4.6.3
dc = distance from the extreme tension fiber to the tension steel cen- Vn = nominal shear strength; Section 4.8.6
troid, in. (mm); Section 4.4.3 Vu = factored shear force; Section 4.8.6
dw = mean diameter of concrete support wall; Sections 4.8.3, 4.8.4, Vuw = factored shear force acting on an effective shear wall; Section
and 4.8.6 4.8.6
eg = vertical load eccentricity, in. (mm); Section 4.2.2 Vx = lateral seismic shear force at level x, a distance l x above base;
eo = minimum vertical load eccentricity, in. (mm); Section 4.2.2 Section 4.7.8
fc′ = specified compressive strength of concrete, psi (MPa) wi = portion of the total mass whose centroid is at level i, a distance
f c′ = square root of specified compressive strength, psi (MPa) l i above base; Section 4.7.7
fs = calculated stress in reinforcement at service loads, ksi (MPa); ws = distributed snow load; Section 4.5.2
Section 4.4.3 wu = factored distributed load; Section 4.9.3
fy = specified yield strength of reinforcing steel, psi (MPa) wx = portion of the total mass whose centroid is at level x, a distance
Fi = portion of the total seismic shear V acting at level i; Sections l x above base; Section 4.7.7
4.7.8 and 4.7.9 Wc = weight of concrete below grade; Fig. 4.12.4
Fw = wind force acting on tributary area Af; Section 4.6.2 WL = single lumped mass weight; Section 4.7.5
Fx = portion of the seismic shear V acting at level x; Section 4.7.7 Ws = weight of soil below grade; Fig. 4.12.4
g = acceleration due to gravity, 32.2 ft/sec2 (9.8 m/sec2); Section WG = total seismic gravity load; Section 4.7.6
4.7.3 z = height above ground level; Section 4.6.3
h = dome tank floor thickness; Section 4.9.3 zs = quantity limiting distribution of tension reinforcement; Section
h = wall thickness exclusive of any rustications or architectural 4.4.2
relief; Section 4.8 αc = constant used to compute in-plane nominal shear strength; Sec-
hd = height of a doorway opening; Section 4.8.5 tion 4.8.6
hf = foundation depth measured from original ground line; Fig. βw = wall slenderness coefficient; Section 4.8.3
4.12.4 γE = partial load factor for seismic loads; Section 4.2.3
I = importance factor; Sections 4.5.2 and 4.6.2 γs = unit weight of soil; Fig. 4.12.4
k = structure exponent in Equation 4-10b; Section 4.7.7
θc = effective curved roof slope measured from the horizontal; Sec-
kc = lateral flexural stiffness of concrete support structure; Section tion 4.5.1
θg = foundation tilt in degrees; Section 4.2.2
kl = effective unsupported column length; Section 4.8.5
θr = roof slope in degrees measured from the horizontal; Section
l cg = distance from base to centroid of stored water; Sections 4.7.5
and 4.7.9
νs = average shear wave velocity in top 100 ft (30 m); Table 4.7.3
lg = distance from bottom of foundation to centroid of stored water,
ρ = As /bd, ratio of nonprestressed tension reinforcement
in. (mm); Section 4.2.2
ρg = As /Ag, ratio of total nonprestressed reinforcement
li = distance from base to level of Fi; Sections 4.7.7 and 4.7.9
ρh = ratio of horizontal distributed shear reinforcement on a vertical
lx = distance from base to level under consideration; Sections 4.7.7.
plane perpendicular to Acv; Section 4.8.6
and 4.7.9
ρv = ratio of vertical distributed shear reinforcement on a horizontal
Mh = wind ovalling moment per unit of height at horizontal sections;
plane of area Acv; Section 4.8.6
Section 4.8.4
φ = strength reduction factor; Section 4.3.2
Mo = seismic overturning moment at base; Section 4.7.9
Mu = factored moment; Section 4.8.6 ψ = wall opening ratio; Section 4.8.6
Mx = seismic overturning moment at distance l x above base; Section
4.7.6 1.6 —Metric units
n = total number of levels within the structure; Section 4.7.7 The in.-lb system is the basis for units of measurement in
N = average field standard penetration resistance for the top 100 ft this guide, and soft metric conversion is shown in parenthe-
(30 m); Table 4.7.3
Nch = average standard penetration resistance for cohesionless soil
layers for the top 100 ft (30 m); Table 4.7.3
pg = ground snow load; Section 4.5.2 CHAPTER 2—MATERIALS
pr = rain-snow surcharge; Section 4.5.2 2.1—General
pz = wind pressure at height z; Section 4.6.3 Materials and material tests should conform to ACI 318,
p20 = 20 lb/ft2 (0.96 kPa) ground snow load; Section 4.5.2 except as modified in this document.
P = foundation load above grade; Fig. 4.12.4
Pnw = nominal axial load strength of wall, lb (N) per unit of circumfer-
ence; Section 4.8.3 2.2—Cements
Ps = gravity service load; Section 4.11.3 Cement should conform to ASTM C 150 or C 595, exclud-
Puw = factored axial wall load, lb (N) per unit of circumference; Sec- ing Types S and SA, which are not intended as principal ce-
tions 4.8.3 and 4.8.5
menting agents for structural concrete. The same brand and
qa = allowable bearing capacity of a shallow foundation; Section
4.12.4 type of cement should be used throughout the construction of
qr = ultimate bearing capacity of a shallow foundation; Section 4.12.4 each major element.
is provided. Rainwater should not be allowed to increase as required to prevent the leakage of mortar and excessive
mixing water nor to damage surface finish. deflection. Cold weather—During cold weather, the recom- Facing material—Facing material of forms used
mendations of ACI 306 should be followed. above finished grade should be metal, or plywood faced with Hot weather—During hot weather the recom- plastic or coated with fiberglass. Any form material may be
mendations of ACI 305R should be followed. used for below-grade applications.
3.2.8 Testing, evaluation and acceptance—Material test- Chamfers—Exposed corners should be formed
ing, type and frequency of field tests, and evaluation and ac- with chamfers 3/4 in. (20 mm) or larger.
ceptance of testing should conform to ACI 318. Concrete strength—The minimum concrete Concrete strength tests—At least four cylinders compressive strength required for safe removal of any sup-
should be molded for each strength test required. Two cylin- ports for shored construction, or the safe use of construction
ders should be tested at 28 days for the strength test. One cyl- embedments or attachments should be shown on construc-
inder should be tested at 7 days to supplement the 28-day tion drawings, or instructions used by field personnel.
tests. The fourth cylinder is a spare to replace or supplement Cleaning and coating—Form surfaces should be
other cylinders. Concrete temperature, slump, and air con- cleaned of foreign materials and coated with a non-staining
tent measurements should be made for each set of cylinders. release agent prior to placing reinforcement.
Unless otherwise specified in the project documents, sam- Inspection—Prior to placing concrete, forms
pling of concrete should be at the point of delivery. should be inspected for surface condition, accuracy of align- Early-age concrete strength—Where knowledge ment, grade and compliance with tolerance, reinforcing steel
of early-age concrete strength is required for construction clearances and location of embedments. Shoring and bracing
loading, field-cured cylinders should be molded and tested, should be checked for conformance to design.
or one of the following non-destructive test methods should 3.3.2—Foundations
be used when strength correlation data are obtained: Side forms—Straight form panels that circum-
(a) Penetration resistance in accordance with ASTM C 803;
scribe the design radius may be used to form circular foun-
(b) Pullout strength in accordance with ASTM C 900;
dation shapes. Circular surfaces below final ground level
(c) Maturity-factor method in accordance with ASTM C
may have straight segments that do not exceed 30 deg of arc,
and surfaces exposed to view may have straight segments Reporting—A report of tests and inspection re- that do not exceed 15 deg of arc.
sults should be provided. Location on the structure repre- Top forms—Forms should be provided on top
sented by the tests, weather conditions, and details of storage
sloping surfaces steeper than 1 vertical to 2.5 horizontal, un-
and curing should be included.
less it can be demonstrated that the shape can be adequately
3.2.9—Joints and embedments
maintained during concrete placement and consolidation. Construction joints—The location of construc- Removal—Top forms on sloping surfaces may be
tion joints and their details should be shown on construction
removed when the concrete has attained sufficient strength
drawings. Horizontal construction joints in the support wall
to prevent plastic movement or deflection. Side forms may
should be approximately evenly spaced. The surface of con-
be removed when the concrete has attained sufficient
crete construction joints should be cleaned and laitance re-
strength such that it will not be damaged by removal opera-
tions or subsequent load. Expansion joints—Slabs-on-grade and intermedi-
ate floor slabs not structurally connected to the support struc- 3.3.3—Support wall
ture should be isolated from the support structure by Wall form—The support wall should be con-
premolded expansion joint filler. structed using a form system having curved, prefabricated Contraction joints—Contraction joints are only form segments of the largest practical size in order to mini-
used with slabs-on-grade (see Section mize form panel joints. Formwork should be designed for Embedments—Sleeves, inserts, and embedded lateral pressures associated with full height plastic concrete
items should be installed prior to concrete placement, and head. Bracing should be provided for stability, construction
should be accurately positioned and secured against dis- related impact loading, and wind loads. Working platforms
placement. that allow access for inspection and concrete placement
should be provided.
3.3—Formwork Deflection—Deflection of facing material be-
3.3.1—General tween studs as well as studs and walers should not exceed 1/
Formwork design, installation, and removal should con- 400 times the span during concrete placement.
form to the requirements of ACI 318 and the recommenda- Rustications—A uniform pattern of vertical and
tions of ACI 347R. Formwork should ensure that concrete horizontal rustications to provide architectural relief is rec-
components of the structure will conform to the correct di- ommended for exterior wall surfaces exposed to view. Con-
mensions, shape, alignment, elevation and position within struction joints should be located in rustications.
the established tolerances. Formwork systems should be de- Form ties—Metal form ties that remain within
signed to safely support construction and expected environ- the wall should be set back 11/2 in. (40 mm) from the con-
mental loads, and should be provided with ties and bracing crete surface.
GUIDE FOR CONCRETE-PEDESTAL WATER TOWERS 371R-7 Removal—Vertical formwork not supporting the (a) The number of supports should be sufficient to prevent
weight of the component may be removed when the concrete out-of-tolerance deflection of reinforcement, and to prevent
has reached sufficient strength such that it will not be dam- overloading any individual support;
aged by the removal operation and subsequent loads. (b) Shallow foundation reinforcement placed adjacent to
3.3.4—Tank floor the ground or working slab should be supported by precast Design—Formwork for the flat slab or dome tank concrete block, metal or plastic bar supports;
floor should be designed to support construction loads in- (c) Reinforcement adjacent to formwork should be sup-
cluding weight of forms, plastic concrete, personnel, equip- ported by metal or plastic bar supports. The portions of bar
ment, temporary storage, and impact forces. Unsymmetrical supports within 1/2 in. (13 mm) of the concrete surface
placement of concrete should be considered in the design. should be noncorrosive or protected against corrosion;
Camber to offset concrete weight should be provided where (d) Support wall reinforcement should be provided with
deflection would result in out-of-tolerance construction. plastic supports. Maximum spacing of supports for welded Removal—Forms should remain in place until the wire fabric should be 5 ft (1.5 m) centers, horizontally and
concrete has gained sufficient strength not to be damaged by vertically.
removal operations and subsequent loads. The minimum re- 3.4.4—Development and splices
quired concrete strength for form removal should be shown Development and splice lengths—Development
on construction drawings or instructions issued to the field. and splices of reinforcement should be in accordance with
ACI 318. The location and details of reinforcement develop-
3.4—Reinforcement ment and lap splices should be shown on construction draw-
3.4.1 General—Reinforcement should be clearly indicated ings.
on construction drawings and identified by mark numbers Welding—Welding of reinforcement should con-
that are used on the fabrication schedule. Location, spacing form to AWS D1.4. A full welded splice should develop 125
as well as lap splice lengths of reinforcement, and concrete percent of the specified yield strength of the bar. Reinforce-
cover should be shown. Symbols and notations should be ment should not be tack welded.
provided to indicate or clarify placement requirements. Mechanical connections—The type, size, and lo-
3.4.2 Fabrication—The details of fabrication, including cation of any mechanical connections should be shown on
hooks and minimum diameter of bends, should conform to construction drawings. A full mechanical connection should
the requirements of ACI 318 and ACI 315. develop in tension or compression, as required, 125 percent
3.4.3 Placement—Reinforcement should be accurately po- of the specified yield strength of the bar.
sitioned, supported and securely tied and supported to pre-
vent displacement of the steel during concrete placement. 3.5—Concrete finishes
Bar spacing limits and surface condition of reinforcement 3.5.1—Surface repair
should conform to the requirements of ACI 318. Patching materials—Concrete should be patched Concrete cover—The following minimum con- with a proprietary patching material or site-mixed portland
crete cover should be provided for reinforcement in cast in cement mortar. Patching material for exterior surfaces
place concrete for No. 11 (36) bar, W31 (MW200) or D31 should match the surrounding concrete in color and texture.
(MD200) wire, and smaller. Cover is measured at the thin- Repair of defects—Concrete should be repaired
nest part of the wall, at the bottom of rustication grooves, or as soon as practicable after form removal. Honeycomb and
between the raised surfaces of architectural feature panels. other defective concrete should be removed to sound con-
crete and patched.
Minimum cover,
in. (mm) Tie holes—Tie holes should be patched, except
(a) Concrete foundations permanently exposed to that manufactured plastic plugs may be used for exterior sur-
earth: faces.
