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Ki GO LI: (Follow at CIVIL Ki GOLI Facebook Page)
aggregates the canal are 2 m and 4m. Use
(c) 105 liters of sand 140 liters of midsection method
aggregates (a) 450 (b) 600
(d) None of these (c) 750 (d) 900
2. The volume of an embankment 7. Calculate the value of a pump after
having a total length of L and cross 5 years, if the annual depreciation
section areas of four sections at an value is Rs.200. The original cost
interval of H are A 1 , A 2 , A 3 , A 4 using of the pump is Rs. 3000 and the
the trapezoidal method is useful life of the pump is 10 years
(a) H [(A 1 + A 4 )/2 + A 2
+ A 3] (a) 200 (b) 1000
(b) H [(A 1 + A 4 )/4 + A 2
+ A 3] (c) 1300 (d) 2000
(c) L [(A1 + A 4 )/2 + A 2
+ A 3] 8. For estimation of the masonry work
(d) L/3 [(A + A 4 )+ 2 + A + A 3] and excavation work, accuracy
1 2
requirement in the measurement of
3. Which of the following is NOT
the length as compared to thickness
included in the floor area?
or width is
(a) Clear coverage area
(a) Less (b) More
(b) Area of walls
(c) Equal (d) Independent
(c) Sills of the doors
9. A wall of width 300 mm contains
(d) Sills of the windows
two T junctions. The height of the
4. Calculate the quantity (cubic wall is 3 m and total length of the
meter) of the concrete used in a pier central line is 150 m. Calculate the
of 1.2 m length. The pier is rein- quantity of the brick work ( in cubic
forced with 8 bars of 25 mm meter) using central line method
(a) 134.46 (b) 134.73
(a) 6.5 (b) 6.78
(c) 134.86 (d) 135
(c) 8.64 (d) 9.3
10. Which of the following is measured
5. In long wall and short wall method, in cubic meter?
the short wall is the equal to the
(a) Brick work
centre to centre length of wall
(b) Concrete work
(c) Excavation work
(a) Half of the width of wall
(d) Plinth
(b) One fourth of width of wall
short wall method? (c) Logistic method
(a) Its value decrease (d) Rental method
(b) Its value depends upon the 18. Capitalized value of a property is
the product of
length of the wall
(c) Its value increases (a) Annual income and annuity
(b) Annual income and interest
(d) Its value remains same
13. Calculate an approximate estimate (c) Annual income and sinking
(Rs.) of the bulding with total plinth
area of the building is 500 square (d) Annual income and year's
meters. The rate of the plinth area purchase
is Rs. 3,000 per square meters. The 19. Calculate the total quantity (cubic
costs of the water supply and meter) of the coares aggregate
contingencies are 7% and 5% of
required for an isolated rectangular
cost construction respectively footing of size 3 m × 2 m, if 1 : 2 : 4
(a) 1500000 (b) 1650000 cement concrete is used. The depth
(c) 1680000 (d) 1870000 of the footing is 600 mm
14. Calculate the cost of the plastering (a) 2.05 (b) 2.46
required for a wall of 4 m long, 3.5 (c) 3.16 (d) 3.82
m high and 300 mm thick, if the 20. What is the actual size (mm) of the
rate of plastering is Rs. 12 per standard modular brick as per
square meter Indian Standerds?
(a) 101 (b) 168 (a) 190 × 90 × 90
(c) 336 (d) 423 (b) 200 × 90 × 90
15. Which of the following is the unit (c) 200 × 100 × 100
of measurement for the sills of (d) 299 × 114 × 76
21. What percentage of the cost of the
(a) Number (b) M 2 estimate is provided for the work
(c) M 3 (d) None of these charged estabilishment?
16. Which of the following area is (a) 2% (b) 8%
included in the plinth area of the (c) 10% (d) 15%
22. What is the thickness (inches) of
the one brick wall made up of 29. Which one is the CORRECT
traditional brick? statement for conversion of the lift
(a) 9 (b) 10 into lead?
