Online Source Water Monitoring Guidance
Online Source Water Monitoring Guidance
Online Source Water Monitoring Guidance
Version History: This 2019 version is the second release of the document, originally published in
September 2016. This release includes updated component names (Enhanced Security Monitoring was
changed to Physical Security Monitoring, Consequence Management to Water Contamination Response
and Source Water Monitoring to Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water), an updated version
of Figure 1.1 that reflects the component name changes and includes the Advanced Metering
Infrastructure component, updates to figures to reflect name changes, updated target capabilities, an
updated Glossary, and updated links to external resources.
Steve Allgeier
EPA Water Security Division
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Mail Code 140
Cincinnati, OH 45268
(513) 569-7131
Matt Umberg
EPA Water Security Division
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Mail Code 140
Cincinnati, OH 45268
(513) 569-7357
The document was developed by the EPA Water Security Division, with additional support provided
under EPA contract EP-C-15-012. The following individuals contributed to the development of this
• Joel Allen, EPA, Office of Research and Development
• Steve Allgeier, EPA, Water Security Division
• Erin Cummings, Jacobs
• Jennifer Liggett, Jacobs
• Alan Lindquist, EPA, Office of Research and Development
• Christopher Macintosh, Jacobs
• Kenneth Thompson, Jacobs
• Matt Umberg, EPA, Water Security Division
Table of Contents
LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................................................................................... II
LIST OF TABLES ..............................................................................................................................................................
ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................ I
SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 OVERVIEW OF ONLINE WATER QUALITY MONITORING IN SOURCE WATER ........................................................3
1.2 PURPOSE AND OVERVIEW OF THIS DOCUMENT ....................................................................................................5
SECTION 2: FRAMEWORK FOR DESIGNING ONLINE MONITORING SYSTEMS ............................................................6
2.1 ESTABLISH DESIGN GOALS ..................................................................................................................................6
2.2 ESTABLISH PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES...............................................................................................................8
2.3 CONDUCT A RISK ASSESSMENT .......................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 DESIGN THE SYSTEM .......................................................................................................................................... 13
SECTION 3: MONITORING LOCATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 16
3.1 MONITORING LOCATIONS TO SUPPORT TREATMENT PROCESS OPTIMIZATION ................................................... 16
3.2 MONITORING LOCATIONS TO DETECT CONTAMINATION INCIDENTS .................................................................. 17
SECTION 4: MONITORING PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................... 22
4.1 USEFUL MONITORING PARAMETERS .................................................................................................................. 22
4.2 PARAMETER SELECTION ..................................................................................................................................... 24
SECTION 5: MONITORING STATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 31
5.1 INSTRUMENTATION ............................................................................................................................................ 32
5.2 SAMPLING .......................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.3 POWER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION ................................................................................................................... 34
5.4 COMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 34
5.5 PACKAGING ........................................................................................................................................................ 34
SECTION 6: INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND ANALYSIS ....................................................................................... 36
6.1 ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUES .................................................................................................... 36
6.2 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE ..................................................................................... 44
6.3 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................... 48
SECTION 7: INVESTIGATION AND RESPONSE PROCEDURES ...................................................................................... 51
7.1 PROCEDURES FOR INVESTIGATION OF AND RESPONSE TO OWQM-SW ALERTS ................................................ 51
7.3 IMPLEMENTATION OF OWQM-SW PROCEDURES .............................................................................................. 67
SECTION 8: EXAMPLE OF MONITORING DESIGN ....................................................................................................... 69
8.1 DESIGN APPROACH ............................................................................................................................................ 69
8.2 MONITORING LOCATION SELECTION .................................................................................................................. 73
8.3 MONITORING PARAMETER SELECTION ............................................................................................................... 74
8.4 MONITORING STATION DESIGN .......................................................................................................................... 76
8.5 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND ANALYSIS ................................................................................................... 78
8.6 INVESTIGATION AND RESPONSE PROCEDURES ................................................................................................... 78
SECTION 9: CASE STUDIES ......................................................................................................................................... 80
9.1 GREENVILLE WATER .......................................................................................................................................... 80
9.2 CITY OF FORT COLLINS UTILITIES ...................................................................................................................... 81
9.3 CLERMONT COUNTY WATER RESOURCES DIVISION .......................................................................................... 83
9.4 WEST VIRGINIA AMERICAN WATER................................................................................................................... 85
9.5 BRATISLAVA WATER COMPANY ........................................................................................................................ 86
9.6 SUSQUEHANNA RIVER BASIN COMMISSION EARLY WARNING SYSTEM ............................................................. 88
9.7 RIVER ALERT INFORMATION NETWORK ............................................................................................................. 90
9.8 PHILADELPHIA WATER DEPARTMENT ................................................................................................................ 92
RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................................................. 97
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................. 104
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................................................. 105
List of Figures
FIGURE 1-1. INCORPORATION OF OWQM-SW INTO AN SRS ....................................................................... 2
FIGURE 1-2. EXAMPLE SCHEMATIC OF OWQM-SW .................................................................................... 4
FIGURE 1-3. MONITORING LOCATION VS. MONITORING STATION ............................................................... 4
FIGURE 2-1. ONLINE MONITORING IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK........................................................... 6
FIGURE 2-2. ONLINE MONITORING SYSTEM DESIGN ELEMENTS................................................................ 13
FIGURE 5-1. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM OF A MONITORING STATION ................................................ 32
SW LOCATION............................................................................................................................................. 40
FIGURE 6-4. TEXT MESSAGE AND DASHBOARD ALERT NOTIFICATIONS ................................................... 41
.................................................................................................................................................................... 43
ARCHITECTURE ........................................................................................................................................... 45
FIGURE 8-1. LOCATION OF HIGH-PRIORITY SW THREATS FOR ANYTOWN WATER ................................... 70
FIGURE 8-2. MONITORING LOCATIONS FOR ANYTOWN WATER ................................................................ 73
FIGURE 9-1. GREENVILLE WATER OWQM-SW LOCATIONS ..................................................................... 80
FIGURE 9-3. WEST VIRGINIA AMERICAN WATER MONITORING STATION ................................................. 85
FIGURE 9-5. BRATISLAVA WATER COMPANY MONITORING STATION ....................................................... 87
FIGURE 9-6. BRATISLAVA WATER COMPANY OWQM-SW ALERT NOTIFICATION ................................... 87
FIGURE 9-7. SUSQUEHANNA RIVER BASIN REGION .................................................................................... 88
FIGURE 9-9. RAIN MONITORING STATION ................................................................................................. 90
FIGURE 9-10. OVERVIEW OF RAIN MONITORING LOCATIONS ................................................................... 91
FIGURE 9-11. RAIN INTERACTIVE DISPLAY ............................................................................................... 92
List of Tables
TABLE 4-1. OVERVIEW OF MONITORING PARAMETERS ............................................................................. 22
.................................................................................................................................................................... 28
.................................................................................................................................................................... 42
REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................................... 50
ALERT ......................................................................................................................................................... 55
TABLE 7-3. COMMON CAUSES OF INVALID AND VALID OWQM-SW ALERTS .......................................... 56
DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................................... 61
TREATMENT OPTIMIZATION........................................................................................................................ 63
CONTAMINATION ........................................................................................................................................ 64
IN SOURCE WATER QUALITY ...................................................................................................................... 65
QUALITY ..................................................................................................................................................... 67
.................................................................................................................................................................... 70
WATER ........................................................................................................................................................ 72
WATER ........................................................................................................................................................ 74
LONG-TERM WATER QUALITY FOR ANYTOWN WATER ............................................................................. 75
TABLE 8-5. FINAL OWQM-SW STATION DESIGNS FOR ANYTOWN WATER .............................................. 77
TABLE 9-1. FORT COLLINS UTILITIES MONITORING STATIONS.................................................................. 82
ADS Anomaly Detection System
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASME-ITI American Society of Mechanical Engineers Innovative Technologies Institute
AWWA American Water Works Association
CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information
CIO Chief Information Officer
CREAT Climate Resilience Evaluation and Awareness Tool
DBP Disinfection Byproduct
DO Dissolved Oxygen
DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon
DWMAPS Drinking Water Mapping Application to Protect Source Waters
ECHO Enforcement and Compliance History Online
EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
ERP Emergency Response Plan
EWS Early Warning System
GAC Granular Activated Carbon
GIS Geographic Information System
HAB Harmful Algal Bloom
HMI Human Machine Interface
IT Information Technology
LIMS Laboratory Information Management System
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NH 3 Ammonia
NH 4 + Ammonium
NO 3 Nitrate
NO 2 Nitrite
NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
NTU Nephelometric turbidity units
NWIS National Water Information System
ORP Oxidation-Reduction Potential
OWQM Online Water Quality Monitoring
OWQM-SW Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
PAC Powdered Activated Carbon
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PWD Philadelphia Water Department
RAIN River Alert Information Network
RCRAInfo Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information
S&A Sampling and Analysis
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SDWA Safe Water Drinking Act
SRBC Susquehanna River Basin Commission
SRS Water Quality Surveillance and Response System
SW Threat Source Water Threat
SWC Source Water Collaborative
TOC Total Organic Carbon
TRI Toxic Release Inventory
TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Source water 1 is water from natural resources (e.g., aquifers, lakes, rivers, and streams) that is treated to
produce drinking water for a community. Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
(OWQM-SW), as defined in this document involves the use of online water quality instruments for real-
time measurement of water quality in a source water. The understanding gained through OWQM-SW
enables drinking water utilities to more efficiently treat the source water, identify significant changes in
water quality, implement appropriate treatment strategies, and take actions to protect the source water for
its intended use.
The design of an SRS is flexible and can include any combination of components shown in Figure 1-1.
However, it is recommended that all SRS designs include at least one surveillance component and basic
capabilities for Sampling and Analysis (S&A) and Water Contamination Response (WCR). S&A is
important because the surveillance components of an SRS, including OWQM-SW, typically provide only
a general indication of a potential water quality problem; S&A establishes capabilities for confirming or
ruling out specific contaminants or contaminant classes. WCR establishes procedures and relationships
with response partners for responding to serious water quality problems such as contamination.
The guidance provided in this document treats OWQM-SW as an application of the Online Water
Quality Monitoring (OWQM) component within an SRS. This allows many of the elements of an SRS,
such as information management systems, visualization tools, S&A capabilities, and contamination
incident response plans, to be leveraged to support OWQM-SW operations. Furthermore, there is a
substantial body of SRS guidance that can support the design of OWQM-SW. These resources are cited
throughout the document, where applicable.
1 Words in bold italic font are terms defined in the Glossary at the end of this document.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Treatment plants are designed and operated to treat contaminants known to occur in source water, comply
with drinking water standards, and meet customer expectations. Unanticipated changes in quality or the
presence of unusual contaminants in source water can
adversely impact the ability of a utility to meet these REASONS TO IMPLEMENT
objectives. OWQM-SW can improve a utility’s ability to ONLINE WATER QUALITY MONITORING
detect variations in source water quality. IN SOURCE WATER
□ Provide information to facilitate
OWQM-SW involves the measurement of various water protection of the public water supply
quality parameters in source water or watersheds. A for all intended uses
□ Observe long-term trends in source
monitoring location is the site in a waterbody where water water quality to prepare for future
is sampled for measurement. Monitoring locations are challenges or regulations
selected relative to control points, which are locations □ Detect and respond to contamination
where a treatment process can be modified (e.g., addition incidents
□ Optimize treatment processes to
of pretreatment chemicals) or a response action can be improve finished water quality and
implemented (e.g., closing an intake). Monitoring stations reduce costs
are installed at or near monitoring locations and consist of □ Develop information that supports
online water quality instruments that measure parameters regulatory compliance
and communications equipment that transmits data to a □ Investigate and identify pollution
sources and potentially responsible
central location, such as a utility control center. A parties
schematic of an example OWQM-SW system is shown in
Figure 1-2.
The physical location where the monitoring station is installed may not be the same as the monitoring
location. For example, source water can be pumped from a monitoring location to a monitoring station
installed at a different site. Figure 1-3 shows a monitoring station installed at the monitoring location
(Exhibit A) and a monitoring station installed away from the monitoring location (Exhibit B).
The scale of an OWQM-SW system can extend from an individual drinking water utility monitoring at its
treatment plant intake to systems that monitor an entire watershed. The latter typically involve multiple
organizations to provide coverage of a large area (e.g., an entire watershed or river basin) and share the
cost required to install, operate, and maintain the system. Benefits of a watershed-scale OWQM-SW
system include the ability to achieve extensive geographic coverage and maintain more monitoring
locations than could be maintained by any single organization. However, such systems require sustained
commitment by all partners and can present challenges if partner organizations decide to end their
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
This document provides guidance on the design of an OWQM-SW system that is based on best practices
and lessons learned from existing OWQM-SW systems. It introduces key concepts, provides examples,
and directs the reader to additional resources for guidance on specific technical elements of OWQM-SW.
Section 2: Framework for
Designing Online Monitoring Systems
The design process for OWQM-SW follows the principles of project management and master planning
that are described in Sections 2 and 3 of Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance
and Response Systems (referred to throughout this document as SRS Integration Guidance). This section
presents a framework for implementing OWQM-SW as shown in Figure 2-1. While depicted as a linear
process, in practice it is iterative. Decisions or findings in downstream steps can require that earlier steps
be revisited.
Three common, high-level design goals for OWQM-SW are to (1) optimize treatment processes,
(2) detect contamination incidents, and (3) monitor threats to long-term water quality. These design
goals are presented and discussed in order of increasing complexity, with complexity generally defined in
terms of the number of parameters monitored, the number of monitoring locations, and the area covered
by monitoring locations. OWQM-SW designed for treatment process optimization is simplest in that it
requires one to a few monitoring locations for specific parameters that are directly related to the
performance of treatment processes. Designing for detection of contamination incidents generally requires
the addition of upstream monitoring locations and parameters capable of detecting a wider range of water
quality changes along with more sophisticated data analysis methods. Even more monitoring locations
may be necessary to monitor threats to long-term water quality.
These high-level design goals cover most OWQM-SW applications. However, a utility planning to
implement OWQM-SW should first establish the overall purpose of OWQM-SW and the decisions that
OWQM-SW data is intended to support. This will inform the development of detailed design goals to
guide OWQM-SW implementation.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
The primary decisions that guide the design of OWQM- FACTORS TO CONSIDER
SW to optimize treatment processes include these: WHEN REFINING DESIGN GOALS
• Identify specific treatment targets. This decision TO OPTIMIZE TREATMENT PROCESSES
will guide the selection of parameters to monitor. □ Flexibility in utilization of the source,
Examples might include removal of particulate such as withdrawal at different depths
matter, removal of organic contaminants, or at the intake, off-stream storage, etc.
removal of algal toxins. □ Treatment process control points that
can be manipulated to handle variable
• Determine the treatment processes that support source water quality
these targets. This information will help identify □ Options to limit impact of poor-quality
control points in the treatment plant that can be source water on treatment processes,
adjusted based on the information generated by such as booms, pump and treat,
adsorptive barriers, diversion, etc.
