Precision Positioning Table

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Precision Positioning Table

Precision Positioning Table

High precision positioning table accomplished by uniquely developed
advanced positioning technology and evaluation technology.

Percentage of Waste Paper pulp 100%,

excluding covers and endpapers.

CAT. No.E3418 2015 Z-X Printed in Japan ©NSK Ltd. First edision published in APR. 2006
NSK Precision Positioning Tables
XY Table(P2~P61)

XY Table
Air Bearing Slide(P62~P71)

Air Slide

XY Table

Table of contents XY-2 XY Table Series Lineup

XY-1 Features …………………………………………… 2 XY-14 Compact CD Series ………………………… 42
XY-2 Series Lineup …………………………………… 3 XY-15 Positioning ActuatorTM …………………… 43 H Series Table with Linear Guides for straight motion
XY-3 Coding of Reference Number ……………… 3 XY-16 XY Table for Vacuum Environment (Special Application Design) … 44
XY-4 Selection Guide ………………………………… 4 XY-17 Example of Use …………………………… 48 HW Series Z axis table with a wedge mechanism
XY-5 H Series: Features ……………………………… 6 XY-18 Technical Description ……………………… 50
(1) Table of moment rigidity and transportable moment … 7 (1) Accuracy evaluation system ……………… 50 HT Series Two-axis table with a fixed motor structure
(2) Selection graph ………………………………… 7 (2) Example of XY table accuracy evaluation data… 51

XY Table
(3) H series Type 13 …………………………… 8 (3) Characteristics and evaluation method ………… 52
HD Open-Frame Series Open-frame table
(4) H series Type 17 …………………………… 10 XY-19 Selection Procedure ……………………… 54 C Series Table with Crossed Roller Guides for straight motion
(5) H series Type 18 …………………………… 12 (1) Selection of tables ………………………… 54
(6) H series Type 22 …………………………… 14 (2) Selection of drive system ………………… 54 SS Series Micro θ -axis table
(7) H series Type 30 …………………………… 20 (3) Examination of resolution ………………… 54
XY-6 HW Series …………………………………… 22 (4) Examination of speed ……………………… 54 MC Series Slim alignment three-axis table
XY-7 HT Series ……………………………………… 24 (5) Examination of operating conditions …… 55
XY-8 HD Open-Frame Series …………………… 26 (6) Examination of effective torque ………… 56
L Series Linear motor drive table
XY-9 C Series ……………………………………… 28 (7) Influence of pitching and yawing ………… 57 Linear Positioning Stages Table with pre-mounted stepping motor and pre-wired sensor
(1) CS Series …………………………………… 29 XY-20 Precautions for Handling ………………… 58
(2) CD Series …………………………………… 30 (1) Maintenance and inspection ……………… 58 Compact CD Series Small two-axis table with pre-mounted stepping motor and pre-wired sensor
(3) CT Series …………………………………… 31 (2) NSK grease unit …………………………… 59
XY-10 SS Series …………………………………… 32 (3) Compliance with RoHS Directive ………… 59 Positioning actuator Actuator with built-in motor controller
XY-11 MC Series …………………………………… 34 (4) Warranty period and scope ……………… 60
XY-12 L Series ……………………………………… 36 (5) Applications for special purposes ……… 60
Table for vacuum environment Table specifically designed for vacuum environments
XY-13 Linear Positioning Stages ………………… 40 XY-21 Checklist for XY table requirements specification … 61

XY-3 Coding of Reference Number

XY-1 XY Table Features
Example of reference
1. Many variations available number X Y - H S 00 25 - * * * * - * * *
Subunit assembly
A broad lineup consisting of combinations of single axis, two-axes, Z-axis and θ -axis. Indication of XY table
Type of guideway bearing
* Design
symbol serial number

2. XY table optimized for applications H: Linear guide Type

Table type
H series
C: Crossed-roller guide
Customized design for intended purposes, such as machining, assembly, inspection and conveyance. A: Air bearing slide C 13
P 17
S: Swivel (θ -axis only)
3. Significant reduction in design workload F: Slide bearing
H 18
R 22
Improved design efficiency with adoption of modular system for drive axes M: Combined (mix)
M 30
L: Spline
W 42
4. Systematic combination of highly acclaimed NSK products Number and shape of guideways
S SS (small)
S: Single
Made with NSK ball screws, support units, linear guides, crossed roller guides and air bearing slides. E SS (large)
D: Double A HW(1/4)
T: Triple B HW(1/2)
5. Choice of motor C: Combination D HW(1/10)
Can be fitted with AC servo motors, stepping motors and linear motors from various makers. W: Wedge T HW(1/2)
Table with multiple axes N Open-frame 48
Stroke of upper axis G Open-frame 74
Stroke of lower axis J MC180
K MC270
L Linear motor

2 3
XY-4 Selection Guide

Stroke [mm] and maximum speed [mm/s] Maximum

transportable Motor
(Values in the following bars are maximum speed.) Stroke(mm) rated Page
"ALLSCREW Axis (horizontal)
lead[mm] name 0 100 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000~ mass[kg] output[W]


5 8 AXIS 50 200
H series Type 13
10 8 AXIS 3PECIALAPPLICATION 500[mm/s] 500[mm/s] 50 200 8
(130 wide x 85 high)

XY Table
20 8 AXIS 1000 [mm/s] 800[mm/s] 30 200

3INGLE AXISTABLE 5 8 AXIS 250[mm/s] 164[mm/s] 56 200 10

H series Type 17 500[mm/s] 327[mm/s]
10 8 AXIS 56 200
(170 wide x 85 high)


H series Type 18 20 3PECIALAPPLICATION [mm/s] 750[mm/s] 550[mm/s]
(180 wide x 145 high) 350 3PECIALAPPLICATION 60 400
5 8 AXIS 250[mm/s]
H series Type 22 10 8 AXIS 3PECIALAPPLICATION 500[mm/s] 350[mm/s]
(220 wide x 90 high) 20 8 AXIS 1000[mm/s] 700[mm/s] 60 400

5 8 AXIS 250[mm/s]
H series Type 22 10 8 AXIS 3PECIALAPPLICATION 500[mm/s] 350[mm/s]
(220 wide x 100 high) 20 8 AXIS 1000[mm/s] 700[mm/s] 60 400

H series Type 22 10 8 AXIS 3PECIALAPPLICATION 500[mm/s] 350[mm/s]
(220 wide x 100 high) 3PECIALAPPLICATION 17
20 8 AXIS 1000[mm/s] 700[mm/s] 60 400
with bellows

3INGLE AXISTABLE 1000 750 450 300

[mm/s] [mm/s] [mm/s] [mm/s]
(300 wide x 157 high)

Stroke : Mass
50 : 20
5 8 AXIS 250[mm/s] 100 : 22
200 : 37
10 8 AXIS 500[mm/s]
250 : 42

Stroke : Mass
5 8 AXIS 250[mm/s] 50 : 15
9 AXIS 3PECIAL 250[mm/s] 100 : 20 750
10 8 AXIS 500[mm/s]
9 AXIS 500[mm/s] 250
30 400

TWO AXISTABLE 5 8 AXIS 250[mm/s]

30 750
Open Frame series 9 AXIS
10 8 AXIS
1 8 AXIS Stroke 4 mm [mm/s]
-#SERIES 9 AXIS Stroke 4 mm
30~60 50 34
θ AXIS Stroke 6°

SS series 2 θ AXIS Stroke 10° 30~60 50 32

4WO AXISTABLE 10 8 AXIS 3PECIAL 500[mm/s] 56 200 24

HT series 9 AXIS APPLICATION 500[mm/s]


HW series 50
2 : AXIS Stroke 10 mm 22
WEDGE: AXIS 1.5~25 ~100
Stroke 30 mm


L series Type M : 80 36
(linear motor) Type L : 120

4 8 AXIS 200[mm/s]
9 AXIS 250[mm/s]

4 5
XY-5 H Series Features (1) Table of moment rigidity and transportable moment
Moment rigidity (X105 Nm/rad) Transportable moment (Nm)
Type Cross-section shape
Pitching Yawing Rolling Pitching Yawing Rolling
1. Lightweight and compact

Custom designed Aluminum alloy base. 13 3.74 2.89 4.76 71 57 95

2. High rigidity

17 5.33 6.09 3.62 66 53 59
A high level of moment rigidity is achieved through the optimal design of the cross-section shape. 170

XY Table
3. Wide variations available

18 17.5 10.1 10.9 285 228 273
This series has a range of cross-section shapes 180

4. High speed and low noise 22
20.5 15.0 20.4 253 199 312

A new ball screw circulation system using low-noise ball screws

30 21.8 28.6 46.3 360 290 550
5. Long life 300

Premium components, including ball screws, support units and linear guides are used.