(c) 18 (d) 20 (a) Lift up to 3.6 m is converted into
the horizontal lead by multipling
23. Which one is the CORRECT options
with 10
for the damp proof course?
(b) Lift up to 3.6 m is converted into
(a) It is measured in the cubic
the horizontal lead by multipling
with 15
(b) It is measured in running meter
(c) Lift up to 3.6 m is converted into
(c) It is not provided at sills of doors
the horizontal lead by multipling
(d) It is provided for half the width
with 20
of the plinth wall
(d) Lift above 6 m is converted into
24. Calculate the year's purchase for a the horizontal lead by multipling
property of usefull life of 30 years with 10
and rate of ineterest of 5% per
30. A building has been purchase by a
person at a cost a cost of Rs. 25,000.
(a) 0.05 (b) 0.2 The usefull life of the building is 40
(c) 2 (d) 20 years and the scrap value of the
25. What is the density of the steel in building is Rs. 3,000. Calculate the
quintal per cubic meter annual sinking fund (Rs) at the rate
(a) 7.85 (b) 78.5 of 5% interest
(c) 182 (d) 207
26. Cleaining and fixing of glass panel
is measured in 31. Calculate the value of the
(a) Cubic meter (b) meter earthwork (in cubic meter) using
trapezoidal method if the cross
(c) Number (d) Square meter
section areas of the three section
27. Calculate the volume (cubic mater) of embankment at an interval of 20
of earthwork for an embankment of m are 40 m square meters, 50
length 30 m and width 4 m. The square meter and 80 square meter
depth of the embankment is 4 m
(a) 1067 (b) 1700
and side slope is 2 : 1. Using mid-
sectional area method (c) 2200 (d) 3200
(a) 2.87 (b) 4.4
(c) 5.7 (d) 8.8
(a) 2000 (b) 5000
41. Deduction at cross wall for total
(c) 7000 (d) 10000
length of the central line is
35. Accuracy in measurement of the
(a) Half of thickness of wall
area should be
(b) No deduction
(a) 1 Square centimeter
(c) Thickness of wall
(b) 10 Square centimeter
(d) Twice of the thickness of wall
(c) 100 Square centimeter
42. Which of the following estimate is
(d) 1 Square centimeter
carried out if the sectioned estimate
36. For estimation of painted area of
exceeds 5% due to the change in
corrugated asbestos cement sheets,
the price?
percentage increase in area above
(a) Detailed estimate
the painted area is
(b) Plinth area estimate
(a) 10% (b) 14%
(c) Preliminary estimate
(c) 20% (d) 25%
(d) Revised estimate
37. Which of the following is the
purpose of the valuation? 43. For estimation of the masonry
work, accuracy requirement of the
(a) Approximate estimation of cost
length as compared to thickness or
(b) Analysis of rate
width is
(c) Detailed estimation of cost
(a) Less (b) More
(d) Taxation
(c) Equal (d) Independent
38. An electric generator is installed in
44. A wall of width 300 mm cntains two
the building at a cost of Rs. 50,000.
T juctions. The height of the wall
Calculate the annual sinking fund
is 3 m and total length of the central
(Rs) required to be deposited to
line is 150 m.Calculate the quantity
accumulate the whole amount of 5%
of the brick work (in cubic meter)
compound interest. Assume the life
using centre line method
of the electric generator as 10 year
(a) Cambodia (b) Vietnam
(a) 1535 (b) 30695
(c) Taiwan (d) Philippnes
(c) 3975 (d) 79503
45. Chowkhat or frame of the door is
39. Which of the following unit is used
(a) 60000 (b) 540000
fund is to accumulate the sufficient
(c) 600000 (d) 660000
money to
47 . Calculate the quantity of the sand
(a) Meet cost of construction and
required for 8 cubic meter brick
replacements after its usefull
work with cement mortar (1 : 3)
(a) 1.38 (b) 1.5
(b) pay taxes
(c) 1.8 (d) 2.4
(c) Recover the cost of construction
48 . Calculate the capitalized value of a
(d) Save money for future
building having rent of Rs. 20,000
54. Calculate the total weight (kg) of the
and height rate of interest is 5%
steel bar required for a slab of 3 m
(a) 1000 (b) 21000
× 2 m, if the slab is reinforced with
(c) 220000 (d) 400000 16 mm diameter bars @ 250 mm c/
49 . The thickness of slabs and beams c in longitutional and transverse
must be measured to the nearest direction
(a) 0.2 m 2
(b) 0.5 cm 2
(a) 38 (b) 75.85
(c) Both (d) None of these (c) 82.17 (d) 113.78
50 . Which of the following statement 55. Which of the following person
are the CORRECT for estimation of fucntions as an arbitrator in public
plastering? work department?