OWQM-SW. For example, the following processes
can be adjusted in response to a change in source
water quality: pretreatment with powdered activated carbon (PAC), pretreatment with
permanganate, coagulation/sedimentation, and disinfection.
• Determine the time necessary to implement treatment process changes. This time period is
that between validation of a change in source water quality and adjustment of treatment processes
in response to that validated change. The time available will influence the selection of monitoring
locations and the required frequency at which water quality instruments generate data.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
generated by OWQM-SW (i.e., more costly response actions will generally require a higher
degree of information reliability).
• Determine the time necessary to implement response options. This is the time period between
detection and investigation of a water quality change and implementation of an effective
response. The time available from detection to response will influence the selection of monitoring
locations and the necessary frequency of data generation and analysis.
Another factor to consider during OWQM-SW design is that a single incident can alter source water
quality in a number of ways over different time periods. As an example, consider a wildfire, which can
produce a high loading of silt and ash during runoff events immediately following the fire. This transient
contamination incident may require a utility to implement highly unusual, short-term treatment
modifications. Long-term effects of wildfires might include an increase in TOC loading for multiple
years, which would require sustained treatment plant optimization. Finally, long-term source water
quality monitoring can provide stakeholders with information that can be used to gauge the effectiveness
of watershed restoration efforts such as reseeding.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Operational Reliability
Operational reliability is the degree to which an OWQM-SW system is performing at a level capable of
achieving the established design goals. It depends on proper maintenance of equipment and information
management systems necessary to operate the system. Considerations for operational reliability include
accessibility of monitoring stations for maintenance, suitability of water quality sensors to the
chemistry and quality of a source (e.g., turbidity, pH), environmental impact on monitoring stations (e.g.,
source water temperature, humidity, and ambient temperatures), and adequacy of training for personnel
responsible for maintaining the OWQM-SW equipment. Example metrics used to monitor operational
reliability include the following:
• Percentage of time that the OWQM-SW system is fully operational
• Average response time to correct equipment problems
Information Reliability
Information reliability is the degree to which information produced by a monitoring station is of sufficient
quality to support decision-making. Specifically, utility personnel must be able to interpret the difference
between typical water quality variability and changes indicative of a water quality issue requiring a
response action or treatment process change. Considerations for information reliability include the
representativeness of the water monitored at each monitoring location, compatibility of the sensors with
the water chemistry, sensor capabilities (e.g., detection limits), maintenance of sensors, and data analysis
Information reliability can be characterized through data quality objectives, which are metrics or criteria
that establish the quality and quantity of data needed to support decisions. Examples of data quality
objectives that might be considered for OWQM-SW include:
• Data accuracy
• Data completeness
• Number of invalid alerts per month
Establishing data quality objectives is an element of quality control/quality assurance that is important for
any environmental monitoring program. Further information about quality assurance for online water
quality data can be found in Quality Assurance (ACRR) Matrix.
Sustainability is the degree to which benefits derived from information generated by OWQM-SW justify
the cost and level of effort required for its implementation and operation. Benefits are largely determined
by the design goals that OWQM-SW data supports. For example, an annual reduction in chemical usage
or sludge production can be achieved due to more efficient chemical dosing guided by OWQM-SW data.
Other benefits may be difficult to quantify, such as increased confidence of utility managers and operators
in their ability to detect source water quality problems. However, these benefits should still be captured
and described as they are important to gauging the sustainability of the OWQM-SW system. Costs
include the capital and ongoing expenditures required to implement and operate the equipment and
systems, as well as the effort required to analyze the OWQM-SW data and investigate alerts. Example
metrics for sustainability include the following:
• Improvements in finished water quality and operations due to treatment process optimization
• Consequences avoided through early detection of and response to contamination incidents
• Value of non-monetary benefits gained from the operation of OWQM-SW
• Lifecycle cost to implement and maintain OWQM-SW
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
The values for these three risk parameters are used to calculate the overall risk score, as shown in
Equation 2-1.
R = Risk of a specific threat to a utility or its customers
L = Likelihood that a specific threat will occur (score range: 0 to 1)
V = Vulnerability of a utility to a specific threat (score range: 0 to 1)
C = Consequences of the specific threat (score range: 0 to 100)
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
• Industrial facilities that use chemicals (e.g., tanneries, automotive body shops, dry cleaners)
• Agricultural facilities (e.g., concentrated animal feeding operations, large fertilized areas)
• Urban areas (e.g., runoff over impervious contaminated surfaces)
• Oil and natural gas extraction operations
• Wastewater treatment plant outfalls
• Stormwater outfalls
Mobile threats present a variable point of potential contaminant entry into the source water, making them
more difficult to monitor. Examples of mobile threats include:
• Transportation corridors (e.g., vehicular traffic, rolling stock on railway tracks)
• Watercraft (e.g., barges and other vessels)
• Natural disasters (e.g., wildfires, floods, hurricanes, landslides)
A variety of resources are available to identify and characterize SW threats, some of which are described
below. Additional information about these resources, including where to find them, is available in the
Resources section.
• State Primacy Agency Source Water Assessments provide an inventory of known and potential
SW threats within a state. This information can be used to identify known and potential sources
of contamination and to characterize the vulnerability of source water to these threats.
• Drinking Water Mapping Application to Protect Source Waters (DWMAPS) is a geographic
information system (GIS)-based tool developed by EPA that provides layers of spatially
referenced data using information from databases such as National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES); Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO); Toxic
Release Inventory (TRI); Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability
Information System (CERCLIS); Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information
(RCRAInfo); and Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). DWMAPS provides information about
potential SW threats including their locations and details of discharge permits.
• Land Use Maps are often developed and maintained by a city, county, or state. These maps may
be useful for identifying current and future potential SW threats, such as areas of urban or
commercial expansion.
Each SW threat identified should be characterized to the fullest extent possible, capturing information
such as the following:
• Location of the SW threat and the distance from the threat to the source water
• Owner or operator of the property or facility where the SW threat is located
• Potential contaminants associated with the SW threat (e.g., chemicals stored on site, pesticides or
fertilizers applied to the land)
• Volume or mass of potential contaminants stored at the location of an SW threat or discharge
rates from SW threats, such as outfalls
• Characteristics of the potential contaminants stored at the location of an SW threat (e.g.,
solubility, toxicity), which may be available in material safety data sheets that are required to be
on file at the location where a chemical is stored or used
• Estimates of contaminant dispersion and dilution in the source water during a contamination
incident from the SW threat (e.g., results from hydrology model simulations or tracer studies)
• Existing risk mitigation strategies to protect the source water from the threat (e.g., leak detection,
spill containment, runoff control)
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Some of this information may not be available for all types of SW threats, but the characterization of each
SW threat should be as complete as possible. A detailed characterization of SW threats is useful not only
for the risk assessment, but also for selecting monitoring parameters and locations as well as for response
The process for identifying SW threats is the same for flowing water systems (e.g., rivers and streams),
and still water systems (e.g., ponds and lakes). Some aspects of this process also apply to groundwater
sources, which face some similar and unique risks as compared to surface water. The characteristics of the
source water will inform the identification of SW threats as well as the assignment of values to the risk
assessment parameters.
A risk assessment is useful for designing an OWQM-SW system to detect contamination incidents and/or
monitor threats to long-term water quality because it prioritizes the SW threats to be monitored. If the
OWQM-SW system is intended to meet both of these design goals, it may be useful to identify and
prioritize two sets of SW threats: (1) those that pose an acute risk to source water quality due to a
contamination incident and (2) those that pose a chronic risk to long-term water quality. This strategy
ensures that the OWQM-SW design will consider the highest priority SW threats to both short-term and
long-term water quality. A risk assessment is generally not used to optimize treatment processes because
this design goal is intended to meet specific treatment targets by adjusting treatment processes in response
to typical source water quality variability.
The attributes of SW threats considered when assigning values to each risk assessment parameter will be
different when assessing risk for the design goals of detection of contamination incidents and monitoring
of threats to long-term water quality, as illustrated in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1. Scoring Considerations for Risk Assessment Parameters by Design Goal
Scoring Considerations
Risk Assessment Detect Contamination Incidents Monitor Threats to Long-Term Water
Parameter (Short-Term Risks) Quality (Long-Term Risks)
Likelihood The probability that an SW threat will cause The probability that an SW threat will cause
a significant yet transient degradation in a sustained change in water quality (e.g.,
source water quality. The frequency of longer than one year). Characteristics of the
occurrence of previous, similar incidents can SW threat, such as discharge rates or
be used to estimate a likelihood score. contaminant loading rates, can be used to
Existing mitigation strategies at the SW estimate a likelihood score. Existing
threat such as leak detection systems, mitigation strategies such as runoff control
secondary containment, and spill response systems can reduce likelihood.
plans can reduce likelihood.
Vulnerability The probability that a contamination incident The probability that a sustained change in
caused by an SW threat will adversely water quality caused by an SW threat will
impact the utility or its customers. The ability adversely impact the utility or its customers.
of the utility to respond to a contamination The ability of the utility to adapt to changing
incident in a manner that mitigates the source water quality can be used to estimate
consequences of the incident can be used to a vulnerability score. Implementation of a
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
The results of a risk assessment are used to develop (1) a prioritized list of SW threats of contamination
(short-term risks) and (2) a prioritized list of SW threats to
long-term water quality design goal (long-term risks). These OWQM-SW Risk
lists are used to identify high-priority threats that will be Assessment Template
considered in an OWQM-SW design. It is also important to (Microsoft Word)
understand that risks may change over time and that the risk *Note that the document that is
currently open may need to be
assessment may need to be updated when new potential SW downloaded and opened offline
threats are identified. A Template for Conducting a Risk to access this checklist.
Assessment for Source Water Threats can be opened and
edited in Microsoft® Word by clicking the icon in the callout box.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
not present methods for locating monitoring wells within an aquifer. Guidance on the selection of
monitoring locations is discussed in detail in Section 3.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Pay-as-you-go. Funding OWQM-SW through a pay-as-you-go strategy involves incorporating the cost of
implementation into the annual budget. This can be done through allocating existing cash reserves or developing
new revenue sources such as capital improvement fees, increased property taxes, or tapping a portion of water
sales revenue. This funding mechanism works best for a phased OWQM-SW implementation where pieces of the
system are gradually deployed as the capital becomes available.
Bonds/Loans. Funding OWQM-SW through bonds or loans incurs debt at the beginning of the project, which is
typically paid back over a 10- or 20-year period. The debt may be serviced through implementation of new
revenue sources such as capital improvement fees, increased property taxes, or a portion of water sales revenue.
Financing OWQM-SW using bonds or loans can allow for significant expenditures at the beginning of the project,
accelerating design and implementation.
Grants/Federal Loans. Funding OWQM-SW through grants or federal loans (usually provided at or below market
interest rates) involves applying to a government agency or other organization. To improve the likelihood of an
award, the project description should meet all requirements specified in the grant/loan application. The following
organizations are potential sources of grant funding for OWQM-SW:
• Bureau of Reclamation. Significant grant funding opportunities are available for systems that reduce
energy consumption, address climate-related risks, and support sustainability of water systems.
• Department of Agriculture. Districts that provide water to agricultural customers, and possibly along
with urban customers, can apply for grants related to improving water quality and water availability for
agricultural customers. To be eligible for these grants, at least 30 percent of water production should go
to agricultural use. (
• Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. These federal loans must address a serious risk to public
health, bring the systems into compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, consolidate water supplies,
or replace aging infrastructure. (
• Global City Teams Challenge. Provides funding for Smart Cities projects. (
• Public-private partnership. Funding OWQM-SW through public-private partnerships involves working
with a private entity that would benefit from financing some aspect of OWQM-SW.
Some of these funding opportunities may require development and approval of specific documentation such as a
Quality Assurance Project Plan, Data Management Plan, or Health and Safety Plan. To secure funding and
support for an OWQM-SW project, a business case should be developed that clearly articulates the benefits of
Section 3: Monitoring Locations
A monitoring location is the site in a source water where water is sampled for measurement. Selection of
monitoring locations should be guided by the design goals established for the system and the time
required to implement a response action relative to the time a water quality change is detected.
Monitoring locations are selected relative to control points, which are locations where a treatment process
can be modified (e.g., addition of pretreatment chemicals) or a response action can be implemented
(e.g., closing of an intake). For detection of contamination incidents and monitoring of threats to long-
term water quality, monitoring location selection should also be informed by the location of high-priority
SW threats.
OWQM-SW locations are sufficient to fully achieve selected monitoring goals
Selection of monitoring locations and OWQM-SW installation sites will also be influenced by a variety of
site-specific considerations, such as accessibility and natural hazards as discussed in Guidelines and
Standard Procedures for Continuous Water-Quality Monitors: Station Operation, Record Computation,
and Data Reporting. Performance objectives, such as operational reliability and sustainability should also
be considered when selecting these locations. The final selection of monitoring locations will be a
compromise between the ideal location that meets the design goals and practical implementation
The following sections present a series of examples demonstrating how each of the three design goals
covered in this document influence the selection of monitoring locations. All of these examples are based
on a single hypothetical utility with a river source. The sequence of the examples is intended to illustrate
how an OWQM-SW system can be expanded from a single monitoring location at an intake to multiple
monitoring locations throughout the source water and watershed.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Any monitoring location upstream of the critical detection point should provide adequate time to
implement a response action. Monitoring locations farther upstream and closer to an SW threat may be
selected to increase the likelihood of detecting a water quality change caused by the SW threat (i.e., by
minimizing the opportunities for dilution as a contaminant plume flows downstream from the SW threat).
If there is a high-priority SW threat downstream of the critical detection point, the hydraulic travel time
from the SW threat to the control point where it can be mitigated (e.g., an intake structure that can be
closed) should be calculated to develop an alternative response that, although not ideal, can still provide a
level of mitigation. It is recommended that hydraulic travel time be calculated using a conservative (high)
source water flow rate.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
location may also be sufficient in situations where SW threats upstream of the critical detection point are
clustered (not shown).
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
The monitoring locations shown in Figures 3-2 and 3-3 were selected based on the location of stationary
threats. Mobile SW threats, such as road or rail traffic moving adjacent to a long stretch of source water
or a vessel on the source water, require a different approach to monitoring location selection. One
approach to monitoring for mobile OWQM-SW threats is
to locate a monitoring station at the critical detection point,
which would allow adequate time to respond to a spill from ALTERNATIVE NOTIFICATIONS
a mobile threat that occurs upstream of this point. Also, the Notifications of spills, leaks, or discharges
monitoring location at the intake (OWQM-SW Location 1 from an SW threat owner can provide
another means of detecting
in the figures) would provide detection capability for contamination incidents. This method can
mobile SW threats. While monitoring at the intake would be particularly useful for SW threats
not provide time for an optimal response, it can still detect downstream of the critical detection point.
a water quality change in time to implement a response that
will mitigate the consequences of the incident.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
The examples presented in this section consider each of the three design goals separately and identify
monitoring locations accordingly. However, it can be seen that careful placement can allow individual
monitoring locations to support more than one design goal. OWQM-SW Location 1 is an example where
a single location supports all three design goals. Also, while OWQM-SW Locations 2 through 5 were
selected for detection of contamination incidents, they could also monitor threats to long-term water
quality. The ability of a single monitoring station to support multiple design goals will improve the
sustainability of the OWQM-SW system.