42 28.3 20.6 97.7 311 244 700

6. Choice of motor 420

Can be fitted with AC servo motors, stepping motors, and linear motors from various makers. Pitching

Horizontal straightness

Vertical straightness


(2) Selection graph

Transportable mass




Type22 Type18



500 1000 1500 2000
*Contact NSK for areas outside the solid line.
6 7
(3) H series Type 13: Features H series Type 13
After 2 x n-F6.6 thru
1. Smallest width in H Series F11 counter bore to
bottom thickness 12 10
4-M6 x 10 deep

135 10 15 37

2. Sensor and wiring can be easily fitted.

14 10 15

3. Multi-axis combinations possible

XY Table
( 9.25)
1.5 3
L2 (n−1)×100 L1
4. Choice of motor L 12 Detail of slit of M3 nut

F50H7 x 4 deep 4-M5 10 deep

(S/2) 155 (S/2) P.C.D. F70

130 35

Dimensions Unit: mm
Table reference Stroke (nominal) Stroke (limit) Length Mass
number S L L1 L2 n (kg)
XY-HS0020-34C* 200 210 390 45 300 4 7.0
XY-HS0025-34C* 250 260 440 70 200 4 7.6
XY-HS0030-34C* 300 310 490 45 400 5 8.2
XY-HS0040-34C* 400 410 590 45 500 6 9.3
XY-HS0050-34C* 500 510 690 45 600 7 10.4
XY-HS0060-34C* 600 610 790 45 700 8 11.5
XY-HS0070-34C* 700 710 890 45 800 9 12.7
XY-HS0080-34C* 800 810 990 45 900 10 13.8

Ball screw lead and inertia of Transportable mass (kg)
H series Type 13 with cover Starting torque
Table specifications (μm) movable parts
Table reference (×10−4kg·m2) Horizontal
number Ball screw Ball screw Ball screw Ball screw Ball screw
Repeatability accuracy Backlash 5mm 10mm 20mm lead lead lead lead lead
5mm 10mm 20mm 5·10mm 20mm
XY-HS0020-34C* 0.15 0.19 0.36
XY-HS0025-34C* ±2 40 0.17 0.21 0.38
XY-HS0030-34C* 0.19 0.23 0.4
XY-HS0040-34C* 0.23 0.27 0.44
1 20 30 36 50 30
XY-HS0050-34C* ±3 50 0.27 0.31 0.48
XY-HS0060-34C* 0.31 0.35 0.52
XY-HS0070-34C* 0.39 0.56
±5 60 —
XY-HS0080-34C* 0.43 0.6

Maximum speed Unit: mm/s 1. The values of table inertia and starting torque do not include the coupling and
H series Type 13 load mass.
Stroke 2. Refer to the above starting torque for selection of motors.
~600mm 700mm 800mm 3. Specifications have no load and may vary depending on load mass.
4. Specified motor, driver, sensor, etc. can be selected and mounted.
5mm 250 — — 5. Please contact NSK for special specifications.

10mm 500 500 500

20mm 1 000 1 000 800

8 9
(4) H series Type 17: Features H series Type 17
130 PX100 130 20 4-M5 x 10 deep - PCD70
1. Low profile type. 85mm high and 170mm wide.


2. Built-in Sensor unit



3. Some models come with top and side covers. z
F50.5 x 4.5 deep

XY Table
4. Choice of motor

(5) 44 52 44 5 z 41

8-M6 x 12 deep n-F6.6 thru - F11 counter bore

(32) (S/2) 150 (S/2) (36)



Z-Z cross-
10 L1 18

Dimensions Unit: mm
Table reference Stroke (nominal) Stroke (limit) Length Mass
number S L P n (kg)
XY-HS0010-34P* 100 110 328 0 6 9.0
XY-HS0020-34P* 200 210 428 1 8 10.0
XY-HS0030-34P* 300 310 528 2 10 12.0
XY-HS0040-34P* 400 410 628 3 12 13.0
XY-HS0050-34P* 500 510 728 4 14 14.0
XY-HS0060-34P* 600 610 828 5 16 16.0
XY-HS0070-34P* 700 710 928 6 18 17.0
XY-HS0080-34P* 800 810 1 028 7 20 19.0

H series Type 17 with cover Specifications

Ball screw lead and inertia Transportable mass (kg)
Starting torque
Table reference Table specifications (μm) of movable parts
(×10−4kg·m2) Horizontal
Repeatability Positioning Backlash Ball screw Ball screw Ball screw Ball screw Ball screw
accuracy lead 5mm lead 10mm lead 5mm lead 10mm lead 5·10mm
XY-HS0010-34P* 0.11 0.15
XY-HS0020-34P* 30 0.15 0.19
XY-HS0030-34P* 0.19 0.23
XY-HS0040-34P* ±3 0.23 0.27
5 20 30 56
XY-HS0050-34P* 40 0.27 0.31
XY-HS0060-34P* 0.31 0.35
XY-HS0070-34P* ±5 0.39
50 —
XY-HS0080-34P* 0.43

Maximum speed Unit: mm/s

H series Type17
Stroke 1. The values of table inertia and starting torque do not include the coupling and
~600mm 700mm 800mm load mass.
2. Refer to the above starting torque for selection of motors.
5mm 250 — — 3. Specifications have no load and may vary depending on load mass.
4. Specified motor, driver, sensor, etc. can be selected and mounted.
10mm 500 500 500 5. Please contact NSK for special specifications.

10 11
(5) H series Type 18: Features H series Type 18
2 x n-F9 thru - F14 counter bore to bottom thickness 8 4-M6 x 12 deep
1. Option of increasing stroke to 2500mm* 4-M8 x 16 deep
P.C.D. 90

20 47.5

2. Components can be secured with M6 bolts through T slots

45 °
on either side of the main body




XY Table
3. Sensor and wiring can be easily fitted. 140 65

L 2 (n−1)×200 L1
4. Covers available*
16.5 8
(S/2) 220 (S/2) 64

5. Choice of motor

* Adjustment required for options means that dimensions may be different from those shown in the catalog. 8 43
59 13
Detail of groove

Dimensions Unit: mm
Table reference Stroke (nominal) Stroke (limit) Length Mass
number S L L1 L2 n (kg)
XY-HS0080-34H* 800 820 1 130 75 1 000 6 39
XY-HS0100-34H* 1 000 1 020 1 330 75 1 200 7 45
XY-HS0120-34H* 1 200 1 220 1 530 75 1 400 8 50
XY-HS0160-34H* 1 600 1 620 1 930 75 1 800 10 60

Ball screw lead and inertia of
Table specifications (μm) movable parts Starting torque Transportable mass (kg) Maximum
Table reference (N·cm)
−4 2
(×10 kg·m ) Horizontal speed
Repeatability Backlash Ball screw lead
XY-HS0080-34H* 1.8 1 000
XY-HS0100-34H* 2.1 750
±10 1 60 60
XY-HS0120-34H* 2.4 550
XY-HS0160-34H* 3.1 350

1. The values of table inertia and starting torque do not include the coupling and load mass.
2. Refer to the above starting torque for selection of motors.
3. Specifications have no load and may vary depending on load mass.
4. Specified motor, driver, sensor, etc. can be selected and mounted.
5. Please contact NSK for special specifications.