(a) For opening up to 0.5 square (a) Chief engineers
meter, no deduction is made (b) Junior engineers
(b) For opening exceeding 0.5 (c) Superintending engineers
square meters and up to 3
(d) Supervisor
square meters, deduction is
56. Calculate the volume (cubic meter)
made for one face
of earth work in an enbankment of
(c) For opening up to 3 square
length 15 m. The top width of the
meters, deduction is made for
embankment is 5 m and depth is 3
both faces
m. The side slope is 1.5 : 1
(d) For ends of beams, no deduction
(a) 225 (b) 326.25
is made
(c) 367 (d) 427.5
51. Which of the following is NOT
57. How many bags of cement are
included in the floor area?
(c) 450 (d) 575
(a) Drip course
59. The knowledge of which items is
(b) Pointing
necessary for the analysis of rates?
(c) Shuttering
(a) Contractor's profit
(d) Damp proof course
(b) Tool and plant expenditure
66. The expected out turn (square
(c) Task of a labour in one day
meter) of sawing of the soft wood
(d) All option are correct per day is
60. What is the unit of measurement of (a) 2.5 (b) 5.5
(c) 8.5 (d) 10
(a) Meter (b) Cubic meter
67. Which of the following is the
(c) kilograms (d) Square meter multipying factor for the estimation
61. What is the nominal size (cm) of the of lead sandy tracks?
standard brick as per Indian (a) 1 (b) 1.1
(c) 1.2 (d) 1.4
(a) 19 × 9 × 9
68. What is the thickness of one half
(b) 20 × 9 × 9 brick wall made up of standard
(c) 20 × 10 × 10 modular brick?
(d) 22.9 × 11.4 × 7.6 (a) 20 (b) 30
62. Which of the following is correct (c) 40 (d) 50
statement for the cubical content 69. Calculate the approximate estmate
methods? of a four storey building, if the total
(a) Cost of building is estimate by plinth area is 300 square meters
multiplying the total area rate per floor and height of floor is 3 m.
(b) It is based on the total area of The cubical content rate is Rs.
the building 2,000 per cubic meter and the
profit of the contractor is 10% of
(c) It is less accurate as compared
the total cost
to plinth area estimate.
(a) 2400000 (b) 2640000
(d) It is best suitable for the
estimate of multi storey (c) 7200000 (d) 7920000
building 70. Calculate the quantity (cube m) of
63. Calculate the number of bricks brick work for a room using the
2 (A 3 + A 5 + ....)]
machine having purching cost C,
scrap value S and useful life of the h
machinery n , is (b) × [(A 1 + A n ) + 2 (A 2 + A 4 + ...) +
(a) (C + S)/n (b) (C-S)/n
4 (A 3 + A 5 + ....)]
(c) [-(C/S)]× n (d) [1+(C/S)]×n
(c) × [(A 1 + A n ) + 4 (A 2 + A 4 + ...) +
72. Calculate the number of bags of
cement required for the 12 mm
(A3 + A 5 + ....)]
thick plastering of a wall of 5 m long
3.5 m high and 300 mm thick if 1 : h A1 A n
3 cement mortal is used (d) ×[ + (A 2 + A 4 +...) +
3 4
(a) 3 (b) 4 (A2 + A 3 +....)]
