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Leapfrog Geo

Fundamentals nl
For Leapfrog Geo version 4.3
© 2018 Seequent Limited (“Seequent”). All rights reserved. Unauthorised use, reproduction, or disclosure is
prohibited. Seequent assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document. LEAPFROG, SEEQUENT and
are trade marks owned by Seequent. All other product and company names are trade marks or registered trade
marks of their respective holders. Use of these trade marks in this document does not imply any ownership of these
trade marks or any affiliation or endorsement by the holders of these trade marks.

Seequent Limited
P O Box 3894

Christchurch 8140
New Zealand
Session 1: Technical Specifications | 1

Session 1: Technical Specifications

System Requirements 1
Graphics Cards and Drivers 2
Updating Graphics Card Drivers 3
Switching the In-Use Graphics Card 4
Verifying the Updates 6

In this session, we will cover:
l Leapfrog Geo system requirements
l Switching the graphics card in use by Leapfrog Geo
l Updating graphics card drivers

Watch the video
l Graphics Cards and Drivers - 5:14 Video nl

System Requirements
To get the most out of Leapfrog, it is highly recommended that you use a computer with at least
the minimum requirements.

To review the System Requirements, click here.

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2 | Leapfrog Geo Fundamentals

Graphics Cards and Drivers

Many laptop computers come with two graphics cards: a lower-powered Intel card built into
the CPU and a more powerful dedicated graphics card (a GPU).
To save power, often the laptop’s default setting is to run programs using the slower Intel
graphics card; however, graphics cards and drivers are very important to Leapfrog’s
performance. If you have a dedicated card like NVIDIA or AMD, you should be using it. It’s also
important to have the most up to date drivers to make the most of your card’s graphical

Checking System Info

1. To determine which graphics card(s) your computer has, click on the Leapfrog Geo menu
button in the top left corner of the application.
2. From the dropdown menu, select About.
3. Click on the System Info tab.


Graphics in use by Leapfrog Geo- currently using the lower powered Intel card.
All available graphics hardware - there are 2 cards available* (the Intel card and the
NVIDIA Quadro M2000M)
Driver date
*Some computers only have 1 card, in which case only one will be listed.

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Updating Graphics Card Drivers | 3

Updating Graphics Card Drivers

Leapfrog software tries to utilise the latest graphics technology and will perform best if the
drivers are fully up-to-date; however, most system settings rely on the user to update the
graphics card drivers when an update is released.
If you graphics card drivers are out of date, it is recommended that they be updated prior to
switching the graphics card in use by Leapfrog Geo.

Updating an NVIDIA Graphic Card

The latest NVIDIA graphics card drivers can be found on their website:
Option 1 allows the user to search for the card name that is shown in the Leapfrog System Info
window, and is the most reliable way to find the latest driver. Option 2 is an automatic search for
the best driver.
1. For Option 1, use the information provided in the Leapfrog System Info window.

2. Set the “Download Type” to be “ODE Graphics Driver”.
3. Click Search to find the latest driver.
Note: If you’re running Leapfrog Geo on a laptop, ensure to select the “Product Series” to be “..... Series

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4 | Leapfrog Geo Fundamentals

4. If the Release Date of the resulting driver is later than the one you’re currently using, click

Make sure that Leapfrog (and any other programs that utilise the driver) are closed before
installing it.

5. Click the file to run and install it.

Updating an Intel Graphics Card

Intel graphics drivers can be updated by installing the Intel Driver & Support Assistance (Intel
DSA). This is the easiest way to find driver updates for your computer. It can be installed from the
Intel website: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/.

It is also possible to search for a specific driver on the Download Center page.
Restarting the computer will be required for the update to take effect.

Note: It is important to update your Intel Graphics Card driver as well, even if you’re primarily using
your dedicated (NVIDIA, AMD, etc.) card as Leapfrog still utilises it to run background processes.

Updating AMD Cards

In addition to NVIDIA and Intel cards, AMD cards also meet Leapfrog Geo‘s system
If you have an AMD card, check here for driver updates.
Again, you have the option to either automatically detect and install your driver, or manually
select your driver.

Switching the In-Use Graphics Card

If you have more than one graphics card, ensure you are using the dedicated graphics (NVIDIA,
AMD) card to get the most out of Leapfrog Geo. This manual will demonstrate how to switch to
an NVIDIA card. This process is possible for other brands of graphics cards, but the steps may be

© 2018 Seequent Limited

Switching the In-Use Graphics Card | 5

slightly different. Instructions for other brands can be found on the card-maker’s or laptop
brand’s website.
If you only have one card available, this section isn’t relevant to you.
First, we need to access the NVIDIA Control Panel:
1. Right-click anywhere on the Desktop and select NVIDIA Control Panel.

2. Click on Manage 3D Settings on the left side of the Control Panel window.

3. From there, click on the Program Settings tab.


4. Beneath ”1. Select a program to customise:”, click Add to locate Leapfrog Geo.
5. Click on Browse to find the location of the .exe file.
The default installation location is: C drive > Program Files > Seequent> Leapfrog Geo #.# > bin
> Geo.exe.
6. Once selected, click Open.
7. Using the dropdown beneath “2. Select the preferred graphics processor for this
program” select the High-performance NVIDIA processor.
8. Leave the remaining defaults settings as is.

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9. Click Apply.

Note:On occasion, the graphics card switch will be unsuccessful if the dedicated graphics card has old
drivers. To ensure a successful switch, update your drivers before switching to your dedicated graphics

Verifying the Updates


Once the drivers are updated and you have switched the in-use graphics card to your dedicated
card, verify these changes have been successfully made.
1. Open the System Info tab (Leapfrog Geo Menu > About > System Info).

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Verifying the Updates | 7

2. Check that the higher-powered NVIDIA card is now being used and that the drivers show the
latest versions.

To test your graphics card against benchmark cards, click here.

© 2018 Seequent Limited


© 2018 Seequent Limited

Session 2: Working with Projects | 9

Session 2: Working with Projects

Opening and Organising Projects 10
The Leapfrog Geo Main Window 12
The Menu 12
The Toolbar 14
The Project Tree 15
The Processing Panel 17
The Scene 19
The Shape List and Shape Properties Panel 19
The Status Bar 20
Reorganising the Screen Space 20
Interacting with the Scene 21

Creating a Project 22
Working with Leapfrog Projects 22

In this session, we will cover:
l The basic layout of the Leapfrog Geo screen
l Using the menu and the toolbar
l Interacting with the scene using the mouse

Creating, opening and closing projects


The project file for this session can be found in the Sessions \ Session 2 - Working with
Projects folder.

Watch the videos

l Quick Start Guide - 6:34 Video
l Workflow Structure - 6:52 Video
l The Main Toolbar - 7:38 Video

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10 | Leapfrog Geo Fundamentals

Opening and Organising Projects

When you open Leapfrog, the Projects tab displays thumbnails of the last five projects opened.
Leapfrog also displays the projects saved in the Search folder. To see the location of a project
file, hold the mouse over the thumbnail. To clear the recent projects, click Clear.
You can change the Search folder by clicking on the folder button ( ) and navigating to the
folder you wish to use. This is useful if you have one folder in which you keep most of your
Leapfrog Geo projects.


Open a project by clicking on the thumbnail. If the project you want to open is not displayed,
click the Open Project File button to browse for the project.
There is a project file in the data folder for this session. To open the project:
1. In the Projects tab, click Open Project File.
2. Browse to the folder for this session.
3. Select the project Maia Project.aproj and click Open.

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Opening and Organising Projects | 11

This will open the completed project. You will notice that upon opening the file, Leapfrog
switches from the Projects tab to the Scene View tab.


Only one project can be open at any time.


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The Leapfrog Geo Main Window


The Menu

The Leapfrog menu is rather small:


Don’t be fooled by this, as most of the functionality is revealed by right-clicking on folders and
objects in the project tree.

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Saving Leapfrog Projects | 13

Saving Leapfrog Projects

Leapfrog projects are saved automatically as you work with them. This means if you exit
Leapfrog while there are tasks still processing, the tasks will be waiting to resume processing the
next time you open that project.

Saving and Compacting Projects

In addition to the auto-save, there are options to Save a Copy, and Save a Zipped Copy of
projects. By saving a copy, you can save a separate copy of the project to another location on
your disk. Saving a zipped copy lets you save a full copy of the project, including both the
project file and the data file which are discussed later in this session.
It is recommended that if a project is being backed up or saved to pass on to another user or
send via email, the Save a Zipped Copy is used.

Because Leapfrog saves changes to the project automatically, it is easy to switch quickly
between projects. Any processing tasks will resume upon re-opening.

When objects are deleted from a Leapfrog project, the software retains the objects as part of the
file, even though the objects are no longer being used in the project. This can cause projects to
unnecessarily take up a lot of disk space, especially if large objects such as images have been
deleted from the project.
To remove these unused objects, there is a Compact This Project option under the menu. This
may take a few minutes, depending on the size of the project, and Leapfrog will close the
project and reopen it once compacting has been completed.


The Settings option allows a number of default settings to be changed. Most of these options
are self explanatory, but the Processing and Help options will be discussed further below.

Click on Processing to select how many processes Leapfrog can use:

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By default, this is set to Automatic, which creates one process per physical CPU core, or for
every 2.5GB of RAM, whichever is smaller, up to a limit of 8 processes.

The Automatic is optimised to your specifications and changing it is not recommended.

If you will be in a remote location away from an internet connection, it is recommended that
you download a local copy of the help. Click on Help in the Settings window to change how
the help is accessed.
Click here to download an offline version of the Help.

For more information, see the Settings topic in the online help.

The Toolbar
Leapfrog only has a few toolbar buttons.
One is the Clear Scene button ( ), which removes everything from the scene window. Another
displays the Look menu, for changing to different viewing angles. The slicer, plane, and ruler

tools are all available in the top toolbar. These tools will be discussed later in the course.
Hold the mouse over each tool in the toolbar to view its function.

© 2018 Seequent Limited

The Project Tree | 15

The Project Tree

The left hand panel contains the Project Tree:

When you open any project, there will be a standard list of folders and objects in the project
tree. This top-level list of folders is consistent for all projects. The way objects are organised in
the project tree lets you reveal or hide information about an object to focus on objects you are
currently working with.

The project tree is where you import and work with your data.

Right-click is your key to Leapfrog functionality:

l Right-click folders and objects to see the available options.

l Right-click on a folder to create a new object.

Left-clicking selects objects.
Double-clicking opens editing options for existing objects.

If you remove or change an object, it will affect any related objects.

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Click the triangle ( ) in front of the Drillhole Data folder. When this is open, you can see a
Drillholes object that also has a triangle in front of it. Open the Drillholes object to see the data
tables that make up the drillhole data in the project. You can also open up each table to look at
the data it contains.

This nested folder structure is useful for keeping projects organised. To collapse all folders,
right-click on the project tree near the upper left hand corner and select Collapse All.


To help in organising a large number of objects, subfolders can be created beneath top level
folders in the project tree. nl
To create a new subfolder, right-click on a folder in the project tree and select New Subfolder.
Objects can be added to subfolders either by clicking and dragging them, or by using Ctrl+X
(Cut) and Ctrl+V (Paste).
Subfolders can be created in all top level folders apart from the Topography and Drillhole Data

Notes and Comments

There are a couple useful tools to help document the process used to create your project:
Notes, and Comments. Information about your overall project can be recorded using the Notes

folder, at the bottom of the project tree. In addition, right-clicking on any object will bring up a
Comments panel, which allows the user to add comments regarding that specific object. Both
Notes and Comments support hyperlinks so you can link to pertinent external information.
Comments are also available on Subfolders.

For more information, see the Project Tree topic in the online help.

© 2018 Seequent Limited

The Processing Panel | 17

The Processing Panel

The Processing Panel is opened by clicking the button to the right of the Leapfrog Geo menu:


The button is inactive when there are no running tasks, and green when tasks are running.

This panel lists all processes that are running or waiting to run. The number of processes
running at any one time depends on your settings in the Settings > Processing window, as
discussed earlier.
Leapfrog is either able to run all processes, run priority processes only, or pause all processing.
Run All will run all queued processes in the default order.
Priority Only only runs tasks that have been assigned as ‘priority’.

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When opening a project, tasks may need to be processed. Sometimes when a project is
opened, processing is paused, which is indicated by the pause button in the processing

If processing does not start automatically once the project has been loaded, open the
Processing Panel and select Run All.

Prioritised Running
If you would like to give a task priority so that it is processed before other tasks, right-click on the
object in the project tree and select Prioritise.


Objects such as geological models are usually dependent on other objects, such as drillholes

and topographies. If this is the case, higher level objects (drillholes and topographies) will be
processed first to allow the prioritised objects to be processed.
To clear prioritised running for objects, right-click on the object in the project tree and select
Clear Priority. If a number of objects have been given priority and you would like to clear them
all at the same time, there is a small pink arrow above the project tree:

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The Scene | 19

Click on the button to select all prioritised objects in the project tree, then right-click on one of
the objects and select Clear Priority:

The Scene
To the right of the project tree is the scene. This is where objects appear when they are added
from the project tree. To add an object to the scene, click on an object in the project tree with

the left mouse button, then drag and drop it into the scene. You can also right-click on an
object and select View Object:

The Shape List and Shape Properties Panel

The shape list below the scene window lists all objects that are active (visible) in the scene

The functionality of these tools will be discussed in Session 3: Importing Drillhole Data.

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The Status Bar

The status bar at the bottom of the window has some useful features.

The coordinates that appear in the status bar ( ) show the location of the
mouse cursor when it is over an object in the scene window. No coordinates are displayed when
the cursor isn’t over an object as Leapfrog doesn’t know where in 3D space you’re trying to
The Z-Scale button lets you set a value of 1 or greater for the Z-axis relative to the X- and Y-
axes. This is useful for thin, flat projects that are difficult to visualise with a Z-scale of 1.
The Acceleration option is also important. There are three modes: Software Rendering (not
recommended), Partial Acceleration and Full Acceleration. You can find out more about each

option by clicking the button and reading the descriptions for each. It’s best to test both Partial
Acceleration and Full Acceleration modes to see which one gives you the highest frames per
second (FPS) value. The FPS value tells you how quickly objects in the scene can be rendered. If
this gets too low (below 10), you should consider updating your graphics card. If this isn’t
possible, you can reduce the number of 3D objects (e.g. by clicking the Make lines solid option
for drillholes ( ) or transparent objects in the scene.

Reorganising the Screen Space


You can split the Leapfrog main window into separate parts to make better use of your screen

space. To detach a tab, click on it and drag it away from the main window. You can then move
and resize the detached tab.
You can also:

l Detach the project tree. Right-click at the top of the project tree and select Detach.
l Display the shape list to the right of the scene window. Right-click on the shape list and
select the arrangement you prefer.
l Display the shape list apart from the main window. Right-click on the shape list and select
Put List in Separate Tab. Then you can detach the shape list from the main window as you
would any other tab.
You can dock a tab by dragging it onto the main window. Release the mouse button when the
tab becomes partially transparent. You can reattach the project tree by closing it, and dock the
shape list by right-clicking in it and selecting where you wish to have it.
You can also dock any tab or window by closing it. If you have rearranged your screen space,
close all undocked tabs and windows to return to the original screen layout.

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Interacting with the Scene | 21

Interacting with the Scene


Left-click on the mouse (index finger) and move the mouse.
You can also rotate the scene by pressing the arrow buttons on your keyboard.
To zoom either move your scroll wheel up and down or click and hold the right mouse button,
and move the mouse up and down. You can also use the Page Up and Page Down keys on your



Click the left and right mouse buttons together then move the mouse around, or click the scroll

Centre of Rotation
To centre on something in the view, hover over it. You will see some numbers at the bottom of
the screen that indicate that the cursor is on something in the scene window. When you move
over empty space, the numbers disappear.
Click with both left and right buttons together (or the scroll wheel button) on the item that you
want in the centre. This will then remain in the centre of the scene. When you rotate and when
you zoom in, it zooms in on that item. This can be very useful.
To return the centre of rotation to the default (the centre of your project extents), press the
Home key on your keyboard.

For more information, including a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts, see the

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Navigation topic in the online help.

Creating a Project
Next we will build a simple model with five rock types to introduce the basic concepts of
geological modelling in Leapfrog Geo. The rock types we will be using are:
l Cover (Casing) (youngest)
l Dike

l Quartz Porphyry (QzP)

Granodiorite (GnD)
Basement (MiS) (oldest)
First, we will set up a folder for all Leapfrog projects.
1. Click on the Projects tab.
2. Click the New Project button:

3. Click on the Browse button to put a folder on your local disk.

Note: The project needs to be on your local disk rather than on a network drive to ensure the
database operates consistently.
4. Make a new folder and call it Leapfrog Projects.
5. Click OK.
6. Name the new project ‘Maia’ and click OK.
Leapfrog will display a blank project called Maia.

Working with Leapfrog Projects

When your project was created, Leapfrog automatically created a sub-folder called Maia that
contains the Maia.aproj project file and all supporting files.

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Leapfrog Project Files | 23

Leapfrog Project Files

Your Leapfrog project is made up of a number of different folders. In this screenshot, Maia.aproj
is the actual project, and Maia.aproj_data folder is the database containing the binary code that
makes up your project:

It’s a good idea to stay away from this folder: You can’t change anything in your project by
looking in it, and if you move or delete anything from it, you run the risk of corrupting your
When the project is open in Leapfrog, a Maia.lock file will appear in this folder. The .lock file

protects the project from being moved while the project is open and from being opened by
another instance of Leapfrog, which can happen when projects are saved on shared network
drives. nl

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© 2018 Seequent Limited

Session 3: Importing Drillhole Data | 25

Session 3: Importing Drillhole Data

Importing Maia Campaign Data 26
The Collar File 27
The Survey File 28
Interval Tables 29
Fixing Errors 30
Errors in the Numeric Data and Invalid Value Handling 31
Viewing the Data in the Scene 33
The Shape List 34
The Properties Panel 35
Drillhole Unit Colour Filtering 35
Importing and Exporting Colour Files 36

In this session, we will import and validate existing drillhole data for a project. In these early
sessions, we are focussing on lithological data.
At the end of this session, you will be familiar with:
l Importing drillhole data
l Checking and labelling collar, survey, and interval table data
Viewing the data (Shape List and Properties Panel)


Note: You can import additional data at any point during the modelling process. However,
Leapfrog can have only one drillhole data set in a project. Therefore, additional drillhole
data that is imported will be added to or will update the existing drillhole data set.