12 13
(6) H series Type 22: Features H series Type 22

1. Options for super high-precision positioning available. 300 300 300 Pc


2. Some models come with top and side covers.

3. Some models have bellows for dust prevention

XY Table
P 4-M8
4. Choice of motor
(S/2) 225 (S/2) 220

L (13)

Dimensions Unit: mm
Table reference Stroke (nominal) Stroke (limit) Length Height For mounting holes Mass
number S L H H3 P PC (kg)
XY-HS0025-34R* 250 270 535 90 45 4-M8 117.5 18
XY-HS0030-34R* 300 320 585 90 45 4-M8 142.5 20
XY-HS0040-34R* 400 420 685 90 45 6-M8 42.5 22
XY-HS0050-34R* 500 520 785 90 45 6-M8 92.5 24
XY-HS0060-34R* 600 620 885 90 45 6-M8 142.5 26
XY-HS0070-34R* 700 720 985 90 45 8-M8 42.5 28
H series Type 22 H series Type 22 with bellows XY-HS0080-34R* 800 820 1 085 100 50 8-M8 92.5 36
XY-HS0090-34R* 900 920 1 185 100 50 8-M8 142.5 39
XY-HS00100-34R* 1 000 1 020 1 285 100 50 10-M8 42.5 42

Ball screw lead and inertia of
Starting torque Transportable
Table specifications (μm) movable parts
(N·cm) mass (kg)
Table reference (×10−4kg·m2)
Positioning Parallelism A Ball screw Ball screw Ball screw
Repeatability accuracy Backlash of motion 5mm 10mm 20mm lead 5mm lead 10mm lead 20mm Horizontal

XY-HS0025-34R* 0.128 0.293 0.628

±1 15
XY-HS0030-34R* 20 0.140 0.313 0.641
XY-HS0040-34R* 0.164 0.353 0.668
XY-HS0050-34R* ±2 20 0.189 0.390 0.695
H series Type 22 in two-axis combination H series Type 22 with bellows in XY-HS0060-34R* 30 1 0.213 0.428 0.721 20 30 36 60
two-axis combination XY-HS0070-34R* 0.468 0.748
XY-HS0080-34R* 1.363 1.393
±3 30 —
XY-HS0090-34R* 40 1.458 1.483
XY-HS00100-34R* 1.608 1.573

Maximum speed Unit: mm/s

~600mm 700mm 800mm 900mm 1 000mm
Lead 1. The values of table inertia and starting torque do not include the coupling and load
5mm 250 — — — —
2. Refer to the above starting torque for selection of motors.
10mm 500 500 *500 *400 *350 3. Specifications have no load and may vary depending on load mass.
4. Specified motor, driver, sensor, etc. can be selected and mounted.
20mm 1 000 1 000 *1 000 *800 *700 5. Please contact NSK for special specifications.
*Shaft diameter of ball screw is φ15 to φ20 mm for nominal stroke of
H series Type 22 with cover 800 mm or more.

14 15
H series Type 22 with cover H series Type 22 with bellows
300 300 Pc 300 300 Pc
200 200




XY Table
P 4-M8 P 4-M8

S/2 225 S/2 220

(S/2) 225 (S/2)



L (3) (227) L (3) 256

Dimensions Unit: mm Dimensions Unit: mm

Table reference Stroke (nominal) Stroke (limit) Length Height For mounting holes Mass Table reference Stroke (nominal) Stroke (limit) Length Height For mounting holes Mass
number S L H H3 P PC (kg) number S L H H3 P PC (kg)
XY-HS0025-74R* 250 270 555 100 45 4-M8 127.5 20 XY-HS0020-64R* 200 210 548 100 45 4-M8 127.5 21
XY-HS0030-74R* 300 320 605 100 45 4-M8 152.5 22 XY-HS0024-64R* 240 260 598 100 45 4-M8 152.5 24
XY-HS0040-74R* 400 420 705 100 45 6-M8 52.5 24 XY-HS0032-64R* 320 340 698 100 45 6-M8 52.5 26
XY-HS0050-74R* 500 520 805 100 45 6-M8 102.5 26 XY-HS0041-64R* 410 430 798 100 45 6-M8 102.5 28
XY-HS0060-74R* 600 620 905 100 45 6-M8 152.5 28 XY-HS0048-64R* 480 500 898 100 45 6-M8 152.5 30
XY-HS0070-74R* 700 720 1 005 100 45 8-M8 52.5 30 XY-HS0056-64R* 560 580 998 100 45 8-M8 52.5 32
XY-HS0080-74R* 800 820 1 105 110 50 8-M8 102.5 39 XY-HS0062-64R* 620 640 1 098 110 50 8-M8 102.5 40
XY-HS0090-74R* 900 920 1 205 110 50 8-M8 152.5 41 XY-HS0068-64R* 680 700 1 198 110 50 8-M8 152.5 43
XY-HS00100-7R2* 1 000 1 020 1 305 110 50 10-M8 52.5 44 XY-HS0076-64R* 760 780 1 298 110 50 10-M8 52.5 46

Specifications Specifications
Ball screw lead and inertia of Ball screw lead and inertia of
Starting torque Transportable Starting torque Transportable
Table specifications (μm) movable parts
(N·cm) mass (kg) Table specifications (μm) movable parts
(N·cm) mass (kg)
Table reference (×10−4kg·m2) Table reference (×10−4kg·m2)
number number
Repeatability Positioning Backlash Parallelism A 5mm 10mm 20mm Ball screw Ball screw Ball screw Horizontal Repeatability Positioning Backlash Parallelism A 5mm 10mm 20mm Ball screw Ball screw Ball screw Horizontal
accuracy of motion lead 5mm lead 10mm lead 20mm accuracy of motion lead 5mm lead 10mm lead 20mm

XY-HS0025-74R* 0.140 0.281 0.708 XY-HS0020-64R* 0.160 0.350 0.843

±1 15 ±1 15
XY-HS0030-74R* 20 0.152 0.299 0.721 XY-HS0024-64R* 20 0.189 0.380 0.856
XY-HS0040-74R* 0.177 0.334 0.748 XY-HS0032-64R* 0.260 0.420 0.883
XY-HS0050-74R* ±2 20 0.201 0.375 0.775 XY-HS0041-64R* ±2 20 0.299 0.458 0.910
XY-HS0060-74R* 30 1 0.226 0.406 0.801 20 30 36 60 XY-HS0048-64R* 1 0.338 0.505 0.936 20 30 36 60
XY-HS0070-74R* 0.442 0.828 XY-HS0056-64R* 0.545 0.963
XY-HS0080-74R* 1.253 1.473 XY-HS0062-64R* 40 1.440 1.608
±3 30 — ±3 30 —
XY-HS0090-74R* 40 1.356 1.563 XY-HS0068-64R* 1.573 1.698
XY-HS00100-7R2* 1.469 1.653 XY-HS0076-64R* 50 1.695 1.788

Maximum speed Unit: mm/s Maximum speed Unit: mm/s

Stroke Stroke
~600mm 700mm 800mm 900mm 1 000mm ~600mm 700mm 800mm 900mm 1 000mm
Lead 1. The values of table inertia and starting torque do not include the coupling and load Lead 1. The values of table inertia and starting torque do not include the coupling and load
mass. mass.
5mm 250 — — — — 5mm 250 — — — —
2. Refer to the above starting torque for selection of motors. 2. Refer to the above starting torque for selection of motors.
10mm 500 500 *500 *400 *350 3. Specifications have no load and may vary depending on load mass. 10mm 500 500 *500 *400 *350 3. Specifications have no load and may vary depending on load mass.
4. Specified motor, driver, sensor, etc. can be selected and mounted. 4. Specified motor, driver, sensor, etc. can be selected and mounted.
20mm 1 000 1 000 *1 000 *800 *700 5. Please contact NSK for special specifications.
20mm 1 000 1 000 *1 000 *800 *700 5. Please contact NSK for special specifications.
*Shaft diameter of ball screw is φ15 to φ20 mm for a nominal stroke of *Shaft diameter of ball screw is φ15 to φ20 mm for nominal stroke of
800 mm or more. 800 mm or more.

16 17
H series Type 22 in two-axis combination H series Type 22 with bellows in two-axis combination







XY Table
4-M8 P
4-M8 P
Pc 300 300 300 300 300 300 Pc
(S/2) 220 (S/2) (S/2) 220 (S/2)


LY (13) LY (3)