(c) 5 (d) 6 77. What percentage of the cost of the
73. If the engineer-in-charge approves, estimate is provided for the tools
the 10 cm cubes may be used for and plants?
the work test of concrete provided (a) 0.02 (b) 0.05
maximum nominal size of aggregate
(c) 0.1 (d) 0.15
does not exceed
78. What is the thickness (cm) of a two
(a) 15 mm (b) 20 mm
brick wall made up of standard
(c) 25 mm (d) None of these modular brick?
74. The inside wall of septic tank is (a) 9 (b) 10
finished with 12 mm cement plaster
(c) 20 (d) 40
with 1 : 4 cement mortar. Calculate
the quantity of the cement (cubic 79. The expected out turn (cubic meter)
meter) required, if the size of the of reinforced brickwork per mason
septic tank is 6 m × 4 m × 2 m. per day is
75. Calculate the years purchase of 80. A canal bank has a length of 100
usefull life of 30 years and rate of and its height at two extreme ends
interest of 5% per annum. The rate is 2 : 1. The rate of pitching is Rs.
of interest for sinking fund is 3%. 500 per square meters. Calculate
the cost (Rs.) of pitching of the area
(a) 12.5 (b) 14
for steel reinforcement? 89. Calculate the quantity of the
(a) Number (b) Kilogram cement required in cubic meter for
(c) Running meter (d) Quintal 10 square meters of cement plaster
12 mm thick using cments mortar
83. What is the weight (in kg) per meter
of 1 : 6
length for 12 mm diameter steel
bar? (a) 0.015 (b) 0.0175
(a) 0.8 (b) 0.89 (c) 0.0205 (d) 0.0325
(c) 1.1 (d) 1.4 90. Calculate the quantity of the
earthwork in cubic meter for a canal
84. What percenatage of the total cost
embankment of 100 m long having
is added in the cost of construction
heights of 3 m and 5 m at the two
for contingencies?
extreme edges. Top widths of the
(a) 2% (b) 5%
embankment are 2 m and 4 m at
(c) 1% (d) 15% two extreme edges and side slope
85. What percentage of total cost is is 2 : 1. Use trapezoidal method
added to the schedule of rates of (a) 3500 (b) 4000
the public work department for over-
(c) 4200 (d) 4700
head cost?
91. Which of the following is measured
(a) 10% (b) 15%
in square meter?
(c) 18% (d) 21.5%
(a) Cornice
86. For estimation of painting area of
(b) Concrete work
corrugated sheets, percenatage
(c) Shuttering
increase in area above the plain
area is (d) Steel reinforcement bar
(a) 10% (b) 14% 92. When not specified, the volume of
steel in R.C.C. work is taken as
(c) 20% (d) 25%
(a) 12-156 (b) 13-182
87. Central line method for estimation
is suitable for (c) 14-210 (d) 15-230
(a) Building having large number 93. What is the unit of measuring
of cross wall cornice?
(b) Building having large numbers (a) Cubic meter
of junctions (b) Number
dimension of 400 × 200 mm
(a) 0.8 (b) 0.16
(a) Both central line and short wall
(c) 1.2 (d) 2 and long wall method
96. The cross section areas of three (b) Central line method
section of an embankment interval
(c) Plinth area method
of 40 m are 10 square meter, 15
(d) Short wall and long wall method
square meter and 35 square
meter.Calculate the quantity of 103. Using prismoidal method, what is
the volume (cubic meter) of
earthwork for the embankment.
Use prismoidal method earthwork required for 10 m deep
pit, if the top and bottom dimension
(a) 1200 (b) 1400
are 4 m × 8 m and 8 m × 16 m
(c) 1500 (d) 2400
97. Calculate the annual depreciation
(a) 678.34 (b) 746.67
(Rs) of a machine having initial cost
(c) 800 (d) 1493.33
of Rs. 10,000. The scrap value is
Rs. 1,000 and usefull life of 30 year 10 4. For supply, line is measured in
(a) 300 (b) 367 (a) Bags of 50 kg (b) Cubic meter
(c) 1333 (d) 333333 (c) Kilogram (d) Quintals
10 5. What is the estimate (Rs.) for a
98. Accuracy in the measurement of the
thickness of the slab or sectional building with a plinth area of 2000
dimension of column and beam (in sq. m with rate of Rs. 3800 per sq.
centimeter (should be) m? (Consider the adds of 15% of
electric installation and 7% of
(a) 0.5 (b) 1
(c) 5 (d) 10
(a) 150000 (b) 450080
99. Which of the following is estimate
(c) 2423000 (d) 9272000
by using a bar bending schedule?
