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Drillers Manual, Atwood Aurora, Rev 2, September 2009

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PDF Browsing Tools

About This Page Sections & Their PDF Page Numbers Searching for a Specific Word or Phrase

This page helps you use the electronic Use Ctrl+Shift+N to enter a page number, To search the entire manual, type a word
version of the Drillers Manual. or Ctrl+Click to follow a link: or phrase into Acrobat’s Find toolbar
(shown below) and press Enter. Use the
PDF / Slide Show Browsing Shortcuts Introduction .......................................... 2-5
Find Next and Find Previous arrowheads
Safety .................................................... 6-7
To view this manual as a slide show, open to search for additional occurrences of
ESDs & Lockouts ................................. 8-15
the PDF version in Adobe Acrobat Reader, the same term.
Consoles............................................ 16-43
press Ctrl+L to view full screen (optional),
The Control Screen ........................... 44-56
and then navigate as described below:
The Tripping Screen .......................... 57-63
• Ctrl+L to view full screen The Auto Drilling Screen ................... 64-72
• Right Arrow to move forward one page Drawworks Screens ........................ 73-119
• Left Arrow to move back one page The Mud Pump Screen ................. 120-130
• Ctrl+Shift+N to enter a page number Top Drive Screens ......................... 131-146
Rig Tools Screens .......................... 147-159
• Ctrl+Click to follow a link
The Weight Indicator Screen ........ 160-165
• Alt+Left Arrow to go back
Power System Screens.................. 166-183
• Home to go to the first page
Maintenance Screens ................... 184-193
• Esc to exit
Alarm Guide .................................. 194-256
Glossary ........................................ 257-258 Searching for pull limit takes you to Page 5 of
the Weight Indicator Screen section (Page 164
VFD Fault Codes ............................ 259-268
of the PDF version of the Drillers Manual).

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Introduction to the Atwood Aurora

About This Section Introducing the Atwood Aurora

This section introduces the Aurora and the Commissioned with Omron Serial No. 138072,
major sections of this manual. the Atwood Aurora uses VFD, PLC, and SCR
technology from Omron Oilfield and Marine.
In This Section
VFDs drive the AC motors that drive the
Introducing the Atwood Aurora..................... 1 drawworks and top drive. SCRs drive the DC
About This Manual ......................................... 2 motors that drive the mud pumps.
HMI Conventions ........................................... 3
Tabs & Revision History ................................. 4 The Aurora is a “5 x 4 x 3 rig,” meaning it uses
five generators, four VFDs, and three SCRs.
About Omron Oilfield and Marine The Weight Indicator screen.
The Aurora is also called a “hybrid system”
Omron Oilfield and Marine is a leading because it mixes VFDs (AC technology) and
provider of AC and DC drive systems and SCRs (DC technology). Parts, Service & Support
custom rig automation control systems.
The driller controls this technology through Omron provides parts and service across the
Technical Training Omron-provided controls and HMI screens in United States and around the world.
the driller’s cabin. Technical support is also available by phone
Omron offers technical training in Houston,
Texas, and other locations. For more Custom rig automation software from Omron and email 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
information, visit the Training section of runs on PLCs in the driller’s cabin, local Contact information appears across the top
www.oilfield.omron.com. equipment room (LER), and power control of every page in this manual.
room (PCR).

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About This Manual

Intended Audience PDF Browsing Shortcuts

This manual helps the driller use the This manual is also available electronically.
Omron-provided controls and HMI Use the shortcuts below to navigate the
screens in the driller’s cabin. PDF version:

Separate technical manuals cover topics • Ctrl+L to view full screen

important to qualified technicians.
• Ctrl+Shift+N to enter a page number
The Glossary • Ctrl+Click to follow a link
Consult the glossary for a better • Alt+Left Arrow to go back The right driller’s console and HMI.
understanding of terminology and
• Home to go to the first page
common acronyms like VFD and SCR.
• Esc to exit Credits Barry Baker, Mo Bhatia, Larry Black,
Disclaimers Jeff Braatz, Debbie Campbell, Mike Hooser,
Reporting Problems Fergus Hopwood, Shiv Kambi, Ram Kothuru,
All manufacturers and part/model Ralph Lehmann, Bobby Martin, Ken Meek,
Because this manual has not been field Sandy Moffett, Dave Noethlich, Basel Othman,
numbers mentioned in this manual are Bill Phillips, Ricardo Sanchez, Nicolas Tognini,
subject to change without notice. tested, operation may vary from what is Rob Tolbert.
described in the following pages.
The photographs or graphics in this
manual may represent similar but not We encourage you to report discrepancies
actual equipment on the Aurora. to oilfieldtraining@omron.com. Copyright © 2009 Omron Oilfield and Marine. All
Rights Reserved. First published August 2009.

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HMI Conventions

HMI Screens Terminology HMI Screen Statuses & Colors

The HMI includes the following screens: The buttons on an HMI screen allow you
to navigate, perform an activity, input
• The Control Screen
values, or turn functions on or off.
• The Tripping Screen
• The Auto Drilling Screen
• Drawworks Screens
• The Mud Pump Screen Status indicators display information. You Offline (Grey) - The associated system is
• Top Drive Screens cannot interact with them. A --- indicates not accessible because it is disabled or it
• Rig Tools Screens that there is no data from the system. has a fault that the PLC has not detected.
• The Weight Indicator Screen
• Power System Screens Ready (Green) - The associated system is
• Maintenance Screens ready for operation but not yet running.
• Alarm Screens Bar graphs show changing data and use a Running (White) - The associated system
red indicator to show setpoints. Panels is on and running.
Changing the Units of Measure
contain some or all of the above components.
To change the units of measure, ask a Fault (Red) - The PLC has detected an
qualified person to log in to the HMI as alarm condition.
Unit of Measure and then change the
Caution (Yellow) - The system wants to
units of measure settings through the
draw your attention to something (the
Maintenance > Setup > UOM screen (see
top drive brake is engaged, for example).
the Maintenance tab).

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Tabs & Revision History

Tabs in This Manual Revision History

This revision of the manual contains the

Date Rev Description Editor
following sections, or tabs:
08/27/2009 1 PDFs released to Atwood dC
• Introduction
09/08/2009 2 Introduction – Updated all pages. Safety - Added entire dC
• Safety section. Consoles - Added driller’s chair controls. Rig Tools
• ESDs & Lockouts Screens - Added entire section. The Weight Indicator Screen
– Added entire section. Power Systems Screens - Updated
• Consoles pg. 1. Maintenance Screens - Added entire section.
• The Control Screen
• The Tripping Screen
• The Auto Drilling Screen
• Drawworks Screens
• The Mud Pump Screen
• Top Drive Screens
• Rig Tools Screens
• The Weight Indicator Screen
• Power System Screens
• Maintenance Screens
• Alarm Guide
• Glossary
• VFD Fault Codes

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Safety Precautions

About This Section • WARNING Rig personnel should be • WARNING After you cut and slip, you
aware of all emergency stops and be must recalibrate the position system.
This section summarizes the warning and
prepared to engage them if necessary.
caution messages that appear throughout • WARNING Never enter Drawworks
the Drillers Manual. • WARNING The ENGINE KILL pushbutton Maintenance Mode with line on the
is currently disabled and does not shut drum! Maintenance Mode releases all
Warnings .................................................. 1 down the engine-generator set. drawworks brakes.
Cautions ................................................... 2
• WARNING Always follow your approved • WARNING Consult Omron for
WARNINGS lockout/tagout procedure before you assistance with calibrating the water
work around an inverter or SCR. cooled brake.
To reduce the risk of serious injury or
death, always observe the precautions • WARNING When the WRENCH ENGAGED • WARNING When the system is not in
following a WARNING. light is on, the torque wrench may or Maintenance Mode, keep the key
may not actually be engaged. You must switch in the Off position.
• WARNING Only qualified personnel look at the pipe handler to verify that
should operate the equipment in the • WARNING When using the joystick,
the torque wrench has really engaged.
driller’s cabin. always maintain visual contact with the
(Consult the top drive manual for
traveling assembly to ensure safe
• WARNING Only qualified personnel complete instructions.)
operating conditions.
wearing appropriate personal • WARNING The Thread Assist feature
protective equipment (PPE) should • WARNING If an encoder is not healthy,
is currently not implemented on the
service the equipment on this rig. disable it and its VFD as well.

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Safety Precautions


To reduce the risk of faulty operation,

property damage, or injury, always
observe the precautions following a

• CAUTION Oil temperatures above 140 °F

may damage the gearbox.
• CAUTION Never use excessive force on
the joystick. Excessive force may break
the joystick, and it will not make the
drawworks spin any faster.
• CAUTION Do not use the Iron
Roughneck as a backup when making
up or breaking connections with the
top drive. You will bend or break the
Iron Roughneck.

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Emergency Shutdowns (ESDs) & Lockouts

About This Section WARNING Rig personnel should be

This section describes all Omron-provided aware of all emergency stops and be
prepared to engage them if necessary.
emergency shutdown pushbuttons and
lockouts on the Aurora.
Table of Contents Emergency shutdown pushbuttons are
Introduction ...........................................1 located in the driller’s cabin and on the
Driller’s Console ESDs ............................2 mud pump console.
Backup Driller’s Console ESDs................3 VFD and SCR lockouts are located on The right driller’s console includes six
The Mud Pump Console ESD .................4 Control Cubicle 2 in the PCR. emergency shutdown pushbuttons.
Recovering from an ESD ........................5
Terminology PDF Browsing Shortcuts
After a VFD Kill ...................................5
After an Engine Kill ............................5 • Ctrl+L to view full screen
The following terms mean the same thing:
After a Drawworks ESD......................5
• Ctrl+Click to follow a link
After a Top Drive ESD ........................6 • Emergency Shutdown, or ESD
After a Remote Mud Pump ESD ........7 • Alt+Left Arrow to go back
• Emergency Stop, or E-Stop
After a Local Mud Pump ESD .............7 • Home to return to this page
After an HPU ESD ...............................7 • Kill
VFD & SCR Lockouts ...............................8 • Ctrl+Shift+N to enter a page number
• Esc to exit
Copyright © 2009 Omron Oilfield and Marine. All
Rights Reserved. First published August 2009.

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Driller’s Console ESDs

WARNING Rig personnel should be

aware of all emergency stops and be
prepared to engage them if necessary.

  • VFD KILL  disables all VFDs.

• DRAWWORKS ESD  disables the
 
  • TOP DRIVE ESD  disables the top
• MUD PUMP ESD  shuts down the
mud pumps and auxiliaries.
• HPU ESD  shuts down the HPU.

WARNING ENGINE KILL  is currently

disabled and does not shut down the
engine-generator set.

NOTE You can use the ESD pushbuttons

on the driller’s chair console even when
the BUDS is the active console.

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Backup Driller’s Console ESDs

WARNING Rig personnel should be

aware of all emergency stops and be
prepared to engage them if necessary.

• VFD KILL  disables all VFDs.

• DRAWWORKS ESD  disables the
   drawworks.
   • TOP DRIVE ESD  disables the top
• MUD PUMP ESD  shuts down the
mud pumps.
• HPU ESD  shuts down the HPU.

WARNING ENGINE KILL  is currently

disabled and does not shut down the
engine-generator set.

NOTE You can use the ESD pushbuttons

on the BUDS console even when the
driller’s chair is the active console.

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The Mud Pump Console ESD

WARNING Rig personnel should be

 aware of all emergency stops and be

prepared to engage them if necessary.

• MUD PUMP ESD  shuts down the

mud pumps and auxiliaries.
• MUD PUMP RESET  lets you resume
operation after an emergency
shutdown. For instructions, see
Recovering from an ESD.

NOTE The local mup pump ESD works

even if the mud pumps are under
remote control.

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Recovering from an ESD

After a VFD Kill

   1. Raise the VFD KILL button .
 2. Press ALARM RESET  for 2 seconds.

After an Engine Kill

1. Raise the ENGINE KILL  button.
2. Press ALARM RESET  for 2 seconds.
3. Ask qualified personnel to start the engine-
generator set and close all of the breakers
• needed to re-energize
the bus and supply power to the PCR.

  After a Drawworks ESD

 1. Raise the DW ESD button .
2. Press ALARM RESET  for 2 seconds.

WARNING ENGINE KILL  is currently

disabled and does not shut down the
engine-generator set.

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Recovering from an ESD

After a Top Drive ESD

 1. Press Top Drive
 2. Raise the TOP DRIVE ESD button .
3. Press ALARM RESET  for 2 seconds.
 4. Press the Top Drive Brake RELEASE
button  for 5 seconds, until the
VFD status on the Top Drive panel
is Ready.

• • 

While you are holding down the

 Top Drive Brake RELEASE button,

the brake will automatically pulse off
and on, releasing any trapped torque.

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Recovering from an ESD

After a Remote Mud Pump ESD

 To recover from a mud pump ESD from
 the driller’s cabin,

1. Raise the MUD PUMP ESD  button.

2. Press ALARM RESET  for 2 seconds.

After a Local Mud Pump ESD

To recover from a mud pump ESD from

the mud pump console (not shown),

1. Raise the MUD PUMP ESD button.

2. Press MUD PUMP RESET for 2 seconds.

 After an HPU ESD

 
1. Raise the HPU ESD  button.
2. Press ALARM RESET  for 2 seconds.

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VFD & SCR Lockouts

WARNING Always follow your approved

lockout/tagout procedure before you
work around an inverter or SCR.

VFD and SCR lockouts are located on the

door of Control Cubicle 2 in the PCR.

VFD Lockouts

• Drawworks A Motor Lockout

• Drawworks B Motor Lockout
• Drawworks C Motor Lockout
• Top Drive Motor Lockout

SCR Lockouts

• Mud Pump 1 Motor Lockout

• Mud Pump 2 Motor Lockout
• Mud Pump 3 Motor Lockout

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Console Controls

About This Section WARNING This section provides general

This section describes the controls on the information, not specific instructions.
Before you use the controls on a
driller’s console, backup driller’s station,
console, consult the tab that appears in
and mud pump console. the footnote for that set of controls.

The Driller’s Chair vs. the BUDS .............2 \

The CONTROL Indicator .........................2 Link Controls ........................................ 14
Dolly Control ........................................ 15
Controls on the Driller’s Chair Elevator Control ................................... 15 The backup driller’s station, or BUDS.
Top Drive Brake Controls ..................... 16
Transferring Control...............................3
Slips Control ......................................... 16
Emergency Shutdown Controls .............4 Slide Controls....................................... 24
The Joystick ............................................5 Link Controls ........................................ 25
Controls on the BUDS Console
Pressure System Controls ......................6 Dolly Control ........................................ 26
Rotary Table Controls ............................7 Transferring Control to the BUDS ........ 17 Elevator Control .................................. 26
Rotary Table Brake Controls ..................8 Emergency Shutdown Controls ........... 18 Top Drive Brake Controls..................... 27
Top Drive Controls .................................9 The BUDS Joystick ................................ 19 Slips Control......................................... 27
Drill Mode Controls................................9 Pressure System Controls .................... 20
Cathead Controls .................................10 Top Drive Controls ............................... 21 The Mud Pump Console
Connection Controls ............................11 Drill Mode Controls ............................. 21 The Mud Pump Console ...................... 28
Thread Assist Controls .........................12 Connection Controls ............................ 22
Slide Controls .......................................13 Thread Assist Controls ......................... 23 Copyright © 2009 Omron Oilfield and Marine. All
Rights Reserved. First published August 2009.

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Console Controls

The Driller’s Chair vs. the BUDS

Driller’s Chair – The term driller’s chair is

sometimes used to refer to left driller’s
console and/or the right driller’s console,
not necessarily the chair itself.

BUDS – The term BUDS refers to the

backup driller’s station, or backup station.

The driller’s chair and the BUDS are both The right driller’s console on the driller’s chair. The CONTROL indicator appears on every screen.
located in the driller’s cabin.

The driller’s chair and the BUDS have the The CONTROL Indicator
same discrete controls, except for the The CONTROL indicator in the title bar of
rotary table, rotary table brake, and every HMI screen indicates which console
cathead controls. These are located on in the driller’s cabin has control:
the driller’s chair consoles only.
Drillers Chair (Green, Default) – The
WARNING This section provides general driller’s chair console is in control.
information, not specific instructions. Omron recommends this state.
Before you use the controls on a
Back Up Station (Red, Warning) – Control
console, consult the tab that appears in
the footnote for that set of controls. The left driller’s console on the driller’s chair. has been passed to the backup station.

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Controls on the Driller’s Chair

Transferring Control to the Driller’s Chair

If the driller’s chair does not already have


1. Turn the BACKUP CONSOLE key switch

 to OFF. You will see a Warning
popup window.

2. Push Drillers Chair  and then Close .
This disables the controls on the
BUDS console (except for the ESD
pushbuttons), and the CONTROL
indicator in the HMI title bar will
switch to Drillers Chair (green).

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Controls on the Driller’s Chair

Emergency Shutdown (ESD) Controls1

• Five pushbuttons  provide emergency

shutdowns for the VFDs, mud pumps,
drawworks, top drive, and HPU.
• ALARM RESET  helps you resume
 operation after an emergency

NOTE You can use the ESD pushbuttons

on the driller’s chair even when the
BUDS console is the active console.


currently disabled and does not shut
down the engine-generator set.

See the Emergency Shutdowns (ESDs)
and Lockouts tab.

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Controls on the Driller’s Chair

The Joystick1
 In general, you use the joystick  on the
right driller’s console to hoist and lower
the traveling assembly.

• This joystick has a deadman switch on

the front (not shown) and two push-
buttons on the top.
• This joystick is just like the joystick on
the BUDS console.

See Cathead Controls for a description of

the cathead joystick.

See the Drawworks tab.

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Controls on the Driller’s Chair

Pressure System Controls

• The TRIP TANK lighted pushbutton 

lets you turn Trip Tank 1 or 2 on or off. 1,3

• The HPU lighted pushbutton  toggles
 
the HPU system on or off. 2

• MUD PUMP controls  let you turn
individual mud pumps off or on, transfer
control between the driller’s cabin and
the local mud pump console, and
synchronize mud pumps.1,4

• IBOP controls  let you manually open
or close the IBOP or place it in
automatic mode.4

See the Control Screens tab.
See the Rig Tools tab.
See the Tripping Screens tab.
 4
See the Mud Pump Screens tab.

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Controls on the Driller’s Chair

Rotary Table Controls1

• The DIRECTION selector switch  lets you

choose forward (FWD) or reverse (REV) for the
direction of rotation.

• The JOG pushbutton  turns the rotary

table in the direction specified by the
DIRECTION switch , for as long as you
hold down the pushbutton.
When you release the JOG pushbutton,
the rotary table stops turning.
• The ROTATE ON lighted pushbutton 
turns the rotary table at the speed entered
in the Rig Tools > Rotary Table screen.

 

See the Rig Tools Screens tab.

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Controls on the Driller’s Chair

Rotary Table Brake Controls1


selector switch  has three positions:

• OFF allows the rotary table to jog or

rotate when you push the ROTARY
• ON stops the rotary table.
• FREE enables Freewheel Mode. In this
mode, you can rotate the rotary table
by hand, if the ROTATE pushbutton is

  • The BRAKE ON CLOSED lamp  turns

on when the rotary table brake is on.
 

See the Rig Tools Screens tab.

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Controls on the Driller’s Chair

Top Drive Controls1

• The TOP DRIVE MODE selector switch 

   lets you put the top drive in Drill, Connection,
or Slide mode.
• The DIRECTION selector switch  lets you
 choose forward (FWD) or reverse (REV) for the
direction of rotation.

• The TORQUE WRENCH selector switch 

lets you Engage the torque wrench, Release it,
or put it in Auto mode.
In Auto, the control system determines
when to engage the torque wrench and
when to release it.

Drill Mode Controls1

• When the TOP DRIVE MODE switch  is set

to Drill, the DRILL ON lighted pushbutton 
lets you rotate the drill stem or stop it.

See the Top Drive Screens tab.

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Controls on the Driller’s Chair

Cathead Controls1
Cathead controls on the left driller’s console
help you use the make-up and break-out
 cylinders on the rig floor to make up and
break out connections.

 • The cathead joystick  Extends (pulls) or

Retracts (releases) the make-up cylinder or
break-out cylinder.
The CATHEAD MODE selector switch  has
three settings:

• MAKE lets you use the cathead joystick to

control the make-up cylinder.
• BREAK lets you use the cathead joystick to
control the break-out cylinder.
• OFF disables both cylinders.

See the Rig Tools Screens tab.

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Controls on the Driller’s Chair

Connection Controls1

When the TOP DRIVE MODE switch  is

   set to Conn(ection),
   • The SPIN lighted pushbutton  lets
you rotate the top drive stem in the
DIRECTION selected .
• When the TORQUE WRENCH switch 
is set to Engage, the TORQUE lighted
pushbutton  lets you apply torque
during make up or break out.
• The WRENCH ENGAGED light  indicates
that the torque wrench may be engaged.


light  is on, the torque wrench may or
may not actually be engaged. You must
look at the pipe handler to verify that
the torque wrench has really engaged.
(Consult the TDS-8 manual for details.)

See the Top Drive Screens tab.

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Controls on the Driller’s Chair

Thread Assist Controls1

The Thread Assist feature gives you fine

control over stabbing and threading.

• The THREAD ASSIST selector switch 

lets you Enable or Disable the Thread
Assist feature.
• The THREAD ASSIST ON lamp  is on
whenever Thread Assist is on.
 
You use these together with the joystick
and other controls on the console as
described in Configuring Thread Assist1
and Using Thread Assist1.

See the Top Drive tab.

WARNING The Thread Assist feature is

currently not implemented on the Aurora.

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Controls on the Driller’s Chair

Slide Controls1

When the TOP DRIVE MODE switch  is

  set to Slide,

• The ORIENT pushbutton  momentarily

rotates the drill stem in the DIRECTION
selected .
 
• The OSCILLATE lighted pushbutton 
lets you rotate the drill stem for a set
amount of time, first in the forward
direction and then in the reverse direction.

See the Top Drive Screens tab.

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Controls on the Driller’s Chair

Link Controls1

• The ROTATE return-to-center switch 

allows you to rotate the pipe handler in
the reverse or forward direction.
• The FLOAT pushbutton  allows the
elevators to go back to well center.
• Holding the LINK CONTROL return-to-
center switch  in the DRILL position
retracts the links. Holding this switch in
the TRIP position extends the links.
  

See Link Control Tips and Link Control in
the Top Drive tab.

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Controls on the Driller’s Chair

Dolly Control1

• Holding the DOLLY RETRACT return-

to-center switch  in the RETRACT
position retracts the top drive from
the well center.
• Holding this switch in the EXTEND
position extends the top drive to
the well center.
 
Elevator Control1

• Pressing and holding the ELEVATOR

OPEN pushbutton  opens the
• To close the elevators, force the pipe
to trigger the mechanical switch inside
the elevators. Then the elevators
should close automatically.

See the Top Drive Screens tab.

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Controls on the Driller’s Chair

Top Drive Brake Controls1

• The BRAKE ON light  turns on when

the top drive brake solenoid is on.
• The BRAKE RELEASE pushbutton 
allows you to release torque on the
drill string if the top drive faults.

NOTE When you push and hold the

BRAKE RELEASE button , the brake
release solenoid pulses, in order to
release any trapped torque in a
controlled manner. After approximately
5 seconds, the brake fully releases.

 
Slips Control1

• The RELEASE/SET selector switch 

 
lets you raise or lower the cylinders
that release or engage the slips.
• The SET light  turns on when the slips
are engaged.
See the Control Screens tab.

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Controls on the BUDS Console

Transferring Control to the BUDS

Omron recommends that you control

the rig from the driller’s chair. However,
there may be times when you want to
use the backup driller’s station instead.
To transfer control to the BUDS,
 1. Hold down the BACKUP CONSOLE key
switch  while you turn it to ENABLE.
You will see a Warning popup window.
2. Push Backup St  and then Close .
This disables the controls on the
driller’s chair (except for the ESD
pushbuttons), and the CONTROL
indicator in the HMI title bar will
switch to Back Up Station (red).

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Controls on the BUDS Console

Emergency Shutdown (ESD) Controls1

• Five pushbuttons  provide emergency

shutdowns for the VFDs, mud pumps,
drawworks, top drive, and HPU.
• ALARM RESET  helps you resume

operation after an emergency

NOTE You can use the ESD pushbuttons
on the BUDS console even when the
driller’s chair is the active console.


currently disabled and does not shut
down the engine-generator set.

See the Emergency Shutdowns (ESDs)
and Lockouts tab.

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Controls on the BUDS Console

The BUDS Joystick1

The BUDS joystick  is just like the

joystick on the driller’s chair right console.

• It has a deadman switch on the front

and two pushbuttons on the top.
• In general, you use it to hoist and lower
the traveling assembly.

 See Cathead Controls for a description of

the cathead joystick.

See the Drawworks tab.

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Controls on the BUDS Console

Pressure System Controls

• The TRIP TANK lighted pushbutton 

lets you turn Trip Tank 1 or 2 on or off. 1,3
• The HPU lighted pushbutton  toggles
the HPU system on or off. 2
 
• MUD PUMP controls  let you turn
individual mud pumps off or on, transfer
control between the driller’s cabin and
 the local mud pump console, and
synchronize mud pumps.1,4
 • IBOP controls  let you manually open
or close the IBOP or place it in
automatic mode.4

See the Control Screens tab.
See the Rig Tools tab.
See the Tripping Screens tab.
See the Mud Pump Screens tab.

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Controls on the BUDS Console

Top Drive Controls1

• The TOP DRIVE MODE selector switch 

lets you put the top drive in Drill, Connection,
or Slide mode.
• The DIRECTION selector switch  lets you
 choose forward (FWD) or reverse (REV) for the
direction of rotation.
  
• The TORQUE WRENCH selector switch 
lets you Engage the torque wrench, Release it,
or put it in Auto mode.
In Auto, the control system determines
when to engage the torque wrench and
when to release it.

Drill Mode Controls1

• When the TOP DRIVE MODE switch  is set

to Drill, the DRILL ON lighted pushbutton 
lets you rotate the drill stem or stop it.

See the Top Drive Screens tab.

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Controls on the BUDS Console

Connection Controls1

When the TOP DRIVE MODE switch  is

set to Conn(ection),

• The SPIN lighted pushbutton  lets

you rotate the top drive stem in the
DIRECTION selected .
   • When the TORQUE WRENCH switch 
   is set to Engage, the TORQUE lighted
pushbutton  lets you apply torque
during make up or break out.
• The WRENCH ENGAGED light  indicates
that the torque wrench may be engaged.


light  is on, the torque wrench may or
may not actually be engaged. You must
look at the pipe handler to verify that
the torque wrench has really engaged.
(Consult the TDS-8 manual for details.)

See the Top Drive Screens tab.

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Controls on the BUDS Console

Thread Assist Controls1

The Thread Assist feature gives you fine

control over stabbing and threading.

• The THREAD ASSIST selector switch 

lets you Enable or Disable the Thread
Assist feature.
• The THREAD ASSIST ON lamp  is on
whenever Thread Assist is on.
You use these together with the joystick
  and other controls on the console as
described in Configuring Thread Assist1
and Using Thread Assist1.

See the Top Drive tab.

WARNING The Thread Assist feature is

currently not implemented on the Aurora.

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Controls on the BUDS Console

Slide Controls1

When the TOP DRIVE MODE switch  is

set to Slide,

• The ORIENT pushbutton  momentarily

rotates the drill stem in the DIRECTION
selected .

  • The OSCILLATE lighted pushbutton 

lets you rotate the drill stem for a set
amount of time, first in the forward
  direction and then in the reverse direction.

See the Top Drive Screens tab.

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Controls on the BUDS Console

Link Controls1

• The ROTATE return-to-center switch 

allows you to rotate the pipe handler in
the reverse or forward direction.
• The FLOAT pushbutton  allows the
elevators to go back to well center.
• Holding the LINK CONTROL return-to-
center switch  in the DRILL position
retracts the links. Holding this switch in
the TRIP position extends the links.

  

See Link Control Tips and Link Control in
the Top Drive tab.

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Controls on the BUDS Console

Dolly Control1

• Holding the DOLLY RETRACT return-

to-center switch  in the RETRACT
position retracts the top drive from
the well center.
• Holding this switch in the EXTEND
position extends the top drive to
the well center.

Elevator Control1

• Pressing and holding the ELEVATOR

OPEN pushbutton  opens the

  • To close the elevators, force the pipe

to trigger the mechanical switch inside
the elevators. Then the elevators
should close automatically.

See the Top Drive Screens tab.

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Controls on the BUDS Console

Top Drive Brake Controls1

• The BRAKE ON light  turns on when

the top drive brake solenoid is on.
• The BRAKE RELEASE pushbutton 
allows you to release torque on the
drill string if the top drive faults.

NOTE When you push and hold the

BRAKE RELEASE button , the brake
release solenoid pulses, in order to
release any trapped torque in a
controlled manner. After approximately
  5 seconds, the brake fully releases.

Slips Control1
 
• The RELEASE/SET selector switch 
lets you raise or lower the cylinders
that release or engage the slips.
• The SET light  turns on when the slips
are engaged.
See the Control Screens tab.

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The Mud Pump Console

When the LOCAL CONTROL light  is on, the

MUD PUMP switch in the driller’s cabin is set
to LOCAL, and you can control the mud
    pumps from the mud pump console.1

• MUD PUMP ESD  removes power from

     the mud pumps and auxiliaries, even if the

mud pumps are under remote control.
     • MUD PUMP RESET  lets you recover
   
from a mud pump ESD (and may turn on
when there is an active mud pump alarm).

 • The ALARM ENABLE  light may indicate a

 
fault in the mud pump system.

• The CHARGE PUMP , motor BLOWER ,

OILER pump , and LINER WASH pump 
lights are on when these functions are

• The hand throttle  lets you manually set

the mud pump speed.

• THROTTLE ON  runs the motor at the

speed setting on the hand throttle.
See the Mud Pumps tab.

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The Control Screen

About This Section

This section explains the controls and

indicators on the Control screen.

Table of Contents

Control Screen Highlights ......................2

Top Drive Functions ...............................3
Top Drive Brake Indicators.....................4
Torque Wrench Indicators .....................5
Link Control ............................................6
Slips Control ...........................................7
IBOP, Trip Tank Control..........................8
Standpipe Data ......................................9
Mud Pump Pressure Control ...............10
Combined Mud Pump Data .................11
Individual Mud Pump Control..............12
SCR Control ..........................................13

Copyright © 2009 Omron Oilfield and Marine. All HMI Conventions – For explanations of HMI terminology, colors, and units of measure,
Rights Reserved. First published August 2009. consult HMI Conventions in the Introduction tab.

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Control Screen Highlights

The Control screen allows you to monitor

   or operate several major rig systems.
From this single screen, you can

• Monitor Top Drive functions 
• Enable or disable Slips control 
 • Turn Trip Tanks on or off 
• View which Standpipe is active 
• Configure, monitor, and enable or
disable Pressure Control 
• Monitor combined Mud Pump activity
 and reset total strokes 
• Monitor and control Mud Pump and
 SCR activity 

See the Mud Pump and Top Drive tabs

for related controls.

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Top Drive Functions

Several indicators and bar graphs allow

you to monitor the top drive:

• Top Drive Mode  displays whether

the TD MODE switch  is set to Drill,
Connection, or Slide.

• Top Drive Sub State  displays the top
drive substate: Stop, Rotate, Spin In,
Make Up, Spin Out, Break Out, Lock,
Orient Forward, Orient Reverse,
Oscillate Fwd, or Oscillate Rev.

• Main Shaft Speed  displays the
 current top drive shaft speed, as well
as the speed setpoint entered on the
Top Drive screen.
• Main Shaft Torque  displays the
current top drive shaft torque, as well
as the torque setpoint entered on the
Top Drive screen.

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Top Drive Brake Indicators

The Top Drive Brake panel  on the

Control screen contains two indicators:

• Torque displays whether torque is

Present or Released.
• Brake displays whether the top drive
brake is Released or Engaged.

 On the active console,


ON light  turns on when the top drive
brake solenoid is on.
• The black RELEASE pushbutton 
allows you to release torque on the
drill string if the top drive faults.

 

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Torque Wrench Indicators

The Torque Wrench panel  on the

Control screen contains two indicators:

• Sel Sw displays whether the TORQUE

WRENCH selector switch  is set to
Engage, Release, or Auto.
• State displays whether the torque
wrench is Released, Engaged, or in
 an in-between state called Shot Pin.
The torque wrench enters Shot Pin
state when a solenoid-driven shot pin

successfully enters a hole in the
 rotating head gear. Hydraulic flow
 then causes the clamp to engage on
the pipe.


light  is on, the torque wrench may or
may not actually be engaged. You must
look at the pipe handler to verify that
the torque wrench has really engaged.
(Consult the TDS-8 manual for details.)

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Link Control

The Link Control panel  on the Control

screen contains two indicators:

• Rotate displays whether the ROTATE

selector switch  is in the Stop, Fwd
  (forward), or Rev (reverse) position.
• Tilt displays whether the LINK CONTROL
selector switch  is in the Float (HOLD),
Extend (TRIP), or Retract (DRILL) position.

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Slips Control

The Slips panel  on the Control screen

contains two indicators:

• Control displays whether the slips are

Enabled (installed and ready for use) or
Disabled (taken out for drilling, etc.).
Once you enable slips control, the
 
control system will monitor pressure
transducers and the selector switch .
• Status displays Unknown (in transition)
or Engaged.

• The SLIPS SET light  is on when the

slips are set.

NOTE If the drawworks is moving faster

than 10 ft /m, you will not be able set
the slips.

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IBOP, Trip Tank Control

The IBOP panel  on the Control screen

contains two indicators:

• Sel Sw displays whether the IBOP

selector switch  is set to Open,
Close, or Auto.

• State displays whether the IBOP Open,
Opening, Closing, or Closed, based on
a pressure switch.

On the Trip Tank panels 

 • Select lets you turn that trip tank off

(Off) or on (Enabled).
• State displays whether that trip tank is
Offline, Ready, Run Local, Run Auto,
Run Hand, or Fault(ed).

See the Mud Pump screens tab.

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Standpipe Data

The Standpipe panel  displays data for

the standpipe you enabled through the
Mud Pump screen:

 • The Pressure bar graph shows the

current standpipe pressure.
• If you enabled Pressure Control , the
red indicator on the bar graph shows
the pressure setpoint  you entered
for Pressure Control.

See the Mud Pump tab for additional

indicators and controls.

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Mud Pump Pressure Control via the Control Screen

About Pressure Control • Enabled  lets you toggle Pressure The Pressure Control Active indicator 
Control between Enabled and Off. can be grey (inactive) or red (active).
When you enable Mud Pump Pressure
Control, the control system tries to keep • Press SP  allows you to enter a Grey - Pressure Control is inactive. If
the standpipe pressure below a setpoint maximum pressure setpoint. Pressure Control is enabled, the stand-
you enter through the HMI. When Pressure Control is enabled, the pipe pressure is below the setpoint.
control system compares the current This indicator can also be grey when
NOTE The control system automatically standpipe pressure to this setpoint. Pressure Control is disabled, all mud
disables Pressure Control if it detects a
faulted pressure sensor on the stand- pumps are off, or during pump start-
pipe (see the Mud Pump screen). NOTE The pressure setpoint must be up, before the pressure reaches the
within the pressure rating of the liner Low Alarm value.
size on the Mud Pump screen.
On the Control Screen Red - Pressure Control is active. The
To configure Pressure Control, press • Low Alarm  allows you to enter a standpipe pressure is at or above the
Control. You will see the Control screen, minimum pressure, to help detect setpoint. Pressure Control is trying to
which includes the Pressure Control panel washout. If standpipe pressure falls bring the pressure below the setpoint
shown below: below this value, you will get an alarm. by adjusting pump speed.

