Emi Emc

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Sources: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility by Clayton
** All the Data is taken for educational purposes
Faradays law
Electromagnetic Interference. It is a generalization of an

EMI older terminology RFI (Radio Frequency Interference). EMI

can be defined as an electromagnetic or electrostatic
disturbance that causes malfunctioning or undesired
response in one or more electronic system, equipment or
▪ Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is a major problem in modern electronic circuits.

▪ To overcome the interference, the designer has to either remove the source of the interference, or protect
the circuit being affected.

▪ The ultimate goal is to have the circuit board operating as intended — to achieve electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC).

▪ Achieving board level EMC may not be enough. Although the circuit may be working at the board level,
but it may be radiating noise to other parts of the system, causing problems at the system level.

▪ Furthermore, EMC at the system or equipment level may have to satisfy certain emission standards, so
that the equipment does not affect other equipment or appliances.

▪ Many developed countries have strict EMC standards on electrical equipment and appliances; to meet
these, the designer will have to think about EMI suppression — starting from the board level.
Intra system EMI

• Intrasystem EMI occurs as a result of self-jamming or undesirable emission coupling within a

• Such interference can develop as a result of voltage or current spikes that appears on power
cables and wiring harnesses.
• These spikes can be electrically or magnetically coupled in adjoining sensitive cables via cable
to cable capacitance and or inductance, thereby causing undesirable signal to appear.
Inter system EMI
Source and victim both are at different system or platforms. But electromagnetic environment
caused by one system may majorly impact another instrument which is working independently.
Emission and Susceptibility

Emission is the production of electromagnetic

energy. Emissions occur when a source emits
energy into the environment. These emissions can
interfere with other electronic devices. As such,
EMC studies monitor for unwanted emissions. They
also propose countermeasures to minimize

Susceptibility is the vulnerability of an

electronic device to electromagnetic energy that
can result in disruptions to that device's normal
Radiated and Conducted Emission

• Emission in the electronic system leads to disturbance to the nearby other systems.
• There are two main types viz. radiated emission and conducted emission.

• Radiated emission is the unintentional electromagnetic radiation which will cause

interference for the neighboring systems. As a result they will malfunction.

• Radiated emission ranges from 30 MHz to 40 GHz.

Radiated and Conducted Emission

• Conducted emissions are those currents which are passed out through the device's AC
power cord. This emission enter into common electrical power network and radiate there
more efficiently. Generally conducted emission ranges from 450 KHz to 30 MHz.
• The intent of the conducted emission limits is to restrict the noise current passing out
through the product’s ac power cord. The reason for this is that these noise currents will be
placed on the common power net of the
• installation. The common power net of an installation is an array of interconnected
• wires in the installation walls.. Noise currents that are placed on this power net will therefore
radiate quite efficiently, which can produce interference.
• An example of this is the lines that appear on a TV set when a blender or other device
powered by a universal motor is turned on. The noise generated by the arcing at the
brushes of the universal motor pass out through
• the ac power cord of the blender, are placed on the household ac power system, and are
then radiated and picked up by the TV, where they show up as interference. Therefore the
conducted emission that should be measured is the noise current conducted out through
the ac power cord of the product.

Emission Immunity

Conducted Radiated Conducted Radiated

EMI Source Coupling Path Receptor
Coupling Path
Coupling Path
Method of Noise Coupling
Conductively Coupled Noise
➢ A wire run through a noisy environment may pick up

➢ The solution is to prevent the wire from picking up the noise or to remove the
noise from it by filtering before it interferes with the susceptible circuit

➢ The major example in this category is noise conducted into a circuit on the
power supply leads. If the designer of the circuit has no control over the power
supply, or if other equipment is connected to the power supply, it becomes
necessary to decouple or filter the noise from the wires before they enter the

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Common Impedance Coupling

➢ Common impedance coupling occurs when currents from

two different circuits flow through a common impedance.
The voltage drop across the impedance observed by each
circuit is influenced by the other circuit.
➢ This type of coupling usually occurs in the power and/or
ground system

The ground currents 1 and 2 both flow through the common

ground impedance. As far as circuit 1 is concerned, its ground
potential is modulated by ground current 2 flowing in the
common ground impedance. Some noise, therefore, is coupled
from circuit 2 to circuit 1, and vice versa, through the common
ground impedance

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Electric and Magnetic Field Coupling

➢ Radiated electric and magnetic fields provide another means of noise coupling.