Techniques for adding new drillholes or updating data down drillholes are covered in
Session 6: Dynamic Updating.
The data for this session is in the Sessions \ Session 3 to 10 - Maia folder.
Watch the video
l Importing Drillhole Data - 10:34 Video
l Visualisation Scene List & Properties Panel - 8:05 Video
l Drillhole Colourmaps - 6:24 Video

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26 | Leapfrog Geo Fundamentals

Importing Maia Campaign Data

To start, we need to get data into Leapfrog. The answer to most things in the project tree is to
To import drillhole data:
1. Right-click on the Drillhole Data folder at the top of the project tree.
2. Select the Import Drillholes option:

The Import Drillhole Data window will open:

Drillhole data import requires a minimum of three files; a collar file, a survey file and at least one
interval table file. Each file is imported as a table and has a certain number of required columns.
You can also import additional columns, such as the date when measurements were taken, the
zone/area/region of drilling, the name of the logging geologist, etc.

Leapfrog is a unit-less program: It adopts the units that are imported (metres or feet). The
values you see throughout a project (e.g. surface resolution, distance measured with the
ruler) are in the unit that was imported. Be consistent!

At this point, we need to add the collar, survey and interval tables to the Input Files list.
3. Click the Browse button for Collar.

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The Collar File | 27

4. Navigate to the location where the Leapfrog Geo Training Data folder has been saved and
open the Sessions folder.
5. Open the Session 3 to 10 - Maia folder.
6. Open the Session 3 - Importing Drillhole Data folder.
7. Open the M_drilling folder.
8. Select the file M_collar.csv.
9. Click Open.
Leapfrog looks for survey and interval tables in the same folder as the collar file, and if it finds
them it will add them to the Import Drillhole Data window. If the survey and interval tables are
in a different location, or have different file names, you will need to select the additional files. If
this is the case, you can add files by clicking the Browse button for the survey file, or the Add
button for Interval Tables and selecting the file.
In this case, however, Leapfrog has added all the files and we can start importing them:

10. Click Import.

This opens the Import Drillholes window with a preview of the data Leapfrog has read from
your collar table. When importing and previewing drillhole data, required columns are marked

in green, and additional columns are marked in orange.

Leapfrog works through the files being imported one at a time. Progress is shown at the top of
the window. The filename in bold is the file currently being displayed (M collar.csv). There are

also M survey, M_assay and M geology files.

It is possible to choose the encoding you would like Leapfrog to use when importing drillhole
data. By leaving the auto encoding option selected, Leapfrog will select the most suitable
encoding type. If there are uncommon international characters in your drillhole data, select the
Character Encoding dropdown and find the encoding type that matches your data.

The Collar File

The collar file needs at least the following columns: East (X), North (Y), Elev (Z) and Hole ID.
It is recommended that the collar file also has a maximum depth column that specifies the
length of the hole. This can be used to validate interval table data with the collar file.
There are a number of data column types to choose from. Leapfrog automatically selects East
(X), North (Y), Elev (Z), Hole ID and Max Depth based on the column headers from the database.
In this case, the Local Easting and Local Northing columns have been selected as the
coordinate columns, but will need to be changed to the UTM columns to be consistent with
other data we import later.

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To change the automatic selection:

11. Click on the Not Imported label above the East_UTM column and select East (X):

This will deselect the original, incorrect, selection and select the column we have indicated.

12. Repeat for the North_UTM column so both East (X) and North (Y) are using the UTM
columns rather than the local columns:

When you import drillhole data, less is best. It is easy to add columns later, but once a
column is added, it cannot be removed. When you append new data later on, it will need to
contain the exact same columns. When carrying out the initial import, consider carefully

what you need.

We have now selected all the columns we want to import.

13. Click Next.

The Survey File

The survey file defines the orientation of the drillholes at given depths. The survey file must have
columns for Hole ID, Depth, Dip and Azimuth. For a straight drillhole, only one row needs to be

Leapfrog Azimuth = Dip Direction

There is a check box that indicates Negative Dips Points Down. Typically Leapfrog can auto-
detect this, but if you have abundant underground drilling, you may need to double-check
Leapfrog’s choice.

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Interval Tables | 29

In this case, the four required columns have been correctly selected by default:

14. Click Next to go to the M_assay table.

Interval Tables
Interval table data specifies segments down the drillhole with associated values such as
lithology codes or assay values.
Interval table files must have columns for the Hole ID, From and To depth and one or more

columns of measurements. Measurements can include grade, lithology, date or any required
numeric or textual values.
The M_assay table has a single column that we would like to import. By default, Leapfrog has
not selected the gold (Au) column for import.
15. Click on the Not Imported label above the Au column and select Numeric:

The M_geology table has two columns we wish to import. To import multiple data columns at
once, it is easier to work in the Column Summary on the right hand side:

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The Simple_Lith column has been correctly set as Lithology, but we need to set the other
column so it can be imported.

The Import As options are important to fully understand:

l Lithology and Category are used to import any categorical data (lith codes, weathering,
alteration, etc). Functionally equivalent in Leapfrog.
l Text is used to import ‘Summary’ or ‘Description’ columns. Such columns are functionally
limited in Leapfrog as columns imported as Text cannot be used for modelling.
l Numeric is used to import any numeric data (assays, quality, RQDs, etc).
l Time Stamp and Date are used to import time and data information. Custom formats are
l URL is used to import an associated URL and can be used to connect core photos to
drillholes in Leapfrog.

16. In the Column Summary, click on the Strat column and choose Category:


Click Finish.
Leapfrog will process the data, checking for errors in the database and desurveying the
drillholes. Progress will be listed in the processing panel.

Fixing Errors
Upon import, you will notice that Leapfrog has flagged errors with the data set, with a little red

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Errors in the Numeric Data and Invalid Value Handling | 31

Before we go through the process of fixing errors within Leapfrog, it is important to mention
that doing so is a last resort. Ideally, the errors should be fixed in the source database so they do
not perpetuate through all future projects. Fortunately, Leapfrog Geo has a tool to help.
1. Right-click on the M_assay table and select Export Errors.
2. Give the .csv file a name and click Save.
The csv sheet can then be given to the database manager to update the database with the
correct information. The data can then be reloaded into Leapfrog, error-free.
In the event that it is not practical to clean up the data in the database, Leapfrog Geo has
several tools to fix errors internally.

Exporting errors is a great way to keep your database clean and updated.

Errors in the Numeric Data and Invalid Value


Leapfrog flags numeric intervals that are missing, contain non numeric values, or contain non
positive values in addition to errors like overlapping segments. For each item, we can replace,
omit, or keep the original value. We will look at the errors in the Au column.
1. Double-click on Au under the assay table.
2. The Invalid Value Handling window will appear for Gold.

In this window we can see that there is one Missing value, one Non-numeric value which
occurs 19 times, and no Numeric values. We will start by considering the Missing value.

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3. Under the Missing values heading, we can use the dropdown menu to select Omit or
If we select Replace, we will be able to enter an appropriate value in the Replace With column.
In this case, we will leave the action as Omit.
4. Next, we will address the single, reoccurring non-numeric value. Under the Non-numeric
values heading, select Add Rule.
A window with the non-numeric values will appear. We can see that this value is <0.02.
5. Click OK.
This adds <0.02 to the non numeric values window, which we can then use to define the action
we would like to take whenever Leapfrog comes across this value in the Au table.
6. In this case, <0.02 is the detection limit, so we will replace it with half the detection limit,
which is 0.01:

7. Once you have added the necessary rules, you can tick the checkbox for These rules have

been reviewed, then click Save.


This will remove the little red X on the column.

If no additional rules are added, Leapfrog will use the Default Action for all of them, which is
Omit. You can also use the Default Action to replace all non-numeric values with one value.

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Viewing the Data in the Scene | 33

Viewing the Data in the Scene

To view the imported data, drag and drop the individual tables into the scene window. Here, the
collar table has been added to the scene:

8. There is nothing to view in the survey data but you can add the M_geology table to the scene
to view the data.
You will see the objects listed in the shape list:

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The Shape List

The controls shown in the shape list depend on the type of object, but all objects have a visibility
button ( ) to make it visible or invisible in the scene, an icon indicating what type of object it is,
and a delete button ( ) for removing it from the scene (but not the project). Other controls in
the shape list are:
l A dropdown list showing object attributes that can be used to display the object. For
example, the M_geology table can be displayed using a flat colour or using either of its
columns, Simple_Lith and Strat.
l The second dropdown list lets you edit colours or select colourmaps.
l A legend button ( ) appears for many objects. Click the button to show a legend in the
If you click on Edit Colours, you can change what categories are displayed and change the
colours to display them:


In the Legend window, click on a colour chip to open the Select Colour window and change
the colour:

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The Properties Panel | 35

You can use the eyedropper tool ( ) to select a colour from your screen.

The Properties Panel

The properties panel in the lower right hand corner displays more detailed information about
the object selected in the shape list:

It allows you to change how that object is displayed in the scene in a number of ways. For
example, you can change the Slice Mode and applying a Query Filter. Both of these will be
discussed later in the course. For drillholes, the properties panel lets you change the Line


Drillhole Unit Colour Filtering

Frequently when visually reviewing your data and building models, it is helpful to view only
certain units at a time. To change the units that are displayed:
1. Drag the M_geology table into the scene.
2. Enable the legend ( ) for the M_geology table.

3. Click on the Edit Colours button for the M_Geology table.


4. In the Legend window, use the visibility button ( ) to show and hide units.
5. Click the Select Visible Values button.
6. Click the visibility button at the top of the window to show or hide all units.

Note how the legend displayed in the scene is updated as you show or hide units:

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7. Once satisfied with your selection, click OK.

Importing and Exporting Colour Files

Once a series of colours have been chosen in Leapfrog Geo, they can be exported as an *.lfc file
(Leapfrog Colour File). These can then be imported into other Leapfrog projects to save time
setting the colours up. This is particularly useful if your company has a specified colour scheme
that is consistent across different software packages and different projects.
In this project, we will import *.lfc files for the columns in the M_geology table.
1. Right-click on the Simple_Lith column under the M_geology table in the project tree and
select Colours > Import.
2. Navigate to and select the Simple_Lith.lfc file.
The colours will automatically update in the scene.
3. Repeat for the Strat column of data.

To export an *.lfc, right-click on one of a table’s columns and select Colours > Export:

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Session 4: Creating a Topography | 37

Session 4: Creating a Topography

Importing Topography Points 37
Creating a Topography 39
Resolution 41
Topography Surface Options 42
Importing and Draping Images and GIS Data 43
Creating a New View 45

In this session, we will import topography points and use them to create a topography. We
will then import an image and drape it on the topography.
At the end of this session, you will be familiar with:
Importing points that correspond to the topography


l Creating the topography


l Importing a georeferenced image

The concept of surface resolution
l Draping an image and GIS data on the topography
l Creating a new view
The data for this session is in the Sessions \ Session 3 to 10 - Maia folder.

This session continues to use the same project we created in Session 3: Importing Drillhole


Importing Topography Points

To select the topography points to import:
1. Click on the Clear scene button ( ) to remove any objects from the scene window.
2. Right-click on the Points folder in the project tree and select Import Points:

3. Browse to the folder for this session, and double-click on the topography points to import

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4. Make sure all three columns (East (X), North(Y) and Elev (Z)) are selected for importing.
5. Click Finish.
6. View the points by dragging the Maia_topo_points object from the project tree into the

We can see that the icon beside the topo points has a little red x on in ( ), indicating there may
be errors in the dataset.
7. Right-click on the points object in the project tree and select Fix Errors.

We can see there are 10 duplicate points.


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Creating a Topography | 39

8. Click the black triangles until you can see the list of duplicate points, click on the top one to
see it in the list.
9. Having duplicate points in a dataset is fairly common, thus Leapfrog has a quick fix available;
click the Ignore Duplicates button.
10. Click Save ( ) and close the tab.

11. Click the Make points solid button ( ) and change the Point radius setting so that the
points appear similar to this:

Creating a Topography
To create the topography:
1. Right-click on the Topographies folder in the project tree.

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2. Select New Topography > From Points:

As the collar file contains points (x, y and z), as well as the newly imported topo points, the
option to choose either is available.
3. In this case, the topo points contain more detail, so select the Maia_topo_points file and click

4. In the window that appears, accept the default name for the topography by clicking OK.
5. Drag the new topography into the scene:

6. Press the D key to view the surface from above.

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Resolution | 41

7. At the moment we are looking at the surface, but to view the triangles making up the surface,
click the Show edges icon ( ):


We can see that the triangles are reasonably coarse compared to the point spacing. There are a
few options in Leapfrog to make the surface represent the points more accurately.
1. Double-click on the topography object in the project tree

There are Surface resolution and Adaptive settings.

Decreasing the value of Surface Resolution makes the triangles making up the surface smaller.
The resolution is approximately equal to the length of the sides of the triangles. In this case, a
resolution of between 20 and 50 is appropriate.
When the Adaptive setting is enabled, the surface will have a finer resolution where the data is
closely spaced and a coarser resolution where the data is sparse.
2. Enter a value of 20 for the Surface resolution setting.
3. Tick the Adaptive checkbox.
4. Click OK.

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5. Press the D key to view the scene from above.

The triangles are smaller near points and larger further away:

An alternative way to create a topography is from the collar points. To do this, follow the above
steps but select the collar data instead of the Maia_topo_points.

Topography Surface Options nl
Once a topographic surface has been created in the Topographies folder, you have a couple of
options regarding your collar coordinates.
If you trust your collar elevation information it can be added to your topographic surface. Do
this by right-clicking on the new Topography >Add Height Data > Points:

Select the collar points and click OK. The collar points will then inform the Topography surface.
If you wish to remove the added collar points, click the little black triangle beside Topography
to expand it, showing the objects making up the surface. Right-click the collar points > Remove.

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Importing and Draping Images and GIS Data | 43

Alternatively, if you trust your Topography data more than your collar coordinates, there is also
the option to project your collars onto your Topography. Do this by right-clicking the collar
table and ticking the box for Project Collars onto Topography:

Be aware that when you project your collars, the z-coordinate actually changes in the collar
table to reflect the new topography elevation. This can simply be reversed by unticking the box.

Importing and Draping Images and GIS Data nl
In this section, we will import a georeferenced image and display the data in the scene draped
on the topography. First, we will import the image.
1. Right-click on GIS Data, Maps and Photos in the project tree and select Import Map.
2. Select the Maia aerial photo.tif image and click Open.

A new tab will appear in which you can choose to either use the existing georeference data or
override it. This file includes georeference information:

3. Click Import to import the image into the project.

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It will be stored in the GIS Data, Maps and Photos folder and now we can drape it on the
4. Click the Clear scene button ( ).
5. Add the Topography surface to the scene.
6. In the shape list, turn off the Show edges option ( ).
7. Click on the GIS data dropdown list, select Maps and Photos and then select the imported

The image will appear draped on the topography:


There are also GIS lines representing rivers and roads, which can be imported and draped on the

Right-click on the GIS Data, Maps and Photos folder and select Import Vector Data.
8. Select both shape files and click Open.
The Filter data option allows you to filter GIS data to within a certain distance of a bounding
box, but in this case we would like to import the complete files.

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Creating a New View | 45

9. Untick the Filter data option.

10. Click OK to import the files.
The imported GIS lines appear in both the GIS Data, Maps and Photos folder and in the
Draped GIS Objects folder, which is under the Topographies folder:

The GIS lines in the Draped GIS Objects folder are automatically draped onto the topography,
and both the draped and undraped GIS lines can be viewed in the scene. Here the undraped
GIS lines are displayed in the scene with the topography:


Creating a New View

If necessary, it is possible to drape more that one object/layer on a topography surface at once.
This can be useful for maps/images imported as separate panels, or for displaying various
GIS data along with maps or images.
1. Remove the GIS data objects from the scene but leave the topography displayed.
2. In the shape list, click on the GIS data dropdown list and select Views > Edit Views:

3. Click the New button in the Edit GIS Views window.

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4. Give the new view a name and click Create:

5. Drag the desired layers from the Available layers column into the Current layers column.
6. Use the controls to change how the selected data is displayed:
Ensure that images are displayed at the bottom of the list or they will obscure GIS objects.
You can modify the colour, width and transparency used to display each object. The

controls are similar to those in the shape list.


7. Click Close.

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Creating a New View | 47

The scene will be updated to use the new GIS view to display the topography:

Edit the view by clicking on the GIS data dropdown list and selecting Views > Edit views.

You can create as many GIS views as you require.


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Session 5: Building a Basic Geological Model | 49

Session 5: Building a Basic Geological Model

Creating a New Geological Model 49
Modelling Strategy 51
Modelling the Cover 52
Modelling the Dike 53
Modelling the Two Intrusions 55
Modelling the Depositional Sequence 60
Creating Output Volumes 64
Examining the 3D Model in 2D 67
Surfaces in Leapfrog Geo 70

In this session, we will model a depositional sequence which has been intruded by first a

granodiorite, then a quartz porphyry, and finally a dike. The sequence is overlain by cover,
which has been logged by the geologist as Casing.
At the end of this session, you will be familiar with:
Creating a geological model

l How different surface types work and when to use each type
l Defining an erosional surface

l Defining veins
Defining intrusions

l Using the moving plane to adjust a surface

l Defining a stratigraphic sequence

l Snapping surfaces to drillholes

l Defining the chronological order of surfaces
l Changing the resolution of a geological model
For this session, open or continue with the Maia project from Session 4: Creating a

Creating a New Geological Model

To create a new geological model:
1. Click the Clear scene button ( ).
2. Right-click on Geological Models folder in the project tree and select New Geological

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3. In the window that appears, make sure the Strat column is selected for the Base lithology

The Base lithology column is the only parameter that cannot be changed in a Geological
Model once it is created, so choose thoughtfully!

