Personal Budget2
Personal Budget2
Personal Budget2
Use this personal monthly budget worksheet to track your projected and actual monthly
income and projected and actual cost.
Additional instructions have been provided in column A in PERSONAL MONTHLY BUDGET worksheet.
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Personal monthly budget
Projected monthly income Projected balance
(Projected income minus expenses) $214,101,720.00
Income 1 $10,000,000.00
Difference ###
(Actual minus projected)
Actual monthly income
Income 1 $4,000.00
Housing Entertainment
Projected Actual Projected Actual
cost cost Difference 0 cost cost Difference
Subtotal $290,666.00
Transportation Loans
0 Projected Actual Difference 0
Projected Actual Difference
cost cost cost cost
Subtotal $0.00
Insurance Taxes
Projected Actual Projected Actual
cost cost Difference 0 cost cost Difference
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Health $0.00 State $0.00
Other $0.00
Subtotal $0.00
Other $0.00
Subtotal $0.00
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