➢ All circuit elements, including conductors, radiate electromagnetic fields whenever

a charge is moved.

➢ In addition to this unintentional radiation, there is the problem of intentional

radiation from sources such as broadcast stations and radar transmitters.

➢ When the receiver is close to the source (near field), electric and magnetic fields
are considered separately.

➢ When the receiver is far from the source (far field), the radiation is considered as
combined electric and magnetic or electromagnetic radiation.

Galvanic Action
Electrolytic Action
If dissimilar metals are used in the signal path in low-level circuitry, a
noise voltage may appear from the galvanic action between the two A second type of corrosion is caused by electrolytic action.
metals. It is caused by a direct current flowing between two
The presence of moisture or water vapor in conjunction with the two metals with an electrolyte (which could be slightly acidic
metals produces a chemical wet cell (galvanic couple). ambient moisture) between them.
The voltage developed depends on the two metals used and is related
to their positions in the galvanic series This type of corrosion doesnot depend on the two
metals used and will occur even if both are the same.
The rate of corrosion depends on the magnitude of the
The following four elements are needed before galvanic action can current and on the conductivity of the electrolyte
1. Anode material
2. Electrolyte (usually present as moisture)
3. Cathode material
4. Conducting electrical connection between anode and cathode
(usually present as a leakage path)

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Triboelectric Effect Conductor Motion

A charge can be produced on the dielectric material

If a conductor is moved through a magnetic field, a
within a cable, if the dielectric does not maintain contact
voltage is induced between the ends of the wire.
with the cable conductors. This is called the triboelectric
Because of power wiring and other circuits with high
effect. It is usually caused by mechanical bending of the
current flow, stray magnetic fields exist in most
environments. If a wire with a low-level signal is allowed
The charge acts as a noise voltage source within the
to move through this field, then a noise voltage will
cable. Eliminating sharp bends and cable motion
be induced in the wire. This problem can be especially
minimizes this effect.
troublesome in a vibrational environment.

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Few Points

➢ Whenever possible, noise-coupling channels are represented as equivalent lumped component


➢ Time-varying electric field that exists between two conductors can be represented by a capacitor connecting the
two conductors

➢ A time-varying magnetic field that couples two conductors can be represented by a mutual inductance between
the two circuits

➢ The physical dimensions of the circuits must be small compared with the wavelengths of the signals

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

• Longest parts of a system
• Act as efficient antennas that pick up and/or radiate noise

➢ Because cables are assumed short compared with a wavelength, the coupling between circuits can be represented
by lumped capacitance and inductance between the conductors

Three types of couplings are considered

Capacitive or electric coupling

Inductive, or magnetic, coupling,

Electromagnetic coupling or radiation

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Capacitive coupling

Resistance R results from the circuitry connected to conductor

2 and is not a stray component
C12 is the stray capacitance between conductors 1 and 2.

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Electric field (capacitive) coupling can be modeled as a current generator, connected between the receptor
circuit and ground, with a magnitude of ????

The noise voltage is directly proportional to the frequency of the noise source, the resistance R of the affected
circuit to ground, the mutual capacitance C12 between conductors 1 and 2, and the magnitude of the voltage V1

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

➢ The voltage and frequency of the noise source cannot be changed, two remaining parameters for reducing capacitive
coupling, lower resistance level, mutual capacitance C12 can be decreased.
➢ Capacitance C12 can be decreased by proper orientation of the conductors, by shielding or by physically separating the
➢ If the conductors are moved farther apart, C12 decreases, thus decreasing the induced voltage on conductor 2.

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

➢ Under this condition, the noise voltage produced between conductor 2 and ground is the result of the
capacitive voltage divider C12 and C2G.
➢ The noise voltage is independent of frequency and is of a larger magnitude than when R is small.

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT


➢ The shield completely encloses conductor 2—none of conductor 2 extends beyond the shield.
➢ The shield is solid—there are no holes in the shield such as would be the case of a braided shield.
➢ The shield is not terminated, and there is no terminating impedance on conductor 2.