Section 4: Monitoring Parameters
This section describes water quality parameters that may be useful to optimize treatment processes, detect
contamination incidents, and monitor threats to long-term water quality.
The OWQM-SW parameters monitored are sufficient to fully achieve selected monitoring goals.
Table 4-1 provides an overview of water quality parameters that are potentially useful for OWQM-SW
and that can be monitored using online instruments. Additional information about the online instruments
used to measure these parameters is available in List of Available OWQM Monitoring Instruments.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
The following sections list parameters that could be potentially useful for specific applications under each
of the three design goals. The parameters listed for each application are generally complementary,
meaning that monitoring multiple parameters would more effectively meet the listed design goal.
However, parameter selection should always be informed by the monitoring location and other site-
specific considerations.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Table 4-4. Monitoring Parameters that Support Monitoring of Long-Term Water Quality
Contaminant Group and
Associated SW Threats Parameters Rationale for Parameter Selection
Wastewater/stormwater Ammonia Elevated concentrations of ammonia can harm
from SW threats, such as: aquatic life, adversely impact beneficial uses (e.g.,
fisheries), and adversely impact treatment
• Wastewater outfalls
processes such as disinfection.
• Wastewater holding ponds
DO Insufficient DO can damage the aquatic ecosystem
• Stormwater outfalls
and adversely impact beneficial uses (e.g.,
• Combined sewer overflows recreational activities).
• Septic systems DOC/TOC Elevated concentrations of DOC/TOC can indicate
• Climate change higher pollutant loading, which would be harmful to
the overall health of the waterbody. In extreme
cases, a sustained increase in DOC/TOC may
require modifications to treatment processes.
Nitrate and Nitrite Elevated concentrations of nitrate and nitrite can
indicate higher nutrient loading, with the potential to
trigger algal blooms and HABs. In extreme cases, a
sustained increase in nitrate and nitrite may require
the addition of a treatment process for nitrate
removal to meet drinking water regulations.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Section 5: Monitoring Stations
Once monitoring locations and parameters have been selected, monitoring stations can be designed. Each
monitoring station will consist of the water quality instruments used to measure the selected parameters
and the ancillary equipment needed to bring a sample into contact with sensors, power the station,
communicate data to a utility control center, and protect the station from the environment, vandalism, or
tampering. The actual design of a station will depend on:
• Monitoring location
• Parameters to be monitored at the location
• Practical considerations for installation and maintenance of the station at the location
OWQM-SW stations are designed to fully achieve selected monitoring goals.
A basic functional block diagram of a monitoring station is shown in Figure 5-1, which delineates the
monitoring station functions as follows:
• Instrumentation. Provides the means to measure selected water quality parameters.
• Computing element. Facilitates the transfer of OWQM-SW data and other datastreams to the
communications function, enables remote control of monitoring stations, and provides processing
capabilities at stations.
• Communications. Provide a means to transfer data collected by a monitoring station to a control
center and instructions from a control center to a station.
• Power supply and distribution. Supplies sufficient power to energize equipment in a monitoring
• Accessories. Perform other functions not defined above.
• Station structure. Provides a means to mount and protect instrumentation and ancillary
equipment both from the environment and potential tampering.
The following sections describe each of the functions identified in Figure 5-1.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
5.1 Instrumentation
In many cases, multiple sensor technologies are available to measure a given parameter, and specific
instruments will need to be selected for a monitoring station. Several factors warrant consideration when
selecting an instrument, including instrument performance, sampling and analysis interval, environment
at the OWQM-SW installation site, lifecycle cost, and vendor support. An overview of monitoring
parameters and related sensor technologies, as well as factors that should be considered during the
selection process, are covered in List of Available OWQM Instruments.
5.2 Sampling
Two commonly used approaches to source water sampling for online measurement are:
• Immersion of sensors directly into a waterbody
• Pumping the source water to sensors housed in a flow-cell
Immersion of sensors directly into a waterbody ensures that the sensors are measuring water quality with
minimal disturbance or change to the sample. This sampling method is useful for parameters such as DO,
which can change due to mixing and transport to a flow-cell. Many parameters can be monitored by
sensors that can be immersed directly into a waterbody. A sensor designed for use in this manner is
usually equipped with a protective housing and a means of cleaning the measurement surface using
wipers, brushes, or compressed air.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
A comparison of the key attributes of the two sample measurement options (immersion and flow-cell) is
provided in Table 5-1. The attributes used for the comparison are:
• Measurement Interference. The degree to which the sampling method introduces artifacts that
could interfere with measurement.
• Measurement Delay. The degree to which the sampling method increases the time between
when a sample is taken from a source water and when a sensor makes a measurement.
• Exposure to Environment. The degree to which the sampling method exposes instrumentation
to variable or hostile environmental conditions.
• Lifecycle Cost. The degree to which the sampling method increases the cost of installing and
maintaining the instrumentation.
• Maintainability. The degree to which the sampling method increases the time and effort
necessary to maintain the instrumentation.
Interference ● ◒
Placing sensors directly in the waterbody eliminates many
sources of measurement interferences that may be introduced
when using a flow-cell, such as turbulence and potential
contamination from pumps and piping.
Delay ● ○ When sensors are immersed in the source, measurement delay is
negligible. When a flow-cell is used, the sample is pumped from
the point it is extracted from the source to the sensors in the flow-
cell. The transit time to the flow-cell is determined by the distance
between the monitoring location and station as well as the flow
rate. This delay can vary from minutes to hours depending on the
distance and flow.
Exposure to
Environment ○ ● Use of a flow-cell allows for more control over the environment in
which the instruments operate.
Lifecycle Cost The use of a flow-cell requires additional piping and possibly
◒ ◒ pumps, which can increase installation costs. However, sensors
installed directly into a waterbody may be more costly to maintain.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
○ ◒
Use of a flow-cell allows the sensors to be placed in a more
convenient location for maintenance. However, this option also
requires piping and pumps that must be maintained.
If reagents are used during measurement, the effluent sample stream should be properly disposed. This
may require disposal into a sewer unless there is an NPDES permit to discharge the effluent sample
stream into a waterbody. In cases where reagentless sensors are used and nothing is added to the sample
stream, it may be possible to return the effluent sample stream to the source water following
5.4 Communications
The selection of a communications solution to transmit data from a monitoring station to a control center
is strongly influenced by the station’s location. Communications solutions may include wired and
wireless technologies. One potential advantage of using a flow-cell for sampling is that wired
communication methods may be available near a monitoring station installation site. Guidance for
Designing Communications Systems for Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems provides
further details for common communications options as well as a set of evaluation criteria to support the
selection process.
5.5 Packaging
Packaging for a monitoring station includes the materials and devices used to mount or house sensors and
ancillary equipment. To achieve the various design goals and performance objectives, monitoring stations
may need to be installed in buildings, near other equipment, or in remote areas near or directly in the
source water, all of which will influence the station packaging. Monitoring stations are typically
constructed using one of five primary design types:
• Wall-mounted racks are assembled by securing instruments and related equipment to a mounting
panel that is attached to a wall.
• Free-standing racks are constructed by securing instruments and related equipment to a mounting
panel that is attached to an open, structural frame that provides access on both sides of the panel.
• Enclosed stations house instruments and related equipment inside a custom-made, prefabricated, or
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) enclosure.
• Compact stations are smaller versions of enclosed stations that can be designed around one or two
reagent-based instruments or a reagentless instrument that measures multiple parameters.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
• Floating platforms allow for a station to be located on the surface of a waterbody. These stations
typically consist of one or more cabinets containing instrumentation and electronics, which are
mounted on a pontoon or buoy. Only reagentless instruments are used on floating platforms to avoid
the difficulties associated with replacing reagents and properly disposing of the waste stream.
Details for each of these monitoring station designs are provided in Guidance for Building Online Water
Quality Monitoring Stations.
Section 6: Information Management and Analysis
The data generated by the monitoring stations must be converted into actionable information to achieve
the selected design goals and provide the utility with the maximum value for its investment in OWQM-
SW. Actionable information is produced by analyzing OWQM-SW data, along with supporting
information, and presenting relevant results to the end user in a manner that is easy to understand. To
achieve these objectives, an OWQM-SW information management system must provide data storage,
access, analysis, notification, and visualization capabilities.
An information management system is used to provide data storage, access, analysis, notification, and
visualization capabilities.
The development process discussed in this section is consistent with the general principles of information
management system design presented in Section 4 of the SRS Integration Guidance, with additional
considerations that are specific to an OWQM-SW information management system. This section covers
the following topics:
• Analysis and visualization techniques
• OWQM-SW information management system
During a forum with chief
architecture information officers (CIOs) from
• OWQM-SW information management system 50 major utilities across the United
requirements States, the CIOs estimated that
only 10 to 15 percent of the
information gathered by their
6.1 Analysis and Visualization Techniques organizations is properly
OWQM-SW data is analyzed to identify changes in source evaluated. Automated analysis
and effective visualization of
water quality that require attention from utility personnel and data can help to address this
may prompt actions to meet the OWQM-SW design goals. underutilization of collected data.
Analysis of OWQM-SW data generates information that
visualization tools display in a manner that is easily interpreted
and applied by utility personnel. Analysis and visualization techniques will vary for each design goal as
described below.
Additional guidance on techniques for data validation and establishment of a baseline can be found in Exploratory
Analysis of Time-series Data to Prepare for Real-time Online Water Quality Monitoring.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
The use of thresholds to optimize treatment processes involves real-time monitoring of the parameters
that affect the treatment process performance and adjusting the process when the monitored parameters
cross previously defined thresholds. Most processes are impacted by multiple parameters, so individual
parameter thresholds should not be considered in isolation. To help operators identify potentially
significant changes in water quality, an alert can be generated based on a parameter crossing a threshold
(minimum or maximum). Threshold analysis is often visualized using time-series plots that show a
moving window of recently measured values along with the minimum and maximum thresholds, as
illustrated in Figure 6-1. The thresholds, shown as dashed orange lines, represent the range of variability
in which the current treatment process settings can achieve optimized treatment. In this example, the x-
axis displays the time of day in hours and the y-axis displays the parameter concentration in the units
specified in the legend. The information provided through these plots, along with operator knowledge
about the treatment process, can then be used to make process adjustments.
1 0.02
0 0
0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00
2 25
0.5 5
0 0
0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00
TOC (mg/L) Treatment Process Thresholds Turbidity (NTU) Treatment Process Thresholds
Note that this figure displays idealized data, without noise, to clearly demonstrate the concept of threshold analysis.
Figure 6-1. Time-Series Plots and Thresholds for Treatment Process Optimization
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Thresholds must be defined for each monitored parameter and each treatment process. A combination of
statistical analysis of historic water quality data and knowledge of treatment process performance can be
used to establish thresholds for treatment optimization. Statistical analysis can be used to develop
thresholds based on typical variability in a water quality parameter over a relevant time period (e.g., daily
or weekly for highly variable parameters, monthly or seasonally for less variable parameters). Knowledge
of treatment process performance can help to correlate process settings with different source water quality
types. A five to ten percent factor of safety should be applied to thresholds such that a process will
continue to produce water of acceptable water quality as the parameter value begins to cross the
threshold. This provides operators with time to investigate and respond to a source water quality change.
The second analysis approach involves the use of treatment process models. These models codify the
relationship among influent water quality, treatment process settings, and treatment process effluent water
quality. Models for treatment processes can be categorized as mechanistic, statistical, or knowledge-based
(McEwen, 1998). Mechanistic models relate inputs and outputs to the fundamental properties of the
processes and use empirically determined coefficients to calibrate the model to a specific treatment plant.
Statistical models are used when reliable mechanistic models are unavailable; inputs are related to outputs
based on statistical analysis of historic data. Knowledge-based models use techniques such as neural
networks and expert systems to describe complex systems where there is a limited understanding of the
specific principles that drive the system. These models use knowledge of the inputs, outputs, human
experience, and past performance to predict future process performance.
Treatment process models use validated OWQM-SW data, current treatment process settings, and process
effluent water quality to determine the process adjustments necessary (e.g., chemical dosing, loading
rates) to maintain optimized treatment. If the model is connected to a supervisory control and data
acquisition (SCADA) system, it could be configured to automatically adjust treatment process settings. If
not, operators can manually adjust treatment process settings as described in Section 7.1.
A simple approach for detecting contamination incidents uses thresholds for individual monitoring
parameters. The thresholds are based on the normal variability of each parameter at each location so that a
threshold exceedance is indicative of a water quality anomaly. The use of individual parameter thresholds
for the detection of contamination incidents in drinking water distribution systems is discussed in detail in
the article Parameter Set Points: An Effective Solution for Real-Time Data Analysis (Umberg and
Allgeier, 2016).
Thresholds can be established using statistical analysis of historical data gathered over a representative
period, although it may be necessary to use specialized software packages to analyze the large volume of
OWQM-SW data needed to perform these analyses. Alternatively, the analytics necessary to calculate
statistically derived thresholds may be built into an information management system. Threshold values
are generally set to avoid excessive invalid alerts while maintaining sufficient sensitivity to detect
contamination incidents. If there are significant shifts in water quality, such as seasonal changes, unique
thresholds may need to be established for each time period with a significantly different water quality
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
An example of a visualization technique to support threshold analysis is shown in Figure 6-2. In this
example, the thresholds used for treatment process optimization are shown as dashed orange lines, as
described in Figure 6-1. The red dashed lines indicate thresholds for detection of contamination incidents,
which are set at the 99.9th percentile, as calculated from a statistical analysis of six months of data. In this
figure, the thresholds for detection of contamination incidents are further from the typical parameter
values compared with the thresholds for treatment optimization. Also, with the exception of pH, only
upper thresholds were established for detection of contamination incidents because a contamination
incident would not be expected to decrease ammonia, TOC, or turbidity. The reason for the differences
between thresholds for treatment optimization and contamination incident detection is that the former are
intended to guide treatment process changes in response to typical water quality changes, whereas the
latter are intended to identify anomalies that are outside of the range of typical water quality variability.
3 35
2 20
1.5 15
0.5 0
0 0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 0:00
0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 0:00
Turbidity (NTU) Treatment Process Thresholds
TOC (mg/L) Treatment Process Thresholds Incident Threshold Incident Threshold
Note that this figure displays idealized data, without noise, to clearly demonstrate the concept of threshold analysis.