Cast against earth 3 (75)
Cast against forms or mud slabs, or top 3.5.2 Formed surfaces—Finishing of formed surfaces
reinforcement: should conform to the following:
No. 6 (19) bar, W45 (MW290) or D45 (MD290) (a) Exterior exposed surfaces of the support structure and
2 (50)
wire, and larger
No. 5 (16) bar, W31 (MW200) or D31 (MD200) foundations should have a smooth as-cast finish, unless a
wire, and smaller 11/2 (40)
special formed finish is specified;
(b) Concrete support structure:
(b) Interior exposed surfaces of the support structure
Exterior surfaces:
No. 6 (19) bar, W45 (MW290) or D45 (MD290) should have a smooth as-cast finish;
2 (50)
wire, and larger (c) Concrete not exposed to view may have a rough as-cast
No. 5 (16) bar, W31 (MW200) or D31 (MD200) 11/2 (40) finish.
wire, and smaller
Interior surfaces 1 (25) Rough as-cast finish—Any form facing material
Sections designed as beams or colums 11/2 (40) may be used, provided the forms are substantial and suffi-
(c) Tank floors and intermediate floor slabs 11/2 (40) ciently tight to prevent mortar leakage. The surface is left
with the texture imprinted by the form. Defects and tie holes Supports—Supports for reinforcement should should be patched and fins exceeding 1/4 in. (6 mm) in height
conform to the following: should be removed.
4.1.3 Design of steel storage tank—The materials, design, The minimum vertical load eccentricity eo is 1 in. (25 mm).
fabrication, erection, testing, and inspection of the steel stor- Where tilting of the structure due to non-uniform settle-
age tank should conform to recognized national standards. ment is estimated to exceed 1/800, the eccentricity eg should
4.1.4—Design of other elements not be taken as less than Concrete members—Design of concrete mem-
bers such as foundations, floor slabs, and similar structural
members should conform to ACI 318, and the requirements e g = e o + l g --------
- + tan θ g (4-1b)
of Sections 4.11 and 5.8. Non-concrete members—Design of non-concrete
related elements such as appurtenances, accessories and Construction loads—Temporary loads resulting
structural steel framing members should conform to recog- from construction activity should be considered in the design
nized national standards for the type of construction. of structural components required to support construction Safety related components—Handrails, ladders, loads.
platforms, and similar safety related components should con- Creep, shrinkage, and temperature—The effects
form to the applicable building code, and to Occupational of creep, shrinkage, and temperature effects should be con-
Safety and Health Administration standards. sidered. ACI 209R provides guidance for these conditions.
4.1.5 Unit weight—The unit weight of materials used in Future construction—Where future construction,
the design for the determination of gravity loads should be as such as the addition of intermediate floors is anticipated, the
follows, except where materials are known to differ or spec- load effects should be included in the original design. Future
ifications require other values: construction dead and live loads should be included in the
(a) Reinforced concrete: 150 lb/ft3 (2400 kg/m3); Group 1 load combinations. Only that portion of the dead
(b) Soil backfill: 100 lb/ft3 (1600 kg/m3); load D existing at the time of original construction should be
(c) Water: 62.4 lb/ft3 (1000 kg/m3); included in the Group 2 load combinations.
(d) Steel: 490 lb/ft3 (7850 kg/m3); 4.2.3 Factored load combinations—Load factors and load
combinations for the Strength Design Method should con-
4.2—Loads form to the following. The load terms are as defined in Sec-
4.2.1 General—The structure should be designed for loads tion 1.6.1.
not less than those required for an ASCE 7 Category IV Group 1 load combinations—Where the structur-
structure, or by the applicable building code. al effects of applied loads are cumulative the required
4.2.2 Structural loads—The loads in Section strength should not be less than:
through should be considered to act on the structure Load Combination:
as a whole.
U1.1 1.4D + 1.6F Dead loads—The weight (mass) of structural
U1.2 1.4(D + G) + 1.6F + 1.7(S + L)
components and permanent equipment. Water load—The load produced by varying water U1.3 1.1(D + G) + 1.2F + 1.3(L + W)
levels ranging from empty to overflow level. U1.4 γE [1.2(D + F) + 0.5(G + L) + E] + Ev Live loads—Distributed and concentrated live Group 2 load combinations—Where D, L, or F
loads acting on the tank roof, access areas, elevated plat- reduce the effect of W or E, as in uplift produced by overturn-
forms, intermediate floors or equipment floors. The distrib- ing moment, the required strength should not be less than:
uted roof live load should be the greater of snow load Load Combination:
determined in Section 4.5, or 15 lb/ft2 (0.72 kPa) times the U2.1 0.9D + 1.3W
horizontal projection of the roof surface area to the eave line. U2.2 γE [0.9(D + F) + E] + Ev
Unbalanced loading should be considered in the design of Differential settlement, creep, shrinkage, and
the roof and its supporting members.
temperature—Where structural effects of differential settle- Environmental loads—Environmental loads ment, creep, shrinkage or temperature effects are significant:
should conform to: 1.4T should be included with Load Combinations U1.1 and
(a) Snow loads: Section 4.5; U1.2, and 1.1T should be included with Load Combinations
(b) Wind forces: Section 4.6; U1.3 and U1.4. Where structural effects T are significant:
(c) Seismic forces: Section 4.7. 1.1T should be included with Group 2 loads when T is addi- Vertical load eccentricity—Eccentricity of dead tive to W or E.
and water loads that cause additional overturning moments Vertical seismic load effect—The vertical seismic
to the structure as a whole should be accounted for in the de- load effect Ev in Eq. U1.4 and U2.2 should conform to the re-
sign. The additional overturning moment is the dead and wa- quirements of the project documents, or the applicable build-
ter load times the eccentricity eg, which should not be taken ing code. Where ASCE 7 is specified, Ev is γE 0.5Ca (D + F).
as less than Partial seismic load factor—The partial seismic
load factor γE should conform to the requirements of the
lg project documents, or the applicable building code. Where
e g = e o + --------
- (4-1a)
400 ASCE 7 is specified, γE is 1.1 for concrete elements.
4.2.4 Unfactored load combinations—Unfactored service A smaller amount of reinforcement may be used if at every
load combinations should conform to the following. The section the area of tensile reinforcement provided is at least
load terms are as defined in Section 1.6.1. one-third greater than that required by analysis. Group 1 load combinations—Where the structur- Direct tension members—In regions of signifi-
al effects of applied loads are cumulative the unfactored ser- cant direct tension the minimum reinforcement ratio pg
vice load combination should not be less than: should not be less than 5 f c′ /fy in in.-lb units (0.42 f c′ /fy in
Load Combination: SI units). A smaller amount of reinforcement may be used if
S1.1 D+F the area of tensile reinforcement provided is at least one-
S1.2 D+F+G+S+L third greater than that required by analysis.
S1.3 0.75(D + F + G + L + W)
S1.4 0.75[D + F + G + L + E] + EV 4.4—Serviceability requirements Group 2 load combinations—Where D, L, or F 4.4.1 General—Concrete portions of the structure should
reduce the effect of W or E, as in uplift produced by overturn- conform to this document to ensure adequate performance at
ing moment, the required strength should not be less than: service loads. The following should be considered.
Load Combination: (a) Deflection of flexural beam or slab elements should
S2.1 0.75(D + W) conform to ACI 318.
S2.2 0.75[D + F + E] + Ev (b) Control of cracking should conform to Section 4.4.2 Differential settlement, creep, shrinkage, and and applicable sections of Chapter 4.
temperature—Where structural effects of differential settle- (c) Settlement of foundations should conform to Sections
ment, creep, shrinkage or temperature effects are significant: 4.12.3 and 4.12.5.
1.0T should be included with Load Combinations S1.1 and 4.4.2 Control of cracking—Cracking and control of crack-
S1.2, and 0.75T should be included with Load Combinations ing should be considered at locations where analysis indi-
S1.3 and S1.4. Where structural effects T are significant: cates flexural tension or direct tension stresses occur.
0.75T should be included with Group 2 loads when T is ad- Where control of cracking is required, sections should be
ditive to W or E. proportioned such that quantity zs does not exceed 145 kips Vertical seismic load effect—The vertical seis- per inch (25,400 N/mm) for sections subjected to flexure, or
mic load effect Ev in Eq. S1.4 and S2.2 should conform to the 130 kips per in. (22,800 N/mm) for sections subjected to di-
requirements of the project documents, or the applicable rect tension. The quantity zs is determined by:
building code. Where ASCE 7 is specified, Ev is 0.75 [0.5Ca
(D + F)].
zs = fs 3 dc A (4-2)
4.3—Strength requirements
4.3.1 General—Concrete portions of the structure should Calculated stress in reinforcement fs is for Load Combina-
be designed to resist the applied loads that may act on the tion S1.1 in Section Alternatively, fs may be taken as
structure and should conform to this document. 60 percent of the specified yield strength fy. The clear cover Specified concrete strength—Specified compres- used in calculating the distance from the extreme tension fi-
sive strength fc′ of concrete components should conform to ber to the tension steel centroid dc should not exceed 2 in. (50
Section and applicable sections of Chapter 4. mm) even though the actual cover is larger. Specified strength for reinforcement—The speci-
fied yield strength of reinforcement fy should not exceed 4.5—Snow Loads
80,000 psi (550 MPa). 4.5.1—General
4.3.2—Design methods Scope—This section covers determination of Strength design method—Structural concrete minimum snow loads for design and is based on ASCE 7 for
members should be proportioned for adequate strength in ac- Category IV structures. Larger loads should be used where
cordance with the Strength Design provisions of ACI 318 required by the applicable building code.
and this document. Loads should not be less than the factored Definitions—Certain terms used in this section
loads and forces in Section 4.2.3. Strength reduction factors are defined as follows:
φ should conform to ACI 318 and to applicable sections of Crown—highest point of the roof at centerline of tank.
Chapter 4. Eaves—highest level at which the tank diameter is maxi- Alternate design method—The Alternate Design mum; or the 70-deg point of the roof slope of curved or con-
Method of ACI 318 is an acceptable method for design. Un- ical roofs, if present. The 70-deg point is the radius at which
factored load combinations should conform to Section the roof slope is 70 deg measured from the horizontal.
4.2.4. Cone roof—monoslope roof having a constant slope from
4.3.3—Minimum reinforcement crown to eaves. Flexural members—Where flexural reinforce- Conical roof—a cone roof combined with an edge cone or
ment is required by analysis in the support structure and a doubly curved edge segment.
foundations supported by piling and drilled piers, the mini- Curved roof—dome, ellipsoidal, or other continuous shell
mum reinforcement ratio p should not be less than 3 f c′ /fy roofs with increasing slope from crown to eaves; or the dou-
nor 200/fy in in.-lb units (0.25 f c′ /fy nor 1.4/fy in SI units). bly curved portion of a conical roof.
Roof slope θr—roof slope at a point measured from the ASCE 7 for Category IV structures. Larger loads should be
horizontal. used where required by the applicable building code.
Effective curved roof slope θc—slope of a straight line 4.6.2—Wind speed
from the eaves (or the 70-deg point if present) to the crown Basic wind speed—The basic wind speed Vb is
of a curved roof, or a conical roof. the 3-sec gust speed at 33 ft (10 m) above ground for Expo- Limitations—The provisions of Section 4.5 are sure C category, and is associated with a 2 percent annual
applicable to cone, conical, and curved roofs concave down- probability of being exceeded (50-yr mean recurrence inter-
ward without steps or abrupt changes in elevation. val). In the contiguous United States and Alaska basic wind
4.5.2 Roof snow load—The unfactored snow load acting speed Vb may be determined from Fig. 6-1 in ASCE 7.
on the structure is the sum of the uniformly distributed snow Wind speed-up—Wind speed-up over hills and es-
load ws acting on any portion of a roof times the horizontal carpments should be considered for structures sited on the up-
projected area on which ws acts. The uniformly distributed per half of hills and ridges or near the edge of escarpments.
snow load ws is the larger value determined in Sections 4.6.3 Design wind force—The service load wind force W and acting on the structure is the sum of the forces calculated Sloped roof snow load—Portions of a roof having from Section
a slope θr exceeding 70 deg should be considered free of—The design wind force Fw acting on tributary
snow load. Where roof slope θr is 70 deg or less, the distrib-
area Af is
uted snow load is given by
Fw = Cf pz Af (4-4)
ws = 0.76 Cr I pg (4-3a)
The ground snow load pg is in accordance with Section, and the roof slope factor Cr is in accordance with Cf = wind force drag coefficient
Section The snow importance factor I is 1.2. = 0.6, for cylindrical surfaces Minimum snow load—The minimum snow load = 0.5, for double curved surfaces or cones with an apex
acting on cone roofs with slope θr less than 15 deg and angle > 30 deg.
curved roofs with slope θc less than 10 deg is the larger value The wind pressure pz at height z above ground level is in
determined from Eq. (4-3b) and (4-3c) when the ground accordance with Section
snow load pg is greater than zero—Wind pressure pz is
Table 4.6.3—Combined height and gust factor: Ce Table 4.7.3—Soil profile type classification
Height above ground level, νs , su ,
ft (m) Exposure B Exposure C Exposure D Soil profile type ft/sec (m/sec) N or Nch lb/ft2 (kPa)
Less than 75 (23) 0.73 1.01 1.16 > 5000 Not Not
A. Hard rock (> 1500) applicable applicable
100 (30) 0.79 1.07 1.22
150 (46) 0.89 1.17 1.31 2500 to 5000 Not Not
B. Rock (760 to 1500) applicable applicable
200 (61) 0.96 1.24 1.37
C. Very dense soil and soft 1200 to 2500 > 2000
250 (76) 1.03 1.30 1.43 > 50
rock (370 to 760) ( > 96)
300 (91) 1.08 1.36 1.47 600 to 1200 1000 to 2000
D. Stiff soil 15 to 50
(180 to 370) (48 to 96)
< 600 < 1000
4.7—Seismic forces E. Soil
(< 180)
< 15
(< 48)
4.7.1—General 1. Soils vulnerable to potential failure or Scope—This section covers determination of collapse
minimum factored seismic forces for design, and is based on F. Soils requiring site 2. Peats and/or highly organic clays
specific evaluation
ASCE 7 Category IV structures. Larger loads should be used 3. Very high plasticity clays
where required by the applicable building code. 4. Very thick soft/medium clays
νs = Average shear wave velocity in top 100 ft (30 m). Definitions—Certain terms used in this section
N = Average field standard penetration resistance for the top 100 ft
are defined as follows: (30 m).