4. Click the Enclose Object dropdown, and select the M_geology table:

This sets the boundary of the geological model to the extents of the drilling.
5. Change the Surface resolution to 20, and the name of the GM to “Maia Geological Model”.
6. Click OK.
The new geological model will appear in the project tree made up of several objects:

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Modelling Strategy | 51

l The Boundary defines the lateral extents of the model. It consists of the rectangular extents
defined when the model was created, cut by the topography surface, if one exists in the
project. Lateral extents can be added to the Boundary and will appear in the project tree as
part of the Boundary object. Lateral extents can be of any shape and size and can be added
by right-clicking on the Boundary object and selecting New Lateral Extent.
l The Fault System is used to add and refine any modelled faults. This will be discussed later
on in the course.
l Lithologies are automatically defined by the codes in the Base lithology column. You can
add more lithology codes to the model by double-clicking on the Lithologies object and
clicking Add. Any lithologies added to the model that do not exist in the base lithology
column will be displayed in bold italics.
l The Surface Chronology is where most of the geological model’s functionality can be
found. The Surface Chronology is used to create all the different contact surfaces that
define the model’s volumes. Most of this session will focus on this tool.
l The Output Volumes are the resultant volumes defined by the contact surfaces created in
Surface Chronology. This folder has no functionality; it is simply a container for the model’s

volumes and all modifications to the volumes are carried out via the surfaces defined in the
Surface Chronology.
The Geological Models folder can be used to model any categorical data such as lithology,
weathering, alteration, mineralised zones, vein percentage, etc.

Modelling Strategy

Different users start their models differently, but there are some rules of thumb that make the

process easier.
You will notice when you first create a new model that there is in the Output Volumes folder an

Unknown volume, defined by the extents of the model and cut by topography. The process of
geological modelling in Leapfrog starts by using the tools available under Surface Chronology
to create contact surfaces that will be used to “cut up” that Unknown volume into the
respective units. Using this approach of starting with a finite volume and using contact surfaces
to “cut” it into units means that, inherently, there will no void space or overlapping volumes in
the geological model.
When working in an environment with intrusive, potentially cross-cutting units (veins, dikes,
intrusions), it’s important to start building surfaces youngest to oldest so the cross-cutting
relationships are honoured.
In the model we are working on, it makes sense to model the cover (casing) first. Frequently, the
overburden, cover, casing. etc is the first unit to be modelled. We will model the dike next,
because it cross-cuts/contacts the older units. Once the vein contacts are defined, we will
model the two intrusions, the quartz porphyry and the granodiorite. The last lithologies to be
modelled are part of a depositional sequence, which we will model as a sequence of deposits,
but also demonstrate how to model using the Stratigraphy surface tool.

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Typically you will activate one fewer contact surfaces than there are output volumes. For example, if
your final model has five output volumes, you will activate four contact surfaces. There are exceptions
to this, but it’s a good guideline to keep in mind.

Modelling the Cover

The first lithology we need to create a contact surface for is the Cover. To do this, we will use
the erosion tool. Depositional surfaces and erosional surfaces are both created in the same
manner, with the difference being in the way that the surfaces are cut when producing
volumes. This is discussed further at the end of this session.
To create the erosional surface:
1. Right-click on the Surface Chronology and select New Erosion > From Base Lithology.
The New Contact Points window will appear:


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Modelling the Dike | 53

2. Set the primary lithology to Casing and click on Use contacts below:

Use contacts below ensures the surface will pass through all instances where a lithology
contacts below the Casing. You will see numbers listed after the D1, D2, and QzP units; these
indicate how many times the Casing contacts each lithology. In this case, the Casing contacts
with the D1 unit seven times, the D2 unit five times and the Quartz Porphyry two times. The
remaining units are left in the Ignored lithologies column because they never contact the

3. Click OK. nl
4. Add the M_geology table to the scene and make sure that the Strat column is being

5. Add the surface to the scene to view it:


Modelling the Dike

Before we start modelling the dike, let’s look at the lithology data in the scene.
1. Click the Clear scene button ( ).

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2. Add the M_geology table to the scene.

3. Click Edit Colours and change the display so you can only see the Dike lithology:

There are nine intervals which intercept the Dike, but they contain enough information to
create a reasonable volume .
4. Right-click on the Surface Chronology under the geological model and select New Vein >
From Base Lithology.
The Vein surface tool can be used to model any tabular surface, including veins, dikes and
damage zones such as fault zones.
5. Select the Dike unit for the Vein lithology:

The Include points at the ends of holes option is for when a drillhole ends in the vein
lithology. This setting lets you choose whether or not to create a point representing the end of
these drillholes. In this instance, it isn’t relevant as there are no drillholes that end in the Dike
lithology. This setting can be changed at any time after the dike has been created.
6. Click OK to create the dike, which will appear in the project tree.

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Modelling the Two Intrusions | 55

7. Add the new dike to the scene:

The dike is clipped to the model boundary by default and does a good job of representing the
lithology shown in the drilling considering the limited information.
There are a number of settings that can be changed once the default dike has been produced,

but for now we will leave these as they are and come back to them later.

Modelling the Two Intrusions

There are two intrusions shown in the drilling, the Granodiorite (GnD) and the Quartz Porphyry
(QzP). We will model these using the intrusion tool.
The Quartz Porphyry (QzP) is the younger intrusion so we will model it first.

1. Remove the dike from the scene.

2. Click the Edit Colours button for the M_geology table to display all lithologies.

3. Right-click on Surface Chronology and select New Intrusion > From Base Lithology.
4. Select QzP as the interior lithology, and drag the Casing and Dike lithologies across to Ignore

(Younger Lithologies):

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The lithologies that remain in the Exterior lithologies window will be used in the point
generation; whenever the Quartz Porphyry contacts against any of the remaining lithologies, a
point will be created. The Casing and Dike lithologies are ignored here because they are both
younger than the Quartz Porphyry (QzP), so didn’t exist when the quartz porphyry was
emplaced. In practical terms in Leapfrog, any contacts that exist between the Quartz porphyry
and the Casing and Dike units have already been created and we do not want to make them
twice, as this can lead to void spaces in the model.
5. Click OK.
6. Add the Quartz Porphyry (QzP) surface to the scene:

Two volumes are created. We would expect these to link up, but there isn’t enough data to
extend each volume so that they meet. To fix this, we can apply a global trend. This allows us to
specify a direction of maximum continuity and a direction of minimum continuity in order to

control the stretch of the intrusion.


Setting a Global Trend


7. Orient the Quartz Porphyry (QzP) segments in the scene so they are aligned either along strike
or down dip.

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Setting a Global Trend | 57

8. Use the Draw Plane line tool in the toolbar ( ) to draw a plane through the Porphyry

9. Click on the plane to see the handles: nl

If the plane needs to be modified, the handles can be used to do so in the scene:
l The red handles expand the plane.
l The blue handles adjust the azimuth.
l The yellow handles adjust the dip.

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The plane can be moved using the centre arrow, and how this works is determined by a setting
in the properties panel for the plane. Click on the plane in the shape list and select whether
movement aligns to the Axes or to the Camera:

10. Double-click on the Quartz Porphyry (QzP) intrusion in the project tree.
11. Click on the Trend tab.
12. Click Set From Plane.
This copies the Dip, Dip Azimuth and Pitch values from the plane to the intrusion:


l The Maximum trend direction is represented by the Pitch, which is the green line on the
l The Intermediate trend direction is perpendicular to the Pitch, but still in the plane.
l The Minimum trend direction is out of plane, i.e. perpendicular to both the Maximum and
Intermediate directions.
The Ellipsoid Ratios will automatically populate with 3,3,1.

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Setting a Global Trend | 59

The important point to remember is that the ratio between the maximum, minimum, and
intermediate lets us control the anisotropy of the surface. In this case, by using the default
values of the Maximum (3), Intermediate (3) and Minimum (1), we can make the intrusion look
more realistic.

13. Click OK.
14. Remove the moving plane from the scene.
The updated surface should be similar to this:

15. Go back to the Trend tab and experiment with different values for the Ellipsoid Ratios.
This will give you a sense of how influential a global trend can be.

Now we will repeat the process for the Granodiorite (GnD) intrusion.
16. Remove the Quartz Porphyry (QzP) intrusion from the scene.
17. Right-click on Surface Chronology and select New Intrusion > From Base Lithology.

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18. Ignore the Casing, QzP and Dike lithologies. The remaining lithologies make up our
depositional sequence:

19. Click OK.

trend to the Quartz Porphyry (QzP).

20. The Granodiorite (GnD) has clear trend, so we can follow the steps used above to add a

21. Add the Granodiorite (GnD) surface to the scene:


Modelling the Depositional Sequence

We will now model the sedimentary deposits. The remaining stratigraphy comprises D1 through
D5, with D1 being the youngest through to D5, the oldest. In keeping with our modelling
strategy, youngest to oldest, we will model the contact between D1 and D2 first.
1. Click the Clear scene button ( ).
2. Add the M_geology table to the scene.

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Modelling the Depositional Sequence | 61

3. Click Edit Colours and change the display so you can only see the D1 through D5 deposits:

4. Right-click on Surface Chronology and select New Deposit > From Base Lithology.
5. Select D1 as the primary lithology, select Use contacts below and drag the Quartz Porphyry

(QzP) lithology across to Ignored Lithologies:

6. Click OK.

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7. Drag the new D2 - D1 contacts surface into the scene and confirm that the colours on the
surface match those in your drillholes:

8. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for deposits D2 through D4:

Select Use contacts below.


l Move all of the younger, intrusive lithologies into the Ignored Lithologies box as you are
creating your new surfaces. nl

We don’t need to create a surface for the last remaining lithology, D5, as it will automatically be
modelled as the “everything else” within our model boundary.

Using the New Stratigraphy Surface to Build the

Depositional Sequence
As an alternative workflow to modelling each of the deposits separately, as above, we can use
the New Stratigraphy surface in the Surface Chronology.
1. Click the Clear scene button ( ).
2. Add the M_geology table to the scene.

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Using the New Stratigraphy Surface to Build the Depositional Sequence | 63

3. Right-click on Surface Chronology and select New Stratigraphy.

4. Select D1 for Lithology Above and D5 for Lithology Below. Note: the selected lithologies
above and below are part of the stratigraphic sequence.
5. Click Add Lithologies to select the rest of the deposits within the sequence:


They are automatically in order as they appear down the drillholes.

6. Click OK, then click OK again.

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7. Add the new Stratigraphic Sequence to the scene:

Creating a stratigraphic sequence is a simple process, but it does have some limitations. For
example, stratigraphic sequences cannot respect pinch-outs.
Creating Output Volumes
We now have eight surfaces (plus a stratigraphic sequence) representing eight out of the nine

lithologies. The final lithology is D5, which we do not need to create a surface for. Instead it will
be the remaining volume that is not already defined by the Casing, Dike, Quartz Porphyry,

Granodiorite and depositional surfaces, D1-D4. Now we need to turn these surfaces into
volumes that cut one another.
1. Click the Clear scene button ( ).

2. Double-click on Surface Chronology.

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Creating Output Volumes | 65

3. Change the order of the lithologies so that the youngest is at the top and the oldest is at the

This step defines the cutting relationships for the surfaces. If you view all the surfaces in the

their cutting relationships here.

scene at once you will notice that they overlap each other. This overlap is reconciled by defining

4. Tick the boxes for all the surfaces except the Stratigraphic Sequence.
5. Change the Background Lithology to D5.

6. Click OK.
There are two ways to view the geological model in the scene:
l View the geological model as a single object in the scene (shape list), by dragging in the
upper level Maia Geological Model object. With this option, the visibility of individual
volumes is controlled using the Edit Colours option.

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l View the individual volumes within the Maia Geological Model in the scene (shape list), by
dragging in the Output Volumes folder. With this option, the visualisation options are

available in the shape list for each volume.

7. Add the geological model to the scene using one of these two options.
We can see how the surfaces have cut against each other to produce volumes:

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Examining the 3D Model in 2D | 67

Examining the 3D Model in 2D

While modelling in Leapfrog is designed to be done in 3D space directly from the drillhole data,
as we’ve just seen, it is frequently useful to view your data, and your output volumes in 2D.
There are two tools in the toolbar that control the slicer:
l The Draw slicer line tool ( ) cuts a new slice in the scene at any orientation you want.
l The Show slicing plane tool ( ) toggles the slicing plane on and off.
We will create a new slice:
1. Press the D key to look straight down on your model.
This will allow you to create a vertical slice.
2. Click on the Draw slicer line tool ( ) in the toolbar.
3. Click and drag to draw a slice in any orientation you want.

Interacting with the Slicer

Once a slice is active in the scene, there are many options for interacting with it that are
controlled in the shape list and the properties panel:

When a slicer is added to the scene, it also shows up in the shape list, like any other object. There
are a number of tools available here to affect how the slicer appears in the scene:
l Thick slice ( ) creates a slicer with a specific width set by the user.
l Remove front ( ) removes everything in front of the slicing plane, displays everything behind

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l Remove back ( ) removes everything behind the slicing plane, displays everything in front of
l Align to camera ( ) moves the slicing plane to align with the current camera view. Use with
caution as you will lose your originally selecting slicing orientation!
l Slice East (X) Axis ( ), Slice North (Y) Axis ( ) and Slice Elevation (Z) Axis ( ) set specific
easting, northing or elevation for the slicer.
l Use Lock slicer to camera ( ) with caution for a unique view of your data.
l Centre slicer in scene ( ) is very useful if you wish to investigate your model using multiple
slice orientations around a certain point. Centre the point of interest in the scene (using your
scroll wheel button). Click this icon to centre the slicer over that point. Now you can set the
slicer to any style or orientation and the slicer will remain centred around the point of
In the properties panel, the Slice width is the total width of the slice. If the Slice width is set to
100, that is 50 units (m, ft,etc) in front of the slice plane and 50 units behind.
If you want to step with no overlap and no missed area, set the Slice width and Step size to the

same number.

The Set to dropdown allows you to set the slice to a particular easting, northing or elevation.
Once an option is selected, the value of the easting, northing or elevation can be set just below.
Viewing and Moving the Slice
The L key will move the camera to align it directly with your slicing plane. Shift+L will look at the
other side of the slice.

The slice plane can be moved by using the keyboard or the mouse: 

l With the keyboard, use the "," and "." keys to move forward and backward, respectively. Using
the comma and period keys will move the slice plane the defined step size.
With the mouse, hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and click and drag up/down while

holding the right mouse button. This function will move the slicer plane smoothly. When
moving in this way, the Step size will determine how quickly you advance through the
model when you move the mouse.

Viewing Options
Every object loaded in the scene can be sliced in different ways.
1. Click on one of the geological model volumes in the shape list.

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Viewing Options | 69

In the shape properties panel, the Slice mode determines how the selected object interacts with
the slicer:

2. Try the other options to see how they change the display of the selected volume.
3. Add the M_geology table to the scene.
4. Click on it in the shape list and set its Slice mode to Unsliced.
When you view a volume in slice view, it is opaque on the slice plane which makes it hard to
assess how the volumes relate to the drillholes. The other viewing options help to make
relationships between objects more apparent.
5. Double-click on one of the volumes in the shape list.

Double-clicking on an object in the shape list selects all similar objects. This makes it easier to
perform the same actions on all objects. nl
6. Untick the Fill Slicer box in the properties panel.

The bounding triangles of the volume remain and maintain the set slice width.
7. Move the slice through the scene to see how the volumes represent the drillholes.
The slicer can also display a fully 2D section from the model.
8. Double-click one of the volumes in the shape list to select them all.

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9. Click the Show faces button ( ) to display just the 2D outline of the volumes on the slicing

When you exit slice mode, remember to click Show faces again so that you will be able to see
your volumes in the 3D view.

Surfaces in Leapfrog Geo


As we have seen, there are a number of different ways to create a surface in Leapfrog Geo. We
have focused on creating surfaces within the Geological Models folder, where we have been
using the Surface Chronology object.

When you right-click on the Surface Chronology, all the available options appear. These
include deposits, erosions, intrusions, veins, vein systems, structural surfaces and stratigraphies.
It is important to remember that even though each surface has a specific name, it is the method
of surface creation that is more important. For example, intrusion surfaces can be used when
you want to create a surface surrounding a specific lithology, and that lithology doesn’t
necessarily need to be an intrusion. Likewise, a deposit or erosion surface can be used when you
want to create a surface between one lithology and a number of other lithologies.

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Surfaces in Leapfrog Geo | 71

As a very simple example, the screenshots that follow have been taken using three lithologies;
upper (red), lower (blue) and intrusion (green). By creating and changing the settings of the
geological model, we will demonstrate how each surface type works.

First we will use an intrusion surface to represent the green intrusion. Here is the result:


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Leapfrog has found the intervals where the green intrusion lithology contacts against either the
red or blue, and has put “contact points” at each contact. These contact points have a value of
0.0. Leapfrog has also added “volume points” up and down the drillholes. As we move
progressively further away from the intrusion, the value of the volume points decreases in the
negative direction. As we get further inside the intrusion, the value of the volume points
increases in the positive direction. Here is a section view of the volume points:

Think about the actual surface as being an isosurface located in 3D space wherever a value of
0.0 exists. A 2D analogy would be isobars on an atmospheric pressure map.
Next we will look at creating a deposit surface. This works differently to the intrusion surface, as
instead of Leapfrog creating points at all contacts for a specific lithology (above and below it), it
creates points either above or below a specific lithology.
If we use the same green intrusion lithology as above but create a deposit surface rather than an

intrusion surface, we get the following (looking at the same view as the previous image).

Using “contacts above”:


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Surfaces in Leapfrog Geo | 73

And using “contacts below”:

Deposit surfaces and erosion surfaces are exactly the same in the manner in which they are
constructed, but differ in the manner in which they are cut against other surfaces to form
volumes. Erosion surfaces act as unconformities, so “cut” any surfaces they cross. Deposit
surfaces act as depositional layers, so “stack” on top of any surfaces they cross.
For a simple demonstration, the contact between the upper (red) and lower (blue) lithologies
has been modelled using both erosion and deposit surfaces, and the interaction between these

surfaces and the intrusion surface when all are activated and turned into volumes becomes
apparent (noting that the erosion and deposit surfaces are exactly the same shape).
Here are the surfaces shown in section view: nl

With the deposit surface and intrusion surface activated:

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With the erosion surface and intrusion surface activated:

You can see the difference between the two images; in the top image the upper layer is a
deposit, so stacks on top of the green intrusion. The the bottom image the upper layer is an
erosion, so cuts across the green intrusion.
Remember that there are a huge number of options available when creating surfaces. We will

discuss these options as we move through the training course, and the above example is only a
simple demonstration of the most basic surfacing options.

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Session 6: Dynamic Updating | 75

Session 6: Dynamic Updating

Adding New Drillhole Data 75
Appending Drillhole Data 76
Updating the Geological Model Extents 77
Examining the Geological Model 79
Evaluating the New Model Against the Original 80
Polylines in Leapfrog 84
Editing a Surface Using Polylines 84
Introducing Central 96

In this session, we will append drillhole data by adding in a new drilling campaign. We will
create an updated geological model and check the updated model against the original.