• High Alarm  lets you enter a maxi- If Pressure Control cannot keep the
  mum pressure. If standpipe pressure pressure below the High Alarm set-
exceeds this value, you will get an point, the system will shut down all
 alarm and the pumps will shut down. mud pumps.

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Combined Mud Pump Data

The Mud Pump Total panel  displays

 combined mud pump data:

 • Total Strokes displays the combined

stroke counts of all “Running” mud
pumps and lets you zero the total
stroke count.
• SPM displays the combined strokes per
minute of all “Running” mud pumps.

On the Mud Pump Sync panel ,

• On / Off shows whether the mud pump

synchronizer is Off or Enabled.
• Status shows whether the mud pump
synchronizer is Off, trying to
synchronize the mud pumps (Syncing),
or finished synchronizing (In Sync).

See the Mud Pump tab for additional

indicators and controls.

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Individual Mud Pump Control

On each Mud Pump panel,

• A status indicator  displays whether

that mud pump is Offline, Ready,
Running, or Fault(ed).
• A bar graph  shows the current speed.
• A red indicator  marks the speed

setpoint displayed below the bar graph.

 • A Speed SP control  lets you raise or
lower the maximum strokes per minute

at which that mud pump will run.

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SCR Control

SCR panels on the Control screen display

information about the silicon controlled
rectifier drive for each mud pump:

• SCR On  lets you turn that SCR

On or Off.
• Pump  shows whether that SCR’s
mud pump is Offline, Ready, Running,
or Fault(ed).
(The Pump indicator displays the same
   state as the status indicator in the
corresponding Mud Pump panel .)
 
• Strokes  shows you the stroke count
for that mud pump.
• Reset  lets you reset the stroke count
for that mud pump to zero.

See the Maintenance tab for additional

SCR indicators and controls.

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The Tripping Screen

About This Section

This section explains how to use the HMI

for tripping.

Table of Contents

Tripping Screen Highlights .....................2

Block Speed Controls .............................3
Block Position Controls ..........................4
Additional Tripping Controls ..................5
Trip Tank Control ...................................7

HMI Conventions

For explanations of HMI terminology,

colors, and units of measure, consult
HMI Conventions in the Introduction tab.

Copyright © 2009 Omron Oilfield and Marine. All

Rights Reserved. First published August 2009.

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Tripping Screen Highlights

The tripping screen lets you monitor and

 
control tripping.

• Drawworks indicators  display the
current state and substate of the
drawworks. See The Drawworks Status
Panel in the Drawworks tab for a list of
possible states and substates.
• Elements under Block Control ,
display information about the speed
and position of the traveling assembly
(see Block Speed Control and Block
Position Control).
• See Additional Tripping Controls for
a description of controls on the
right half of the screen .

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Block Speed Controls

Under Block Control  on the Tripping screen,

 • MAX HST (blue)  lets you enter a

 maximum hoisting speed.
 • MAX LWR (red)  lets you enter a
maximum lowering speed.

The joystick is then scaled to the limits

you entered.

The control system can dictate a lower
hoisting or lowering speed limit (in the case
of a heavy hookload, for example), but it will
never exceed the values you entered.

• PV (present value)  displays the current

speed. Positive values indicate hoisting.
Negative values indicate lowering.

• The bar graph  displays the current
speed and speed limits.
Values above the zero relate to hoisting
(blue), and values below the zero relate
to lowering (red).

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Block Position Controls on the Tripping Screen 

Under Block Control , • DRILL STOP (green)  lets you enter 
the height at which the Autodriller 
• The yellow block  on the bar graph
will stop if it is enabled (see the
represents the traveling assembly 
Auto Drilling tab).4,6
length, from the top of the blocks to
the bottom of the elevators.1 • LOW STOP (red)  lets you enter the  
first lowering stopping point.4,5
• BLOCK  displays the distance from 
the floor to the top of the blocks.1 • LOW LIMIT (light blue)  lets you enter
the lowest stopping point. The control 
• ELEVATOR  displays the distance
system will not lower below this point.2,4,6
from the floor to the bottom of the 
elevators.1 Notes
• HIGH LIMIT (yellow)  lets you enter 1
Block and Elevator values are based on 4
Stopping and alert points are measured from
the highest stopping point. The control values entered during the position system
the floor to the bottom of the elevators.
system will not hoist above this calibration (see the Drawworks tab). When not
point.2,3,4 calibrated, they will have a red background. 5
To hoist above the High Stop point or lower
below the Low Stop point, put the joystick in
• HIGH STOP (blue)  lets you enter the 2
The control system will not let you enter a
Neutral and then hoist or lower.
first hoisting stopping point.4,5 High Limit or a Low Limit that exceeds your
derrick configuration. 6
Negative Drill Stop and Low Limit values
• ALERT (black)  lets you enter the height
3 occur when the elevators are tilted out so
at which a horn will sound as you hoist When you enable the Crown Saver, the
that the top drive can get closer to the floor.
past this point (if your system supports system lowers the maximum High Limit you
an audible alarm).4 can enter (see the Drawworks tab).

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Additional Tripping Controls

 
• The Power Limit  lamp indicates when
the control system is limiting generator   
power to the tools.

• Hookload2  displays the hookload from
the Weight Indicator screen.

• WOB2  displays the weight on bit from

the Weight Indicator screen.

• The WOB ZERO control  lets you zero

(tare) the weight on bit.

• The Bridge Protect1 lamp  can be • Trip Tank Dif2,3  displays the volume
grey, flashing red, or solid red: change (differential) in the trip tank.

Grey - Bridge Protection is either • Bit Depth3  displays the Current depth
and the Total hole depth.
Disabled or Enabled but inactive.

• Crown Svr1  displays whether the Crown
Flashing Red - The control system is
Saver is Enabled or Disabled. 
taking action to reduce the drawworks 
speed because the hookload is down 1
See the Drawworks tab.
by at least 50% of the setpoint. 2
The red indicator on each bar graph  shows  
Solid Red - The control system has the present value (PV), not a setpoint.
E-Stopped the drawworks. 3
As reported by the Petron system.

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Additional Tripping Controls

 
• SPM displays the total strokes per minute.
 
• Stand Count1  shows the total number
of stands in the hole. 

• Trip Tank Volume1,2  shows the trip tank

• Trip Tank Setup  displays a popup
window (not shown) that lets you turn
each trip tank Off or Enable it (see Trip
Tank Control).
On the Generator panel , 
• Return Flow  displays the percent of
• Load shows the current power being fluid gained or lost, based on a sensor on
consumed as a percent of power the return flow line. 
available from the generators online. • Slips  lets you enable or disable slips
control and shows whether their status is 
• Online shows how many generators
Unknown or Engaged.
are currently online.
 
The Mud Pump Total panel  displays
data for all three mud pumps combined: As reported by the Petron system.
 
• Total Strokes shows the total number The red indicator on each bar graph  shows
of strokes since the last reset and lets the present value, not a setpoint.

you reset the total strokes.

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Trip Tank Control

To turn a trip tank off or on,

1. Press Tripping
2. Press the TRIP TANK ON button .
When the trip tank is on, the TRIP TANK
ON light will be on. When the trip tank

is off, the TRIP TANK ON light will be off.
3. Press Trip Tank Setup . You will see
the Trip Tank Select popup window .
4. Press the Trip Tank #1 (or #2) button on
the popup window  and turn that trip
tank Off or Enable it.
5. Press Close.

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The Auto Drilling Screen

About This Section

This section explains how to use the HMI

to monitor and operate the Autodriller.

Table of Contents

About the Autodriller .............................2

Autodriller Hoisting Control ...................3
Autodriller Screen Highlights .................4
Traces on the 5 Minute Trend ...............5
Starting the Autodriller ..........................6
The Response Tuning Panel ...................7
Using Response Tuning Controls ...........8
Autodriller Stop Scenarios .....................9

HMI Conventions

For explanations of HMI terminology,

colors, and units of measure, consult
HMI Conventions in the Introduction tab.

Copyright © 2009 Omron Oilfield and Marine. All

Rights Reserved. First published August 2009.

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About the Autodriller

Hands-Free Drilling Autodriller Controls at a Glance

Omron’s Autodriller software controls the Parameters/Controllers

velocity of the traveling assembly based ROP WOB TD Torque Delta P
on setpoints you enter through the Auto
 To raise or lower the setpoint [1]
Drilling screen shown below: for this parameter, press

 To “enable” this parameter (to [2] [3]

 allow the Autodriller to control

 it) or disable it, press
  To tare (zero) this parameter, n/a n/a
 press
  To control hoisting, adjust the [4] [5] [5] [5]
Pick-Up control. Use the WOB,
TD Torque, or Delta P control [5]
to adjust how well a trace on the
5 Minute Trend  tracks its setpoint.
1. If a parameter’s present value stays above its setpoint for too long, you will get an alarm that will stop the system.
2. The ROP On/Off control is also the Autodriller On/Off control. Before you turn on this control, follow the
instructions in Using the Autodriller. Once you turn on the Autodriller, it will continue drilling until it reaches one of
the conditions described in Autodriller Stop Scenarios.
NOTE Before you start the Autodriller,
you must also enter a Drill Stop point 3. Delta P control will not turn on unless the standpipe sensor is healthy and enabled (see the Mud Pump screen
Standpipe Sensor Setup window). If this sensor is not healthy, you will get an alarm.
through the Tripping screen or Weight
4. The Pick-Up control lets you enable or disable percentage hoisting. See Autodriller Hoisting Control.
Indicator screen.
5. These Response Tuning controls default to a value of 1 when enabled. See The Response Tuning Panel.

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Autodriller Hoisting Control

After you enable percentage hoisting, if

enabled parameters  exceed their setpoint,
the Autodriller will use hoisting as needed to
 bring them back below their setpoint.

Enabling or Disabling Hoisting

Use the Pick-Up up and down arrows  to
enter a percent of ROP:

• 1 to 100 percent enables hoisting

• 0 disables hoisting

Hoisting Limits
When you enable percentage hoisting,
• The Autodriller limits the hoisting velocity
 to a fraction of the ROP setpoint .
• The Autodriller limits hoisting to 2 feet, or
less than 2 feet if the traveling assembly is
within 2 feet of the high travel limit
calculated by the Position Control system.

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Autodriller Screen Highlights

• Hookload* displays the hookload from

the Weight Indicator screen.
• Standpipe* displays the active
standpipe and the current standpipe
pressure from the Mud Pump screen.
• Return Flow† and Gain Loss† display
the percent and volume of fluid gained
or lost, based on a sensor on the return
flow line.
• Depth† displays the Bit depth and the
Total hole depth.
• Mud Pump Total shows the Total
Strokes and the pump speed (SPM) of
all mud pumps combined.

*The red indicators on the Hookload and

Standpipe bar graphs indicate present
values, not setpoints.

†As reported by the Petron system.

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Traces on the 5 Minute Trend

The 5 Minute Trend window graphs

drilling activity for the last five minutes:

• The SETPOINT trace (red) displays one

combined setpoint for all parameters.

NOTE Even though each parameter has

a different setpoint, all of the setpoints
are “scaled” (adjusted) so that they line
up across the screen .

• The ROP trace (green) displays ROP

values relative to the setpoint.
• The WOB trace (blue) displays WOB
values relative to the setpoint.
• The top drive torque trace (cyan)
displays top drive torque values
relative to the setpoint.
• The Delta P trace (yellow) displays
Delta P values relative to the setpoint.

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Starting the Autodriller

Before You Begin Configuring the Autodriller 

 
1. Press Tripping (or Weight Ind > Setup) 1. Enter setpoints  for the parameters 
and enter a Drill Stop position: you want the Autodriller to control
(WOB, TD Torque, and/or Delta P).

2. Before you engage the bit into the
formation, zero (tare) WOB .
2. Press Auto Drilling:
3. Once the system is pumping at the
desired rate, zero (tare) Delta P .
4. Turn on the parameters you entered
3. Confirm that the joystick is in Neutral. setpoints for in Step 1 . Turning On the Autodriller
4. Confirm that Drawworks State  is 5. Enter a setpoint for ROP , but do not To turn on the Autodriller, turn on ROP .
Stopped, with a white background. turn it on yet. The Autodriller will continue drilling until
5. Check for any alarms that would 6. If you want to enable percentage it reaches one of the conditions described
prevent the Autodriller from hoisting, under Pick-Up , use the up in Autodriller Stop Scenarios.
controlling a parameter. or down arrows to enter a percent of
ROP (see Autodriller Hoisting Control). NOTE While the Autodriller is on, if you
For example, you will not be able to move the joystick to Park, the draw-
enable Delta P control if you have a works will E-Stop and you will get Alarm
Standpipe Pressure Sensor Fault. 4039, Dw Joystick Parked While Moving.

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The Response Tuning Panel

After you turn on the Autodriller, you can

use the Response Tuning controls  to
 adjust how well the traces for WOB, top
drive torque, and Delta P track the
setpoint on the 5 Minute Trend .

Response Tuning Values

 1 - When you enable a parameter (WOB,

top drive torque, or Delta P), its Response
Tuning value defaults to 1.

0.25 to 4 - You can use the up or down

arrows to increase or decrease a
Response Tuning value to a number
between 0.25 and 4.

See Using Response Tuning Controls for

further instructions.

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Using Response Tuning Controls

After you turn on the Autodriller, watch

the traces on the 5 Minute Trend .

If a trace slowly meanders above and
below the setpoint trace, increase
(tighten) its Response Tuning value .

If the trace “chatters” (bounces rapidly

 above and below the setpoint), decrease
(loosen) its Response Tuning value .

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Autodriller Stop Scenarios

Stop Scenarios
Once you start the Autodriller, it continues
drilling until

• You reach the drill-stop position.

• You turn the ROP controller off.
• A parameter’s present value stays above
its setpoint for too long. (In this case, you
will also get an alarm.)
• You move the joystick to the Hoist or
Lower position.

Passing Control to the Joystick

In each case, the control system stops the

drawworks, turns off the Autodriller, and
passes control back to the joystick.

NOTE While the Autodriller is on, if you

move the joystick to Park, the draw-
works will E-Stop and you will get Alarm
4039, Dw Joystick Parked While Moving.

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Drawworks Screens

About This Section The Joystick Screen

This section explains how to use the HMI to The Emergency Brake Panel ......................... 22 The Joystick Screen...................................... 39
monitor and operate the drawworks. The Water Cooled Brake Panel .................... 23 Joystick Operation ....................................... 41
Water Cooled Brake Diagnostics .................. 24 Joystick Maintenance .................................. 42
Panels on Every Drawworks Screen
The Main / Cut & Slip Screen The Encoders Screen
On Every Drawworks Screen .......................... 2
The Drawworks Status Panel ......................... 3 The Cut & Slip Screen ................................... 26 The Encoders Screen ................................... 43
Drawworks Startup Conditions ...................... 4 Using Cut & Slip Mode ................................. 27 Encoderless Operation ................................ 45
The Position Control Panel ............................ 5
Calibrating the Position System ..................... 6 The Maintenance Screen The Hookload Screen
The Drawworks Speed Panel ......................... 9 The Maintenance Mode Panel ..................... 28 The Hookload Sensor & Screen ................... 46
Drawworks VFDs & Motors.......................... 10 Enabling Maintenance Mode ....................... 29 The Hookload Sensors Panel ....................... 47
Drawworks Motor Panels ............................ 11 The Brake Test / Calib Panel......................... 30
Drawworks Motor Diagnostics .................... 12 Testing the Drawworks Brakes..................... 31 HMI Conventions
The Gearbox Lubrication Panel .................... 14 Calibrating the Eaton Brake ......................... 33
Gearbox Lubrication .................................... 15 For explanations of HMI terminology, colors,
Disabling Maintenance Mode ...................... 36
About the Crown Saver Function ................. 16 and units of measure, consult
Enabling the Crown Saver ............................ 17 The Bridge Protection Screen HMI Conventions in the Introduction tab.
Testing the Mechanical Crown Saver........... 18
About Bridge Protection .............................. 37
After a Crown Saver ESD .............................. 19
The Bridge Protection Screen ...................... 38
Disabling the Crown Saver ........................... 20
Disabling the Crown Saver ........................... 21 Copyright © 2009 Omron Oilfield and Marine. All
Rights Reserved. First published August 2009.

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On Every Drawworks Screen

Every Drawworks screen includes

• Menu buttons for displaying additional

Drawworks screens
• The Drawworks Status panel
• The Position Control panel
• The Speed panel
• Panels for Motors A, B, and C
• The Gearbox Lubrication panel
• The Crown Saver panel
• The Rotating Hours panel
• The Brake Supply panel
• The Emergency Brake panel

• The Water Cooled Brake panel

These common elements are described

on the following pages.

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The Drawworks Status Panel

The Drawworks Status panel appears on

every Drawworks screen. Drawworks
States and Substates are listed below:

E-Stop Park

• Hoist Stop • Load On Brake

• Lower Stop • Apply Motor Torque
• Cat-0 Stop • Release Brake
• Load Stop • Apply Brake
• Turn Off Motor




--- (no data)

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Drawworks Startup Conditions

During startup, the control system places

the drawworks in E-Stop. The drawworks
will not exit E-Stop until

• The Engine Kill, VFD Kill, and Draw-

works ESD pushbuttons are all up.
• The joystick is in Park.
• The emergency brake, and possibly the
water cooled brake, is Engaged.
• At least one engine, rectifier, and
drawworks VFD are online, and the
electrical dynamic braking system
is available.
• The crown saver pressure switch is
closed or overridden.
• There are no active Category 0 or
Category 1 alarms, and the Alarm Reset
pushbutton has been pressed.
After these conditions have been met, the
system places the drawworks in Park.

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The Position Control Panel

The block and elevator Position Control panel

appears on every Drawworks screen.

• Calibrated? displays Yes if the system

has been calibrated and No if the
system needs to be calibrated.
• Elevator displays the distance from the
bottom of the elevators to the rig floor.
• Block displays the distance from the
top of the blocks to the rig floor.
• Calibrate steps you through the
calibration process. See Calibrating
the Position System.

NOTE You must calibrate the position

control system every time someone
cycles power or loads new drawworks
software on the VFD PLC in the PCR.

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Calibrating the Position System

To calibrate the block and elevator

position system,

1. Press Drawworks

2. In the Position Control panel, press
Calibrate . You will see the first
Calibrate popup window .

 3. Press Start  to begin, and follow the

prompts in each Calibrate window.

Press Abort!  at any time to safely
exit the calibration procedure.
4. Enter the traveling assembly length .

5. Enter the number of lines strung .

6. Press Next .

NOTE The number of lines strung that

you entered in Step 5 helps the control
system calculate the hookload.

Continued on next page…

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Calibrating the Position System

7. Use the joystick to hoist or lower the

blocks. As the wire rope transitions
from the first layer to the second layer,
press the At 1st Layer button .

Drawworks drum with

one layer of wire rope

Or, when the wire rope transitions

from the second layer to the third
layer, press the At 2nd Layer button .

Drawworks drum with

two layers of wire rope

Continued on next page…

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Calibrating the Position System

8. Lower the blocks until the elevators are

as close as possible to the rig floor.
9. Next enter the distance from the floor
to the bottom of the elevators .

If you need to repeat any steps, use the
Previous and Next buttons.
10. When you are finished, press Save 
to complete the calibration.
 The Calibrated indicator in the Position
Control panel will display Yes .
11. Press Close to exit.

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The Drawworks Speed Panel

On the drawworks Speed panel,

• Motor displays the current motor speed.

• Drum displays the current speed of
the drawworks drum.
• Block displays the current speed of
the traveling block.

For each indicator,

• Positive values indicate hoisting.
• Negative values indicate lowering.
• Zero speed indicates no motion.

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Drawworks VFDs & Motors

Three 1,500 hp AC motors — Motor A, Motor

B, and Motor C — power the drawworks. You
can monitor these motors through the HMI.

Each motor has a dedicated VFD. VFD A, the

master, drives Motor A. VFDs B and C, the
slaves, drive Motors B and C.

The master and slave drives together

generate the voltage waveform that helps
the motor produce speed and torque.

If a VFD or Motor Faults

If one of the motors or its VFDs fails, it can be
disabled. For example, if A fails, the control
system automatically makes B the master and
updates B with the appropriate parameters.

This update may take up to 30 seconds.

During this time, you will get a Parameters
Loading alarm, and the VFD cannot operate.

NOTE The control system will continue to

operate the drawworks with up to two VFD-
Motor combinations disabled.

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Drawworks Motor Panels

On every Drawworks screen Motor panel,

• VFD shows whether the drive for

that motor is Offline, Ready, Running,
or Fault(ed).
• Blower shows whether the blower for
that motor is Offline, Ready, Run Local,
Run Auto, Run Hand, or Fault(ed).
• Air Flow shows whether air pressure
for that motor is Low or Ok(ay).
• The Diagnostics button displays a
popup window with additional

NOTE The control system will not allow

the drawworks to exit the Park state
until it verifies that all enabled motor
and blower systems are healthy.

NOTE You need at least one motor

online to exit Park.

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Drawworks Motor Diagnostics

Each Drawworks Diagnostics window

displays additional information.

Under Motor Speed and Motor Torque,

• Sp (setpoint) shows the speed that the
control system has commanded the
motor to run at.
• Pv shows the present value of the
motor speed, based on feedback
from the encoder.

In the VFD panel,

• VFD shows whether the drive for that

motor is Offline, Ready, Running, or
• Profibus shows whether communica-
tions between the control system and
that VFD are Ok(ay) or --- (no data).

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Drawworks Motor Diagnostics

Each Drawworks Diagnostics window

displays additional information.

• The Motor Diagnostics panel displays

the current, frequency, and
encoder counts.
Temperature sensors called RTDs
are embedded in each motor
phase winding.
• Phase panels display the present value
(Pv) of the temperature of the motor
windings and whether each sensor is
Healthy or Fault(ed).

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The Gearbox Lubrication Panel

The Gearbox Lubrication panel and its

Diagnostics/Setup window allow you to

• Assign one of two pumps to circulate

lubrication oil through the gearbox and
heat exchanger.
• View the oil pressure and temperature.
• View the status of the assigned pump:
--- (no data), Offline, Ready, Run Local,
Run Auto, Run Hand, or Fault.
• View whether the temperature and
pressure sensors are healthy or faulted.

NOTE The operating oil pressure should

range from above 10 psi to below 100 psi.

NOTE The operating oil temperature

should range from 100 °F to 140 °F.

CAUTION Oil temperatures above 140 °F

may damage the gearbox.

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Gearbox Lubrication

Startup Conditions

Separate MCC buckets feed power to

each lubrication pump’s electric motor.

When the drawworks attempts to exit

Park, the control system turns on the
assigned pump and confirms that its oil
pressure, oil temperature, and MCC status
are acceptable for operation.

Alarm Conditions

• Oil pressure at or below 10 psi

• Oil pressure at or above 100 psi
• Oil temperature at or above 130 °F

NOTE Lubrication-related alarms will

not stop the drawworks while it is in
motion. However, after you stop and
park, you will not be able to exit Park
unless you override these alarms.

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About the Crown Saver Function

This crown saver function provides a

backup to the encoder-based position
control you set up in Calibrating the
Position System.

The crown saver is enabled by default.

When the crown saver function is

enabled, if the blocks ever exceed the
maximum height allowed by the position
system, the wire rope manually trips a
toggle valve installed inside the drum
assembly cover. This triggers a drawworks
ESD, stopping the drawworks.

Once the toggle valve has tripped, you can

retract the toggle valve for 5 minutes. This
should give you enough time to reset the
blocks and then re-enable the toggle valve.

You can also permanently disable the

toggle valve through a keyswitch in the LER.
NOTE When the crown saver is disabled, the control system does not allow the top of the
blocks to come within 1 ft of the calculated crown height; also, when the top of the blocks are
within about 20 ft of the calculated crown height, the block velocity is limited to 50 ft/min.

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Enabling the Crown Saver

While the crown saver is enabled, if the

blocks ever exceed the maximum height
   allowed by the position system, the crown
saver will trigger a Drawworks ESD.

To enable the crown saver,

1. Press Drawworks
2. Confirm that the crown saver key
switch in the LER is set to Enabled .

3. Press Setup . You will see the Crown
Saver Warning window.
4. Press Enable  and close the window.
The Status will change to Enabled .

NOTE The crown saver is enabled by default.

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Testing the Mechanical Crown Saver

When To Do This 6. Move the crown saver toggle switch to 

where the wire rope will trigger it if the
• After you slip and cut the wire rope
system hoists above the present point.
• As recommended by your approved
Tighten the bolts.
maintenance schedule
7. To test the system, enter a greater
General Instructions value into the High Travel Limit and
then hoist.
1. Press Drawworks
When the wire rope trips the toggle
2. Confirm that the crown saver Status is
switch, the drawworks will e-stop.
Enabled  (if necessary, see Enabling
the Crown Saver). 8. To temporarily disable the crown saver,
exit the Drawworks ESD, and then
3. Loosen the bolts  on the crown saver
re-enable the crown saver function, see 
toggle switch.
After a Crown Saver ESD and then
4. Move the toggle switch out of the way Enabling the Crown Saver. Crown saver
toggle switch
of the wire rope.
9. Set the High Travel Limit back to what
5. Hoist the drawworks until the control it was in Step 5.
system stops at the High Travel Limit Drawworks drum with
layers of wire rope
entered on the Tripping screen. (Note
the High Travel Limit for use in Step 9.)

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After a Crown Saver ESD

   After the crown saver function triggers a

Drawworks ESD, temporarily disable the
crown saver and reset the system:

1. Press Drawworks
2. Confirm that the crown saver key
switch in the LER is set to Enabled .
 3. Press Setup . You will see the Crown
Saver Warning window.
4. Press Disable  and close the window.
A pneumatic piston assembly will pull
the toggle switch out of the way for 5
minutes, and the Status  will change
to Disabled.
5. During those 5 minutes, reset the
Drawworks ESD and lower the blocks.
After 5 minutes, the crown saver will
automatically re-enable, or you can re-
enable it by following the instructions
NOTE When the crown saver is disabled, the control system does not allow the top of the
in Enabling the Crown Saver.
blocks to come within 1 ft of the calculated crown height; also, when the top of the blocks are
within about 20 ft of the calculated crown height, the block velocity is limited to 50 ft/min.

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Disabling the Crown Saver

  
Temporarily Disabling the Crown Saver

1. Press Drawworks
2. Confirm that the crown saver key
switch in the LER is set to Enabled .
3. Press Setup . You will see the Crown
Saver Warning window.

4. Press Disable  and close the window.
A pneumatic piston assembly will pull
the toggle switch out of the way for 5
minutes, and the Status  will change
to Disabled.
After 5 minutes, the crown saver will
automatically re-enable, or you can re-
enable it by following the instructions
in Enabling the Crown Saver.

NOTE When you disable the crown saver,

a pneumatic piston assembly pulls the
toggle switch out of the way so that you
NOTE When the crown saver is disabled, the control system does not allow the top of the
blocks to come within 1 ft of the calculated crown height; also, when the top of the blocks are can hoist without triggering an e-stop.
within about 20 ft of the calculated crown height, the block velocity is limited to 50 ft/min.

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Disabling the Crown Saver

Permanently Disabling the Crown Saver

1. Turn the crown saver key switch in the

LER (not shown) to Disabled.

While the Crown Saver Is Disabled

NOTE When you disable the crown saver,

a pneumatic piston assembly pulls the
toggle switch out of the way so that you
can hoist without triggering an e-stop.

NOTE When the crown saver is

disabled, the control system does not
allow the top of the blocks to come
within 1 ft of the calculated crown
height; also, when the top of the blocks
are within about 20 ft of the calculated
crown height, the block velocity is
limited to 50 ft/min.

NOTE When the crown saver is disabled, the control system does not allow the top of the
blocks to come within 1 ft of the calculated crown height; also, when the top of the blocks are
within about 20 ft of the calculated crown height, the block velocity is limited to 50 ft/min.

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The Emergency Brake Panel

The drawworks emergency brake consists of

two sets of spring-applied, air-released caliper
brakes designed for emergency stops and

To engage the emergency brake, the control

system reduces the air pressure. This allows
the springs to expand and both sets of
calipers to engage at the same time.

On the Emergency Brake panel,

• Status indicators show whether the

brake is Engaged or Released.
• Pressure indicators display low
pressures when the brake is engaged
and higher pressures when the brake is
• Sensor indicators show whether each
air pressure sensor is Healthy or

To test the emergency brake, see Testing the

Drawworks Brakes.

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The Water Cooled Brake Panel

A water cooled (Eaton) brake is mounted

on the driller’s side of the drawworks.

To engage this brake, the control system

applies air pressure to actuate the brake
piston. Constantly circulating cooling water
dissipates the heat generated by friction.

On the Water Cooled Brake panel,

• Status displays Engaged, Released, or

Control. In the Control state, the
control system is applying a pressure
between Engaged and Released.
• Act Pressure displays the actuator
• Act Sensor Flt shows whether the
actuating pressure sensor is Healthy
or Fault(ed).

To test the water cooled brake, see

Testing the Drawworks Brakes.

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Water Cooled Brake Diagnostics

Press the Diagnostics button on the Water

Cooled Brake panel . You will see the
Water Cooled Brake window .
 The Coolant Inlet panel  displays

• The Temperature and Pressure

of the incoming cooling water.
• Whether the temperature and
 pressure sensors (Sens Flt) are
Healthy or Fault(ed).

The Coolant Outlet panel  displays

• The Temperature and Flow rate

of the outgoing cooling water.
• Whether the outlet temperature
sensor (Outlet Sens) and outlet
flow rate sensor (Flow Sens) are
Healthy or Fault(ed).

Continued on next page…

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Water Cooled Brake Diagnostics

Continued from previous page…

The Actuator panel  displays data about

the brake piston actuator:

• Whether its sensor (Sens Flt) is

Healthy or Fault(ed).

• The actual pressure Setpoint from the

 control system.
• Its current Pressure.
 The Wc Brake Encoder panel  displays
the current encoder Counts, as well as the
brake Velocity determined by encoder

The Coupling Sw(itch) panel  displays

Open if the brake shaft is not connected
to the drum shaft and Closed if the brake
shaft is coupled to the drum shaft.

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The Cut & Slip Screen

The Cut & Slip Panel

From the Cut & Slip panel, you can enter a

drum speed setpoint, enable or disable
Cut & Slip Mode, and view the drawworks
speed during Cut & Slip Mode. See Using
Cut & Slip Mode for instructions.

The Ton Miles Panel

The control system uses the measured

hookload and elevator position to
calculate the current ton-miles.

After you cut and slip, you will reset ton-

miles to zero. When you press Zero on the
Ton Miles panel, a popup window allows
you to continue or exit.

NOTE The drawworks joystick must be

in Park to enter or exit Cut & Slip Mode.

WARNING After you cut and slip, you

must recalibrate the position system.

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Using Cut & Slip Mode

1. Press Drawworks then Cut & Slip.

2. Place the joystick in Park .

3. Under Setup, enter a drum speed
setpoint under Drum Vel(ocity) .

4. Under Cut & Slip, press Enable . Press
Enable  on the popup window.
5. Use the joystick to exit Park and then
hoist and lower as needed. The
  drawworks drum speed  will not
exceed the setpoint entered in Step 3.

6. When you are finished, place the
joystick in Park .

 7. Under Ton Miles, press Zero .

8. Under Cut & Slip, press Enable  and
turn Cut & Slip Mode off .
9. Follow the instructions in Calibrating
the Position System and Testing the
Mechanical Crown Saver.

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The Maintenance Mode Panel

WARNING Never enter Drawworks

Maintenance Mode with line on the
drum! Maintenance Mode releases all
drawworks brakes.

Before you test or calibrate the brakes on

the drawworks, you must first be in Main-
tenance Mode. To enter Maintenance
Mode, you will use a key switch in the LER
and the Maintenance Mode panel:

• Key Sw shows whether the key switch

in the LER is set to Off or Enabled.
• Enable allows you to enter Mainte-
nance Mode, after certain conditions
have been met.
• Disable allows you to exit Maintenance
• Enabled shows whether Maintenance
Mode is Off or Enabled.

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Enabling Maintenance Mode

WARNING Never enter Drawworks

Maintenance Mode with line on the
drum! Maintenance Mode releases all
drawworks brakes.

Before you enter Maintenance Mode,

• Make sure the wire rope is unstrung.

• Press DRAWWORKS ESD to place the
drawworks in E-Stop.
• Turn the Maintenance Mode key switch in
the LER to Enabled.

To enter Maintenance Mode,

1. Press Enable on the Maintenance Mode

2. If you are sure that the wire rope is
unstrung, press Confirm to continue. All
drawworks brakes will release.
Next test or calibrate the drawworks
brakes as described below.

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The Brake Test / Calib Panel

The Brake Test/Calib panel allows you to

• Test the emergency brake

• Test the water cooled (Eaton) brake
• Calibrate the water cooled brake
Typically you would use these utilities
after you complete any drawworks
maintenance, or any time you suspect
that brake performance has degraded.

Before you use the test or calibration

utilities, the system must be in Mainte-
nance Mode.

This includes placing the drawworks in

E-Stop and making sure the wire rope is
unstrung. See Enabling Maintenance
Mode for warnings and instructions.

NOTE Consult brake manufacturer

documentation for recommended
maintenance schedules.

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Testing the Drawworks Brakes

To test the emergency brake or water

cooled (Eaton) brake, on the Drawworks
 Maintenance screen,

1. Confirm that Maintenance Mode is

 Enabled . (See Enabling Maintenance
Mode for warnings and instructions.)
2. Press Test . You will see the Brake
Test Mode popup window.
3. Under Brake Select , press Emergency
 or Eaton Brake. Your selection will
appear under Brake Selected.

4. Under Setpoints , enter the torque
you want the system to apply and how
long you want the brake to stop the

drum at that torque.
5. Exit E-Stop (raise the Drawworks ESD
pushbutton, press Alarm Reset for 2
seconds) and confirm that the
Drawworks State is Maintenance .
Continued on next page…

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Testing the Drawworks Brakes

Continued from previous page…

6. Press Start . The drawworks motors

will ramp up to the torque you entered
and then apply that torque for the
length of time you entered.
During this time, the Feedback panel
 displays the applied torque .
If the brake slips excessively, the
control system will stop the test, or
you can press Stop to stop the test.
7. If the brake performs to your
satisfaction, press CLOSE, disable
Maintenance Mode, and return to
 routine operation.
Otherwise, troubleshoot and repair
the brake and repeat the test.

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Calibrating the Eaton Brake

WARNING Consult Omron for assistance

with calibrating the water cooled brake.

1. Press Drawworks then Maintenance.

2. Under Maintenance Mode, confirm

that Maintenance Mode is Enabled.
See Enabling Maintenance Mode for
warnings and instructions.