Dimensions Unit: mm Dimensions Unit: mm

For mounting For mounting
Table reference Stroke (nominal) Stroke (limit) Length Width Height Mass Table reference Stroke (nominal) Stroke (limit) Length Width Height Mass
holes holes
number (kg) number (kg)
S (Upper axis x lower axis) LX LY W H H2 H3 P PC S (Upper axis x lower axis) LX LY W H H2 H3 P Pb PC
XY-HD2525-34R* 250 × 250 270 × 270 535 535 220 160 70 45 4-M8 117.5 34 XY-HD2020-64R* 200 × 200 210 × 210 548 548 256 170 70 45 4-M8 200 127.5 38
XY-HD3030-34R* 300 × 300 320 × 320 585 585 220 160 70 45 4-M8 142.5 36 XY-HD2424-64R* 240 × 240 260 × 260 598 598 256 170 70 45 4-M8 200 152.5 44
XY-HD4040-34R* 400 × 400 420 × 420 685 685 420 160 70 45 6-M8 42.5 52 XY-HD3232-64R* 320 × 320 340 × 340 698 698 256 170 70 45 6-M8 200 52.5 48
XY-HD5050-34R* 500 × 500 520 × 520 785 785 420 160 70 45 6-M8 92.5 58 XY-HD4141-64R* 410 × 410 430 × 430 798 798 456 170 70 45 6-M8 400 102.5 66
XY-HD5060-34R* 500 × 600 520 × 620 785 885 420 160 70 45 6-M8 142.5 62 XY-HD4848-64R* 480 × 480 500 × 500 898 898 456 170 70 45 6-M8 400 152.5 75
XY-HD5070-34R* 500 × 700 520 × 620 785 985 420 160 70 45 8-M8 42.5 66 XY-HD4856-64R* 480 × 560 500 × 560 898 998 456 170 70 45 8-M8 400 52.5 79
XY-HD5080-34R* 500 × 800 520 × 820 785 1 085 420 170 80 50 8-M8 92.5 90 XY-HD4862-64R* 480 × 620 500 × 640 898 1 098 456 180 80 50 8-M8 400 102.5 104
XY-HD5090-34R* 500 × 900 520 × 920 785 1 185 420 170 80 50 8-M8 142.5 96 XY-HD4868-64R* 480 × 680 500 × 700 898 1 198 456 180 80 50 8-M8 400 152.5 108
XY-HD50100-34R* 500 × 1 000 520 × 1 020 785 1 285 420 170 80 50 10-M8 42.5 101 XY-HD4876-64R* 480 × 760 500 × 780 898 1 298 456 180 80 50 10-M8 400 52.5 112

Specifications Specifications
Ball screw lead and inertia of movable parts Ball screw lead and inertia of movable parts
Table specifications (μm) (×10−4kg·m2) Starting torque Transportable Table specifications (μm) (×10−4kg·m2) Starting torque Transportable
(N·cm) mass (kg) (N·cm) mass (kg)
Table reference Table reference
number 5mm 10mm 20mm number 5mm 10mm 20mm

Repeatability Positioning Backlash Parallelism Squareness Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Ball screw Ball screw Ball screw Horizontal Repeatability Positioning Backlash Parallelism Squareness Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Ball screw Ball screw Ball screw Horizontal
accuracy A of motion of motion axis axis axis axis axis axis lead 5mm lead 10mm lead 20mm accuracy A of motion of motion axis axis axis axis axis axis lead 5mm lead 10mm lead 20mm
XY-HD2525-34R* 20 0.128 0.225 0.293 0.680 0.628 2.173 XY-HD2020-64R* 20 0.160 0.268 0.350 0.758 0.843 2.530
±1 20 20 ±1 20 20
XY-HD3030-34R* 0.140 0.250 0.313 0.763 0.641 2.388 XY-HD2424-64R* 0.189 0.316 0.380 0.855 0.856 2.847
30 30
XY-HD4040-34R* 0.164 0.286 0.353 0.840 0.668 2.618 XY-HD3232-64R* 0.260 0.399 0.420 0.943 .0.883 3.077
30 30 30 30
XY-HD5050-34R* ±2 0.189 0.321 0.390 0.940 0.695 2.848 XY-HD4141-64R* ±2 0.299 0.451 0.458 1.033 0.910 3.307
40 40
XY-HD5060-34R* 1 0.189 0.335 0.390 0.980 0.695 2.874 21 32 42 30 XY-HD4848-64R* 1 0.338 0.503 0.505 1.123 0.936 3.535 22 32 43 30
40 40 40 40
XY-HD5070-34R* 0.390 1.080 0.695 2.901 XY-HD4856-64R* 0.505 1.160 0.936 3.562
±3 50 ±3 50
XY-HD5080-34R* 0.390 1.920 0.695 3.546 XY-HD4862-64R* 0.505 2.045 0.936 4.207
— — — —
XY-HD5090-34R* 50 50 0.390 2.043 0.695 3.636 XY-HD4868-64R* 50 50 0.505 2.170 0.936 4.297
±4 60 ±4 60
XY-HD50100-34R* 0.390 2.165 0.695 3.726 XY-HD4876-64R* 0.505 2.293 0.936 4.387

Maximum speed Unit: mm/s Maximum speed Unit: mm/s

Stroke Stroke
~600mm 700mm 800mm 900mm 1 000mm ~600mm 700mm 800mm 900mm 1 000mm
Lead 1. The values of table inertia and starting torque do not include the coupling and load Lead
mass. 1. The values of table inertia and starting torque do not include the coupling
5mm 250 — — — — 5mm 250 — — — —
2. Refer to the above starting torque for selection of motors. 2. Refer to the above starting torque for selection of motors.
10mm 500 500 *500 *400 *350 3. Specifications have no load and may vary depending on load mass. 10mm 500 500 *500 *400 *350 3. Specifications have no load and may vary depending on load mass.
4. Specified motor, driver, sensor, etc. can be selected and mounted. 4. Specified motor, driver, sensor, etc. can be selected and mounted.
20mm 1 000 1 000 *1 000 *800 *700 5. Please contact NSK for special specifications.
20mm 1 000 1 000 *1 000 *800 *700 5. Please contact NSK for special specifications.
*Shaft diameter of ball screw is φ15 to φ20 mm for a nominal stroke of *Shaft diameter of ball screw is 15 to 20 mm for a nominal stroke of
800 mm or more. 620 mm or more.

18 19
(7) H series Type30 Features H series Type 30

1. Option for up to 3000 mm stroke available. 10 125

6-M10 x 20 deep
125 (10) 4-M8 x 16 deep
P.C.D. 145


2. The highest rigidity in H Series*1

F20 h7

3. Maximum transportable mass is 150 kg*2



XY Table

4. Choice of motor



L 20 (88) 80
L1 168

*1 Pitching, yawing n x 2-F11 thru - F18 counter bore to bottom thickness 20

*2 Depending on operating conditions, a reducer may be needed.
(80) S Stroke (nominal) 270 (80)




Cross-section Z-Z
(Detail of mounting hole)
115 L2=(n–1 ½200 115

Dimensions Unit: mm
No. of
Table reference Stroke (nominal) Stroke (limit) Length mounting Mass
number (kg)
S L L1 L2 n
XY-HS00100-34M* 1 000 1 020 1 430 1 450 1 200 7 85
XY-HS00120-34M* 1 200 1 220 1 630 1 650 1 400 8 95
XY-HS00160-34M* 1 600 1 620 2 030 2 050 1 800 10 115
XY-HS00200-34M* 2 000 2 020 2 430 2 450 2 200 12 135
1 This type with cover is available. (In this case, contact NSK for external dimensions.)
2 Consult with NSK about 1000-mm stroke or less and 2000-mm stroke or more.

Ball screw lead and inertia of
Table specifications (μm) movable parts Starting torque Transportable mass (kg) Maximum
Table reference (N·cm)
−4 2
(×10 kg·m ) Horizontal speed
Repeatability Backlash Ball screw lead
XY-HS00100-34M* 4.8 150 1000
XY-HS00120-34M* 5.3 150 750
±10 5 113
XY-HS00160-34M* 6.3 140 450
XY-HS00200-34M* 7.3 120 300

1. The values of table inertia and starting torque do not include the coupling and load mass.
2. Refer to the above starting torque for selection of motors.
3. Specifications have no load and may vary depending on load mass.
4. Specified motor, driver, sensor, etc. can be selected and mounted.
5. Please contact NSK for special specifications.

20 21
XY-6 HW series Features HW series

1. High precision achieved through wedge mechanism

2. Space-saving Z-axis table with low cross-section height OTR


3. The Series lineup includes reduction ratios of 1/2, 1/4, and 1/10.

XY Table



10 51 40 40
6-F4.5 thru-F8 2-F6.5 thru
counter bore depth 7 2-M6 Hexagon socket head
17 97 30 cap bolt mounting hole 16 139
4-M5 x 8 deep
174 215 13
4-M5 x 8 deep

24 71 18 100


XY-HW0001-34A * (Reduction ratio 1/4) XY-HW0001-34B * (Reduction ratio 1/2)

Type A Reduction ratio 1/4








Type D Reduction ratio 1/10



4-F9.5 thru-F14 counter
70 70 5 24 50 50 50 50 24 27 bore depth 8.6
254.5 33 25-M8 x 14 deep 280

Specifications 287.5
4-F6.6 thru-F11 counter
8-M5 x 10 deep bore depth 6.6 5 248

Table specifications

Table reference Transportable Mass

number Wedge reduction Positioning mass (kg) (kg) 31 170

Stroke Repeatability

ratio accuracy



XY-HW0001-34A* 5 1/4 ±2 1.5

10 10
XY-HW0001-34B* 10 1/2 ±3 5.5
17 175 30 200
XY-HW0001-34D* 5 1/10 ±2 15 30 15 279.5 13 270 10

XY-HW0003-34T* 30 1/2 ±3 20 20 25

1. Specifications have no load and may vary depending on load mass. XY-HW0001-34D * (Reduction ratio 1/10) XY-HW0003-34T * (Reduction ratio 1/2)
2. Specified motor, driver, sensor, etc. can be selected and mounted.
3. Please contact NSK for special specifications.

