WRITING 3 - Final Exam
WRITING 3 - Final Exam
WRITING 3 - Final Exam
- Classification
1. Ways of saving money
2. Styles of eating in the cafeteria
3. Methods of studying for a final examination
- Cause/Effect
1. Causes of childhood obesity in western society.
2. Causes of stress in modern society
3. Effects of watching too much TV on young children
4. Effects of social media
5. Effects of alcohol abuse
- Problem/Solutions
1.Solutions for childhood obesity
Concluding sentence : For these reasons, it is nice to go to the Student Center cafeteria
once in a while to enjoy eating, studying, and talking with new people.
Topic sentence: Working in an apple plant was the worst job I ever had
A. The work was physically hard.
1. The worker took cartons that rolled down a metal track and stacked them onto
wooden stands in a tractor-trailer.
Concluding sentence: The vats were an ugly place to be on a cold morning, and the job
was bitter
3.Changes in the Family
Changes in our society in recent years have weakened family life. First of all,
today’s mothers spend much less time with their children. A generation ago,
most houses got by on Dad’s paycheck, and Mom stayed home. Now many
mothers work, and their children attend an after school program, stay with a
neighbor, or go home to an empty house. Another change is that families no
longer eat together. In the past, Mom would be home and fix a full dinnersalad, pot
roast, potatoes, and vegetables, with homemade cake or pie to top it
off. Dinner today is more likely to be takeout food or TV dinners eaten at home,
or fast food eaten out, with different members of the family eating at different
times. Finally, television has taken the together, family members would have a
chance to eat together, talk with each other, and share event of the day in a
leisurely manner. But now families are more likely to be looking at the TV set
than talking to none another. Many homes even have several TV sets, which
people watch in separate rooms. Clearly, modern life is a challenge to family
Topic sentence: Changes in our society in recent years have weakened family life.
C. Families are more likely to be looking at the TV set than talking to none another.
1. Many homes even have several TV sets, which people watch in separate rooms
Concluding sentence: Clearly, modern life is a challenge to family life.
4.First Dates
A first date can end up being categorized as successful, a clingy, a boastful
or awkward. Successful first dates include both parties expressing information
about what they like, who they are, and so forth. Usually, these dates will end in
tentative plans for a second one. Clingy dates end up with one of the parties
practically begging for information about the other. However, the non-clinger is
not interested. On boastful dates, one member of the duo talks about all of his or
her skills, talents, and abilities. The listening end of the pair is never asked about
his or her life. Awkward first dates generally involve lots of silence or one or both
of the partners not knowing how to act appropriately. While many dates occur
every day, they can generally fall into one of these categories.
Topic sentence: A first date can end up being categorized as successful, a clingy, a boastful
or awkward.
5.Page 2
A. Finding a university that prepares one well for his/her future career
1. the curriculum that is taught must be thorough and up-to-date
2. the professors must be highly qualified and respected in their fields
Concluding sentence: One should consider all of these points carefully so he/she can choose
the most appropriate college or university for him/he
6. Page 2
If you are not too sure how to go about studying a subject on your own, here are
some general tips. First, you should evaluate any courses and learning material
that you may wish to use. See whether the focus of the lessons matches your
interest, whether the explanations are easy to understand, whether the exercises
are useful, whether the general method used is one that allows you to learn
quickly. The next step is to set up a study plan that will break your final goal (e. g.
speaking German fluently) into little steps that are easier to achieve and easier to
control (e. g. study and review one lesson till Wednesday). Even if you're studying
"for fun", without any deadline, you will find that a reasonable deadline you set for
yourself is very helpful to ensure you're making progress. Once you have a study
Topic sentence: If you are not too sure how to go about studying a subject on your own,
here are some general tips.
A. You should evaluate any courses and learning material that you may wish to use
1. See the focus of the lessons, the explanations, the exercises, and the general
2. Set up a study plan that will break your final goal into little steps that are easier
to achieve and easier to control.