3. Under Brake Test/Calib, press

Calibration. You will see the Brake
Calibration screen shown at left.

Continued on next page…

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Calibrating the Eaton Brake

Continued from previous page…

4. Under Load Values , choose Default to

 load the default Pressure and Torque Gain
values stored in the PLC.

Or, enter Omron-approved values under
Manual Setpoint Entries , then choose
 Manual  to load those values.
 5. Exit E-Stop (raise the Drawworks ESD
pushbutton then press Alarm Reset for 2
seconds) and confirm that the Drawworks
State  is Maintenance.
 6. Under Calibration , Enable the test.
7. Press Start . The control system will start
the drum rotating with the brake released

and zero the torque. (If the torque is not
zero at this point, press Zero  to zero
the torque.)

NOTE Press Stop  at any time to safely

exit the calibration procedure.

Continued on next page…

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Calibrating the Eaton Brake

Continued from previous page…

8. Press Increase or Decrease  to increase or

decrease the pressure on the brake.
When the Torque indicator  displays a

steady value, press Capture .
Repeat this step to capture more data.
You can capture up to five data sets for a
single pressure.
  9. When testing finishes, the system will
calculate the relationship between
pressure and torque .

To store the Calculated Values in the PLC,
press Save . (The Save button will remain
greyed out until you have captured enough

data points to calculate a valid relationship
between the pressure and torque.)
To disregard current data, press Reset .
The control system will continue to use
previously recorded values.
10. Turn Calibration Off .

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Disabling Maintenance Mode

When you finish testing or calibrating

the drawworks brakes, follow the steps
below to return the drawworks to
normal operation.

On the Drawworks Maintenance screen,

1. Press Disable on the Maintenance

Mode panel.
2. Turn the Maintenance Mode key
switch in the LER to Off.
3. If necessary, take the drawworks out
of E-Stop (raise the Drawworks ESD
pushbutton then press Alarm Reset
for 2 seconds).
4. If necessary, cut and slip the wire rope.

WARNING When the system is not in

Maintenance Mode, keep the key switch
in the Off position.

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About Bridge Protection

When you enable bridge protection, if

the control system thinks it detects a
bridge while tripping pipe into the hole,
it automatically slows down or stops the
drawworks as shown below:
Example Values

Actual Hookload 180 klb

Max. Speed

Actual Hookload minus 130 klb

50% of the Setpoint

Drawworks speed
ramps down to zero
Actual Hookload minus 80 klb
100% of the Setpoint

Drawworks E-Stops

0 klb

Drawworks speed with bridge protection enabled.

The control system compares the current hookload,
the actual (unobstructed) hookload (180 klb), and the
most recently entered setpoint (100 klb).

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The Bridge Protection Screen

Use the Bridge Protect panel to enable

bridge protection and enter setpoints.

• Typically you would enable bridge

protection before tripping in and then
disable it before tripping out.
• Once you enable bridge protection,
you can change the bridge protection
setpoint at any time.


Bridge protection will not slow down or

stop the drawworks if

• The bottom of the elevator is less than

3 ft from the rig floor
• Block velocity is less than 50 ft/min

This prevents the control system from

triggering a false bridge protection alarm
when the slips are set.

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The Joystick Screen

The driller’s console joystick and BUDS

joystick each have a primary and a
secondary set of internal switches and
potentiometers (pots).

If one set fails, you can disable the faulty

set through the Joystick screen and
continue using the joystick. (If both sets
fail, you must replace the joystick.)

The Joystick Diagnostics panel can help

you identify which set is faulty.

• Press Drillers Chair to view indicators

for the joystick on the driller’s console.
• Press Backup St to view indicators for
the joystick on the BUDS.
• Press Pri En (or Sec En) to enable or
disable the Primary (or Secondary)
components for the joystick named in
the panel to the right.

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The Joystick Screen

The Drillers Chair (or BackUp Chair) panel

displays indicators for

• The Primary Pot (potentiometer) and

related internal switches for the Park,
Neutral, Hoist, and Lower positions
• The Secondary Pot and related internal
switches for the Park, Neutral, Hoist,
and Lower positions
• The Th(read) Assist button
• The unassigned button on the Handle
• The Deadman trigger on the handle
As you use the joystick, these indicators
should change between grey and green:

Grey – The function is off.

Green – The function is on.

See Joystick Operation and Joystick

Maintenance for further information.

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Joystick Operation

WARNING When using the joystick, Lower CAUTION Never use excessive force on
always maintain visual contact with the the joystick. Excessive force may break
traveling assembly to ensure safe the joystick, and it will not make the
operating conditions. drawworks spin any faster.
Neutral Park / E-Stop*
Intended Uses Parking / E-Stop*

In general, you will use the joystick along To stop the drawworks rapidly, move the
with the HMI to joystick to Neutral and then to the right.
• Hoist or lower the drill string Joystick Positions You will feel the joystick click into Park,
• Slip and cut the wire rope and the drawworks will rapidly come to a
Hoisting & Lowering controlled stop*.
Before Using the Joystick
To hoist, press the deadman trigger on *NOTE Placing the joystick in Park while
1. Adjust all necessary controls on the
the joystick handle and pull the joystick the drawworks is moving triggers a
driller’s console.
back, towards the chair. “Category 1” controlled, rapid stop,
2. Configure all necessary drilling with birdsnesting protection.
parameters through the HMI. To lower, press the deadman switch on
the joystick handle and push the joystick After 3 seconds, this Category 1 stop
3. Exit Park by pressing the deadman becomes a “Category 0” hardwired
forward, away from the chair.
trigger on the joystick handle and E-Stop like the DRAWWORKS ESD
moving the joystick to the center, If the system fails to hoist or lower, check pushbutton on the driller’s console.
or Neutral, position. the Alarms screen (see the Alarm Guide).

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Joystick Maintenance

Joystick Mismatch Alarms WARNING When using the joystick, NOTE Always keep a spare joystick on
The joystick has two sets of internal always maintain visual contact with the hand. If both sets of joystick controls
traveling assembly to ensure safe fail, replace the joystick and order a
switches and potentiometers. If one set
operating conditions. spare from Omron Oilfield and Marine.
fails, the drawworks will stop and you will
get a joystick mismatch alarm. 4. As you move the joystick, watch the Additional Joystick Alarms
To disable the broken components values for Primary and Secondary 
If the Alarms screen reports a Joystick
through the HMI: to determine which set is not working.
Switch/Pot Transition Error or No Joystick
5. Place the joystick in Park again. Pot Selected, follow the instructions on
1. After the drawworks stops, place the
6. Under Select , press Pri En (Primary the screen to fix the problem.
joystick in Park.
Enable) or Sec En (Secondary Enable),
2. Press Drawworks then Joystick. Calibration
disable the set that is not working,
and continue operation. You never need to calibrate the joystick.

3. You will see the Joystick Diagnostics

panel shown at right. 
 CAUTION Never use excessive force on
Push Drillers Chair  to diagnose the the joystick. Excessive force may break
driller’s chair joystick or Backup St  the joystick, and it will not make the
to diagnose the BUDS joystick. drawworks spin any faster.

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The Encoders Screen

The Drawworks Encoders screen displays

data about each drawworks motor encoder.

• Motor A (or B or C) allows you to

Enable or Disable the encoder for
Drawworks Motor A (or B or C).
See Encoderless Operation for more
information on disabling encoders.

• Counts displays the current count.

If two or more Counts vary beyond

an allowable range, you will get an
Encoder Mismatch alarm. Follow the
suggestions on the Alarms screen to
troubleshoot the problem.

WARNING If an encoder is not healthy,

disable it and its VFD as well.

Continued on next page…

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The Encoders Screen

Continued from previous page…

On the Drum panels,

• Position shows the current position of

the drawworks drum.
• Velocity displays the drum’s speed and

• Position and Velocity values should be

equal for all enabled encoders.
• Zero Velocity indicates that the drum is
not turning.
• Positive Velocity indicates hoisting.
• Negative Velocity indicates lowering.

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Encoderless Operation

When You Disable an Encoder

• You will not have position control.
Disabling an encoder disables the connec-
• The No Encoders Selected alarm will
tion between its VFD and the PLC, not the
become active again after 30 minutes.
connection between the encoder and its VFD.
 • Note the advice on the Alarms screen
Encoderless Operation for the No Encoders Selected alarm:
To operate the drawworks without any “This alarm is raised in the event all
position encoders enabled, encoders are disabled. The drawworks
will enter range override mode and
1. Press Drawworks then Encoders.
permit operation at reduced speed.
Encoders and Position Control
Place the joystick in park and enable
• You can disable up to two healthy the encoders from the drawworks set-
2. With the joystick in Park, press the
drawworks motors position encoders up screen. The blocks must then be
Motor A button  and disable that
and still have position control. recalibrated. If there are no functioning
encoder. Repeat this step for Motor B
• If all three position encoders are encoders, then continue operations at
and Motor C.
healthy and you disable them, you can reduced speed until parts are available
3. Override the No Encoders Selected for repair. Caution: - position control is
still operate, but you will not have
alarm (see the Alarm Guide tab). de-activated in range override and the
position control.
• Every VFD with a healthy encoder will driller is responsible for stopping the
WARNING If an encoder is not healthy, then continue to operate its drawworks load before hitting any obstructions.”
disable it and its VFD as well. motor at reduced speed.

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• The Hookload Sensor & Screen

A 3PS hookload sensor in the deadline

anchor helps the control system
determine the hookload.

Each sensor contains three 4-20 mA

bridges and is rated for the full deadline
anchor capacity.

The control system compares the signals

from all three bridges and determines
which signal to use.

If the signals do not sufficiently match, or

if the system detects a broken wire, you will
get an alarm that may stop the drawworks.

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The Hookload Sensors Panel

The Drawworks Hookload screen displays

data for the three hookload sensor links:

• Select allows you to Enable a link or

turn it Off when the joystick is in Park.
• DeadLine displays the deadline tension.
The control system calculates this
number based on each link’s Raw
value, the deadline anchor geometry,
and the deadline zero offset.
• Raw displays the load cell value for
that bridge.
• Sensor tells you whether that link is
Healthy or Faulted.

NOTE 1 KLB = 1 klb = 1,000 pounds

NOTE If all links are faulted or disabled,

you may continue operating at reduced
speed (50 ft/min or less) by overriding
the No Tension Links Enabled alarm.

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The Mud Pump Screen

About This Section

This section explains the controls and

indicators on the Mud Pump screen.

Table of Contents

Remote vs. Local Control .......................2

Switching Mud Pump Control ................3
Bringing a Mud Pump Online .................4
Mud Pump Pressure Control .................5
Mud Pump Pressure Control .................6
About Mud Pump Synchronization........7
Synchronizing Mud Pumps ....................8
IBOP Control ..........................................9

HMI Conventions

For explanations of HMI terminology,

colors, and units of measure, consult
HMI Conventions in the Introduction tab.

Copyright © 2009 Omron Oilfield and Marine. All

Rights Reserved. First published August 2009.

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Remote vs. Local Control

Remote vs. Local Mud Pump Control

• Remote Control – You use discrete

controls in the driller’s cabin along with
the Mud Pump screen shown at left.
• Local Control – You use the mud pump
console shown below.
• See Switching Mud Pump Control.

The local mud pump console. See the Console

Controls tab for a description of every control.

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• Switching Mud Pump Control

To switch between local and remote mud

 pump control,

1. Push the MUD PUMP ESD button  on

  the driller’s console or BUDS.
2. Turn the MUD PUMP switch  to
LOCAL for operation at the mud pump
console or REMOTE for operation in
the driller’s cabin.
3. Acknowledge the change on Warning
popup window in the HMI.
• 
4. Raise the MUD PUMP ESD button .
5. Press ALARM RESET  for 2 seconds.
If control successfully transfers to the
 local mud pump console, the MUD PUMP
 LOCAL ACTIVE light  will come on.

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•  Bringing a Mud Pump Online

Before you turn on a mud pump,

• Make sure the suction and discharge

piping is correctly aligned for the
 desired operation.
To turn on a mud pump,

1. Press Mud Pump

2. Under the Speed bar graph , enter
the desired strokes per minute.
3. Press SCR On  and turn the SCR on.
This starts the oiler, the liner wash, and
 the Motor A and Motor B blowers .
 4. Press the desired MUD PUMP RUN

button . The light on that button will
come on.

The charge pump should start and the
mud pump will start running .

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Mud Pump Pressure Control via the Mud Pump Diagnostics / Setup Screen

About Pressure Control • Enabled  lets you toggle Pressure The Pressure Control Active indicator 
Control between Enabled and Off. can be grey (inactive) or red (active).
When you enable Mud Pump Pressure
Control, the control system tries to keep • Press SP  allows you to enter a Grey - Pressure Control is inactive. If
the standpipe pressure below a setpoint maximum pressure setpoint. Pressure Control is enabled, the stand-
you enter through the HMI. When Pressure Control is enabled, the pipe pressure is below the setpoint.
control system compares the current This indicator can also be grey when
NOTE The control system automatically standpipe pressure to this setpoint. Pressure Control is disabled, all mud
disables Pressure Control if it detects a
faulted pressure sensor on the stand- pumps are off, or during pump start-
pipe (see the Mud Pump screen). NOTE The pressure setpoint must be up, before the pressure reaches the
within the pressure rating of the liner Low Alarm value.
size on the Mud Pump screen.
On the Control Screen Red - Pressure Control is active. The
To configure Pressure Control, press • Low Alarm  allows you to enter a standpipe pressure is at or above the
Control. You will see the Control screen, minimum pressure, to help detect setpoint. Pressure Control is trying to
which includes the Pressure Control panel washout. If standpipe pressure falls bring the pressure below the setpoint
shown below: below this value, you will get an alarm. by adjusting pump speed.

• High Alarm  lets you enter a maxi- If Pressure Control cannot keep the
  mum pressure. If standpipe pressure pressure below the High Alarm set-
exceeds this value, you will get an point, the system will shut down all
 alarm and the pumps will shut down. mud pumps.

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Mud Pump Pressure Control

To turn on pressure control,

1. Press Mud Pump

2. Under Control , confirm that the mud
pump is under Remote control.
3. Under Liner Size , press Select and enter
 the desired liner size.
4. Press Diagnostics/Setup .

5. Under Pressure Control , enter the
desired pressure setpoint (Press Sp). Also
enter pressures for the Low Alarm and
High Alarm.
 
7. Still under Pressure Control , press
Enabled and turn pressure control on.
The Enabled window  will be white, and
the Pressure Control Enabled indicator 
will be green.

To turn off pressure control,

1. Press Enabled under Pressure Control 

and turn pressure control off.

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About Mud Pump Synchronization

The Aurora has three triplex DC mud

pumps. In each mud pump, each of the
three pistons makes one full stroke during
one revolution of the crankshaft (360°).

With one mud pump online, pressure

peaks occur every 120° (360°/3 pistons).

When you have more than one mud

pump online, you can synchronize them,
to spread the pressure peaks out over
even intervals:

• With two mud pumps online, pressure

peaks occur every 60° (360°/6 pistons).
• With three mud pumps online, peaks
occur every 40° (360°/9 pistons).
Synchronizing the mud pumps improves
the signal to noise ratio for MWD and
LWD, and reduces maintenance and
repair costs for the pump pulsation
dampers and mud motors.

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• Synchronizing Mud Pumps

1. Press Mud Pump

2. Turn on all mud pumps as described in
Bringing a Mud Pump Online.

light will come on . The Mud Pump
Sync panel  will show that the mud
pump synchronizer is on.
While the system is trying to
synchronize the mud pumps, the
Status window  will say Syncing.
Once the mud pumps are synchronized,

the Status window will say Synced.

NOTE The master mud pump will be the

lowest number mud pump online.

NOTE You will not be able to synchronize

the mud pumps until each online mud
pump’s speed is greater than 20 spm.

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• IBOP Control

Open Mode

To open the IBOP,

1. Press Mud Pump

  2. Turn the IBOP switch  to OPEN. The
IBOP CLOSED light  will be off, and
the IBOP Status  will read Open.

Closed Mode

To close the IBOP,

1. Press Mud Pump

2. Turn the IBOP switch  to CLOSE. The
IBOP CLOSED light  will be on, and
 the IBOP Status  will read Closed.

NOTE You can also view the mud pump

status through the Control screen..

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• IBOP Control

Auto Mode

When you set the IBOP switch  to

AUTO, the IBOP automatically opens
when the mud pumps start and closes
 when the mud pumps stop.

If the IBOP Fails To Close in Auto Mode

 NOTE When the IBOP is in Auto mode,

if there is more than 60 psi of residual
trapped pressure in the standpipe ,
 the IBOP will not try to close. If this
occurs, press Sensor Setup  and then
press Zero  for the active standpipe.

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• IBOP Control

Pressure Testing the IBOP

1. Press Mud Pump

2. Turn the IBOP switch  to CLOSE. The
IBOP CLOSED light  will be on, and
 
the IBOP Status  will read Closed.
3. Press Test . You will see a warning
message telling you that you are about
to run the pumps against a closed
IBOP. Press OK.
To cancel the pressure test, press the
Test button again.
When the pressure test ends, the IBOP
will open.

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Top Drive Screens

About This Section

This section explains the controls and

indicators on the Top Drive screen:

Drill Mode (Top Drive) ...........................2

Slide Mode .............................................3
Torque Wrench Indicators .....................4
Torque Wrench and IR Tips ...................5
Make Up (Auto Mode) ...........................6
Break Out (Auto Mode) .........................7
Make Up (Manual Mode) ......................8
Break Out (Manual Mode) .....................9
Link Control Tips ..................................10
Link Control (Rotate)............................11
Link Control (Drill Position) ..................12
Link Control (Trip) ................................13
About Thread Assist .............................14
Configuring Thread Assist ....................15
Using Thread Assist ..............................16

Copyright © 2009 Omron Oilfield and Marine. All HMI Conventions – For explanations of HMI terminology, colors, and units of measure,
Rights Reserved. First published August 2009. consult HMI Conventions in the Introduction tab.

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Drill Mode (Top Drive)

To put the top drive in Drill Mode,

1. Press Top Drive
2. Under Drill , enter the desired

Speed and Torque.
  3. Turn the TD MODE switch  to DRILL.
4. Turn the DIRECTION switch  to FWD

(forward) or REV (reverse). This turns
on the top drive VFD.
5. Press DRILL ON .

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Slide Mode

 1. Press Top Drive

To orient,

2. Under Orient , enter the desired

 Speed and Torque.
3. Turn the TD MODE switch  to SLIDE.

4. Turn the DIRECTION switch  to
FWD (forward) or REV (reverse).
  This turns on the top drive VFD.
5. Press and hold the ORIENT button 
 
to rotate the drill string.

To oscillate,

2. Under Oscillate , enter the desired

Speed and Torque and the desired
Time Sp (time setpoint) to rotate in
one direction.
3. Press OSCILLATE ON .

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Torque Wrench Indicators

On the Top Drive Screen

 The Torque Wrench panel  shows
whether the TORQUE WRENCH switch 
is in the Engage, Release, or Auto position
and whether the torque wrench itself is
Engaged or Released.

The Torque bar graph shows the current

torque plus the setpoint (the red pointer)
entered in the Make / Break panel.

On the Driller’s Console


 light  is on, the torque wrench may or
may not actually be engaged. You must
look at the pipe handler to verify that
the torque wrench has really engaged.
(Consult the NOV top drive manual for
further details.)

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Torque Wrench and IR Tips

Tips for Working with Whole Stands

• Place a backup tong on the lowest tool
joint. This allows you to make up the
torque on the entire stand.
• Set the TORQUE WRENCH switch 

CAUTION Do not use the Iron Roughneck

as a backup when making up or breaking
connections with the top drive. You will
bend or break the Iron Roughneck.

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Make Up (Auto Mode)

1. Press Top Drive

2. Under Make / Break , enter the
desired Speed and Torque.

 3. Turn the TD MODE switch  to CONN.

4. Turn the DIRECTION switch  to

FWD (forward) for make up.
5. Turn the TORQUE WRENCH switch 
  
 to AUTO.
6. Press and hold the TORQUE button .
The top drive automatically spins in.
Then the torque wrench engages
and makes the connection.
7. Once you are satisfied with the connection,
release the TORQUE button .
The torque and the torque wrench will
release, and the top drive will stop.

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Break Out (Auto Mode)

1. Press Top Drive

2. Under Make / Break , enter the
desired Speed and Torque.

 3. Turn the TD MODE switch  to CONN.

4. Turn the DIRECTION switch  to

REV (reverse) for break out.
5. Turn the TORQUE WRENCH switch 
  
 to AUTO.

6. Press and hold the TORQUE button .
The torque wrench automatically engages,
breaks the connection, and releases.
7. When the SPIN light  flashes, release
the TORQUE button , turn on STAND
JUMP (if available), and then press the
SPIN button  to spin out.
8. Once the connection is completely
broken, press SPIN  to stop the
top drive, and turn STAND JUMP off
(if available).

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Make Up (Manual Mode)

1. Press Top Drive

2. Under Make / Break , enter the
desired Speed and Torque.

 3. Turn the TD MODE switch  to CONN.

4. Turn the DIRECTION switch  to

FWD (forward) for make up.
5. Turn the TORQUE WRENCH switch 
• to ENGAGE.
6. Press the SPIN button .
  
  7. Once you are shouldered up, press
and hold the TORQUE button .
8. When the Torque bar graph  reaches
the setpoint you entered in Step 2,
release the TORQUE button .
9. Turn the TORQUE WRENCH switch to

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Break Out (Manual Mode)

1. Press Top Drive

2. Under Make / Break , enter the
desired Speed and Torque.

 3. Turn the TD MODE switch  to CONN.

4. Turn the DIRECTION switch  to REV

(reverse) for break out.
5. Turn the TORQUE WRENCH switch 
• to ENGAGE.
6. Press the TORQUE button . The
  
  Torque bar graph  will increase to
the setpoint you entered in Step 2.
7. When the SPIN light  flashes, turn on
STAND JUMP (if available), and then
press the SPIN button  to spin out.
8. Turn the TORQUE WRENCH switch 
to RELEASE and press the TORQUE
button .
9. Turn off STAND JUMP (if available).

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Link Control Tips

Verify Hydraulic Power

• Before you control the links, make sure that

hydraulic power is available .

When to Float the Links

• If the links are in the drill position, you

must float them before you go to trip.
If the links are in the trip position, you

must float them before you put them
in the drill position.
• If the links are already in the drill
position but not fully in the drill
position, you can extend them further
into the drill position by holding the
TILT switch in the DRILL position.
• If the links are already in the trip
position but not fully in the trip
position, you can extend them further
into the trip position by holding the
TILT switch in the TRIP position.

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Link Control (Rotate)

To rotate the links,

1. Press Top Drive

2. Verify that your top drive hydraulics
are Enabled .
 
3. Press the FLOAT button  until the Tilt
window  says Float.
4. Turn the ROTATE switch  to FWD or
REV. When you are finished rotating,
let go of the ROTATE switch. It will
 return to the STOP position.

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Link Control (Drill Position)

To place the links in drill position,

1. Press Top Drive

2. Verify that your top drive hydraulics
are Enabled .
 
3. Press the FLOAT button  until the Tilt
window  says Float.
4. Turn the LINK CONTROL switch  to
DRILL. When you are finished, let go of
the LINK CONTROL switch. It will return
 to the HOLD position.

NOTE See Link Control Tips for further

notes on controlling the links.

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Link Control (Trip)

To control the links while tripping,

1. Press Top Drive

2. Verify that your top drive hydraulics
are Enabled .
 
3. Press the FLOAT button  until the Tilt
window  says Float.
4. Turn the LINK CONTROL switch  to
TRIP. When you are finished tripping,
let go of the LINK CONTROL switch. It
 will return to the HOLD position.

NOTE See Link Control Tips for further

notes on controlling the links.

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About Thread Assist

The Thread Assist feature gives you fine

control over stabbing and threading
through the joystick.

Thread Assist Panels

On the Top Drive > Thread Assist screen,

• Thread Assist State displays Stop, Stab,
Thread In, or Thread Out.
• The Weight on Threads Zero button
lets you reset the weight on the
threads to zero.
• The Thread Assist Setpoints panel lets
you configure the stabbing speed
(Velocity), stabbing Force, and
thread Pitch.
• The Weight on Thread bar graph
displays the current weight on
the threads.

WARNING The Thread Assist feature is

currently not implemented on the Aurora.

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Configuring Thread Assist

a. Press Top Drive

b. Turn the THREAD ASSIST switch  to
 
c. Enter Thread Assist Setpoints  for
the stabbing speed (Velocity),
stabbing force, and thread pitch.
d. Turn the TOP DRIVE MODE switch 
to Conn(ection), and make sure the
top drive is not spinning.

 e. Press the Zero button  and zero the

weight on the threads.
 
f. Press and release the upper right
button on top of the joystick.

This turns on the Thread Assist feature,
turns on the THREAD ASSIST ON lamp
, and rescales the joystick controls
to the setpoints in the HMI.

WARNING The Thread Assist feature is

currently not implemented on the Aurora.

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Using Thread Assist

 Before You Begin

Follow the instructions in Configuring

Thread Assist, and re-confirm that the

THREAD ASSIST ON light  is on.

Using the Joystick for Stabbing

• Move the joystick to Lower and Hoist

as needed to stab the connection.

Using the Joystick for Threading

• Press SPIN  to use the joystick for

 To thread in, set the DIRECTION
switch  to FWD, and move the
joystick forward, away from you.
 To thread out, set the DIRECTION
switch  to REV, and pull the
joystick back, towards you.

WARNING The Thread Assist feature is

currently not implemented on the Aurora.

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Rig Tools Screens

About This Section

This section describes the HMI screens for

the rig tools and systems listed below.

Table of Contents

About the Rotary Table ............................ 2

Rotary Table Panels ................................. 3
Rotary Table - Rotate Mode .................... 4
Rotary Table - Jog Mode .......................... 5
Rotary Table - Freewheel Mode .............. 6
Using the Cathead for Make-Up .............. 7
Using the Cathead for Break-Out ............ 8
Cathead Diagnostics................................. 9
The Cooling System................................ 10
HPU Control ........................................... 11
HPU Diagnostics ..................................... 12
The Petron System ................................. 13

Copyright © 2009 Omron Oilfield and Marine. All HMI Conventions – For explanations of HMI terminology, colors, and units of measure,
Rights Reserved. First published August 2009. consult HMI Conventions in the Introduction tab.

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About the Rotary Table

The rotary table can be used to make up

or break out large drill bits or bottom hole
assemblies on the rig floor, or as a
secondary rotating system.

The HPU system supplies flow and

pressure that powers the rotary table’s
hydraulic motor.

The control system uses a speed setpoint

entered through the Rig Tools > Rotary
Table screen to control a servo valve that
controls flow and therefore speed.

Rotary table torque is proportional to

supply pressure. One pressure transducer
measures forward torque. Another
measures reverse torque.

A freewheel valve allows disconnection

from the hydraulic motor.

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Rotary Table Panels

On the Rig Tools > Rotary Table screen,

• Mode shows whether the ROTARY TABLE

DIRECTION switch  is set to FWD (Forward)
or REV (Reverse).

• Brake shows whether the ROTARY TABLE

BRAKE switch  is set to Off, On, or

When the brake is on, the BRAKE ON CLOSED

lamp  is on.

• The Drill Speed bar graph shows the current

speed, based on a proximity switch* mounted
• on the driveshaft.

• Speed Setpoint lets you enter the speed, from

0 to 100%, that you want to Jog or Rotate at.

• The Torque bar graph shows the current

torque, based on feedback from the forward or
reverse pressure transducer*.

• Rotating Hours show how long the rotary table

has been rotating since installation.

* Sensor displays Fault if the system detects a
wire break. Otherwise, it displays Healthy.
 

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Rotary Table - Rotate Mode

To rotate the rotary table,

  1. Confirm that the HPU is on.
 2. Press Rig Tools then Rotary Table.

3. Turn the ROTARY TABLE DIRECTION switch 
 to FWD or REV. The Mode indicator  will
display Forward or Reverse.
4. Turn the ROTARY TABLE BRAKE switch  to
OFF. Brake  will display Off.

5. Enter the desired Speed Setpoint , from
0 to 100%.
6. Press ROTATE ON  and watch the bar
graphs for Drill Speed  and Torque .

To stop the rotary table,

1. Press ROTATE ON  again.
2. Turn the ROTARY TABLE BRAKE switch  to
  ON. Brake  will display On, and the
BRAKE ON CLOSED lamp  will be on.
 

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Rotary Table - Jog Mode

To jog the rotary table,

  1. Confirm that the HPU is on.
 2. Press Rig Tools then Rotary Table.

3. Turn the ROTARY TABLE DIRECTION switch 
 to FWD or REV. The Mode indicator  will
display Forward or Reverse.
4. Turn the ROTARY TABLE BRAKE switch  to
OFF. Brake  will display Off.

5. Enter the desired Speed Setpoint , from
0 to 100%.
6. Press and hold the JOG  button. Watch
the Drill Speed  and Torque .

To stop the rotary table,

1. Release the JOG  button.
2. Turn the ROTARY TABLE BRAKE switch  to
  ON. Brake  will display On, and the
BRAKE ON CLOSED lamp  will be on.
 

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Rotary Table - Freewheel Mode

To turn the rotary table by hand,

  1. Confirm that the HPU is on.
 2. Confirm that the ROTATE ON light  is off.
3. Press Rig Tools then Rotary Table.

 4. Turn the ROTARY TABLE DIRECTION switch 

to FWD or REV. The Mode indicator  will
display Forward or Reverse.
5. Turn the ROTARY TABLE BRAKE switch  to

FREE. The control system will disconnect
the hydraulic motor from the rotary table,
and Brake  will display Freewheel.
6. When it is safe to do so, turn the rotary
table by hand or by other external means.
7. When you are finished, turn the ROTARY
TABLE BRAKE switch  to ON. Brake  will
display On, and the BRAKE ON CLOSED
  lamp  will be on.

NOTE The maximum freewheel speed is 10 rpm.

 

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Using the Cathead for Make-Up

1. Confirm that the HPU  is on.

 2. Press Rig Tools then Rotary Table.

 3. Turn the CATHEAD MODE switch  to
 MAKE. Mode  will display Make.
4. Enter the desired Make Up Torque
 
Setpoint (Sp) , No Load Speed* Setpoint
(Sp) , and Tong Length .
5. Pull back on the cathead joystick  to
Extend the make-up cylinder. The HMI will
 display the Line Pull , Torque , and

 Cylinder Pressure  during make-up.
6. When make-up finishes, push forward on
 the cathead joystick  to Retract (release)
the make-up cylinder.
7. Turn the CATHEAD MODE switch  to Off.
This turns off hydraulic power to both
cylinders, which disables them.
* The No Load Speed  refers to the flow of
hydraulic fluid before the cable tightens.

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Using the Cathead for Break-Out

1. Confirm that the HPU  is on.

 2. Press Rig Tools then Rotary Table.

3. Turn the CATHEAD MODE switch  to
 BREAK. Mode  will display Break.
  4. Enter the desired No Load Speed Setpoint
(Sp)  and Tong Length .
5. Pull back on the cathead joystick  to
Extend the break-out cylinder. The HMI
will display the Line Pull , Torque , and

 Cylinder Pressure  during break-out.

6. When break-out finishes, push forward on
the cathead joystick  to Retract (release)
 the break-out cylinder.
7. Turn the CATHEAD MODE switch  to Off.
This turns off hydraulic power to both
cylinders, which disables them.

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Cathead Diagnostics

Viewing Cathead Diagnostics Solenoid Indicator Lamps 

To view cathead diagnostics, press Rig Tools Each cylinder has two solenoids, one to
then Rotary Table then Diagnostics. extend the cylinder and one to retract it:

• Make (or Break) Extend Sol En is lit

when the solenoid that pulls the make-
You will see the cathead diagnostics popup up (or break-out) cylinder is engaged.
window shown at right.
• Make (or Break) Retract Sol En is lit when
The Actuator Panel  the solenoid that releases the make-up (or
break-out) cylinder is engaged.
• Sens Flt shows whether the pressure
• Cathead Hydraulic On Solenoid En(abled) 
transducer is Healthy or Fault(ed).
is lit when hydraulic power is available to
• Setpoint displays the setpoint entered the catheads.
under Make Up Torque Sp on the Rig Tools 
> Rotary Table screen. Joystick Diagnostics 
The control system uses this setpoint • Primary (and Secondary) indicators display 
to control the servo valve that controls Enabled when internal switches detect
pressure. that the joystick is in the Extend or Retract
position. Otherwise, they display Off.
• Pressure displays the pressure reported by
the pressure transducer. • State displays Off, Extend, or Retract,
depending on whether the joystick is in the
center, back, or forward position.

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The Cooling System

The cooling system provides constantly

circulating cooling water to the HPU
system and drawworks.

There are two cooler pumps on the skid,

but you can only run one at a time. To
select Pump 1 or Pump 2, press Rig Tools
then Cooling Sys. You will see the Water
Cooling System screen.

Under Pump 1 or Pump 2, press Select

and then enable or turn off that pump.

Under Switches,

• Level displays Healthy or Low.

• Temp(erature) displays Normal or High.
• Fresh Water and Sea Water display
Normal or Low.
Water Flow displays the flow rate of the
drawworks cooling water.

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HPU Control

About the HPU The Local Control Panel

• When the HPU system is on, the HPU
The hydraulic power unit (HPU) system A Friede & Goldman local control panel
ON light  is also on.
includes four hydraulic pumps, one offline (not shown) determines how many HPUs
pump, the hydraulic oil tank, a heat are needed to meet the current demand, • To place the HPU system in E-Stop,
exchanger, and a local control panel. and communicates with the Omron press the HPU ESD pushbutton (not
control system (see HPU Diagnostics). shown, see the ESDs & Lockouts tab).
The offline pump runs continuously,
circulating hydraulic fluid through the Remote Control • Note the indicators on the Rig Tools >
cooling system. It does not supply power HPU screen (see HPU Diagnostics).
You can control the HPU from the local
to the HPU system.
control panel or remotely, through a
Four hydraulic pumps provide flow and single button and HMI screen inside the
pressure to the driller’s cabin:

• Rotary table • To turn the HPU system off or on, press

• Catheads
This turns on as many HPUs as are
• Slips
needed to meet the current demand,
• Pipehandler based on “run requests” from the
• Iron roughnecks Friede & Goldman system. 

• Top drive

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HPU Diagnostics

The Rig Tools > HPU screen displays HPU system

diagnostics. See HPU Control for more information:

• HPU E-Stop displays E-Stop if the HPU is in

E-Stop or Normal if the HPU is not in E-Stop.

• HPU Run Command displays On if the Omron

control system is sending a run request to the
Friede & Goldman system. Otherwise, it
displays Off.

• HPU Local Control displays Local or Remote. If

the HPU system is under local control, the
Friede & Goldman system will ignore any run
requests from the Omron system.

• HPU Warning displays Warning or Normal.

• HPU Filter displays Normal or Dirty. If the filter

is dirty, refer to Friede & Goldman documenta-
tion for replacement instructions.

• Under HPU #1-4 and Offline HPU, Run Request

displays On if the Friede & Goldman system is
sending a run request to the Omron system.