Figure 6-2. Time-Series Plots and Thresholds for Detection of Contamination Incidents
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Prior to selecting an ADS, a utility should evaluate multiple options using representative historical data to
determine which option is able to most reliably differentiate between true water quality anomalies and
typical water quality variability at each monitoring location.
A dashboard is a visually oriented user interface that integrates and displays data from multiple sources
spatially and graphically. An example of a GIS-based dashboard designed to display data from
monitoring locations and United States Geological Survey (USGS) stations is shown in Figure 6-3.
Additional information resources that support the interpretation of water quality data, such as weather and
streamflow data, can be incorporated into a dashboard design. Presenting information from a variety of
resources in a spatial context can be valuable during the investigation of a water quality anomaly as
discussed in Section 7.1. Additional information about the features and design of dashboards is available
in Dashboard Design Guidance for Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems.
Figure 6-3. OWQM-SW Display showing Alert Status and Time-Series Data for an OWQM-SW
To support real-time analysis of OWQM-SW data, water quality baselines should be regularly updated to
reflect recent conditions. When there is a change in the baseline, threshold values or ADS settings will
need to be updated accordingly. The required frequency of these updates depends on the variability of the
monitored parameters at each monitoring location. For example, updates to the baseline may coincide
with seasonal changes. Many ADSs can automatically adapt to a changing baseline as part of their
learning algorithms.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
When potential water quality anomalies are detected by any method, OWQM-SW information systems
should generate an alert and provide notifications to operators to inform them of water quality changes
that require attention. As operators may not have the time to frequently review new data as it is generated,
notifications should be provided using flashing icons on a screen, emails, or text messages. Where
possible, notifications should contain details about the alert (e.g., time, monitoring location, alerting
parameter, current parameter value). An example of a text message notification of an OWQM-SW alert,
and the associated alert details available through the dashboard, is shown in Figure 6-4.
Multiple years of data should be analyzed for a given parameter and location to distinguish statistically
significant changes in the baseline from typical seasonal patterns. After each parameter at each location
has been characterized, a systematic analysis can be performed to determine whether (1) the baseline for
multiple parameters has changed at a specific monitoring location and (2) the baseline for a given
parameter has changed at multiple monitoring locations. These results can help to assess whether the
change is widespread throughout the source water and watershed or isolated to a specific area.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
A variety of visual and statistical techniques can be used to identify significant, sustained changes in the
baseline for a parameter. Examples include graphical analysis, hypothesis testing, correlations, and trend
analysis, as briefly described in Table 6-1. More detail about the types of statistical analysis appropriate
for characterizing long-term water quality are provided in Statistical Methods in Water Resources.
Table 6-1. Statistical Analysis Techniques for Characterizing Long-Term Water Quality
Type of Analysis Statistical Methods Example Applications
Graphical Data Analysis Time Series Display temporal trends in the data
Histograms Display data sorted into meaningful categories
Box and Whisker Plots Compare statistics for OWQM-SW data from
different monitoring locations
Scatterplots Explore a potential relationship between two
variables, such as flow and turbidity
Hypothesis Testing T-Test Confirm that a specific parameter has changed
(Nonparametric) over a defined period of time
Rank-Sum Test Determine whether the values of a parameter at
two different locations are similar or different
Matched Pair Testing Determine whether a parameter has changed
from year to year
Correlation Correlation Coefficient Establish the strength of the relationship
between two items, e.g., recreational river
usage and source water turbidity
Linear Regression Determine whether there is a statistically
significant relationship between two items, e.g.,
source water TOC and turbidity
Multivariate Analysis Consider the combined impact of multiple
variables on a system or process
Trend Analysis Mann-Kendall Test Determine whether values either only increase
or only decrease
Seasonal Kendall Test Determine whether parameters have changed
over time, taking into account seasonal
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Figure 6-5 provides an example of a time-series plot used to display a long-term trend in water quality.
This figure shows a plot of monthly TOC averages as the blue line and the yearly TOC averages as the
red dotted line. The increasing trend in yearly TOC averages over a 10-year period can be clearly seen in
this chart. This is one of the simpler visualization approaches for exploring potential trends, and the
results of such simple analyses may lead to the use of more complex statistical techniques as presented in
Table 6-1.
TOC mg/L
Monthly Ave Yearly Ave Year
Figure 6-5. Example Plots of Monthly Average and Yearly Average for Source Water TOC
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
When considering multiple monitoring locations in a watershed, a GIS-based presentation can provide an
overview of parameter changes across the entire monitored area. The example in Figure 6-6 shows the
GIS display of the watershed with the monitoring locations color-coded to indicate the change in TOC
over a 10-year period.
Figure 6-6. Geospatial Presentation Showing the Change in TOC over a 10-Year Period
Options for an OWQM-SW information management system architecture discussed in this document
• SCADA system. Integrating OWQM-SW functions into an existing SCADA system.
• Dedicated information management system. Implementing a dedicated information
management system to provide the functions required for OWQM-SW, such as analysis,
notification, and visualization.
• Cloud-based solutions. Using cloud services to provide the functions required for OWQM-SW.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
SCADA System
Monitoring stations can be added to an existing SCADA system, such as that used to monitor and control
a treatment plant. Familiarity with SCADA may make it relatively simple and inexpensive to incorporate
datastreams generated by OWQM-SW. An example of a SCADA architecture expanded to include
OWQM-SW is shown in Figure 6-7. This arrangement leverages existing SCADA elements, such as a
historian for data storage and a human machine interface (HMI) for visualization of OWQM-SW data.
The same type of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) used at existing monitoring locations can be
used to provide monitoring and control functions at monitoring stations. However, an existing SCADA
system may impose some limitations on OWQM-SW information management, such as the functionality
for visualization, the number of users that can access the HMI, and the types of water quality
instrumentation that can be used. Furthermore, utility information security policies may regulate
connectivity outside of the utility, limiting connections to external sources of information that may be
useful for understanding the source water and assisting with an investigation.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
The use of a dedicated OWQM-SW information management system provides greater flexibility for
achieving the required functionality, and it allows for connection with other information management
systems within and external to the utility. Figure 6-8 illustrates a conceptual architecture for a dedicated
OWQM-SW information management system with connections to a treatment plant SCADA system,
laboratory information management system (LIMS), and external data from the National Weather Service
and USGS. This type of architecture can also incorporate more powerful analytics and visualization tools
to assist with the investigation process.
Cloud-Based Solutions
Cloud-based solutions provide another option for OWQM-SW information management. There are three
types of cloud-based solutions:
• A hosted cloud is owned and maintained by a third party where the utility pays only for the
portion of the cloud that it uses, usually on a lease-type of arrangement.
• A private cloud is owned by the utility, and uses cloud technology to provide the required
• Proprietary clouds are provided by vendors of many water quality instruments to interact with the
instruments and collect the data generated.
Both SCADA-based and dedicated OWQM-SW information management systems can be implemented
using cloud technology.
A hosted cloud may be attractive for a utility that wants to contract development and operation of the
information management system as a third-party service rather than maintain the information technology
(IT) infrastructure in-house. This approach may also allow for expedited implementation of the OWQM-
SW information management system. The main advantage of a hosted system is that there is little capital
expenditure required as the utility does not need to purchase hardware and software for the system.
A private cloud provides the same capabilities as a hosted cloud except that the utility owns the hardware
and software. This requires capital expenditure to set up; however, the cloud would be under the utility’s
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Proprietary clouds provided by instrumentation vendors are used to collect, store, and process data, and
provide a user interface for their specific sensors. This service often provides a low-cost and readily
available method for manually or automatically accessing the data directly for each one of the devices,
which can be useful when a small number of devices are deployed. However, this approach can present
challenges when the data in the proprietary cloud requires integration with data that resides within other
utility information management systems. In many cases, this integration may require the development of
unique software (often referred to as “listener” software) to identify that new data has been uploaded to
the cloud and transfer it to the utility system for further processing and storage.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
To develop an information management system that meets users’ expectations and provides them with the
information they need when they need it and in a usable format, information management requirements
must be defined. This section references Section 4.2 of the SRS Integration Guidance, which describes a
methodical, end-user driven process for developing requirements and selecting an information
management system.
Functional Requirements
Before developing functional requirements, expected uses of the OWQM-SW information management
system should be defined. Expected uses are simply the manner in which users expect to interact with the
system. For example, users may want to review recent source water quality data daily to guide treatment
plant operations, be notified of anomalous water quality conditions, and access a variety of information
resources to investigate the cause of a source water quality anomaly. The expected uses of an information
management system will guide the development of detailed functional requirements such as the examples
described in Table 6-2.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Technical Requirements
Technical requirements are often dependent on the functional requirements and should be developed after
the functional requirements have been defined. Generally, development of technical requirements is the
responsibility of IT personnel who consider the technical aspects of the OWQM-SW information
management system design that are necessary to meet the functional requirements. Technical
requirements will also be informed by IT policies, such as security protocols, and the need to adapt the
system over time to incorporate new functions, datastreams, and features. Examples of technical
requirements are provided in Table 6-3.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
The Information Management Requirements Development Tool, a software package designed to help
users define and prioritize requirements for an information management system, can be used to develop
and document the requirements for an OWQM-SW information management system. This tool is
populated with common functional and technical requirements for an information management system
designed to support OWQM operations. It also provides a feature for generating a consolidated list of
functional and technical requirements that can be used to develop design and/or bid documents as
Investigation and Response Procedures
Utilization of OWQM-SW data to guide utility decisions related to treatment operations and response to
water quality anomalies requires an investigation into the cause of a change in source water quality.
Procedures should be developed to guide these activities.
A procedure that facilitates timely and efficient investigation of OWQM-SW alerts has been developed,
documented, and put into practice.
Investigation and response activities will be different for transient water quality anomalies versus
sustained, long-term water quality changes. Thus, this section provides guidance on the development of
two unique procedures, as briefly described below:
• Investigation of and Response to OWQM-SW Alerts. This procedure supports treatment
optimization and detection of contamination incidents. Both of these design goals rely on alerts
generated when a transient water quality anomaly is detected. The procedure involves the
investigation of an alert to determine its cause and decide on immediate response actions to
address a change in source water quality. Examples of response actions include adjusting
treatment process settings to maintain optimized treatment or closing a source water intake if the
source water has been contaminated. Guidance for developing this procedure is provided in
Section 7.1.
• Investigation of and Response to Long-Term Water Quality Changes. This procedure
supports monitoring of threats to long-term water quality. It involves the investigation of
sustained changes to source water quality to determine the cause and inform the development of
long-term strategies to manage significant changes in the source water quality baseline. An
example of such a strategy is the implementation of a runoff control program to reduce
contaminant loadings from non-point sources of pollution. Guidance for developing this
procedure is provided in Section 7.2.
Once investigation and response procedures for the relevant design goals have been developed, they
should be tested and refined before putting them into practice. Section 7.3 provides guidance on the steps
necessary to implement these procedures, including training, preliminary operation, and real-time
For OWQM-SW design goals that rely on rapid response to transient changes in source water quality,
such as treatment optimization and detection of contamination incidents, the OWQM-SW information
management system should include a means of identifying an anomaly and generating an alert in real time
(see Section 6.1). This section provides guidance on developing procedures for investigating and
responding to OWQM-SW alerts. The elements of this procedure should cover the following:
• Alert Investigation Process. A detailed, sequential list of steps for investigating the cause of an
alert, as well as information resources to support an investigation.
• Response Actions to Optimize Treatment Processes. A process for making treatment process
adjustments in response to a change in source water quality to maintain optimal performance.
• Response Actions for Detection of Contamination Incidents. A process for making decisions
in response to a possible source water contamination incident.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
• Roles and Responsibilities. A list of all personnel who have a role in the investigation of an alert
or a response to a verified water quality anomaly.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Table 7-1 describes the steps of the alert investigation process depicted in Figure 7-1 providing:
• Instructions for completing the step
• The individual or position assigned to complete the step
• Information resources that should be consulted during the step (see Table 7-2 for descriptions)
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Table 7-2. Typical Information Resources Useful during the Investigation of an OWQM-SW Alert
Resource Description
Monitoring Station Maintenance Information about recent maintenance activities, ongoing sensor issues, and
Records previous sensor problems
Sensor Diagnostic Tools Some sensors include diagnostic tools that evaluate sensor performance in
real time
USGS Monitoring Stations Results from USGS water quality and stream gauge monitoring stations in the
Watershed Monitoring Programs Results of watershed monitoring or surveillance programs (e.g., formal source
water monitoring collaborative) as well as informal monitoring networks (e.g.,
citizen science initiatives, field observations)
National Weather Service Current and recent weather conditions in the watershed and upstream areas
that impact water quality in the watershed
Local Weather Monitoring Station Data from weather monitoring stations located in the watershed can provide
greater resolution than that from the National Weather Service
State Environmental Protection Reports of ongoing environmental monitoring programs (e.g., for nutrient
Agencies pollution, algal blooms), environmental emergencies (e.g., flooding, fires), and
regulated discharges
Spill Reporting Hotlines Reports of recent spills into the source water
Owner/Operator of an SW Threat Alerts from spill detection systems, reports of recent incidents at an SW
threat, and observations of current facility operations
Other Utility Information Information from operational control systems and work management systems
Management Systems that may provide information about utility activities that could have contributed
to the source water quality change (e.g., a change in the source water
supplying the treatment plant)
At the conclusion of the alert investigation process, the cause of the alert should be documented.
Table 7-3 lists and describes common causes of alerts. The causes are grouped into invalid alerts
(triggered by something other than a true change in source water quality) and valid alerts (triggered by a
true change in source water quality). Invalid alerts typically occur more frequently than valid alerts,
especially during the initial phases of system startup.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Natural Disaster A water quality change, and possibly a contamination incident, caused by a
natural disaster (e.g., flood, fire, landslide)
Environmental Condition A water quality change, and possibly a contamination incident, caused by an
environmental condition (e.g., lake turnover, an algal bloom)
Discharge A contamination incident caused by a discharge from a storm water outfall,
wastewater outfall, or other NPDES permit holder
Spill A contamination incident caused by a spill or unauthorized discharge from an
SW threat (e.g., chemical storage facility, watercraft)
If an alert is determined to be valid but unrelated to contamination, the water quality change is evaluated
to determine whether it could impact the ability of the utility’s treatment plant to meet treatment targets.
If all reasonable causes of the water quality change that triggered the alert have been considered and ruled
out, contamination is deemed possible. At this point, samples should be collected and analyzed in an
attempt to confirm and identify the contaminant, and contamination incident response procedures should
be activated.