At the end of this session, you will be familiar with:

Appending drillhole data
Using a query filter
l Copying a geological model
l Evaluating a new model against the original
Editing with polylines

The data for this session is in the Sessions \ Session 3 to 10 - Maia folder.

This session continues to use the Maia project from the previous sessions.

Adding New Drillhole Data

One of the main advantages of Leapfrog is its ability to dynamically update your models when
new data is introduced into the project. When it comes to drillholes, there are two options for
introducing new data, reloading data and appending data. The one you choose depends on
what data your new data table contains.
Reload data (Drillholes > Reload Drillholes) when the new data table contains not only the
new drillhole information to be added to the project, but also the drillhole data that already
exists within the Leapfrog project. If you are exporting from your database a cumulative drillhole
table that contains all the drillholes, use the reload option.
Append data (Drillholes > Append Drillholes) is used when the new data table contains only
brand new drillhole data that Leapfrog has not seen before. This is the option we are going to
use in this project.

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Appending Drillhole Data

1. Click the Clear scene button ( ).
2. Right-click on the Drillholes object in the project tree and select Append Drillholes:

4. Select the MA_collar.csv file and click Open.
3. Click Browse to locate the collar file for the MA campaign.

All the required files have been added to the window:


5. Click Import.

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Updating the Geological Model Extents | 77

When appending data, we need to check that the new data aligns with that already in the
project. The Column Summary for each file will show the columns and how each column will
be imported. In Session 3: Importing Drillhole Data, we changed the import parameters to use
the UTM columns rather than the Local Easting and Northing columns. Note that for the collar
table, the changes we made are being carried through to the import of the new tables:

It is imperative that your new data tables contain the same columns as the originally
imported ones. You are unable to add any “new” columns at this stage.

6. Work through the files, then select Finish.

Your drillhole data will now contain information from both drilling campaigns. Because
Leapfrog works in a top-down manner, the geological model that is dependent on the drillhole
data will also be updated when the drillhole data is appended.

Updating the Geological Model Extents


Although the geological model in this project has been updated with the new drillhole data, the
model’s extents remain those set when the model was created. We will change the extents for

the model.
1. Click the Clear scene button ( ).
2. Add the M_geology table to the scene.
3. Add the existing geological model to the scene.

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You will see that a number of the drillholes are visible outside the extents of the geological

4. Double-click on the Boundary object under the geological model.
5. Click the Enclose Object dropdown, and select the M_geology table.
In the scene, the boundary will be extended so it encloses the updated M_geology data. You
will see in the scene that the Boundary with red arrows has expanded to include the new

6. Click OK.

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Examining the Geological Model | 79

You will notice that even though the model is re-processing, its surfaces have not left the scene.
These original model meshes will remain in the scene while in the queue for processing, and will
only clear while actively being processed. Out-of-date objects waiting to be processed are
displayed in the project tree with their names greyed out. Once the model has been
reprocessed, it will extend to the edges of the new boundary:

Examining the Geological Model
While Leapfrog automatically updates models, it doesn’t do the same for the geological
interpretation. Once the project has been updated, we need to see whether or not the updated
model fits our original interpretations for both the Quartz Porphyry and the Granodiorite.
To examine your Quartz Porphyry (QzP) unit:

1. Click the Clear scene button ( ).


2. Add the M_geology table to the scene.

3. Click Edit Colours and keep the QzP lithology visible, but turn the others off:

4. Add the QzP output volume to the scene.

5. Double-click on the QzP surface in the project tree.
6. Click on the Trend tab, then click View Plane.

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This displays the trend that is applied to the surface in the scene:

7. Examine the volume to ensure it still honours the drillhole data, and that the trend which was
set earlier is still suitable.
8. If you are happy with your original interpretation, click Cancelto exit.

9. If you feel that the new data would be better interpreted with a different orientation trend,

adjust the surface by either: nl
Clicking on the plane to manually adjust using the handles or
l Drawing a new plane with the Draw Plane tool ( ).
10. Once you’ve set the plane, click the Set From Plane button and then click OK.
The Quartz Porphyry surface will be updated with the new trend.

11. Repeat steps 1 through 8 for the Granodiorite (GnD) unit.

12. Clear the scene.

Evaluating the New Model Against the Original


A useful feature when appending drillhole data is being able to evaluate a new model against
the original. This helps you gain a better understanding of the difference any new drilling has
The first step of this process is being able to distinguish the original drilling campaign from the
new one. To do this we need to create a query filter, which we will base on the names of the
drilling campaigns.

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Evaluating the New Model Against the Original | 81

To create a query filter:

1. Right-click on the collar table and select New Query Filter:

2. In the New Query Filter window, click the ... button.
This opens the Build Query window: nl

3. Click on the dropdown arrow labelled Column, and select collar.holeid:

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4. Change the Test value to starts with, and type ‘M0’ (using the number 0, not the letter O) for
the Value:

5. Click OK.
6. Back in the New Query Filter window, enter the name holeid LIKE ‘M0%’ and click OK.
7. Add the M_geology table to the scene.
8. Select the table in the shape list.

9. In the properties panel, select the new filter from the Query filter list:

The drillhole traces for all drillholes will still be visible, but only the intervals from the original M

campaign are displayed.

10. To filter out the drillhole trace lines as well, tick the Filter trace lines box.

You can display the whole drillhole dataset by selecting None from the Query filter dropdown
list in the properties panel.

Next, we will make a copy of the geological model.

11. Right-click on the geological model in the project tree and select Copy.
12. In the window that appears, name the new model “Maia M Campaign GM”.

13. Click OK.

In addition to the Copy option, there is also a Static Copy option. When you copy a geological
model, it remains dynamic, meaning that any time data is added, changed or deleted in your
project, the model will be updated. However, if you create a static copy, it will not change at all,
no matter what happens to the data in the project. A static copy is a good way to track changes
to your model over time.
Next, we will use the query filter to re-create the original geological model.

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Evaluating the New Model Against the Original | 83

14. Double-click on the Maia M Campaign GM.

15. Enable the Filter Data option.
The Query Filter default should be the M0 filter:

16. Click OK.
To compare the new and original geological models:
17. Click the Clear scene button ( ).
18. Add the Quartz Porphyry (QzP) volume from the updated model to the scene.
19. Add the QzP volume from the Maia M campaign GM.

20. Differentiate the GM model volume from the original volume by either turning on the show
edges option or changing the transparency of one of the volumes:

We can easily see the difference the additional drilling has made to the size and shape of the
QzP volume. This view also shows that to the north east of the model , the QzP intrusion has an
‘elbow’ which may not be realistically modelled. By inspecting the drilling surrounding this area,
we can see that the default surface runs between drillholes, some with QzP in them, and two
drillholes with intervals that have not been logged. To edit this surface, we will use polylines.

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Polylines in Leapfrog
Polylines in Leapfrog are very versatile. You can create 2D lines, 3D lines and points. The lines
can be straight segments or can be curved. Curved polylines are recommended as they allow
for a more realistic-looking result.
Lines and points can be drawn on the slicer or directly on objects.

A video describing the functionality can be found here in the training section on
MyLeapfrog, or on the training data USB stick.

Editing a Surface Using Polylines nl
In this part of the session, we are going to use polylines to edit the QzP surface. We are going to
use three different approaches:
l Drawing a 2D polyline drawn on the slicer
l Drawing points on the slicer

l Drawing directly on the surface


Drawing a 2D Line on the Slicer


In this part of the session, we are going to edit the QzP surface with a 2D polyline drawn on the
1. Clear the scene.
2. Add the QzP surface ( ) for the Maia Geological Model (not the output volume) to the scene.
We are going to draw a slice through the surface, then edit the surface with a polyline.
3. Orient the scene to draw a slice through the surface.

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Drawing a 2D Line on the Slicer | 85

4. Use the slicer to slice through the surface:

5. Set the slicer to Thick slice ( ):

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6. Right-click on the surface in the project tree and select Edit > With Polyline:

The polyline editing tools will be added to the toolbar:


This toolbar will appear whenever you create or edit a polyline, whether that is by editing a
surface or by creating the polyline using the Polylines folder.
7. Hold the mouse cursor over each icon to become familiar with the functionality of each tool.
The Draw lines ( ) and Draw points ( ) tools are used to create new lines and points. The
tools in the second row are for controlling whether the polyline is drawn (on the slicer ( ) or on
surfaces ( )). In this instance, drawing on the slicer ( ) has automatically been selected
because the slicer was already in the scene.
The Select dropdown list lets you select different parts of the polyline.

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Drawing a 2D Line on the Slicer | 87

The other tools:

l Make segments straight ( ) or curved ( )
l Add nodes ( )
l Add or reorient tangents ( )
l Flip selected tangents and disks ( )
l Add disks ( )
l Convert a 2D polyline to 3D ( )
l Set the slicer to a 2D polyline ( )

There are also buttons for undoing ( ) and redoing actions ( ), as well as saving the polyline ( )
or deleting selected parts of it ( ).

There is a list of polyline drawing hot keys on the data stick that was provided with this

8. To start drawing, click on the Draw polyline button ( ).
Once you select a tool to start drawing, instructions on how to use the tool will appear in the
upper left hand corner of the scene window:

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9. Click in the scene to add nodes at the top and bottom of the curve in the QzP surface:

10. Right-click to finish drawing.
This forms a straight segment. Notice that a tangent (the green circle) is automatically added on
the first node. This is oriented in the direction of the camera, and if you rotate the scene, you can
see that it is a cone:

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Drawing a 2D Line on the Slicer | 89

Notice also that a ribbon has appeared along the line. This shows the polarity of the line, that is,
which side is the inside and which side is the outside. The colour of the polarity ribbon should
match the colours of the inside and outside of your Porphyry surface:

The polyline has three colours: the colour of the inside (positive), the colour of the outside
(negative) and the colour of the line itself. in this case, the inside is the Porphyry lithology
(yellow) and the outside is the Unknown lithology (white).
11. Click on the Select tool ( ).
12. Click near the middle of the drawn segment and drag it to change the segment’s curve:

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13. Click on the bezier points to adjust the curve:

If the bezier points are not visible, click on the polyline in the shape list and enable the Show
bezier control points option in the properties panel.

Although you can make the line curved while adding nodes, an easy way to draw a curved
polyline is to simply click to add a series of points. Set the curvature of the whole line by

selecting all segments and then clicking the Make selected segments curved button ( ):

You can then make any adjustments to the curves required by dragging the segments or
using the bezier control points.

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Drawing Points on the Slicer | 91

14. To check the polyline against the original surface, remove the slicer from the scene:

15. Edit the polyline further, if necessary.

16. When you have finished, click the Save button ( ) to see how the polyline affects the
In the project tree, the polyline is saved as part of the QzP surface:


To edit the polyline, right-click on it in the project tree and select Edit Polyline. If the polyline is
in the shape list, click on the Edit button ( ):

You can copy a polyline by right-clicking on it and selecting Copy. If the polyline is in the
Polylines folder, its copy will be saved to the Polylines folder. If the polyline was created as part
of the another object, its copy will be saved to the Polylines folder.
17. Copy the polyline by right-clicking on it and selecting Copy.
18. In the window that appears, enter the name ‘QzP-line on slicer’ and click OK.
The copy will be saved in the Polylines folder.

Drawing Points on the Slicer

For this part of the session, we will edit the QzP surface with the Draw points tool ( ).
1. Expand the QzP surface in the project tree.

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2. Right-click on the QzP polyline and select Delete:

A window will appear showing the objects that will be affected when the polyline is deleted:


3. Confirm the deletion of the polyline by clicking Delete.

Note, if we later decide that we liked the edits made to the QzP surface with this polyline better,
we can add it to our surface again by using the copy that we made to the Polylines folder.

4. Right-click on the QzP surface in the project tree and select Edit > With Polyline.
5. Draw a slice where you are going to edit the surface.
6. Type ‘L’ to look at the slicing plane.
7. Zoom in to the righthand side of the surface and click on the Draw points tool ( ).
8. Click the Draw on slicer button ( ) in the toolbar.

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Drawing in 3D on a Surface | 93

9. Click to add a series of points where you want the surface to go:

10. When you have finished, click the Save button ( ).
11. Remove the slicer from the scene to see the results:

Drawing in 3D on a Surface
For this part of the session, we will edit the QzP surface with a new 3D polyline drawn directly on
the surface.
1. Clear the scene.

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2. Right-click on the QzP polyline in the project tree and select Share:

The QzP polyline will now also appear in the Polylines folder:

Sharing polylines between models can be a useful workflow to make identical changes to

surfaces existing in more than one model. The edits made to a shared polyline will be
simultaneously updated in all of the surfaces using that polyline.

In this case, a copy of the polyline has been made in the Polylines folder and the version on the
QzP surface has been hyperlinked to that version.

3. Right-click on the QzP polyline in the Polylines folder and select Rename.
4. Change the name of the polyline to ‘QzP-points on slicer’.
Note that the hyperlink to the polyline attached to the QzP surface has also been renamed.
We can now remove the polyline from the model’s surface and still have the option of adding it
back to our surface later.
5. Right-click on the hyperlink to the polyline in the QzP surface and select Remove:

Because this is a hyperlink to the polyline in the Polylines folder, removing it from the surface
has no effect on other objects in the project.
6. Add the QzP surface to the scene.

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Drawing in 3D on a Surface | 95

7. Zoom in the part of the surface we will edit with the new polyline.
8. Right-click on the QzP surface and select Edit > With Polyline.
Because the slicer isn’t in the scene, the Draw on objects mode ( ) is selected.
9. Click on the Draw polyline button ( ) and click to add nodes and set the curve of the
polyline, as described earlier:

10. Right-click to end the polyline.
11. Click Save.
If the resulting surface is distorted, check the surface ribbon to ensure each part of the polyline

is oriented correctly. For example, here we can see that the segment is not oriented correctly:

12. Double-click on the segment to select the whole segment.

13. Click on the Flip button ( ).
14. Save the polyline.

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Introducing Central
Central is a model management solution that’s designed to manage your team’s geological
data from a centralised, auditable environment. This allows you to visualise and track how
geological interpretations change over time and enables your team to make confident
decisions, when it matters most.

l Single source - Central holds all your geological modelling projects in one place. This
infrastructure includes version control, user permissions, and the ability to track and audit the
decision making process at any time.
l Connectivity - No matter where you are in the world, in an office or at a mine site, always
stay connected to your team and the same source of knowledge. Gather insights into project
changes when you need to.
l Collaboration - Discuss and explore different geological interpretations with members of

your team. Share a detailed history of the model with management and other project

Bring your global team together

l Track and understand how interpretations change as new data becomes available
l Publish Leapfrog models to a secure, central data source

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Bring your global team together | 97

l Experiment with different hypotheses

l Submit models for peer review
l Be confident that everyone is working from an auditable, single source of truth
l Manage the peer review process directly from Central Browser
l Understand how and why models have changed
l Communicate directly with geologists by using annotations
l Visualise the evolution of the model over time
l Access the latest data
l Understand key developments in the project
l See how additional data changes the model

l Export the latest data for use downstream
Learn more about Central here or contact us to schedule a demo or find out more.
Check out the exciting new features in the latest version here.
See how Cameco Corporation is using Central to collaboratively work on their projects and
integrate decades worth of data into modern decision making here.

© 2018 Seequent Limited


© 2018 Seequent Limited

Exercise 1: Weathering Model and Combined Models | 99

Exercise 1: Weathering Model and Combined


Importing Additional Interval Tables 99
Creating a Weathering Model 100
Creating a New Combined Model 101
Finding Volumes 103

For this exercise, we will create a weathering model for the Maia dataset. We will need to
import an additional interval table for this exercise. Then, we will combine the Weathering
and Maia geological models to create a combined model.
The data for this exercise is in the Exercises \ Exercise 1 - Weathering folder.

Importing Additional Interval Tables nl
There are two files to import, called M_weathering.csv and MA_weathering.csv.
1. Right-click on the Drillholes in the project tree, select Import From File > Interval Values:

2. Browse to find the M_weathering.csv table, and click Open.

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3. The import window will open. Click on the Not Imported label above the weathering
column and select Category.

4. Click Finish.
5. A new M_Weathering table has been added to the project tree. Next, we need to append the
M_weathering table with the data for the MA campaign.

6. Right-click on the M_Weathering table in the project tree and select Append Data.
7. Browse to find the MA_weathering.csv table, and click Open.
The column type has already been mapped for the weathering column.
8. Click Finish.
Creating a Weathering Model

9. Create a new geological model using weathering for the Base lithology column.
10. Drop the resolution down as appropriate, limit the extent of the surfaces to the drilling, and

name the model “Maia Weathering Model”.


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Creating a New Combined Model | 101

11. Visualise the drilling in 3D to get an idea of the volumes the volumes that need to be

12. Decide on the best method of creating the two required surfaces; there are a couple
different possibilities.

Once the surfaces have been created, activate them in the Surface Chronology and make sure
they are in the correct order to reflect their cutting relationships.

Creating a New Combined Model

To create a new Combined Model:
1. Clear the scene.
2. Right-click on Combined Models in the project tree and select New Combined Model:

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There will be three models available to combine, the weathering model, the full geological
model, and the geological model using only the M campaign.
3. Select the weathering model and the full geological model, then click OK.

A window will appear with a set of check boxes relating to volumes in each model.
4. Select the Dike, Quartz Porphyry (QzP) and Granodiorite (GnD), as well as each of the
weathering units, and click OK.


The combined model may take a few minutes to process, depending on your computer’s
processing speed. Look in the combined model’s Output Volumes folder to see the volumes
that are still being processed:

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Finding Volumes | 103

Note that each geological volume has been split into three subunits representing each
weathering type.
5. Add the model to the scene and enable its legend.
6. Add the slicer to the scene and set it to slice the north axis ( ):

Finding Volumes
To find the volume for a specific combination of volumes, right-click on the item of interest,
then click Properties. The volume as well as a number of other properties are listed.

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It’s also possible to determine the volume of an output volume by clicking on it in the scene
window. Information about the selected object is displayed:


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Session 7: Presentation and Sharing Tools | 105

Session 7: Presentation and Sharing Tools

Rendering Images 105
Sharing Scenes with View 106
Saving and Exporting Scenes 109
Using the Leapfrog Viewer 110
Creating Movies 111

In this session, we will explain how to use display features in Leapfrog for report writing or
presentation purposes, and how to share project scenes with your stakeholders.
At the end of this session, you will be familiar with:
l Rendering images

l Sharing scenes with View
Saving and exporting scenes

l Using the Leapfrog Viewer

l Creating movies
For this session we will use the Maia project from the earlier sessions.

