Swylite LST700 Instruction Sheet
Swylite LST700 Instruction Sheet
Swylite LST700 Instruction Sheet
The LST700 / LST700+ can replace your regular or 3-way switch (where two
switches control the same device) to control a light or any device plugged into
an outlet with a load up to 15 Amps; the maximum rating on the timer label.
9. For alternate 3-way Switch Installation, connect each wire as shown
The LST700 / LST700+ also has an exclusive manual On-Demand Delayed above.
OFF mode that enables the user to leave the room while the light is ON and the 10. Tuck the wires into the wall box leaving room for the timer. BE SURE that
timer automatically shuts the load OFF after a preset amount of time without ALL the WIRE NUTS are TIGHT and SECURE.
interfering with programmed AUTOMATIC times or controls. 11. Using the screws provided, mount the timer securely to the wall box then
install the wall plate.
The LST700 / LST700+ timer can control incandescent lights, compact 12. Return the power to the circuit at the service panel. The display will blink
fluorescent lights, fluorescent lights, flood lights, LED lights, fans and motors. all characters and icons; see Operating Instructions to program the
You will need to use a Decorator style wall plate with this timer which is not
The timer must be mounted into a standard single or multi-ganged electrical
If the device is in Delayed OFF mode and the light is ON, the switch will turn the
light OFF.
NOTE - The current clock time and day of week must be correctly set first
or you can not program the timer ON or OFF time events.
1. Position the Display slide switch to the Middle position of CLK SET (Clock
3-way Switch Installation: 2. Position the Mode slide switch to Left position of MAN/PRGM (Manual /
4. A three way switch has three wires connected to it. One of the wires is Program)
“common” (the terminal has a different colored screw or there are 3. Depress the UP or DOWN button and hold for 2 seconds, the ON/OFF
markings on the old switch). Connect the BLACK wire from the timer to icons and all Day of Week (DOW) icons will blank and the clock time will
the common wire, Connect the other two wires to the BLUE and RED begin to scroll slowly in the direction you have selected. After 5 seconds,
wires from the timer (it doesn’t matter which goes to which.) the time will scroll rapidly. There is an AM / PM indicator that will appear
5. Connect together the WHITE wire from the main power cable to the to indicate morning or evening. Ensure AM or PM is set correctly. Release
WHITE wire from the timer and the WHITE wire to the load. Button.
6. Tuck the wires into the wall box leaving room for the timer. BE SURE that 4. After setting the Current Clock Time, wait 5 seconds and the Clock Time
ALL the WIRE NUTS are TIGHT and SECURE. will disappear and all Day of Week Icons (DOW) will blink. Depress the UP
or DOWN button to scroll left or right to set the Current Day of the Week.
(Icon days, from left to right are: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday (S M T W T F S)
Holding down both the UP and DOWN buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds will
completely reset the timer. (All programmed events, current time and day of
week will be cleared.) The display will blink all characters and icons and the
timer will need to be re-programmed as stated above, including all ON/OFF
Note: During a power failure the LCD screen display will be blank. When the
power is restored the Clock Time and Day of Week will be re-displayed.
Note: To disable either Event (E:1 or E:2), the Event TIME ON must be If within one (1) year from the date of purchase, this product fails due to a defect
programmed to equal to the Event TIME OFF. (example; E:2 ON @ 12:00am in material or workmanship, Swylite Corporation will repair or replace it, at its
and OFF @12:00am.) sole option, free of charge. This warranty is extended to the original household
purchaser only and is not transferable. This warranty does not apply to: (a)
Re-programming ON/OFF Events in your Timer: damage to units caused by accident, dropping or abuse in handling, acts of God
1. Move the Display slide switch to the Right position to TIME ON. or any negligent use; (b) units which have been subject to unauthorized repair,
2. Move the Mode slide switch to MAN/PRGM (Manual / Program) position. opened, taken apart or otherwise modified; (c) units not used in accordance with
The display will have a lowercase “d” and the current programmed Day of instructions; (d) damages exceeding the cost of the product; (e) sealed lamps
Week icon will blink and/or lamp bulbs, LED’s and batteries; (f) the finish on any portion of the
3. a) To reprogram all seven (7) days of the week the same; While the product, such as surface and/or weathering, as this is considered normal wear
Day of Week icon is blinking, depress the UP or DOWN button and scroll and tear; (g) transit damage, initial installation costs, removal costs or
left past Sunday or right past Saturday until all Days of the Week blink. reinstallation costs.
After 5 seconds, the timer will enter Event 1 (E:1) program mode.
4. b) To reprogram an individual day of the week; While the Day of Week SWYLITE CORPORATION WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR
icon is blinking, depress the UP or DOWN button to scroll to the particular CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE
or next Day of Week to be programmed. After 5 seconds, the timer will EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL
5. Depress the UP or DOWN button and hold for 2 seconds, the time will APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESS
begin to scroll slowly in the direction you have selected. After 5 seconds, OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE
the time will scroll rapidly. There is an AM / PM indicator on the top right WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND THE WARRANTY OF FITNESS
of the display that will appear to indicate a morning or evening setting. FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE HEREBY MODIFIED TO EXIST ONLY
6. Move the Display slide switch to the Left position to TIME OFF for Event 1 AS CONTAINED IN THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, AND SHALL BE OF THE
7. Depress the UP or DOWN button and hold for 2 seconds, the time will STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON THE DURATION OF AN
begin to scroll slowly in the direction you have selected. After 5 seconds, IMPLIED WARRANTY, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO
the time will scroll rapidly. There is an AM / PM indicator that will appear YOU.
to indicate a morning or evening setting.
8. Move the Mode slide switch to the VARI position and back to the This warranty service is available by either (a) returning the product to the
MAN/PRGM (Manual / Program) position to program Event 2 (E:2). dealer from whom the unit was purchased, or (b) mailing the product, along with
Repeat steps 5 thru 7. proof of purchase, postage prepaid to the authorized service center listed
9. Either Event is disabled when the TIME ON equals the TIME OFF. below. This warranty is made by: Swylite Corporation, 1025 South Semoran
10. Move the Mode slide switch to the VARI or AUTO RUN position to enable Blvd., Suite 1093, Winter Park, Florida, 32792 / T: (407) 673-6544
the timer. http://www.Swylite.com
Once set up, the programmed times are stored in solid state memory and need Please be sure to wrap the product securely to avoid shipping and handling
never be programmed again unless desired or by a RESET. If you encounter a damage.
power failure the programmed event times will not be lost.
To change the Current Day of Week: “Perchlorate Material – special handling may apply, See
1. Move the Display slide switch to the Right position to TIME ON. www.dtsc.ca.gov/hazardouswaste/perchlorate.”
2. Move the Mode slide switch to MAN/PRGM (Manual / Program) position.
3. Depress the UP or DOWN button and hold for 2 seconds, the ON/OFF
icons and all Day of Week (DOW) icons will blank. DO NOT CHANGE
THE CURRENT TIME UNLESS DESIRED. After 5 seconds, the Clock
Time will disappear and the current Day of the Week will blink. Depress
the UP or DOWN button to scroll left or right to change the Current Day of
the Week to the desired setting. Swylite Corporation
1025 S. Semoran Blvd, Suite 1093
Operation of Manual Delayed OFF Mode: Winter Park, FL 32792 USA
Questions/Problems? 1-877-673-6544 Doc. No. 7000-0024, Rev. B