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

❑ If, however, the shield is grounded, the voltage VS = 0, and from Eq. 2-6, the noise voltage VN on conductor 2 is likewise
reduced to zero. Therefore, we can conclude that the shield is not effective unless it is properly terminated (grounded).

In many practical cases, the center conductor does extend beyond the shield

• C12 is the capacitance between conductor 1 and the shielded conductor 2, and C2G is the capacitance between
conductor 2 and ground.
• Both of these capacitances exist because the ends of conductor 2 extend beyond the shield and as the result
of any holes in the shield. Even if the shield is grounded, there is now a noise voltage coupled to conductor 2

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

❑ Primarily on the length of conductor 2 that extends beyond the shield and to a lesser extent on any holes present in
the shield

❑ For good electric field shielding, it is therefore necessary

✓ to minimize the length of the center conductor that
extends beyond the shield and
✓ to provide a good ground on the shield.
❖ A single ground connection makes a good shield ground,
provided the cable is not longer than one twentieth of a
❖ On longer cables, multiple grounds may be necessary

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Receiving conductor has finite resistance to ground

o This is the same as previous which is for an unshielded cable, except that C12 is greatly reduced by the presence of
the shield.
o Capacitance C12 now consists primarily of the capacitance between conductor 1 and the unshielded portions
o of conductor 2.
o If the shield is braided, any capacitance that exists from conductor 1 to 2 through the holes in the braid must also
be included
Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT
Inductive coupling
When a current I flows through a conductor, it produces a magnetic flux F, which is proportional to the current. The
constant of proportionality is the inductance L

where FT is the total magnetic flux and I is the current producing the flux

The inductance depends on the geometry of the circuit and the magnetic properties of the media containing the field.
When current flow in one circuit produces a flux in a second circuit, there is a mutual inductance M12 between circuits
1 and 2 defined as

The voltage VN induced in a closed loop of area A resulting from a magnetic field of flux density B can be derived from
Faraday’s law

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

The B term can be reduced by physical separation of the circuits
or by twisting the source wires, provided the current flows in
the twisted pair and not through the ground plane. Under these
conditions, twisting causes the B fields from each of the
wires to cancel.

The area of the receiver circuit can be reduced by placing the

conductor closer to the ground plane (if the return current is
through the ground plane) or by using two conductors twised
together (if the return current is on one of the pair instead of
the ground plane).

A dot convention is used to specify the direction of the windings around the core.
Dots on the same ends of the inductor mean that the coils are wrapped
clockwise counterclockwise to each other. If the dots are on the opposite sides,
then the coils are wrapped in the same directions (clockwise-clockwise or
Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT
For electric field coupling, a noise current is produced between
the receptor conductor and ground

For magnetic field coupling, a noise voltage is produced in

series with the receptor conductor

Measure the noise voltage across the impedance at one end of

the cable while decreasing the impedance at the opposite end
of the cable (Fig. 2-9). If the measured noise voltage decreases,
the pickup is electric, and if the measured noise voltage
increases, the pickup is magnetic.

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT


If an ungrounded and nonmagnetic shield is now placed around

conductor 2
Because the shield has no effect on the geometry or magnetic
properties of the medium between circuits 1 and 2, it has
no effect on the voltage induced into conductor 2. The shield
does, however, pick up a voltage because of the current in
conductor 1:

A ground connection on one end of the shield does not change

the situation
If, however, the shield is grounded at both ends, the voltage
induced into the shield from M1S , will cause shield current to
flow. The shield current will induce a second noise voltage into
conductor 2, and this must be taken into account. Before this
voltage can be calculated, the mutual inductance between a
shield and its center conductor must be determined

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Magnetic Coupling Between Shield and Inner Conductor

The magnetic field produced by a tubular conductor carrying a

uniform axial current
If the hole in the tube is concentric with the outside of the tube,
there is no magnetic field in the cavity, and the total magnetic
field is external to the tube

Let a conductor be placed inside the tube to form a coaxial cable

All of the flux from the current Is in the shield tube encircles the
inner conductor. The inductance of the shield is equal to

The mutual inductance between the shield and the inner

conductor is equal to

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Because all the flux produced by the shield current encircles the center conductor, the flux are the same. The mutual inductance
between the shield and center conductor is therefore equal to the self inductance of the shield

The mutual inductance between the shield and the center conductor is equal to the shield inductance

The inverse must also be true. That is, the mutual inductance between the center conductor and the shield is equal to the shield

The validity of Equation depends only on the fact that there is no magnetic field in the cavity of the tube because of shield
current. The requirements for this to be true are that the tube be cylindrical and the current density be uniform around the
circumference of the tube.