Nch = Average standard penetration resistance for cohesionless soil
Base—The level at which the earthquake motions are con-
layers for the top 100 ft (30 m).
sidered to be imparted to the structure. su = Average undrained shear strength in top 100 ft (30 m).
Base Shear V—The total design lateral force or shear at
base of structure. Seismic acceleration coefficients—Seismic ac-
Gravity load WG —Dead load and applicable portions of celeration coefficients Ca and Cv should be determined from
other loads defined in Section that is subjected to Table 4.7.4.
seismic acceleration. At sites with soil profile F, seismic coefficients should be Limitations—The provisions of Section 4.7 are determined by site specific geotechnical investigation and
applicable to sites where the effective peak ground accelera- dynamic site response analyses.
tion coefficient Av is 0.4 or less. Response modification coefficient—The re-
4.7.2 Design seismic force—The factored design seismic sponse modification coefficient R used in design should not
forces acting on the structure should be determined by one of exceed 2.0.
the following procedures. Structures should be designed for 4.7.5—Structure period
seismic forces acting in any horizontal direction. Fundamental period—The fundamental period Equivalent lateral force procedure—The equiva- of vibration T of the structure should be established using the
lent lateral force procedure of Section 4.7.6 may be used for structural properties and deformational characteristics of the
all structures. resisting elements in a properly substantiated analysis. Alternative procedures—Alternative lateral force Single lumped-mass approximation—The struc-
procedures, using rational analysis based on well established ture period T may be calculated from Eq. (4-6) when the wa-
principles of mechanics, may be used in lieu of the equiva- ter load is 80 percent or more of the total gravity load WG
lent lateral force procedure. Base shear V used in design
should not be less than 70 percent of that determined by Sec- W
tion 4.7.6. T = 2π -------L- (4-6)
gk c—Seismic analysis is not required where the effec-
tive peak velocity-related acceleration coefficient Av is less
than 0.05. The single lumped-mass structure weight WL consists of:
4.7.3 Soil profile type—Where the peak effective velocity- (a) Self-weight of the tank and tank floor;
related ground acceleration Av is 0.05 or greater, the soil pro- (b) Maximum of two-thirds the self-weight of concrete
file type should be classified in accordance with Table 4.7.3 support wall; and
by a qualified design professional using the classification (c) Water load.
procedure given in ASCE 7. 4.7.6—Equivalent lateral force procedure
4.7.4—Seismic coefficients Seismic base shear—The total seismic shear V in Effective peak ground acceleration coefficients— a given direction is determined by
The effective peak acceleration Aa and effective peak veloc-
ity-related acceleration coefficient Av should be determined V = Cs WG (4-7)
from Maps 9-1 and 9-2, respectively, of ASCE 7. Where site-
specific ground motions are used or required, they should be The seismic response coefficient Cs is in accordance with
developed on the same basis, with 90 percent probability of Section, and the gravity load WG is in accordance
not being exceeded in 50 years. with Section
GUIDE FOR CONCRETE-PEDESTAL WATER TOWERS 371R-13 Seismic response coefficient—The seismic re- where ΣFi is from the top of the structure to the level under
sponse coefficient Cs is the smaller value determined from consideration.
Eq. (4-8a) and (4-8b) 4.7.9—Overturning moment—The overturning moment at the base Mo is de-
1.2C termined by
C s = -------------v- (4-8a)
RT n
Mo = ∑ ( Fi l i ) (4-12)
C s = -------------a- (4-8b) i=1
R—The overturning moment Mx acting at any lev-
The minimum value of Cs should not be less than el of the structure is the larger value determined from Eq.
(4-13a) and (4-13b)
Cs = 0.5 Ca (4-9)
x—The wind ovalling moment Mh may be consid- where φ = 0.9. Puw applies at the level of the reinforcement
ered to vary linearly from zero at a diaphragm elevation to being designed. The quantity puw bd is expressed in lb (N).
the full value at a distance 0.5 dw from the diaphragm. The reinforcement yield strength fy used in Eq. (4-18) should
4.8.5—Openings in walls not exceed 60,000 psi (420 MPa).—The effects of openings in the wall should be Development of reinforcement—Additional rein-
considered in the design. Wall penetrations having a hori- forcement at openings is to be fully developed beyond the
zontal dimension of 3 ft (0.9 m) or less and a height of 12h opening in accordance with ACI 318. Additional horizontal
or less may be designed in accordance with Section reinforcement should project at least half a development
Otherwise, the design should conform to Sections length beyond the effective column or pilaster width of Sec-
through tions or Simplified method—Where detailed analysis is Local effects below openings—Where the com-
not required, minimum reinforcement around the opening is bined height of wall and foundation below the opening is less
the larger amount determined by: than one-half the opening width the design should conform
(a) Vertical and horizontal reinforcement interrupted by to Section
the opening should be replaced by reinforcement having an
4.8.6—Shear design
area not less than 120 percent of the interrupted reinforce-
ment, half placed each side of the opening, and extending Radial shear—Design of the concrete support
past the opening a distance not less than half the transverse wall for radial shear forces should conform to Chapter 11 of
opening dimension; ACI 318.
(b) An area each side of the opening equal to 0.75bd should In-plane shear—Design of the concrete support
be evaluated for vertical load capacity, and reinforced as re- wall for in-plane shear forces caused by wind or seismic
quired. The load acting on this area should be half the verti- forces should conform to the requirements of Sections
cal force interrupted by the opening plus the average vertical through
load in the wall at mid-height of the opening. Design forces—The shear force Vu and simulta- Effective column—The wall adjacent to an open- neous factored moment Mu should be obtained from the lat-
ing should be designed as a braced column in accordance eral load analysis for wind and seismic forces.
with ACI 318 and the following: Shear force distribution—The shear force distri-
(a) Each side of the opening should be designed as a rein- bution in the concrete support wall should be determined by
forced concrete column having an effective width equal to a method of analysis that accounts for the applied loads and
the smaller of 5h, 6 ft (1.8 m), or 0.5bd; structure geometry. The simplified procedure of Section
(b) The effective column should be designed to carry half may be used when the ratio of openings to effective
the vertical force interrupted by the opening plus the average shear wall width ψ does not exceed 0.5.
vertical load in the wall at mid-height of the opening; Shear force—The shear force Vu may be consid-
(c) The effective unsupported column length kl should not ered to be resisted by two equivalent shear walls parallel to
be less than 0.85hd; the direction of the applied load. The length of each shear
(d) The effective columns should be analyzed by the slen- wall should not exceed 0.78dw. The shear force Vuw acting
der column procedures of ACI 318 and reinforced accord- on an equivalent shear wall should not be less than:
ingly with bars on the inside and outside faces of the wall. (a) In sections of the wall without openings or sections
Transverse reinforcement should conform to ACI 318 Sec- with openings symmetric about the centerline the factored
tion 7.10, and Section 21.4.4 in seismic areas;
shear force Vuw assigned to each shear wall is
(e) The effective column should be checked for the effects
of vehicle impact if the opening is to be used as a vehicle en-
Vuw = 0.5 Vu (4-19)
trance through the support wall. Pilasters—Monolithic pilasters may be used ad-
jacent to openings. Such pilasters should extend above and (b) In sections of the wall with openings not symmetrical
below the opening a sufficient distance to effect a smooth about the centerline
transition of forces into the wall without creating excessive
local stress concentrations. The transition zone where pilas- ψ
V uw = 0.5V u 1 + ------------- (4-20)
ters are terminated should be thoroughly analyzed and addi- 2 – ψ
tional reinforcement added if required for local stresses. The
reinforcement ratio pg should not be less than 0.01. Horizontal reinforcement—Additional horizontal where
reinforcement should be provided above and below openings
in accordance with Eq. (4-18), and should be distributed over bx
ψ = ----------------
a height not exceeding 3h 0.78d w
bx is the cumulative width of openings in the effective
0.14P uw b d shear wall width 0.78dw. The dimensions bx and dw are ex-
A s = ------------------------
- (4-18)
φf y pressed in in. (mm).
371R-16 MANUAL OF CONCRETE PRACTICE Shear area—The effective horizontal concrete floors, and suspended steel floors. Section 4.10 discusses the
wall area Acv resisting the shear force Vuw should not be interaction effects of the concrete support structure and the
greater than storage tank that should be considered in the design. Loads—The loads and load combinations should
Acv = 0.78 (1 - ψ) dw h (4-21) conform to Sections 4.2.3 and 4.2.4. Loads acting on the tank
floor are distributed dead and water loads, and concentrated
where the dimensions of dw and h are expressed in in. loads from the access tube, piping and other supports.
(mm). 4.9.2—Flat slab floors Maximum shear—The distributed shear Vuw Design—Concrete slab floors should be designed
should not exceed: in accordance with ACI 318, except as modified here. Spec-
(a) 8 f c′ A cv in in.-lb units [ ( 2 ⁄ 3 ) f c′ A cv in SI units[ ified compressive strength of concrete fc′ should not be less
when Eq. (4-19) controls, and than required in Section
(b) 10 f c′ A cv in in.-lb units [ ( 5 ⁄ 6 ) f c′ A cv in SI units] Slab stiffness—The stiffness of the slab should be
when Eq. (4-20) controls. sufficient to prevent rotation under dead and water loads that Shear strength—Design for in-plane shear could cause excessive deformation of the attached wall and
should be based on steel tank elements. The stiffness of the slab should be calcu-
lated using the gross concrete area, and one-half the modulus
Vuw ≤ φVn (4-22) of elasticity of concrete. Minimum reinforcement—Reinforcement should
not be less than 0.002 times the gross concrete area in each
where φ = 0.85.
direction. Where tensile reinforcement is required by analy-
The nominal shear strength Vn should not exceed the shear
sis the minimum reinforcement should conform to Section
force calculated from
4.3.3. Crack control—Distribution of tension rein-
V n = ( α c f c′ + ρ h f y )A cv (4-23) forcement required by analysis should conform to Section
where 4.9.3—Dome floors
2.5M Design—Concrete dome floors should be de-
α c = 6 – --------------u- but not less than 2.0 nor greater than 3.0; signed on the basis of elastic shell analysis. Consideration of
Vu dw
in.-lb units. edge effects that cause shear and moment should be included
0.21M in the analysis and design. Specified compressive strength of
α c = 0.5 – -----------------u- but not less than 1/6 nor greater than 1/4; concrete fc′ should not be less than required in Section
Vu dw
SI units. nor greater than 5000 psi (34 MPa). Thickness—The minimum thickness h of a uni-
Mu and Vu are the total factored moment and shear occur- form thickness dome should be computed by Eq. (4-24) (us-
ring simultaneously at the section under consideration, and ing any consistent set of units). Buckling effects should be
ρh is the ratio of horizontal distributed shear reinforcement considered when the radius to thickness ratio exceeds 100
on an area perpendicular to Acv. Design location—The nominal shear strength Vn
should be determined at a distance above the foundation h = 1.5R d --------
- not less than 8 in. (200 mm) (4-24)
equal to the smaller of 0.39 dw or the distance from the foun- φf c′
dation to mid-height of the largest opening, or set of open-
ings with the largest combined ψ. where wu and fc′ are expressed in the same units, and h and Reinforcement—Minimum reinforcement Rd are expressed in in. (mm).
should conform to Table 4.8.2. In regions of high seismic The factored distributed wu is the mean dead and water
risk, reinforcement should also conform to the following: load (Load Combination U1.1). The strength reduction fac-
(a) When Vuw exceeds f c′ A cv in in.-lb units ( f c′ A cv ⁄ 12 tor f is 0.7.
in SI units) the minimum horizontal and vertical reinforce- Minimum reinforcement—Reinforcement area
ment ratios should not be less than 0.0025. on each face in orthogonal directions should not be less than
(b) When Vuw exceeds 2 f c′ A cv in in.-lb units ( f c′ A cv ⁄ 6 0.002 times the gross concrete area. Where tensile reinforce-
in SI units) two layers of reinforcement should be provided. ment is required by analysis the minimum reinforcement
(c) Where shear reinforcement is required for strength, the should conform to Section 4.3.3.
vertical reinforcement ratio ρv should not be less than the Crack control—Distribution of tension rein-
horizontal reinforcement ratio ρh. forcement required by analysis should conform to Section
4.9—Tank floors 4.9.4—Suspended steel floors
4.9.1—General Steel floor tanks utilize a suspended membrane steel Scope—This section covers design of concrete floor, generally with a steel skirt and grouted base plate to
flat slab and dome floors of uniform thickness used as tank transfer tank loads to the concrete support structure, and a
steel compression ring to resist internal thrust forces. Design Various stages of filling, and wind and seismic overturning
of suspended steel floors, and associated support skirts, base effects should be considered when determining the design
plates, and compression rings is part of the steel tank design loads. Particular attention should be given to the radial shear
(Section 4.1.3). and moment in shell elements caused by edge restraint ef-
4.10—Concrete-to-tank interface Ringbeam compression—The maximum ser-
4.10.1—General vice load compression stress in the ringbeam due to direct Scope—This section covers design of the inter- horizontal thrust forces should not exceed 0.30fc′ .
face region of concrete-pedestal elevated tanks. Fill concrete—Concrete used to connect the Interface region—The interface region includes steel tank to the concrete support structure should have a
those portions of the support wall, tank floor, ringbeam, and specified compressive strength not less than the concrete to
steel tank affected by the transfer of forces from the tank which it connects or the design compressive strength, which-
floor and steel tank to the support wall. ever is greater. Details—The details at the top of the support 4.10.4—Slab floors
wall are generally proprietary and differ from one manufac- The support wall, tank floor, and steel tank should be ana-
turer to another. The loads and forces acting at the interface, lyzed for in-plane axial forces, radial shear, and moment for
and specific requirements are covered in Sections 4.10.3 all loading conditions. The degree of fixity of the steel tank
through 4.10.5. to the tank floor should be considered.