If the Omron system turns on that pump in

response to the run request, Run Status will
display On. Otherwise, it displays Off.

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The Petron System

To view data provided by the Petron

system, press Rig Tools > Petron.

• Consult Petron documentation for an

explanation of the data provided on
this screen.

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The Weight Indicator Screen

About This Section

This section describes the indicators and

controls on the Weight Indicator screen.

Table of Contents

Block Speed & Height Displays ................ 2

The Hookload & WOB Scales ................... 3
Maintenance Messages ........................... 4
Additional Displays................................... 5
Additional Displays................................... 6

HMI Conventions

For explanations of HMI terminology,

colors, and units of measure, consult
HMI Conventions in the Introduction tab.

Copyright © 2009 Omron Oilfield and Marine. All

Rights Reserved. First published August 2009.

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Block Speed & Height Displays

The Weight Ind(icator) screen displays the

weight on bit, hookload, and other
indicators in one convenient location.

On the left side of the screen,

• Block Speed and Block Height  show

the current block speed and height as
described in the Tripping Screen tab.
• The Setup button  displays controls
for entering speed and height limits 
as described in the Tripping Screen tab.

 

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The Hookload & WOB Scales

Additional Weight Indicator Displays 

The Weight Indicator screen also displays

• The WOB  (green) and Hookload 
(yellow) in scale and numeric format. 
 
• The current Drawworks Mode   
(Drilling or Casing). The control system
uses this setting to calculate the 
maximum allowable hookload.
• A Setup button  for configuring these

Configuring the Scales and Mode

Weight Indicator screen at right shows
To set up the scales and drawworks mode, Zeroing (Taring) the WOB
a WOB Scale range of -10 to 90 and a
Hookload range of 0 to 1000. To zero (tare) the WOB, press the Zero
1. Press Setup . You will see the popup
3. Under Drawworks Mode , enable WOB button  and use the popup
window shown at right.
Drill(ing) or Casing Mode. window to tare the WOB.
2. Under Weight Indicator Scale Ranges ,
choose the WOB Scale and Hookload 4. Close the window. The scales and the
Scale you want. For example, the text below the Setup button  will
reflect your changes.

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Maintenance Messages

The Maintenance Messages feature lets
you display a reminder message across a
single touch screen.

Typically you would do this to remind

yourself or the next person coming into
the driller’s cabin that something is taking
place on the rig.

To view the Maintenance Messages

popup window, press Weight Ind(icator)
then Maint Msg .

From here, you can

• Choose a banner message, for

example, Personnel Working in Mast.
• Type in a custom message (press the
red Edit button).
• Remove the banner message from the
HMI (come back to this window and
press Clear).

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Additional Displays

• B Protect (Bridge Protection)  can be
grey, flashing red, or solid red (see the
Tripping and Drawworks Screens tabs).
• Power Limit  turns on when the
control system is limiting generator
power to the tools.
• Pull Limit  turns on when the
 hookload exceeds the setpoint entered
in the Hookload Pull Limit display .
• Tare  lets you zero the block weight.
• Hookload  lets you enter a Pull Limit

and displays the Maximum allowable
hookload, based on whether you are in
Drilling Mode or Casing Mode .
When the hookload comes within 50
klb of the Pull Limit, the traveling
assembly operates at reduced speed.
When the hookload exceeds the Pull
Limit, the control system will not allow
you to hoist.

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Additional Displays

On the right side of the screen,

• Gen Load  shows the current power

being consumed as a percent of power
available from all online generators.

• Online  displays how many

generators are online.

See the Auto Drilling Screen tab for a

description of the following displays:

• Standpipe
• TDTorque (Top Drive Torque)
• Gain Loss
• Return Flow
• Bit Depth
• Mud Pump Total – You can also reset
the Total Strokes from this panel.

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Power System Screens

About This Section SCR Diagnostics

This section explains the displays on SCR Diagnostics...................................... 10

Power System screens. These screens give
qualified technicians data for diagnosing MCC Diagnostics
problems in the systems listed below. The Main MCC Screen ........................... 11
MCC Diagnostics Screens....................... 12
Power System Diagnostics

The Power System Overview Screen ....... 2 Dynamic Braking Diagnostics

The Power System Overview Screen ....... 3 Dynamic Braking Diagnostics................. 13 The Power System Overview screen.
The Power System Overview Screen ....... 4 More DB Module Diagnostics ................ 14
More Fan Unit Diagnostics .................... 15
Generator Diagnostics HMI Conventions
DB Operation Notes............................... 16
Generator Diagnostics ............................. 5 For explanations of HMI terminology,
Additional Generator Diagnostics............ 6 Engine Cooling Diagnostics
colors, and units of measure, consult
Engine Cooling Diagnostics .................... 17 HMI Conventions in the Introduction tab.
VFD Diagnostics

VFD Diagnostics ....................................... 7 Rectifier Diagnostics

Additional VFD Diagnostics ...................... 8 Rectifier Diagnostics .............................. 18
Viewing VFD Alarms ................................. 9
Copyright © 2009 Omron Oilfield and Marine. All
Rights Reserved. First published August 2009.

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The Power System Overview Screen

Generators & Ground Fault Monitors

 • Gens Online  displays how many
 generators are online, based on how
 many circuit breakers (CBs)  to the
 main bus  are Closed.

• Gen Load  shows the current power
 being consumed as a percent of power
available from all online generators.

• Generator 1-5  displays the current
Power and Current for each generator
and whether the circuit breaker (CB) 
that connects that generator to the
main bus  is Open or Closed.
• GFM #1 and GFM #2  display whether
the AC and DC ground fault monitors
on the main bus are Healthy or Fault(ed).

NOTE Data for the emergency generator

does not appear on this screen.

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The Power System Overview Screen

Auxiliary Transformers

The main bus  supplies 600 VAC to two

auxiliary transformers:

• AUX A and AUX B  can be Closed to

supply 480 VAC to the MCC.
Ground Fault  displays whether the
ground fault monitors for 480 VAC bus
 are Healthy or Fault(ed).
 

The main bus  also supplies 600 VAC to

three silicon controlled rectifiers:

• SCR #1-3  displays whether the
Lineator (LIN #1-3) and disconnect
(DISC) for that SCR are Open or Closed.
The Lineator and disconnect must both
be closed to feed an SCR.
Each SCR drives the two motors in its
associated mud pump.

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The Power System Overview Screen

Rectifiers & the DC Bus

The main bus  supplies 600 VAC to two

AC-to-DC rectifiers:

• RECT #1-2  displays whether the

Lineator (LIN #4-5) for that rectifier is
Open or Closed.
• DC Bus  displays the voltage that
 Rectifiers 1 and 2 supply to the DC bus.
 The DC bus powers the VFDs that drive
the drawworks and top drive motors.
Dynamic braking modules connected to

 the DC bus prevent overvoltage.

Uninterruptable Power Supplies

• LER UPS and PCR UPS indicators 

turn on when one or more of the
UPSs for control power in the LER
or PCR are faulted.

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Generator Diagnostics

A Woodward generator control system

communicates data about each generator
 to the Omron PLC via Profibus.

The Power System > Generators screen


• The Status  of each generator (Online,

Running, or in Emergency Stop).
• The current Power, Current, Speed,
and Voltage  of each generator.

Press the Diagnostics button  to see

additional data for each generator (see
Additional Generator Diagnostics).

NOTE Data for the emergency generator

does not appear on this screen.

NOTE Consult Woodward documentation

for further information.

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Additional Generator Diagnostics

To view additional data for a single

generator, press Power System then
 Generators and then Diagnostics:

• The Power and Current demand  are

provided by a 4-20 mA Analog signal
and a Profibus signal.
The analog signal gives the power
limiting system a faster refresh rate
than Profibus can provide.
Sensor  displays whether the wiring
for the 4-20 mA analog signal is
Healthy or Fault(ed).
• The Woodward system also reports the
Speed, Voltage, and Power Factor.
• Additional displays and indicators are
available to help qualified technicians
diagnose problems.

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VFD Diagnostics

The Power System > VFD screen displays data • Lock Out Sts  shows whether that VFD is

about the VFDs that drive the drawworks and Enabled or Disabled via a lockout push-
top drive motors. button on the cubicle door or at the motor
(see VFD & SCR Lockouts in the ESDs & 
• Each Disc  indicator shows whether the Lockouts tab).
disconnect that connects each inverter
module to the DC bus is open (grey) or • Speed, Torque, and Current  are
closed (green). reported to the HMI via Profibus. 
The drawworks VFD consists of four • Comm Status  is lit (green) when 
inverter modules. The top drive VFD Profibus communication between the drive
consists of three inverter modules. and the HMI is healthy.

• Key Switch  shows whether the keyswitch • Ready  is lit (green) when the drive is • Press the VFD Diagnostics
on that drawworks VFD cubicle is set to ready to operate. button  to see data for each VFD (see
Enabled or Disabled. When the keyswitch Additional VFD Diagnostics).
• Run  is lit (green) when the drive is
is set to Enabled, the control system running in forward or reverse.
downloads parameters to that drive and
then controls it, if it is healthy. • Minor Fault or Major Fault  is lit (red)
when the drive reports a VFD fault (see the • Press the Master VFD Alarm Screen button
Turning the keyswitch to Disabled tells VFD Fault Codes tab).  to see the fault codes for all VFDs (see
the control system to ignore that drive
• Valid Param  is lit (green) after the Viewing VFD Alarms).
and continue operating the drawworks
on less than three motors. control system successfully downloads
drive parameters to that VFD. The down-
load process takes about 1 minute.

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Additional VFD Diagnostics

To view diagnostic data for a single VFD,

1. Press the VFD Diagnostics button

for that VFD.

You will see the VFD Diagnostics screen

for the VFD you selected.
• These screens give qualified technicians
further data for diagnosing VFD problems.
• Fault codes for that VFD are listed in
the bottom half of the screen .

• To see the fault codes for all VFDs
combined, press the Master VFD
Alarm Screen button (see Viewing
VFD Alarms).

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Viewing VFD Alarms (Diagnostic/Fault Codes)

Alarms vs. Fault Codes Viewing Fault Codes for a Single VFD Viewing All VFD Fault Codes Combined

The Power System > VFD screen also lets To view the fault codes for a particular To view the fault codes for all VFDs
you view the “alarms” (faults) for a single VFD, press Power System > VFD and then combined, press Power System > VFD >
VFD or all VFDs combined. press the VFD Diagnostics button  for Master VFD Alarm Screen :
Drawworks A, B, or C, or the top drive:
Because they are not true “system
alarms,” these fault codes do not appear
in the Alarm Guide. See the VFD Fault You will see the VFD fault codes for
Codes tab for more information. You will see a Diagnostics screen with the Drawworks A, Drawworks B, Drawworks
fault codes  for that VFD: C, and the top drive combined :

The main Power System > VFD screen. The Top Drive Diagnostics VFD screen. The Master VFD Alarm screen.

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SCR Diagnostics

The Power System > SCR screen displays data

about the SCRs that drive the mud pump motors.

To view diagnostic data for a single SCR, press

the Diagnostics button  for that SCR. You
will see the popup window shown below.

The data on these screens helps qualified

technicians diagnose the SCR system.

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The Main MCC Screen

Various MCC “buckets” feed AC power to

auxiliary equipment like motor blowers. The
main Power System > MCC screen displays
 links to other MCC diagnostics screens:

• Press MCC Sec#1  to view details for all

of the drilling-related buckets in Section 1
(see MCC Diagnostics Screens).
• Press MCC Sec#3-8  to view details for all
 of the non-drilling buckets in Sections 3-8
(see MCC Diagnostics Screens).
• Press the Non-Drilling MCC Alarm Screen
button  to view the MCC alarm screen
shown below.

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MCC Diagnostics Screens

Various MCC “buckets” feed AC power to

auxiliary equipment like motor blowers. To
view diagnostic data for a specific bucket,

1. Press Power System > MCC and then MCC

Sec#1-8. You will see the MCC Lineup
Section screen shown below.
2. Press the button for the bucket you want
diagnostics for (the Drawworks A Motor
Blower, for example). You will see a popup
window like the one shown at left.
Refer to Square D documentation for a
description of each parameter.

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Dynamic Braking Diagnostics

About Dynamic Braking Viewing DB Diagnostics 

The dynamic braking (DB) system prevents The Power System > D. Braking screen
overvoltage on the DC bus. displays diagnostics for the DB system:

When the voltage on the DC bus rises above • DB System: Status  displays whether the
about 950 VDC, the DB system applies voltage whole dynamic braking system is Offline, 
to one or more sets of DB resistors on the Ready, Running, or Fault(ed).
deck. In this way, excess voltage is dissipated
• DB System: Mod Avail  shows how many
as heat that is vented to atmosphere.
DB modules are available (0 to 12). 
DB modules – Twelve DB modules are located • Power: Load  displays the power being
in Dynamic Brake cubicles in the PCR. dissipated as a percent of the total
capacity of all DB modules currently online.
Disconnects – Each DB module connects to
the DC bus via a disconnect. • Disconnect  displays whether that
module’s disconnect is Open or Closed.
DB resistors – Every DB module in the PCR has
a related DB resistor located on deck. • Status  displays whether that DB module
is Offline, Ready, Running, or Fault(ed).
Resistor units – Three DB resistors make up a • The Resistor Unit panel  displays the
• Master  is lit (green) if that DB module is
resistor unit. For example, Resistor Unit #1 State, Air Temp(erature), Cooling Fan
the master or unlit (grey) if that DB module
includes the DB resistors for DB Modules 1-3. status, and further Diagnostics for that
is a slave. The lowest numbered online,
resistor fan unit.
Fan units – Every resistor unit has a fan unit. healthy module is always the master.
Fan units sit on the deck and blow ambient air
• The DB Diagnostics button  displays See also DB Operation Notes and
across their associated resistor unit.
additional diagnostics for that module. Additional Dynamic Braking Diagnostics.

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More DB Module Diagnostics

To see further diagnostics for one of the

dynamic braking modules,

1. Press Power System then D. Braking.

You will see the main Dynamic Braking
 screen shown at left.

 2. Press the DB Diagnostics button  for

the desired module. You will see a pop-
up window like the one shown at left.


• Master Status  will be lit if this
module is the master. Otherwise, this
module is a slave.
• Here IGBT  stands for insulated-gate
bipolar transistor. IGBTs in the DB
module switch on as needed to apply
voltage to DB resistors on the deck.

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More DB Resistor Fan Unit Diagnostics

To see further resistor fan unit diagnostics, If Sensor 1 faults, the control system
automatically enables Sensor 2.
1. Press Power System then D. Braking.
You will see the main Dynamic Braking Or, you can enable Sensor 1 or 2 through
screen shown below. this panel, if you suspect one is faulty,
for example.
2. Press the Diagnostics button  for the
desired unit. You will see a pop-up • When the Fwd Contactor Enabled lamp
window like the one shown at right. is lit, the fan is running in the forward
direction, blowing ambient air across
• There are two Air Temp(erature)
the DB resistors.
Sensors on each fan unit. By default,
the control system selects Sensor #1. • When the Rev Contactor Enabled lamp
is lit, the fan is running in reverse,
flushing the intake filter.

NOTE If all VFDs have been idle for 30 • If the Fan Overload lamp is lit, some-
minutes or more, the control system thing is keeping the fan from turning.
automatically flushes the intake filters
 on the resistor enclosures for 1 minute. • If the Diff(erential) Pressure lamp is lit,
During this time, if you try to run a piece there is a problem with the air flow
of equipment, you will get an alarm. across the resistor grid.

You cannot manually initiate this.

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DB Operation Notes

• When a disconnect opens, the control

system disregards that module.
If that module was the master, the
control system automatically promotes
the lowest numbered slave to master.
• If all three DB modules in a resistor unit
fail, the control system turns off the fan
for that unit.
• The system can operate with fewer
than 12 DB modules online, but the
control system will limit the amount of
power available to the drawworks.
Omron does not recommend operating
with reduced dynamic braking capacity.
See Dynamic Braking Diagnostics and
Additional Dynamic Braking Diagnostics.

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Engine Cooling Diagnostics

The Power System > Eng Cool PLC screen

displays diagnostics for the two cooling loops
associated with the generators. A separate PLC
controls these systems whenever the engine is

The Engine Aftercooler System

Cooling water runs through the air coming
out of the turbochargers on the generator
system and through radiators on the deck.
Three fan units blow air across those

The Jacket Cooling Water System

Water is also circulated through the engine
jackets and through radiators on the deck. A
separate set of three fan units blow air across
these radiators.

Small VFDs run the fans that blow air across

the radiators for these two systems. These
VFDs are lower horsepower versions of the
VFDs that drive the drawworks and top drive

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Rectifier Diagnostics

The Power System > Rectifier popup window

displays diagnostics for the two rectifiers that
create the 848 V DC bus.

The top drive VFD, drawworks VFDs, and

dynamic braking system connect to the DC bus.

Both rectifiers are in a single cubicle. When

viewed from outside the cubicle looking in,
Rectifier #1 is behind the left door, and
Rectifier #2 is behind the right door.

Each rectifier has diagnostics for

• Its cubicle fan

• Power for its control board
• Its heatsink temperature
• Its door fan

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Maintenance Screens

About This Section

This section highlights the screens available

through the Maintenance menu. Refer to
the following pages for help with common

Checking the Maintenance Screen .......... 2

Cleaning the Touch Screen ...................... 3
Logging In/Out ......................................... 4
Changing the Units of Measure ............... 5
Configuring User Accounts ...................... 6

The following pages are intended to help

qualified technicians discuss problems
with Omron Technical Support.

Ethernet/Hardware Diagnostics .............. 7

Clk (Communication) Diagnostics ............ 8
Profibus Diagnostics................................. 9
System Diagnostic Tools ........................ 10
HMI Conventions – For explanations of HMI terminology, colors, and units of measure,
Copyright © 2009 Omron Oilfield and Marine. All
Rights Reserved. First published April 2009. consult HMI Conventions in the Introduction tab.

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Checking the Maintenance Screen

NOTE Omron recommends that you

 check the main Maintenance screen at
the start of every tour. If any of the
indicators on this screen are yellow or
red, notify the on-site technician and

contact Omron if necessary.

Indicators on the main Maintenance

screen can be green, yellow, or red:

• Green – Healthy
• Yellow – In failover. In the case of a
local data source , the primary data
source has faulted, but data is still
coming in from the secondary data
source. Notify the on-site technician.
• Red – Faulted. Notify the on-site

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Cleaning the Touch Screen

CAUTION Use only a clean cloth and the

cleaners mention below. Otherwise, you

 may damage your screen.

1. Press Maintenance
2. Press Clean Screen . You will see

the clean screen  for 15 seconds.
3. During the 15 second countdown ,
clean the screen with a clean cloth and
water or a similar non-abrasive cleaner.
4. Repeat the previous steps as needed.

 NOTE During the 15 second countdown,

you will not be able to use any other
HMI screens.

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Logging In/Out

Logging In

You never need to log in to use the HMI for
drilling, tripping, or related setup.

However, for certain activities (changing the

units of measure, for example), you must log
 in as follows:

1. Press Maintenance  then Login .

2. Use the Next and Previous buttons  to
   select the user you want to log in as, for
example, Units of Measure.
3. Press the Login button . You will see a
popup keypad (not shown).
4. Enter your passcode and then press OK.
5. Press Validate Password . If the message
area  displays LOGIN FAILED!, repeat the
 previous steps with the correct passcode.

Logging Out

To log out, press Maintenance  then

Login  then Logout .

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Changing the Units of Measure

To change the units of measure (UOM)

 used on every HMI screen,

  1. Press Maintenance .
2. Press Login  and log in as Unit of
Measure (see Logging In/Out).
3. Press Setup .
4. Press UOM Config . You will see the
first Unit of Measure Configuration
screen, for Groups 1-7: Distance,
Pressure, Temperature, Torque,
Power (HP), Weight, and Velocity.
To view the second Unit of Measure
Configuration screen, press the Next
arrow. You will see Groups 8-14:
Threads, Angle, Speed, Electrical,
Miscellaneous, and Volume.

5. Choose English, Metric, 2 UOM, or
3 UOM.

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Configuring User Accounts

To set up or change user accounts (including

 passwords),

 1. Press Maintenance .
2. Press Login  and log in as administrator
(see Logging In/Out).
3. Press Setup .

4. Press Users . You will see the User
Configuration screen (not shown).
5. Enter a User ID, Password, and Access
Level and configure the account.
6. When you are finished, press Login  and
log out (see Logging In/Out).

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Ethernet/Hardware Diagnostics

The Maintenance > Ethernet Diag(nostics)

screen shows the layout of components in
the LER and PCR, including

• HMI computers
• Related servers
• UPSs
• The Gateway PLC

 
• Switches
• The router

 SNMP diagnostic data is currently not

enabled for this screen.

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Clk (Communication) Diagnostics

The Maintenance > Clk Diag(nostics)

screen displays PLC diagnostics.

Clk (pronounced “click”) stands for

Controller Link.

If the indicators on this screen are not

green, notify the on-site technician and
contact Omron if necessary.

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Profibus Diagnostics

The Maintenance > ProfiB Diag(nostics)

screen lets you view Profibus diagnostics
for the choices below:

If any of the indicators on these screens

turns red, you will get an alarm.

This screen was primarily intended for

Omron technicians to use during

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System Diagnostic Tools

The Maintenance > Tools screen shows

various tools intended for qualified


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Atwood Aurora Alarm Guide

About This Guide Alarm Text Colors & Their Meaning

When an Omron PLC detects an alarm • Red – Active. The alarm has not been
condition, an alarm message appears in acknowledged or reset, or it is currently
the HMI. This guide lists all of the system not overridden.
alarms that can appear in the HMI.
• Yellow – Overridden. In 30 minutes or
Table of Contents less, the alarm will become active again.

Alarm Text Colors & Their Meaning ........ 1 • Green – Cleared. Cleared alarms
Viewing Current Alarms ........................... 2 appear in the Historical Alarms screen.
The main Alarms screen. The title bar  of
Troubleshooting an Alarm ....................... 3
every screen displays the most recent alarm.
Overriding an Alarm ................................. 4
VFD “Alarms” (Diagnostic/Fault Codes)
Cancelling an Alarm Override .................. 5 PDF Browsing Shortcuts
Resetting an Alarm................................... 6 Because they are not true system alarms,
Viewing Historical Alarms ........................ 7 the “alarms” (faults) that appear in the • Ctrl+L to view full screen
Alarms Summary ...................................... 8 Master VFD Alarm screen are not included
• Ctrl+Shift+N to enter a page number
ALM1000-1999 (Gateway PLC Alarms) ... 8 in this alarm guide.
• Alt+Left Arrow to go back
ALM2000-2999 (LER PLC Alarms) ........... 8
See the VFD Fault Codes tab or the Power
ALM3000-3999 (PCR PLC 2 Alarms) ...... 10 • Home to return to this page
System tab for more information on VFD
ALM4000-4999 (VFD PLC Alarms) ......... 12
fault codes. • Esc to exit
ALM5000-5999 (SCR PLC Alarms) ......... 34
Copyright © 2009 Omron Oilfield and Marine. All
ALM6000-6999 (PCR PLC 1 Alarms) ...... 46
Rights Reserved. First published August 2009.

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Viewing Current Alarms

Press Alarms to view the main

Alarms / Current Alarms screen. From
this screen, you can

• View active alarms (red)

• View overridden alarms (yellow)
• Troubleshoot an alarm
• Override an alarm, if it can be overridden
• Cancel an alarm override
• Reset an alarm, if it can be reset
• Access the Overridden Alarms screen
• Access the Historical Alarms alarms

See the pages that follow for instructions.

NOTE The most recent alarm also

appears in the title bar of every screen.

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Troubleshooting an Alarm

1. Press Alarms

2. Press the up or down arrow 
until you see the alarm you want
to troubleshoot.
2. Touch the alarm you want to
troubleshoot .
3. See the Summary area  for
suggestions on handling that alarm,
for example,
“ALM4016 This alarm appears if the
block calibration fails to complete. This
may mean the blocks moved slightly
 when the save button was pressed.
Abort the calibration and try again.”

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Overriding an Alarm

1. Press Alarms

 2. Press the up or down arrow  until the

desired alarm appears on the screen.
3. Touch the alarm you want to override .
If it is overridable, you will see the
Override Selected Alarm button .
4. Press Override Selected Alarm .
5. Press and hold Yes  for confirmation.
The alarm color will change to yellow ,
 and the alarm will also appear on the
Overridden Alarms screen (not shown).

NOTE After 30 minutes, the alarm will

become active (red) again.

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Cancelling an Alarm Override

1. Press Alarms
 
2. Press the up or down arrow  until the
desired alarm appears on the screen.
3. Touch the alarm whose override you
want to cancel .
4. Press the Cancel Selected Alarm
Override button .
5. Press and hold Yes  for confirmation.
 The alarm color will change to red .

- or -
 Press the Overridden Alarms button and
cancel the override through that screen.

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Resetting an Alarm

1. Press Alarms

2. Press the up or down arrow  until
you see the alarm you want to reset.
3. Touch the alarm you want to reset .
4. Press the Alarm Reset button .
If the conditions that caused the alarm
are no longer present, the alarm will
disappear from the main Alarms screen
but remain in green on the Historical
Alarms screen.
If the conditions that caused the alarm
still exist, the alarm will not reset.

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Viewing Historical Alarms

1. Press Alarms

2. Press the Historical Alarms button .

 All alarms will appear in the Alarm

Description area . This includes
• All active alarms (red)
• All overridden alarms (yellow)
• All reset alarms (green)

Further Options

• Use the up and down arrows  to see

additional historical alarms.
• To reset an alarm, touch the alarm and
then press the Alarm Reset button .
  
• To return to the main Alarms screen,
press the Current Alarms button .

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Alarms Summary

HMI Index Tool Alarm Text Details / Troubleshooting

ALM1000 AlarmSys Overridden Alarms Present This Alarm indicates that there is/are Alarms Overriden on a PLC. Go to the Alarms override display to
determine which alarms are currently overridden

ALM1001 Coms Gw Plc Clk Coms Lost with Ler Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM1002 Coms Gw Plc Clk Coms Lost with Pcr #2 Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM1003 Coms Gw Plc Clk Coms Lost with Vfd Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM1004 Coms Gw Plc Clk Coms Lost with Scr Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM1005 Coms Gw Plc Clk Coms Lost with Pcr #1 Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM2086 WcSys Water Cooling Fresh Water Low Flow Alarm indicates the Fresh water flow is low. Check Cooling pump for proper operation and plumbing for
obstructions and proper valve operation.

ALM2087 WcSys Water Cooling System High Temp Alarm indicates the cooling water temperature is too high. Check heat exchanger for proper operation and
verify sea water flow is adequate.

ALM2088 WcSys Water Cooling System Tank Level Low Alarm indicates the Water Tank level is low. Check Tank and coling system for leaks. Fill tank to proper level.

ALM2089 WcSys Water Cooling Sea Water Low Flow Alarm indicates the Sea water flow is low. Check sea water input for proper operation and plumbing for
obstructions and proper valve operation.

ALM2090 Slips Cannot Set Slips While Moving >10 ft/min Do not move the drawworks faster than 10 ft/min while setting the slips

ALM2091 Slips Hpu Must Be On To Set/Release Slips Turn On Hpu to set or release the slips

ALM2092 Slips Slips Fail to Engage Slips Engaged Pressure Switch is not closed after the Slips Engaged Solenoid has been energized for 16
seconds. Verify the pressure within the Slip Cylinder. Verify the pressure switch is operating. Verify the
solenoid valve is receiving 24VDC.

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Alarms Summary

ALM2093 Slips Slips Fail to Release Slips Released Pressure Switch is not closed after the Slips Released Solenoid has been energized for 16
seconds. Verify the pressure within the Slip Cylinder. Verify the pressure switch is operating. Verify the
solenoid valve is receiving 24VDC.

ALM2094 Cathead Ch Mode Selector Switch Fault This alarm appears when the selector switch contacts are showing an undetermined state (more than one
contact is high). Check the switch wiring in the console.

ALM2095 Cathead Ch Joystick Switch Fault This alarm appears when the selector switch contacts are showing an undetermined state (more than one
contact is high). Check the switch wiring in the console.

ALM2096 Cathead Ch Make Up Cylinder Pres Sens Fault Indicates the pressure feedback sensor has faulted. Check the sensor and wiring to the PLC.

ALM2097 Cathead Ch Beak Out Cylinder Pres Sens Fault Indicates the pressure feedback sensor has faulted. Check the sensor and wiring to the PLC.

ALM2098 Cathead Ch Make Up Tong Pres Sens Fault Indicates the pressure feedback sensor has faulted. Check the sensor and wiring to the PLC.

ALM2099 Cathead Ch Break Out Tong Pres Sens Fault Indicates the pressure feedback sensor has faulted. Check the sensor and wiring to the PLC.

ALM2100 Cathead Ch Hydraulic Press Mismatch Indicates the cathead hydraulic pressure feedback is not following the commanded hydraulic pressure. Check
the hydraulic system is correctly assigned. Check the servo valve and control card is functioning correctly.
Check the pressure feedback sensor.

ALM2101 Rotary Hpu Must Be On To Use Rotary Table Turn On Hpu to use the Rotary Table

ALM2102 Rotary Rt Speed Sensor Fault Indicates the Speed feedback sensor has faulted. Check the sensor and wiring to the PLC.

ALM2103 Rotary Rt Torque Sensor Fault Indicates the Torque feedback sensor has faulted. Check the sensor and wiring to the PLC.

ALM2105 Trip Tank Trip Tank 1 Fail To Run Alarm indicates the Pump has failed to run. Check the MCC is enabled and no MCC faults are present. This
alarm may be overridden in an emergency.

ALM2106 Trip Tank Trip Tank 2 Fail To Run Alarm indicates the Pump has failed to run. Check the MCC is enabled and no MCC faults are present. This
alarm may be overridden in an emergency.

ALM2107 Topdrive Td Lube Oil Over Temp The topdrive lube oil has indicated an overtemp condition based on a temperature switch. Check validity of the
alarm by pointing an IR gun to the gearcase, verify switch is functioning correctly

ALM2108 Topdrive Td Lube Oil Filter in Bypass The topdrive lube oil filter is in bypass. Check oil filter for contamination replace filter element if needed.

ALM2109 Topdrive Td Thrust Bearing Low Flow Indicates the flow to the thrust bearing is low. Verify proper operation of the Lube Oil Pump. Check oil filter for
proper operation. Check lube oil for contamination.

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Alarms Summary

ALM2110 Topdrive Td Upper Bearing Low Flow Indicates the flow to the upper bearing is low. Verify proper operation of the Lube Oil Pump. Check oil filter for
proper operation. Check lube oil for contamination.

ALM2111 Topdrive Td Exhaust Air Overtemp The topdrive blower exhaust air has indicated an overtemp condition based on a temperature switch. Check
validity of the switch by pointing an IR gun to the blower exhaust.

ALM2112 Topdrive Td Motor Phase U Temp Sens Fault Indicates the motor stator temperature sensor has faulted (open circuit). Check the sensor wiring. Topdrive will
continue to operate as long as one of the temperature sensors is healthy.

ALM2113 Topdrive Td Motor Phase V Temp Sens Fault Indicates the motor stator temperature sensor has faulted (open circuit). Check the sensor wiring. Topdrive will
continue to operate as long as one of the temperature sensors is healthy.

ALM2114 Topdrive Td Motor Phase W Temp Sens Fault Indicates the motor stator temperature sensor has faulted (open circuit). Check the sensor wiring. Topdrive will
continue to operate as long as one of the temperature sensors is healthy.

ALM2115 Cathead Ch Pressure Limit Sensor Fault Indicates the pressure feedback sensor has faulted. Check the sensor and wiring to the PLC.

ALM2116 Slips Slips Selector Switch Fault This alarm appears when the selector switch contacts are showing an undetermined state (more than one
contact is high). Check the switch wiring in the console.

ALM2117 Topdrive Td Block Dolly Selector Switch Fault This alarm appears when the selector switch contacts are showing an undetermined state (more than one
contact is high). Check the switch wiring in the console.

ALM2118 Topdrive Td Block Dolly Position Sensor Fault This alarm appears when the Topdrive Dolly position sensor is faulted. Check the sensor and wiring to the

ALM2119 Topdrive Hpu Must Be On To Extend/Retract Dolly Turn On Hpu to use the Operate the Block Dolly Extend / Retract

ALM2120 Topdrive Td Dolly Must be Extended to Rotate Block dolly must be extended to Rotate the Topdrive.

ALM3000 Coms Pcr #2 Plc Clk Coms Lost with Ler Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM3001 Coms Pcr #2 Plc Clk Coms Lost with Gw Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM3002 Coms Pcr #2 Plc Clk Coms Lost with Vfd Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM3003 Coms Pcr #2 Plc Clk Coms Lost with Scr Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

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Alarms Summary

ALM3004 Coms Pcr #2 Plc Clk Coms Lost with Pcr #1 Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not









ALM3013 Mcc LINER WASHER #1 FAULT SpareAlarm


ALM3015 Mcc MP LUBE OIL PUMP #1 FAULT SpareAlarm








ALM3023 Mcc LINER WASHER #2 FAULT SpareAlarm




ALM3027 Mcc MP LUBE OIL PUMP #2 FAULT SpareAlarm


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Alarms Summary

ALM3029 Mcc LINER WASHER #3 FAULT SpareAlarm


ALM3031 Mcc MP #3 LUBE OIL PUMP FAULT SpareAlarm








ALM3039 Mcc TRIP TANK PUMP #1 FAULT SpareAlarm


ALM4000 Coms Vfd Plc Clk Coms Lost with Gtwy Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM4001 Coms Vfd Plc Clk Coms Lost with Ler Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM4002 Coms Vfd Plc Clk Coms Lost with Pcr #2 Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM4003 Coms Vfd Plc Clk Coms Lost with Scr Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM4004 Coms Vfd Plc Clk Coms Lost with Pcr #1 Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM4005 Coms Dw Vfd A Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault conditon or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

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Alarms Summary

ALM4006 Coms Dw Vfd B Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault conditon or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

ALM4007 Coms Dw Vfd C Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault conditon or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

ALM4008 Coms Td Vfd Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault conditon or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

ALM4009 Coms VFD Profibus Comms PLC Module Fault The PLC Profibus Module has indicated a fault condition. Make note of the diagnostic lamps on the PLC
module and refer to the OMRON Profibus DP Master Units Operation Manual for further troubleshooting

ALM4010 Coms Vfd Plc Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault conditon or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

ALM4011 Dw Dw Autodrill Diff Pres Control Fault This alarm is present if the Differential Pressure controller is enabled on the HMI and Differential Pressure
(Delta-P) exceeds the setpoint by 200psi for 2 seconds. The drawworks will stop and park. Faster response of
the DeltaP controller may be required - increase this setting from the HMI Autodriller screen.

ALM4012 Dw Dw Autodrill Drill Torque Control Fault This alarm is present if the Drilling Torque controller is enabled on the HMI and the Topdrive torque exceeds
the setpoint by 5kft.lbs for 2 seconds. The drawworks will stop and park. Faster response of the Drilling
Torque controller may be required - increase this setting from the HMI Autodriller screen.