Rendering Images

Any scene in Leapfrog can be rendered as either a png or jpg image. To access this feature, click
on the Leapfrog Geo menu at the top left of the screen, and select Render Image. There are

three main features to note:

l The number of pixels along the x and y axis of the image can be changed to a maximum of
40,000 x 10,000. The image’s proportions can be retained by leaving the Keep aspect box
l By turning supersampling on, jagged edges caused by pixels will be smoothed. The highest
option (4x4) will take longer to process than the lowest option (2x2) or keeping
supersampling off.
l Overlays such as the scale bar and grid lines can be turned on or off.
After any change is made, the Render button ( ) needs to be selected for the image to be
Once the image has been rendered, it can be copied for pasting into a report or presentation, or
saved in both png and jpg formats. In general, png is better for images with few colours, like a
geological model, and jpg is better for images with many colours, like aerial photographs.

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Sharing Scenes with View

View is a web-based model sharing platform that allows you to visualise 3D models, share them
with collaborators, and discuss the data all in one online view. Scenes from Leapfrog Geo can
be uploaded to View for sharing with the click of a button.

Uploading to View
1. Add a few objects of interest into the scene.

2. Click the Upload to View ( ) button in the upper right-hand corner of the scene.

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Uploading to View | 107

To use View for the first time, you must enter your My Leapfrog ID and click Login. Click
Remember Me to skip this step in the future.

If you don’t already have an account, click Register and follow the steps.
Once you’re logged in you will notice your ID in the top right-hand corner.

3. In the Upload to View window, ensure the objects you want to upload are selected, give the
view a Title and a Description if you’d like.

4. Click Upload.

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While it may appear like nothing happens when you click Upload, the view is uploading.

Viewing in View
Once the upload is completed, a message will appear in the lower right hand corner of the
Leapfrog Geo window.

1. To view the scene immediately, click the link, otherwise, the scene can be viewed any time by
logging into View online.

2. Open your new view and review it.


To learn more about how to use View, click here.

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Saving and Exporting Scenes | 109

3. Once you have explored View, close your browser and return to Leapfrog Geo.

Saving and Exporting Scenes

Using the data we currently have loaded in the scene view, we will review saving, and exporting
scene files for use in the Leapfrog Viewer.
1. Click the Edit Colours button for the table and use the visible buttons ( ) to make all
lithologies visible.
2. Save the scene by right-clicking on the Saved Scenes and Movies folder in the project tree,
and selecting Save Current Scene.
It’s also possible to add a Save current scene button in the toolbar. To do this, click on the
Leapfrog Geo menu and select Settings. Click on User Interface and tick the box for Show
Save Scene.
3. Add a description to the scene and change its name:


Scenes are listed in the project tree in alphabetical order so using a number followed by a
description to name them will ensure they are listed correctly.

4. Click OK.
5. Clear the scene.
6. Add the saved scene back into the scene.
Note that saving a scene saves all the object settings, such as the viewing angle, how the slicer
was set up and the different transparency settings on the objects.

A good habit to get into is to save scenes as you progress through a model, describing the

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steps that were taken to build it, and pointing out important or interesting features of the

7. Build another three or four scenes describing the steps taken to build the model:

Using the Leapfrog Viewer

Once scenes have been saved in your Leapfrog project, you can export them and open them in
the Leapfrog Viewer, which is free software available on the Leapfrog3D website. With the
Leapfrog Viewer, you can rotate, zoom, slice, change the transparency and view the details
(volume etc) of each object in the saved scene.
If you have Leapfrog Viewer installed on your computer, you can work through the following

1. Right-click on the Saved Scenes and Movies folder and select Export Scenes.
2. Select the scenes you would like to export by dragging them into the Selected scenes panel:

There are two settings that determine how data is exported:

The Export hidden shapes option exports any shapes that are in the scene but invisible at the
time the scene was saved.
The Export shapes only and Export all data that appears when I click options determine
what data is displayed in the scene when an object is clicked on. That data displayed when the
Export all data that appears when I click option is the volume, area, elevation, and location.
These are not displayed when Export shapes only is selected.

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Creating Movies | 111

3. Choose the options you would like, and click Export.

4. Enter a file name, and click Save.
5. Open the Leapfrog Viewer, and navigate to your exported saved scenes to open them.

6. Once you’re done in Leapfrog Viewer, reopen your Maia project in Leapfrog Geo.
Creating Movies

Movies are a great way of displaying your model at a conference or presentation. In Leapfrog,
movies can be created by adding saved scenes to a storyboard, then editing the transitions

between each scene.

When setting up the scenes you will use to make the movie, remember that one scene will

rotate/fade into the next, so it is useful to imagine what the transitions will look like before
saving your scenes.
1. Right-click on the Saved Scenes and Movies folder in the project tree and select New Movie.

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A new tab will appear next to the Projects and Scene View tabs at the top of the screen:

The Saved Scenes list shows all the available scenes.
2. Double-click on each scene to add it to the Storyboard at the bottom of the tab.
When there is more than one saved scene in the storyboard, transitions will also appear in the


3. Click on a scene or transition in the Storyboard to view and adjust its properties.
4. Once the movie has been completed, click the Save and Export button in the toolbar.
There are several options for export; the quality can be anywhere from HD (1920x1080) to lower

quality, the number of frames per second can be changed, and whether or not to export frame
images (for import to an external movie editing package) can be selected.

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Session 8: Numeric Modelling | 113

Session 8: Numeric Modelling

Modelling Approach 113
Iterative Refinement 114
Numeric Drillhole Data 114
Importing and Exporting Colour Gradients 117
Merged Tables 118
Creating Composites Directly from Drillholes 123
Creating a First Pass Gold Numeric Model 127
Copying a Numeric Model, and Clipping to a Domain 139
Numeric Model Statistics 143

Numeric models are created in Leapfrog Geo by interpolating sparsely distributed data to
build representative surfaces across a region. Assay data, temperature values, geophysical

data or any other numeric data can be interpolated. Interpolation in Leapfrog is fast and
flexible, and the shells produced to represent mineralisation are smoother and more
reproducible than traditional hand-drawn meshes. nl
This session contains a relatively large amount of theoretical background. To understand
how Leapfrog creates numeric models, we will need to introduce basic interpolation and
geostatistics concepts.
For this session, we will be using the project used for the Maia sessions.

Modelling Approach

A numeric model can be built in four steps from any data that contains points with X,Y,Z
coordinates and an associated numeric value.

l The first step is to clean the drillhole data by removing inconsistencies in the data. This can
be a time-consuming process with some data sets, but it is critical as the quality of any model
ultimately depends on the quality of the data. For this session, the data was cleaned in the
first Maia session so we can proceed to the next step.
l The second step is to select the numeric values and apply appropriate parameters to the
values. A numeric model estimates the values over a region from an initial set of point values.
The numeric values can be selected directly as points if they have been imported into the
Points folder. If you are creating your numeric model from drillhole data, Leapfrog will allow
you to select the segments used to generate points. When you are adjusting the model later
on, you can work directly with point values.
l The third step is to apply a trend. A trend allows the directions and strength of mineralisation
to be defined to ensure the resulting numeric model is geologically reasonable. Adding a
global or structural trend will alter the isosurfaces. It should be adjusted to ensure these
honour the expected mineralisation patterns. This is where we will initially direct our focus in
this session.

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l The final step, while equally important to all the others, is to determine how the isosurfaces
are bounded and calculate the volume of each isosurface.

Iterative Refinement
Building a numeric model is a process of successive refinement. This involves:
l Defining the numeric model and basic structures. This usually corresponds to defining the
topography and boundaries.
l Refining the internal structure. This involves setting the proper trends and making manual
corrections to the point and value data until the resulting surfaces are geologically realistic.

Numeric Drillhole Data

Up to this point, we have worked with category data (lithology, weathering). Many of the

visualisation tools available in the shape list and properties panel for numeric data are the same
as for categorical data, but there are a couple of additional tools.

With numeric data, you have the option of Continuous or Discrete colourmaps. While a
continuous colourmap is the default, in this session, we will focus on creating a discrete

1. Clear the scene.

2. Add the M_assays table to the scene and select the Au column.

3. In the shape list, click on the Au colourmap and select Edit Colourmaps:

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Colourmaps | 115

The default continuous colourmap will open in the window:

You can experiment with changes in this window and you will see them update live in the scene.

4. To create a new discrete colourmap, click New.
5. Select Discrete colourmap, give it a name and click Create.
Click Add to add as many colour ranges as you’d like.
Change the value in the Max column and the Min column will update accordingly.

l Click on the ≤ sign to switch the greater than/less than/equal to status.

l Click the colour swatch to change the colour.
Note that the scene will be updated as you make changes to the colourmap:

6. When satisfied with your colourmap, click Close.

You only have to set up this colour scheme once per column and you can then export and
share it between projects, as described in Session 3: Importing Drillhole Data, Importing

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and Exporting Colour Files.

Cylinder Radius Scaling

As we’ve seen, numeric data columns in drillhole data can be displayed as lines or cylinders.
When displayed as cylinders, the radius of the cylinders can be set from a numeric data column
in the table, either the same one being displayed, or a different one.
1. If you’re not already, display the M_assays table using the cylinders ( ).
2. In the properties panel, use the Radius values drop down to display by Au.
3. Click the Use log value for radius button ( ) to get a more useful display.

If we had an additional value in the dataset, like Cu, we could display the Au values in scene,
scaled by the Cu values.

Enhance High Values


Frequently it is hard to visualise your high grade zones in drillholes if your project is well drilled
off. It’s typically a lot of low values on the outside obscuring a higher grade core.

To help visualise your high grade trends, click use the Enhance High Values button ( ) in the
shape list:

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Filtering Values in the Properties Panel | 117

The images below show the same drillholes, but the higher values are enhanced in the image
on the right (image for demonstration purposes only):

Filtering Values in the Properties Panel
When numeric data is displayed, there is a quick and easy way to view specific ranges of data.
1. Click on the M_assay table in the shape list to view more detail in the properties panel.
2. In the properties panel, tick the Value Filter box.

3. Enter the range of values you wish to display.


Importing and Exporting Colour Gradients


The Colour Gradients folder near the bottom of the project tree is used for storing imported
colour gradients. To import a gradient, right-click on the Colour Gradients folder and select
Import Gradient.
A useful article on colourmaps is available at http://peterkovesi.com/projects/colourmaps/.
Existing colourmaps can be downloaded from this website in ERMapper (*.lut), Geosoft (*.tbl)
and Golden Software Surfer (*.clr) formats.
Once the new colour gradient is in Leapfrog, it can be assigned to any object in the project that
uses a continuous colourmap. Click Edit Colourmaps in the shape list:

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In the Edit Colourmaps window, all colour gradients in the project area available from the
Gradient list:

Merged Tables nl
A good way to find out which lithologies are important to the mineralisation is by creating a
merged table.
1. Right-click on the Drillholes object in the project tree and click New Merged Table:.

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Merged Tables | 119

2. Select the assay table, and the Strat column:

3. Click OK.

4. Right-click on the new merged table in the project tree and select Statistics.
5. Select the Table of Statistics: nl

6. Under Categories, click Add and use the dropdown list to select the Strat column.
7. Check the box for Au and Interval Length in the Numeric items list.
8. To get a more useful view, choose the Group by numeric item radio button.

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9. Hide the empty categories and inactive rows.

There are a number of useful statistics in this table. By default they are length-weighted. First,
we can see the total interval length of each lithology. This can be useful when there are
hundreds of codes that require grouping. By sorting the list based on interval length, it is easy to
start eliminating the irrelevant codes from the grouping. Second, we can sort the columns
based on numerical values.
10. To first ensure that you are looking at all of the data, confirm that the Query filter is set to

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Merged Tables | 121

11. Click the Mean heading to sort based on gold grade:

We can quickly see the lithologies that contain higher gold grade, as well as those with less. The
lithology with the highest grade is the Quartz porphyry (QzP), and the lowest grades are found
in the Granodiorite (GnD). nl
If you prefer to view these statistics in a more graphic format, box plots provide a great
visualisation of the differences between different units.
12. Right-click on your merged table in the project tree and select Statistics.
13. This time, click on Box Plot:

The Box Plot tab will open.

14. Select Au for the Numeric column.
15. Select Strat for the Category column.

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16. Then click on Select All or simply check the boxes of the lithological units of interest:

The Box Plot defaults to show the minimum/maximum extents of the numeric data with the
whiskers. The black line represents the median value, the red diamond is the mean, and the
coloured region represents the interquartile range.
It becomes obvious that most of the lithologies are barren. We will take this into account when

compositing in Leapfrog.

The intervals of a merged table are dependent on the selected columns’ interval breaks. The
merged table interval will be the longest possible interval that is shared by all selected
columns. Where the ends of interval don’t align, small intervals will be created. For example,

if an assay interval is 10-12m and has a value of 0.563, but there is a lithology code change at
11m, a merged table will present this as follows: 
l 10-11m, Lithology A, Au 0.563
l 11-12m, Lithology B, Au 0.563
In many cases, this doubling up of the assay values is not ideal. To deal with this issue, you
can create a New Majority Composite table based on the assay intervals, and merge that
new table with the assay table. This approach will not result in any split assays.

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Creating Composites Directly from Drillholes | 123

Creating Composites Directly from Drillholes

Prior to compositing, we can review the sample interval lengths in the project.
1. Right-click on the M_assay table and select Statistics.
2. Click on the Interval Length Statistics option.


We can immediately see that the majority of our samples are 2.5 metres long. We will use this
information later when we’re choosing our composite lengths.

It is possible to create a set of composited drillholes directly from drillholes. To do this, we go

directly to the Drillholes folder. This folder gives us more options, including whether to
composite over the entire drillhole or only within a particular lithology. Once the composite has

been completed, it can be used to create a numeric model.

3. Right-click on the Composites folder (under the Drillholes folder) and select New Numeric

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There are four compositing options:

l Entire drillhole applies compositing parameters to all values down the length of the

drillhole, regardless of unit breaks. nl
Subset of codes, grouped combines selected codes and applied the same compositing
parameters to the grouped intervals. If all codes are selected, this option is exactly the same
as Entire drillhole.
l Subset of codes, ungrouped lets you set compositing parameters for each individual code,
based on a Base column. This allows compositing to break along unit breaks.

l Intervals from table uses interval lengths from the Base table to determine composite

In addition to specifying the desired composite region and length, there are also 3 options for
handling residual segments of lengths less than a specified cut-off:

l Discard
l Add to previous interval
l Distribute equally

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Creating Composites Directly from Drillholes | 125

For more details regarding compositing, click here.

4. Select Subset of codes, ungrouped.


This option provides maximum compositing flexibility.

5. Ensure the Base column is Strat.
By default, the Compositing Length is set to 10 and the Minimum Coverage is set to 5.
Compositing length will vary on a number of factors, including the deposit style, mining
method and raw sample length. In general, high grade underground mines will require a
shorter sample length compared to bulk open pit mines. The other point to note is that, if
possible, samples shouldn’t be “split”. For example, if most intervals have a 2 m sample length,
choosing a composite of 1 m or 5 m will split the intervals, which will artificially reduce variance
as an interval with a single value will be represented in more than one composite. In this case,
we will change the composite length to 5 m, as the raw interval lengths are mostly 2.5 m so the
intervals aren’t being split. A composite of 5 m is also reasonable for the deposit style we are
working with in this case. We could also choose another multiple of 2.5 for our composite
length, depending on the needs for model use.
6. Change the Default Compositing Length to 5.
This will apply the length to all codes.

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Minimum Coverage determines what to do at the end of code intervals or at the end of the
drillhole when the Discard option is chosen. For example, if the total length of drilling is 181 m
and we are compositing to 5 m lengths, our composites will go from 0 m - 5 m, then 5 m - 10 m
etc. When we get to the bottom of the hole, the last composite will be 175 m to 180 m. There is
one metre left over, so the specified length of the Minimum Coverage defines the manner in
which Leapfrog treats this last section. The Minimum Coverage parameter only applies when
the Discard option is chosen, if either of the other two residual handling options are selected,
the minimum coverage field isn’t available.
7. In this project, we will select the Distribute equally option, using the dropdown.

8. Set this For ends lengths less than: 1.25.
Regarding the Action column, there are three options:
l Composite, which is self-explanatory
l Filter Out, where all values for the filtered out code will be removed from the composited

l No Compositing, where all values for the No Compositing code will retain their original
interval lengths within the composited table

9. For the Casing unit, select Filter Out:


Values existing in the Casing unit will NOT be included in the new composited table.

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Creating a First Pass Gold Numeric Model | 127

10. Click on the Output Columns tab, and select Au:

11. Give the new table an appropriate name, click OK.

Creating a First Pass Gold Numeric Model

It is a good idea to run a quick numeric model through numeric data to check how the
isosurfaces behave. Once this is done, we can go ahead and create a numeric model with full
knowledge of the data.

1. Right-click on the Numeric Models folder in the project tree and select New RBF

The New RBF Interpolant window will appear, with a few basic options for defining the model.
2. Set Numeric values to the Au column from the composited table.

3. Click Existing model boundary or volume and select the Maia Geological Model Boundary
4. Leave the Surface Filter box ticked.

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5. Change the resolution to 20.

6. Click OK

7. Clear the scene.
8. Once the model has been processed, add it to the scene.
As you would expect for a first pass model created without changing any parameters, it is

We will change a few of the more important parameters and check how they change the
numeric model.
9. Double-click on the Au numeric model ( ) in the project tree.
This opens the Edit RBF Interpolant window.
We will start by creating a numeric model for the entire area, then look at creating a model
within the Quartz porphyry (QzP), which is the major mineralised lithology.
For the first model, we will change parameters in the Outputs, Interpolant and Value
Transform tabs. When we create the second model within the QzP, we will also look at the
Value, Boundary and Trend tabs.