4.10.2—Design considerations 4.10.5—Suspended steel floors Load effects—The following load effects in Design considerations—The analysis and de-
combination with dead and live loads should be considered sign of the concrete support element should include consid-
in design of the interface region: eration of the following loading effects:
(a) Loading caused by varying water level; (a) Vertical loads not centered on the wall due to construc-
(b) Seismic and wind forces that cause unsymmetrical re- tion inaccuracies causing shear and moment at the top of the
actions at the interface region; wall. Non-symmetrical distribution of eccentricities;
(c) Construction loads and attachments that cause concen- (b) Horizontal shear loads caused by an out of plumb skirt
trated loads or forces significantly different than the dead plate, or temperature differences between the steel tank and
and water loads; concrete wall;
(d) Short and long-term translation and rotation of the con- (c) Transfer of wind and seismic forces between the tank
crete at the interface region, and the effect on the membrane and concrete support;
action of the steel tank; (d) Local instability at the top of the wall.
(e) Eccentricity of loads, where the point of application Support wall—The area near the top of the wall
of load does not coincide with the centroid of the resisting must have adequate shear strength and be adequately rein-
elements; forced for the circumferential moments caused by the loads
(f) Effect of restrained shrinkage and temperature dif- in Section 4.8.4.
ferentials; Concrete support for base plates—The design
(g) Transfer of steel tank loads to the concrete support centerline of the support wall and steel skirt should coincide.
structure; A concrete ringbeam having a nominal width and height at
(h) Anchorage attachments when required for uplift loads. least 8 in. (200 mm) greater than the support wall thickness Analysis—Analysis should be by finite differ- h is recommended for support of base plates. The concrete
ence, finite element, or similar analysis programs that accu- ringbeam may be omitted when the following conditions are
rately model the interaction of the intersecting elements. The met:
analysis should recognize: (a) The wall thickness h is equal to or greater than the
(a) The three-dimensional nature of the problem; width determined by
(b) The non-linear response and change in stiffness asso-
ciated with tension and concrete cracking, and the redistribu- h = bp + 0.004dw + be (4-25)
tion of forces that occur with stiffness changes;
(c) The effect of concrete creep and shrinkage on deforma- where all dimensions are expressed in in. (mm).
tions at the interface; The edge distance term be should conform to Section
(d) The sensitivity of the design to initial assumptions, im-, and the effective base plate width bp to Section
perfections, and construction tolerances. Appropriate allow- The term 0.004dw is the diameter tolerance of the
ance for variations arising from these effects should be wall in Section 3.6.1(a).
included in the analysis. (b) Special construction control measures are implement-
4.10.3—Dome floors ed to ensure that the diameter and curvature of steel tank Design considerations—The interface region matches the concrete construction.
should be analyzed for in-plane axial forces, radial and tan- (c) The as-built condition is checked and documented. The
gential shear, and moment for all loading conditions. Eccen- radial deviation of the steel skirt and effective base plate
tricity arising from geometry and accidental imperfections in centerlines from the support wall centerline should not be
the construction process should be included in the analysis. greater than 10 percent of the support wall thickness h. The
as-built distance from edge of base plate to edge of concrete (b) Where tension reinforcement is required by analysis
should not be less than 1.5 in. (40 mm). the minimum reinforcement should conform to Section Base plate edge distance—The combined inside 4.3.3;
and outside base plate edge distances be in Eq. (4-25) should (c) Distribution of tension reinforcement required by anal-
not be less than 6 in. (150 mm). If demonstrated construction ysis should conform to Section 4.4.2.
practices are employed that result in an accurate fit of the
steel tank to the concrete construction, the term be in Eq. (4-25) 4.11—Foundations
may be reduced to not less than 3 in. (75 mm). Measurements 4.11.1—General
and documentation of the as-built condition are required to Scope—This section covers structural require-
demonstrate conformance to Section ments for foundations used for concrete-pedestal tanks. Geo- Base plate—The effective base plate width bp technical requirements are described in Section 4.12.
should be sized using a maximum design bearing strength of Definitions—Certain terms used in this section
2000 psi (14 MPa) for factored loads. The minimum effec- and Section 4.12 are defined as follows:
tive base plate width bp is the larger of four times the nomi- Shallow foundation—Annular ring or raft foundation hav-
nal grout thickness or 4 in. (100 mm). The base plate width ing a depth of embedment less than the foundation width.
should not be less than the effective base plate width and Load carrying capacity is by direct bearing on soil or rock;
should be symmetrical about the centerline of the steel skirt friction and adhesion on vertical sides are neglected.
plate. A minimum base plate width of 6 in. (150 mm) symmet- Annular ring foundation—A reinforced concrete annular
rical about the steel skirt plate centerline is recommended. ring whose cross-sectional centroid is located at or near the
centerline radius of the concrete support wall and is support- Base plate grout—Grout supporting the base
ed directly on soil or rock.
plate should have a specified compressive strength not less
Raft foundation—A reinforced concrete slab supported di-
than the supporting concrete or the design compressive
rectly on soil or rock, generally having a bearing area larger
strength, whichever is greater.
than an annular ring foundation. Anchorage—A positive means of attachment
Deep foundation - Piles or piers and the pile or pier cap
should be provided to anchor the steel tank to the concrete
that transfer concrete support structure loads to a competent
support structure. The anchorage should be designed for up- soil or rock stratum by end bearing, by mobilizing side fric-
lift forces and horizontal shear. The anchorage provided tion or adhesion, or both.
should not be less than 1 in. (25 mm) diameter anchor bolts Pile or pier—Driven piles, drilled piles, drilled piers
at 10 ft (3 m) centers, or equivalent uplift capacity. (caissons). Drainage—A positive means of diverting rain Pile or pier cap—The concrete ring that transfers load
and condensate water away from the grouted base plate from the concrete support structure to the supporting piles or
should be provided. The drainage detail should incorporate a piers.
drip edge attached to the steel tank that diverts water away Foundation types—Shallow and deep founda-
from the concrete support structure. tions used for support of concrete-pedestal elevated tanks are
4.10.6 Reinforcement details—Reinforcement in concrete shown in Fig. 4.11.1.
elements in the interface region should be sufficient to resist 4.11.2—Design
the calculated loads, but should not be less than the following. Design code—Foundations should be designed
(a) The minimum reinforcement ratio ρg should not be less in accordance with ACI 318, except as modified here.
than 0.0025 in regions of compression and low tension Loads—The loads and load combinations
stress; should conform to Section 4.2.
4.11.3 Overturning—The foundation should be of suffi- should be designed for bearing, shear, and uplift forces that
cient size and strength to resist overturning forces resulting occur at this location.
from wind, seismic, and differential settlement loads. Where Development of reinforcement—Flexural steel
high groundwater occurs, the effects of buoyancy should be should be checked for proper development at all sections.
included. The stability ratio (ratio of the resisting moment to Hooks may be used to develop footing reinforcement where
overturning moment) should be greater than 1.5 for service the footing extension is relatively small.
load forces. Serviceability—The service load tension rein- Resisting gravity load—The gravity service load forcement steel stress fs at sections of maximum moment
Ps resisting overturning is the dead load D for wind loading, should not exceed 30,000 psi (205 MPa) for load case S1.1,
and dead plus water loads D + F for seismic loading. dead and water loads only. Alternatively, sections of maxi- Shallow foundations—The resisting moment is mum moment should conform to the requirements of Section
the product of the gravity service loads Ps and the distance 4.4.2.
from the foundation centerline to the centroid of the resisting Sloped foundations—When tapered top surfaces
contact pressure. The resisting contact pressure should not are used, actual footing shape should be used to determine
exceed the ultimate bearing capacity qr defined in Section shear and moment capacities.
4.12.4. Concrete cover—The actual clear distance be- Deep foundations—The resisting moment is the tween the edge of foundation and edge of a pile or pier
product of the gravity service loads Ps and the distance from should not be less than 3 in. (75 mm) after installation.
the foundation centerline to the centroid of the resisting Support wall openings—The local effects at
group of piles or drilled piers. The maximum load acting on large openings in the concrete support wall should be con-
a deep foundation unit should not exceed the ultimate capac- sidered when the distance from the top of the foundation to
ity Qr defined in Section 4.12.5. Where piles or piers are ca- the bottom of the opening is less than one-half the opening
pable of resisting tension loads and are connected to the width. The foundation should be designed for the redistribu-
superstructure, the tension capacity may be considered in as- tion of loads across the unsupported opening width.
sessing the stability ratio. Seismic design details—Where design for seis-
4.11.4—Shallow foundations
mic loads is required, details of concrete piles and concrete Annular ring foundation—Torsional effects and filled piles should conform to the requirements of Section
biaxial bending should be considered when the centroid of A9.4.4.4 of ASCE 7.
the footing and the centerline of the wall do not coincide.
The footing may be designed as a one-way beam element
4.12—Geotechnical recommendations
that is a sector of an annulus when the centroids coincide and 4.12.1—General
the circumferential biaxial effects may be excluded. Scope—This section identifies the minimum re- Raft foundation—The portion inside the con-
quirements related to foundation capacity and settlement
crete support wall is designed as a two-way slab and the can-
tilever portion may be designed as a one-way strip, or as a Geotechnical investigation—A subsurface in-
continuation of the two-way interior slab.
vestigation should be made to the depth and extent to which
4.11.5—Deep foundations
the tank foundation will significantly change the stress in the Structural design—The structural design of
soil or rock, or to a depth and extent that provides informa-
piles or piers should be in accordance with national and local
tion to design the foundation. The investigation should be by
building codes. Recommendations for design and construc-
a qualified design professional.
tion of drilled piers are found in ACI 336.3R.
The following information should be provided to the de- Lateral load effects on piles or piers—The ef-
sign professional responsible for conducting the geotechni-
fect of lateral loads should be considered in the structural de-
cal investigation:
sign of piles or piers. Lateral load effects on pile or pier caps—The (a) Tank configuration, including support wall diameter;
pile or pier cap should be designed for the shear, torsion, and (b) Gravity loads acting on the foundation: dead, water,
bending moments that occur when piles or drilled piers are and live loads;
subject to lateral loads. (c) Wind and seismic overturning moments and horizontal Lateral seismic loads—Piling should be de- shear forces acting at top of foundation;
signed to withstand the maximum imposed curvature result- (d) Minimum foundation depth for frost penetration or to
ing from seismic forces for freestanding piles, in loose accommodate piping details;
granular soils and Soil Profile Types E and F. Piles subject (e) Whether deep foundation units are required to resist
to such deformation should conform to Section of tension uplift forces.
ASCE 7. Foundation requirements—The design of
4.11.6—Design details foundations should be based on the results of the geotech- Load transfer—Forces and moments at the base nical investigation. The foundation should be configured in
of concrete wall should be transferred to the foundation by accordance with the requirements of Sections 4.12.2
bearing on concrete, by reinforcement and dowels, or both. through 4.12.5. Structural components should conform to
The connection between the pile or pier cap and piles or piers Section 4.11.
371R-20 MANUAL OF CONCRETE PRACTICE Spacing of piles or drilled piers—The minimum and state and federal requirements where applicable. Loads
spacing between centers of driven piles should not be less should not be less than those required by ASCE 7. Dimen-
than 2.0 times the butt diameter. The following should be sions and sizes where shown are intended to indicate what is
considered when determining the spacing and arrangement commonly used, and may not conform to codes and regula-
of piles and drilled piers: tions in all cases because of differences between codes and
(a) The overlap of stress between pile or drilled pier units regulations and revision of these documents.
influencing total load capacity and settlement; 5.1.3 Personnel safety—The design and details of ladders,
(b) Installation difficulties, particularly the effects on ad- stairways, platforms, and other climbing devices should con-
jacent piles or drilled piers. form to OSHA and applicable building code requirements Number and arrangement of piles or drilled for industrial structures. The design and use of anti-fall de-
piers—The number and arrangement of piles or piers should vices (cages and safe climb devices) should be compatible
be such that the allowable capacity Qa is not exceeded when with the climbing system to which they attach. Attachment
the foundation is subjected to the combined service loads de- of ladders, stairways, platforms, and anti-fall devices to the
fined in Section 4.2.4. structure should be designed to mechanically fasten securely
4.12.6—Seismic requirements to the structure during the anticipated service life, consider- Site factor—In areas where Av ≥ 0.05 the geo- ing the exposure of the attachment to the environment.
technical design professional should classify and report the 5.1.4 Galvanic corrosion—Dissimilar metals should be
soil type conforming Table 4.7.4. electrically isolated to prevent galvanic corrosion. Liquefaction potential—In areas where Av ≥
0.05 the geotechnical design professional should report 5.2—Support wall access
whether or not there is a potential for soil liquefaction at the 5.2.1 Exterior doors—One or more exterior doors are re-
site. Where soil liquefaction is possible, deep foundations, quired for access to the support wall interior, and should con-
soil improvement, or other means should be employed to form to the following:
protect the structure during an earthquake. (a) At least one personnel or vehicle door of sufficient size
4.12.7—Special considerations to permit moving the largest equipment or mechanical item Sloping ground—Where the foundation is on or through the support wall;
near sloping ground the effect on bearing capacity and slope (b) Steel pipe bollards should be provided at the sides of
stability should be considered in determining bearing capac- vehicle door openings for impact protection;
ity and foundation movements. (c) Doors at grade should have locking devices to prevent Geologic conditions—Geologic conditions such unauthorized access to ladders and equipment located inside
as karst (sinkhole) topography, faults or geologic anomalies the support wall.
should be identified and provided for in the design. 5.2.2 Painters’ access—A hinged or removable door at the Swelling and shrinkage of soils—Where swell- top of the support wall is required for access to the outside
ing or shrinkage movements from changes in soil moisture painters rigging from the upper platform. The opening should
content are encountered or known to exist, such movement have a least dimension of 24 in. (610 mm). It may be screened
should be considered. and louvered to satisfy all or part of the vent area requirements. Expanding or deteriorating rock—Where rock
is known to expand or deteriorate when exposed to unfavor- 5.3—Ventilation
5.3.1—Support wall vents
able environmental conditions or stress release, the condition Location and number—The location and number of
should be provided for in the design.
vents for ventilation of the concrete support wall interior should Construction on fill—Acceptable soil types, and
conform to state and local building code requirements based on
compaction and inspection requirements should be investi-
occupancy classification. A removable vent at the top of the
gated and specified when foundations are placed on fill.
support wall may be used for access to the exterior rigging rails Groundwater level changes—The effect of
located at the tank/pedestal intersection.
temporary or permanent changes in groundwater levels on Description—Vents should be stainless steel or
adjacent property should be investigated and provided for in
aluminum, and should have removable insect screens.
the design. Access—Vents should be accessible from the in-
terior ladders, platforms or floors.