Because there is no magnetic field inside the tube, Equation applies regardless of the position of the conductor within the tube.
In other words, the two conductors do not have to be coaxial. Equation is also applicable to the case of multiple conductors
within a shield, in which case it will represent the mutual inductance between the shield and each conductor in the shield.

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

The voltage VN induced into the center conductor due to a
current IS in the shield can now be calculated. Assume that the
shield current is produced by a voltage VS induced into the
shield from some other circuit

if shield current is allowed to flow, a voltage is induced into the

center conductor that nearly equals the shield voltage at
frequencies greater than five times the shield cutoff frequency

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Magnetic Coupling—Open Wire to Shielded Conductor

The magnetic couplings that exist when a nonmagnetic shield is placed around conductor 2 and the shield is grounded at both
Because the shield is grounded at both ends, the shield current flows and induces a voltage into conductor 2.

Therefore, here are two components to the voltage induced into conductor 2. The voltage V2 from direct induction from
conductor 1, and the voltage Vc from the induced shield current. Note that these two voltages are of opposite polarity.
The total noise voltage induced into conductor 2 is therefore

If frequency is small in Eq. 2-28, the term in brackets equals 1, and the noise voltage is the same as for the unshielded cable.
Therefore, at low frequencies, a shield, even when grounded at both ends, provides no magnetic field shielding

At low frequencies, the noise pickup in the shielded cable is the same as for an unshielded cable; however, at frequencies above
the shield cutoff frequency, the pickup voltage stops increasing and remains constant. The shielding effectiveness is therefore
equal to the difference between the line for the unshielded cable and for the shielded cable.

A spiral shield is used on cables because of reduced

Most cables are actually shielded with braid rather than with a solid manufacturing costs, ease of termination, or increased
conductor; flexibility.
The advantage of braid is flexibility, durability, strength, and long It consists of a belt of conductors wrapped around the
flex life. Braids typically provide only 60% to 98% coverage and are cable core (dielectric). The belt usually consists of from
less effective as shields than solid conductors. three to seven conductors.
Braided shields usually provide just slightly reduced electric field
shielding (except at UHF frequencies) but greatly reduced magnetic
field shielding. The reason is that braid distorts the uniformity of
the longitudinal shield current. A braid is typically from 5 to 30 dB
less effective than a solid shield for protecting against magnetic
fields. At higher frequencies, the effectiveness of the braid
decreases even more as a result of the holes in the braid.

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Grounds fall into two categories as follows: (1) safety grounds and (2) signal grounds. The second category probably
should not be called grounds at all, but rather returns, and it could be further subdivided into either signal or power
returns. If they are called grounds, they should be referred to as ‘‘signal grounds’’ or ‘‘power grounds’’ to define the
type of current they carry and to distinguish them from ‘‘safety grounds.’’ Common usage, however, often just
refers to them all as grounds.

Therefore, another way to classify grounds would be (1) those that carry current during normal operation (such as signal or power
returns) and (2) those that do not carry current during normal operation (such as safety grounds).

If a ground is connected to the enclosure or chassis of the equipment, then it is often called a chassis ground.

If a ground is connected to the earth through a low-impedance path, then it may be called an earth ground.

The basic objective of grounding must always be to first make it safe and then make it work properly without compromising
the safety.

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

A ground is often defined as an equipotential* point or plane that serves as a reference potential for a circuit or system.

Better definition for a signal ground is a low-impedance path for current to return to the source (Ott, 1979). This current
definition of a ground emphasizes the importance of current flow. It implies that because current is flowing through some finite
impedance, a difference in potential will exist between any two physically separated ground points

The voltage definition defines what a ground ideally should be, whereas the current definition more closely defines what a
ground actually is

Three basic objectives of signal grounding are as follows:

1. Not to interrupt the ground return path
2. Return the current through the smallest loop possible
3. Be aware of possible common impedance coupling in the ground

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

The impedance of any conductor can be written as

At low frequency, the resistance Rg will be dominant. At high frequency, the inductance Lg will be the dominant impedance

Ground voltage, just like all other voltage, obeys Ohms law; therefore,

Two ways to minimize the ground noise voltage Vg.