22 23
XY-7 HT series: Features HT series

1. Less wiring required due to the two-axis table design

with a fixed motor structure. OTL PROX OTR

(Y-axis stroke limit)

2. Compared to two-stage XY tables with upper and lower
axes, cross-section height is low, enabling a space-

XY Table



saving design.

(Y-axis stroke limit)


3. Excellent controllability due to equal inertia of upper OTR

and lower axes


110 10
(10) 4-M6 x 10 deep 100
230 230 10
4-M8 counter bore for fixing bolt – 4-M10 thru (for hanging)

(X-axis stroke limit) (X-axis stroke limit)

(53) 130 (53) (9.5)

12 480 24

XY-HT1010-34*(Stroke 100 mm x 100 mm type)



(Y-axis stroke limit)




(Y-axis stroke limit)

Ball screw lead and Starting torque
Table specifications

Transportation 110 10
inertial of movable parts

(μm) ×10-4(kg·m2) (N·cm) mass (15) 250 250 250 15
Table reference number (kg) 4-F9 thru - F14 counter 4-M6 x 10 deep
Positioning Ball screw lead bore depth 4
4-M10 thru - F14 counter
Repeatability accuracy Backlash bore depth 4
X-axis Y-axis X-axis Y-axis Horizontal (X-axis stroke limit) (X-axis stroke limit)
(128) 130 (128) (8.5)
XY-HT1010-34*-*** 0.23 0.24 27 24
±2 20 1 56
XY-HT2525-34*-*** 0.35 0.36 27 24
1. The values of table inertia and starting torque do not include the coupling and load mass.

2. Refer to the above starting torque for selection of motors.
3. Specifications have no load and may vary depending on load mass.
4. Specified motor, driver, sensor, etc. can be selected and mounted.
12 780 (24)
5. Please contact NSK for special specifications. (816)

XY-HT2525-34*(Stroke 250 mm x 250 mm type)

24 25
XY-8 HD Open-Frame Series: Features Open-Frame Series
Counter bore for 4-M10
185 610 185
1. An open-frame design by placing ball screws on the (for fixing table)


Stroke limit


2. Work piece can be measured and processed on top and

Carrier opening(350)

Main frame opening(360)

Sub frame opening(332)
bottom faces.

XY Table
240 240




3. A light weight design that uses an aluminum casting

Stroke limit


4-M8 x 12 deep PROX


Stroke limit Stroke limit

(190) 538 (190)
Carrier/sub frame opening(420)

Main frame opening(440)
(61) 980 (8)


Counter bore for 8-M12

185 220 530 220 185 (for fixing table)

Stroke limit

254 35


Main frame opening(590)


Sub frame opening(570)

35 254 52 254 35 PROX

Carrier opening(560)



254 52
280 315




Table specifications (μm)

Stroke limit
Table reference Mass
number Positioning Parallelism A Squareness of (kg) (kg)

Repeatability accuracy Backlash of motion motion Horizontal

Stroke limit 24-M8 x 12 deep Stroke limit
XY-HD2936-14N* ±2 20 60 (305) 703 (305)
30 1 30 100
XY-HD5560-14G* ±3 30 105 Carrier/sub frame opening(560)
1. Specifications have no load and may vary depending on load mass.

2. Specified motor, driver, sensor, etc. can be selected and mounted.
3. Please contact NSK for special specifications.

Main frame opening(590)

(89) 1340 (46)

26 27
XY-9 C series Features CS series

(1) CS series Features

1. Crossed roller guide minimizes vibration between
rolling elements. 1. High rigidity due to box structure made of cast iron
2. Reduction in micro slip means a stable motion is 2. A slim shape achieved by use of a crossed roller guide
maintained over a long period of time

XY Table
3. A smooth motion achieved by incorporating a roller D P

with a retainer
4. High rigidity because of the long contact surface


between roller and rolling surface

5. A long product life achieved by using durable materials Da
L L1

S /2 S/2

20 H 2
(H 3 )
Dimensions Unit: mm
Stroke Stroke For mounting
Table reference (nominal) (limit) Length Width Height Table/thread hole Mass
number (kg)
S L L1 W H H2 H3 P Pa Pb Ta Tb D Da Db
XY-CS0005-14* 50 57 170 77.5 160 83 63 30 4-M8 150 140 125 125 4-M6 103 52.5 11
XY-CS0010-14* 100 114 250 70 200 90 70 35 4-M8 220 170 200 170 8-M6 138 50 23
XY-CS0015-14* 150 159 300 70 200 90 70 35 4-M8 270 170 250 170 6-M6 138 50 26
XY-CS0020-14* 200 216 400 95 250 90 70 35 4-M8 370 220 350 220 10-M6 188 50 45
XY-CS0025-14* 250 259 450 125.0 250 90 70 35 4-M8 420 220 400 220 8-M6 188 50 50
CS series CD series 1. Stroke (limit) may vary depending on ball screw lead.

Ball screw lead and inertia of Starting torque Transportable
Table specifications movable parts mass
(μm) (×10-4kg·m2) (N·cm) (kg)
Table reference
Positioning Parallelism Ball screw Ball screw Ball screw
Repeatability accuracy Backlash A of motion 2mm 5mm 10mm lead 2mm lead 5mm lead 10mm Horizontal

XY-CS0005-14* 5 0.019 0.043 — 20

XY-CS0010-14* 10 0.042 0.108 0.230 22
XY-CS0015-14* ±1 1 12 0.050 0.135 0.288 10 25
XY-CS0020-14* 10 15 0.073 0.208 0.418 37
XY-CS0025-14* 20 0.081 0.240 0.545 42
1. The values of table inertia and starting torque do not include the coupling and load mass.
2. Refer to the above starting torque for selection of motors.
3. Specifications have no load and may vary depending on load mass.
4. Specified motor, driver, sensor, etc. can be selected and mounted.
5. Please contact NSK for special specifications.
CT series
28 29
CD series CT series

(2) CD Series Features (3) CT series Features

1. High rigidity due to box structure made of cast iron 1. High rigidity due to box structure made of cast iron
2. A slim shape achieved by use of a crossed roller guide 2. A slim shape achieved by the use of a crossed roller guide

XY Table
3. Good positioning accuracy despite two-axis combination 3. Less wiring required due to the two-axis table design with a fixed motor structure
4. Low table height enables a space saving design

5. Excellent controllability due to equal inertia of upper and lower axes



Db Db


Tb D
Ly L1y

S/2 S /2





(H 4 )

100 20
Dimensions Unit: mm P2 P1 P4 P
(76) L

Stroke Stroke For mounting

Length Width Height Table/thread hole S/2 Ta S/2

(nominal) (limit) hole
Table reference Mass
number S (kg)

(upper axis x Lx L1x Ly L1y W H H2 H3 H4 P Pa Pb Ta Tb D Da Db
lower axis)
XY-CD0505-14* 50×50 57×57 156 88 170 75.5 160 146 126 63 30 4-M8 150 140 125 125 4-M6 103 52.5 18