A treatment roadmap is a set of instructions for adjusting treatment processes to achieve treatment targets
based on information generated by OWQM-SW. These instructions are typically developed using
historical data from full-scale operations to establish relationships between optimal treatment process
settings and a specific source water quality type. Typically, multiple water quality parameters (e.g.,
turbidity, TOC, alkalinity, pH) are used to define a source water quality type. The roadmap specifies the
range of source water quality parameter values under which a set of treatment process settings would
achieve defined treatment targets. A treatment process optimization procedure, such as that shown in
Figure 7-2, guides the application of a treatment roadmap based on OWQM-SW data.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Table 7-4 describes the steps of the treatment process optimization procedure depicted in Figure 7-2 and
lists responsibilities and information resources used during each step.
An alternative to a treatment process optimization procedure is use of a treatment process model, which
can be used to predict optimal treatment process settings. If the treatment process model is connected to
the SCADA system, it can be configured to automatically adjust treatment process settings to maintain
optimal treatment.
Treatment process monitoring can be used to confirm that the treatment process adjustments have had the
desired effect. Confirmation can be accomplished through measurement of water quality in the process
effluent using online instrumentation or grab sampling. Additionally, visual inspection of flocculation
(floc size) and sedimentation (floc carry over) can provide an operator with a sense of whether the process
is operating properly. If treatment process monitoring indicates that treatment targets are not being met,
processes can be further adjusted.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
As described in Figure 7-1, Step 9, response actions should be evaluated with respect to their ability to
mitigate the consequences of a contamination incident to a utility and its customers. Decisions regarding
an appropriate response to a source water contamination incident depend on a number of factors, such as:
• Confidence in the information indicating that the source water has been contaminated
• Whether the identity of the contaminant is known, and if known, the characteristics of the
• The risk that contaminated water presents to the utility and its customers
• Response options available to the utility
• Consequences of implementing response actions (e.g., impact on sanitation, firefighting,
businesses, the local economy)
The logic for making these response decisions can be codified in a decision tree, as shown in the example
in Figure 7-3.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Figure 7-3. Example Source Water Contamination Incident Response Decision Tree
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Table 7-5 describes the steps of the contamination incident response decision tree depicted in Figure 7-3
and lists responsibilities and information resources used during each step.
Table 7-5. Example Source Water Contamination Incident Response Decision Tree Description
ID Name Assigned To Information Resources
1 Source water contamination is possible. Water quality • OWQM-SW user
And potentially contaminated water could enter the supervisor interface
intake currently in use. • Smartphone
2 Can the intake be closed? Treatment plant • Current raw water
• Yes – Go to Step 3. supervisor storage
• No – Go to Step 6. • Availability of an
alternate source or intake
3 Close the intake and continue the investigation. Treatment plant • Current system storage
Determine how long the intake can remain closed. supervisor and demand
Water quality • Information about the
Determine how long the potentially contaminated
supervisor contamination incident
water will pose a risk to the treatment plant.
4 Can the intake remain closed until the Treatment plant • Estimate of the time
contamination incident passes? supervisor when storage will be
• Yes – Go to Step 5. exhausted
• No – Go to Step 6. • Estimate of the time until
contamination incident
passes the intake
5 Verify that the contamination incident has Water quality • Results from sampling
passed, open the intake, and resume normal supervisor and analysis
operations. • Information about the
Collect samples at the intake and analyze them for contamination incident
suspected contaminants or indicators.
6 Is the identity of the contaminant known? Water quality • Information about the
• No – Go to Step 7. supervisor contamination incident
• Yes – Go to Step 10.
7 Continue the investigation. Water quality • Information about the
Gather information and collect samples for analysis supervisor contamination incident
in an attempt to identify the contaminant (or rule out • Investigation procedures
potential contaminants). and resources
8 Is contamination still possible? Water quality • Information about the
• No – Go to Step 9. supervisor contamination incident
• Yes – Go to Step 1. • Results from sampling
and analysis
9 Close the investigation. Water quality • Findings documented in
Contamination has been ruled out. Close the supervisor alert investigation record
investigation and return to normal operations.
10 Can the treatment plant remove or neutralize the Treatment plant • Water Contamination
contaminant? supervisor Information Tool
• Yes – Go to Step 11. • Treatability Database
• No – Go to Step 14.
11 Modify treatment as necessary and monitor On-duty plant • Health advisories
finished water quality. operator • Treatment process
Confer with stakeholders to determine an acceptable Water quality standard operating
contaminant concentration in finished water. Collect technician procedures
samples from the finished water for analysis, and • Sampling and analysis
arrange for rapid laboratory analysis. procedures
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
The example incident response decision tree shown in Figure 7-3 considers three possible responses to
source water contamination:
• Closing the intake can be the most effective response strategy by preventing contaminated water
from coming into contact with utility infrastructure and customers. The ability to close an intake
will depend on the availability of alternate raw water sources, availability of distribution system
interconnections with neighboring utilities, distribution system storage, anticipated customer
demand, and the expected duration of the contamination incident. Even if the intake can remain
closed for only a short period, this action provides additional time to collect and analyze samples
in order to identify the contaminant and determine its concentration. Ideally, the intake could
remain closed until contaminated water no longer presents a risk to the utility or its customers.
• Modifying treatment to remove or neutralize the
contaminant may be effective depending on the specific HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOMS
contaminant that is present and the treatment processes EPA’s website for Cyanobacterial
that are utilized. However, this response option should Harmful Algal Blooms provides
only be considered if the identity and approximate information and resources useful for
concentration of the contaminant are known. Resources treating HABs.
such as the Water Contaminant Information Tool and
the Treatability Database can be used to evaluate the potential of various treatment processes to
remove or neutralize specific contaminants. If this response strategy is used, samples of finished
water should be collected and analyzed to ensure that the contaminant has been removed.
• Activating a Distribution System Contamination Response Plan if there is a risk that
contaminated water has or will pass into the distribution system at concentrations above
acceptable levels. A Distribution System Contamination Response Plan is an annex or appendix
to a utility’s Emergency Response Plan (ERP), which guides utility decisions for responding to
distribution system contamination. Potential response actions considered at this stage include
isolation of portions of the distribution system to minimize the spread of contaminated water,
diversion and flushing to remove contaminated water from the distribution system, and public
notification and use restrictions to prevent customers from coming into contact with contaminated
water. A template and guide for developing a Distribution System Contamination Response Plan
can be found in Guidance for Responding to a Drinking Water Contamination Incidents.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
• Activating a Risk Communication Plan in anticipation of the public becoming aware of the
incident, regardless of whether there is a potential risk to the public. Planning for risk
communication should begin as soon as source water contamination is considered to be possible.
Guidance for issuing public notification and communicating with customers during a drinking
water contamination incident is provided in Developing Risk Communication Plans for Drinking
Water Contamination Incidents.
Alert investigation and response for treatment optimization will likely occur with some regularity,
especially in surface water sources with frequent changes in water quality. As such, these procedures
should be incorporated into routine operations, and roles and responsibilities for implementing these
procedures should align with existing job functions to the extent possible. Leveraging existing expertise
in this manner will reduce the amount of new training required and can result in increased acceptance of
new responsibilities. Table 7-6 provides an example of roles and responsibilities for investigating alerts
and adjusting treatment processes for optimal performance.
Table 7-6. Example Roles and Responsibilities during OWQM-SW Alert Investigations and
Treatment Optimization
Role Description of Responsibilities
On-duty Plant Operator • Receives notification of alerts
• Assesses the validity of the alert and determines if it may be indicative of a real-
water quality change
• Notifies other utility personnel with a role in the investigation
• Adjusts treatment processes to maintain optimal performance
• Monitors treatment process to verify performance
Water Quality Technician • Performs jar testing
• Collects samples for field or laboratory analysis
Water Quality Specialist • Reviews the source water quality data that generated the alert
• Reviews the results of investigations for previous alerts with similar water quality
• Investigates potential causes of the alert
Instrument Technician • Provides information about recent sensor issues or equipment maintenance
• Conducts an on-site inspection of the monitoring station that generated the alert to
determine whether it is operating properly
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Response actions implemented following a determination that source water contamination is possible may
include significant deviations from normal operations (e.g., closing an intake) and thus will often require
a higher level of authorization than is typical for normal operations. As such, members of a utility’s senior
management team will likely play a role in making decisions. Table 7-7 provides an example of roles and
responsibilities during response to source water contamination. Some of these roles and responsibilities
may be covered, at least in a general manner, in a utility’s ERP.
Table 7-7. Example Roles and Responsibilities during Response to Source Water Contamination
Role Description of Responsibilities
Utility Director • Decides if and when to implement the Incident Command System
(Incident Commander) • Reviews and approves significant response decisions
• Directs and oversees implementation of the response
Public Information Officer • Implements the Risk Communication Plan
• Coordinates communications among partners and stakeholders
• Prepares for and implements public notification plans
Water Quality Supervisor • Coordinates sampling and analysis efforts
• Investigates the characteristics of confirmed or probable contaminants
• Verifies proper QA/QC on field and laboratory results
• Decides if and when to implement the Distribution System Contamination Incident
Response Plan
Treatment Plant • Evaluates the ability of treatment processes to remove or neutralize a contaminant
Supervisor • Directs and oversees implementation of operational response actions such as
closing the intake or modifying treatment
Water Quality Technician • Collects samples for field or laboratory analysis
• Supports monitoring of treatment process performance
Laboratory Personnel • Conducts laboratory analyses on water samples
Because possible source water contamination incidents rarely occur, these procedures will be
implemented infrequently. To maintain familiarity with these procedures, they should be exercised at
least once per year. Resources to plan and implement exercises are described in Section 7.3.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Investigation Framework
Monitoring threats to long-term water quality involves the analysis of source water quality trends over the
course of multiple years to identify sustained, and potentially irreversible, changes in the source water
quality baseline. This is accomplished through the routine analysis of OWQM-SW data using the
techniques described in Section 6.1. The purpose of the investigation framework is to attribute water
quality changes to a cause, which will inform the development of mitigation strategies.
The investigation considers the locations where a long-term change in source water quality has occurred
to determine the geographic extent of the change. Furthermore, both the locations and the parameters that
have changed can be useful in identifying SW threats responsible for a degradation in water quality.
Identification of the cause(s) of a sustained change in source water quality is necessary for evaluating the
impact of the change on utility operations and developing effective mitigation strategies. This process will
require consideration of a variety of information resources, such as those listed in Table 7-8.
Table 7-8. Typical Information Resources Useful to the Investigation of Sustained Change in
Source Water Quality
Resource Description
National Weather Service Trends in key weather variables (e.g., temperature, precipitation, cloudy/sunny
days) over the past several years.
Local Weather If the data available from the National Weather Service or other weather
Monitoring Station services is insufficient, data from weather monitoring stations located in the
watershed may provide the necessary level of detail.
Climate Resilience Evaluation CREAT uses climate models to predict changes in key weather variables under
and Awareness Tool (CREAT) various climate change scenarios. The information generated by CREAT can be
used as inputs to hydrology models, which in turn may be used to estimate
future changes in source water quality.
Facility Owner/Operators Discharge data over the past several years, including flow and quality.
Watershed Surveys Watershed surveys (conducted by foot, vehicle, or drone), informed by data
generated through OWQM-SW, to identify potential sources of pollution.
Focused Sampling Sampling programs designed to provide a full characterization of water quality in
and Analysis a specific area over a limited period of time, informed by data generated through
USGS Watershed Basic water quality parameters (e.g., pH, temperature, specific conductance)
Monitoring Data along with flow and depth data over the past several years.
Watershed Monitoring Results of watershed monitoring or surveillance programs (e.g., formal source
Programs water monitoring collaborative) as well as informal monitoring networks (e.g.,
citizen science initiatives, field observations).
Watershed Stakeholders Information from watershed stakeholders and partners about the health, uses,
and features of the watershed.
Land-use Maps Graphical representations of land use in the watershed, viewed over the past
and Satellite Imagery several years.
Land-use Projections Documentation of planned uses of land areas in the watershed over the next
several years.
Physical Changes Man-made or natural activities that change the physical condition of the
to the Source Waterbody waterbody, such as dredging operations and rechanneling.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Response Framework
Identification of the probable cause(s) of a long-term degradation in source water quality can provide the
basis for developing a mitigation or restoration strategy. These strategies may include efforts to slow the
deterioration of the source water, reverse the deterioration, or adapt to the new source water quality
baseline. While the most effective strategy will depend on the specifics of the SW threats, the watershed,
and utility resources, a few potential strategies include:
• Reducing contaminant loadings from specific point sources of pollution, either by reducing flow
or reducing contaminant concentrations prior to discharge
• Reducing contaminant loadings from non-point sources of pollution through strategies such as
runoff control programs
• Convincing local authorities and land owners to alter their land-use policies to reduce
contamination in the watershed
• Implementing additional drinking water treatment capable of handling the projected source water
• Developing a new drinking water source
Approaches to mitigate a deterioration in source water quality will be strategic and may be implemented
over the course of several years. These strategies should be incorporated into existing source water
protection planning activities. A number of resources are available to support local source water
protection initiatives including the Source Water Protection program and Source Water Collaborative
After a mitigation strategy has been implemented, data from OWQM-SW can be used to assess the
efficacy of the strategy. If the desired change is not realized within a reasonable amount of time, the
strategy may need to be altered or discontinued.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Table 7-9. Example Roles and Responsibilities for Monitoring Threats to Long-Term Water Quality
Role Description of Responsibilities
Utility Director • Selects strategies to implement to mitigate the effects of a degradation in source
water quality
• Ensures the availability of sufficient resources to implement the selected strategies
Water Quality Manager • Manages the analysis of long-term trends in source water quality
• Oversees the investigation into the cause of a sustained change in source water
• Evaluates strategies for mitigating the effects of a degradation in source water
Water Quality Specialist • Performs detailed review of long-term trends in source water quality
• Oversees water quality or watershed surveys to investigate the cause of a
sustained degradation in source water quality
• Considers the results of climate, weather, and water quality modeling and
forecasting when assessing the cause of a sustained change in source water
Plant Supervisor • Evaluates the ability of existing or modified treatment processes to adequately treat
the projected source water quality baseline
Engineers and Planners • Evaluates the ability of new, or significantly retrofitted, treatment processes to
adequately treat the projected source water quality baseline
• Provides information on long-term programs and develops requirements for
protecting the source water
Community and • Provides input to, and collaborate on, long-term programs to protect source water
Stakeholders quality
Due to the long-term, strategic nature of these activities, implementation of this procedure will likely be
intermittent and sequential. For example, an investigation into the potential causes of a sustained change
in source water quality will occur only after analysts have confirmed the trend. Furthermore,
consideration of possible mitigation strategies will occur only after the cause of the change in source
water quality has been identified and is determined to have significant implications for utility
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Section 6 of SRS Integration Guidance provides general guidance on implementing a training and
exercise program. In general, classroom training is used first to orient personnel to their responsibilities
during implementation of new procedures. Once they are comfortable with the procedures, drills and
exercises provide the opportunity to practice implementing their responsibilities in a controlled
environment. The SRS Exercise Development Toolbox is an interactive software program developed to
assist utilities in the design and execution of exercises.