10 6. What is the quantity (sq.m) of
(a) Fiords (b) Sink holes
plasting required for the 6 m of wall
(c) Stalactite (d) Stalagmite
which is 4 m high and 50 cm thick?
100. For estimation of painted area of
(a) 12 (b) 24
semi corrugated asbestos cement
(c) 48 (d) 56
sheets, percentage increases in
area above plain area is 10 7. The length, width and height of a
wall are given as 800 cm, 500 cm, (a) Cubical contents method
and 50 respectively. What will be (b) Plinth area method
the total cost (Rs) of brickwork if
(c) Unit base method
the rate of brickwork is Rs. 320 per
(d) All options are correct
cubic meter?
1 13. Which of the following method
(a) 4000 (b) 6400
estimate the best volume of
(c) 10500 (d) 12860
earthwork of an irregular
10 8. The plinth area rate and plinth area embankment?
of building is Rs. 5500 per sq.m and
(a) Average ordinate method
150 sq.m respectively. What is the
(b) Mid-ordinate method
total cost (Rs.) of building
(c) Simpson's method
considering cost of electricfication
as 7%, cost of sanitary fittings as (d) Trapezoidal method
16% cost of roads and lawns as 1 14. Threading in the iron is measured
6.5% and cost of contingencies as in
4.5% (a) Centimeter
(a) 50000 (b) 825000 (b) Kilogram
(c) 982860 (d) 1105500 (c) Number
10 9. Which of the following item is NOT (d) Square centimeter
a lump sum item?
1 15. Calculate the cost (Rs.) of 100 mm
(a) Architectural features thick brick lining of a septic tank
(b) Contingencies and unforseen of size 5 m × 3 m × 1.5 m, if the
rate of lining is Rs. 200 per square
(c) Electric installation meter.
(d) Plastering of wall (a) 4500 (b) 4800
1 10. What is the total cost (Rs) according (c) 5400 (d) 7800
to approximate estimate of hostel 1 16. Calculate the annual percentage
building with capacity of 75 beds? depreciation of a machine using the
The altogether cost per bed is given constant percentage cost Rs. 12,000
as Rs and scrap value is Rs 3,000 and the
(a) 500000 (b) 850000 life of the machine is 8 years
(c) 1500000 (d) 5500000 (a) 9.37 (b) 16
1 11. What is the volume of earthwork (c) 26.67 (d) 33.33
(cubic meter) in embankment of 10 1 17. The number of the brick delivered
m long and 7 m wide with the side by an unskiled labour to a distance
slope of 2 : 1? of 10 m in a working day is
(a) 35 (b) 140 approximately
(c) 10.5 (d) None of these (a) 1500 (b) 2200
1 12. Which of the following method is (c) 4200 (d) 5500
used to prepare the approximate 1 18. Calculate the quantity (cubic
estimate? meter) of fine aggregate required for
(c) Number (d) Quintal
1 20. Which of the following statement is
CORRECT for units of measure-
(a) Bands of specified width are
measured in running meter
(b) Work consist of the liner
measurement and is square
(c) Single units are measured in
(d) Work consist of areal surface
and is measured in cubic meter
1 22. Which of the following multiplying
factor is used for the estimation of
lead for Cartze tracks?
(a) 0.8 (b) 1
(c) 1.1 (d) 1.2
1 23. Which of the following is the
CORRECT statement for length of
the short wall, as one move from
earthwork to brick work in super
structure in long and short wall
(a) Decrease (b) Increase
(c) Both (d) None of these
1 24. Accuracy in the measurement of the
volume in cubic meter should be
near to
(a) 0.001 (b) 0.01
(c) 0.02 (d) 0.1
1 25. Deduction for total length of the