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Outputs Tab | 129

Outputs Tab
The Outputs tab lets us choose the values used to create isosurfaces, as well as defining how
the isosurfaces create the associated volumes and the resolution of the isosurfaces. By default
there are three isosurface values, which are at the lower quartile, median and upper quartile of
the data being used. These default values are often not of interest, but are useful in checking
the general shape of the numeric model. We will go ahead and change them to more
reasonable values.
1. Click on the Outputs tab.
2. Click to highlight one of the default values beneath the Iso Value heading, then click it again
to edit it.
3. Change the existing values to 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0.
4. Click the Add button to add isosurfaces with values of 1.25 and 1.5:


Resolution is important when creating isosurfaces. Ideally we would want it to be equal to the
composite length (5 m in this case). A quick test using one of Leapfrog’s laptops (16GB RAM,
2.8GHz processor) took 75 seconds to run these isosurfaces at a resolution of 5, but if your
laptop is particularly slow, it may be worth increasing the resolution to between 10 - 15. This will
still give you a reasonable surface, but will process more quickly.
The resolution of isosurfaces is important because it determines the size of the triangles making
up the surface. If the resolution is 5, the approximate edge length of the triangles will be 5 units
in length (remembering that Leapfrog is unit-less). If the edge length of the triangles is 5 units,
they will be able to include intervals that are as small as 5 m long. If we were to increase the
resolution to 10, the triangles would only be able to include intervals as small as 10 m long and
so will miss some of the smaller intervals.
A lower resolution produces a more accurate surface, but can take a lot longer to run. A general
guide is that if you halve the resolution, the processing time will increase by four times.
5. Change the Default resolution to something between 5 and 15.

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The resolution for each surface is set by the Default resolution unless a different resolution for
a particular surface is specified. Since the resolution of each isosurface can be set
independently, so you can save time by making the higher iso value shells at a lower resolution
value and the lower iso value shells at a higher resolution value.
6. Set the 1.5 and 1.25 isosurfaces to 5 m and the others to 10:

The Volumes Enclose dropdown lets you choose from Intervals, Higher Values and Lower

l Intervals will create a series of “donut” shaped shells. In this example, the shells will be < 0.5,
0.5 - 0.75, 0.75 - 1.0, 1.0 - 1.25, 1.25 - 1.5, >1.5.

l Higher Values will create a series of shells that enclose all higher values within them. In this
example, the shells will be >0.5, >0.75, >1.0, >1.25, >1.5.
Lower Values will create a series of shells that enclose all lower values within them. In this

example, the shells will be <0.5, <0.75, <1.0, <1.25, <1.5.

7. In this case we will start by using Intervals, so keep this selected.
8. Click OK.
Once the model has finished running, the model will reload in the scene, but every volume will
be opaque, making it difficult to see what has changed.
9. Clear the scene.

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Interpolant Tab | 131

When the model reloads in the scene, every volume will be opaque. To view with increasing
transparency, clear the scene and drag in the numeric model ( ):

The Evaluation limits refer to when interpolated values evaluated onto objects (surface, points,
block model, etc). These limits do not affect the input data, or the interpolation itself. By default,
there is a Minimum limit set at 0.0. This means that regardless of the parameters set in the

Interpolant tab, and the resulting interpolation, no interpolated values less than 0 will be
evaluated onto objects. There is also an option to set a Maximum value for the interpolated
values. If ticked, the default is the highest value in the dataset, meaning that no interpolated
value evaluated onto an object can exceed the highest measured value. Keep in mind, this is not
top cutting as it only affects the interpolated values when evaluated onto objects, not the input
data or the interpolation itself.
This is a good first step but we can see there are some pretty clear issues with the model still,
such as the large high grade blowouts in the SE corner of the model.

Interpolant Tab

1. Double-click on the numeric model object ( ) to open the Edit RBF Interpolant window.

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2. Click on the Interpolant tab:

There are a number of parameters in the interpolant tab that can be set based either on rules of
thumb or by using geostatistical input from packages such as Supervisor or Isatis. For this
example, we will look at rules of thumb that work well for a number of examples. The default
settings are almost certainly incorrect so the next few paragraphs are important when creating
reasonable numeric models.

As you may have figured out by now, Leapfrog is fast at creating models, but that doesn’t

necessarily mean the first pass models are correct.


Understanding how the interpolation works is one of the key topics in the Leapfrog Geo.


There are two options for the Interpolant, Linear and Spheroidal. The Linear interpolant works
well for lithology data and for quickly visualising data trends. It is not suitable for values with a
distinct finite range of influence such as most metallic ore deposits. The Linear interpolant
assumes that values a certain distance from a particular point have a proportionally greater
influence on that point than values further away. The Spheroidal interpolant works well when
there is a finite range beyond which the influence of one point upon another should fall to zero.
This is the case for most metallic ore deposits.
3. Change the interpolant type to Spheroidal.
Note that the interpolant function shown in the window changes shape to display the
Spheroidal interpolant rather than the Linear interpolant.

Base Range
The Spheroidal interpolant has a Base Range that represents the distance from the data at
which the value equals the Total Sill. As we move away from a specified point, the influence of

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Base Range | 133

that point decays in a roughly linear manner up to a distance of around 30% of the range. Past
30% of the Base Range, the influence of the point starts dropping more quickly until it reaches
96% of the value of the total Sill.
In simpler terms, the Base Range is the parameter that roughly corresponds to continuity.
Leapfrog is essentially creating an isosurface through points of equal value; by increasing the
Base Range, the isosurface is able to stretch a further distance between points. The effect of the
Base Range can be visualised most obviously when it is too small.
For this example, setting a Base Range of around 20 will produce a series of isosurfaces that
surround the drilling. These are sometime referred to as “strings of pearls”:


These are a good indication that the Base Range needs to be increased, as it’s extremely unlikely

that all the drillholes manage to perfectly follow thin pipes of high grade while missing the
surrounding low grade!
As a rule of thumb, the Base Range should be set to 2.0 - 2.5 times the distance between
In this case, the average distance between holes is around 200 m, so a Base Range of between
400 and 500 should be a good starting point.
4. Change the Base Range to 400.

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Note that the shape of the interpolant function changes to include the range of 400, which is
represented using a vertical yellow line:

Total Sill
The Total Sill controls the upper limit of the interpolant function, where there ceases to be any
correlation between values. We expect that closely spaced samples will be more related or
closer in sample values. As the separation between samples increases, we expect that their

differences in value will increase, until a distance is reached where the samples are no longer
related to each other - or the distance between them and their variability is that of the

population variance. For this reason, we will set the Total Sill equal to the variance.
In this case the variance is around 0.3, but this may change depending on whether you added a
different top cut, used a different composite length or used the log transform.

5. Change the Total Sill to equal the variance..

Note that the shape of the interpolant function changes again and is now limited in the y-
direction by the Total Sill; the function approaches the sill, and will be at 96% of the sill when
the function crosses the Range line.

The Nugget allows for local anomalies in sampled data, where a sample is significantly different
to what might be predicted for that point based on the surrounding data. By increasing the
value of the Nugget, more emphasis is placed on the average values of surrounding samples
and less on the actual data point. The Nugget can also be used to reduce noise from
inaccurately measured samples.
The rule of thumb for the Nugget changes depending on the deposit type, and geostatistical
input is vital. For this deposit (a porphyry gold project), a Nugget of 10 - 20% is appropriate. It is
important to note that the Nugget is a percentage of the sill, so in this case a 15% nugget would
be 0.04.

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Drift | 135

6. Change the Nugget to 0.04.

Note the change in the interpolant function; the base point (0.0, 0.0) moves up the y axis to
equal the value of the Nugget:

The Drift controls the manner in which the interpolant decays away from the data. A Constant
drift means the interpolant will decay to the mean value of the data. A drift of None means the

interpolant will decay to a value of zero away from the data, so is useful when there are no low
grade holes constraining the deposit. A drift of Linear means the interpolant decays linearly

away from the data.

In this case, as the interpolant model is currently not bounded to any domain (geological,
structural, weathering etc) and a sensible drift to use will be None. This means that as we move

away from the data toward the edges of the model, the value of the interpolant will revert to a
value of zero.

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7. Change the Drift to None:

We are only using a drift of None as we currently have no geological domain set up. Later in this
session once we have introduced a geological domain, we will use a drift of Constant.
The Alpha determines how steeply the interpolant rises toward the Total Sill. A low Alpha value
produces an interpolant function that rises more steeply than a high Alpha value. By looking at

the interpolant function while changing the Alpha, we can see that a high Alpha will give points
at intermediate distances more influence compared to lower Alpha values. The possible Alpha

values are 9, 7, 5 and 3.

An Alpha of 9 gives the best approximation to the Spherical Variogram, but takes longer to
process and in most situations gives a very similar result to using an Alpha of 3.

In this case, we will keep the Alpha at 3 to reduce processing time.

Leapfrog Geo estimates the Accuracy from the data by taking a fraction of the smallest
difference between measured data values. There is little point in changing the accuracy to be
significantly smaller than the errors in the measured data as the interpolation will run more
slowly and will degrade the interpolation result.
The rule of thumb here is to leave the accuracy as it is.
8. Click OK to reprocess the interpolant.

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Value Transform Tab | 137

Editing the Interpolant tab settings has made significant changes to the volumes:

Value Transform Tab

1. Double-click on the interpolant again.

2. Click on the Value Transform tab.

The Transform Type can be set either to None (default) or to Log. For this example, changing
the Transform Type to Log will change the histogram so it is more normally distributed. The
Pre-log shift option becomes available once the Log transform is selected; this prevents issues
when taking the logarithm of zero or negative numbers.
The log transform will always produce smaller volumes compared to not using a transform.
Unless outside geostatistical input is available, the Transform Type should be left as “None”. A
good method of deciding whether or not to use the log transform is to create two identical

models; one with the log transform on, and the other with it off. The user can then visually
analyse the models and decide which is more suitable.

3. Keep the Transform Type set to None.

The Lower bound (bottom cut) and Upper bound (top cut) options become available once the

Do pre-transform clipping check box has been enabled. By setting the Upper bound, all
samples with a value greater than the specified Upper bound will be reduced to the value of the
Upper bound. This prevents samples with very high grades having an undue influence on the
model. As a rule of thumb, an Upper bound can be selected where the histogram starts to break
down. A simple method of checking this is by looking at the histogram and finding the value at
which the columns start to get gaps between them.

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To split the data into more columns:

4. Click on the Options dropdown list and select Bin Width:

5. Untick the Automatic option and adjust the Bin width.
There is a gap in the data at a value of around 4:

We will use this value as our Upper bound.

6. Tick the Do pre-transform clipping checkbox and change the value of the Upper bound to

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Copying a Numeric Model, and Clipping to a Domain | 139

Note that once the Upper bound has been applied, all values greater than 2 have been reduced
to be equal to 4:

Note, by clipping our data values we are reducing the population variance. To be thorough, we
need to revisit the Interpolant tab to ensure that our Total Sill is still representative of the
population variance.
7. Click on the Interpolant tab.
8. Adjust the Total Sill and Nugget to reflect any changes in the variance.

9. Click OK to process the changes.

As a first pass model, this isn’t a bad result. We will need to add trends to give the mineralisation

more of a defined shape, as well as limit the extents of the model to within geological domains
(which we made as part of the geological model earlier).

Copying a Numeric Model, and Clipping to a Domain

The easiest way to clip a numeric model to a geological domain is to firstly create a copy of it.
Once the numeric model has been copied, we can alter some of the parameters in the new
model and check the changes against the original interpolant.
1. Right-click on the Au numeric model and select Copy.
2. Enter the name “Au clipped to Quartz porphyry” and click OK.
Now that we have a second numeric model, we can open it up and make appropriate changes
to firstly clip the data/surfaces to the QzP and then update the parameters to take into account
the changed data. For example, the data will be clipped to the QzP lithology, which will change
the Upper Bound, Total Sill, Nugget and Drift.

Bounding your numeric model to a geologically reasonable domain (lithological, structural,

alteration, etc) is vital to creating a reasonable volume result.

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3. Collapse the original Au numeric model and expand the new numeric model in the project
4. Right-click on the Boundary and select New Lateral Extent > From Surface:

5. Select the QzP output volume:

6. Click OK.

7. Clear the scene.


8. Once the model has been processed, add it to the scene:


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Copying a Numeric Model, and Clipping to a Domain | 141

The model has changed in two different ways. Firstly the isosurfaces have been clipped to the
QzP boundary, and secondly the data has been clipped to the QzP boundary:

Now that the boundary has been changed, we need to edit the other interpolation parameters
as discussed above.
9. Double-click on the numeric model to open the Edit RBF Interpolant window.
In the Values tab, we can see that the Surface filter is set to Boundary. As the boundary is now
set to the QzP volume, this means the Surface filter is already using the QzP so we don’t need to
change anything here.
We can also leave the Boundary tab and the Trend tab unchanged.
10. Click on the Interpolant tab to see if anything needs to be changed there.

11. If necessary, make appropriate changes to the Total Sill, Drift and Nugget.

12. Since the values used in the interpolation have changed, you may wish to revisit the Value
Transform tab to assess the clipping Upper bound. Remember, any changes made here
should be followed by a double check of the Interpolant tab parameters.

13. The Outputs tab should be correct as it is, so we can click OK and let the model reprocess.
14. Clear the scene.
15. Add the model to the scene:

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Adding a Contour Polyline to the Numeric Model

Sometimes manual interpretation is necessary to create the surfaces you as the geologist believe
exist. Sometimes drillholes end in high grade and potential blowouts need to be mitigated. We
can use contour polylines to add this interpretation/limitation. To add a contour polyline, you
need to decide what value the polyline is, then draw the polyline either on a surface or on the
slicer. This feature is most useful where there is limited data; remember that if there is
contradicting data (i.e. the drillholes contradict the contour polyline), the surface produced will
not look correct. By doing this, you are essentially adding assay values to your interpolant, so
use with care.
1. Draw a slice through your existing Au clipped to Quartz porhyry numeric model, cutting
along hole MA011.
In this example, I will use a contour polyline to mitigate a small blowout caused by a drillhole
ending prematurely:


2. Right-click on the Values under the interpolant, and select New Contour Polyline.

3. Enter the value that you would like the contour polyline to represent.
In this case, we will use 0.5.

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Numeric Model Statistics | 143

4. Draw the contour polyline on the slicer, off the end of the drillhole, then click Save in the

5. The model will be updated, and the surfaces will now represent the contour polyline:


Numeric Model Statistics


Numeric models have in built statistics that give basic information regarding grades and
volumes within each shell.

1. Right-click on the Au clipped to Quartz porphyry model and select Properties.

2. Click on the Statistics tab to bring the statistics up.

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There are four columns: Interval, Interval Volume, Approx Mean Value and Units. The first
three columns are used to calculate the last column, then each row is added to give a total

number of Units.

The Interval column lists the value(s) of the volumes that are being calculated.
The Interval Volume column lists the total volume contained within each Interval
l The Approx Mean Value lists the mean value of the volume. In the example above, the
intervals <0.5 and >1.5 have Approx Mean Values of 0.5 and 1.5 respectively (as there is no
further information available higher or lower than these grades). The interval from 0.5 - 0.75

has an Approx Mean Value of 0.625, which is half way between the two grade shells. To gain
accuracy, one method is to increase the number of grade shells (by decreasing the spacing

between shells).
l The Units columns is calculated by multiplying the Interval Volume by the Approx Mean
Value, which gives a total number of units. Each row is added to give the total number of

There is a short description at the bottom of the window giving instructions for turning the total
units into grams. In this case, where our gold grades are in grams/ton, we can look at the
average density of the QzP lithology, multiply it by the total units, then divide by 31.1 (1 troy
ounce = 31.1 grams) to give total (troy) ounces of Gold.
l Total Units is 47,640,531
l Density of QzP is ~2.7 tons/m3
l (47,640,531 x 2.7) / 31.1 = 4.1 million ounces of Gold within the QzP.
Note that we haven’t included a cut off, so we are calculating the grade within the entire QzP
domain. There are several things we could do to get a more constrained result, including
limiting the model to within a certain distance to the drilling (New Lateral Extent > From
Distance Function), using an Indicator RBF interpolant as a boundary , and creating further
refined geological domains (using Refined Models).

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Session 9: Drillhole Planning | 145

Session 9: Drillhole Planning

Set Up of a Planned Drillhole 145
Creating a Fence of Drillholes 152
Exporting Planned Drillholes 154
Importing Planned Drillholes 154
Using Distance Functions to Help Plan New Drillholes 154

In this session, we will look at planning drillholes in Leapfrog Geo. This is a simple process,
and can include outputs such as expected grade and lithology based on existing models, as
well as the standard survey data. We can also decide where to put new drillholes based on
the proximity to existing drillholes. We will continue with the Maia dataset for this session.

Set Up of a Planned Drillhole nl
The easiest method for setting up a planned drillhole is to view the topography and the
drillholes in the scene, as well as the target, which could be the numeric model or a geological
model. You can then specify the collar and target locations, and alter the lift, drift and depth.
Once the location of the drillhole has been entered, a prognosis can be made. This takes any
existing model and evaluates it against the planned drillhole, letting us look at expected grade
and lithology down hole based on current models.

1. Clear the scene.


2. Add the M_geology drillhole table to the scene.

3. Add the topography and the QzP output volume into the scene.

A good way to visualise the location of the high grade based on existing data is to run an
evaluation on the QzP.
4. Right-click on the QzP output volume and select Evaluations.
5. Select the Au clipped to Quartz porphyry numeric model and drag it across to the right hand

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6. Click OK.
7. Once the evaluation has finished processing, click the display dropdown box in the shape list
and select the numeric model.

8. Rotate the scene to view the drillholes and the volumes from below:

Now that we can see the numeric model evaluated against the mineralised QzP, we can see
that there are patches where the high grade is better defined and large patches where the
grade is poorly defined. In particular, the south-western end of the QzP has a large area of low
grade, which we can see contains no drillholes. We will plan a drillhole in this area to better
define the edge of the deposit.

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Set Up of a Planned Drillhole | 147

9. Rotate the scene until you can see where on the topography you want the collar and where
on the QzP you want the drillhole target.

You can be looking underneath the topography to make it easier to visualise.

10. Right-click on the Planned Drillholes folder, which is beneath the top level Drillhole Data
11. Select New Group.
The Drillhole Group window will appear:

In this window we can specify the drillhole prefix as well as give the drillhole group a name
before we start creating new planned holes.
12. In the Prefix field, type ‘MA’ to continue adding drillholes to the recent second stage drilling.
13. In the Name field, give the group a meaningful name e.g. ‘Summer 2018 Drilling’.
14. Click Add Drillhole to plan the first new hole.