Preliminary Operation
Following initial training, a period of preliminary operation allows personnel to practice their
responsibilities before transitioning to real-time operation. For example, personnel can be asked to
investigate alerts in batches as they have time, not necessarily as alerts are generated. The duration of
preliminary operation will depend on how quickly personnel become proficient with operating the system
and implementing their responsibilities under the procedures, but a minimum duration of six months is
One useful way to provide practice and support during this period is to hold regular meetings with all
investigators to discuss recent data and alerts. It is generally most effective if participants are asked to
perform specific analyses or alert investigations before each meeting and then discuss conclusions,
observations, insights, and challenges as a group. The frequency of these meetings would likely decrease
as the group gains more experience in conducting investigations.
Preliminary operation provides an opportunity for investigators to clarify responsibilities, streamline the
procedures, refine alert investigation tools, and better integrate OWQM-SW responsibilities into existing
job functions. Also, the rate of invalid alerts may be higher than desired during preliminary operations,
but this experience can be used to fine-tune the ADS to achieve the desired balance between detection
capabilities and occurrence of invalid alerts.
Real-Time Operation
During real-time operation, personnel are expected to fully execute their responsibilities and investigate
all alerts as they are generated. Also, OWQM-SW response procedures are implemented if an alert is
determined to be valid. The transition from preliminary to real-time operation, including timing and
expectations for how investigations are performed and documented, should be clearly communicated to
all personnel with a role in OWQM-SW. Furthermore, sufficient time in the workday must be allocated
for personnel to investigate alerts as they are generated. If the ADS is properly configured to minimize the
occurrence of invalid alerts, this time commitment will be minimal.
As part of real-time operation, investigation and response procedures may need to be updated to maintain
their usefulness. Recommendations for updating procedures include:
• Designate one or more individuals with responsibility for maintaining alert investigation materials
• Establish a review schedule (an annual review should suffice in most cases)
• Review the record of alert investigations, conduct tabletop exercises, and solicit feedback from
investigators to identify necessary updates
• Track and review the time required to complete investigations and implement response actions, and
update the procedures if times are not acceptable
• Establish a protocol for submitting and tracking change requests
Section 8: Example of Monitoring Design
This section presents a hypothetical example of a comprehensive OWQM-SW design process using the
principles presented in the previous sections of this document. Section 8.1 presents the overall design
approach, while Sections 8.2 to 8.6 describe each design element.
As part of its commitment to producing high-quality drinking water for its customers, Anytown Water
wants to use OWQM-SW data to optimize its treatment processes. To do so, the following treatment
targets were established:
• Turbidity Target. Achieve turbidity levels in the filter effluent of 0.10 Nephelometric Turbidity
Units (NTU) 95 percent of the time. This treatment target exceeds regulatory requirements and is
intended to improve barriers to Cryptosporidium and Giardia, as well as remove particles that
could shield other pathogenic organisms from free chlorine during the disinfection process.
• TOC Removal Target. Achieve 50 percent TOC reduction through enhanced coagulation, which
helps the utility to meet its goal to keep total trihalomethane at or below 75 percent of the
maximum contaminant level.
Anytown Water also recognizes the potential for spills and other contamination threats in the source water
due to several industries located near the river banks upstream of the drinking water intake. Thus, the
utility is interested in using OWQM-SW data to provide timely detection of contamination incidents.
Additionally, the utility wants to monitor long-term trends in source water quality to inform the selection
of source water protection strategies and evaluate the efficacy of those strategies that are implemented.
Based on these considerations, the utility is designing OWQM-SW to support optimization of treatment
processes, detection of contamination incidents, and monitoring threats to long-term water quality.
Performance objectives were established for operational reliability, information reliability, and
sustainability, which serve as metrics for evaluating the effectiveness of OWQM-SW implementation.
To inform the design of OWQM-SW for the purposes of detecting contamination incidents and
monitoring threats to long-term water quality, the project team used DWMAPS to identify stationary
threats and consulted with the United States Coast Guard to identify potential mobile threats on the river
source. Through these resources, more than two dozen potential SW threats were identified, and the
characteristics described in Section 2.3 were gathered and documented for each threat. The project team
conducted a risk assessment that considered short-term risks due to contamination incidents and threats to
long-term water quality. The results of the risk assessment produced a list of prioritized SW threats that
could cause (1) a short-term contamination incident and (2) a long-term degradation in source water
quality. The assessment identified a total of five high-priority SW threats, three near the river and two
near the reservoir, as shown in Figure 8-1. Summaries of the risk assessment results for high-priority SW
threats of source water contamination and long-term source water quality are presented in Tables 8-1 and
8-2, respectively.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Table 8-1. High-Priority SW Threats of Source Water Contamination for Anytown Water
Potential Risk
ID SW Threat Contaminants Rationale for Risk Assessment Scoring Score
A Commercial • Hydrocarbons Large volumes of fuel and unknown cargo are stored on 35
Barges • Unknown commercial barges and transported along the river.
(Mobile Threat Organics Likelihood. High: While a limited number of accidental
- River) • Unknown spills have been reported along the river upstream of the
Inorganics utility intake over the past decade, commercial barge
traffic has doubled over the past two years, increasing the
probability of accidents and spills.
Vulnerability. High: The treatment plant can remove
hydrocarbons at concentrations in the sub mg/L range,
however, higher concentrations would likely overwhelm
and pass through treatment. Furthermore, the ability of
the treatment plant to remove unknown contaminants that
could be in the cargo is unknown.
Consequence. High: A high probability exists that at least
some of these contaminants could damage utility
infrastructure or pass through to the customer and create
a potential public health issue. Furthermore, hydrocarbons
would be very difficult to clean from the distribution
system and premise plumbing systems, and remediation
would likely be difficult, expensive, and lengthy.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Potential Risk
ID SW Threat Contaminants Rationale for Risk Assessment Scoring Score
B Petrochemical • Hydrocarbons Large volumes of fuel oil, diesel fuel, and smaller 25
Facility • Unknown quantities of unknown organic compounds are stored in
(Stationary Organics tanks at the facility.
Threat - River) Likelihood. Low: Effective secondary containment
surrounding the tanks should contain a spill from a leaking
tank. However, there is still a slight chance that spilled
chemicals could make their way into the river, just one
mile upstream of the intake.
Vulnerability. Moderate: The treatment plant could
remove the hydrocarbons at concentrations in the sub
mg/L range; higher concentrations would likely overwhelm
and pass through treatment.
Consequence. High: A high probability exists that at least
some of these contaminants could damage utility
infrastructure or pass through to the customer and create
a potential aesthetic problem. Furthermore, hydrocarbons
would be very difficult to clean from the distribution
system and premise plumbing systems, and remediation
would likely be difficult, expensive, and lengthy.
C Wastewater • Pathogens A failure at the wastewater treatment plant could result in 20
Outfall • Unknown large volumes of untreated wastewater entering the river.
(Stationary Organics Likelihood. Low: Wastewater treatment failures are
Threat - River) infrequent and safeguards that prevent discharge of
• Unknown
Inorganics untreated wastewater are in place.
Vulnerability. Moderate: The existing treatment
processes are not equipped to handle the high
contaminant loads that would result from a large
discharge of untreated wastewater.
Consequence. Moderate: While contaminant
concentrations would be reduced through treatment, it is
likely that some potentially harmful contaminants would
pass through the drinking water treatment plant and
create a potential public health issue.
D Pesticide • Pesticides A significant volume (100-1,000 gallons) of pesticide is 15
Storage Tank stored onsite at an agricultural facility near the reservoir.
(Stationary Likelihood. Low: The agricultural facility has secondary
Threat - containment around the storage tanks, and the tanks are
Reservoir) rarely full.
Vulnerability. Low: The treatment plant may have the
capacity to handle the increased contaminant load,
depending on the concentration of pesticide in the source
water at the intake.
Consequence. Moderate: Pesticides passing through the
drinking water treatment plant could create a potential
public health issue.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Table 8-2. High-Priority SW Threats to Long-Term Source Water Quality for Anytown Water
Potential Risk
ID SW Threat Contaminants Rationale for Risk Assessment Scoring Score
C Wastewater • Pathogens Increasing volumes of treated wastewater effluent are 30
Outfall • Unknown projected due to increased residential and industrial
(Stationary Organics growth over the next five years.
Threat - River) Likelihood. High: Models project that these increased
• Unknown
Inorganics discharge volumes will degrade water quality in the river,
leading to increased loading of pathogens, unknown
organics, and unknown inorganics.
Vulnerability. Low: The treatment plant may have the
capacity to treat the degraded source water, although
some contaminants may present a challenge. Also, the
flow in the river, and thus the potential for dilution of the
treated wastewater effluent, may change due to the
effects of climate change.
Consequence. Moderate: Failure to effectively respond to
the degraded water quality could result in Safe Drinking
Water Act (SDWA) violations and water that is
unacceptable to customers.
E Agricultural • Ammonia The cumulative effects of agricultural runoff could 20
Runoff • Nitrates and irreversibly degrade water quality in the reservoir.
(Stationary Nitrites Likelihood. Low: The reservoir has been engineered to
Threat - minimize runoff into the reservoir.
• Phosphorous
Reservoir) Vulnerability. Moderate: It would be difficult to restore the
• Pesticides
reservoir to acceptable quality if accumulated
contaminants from runoff started eutrophication.
Consequence. Moderate: Impaired source water would
likely increase the occurrence of harmful algal blooms and
other serious water quality problems. Modifications to the
treatment plan may be necessary to maintain acceptable
finished water quality.
Due to constraints on available resources, both financial and personnel, Anytown Water recognized that
its OWQM-SW program would need to be implemented in phases over several years. However, the utility
wanted to realize benefits as soon as possible while building toward a long-term vision for OWQM-SW,
so it ensured that the system would be capable of supporting all three design goals, to some degree, in the
first phase. Monitoring stations installed in latter phases would expand the ability of OWQM-SW to
support contamination incident detection and monitoring of threats to long-term water quality.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
The utility’s blending facility, shown in Figure 8-2, was evaluated as a potential monitoring location to
support treatment process optimization. To ensure that this location would provide OWQM-SW data in
sufficient time to make treatment process adjustments, the project team compared the hydraulic travel
time between the blending facility and the pretreatment contact basin with the time required to change
pretreatment operations. Under typical production, the hydraulic travel time between the blending facility
and the pretreatment process basin was calculated to be 13 minutes. It was also determined that operators
can investigate and validate an OWQM-SW alert and adjust pretreatment in 10 minutes or less. Thus,
monitoring at the blending facility provides sufficient time to make a process change and was selected as
OWQM-SW Location 1 to support treatment process optimization.
The project team evaluated additional monitoring locations to support detection of contamination
incidents. The critical detection point on the river was determined to be 0.25 miles upstream of the river
intake structure, which would provide sufficient time to close the intake should a contamination incident
be detected upstream of this point. To provide additional response time, the utility placed OWQM-SW
Location 2 approximately 0.75 miles upstream of the river intake, which is both upstream of the critical
detection point and downstream of SW Threats B and C (petrochemical facility and wastewater outfall).
OWQM-SW Location 3 was located inside the river intake structure to provide monitoring for SW Threat
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
A, which represents mobile threats that could cause a contamination incident between OWQM-SW
Location 2 and the river intake. While a detection at Location 3 does not provide sufficient time for an
optimal response, consequences could still be mitigated if a response is implemented following a
detection at this location.
The project team placed OWQM-SW Location 4 at the reservoir intake structure, as shown in Figure 8-2,
to monitor SW Threat D (pesticide storage tank). The flow from the reservoir to the intake structure is
low enough such that monitoring at OWQM-SW Location 4 provides adequate time to close the reservoir
intake if a contamination incident was detected at that location.
OWQM-SW Locations 2, 3, and 4 can also be used to monitor threats to long-term water quality.
Locations 2 and 3 monitor SW Threat C (wastewater outfall), while Location 4 monitors SW Threat D
(agricultural runoff).
Table 8-3. Parameters Selected to Support Treatment Process Optimization for Anytown Water
OWQM-SW Location 1 (Blending Facility)
Parameter Rationale for Parameter Selection
DOC/TOC Source water DOC/TOC concentration data is needed to determine the coagulant dose
necessary to achieve the turbidity and TOC removal targets.
Turbidity Source water turbidity concentration data is needed to determine the coagulant dose necessary
to achieve the turbidity and TOC removal targets.
pH Source water pH data is needed to determine the acid dose required to reach the pH necessary
to achieve the turbidity and TOC removal targets.
Temperature Temperature impacts the equilibrium and kinetics of the chemical processes that drive
coagulation, with higher temperatures generally increasing the effectiveness of coagulation.
To detect contamination incidents and monitor threats to long-term water quality, parameter selection was
driven by the high-priority SW threats identified during the risk assessment. Parameters were selected
based on the contaminants associated with each SW threat and are listed in Table 8-4.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Table 8-4. Parameter Selected to Detect Contamination Incidents and Monitor Threats to
Long-Term Water Quality for Anytown Water
OWQM-SW Location 2 (River)
Parameter Threat ID Rationale for Parameter Selection
Hydrocarbons A, B Hydrocarbon monitoring can provide a direct measure of hydrocarbon
concentrations in the source water.
Spectral A, B, C Many chemicals absorb in the spectral range of 250-450 nm. A change in
Absorbance spectral absorbance can indicate an increase in the concentration of chemical
contaminants in the source water.
DOC/TOC A, B, C An increase in DOC/TOC can indicate contamination with an organic chemical.
Specific A, C Some chemicals have charged functional groups that can dissociate and form
Conductance ionic species when dissolved in water. A change in specific conductance could
be an indicator of the presence of unknown chemicals in the source water.
Turbidity C An increase in turbidity results from an increase in the concentration of
suspended solids, which can be an indicator of potential microbiological
Ammonia C Ammonia can provide a direct measure of nutrients that can trigger an algal
bloom if in sufficient concentration.
Nitrates and C Nitrates and nitrites can provide a direct measure of nutrients that can trigger an
Nitrites algal bloom if in sufficient concentration.
Ortho- C Orthophosphates can provide a direct measure of nutrients that can trigger an
phosphates algal bloom if in sufficient concentration.
Photosynthetic C Photosynthetic pigments can provide a direct indication of algal activity in the
Pigments source water.
OWQM-SW Location 3 (River Intake)
Parameter Threat ID Rationale for Parameter Selection
Hydrocarbons A, B Hydrocarbon monitoring can provide a direct measure of hydrocarbon
concentrations in the source water.
Spectral A, B, C Many chemicals absorb in the spectral range of 250-450 nm. A change in
Absorbance spectral absorbance can indicate an increase in the concentration of chemical
contaminants in the source water.