B. Follow your study plan
1. Try to learn a little bit every day, even if it is just for 5 minutes.
Concluding sentence: If you are not too sure how to go about studying a subject on your
own, here are some general tips.
PART 3: Based on the outline you have made in PART 2, write a a complete
academic paragraph on the given topic. (5 marks)
(You are asked to write a complete academic paragraph of the a specified type
from the outline you’ve made in Part 2).
Concluding sentence: In short, there are many ways to save money, it simply helps us
enjoy life more healthier and less expensive way.
Saving money can be divided into three ways: shopping smart, prioritizing spending, and
saving creatively. Smart shopping is a type of saving money. Try to find out which store
provides the biggest offers on bulk purchasing, you can get a lot of stuff here. Another
option is to go to the grocery store, which is the ultimate way to save money. Prioritizing
expenses is also a part of saving money. The income is not going to increase as fast as the
expenses, so you should spend on things that are indispensable for life-like child education
Concluding sentence: In short, if only you want, you can find out any methods to get a high
result for your final examination.
Methods of studying for the final examination can be divided into three types: making a
timetable, using mind maps, and organizing a study group. Making a timetable helps you
organize your time for each subject, so your study process will be more scientific. In many
cases, students are easily distracted. A timetable can be a useful option to create discipline
when studying. Using mind maps is also a kind of method of learning for a final
examination. While students may feel overwhelmed because there is so much to learn,
mind maps can help summarize the main ideas to remember as well as give learners a long
memory. Last but not least, organizing a study group is never an outdated method. A study
group is a great idea for people who have trouble motivating themselves to study. On the
other hand, it can be more productive than we think. A study group can work through
difficult problems together and anyone in this group can ask questions that they would be
afraid to ask their teachers. In short, if only you want, you can find out any methods to get
a high result for your final examination.
C. Psychological factors.
1. Children eat more to release emotions
Concluding sentence: To sum up, there are a lot of causes of childhood obesity and
obviously, all of them are not beneficial.
Causes of childhood obesity in Western society can be divided into three types: consuming
a lot of fast food, maintaining a sedentary lifestyle, and psychological factors. Fast food
has been proven to be very unhealthy. In recent years, the percentage of overweight
children in western society has increased by almost 20% in the last ten years. Over the last
decade, there has been a prolific increase in the number of fast-food restaurants. For
example, on nearly every high street there is a MacDonald’s. This is targeted at children.
However, it is not only due to eating out but also the type of diet many children have at
home. A lot of food consumed is processed food, which is a quick and easy option for
parents who are working hard. On the other hand, a sedentary lifestyle is also a big reason
for obesity in western children, who don't exercise much are more likely to gain weight
because they don't burn as many calories. Nowadays, almost of western children give
preference to playing computer games or chatting on the internet with their friends rather
than playing outdoor sports. In addition, the causes of childhood obesity in western society
are also related to psychological factors. Some children overeat to cope with problems or
to deal with emotions, such as stress, or to fight boredom. To sum up, there are a lot of
causes of childhood obesity and obviously, all of them are not beneficial.
Concluding sentence: In conclusion, it’s no wonder modern life brings us more reasons of
Causes of stress in modern society can be divided into two types: the stress of the money
and the stress of the job. According to the studies, money is the top cause of stress in
modern life. The more modern life is, the more important money is. Elders find that low
retirement income is the main cause of their stress because they have to face many health
cares. Besides, parents are stressed when they have to pay a lot of money for their child's
education as well as expenses for bills. In addition, newlyweds feel stressed when faced
with rent and many other expenses while their jobs are not stable and salaries are low. On
the other hand, most researchers agreed that jobs are an important factor for stress in
modern life. Many causes can contribute to job stress, including too much work, the
working long hours with strict deadlines. Most young people nowadays tend to be bored
with their current jobs, so stress may arise in their decision to change careers. In
conclusion, it’s no wonder modern life brings us more reasons for stress.
A.Exposure to vices
1. Early exposure to inappropriate content that has sex, alcohol, and drugs, could
bring up questions in children
2. Kids watching TV shows based on superheroes may start believing that violence
is not bad.