This procedure provides information; method and control for Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) of AG/UG piping at IOCL Panipat Refinery MSQ Project. 2.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENT:
Approved WPS
Approved Welding specification charts 3.0 POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT (PWHT)
The Heat Treatment is performed by electrical resistance heating coils or by induction. Heating elements of NI-Cr wire of suitable gauge, insulated with porcelain beads, shall be wrapped all round the weld portion and heated electrically. The method is by locally heating a circumferential band including the entire weld and adjacent area of base metal.
Heating elements are wrapped with an overlap of 75mm either side of weld with sufficient mineral wool to shield the heat. Heat is controlled by varying the electrical energy manually and / or using timer control. Width of the heating band shall be six times the wall thickness of thickest part for girth butt welds. 3.3 Width of the insulation shall be 12 times the thickness of thickest part. 3.4 Care shall be taken so that exposed pipe surface temperature shall not exceed 50% of the peak temperature or 400 C whichever is minimum.
Weld joints shall be free from grease, oil, etc. prior to PWHT. 3.6 Before PWHT, Line No. & Joint No., dia, type of joint, Recorder No., Calibration date, Starting time and date etc. shall be written on the SR chart, duly signed and sealed by L&T QC Engineer. After completion of PWHT , recorders shall be opened presence of L&T QC Engineer and charts verified with joints for PWHT. 3.7 PWHT shall be carried out at a temperature range as given below. APPROVED BY L & T REVIEWED / APPROVED BY JACOBS
Heating Rate 150 10 200 C / Hr Max. Cooling Rate 150 10 200 C / Hr Max. Holding Temperature 620 10 593 C to 649 C Holding Time 1 hr / 25mm (Minimum 1hr) 1 hr / 25mm (Minimum 1hr) 3.8
3.8.1Heating and cooling rate shall be as per 3.7 above. 3.8.2Whenever not specified, the heating rate above 300 C, and cooling rate after soaking up to 300 C , shall be followed. 3.8.3Controlled heating shall be started from 300 C and controlled cooling shall be up to 300 C 3.8.4Corrective action should be adopted during power interruption and shall be decided on case to case basis. 3.8.5 HOLDING TIME
Holding / Soaking time shall be as per 3.7 above. 3.8.7The following guidelines shall be used to determine the thickness and subsequent selection of the soaking time of PWHT.
For butt welds, the thickness shall be the thickness of the material at the weld.
For branch welds, the thickness shall be governed as per relevant clauses of B 31.3
For combination of different welds in a component, the maximum in the definition given above shall govern. 3.9 HARDNESS TEST
Maximum hardness value of welds after PWHT shall be as per specification. APPROVED BY L & T REVIEWED / APPROVED BY JACOBS