DOC/TOC A, B, C An increase in DOC/TOC can indicate contamination with an organic chemical.
Specific A, C Some chemicals have charged functional groups that can dissociate and form
Conductance ionic species when dissolved in water. A change in specific conductance could
be an indicator of the presence of unknown chemicals in the source water.
Turbidity C An increase in turbidity results from an increase in the concentration of
suspended solids, which can be an indicator of potential microbiological
Ammonia C Ammonia can provide a direct measure of nutrients that can trigger an algal
bloom if in sufficient concentration.
Nitrates and C Nitrates and nitrites can provide a direct measure of nutrients that can trigger an
Nitrites algal bloom if in sufficient concentration.
Ortho- C Orthophosphates can provide a direct measure of nutrients that can trigger an
phosphates algal bloom if in sufficient concentration.
Photosynthetic C Photosynthetic pigments can provide a direct indication of algal activity in the
Pigments source water.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
A key aspect of monitoring station design is the selection of sensor technologies to measure the selected
parameters. The comparison methodology presented in Framework for Comparing Alternative Water
Quality Surveillance and Response Systems was used to evaluate candidate sensor technology options for
the selected parameters at each location. This comparison considered both lifecycle costs and the
capability of each alternative. The lifecycle costs included capital, maintenance, and replacement costs
over an established period of time to enable technology comparison on an equal basis. To objectively
assess the capability of each alternative, the following evaluation criteria were developed:
• Ability to measure a parameter and provide reliable data. This criterion included a review of
existing information and an evaluation of sensor performance in the installed environment. It also
considered the ability of sensors to reliably measure the expected range of parameter values.
Other performance indicators that were considered include accuracy, precision, resolution,
measurement frequency, fouling potential, and interference.
• Integration within current systems. The degree to which a particular technology fits with
existing systems and within current training, quality assurance, maintenance, and procurement
• Potential for future applications. This criterion includes a technology’s ability to monitor
parameters that can be leveraged for future phases of OWQM-SW implementation or other water
quality monitoring applications.
The project team compared sampling, power distribution, communication, and packaging options for each
station design. The station designs for OWQM-SW Locations 2, 3, and 4 were more complex compared
to OWQM-SW Location 1 due to the number of parameters selected to support the design goals and the
lack of existing infrastructure at the installation sites (e.g., OWQM-SW Location 2 is positioned on the
bank of the river where grid power and wired communications are unavailable).
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
A summary of the station designs for each monitoring location is provided in Table 8-5. The summary
includes the selected parameters, instrumentation, sampling, power distribution, communication, and
packaging for each station. To facilitate procurement, fabrication, and maintenance, a common suite of
instruments was used across the four monitoring stations. A local computer was also installed within each
station to manage operation of sensors and station equipment and allow operators to perform remote
diagnostics on the spectral absorbance instruments.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
For the treatment process optimization design goal, the display shows time-series plots of TOC, turbidity,
pH, and temperature data, as well as their associated treatment optimization thresholds. Threshold values
for DOC/TOC, turbidity, pH, and temperature were determined by analyzing one year of historic data to
characterize normal variability in these parameters, the results of jar tests, and full-scale experience to
determine treatment process settings necessary to achieve optimal performance for different source water
quality types. Once a threshold is exceeded, the OWQM-SW information management system generates
an alert to notify the operator that treatment process settings may need to be adjusted to maintain optimal
treatment process performance.
For detection of contamination incidents, an ADS operates on the local computer at each monitoring
station to analyze the station water quality data in real time and generate alerts if an anomaly is detected.
These alerts, along with the sensor data, are transmitted to the OWQM-SW information management
system for presentation on the display and storage in the PostgreSQL database. The alerts are also
transmitted to mobile communication devices assigned to key personnel.
For monitoring of threats to long-term water quality, OWQM-SW data is pulled quarterly from the
PostgreSQL database and analyzed using statistical analysis tools available through the OWQM-SW
information management system. Each quarter, a dedicated group of utility personnel with expertise in
water quality, source water management, and statistics meet to review the data. A variety of analysis
techniques, such as those listed in Table 6-1, are used to investigate trends and correlations in the data.
The analysis is cumulative, building an understanding of long-term changes and trends over multiple
The OWQM-SW Investigation and Response Procedure supports treatment process optimization and
detection of contamination incidents, and includes the following elements:
• An alert investigation process flow diagram, which presents the steps to identify the most likely
cause of an alert and decide whether response actions are necessary
• An alert investigation checklist, which documents the information resources that should be
checked and actions that should be taken over the course of an alert investigation
• A treatment roadmap, which prescribes adjustments to chemical dosing and loading rates to
maintain optimal performance from pretreatment through disinfection
• A source water contamination incident response decision tree, that summarizes the decision logic
and criteria for implementing various response actions if source water contamination is possible
• A list of key personnel and their contact information along with a description of their
responsibilities under this procedure
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
The Investigation and Response Procedure for Long-Term Water Quality Changes supports monitoring of
threats to long-term water quality and development of mitigation strategies, and includes the following
• A framework for investigating the cause of a long-term change in source water quality, including
the statistical methods, visualization techniques, analysis methods, and information resources
used to understand trends in source water quality by location and by parameter
• A framework for making decisions and strategic plans to respond to a significant change in
source water quality, including resources to help establish the cost, feasibility, and efficacy of
various mitigation strategies
• A list of key personnel and their contact information along with a description of their
responsibilities under this procedure
Section 9: Case Studies
Various organizations across the world have implemented OWQM-SW systems in response to threats to
source water quality such as shale oil and gas drilling in watersheds, harmful algal blooms, spills, or other
forms of source water contamination. This section provides case studies of existing OWQM-SW systems
that have been implemented to address the three design goals described in Section 2. These case studies
include OWQM-SW systems designed by both individual and watershed-scale drinking water utilities.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
OWQM-SW data is sent via radio to Greenville’s control room where it is stored and can be accessed by
utility personnel. The data is reviewed daily on SCADA system screens. Figure 9-2 is an example of a
SCADA screen that displays data from one of the monitoring stations. The SCADA system can generate
an alert if one or more of the parameter values crosses established thresholds. However, no significant
water quality incidents have been detected in any of Greenville’s source waters as of the date of
Figure 9-2. Example of Greenville Water SCADA System Screen for OWQM-SW Data
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
All monitoring stations transmit data to a SCADA system where it is stored and can be accessed. Alerts
are based on thresholds for specific parameters. Operators respond to alerts by reviewing the OWQM-SW
data, which informs decisions for treatment process operations. Operators have the ability to isolate or
blend the two sources, as necessary, in response to source water quality changes.
In 2012, wildfires created ash in the watershed, which caused significant turbidity in the Poudre River. Turbidity
measurement in the river just upstream of the intake provides warning of high turbidity. The Poudre River is not
used as a source when the turbidity reaches a pre-defined threshold.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Data produced by monitoring stations is sent via a cellular internet connection to a central workstation.
All data is analyzed visually, using time-series plots to determine parameter relationships and identify
data outliers and instances of instrument failure. Spectral absorbance and toxicity data is also analyzed by
an ADS that is integrated with instrument software. Utility personnel can access OWQM-SW data
through a central workstation and externally, in “read-only mode,” through other secured methods. The
system creates weekly reports that include QA metrics, for personnel to review on a weekly basis.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
OWQM-SW data is recorded every two minutes and sent, via fiber optic cable, to a server that securely
transmits data to a cloud-based web platform. Personnel with their own login credentials can view current
parameter values as well as time-series plots of historical data using a secure Internet connection. A
screenshot of a time-series plot showing a data subset generated at a monitoring location is shown in
Figure 9-4. OWQM-SW data is currently analyzed using visual and statistical techniques to establish
baseline water quality at each of the monitoring locations. WVAW is in the process of implementing an
ADS to analyze data from multiple sensors in real-time and provide alerting based on a “rare
combination” comparison to baseline data.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Water quality is consistently high in most of Bratislava’s 176 groundwater wells. However, the utility is
concerned about the possibility of contamination with pesticides, water soluble components of oil, and
chemical warfare agents. As a result, monitoring stations were installed at each of the sources to monitor
NO 3 , TOC, specific conductance, temperature, and spectral absorbance. A photograph of a monitoring
station is shown in Figure 9-5.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Each of the monitoring stations is equipped with an ADS that sends an alert to plant operators when a
potential water quality anomaly is detected, as illustrated in Figure 9-6. When an alert is received,
operators shut down the well in which the anomaly was detected. Water samples are then collected and
analyzed to determine whether contamination has occurred before bringing the well back online.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
SRBC operates 55 monitoring stations that monitor a minimum of pH, temperature, and turbidity at
critical locations along the major rivers of the Susquehanna Basin. The monitored area is shown in
Figure 9-7. The system was set up as an early warning system for contamination incidents and includes
monitoring stations that monitor water quality downstream of oil and gas industry facilities. A photo of a
monitoring station is shown in Figure 9-8.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
OWQM-SW data is transmitted in real-time to water treatment plants and the SRBC. A secure database
and website interface provide access to the data and tools for investigating, or responding to,
contamination incidents. The website interface provides user-friendly access to information and tools,
including a time-of-travel tool to help estimate contaminant dispersal times that enable downstream users
to respond to adverse changes in water quality. Data associated with the stations specifically monitoring
the oil and gas industry are published to a public website every five minutes.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
RAIN currently monitors water quality in the Monongahela, Allegheny, and Ohio rivers. A total of
29 monitoring stations are installed along these rivers to monitor DO, NH 3, pH, specific conductance,
temperature, and turbidity. A photo of a RAIN monitoring station is shown in Figure 9-9. An overview of
monitoring locations is shown in Figure 9-10.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
OWQM-SW data is transmitted from monitoring stations in the field to a data center at the California
University of Pennsylvania for analysis. Electronic updates are periodically forwarded to RAIN
headquarters in Pittsburgh. If one or more parameters fall outside of established threshold values,
automated notifications are sent to impacted drinking water treatment plants. OWQM-SW data is also
made available to the public via the USGS RAIN website. A screenshot of the website, which displays an
interactive map and data from one of the RAIN monitoring stations, is shown in Figure 9-11.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
In 2010, monitoring stations detected an increase of bromide levels in the Monongahela River. While a single
source for the increased levels was never identified, it was suspected that the increase was caused by
wastewater discharges from Marcellus Shale drilling or electric power plants. The combined effect of controls that
were placed on some discharges along the river as well as significantly more rainfall resulted in lower bromide
concentrations and more stable water quality in the river in 2011.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
drinking water intakes. Less than 1 percent of the total source watershed area is within city boundaries,
necessitating a partnership-based approach to meet source water protection objectives.
PWD has taken proactive steps towards being an industry and regional leader in source water protection
by creating mechanisms for regional coordination to implement source water protection measures.
Recognizing the many benefits of online water quality monitoring, the utility has incorporated OWQM-
SW components into regional, local, and utility-specific systems. Two OWQM-SW systems are described
in this case study: the Delaware Valley Early Warning System and the Philadelphia Water Resources
Monitoring Program.
Figure 9-12. Overview of PWD’s Source Watersheds and Drinking Water Intakes
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
The system is owned and managed by PWD, although the system covers an area well outside of the city’s
boundaries. The system’s user base consists of more than 300 individual users from 50 different
organizations that include water utilities, industries, and representatives from government agencies in
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. EWS technical and analytical capabilities cover both the
Schuylkill and Delaware Watersheds with the exception of tributaries downstream of Philadelphia and the
New York City water supply.
Water quality incidents are reported through a telephone hotline or the EWS website, and email and
telephone notifications to the entire user base are processed within minutes. Users can log in to the secure
website to see additional event details and supplemental information, including an interactive ArcGIS
map of the projected spill trajectory and time of travel estimations for tidal and non-tidal intakes. In
addition to providing a user interface, the website supports OWQM-SW system users by providing:
• Secure means of accessing and analyzing information
• Tools for determining appropriate incident response
• Interface for updating incident reports
• List of contacts for incident follow-up
• Animation of modeled spill trajectory for events on tidal waters
The monitoring stations are fully integrated with the EWS website and database portal. The monitoring
network consists of four monitoring stations at drinking water intakes and 84 supplemental USGS water
monitoring stations on the lower Delaware River and its tributaries. These stations monitor parameters
such as DO, flow, pH, specific conductance, temperature, and turbidity. The system is designed to allow
EWS users to easily track water quality changes and potential impacts from contamination incidents
through automatically generated graphical displays and user-friendly data query tools available on the
system’s secure website. An example of real-time flow and turbidity data visualization from the EWS
homepage is shown in Figure 9-13. The graph displays readings from the last 15 days from multiple
monitoring stations on the main stem of the Schuylkill and Delaware Rivers.
Another objective of the system is to provide users with access to historic water quality data through
query functions. Both real-time and historic data can be queried and viewed in charts online or
downloaded to a file that can be further analyzed by the EWS subscriber using data analysis software.
Additionally, both real-time and historic flow data can be used to produce conservative time of travel
estimations for each reported event.
PWD supports ongoing system upgrades and enhancements to ensure that the EWS remains the most
advanced and robust system possible, helping to protect the drinking water supply for over 3 million
people in the watershed.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Past significant contamination incidents reported to the Delaware Valley EWS include a spill of 275,000 gallons of
crude oil in the tidal Delaware River in 2004, a spill of 100 million gallons of fly ash into the Delaware River from
an industrial lagoon in 2005, a cyanide release through a wastewater treatment plant into a tributary to the
Schuylkill River in 2006, and a train derailment release of 25,000 gallons of vinyl chloride into a tributary to the
Delaware River in 2012.
Monitored water quality parameters include DO, pH, specific conductance, temperature, and, at select
locations, turbidity. Hydrological parameters such as flow and gauge height are also measured.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
OWQM-SW data is automatically uploaded to databases in the USGS computer network, and a web
server transfers the data to the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS) website. A separate
utility website automatically retrieves data from the USGS NWIS at regular intervals and geospatially
displays the results on a publicly accessible website shown in Figure 9-14. A traffic light color scheme is
applied to each parameter at each station to denote good water quality (green), undesirable changes in
water quality (yellow), and poor water quality (red). Rating thresholds are based on stream use
designations and established water quality criteria. Users can select a station on the map to see the most
recent instantaneous readings.
Figure 9-14. Philadelphia Water Resources Monitoring Program Website User Interface
The user interface and data visualization allows PWD personnel to simultaneously monitor spatial and
temporal quality and quantity trends. This information is used to assess aquatic ecosystem health, evaluate
source water quality, and inform decision-making surrounding watershed restoration initiatives.
Additionally, these stations serve as Philadelphia’s long-term, wet-weather monitoring stations.
Additional quality assurance and data analysis is performed on data from each monitoring station.
Water Quality Surveillance and Response System Primer
This document provides an overview of Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems, and
serves as a foundation for the application of technical guidance and products used to implement
an SRS. EPA 817-B-15-002, May 2015.
