Monthly Budget Tracker
Monthly Budget Tracker
Monthly Budget Tracker
Use this personal monthly budget worksheet to track your projected and actual monthly
income and projected and actual cost.
To learn more about tables in the worksheet, press SHIFT and then F10 within a table,
select the TABLE option, and then select ALTERNATIVE TEXT.
Create a Personal Monthly Budget in this worksheet. Helpful instructions on how to use this worksheet are in cells in this column. Arrow down to get started.
EntHOUSING Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference ENTERTAINMENT Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference
Mortgage or rent $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 Night out $0.00
Phone $54.00 $100.00 -$46.00 Music platforms $0.00
Electricity $44.00 $56.00 -$12.00 Movies $0.00
Gas $22.00 $28.00 -$6.00 Concerts $0.00
Water and sewer $8.00 $8.00 $0.00 Sporting events $0.00
Cable $34.00 $34.00 $0.00 Live theater $0.00
Waste removal $10.00 $10.00 $0.00 Other $0.00
Maintenance or repairs $23.00 $0.00 $23.00 Other $0.00
Supplies $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Other $0.00
Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $0.00
Subtotal -$41.00
LOANS Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference Personal $0.00
Vehicle payment $0.00 Student $0.00
Bus/taxi fare $0.00 Credit card $0.00
Insurance $0.00 Credit card $0.00
Licensing $0.00 Credit card $0.00
Fuel $0.00 Other $0.00
Maintenance $0.00 Subtotal $0.00
Other $0.00
Subtotal $0.00 TAXES Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference
Federal $0.00
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference State $0.00
Home $0.00 Local $0.00
Health $0.00 Other $0.00
Life $0.00 Subtotal $0.00
Other $0.00
Subtotal $0.00 SAVINGS OR INVESTMENTS Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference
Retirement account $0.00
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference Investment account $0.00
Groceries $0.00 Other $0.00
Dining out $0.00 Subtotal $0.00
Other $0.00
Subtotal $0.00 GIFTS AND DONATIONS Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference
Charity 1 $0.00
PETS Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference Charity 2 $0.00
Food $0.00 Charity 3 $0.00
Medical $0.00 Subtotal $0.00
Grooming $0.00
Toys $0.00 LEGAL Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference
Other $0.00 Attorney $0.00
Subtotal $0.00 Alimony $0.00
Payments on lien or judgment $0.00
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference Other $0.00
Medical $0.00 Subtotal $0.00
Hair/nails $0.00
TotClothing $0.00
Dry cleaning $0.00
Health club $0.00
Organization dues or fees $0.00
Other $0.00
Subtotal $0.00
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