XY-CD1010-14* 100×100 114×114 221 95 250 70 200 160 140 70 35 4-M8 220 170 200 170 8-M6 138 52.5 38
XY-CD1515-14* 150×150 159×159 271 95 300 70 200 160 140 70 35 4-M8 270 170 250 170 6-M6 138 50 43 Dimensions Unit: mm
XY-CD2020-14* 200×200 216×216 371 120 400 95 250 160 140 70 35 4-M8 370 220 350 220 10-M6 188 50 74
Table reference Stroke (nominal) Length Width For mounting hole Table/tap hole Mass
XY-CD2525-14* 250×250 259×259 421 150 450 125 250 160 140 70 35 4-M8 420 220 400 220 8-M6 188 50 82 number (kg)
S (upper axis x lower axis) L W P1 P2 P3 P4 Ta Db
1. Stroke (limit) may vary depending on ball screw lead. XY-CT0505-4** 50 × 50 365 170 165 180 150 10 195 30 25
XY-CT1010-4** 100 × 100 415 220 173 222 200 10 225 30 31
XY-CT1414-4** 140 × 140 450 260 175 259 244 8 260 60 38
Table specifications Ball screw lead and inertia of movable parts Starting torque Transportable
(μm) (×10-4kg·m2) (n·cm) mass (kg)
Table reference 2mm 5mm 10mm Ball Ball Ball Specifications
number Positioning Parallelism Squareness screw screw screw
Repeatability accuracy Backlash A of motion of motion Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower lead lead lead Horizontal Table specifications Ball screw lead and inertia of Starting torque Transportable
axis axis axis axis axis axis 2mm 5mm 10mm (μm) movable parts (×10-4kg·m2) (N·cm) mass (kg)
Table reference
number Repeatability 5mm 10mm
XY-CD0505-14* 5 8 5 0.019 0.026 0.043 0.080 — — 15 Parallelism Squareness Ball screw Ball screw
Repeatability Positioning Backlash A of motion of motion Upper Lower Upper Lower lead 5mm lead Horizontal
XY-CD1010-14* 12 15 0.042 0.057 0.108 0.195 0.230 0.588 accuracy axis axis axis axis
10 16
XY-CD1515-14* ±1 1 20 0.050 0.067 0.135 0.240 0.288 0.700 15 XY-CT0505-4** 5 5 0.112 0.117 0.225 0.246 15
XY-CD2020-14* 15 0.073 0.102 0.208 0.385 0.418 0.993 23 XY-CT1010-4** ±1 1 15 8 0.132 0.145 0.274 0.327 18 18 20
25 10
XY-CD2525-14* 20 25 0.081 0.113 0.240 0.438 0.545 1.335 26 XY-CT1414-4** 12 0.149 0.174 0.322 0.382 30
1. The values of table inertia and starting torque are those not including the coupling and load mass. 1. The values of table inertia and starting torque do not include the coupling and load mass.
2. Refer to the above starting torque for selection of motors. 2. Refer to the above starting torque for selection of motors.
3. Specifications have no load and may vary depending on load mass. 3. Specifications have no load and may vary depending on load mass.
4. Specified motor, driver, sensor, etc. can be selected and mounted. 4. Specified motor, driver, sensor, etc. can be selected and mounted.
5. Please contact NSK for special specifications. 5. Please contact NSK for special specifications.
30 31
XY-10 SS series Features SS series (Micro θ-axis)
4-F6.6 thru (for fixing)
1. High rigidity micro positioning θ-axis table using a (114.5)
crossed roller bearing 17 80


2. Loss of motion is small thanks to a unique structure


where linear motion of ball screws is converted to

XY Table

rotational motion.

4-M6 x 12 deep
3. Open-frame options available 20.5 73


(57) (30)
113.5 70.5


4-M8 For hexagon socket head cap bolt (for fixing)

60 160





Table specifications Mass
Table reference Mass Transportable
number Stroke Repeatability Resolution Ball screw lead (kg) mass (kg)
(° ) (μm) (° ) (mm) Horizontal
12 256
XY-SS0001-14S* 10 5.5 30
±2 30 2 4-M8 x 12 deep
XY-SS0001-14E* 10 25.5 60
1. Specifications have no load and may vary depending on load mass.
2. Specified motor, driver, sensor, etc. can be selected and mounted.
3. Please contact NSK for special specifications.


328 (47)


32 33
XY-11 MC Series: Features MC series

1. A slim alignment unit that allows X, Y and θ motions 51 194 (25)


in a single table. OTR

X-axis stroke limit



2. Precision bearings provide high accuracy and high


( 3°)
rigidity alignment

XY Table



3. Open-frame options available

X-axis stroke limit

(3° )

(6.5) (3.5)



4-M5 x 8 deep 35 90
51 174 (45) 4-M6 Hexagon socket head cap bolt mounting hole

Y-axis stroke limit Y-axis stroke limit

(51.5) (3.5) 160 (3.5)

(26) 270 (33.4)



30 300 (30)


X-axis stroke limit






X-axis stroke limit


Stroke Table specifications Transportable

Table reference Repeatability Ball screw lead (mm) Mass (kg)


number X-axis Y-axis θ-axis (kg)
(mm) (mm) (° ) X-axis Y-axis θ-axis X-axis Y-axis Horizontal
(μm) (μm) (° ) θ-axis 4-M5 x 10 deep 35 180 4-F6.6 thru
(for mounting M6 bolt)
XY-MC0101-14J* 30 30 OTR ORG OTL
4 4 6 ±1 ±1 ±2 1 1 1
XY-MC0101-14K* 41 60 Y-axis stroke limit Y-axis stroke limit
1. Specifications have no load and may vary depending on load mass. (52) (3) 250 (3)
2. Specified motor, driver, sensor, etc. can be selected and mounted.
3. Please contact NSK for special specifications.

(30.5) 360 (30)

34 35
XY-12 L Series: Features L series
Linear scale cable Motor cable Hot sensor cable
9 drill thru, 14 counter bore to bottom thickness 10 (500±50 from head) (500±50 from coil) (500±50 from unit)

1. Maximum speed of 2000 mm/s possible through use Body mounting hole
of linear motor 180


2. High resolution achieved with a high precision optical
linear scale



XY Table
3. Long strokes available, exceeding those driven by ball screws.

Simple stopper
Stroke limit(St) Ta Limit sensor
Simple stopper
4. Multiple sliders placed on a single axis can be driven
Total length(L)

L series: Dimensions
Type S Unit: mm
Total base length Stroke (limit) Total mass Table/thread hole Movable
Table reference number Stroke (nominal)
L St (kg) Ta Da D part mass
XY-HS0030-84YS-*** 585 315 300 16
XY-HS0048-84YS-*** 765 495 480 19
XY-HS0072-84YS-*** 1 005 735 720 23
XY-HS0096-84YS-*** 1 245 975 960 27
XY-HS00114-84YS-*** 1 425 1 155 1 140 30
XY-HS00138-84YS-*** 1 665 1 395 1 380 34
XY-HS00156-84YS-*** 1 845 1 575 1 560 37
XY-HS00180-84YS-*** 2 085 1 815 1 800 40 4-M8 depth
220 110 16 6
XY-HS00204-84YS-*** 2 325 2 055 2 040 45
XY-HS00222-84YS-*** 2 505 2 235 2 220 47
XY-HS00246-84YS-*** 2 745 2 475 2 460 51
XY-HS00264-84YS-*** 2 925 2 655 2 640 54
XY-HS00288-84YS-*** 3 165 2 895 2 880 58
XY-HS00312-84YS-*** 3 405 3 135 3 120 62
XY-HS00330-84YS-*** 3 585 3 315 3 300 65
XY-HS00354-84YS-*** 3 825 3 555 3 540 69
Type M Unit: mm
Total base length Stroke (limit) Total mass Table/thread hole Movable
Table reference number Stroke (nominal)
L St (kg) Ta Da D part mass
XY-HS0030-84YM-*** 705 315 300 23
XY-HS0048-84YM-*** 885 495 480 26
XY-HS0078-84YM-*** 1 185 795 780 32
XY-HS00102-84YM-*** 1 425 1 035 1 020 36
XY-HS00132-84YM-*** 1 725 1 335 1 320 42
XY-HS00156-84YM-*** 1 965 1 575 1 560 47
6-M8 depth
XY-HS00186-84YM-*** 2 265 1 875 1 860 53 340 115
XY-HS00210-84YM-*** 2 505 2 115 2 100 57
XY-HS00240-84YM-*** 2 805 2 415 2 400 63
XY-HS00264-84YM-*** 3 045 2 655 2 640 68
XY-HS00294-84YM-*** 3 345 2 955 2 940 73
XY-HS00318-84YM-*** 3 585 3 195 3 180 78
XY-HS00348-84YM-*** 3 885 3 495 3 480 84
Type L Unit: mm
Total base length Stroke (limit) Stroke (nominal) Total mass Table/thread hole Movable
Table reference number
L St (kg) Ta Da D part mass
XY-HS0033-84YL-*** 885 345 330 32
XY-HS0063-84YL-*** 1 185 645 630 38
XY-HS0087-84YL-*** 1 425 885 870 42
XY-HS00117-84YL-*** 1 725 1 185 1 170 48
XY-HS00141-84YL-*** 1 965 1 425 1 410 53
XY-HS00171-84YL-*** 2 265 1 725 1 710 58 10-M8 depth
490 95 15
XY-HS00195-84YL-*** 2 505 1 965 1 950 63 16
XY-HS00225-84YL-*** 2 805 2 265 2 250 69
XY-HS00249-84YL-*** 3 045 2 505 2 490 74
XY-HS00279-84YL-*** 3 345 2 805 2 790 79
XY-HS00303-84YL-*** 3 585 3 045 3 030 84
XY-HS00333-84YL-*** 3 885 3 345 3 330 90