ALM4013 Dw Dw Elev Below Drill Stop Point Autodriller cannot be engaged if the elevators are below the Drill Stop Point. Change the Drill Stop Point.

ALM4014 Dw Dw Autodrill WOB Control Fault This alarm is present if the WOB controller is enabled on the HMI and WOB exceeds the setpoint by 10 klbs
for 2 seconds. The drawworks will stop and park. Faster response of the WOB controller may be required -
increase this setting from the HMI Autodriller screen.

ALM4015 Dw Dw Cannot Hoist After Layer Entry After entering the layer change during a block calibration, hoisting is prevented.

ALM4016 Dw Dw Block Calibration Fail to Save This alarm appears if the block calibration fails to complete. This may mean the blocks moved slightly when
the save button was pressed. Abort the calibration and try again.

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Alarms Summary

ALM4017 Dw Dw Bridge Protection E-stop The bridge protection feature is turned on/off and configured from the HMI. For bridge protection to be
activated - the load must be lowered faster than (typically) 50 ft/min and operating above (typically) 3ft. If the
hookload reduces by the more than the setpoint entered on the HMI - the system will slow down and may stop.
If the system cannot stop fast enough on the motors - then this alarm will be triggered and the drawworks will
emergency stop.

ALM4018 Dw Dw Brake Supply Low Pressure Indicates the pressure supply to the emergency braking system has fallen below the minimum operating
pressure. This alarm may be overridden in an emergency. WARNING - operating the drawworks with low
pressure at the braking system may cause the brakes to drag, which may cause brake damage.

ALM4019 Dw Dw Brake Supply Pressure Sensor Fault Indicates the brake system supply pressure sensor has faulted. Check the sensor and wiring back to the PLC.
This alarm may be overridden in an emergency. WARNING - operating the drawworks with low pressure at the
braking system may cause the brakes to drag, which may cause brake damage.

ALM4020 Dw Dw Em Brake #1 Fail to Enagage Indicates the emergency brake has not reached the engage pressure when commanded to engage. Check the
release solenoid valve is functioning correctly. Check the pneumatic/hydraulic circuit for debris and is
functioning correctly.

ALM4021 Dw Dw Em Brake #1 Low Pressure Indicates the pressure at the emergency brake is below the minimum operating pressure. This alarm may be
overridden in an emergency. WARNING - operating the drawworks with low pressure at the emergency brake
may cause the brake to drag, which may cause brake damage.

ALM4022 Dw Dw Em Brake #1 Pressure Sensor Fault Indicates the emergency brake pressure sensor has faulted. Check the sensor and wiring back to the PLC.
This alarm may be overridden in an emergency. WARNING - operating the drawworks with low pressure at the
emergency braking system may cause the brakes to drag, which may cause brake damage.

ALM4023 Dw Dw Em Brake #1 Fail to Release Indicates the emergency brake has not reached the release pressure when commanded to release. Check the
release solenoid valve is functioning correctly. Check the pneumatic/hydraulic circuit for debris and is
functioning correctly.

ALM4024 Dw Dw Em Brake #2 Fail to Enagage Indicates the emergency brake has not reached the engage pressure when commanded to engage. Check the
release solenoid valve is functioning correctly. Check the pneumatic/hydraulic circuit for debris and is
functioning correctly.

ALM4025 Dw Dw Em Brake #2 Low Pressure Indicates the pressure at the emergency brake is below the minimum operating pressure. This alarm may be
overridden in an emergency. WARNING - operating the drawworks with low pressure at the emergency brake
may cause the brake to drag, which may cause brake damage.

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Alarms Summary

ALM4026 Dw Dw Em Brake #2 Pressure Sensor Fault Indicates the emergency brake pressure sensor has faulted. Check the sensor and wiring back to the PLC.
This alarm may be overridden in an emergency. WARNING - operating the drawworks with low pressure at the
emergency braking system may cause the brakes to drag, which may cause brake damage.

ALM4027 Dw Dw Em Brake #2 Fail to Release Indicates the emergency brake has not reached the release pressure when commanded to release. Check the
release solenoid valve is functioning correctly. Check the pneumatic/hydraulic circuit for debris and is
functioning correctly.

ALM4028 Dw Dw Em Brake Fail to Enagage Indicates the emergency brake has not reached the engage pressure when commanded to engage. Check the
release solenoid valves are functioning correctly. Check the pneumatic/hydraulic circuit for debris and is
functioning correctly.

ALM4029 Dw Dw Em Brake Low Pressure Indicates the pressure at the emergency brake is below the minimum operating pressure. This alarm may be
overridden in an emergency. WARNING - operating the drawworks with low pressure at the emergency brake
may cause the brake to drag, which may cause brake damage.

ALM4030 Dw Dw Em Brake Pressure Sensor Fault Indicates the emergency brake pressure sensor has faulted. Check the sensor and wiring back to the PLC.
This alarm may be overridden in an emergency. WARNING - operating the drawworks with low pressure at the
emergency braking system may cause the brakes to drag, which may cause brake damage.

ALM4031 Dw Dw Em Brake Fail to Release Indicates the emergency brake has not reached the release pressure when commanded to release. Check the
release solenoid valves are functioning correctly. Check the pneumatic/hydraulic circuit for debris and is
functioning correctly.

ALM4032 Dw Dw Encoder #1 to Encoder #2 Mismatch This alarm is present when these two encoders are enabled and the counts do not match. The drawworks will
stop and park. Look at the encoder diagnostics screen to determine which encoder is not counting correctly.
Place the joystick in park and disable the faulty encoder to continue operations until parts are available for

ALM4033 Dw Dw Encoder #1 to Encoder #3 Mismatch This alarm is present when these two encoders are enabled and the counts do not match. The drawworks will
stop and park. Look at the encoder diagnostics screen to determine which encoder is not counting correctly.
Place the joystick in park and disable the faulty encoder to continue operations until parts are available for

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Alarms Summary

ALM4034 Dw Dw Encoder #1 Reset Failed During calibration, if the high speed counter channel assigned to this encoder is unable to be reset to the
correct count value, this alarm will apear. To determine which physical encoder this is, look at the drawworks
encoder diagnositcs screen. Place the joystick in park and disable the encoder to continue calibration. Refer to
the elctrical schematics to determine which PLC HSC module this encoder is connected to. Check the high
speed counter module has no hardware error lights lit. If there are error lights, cycle power to the PLC & re-try
calibration. Replace the high speed counter module if the problem persists. Refer to the Omron HSC manual
for details of the hardware error lights.

ALM4035 Dw Dw Encoder #2 to Encoder #3 Mismatch This alarm is present when these two encoders are enabled and the counts do not match. The drawworks will
stop and park. Look at the encoder diagnostics screen to determine which encoder is not counting correctly.
Place the joystick in park and disable the faulty encoder to continue operations until parts are available for

ALM4036 Dw Dw Encoder #2 Reset Failed During calibration, if the high speed counter channel assigned to this encoder is unable to be reset to the
correct count value, this alarm will apear. To determine which physical encoder this is, look at the drawworks
encoder diagnositcs screen. Place the joystick in park and disable the encoder to continue calibration. Refer to
the elctrical schematics to determine which PLC HSC module this encoder is connected to. Check the high
speed counter module has no hardware error lights lit. If there are error lights, cycle power to the PLC & re-try
calibration. Replace the high speed counter module if the problem persists. Refer to the Omron HSC manual
for details of the hardware error lights.

ALM4037 Dw Dw Encoder #3 Reset Failed During calibration, if the high speed counter channel assigned to this encoder is unable to be reset to the
correct count value, this alarm will apear. To determine which physical encoder this is, look at the drawworks
encoder diagnositcs screen. Place the joystick in park and disable the encoder to continue calibration. Refer to
the elctrical schematics to determine which PLC HSC module this encoder is connected to. Check the high
speed counter module has no hardware error lights lit. If there are error lights, cycle power to the PLC & re-try
calibration. Replace the high speed counter module if the problem persists. Refer to the Omron HSC manual
for details of the hardware error lights.

ALM4038 Dw Dw Joystick Pot Mismatch Indicates both joystick inputs are selected from the drawworks setup screen, and the two potentiometers
mismatch. The drawworks will stop and park. Open the joystick diagnostics page and move the joystick to the
park, stop, hoist and lower positions to determine which potentiometer is not functioning correctly. Place the
joystick in the park position and de-select the faulty joystick input to continue operations until parts are
available for repair

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Alarms Summary

ALM4039 Dw Dw Joystick Parked While Moving Indicates the joystick was placed in the Park position while the block is still moving. The drawworks will
emergency stop. While the block is moving, the joystick should only be placed in park during emergencies.

ALM4040 Dw Dw Joystick Switch Mismatch Indicates both joystick inputs are selected from the drawworks setup screen, and any of the switches
mismatch. The drawworks will stop and park. Open the joystick diagnostics page and move the joystick to the
park, stop, hoist and lower positions to determine which switch is faulted. Place the joystick in the park position
and de-select the faulty joystick input to continue operations until parts are available for repair.

ALM4041 Dw Dw Joystick Switch/Pot Transition Error Indicates the joystick potentiometer is greater than 0.25 when trying to transition from stop to hoist or lower.
This would indicate a switch/pot malfunction. The drawworks will stop and park. Open the joystick diagnostics
page and move the joystick to the park, stop, hoist and lower positions to determine which pot/switch is not
functioning correctly. Place the joystick in the park position and de-select the faulty joystick input to continue
operations until parts are available for repair

ALM4042 Dw Dw Prevent Hoist - Td Links Retracted Indicates the elevators are in the drill-down position and the driller attempts to hoist above 50ft (typical). The
drawworks will prevent hoisting above this height, but allow lowering. This alarm may be overriden. Caution:
When operating in override, the driller is responsible for maintaining a safe operating clearance between the
topdrive links and the derrick.

ALM4043 Dw Dw Lube Pump A Fail to Run Alarm indicates the Lube Pump has failed to run. Check the MCC is enabled and no MCC faults are present.
This alarm may be overridden in an emergency. WARNING - operating the gearbox without lubrication may
cause overheating and/or damage to the gearbox.

ALM4044 Dw Dw Lube Pump B Fail to Run Alarm indicates the Lube Pump has failed to run. Check the MCC is enabled and no MCC faults are present.
This alarm may be overridden in an emergency. WARNING - operating the gearbox without lubrication may
cause overheating and/or damage to the gearbox.

ALM4045 Dw Dw Lubrication High Pressure Alarm indicates the lube pressure is high. WARNING - operating the gearbox with excessive lubrication
pressure may cause oil overheating and/or filter damage.

ALM4046 Dw Dw Lubrication Low Pressure Alarm indicates the lube pressure is low. This alarm may be overridden in an emergency. WARNING -
operating the gearbox without sufficient lubrication may cause overheating and/or damage to the gearbox.

ALM4047 Dw Dw Lubrication Press Sensor Fault Alarm indicates the lube pressure sensor is faulted. Check the sensor and wiring. This alarm may be
overridden in an emergency. WARNING - operating the gearbox without sufficient lubrication may cause
overheating and/or damage to the gearbox.

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Alarms Summary

ALM4048 Dw Dw Lubrication High Temperature Alarm indicates the lube temperature is high. This alarm may be overridden in an emergency. WARNING -
operating the gearbox with excessive lubrication temperature may cause gearbox damage.

ALM4049 Dw Dw Lubrication Temp Sensor Fault Alarm indicates the lube temperature sensor is faulted. Check the sensor and wiring. This alarm may be
overridden in an emergency. WARNING - operating the gearbox with excessive lubrication temperature may
cause gearbox damage.

ALM4050 Dw Dw Maintenance Mode Active Indicates the drawworks maintenance mode is active. DANGER - this mode should only be activated with no
drill-line on the drum. If this mode has been activated with line on the drum DO NOT lift the e-stop pushbutton.
To exit maintenance mode, place the Maintenance Mode keyswitch in the OFF position.

ALM4051 Dw Dw Motor A Blower Fail to Run Alarm indicates the Motor Blower has failed to run. Check the MCC is enabled and no MCC faults are present.
This alarm may be overridden in an emergency. WARNING - operating the motor without cooling may cause
overheating and/or damage to the motor.

ALM4052 Dw Dw Motor A Blower Low Pressure Indicates Motor Blower pressure switch has failed to close with blower running. Check the blower intake is not
blocked. Check the pressure switch is functioning and correctly calibrated. This alarm may be overridden in an
emergency. WARNING - operating the motor without sufficient cooling may cause overheating and/or damage
to the motor.

ALM4053 Dw Dw Motor A Phase U Temp Sens Fault Indicates the motor stator temperature sensor has faulted (open circuit). Check the sensor wiring. Drawworks
will continue to operate as long as one of the temperature sensors is healthy. If all sensors are faulted, the
drawworks will operate at reduced power to protect the motor.

ALM4054 Dw Dw Motor A Phase V Temp Sens Fault Indicates the motor stator temperature sensor has faulted (open circuit). Check the sensor wiring. Drawworks
will continue to operate as long as one of the temperature sensors is healthy. If all sensors are faulted, the
drawworks will operate at reduced power to protect the motor.

ALM4055 Dw Dw Motor A Phase W Temp Sens Fault Indicates the motor stator temperature sensor has faulted (open circuit). Check the sensor wiring. Drawworks
will continue to operate as long as one of the temperature sensors is healthy. If all sensors are faulted, the
drawworks will operate at reduced power to protect the motor.

ALM4056 Dw Dw Motor A High Stator Temperature Indicates that one of the stator temperatures has exceeded the high temperature setpoint. Check the blower
system is functioning correctly and that all temperatures are matched. Check the motor temperature with IR
gun. Check the motor (megga test). The drawworks may continue to be operated at reduced power with this
alarm active. The alarm may be overridden if the sensor is indicating a false temperature. WARNING -
operating the motor at high temperature may cause damage to the windings.

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Alarms Summary

ALM4057 Dw Dw Motor B Blower Fail to Run Alarm indicates the Motor Blower has failed to run. Check the MCC is enabled and no MCC faults are present.
This alarm may be overridden in an emergency. WARNING - operating the motor without cooling may cause
overheating and/or damage to the motor.

ALM4058 Dw Dw Motor B Blower Low Pressure Indicates Motor Blower pressure switch has failed to close with blower running. Check the blower intake is not
blocked. Check the pressure switch is functioning and correctly calibrated. This alarm may be overridden in an
emergency. WARNING - operating the motor without sufficient cooling may cause overheating and/or damage
to the motor.

ALM4059 Dw Dw Motor B Phase U Temp Sens Fault Indicates the motor stator temperature sensor has faulted (open circuit). Check the sensor wiring. Drawworks
will continue to operate as long as one of the temperature sensors is healthy. If all sensors are faulted, the
drawworks will operate at reduced power to protect the motor.

ALM4060 Dw Dw Motor B Phase V Temp Sens Fault Indicates the motor stator temperature sensor has faulted (open circuit). Check the sensor wiring. Drawworks
will continue to operate as long as one of the temperature sensors is healthy. If all sensors are faulted, the
drawworks will operate at reduced power to protect the motor.

ALM4061 Dw Dw Motor B Phase W Temp Sens Fault Indicates the motor stator temperature sensor has faulted (open circuit). Check the sensor wiring. Drawworks
will continue to operate as long as one of the temperature sensors is healthy. If all sensors are faulted, the
drawworks will operate at reduced power to protect the motor.

ALM4062 Dw Dw Motor B High Stator Temperature Indicates that one of the stator temperatures has exceeded the high temperature setpoint. Check the blower
system is functioning correctly and that all temperatures are matched. Check the motor temperature with IR
gun. Check the motor (megga test). The drawworks may continue to be operated at reduced power with this
alarm active. The alarm may be overridden if the sensor is indicating a false temperature. WARNING -
operating the motor at high temperature may cause damage to the windings.

ALM4063 Dw Dw Motor C Blower Fail to Run Alarm indicates the Motor Blower has failed to run. Check the MCC is enabled and no MCC faults are present.
This alarm may be overridden in an emergency. WARNING - operating the motor without cooling may cause
overheating and/or damage to the motor.

ALM4064 Dw Dw Motor C Blower Low Pressure Indicates Motor Blower pressure switch has failed to close with blower running. Check the blower intake is not
blocked. Check the pressure switch is functioning and correctly calibrated. This alarm may be overridden in an
emergency. WARNING - operating the motor without sufficient cooling may cause overheating and/or damage
to the motor.

ALM4065 Dw Dw Motor C Phase U Temp Sens Fault Indicates the motor stator temperature sensor has faulted (open circuit). Check the sensor wiring. Drawworks
will continue to operate as long as one of the temperature sensors is healthy. If all sensors are faulted, the
drawworks will operate at reduced power to protect the motor.

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Alarms Summary

ALM4066 Dw Dw Motor C Phase V Temp Sens Fault Indicates the motor stator temperature sensor has faulted (open circuit). Check the sensor wiring. Drawworks
will continue to operate as long as one of the temperature sensors is healthy. If all sensors are faulted, the
drawworks will operate at reduced power to protect the motor.

ALM4067 Dw Dw Motor C Phase W Temp Sens Fault Indicates the motor stator temperature sensor has faulted (open circuit). Check the sensor wiring. Drawworks
will continue to operate as long as one of the temperature sensors is healthy. If all sensors are faulted, the
drawworks will operate at reduced power to protect the motor.

ALM4068 Dw Dw Motor C High Stator Temperature Indicates that one of the stator temperatures has exceeded the high temperature setpoint. Check the blower
system is functioning correctly and that all temperatures are matched. Check the motor temperature with IR
gun. Check the motor (megga test). The drawworks may continue to be operated at reduced power with this
alarm active. The alarm may be overridden if the sensor is indicating a false temperature. WARNING -
operating the motor at high temperature may cause damage to the windings.

ALM4069 Dw Dw Motor D Blower Fail to Run Alarm indicates the Motor Blower has failed to run. Check the MCC is enabled and no MCC faults are present.
This alarm may be overridden in an emergency. WARNING - operating the motor without cooling may cause
overheating and/or damage to the motor.

ALM4070 Dw Dw Motor D Blower Low Pressure Indicates Motor Blower pressure switch has failed to close with blower running. Check the blower intake is not
blocked. Check the pressure switch is functioning and correctly calibrated. This alarm may be overridden in an
emergency. WARNING - operating the motor without sufficient cooling may cause overheating and/or damage
to the motor.

ALM4071 Dw Dw Motor D Phase U Temp Sens Fault Indicates the motor stator temperature sensor has faulted (open circuit). Check the sensor wiring. Drawworks
will continue to operate as long as one of the temperature sensors is healthy. If all sensors are faulted, the
drawworks will operate at reduced power to protect the motor.

ALM4072 Dw Dw Motor D Phase V Temp Sens Fault Indicates the motor stator temperature sensor has faulted (open circuit). Check the sensor wiring. Drawworks
will continue to operate as long as one of the temperature sensors is healthy. If all sensors are faulted, the
drawworks will operate at reduced power to protect the motor.

ALM4073 Dw Dw Motor D Phase W Temp Sens Fault Indicates the motor stator temperature sensor has faulted (open circuit). Check the sensor wiring. Drawworks
will continue to operate as long as one of the temperature sensors is healthy. If all sensors are faulted, the
drawworks will operate at reduced power to protect the motor.

ALM4074 Dw Dw Motor D High Stator Temperature Indicates that one of the stator temperatures has exceeded the high temperature setpoint. Check the blower
system is functioning correctly and that all temperatures are matched. Check the motor temperature with IR
gun. Check the motor (megga test). The drawworks may continue to be operated at reduced power with this
alarm active. The alarm may be overridden if the sensor is indicating a false temperature. WARNING -
operating the motor at high temperature may cause damage to the windings.

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Alarms Summary

ALM4075 Dw Dw Motor Over Speed Detected Indicates the motor speed feedback has exceeded the command. This may occur if the hookload is not
accurate, or may indicate a VFD/Motor/Encoder problem.

ALM4076 Dw Dw No Encoders Selected This alarm is raised in the event all encoders are disabled. The drawworks will enter range override mode and
permit operation at reduced speed. Place the joystick in park and enable the encoders from the drawworks
set-up screen. The blocks must then be recalibrated. If there are no functioning encoders, then continue
operations at reduced speed until parts are available for repair. Caution: - position control is de-activated in
range override and the driller is responsible for stopping the load before hitting any obstructions.

ALM4077 Dw Dw No Tension Links Enabled Indicates all tension link bridges are disabled. The drawworks will remain in park and not permit the brake to
be released. Place the joystick in park and enable the tension link bridges from the drawworks set-up screen.
If there are no functioning tension link bridges, then this alarm may be overridden to continue operations at
reduced performance until parts are available for repair. Caution: - do not park the drawworks with a large load
suspended on the hook. Place the load in the slips before parking the drawworks. Failure to do this may cause
the drawworks to be unable to transfer the load from the park brake to the motors. In the event a large load is
suspended from the hook, set the slips before attempting to transfer the load onto the motors.

ALM4078 Dw Dw Pull Limit Exceeded This alarm is present if the hooklod exceeds the system pull limit (entered on the HMI). Reduce the hookload
or increase the pull limit on the HMI to clear alarm. Within (typically) 50 klbs of this alarm setpoint - the draw-
works will slow down and not allow full hoisting speed.

ALM4079 Dw Dw Position Control Fault Indicates the block velocity has exceeded the position control setpoint by (typically) 50ft/min for more than
(typically) 1 second. Check the hookload reading is accurate. Innaccurate hookload readings will lead to the
control system allowing a lowering speed faster than the position control can cope with. Contact Omron Field
Service for further details.

ALM4080 Dw Dw Prk Brake Fail to Enagage Indicates the parking brake has not reached the engage pressure when commanded to engage. Check the
release solenoid valves are functioning correctly. Check the pneumatic/hydraulic circuit for debris and is
functioning correctly.

ALM4081 Dw Dw Prk Brake Low Pressure Indicates the pressure at the parking brake is below the minimum operating pressure. This alarm may be
overridden in an emergency. WARNING - operating the drawworks with low pressure at the parking braking
system may cause the brake damage or slippage depending on the brake type fitted (spring applied or air/hyd

ALM4082 Dw Dw Prk Brake Pressure Sensor Fault Indicates the parking brake pressure sensor has faulted. Check the sensor and wiring back to the PLC. This
alarm may be overridden in an emergency. WARNING - operating the drawworks with low pressure at the
parking braking system may cause the brake damage or slippage depending on the brake type fitted (spring
applied or air/hyd applied).

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Alarms Summary

ALM4083 Dw Dw Prk Brake Fail to Release Indicates the parking brake has not reached the release pressure when commanded to release. Check the
release solenoid valves are functioning correctly. Check the pneumatic/hydraulic circuit for debris and is
functioning correctly.

ALM4084 Dw Dw Thread Assist Position Fault Indicates the drawworks is too close to a position setpoint to continue threading the connection at the desired
speed. If possible, set the position setpoint lower/higher, or move the pipe.

ALM4085 Dw Dw Fail to Stop at Target Position Indicates the block has traveled past the operator set stop point. The drawworks will emergency stop. This
may indicate a problem with the accuracy of the hookload measurement. Check the tension link empty block
weight is correct. If the hookload measurement is accurate, then this may indicate a problem with the VFD /
motor performance and requires further investigation.

ALM4086 Dw Dw Tension Link #1 Fault This alarm indicates the PLC has detected a wire break in the (4-20mA) circuit, or the input value is over/under
range. Check the sensor wiring and current loop values. This alarm will automatically disable tension link
bridge #1 allowing operations to continue on the remaining bridges. Once repaired, place the joystick in park
and re-enable the bridge from the HMI.

ALM4087 Dw Dw Tension Link #1 & #2 Mismatch Indicates these tension link bridges are enabled and the values do not match. The drawworks will stop and
park. Look at the tension link diagnostics screen to determine which tension link bridge is not functioning
correctly. Place the joystick in park and disable the faulty tension link bridge to continue operations until parts
are available for repair.

ALM4088 Dw Dw Tension Link #1 & #3 Mismatch Indicates these tension link bridges are enabled and the values do not match. The drawworks will stop and
park. Look at the tension link diagnostics screen to determine which tension link bridge is not functioning
correctly. Place the joystick in park and disable the faulty tension link bridge to continue operations until parts
are available for repair.

ALM4089 Dw Dw Tension Link #2 Fault This alarm indicates the PLC has detected a wire break in the (4-20mA) circuit, or the input value is over/under
range. Check the sensor wiring and current loop values. This alarm will automatically disable tension link
bridge #1 allowing operations to continue on the remaining bridges. Once repaired, place the joystick in park
and re-enable the bridge from the HMI.

ALM4090 Dw Dw Tension Link #2 & #3 Mismatch Indicates these tension link bridges are enabled and the values do not match. The drawworks will stop and
park. Look at the tension link diagnostics screen to determine which tension link bridge is not functioning
correctly. Place the joystick in park and disable the faulty tension link bridge to continue operations until parts
are available for repair.

ALM4091 Dw Dw Tension Link #3 Fault Indicates the PLC has detected a wire break in the (4-20mA) circuit, or the input value is over/under range.
Check the sensor wiring and current loop values. This alarm will automatically disable tension link bridge #1
allowing operations to continue on the remaining bridges. Once repaired, place the joystick in park and re-
enable the bridge from the HMI.

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Alarms Summary

ALM4092 Dw Dw Stop - Td Torque Wrench Engaged Indicates the Topdrive torque wrench is engaged, preventing the drawworks from allowing movement. This
alarm may be overriden. Caution: when operating in override, the driller is responsible for ensuring the torque
wrench is fully disengaged before moving the blocks.

ALM4093 Dw Dw Drum Position Movement Indicates the block is stopped or parked and the drum has moved more than 10 degrees (typical). The
drawworks will emergency stop. If this occurrs during load transfer, this indicates a problem with the accuracy
of the hookload measurement. Check the tension link empty block weight is correct. If this occurrs while the
load is stopped, this may indicate a problem with the motor tuning and requires further investigation. If the
alarm occurrs with the load parked, this may indicate a problem with the park brake wear and/or adjustment.

ALM4094 Dw Dw Drum Opposite Velocity Indicates the drum velocity is opposite of the command. The drawworks will emergency stop. If this occurrs
during load transfer, this indicates a problem with the accuracy of the hookload measurement. Check the
tension link empty block weight is correct. If this occurrs while the load is stopped, this may indicate a problem
with the motor tuning and requires further investigation. If the alarm occurrs with the load parked, this may
indicate a problem with the park brake wear and/or adjustment.

ALM4095 Dw Dw Rope Unspooling Detected Indicates the drawworks is lowering and the hookload falls below the empty block weight by 50% for 1 second.
The drawworks will stop and prevent further lowering. This alarm is to prevent inadvertent unspooling of the
drum in the event an obstruction is encountered.

ALM4096 Dw Dw Wc Brake High Air Press Indicates the brake air pressure is above the recommended maximum. Check the servo valve and control card
is functioning correctly. Check the pressure feedback sensor. If the problem cannot be rectified - disengage
the water cooled brake and isolate the air supply to the brake to continue operations until the problem can be

ALM4097 Dw Dw Wc Brake Air Press Mismatch Indicates the brake air pressure feedback is not following the commanded air pressure. Check the air system
is correctly assigned. Check the servo valve and control card is functioning correctly. Check the pressure
feedback sensor. If the problem cannot be rectified - disengage the water cooled brake to continue operations
until the problem can be fixed.

ALM4098 Dw Dw Wc Brake Air Press Sens Fault Indicates the water cooled brake air pressure feedback sensor has faulted. Check the sensor and wiring to the
PLC. If the problem cannot be rectified - disengage the water cooled brake to continue operations until the
feedback signal can be fixed.

ALM4099 Dw Dw Wc Brake Low Coolant Flow Indicates the brake coolant flow is below the recommended minimum operating flow. Check the brake cooling
system is functioning correctly. Check the sensor is functioning correctly. The control system will reduce the
available braking power in response to low flow. If the problem cannot be rectified - disengage the water
cooled brake to continue operations until the problem can be fixed. WARNING - operating the water cooled
brake with insufficient coolant flow may cause brake damage.

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Alarms Summary

ALM4100 Dw Dw Wc Brake Coolant Flow Sens Fault Indicates the water cooled brake coolant flow feedback sensor has faulted. Check the sensor and wiring to the
PLC. If the problem cannot be rectified - disengage the water cooled brake to continue operations until the
feedback signal can be fixed. Alternately, this alarm may be overridden and operations continued without
disengaging the brake. WARNING - operating the water cooled brake without sufficient coolant flow may
cause brake damage.

ALM4101 Dw Dw Wc Brake High Coolant Press Indicates the brake coolant supply pressure is above the recommended maximum operating pressure. Check
the brake cooling system is functioning correctly. Check the sensor is functioning correctly. If the problem
cannot be rectified - disengage the water cooled brake and isolate the brake cooling water supply to continue
operations until the problem can be fixed. WARNING - operating the water cooled brake with excessive
coolant pressure may cause brake damage.

ALM4102 Dw Dw Wc Brake Low Coolant Press Indicates the brake coolant supply pressure is below the recommended minimum operating pressure. Check
the brake cooling system is functioning correctly. Check the sensor is functioning correctly. If the problem
cannot be rectified - disengage the water cooled brake to continue operations until the problem can be fixed.
WARNING - operating the water cooled brake with insufficient coolant flow may cause brake damage.

ALM4103 Dw Dw Wc Brake Coolant Press Sens Fault Indicates the water cooled brake coolant pressure feedback sensor has faulted. Check the sensor and wiring
to the PLC. If the problem cannot be rectified - disengage the water cooled brake to continue operations until
the feedback signal can be fixed. WARNING - operating the water cooled brake without sufficient coolant
pressure may cause brake damage.

ALM4105 Dw Dw Wc Brake High Coolant In Temp Indicates the brake coolant inlet temperature is above the recommended maximum operating temperature.
Check the brake cooling system is functioning correctly. Check the sensor is functioning correctly. The control
system will reduce the available braking power in response to high temperature. If the problem cannot be
rectified - disengage the water cooled brake to continue operations until the problem can be fixed. WARNING -
operating the water cooled brake with excessive coolant temperature may cause brake damage.

ALM4106 Dw Dw Wc Brake Coolant Temp In Sens Fault Indicates the water cooled brake coolant inlet temperature feedback sensor has faulted. Check the sensor and
wiring to the PLC. If the problem cannot be rectified - disengage the water cooled brake to continue operations
until the feedback signal can be fixed. Alternately, this alarm may be overridden and operations continued
without disengaging the brake. WARNING - operating the water cooled brake with excessive coolant
temperature may cause brake damage.

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Alarms Summary

ALM4107 Dw Dw Wc Brake High Coolant Out Temp Indicates the brake coolant outlet temperature is above the recommended maximum operating pressure.
Check the brake cooling system is functioning correctly. Check the sensor is functioning correctly. The control
system will reduce the available braking power in response to high temperature. If the problem cannot be
rectified - disengage the water cooled brake to continue operations until the problem can be fixed. WARNING -
operating the water cooled brake with excessive coolant temperature may cause brake damage.

ALM4108 Dw Dw Wc Brake Coolant Temp Out Sens Fault Indicates the water cooled brake coolant outlet temperature feedback sensor has faulted. Check the sensor
and wiring to the PLC. If the problem cannot be rectified - disengage the water cooled brake to continue
operations until the feedback signal can be fixed. Alternately, this alarm may be overridden and operations
continued without disengaging the brake. WARNING - operating the water cooled brake with excessive
coolant temperature may cause brake damage.

ALM4109 Dw Dw Wc Brake Coupling Disengaged Indicates the coupling switch has sensed the coupling to be dis-engaged while the drawworks is operational.
Check the coupling engage/dis-engage mechanism. Check the coupling status switch for correct adjustment
and wiring.

ALM4110 Dw Dw Wc Brake Disabled Indicates the water cooled brake has been disabled. The drawworks may be operated without the brake - this
alarm serves as a reminder that the brake is disabled. To re-enable the brake - ensure the drawworks is in e-
stop - then engage the brake coupling. With the coupling engaged and drawworks e-stopped - this alarm
should reset.

ALM4111 Dw Dw Wc Brake Encoder Reset Fault Indicates the brake shaft encoder has not reset correctly. Check the PLC counter module for error lights and
refer to the OMRON HSC module manual for troubleshooting details if error lights are illuminated. Try
recycling power to the PLC and re-calibrate the block position. If the problem persists, replace the HSC

ALM4112 Dw Dw Wc Brake Shaft Position Mismatch Indicates the encoder mounted on the brake does not match the drawworks position encoders. Check the
encoder mounting and function. Check the brake coupling is properly engaged. If the problem cannot be
rectified - disengage the water cooled brake to continue operations until the problem can be fixed. Alternately -
this alarm may be overridden and operations continued without disengaging the brake. WARNING - operating
the brake with this alarm overridden means the control system can no longer detect a failure of the brake shaft
and/or coupling.

ALM4113 Esd Dw Crown Saver Disabled Indicates the crownsaver has been disabled. This alarm takes no action - it is a reminder to personnel that the
system is operating without back-up crown protection.

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Alarms Summary

ALM4114 Esd Dw Crown Saver Tripped Indicates the crownsaver has tripped. The drawworks will e-stop. To temporarily disable the crown saver -
press the crownsaver disable pushbuton on the HMI. After the disable period of (typically) 5 minutes - the
crownsaver toggle switch will extend automatically and be re-activated. Ensure the crownsaver toggle switch is
straight before it is re-activated - otherwise it will re-trip. The crownsaver can be re-activated from the HMI at
any time. To permanantly disable the crownsaver - activate the crownsaver disable keyswitch. When disabled,
the hoisting speed is limited to 50 ft/min (typical) when operating within 20ft (typical) of the crown. WARNING -
with the crownsaver disabled - the system is operating without back-up crown protection.

ALM4115 Esd Dw Esd Pushbutton Pressed Indicates the drawworks ESD Pushbutton has been pressed. The Drawworks System will be shut down.

ALM4116 Esd Dw ESR Circuit Fault Indicates a problem has been detected with the emergency stop circuit. The Relay has not tripped upon
actuation of one of the hardwired devices. Check the wiring of the emergency stop circuit and the relay for
function. Contact OOM Field Service for further assistance.

ALM4117 Esd Dw Vfd A Lockout Relay Fault Indicates a problem has been detected with the emergency stop circuit. The Relay has not tripped upon
actuation of one of the hardwired devices. Check the wiring of the emergency stop circuit and the relay for
function. Contact OOM Field Service for further assistance.

ALM4118 Esd Dw Vfd B Lockout Relay Fault Indicates a problem has been detected with the emergency stop circuit. The Relay has not tripped upon
actuation of one of the hardwired devices. Check the wiring of the emergency stop circuit and the relay for
function. Contact OOM Field Service for further assistance.

ALM4119 Esd Dw Vfd C Lockout Relay Fault Indicates a problem has been detected with the emergency stop circuit. The Relay has not tripped upon
actuation of one of the hardwired devices. Check the wiring of the emergency stop circuit and the relay for
function. Contact OOM Field Service for further assistance.

ALM4120 Esd Dw Vfd Lockout Relay Fault Indicates a problem has been detected with the emergency stop circuit. The Relay has not tripped upon
actuation of one of the hardwired devices. Check the wiring of the emergency stop circuit and the relay for
function. Contact OOM Field Service for further assistance.