ACCESSORIES 5.3.2—Tank vent
5.1—General Location—The tank vent should be centrally locat-
5.1.1 Scope—This chapter describes the appurtenances re- ed on the tank roof above the maximum weir crest elevation.
quired for operation and maintenance, and accessories com- Description—The vent consists of a support
monly furnished with concrete-pedestal elevated tanks, as frame, screened area and cap. The support should be fastened
shown in Fig. 5.1. Items furnished at any given installation to a flanged opening in the tank roof. The vent cap should be
will depend on the project documents and the applicable provided with sufficient overhang to prevent the entrance of
building code. wind driven debris and precipitation. A minimum of 4 in. (100
5.1.2 Design—Design and detailing of accessories and ap- mm) should be provided between the roof surface and the vent
purtenances should conform to the applicable building code, cap. The vent should be provided with a bird screen. Insect
screening should be provided when required by applicable of tank vent failure. It should be located on the tank roof
building codes, health regulations, or project documents. above the maximum weir crest elevation and may be part of Capacity—The tank vent should have an intake the vent. Design of the pressure/vacuum relief mechanism
and relief capacity sufficiently large that excessive pressure should be such that it is not damaged during operation, and
or vacuum will not be developed when filling or emptying that it returns to the normal position after relieving the pres-
the tank at maximum flow rate of water. The maximum flow sure differential.
rate of water exiting the tank should be based on an assumed
break in the inlet/outlet at grade when the tank is full. The 5.4—Steel tank access
overflow pipe should not be considered as a vent. Vent ca- 5.4.1 General—Access from interior of the support wall to
pacity should be based on open area of screening used. Vents the tank roof and interior is provided by the appurtenances
should be designed to operate when frosted over or other- described below.
wise clogged, or adequate pressure/vacuum relief should be Materials—Materials should conform to the fol-
provided. lowing:
5.3.3 Pressure/vacuum relief—A pressure/vacuum relief (a) Ladders and platforms: painted or galvanized steel;
mechanism should be provided that will operate in the event (b) Access tube: painted steel plate or pipe;
(c) Roof hatches and covers: painted or galvanized steel, 5.4.4 Access tube—The access tube provides interior ac-
or aluminum; cess to the steel tank roof from the upper platform, through
(d) Manholes: painted or galvanized steel, or stainless the water containing portion of the tank. The access tube
steel; should be not less than 42 in. (1.07 m) diameter, equipped
(e) Embedments: painted or galvanized steel, or stainless with a hinged hatch cover with inside handle and interior
steel. locking device. The hatch opening size should have a least Attachment to steel tank—Attachment of ladders dimension of 24 in. (610 mm) or larger.
and other accessories to the steel tank should be with brack- 5.4.5 Steel tank roof openings—Roof openings should be
ets welded to the steel tank. Attachment of the accessory to located above the overflow level at ladder locations. Safety
the brackets may be by welding or bolting. The access tube grating, barricades, warning signs, or other protection should
exterior should be reinforced where ladder brackets are at- be provided at roof openings to prevent entry at locations
tached so that potential ice damage is confined to the ladder where ladders are omitted. Hatches should be weatherproof
and bracket and not the access tube shell. and equipped with a hasp to permit locking. Roof hatch Attachment to concrete—The following methods openings should have a least dimension of 24 in. (610 mm)
are commonly used for attachment of accessories and appur- or larger.
tenances to concrete: 5.4.6 Tank floor manhole—A manhole in the tank floor
(a) Embedded anchor bolts and threaded anchorages; should be provided which is accessible from the upper plat-
(b) Welding or bolting to embedment plates anchored with form or from a ladder that extends from the platform to the
headed studs; opening. It should have a least dimension of 24 in. to 30 in.
(c) Drilled anchors: expansion type and grouted type using (610 to 760 mm).
chemical adhesives. Only drilled anchors that can be inspect-
ed or tested for proper installation should be used. 5.5—Rigging devices
5.4.2—Ladders Bar, tee rails, or other rigging anchorage devices should be Location—Interior vertical access ladders should provided for painting and maintenance of the structure. The
be provided at the following locations: safe load capacity for rigging devices should be shown on
(a) Grade to upper platform; construction drawings. Access to rigging attachments should
(b) Upper platform to tank floor manhole; be provided.
(c) Upper platform to steel tank roof (mounted on access 5.5.1 Exterior rails—A continuous bar or tee rail near the
tube interior); top of the exterior of the concrete support structure should be
(d) Steel tank roof to steel tank interior floor (mounted on provided. The rail may be attached to the support wall or
access tube exterior). In cold climates this ladder may be steel tank. Access to the rail is from the upper platform
omitted to prevent damage from ice. through a painters opening (Section 5.2.2). Fall protection—A safe climbing device should 5.5.2 Tank interior—Provision for painting the interior of
be provided wherever cages or other means of fall protection steel tanks should be provided. Painters rails attached to the
are not provided. A safe climbing device is recommended for roof or pipe couplings with plugs in the roof are commonly
access tube ladders. Ladders with safe climbing devices used for rigging attachment.
should be continuous through intermediate or rest platforms 5.5.3 Support wall interior—Rigging attachments should
so that personnel are not forced to disengage. Extension rails be provided near the top of the support wall for inspection
may be required at manhole openings. and maintenance of piping and equipment not accessible
5.4.3—Platforms and handrails from platforms or floors. Loads—Platforms and handrails should be de-
signed for the minimum loads defined in Sections 4.2 5.6—Above ground piping
through 4.4 of ASCE 7, and the requirements of OSHA1 and 5.6.1 Materials—Steel and stainless steel pipe and fittings
the applicable building code. may be used for above ground piping. Platforms—Platforms should be provided at the Minimum thickness—Only steel pipe with a mini-
following locations, complete with handrails and toeboards. mum thickness of 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) should be used where pipe
(a) An upper platform located below the tank floor that is exposed to stored water inside the tank. Minimum thickness
provides access from the wall ladder to: the access tube inte- of pipe located outside the stored water area should be:
rior ladder, the tank floor manhole, and the painters support (a) Steel pipe without interior lining or coating: 1/4 in.
wall access opening. A least platform dimension of 4 ft (1.2 m) (6.4 mm);
is recommended. (b) Steel pipe with interior lining or coating: 3/16 in. (4.8 mm);
(b) Intermediate platforms are used for access to piping or (c) Stainless steel pipe: 12 gage (2.7 mm);
equipment, as rest platforms, and with offset ladders. A least Interior linings or coatings—Where interior lin-
platform dimension of 3 ft (0.9 m) is recommended. ings or coatings are required, pipe components should be de- Roof handrail—A handrail surrounding the roof tailed and field assembled so as not to damage the interior
manholes, vents, and other roof equipment should be provid- lining or coating.
ed. Where a handrail is not used or where equipment is locat- 5.6.2—Inlet/outlet pipe
ed outside the handrail, anchorage devices for the attachment Configuration—Usually a single inlet/outlet pipe
of safety lines should be provided. is used to connect the tank to the system water main. The
pipe extends through the tank floor and runs vertically down- within the steel tank may be attached to the access tube for
ward to an expansion joint connected to a base elbow or oth- support.
er piping. Various configurations for piping outside the Discharge—The overflow pipe should discharge
support wall to the water system are used that depend on onto a splash block at grade, or into a sump or a drain line,
foundation details and climate considerations. that effectively removes water away from the foundation. Sizing—The minimum diameter of the inlet/out- The end of the overflow pipe should be covered with a
let pipe is based on acceptable losses due to system flows and coarse, corrosion resistant mesh or a flap valve.
consideration of freezing potential. 5.6.4 Tank drain—An inlet/outlet pipe or a separate drain Support—Vertical pipe loads, including axial ex- line that is flush with the low point of the tank should be pro-
pansion joint forces, are supported at the tank floor. The vided to completely drain the tank.
weight of water in the pipe is supported by the base elbow or
piping below the expansion joint. Pipe guides for horizontal 5.7—Below ground piping and utilities
support are attached to the support wall at intervals that 5.7.1 Pipe cover—Pipe cover should be greater than the
should not exceed 20 ft (6 m). extreme frost penetration, or as required by the applicable Expansion joint—The expansion joint in the inlet/ building code. The minimum cover should be 24 in. (600
outlet pipe should be designed and constructed to accommo- mm).
date any differential movement caused by settlement and 5.7.2 Differential movement—Connecting piping and util-
thermal expansion and contraction. The required flexibility ities should have sufficient flexibility to accommodate twice
should be provided by an expansion joint located near grade the predicted settlement or movement due to seismic loads
in the vertical section of pipe. without damage. Differential movement—Potential movement be-
tween the water main system and tank piping due to settle- 5.8 Interior floors
5.8.1 General—A concrete slab on grade should be pro-
ment or seismic loads should be considered in the design. A
vided inside the concrete wall. One or more intermediate
mechanical joint or coupling should be provided at the point
floors above grade may be furnished when provided for in
of connection to the water main system unless no movement
the original design.
is expected. Additional couplings or special fittings may be Occupancy classification—Each portion of the
used if differential movement is expected to be large.
interior space should be classified according to its use or the Entrance details—Flush mounted inlet/outlet
character of its occupancy and the requirements of the appli-
pipe should have a removable silt stop at or below the design
cable building code for the type of occupancy should be met.
low water level that projects a minimum of 6 in. (150 mm) Posted live loads—The safe floor live loads
above the tank floor liner. Inlet safety protection should be
should be displayed on a permanent placard in a conspicuous
provided in accordance with applicable safety regulations.
location at each floor level.
Where no permanent protection is required a safety grate or
5.8.2 Slabs-on-grade—Refer to ACI 302.1R for guidance
plate should be provided during construction.
on floor slab construction and ACI 360 for recommended de-
sign requirements. Configuration—The top of the overflow should—Slabs on grade are usually designed as plain con-
be located within the tank at the level required by the project
crete slabs where reinforcement, as well as joint spacing, are
documents and should run approximately as shown in Fig.
used to control cracking and to prevent cracks from opening.
5.1. The discharge should be designed such that it will not be
Where project documents do not indicate how the slab on grade
obstructed by snow or other objects. The horizontal run of
will be used, the values in Table 5.8.2 are recommended.
pipe below the tank floor should be sloped for positive drain-
age. In cold climates the overflow may be located on the in- Table 5.8.2—Minimum requirements for slabs on
terior of the access tube if there is potential for ice damage. grade Sizing—The overflow pipe should be sized to car- Door opening width Door opening width
ry the maximum design flow rate of the inlet pipe. Head loss- Description less than 8 ft (2.4 m) greater than 8 ft (2.4 m)
es from pipe, fittings, and exit velocity should be considered Concrete strength: fc′ 3500 psi (24 MPa) 4000 psi (28 MPa)
in determining pipe diameter. The overflow pipe should not Thickness 5 in. (125 mm) 6 in. (150 mm)
be less than 4 in. (100 mm) diameter. Reinforcement ratio 0.0018 0.0018 Entrance—The entrance to the overflow pipe Note: Floors intended to be used for parking of heavy vehicles or similar
loads should be designed for the specific loading anticipated
should be designed for the maximum inlet pipe flow rate, and
should have a vortex prevention device. The design should be
based on the water level cresting within 6 in. (150 mm) above Details of reinforcement—Reinforcement should
the overflow level. A suitable weir should be provided when be located approximately 2 in. (50 mm) below the top surface
the entrance capacity of the overflow pipe is not adequate. of the slab. Slabs greater than 8 in. (200 mm) thick should Support—Supports for the overflow pipe should have two layers of reinforcement. Either welded wire fabric or
be designed for static, dynamic, and thermal loads. Support deformed bar reinforcement may be used. Maximum spacing
brackets, guides and hangers should be provided at intervals of wires or bars should not be greater than 18 in. (460 mm).
not exceeding 20 ft (6 m). The overflow and weir section Reinforcement should be maintained in correct position by
support chairs or concrete blocks. Additional reinforcement Exterior—A single light should be provided
should be provided at floor edges and other discontinuities, above each personnel and vehicle door. These lights should
as required by the design. be controlled by a single switch located on the interior of the Joints—The following joint types are commonly support wall, adjacent to the open side of the personnel door.
used and should conform to ACI 504R: Interior—Interior lighting and receptacles should
(a) Isolation joints—The floor slab should be separated be provided at the following locations:
structurally from other elements of the structure to accom- (a) Base—Lights should be provided 8 ft (2.4 m) above the
modate differential horizontal and vertical movements. Iso- slab-on-grade at equal intervals not exceeding 30 ft (9 m)
lation joints should be provided at junctions with walls, along the support wall. These lights should be controlled by
columns, equipment or piping foundations, and other points a single switch located adjacent to the open side of the access
of restraint. Isolation joints should be formed by setting ex- door. One convenience outlet should be provided adjacent to
pansion joint material prior to concrete placement. The joint the power distribution panel.