36 37
L series: Specifications L series: Example of special application.
NSK can also build a large table of a linear motor gantry type to be used as Flat Panel Display
Item Unit Type S Type M Type L related equipment.
Structural materials (base, slider) Aluminum alloy ( Alumite treatment)
Sliding guide Linear guide bearing (recirculating ball type)
Motor type Linear servo motor (with core)
Position sensor Optical tape scale

Resolution Least input increment (μm) 1

Control resolution (nm) 20μm=/256÷76nm

XY Table
Maximum speed (m/s) 2
Positioning accuracy (μm) (30/1000) x (Stroke mm) + 5
Repeatability (±μm) 1
Permissible mass of load (horizontal) (kg) 40 80 100
Moment rigidity Rolling 12.7 15.1 16.8
Yawing (Nm/rad) 11.1 29.7 71.4
Pitching 12.3 44.1 107
Linear guide

Transportable moment Rolling 89 87 118

Yawing (Nm) 70 90 136
Pitching 80 118 243
Basic load rating per C: Dynamic load rating (N) 11 700
bearing Co: Static load rating (N) 23 500
No. of bearings per slider ( ) 4 6 10
Installation span of bearings (mm) W148*P110 W148*P230 W148*P340
Rated thrust* (N) 80 280 560
Rated current* (Arms) 1.4 5 10
Peak thrust* (N) 220 600 1 200
Maximum current* (Arms) 4.4 12.4 25
Magnetic attraction (N) 809 1 650 3 260
Mass of slider (kg) 6 9 15
Linear motor

Total mass Shown in the specifications separately.

Time rating Continuous
Dielectric strength 1500 VAC for 1 minute
Insulation resistance 500 VDC, 10 M or more
Cooling system Self-cooling
Applicable ambient temperature (°C) 20±10
Applicable ambient humidity (%) 20 to 80 (Without condensation)
Excitation system Permanent magnet type
Permissible coil temperature (°C) 130 (Class B)
(Note 1) Items with asterisks (*) are values when operated with driver at 100ºC of armature coil temperature, and other items are values when operated with
driver at 20ºC of armature coil temperature.

Whole configuration diagram Driver

(Oblique perspective view)

Extension cable
(flexible) Serial converter

Extension cable
External dimensions W x D x H 3 200 x 3 500 x 2 050mm

Stroke limit 2 495(upper) x 2 755(lower)

Maximum speed 1400mm/s(α=0.3G)

Repeatability ±3μm

38 39
Linear positioning stages Linear positioning stages
AConnector pin arrangement
XY-13 Linear positioning stages Features CN1: Sensor SRCN6A25-24S (JAE)
Pin No. 1~6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1. Stepping motor pre-mounted and pre-wired sensor Item —
Voc OUT L 0v

Voc OUT L 0v Voc OUT L 0v Voc OUT L 0v

2. Available for shipping in two-axis combination

XY Table
Relative position of sensor signal generation Relative position of sensor signal generation
XY-HS0010- XY-HS0015- XY-HS0020- XY-HS0025- XY-HS0030-
3. Top and side covers mounted as standard ORG Origin Output per revolution of motor
7423-515 7423-515 7423-515 7423-515 7423-515
PROX In the proximity of origin
OTL Overrun. On the motor side A 112 or less 162 or less 212 or less 262 or less 312 or less
OTR Overrun.
B 100 or more 150 or more 200 or more 250 or more 300 or more
On the opposite side of motor
Counter bore for M8 Counter bore for 4-M8
A Sensor type EE-SX671 (Omron)
B (63.6)
156 20
E 130 D
65 24 52 24


AFor the driver unit, use the standard driver unit ASD-24A-A Series available from Oriental Motor Co., Ltd.

ALinear Positioning Stages two-axis combination




ORG 400±20
The linear positioning stages are manufactured as a single-axis table, but can also be used in a two-axis
combination. The user can make this combination through the utilization of bolts, supplied as an accessory, and

standard mounting holes, while NSK can meet the shipment needs. The specification of orthogonality shall be

5 Cabtyre cable F7
4-M6 x 12, deep
Counter bore for 4-6M (for fixing to the base/XY configuration) 5557-10R(MOLEX) 0.05mm or less for a combined X–Y table.
30 S/2 100 S/2 30

Reference number of combination

XY-ADJ-M/CA 10 10 A
Combined direction (A, B) Refer to the figure below.
Lower-axis stroke
Dimensions Unit: mm
Upper-axis stroke
Table reference Stroke (nominal) Stroke (limit) Length For mounting holes Mass
number S A B D E F (kg)
XY-HS0010-7423-515 XY-HS0015-7423-515 XY-HS0020-7423-515 XY-HS0025-7423-515 XY-HS0030-7423-515
XY-HS0010-7423-515 100 110 340 260 65 65 52 7 XY-HS0010-7423-515 XY-ADJ-M/CA1010* XY-ADJ-M/CA1510* XY-ADJ-M/CA2010* XY-ADJ-M/CA2510* XY-ADJ-M/CA3010*
XY-HS0015-7423-515 150 160 390 310 70 70 77 7 XY-HS0015-7423-515 XY-ADJ-M/CA1015* XY-ADJ-M/CA1515* XY-ADJ-M/CA2015* XY-ADJ-M/CA2515* XY-ADJ-M/CA3015*
XY-HS0020-7423-515 200 210 440 360 115 115 102 8 XY-HS0020-7423-515 XY-ADJ-M/CA1020* XY-ADJ-M/CA1520* XY-ADJ-M/CA2020* XY-ADJ-M/CA2520* XY-ADJ-M/CA3020*
XY-HS0025-7423-515 250 260 490 410 140 140 127 9 XY-HS0025-7423-515 XY-ADJ-M/CA1025* XY-ADJ-M/CA1525* XY-ADJ-M/CA2025* XY-ADJ-M/CA2525* XY-ADJ-M/CA3025*
XY-HS0030-7423-515 300 310 540 460 165 165 152 10 XY-HS0030-7423-515 XY-ADJ-M/CA1030* XY-ADJ-M/CA1530* XY-ADJ-M/CA2030* XY-ADJ-M/CA2530* XY-ADJ-M/CA3030*

Ball screw lead and inertia of Transportable Type A Type B
Table specifications (μm) movable parts mass
Table reference (×10−4kg·m2) (kg)
Positioning Parallelism A Perpendicularity of
Repeatability accuracy Backlash of motion motion 10mm Horizontal

XY-HS0010-7423-515 20 20 0.525
XY-HS0015-7423-515 25 25 0.525
XY-HS0020-7423-515 ±3 30 5 30 50 0.550 20
XY-HS0025-7423-515 35 40 0.550
XY-HS0030-7423-515 40 45 0.575

40 41
XY-14 Compact CD Series Features XY-15 Positioning Actuator
1. High-grade straightness with crossed-roller guides
Example of
reference number XY-HS 00100 - M10 CController specification
Memory capacity No. of program banks 29
coding No. of data Position 200
Positioning actuator
2. Light weight with aluminum alloy 4 digits
Stroke 5 digits
Torque limit 8
For light load transportation
3. Low vibration as rollers are not re-circulated For medium load transportation
General variable 8

XY Table
Actuator size For heavy load transportation I/O Control input Digital input 6
Analog input 1
4. Step motor is pre-mounted and sensor is pre-wired. Control output Digital output 4
Series table Analog output 1
CD type two-axis table (Compact) Stroke(mm) Communication port RS-232C 2
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1 000
Reference number Protective
5 (Position error overflow, over voltage,
ORG overload, temperature, error, and power
For light load transportation(~7.5kg) functions
XY-HS∗∗∗∗-M05 A A A A module error)
My Tb
COptional components
Connector plug
For medium load transportation(~15kg)
Counter bore for 4-M6
XY-HS∗∗∗∗-M08 A A A A A A
Power cable Cable for power supply
For heavy load transportation(~20kg) Communication cable For communication with the computer
XY-HS∗∗∗∗(∗)-M10 A A
I/O cable For connection to sensor, switch, PLC, etc.
4-M6 x 12 deep Cover For protection of movable parts
Sensor Photosensor for overrun/origin and mounting rail


