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Unit-2: Taking out quantities & detailed estimate


1. The ‘centre line method’ is specially adopted for estimating?

a) Circular buildings

b) Hexagonal buildings

c) Other geometrical shaped buildings

d) Circular, hexagonal and other geometric shape

2. Referring to the figure below, pick up the incorrect statement from the following

a) The total length of centre line of four walls is 20 m

b) Length of long wall out-to-out is 6.80 m

c) Length of short walls in-to-in is 3.20 m

d) Total length of four wall – 20 m, length of short wall – 6.8 m

3. In long and short wall method of estimation, the length of long wall is the centre to

centre distance between the walls and ________________

a) breadth of the wall

b) half breadth of wall on each side

c) one fourth breadth of wall on each side

d) length of the wall

4. The cost of the earthwork in excavation for the surface drain of cross-section shown

in the given figure for a total length of 5 metres @ Rs. 450/ cum, is ___________

a) Rs. 450

b) Rs. 500

c) Rs. 420

d) Rs. 60

5. Abstract estimate is not the third and final stage in a detailed estimate.

a) False

b) Tru

6. The superstructure of a building is the part that is entirely above its foundation or


a) True
b) Fals

7. Reinforced cement concrete work is usually estimated under ________items.

a) two

b) three

c) four

d) one

8. The density of steel may be taken as _______________

a) 68.5 quintal per cu m

b) 9.85 grams per cu m

c) 390 lbs per cu ft

d) 78.5 quintal per cu m

9. In R.C.C. work the end or side covers for steel bar may be taken as ____________

a) 4cm to 5cm

b) 7cm to 9cm

c) 6cm to 9cm

d) 3cm to 7cm

10. For the construction of buildings, the subheads of the estimate are ________

a) Earthwork, Concrete work, Brick work

b) Plastering or pointing, finishing, water supply and sanitary work

c) Brickwork Flooring, Wood work, Steel work

d) Earthwork, concrete work, brick work, plastering, water supply and steel


11. Brick walls are measured in sq. m if the thickness of the wall is _________

a) 10 cm

b) 15 cm

c) 20 cm

d) 11 cm

12. The measurement is not made in square metres in case of ____________

a) D.P.C. (Damp proof course)

b) Form works

c) R.C. chhajjas
d) Concrete Jaffries

13. Which option is not considered as the duty of quantity surveyor?

a) Preparing bill of quantities (Taking off, squaring, Abstracting and billing), taking

little amount for personal use as being quantity surveyor.

b) Preparing bills for part payments at intervals during the execution of work

c) Preparing bill of adjustment in the case of variations ordered during the execution

of work

d) Giving legal advice in case of court proceeding

14. Which is not the essential quality of a good surveyor?

a) The quality surveyor must be well versed with the drawings of work

b) He should be able to read the drawing correctly and bill the quantities accurately

c) He should have a thorough knowledge of the construction procedure to be adopted,

the various items of works involved in the execution: and the different materials to be

used in the work

d) Oral representation of schedule to be priced by tender

15. Name the method, where an estimator prepares estimate of proposed project by

comparing similar completed project.

a) Model estimate

b) Parametric estimate

c) Project Comparison Estimate

d) Detail Estimate

16. The damp proof course (D.P.C.) is measured in Sq m.

a) True

b) False

17. The diameter of longitudinal bars of a column should never be less than _________

a) 6 mm

b) 8 mm

c) 10 mm

d) 12 mm

18. The number of treads in a flight is equal to __________

a) risers in the flight

b) risers plus one

c) risers minus one

d) risers plus three

19. Normally earthwork is estimated for 30 m lead for distance and 1.5 m lift for height or

depth, and this distance of 30 m and the height of 1.5 m are known as _____________

a) vertical lead and lift

b) normal lead and lift

c) horizontal lead and lift

d) transverse lead and lift

20. The rate of payment is made for 100 cu m (per % cu m) in case of

A) Earth work in excavation

B) Rock cutting

C) Excavation in trenches for foundation

D) All the above

21. The main factor to be considered while preparing a detailed estimate, is

a) Quantity of the materials

b) Availability of materials

c) Transportation of materials

d) All the above

22. Pick up the correct statement regarding the centre line method of estimating a


(A) Product of the centre line of the walls and area of cross-section of any

item, gives total quantity of the item

(B) The centre line is worked out separately for different sections of walls of a