filler should extend the full depth of the joint and not pro- (b) Ladder/landing—Lights should be provided adjacent
trude above the surface. to the support wall access ladder at intervals not exceeding
(b) Contraction joints—Joint spacing should be at 20 ft (6 25 ft (8 m). The lower light should be at 8 ft (2.4 m) above
m) maximum centers. Joints should be hand-tooled or saw the slab and the top ladder light should be placed above the
cut to a depth of one-fourth to one-third times the slab thick- upper platform. A light should be provided 8 ft (2.4 m) above
ness. Reinforcement should be continuous across the joint each intermediate platform. Lights should be provided at the
for slabs up to 70 ft (21 m) wide. For larger slabs the mini- top and bottom of the interior access tube. These lights
mum reinforcement ratio should be increased by the ratio of should be controlled by a single switch located at the base of
the slab width to 70 ft (21 m). Alternatively dowels with dis- the support wall access ladder.
continuous reinforcement can be provided at a spacing not 5.9.3 Obstruction lighting—Obstruction lighting and
exceeding 70 ft (21 m). marking requirements depend on structure height and prox- Drainage—The surface of slabs-on-grade should imity to air traffic. The Federal Aviation Agency (FAA)
have a minimum slope of 1 percent sloping to drains. Slope should be contacted to determine if obstruction lighting is re-
to doorways where drains are not provided. quired. Obstruction lighting should be of weathertight, cor- Subgrade—The suitability of in-situ and fill soils rosion resistant construction, conforming to FAA standards.
for supporting the slab on grade should be determined by the
geotechnical design professional. Unsuitable soils should be CHAPTER 6—REFERENCES
improved or replaced. Any fill materials should be compact- 6.1—Recommended references
ed to a density of 90 to 95 percent modified Proctor density The documents of various standards-producing organiza-
(ASTM D 1557). Where expansive soils are encountered, the tions referred to in this document are listed below with their
recommendations of the geotechnical design professional serial designation.
should be followed. Structural floors—An isolated structural floor American Concrete Institute
slab near grade may be required where compressible or ex- ACI 116R Cement and Concrete Terminology
pansive soils are encountered. Design of structural floors ACI 117 Standard Specifications for Tolerances for
should conform to ACI 318. Concrete Construction and Materials
5.8.3 Intermediate floors—One or more floors above ACI 209R Prediction of Creep, Shrinkage, and Tem-
grade may be constructed for storage or other uses. Typically perature Effects in Concrete Structures
the structural system is a flat slab, or a beam and slab system ACI 211.1 Standard Practice for Selecting Propor-
attached to the support wall, and may include intermediate tions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass
columns. Concrete Loads—Loads should conform to the applicable ACI 302.1R Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Con-
building code, based on occupancy classification. Floors struction
used for storage should be designed for a minimum uniform ACI 304R Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transport-
live load of 125 lb/ft2 (6 kPa). The minimum design live load ing, and Placing Concrete
should be 50 lb/ft2 (2.4 kPa).
ACI 305R Hot Weather Concreting Design and construction—Dead and live loads
ACI 306R Cold Weather Concreting
from any intermediate floors should be accounted for in the
ACI 308 Standard Practice for Curing Concrete
design of the support wall and foundation. Localized axial
loads, moments and shear due to beam end reactions should ACI 309R Guide for Consolidation of Concrete
be considered in the design of the support wall. ACI 315 Details and Detailing of Concrete Rein-
5.9—Electrical and lighting ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structur-
5.9.1 General—Electrical work should conform to the al Concrete
governing applicable building code and other applicable reg- ACI 336.3R Design and Construction of Drilled Piers
ulations. ACI 347R Guide to Formwork for Concrete
5.9.2—Lighting and receptacles ACI 360 Design of Slabs on Grade
ACI 504R Guide to Sealing Joints in Concrete Struc- The American Society of Civil Engineers
tures 345 East 47th Street
New York, N.Y. 10017-2398
American Society of Civil Engineers
ASCE 7 Minimum Design loads for Buildings and American Society for Testing and Materials
Other Structures 100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, Penn. 19428.
American Society for Testing and Materials
A 185 Standard Specification for Steel Welded American Welding Society
Wire Fabric, Plain, for Concrete Rein- 550 N.W. Le June Road
forcement Miami, Fla. 33126
A 497 Standard Specification for Steel Welded
Wire Fabric, Deformed, for Concrete Re- 6.2—Cited references
inforcement 1. OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Standards—Part 1910, 29
CFR. The regulations are available from the Superintendent of Documents,
A 615/A 615M Standard Specification for Deformed and Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, D.C. 20402-9328.
Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Rein-
A 617/A 617M Standard Specification for Axle-Steel De- ANALYSIS, DESIGN, AND CONSTRUCTION OF
formed and Plain Bars for Concrete Rein- CONCRETE-PEDESTAL WATER TOWERS
A 706/A 706M Standard Specification for Low-Alloy CHAPTER 1—GENERAL COMMENTARY
Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Con- A1.1—Introduction
Since the 1970s concrete-pedestal elevated water-storage
crete Reinforcement
tanks have been constructed in North America with a steel
C 33 Standard Specification for Concrete Ag-
water-containing element and an all-concrete support struc-
ture. The generic term “composite elevated tank” is often
C 94 Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed
used to describe tanks of this configuration.
Concrete-pedestal tanks are competitively marketed as
C 150 Standard Specification for Portland Ce-
complete entities including design, and are constructed un-
der design-build contracts using proprietary designs, details,
C 309 Specification for Liquid Membrane—
and methods of construction. The designs are, however, fre-
Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete
quently reviewed by owners and their consulting engineers,
C 595 Standard Specification for Blended Hy- or by city or county officials.
draulic Cements
Concrete-pedestal tanks designed and constructed in ac-
C 803 Standard Test Method for Penetration Re- cordance with the recommendations of this guide can be ex-
sistance of Hardened Concrete pected to be durable structures that require only routine
C 900 Standard Test Method for Pullout Strength maintenance. A steel tank is used for containing the stored
of Hardened Concrete water. Details of concrete surfaces that promote good drain-
C 1074 Standard Practice for Estimating Concrete age and avoid low areas conducive to ponding, essentially
Strength by the Maturity Method eliminate the problems associated with cyclic freezing and
D 698 Test Method for Laboratory Compaction thawing of wet concrete in cold climates. The quality of con-
Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Ef- crete for concrete-pedestal tanks in this document meets the
fort [12,400 ft-lb/ft, (600 kN-m/m)] requirements for durable concrete as defined in ACI 201.2R.
D 1143 Standard Test Method for Piles Under It has adequate strength, a low water-cementitious material
Static Axial Compressive Load ratio, and air-entrainment for frost exposure. The concrete
D 1557 Test Method for Laboratory Compaction support structure loads are primarily compression with little
Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Ef- or no cyclic loading with stress reversal.
fort [56,000 ft-lb/ft, (2700 kN-m/m)]
American Welding Society This document considers only concrete-pedestal elevated
AWS D1.4 Structural Welding Code—Reinforcing water-storage tanks of the types shown in Fig. 1.2. This
Steel makes it possible to address specific design and construction
issues unique to these tank configurations. Concrete floor
tanks generally have a tank diameter to support wall diame-
The above publications may be obtained from the following ter ratio of 1.5 to 2.0, and for steel floor tanks it is usually less
organizations: than 1.5.
The combination of these effects is random, and the devia- creep, shrinkage or temperature effects are usually not sig-
tions implied by Eq. (4-1a) should not be used as construc- nificant, and have not been shown for clarity.
tion tolerances. A4.2.3.4—The term Ev represents the vertical seismic
It is assumed that half the minimum eccentricity in Eq. (4-1a) load effect occurring in combination with the horizontal seis-
is due to tilting of the foundation (foundation tilt of 1/800). mic load effect E. Historically, vertical seismic load effects
When a geotechnical investigation indicates that differential have not been included in combined loads when designing
settlement across the foundation width is expected to be elevated tanks, and where they have been included it has
higher than that, then the additional tilt is to be included in generally been by a square-root-of-sum-of-squares method
determination of the vertical load eccentricity in Eq. (4-1b). rather than by direct summation. The entire subject of earth-
A4.2.2.7—Generally, concrete creep decreases the forc- quake loads acting on non-building structures is undergoing
es associated with restrained deformations at the boundaries extensive review at this time, and for this reason the commit-
of shell elements and at discontinuities. tee decided to make no recommendation in regard to inclu-
Shrinkage generally causes cracking of the concrete sup- sion of vertical seismic loads in design. The design
port wall at restrained boundaries, such as the top of founda- professional preparing the project documents should include
tion, intermediate floor slabs, corners of openings, or requirements for vertical seismic loads where appropriate. In
locations where there are significant differences in concrete some instances this may require load combinations and load
age of adjacent elements. Reinforcement is needed at these factors other than those in Eq. U1.4 and U2.2. Where vertical
locations to control this cracking. seismic loads are required to be in accordance with ASCE 7,
the vertical load effect term is determined from Eq. (
The detrimental effect of through-thickness and in-plane
of ASCE 7, which results in Ev equal to γE (±0.5Ca D′) for con-
temperature differences is tension in the concrete that may
crete design.
cause cracking. Where minimum reinforcement is provided
A4.2.3.5—The partial seismic load factor γE of 1.1 for
and where temperature differences are not excessive, ther-
concrete elements is required by Section A9. of
mal effects may be disregarded.
ASCE 7 to account for an incompatibility between the φ fac-
A4.2.3 Factored load combinations—Load Combina- tors of ACI 318 and the load factors in the ASCE 7 load com-
tions are divided into two groups based on whether they add binations used in this document.
to the effect of dead and water loads (Group 1), or whether
A4.2.4 Unfactored load combinations—Unfactored ser-
they counteract the dead and water loads (Group 2).
vice load combinations are presented in a form comparable
Water has the characteristics of a dead load as well as a to factored loads. A reduction factor of 0.75 is used with
live load. It is like a dead load in that its magnitude is well wind and seismic loads in combination with gravity loads.
defined, and like a live load in that the load is not necessarily The 0.75 is the reciprocal of 1.33, the allowable stress in-
permanent and may be applied repeatedly during the life of crease permitted with wind or seismic load combinations.
the structure. To account for the latter effect, the load factor
Load Combination S1.1 is the basic long-term load com-
for water is 1.6. This is suitable for elements in compression,
bination used to check serviceability requirements such as
but may result in excessive service-load stresses for flexural
concrete cracking and foundation settlement.
and tension elements. Section 4.4.2 is a crack control ser-
viceability check that limits crack widths at service loads for The structural effects T of differential settlement, creep,
flexure and direct tension. For flexural elements, such as shrinkage or temperature effects are usually not significant,
foundations, the amount of reinforcement required may be and have not been shown for clarity.
controlled by these serviceability requirements. A4.2.4.4—See A4.2.3.4 for discussion on including ver-
tical seismic loads. When seismic loads other than those in
The load combinations conform to ACI 318, except for
ASCE 7 are to be used, it may be necessary to use load com-
combinations U1.4 and U2.2 which include seismic loads.
binations other than those in Eq. S1.4 and S2.2 for allowable
These are ASCE 7 load combinations increased by a partial
stress design.
seismic load factor γE of 1.1, as required in ASCE 7 when
ACI 318 φ factors are used. Load Combination U1.4 is the
ASCE 7 basic load combination 1.2 D′ + 1.0E′ + 0.5L + 0.2S A4.3—Strength requirements
multiplied by γE. The term D′ includes D + F, eccentricity G A4.3.2 Design methods—The Strength Design Method of ACI
is included with L, and the snow load term 0.2S is not includ- 318 is the preferred method for design of concrete elements.
ed because of its relatively small contribution to the total A4.3.3—Minimum reinforcement
load. The term E′ represents the combined effects of horizon- A4.3.3.1—The minimum flexural reinforcement ratio of
tal seismic load E and vertical seismic load Ev. Vertical seis- 3 f c′ /fy in in.-lb units (0.25 f c′ /fy in SI units) in the tension
mic load effects have generally not been included in design face is the same as required by ACI 318. This requirement is
of elevated tanks in the past, and the ability to continue to ex- intended to prevent abrupt strength changes at the onset of
clude them is accomplished by treating vertical seismic load cracking.
effects as a separate load component Ev. Load Combination A4.3.3.2—The minimum reinforcement ratio of 5 f c′ /fy
U2.2 is developed in a similar manner starting with ASCE 7 in in.-lb units (0.42 f c′ /fy in SI units) for regions of signifi-
basic load combination 0.9D′ – 1.0E′ multiplied by γE. Substi- cant tension stress is based on equating the cracking strength
tuting D + F for D′ and E and Ev for E′ gives 0.99(D + F) – of plain concrete to fy. The direct tension cracking strength is
1.1E – Ev. The structural effects T of differential settlement, taken equal to two-thirds the modulus of rupture 7.5 f c′ in
A4.7—Seismic forces
A4.7.1 General—Seismic loads for ASCE 7 Category III
Fig. A4.4.2—Effective tension area of concrete. and IV structures in this document are the same.
A4.7.1.3—Experience with concrete-pedestal elevated The structure lateral stiffness kc is determined from the de-
water-storage tanks is generally in regions where the peak flection of the concrete support structure acting as a cantile-
effective ground acceleration is 0.20 g or less, and elastic re- ver beam of length l cg subjected to a concentrated end load.
sponse is expected. This document provides design proce- The flexural stiffness for this condition is
dures for sites to 0.40 g peak effective ground acceleration.
Designers are cautioned to carefully evaluate structural re- 3E c I c
sponse, strength, and requirements for inelastic behavior in k c = ------------
higher seismic regions. l cg
A4.7.2—Design seismic force The modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec is determined in ac-
The minimum seismic forces prescribed in this document cordance with ACI 318, and Ic is the moment of inertia of gross
are factored loads intended to be used with the strength de- concrete section about centroidal axis, neglecting reinforce-
sign load combinations of Section 4.2.3. ment. The use of uncracked section properties to determine
Elevated tanks covered by this document behave basically stiffness is consistent with ASCE 7 where nonlinear seismic co-
as single-degree-of-freedom systems that respond primarily efficients are used with the elastic structure response.
to the fundamental frequency of vibration, and generally do For this approximation to be acceptable, the relative stiff-
not warrant sophisticated analysis techniques for determin- ness of the tank cone should be within 50 percent of the rel-
ing seismic forces. ative stiffness of the concrete support wall.
