S&IOT Mid-1 QB
S&IOT Mid-1 QB
S&IOT Mid-1 QB
II B.TECH – I SEM QUESTION BANK SUB: Sensors & IOT AY: 2022 – 23
Q.No Questions
2.a Illustrate the working of Semiconductor lasers & LED (5M) [CO1, K2]
2.b Explain how the fibre optic can be used as displacement sensor (5M) [CO1, K2]
4.a Illustrate the working of Photomultiplier & photoconductive sensors (5M) [CO1, K2]
4.b Explain about strain gauge sensors with neat sketches. (5M) [CO1, K2]
5.a Explain the working of piezoelectric force sensors with neat sketches.(5M) [CO1, K2]
5.b Illustrate the working of Load cell sensor. (5M) [CO1, K2]
6.a Explain the working of optoelectronic sensor & its applications.(5M) [CO1, K2]
6.b Illustrate the working of vacuum sensor. (5M) [CO1, K2]
(Affiliated to J.N.T.U.A. and Approved by AICTE)
KAVALI – 524201, S.P.S.R Nellore Dist., A.P. India. Ph.: 08626-240056
1.a Illustrate the operation of position and direction sensors. (5M) [CO2, K3]
1.b Explain the operation of Thermoelectric temperature sensor & its types. (5M) [CO2, K3]
2.a Explain the working of semiconductor temperature sensors. (5M) [CO2, K3]
2.b Illustrate the operation of displacement and level sensors. (5M) [CO2, K3]
3.a Write about the working of optical temperature sensors. (5M) [CO2, K3]
3.b Illustrate the operation of velocity and acceleration sensors (5M) [CO2, K3]
5.a Explain the working operation of Non-invasive sweat monitoring by textile sensors. (5M)
[CO2, K3]
5.b Explain working operation of FBG sensor in Intelligent Clothing with an example (5M)
[CO2, K3]
Question CO
Q.No No
1 Define sensor. 1
2 What is the principle of operations of Thermistor sensor and give any two 1
3 What is meant by LED draw its symbol and list its applications. 1
4 List the optical sources & Detectors ? 1
5 Explain piezoelectric principle. 1
6 What is the principle of operations of IR sensor and give its applications? 1
7 What is meant by stimulated emission? 1
Additional Questions:
Question CO
Q.No No
1 Explain the working of Golay cell sensor. 1