ALM4121 Esd Td ESD Button Pressed The Topdrive ESD Button is pressed. Pull the button up to allow the faults to be cleared.

ALM4122 Esd Td ESR Circuit Fault Indicates a problem has been detected with the emergency stop circuit. The Relay has not tripped upon
actuation of one of the hardwired devices. Check the wiring of the emergency stop circuit and the relay for
function. Contact OOM Field Service for further assistance.

ALM4123 Esd Td Vfd Lockout Relay Fault Indicates a problem has been detected with the emergency stop circuit. The Relay has not tripped upon
actuation of one of the hardwired devices. Check the wiring of the emergency stop circuit and the relay for
function. Contact OOM Field Service for further assistance.

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 26

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Alarms Summary

ALM4124 Esd Drives Esd Button Pressed (Vfd/Scr) Indicates the Drives ESD button has been pressed. All VFD's and SCR's will be faulted. Pull the button up to
allow all drive faults to be cleared.

ALM4125 Vfd Dw VFD A Cubicle Fan Off Indicates the VFD Cubicle Fan Circuit breaker is in the OFF position. Warning - operating the VFD without
adequate cooling air may lead to overheating of the VFD. Turn the Fan circuit breaker ON.

ALM4126 Vfd Dw VFD A Motor Current Mismatch Current reported from the VFD does not match the Master VFD current feedback. Check the VFD has no
faults present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the
coupling to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal.

ALM4127 Vfd Dw VFD A Disconnect Open One or more VFD Disconnect is in the open position. Close the disconnect to apply DC Bus Power to the VFD.
Check the auxiliary contact and wiring back to the PLC. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken
offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD

ALM4128 Vfd Dw VFD A Direction Mismatch Direction reported from the VFD does not match the Master VFD direction feedback. Check the VFD has no
faults present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the
coupling to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal.

ALM4129 Vfd Dw VFD A Heartbeat Loss If the VFD heartbeat does not change state within 250msec - then the VFD is considered non-responsive.
Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects open
OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD equipment).

ALM4130 Vfd Dw VFD A Locked Out Indicates one or more lock-out pushbuttons have been depressed. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD
is taken offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD

ALM4131 Vfd Dw VFD A Keypad Control Activated The drawworks is prevented from running from the VFD keypad. This alarm should not occur unless the VFD
parameters are incorrectly set to allow keypad control. Contact Omron Oilfield and Marine technical support.

ALM4132 Vfd Dw VFD A is not Assigned Indicates VFD is not assigned. The drawworks can continue to operate with reduced capacity (as long as at
least one VFD is available). This alarm serves as a reminder the VFD has been disabled. To re-assign VFD,
close all disconnects and ensure all lock-out pushbuttons are up. On multiple VFD equipment, there may also
be a disable keyswitch which should be in the enable position.

ALM4133 Vfd Dw VFD A Profibus Comms Lost Indicates the VFD Profibus node is not seen by the PLC. Check the wiring between the PLC and VFD SI-P
card. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects
open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD equipment).

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 27

www.oilfield.omron.com 713-856-2508 oilfieldservice@omron.com

Alarms Summary

ALM4134 Vfd Dw VFD A Parameters Loading Indicates the VFD Parameters are being loaded, preventing the VFD from being operated. This process may
take up to 30 seconds.

ALM4135 Vfd Dw VFD A Fail to Run Indicates the VFD has reported as not running or not ready during operation. Check the VFD fault history on
the HMI or datalogger. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken offline (lockout button pressed and
all disconnects open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD equipment).

ALM4136 Vfd Dw VFD A Motor Speed Mismatch Speed reported from the VFD does not match the Master VFD speed feedback. Check the VFD has no faults
present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the coupling
to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal.

ALM4137 Vfd Dw VFD A Motor Torque Mismatch Torque reported from the VFD does not match the Master VFD Torque feedback. Check the VFD has no faults
present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the coupling
to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal. Check the torque reference signal

ALM4138 Vfd Dw VFD A Torque Proving Mismatch Indicates the VFD / Motor did not generate the commanded torque during torque proving. Check the VFD has
no faults present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the
coupling to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal. Check the torque reference
signal wiring.

ALM4139 Vfd Dw VFD B Cubicle Fan Off Indicates the VFD Cubicle Fan Circuit breaker is in the OFF position. Warning - operating the VFD without
adequate cooling air may lead to overheating of the VFD. Turn the Fan circuit breaker ON.

ALM4140 Vfd Dw VFD B Motor Current Mismatch Current reported from the VFD does not match the Master VFD current feedback. Check the VFD has no
faults present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the
coupling to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal.

ALM4141 Vfd Dw VFD B Disconnect Open One or more VFD Disconnect is in the open position. Close the disconnect to apply DC Bus Power to the VFD.
Check the auxiliary contact and wiring back to the PLC. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken
offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD

ALM4142 Vfd Dw VFD B Direction Mismatch Direction reported from the VFD does not match the Master VFD direction feedback. Check the VFD has no
faults present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the
coupling to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal.

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 28

www.oilfield.omron.com 713-856-2508 oilfieldservice@omron.com

Alarms Summary

ALM4143 Vfd Dw VFD B Heartbeat Loss If the VFD heartbeat does not change state within 250msec - then the VFD is considered non-responsive.
Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects open
OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD equipment).

ALM4144 Vfd Dw VFD B Locked Out Indicates one or more lock-out pushbuttons have been depressed. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD
is taken offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD

ALM4145 Vfd Dw VFD B Keypad Control Activated The drawworks is prevented from running from the VFD keypad. This alarm should not occur unless the VFD
parameters are incorrectly set to allow keypad control. Contact Omron Oilfield and Marine technical support.

ALM4146 Vfd Dw VFD B is not Assigned Indicates VFD is not assigned. The drawworks can continue to operate with reduced capacity (as long as at
least one VFD is available). This alarm serves as a reminder the VFD has been disabled. To re-assign VFD,
close all disconnects and ensure all lock-out pushbuttons are up. On multiple VFD equipment, there may also
be a disable keyswitch which should be in the enable position.

ALM4147 Vfd Dw VFD B Profibus Comms Lost Indicates the VFD Profibus node is not seen by the PLC. Check the wiring between the PLC and VFD SI-P
card. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects
open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD equipment).

ALM4148 Vfd Dw VFD B Parameters Loading Indicates the VFD Parameters are being loaded, preventing the VFD from being operated. This process may
take up to 30 seconds.

ALM4149 Vfd Dw VFD B Fail to Run Indicates the VFD has reported as not running or not ready during operation. Check the VFD fault history on
the HMI or datalogger. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken offline (lockout button pressed and
all disconnects open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD equipment).

ALM4150 Vfd Dw VFD B Motor Speed Mismatch Speed reported from the VFD does not match the Master VFD speed feedback. Check the VFD has no faults
present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the coupling
to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal.

ALM4151 Vfd Dw VFD B Motor Torque Mismatch Torque reported from the VFD does not match the Master VFD Torque feedback. Check the VFD has no faults
present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the coupling
to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal. Check the torque reference signal

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 29

www.oilfield.omron.com 713-856-2508 oilfieldservice@omron.com

Alarms Summary

ALM4152 Vfd Dw VFD B Torque Proving Mismatch Indicates the VFD / Motor did not generate the commanded torque during torque proving. Check the VFD has
no faults present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the
coupling to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal. Check the torque reference
signal wiring.

ALM4153 Vfd Dw VFD C Cubicle Fan Off Indicates the VFD Cubicle Fan Circuit breaker is in the OFF position. Warning - operating the VFD without
adequate cooling air may lead to overheating of the VFD. Turn the Fan circuit breaker ON.

ALM4154 Vfd Dw VFD C Motor Current Mismatch Current reported from the VFD does not match the Master VFD current feedback. Check the VFD has no
faults present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the
coupling to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal.

ALM4155 Vfd Dw VFD C Disconnect Open One or more VFD Disconnect is in the open position. Close the disconnect to apply DC Bus Power to the VFD.
Check the auxiliary contact and wiring back to the PLC. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken
offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD

ALM4156 Vfd Dw VFD C Direction Mismatch Direction reported from the VFD does not match the Master VFD direction feedback. Check the VFD has no
faults present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the
coupling to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal.

ALM4157 Vfd Dw VFD C Heartbeat Loss If the VFD heartbeat does not change state within 250msec - then the VFD is considered non-responsive.
Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects open
OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD equipment).

ALM4158 Vfd Dw VFD C Locked Out Indicates one or more lock-out pushbuttons have been depressed. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD
is taken offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD

ALM4159 Vfd Dw VFD C Keypad Control Activated The drawworks is prevented from running from the VFD keypad. This alarm should not occur unless the VFD
parameters are incorrectly set to allow keypad control. Contact Omron Oilfield and Marine technical support.

ALM4160 Vfd Dw VFD C is not Assigned Indicates VFD is not assigned. The drawworks can continue to operate with reduced capacity (as long as at
least one VFD is available). This alarm serves as a reminder the VFD has been disabled. To re-assign VFD,
close all disconnects and ensure all lock-out pushbuttons are up. On multiple VFD equipment, there may also
be a disable keyswitch which should be in the enable position.

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 30

www.oilfield.omron.com 713-856-2508 oilfieldservice@omron.com

Alarms Summary

ALM4161 Vfd Dw VFD C Profibus Comms Lost Indicates the VFD Profibus node is not seen by the PLC. Check the wiring between the PLC and VFD SI-P
card. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects
open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD equipment).

ALM4162 Vfd Dw VFD C Parameters Loading Indicates the VFD Parameters are being loaded, preventing the VFD from being operated. This process may
take up to 30 seconds.

ALM4163 Vfd Dw VFD C Fail to Run Indicates the VFD has reported as not running or not ready during operation. Check the VFD fault history on
the HMI or datalogger. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken offline (lockout button pressed and
all disconnects open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD equipment).

ALM4164 Vfd Dw VFD C Motor Speed Mismatch Speed reported from the VFD does not match the Master VFD speed feedback. Check the VFD has no faults
present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the coupling
to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal.

ALM4165 Vfd Dw VFD C Motor Torque Mismatch Torque reported from the VFD does not match the Master VFD Torque feedback. Check the VFD has no faults
present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the coupling
to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal. Check the torque reference signal

ALM4166 Vfd Dw VFD C Torque Proving Mismatch Indicates the VFD / Motor did not generate the commanded torque during torque proving. Check the VFD has
no faults present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the
coupling to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal. Check the torque reference
signal wiring.

ALM4167 Vfd Dw VFD D Cubicle Fan Off Indicates the VFD Cubicle Fan Circuit breaker is in the OFF position. Warning - operating the VFD without
adequate cooling air may lead to overheating of the VFD. Turn the Fan circuit breaker ON.

ALM4168 Vfd Dw VFD D Motor Current Mismatch Current reported from the VFD does not match the Master VFD current feedback. Check the VFD has no
faults present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the
coupling to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal.

ALM4169 Vfd Dw VFD D Disconnect Open One or more VFD Disconnect is in the open position. Close the disconnect to apply DC Bus Power to the VFD.
Check the auxiliary contact and wiring back to the PLC. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken
offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 31

www.oilfield.omron.com 713-856-2508 oilfieldservice@omron.com

Alarms Summary

ALM4170 Vfd Dw VFD D Direction Mismatch Direction reported from the VFD does not match the Master VFD direction feedback. Check the VFD has no
faults present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the
coupling to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal.

ALM4171 Vfd Dw VFD D Heartbeat Loss If the VFD heartbeat does not change state within 250msec - then the VFD is considered non-responsive.
Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects open
OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD equipment).

ALM4172 Vfd Dw VFD D Locked Out Indicates one or more lock-out pushbuttons have been depressed. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD
is taken offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD

ALM4173 Vfd Dw VFD D Keypad Control Activated The drawworks is prevented from running from the VFD keypad. This alarm should not occur unless the VFD
parameters are incorrectly set to allow keypad control. Contact Omron Oilfield and Marine technical support.

ALM4174 Vfd Dw VFD D is not Assigned Indicates VFD is not assigned. The drawworks can continue to operate with reduced capacity (as long as at
least one VFD is available). This alarm serves as a reminder the VFD has been disabled. To re-assign VFD,
close all disconnects and ensure all lock-out pushbuttons are up. On multiple VFD equipment, there may also
be a disable keyswitch which should be in the enable position.

ALM4175 Vfd Dw VFD D Profibus Comms Lost Indicates the VFD Profibus node is not seen by the PLC. Check the wiring between the PLC and VFD SI-P
card. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects
open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD equipment).

ALM4176 Vfd Dw VFD D Parameters Loading Indicates the VFD Parameters are being loaded, preventing the VFD from being operated. This process may
take up to 30 seconds.

ALM4177 Vfd Dw VFD D Fail to Run Indicates the VFD has reported as not running or not ready during operation. Check the VFD fault history on
the HMI or datalogger. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken offline (lockout button pressed and
all disconnects open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD equipment).

ALM4178 Vfd Dw VFD D Motor Speed Mismatch Speed reported from the VFD does not match the Master VFD speed feedback. Check the VFD has no faults
present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the coupling
to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal.

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 32

www.oilfield.omron.com 713-856-2508 oilfieldservice@omron.com

Alarms Summary

ALM4179 Vfd Dw VFD D Motor Torque Mismatch Torque reported from the VFD does not match the Master VFD Torque feedback. Check the VFD has no faults
present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the coupling
to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal. Check the torque reference signal

ALM4180 Vfd Dw VFD D Torque Proving Mismatch Indicates the VFD / Motor did not generate the commanded torque during torque proving. Check the VFD has
no faults present. Check the motor leads and motor for damage (megga-test the leads and motor). Check the
coupling to the gearbox for damage. Check the motor encoder mounting/signal. Check the torque reference
signal wiring.

ALM4181 Vfd Dw VFD Major Fault One or more of the enabled VFDs is reporting a Major Fault. To reset the drive, with the joystick in the park
position, hold down the alarm reset pushbutton until the alarm clears.

ALM4182 Vfd Dw Vfd Zero Servo Fault This alarm is raised when the drawworks is trying to hold the stopped position and the drive does not report
the zero servo completed status. Check the encoder signals and the mounting of the encoder to the (master)

ALM4183 Vfd Td VFD Parameter Set#2 Sel Fault Indicates that the VFD has not successfully changed to use Motor Parameter Set #2. This Parameter set is
required for operating the VFD in encoder bypass mode. Contact Omron Oilfield and Marine technical support.

ALM4184 Vfd Td VFD Cubicle Fan Off Indicates the VFD Cubicle Fan Circuit breaker is in the OFF position. Warning - operating the VFD without
adequate cooling air may lead to overheating of the VFD. Turn the Fan circuit breaker ON.

ALM4185 Vfd Td VFD Disconnect Open One or more VFD Disconnect is in the open position. Close the disconnect to apply DC Bus Power to the VFD.
Check the auxiliary contact and wiring back to the PLC. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken
offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD

ALM4186 Vfd Td VFD Heartbeat Loss If the VFD heartbeat does not change state within 250msec - then the VFD is considered non-responsive.
Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects open
OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD equipment).

ALM4187 Vfd Td VFD Locked Out Indicates one or more lock-out pushbuttons have been depressed. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD
is taken offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD

ALM4188 Vfd Td VFD Keypad Control Activated The Topdrive is prevented from running from the VFD keypad. This alarm should not occur unless the VFD
parameters are incorrectly set to allow keypad control. Contact Omron Oilfield and Marine technical support.

ALM4189 Vfd Td VFD Major Fault The VFD is reporting a Major Fault. To reset the drive, with the joystick in the park position, hold down the
alarm reset pushbutton until the alarm clears.

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 33

www.oilfield.omron.com 713-856-2508 oilfieldservice@omron.com

Alarms Summary

ALM4190 Vfd Td VFD is not Assigned Indicates VFD is not assigned. This alarm serves as a reminder the VFD has been disabled. To re-assign
VFD, close all disconnects and ensure all lock-out pushbuttons are up. On multiple VFD equipment, there may
also be a disable keyswitch which should be in the enable position.

ALM4191 Vfd Td VFD Profibus Comms Lost Indicates the VFD Profibus node is not seen by the PLC. Check the wiring between the PLC and VFD SI-P
card. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken offline (lockout button pressed and all disconnects
open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD equipment).

ALM4192 Vfd Td VFD Parameters Loading Indicates the VFD Parameters are being loaded, preventing the VFD from being operated. This process may
take up to 30 seconds.

ALM4193 Vfd Td VFD Fail to Run Indicates the VFD has reported as not running or not ready during operation. Check the VFD fault history on
the HMI or datalogger. Note - this alarm is disabled when the VFD is taken offline (lockout button pressed and
all disconnects open OR keyswitch is activated on multiple VFD equipment).

ALM4194 Vfd Td Zero Servo Fault Indicates the topdrive is trying to hold the stopped position and the VFD does not report the zero servo
completed status. Check the encoder signals and the mounting of the encoder to the motor.

ALM5000 Coms Scr Plc Clk Coms Lost with Gtwy Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM5001 Coms Scr Plc Clk Coms Lost with Ler Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM5002 Coms Scr Plc Clk Coms Lost with Pcr #2 Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM5003 Coms Scr Plc Clk Coms Lost with Vfd Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM5004 Coms Scr Plc Clk Coms Lost with Pcr #1 Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM5005 Coms Mp1 Scr Profibus Communications Loss Indicates the Profibus slave node is not seen by the PLC. Check the wiring/fiber connection between the PLC
profibus master and the slave module. Check the Profibus repeater modules for correct operation.

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Alarms Summary

ALM5006 Coms Mp1 Scr Plc Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault condition or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

ALM5007 Coms Mp2 Scr Profibus Communications Loss Indicates the Profibus slave node is not seen by the PLC. Check the wiring/fiber connection between the PLC
profibus master and the slave module. Check the Profibus repeater modules for correct operation.

ALM5008 Coms Mp2 Scr Plc Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault condition or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

ALM5009 Coms Mp3 Scr Profibus Communications Loss Indicates the Profibus slave node is not seen by the PLC. Check the wiring/fiber connection between the PLC
profibus master and the slave module. Check the Profibus repeater modules for correct operation.

ALM5010 Coms Mp3 Scr Plc Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault condition or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

ALM5011 Coms Mp Local Ctrl Scr Profibus Comms Loss Indicates the Profibus slave node is not seen by the PLC. Check the wiring/fiber connection between the PLC
profibus master and the slave module. Check the Profibus repeater modules for correct operation.

ALM5012 Coms Mp Local Ctrl Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault condition or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

ALM5013 Coms Scr Plc Profibus Module Fault The PLC Profibus Module has indicated a fault condition. Make note of the diagnostic lamps on the PLC
module and refer to the OMRON Profibus DP Master Units Operation Manual for further troubleshooting

ALM5014 Coms Mp Scr Plc Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault condition or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

ALM5015 Mp Mp1 Scr Positive Bridge Hi Temp Indicates the Scr Bridge has exceeded it's maximum temperature.Verify that the SCR Bridge Blower is
functioning properly and flow paths are unobstructed. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for damage.
Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5016 Mp Mp2 Scr Positive Bridge Hi Temp Indicates the Scr Bridge has exceeded it's maximum temperature.Verify that the SCR Bridge Blower is
functioning properly and flow paths are unobstructed. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for damage.
Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 35

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Alarms Summary

ALM5017 Mp Mp3 Scr Positive Bridge Hi Temp Indicates the Scr Bridge has exceeded it's maximum temperature.Verify that the SCR Bridge Blower is
functioning properly and flow paths are unobstructed. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for damage.
Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5018 Mp Mp1 Scr Negative Bridge Hi Temp Indicates the Scr Bridge has exceeded it's maximum temperature.Verify that the SCR Bridge Blower is
functioning properly and flow paths are unobstructed. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for damage.
Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5019 Mp Mp2 Scr Negative Bridge Hi Temp Indicates the Scr Bridge has exceeded it's maximum temperature.Verify that the SCR Bridge Blower is
functioning properly and flow paths are unobstructed. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for damage.
Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5020 Mp Mp3 Scr Negative Bridge Hi Temp Indicates the Scr Bridge has exceeded it's maximum temperature.Verify that the SCR Bridge Blower is
functioning properly and flow paths are unobstructed. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for damage.
Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5021 Mp Mp1 Scr Disconnect Open Indicates the Scr main disconnect is open. Close the disconnect and verify the auxiliary switch changes state.

ALM5022 Mp Mp2 Scr Disconnect Open Indicates the Scr main disconnect is open. Close the disconnect and verify the auxiliary switch changes state.

ALM5023 Mp Mp3 Scr Disconnect Open Indicates the Scr main disconnect is open. Close the disconnect and verify the auxiliary switch changes state.

ALM5024 Mp Mp1 Scr Positive Bridge Heatsink Hi Temp Indicates the Scr bridge heatsink has exceeded it’s maximum temperature. Verify that the SCR Bridge Blower
is functioning properly and flow paths are unobstructed. Verify that the temperature switch is working correctly
and opens once the system has cooled down. Check affected heatsink for damage.

ALM5025 Mp Mp1 Scr Negative Bridge Heatsink Hi Temp Indicates the Scr bridge heatsink has exceeded it’s maximum temperature. Verify that the SCR Bridge Blower
is functioning properly and flow paths are unobstructed. Verify that the temperature switch is working correctly
and opens once the system has cooled down. Check affected heatsink for damage.

ALM5026 Mp Mp1 Surge Suppression Circuit Fault Indicates the Scr bridge surge suppression circuit has faulted. Check Surge Suppression Fuses.Replace surge
suppression circuit.

ALM5027 Mp Mp1 Positive Blower Overload Indicates the Scr bridge blower has stopped on overload. Check Scr bridge for overheating damage. Check
blower wiring connection for loose wires. Allow system to cool down and see if the blower overload has

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 36

www.oilfield.omron.com 713-856-2508 oilfieldservice@omron.com

Alarms Summary

ALM5028 Mp Mp1 Negative Blower Overload Indicates the Scr bridge blower has stopped on overload. Check Scr bridge for overheating damage. Check
blower wiring connection for loose wires. Allow system to cool down and see if the blower overload has

ALM5029 Mp Mp1 Belt Slip Activated Indicates a Belt Slip has been detected. Check Mudpump Belt and mechanical integrity of the mudpumps.
Verify belt slip detection board wiring.

ALM5030 Mp Mp1 Fuse 1 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5031 Mp Mp1 Fuse 2 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5032 Mp Mp1 Fuse 3 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5033 Mp Mp1 Fuse 4 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5034 Mp Mp1 Fuse 5 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5035 Mp Mp1 Fuse 6 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5036 Mp Mp1 Fuse 7 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5037 Mp Mp1 Fuse 8 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5038 Mp Mp1 Fuse 9 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

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Alarms Summary

ALM5039 Mp Mp1 Fuse 10 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5040 Mp Mp1 Fuse 11 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5041 Mp Mp1 Fuse 12 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5042 Mp Mp1 Output Contactor Fault Indicates the Scr output contactor is faulted. The Positive or the Negative Contactor did not close. Check each
contactor and the auxiliary feedback.

ALM5043 Mp Mp1 Scr Belt Slip Failed to Reset Indicates the Scr Belt Slip cannot be reset. Check the Belt Slip Plc output and feedback and the Belt Slip
control board.

ALM5044 Mp Mp1 Auxilliary Fault While Running If mudpump is running and one of the auxilliaries Faults, this alarm will sound the horn. Stop the pump as soon
as possible and determine which Auxilliary has faulted.

ALM5045 Mp Mp1 Lube Flow Low The lube oil flow alarm is activated when the mudpump lube oil flow switch opens with the lube oil pump

ALM5046 Mp Mp1 Lube Pressure Low The lube oil low pressure alarm is activated when the mudpump oil pressure switch opens with the lube oil
pump running.

ALM5047 Mp Mp1 Lube Temp High The lube oil high temp alarm is activated when the mudpump oil temp switch opens with the lube oil pump

ALM5048 Mp Mp1 Motor A Blower Pressure Low Mudpump Blower Low Pressure Indication. Check pressure switch is correctly adjusted. Check Blower.

ALM5049 Mp Mp1 Motor B Blower Pressure Low Mudpump Blower Low Pressure Indication. Check pressure switch is correctly adjusted. Check Blower.

ALM5050 Mp Mp 1 Charge Pump Fail to Run Indicates there is a fault with the MCC. Look at the MCC diagnostics page on the HMI to determine what the
cause of the alarm is. In an emergency the alarm may be overridden and operations continued. WARNING:
overriding the alarm will permit the equipment to run without the auxiliary running, which may cause damage.

ALM5051 Mp Mp1 Lube Pump Fail to Run Indicates there is a fault with the MCC. Look at the MCC diagnostics page on the HMI to determine what the
cause of the alarm is. In an emergency the alarm may be overridden and operations continued. WARNING:
overriding the alarm will permit the equipment to run without the auxiliary running, which may cause damage.

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Alarms Summary

ALM5052 Mp Mp1 Liner Wash Fail to Run Indicates there is a fault with the MCC. Look at the MCC diagnostics page on the HMI to determine what the
cause of the alarm is. In an emergency the alarm may be overridden and operations continued. WARNING:
overriding the alarm will permit the equipment to run without the auxiliary running, which may cause damage.

ALM5053 Mp Mp 1 Motor A Blower Fail to Run Indicates there is a fault with the MCC. Look at the MCC diagnostics page on the HMI to determine what the
cause of the alarm is. In an emergency the alarm may be overridden and operations continued. WARNING:
overriding the alarm will permit the equipment to run without the auxiliary running, which may cause damage.

ALM5054 Mp Mp 1 Motor B Blower Fail to Run Indicates there is a fault with the MCC. Look at the MCC diagnostics page on the HMI to determine what the
cause of the alarm is. In an emergency the alarm may be overridden and operations continued. WARNING:
overriding the alarm will permit the equipment to run without the auxiliary running, which may cause damage.

ALM5055 Mp Mp2 Scr Positive Bridge Heatsink Hi Temp Indicates the Scr bridge heatsink has exceeded it’s maximum temperature. Verify that the SCR Bridge Blower
is functioning properly and flow paths are unobstructed. Verify that the temperature switch is working correctly
and opens once the system has cooled down. Check affected heatsink for damage.

ALM5056 Mp Mp2 Scr Negative Bridge Heatsink Hi Temp Indicates the Scr bridge heatsink has exceeded it’s maximum temperature. Verify that the SCR Bridge Blower
is functioning properly and flow paths are unobstructed. Verify that the temperature switch is working correctly
and opens once the system has cooled down. Check affected heatsink for damage.

ALM5057 Mp Mp2 Surge Suppression Circuit Fault Indicates the Scr bridge surge suppression circuit has faulted. Check Surge Suppression Fuses.Replace surge
suppression circuit.

ALM5058 Mp Mp2 Positive Blower Overload Indicates the Scr bridge blower has stopped on overload. Check Scr bridge for overheating damage. Check
blower wiring connection for loose wires. Allow system to cool down and see if the blower overload has

ALM5059 Mp Mp2 Negative Blower Overload Indicates the Scr bridge blower has stopped on overload. Check Scr bridge for overheating damage. Check
blower wiring connection for loose wires. Allow system to cool down and see if the blower overload has

ALM5060 Mp Mp2 Belt Slip Activated Indicates a Belt Slip has been detected. Check Mudpump Belt and mechanical integrity of the mudpumps.
Verify belt slip detection board wiring.

ALM5061 Mp Mp2 Fuse 1 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

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Alarms Summary

ALM5062 Mp Mp2 Fuse 2 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5063 Mp Mp2 Fuse 3 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5064 Mp Mp2 Fuse 4 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5065 Mp Mp2 Fuse 5 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5066 Mp Mp2 Fuse 6 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5067 Mp Mp2 Fuse 7 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5068 Mp Mp2 Fuse 8 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5069 Mp Mp2 Fuse 9 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5070 Mp Mp2 Fuse 10 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5071 Mp Mp2 Fuse 11 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5072 Mp Mp2 Fuse 12 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

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Alarms Summary

ALM5073 Mp Mp2 Output Contactor Fault Indicates the Scr output contactor is faulted. The Positive or the Negative Contactor did not close. Check each
contactor and the auxiliary feedback.

ALM5074 Mp Mp2 Scr Belt Slip Failed to Reset Indicates the Scr Belt Slip cannot be reset. Check the Belt Slip Plc output and feedback and the Belt Slip
control board.

ALM5075 Mp Mp2 Auxilliary Fault While Running If mudpump is running and one of the auxilliaries Faults, this alarm will sound the horn. Stop the pump as soon
as possible and determine which Auxilliary has faulted.

ALM5076 Mp Mp2 Lube Flow Low The lube oil flow alarm is activated when the mudpump lube oil flow switch opens with the lube oil pump

ALM5077 Mp Mp2 Lube Pressure Low The lube oil low pressure alarm is activated when the mudpump oil pressure switch opens with the lube oil
pump running.

ALM5078 Mp Mp2 Lube Temp High The lube oil high temp alarm is activated when the mudpump oil temp switch opens with the lube oil pump

ALM5079 Mp Mp2 Motor A Blower Pressure Low Mudpump Blower Low Pressure Indication. Check pressure switch is correctly adjusted. Check Blower.

ALM5080 Mp Mp2 Motor B Blower Pressure Low Mudpump Blower Low Pressure Indication. Check pressure switch is correctly adjusted. Check Blower.

ALM5081 Mp Mp2 Charge Pump Fail to Run Indicates there is a fault with the MCC. Look at the MCC diagnostics page on the HMI to determine what the
cause of the alarm is. In an emergency the alarm may be overridden and operations continued. WARNING:
overriding the alarm will permit the equipment

ALM5082 Mp Mp2 Lube Pump Fail to Run Indicates there is a fault with the MCC. Look at the MCC diagnostics page on the HMI to determine what the
cause of the alarm is. In an emergency the alarm may be overridden and operations continued. WARNING:
overriding the alarm will permit the equipment

ALM5083 Mp Mp2 Liner Wash Fail to Run Indicates there is a fault with the MCC. Look at the MCC diagnostics page on the HMI to determine what the
cause of the alarm is. In an emergency the alarm may be overridden and operations continued. WARNING:
overriding the alarm will permit the equipment

ALM5084 Mp Mp2 Motor A Blower Fail to Run Indicates there is a fault with the MCC. Look at the MCC diagnostics page on the HMI to determine what the
cause of the alarm is. In an emergency the alarm may be overridden and operations continued. WARNING:
overriding the alarm will permit the equipment

ALM5085 Mp Mp2 Motor B Blower Fail to Run Indicates there is a fault with the MCC. Look at the MCC diagnostics page on the HMI to determine what the
cause of the alarm is. In an emergency the alarm may be overridden and operations continued. WARNING:
overriding the alarm will permit the equipment

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Alarms Summary

ALM5086 Mp Mp3 Scr Positive Bridge Heatsink Hi Temp Indicates the Scr bridge heatsink has exceeded it’s maximum temperature. Verify that the SCR Bridge Blower
is functioning properly and flow paths are unobstructed. Verify that the temperature switch is working correctly
and opens once the system has cooled down. Check affected heatsink for damage.

ALM5087 Mp Mp3 Scr Negative Bridge Heatsink Hi Temp Indicates the Scr bridge heatsink has exceeded it’s maximum temperature. Verify that the SCR Bridge Blower
is functioning properly and flow paths are unobstructed. Verify that the temperature switch is working correctly
and opens once the system has cooled down. Check affected heatsink for damage.

ALM5088 Mp Mp3 Surge Suppression Circuit Fault Indicates the Scr bridge surge suppression circuit has faulted.Check Surge Suppression Fuses. Replace surge
suppression circuit.

ALM5089 Mp Mp3 Positive Blower Overload Indicates the Scr bridge blower has stopped on overload. Check Scr bridge for overheating damage. Check
blower wiring connection for loose wires. Allow system to cool down and see if the blower overload has

ALM5090 Mp Mp3 Negative Blower Overload Indicates the Scr bridge blower has stopped on overload. Check Scr bridge for overheating damage. Check
blower wiring connection for loose wires. Allow system to cool down and see if the blower overload has

ALM5091 Mp Mp3 Belt Slip Activated Indicates a Belt Slip has been detected. Check Mudpump Belt and mechanical integrity of the mudpumps.
Verify belt slip detection board wiring.

ALM5092 Mp Mp3 Fuse 1 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5093 Mp Mp3 Fuse 2 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5094 Mp Mp3 Fuse 3 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5095 Mp Mp3 Fuse 4 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5096 Mp Mp3 Fuse 5 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

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Alarms Summary

ALM5097 Mp Mp3 Fuse 6 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5098 Mp Mp3 Fuse 7 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5099 Mp Mp3 Fuse 8 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5100 Mp Mp3 Fuse 9 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5101 Mp Mp3 Fuse 10 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5102 Mp Mp3 Fuse 11 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5103 Mp Mp3 Fuse 12 is Blown Indicates an Scr Fuse is blown. Check the microswitch connection and verify the fuse is open. Check all
SCR(s) for short circuits. Replace as necessary. Replace fuse. Check Scr and DC Motor connections for
damage. Verify Scr's are firing correctly.

ALM5104 Mp Mp3 Output Contactor Fault Indicates the Scr output contactor is faulted. The Positive or the Negative Contactor did not close. Check each
contactor and the auxiliary feedback.

ALM5105 Mp Mp3 Scr Belt Slip Failed to Reset Indicates the Scr Belt Slip cannot be reset. Check the Belt Slip Plc output and feedback and the Belt Slip
control board.

ALM5106 Mp Mp3 Auxilliary Fault While Running If mudpump is running and one of the auxilliaries Faults, this alarm will sound the horn. Stop the pump as soon
as possible and determine which Auxilliary has faulted.

ALM5107 Mp Mp3 Lube Flow Low The lube oil flow alarm is activated when the mudpump lube oil flow switch opens with the lube oil pump

ALM5108 Mp Mp3 Lube Pressure Low The lube oil low pressure alarm is activated when the mudpump oil pressure switch opens with the lube oil
pump running.

ALM5109 Mp Mp3 Lube Temp High The lube oil high temp alarm is activated when the mudpump oil temp switch opens with the lube oil pump

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Alarms Summary

ALM5110 Mp Mp3 Motor A Blower Pressure Low Mudpump Blower Low Pressure Indication. Check pressure switch is correctly adjusted. Check Blower.

ALM5111 Mp Mp3 Motor B Blower Pressure Low Mudpump Blower Low Pressure Indication. Check pressure switch is correctly adjusted. Check Blower.