J100 Standard
The J100 Standard was developed collaboratively by the American National Standards Institute
(ANSI), American Society of Mechanical Engineers Innovative Technologies Institute (ASME-
ITI), and American Water Works Association (AWWA). J100 sets the requirements for all-
hazards risk and resilience analysis for the water sector, ensuring a consistent framework for
conducting risk assessments. The J100 documents a seven-step process for evaluating risks
presented by man-made threats, natural hazards, dependencies, and proximity to hazardous sites.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
This GIS-based tool was developed by EPA to help states and utilities update their source water
assessments. It provides layers of spatially referenced data using information from databases such
as National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES); Toxic Release Inventory (TRI);
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System
(CERCLIS); Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo); and Toxic
Substances Control Act (TSCA). DWMAPS also provides meta-data that can be useful for
characterizing potential SW threats. A secure version of DWMAPS, which shows the location of
drinking water intakes relative to the location of source water threats, is available to drinking
water utilities and state primacy agencies.
Template for Conducting a Risk Assessment for Source Water Threats (Word File)
This Word template can be used to document a risk assessment for SW threats. It provides tables
for summarizing the attributes of SW threats and associated contaminants, example definitions of
the risk assessment parameters, and tables for documenting the results of the risk assessment.
September 2016.
Click this link to open the template
Framework for Comparing Alternatives for Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
This document provides guidance for selecting the most appropriate SRS design for a utility from
a set of viable alternatives. It guides the user through an objective, stepwise analysis for ranking
multiple alternatives and describes, in general terms, the types of information necessary to
compare the alternatives. EPA 817-B-15-003, June 2015.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Monitoring Locations
Guidelines and Standard Procedures for Continuous Water-Quality Monitors: Station Operation,
Record Computation, and Data Reporting
Provides guidelines for equipment and monitor selection, placement of online water quality
monitoring equipment in an aquatic environment, sensor inspection and calibration methods, data
evaluation, record review, and data reporting.
Monitoring Parameters
List of Available OWQM Instruments
This spreadsheet provides an overview of available online water quality monitoring instruments
that have been used for source water and distribution system monitoring. The instrument list can
be filtered and sorted according to the criteria specified in the column headings.
Distribution System Water Quality Monitoring: Sensor Technology Evaluation Methodology and
Results A Guide for Sensor Manufacturers and Water Utilities
This document presents the methodology and findings from several studies evaluating the ability
of common water quality parameters to detect a variety of contaminants in finished drinking
water. EPA 600/R-09/076, October 2009.
Monitoring Stations
Guidance for Building Online Water Quality Monitoring Stations
This document provides guidance for designing water quality monitoring stations for both source
water and distribution system applications. It describes different station designs and provides
detailed design schematics, describes basic station equipment and station accessories, and
provides considerations for fabricating and installing online water quality monitoring stations.
EPA 817-B-18-002, May 2018
Guidance for Designing Communications Systems for Water Quality Surveillance and Response
This document provides guidance and information to help utilities select an appropriate
communications system to support operation of a Water Quality Surveillance and Response
System. It provides rigorous criteria for evaluation communications system options, evaluates
common technologies with respect to these criteria, describes the process for establishing
requirements for a communications system, and provides guidance on selecting and implementing
a system. EPA 817-B-16-002, September 2016.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Exploratory Analysis of Time-series Data to Prepare for Real-time Online Water Quality
This document describes methods for analyzing time-series water quality data to establish normal
variability for water quality at unique monitoring locations. It also describes how the results of
this exploratory analysis can be used to develop tools and training to prepare utility personnel for
real-time analysis of online water quality data. EPA 817-B-16-004, November 2016.
Dashboard Design Guidance for Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
This document provides information about useful features and functions that can be incorporated
into an SRS dashboard. It also provides guidance on a systematic approach that can be used by
utility managers and IT personnel to define requirements for a dashboard. EPA 817-B-15-007,
November 2015.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
This document provides guidance for applying system engineering principles to the design and
implementation of an SRS to ensure that the SRS functions as an integrated whole and is
designed to effectively perform its intended function. Section 5 provides guidance on developing
alert investigation procedures, and includes examples of alert investigation tools such as an alert
investigation record and quick reference guides. Section 6 provides guidance on developing a
training and exercise program to support SRS operations. EPA 817-B-15-006, October 2015.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
Treatability Database
This database provides referenced information on the control of contaminants in drinking water.
It allows users to access information gathered from thousands of literature sources from a single
database. It can serve as a useful resource for investigating the treatability of contaminants when
planning a response to a source water contamination incident.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
McEwen, 1998. Treatment process selection for particle removal. Denver, CO: AWWA/International
Water Supply Association.
Umberg, K., and Allgeier, S., 2016. Parameter set points: an effective solution for real-time data analysis.
JAWWA, 108, E60-E66.
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). Systems that measure, collect, and analyze water usage, and
communicate with water meters, either on request or on a schedule. These systems include hardware,
software, and communications for data access, visualization, and analysis. An AMI system may include
consumer use displays, customer associated systems, meter data management software, and supplier
business systems. The meters may be coupled with pressure monitors, temperature sensors, other devices,
outside data streams (weather), and alert for tampering and backflow incidents.
accuracy. The degree to which a measured value represents the true value.
alert. An indication from an SRS surveillance component that an anomaly has been detected in a
datastream monitored by that component. Alerts may be visual or audible, and may initiate automatic
notifications such as pager, text, or email messages.
alert investigation process. A documented process that guides the investigation of an SRS alert. A
typical procedure defines roles and responsibilities for alert investigations, includes an investigation
process diagram, and provides one or more checklists to guide investigators through their role in the
anomaly detection system (ADS). A data analysis tool designed to detect deviations from an established
baseline. An ADS may take a variety of forms, ranging from thresholds to complex computer algorithms.
architecture. The fundamental organization of a system embodied in its components, their relationships
to each other, and to the environment, and the principles guiding its design and evolution. The
architecture of an information management system is conceptualized as three tiers: source data systems,
analytical infrastructure, and presentation.
baseline. Values for a datastream that include the variability observed during typical system conditions.
completeness. The percentage of data that is of sufficient quality to support its intended use.
component. One of the primary functional areas of an SRS. There are five surveillance components:
Online Water Quality Monitoring, Physical Security Monitoring, Advanced Metering Infrastructure,
Customer Complaint Surveillance, and Public Health Surveillance. There are two response components:
Water Contamination Response and Sampling and Analysis.
consequence. The adverse effects of an incident experienced by a utility (e.g., damaged infrastructure) or
its customers (e.g., illness). In the context of a source water risk assessment, consequences result when a
threat contaminates or degrades the quality of a source water. The value for consequence in the risk
assessment equation can be based on quantitative factors such as economic damage, duration of lost
services, number of illnesses, or number of fatalities. The consequence value can also be based on semi-
quantitative measures and normalized such that the SW threat that would result in the greatest
consequences has a consequence value of 100, and the values for all other SW threats being less than 100.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
control center. A utility facility that houses operators who monitor and control treatment plant and
system operations, as well as other personnel with monitoring or control responsibilities. Control centers
often receive system alerts related to operations, water quality, security, and some of the SRS surveillance
control point. A location where a treatment process can be modified (e.g., addition of pretreatment
chemicals) or a response action can be implemented (e.g., closing an intake).
critical detection point. The location upstream of a drinking water intake from which the hydraulic travel
time to the intake equals the time required to implement a response action, such as closing an intake
structure. The location of the critical detection point is a function of the flow rate used to calculate the
hydraulic travel time.
Customer Complaint Surveillance (CCS). One of the surveillance components of an SRS. CCS
monitors water quality complaint data in call or work management systems and identifies abnormally
high volumes or spatial clustering of complaints that may be indicative of a contamination incident.
dashboard. A visually-oriented user interface that integrates data from multiple SRS components to
provide a holistic view of distribution system water quality. The integrated display of information in a
dashboard allows for more efficient and effective management of water quality and the timely
investigation of water quality anomalies.
data analysis. The process of analyzing data to support routine system operation, rapid identification of
water quality anomalies, and generation of alert notifications.
data quality objectives. Qualitative and quantitative statements that clarify study objectives, define the
appropriate types of data, and specify the tolerable levels of potential decision errors that will be used as
the basis for establishing the quality and quantity of data needed to support decisions.
design goal. The specific benefits to be realized through deployment of an SRS and each of its
components. For source water monitoring, the following three design goals are applicable: to optimize
treatment processes, detect contamination incidents, and monitor threats to long-term water quality.
emergency response plan (ERP). A documented plan that describes the actions a drinking water utility
would take in response to a variety of emergencies such as contamination incidents, natural disasters, or
acts of terrorism.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
functional requirement. A type of information management requirement that defines key features and
attributes of an information management system that are visible to the end user. Examples of functional
requirements include the manner in which data is accessed, types of tables and plots that can be produced
through the user interface, the manner in which component alerts are transmitted to investigators, and the
ability to generate custom reports.
geographic information system (GIS). Hardware and software used to store, manage, and display
geographically referenced information. Typical information layers used by water utilities include utility
infrastructure, hydrants, service lines, streets, and hydraulic zones. GIS can also be used to display
information generated by an SRS.
information management system. The processes involved in the collection, storage, access, and
visualization of information. In the context of an SRS, information includes the raw data generated by
SRS surveillance components, alerts generated by the components, ancillary information used to support
data analysis or alert investigations, details entered during alert investigations, and documentation of
Water Contamination Response activities.
invalid alert. An alert from an SRS surveillance component that is not due to a water quality incident or
public health incident.
lifecycle cost. The total cost of a system, component, or asset over its useful life. Lifecycle cost includes
the cost of implementation, operation and maintenance, and renewal.
likelihood. In the context of a source water risk assessment, the probability that an SW threat will
contaminate the source water. The value for likelihood in the risk assessment equation can range from 0
(contamination won’t occur) to 1 (contamination is certain to occur).
monitoring location. The specific location in a source water or watershed where water is sampled for
measurement by an OWQM-SW station. Note that an OWQM-SW station may be installed away from the
OWQM-SW location (i.e., if the water sample is transported from the waterbody to the OWQM-SW
station through piping).
monitoring station. A configuration of one or more water quality instruments and associated support
systems, such as plumbing, electric, and communications that is installed to monitor water quality in real
time at an OWQM-SW location.
Online Water Quality Monitoring (OWQM). One of the surveillance components of an SRS. OWQM
utilizes data collected from monitoring stations that are installed at strategic locations in a utility’s source
water and/or a distribution system. Data from the monitoring stations is transferred to a central location
and analyzed for water quality anomalies.
percentile. In statistics, a value on a scale of 100 that indicates the percent of a distribution that is equal
to or below it.
performance objectives. Measurable indicators of how well an SRS or its components meet established
design goals.
Physical Security Monitoring (PSM). One of the surveillance components of an SRS. PSM includes the
equipment and procedures used to detect and respond to security breaches at distribution system facilities
that are vulnerable to contamination.
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
preliminary operation. A period of SRS component operation during which all equipment and IT
systems are operational, but data analysis and investigations are not performed in real time. The purpose
of preliminary operations is to evaluate the performance of the SRS component, address problems, and
allow personnel to become familiar with SRS component procedures.
real-time. A mode of operation in which data describing the current state of a system is available in
sufficient time for analysis and subsequent use to support assessment, control, and decision functions
related to the monitored system.
risk assessment. A method of assigning risk values to a threat based on likelihood, vulnerability, and
consequence. The current standard risk methodology for the water sector is the J100 standard.
Risk Communication Plan. A plan developed by a utility to guide communications with the public and
coordination with response partners and the media during an emergency.
Sampling and Analysis (S&A). One of the response components of an SRS. S&A is activated during
Water Contamination Response to help confirm or rule out possible water contamination through field
and laboratory analyses of water samples. In addition to laboratory analyses, S&A includes all the
activities associated with site characterization. S&A continues to be active throughout remediation and
recovery if contamination is confirmed.
source water. Water from natural resources that is generally treated in order to produce drinking water
for a community. Source water is usually classified as either groundwater (drawn from aquifers) or
surface water (drawn from rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, etc.). Prior to being removed for the purpose of
drinking water production, surface water may have other uses such as recreation (e.g., boating,
swimming, fishing), aquaculture, and transportation route.
source water threat (SW threat). A facility, land use, weather event, or environmental condition with
the potential to degrade source water quality.
spectral fingerprint. The spectral absorbance of a sample over a range of wavelengths (typically in the
visible and ultraviolet spectrum). Spectral fingerprints can be measured for specific compounds or
complex mixtures, and can be a means of identifying the presence of a specific compound or a change in
the characteristics of a complex mixture.
technical requirement. A type of information management requirement that defines system attributes
and design features that are often not readily apparent to the end user, but are essential to meeting
functional requirements or other design constraints. Examples include attributes such as system
availability, information security and privacy, backup and recovery, data storage needs, and inter-system
integration requirements.
threshold. Minimum and/or maximum acceptable values for individual datastreams that are compared
against current or recent data to determine whether conditions are anomalous or atypical of normal
Online Water Quality Monitoring in Source Water
treatment process model. A conceptual representation of the operation and performance of a drinking
water treatment unit process. The model typically captures the relationship among influent water quality,
treatment process settings, and effluent water quality. Treatment process models can be categorized as
mechanistic, statistical, or knowledge-based.
treatment roadmap. A set of instructions for adjusting treatment processes to achieve treatment targets
based on information from influent water quality data, process monitoring feedback, or process effluent
water quality data.
valid alert. Alerts due to water contamination, verified water quality incidents, intrusions at utility
facilities, or public health incidents.
vulnerability. In the context of a source water risk assessment, the probability that a utility or its
customers would be impacted by an SW threat. The value for vulnerability in the risk assessment equation
can range from 0 (no adverse impact will occur) to 1 (adverse impact is certain to occur). The
vulnerability value is generally based on the ability of the utility to effectively respond to an SW threat,
preventing or mitigating consequences to utility infrastructure, operations, and customers.
water quality instrument. A unit that includes one or more sensors, electronics, internal plumbing,
displays, and software that is necessary to take a water quality measurement and generate data in a format
that can be communicated, stored, and displayed. Some instruments also includes diagnostic tools.
water quality sensor. The part of a water quality instrument that performs the physical measurement of a
water quality parameter in a sample.
Water Contamination Response (WCR): One of the response components of an SRS. This component
encompasses actions taken to plan for and respond to possible drinking water contamination incidents to
minimize the response and recovery timeframe, and ultimately minimize consequences to a utility and the
Water Quality Surveillance and Response System (SRS). A system that employs one or more
surveillance components to monitor and manage source water and distribution system water quality in
real time. An SRS utilizes a variety of data analysis techniques to detect water quality anomalies and
generate alerts. Procedures guide the investigation of alerts and the response to validated water quality
incidents that might impact operations, public health, or utility infrastructure.