(C) The centre line length is reduced by half the layer of main wall joining the

partition wall

(D) All the above

23. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

(A) No deduction is made for the volume occupied by reinforcement

(B) No deduction is made for the openings upto 0.1 sq.m

(C) No deduction is made for volumes occupied by pipes, not exceeding 100 sq.cm in


(D) None of these

24. method of estimation, the length of long wall is the centre to centre

distance between the walls and

(A) Breadth of the wall

(B) Half breadth of wall on each side

(C) One fourth breadth of wall on each side

(D) None of these

25. The measurement is not made in square metres in case of

(A) D.P.C. (Damp proof course)

(B) Form works

(C) Concrete Jeffries

(D) R.C. Chhajja

26. While preparing a detailed estimate

(A) Dimension should be measured correct to 0.01 m

(B) Area should be measured correct to 0.01 sqm

(C) Volume should be measured correct to 0.01 cum

(D) All the above

27. The most reliable estimate is

(A) Detailed estimate

(B) Preliminary estimate

(C) Plinth area estimate

(D) Cube rate estimate

28. The total length of a cranked bar through a distance (d) at 45° in case of a beam of

effective length L, is

(A) L + 0.42 d

(B) L + (2 × 0.42 d)

(C) L - (0.42 d)

(D) L - (2 × 0.4 d)

29. The measurement is made for stone work in square metre in case of
(A) Wall facing

(B) Columns, lintels, copings

(C) Building work

(D) (a) and (d) of the above

30. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

(A) The built up covered area at the floor level of any storey of a building is called plinth area

(B) The usable covered area of the rooms of any storey of a building is called carpet area

(C) The carpet area of a building along with area of its kitchen, pantry, store, lavatory, bath

room and glazed veranda, is called floor area

(D) None of these

31. The unit of measurement is per quintal for the following:

(A) M.S. reinforcement of R.C.C. works

(B) Rolling shutters

(C) Expanded metal wire netting

(D) Collapsible gates with rails

32. The damp proof course (D.P.C.) is measured in

(A) Cub. m

(B) Sq. m

(C) Metres

(D) None of these

33. The floor area includes the area of the balcony up to _________

a) 50 %

b) 60 %

c) 70 %

d) 45 %

34. Using centre line method, the quantity of an item of work is worked out as

a) Product of total length of building &height& thickness of wall

b) Product of total centre line length of building &height& thickness of wall

c) Product of total in to in length of building &height& thickness of wall

d) Product of total out to out length of building &height& thickness of wall

35. For the plan shown below, assume all wall thickness to be 30cm, the total centre line

a) 30.3m

b) 31.1m

c) 28.6m

d) 41.1m

36. For the plan shown above, if the width and depth of earth work excavations are 0.90m

& 1.0m, respectively, the quantity of earth work in excavation is

a) 27.09 m3

b) 28 05 m3

c) 26.16 m3

d) 32.04 m3

37. For the plan shown the number of ‘T’ junctions are

a) 3

b) 4

c) 5

d) 6

38. For the plan shown in above fig. (see Q.37) using following data find the quantity of brick

work in super structure

1. All walls are 30cm thick,

2. Door opening= 0.9m x 2.1m,

3. Floor to roof height=3m

a) 28.90 m3

b) 31.10 m3

c) 27.65 m3

d) 25.10 m3

39. Work out the quantity of brick work in superstructure for a compound wall of length 5m ,

1.5m height and 30cm thick. Assume a iron gate centrally located of width 0.75m

a) 2.05 cum

b) 1.91cum

c) 1.58 cum

d) 2.11cum
40. The excavation exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sq. M in plan area with a depth not