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The Drillhole Planning window will appear:

In this window we have several main sections. At the top of the window, we can specify whether
to start at the Collar or start at the Target. Depending on which is selected, either the Collar or
the Target window will be greyed out. In the image above, the Collar is selected so the Target
section is greyed out.
Halfway down the window there is a Path section. Once the start point of the drillhole has been

specified, we can change its path by varying the lift, drift and depth.

At the bottom of the window in the Description section, we can add a comment, change the
name and change the phase of drilling.
We will look at each of these sections during this session.

15. First, make sure the Collar option is selected at the top of the window.
16. Making sure the scene is still in the correct position so that the desired collar location on the
topography, as well as the target location are both visible.
17. Click the cursor icon ( ) in the top right corner of the Drillhole Planning window.

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Set Up of a Planned Drillhole | 149

18. Click on the topography where you would like the collar to be located, then drag to the
point on the QzP where you would like the target to be located:

When you release the cursor, a straight drillhole will be in the scene:

It is now possible to edit the lift (vertical movement) and drift (horizontal movement), as well as
the total depth, and the distance past the target.

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19. Edit the Path settings in the middle of the Drillhole Planning window to add lift.

20. In the Description section, change the Name to ‘MA029’ to keep this hole in sequence.
21. Click OK.
The planned drillhole will now appear in the Planned drillholes section of the Drillhole Group

We can edit the drillhole at any time by clicking on the pencil icon (insert edit icon).
22. Click OK.

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Set Up of a Planned Drillhole | 151

The planned drillhole group will be saved under the Planned Drillholes folder:

Now we will create a prognosis, which will show the expected grade and lithology at depth
based on existing models. First though, we will need to evaluate our models onto the proposed
23. Right-click on the Summer 2018 drilling group and select Evaluations.
The Select Models to Evaluate window will appear:


24. Move the Geological Model and the Au clipped to Quartz Porphyry numeric model to the
Selected side.
25. Change the Sample Distance to some interval of interest.
26. Click OK.

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27. Right-click on the planned drillhole group and select Drilling Prognoses to view the
prognosis in table form.

28. Select one of the models from the dropdown list at the top of the Drilling Prognoses
window or view all evaluations together using the Merged Intervals option.
The drilling prognoses can also be viewed in the scene on the planned holes.

29. Add the Summer 2018 drilling planned drillholes group to the scene.
30. In the scene list, change the display from Flat Colour to one of the evaluated models:

Creating a Fence of Drillholes

To create a fence of drillholes at a set distance and azimuth apart, we can edit the Drilling
Planning Options. The easiest way to plan a fence is to change the Offset To Next Hole
options (both the distance and azimuth).

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Creating a Fence of Drillholes | 153

1. Right-click on the Summer 2018 drilling group and select Edit Planned Drillhole Defaults.
2. Enter a Distance of 50 m and an Azimuth of 25 degrees, then click OK.

3. Press the D key to view the scene from above.

4. Right-click on the Summer 2018 drilling group and select Open.
5. Click on Add Drillhole.

The Drillhole Planning window will open.
6. As we did above, specify the collar location by clicking on the cursor, then clicking on the
desired collar location on the topography.
7. Once the initial hole has been created, click New Hole in the bottom right hand corner of the
Drillhole Planning window.

In the plan view above, we can see that each time Next Hole is clicked, a new hole is created at
a distance of 50 m and an azimuth of 25 degrees from the previous hole. Each hole will have a
collar on the topography, and will have the lift and drift that were specified in the Drillhole
Planning Options.

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8. Once you are finished creating planned drillholes, click OK to close the window.
9. Click OK again to close the Drillhole Group.

Exporting Planned Drillholes

There are two ways to export planned drillholes. The first is to export parameters , and the
second is to export interval tables.
l To export only parameters, right-click on the Summer 2018 drilling group, scroll down to
Export and select Export Parameters. Select the drillholes to export using the check boxes,
then click Export. Browse to an appropriate location, give the file a name, then click Save.
The planned drillholes will be exported to a csv file which can be opened in Microsoft Excel
or any text editor.
l To export interval tables, right-click on the Summer 2018 drilling group, scroll down to
Export and select Export as Interval Tables. Select which model evaluations to export using
the check boxes, then click Export. Browse to an appropriate location, check that the Base
file name is also appropriate, then click Save. The planned drillholes and their drilling

prognoses will be exported to csv files which can be opened in Microsoft Excel or any text
editor. These interval tables can then be imported as drillholes into a Leapfrog project.
Importing Planned Drillholes
If you have planned your drillholes elsewhere, it’s still very useful to view them in Leapfrog,
within the context of your model, and also to acquire the drillhole prognoses.

To import drillholes, you require the columns as shown below:


If you don’t know a lift or drift rate or distance over which a hole lifts or drifts, these can be
entered as 0 in your import table.

Using Distance Functions to Help Plan New Drillholes

The Distance Function tool in Leapfrog Geo allows you to calculate the distance from a given
object or objects within a project, and derive distance buffers – solids whose walls are a set
distance from the objects we are interested in. Although conceptually simple, this tool can be
applied to drillhole planning and resource classification to quickly and easily inform and justify
our planning as well as quantify current and potential reserves.
Using our Maia project as an example, we have an ore body which is partially drilled out; to the
south west and north east it is a bit poorly constrained and we might plan an additional drillhole
program to gather more information in these areas.

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Build a New Distance Function | 155

While we can visually identify areas that have limited numbers of pierce points, ideally, we want
to quantify in some way what areas are poorly controlled and ultimately what impact our new
drilling will have on our resource. In this example we will assume that anywhere within 50 m of a
drillhole will be classed as measured, 50-75 m as indicated, 75-100m inferred and >100 m as
unclassified. Note that you could also use these same classifications to categorise confidence.

Build a New Distance Function

1. Clear the scene.
2. To start building the new distance buffers, right-click on the Numeric Models folder in the
project tree and select New Distance Function.

The New Distance Function window will open.

3. Click on the Select Objects button.
4. Move Drillhole traces to Selected objects on the right.
5. Click OK.
6. Go to the Buffers tab.
7. Press Add to add a calculated distance isosurface and type in the distance from the objects
you want it to be.
In this case, we will make three isosurfaces at 50, 75 and 100 metres respectively:

8. Leave the Volume Type as Concentric and the Default resolution is fine for a starting point.
Click OK.

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9. Drag the new Distance to Drillholes distance buffer into the scene.

The distance buffer on its own can be a helpful visualisation tool but more value in drillhole
planning comes from evaluating the buffer onto our mineralised body.

Evaluate a Distance Buffer on a Volume
10. Expand your geological model Output Volumes to find the QzP solid.
11. Right-click on the QzP and select Evaluations:

The Select Models to Evaluate window will open.

12. Move our new Distance to Drillhole traces buffer to the right Selected column.
13. Click OK.
14. Clear the scene and then add the QzP to the scene again.

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Evaluate a Distance Buffer on a Volume | 157

15. Display the volume using the distance function evaluation:

We can use the default continuous colourmap or set up a discrete colour scheme to reflect our

This gives us a great visualisation of the current drillhole spacing and pierce points. We can now
use the drillhole planning tool to specifically target the areas with insufficient drilling density.
Once the drillhole planning is done or while we are doing it, it would be good to understand
how this additional data will affect the confidence in and classification of our model. We can
repeat the initial steps in this workflow, but when selecting our objects in the distance function,
choose our planned drillholes in addition to the drillhole traces. When we colour our solid again
we will be able to see how the next round of drilling will improve our understanding of the ore

For more information on using Distance Functions for drillhole planning, please visit our
blog here:

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Session 10: Cross Sections | 159

Session 10: Cross Sections

Setting Up a Cross Section 159
Evaluating a Geological Model Onto a Cross Section 161
Creating a Section Layout 162
Changing the Set Up of the Page 165
Organising the Section 165
Annotations 176
Saving and Exporting Cross Sections 183
Creating Serial Sections 183
Batch Export of Section Layouts 185
Creating Fence Sections 186


In this session, we will go over the creation of cross sections in Leapfrog Geo, as well as
showing a number of related features.
Setting Up a Cross Section
Cross sections can be accessed in the Cross Sections and Contours folder in the project tree.
You can create either a one-off section or serial (batch) sections. Before creating cross sections,

it is best to bring a model into the scene. This means the extents and location of the default
section will be created in the correct general area. Once the location of the cross section has

been set up, any model or surface or drillhole in the project can be evaluated against the cross
section. The steps required to set up an individual cross section are very similar to those required
to set up serial sections. We will start with making an individual section.

1. Open the Maia project, if it’s not already open.

2. View a model in the scene.

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This could be a geological model, a numeric model or another set of surfaces.

3. Put a slice through the model where you would like the cross section to be located:


4. Right-click on the Cross Sections and Contours folder in the project tree and select New
Cross Section.

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Evaluating a Geological Model Onto a Cross Section | 161

The New Cross Section window will appear in the scene, as well as a plane that can be
manipulated to control the size and location of the cross section. The plane will be positioned
on the sliced section of the model.

If you already know where you want the cross section to go, you can enter the exact location in

the window. If not, you can move the plane in the scene to a suitable location. The size, as well
as the dip and azimuth of the cross section, can be altered both in the window and by using the
plane in the scene. There are shortcut buttons in the window that allow the section to be set to
either a north-south or east-west orientation.
The front of the cross section can be changed in the window by selecting the Swap Front
button. When clicked, the ‘B’ for back and ‘F’ for front will be updated on the plane in the scene.
This is important, as it controls what side of the plane is in view when the cross section is being

5. Once the section has been positioned as required, click OK.

The cross section will appear in the Cross Sections and Contours folder, and can be edited by

double-clicking on it in the project tree.


Evaluating a Geological Model Onto a Cross Section

Once the location and size of the cross section have been set up, we need to evaluate the
models, surfaces and lines we’d like to display onto it.
1. Right-click on the new cross section in the project tree and select Evaluations:

2. Select the models you wish to evaluate against the cross section by moving them to the
Selected window.

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3. Click OK.
When evaluating models, surfaces or lines onto sections, it is possible to clip the evaluations to
the section extents by ticking the box. This results in more efficient processing, and an in-scene
display of only the area of interest.
4. Clear the scene.
The model will take a few seconds to evaluate onto the section. If required, multiple models can
be evaluated onto the section.
5. Add the cross section into the scene to view it:

Creating a Section Layout

The next step is to create a section layout and make changes as required to the cross section.

This will let us add features such as drilling, legends, scale bars and text to the section.
1. Right-click on the cross section in the project tree, and select New Section Layout:

The section editor window will appear in the background as a new tab, as well as a window that
allows the basic set up of the section to be changed.
2. In the initial window, change the Page size to A3.
3. Set the scale to match the page size by clicking Fit to Page.

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Creating a Section Layout | 163

4. Add the evaluated geological model to the section by clicking the Select Models button:

5. Click OK.

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The section layout editor is displayed with the initial parameters set:

How the section layout editor is organised is similar to how a Leapfrog project is organised:
l The Layout Tree on the left-hand side of the window shows the different layers that can be
added to the section.

l The Object Attributes Window displays additional options for the object selected in the

Layout Tree.
l The Section Preview Window shows a dynamic view of the section that is updated
whenever changes are made in either of the other windows.

Objects in the section preview can be organised by clicking on them and dragging them.

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Changing the Set Up of the Page | 165

The information that can be added to the section is organised into three main folders in the
Layout Tree: the Section, Legend Group and Annotations:

Changing the Set Up of the Page

Click on the Page object at the top of the layout tree to change the page setup. The available
options are listed in the object attributes window, including page size, orientation, dimensions (if
page size is set to ‘custom’), and margins. As each option is changed in the object attributes
window, the view is updated live in the section preview window.

Organising the Section


The Section folder lets us add models, drillholes, surfaces and lines to the cross section, as well

as modify the scale, extents and axes of the model.

When Section is highlighted in the project tree, there are four tabs (Section, Extent, X-Axis and
Y-Axis) available in the object attributes window. You can change the scale of the section at any

time here. The Section tab allows you to define what units your project is in (m, ft, etc).
l Models include any geological, numeric, combined or refined models.
l Drillholes allows traces within a specified distance from the section to be added, then up to
three types of associated data (categorical or numeric) can be viewed and filtered on the
drillholes in the section.
l Surfaces include any surfaces in the model such as meshes, faults, boundaries, topographies
and volumes.
l Lines include any GIS lines or polylines.
Models, Surfaces and Lines need to be evaluated against the cross section in the Leapfrog
project tree before they can be added to a section layout in the section editor. The only models
available are the ones selected at the start of this session. We haven’t evaluated any surfaces,
lines or drillholes against the cross section yet.

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Adding Surfaces and Lines to the Section

In the following steps, we will look at adding a surface to a cross section. While we will not add
any lines to this cross section, the process is exactly the same.
To evaluate a surface against the cross section, we need to go back to the project tree in
1. Right-click on the cross section in the project tree, and select Evaluate Surfaces.

All surfaces in the project are listed. We will evaluate the topography surface against the cross

2. Move the Topography across to the Selected window on the right, either by double-clicking
on the Topography, or by clicking and dragging it across.

3. Click OK.
The topography surface will be added to the cross section. It won’t be displayed yet; this is the
next step.

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Adding Surfaces and Lines to the Section | 167

4. To display the topography in the section, right-click on the Surfaces folder in the Layout
Tree and select Add Surface:

5. Tick the check box, then click OK.

By default the surface is very thin so is difficult to see. Next we will change the colour and
thickness of the topography surface.

6. Expand the Surfaces folder so you can see the topography surface.

7. Click on the topography surface to highlight it.
The attributes for it are displayed below:

You can change the line width, style, colour, and the pattern scale (depending on the style of
line chosen).
8. Change the line width to around 1.5, and the line style/colour as appropriate.

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9. Tick the Show in legend check box:

We won’t add any additional surfaces, but there are a number of useful surfaces that could be
added, such as a weathering surface, a planned pit shell or existing/planned underground

Adding Drillholes to a Section


To add drillholes to a section, we can go straight to the Drillholes folder in the cross section

layout tree rather than having to go back into the project tree and evaluate them against the
1. Right-click on the Drillholes folder in the layout tree and select Add Drillholes.

2. Select M_assays and click OK.

In the window that appears, drillholes can be filtered based on their distance from the section

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Adding Drillholes to a Section | 169

3. Enter a distance of 15 m:

4. Tick the box for the drillholes listed and click OK.
The drillhole traces will appear in the cross section:


In some cases, if you have multiple collars in one location, you will notice the collar labels
obscure one another.

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5. To move a collar label, simply click and drag it to the desired location.

You can also rotate the collar labels to make them easier to read on the section.

6. Click on the assay table in the layout tree.
7. Click on the Points and Labels tab.
The Labels settings give you different options for changing how the collar information is
8. Click the Options button for Show top labels.
9. Change the Rotation value:

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Adding Drillholes to a Section | 171

There are a lot of options for how drillholes are displayed on the section, but you can
experiment with the different options and see their effect in the section preview.
10. With the assay table selected in the layout tree, click on the Lines tab.
Up to three different properties can be displayed for the drillhole trace lines, along the left,
centre and right of the trace.
11. Tick Left and change the display to Au.
12. Click the Options button to see more settings:


You can display the drilling based on a value filter, as solid lines, as a bar graph or as a line graph
(with or without a logarithmic scale). You can also change the line width.

13. Click on the Labels tab.

If you’re displaying all the assays, this will be a little crowded, but if you have applied a value
filter it will look reasonable.

14. Close the Edit Colouring window.

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Editing the Models in a Section

Now that we have added the geological model, drillholes and the topography surface to the
section, we will edit the display of the model by changing colours, transparency and hatches.
1. Expand the Models folder in the layout tree so you can see each volume:

2. Click on the Granodiorite (GnD) volume.
In this window, we can change whether the GnD is visible, its label in the legend, whether to
highlight it, and the colour/hatch of the volume:

Keep the GnD visible and the description as default.

3. For Colour, tick the Edit check box.
4. Click on the colour swatch to edit the colour.

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Editing the Models in a Section | 173

5. Keep the colour the same, but change the opacity to 100:

6. Click OK.
7. Tick the Hatch checkbox, then click on the hatch swatch to edit the hatch pattern:

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There are a number of common rock types that can be searched for in the search window.
Otherwise you can look through each folder to find an appropriate rock type. For the GnD in
this model, we will use a granodiorite hatch pattern.
8. Type “granodiorite” into the search box and 3 different options appear:

9. Choose the first by clicking on it.
10. Click OK.
The cross section will be updated to include the hatch pattern.

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Editing the Models in a Section | 175

11. To change the scale and line width of the hatch pattern, use the Hatch scale and Line
width options:

12. Add appropriate hatch patterns to the QzP volume:

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13. Tick the Highlight check box:


Next we will edit the annotations, including the title, the title block, the scale bar, the location
labels, text boxes and images.

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Annotations | 177

To edit the Title, there are two options. We could either click on the title in the section previous,
or click on the Title object in the layout tree. Either will highlight the section and display the
options for the title:

1. To edit the name of the title, tick the Edit checkbox.
2. Enter an appropriate title for the cross section:

3. Choose whether to display a boundary box around the title, and change the line style, width
and colour.
There is one title block available.

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4. Click on the Title Block in the layout tree and tick the Visible check box.

5. Enter the attributes for each part of the title block and they will be updated in the section
6. Click on the Scale Bar to change its options:

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Adding a Text Box | 179

Choose whether or not to view the location of the section

Adding a Text Box

1. To add a text box to the cross section, right-click on the Text Boxes folder and select Add

2. Click and drag the text box in the section preview to move it into position.

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3. Click on the text box in the layout tree to edit its properties:

4. Now to add an arrow coming from the text box, right-click on the text box in the layout tree
and select Add Arrow.
An arrow will appear on the text box, which can be dragged around using the node on the end

of it.

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Adding an Image | 181

The Automatic Anchoring option determines whether the text box end of the arrow moves
around the text box dynamically, or whether it is anchored in one position to the text box. The
line style and colour can also be changed:

The last option we will look at is the Images folder.