1. Minimize the ground impedance Zg
2. Decrease Ig by forcing the ground current to flow through a different path

The proper signal ground system is determined by many things, such as the type of circuitry, the frequency of operation, the
size of the system, whether it is self-contained or distributed, as well as other constraints such as safety and electrostatic
discharge (ESD) protection

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Signal grounds can be divided into the following three
1. Single-point grounds
2. Multipoint grounds
3. Hybrid grounds

Single-Point Ground Systems

Single-point grounds are most effectively used at low frequency, from dc up to about 20 kHz. They should usually not be used
above 100 kHz, although sometimes this limit can be pushed as high as 1 MHz.

With single-point grounding, we control the ground topology to direct the ground current to flow where we want it
to flow, which decreases Ig in the sensitive portions of the ground.

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

No cross coupling occurs between ground currents from different

At high frequencies, the single-point ground system is undesirable because the inductance of the ground conductors increase the
ground impedance. At still higher frequencies, the impedance of the ground conductors can be very high, if the length coincides
with odd multiples of a quarter wavelength. Not only will these grounds have large impedance, but also they will act as antennas
and radiate, as well as pick up energy effectively. To maintain a low impedance and to minimize radiation and pickup, ground
leads should always be kept shorter than one twentieth of a wavelength

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Multipoint Ground Systems

Multipoint grounds are used at high frequency (above 100 kHz) and in digital
circuitry. Multipoint ground systems minimize the ground noise voltage Vg

The connections between each circuit and the ground plane

should be kept as short as possible to minimize their impedance.

Increasing the thickness of the ground plane has no effect on its high frequency
impedance because
(1) it is the inductance not the resistance of the
ground that determines its impedance and
(2) high-frequency currents only flow on the surface of the plane because of the
skin effect

All single-point grounds become multipoint grounds at high

frequency because of stray capacitances

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Hybrid Grounds

A hybrid ground is one in which the system-grounding

configuration behaves differently at different frequencies

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Common Impedance Coupling

An example of common impedance coupling is shown

Which shows two circuits that share the same ground return. The voltage VL1 across the load impedance RL1 of circuit 1 will be

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Chassis Grounds

Chassis ground is any conductor that is connected to the equipment’s metal enclosure. Chassis ground
and signal ground are usually connected together at one or more points. The key to minimizing noise
and interference is to determine where and how to connect the signal ground to the chassis.

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Electronic circuits for many systems are mounted in large equipment racks or cabinets. A typical system will
consist of one or more of these equipment enclosures. The equipment enclosures can be large or small; can
be located adjacent to each other or dispersed; can be located in a building, ship, or aircraft; and can be
powered by ac or direct current (dc) power systems. Equipment grounding objectives include electrical
safety, lightning protection,EMC control, and signal integrity
Isolated Systems

An isolated system is one in which all functions are contained within a single enclosure with no external signal connections
to other grounded systems.

Examples of isolated systems are vending machines, television sets, component stereo system (with all the components
mounted in a single rack), desktop computer, and so on.

This system is the simplest of all systems and the easiest to ground properly.

The optimum way to minimize the potential difference between interconnected items of electronics is to have them all
contained in a single six-sided metallic enclosure of the smallest size possible.

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Clustered Systems

A clustered system has multiple equipment enclosures (cabinets, racks equipment frames, etc.) located in a small area
such as in an equipment closet or a single room Multiple interconnecting I/O cables may exist between individual
elements of the system, but not with any other grounded system.
Examples of clustered systems are a small data-processing center, a mini computer with many large peripherals, or a
component stereo system with the components scattered around the room

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Equipment cabinets are often intentionally or unintentionally (e.g., as the result of the
painted surface of the cabinet) insulated from the ground plane that they are sitting on.

Therefore, the only electrical connection to the ground plane is through the bonding straps.
This situation produces a resonance problem, which is caused by the parasitic capacitance
between the enclosure and the ground plane. This capacitance will resonate with the
ground strap inductance at a frequency of where L is the ground strap inductance and C is
the parasitic capacitance between the enclosure and the ground plane.

Because this is a parallel resonance, the impedance at resonance will be very large, thus
effectively disconnecting the enclosure from the plane.