exceeding 30 cm, is termed as

a) excavation

b) surface dressing

c) surface excavation

d) cutting

41. Abstract estimate is not the third and final stage in a detailed estimate.

a) False

b) True

42. For the construction of buildings, the subheads of the estimate are ________

a) Earthwork, Concrete work, Brick work

b) Plastering or pointing, finishing, water supply and sanitary work

c) Brickwork Flooring, Wood work, Steel work

d) Earthwork, concrete work, brick work, plastering, water supply and steel work

43. The quantity of PCC for the plan shown is

Assume thickness of PCC as 20cm, width of excavation =1m

a) 3.2cum

b) 3.9 cum

c) 4.5 cum

d) 2-95cum

44. For the plan shown above (see Q 43), the true statement is

a) The total length of centre line of four walls is 16 m

b) Length of long wall out-to-out is 5.90 m

c) Length of short walls in-to-in is 2.10 m

d) All the above

45. Pick up the correct statement from the following

a) The bent up bars at a support resist the negative bending moment

b) The bent up bars at a support resist the sharing force

c) The bending of bars near supports is generally at 45°

d) All the above

46. The total length of a bar of diameter d, having 2 hooks on both side and having effective
length L, is

a) L + 0.27 d

b) L + 2 x 9 d

c) L - 0.27 d

d) L - 2 x 9 d

47. In R.C.C. work the end or side covers for steel bar may be taken as

a) 4cm to 5cm

b) 7cm to 9cm

c) 6cm to 9cm

d) 3cm to 7cm

48. For initial estimate for a beam design, the width is assumed

a) 1/15th of span

b) 1/10th of span

c) 1/20th of span

d) 1/30th of span

49. The total length of a bar cranked on both side at 45° of effective length L, is

a) L + 0.42 d

b) L + 2 x 0.42 d

c) L - 0.42 d

d) L - 2 x 0.4 d

50. The total length of a bar cranked on one side at 30° of effective length L, is

a) L + 0.27 d

b) L + 2 x 0.27 d

c) L - 0.27 d

d) L - 2 x 0.27 d

********************All The Best*********************Unit-3: Specifications and Rate



1. For 100 sq. m cement concrete (1 : 2: 4) 4 cm thick floor, the quantity of cement

required, is _______

a) 0.90 m3
b) 0.94 m3

c) 0.98 m3

d) 0.98 m3

2. Estimate the quantities of brickwork and plastering required in a wall 4m long, 3m high

and 30 cm thick. Calculate also the cost if the rate of brickwork is Rs.32.00 per cu.m

and of plastering is Rs. 8.50 per sq.m.

a) Rs.1456.00

b) Rs.1686.00

c) Rs.1356.00

d) Rs.1556.00

3. ___________are a set of drawings or two-dimensional diagrams used to describe a place

or object, or to communicate building or fabrication instructions.