Adding an Image

Images can be a useful way to describe the location in space of the section. There are multiple
possible options, but two common options are to take a screen shot in plan view showing the

location of the section or to take a screen shot in oblique view showing the location.
Images also make it easy to add your company logo to the section.
1. To save the section layout, click the Save button at the top of the window.
2. Set the scene up so you can see the location of the cross section in relation to the geological
3. Take a screen capture using one of the following options:
l Use the built-in Render Image option in Leapfrog (under the Leapfrog Geo menu).
l Use any screen capture software such as Snipping Tool, which is installed for free with

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4. Save the image file to your hard drive.
5. Double-click on the section layout to open it.
6. Right-click on the Images folder and select Add Image.
7. Navigate to the screen capture and click Open.
8. The image will be added to the cross section, and can be repositioned and resized as

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Saving and Exporting Cross Sections | 183

Saving and Exporting Cross Sections

Once the cross section has been set up as required, click Save in the section layout editor. This
will save the layout under the section in the project tree. To access it again, double-click on the
layout in the project tree.
The section can be saved in *.pdf, *.svg, *.png and Geo Tiff formats by clicking on the Save and
Export button ( ).
Once the required format has been selected, click Save. An option asking whether you would
like to open and view the exported section will appear.
The line work for the cross section can be exported as a .dxf or .dwg file by right-clicking on the
cross section in the project tree and selecting Export, choosing which model to evaluate on the
section, and clicking OK. In this example, the geological model line work has been exported,
which means each volume on the cross section will be exported as a separate DXF line. These
can be viewed together, as shown below:


They can also be viewed separately:


Creating Serial Sections

Serial sections at specific spacings can easily be created in Leapfrog.
1. Clear the scene.
2. Add a model to the scene you wish to create a serial section for.
3. Right-click on the Cross Sections and Contours folder and select New Serial Section.

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4. Choose the location of the base section either by using the arrows in the scene, or typing
directly into the New Serial Section window.
5. Change the spacing between each section to an appropriate distance.

6. Click OK.
A new serial section will appear under the Cross Sections and Contours folder.
7. Right-click on the serial section and select Evaluations.
8. Select a model to evaluate on the sections, and click OK.
9. Clear the scene.
Depending on the number of sections making up the serial section, the model may take a few

minutes to evaluate.
10. Drag the top level serial sections object ( ) into the scene:

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Batch Export of Section Layouts | 185

Now that the model has been evaluated, we can create a new layout.
11. Right-click on one of the serial sections in the project tree and select New Section Layout.
12. Change the settings for the section as described earlier and click OK.
Once the layout is designed how you like, this layout can be copied to any of the other sections
in the batch.
13. Right-click the layout you just created and select Copy Layout To.
14. This will open a Copy Layout window that lists the properties of the existing layout, and the
available sections the layout can be copied to.
15. Select All the available sections and click OK.

Batch Export of Section Layouts

In the same way you can export a single section, you can batch export serial sections to *.pdf,
*.svg, *.png and Geo Tiff formats.
1. Right-click on the Cross Sections and Contours folder the project tree, and select Batch

Export Layouts.
2. Select the layouts you wish to export, the desired format, and the folder to save them in.

For more information, see the Serial Cross Sections topic in the online help.

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Creating Fence Sections

A fence section can be created in Leapfrog using either an existing polyline, or by drawing a
new one. Create a new fence section by right-clicking on the Cross Sections and Contours
folder and selecting New Fence Section.
Evaluations are made on a fence section in the same manner as normal cross sections. Section
layouts can also be created and exported.
The fence section can be viewed in the scene and the linework exported as a dxf by right-

clicking on the fence section and selecting Export.
For more information, see the Fence Sections topic in the online help.

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Session 11: Building a Model from a Map Using GIS Lines and Structural Data | 187

Session 11: Building a Model from a Map Using

GIS Lines and Structural Data

Creating a New Project 187
Importing a Non-Georeferenced Map 187
Creating the Topography From a Mesh 188
Digitising the Fault 190
Creating Structural Data for the Fault 191
Importing Structural Data for the Contact Surfaces 193
Creating the Geological Model for the Western Side 194
Adding the Fault to the Geological Model 195
Activating the Fault in the Model 196
Defining the Lithologies 197

Defining the Sedimentary Sequence for the Western Block 198
Adding an Erosion Surface from a GIS Line
Copying the Surface Chronology
Exporting a Leapfrog Model
nl 201
In this session, we will build a geological model from a map, structural data and GIS lines.
Then we will learn how to export volumes, surfaces and full geological models.

The data for this session is available from the Session \ Session 11 - Building a Model from a

Map folder.

Creating a New Project

To start, we are going to create a new project.
1. Click on the Projects tab.
2. Click the New Project button.
3. Enter the name “Sagean Valley” for the project and click OK.

Importing a Non-Georeferenced Map

For this project, we will import a non georeferenced map.
1. Right-click on the GIS Data, Maps and Photos folder and select Import Map.
2. Browse to the folder for this session and select the Sagean Valley Map.png file.
3. Click Open.

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The Import Image window will appear. In this window, you enter georeferencing information
using three points of reference. These reference points are positioned in the image and then
assigned their real-world coordinates.
4. Click on the yellow marker and position it in the scene, as shown below:

5. Enter the coordinates for the yellow marker, read from the map.
6. Repeat the process for the green and blue markers.
7. Click Import.
8. Add the image to the scene and press the D key to view it from above.
If the image appears skewed in the scene, you may have entered one or more of the co-
ordinates incorrectly. To edit the georeference markers, double-click on the image in the

project tree.

Creating the Topography From a Mesh


1. Right-click on the Meshes folder and select Import Mesh.

2. Select the file Topo.dxf and click Open.
3. The Cleanup Mesh window will open. Click OK to accept the default steps.
4. Clear the scene.
5. Add the mesh to the scene:

6. Right-click on the Topographies folder and select New Topography > From Surface.

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Viewing the Topography | 189

7. Select the topography mesh and click OK.

8. Click OK to accept the default name for the topography.

Viewing the Topography

1. Clear the scene.
2. Once the topography has been processed, add it to the scene.
3. In the shape list, click the display dropdown to the right of the Remove from scene button ( )
and select Face dip:

This will colour the mesh by its face dip orientation.

4. Click anywhere on the mesh.
The information box that open in the lower left-hand corner of the screen shows the dip of the

selected triangle:

Every surface in Leapfrog can be displayed by its face dip.


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5. For the next part of the session, select the Sagean Valley map from the GIS data dropdown

Digitising the Fault nl
1. Press the D key to view the topography from above.
2. Zoom in so you have a clear view of the entire fault.
3. Right-click on the GIS Data, Maps and Photos folder and select New GIS Line > From New

4. Enter the name ‘Fault’, and click OK.

5. A new toolbar will appear at the top of the screen, with icons for drawing the GIS line:

6. Hold the mouse cursor over each button to check its functionality.

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Creating Structural Data for the Fault | 191

The controls are the same as those for drawing polylines, but drawing is limited to 2D.
7. Click the Draw Lines button ( ).
Note that once this has been selected, the cursor icon changes to enable drawing. GIS lines can
be straight or curved, just like polylines.
To revert back to the standard cursor, either click the Select button ( ) in the toolbar, or click
the right mouse button anywhere in the scene. For a shortcut to accessing the cursor while in
drawing mode, you can hold the Shift key, which lets you move the scene around using the
normal controls. When the Shift button is released, the drawing cursor will return.
8. To draw the fault, click to add nodes along the fault shown on the map:

9. Right-click to end the line.
There are a number of different edits you can make to the completed GIS line:
l To delete a single point, click on it, then click the Delete selected items ( ) button.

l To delete the entire line, double-click anywhere on it, and click the Delete selected items

l To add a point to the line, click where you wish to add the point and either use the Add node
on a line button ( ) or use the hotkey Shift+A.

l To make a line curved, click anywhere along it, away from a node, and click and drag it.
l Make fine changes to the curve using the bezier control points, which can be displayed by
clicking on the line in the shape list then enabling the Show bezier control points option.
10. Once you are happy with the GIS line, click the Save button ( ).
11. Remove the GIS line and the slicer from the scene.

Creating Structural Data for the Fault

There are two structural measurements available for the fault trace. We are going to create
them using the Structural Modelling folder in the project tree.
1. Right-click on the Structural Modelling folder and select New Planar Structural Data.
2. Enter the name “Fault” and click OK.
While not necessary to follow exactly, the next few steps will help ensure that your structural
data are created with the correct, consistent polarity every time.

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3. Ensure the slicer is not in the scene and press the D key to look down.
We will start with the 60 degree measurement at the northern end of the map. Make a mental
note of the approximate dip direction. In this case, the dip direction/azimuth is ~245.
4. Rotate the view such that the dip tick from the mapped measurement is pointing to the top of
your computer screen and that the fault trace runs lengthwise across your screen:

5. In the lower right hand corner of the scene window, check the Plunge and Azimuth.
If the azimuth displayed is ~245, you are correctly oriented. If the azimuth is ~65, the view has
passed over vertical and you’re looking “backwards” at the measurement.

6. If necessary, rotate until the azimuth is ~245. Don’t worry about the plunge.

7. Once oriented correctly, click the Click and drag to create new points button ( ) in the

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Importing Structural Data for the Contact Surfaces | 193

8. To place the structural disk, click and drag with the left mouse button along the fault trace:

As long as you are holding down the mouse button, you can control the disk orientation.

9. When you’re happy, release the mouse button.
10. In the Planar Structural Data window, set the dip and press Enter key on the keyboard:

11. Repeat for the measurement at the southern end of the fault.
Remember you can use the Shift key to move in the scene when the structural data editing
cursor is active.
12. Once both structural disks are created, click the Save button ( ) and close the Planar
Structural Data.
13. Remove the Fault structural data table from the scene.

Importing Structural Data for the Contact Surfaces

You could use the contact information on the map to create structural data tables, but for this
part of the session, we will instead import a series of csv files.

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1. Right-click on the Structural Modelling folder and select Import Planar Structural Data.
2. Navigate to the folder for this session.
3. Select the file Green_Pink_Contact.csv.
Note the required columns for importing Structural Data.
4. Click Open, then Finish.
The new structural data table will appear in the project tree.
5. Press the D key to view the scene from above.
6. Add the Green Pink Contact.csv structural data table to the scene.
If you cannot see the disks, select the Green_Pink_contacts in the shape list to view its
properties in the properties panel and increase the Disk radius to ~80:


7. Import the files Pink_Orange_Contact.csv and Orange_Yellow_Contact.csv and add them

to the scene.
In this case, the structural data for the different contacts exist in separate tables. It’s also possible
to work with structural data that all exists in one table, using a category column and query

Creating the Geological Model for the Western Side

At this point, we have the data necessary to build the depositional layers for the geological
model, but we haven’t yet imported the GIS lines representing the two blue erosional surfaces.
We will do this later, after the geological model has been built and the other surfaces modelled.
1. Right-click on the Geological Models folder in the project tree and select New Geological

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Adding the Fault to the Geological Model | 195

2. Use the controls in the scene to set the model extents to enclose the map.
3. In the New Geological Model window, set the Z (Elev) values to -260 and 760.
4. Set the Surface Resolution to 50.

5. Click OK.

Adding the Fault to the Geological Model
We will now add the fault to the Geological model to split it into an East block and a West block,
so we can model each separately.
1. Clear the scene.
2. Drag the topography with surface map into the scene.

3. Press the D key to view the scene from above.


4. Make the topography partly transparent.

5. Right-click on the Fault System for the new geological model and select New Fault > From
GIS Vector Data:

In the window that appears, you can set the Fault Type to Surface or Vertical Wall. When the
Surface option is selected, the drawn GIS line will appear in the list twice. The Fault (On
Topography) option automatically drapes the drawn GIS line on the topography.
6. Select the Fault (On Topography) object and click OK.
7. Expand the Fault System in the project tree to see the new fault. 
8. Drag the newly created fault into the scene.

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It does not necessarily align with the structural measurements:

9. Right-click the Fault (On Topography) object in the project tree > Add > Structural Data.
Existing structural data will appear in the dropdown.
10. Select the Fault structural data table and click OK.

The fault surface will be updated to take into consideration the structural data measurements:

Activating the Fault in the Model

1. Double-click on the Fault System.
2. Tick the box to activate the fault and click OK.
3. Clear the scene.
4. Right-click on the geological model and select View Fault Block Boundaries.
The geological model has been split into two blocks, labelled “GM fault block 1” and “GM fault
block 2”.

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Defining the Lithologies | 197

5. Click on one of the fault blocks in the scene.

It’s a good idea to rename the fault blocks so they are more easily recognisable, and clicking on
one in the scene tells you which one you’re working with.
6. Right-click on each of the fault blocks in the project tree and rename them “East” and “West”.

Defining the Lithologies nl
As we have no drillhole data in the project, we need to define the lithologies for the geological
model manually.
1. Double-click on the Lithologies object for the geological model.
The Geological Model window will open with the Lithologies tab displayed.

2. Click the Add button and enter a name for the first lithology, Green.
3. Change the colour of the lithology to green.

4. Repeat for the other lithologies.


5. Click OK to close the Geological Model window.

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Defining the Sedimentary Sequence for the Western

We will define the sedimentary sequence by building from oldest (Green) to youngest (Yellow),
then we will define the two erosional surfaces.
1. Clear the scene.
2. Right-click on the Surface Chronology object in the West block and select New Deposit >
From Structural Data.
3. In the window that appears, change the first lithology to Pink (youngest) and the second
lithology to Green (oldest).
4. Click OK.
5. Select Existing Structural Data, then the Green_Pink_Contact structural data:

6. Click OK.
7. Add the topography and the Green_Pink_Contact structural data to the scene.
8. Drag the newly created surface into the scene.

In its current state, it is difficult to tell how well the surface reflects the mapped contact. There is

an option available for this to become more apparent.

9. Double-click on the top-level GM object ( ) to open the Geological Model window.
There is a checkbox for Exact clipping. By default this is ticked and all model surfaces (faults,

contacts) are exactly clipped to the model boundaries (the extents and topography).

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Defining the Sedimentary Sequence for the Western Block | 199

10. Untick the Exact clipping box:

The surface in the scene will regenerate and you will see it now extends a bit above the
topography surface:

Now we can see that the surface didn’t use two of the structural data points. This is because
they exist above the current topography surface, and, therefore, outside the model boundary.
11. To deal with this, right-click on the Green_Pink_Contacts in the Structural Modelling folder
and select Set Elevation.
12. In the Select surface dropdown, select the Topography surface:

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13. Click OK.

The structural data will re-process and the dependent contact surface in the geological model
will as well:

14. Repeat the process to create the other two surfaces using the Pink_Orange_Contact and

Orange_Yellow_Contact structural data tables.
15. Add the new contact surfaces to the scene to confirm that they are correctly oriented.
The colour of the two sides of the surface should match the colours on the map. If they are
reversed, the younging direction has to be changed. Do this by right-clicking on the surface in
the project tree and selecting Swap Younging Side.
One of the more difficult tasks in building geological models is identifying the sides of contact
surfaces, especially in a complex environment where the geology may be overturned. Leapfrog
Geo labels surfaces as having older and younger sides, which is the “younging” direction.

16. Double-click on the Surface Chronology.


17. Make sure the contact surfaces are in the correct chronological order.
18. Enable the contact surfaces by ticking them

19. Click OK.

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Adding an Erosion Surface from a GIS Line | 201

20. Clear the scene and add West block to the scene:

Adding an Erosion Surface from a GIS Line

Next, we will add two erosions to the model, lithologies Dark Blue and Light Blue. They will both
be built from imported GIS lines.
1. Right-click on the GIS Data, Maps and Photos folder and select Import Vector Data.
2. Navigate to the folder for this session and select the files Dark_Blue_Outline.shp and Light_
3. Click Open.
4. Untick the Filter Data option to ensure that all data will be imported to the project without
being clipped to a boundary.

5. Click OK.

6. Back in the geological model right-click on Surface Chronology for the West fault block and
select New Erosion > From GIS Vector Data.
7. Select Dark_Blue_Outline (On Topography) for the GIS Vector Data.

8. Select Dark Blue for the First Lithology.

9. Set the Second Lithology as Unknown because the overlying Dark Blue unit is in contact with
several lithologies:

10. Click OK.

11. Again right-click on Surface Chronology for the West fault block and select New Erosion >
From GIS Vector Data.

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12. Select Light_Blue_Outline (On Topography) for the GIS Vector Data.
13. Select Light Blue for the First Lithology
14. Set the Second Lithology to Dark Blue as this is the only lithology unit below the Light Blue

15. Click OK.

16. Activate the surfaces for both the Dark Blue and Light Blue lithologies under the Surface
Chronology object, making sure the surfaces are in the correct chronological order.

17. Click OK.
18. Clear the scene and add the model to the scene:

Copying the Surface Chronology

While the model is now complete for the West block, the East block is still empty. However, the
data to complete the East block already exists in the project. Completing the East block is a very
simple process:
1. Right-click Surface Chronology for the West block and select Copy Chronology To....
All available empty fault blocks will be listed in the Copy Contact Surfaces window.
2. Select the East block and click OK.

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Exporting a Leapfrog Model | 203

The surfaces will be copied to the East block and the model will be reprocessed:

Exporting a Leapfrog Model

Exporting Volumes and Surfaces nl
Once a geological model is created, any or all of its surfaces or volumes can be exported for use
in other projects or software. Surfaces and volumes can be exported as a several different data
1. View the Dark Blue output volume in the scene.
2. Right-click the Dark Blue output volume in the project tree and select Export.

The Export Mesh Parts window opens with all parts of the mesh selected. In some cases, you
may not want to export all parts of the mesh.

3. To identify which mesh part is which, click on a part in the Export Mesh Parts window; the
corresponding part will be highlighted in the scene:

4. As all parts are automatically selected, deselect any parts you don’t wish to export, and then
click Export.

© 2018 Seequent Limited

204 | Leapfrog Geo Fundamentals

See File Types for a list of available mesh export file types.

Exporting an Entire Geological Model

In addition to individually exporting surfaces and volumes. you can also export an entire
geological model as a *.lfm file, which will export each surface making up the geological model
in a single file. This file can then be imported back into Leapfrog Geo under the Meshes folder.
1. Right-click on your geological model and select Export.
2. Untick the Only Output Volumes box.

By default, the Only Output Volumes checkbox is ticked. By unticking this, the surfaces making
up the geological model also become available for export:

3. At the bottom of the window, select the Format to export the model in, then choose which
folder to save the model to.
To reimport the meshes into Leapfrog, right-click on the Meshes folder and select Import
Mesh. Navigate to the saved Leapfrog model file and select Open. The meshes will be added to
the Leapfrog project, and can be viewed individually or all at once. To add all the meshes to the
scene without having to drag each one from the project tree, use the Shift key to multiselect the
meshes, and drag them into the scene at the same time.

© 2018 Seequent Limited

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