It is desirable to keep this ground strap resonance at a frequency

above the operating frequencies of the system. To raise the
resonant frequency, the capacitance and/or inductance must be
Distributed Systems

A distributed system has multiple equipment enclosures (cabinets, racks

equipment frames, etc.) that are physically separated such as in different
rooms, buildings, and so on

There will also be multiple

interconnecting I/O cables between individual elements of the system, and these
cables are often long, in excess of one twentieth of a wavelength
Examples of distributed systems are industrial process
control equipment and large mainframe computer networks

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT


Ground loops, at times, can be a source of noise and interference. This is

especially true when multiple ground points are separated by a large distance
and are connected to the ac power ground, or when low-level analog circuits are
used. In these cases, it may be necessary to provide some form of discrimination
or isolation against the ground path noise
If ground loops are a problem, then they can be dealt with in one
of three ways as follows:
1. Avoid them by using single-point or hybrid grounds. This
technique is usually only effective at low frequencies, and often it
makes the situation worse when attempted at high frequency.
2. Tolerate them by minimizing ground and/or by increasing the
circuit noise margin (e.g, by increasing the signal voltage level or
by using a balanced circuit).
3. Break them

Reference: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering by Henry W. OTT

Transmission Lines and Signal Integrity The effect of the conductors on signal transmission quality. All
of this falls into the category of signal integrity. Signal integrity
has to do with ensuring that the waveforms at the input and the
output of the line are identical or approximately so. These
transmission lines carry signals from one point to another. It is
critical that these signals not be corrupted by the line. This has
to do with the third aspect of a system being
electromagnetically compatible

Reference: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility by Clayton

Time delay: as the signals propagate from one end to the other

Reflection on mismatched lines will be the major aspect of degrading signal integrity

Transmission lines have inductance and capacitance, a finite, nonzero resistance, and the
dielectric medium surrounding the conductors has loss. Usually these represent second-
order effects and can be neglected. At frequencies in the GHz range the resistance of the
conductors may become significant due to skin effect
If a pulse is applied to the left end of the line, it will charge the first capacitance and energize
the first inductance. As the pulse moves down the line to the right, it will discharge the first
capacitor and deenergize the first inductor and then charge and energize the next capacitor
and inductor, and so forth. Hence waves of voltage and current (and their associated
transverse electric and magnetic fields) will move down the line with a velocity v. It takes a
certain time to energize and deenergize these elements so that it will take a finite, nonzero
time for the waves to transit the line. This will result in a time delay for a line of total length L
Reference: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility by Clayton
we can compute the per-unit-length
capacitance c using dc field computations even though the fields will be varying
with time

Reference: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility by Clayton

Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Structures

The time domain solution is often referred to as being the “transient solution

the time-domain solution gives the total solution—transient plus steady state.

Reference: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility by Clayton

Graphical Solutions

the load reflection coefficient

the reflected waveform at the load can be found from the incident wave using the reflection coefficient as

Reference: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility by Clayton

Graphical Solutions

The initially launched waves have the same shape as the source voltage

The initially launched wave travels toward the load, requiring a time TD for the leading edge of the pulse to reach the load. When
the pulse reaches the load, reflected pulse is initiated. This reflected pulse requires an additional time TD for its leading edge to
reach the source. At the source we can obtain a voltage reflection coefficient

At any time, the total voltage (current) at any point on the line is the sum of all the
individual voltage (current) waves existing on the line at that point and time.

Reference: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility by Clayton

Graphical Solutions

Reference: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility by Clayton

Graphical Solutions

Reference: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility by Clayton

Graphical Solutions

Reference: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility by Clayton

Graphical Solutions

This example shows the effect of pulsewidth on the total voltages. Consider a line of length 0.2 m (7.9 in.) shown in Fig. The
source voltage is a pulse of 20 V amplitude and 1 ns duration. The line has a characteristic impedance of 100 V and a velocity of
propagation of 2* 10^8m/s. The source resistance is 300 ohms and the load is open-circuited. Sketch the voltage at the input to
the line and at the load.

The initially sent out voltage

Reference: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility by Clayton

Graphical Solutions

Reference: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility by Clayton

Graphical Solutions

Reference: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility by Clayton

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