a) Elevations

b) Plans

c) Plotting

d) Sketching

4. The most reliable estimate is Cube rate estimate.

a) True

b) Fals

5. The rate of an item of work depends on

a) Specifications of works

b) Specifications of materials

c) Proportion of mortar

d) All the above

6. The rate of payment is made for 100 cu m (per % cu m) in case of

(A) Earth work in excavation

(B) Rock cutting

(C) Excavation in trenches for foundation

(D) All the above

7. Brick walls are measured in sq. m if the thickness of the wall is

(A) 10 cm
(B) 15 cm

(C) 20 cm

(D) None of these

8. Gravel. The box cutting in road crust is

(A) 500 m3

(B) 1000 m3

(C) 1500 m3

(D) 2000 m3

9. While estimating the qualities for the construction of a building, the correct metric

unit is

(A) Metre for length

(B) Cubic metre for area

(C) Square metres for volume

(D) Litre for capacity

10. The brick work is not measured in cu m in case of

(A) One or more than one brick wall

(B) Brick work in arches

(C) Half brick wall

(D) Reinforced brick work

11. According to Indian Standards Institute, the actual size of modular bricks is

(A) 23 cm × 11.5 cm × 7.5 cm

(B) 25 cm × 13 cm × 7.5 cm

(C) 19 cm × 9 cm × 9 cm

(D) 20 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm

12. The excavation exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sq.m in plan area with a depth not

exceeding 30 cm, is termed as

(A) Surface excavation

(B) Surface dressing

(C) Cutting

(D) Excavation

13. Pick up the excavation where measurements are made in square metres for payment.
(A) Ordinary cuttings up to 1 m

(B) Surface dressing up to 15 cm depths

(C) Surface excavation up to 30 cm depths

(D) Both (b) and (c)

14. The area is measured correct to the nearest

(A) 0.01 sqm

(B) 0.02 sqm

(C) 0.03 sqm

(D) 0.04 sqm

15. The cost of the earthwork in excavation for the surface drain of cross-section shown in

the given figure for a total length of 5 metres @ Rs. 450% cum, is

A) Rs. 400

(B) Rs. 425

(C) Rs. 450

(D) Rs. 500

16. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

(A) Bricks are paid per thousand

(B) Cement is paid per 50 kg bag

(C) Lime is paid per quintal

(D) Plastering is paid per cu. Meter

17. The correct Prismoidal formula for volume is

(A) D [first area + last area + Even area + 2 odd areas]

(B) D/3 [first area + last area + 4 Even area + 2 odd areas]

(C) D/3 [first area + last area + 2 Even area + 4 odd areas]

(D) D/6 [first area + odd areas]

18. For 12 mm thick cement plastering 1 : 6 on 100 sq.m new brick work, the quantity of

cement required, is

(A) 0.200 m3

(B) 0.247 m3

(C) 0.274 m3

(D) 0.295 m3
19. For 100 sq. m cement concrete (1 : 2: 4) 4 cm thick floor, the quantity of cement required,


(A) 0.90 m3

(B) 0.94 m3

(C) 0.98 m3

(D) 1.00 m3

20. In an rate analysis the contractor profit is taken at a rate of

a) 0.01

b) 0,05

c) 0.10

d) 0.20

21. In building work for internal electrification sanitary and water supply works a

% of about______ of the estimated cost of building is provided

a) 10%

b) 30%

c) 20%

d) 8%

22. General over heads include

a) Telephone

b) Rent and taxes

c) Travelling expenses

d) All of the above

23. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

a) Lead is the average horizontal straight distance between the borrow pit and the place of

spreading soil

b) The lead is calculated for each block of the excavated area

c) The unit of lead is 50 m for a distance upto 500 m

d) The unit of lead is 1 km where the lead exceeds 2 km

24. The rate of payment is made for 100 cu m (per % cu m) in case of

a) Earth work in excavation

b) Rock cutting
c) Excavation in trenches for foundation

d) All the above

25. ______________ include general office expenses, rents, taxes, supervision and other

costs which are indirect expenses and not productive expenses on the job.

a) Total costs

b) General costs

c) Overhead costs

d) Contingencies

26. In earthwork per 28.30 cu m, how many beldars and mzdoors are required per day?

a) 15 Beldars and 8 Mazdoors

b) 0 Beldars and 14 Mazdoors

c) 2 Beldars and 0 Mazdoors

d) 5 Beldars and 4 Mazdoors

27. A bullock cart can carry about _________load.

a) 3 tonne

b) 1 tonne

c) 5 tonne

d) ½ tonne

28. In the mid-section formula

a) The mean depth is the average of depths of two consecutive sections

b) The area of mid-sections is calculated by using mean depth

c) The volume of the earth work is calculated by multiplying the mid-section area by the