ALM5112 Mp Mp3 Charge Pump Fail to Run Indicates there is a fault with the MCC. Look at the MCC diagnostics page on the HMI to determine what the
cause of the alarm is. In an emergency the alarm may be overridden and operations continued. WARNING:
overriding the alarm will permit the equipment

ALM5113 Mp Mp3 Lube Pump Fail to Run Indicates there is a fault with the MCC. Look at the MCC diagnostics page on the HMI to determine what the
cause of the alarm is. In an emergency the alarm may be overridden and operations continued. WARNING:
overriding the alarm will permit the equipment

ALM5114 Mp Mp3 Liner Wash Fail to Run Indicates there is a fault with the MCC. Look at the MCC diagnostics page on the HMI to determine what the
cause of the alarm is. In an emergency the alarm may be overridden and operations continued. WARNING:
overriding the alarm will permit the equipment

ALM5115 Mp Mp3 Motor A Blower Fail to Run Indicates there is a fault with the MCC. Look at the MCC diagnostics page on the HMI to determine what the
cause of the alarm is. In an emergency the alarm may be overridden and operations continued. WARNING:
overriding the alarm will permit the equipment

ALM5116 Mp Mp3 Motor B Blower Fail to Run Indicates there is a fault with the MCC. Look at the MCC diagnostics page on the HMI to determine what the
cause of the alarm is. In an emergency the alarm may be overridden and operations continued. WARNING:
overriding the alarm will permit the equipment

ALM5117 Mp Open Mudsaver (Ibop) to Start Pumps When the Mudsaver valve interlock is enabled on the Mudpump set-up screen, the system will prevent the
mudpumps from being started with the mud-saver valve closed. In order to allow the pumps to pressure test
against the mud-saver valve, disable this interlock from the mud-pump set-up screen. Note:- this interlock
should be enabled at all other times.

ALM5118 Mp Mudpump High Pressure Mudpump pressure limit controler has failed to prevent the standpipe pressure from exceeding the high alarm
setpoint. This may be caused if there is a sudden restriction of the standpipe or downhole assembly.

ALM5119 Mp Mudpump Low Pressure Indicates the standpipe pressure has fallen below the low pressure alarm setpoint. Causes can include wash-
outs in the downhole assembly or a pump problem.

ALM5120 Mp Mudpumps Failed To Sync Mudpumps have not synced after 15 minutes of trying to sync. Check the proximity switches are functioning

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Alarms Summary

ALM5121 Mp Standpipe Pressure #1 Sensor Fault The Standpipe pressure sensor has an open circuit. Check the wiring from the sensor back to the control
system. Check the sensor is working. If there are two sensors, the control system will automatically switch to
the second sensor if it is healthy. If there are no healthy sensors, Drilling with Delta-P will not be possible if
this alarm is present.

ALM5122 Mp Standpipe Pressure #2 Sensor Fault The Standpipe pressure sensor has an open circuit. Check the wiring from the sensor back to the control
system. Check the sensor is working. If there are two sensors, the control system will automatically switch to
the second sensor if it is healthy. If there are no healthy sensors, Drilling with Delta-P will not be possible if
this alarm is present.

ALM5123 Mp Mp Esd Pushbutton Pressed Indicates the Mudpump ESD Pushbutton has been pressed. The Mudpump System will be shut down.

ALM5124 Mp Mp1 ESR Circuit Fault Indicates a problem has been detected with the emergency stop circuit. The Relay has not tripped upon
actuation of one of the hardwired devices. Check the wiring of the emergency stop circuit and the relay for
function. Contact OOM Field Service for further assistance.

ALM5125 Mp Mp1 Mtr A Lockout Relay Fault Indicates a problem has been detected with the emergency stop circuit. The Relay has not tripped upon
actuation of one of the hardwired devices. Check the wiring of the emergency stop circuit and the relay for
function. Contact OOM Field Service for further assistance.

ALM5126 Mp Mp1 Mtr B Lockout Relay Fault Indicates a problem has been detected with the emergency stop circuit. The Relay has not tripped upon
actuation of one of the hardwired devices. Check the wiring of the emergency stop circuit and the relay for
function. Contact OOM Field Service for further assistance.

ALM5127 Mp Mp2 Mtr A Lockout Relay Fault Indicates a problem has been detected with the emergency stop circuit. The Relay has not tripped upon
actuation of one of the hardwired devices. Check the wiring of the emergency stop circuit and the relay for
function. Contact OOM Field Service for further assistance.

ALM5128 Mp Mp2 Mtr B Lockout Relay Fault Indicates a problem has been detected with the emergency stop circuit. The Relay has not tripped upon
actuation of one of the hardwired devices. Check the wiring of the emergency stop circuit and the relay for
function. Contact OOM Field Service for further assistance.

ALM5129 Mp Mp3 Mtr A Lockout Relay Fault Indicates a problem has been detected with the emergency stop circuit. The Relay has not tripped upon
actuation of one of the hardwired devices. Check the wiring of the emergency stop circuit and the relay for
function. Contact OOM Field Service for further assistance.

ALM5130 Mp Mp3 Mtr B Lockout Relay Fault Indicates a problem has been detected with the emergency stop circuit. The Relay has not tripped upon
actuation of one of the hardwired devices. Check the wiring of the emergency stop circuit and the relay for
function. Contact OOM Field Service for further assistance.

ALM5131 Mp Mp1 Mtr A Locked Out Indicates one or more lock-out pushbuttons have been depressed.

ALM5132 Mp Mp1 Mtr B Locked Out Indicates one or more lock-out pushbuttons have been depressed.

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Alarms Summary

ALM5133 Mp Mp2 Mtr A Locked Out Indicates one or more lock-out pushbuttons have been depressed.

ALM5134 Mp Mp2 Mtr B Locked Out Indicates one or more lock-out pushbuttons have been depressed.

ALM5135 Mp Mp3 Mtr A Locked Out Indicates one or more lock-out pushbuttons have been depressed.

ALM5136 Mp Mp3 Mtr B Locked Out Indicates one or more lock-out pushbuttons have been depressed.

ALM5137 Mp Mp2 ESR Circuit Fault Indicates a problem has been detected with the emergency stop circuit. The Relay has not tripped upon
actuation of one of the hardwired devices. Check the wiring of the emergency stop circuit and the relay for
function. Contact OOM Field Service for further assistance.

ALM5138 Mp Mp3 ESR Circuit Fault Indicates a problem has been detected with the emergency stop circuit. The Relay has not tripped upon
actuation of one of the hardwired devices. Check the wiring of the emergency stop circuit and the relay for
function. Contact OOM Field Service for further assistance.

ALM5139 Mp Mp1 Belt Slip Ratio Too High Indicates a problem with the calculated belt slip. Check Encoder and Proximity switch for proper operation.

ALM5140 Mp Mp2 Belt Slip Ratio Too High Indicates a problem with the calculated belt slip. Check Encoder and Proximity switch for proper operation.

ALM5141 Mp Mp3 Belt Slip Ratio Too High Indicates a problem with the calculated belt slip. Check Encoder and Proximity switch for proper operation.

ALM6000 Coms Pcr #1 Plc Clk Coms Lost with Gtwy Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM6001 Coms Pcr #1 Plc Clk Coms Lost with Ler Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM6002 Coms Pcr #1 Plc Clk Coms Lost with Pcr #2 Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM6003 Coms Pcr #1 Plc Clk Coms Lost with Vfd Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

ALM6004 Coms Pcr #1 Plc Clk Coms Lost with Scr Plc Indicates the controller link heartbeat (incrementing counter) sent from the destination is not updating at the
local node. This may be caused by an interuption to the wiring, or if the destination node is switched off or not

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Alarms Summary

ALM6005 Coms Pcr #1 Plc Profibus Module Fault The PLC Profibus Module has indicated a fault condition. Make note of the diagnostic lamps on the PLC
module and refer to the OMRON Profibus DP Master Units Operation Manual for further troubleshooting

ALM6006 Coms Dbm Cub #1 Profibus Communications Loss Indicates the Profibus slave node is not seen by the PLC. Check the wiring/fiber connection between the PLC
profibus master and the slave module. Check the Profibus repeater modules for correct operation.

ALM6007 Coms Dbm Cub #1 Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault conditon or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

ALM6008 Coms Dbm Cub #2 Profibus Communications Loss Indicates the Profibus slave node is not seen by the PLC. Check the wiring/fiber connection between the PLC
profibus master and the slave module. Check the Profibus repeater modules for correct operation.

ALM6009 Coms Dbm Cub #2 Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault conditon or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

ALM6010 Coms Em Gen Cub Profibus Communications Loss Indicates the Profibus slave node is not seen by the PLC. Check the wiring/fiber connection between the PLC
profibus master and the slave module. Check the Profibus repeater modules for correct operation.

ALM6011 Coms Em Gen Cub Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault conditon or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

ALM6012 Coms Gen 1 Cub Profibus Communications Loss Indicates the Profibus slave node is not seen by the PLC. Check the wiring/fiber connection between the PLC
profibus master and the slave module. Check the Profibus repeater modules for correct operation.

ALM6013 Coms Gen 1 Cub Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault conditon or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

ALM6014 Coms Gen 2 Cub Profibus Communications Loss Indicates the Profibus slave node is not seen by the PLC. Check the wiring/fiber connection between the PLC
profibus master and the slave module. Check the Profibus repeater modules for correct operation.

ALM6015 Coms Gen 2 Cub Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault conditon or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

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Alarms Summary

ALM6016 Coms Gen 3 Cub Profibus Communications Loss Indicates the Profibus slave node is not seen by the PLC. Check the wiring/fiber connection between the PLC
profibus master and the slave module. Check the Profibus repeater modules for correct operation.

ALM6017 Coms Gen 3 Cub Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault conditon or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

ALM6018 Coms Gen 4 Cub Profibus Communications Loss Indicates the Profibus slave node is not seen by the PLC. Check the wiring/fiber connection between the PLC
profibus master and the slave module. Check the Profibus repeater modules for correct operation.

ALM6019 Coms Gen 4 Cub Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault conditon or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

ALM6020 Coms Gen 5 Cub Profibus Communications Loss Indicates the Profibus slave node is not seen by the PLC. Check the wiring/fiber connection between the PLC
profibus master and the slave module. Check the Profibus repeater modules for correct operation.

ALM6021 Coms Gen 5 Cub Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault conditon or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

ALM6022 Coms Pcr #1 Plc Profibus Repeater Fault Indicates the Profibus fiber repeater module has experienced a fault conditon or loss of control power. Check
the LED fault indicators on the specific repeater module and refer to the Hirschmann manual for further details.

ALM6023 DynBrk Db Mod 1 Control Power Fault Indicates the braking module does not report the control power as healthy. Check the control power circuit
breaker and voltage at the module. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

ALM6024 DynBrk Db Mod 1 Disconnect Opened Indicates the braking module disconnect has been opened. The braking module will be disabled and taken
offline. Close the disconnect to re-assign the braking module. If this alarm appears when the disconnect is in
the closed position, check the wiring between the braking module and PLC.

ALM6025 DynBrk Db Mod 1 Module Fault Indicates the braking module has reported a fault. Before resetting the fault, refer to the HMI dynamic braking
diagnostics screen to determine which fault has been raised. Note - some of these faults require control power
to be cycled in order to clear. Refer to Bonitron Model M3452 Customer Reference Manual or Contact Omron
techincal support for further assistance. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

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Alarms Summary

ALM6026 DynBrk Db Mod 1 Fail to Assign as Master Indicates the braking module was not successfully assigned as the master braking module. Check the wiring
from the PLC to the braking module master assignment terminal contacts, and the feedback wiring from the
module back to the PLC. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off
the control power to the module. The system will then assign the next available module as master.

ALM6027 DynBrk Db Mod 1 Run Fault Indicates the dynamic braking module does not report a run status when issued a run command, or is
reporting a run status without a run command being present. Check the wiring between the PLC and the
module. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off the control power
to the module.

ALM6028 DynBrk Db Mod 2 Control Power Fault Indicates the braking module does not report the control power as healthy. Check the control power circuit
breaker and voltage at the module. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

ALM6029 DynBrk Db Mod 2 Disconnect Opened Indicates the braking module disconnect has been opened. The braking module will be disabled and taken
offline. Close the disconnect to re-assign the braking module. If this alarm appears when the disconnect is in
the closed position, check the wiring between the braking module and PLC.

ALM6030 DynBrk Db Mod 2 Module Fault Indicates the braking module has reported a fault. Before resetting the fault, refer to the HMI dynamic braking
diagnostics screen to determine which fault has been raised. Note - some of these faults require control power
to be cycled in order to clear. Refer to Bonitron Model M3452 Customer Reference Manual or Contact Omron
techincal support for further assistance. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

ALM6031 DynBrk Db Mod 2 Fail to Assign as Master Indicates the braking module was not successfully assigned as the master braking module. Check the wiring
from the PLC to the braking module master assignment terminal contacts, and the feedback wiring from the
module back to the PLC. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off
the control power to the module. The system will then assign the next available module as master.

ALM6032 DynBrk Db Mod 2 Run Fault Indicates the dynamic braking module does not report a run status when issued a run command, or is
reporting a run status without a run command being present. Check the wiring between the PLC and the
module. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off the control power
to the module.

ALM6033 DynBrk Db Mod 3 Control Power Fault Indicates the braking module does not report the control power as healthy. Check the control power circuit
breaker and voltage at the module. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 49

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Alarms Summary

ALM6034 DynBrk Db Mod 3 Disconnect Opened Indicates the braking module disconnect has been opened. The braking module will be disabled and taken
offline. Close the disconnect to re-assign the braking module. If this alarm appears when the disconnect is in
the closed position, check the wiring between the braking module and PLC.

ALM6035 DynBrk Db Mod 3 Module Fault Indicates the braking module has reported a fault. Before resetting the fault, refer to the HMI dynamic braking
diagnostics screen to determine which fault has been raised. Note - some of these faults require control power
to be cycled in order to clear. Refer to Bonitron Model M3452 Customer Reference Manual or Contact Omron
techincal support for further assistance. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

ALM6036 DynBrk Db Mod 3 Fail to Assign as Master Indicates the braking module was not successfully assigned as the master braking module. Check the wiring
from the PLC to the braking module master assignment terminal contacts, and the feedback wiring from the
module back to the PLC. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off
the control power to the module. The system will then assign the next available module as master.

ALM6037 DynBrk Db Mod 3 Run Fault Indicates the dynamic braking module does not report a run status when issued a run command, or is
reporting a run status without a run command being present. Check the wiring between the PLC and the
module. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off the control power
to the module.

ALM6038 DynBrk Db Mod 4 Control Power Fault Indicates the braking module does not report the control power as healthy. Check the control power circuit
breaker and voltage at the module. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

ALM6039 DynBrk Db Mod 4 Disconnect Opened Indicates the braking module disconnect has been opened. The braking module will be disabled and taken
offline. Close the disconnect to re-assign the braking module. If this alarm appears when the disconnect is in
the closed position, check the wiring between the braking module and PLC.

ALM6040 DynBrk Db Mod 4 Module Fault Indicates the braking module has reported a fault. Before resetting the fault, refer to the HMI dynamic braking
diagnostics screen to determine which fault has been raised. Note - some of these faults require control power
to be cycled in order to clear. Refer to Bonitron Model M3452 Customer Reference Manual or Contact Omron
techincal support for further assistance. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 50

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Alarms Summary

ALM6041 DynBrk Db Mod 4 Fail to Assign as Master Indicates the braking module was not successfully assigned as the master braking module. Check the wiring
from the PLC to the braking module master assignment terminal contacts, and the feedback wiring from the
module back to the PLC. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off
the control power to the module. The system will then assign the next available module as master.

ALM6042 DynBrk Db Mod 4 Run Fault Indicates the dynamic braking module does not report a run status when issued a run command, or is
reporting a run status without a run command being present. Check the wiring between the PLC and the
module. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off the control power
to the module.

ALM6043 DynBrk Db Mod 5 Control Power Fault Indicates the braking module does not report the control power as healthy. Check the control power circuit
breaker and voltage at the module. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

ALM6044 DynBrk Db Mod 5 Disconnect Opened Indicates the braking module disconnect has been opened. The braking module will be disabled and taken
offline. Close the disconnect to re-assign the braking module. If this alarm appears when the disconnect is in
the closed position, check the wiring between the braking module and PLC.

ALM6045 DynBrk Db Mod 5 Module Fault Indicates the braking module has reported a fault. Before resetting the fault, refer to the HMI dynamic braking
diagnostics screen to determine which fault has been raised. Note - some of these faults require control power
to be cycled in order to clear. Refer to Bonitron Model M3452 Customer Reference Manual or Contact Omron
techincal support for further assistance. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

ALM6046 DynBrk Db Mod 5 Fail to Assign as Master Indicates the braking module was not successfully assigned as the master braking module. Check the wiring
from the PLC to the braking module master assignment terminal contacts, and the feedback wiring from the
module back to the PLC. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off
the control power to the module. The system will then assign the next available module as master.

ALM6047 DynBrk Db Mod 5 Run Fault Indicates the dynamic braking module does not report a run status when issued a run command, or is
reporting a run status without a run command being present. Check the wiring between the PLC and the
module. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off the control power
to the module.

ALM6048 DynBrk Db Mod 6 Control Power Fault Indicates the braking module does not report the control power as healthy. Check the control power circuit
breaker and voltage at the module. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 51

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Alarms Summary

ALM6049 DynBrk Db Mod 6 Disconnect Opened Indicates the braking module disconnect has been opened. The braking module will be disabled and taken
offline. Close the disconnect to re-assign the braking module. If this alarm appears when the disconnect is in
the closed position, check the wiring between the braking module and PLC.

ALM6050 DynBrk Db Mod 6 Module Fault Indicates the braking module has reported a fault. Before resetting the fault, refer to the HMI dynamic braking
diagnostics screen to determine which fault has been raised. Note - some of these faults require control power
to be cycled in order to clear. Refer to Bonitron Model M3452 Customer Reference Manual or Contact Omron
techincal support for further assistance. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

ALM6051 DynBrk Db Mod 6 Fail to Assign as Master Indicates the braking module was not successfully assigned as the master braking module. Check the wiring
from the PLC to the braking module master assignment terminal contacts, and the feedback wiring from the
module back to the PLC. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off
the control power to the module. The system will then assign the next available module as master.

ALM6052 DynBrk Db Mod 6 Run Fault Indicates the dynamic braking module does not report a run status when issued a run command, or is
reporting a run status without a run command being present. Check the wiring between the PLC and the
module. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off the control power
to the module.

ALM6053 DynBrk Db Mod 7 Control Power Fault Indicates the braking module does not report the control power as healthy. Check the control power circuit
breaker and voltage at the module. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

ALM6054 DynBrk Db Mod 7 Disconnect Opened Indicates the braking module disconnect has been opened. The braking module will be disabled and taken
offline. Close the disconnect to re-assign the braking module. If this alarm appears when the disconnect is in
the closed position, check the wiring between the braking module and PLC.

ALM6055 DynBrk Db Mod 7 Module Fault Indicates the braking module has reported a fault. Before resetting the fault, refer to the HMI dynamic braking
diagnostics screen to determine which fault has been raised. Note - some of these faults require control power
to be cycled in order to clear. Refer to Bonitron Model M3452 Customer Reference Manual or Contact Omron
techincal support for further assistance. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 52

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Alarms Summary

ALM6056 DynBrk Db Mod 7 Fail to Assign as Master Indicates the braking module was not successfully assigned as the master braking module. Check the wiring
from the PLC to the braking module master assignment terminal contacts, and the feedback wiring from the
module back to the PLC. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off
the control power to the module. The system will then assign the next available module as master.

ALM6057 DynBrk Db Mod 7 Run Fault Indicates the dynamic braking module does not report a run status when issued a run command, or is
reporting a run status without a run command being present. Check the wiring between the PLC and the
module. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off the control power
to the module.

ALM6058 DynBrk Db Mod 8 Control Power Fault Indicates the braking module does not report the control power as healthy. Check the control power circuit
breaker and voltage at the module. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

ALM6059 DynBrk Db Mod 8 Disconnect Opened Indicates the braking module disconnect has been opened. The braking module will be disabled and taken
offline. Close the disconnect to re-assign the braking module. If this alarm appears when the disconnect is in
the closed position, check the wiring between the braking module and PLC.

ALM6060 DynBrk Db Mod 8 Module Fault Indicates the braking module has reported a fault. Before resetting the fault, refer to the HMI dynamic braking
diagnostics screen to determine which fault has been raised. Note - some of these faults require control power
to be cycled in order to clear. Refer to Bonitron Model M3452 Customer Reference Manual or Contact Omron
techincal support for further assistance. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

ALM6061 DynBrk Db Mod 8 Fail to Assign as Master Indicates the braking module was not successfully assigned as the master braking module. Check the wiring
from the PLC to the braking module master assignment terminal contacts, and the feedback wiring from the
module back to the PLC. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off
the control power to the module. The system will then assign the next available module as master.

ALM6062 DynBrk Db Mod 8 Run Fault Indicates the dynamic braking module does not report a run status when issued a run command, or is
reporting a run status without a run command being present. Check the wiring between the PLC and the
module. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off the control power
to the module.

ALM6063 DynBrk Db Mod 9 Control Power Fault Indicates the braking module does not report the control power as healthy. Check the control power circuit
breaker and voltage at the module. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 53

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Alarms Summary

ALM6064 DynBrk Db Mod 9 Disconnect Opened Indicates the braking module disconnect has been opened. The braking module will be disabled and taken
offline. Close the disconnect to re-assign the braking module. If this alarm appears when the disconnect is in
the closed position, check the wiring between the braking module and PLC.

ALM6065 DynBrk Db Mod 9 Module Fault Indicates the braking module has reported a fault. Before resetting the fault, refer to the HMI dynamic braking
diagnostics screen to determine which fault has been raised. Note - some of these faults require control power
to be cycled in order to clear. Refer to Bonitron Model M3452 Customer Reference Manual or Contact Omron
techincal support for further assistance. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

ALM6066 DynBrk Db Mod 9 Fail to Assign as Master Indicates the braking module was not successfully assigned as the master braking module. Check the wiring
from the PLC to the braking module master assignment terminal contacts, and the feedback wiring from the
module back to the PLC. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off
the control power to the module. The system will then assign the next available module as master.

ALM6067 DynBrk Db Mod 9 Run Fault Indicates the dynamic braking module does not report a run status when issued a run command, or is
reporting a run status without a run command being present. Check the wiring between the PLC and the
module. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off the control power
to the module.

ALM6068 DynBrk Db Mod 10 Control Power Fault Indicates the braking module does not report the control power as healthy. Check the control power circuit
breaker and voltage at the module. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

ALM6069 DynBrk Db Mod 10 Disconnect Opened Indicates the braking module disconnect has been opened. The braking module will be disabled and taken
offline. Close the disconnect to re-assign the braking module. If this alarm appears when the disconnect is in
the closed position, check the wiring between the braking module and PLC.

ALM6070 DynBrk Db Mod 10 Module Fault Indicates the braking module has reported a fault. Before resetting the fault, refer to the HMI dynamic braking
diagnostics screen to determine which fault has been raised. Note - some of these faults require control power
to be cycled in order to clear. Refer to Bonitron Model M3452 Customer Reference Manual or Contact Omron
techincal support for further assistance. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 54

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Alarms Summary

ALM6071 DynBrk Db Mod 10 Fail to Assign as Master Indicates the braking module was not successfully assigned as the master braking module. Check the wiring
from the PLC to the braking module master assignment terminal contacts, and the feedback wiring from the
module back to the PLC. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off
the control power to the module. The system will then assign the next available module as master.

ALM6072 DynBrk Db Mod 10 Run Fault Indicates the dynamic braking module does not report a run status when issued a run command, or is
reporting a run status without a run command being present. Check the wiring between the PLC and the
module. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off the control power
to the module.

ALM6073 DynBrk Db Mod 11 Control Power Fault Indicates the braking module does not report the control power as healthy. Check the control power circuit
breaker and voltage at the module. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

ALM6074 DynBrk Db Mod 11 Disconnect Opened Indicates the braking module disconnect has been opened. The braking module will be disabled and taken
offline. Close the disconnect to re-assign the braking module. If this alarm appears when the disconnect is in
the closed position, check the wiring between the braking module and PLC.

ALM6075 DynBrk Db Mod 11 Module Fault Indicates the braking module has reported a fault. Before resetting the fault, refer to the HMI dynamic braking
diagnostics screen to determine which fault has been raised. Note - some of these faults require control power
to be cycled in order to clear. Refer to Bonitron Model M3452 Customer Reference Manual or Contact Omron
techincal support for further assistance. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

ALM6076 DynBrk Db Mod 11 Fail to Assign as Master Indicates the braking module was not successfully assigned as the master braking module. Check the wiring
from the PLC to the braking module master assignment terminal contacts, and the feedback wiring from the
module back to the PLC. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off
the control power to the module. The system will then assign the next available module as master.

ALM6077 DynBrk Db Mod 11 Run Fault Indicates the dynamic braking module does not report a run status when issued a run command, or is
reporting a run status without a run command being present. Check the wiring between the PLC and the
module. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off the control power
to the module.

ALM6078 DynBrk Db Mod 12 Control Power Fault Indicates the braking module does not report the control power as healthy. Check the control power circuit
breaker and voltage at the module. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 55

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Alarms Summary

ALM6079 DynBrk Db Mod 12 Disconnect Opened Indicates the braking module disconnect has been opened. The braking module will be disabled and taken
offline. Close the disconnect to re-assign the braking module. If this alarm appears when the disconnect is in
the closed position, check the wiring between the braking module and PLC.

ALM6080 DynBrk Db Mod 12 Module Fault Indicates the braking module has reported a fault. Before resetting the fault, refer to the HMI dynamic braking
diagnostics screen to determine which fault has been raised. Note - some of these faults require control power
to be cycled in order to clear. Refer to Bonitron Model M3452 Customer Reference Manual or Contact Omron
techincal support for further assistance. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect
and turn off the control power to the module.

ALM6081 DynBrk Db Mod 12 Fail to Assign as Master Indicates the braking module was not successfully assigned as the master braking module. Check the wiring
from the PLC to the braking module master assignment terminal contacts, and the feedback wiring from the
module back to the PLC. If unable to clear this fault, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off
the control power to the module. The system will then assign the next available module as master.

ALM6082 DynBrk Db Mod 12 Run Fault Indicates the dynamic braking module does not report a run status when issued a run command, or is
reporting a run status without a run command being present. Check the wiring between the PLC and the
module. If this fault will not clear, disable the module by opening the disconnect and turn off the control power
to the module.

ALM6083 DynBrk Db Mod Cubicle #1 Cooling Fan Off Indicates the dynamic braking module cubicle cooling fan circuit breaker is in the off or tripped position. Turn
the breaker to the on position. Check the wiring to/from the PLC of the status contacts if this alarm appears bu
the fan is running. If the circuit breaker is tripping on overcurrent, check the fan for function and repair as

ALM6084 DynBrk Db Mod Cubicle #2 Cooling Fan Off Indicates the dynamic braking module cubicle cooling fan circuit breaker is in the off or tripped position. Turn
the breaker to the on position. Check the wiring to/from the PLC of the status contacts if this alarm appears bu
the fan is running. If the circuit breaker is tripping on overcurrent, check the fan for function and repair as

ALM6085 DynBrk Db Module(s) Not Assigned Indicates that one or more dynamic braking modules have been taken offline. This alarm is designed to advise
the operator that there are offline modules - and takes no direct action. To re-assign offline modules, close the
module disconnect.

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 56

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Alarms Summary

ALM6086 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #1 Low Air Flow Indicates the differential pressure switch has not closed after starting the fan running. The braking modules
associated with this fan unit will be disabled and the braking system will fault. Check the Fan unit intake filters
are not clogged and the discharge is free of debris. Check the fan rotation direction and for belt slippage.
Check the differential pressure switch is functioning and the wiring back to the PLC. Note - this alarm may be
overridden if the differential pressure switch is found to be faulty and operations continued. WARNING -
operating the braking system without sufficient cooling may result in damage to the resistor grid.

ALM6087 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #1 Air Temp Sens #1 Fault Indicates the air temperature sensor #1 has faulted. The system will automatically switch to sensor #2 if it is
showing as healthy and the system will continue to operate. If sensor #2 is also faulted, the braking modules
associated with this fan unit will be disabled and the braking system will fault. Check the sensor wiring back to
the PLC RTD module. Check the sensor for correct ohmic value. If this alarm cannot be cleared, disable the
braking modules associated with this fan unit by opening the disconnects. Upon resetting the alarms, the
system will re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and braking modules.

ALM6088 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #1 Air Temp Sens #2 Fault Indicates the air temperature sensor #2 has faulted. The system will automatically switch to sensor #1 if it is
showing as healthy and the system will continue to operate. If sensor #1 is also faulted, the braking modules
associated with this fan unit will be disabled and the braking system will fault. Check the sensor wiring back to
the PLC RTD module. Check the sensor for correct ohmic value. If this alarm cannot be cleared, disable the
braking modules associated with this fan unit by opening the disconnects. Upon resetting the alarms, the
system will re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and braking modules.

ALM6089 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #1 Air High Temp Indicates the exhaust air temperature has risen above the high alarm setpoint. Check the Fan unit intake filters
are not clogged and the discharge is free of debris. Check the fan rotation direction and for belt slippage.
Check the resistor ohmic value is per specification.

ALM6090 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #1 Air High High Temp Indicates the exhaust air temperature has risen above the high high alarm setpoint. The braking modules
associated with this fan unit will be disabled and the braking system will fault. Check the Fan unit intake filters
are not clogged and the discharge is free of debris. Check the fan rotation direction and for belt slippage.
Check the resistor ohmic value is per specification. If this alarm cannot be cleared, disable the braking
modules associated with this fan unit by opening the disconnects. Upon resetting the alarms, the system will
re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and braking modules.

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Alarms Summary

ALM6091 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #1 Motor Contactor Fault Indicates the fan forward or reverse contactor has not pulled in successfully, or is pulled in without being
energized. Check the contactor for correct function. Check the wiring to/from the PLC. If this alarm cannot be
cleared, disable the braking modules associated with this fan unit by opening the disconnects. Upon resetting
the alarms, the system will re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and braking modules.

ALM6092 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #1 Motor Overload Tripped Indicates the Overload for the Fan has tripped. Check the motor and associated wiring for short circuits. Check
the fan can rotate freely without resistance. Check the overload unit for the correct settings and is functioning
correctly. If this alarm cannot be cleared, disable the braking modules associated with this fan unit by opening
the disconnects. Upon resetting the alarms, the system will re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and
braking modules.

ALM6093 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #2 Low Air Flow Indicates the differential pressure switch has not closed after starting the fan running. The braking modules
associated with this fan unit will be disabled and the braking system will fault. Check the Fan unit intake filters
are not clogged and the discharge is free of debris. Check the fan rotation direction and for belt slippage.
Check the differential pressure switch is functioning and the wiring back to the PLC. Note - this alarm may be
overridden if the differential pressure switch is found to be faulty and operations continued. WARNING -
operating the braking system without sufficient cooling may result in damage to the resistor grid.

ALM6094 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #2 Air Temp Sens #1 Fault Indicates the air temperature sensor #1 has faulted. The system will automatically switch to sensor #2 if it is
showing as healthy and the system will continue to operate. If sensor #2 is also faulted, the braking modules
associated with this fan unit will be disabled and the braking system will fault. Check the sensor wiring back to
the PLC RTD module. Check the sensor for correct ohmic value. If this alarm cannot be cleared, disable the
braking modules associated with this fan unit by opening the disconnects. Upon resetting the alarms, the
system will re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and braking modules.

ALM6095 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #2 Air Temp Sens #2 Fault Indicates the air temperature sensor #2 has faulted. The system will automatically switch to sensor #1 if it is
showing as healthy and the system will continue to operate. If sensor #1 is also faulted, the braking modules
associated with this fan unit will be disabled and the braking system will fault. Check the sensor wiring back to
the PLC RTD module. Check the sensor for correct ohmic value. If this alarm cannot be cleared, disable the
braking modules associated with this fan unit by opening the disconnects. Upon resetting the alarms, the
system will re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and braking modules.

ALM6096 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #2 Air High Temp Indicates the exhaust air temperature has risen above the high alarm setpoint. Check the Fan unit intake filters
are not clogged and the discharge is free of debris. Check the fan rotation direction and for belt slippage.
Check the resistor ohmic value is per specification.

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Alarms Summary

ALM6097 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #2 Air High High Temp Indicates the exhaust air temperature has risen above the high high alarm setpoint. The braking modules
associated with this fan unit will be disabled and the braking system will fault. Check the Fan unit intake filters
are not clogged and the discharge is free of debris. Check the fan rotation direction and for belt slippage.
Check the resistor ohmic value is per specification. If this alarm cannot be cleared, disable the braking
modules associated with this fan unit by opening the disconnects. Upon resetting the alarms, the system will
re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and braking modules.

ALM6098 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #2 Motor Contactor Fault Indicates the fan forward or reverse contactor has not pulled in successfully, or is pulled in without being
energized. Check the contactor for correct function. Check the wiring to/from the PLC. If this alarm cannot be
cleared, disable the braking modules associated with this fan unit by opening the disconnects. Upon resetting
the alarms, the system will re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and braking modules.

ALM6099 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #2 Motor Overload Tripped Indicates the Overload for the Fan has tripped. Check the motor and associated wiring for short circuits. Check
the fan can rotate freely without resistance. Check the overload unit for the correct settings and is functioning
correctly. If this alarm cannot be cleared, disable the braking modules associated with this fan unit by opening
the disconnects. Upon resetting the alarms, the system will re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and
braking modules.

ALM6100 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #3 Low Air Flow Indicates the differential pressure switch has not closed after starting the fan running. The braking modules
associated with this fan unit will be disabled and the braking system will fault. Check the Fan unit intake filters
are not clogged and the discharge is free of debris. Check the fan rotation direction and for belt slippage.
Check the differential pressure switch is functioning and the wiring back to the PLC. Note - this alarm may be
overridden if the differential pressure switch is found to be faulty and operations continued. WARNING -
operating the braking system without sufficient cooling may result in damage to the resistor grid.

ALM6101 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #3 Air Temp Sens #1 Fault Indicates the air temperature sensor #1 has faulted. The system will automatically switch to sensor #2 if it is
showing as healthy and the system will continue to operate. If sensor #2 is also faulted, the braking modules
associated with this fan unit will be disabled and the braking system will fault. Check the sensor wiring back to
the PLC RTD module. Check the sensor for correct ohmic value. If this alarm cannot be cleared, disable the
braking modules associated with this fan unit by opening the disconnects. Upon resetting the alarms, the
system will re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and braking modules.

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Alarms Summary

ALM6102 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #3 Air Temp Sens #2 Fault Indicates the air temperature sensor #2 has faulted. The system will automatically switch to sensor #1 if it is
showing as healthy and the system will continue to operate. If sensor #1 is also faulted, the braking modules
associated with this fan unit will be disabled and the braking system will fault. Check the sensor wiring back to
the PLC RTD module. Check the sensor for correct ohmic value. If this alarm cannot be cleared, disable the
braking modules associated with this fan unit by opening the disconnects. Upon resetting the alarms, the
system will re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and braking modules.

ALM6103 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #3 Air High Temp Indicates the exhaust air temperature has risen above the high alarm setpoint. Check the Fan unit intake filters
are not clogged and the discharge is free of debris. Check the fan rotation direction and for belt slippage.
Check the resistor ohmic value is per specification.

ALM6104 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #3 Air High High Temp Indicates the exhaust air temperature has risen above the high high alarm setpoint. The braking modules
associated with this fan unit will be disabled and the braking system will fault. Check the Fan unit intake filters
are not clogged and the discharge is free of debris. Check the fan rotation direction and for belt slippage.
Check the resistor ohmic value is per specification. If this alarm cannot be cleared, disable the braking
modules associated with this fan unit by opening the disconnects. Upon resetting the alarms, the system will
re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and braking modules.