Alternative procedures that may be used for analysis include: A4.7.7 Force distribution—Eq. (4-10b) is the seismic
(a) Modal analysis using solution to the equations of motion; force distribution prescribed in ASCE 7. Eq. (4-10a) is a sim-
(b) Modal analysis using the response spectrum technique; plification that considers the seismic force distribution to be
(c) Finite element analysis using modal analysis or direct proportional to the vertical distribution of the structure's
integration method. weight. The results differ only slightly when most of the
A4.7.4—Seismic coefficients structure mass is contained in the stored water, which is the
A4.7.4.1—The effective peak acceleration Aa is a coeffi- case for most concrete-pedestal tanks. Where the dead load
cient representing ground motion at a period of about 0.1 to exceeds approximately 25 percent of the total weight, the Eq.
0.5 second. The effective peak velocity-related acceleration (4-10b) should be used. The simplest and most conservative
coefficient Av is a coefficient representing ground motion at a approach is to consider the entire structure mass located at a
period of about 1.0 second. These coefficients can be consid- single level, the centroid of the stored water. An analysis that
ered as normalizing factors for construction of smoothed elas- considers the individual mass of stored water, steel tank,
tic response spectra of normal duration. The coefficients are tank floor, and support wall is usually sufficient for evaluat-
related to peak ground acceleration and peak ground velocity ing lateral seismic forces.
but are not necessarily the same or even proportional to peak A4.7.9 Overturning moment—Eq. (4-13b) assigns half the
acceleration and velocity (see NEHRP Commentary)1. calculated bending moment at the base to the top of the struc-
A4.7.4.3—The response modification coefficient R = ture as required by ASCE 7 for inverted pendulum struc-
2.0 is in accordance with ASCE 7 Table for non- tures. For ease of calculation, the top of the structure is
building, inverted-pendulum structures. chosen as the centroid of the stored water, which is deter-
A4.7.5—Structure period mined in the course of calculating the structure's period.
A4.7.5.1—The fundamental period of vibration T should A4.7.11—Other effects
be determined using established methods of mechanics, as- A4.7.11.1—ASCE 7 requires the inclusion of torsional
suming the concrete support wall remains elastic during the moment caused by an assumed displacement of the mass
vibration. The following formula based on Rayleigh’s meth- from its actual location by a distance equal to 5 percent of the
od (see NEHRP Commentary)1 is commonly used: structure's dimension perpendicular to the direction of the
applied forces. This is equivalent to increasing the shear
2 stress in the wall by 5 percent at sections where there are no
Σ ( wi δi ) openings. Design of the wall is rarely controlled by horizon-
T = 2π ---------------------
gΣ ( F i δ i ) tal shear stress, and in order to simplify calculations the tor-
where δi = static elastic deflection of the structure at level i sional moment may be neglected when it is less than 5
due to forces Fi percent of the shear strength. In structures with large open-
The distribution of Fi should be approximately in accor- ings that are subjected to high seismic loads the torsional ef-
dance with Section 4.7.7. The lumped-mass loads wi may be fects may be significant, and should be included.
substituted for the applied lateral forces Fi without signifi- A4.7.11.2—Moments caused by P-delta effects will be
cant loss of accuracy. extremely small because the relatively large bending stiff-
A4.7.5.2—The single-mass approximation assumes a ness of the concrete support walls limits lateral deflections to
cantilever of uniform stiffness with the effective structure being negligibly small. The axial load on the wall cylinder is
mass located at the centroid of the stored water. This is a rea- relatively concentric.
sonable approximation for an elevated water tank where the A4.7.11.3—Anchorage between the steel tank and the
water weight is typically 80 percent of the total structure concrete support is checked for seismic loads assuming
weight. elastic behavior (design seismic load multiplied by seismic
response factor R of 2.0). This is to preclude a possible con- sure distribution defined in Table 4.4.1(b) of ACI 334.2R.
nection failure during a seismic event. The comparable moment coefficient in Eq. (4-21) of ACI
307 is 0.078, and is based on a somewhat different pressure
A4.8—Support wall distribution. The pressure distribution for cooling tower
A4.8.1 General—The intent of this section is to not re- shells is considered more appropriate for the proportions of
strict analysis and design methods. Designs based on analy- concrete-pedestal water-storage tanks where circumferential
sis using finite element or finite difference solutions are bending is significant. The wind pressure for calculating cir-
permitted. cumferential bending includes a gust response factor.
A4.8.2—Details of wall and reinforcement A4.8.4.3—Examples of effective diaphragms include:
A4.8.2.2—The specified compressive strength of concrete foundations, intermediate storage floors that are connected
is limited to 6000 psi (41 MPa). This is based on current de- to the wall, domes and concrete slabs supporting the con-
sign methods and construction procedures, and is not intend- tained water. Effective restraint is conservatively assumed to
ed to exclude the use of higher strength concrete. The design act only within a vertical distance of 0.5 dw above and below
and construction problems associated with thin concrete ele- the effective diaphragm; longer effective lengths may be
ments must be addressed by the user when higher strength used when an analysis using the shell characteristic is made.
concrete results in thin sections. A4.8.5—Openings in walls
A4.8.3—Vertical load capacity A4.8.5.3—Vehicle impact loads can be determined from
A4.8.3.2—In this document, the equation for nominal ax- AASHTO specifications. Concrete-filled pipe bollards are
ial strength has the same form as the ACI 318 empirical de- recommended for impact protection at vehicular access
sign equation for walls. Both have a strength reduction term doors.
and a slenderness term. A4.8.5.4—Pilasters are recommended at large openings
The value of the strength reduction factor Cw used for cir- such as truck doors where congestion of reinforcement oc-
cular walls is 0.55, the same as that used in ACI 318 for curs. Pilasters need not be symmetrical about the vertical
straight walls. Straight walls are sensitive to eccentricity of centerline of the wall. However, non-symmetrical arrange-
loading, and ACI 318 considers that walls may be loaded ments have out-of-plane forces and deformations near the
within the middle third (that is, e < h/6) and still be designed end of the pilaster that should be considered in the design.
by the empirical method using Cw equal to 0.55 for circular The forces and deformations in this area are best evaluated
walls. The centroid of loading will tend to be at the wall cen- with finite element analysis of the opening.
terline at locations remote from section changes, geometric A4.8.5.5—The purpose of the additional horizontal rein-
imperfections and other disturbing influences, and a higher forcement is to permit support wall stresses to flow around
value Cw could be used in these regions. However, to ac- the opening without producing vertical cracking above and
count for accidental eccentricity and to provide a conserva- below the opening. Eq. (4-18) is based on deep beam-theory,
tive design, Cw is taken as constant for the entire wall height. and was developed around the use of reinforcement with a
There may be a reduction in the wall axial strength at high 60,000 psi (420 MPa) yield strength. The 0.14 moment coef-
slenderness ratios. The slenderness reduction factor bw is ob- ficient includes an increase in the average load factor from
tained by equating the classical elastic buckling strength of a 1.5 to 1.7.
cylinder A4.8.6—Shear design
A4.8.6.1—Radial shear forces occur at radial concentrat-
σcr = γ Cc E (2 h/dw) to βw fc′ , ed loads, and adjacent to restrained boundaries such as the
where top of foundation and the tank floor.
Cc = 0.59, for Poisson’s ratio of 0.2; A4.8.6.5—In-plane shear is assumed to be resisted by two
E = 1,800,000 psi (12,400 MPa), approximation of the parallel shear walls of length 0.78dw, as shown in Fig. A4.8.6.5.
long-term modulus of elasticity taken as one-half the short- The design shear force per unit of effective shear wall length is
term modulus for 4000 psi (28 MPa) concrete; equal to the maximum in-plane shear in a cylinder without
γ = 1/6.6, reduction factor; openings, 2Vu/πdw. The total shear Vu is distributed to the two
fc′ = 4000 psi (28 MPa), specified compressive strength shear walls in proportion to their areas. At sections without
of concrete; openings or with symmetrical openings, 0.5Vu is assigned to
Substituting and rearranging results in βw = 80 (h/dw). each shear wall. At sections with unsymmetrical openings, a
A4.8.3.4—The bending in the support wall resulting torsional moment changes the shear force distribution by ±Vu
from radial rotation of flexible raft or eccentrically loaded e/dw. This is accounted for in Eq. (4-20) by increasing the
annular ring foundations can be significant, and may control symmetrical shear force by the factor [1 + (ψ / 2 – ψ)]. When
the design at the base of the wall in these situations. the cumulative width of openings bx is greater than half the ef-
A4.8.4—Circumferential bending fective shear wall length, a more comprehensive analysis
A4.8.4.1—It is not necessary to add circumferential method should be used for design.
wind effects to any other loads or effects in determining the A4.8.6.7—The maximum design shear limits are based on
requirements for horizontal reinforcement. Chapter 21 of ACI 318. Generally walls should be proportioned
A4.8.4.2—The equation for circumferential bending such that factored shear force is not greater than 2 f c′ Acv in
moment uses a moment coefficient of 0.052 that was deter- in.-lb units ( f c′ Acv/6 in SI units). This eliminates the need
mined from an analysis of a ring subjected to the wind pres- for shear reinforcement greater than minimum requirements.
A4.8.6.8—The equation for nominal shear strength Vn is to ensure adequate stiffness at cracked sections. At other sec-
a combined form of Eq. (21-6) and (21-7) from Chapter 21 tions, temperature and shrinkage reinforcement equal to
of ACI 318 for shear walls and diaphragms. High in-plane 0.002 times the gross concrete area is required.
shear forces usually only occur with seismic forces, and the A4.9.3 Dome floors—Concrete domes act as membranes
use of this equation results in a design compatible with ACI having in-plane compression forces, except near the inner
318 seismic requirements. and outer edges where edge forces and deformation incom-
The coefficient αc in Eq. (4-23) is from Section of patibilities with attached elements occur. The shear and mo-
ACI 318. In in.-lb units, the linear portion having values be- ment in these edge regions should be considered in the
tween 2.0 and 3.0 can be written in equation form as αc = 6 – design. The minimum flexural reinforcement requirement
2 (h / l w). Substituting Mu /Vu for h and 0.78dw for l w gives αc (Section 4.3.3) is intended to ensure adequate stiffness at
= 6 – 2.56 Mu / (Vu dw). In Eq. (4-23) the 2.56 coefficient is cracked sections. At other sections a minimum steel ratio of
rounded to 2.5. In the SI system, the linear portion varies be- 0.002 in each face is recommended. For most domes this is
tween 1/6 and 1/4, and results in αc = 0.5 – 0.21 Mu / (Vu dw). equivalent to No. 4 (13) or No. 5 (16) bars at 12 in. (300 mm)
A4.8.6.9—The location for determining nominal shear and provides an allowance for loads, such as construction
strength is the lower of the mid-height of the largest opening or loads, that may not be accounted for directly in the design.
a distance equal to one-half the effective shear wall width The minimum thickness given by Eq. (4-24) is based on
above the base. The second criterion is consistent with ACI limiting the service-load membrane compression stress to
318, and the first ensures that shear across openings is checked. between 500 and 600 psi (3.4 and 4.1 MPa). The resulting ra-
A4.8.6.10—The minimum reinforcement requirements dius to thickness ratio is in the range of 50 to 100 for most
in Table 4.8.2 conform to the requirements of Chapter 21 of tank geometries. When the radius to thickness ratio exceeds
ACI 318 for shear walls. The additional requirements of Sec- 100, shell buckling should be considered by another method.
tion apply only to regions of high seismic risk. High
seismic risk regions are generally defined as regions where A4.10—Concrete to tank interface
Av is greater than 0.20, or seismic Zones 3 and 4 in the Uni- A4.10.2 General design considerations—The conditions
form Building Code or BOCA National Building Code. at the interface can be sensitive to tank and support wall pro-
portions, and to the initial assumptions in ways that are not
A4.9—Tank floors intuitively obvious. For this reason, full analysis is required.
A4.9.1 General—Concrete tank floors covered by this sec- A series of analyses of the interface area for a particular
tion are limited to uniform-thickness flat slabs and concrete tank configuration is usually required. This series should
domes. Other configurations may be used, but they should investigate the plausible range of material properties, vol-
have the same strength and behavior as the tank floors cov- ume change effects (creep and shrinkage), construction tol-
ered by Sections 4.9.2 and 4.9.3. erances, variable water load, and environmental loads.
Access tubes used as roof support columns can transfer It is advisable to keep direct tension stress in circumferen-
significant axial loads to the concrete floor, and may govern tial reinforcement less than 5000 to 10,000 psi (35 to 70
its design. MPa) to prevent excessive hoop deformation and cracking in
A4.9.2 Flat slab floors—Flat slab floors are designed as the interface region.
two-way slabs or plates. In addition to meeting ACI 318 A4.10.3 Dome floors—The wall, dome, and tank cone are
strength requirements for shear and flexure, the slab should shell elements that resist load by membrane action. Where
be checked for serviceability. Thin slabs with adequate they are connected together by a ringbeam, or similar ele-
strength may be too flexible for the attached cone and wall to ment, the shell element boundary conditions are not compat-
function properly. Excessive rotation can cause premature ible with membrane action and out-of-plane forces and
buckling of the cone, and cracking in the wall. The minimum deformations result. Appropriate analytical means (for ex-
flexural reinforcement requirement (Section 4.3.3) is intended ample finite element analysis) should be used to determine
the stress in connecting elements in the vicinity of the ring- A4.11—Foundation design
beam. Where the analysis shows a net tensile strain in the A4.11.3 Overturning—The location of the centroid of the
ringbeam, the lower portion of the steel cone and its steel resisting load used to calculate the stability ratio depends on
connecting elements may be included as elements resisting the rigidity of the foundation used. The centroid of the resist-
tension forces. The wall and dome should be designed for ing load may be taken near the edge of raft foundations, but
shear, direct tension and flexural tension caused by interac- may be near or inside the support structure wall when an an-
tion effects in the vicinity of the ringbeam. nular ring foundation is used.