between the two original sections

d) All of the above

29. Stirrup diameter is normally taken as

A. 16 mm

B. 10 mm

C. 6 mm

D. 12 mm

30. Quantity of steel For R.C.C. Column____

A. 0.7% –1 % of quantity of concrete in Cu.m

B. 0.5% – 0.8 % of quantity of concrete in Cu.m

C. 2% – 5 % of quantity of concrete in Cu.m

D. 3% – 4 % of quantity of concrete in Cu.m

31. Quantity of steel For R.C.C. Footing___

A. 0.7% –1 % of quantity of concrete in Cu.m

B. 0.5% – 0.8 % of quantity of concrete in Cu.m

C. 2% – 5 % of quantity of concrete in Cu.m

D. 1% – 2 % of quantity of concrete in Cu.m

32. Quantity of steel For R.C.C. Slab and lintel____

A. 0.7% –1 % of quantity of concrete in Cu.m

B. 0.5% – 0.8 % of quantity of concrete in Cu.m

C. 2% – 5 % of quantity of concrete in Cu.m

D. 1% – 2 % of quantity of concrete in Cu.m

33. State the correct formula to calculate weight of steel bars___

A. ф2


B. 2ф/162

C. ф2


D. ф/162.89

34. How much bring required in 1 cubic meter

A) 500

B) 600

C) 100

D) 1000

35. Correct Ration M-20 is

A) 1:5:10

B) 1:3:6

C) 1:1.5:3

D) 1:2:4
36. How much % is add for wastages in brick quantity calculation

A) 20%

B) 30%

C) 10%

D) 15%

37. Select correct relation of concrete

A) Dry volume of concrete = 52% more of wet volume of concrete

B) Dry volume of concrete = 25% more of wet volume of concrete

C) Dry volume of concrete = 30% more of wet volume of concrete

D) Dry volume of concrete = 35 more of wet volume of concrete

38. Sundris include

A) Binding wire used to tie bars, cover block

B) Cement bag

C) Machinery

D) labour Payment

39. Which of following not include in General Overhead

A) Amenities to labour

B) Telephone bill, rent and taxes

C) Stationary, printing, postage

40. Choose Incorrect factor of rate analysis

(a) Quantity of materials and cost

(b) Labour cost

(c) Depreciation

(d) Cost of equipment, tools and plants

41. How to store material, use and install them, this type specification is used

A) Open Specification

B) Restricted Specification

C) Particular specification

D) Manufacturer’s specification

42. Cost of labour is taken as

A) 20%
B) 30%

C) 10%

D) 5%

43. Which factors affecting Task works

A) Job satisfaction & working condition may increase the out turn

B) To examine most economical method for construction

C) The maximum load

D) All of the Above

44. The cost of construction material is taken as

A) 5% to 8%

B) 40% to 50%

C) 20 to 25%

D) 30 to 35%

45. The number of cement bags required in 1m3

A) 28.50

B) 28.57

C) 28

D) 27.50

46. Volume of one cement bag is

A) 0.0347m3

B) 0.0328m3

C) 0.0447m3

D) None of these

47. Density of Aggregate Construction material

A) 2080 to 2200 kg/m3

B) 1600 to 1880 kg/m3

C) 2380 to 2580 kg/m3

D) 2070 to 2270 kg/m3

48. Density of Brick Construction material

A) 2080 to 2200 kg/ m3

B) 1600 to 1920 kg/ m3

C) 2380 to 2580 kg/ m3

D) 2370 to 2470 kg/ m3

49. Density of Dry sand Construction material

A) 1600kg/m3

B) 1680kg/m3

C) 1540kg/m3

D) 1645kg/m3

50. Density of cement Construction material

A) 1440kg/m

B) 1480kg/m3

C) 1440kg/m3

D) 1445kg/m

********************All The Best*********************

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