Intermatic EJ351 Light Switch Timer
Intermatic EJ351 Light Switch Timer
Intermatic EJ351 Light Switch Timer
installed in the same wall box. 6. If the old switch had a ground
• 120 VAC, 60 Hz wire (normally connected to a
green hex-head screw), fasten it
• 30 minute minimum ON/OFF period securely to the metal box or timer metal bracket.
• 24-hour repeat cycle 7. Make sure all twist connectors are tight.
• Up to 48 daily operation events (24 ON, 24 OFF) 8. Tuck wires into wall box leaving room for the device.
• Random Variability: For “lived in” look, ON/OFF times vary at 9. Using 2 flat-head screws provided, mount the switch timer
least 7 minutes from the set time and at least 15 minutes from into the wall box.
the previous day. RED Indicator Light
10.Position the wall plate over the switch timer,
• Power Failure Memory Protection: Depending on conditions at making sure the upper screw hole of the wall
time of power failure, will retain settings up to 15 minutes. plate is over the RED indicator light.
• Operate at Room Temperature: 32°F (0°C) to 104°F (40°C) 11.Install the control panel over the wall plate as
WARNING a. Position the clear plastic lens into the up-
• Electrical shock hazard. Risk of injury or death. Remove electrical power at per screw hole in the wall plate.
service panel before installing. b. Make sure the post next to the knob shaft
• Risk of fire. Do not use timer to control devices that could have dangerous is properly aligned with the control lever
consequences due to inaccurate timing such as sun lamps, sauna, heaters, hole in the control panel. Clear
crock pots, etc. c. Install the dome-head screw in the bottom Lens
hole of the control panel, on through the
bottom hole of the switch plate. Tighten
• Follow local electrical codes during installation. snugly but DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.
• Do not use with PAR or “R”-type outdoor flood lamps larger than 150 watts. d. Install the white plug over the dome-head
• Use ONLY with incandescent lights. Do not use with compact fluorescent screw.
lamps (CFLs), starter or other electronic ballasts, mercury vapor lights, ap- 12.Press the dial onto the switch timer’s shaft.
pliances, radios TVs, stereos, etc. Align the flat side of the shaft with the flat side
• Do not use in combination with separate dimmers or photoelectric switches. within the dial. Align with
Hole in
• In rare cases, may cause radio or TV interference which can be resolved by 13.Turn power back on at the service panel. Control Panel
adjusting the antenna, moving the receiver, or plugging the receiver into a
different AC outlet. Programming Using the RAPID Method
Use this procedure to manually program ON/OFF settings.
1. Move the control lever to the OFF-CLEAR position for about
Installing the Switch Timer
20 seconds. The red indicator light will go off and any previ-
Red ous time settings will be cleared from memory.
Indicator 2. Move the control lever to the ON position. The Red indicator
Control light will start flashing.
INCLUDED FOR INSTALLATION: 3. Rotate the time dial clockwise at least one click, stopping at
Control Flat
Panel Head the half hour nearest to the present time.
Screws Connectors NOTE: During programming, be careful not to press the
(2) (2)
dial while turning it. If you press the dial, you will ac-
Screw cidentally set a wrong time.
Plastic Push-Button Cover
Screw Dome 1. Press the dial once to set the present time. The Red indicator
Time Dial Head (1)
Cover light will go off.
2. Rotate the time dial clockwise to the first desired ON time.
The EJ351 Switch Timer replaces a standard toggle switch. The Red light will pulse momentarily with each click.
Installation requires the following tools: 3. Press the dial once to enter the ON time. The light controlled
• Flat-blade screwdriver by the switch timer will turn ON.
• Phillips-head screwdriver 4. Rotate the time dial clockwise to the desired OFF time.
1. Turn off power at the service panel by REMOVING FUSE or 5. Press the dial once to enter the OFF time. The light controlled
TURNING THE CIRCUIT BREAKER OFF. by the switch timer will turn OFF.
2. Remove the switchplate and existing wall switch. 6. Repeat Steps 5-8 for each additional ON/OFF setting.
3. Remove the dial and control panel from the switch timer. 7. Continue to rotate the time dial until the Red indicator light
Gently and firmly pull straight out to remove. 7/16”
comes ON and stays ON, indicating that the switch timer is in
4. Trim building wires to 7/16” as shown. AUTOMATIC mode.
Troubleshooting Guide
Observed Problem What to Do
Was the timer correctly programmed according to the instructions? If not, try again.
Make sure the Control Lever is in the ON position.
The Switch Timer cannot be programmed using the
Make sure the Red Indicator Light is flashing before beginning programming.
RAPID method.
Make sure you have set the Current Time before programming ON/OFF times.
Make sure you are pressing the Dial fully during the programming sequence.
Was the timer correctly programmed according to the instructions? If not, try again.
The Switch Timer does not turn lights ON and OFF Make sure the timer is not accidentally in MANUAL mode, with the Red indicator light OFF.
automatically, as programmed. Make sure the controlled light bulb(s) is tight in its socket and is not burned out.
Check the wiring for any loose connections.
Make sure the controlled light bulb(s) is tight in its socket and is not burned out.
The Switch Timer does not turn light ON or OFF when
Check the wiring for any loose connections.
pressing on the Dial.
Check for a burned out fuse or circuit breaker.
The Switch Timer is warm to the touch. Some warmth is normal. Be sure the combined light bulb wattage does not exceed 500 watts.
The controlled light flickers or goes to half brightness. Recheck the wiring.