ALM6105 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #3 Motor Contactor Fault Indicates the fan forward or reverse contactor has not pulled in successfully, or is pulled in without being
energized. Check the contactor for correct function. Check the wiring to/from the PLC. If this alarm cannot be
cleared, disable the braking modules associated with this fan unit by opening the disconnects. Upon resetting
the alarms, the system will re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and braking modules.

ALM6106 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #3 Motor Overload Tripped Indicates the Overload for the Fan has tripped. Check the motor and associated wiring for short circuits. Check
the fan can rotate freely without resistance. Check the overload unit for the correct settings and is functioning
correctly. If this alarm cannot be cleared, disable the braking modules associated with this fan unit by opening
the disconnects. Upon resetting the alarms, the system will re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and
braking modules.

ALM6107 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #4 Low Air Flow Indicates the differential pressure switch has not closed after starting the fan running. The braking modules
associated with this fan unit will be disabled and the braking system will fault. Check the Fan unit intake filters
are not clogged and the discharge is free of debris. Check the fan rotation direction and for belt slippage.
Check the differential pressure switch is functioning and the wiring back to the PLC. Note - this alarm may be
overridden if the differential pressure switch is found to be faulty and operations continued. WARNING -
operating the braking system without sufficient cooling may result in damage to the resistor grid.

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Alarms Summary

ALM6108 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #4 Air Temp Sens #1 Fault Indicates the air temperature sensor #1 has faulted. The system will automatically switch to sensor #2 if it is
showing as healthy and the system will continue to operate. If sensor #2 is also faulted, the braking modules
associated with this fan unit will be disabled and the braking system will fault. Check the sensor wiring back to
the PLC RTD module. Check the sensor for correct ohmic value. If this alarm cannot be cleared, disable the
braking modules associated with this fan unit by opening the disconnects. Upon resetting the alarms, the
system will re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and braking modules.

ALM6109 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #4 Air Temp Sens #2 Fault Indicates the air temperature sensor #2 has faulted. The system will automatically switch to sensor #1 if it is
showing as healthy and the system will continue to operate. If sensor #1 is also faulted, the braking modules
associated with this fan unit will be disabled and the braking system will fault. Check the sensor wiring back to
the PLC RTD module. Check the sensor for correct ohmic value. If this alarm cannot be cleared, disable the
braking modules associated with this fan unit by opening the disconnects. Upon resetting the alarms, the
system will re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and braking modules.

ALM6110 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #4 Air High Temp Indicates the exhaust air temperature has risen above the high alarm setpoint. Check the Fan unit intake filters
are not clogged and the discharge is free of debris. Check the fan rotation direction and for belt slippage.
Check the resistor ohmic value is per specification.

ALM6111 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #4 Air High High Temp Indicates the exhaust air temperature has risen above the high high alarm setpoint. The braking modules
associated with this fan unit will be disabled and the braking system will fault. Check the Fan unit intake filters
are not clogged and the discharge is free of debris. Check the fan rotation direction and for belt slippage.
Check the resistor ohmic value is per specification. If this alarm cannot be cleared, disable the braking
modules associated with this fan unit by opening the disconnects. Upon resetting the alarms, the system will
re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and braking modules.

ALM6112 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #4 Motor Contactor Fault Indicates the fan forward or reverse contactor has not pulled in successfully, or is pulled in without being
energized. Check the contactor for correct function. Check the wiring to/from the PLC. If this alarm cannot be
cleared, disable the braking modules associated with this fan unit by opening the disconnects. Upon resetting
the alarms, the system will re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and braking modules.

ALM6113 DynBrk Db Fan Unit #4 Motor Overload Tripped Indicates the Overload for the Fan has tripped. Check the motor and associated wiring for short circuits. Check
the fan can rotate freely without resistance. Check the overload unit for the correct settings and is functioning
correctly. If this alarm cannot be cleared, disable the braking modules associated with this fan unit by opening
the disconnects. Upon resetting the alarms, the system will re-assign to use the remaining fan units(s) and
braking modules.

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Alarms Summary

ALM6114 DynBrk Db Fan Units in Clean Mode Indicates the fan units were running in reverse to clean the filters at the time a VFD is being started. The
system will stop the cleaning process and go back to running the fans in forward once the fans come to a stop.
Wait 20 seconds before trying again.

ALM6115 PwrSys Gen 1 Dropped Offline Under Load Indicates the generator has dropped offline under load.

ALM6116 PwrSys Gen 2 Dropped Offline Under Load Indicates the generator has dropped offline under load.

ALM6117 PwrSys Gen 3 Dropped Offline Under Load Indicates the generator has dropped offline under load.

ALM6118 PwrSys Gen 4 Dropped Offline Under Load Indicates the generator has dropped offline under load.

ALM6119 PwrSys Gen 5 Dropped Offline Under Load Indicates the generator has dropped offline under load.

ALM6120 PwrSys No Generator CB's Closed No Generator CB's are closed.

ALM6121 PwrSys DC Bus Voltage Low The measured DC Bus Voltage has dropped below 600VDC.

ALM6130 EngCool Radiator Oulet Temperature High Indicates the radiator outlet temperature has risen above the high alarm setpoint.

ALM6131 EngCool After Cooler Vfd 1 Failed to Run Indicated that the Radiator Fan Vfd has faulted. Check the Vfd in the MCC room to see the fault description.
Check the motor and associated wiring for short Circuits. Check the Fan can rotate freely. Upon Resetting the
alarms, the Vfd will start again.

ALM6132 EngCool After Cooler Vfd 2 Failed to Run Indicated that the Radiator Fan Vfd has faulted. Check the Vfd in the MCC room to see the fault description.
Check the motor and associated wiring for short Circuits. Check the Fan can rotate freely. Upon Resetting the
alarms, the Vfd will start again.

ALM6133 EngCool After Cooler Vfd 3 Failed to Run Indicated that the Radiator Fan Vfd has faulted. Check the Vfd in the MCC room to see the fault description.
Check the motor and associated wiring for short Circuits. Check the Fan can rotate freely. Upon Resetting the
alarms, the Vfd will start again.

ALM6134 EngCool Jacket Water Cooling Vfd 1 Failed to Run Indicated that the Radiator Fan Vfd has faulted. Check the Vfd in the MCC room to see the fault description.
Check the motor and associated wiring for short Circuits. Check the Fan can rotate freely. Upon Resetting the
alarms, the Vfd will start again.

ALM6135 EngCool Jacket Water Cooling Vfd 2 Failed to Run Indicated that the Radiator Fan Vfd has faulted. Check the Vfd in the MCC room to see the fault description.
Check the motor and associated wiring for short Circuits. Check the Fan can rotate freely. Upon Resetting the
alarms, the Vfd will start again.

ALM6136 EngCool Jacket Water Cooling Vfd 3 Failed to Run Indicated that the Radiator Fan Vfd has faulted. Check the Vfd in the MCC room to see the fault description.
Check the motor and associated wiring for short Circuits. Check the Fan can rotate freely. Upon Resetting the
alarms, the Vfd will start again.

ALM6137 PwrSys Reactor Cubicle #1 Fan Off Reactor Cubicle #1 Fan Circuit Breaker is in the Open position.

ALM6138 PwrSys Reactor Cubicle #2 Fan Off Reactor Cubicle #2 Fan Circuit Breaker is in the Open position.

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Alarms Summary

ALM6139 PwrSys Rect #1 CB Open Rectifier #1 Circuit Breaker is in the Open Position.

ALM6140 PwrSys Rectifier #1 Control Power Off The Auxiliary contact on the Control Power Circuit Breaker is in the open position.

ALM6141 PwrSys Rectifier #1 Cooling Fan CB Open Rectifier #1 Cooling Fan Circuit Breaker is in the open position.

ALM6142 PwrSys Rectifier #1 Heatsink Overtemp Rectifier #1 Heatsink is indicating overtemperature. Check the cooling fans for the rectifier are running and the
cubicle fans are also running.

ALM6143 PwrSys Rect #2 CB Open Rectifier #2 Circuit Breaker is in the Open Position.

ALM6144 PwrSys Rectifier #2 Control Power Off The Auxiliary contact on the Control Power Circuit Breaker is in the open position.

ALM6145 PwrSys Rectifier #2 Cooling Fan CB Open Rectifier #2 Cooling Fan Circuit Breaker is in the open position.

ALM6146 PwrSys Rectifier #2 Heatsink Overtemp Rectifier #2 Heatsink is indicating overtemperature. Check the cooling fans for the rectifier are running and the
cubicle fans are also running.

ALM6147 PwrSys Rectifier Cubicle Left Door Fan CB Open The Left Door Cubicle Fan Circuit Breaker in the Rectifier Cubicle is in the open position.

ALM6148 PwrSys Rectifier Cubicle Right Door Fan CB Open The Right Door Cubicle Fan Circuit Breaker in the Rectifier Cubicle is in the open position.

Atwood Aurora March 22, 2009 Alarm Guide - 63

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ESD – Emergency shutdown

3P (or 4P) An inverter configuration consisting of
three (or four) inverter modules in parallel, E-stop – Emergency stop
sometimes expanded incorrectly as “three pole” (or
“four pole”). These terms are not related to the
number of poles listed on the motor’s nameplate.
A HMI – Human machine interface (the touch screen)
A amp(s), ampere(s) HOA – Hand-off automatic
AC alternating current HPU – Hydraulic power unit
AFD adjustable frequency drive. See VFD.
AMP ampere
IBOP – Internal blowout preventer
B IGBT – Insulated-gate bipolar transistor
BUDS – Back-up driller’s station Inverter – On the Aurora, a single inverter consists
of three or four inverter modules in parallel plus
C related components and an inverter control unit.
See VFD.
CB – Circuit breaker
Inverter modules – On the Aurora, three or four 600
CLK – Controller link VAC, 400 A inverter modules are configured in
CPU – central processing unit, or microprocessor parallel to make a single inverter. Note that inverter
modules are sometimes called power modules.
cubicle – A metal cabinet or section located in the
power control room or elsewhere
D kips – Thousand pounds
DB – Dynamic braking KLBS – Thousand pounds
DC – Direct current KVAR – Kilovolt-ampere-reactive (reactance)
DC bus – On the Aurora, an 848 VDC bus that KW – Kilowatt
powers a single top drive cubicle, three drawworks
cubicles, and two dynamic brake cubicles. See L
emergency bus and main bus.
LER – Local equipment room or local electrical
Delta-P – Differential Pressure room.
DIN rail - a standardized 35 mm wide metal rail that links – Links separate the top drive from the
is widely used for mounting control. DIN expands to elevator. See RLA.
Deutsches Institut für Normung.
E main bus – On the Aurora, five Caterpillar 3516B
emergency bus – On the Aurora, a Caterpillar 3512B diesel generators produce the three phase, 600
diesel generator serves as the emergency generator, VAC, 60 Hz main bus. The main bus powers assorted
creating an isolated three phase, 600 VAC, 60 Hz equipment, including rectifier and mud pump
emergency bus. See DC bus and main bus. cubicles in the PCR. See DC bus and emergency bus.

Atwood Aurora - Rev 1, August 2009 Glossary - 1

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MCC – Motor control center
UPS – Uninterruptable power supply
MP1 – Mud Pump 1
MP2 – Mud Pump 2 V
MP3 – Mud Pump 3 V-boom – An automatic pipe handler
VAC – Volts AC (alternating current)
VDC – Volts DC (direct current)
No., Nos. – Number, Numbers
VFD – Variable frequency drive. The terms VFD, AC
drive, AFD, and inverter are sometimes used
PC – Personal computer. Programmable controller.
See PLC. W
PCB – Printed circuit board WOB – Weight on bit
PCH – Power control house. See PCR.
PCR – Power control room. The power control room
is sometimes called the power control house (PCH)
or switchgear room.
PLC – Programmable logic controller. See PC.
P/N – part number
PPE – Personal protective equipment
Profibus – Process Field Bus, a standard for field bus
communication in automation technology
PSI – Pounds per square inch
PV – Present value
PWM – Pulse width modulation

RLA – Rotating link adaptor. A 360° swivel above the
top drive. See links.
ROP – Rate of penetration
RPM – Revolutions per minute
RTD – Resistor temperature device

SCR – Silicon Controlled Rectifier
SP – Setpoint
SPM – Strokes per minute
SPP – Standpipe pressure
Switchgear room – See PCR.

Glossary - 2 Atwood Aurora - Rev 1, August 2009

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VFD Fault Codes

This section lists three categories of fault codes for the top drive
and drawworks inverters:

Faults That Stop the Inverter .......................................................... 1

Faults That Do Not Trip the Fault Contact Output .......................... 6
Faults That Prevent the Inverter from Starting ............................... 9

This material is also available in Section 9 of the G5HHP Drive

Technical Manual.

Faults That Stop the Inverter

Fault Display Meaning Probable Cause / Corrective Action

When the inverter detects a fault, the fault code is displayed on the Digital Operator, the fault contact output operates, and the
inverter output is shut OFF causing the motor to coast to a stop. (The stopping method can be selected for some faults, and the
selected stopping method will be used with these faults.)
Refer to the fault displays below to identify and correct the cause of the fault. Then use one of the following methods to reset the fault
after you restart the inverter:
• Turn ON the fault reset signal. (A multi-function input (H1-01 to H1-06) must be set to 14 (Fault Reset).)
• Press the RESET key on the Digital Operator.
• Turn the main circuit power supply off and then on again.

OC Overcurrent • A short-circuit or ground fault occurred at the inverter output. (A short

Overcurrent or ground fault can be caused by motor burn damage, worn
The inverter output current exceeded the insulation, or a damaged cable.)*
overcurrent detection level (200% of
rated current). • The load is too large or the acceleration/deceleration time is too
• A special-purpose motor or motor with a capacity too large for the
inverter is being used.*
• A magnetic switch was switched at the inverter output.*
*In each case, reset the fault after correcting its cause.

GF Ground Fault A ground fault occurred at the inverter output. (A ground fault can be
Ground Fault caused by motor burn damage, worn insulation, or a damaged cable.)
The ground fault current at the inverter Reset the fault after correcting its cause.
output exceeded approximately 50% of
the inverter rated output current.

PUF Fuse Blown The output transistor has failed because of a short-circuit or ground fault
DC Bus Fuse Open at the inverter output. Check whether there is a short-circuit between the
The fuse in the main circuit is blown. following terminals. A short-circuit will damage the output transistor:

⊕  U, V,W
⊖  U, V,W
Reinstall the inverter after correcting the cause.

Atwood Aurora Technical Manual VFD Fault Codes - 1

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Faults That Stop the Inverter

Fault Display Meaning Probable Cause / Corrective Action

SC Load Short-circuit A short-circuit or ground fault occurred at the inverter output. (A short or
Short Circuit ground fault can be caused by motor burn damage, worn insulation, or a
The inverter output or load was short- damaged cable. Reset the fault after correcting its cause.

OV Main Circuit Overvoltage • The deceleration time is too short and the regenerative energy from
Overvoltage the motor is too large. Increase the deceleration time
The main circuit DC voltage exceeded
the overvoltage detection level. • The power supply voltage is too high. Decrease the voltage so it’s
within specifications.
400 V class: Approx. 800 V
575 V class: Approx. 990 V

UV1 Main Circuit Undervoltage • An open-phase occurred with the input power supply.*
DC Bus Undervolt
The main circuit DC voltage is below the • A momentary power loss occurred.*
undervoltage detection level (L2-05).
• The wiring terminals for the input power supply are loose.*
400 V class: Approx. 380 V
• The voltage fluctuations in the input power supply are too large.*
575V class: Approx. 480 V
*Reset the fault after correcting its cause.

UV2 Control Power Fault • Try turning the power supply off and on.
CTL PS Undervolt
The control power supply voltage • Replace the inverter if the fault continues to occur.

UV3 Inrush Prevention Circuit Fault • Try turning the power supply off and on.
MC Answerback
A fault occurred in the inrush prevention • Replace the inverter if the fault continues to occur.

PF Main Circuit Voltage Fault • An open-phase occurred in the input power supply.
Input Pha Loss
The main circuit DC voltage oscillates • A momentary power loss occurred.
unusually (not when regenerating). This
fault is detected when L8-05 is set to • The wiring terminals for the input power supply are loose.
• The voltage fluctuations in the input power supply are too large.
• The voltage balance between phases is bad.
*Reset the fault after correcting its cause.

LF Output Open-phase • There is a broken wire in the output cable.*

Output Pha Loss
An open-phase occurred at the inverter • There is a broken wire in the motor winding.*
output. This fault is detected when L8-07
is set to “Enabled.” • The output terminals are loose.*
*Reset the fault after correcting its cause.
• The motor being used has a capacity less than 5% of the inverter’s
maximum motor capacity. Check the motor and inverter capacity.

OH OH1 Cooling Fin Overheating • The ambient temperature is too high. Install a cooling unit.
Heatsink Over tmp
The temperature of the inverter’s cooling • There is a heat source nearby. Remove the heat source.
fins exceeded the setting in L8-02 or
105°C. • The inverter’s cooling fan has stopped. Replace the cooling fan.
(Contact Omron Oilfield and Marine.)
Inverter internal cooling fan stopped.
• Inverter internal cooling fan has stopped. Replace the cooling fan.
(Contact Omron Oilfield and Marine.)

VFD Fault Codes - 2 Atwood Aurora Technical Manual

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Faults That Stop the Inverter

Fault Display Meaning Probable Cause / Corrective Action

RH Installed Braking Resistor Overheating The deceleration time is too short and the regenerative energy from the
Dyn Brk Resistor motor is too large.
The braking resistor is overheated and
the protection function set with L8-01 • Reduce the load, increase the deceleration time, or reduce the motor
has operated. speed.
• Change to a Braking Resistor Unit.

RR Internal Braking Transistor Fault • Try turning the power supply off and on.
Dyn Brk Transistr
The braking transistor is not operating • Replace the inverter if the fault continues to occur.

OL1 Motor Overload • The load is too heavy. The acceleration time, deceleration time, and
Motor Overloaded cycle time are too short.
The motor overload protection function
has operated based on the internal • Check the size of the load and the length of the acceleration,
electronic thermal value. deceleration, and cycle times.
• The V/f characteristics voltage is too high. Check the V/f
• The motor’s rated current setting (E2-01) is incorrect. Check the
motor’s rated current setting (E2-01).

OL2 Inv Overloaded • The load is too heavy. The acceleration time, deceleration time and
Inv Overloaded cycle time are too short. Check the size of the load and the length of
The inverter overload protection function the acceleration, deceleration, and cycle times.
has operated based on the internal
electronic thermal value. • The V/f characteristics voltage is too high. Check the V/f
• The inverter capacity is too low. Replace the inverter with one that
has a larger capacity.

OL3 Overtorque 1 • Make sure that the settings in L6-02 and L6-03 are appropriate.
Overtorque Det 1
There has been a current greater than • Check the mechanical system and correct the cause of the
the setting in L6-02 for longer than the overtorque.
setting in L6-03.

OL4 Overtorque 2 • Make sure that the current setting in L6-05 and time setting in L6-06
Overtorque det 2 are appropriate.
There has been a current greater than
the setting in L6-05 for longer than the • Check the mechanical system and correct the cause of the
setting in L6-06. overtorque.

OS Overspeed • Overshooting/Undershooting are occurring. Adjust the gain again.

Over speed
The speed has been greater than the • The reference speed is too high. Check the reference circuit and
setting in F1-08 for longer than the reference gain.
setting in F1-09.
• The settings in F1-08 and F1-09 aren’t appropriate. Check the
settings in F1-08 and F1-09.

PGO PG Disconnection Detected • There is a break in the PG wiring. Fix the broken/disconnected wiring.
PG open
The PG is disconnected. The inverter is • The PG is wired incorrectly. Fix the wiring.
outputting a frequency, but PG pulses
aren’t being input. • Power isn’t being supplied to the PG. Supply power to the PG
• Check for open circuit when using brake (motor).

Atwood Aurora Technical Manual VFD Fault Codes - 3

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Faults That Stop the Inverter

Fault Display Meaning Probable Cause / Corrective Action

DEV Excessive Speed Deviation • The load is too heavy. Reduce the load.
Speed Deviation
The speed deviation has been greater • The acceleration time and deceleration time are too short. Lengthen
than the setting in F1-10 for longer than the acceleration time and deceleration time.
the setting in F1-11.
• The load is locked. Check the mechanical system.
• The settings in F1-10 and F1-11 aren’t appropriate. Check the
settings in F1-10 and F1-11.
• Check for open circuit when using brake (motor).

CF Control Fault Check the motor constants.

Out of Control
The torque limit was reached
continuously for 3 seconds or longer
during a deceleration stop during open-
loop vector control.

SVE Zero Servo Fault • The torque limit is too small. Increase the limit.
Zero Servo Fault
The rotation position moved during zero • The load torque is too large. Reduce the load torque.
servo operation.
• Check for signal noise.

OPR Operator Connection Fault Check the Operator connection.

Oper Disconnect
The Operator was disconnected during
operation started by a run command
from the Operator.

EFO External fault input from Transmission Check the Transmission Option Card and transmission signal.
Opt External Flt Option Card.

EF3 External fault (Input terminal 11) An “external fault” was input from a multi-function input. Reset external
External Fault 3 fault inputs to the multi-function inputs and/or remove the cause of the
external fault.

EF4 External fault (Input terminal 12) An “external fault” was input from a multi-function input. Reset external
External Fault 4 fault inputs to the multi-function inputs and/or remove the cause of the
external fault.

EF5 External fault (Input terminal 13) An “external fault” was input from a multi-function input. Reset external
External Fault 5 fault inputs to the multi-function inputs and/or remove the cause of the
external fault.

EF6 External fault (Input terminal 14) An “external fault” was input from a multi-function input. Reset external
External Fault 6 fault inputs to the multi-function inputs and/or remove the cause of the
external fault.

EF7 External fault (Input terminal 15) An “external fault” was input from a multi-function input. Reset external
External Fault 7 fault inputs to the multi-function inputs and/or remove the cause of the
external fault.

EF8 External fault (Input terminal 16) An “external fault” was input from a multi-function input. Reset external
External Fault 8 fault inputs to the multi-function inputs and/or remove the cause of the
external fault.

VFD Fault Codes - 4 Atwood Aurora Technical Manual

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Faults That Stop the Inverter

Fault Display Meaning Probable Cause / Corrective Action

CPF00 Operator Communications Error 1 • The Digital Operator’s connector isn’t connected properly. Disconnect
COM-ERR (OP&INV) the Digital Operator and then connect it again.
Communications with the Operator were
not established within 5 seconds after • The inverter’s control circuits are faulty. Replace the inverter.
the power was turned on.

CPF01 Operator Communications Error 2 • The Digital Operator isn’t connected properly. Disconnect the Digital
COM-ERR (OP&INV) Operator and then connect it again.
After communications were established,
there was a transmission error with the • The inverter’s control circuits are faulty. Replace the inverter.
Digital Operator for more than 2

CPF02 Baseblock circuit error • Try turning the power supply off and on again.
BB Circuit Err
• The control circuit is damaged. Replace the inverter.

CPF03 EEPROM error • Try turning the power supply off and on again.
• The control circuit is damaged. Replace the inverter.

CPF04 CPU internal A/D converter error • Try turning the power supply off and on again.
Internal A/D Err
• The control circuit is damaged. Replace the inverter.

CPF05 CPU external A/D converter error • Try turning the power supply off and on again.
External A/D Err
• The control circuit is damaged. Replace the inverter.

CPF06 Option Card connection error • The Option Card is not connected properly. Turn off the power and
Option Error insert the Card again.
• The inverter or Option Card is faulty. Replace the faulty component.

CPF07 PWM timer error Inverter control section is faulty. Replace the Control Card.
PWM time error
400 V class: Detected only for 400 kW or
larger inverters.
575 V class: Detected only for 600 kW or
larger inverters.

CPF08 Shared RAM BCC check error Inverter control section is faulty. Replace the Control Card.
DP-RAM Bcc error
400 V class: Detected only for 400 kW or
larger inverters.
575 V class: Detected only for 600 kW or
larger inverters.

CPF09 Shared RAM mutual diagnosis error Inverter control section is faulty. Replace the Control Card.
DP-RAM COM error
400 V class: Detected only for 400 kW or
larger inverters.
575 V class: Detected only for 600 kW or
larger inverters.

Atwood Aurora Technical Manual VFD Fault Codes - 5

www.oilfield.omron.com 713-856-2508 oilfieldservice@omron.com

Faults That Stop the Inverter

Fault Display Meaning Probable Cause / Corrective Action

CPF10 Shared RAM write error Inverter control section is faulty. Replace the Control Card.
DP-RAM Write err
400 V class: Detected only for 400 kW or
larger inverters.
575 V class: Detected only for 600 kW or
larger inverters.

CPF20 Option Card A/D converter error • The Option Card is not connected properly. Turn off the power and
Option A/D Error insert the Card again.
• The Option Card’s A/D converter is faulty. Replace the Option Card.

CPF21 Transmission Option Card self Option Card fault. Replace the Option Card.
Option CPU down diagnostic error

CPF22 Transmission Option Card model code Option Card fault. Replace the Option Card.
Option Type Err error

CPF23 Transmission Option Card DPRAM error Option Card fault. Replace the Option Card.
Option DPRAM Err

Faults That Do Not Trip the Fault Contact Output (Minor Faults)

Minor Fault Display Meaning Probable Cause / Corrective Action

Minor faults are a type of inverter protection function that do not operate the fault contact output and are automatically returned to
their original status once the cause of the minor fault has been removed.
The Digital Operator display blinks and the minor fault is output from the multi-function outputs (H2-01 to H2-03).
Refer to the fault displays below to identify and correct the cause of the fault.

EF (blinking) Forward/Reverse Run Commands Input Check the sequence of the forward and reverse run commands.
External Fault Together
Since the rotational direction is unknown, the motor will be decelerated
Both the forward and reverse run to a stop when this minor fault occurs.
commands have been ON for more than
0.5 seconds.

UV (blinking) Main Circuit Undervoltage See causes and corrective actions for UV1, UV2, and UV3 faults in the
DC Bus Undervolt table above.
The following conditions occurred when
there was no Run signal:
• The main circuit DC voltage was
below the undervoltage detection
level (L2-05).
• The surge current limiting contactor
• The control power supply voltage
went below the CUV level.

VFD Fault Codes - 6 Atwood Aurora Technical Manual

www.oilfield.omron.com 713-856-2508 oilfieldservice@omron.com

Faults That Do Not Trip the Fault Contact Output (Minor Faults)

Minor Fault Display Meaning Probable Cause / Corrective Action

OV (blinking) Main Circuit Overvoltage The power supply voltage is too high. Decrease the voltage so it’s within
Overvoltage specifications.
The main circuit DC voltage exceeded
the overvoltage detection level.
400 V class: Approx. 800 V
800 V class: Approx. 990 V

OH (blinking) Cooling Fin Overheating • The ambient temperature is too high. Install a cooling unit.
Heatsink Over tmp
The temperature of the inverter’s cooling • There is a heat source nearby. Remove the heat source.
fins exceeded the setting in L8-02.
• The inverter cooling fan has stopped. Replace the cooling fan.
(Contact Omron Oilfield and Marine.)

OH2 (blinking) Inverter Overheating Pre-alarm Clear the multi-function input’s overheating alarm input.
Over Heat 2
An OH2 alarm signal (inverter
overheating alarm signal) was input from
a multi-function input.

OL3 (blinking) Overtorque 1 • Make sure that the settings in L6-02 and L6-03 are appropriate.
Overtorque Det 1
There has been a current greater than • Check the mechanical system and correct the cause of the
the setting in L6-02 for longer than the overtorque.
setting in L6-03.

OL4 (blinking) Overtorque 2 • Make sure that the current setting in L6-05 and time setting in L6-06
Overtorque Det 2 are appropriate.
There has been a current greater than
the setting in L6-05 for longer than the • Check the mechanical system and correct the cause of the
setting in L6-06. overtorque.

OS (blinking) Overspeed • Overshooting/undershooting is occurring. Adjust the gain again.

Over speed
The speed has been greater than the • The reference speed is too high. Check the reference circuit and
setting in F1-08 for longer than the reference gain.
setting in F1-09.
• The settings in F1-08 and F1-09 aren’t appropriate. Check the
settings in F1-08 and F1-09.

PGO (blinking) The PG is disconnected. • There is a break in the PG wiring. Fix the broken/disconnected wiring.
PG open
The inverter is outputting a frequency, • The PG is wired incorrectly. Fix the wiring.
but PG pulses aren’t being input.
• Power isn’t being supplied to the PG. Supply power to the PG

DEV ( blinking) Excessive Speed Deviation • The load is too large. Reduce the load.
Speed Deviation
The speed deviation has been greater • The acceleration time and deceleration time are too short. Lengthen
than the setting in F1-10 for longer than the acceleration time and deceleration time.
the setting in F1-11.
• The load is locked. Check the mechanical system.
• The settings in F1-10 and F1-11 aren’t appropriate. Check the
settings in F1-10 and F1-11.

Atwood Aurora Technical Manual VFD Fault Codes - 7

www.oilfield.omron.com 713-856-2508 oilfieldservice@omron.com

Faults That Do Not Trip the Fault Contact Output (Minor Faults)

Minor Fault Display Meaning Probable Cause / Corrective Action

UV4 PU Control Circuit Undervoltage • Check wirings on the power supply side.
PU Undervolt
Module control power supply dropped • Improve the power supply voltage.
during operation.
400 V class: Detected only for 400 kW or
larger inverters.
575 V class: Detected only for 600 kW or
larger inverters.

UNBC Unbalanced Current Check wirings.

Unbalance Cur
The output current for each module
became unbalanced.
400 V class: Detected only for 400 kW or
larger inverters.
575 V class: Detected only for 600 kW or
larger inverters.

OH4 Converter overheating Check the fin and ambient temperatures.

Conv Ovr tmp
The converter fin temperature became
higher than 105°C.
400 V class: Detected only for 400 kW or
larger inverters.
575 V class: Detected only for 600 kW or
larger inverters.

EF3 (blinking) External fault (Input terminal 11) An “external fault” was input from a multi-function input. Reset external
External Fault 3 fault inputs to the multi-function inputs and/or remove the cause of the
external fault.

EF4 (blinking) External fault (Input terminal 12) An “external fault” was input from a multi-function input. Reset external
External Fault 4 fault inputs to the multi-function inputs and/or remove the cause of the
external fault.

EF5 (blinking) External fault (Input terminal 13) An “external fault” was input from a multi-function input. Reset external
External Fault 5 fault inputs to the multi-function inputs and/or remove the cause of the
external fault.

EF6 (blinking) External fault (Input terminal 14) An “external fault” was input from a multi-function input. Reset external
External Fault 6 fault inputs to the multi-function inputs and/or remove the cause of the
external fault.

EF7 (blinking) External fault (Input terminal 15) An “external fault” was input from a multi-function input. Reset external
External Fault 7 fault inputs to the multi-function inputs and/or remove the cause of the
external fault.

EF8 (blinking) External fault (Input terminal 16) An “external fault” was input from a multi-function input. Reset external
External Fault 8 fault inputs to the multi-function inputs and/or remove the cause of the
external fault.

CE Communications Error Check the communications devices and signals.

Normal reception was not possible for 2
seconds after received control data.

VFD Fault Codes - 8 Atwood Aurora Technical Manual

www.oilfield.omron.com 713-856-2508 oilfieldservice@omron.com

Faults That Do Not Trip the Fault Contact Output (Minor Faults)

Minor Fault Display Meaning Probable Cause / Corrective Action

BUS Option Card Transmission Error Check the Transmission Card and signals.
Option Com Err
A communications error occurred in a
mode where the run command or a
frequency reference is set from an
Transmission Option Card.

CALL SI-B Communications Error Check the communications devices and signals.
Serial Com Call
Control data was not normally received
when power was turned ON.

E-15 SI-F/G Communications Error Detected Check the communications signals.

Si-F/G Com Err
A communications error occurred in a
mode where run or a frequency
reference is set from a Transmission
Option Card and E-15 is set to continue

EF0 DDS/SI-B External Error Detected Remove the cause of the external error.
Opt External Flt
An external error was received from an
Option Card when EF0 was set to
continue operation.

Faults That Prevent the Inverter from Starting (Operation Errors)

Display Meaning Incorrect Setting

An invalid setting or a contradiction between two constant settings will generate an operation error. The inverter will not start until
the constants are set correctly. (The minor fault output and fault contact output will not operate either.) Refer to the list below to
identify and correct the cause of the error.

OPE01 Incorrect inverter capacity setting The inverter capacity setting doesn’t match the Unit. (Contact Omron
kVA Selection Oilfield and Marine.)

OPE02 Constant setting range error The constant setting is outside of the valid setting range.

Atwood Aurora Technical Manual VFD Fault Codes - 9

www.oilfield.omron.com 713-856-2508 oilfieldservice@omron.com

Faults That Prevent the Inverter from Starting (Operation Errors)

OPE03 Multi-function input selection error One of the following errors has been made in the multi-function input
Terminal (H1-01 to H1-06) settings:
• The same setting has been selected for two or more multi-function
• An up or down command was selected independently. (They must be
used together.)
• The up/down commands (10 and 11) and Accel/Decel Ramp Hold (A)
were selected at the same time.
• Speed Search 1 (61, maximum output frequency) and Speed Search
2 (62, set frequency) were selected at the same time.
• External Baseblock NO (8) and External Baseblock NC (9) were
selected at the same time.
• The up/down commands (10 and 11) were selected while PID control
(b5-01) was enabled.
• The Terminal 36/39 Switch (1F) was selected, but the terminal 39
function selector (H3-09) wasn’t set to frequency reference (1F).

OPE05 Option Card selection error The Option Card was selected as the frequency reference source by
Sequence Select setting b1-01 to 3, but an Option Card isn’t connected.

OPE06 Control method selection error • V/f control with PG feedback was selected by setting A1-02 to 1, but
PG Opt Missing a PG Speed Control Card isn’t connected.
• Flux vector control was selected by setting A1-02 to 3, but a PG
Speed Control Card isn’t connected.

OPE07 Multi-function analog input selection • The same setting (other than 1F) has been selected for H3-05 and
Analog Selection error H3-09.
• An A1-14B Analog Reference Card is being used and F2-01 is set to
0, but a multi-function input (H1-01 to H1-06) has been set to
Option/Inverter Selection (2).

OPE08 Constant selection error A setting has been made that is not required in the current control
Elevator Table method. For example, a function used only with flux vector control was
selected for open-loop vector control.

OPE10 V/f data setting error Constants E1-04, E1-06, E1-07, and E1-09 do not satisfy the following
V/f Ptrn Setting condition:
E1-04 (FMAX) ≧ E1-06 (FA) ≧ E1-07 (FB) ≧ E1-09 (FMIN)

OPE11 Constant setting error One of the following constant setting errors exists:
• The carrier frequency upper limit (C6-01) > 5 kHz and the carrier
frequency lower limit (C6-02) ≧ 5 kHz.
• The carrier frequency gain (C6-03) > 6 and (C6-01) > (C6-02).
• Upper/lower limit error in C6-01 to 03 or C8-15.

ERR EEPROM write error A verification error occurred when writing to the EEPROM.
• Try turning the power supply off and on again.
• Try setting the constants again.

VFD Fault Codes - 10 Atwood Aurora Technical Manual

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