A4.10.4 Slab floors—Shrinkage will affect the forces and A4.11.4.1—The ratio of foundation outside diameter to
stresses arising from the incompatibility of strains between mean support wall diameter will not exceed approximately
the tank cone and the slab. Shrinkage will also cause bending 1.45 for an annular ring foundation [Fig. 4.11.1(a)] designed
moments in the top of the wall, for which reinforcement as a one-way strip where torsional effects and biaxial bend-
should be provided in the wall both vertically and circumfer- ing are not considered. Where bearing capacity or settlement
entially some distance below the top of the wall. limits require a foundation with a significantly larger contact
A4.10.5—Suspended steel floors area, a raft or a deep foundation should be considered, or tor-
sional effects and biaxial bending must be included in de-
A4.10.5.1—This design has no concrete dome or slab to
signing the annular ring foundation.
maintain circularity and is sensitive to construction toleranc-
A4.11.5.3—When lateral loads are resisted by piles or
es that can cause additional load due to misalignment.
piers, significant in-plane shear and moment may exist in an-
A4.10.5.3 and A4.10.5.4—The requirements for con-
nular ring pile or pier caps. For narrow annular ring caps of
crete elements supporting base plates reflect the difficulties
large diameter, it may be necessary to provide a diaphragm
associated with centering annular base plates on narrow con-
to distribute the load to the piles or drilled piers.
crete supports, the effect of eccentric loads on load-carrying
A4.11.6.3—A check at service loads is required because
capacity, and the potential for edge spalling. Experience with
a load factor of less than 1.7 for water may result in high ser-
grouted base plates supported directly on the support wall
vice load stress in the foundation reinforcement. The 30,000
has shown that regular checking and adjustment of diameter
psi (205 MPa) limit on tension reinforcement stress at ser-
and curvature are necessary to position the center of the base
vice loads provides a reasonable upper limit to prevent ex-
plate and skirt at the center of the wall. Where no special
cessive deflection and cracking of concrete without
measures are implemented to ensure fit of the steel tank to
extensive computational effort. Alternatively, Eq. (4-2) can
the concrete construction, a ringbeam is recommended. Con-
be used for crack control.
structors that build without a ringbeam generally use lasers
to control alignment and shape during wall construction, and
A4.12—Geotechnical recommendations
check the as-built condition to ensure that the base plate will A4.12.1.2—Structure configuration, loads, and minimum
fit on the wall within the specified tolerances. A combined requirements for the geotechnical investigation should be pro-
inside and outside edge distance not less than 6 in. (150 mm) vided to the design professional responsible for the geotechni-
is required to ensure that the base plate will fit properly on cal investigation. Local experience is a valuable asset in
the wall. A smaller edge distance may be used when experi- evaluating potential geotechnical and geological conditions
ence with the form system, steel fabrication, and construc- that may affect the foundation design and construction. This
tion tolerance controls result in fit of the base plate to the experience may also provide for a more efficient investigation.
wall construction within the tolerances specified. Field investigation and laboratory testing should conform
A4.10.5.5—The minimum recommended base plate to ASTM specifications and recognized procedures.
width of 6 in. (150 mm) is the minimum required for using The geotechnical report should document the results of the
anchor bolts, and provides for grout side cover of shim field investigation, laboratory testing, analysis, and provide
stacks that are generally not removed. The grout bearing recommendations. The report should contain the following:
strength for factored loads is conservatively limited to 2000 psi (a) Geology of the site, boring logs and classification of
(14 MPa) because of the difficulty of inspection and mainte- soils;
nance of this detail. (b) Summary of field and laboratory testing;
A4.10.5.6—The grout that transfers the steel tank load to (c) Ground water encountered, and the depth at which
the concrete support structure is a key structural element that buoyancy should be considered;
is not readily accessible for inspection and maintenance, and (d) Seismic soil type classification, and assessment of soil
is often neglected in specifications and construction. Only liquefaction potential;
high-quality, durable materials should be used, and their in- (e) Foundation soil stiffness for dynamic analysis, when
stallation should be carefully supervised to ensure that the required;
work complies with specifications and manufacturer’s rec- (f) Bearing capacity and depth of bearing stratum for shal-
ommendations. low foundation;
A4.10.6 Reinforcement details—Minimum radial and cir- (g) Types of deep foundations that may be used; probable
cumferential reinforcement of 0.25 percent should be pro- bearing stratum; and expected capacity;
vided for temperature and shrinkage during construction or (h) Lateral load capacity of deep foundations;
when the tank is empty, even at sections that are in compres- (i) Tension uplift capacity of deep foundations;
sion during their service life. (j) Unit weight of compacted backfill soils;
(k) Construction requirements, including: expected stable The factored pile or pier load Qu is calculated from loads in
excavation slopes, dewatering requirements, use of site soils Section 4.2.3. The deep foundation performance factor φp is
for backfill, and compaction requirements. from Table A4.12.5.
A4.12.2 Foundation depth—Maps of frost penetration
depth are available from the U.S. Weather Bureau, or can be Table A4.12.5—Performance factor for deep foundations
found in model building codes or their commentary. Ultimate Capacity in Ultimate Strength
Accordance with Section Performance Factor
A4.12.3 Settlement limits—Concrete-pedestal tanks and 0.5
their foundations are relatively rigid structures that can un- 0.75 (c) 0.75
dergo significant total settlement without distress. Settle- 0.6
ment of deep foundations is usually smaller than that of
shallow foundations, and the smaller settlement limit reflects
The deep foundation performance factor φp used with ulti-
the expected behavior. The effects of foundation movement
mate strength design provides the same global factor of safety
relative to slabs and piping should be considered and provid-
as listed in Table 4.12.5 when used with the factored load
ed for by properly designed connection details.
combinations of Section 4.2.3 where the average load factor
Tilting of the structure caused by differential settlement is approximately 1.5.
across the foundation width causes secondary overturning A4.12.6 Seismic requirements—Relatively fine-grained
moments, and the structural effects of this are accounted for soils in a relatively loose state of compaction, and in a satu-
in the design of the superstructure and foundation by the ec- rated or submerged condition are subject to liquefaction dur-
centricity load term G. A minimum assumed tilt of 1/800 is ing earthquake excitation. Where these soils occur, the
included in the design through Eq. (4-1a). Larger differential suitability of a site for a concrete-pedestal elevated water-
tilt is permitted when included in Eq. (4-1b). storage tank should be carefully evaluated. Any special pre-
A4.12.4 Shallow foundations—A global factor of safety of cautions that are required in the design should be identified
3.0 is used for sizing shallow foundations using allowable prior to design.
stress design. Where settlement controls the design, the fac-
tor of safety is even larger. Analytical methods for determin- CHAPTER 5—APPURTENANCES AND
ing the maximum bearing pressure can be found in ACCESSORIES COMMENTARY
references on foundation design. A5.4—Tank Access
A5.4.2 Ladders—The following details are commonly
Ultimate strength design may also be used to determine re-
used for ladders.
quired bearing area using the following equation
(a) Side rails are a minimum 3/8 in. (10 mm) by 2 in. (50
mm) with a 16 in. (410 mm) clear spacing. Rungs are a min-
qu = φs qr imum 3/4 in. (20 mm) round or square, spaced at 12 in. (300
The factored soil bearing pressure qu is calculated from mm) centers. The surface should be knurled, dimpled, coated
loads in Section 4.2.3. The shallow foundation performance with skid-resistant material, or otherwise treated to minimize
factor φs is 0.5. slipping.
The shallow foundation performance factor φs used with (b) At platforms or landings the ladder extends a minimum
ultimate strength design provides a global factor of safety of of 48 in. (1.2 m) above the platform. Ladders are secured to
3.0 when used with the factored load combinations of Sec- the adjacent structure by brackets located at intervals not ex-
tion 4.2.3 whose average load factor is approximately 1.5. ceeding 10 ft (3 m). Brackets have sufficient length to pro-
The ultimate bearing capacity qr is the smaller of: 3.0 times vide a minimum distance of 7 in. (180 mm) from the center
the allowable bearing capacity for settlement, or the ultimate of rung to the nearest permanent object behind the ladder.
bearing capacity of the soil determined in Section Where cages are provided, ladders should be offset at
A4.12.5 Deep foundations—A variable global factor of landing platforms. The maximum interval between plat-
safety that depends on the method of determining the ultimate forms should not exceed 30 ft (9 m). Cages should start be-
capacity is used with deep foundations. Where settlement tween 7 and 8 ft (2.1 and 2.4 m) above the base of the ladder
controls the design, the factor of safety will be even larger. and should extend a minimum of 48 in. (1.2 m) above the
Deep foundation elements, such as drilled piers, whose ca- offset landing platform.
pacity is based on calculations use a minimum factor of safe- A5.4.5 and A5.4.6 Steel tank roof openings and floor
ty of 3.0, the same as for shallow foundations. Where static manhole—Commonly used opening sizes for access to the
load testing is used the safety factor is reduced to 2.0. Ana- tank interior are given. Openings used only for personnel ac-
cess should have a least dimension of 24 in. (610 mm) or
lytical methods for determining the maximum pile or pier
larger. Larger openings may be required for painter's equip-
load can be found in references on foundation design.
ment or other interior maintenance items. At least one open-
Ultimate strength design may also be used to determine ing should be of sufficient size to accommodate the largest
the required number of drilled piers or piles using the follow- anticipated equipment. A tank floor manhole is not required
ing equation for operation and maintenance of the tank, but is considered
an appurtenance for safety reasons in that it provides a means
Qu = φp Q r of egress other than the roof manholes. Furthermore, it is a
practical access opening during construction and out-of-ser- Commentary recommended references—The following
vice maintenance. documents with their serial designation are cited in the Com-
A5.6—Above-ground piping mentary only. Other references are listed in Chapter 6.
A5.6.2.6—Typically inlet safety protection is provided for
American Concrete Institute
pipes of 18 in. (460 mm) diameter and greater, but some ju-
risdictions may require inlet protection for pipes as small as ACI 201.2R Guide to Durable Concrete
8 in. (200 mm) in diameter. ACI 212.3R Chemical Admixtures for Concrete
A5.6.3 Overflow—An overflow is a protection device in- ACI 212.4R Guide for the Use of High-Range Water-
tended to prevent over-filling and possible overloading of Reducing Admixtures (Superplasticizers)
the tank. An overflowing tank should be considered an emer- in Concrete
gency condition. The condition causing the tank to overflow ACI 224.2R Cracking of Concrete Members in Direct
should be promptly determined and rectified by the operator. Tension
ACI 301 Standard Specification for Structural Con-
A5.8—Interior floors crete
A5.8.2—Slabs on grade ACI 303R Guide to Cast-in-Place Architectural Con-
A5.8.2.1—It is assumed that if door openings are less than crete Practice
8 ft (2.4 m) wide, that the floor slab will only be subjected to ACI 307 Standard Practice for the Design and Con-
foot traffic and occasional light vehicle traffic. Truck load- struction of Cast-in-Place Reinforced
ing should be expected for wider doors. Concrete Chimneys
The optimum concrete mix has the maximum flexural ACI 334.2R Reinforced Concrete Cooling Tower
strength with the least mixing water to minimize shrinkage. Shells—Practice and Commentary
Concrete with a specified compressive strength in the range
of 3500 to 4000 psi (24 to 28 MPa) and a water-cementitious American Association of State Highway and Transportation
material ratio less than 0.45 can be expected to provide rea- Officials
sonable performance. Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges
The 5 in. (125 mm) minimum thickness is recommended
when only light vehicle traffic is expected, and a 4 in. (100 mm)
American Water Works Association
thickness may be used when only foot traffic is expected. The
D100 Standard for Welded Steel Tanks for Wa-
6 in. (150 mm) minimum thickness recommended where truck
ter Storage
doors are furnished is adequate for 15 ton (13.6 tonne) axle
loads for most subgrade soils.
The minimum reinforcement requirements in Table 5.8.2 The above publications may be obtained from the following
are shrinkage and temperature steel requirements in accor- organizations:
dance with ACI 318.
A5.8.2.2—The inside diameter of most concrete pedestals is American Association of State Highway and
less than 70 ft (21 m), and the minimum reinforcement in Table Transportation Officials
5.8.2 is adequate for controlling cracking for slab widths to this 444 North Capitol Street NW, Suite 225
width. This is based on the subgrade drag equation in ACI 360 Washington, D.C. 20001
using a friction coefficient of 2.0 and an allowable stress in re-
inforcement of 40,000 psi (276 MPa). Continuous reinforce- American Concrete Institute
ment with contraction joints is commonly used. P.O. Box 9094
A5.8.2.5—Minimum compaction of 95 percent modified Farmington Hills, Mich. 48333-9094
Proctor density is recommended for backfill supporting a
slab-on-grade subject to vehicle traffic. Otherwise, backfill
American Water Works Association
should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent modified
6666 West Quincy Avenue
Proctor density.
Denver, Colo. 80235
A5.8.3 Intermediate floors—Various structural configura-
tions are used for above grade floors. The simplest is a flat
slab supported by the wall, which may be used for small di- Commentary cited references—The following document
ameter walls. For larger spans, flat slabs with intermediate is cited in the Commentary only. Other cited references are
columns, and concrete or steel beams supporting a concrete listed in Chapter 6.
1. “NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New
slab are generally used. Care must be taken that the loads
Buildings,” Part 2—Commentary, 1994 Ed. The publication is available
from the beam end reactions are adequately transferred to the from the Building Seismic Safety Council, 1201 L Street NW, Suite 400,
supporting wall, and are accounted for in the design. Washington, D.C. 20005.