Db CSpecifications
Sensor wiring specifications

Positioning resolution (mm) 0.001
Connector (Manufacturer: Honda Tsushin Kogyo Co., Ltd. Maximum speed (mm/s) 720~1 000g1
Receptacle Flag Maximum acceleration (mm/s2)

PROX OTR 9 800(1G)g1

MR-25RM MR-25LF Repeatability (mm) ±0.003
Pin No. Signal code Pin No. Signal code Pin No. Signal code Backlash (mm) 0.003
S/2 S /2 1 +V — — 17 X ORG OUT Environmental condition Operating temperature, Operating humidity, Use indoors, Free
2 +V 10 +V 18 V PROX OUT from dust, condensation, and corrosive gas. Please note that
contact with grease removing organic solvent and immersion
3 X PROX L 11 X ORG L 19 X CTL OUT in white kerosene (including white kerosene contained

4 X OTL L 12 Y ORG L 20 X OTR OUT material) or anti-rust oil lead to decreased lubrication.
5 X OTR L 13 — 21 Y ORG OUT
Relative position of sensor signal generation
6 Y PROX L 14 — 22 Y PROX OUT
2-M4 x 0.7 through
2-M3 x 0.5 x 5 deep
2-M3 x 0.5 x 5 deep (101)
(64) For light load transportation(~7.5kg)


7 Y OTL L 15 — 23 Y OTL OUT Effective stroke Transportable Maximum Mass Parallelism No. of mounting L1 L2 L3


S+10 or less



S or over
8 Y OTR L 16 OV 24 Y OTR OUT 20
2-M4 x 0.7 x 6 deep 2 x n-F4.5 thru - F7.5 counter bore to (mm) mass (kg) speed (mm/s) (kg) (mm) holes (n) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Origin Output per revolution of motor Datum clamp bottom thickness 2
ORG 40 face 5 15 L3=(n-1)× 50 5
9 OV — — 25 Shield (15) 300± 50 300 7.5 1 000 3.5 0.01 9 607.2 430 400
PROX In the proximity of origin
Over Travel. *Supply power for PROX, OTL and OTR to Pin Nos. 1 and 2, and power for ORG m
400 7.5 1 000 3.9 0.01 11 707.2 530 500

300± 50
On the motor side 98.6

OTR Over Travel.

to Pin No. 10, respectively. Also for OV (Pin Nos. 9 and 16), separate wiring 2 x 4-M3 x 0.5 x 5 deep
(both sides)
500 7.5 1 000 4.3 0.01 13 807.2 630 600
On the opposite side of motor should be made. 2 x 3-M3 x 0.5 x 5 deep
(both sides) 600 7 1 000 4.7 0.01 15 907.2 730 700




7 7 10

*2 Gravity center position of carrying load: 40 mm or less above the center of the slider

20 18
Dimensions (Unit: mm)

12 20 12
2 x 1-M3 x 0.5 x 4 deep (both sides) 2 x 2-M3 x 0.5 x 5 deep (both sides)

Table reference Stroke Length Mounting holes Table/tap holes Mass
10 L2
24 50 (93.2)

number S (UpxDown) Lx Mx Ly My Pa Pb Ta Tb Da Db (kg) 4-M6 x 1.0 x 10 deep

(141) For medium load transportation(~15kg)
2-M4 x 0.7 x 8 deep 2-M3 x 0.5 x 6 deep



XY-CD0505-410-506(516) Effective stroke Transportable Maximum Mass Parallelism No. of mounting L1 L2 L3
50×50 238.6 113.6 238.6 113.6 80 105 125 125 90 90 7



XY-CD0505-414-506(516) 2-M3 x 0.5 x 6 deep
(mm) mass (kg) speed (mm/s) (kg) (mm) holes (n) (mm) (mm) (mm)
30 Datum clamp
2 x n-F7 thru -F11 counter bore to bottom thickness 5

60 face
7 35
L3=(n-1)× 100 (35) 7
300± 50
300 15.0 1 000 8.0 0.010 5 713.2 470 400
100×100 328.6 128.6 328.6 128.6 140 150 200 200 150 150 10 ore
400 14.5 1 000 8.9 0.010 6 791 570 500
XY-CD1010-414-506(516) m

300± 50
133.2 or
50 Be
500 14.5 1 000 9.9 0.012 7 891 670 600

2 x 3-M3 x 0.5 x 6 deep
600 14.0 1 000 10.5 0.012 8 991 770 700
(both sides)
Specifications (Unit: mm) 7



700 13.5 1 000 12.0 0.015 9 1 091 870 800

18 12

Table reference Positioning Parallelism A of Squareness of Ball screw Inertia Maximum speed Starting torque Horizontally 800 13.5 780 12.7 0.015 10 1 191 970 900
Repeatability Backlash transportable mass 2 x 4-M3 x 0.5 x 6 deep (both sides) 2 x 3-M3 x 0.5 x 6 deep (both sides)

number accuracy X-Y motion X-Y motion lead (mm) J×10-2(kg·m2) (mm/s) (N·m) (kg)
14 L2
18 70 (119.2)
*3 Gravity center position of carrying load: 60 mm or less above the center of the slider
4-M6 x 1.0 x 10 deep

XY-CD0505-410-506(516) 5 0.464 200 2-M4 x 0.7 x 8 deep 2-M3 x 0.5 x 6 deep (171)
For heavy load transportation(~20kg)



XY-CD0505-414-506(516) 2 0.435 100 Effective stroke Transportable Maximum Mass Parallelism No. of mounting L1 L2 L3



±2 8 1 5 5 0.04 10 (mm) mass (kg) speed (mm/s) (kg) (mm) holes (n) (mm) (mm) (mm)
XY-CD1010-410-506(516) 5 0.477 200 36
Datum clamp
2-M3 x 0.5 x 6 deep
2 x n-F7 thru -F11 counter bore to bottom thickness 8

*2 300± 50 900 20 880 23.2 0.015 11 1349.4 1 080 1 000
XY-CD1010-414-506(516) 2 0.438 100 7 40 L3=(n-1)× 100 (40) 7

ore 1 000 19 720 24.9 0.015 11 1449.4 1 180 1 000

300± 50
146.6 o
Remarks 4. For the driver unit, use the standard driver unit ASD24A-A series available 90
*4 Gravity center position of carrying load: 70 mm or less above the center of the slider

2 x 3-M3 x 0.5 x 6 deep 44
(both sides)
1. The values of table inertia are those including the coupling and load. from Oriental Motor Co., Ltd. 7

*5 In case of 1000-mm stroke: Dimension is 90 instead of 40.


2. The value of starting torque is the guaranteed value at the time of no-load 5. The horizontally transportable mass is the maximum payload to which the
operation. accuracy in the table above can be guaranteed.

3. Standard equipment: Motor: SM66AA. Sensor: EE-SX671 6. The reference number for the model including the wiring is 516. 2 x 4-M3 x 0.5 x 6 deep (both sides) 2 x 3-M3 x 0.5 x 6 deep (both sides)
15 L2 18 95 (141.4)
7. When you wish to start mounting from the bottom, use M8. L1

42 43
XY-16 XY Table for Vacuum Environment (1) CT series: Example (8 inches)

(Special Application Design)

1. Vacuum grease and NSK-developed DFO lubricant coating
for vacuum and clean environments are used for components
2. Stainless steel, titanium, ceramic, etc. are used for

XY Table
3. Motor is mounted on the atmospheric side so wiring
installation is easy.

(183.5) 292.5 (284) 95


Y stroke limit



CT series Example (8 inches)



Y stroke limit

4-M8 x 16 deep


X stroke limit X stroke limit 165 60

(112.5) 220 (112.5) (61.5) 225

HT series Example (8 inches)
Hanging jig

150 4-M8

Specifications Unit: μm

Ball screw Transportable

Positioning Parallelism A Squareness
Table reference number Repeatability Backlash lead mass (kg)
accuracy of X-Y motion of X-Y motion (mm) Horizontal

HT series Example ( to 12 inches) XY-CT2121-9**-*** ±1 25 1 15 10 4 10

44 45
(2) HT series: Example (8 inches) (3) HT series: Example (8 inches, 12 inches)

XY Table
(184.5) 555 (107)
(970) (233.5)
3-F11 thru - F20 counter bore (892.5) (77.5)
(40) 255 520 (77.5)

Y-axis stroke limit







Y-axis stroke limit





Y-axis stroke limit




Vacuum chamber


Y-axis stroke limit

Vacuum chamber





4-F14 drill-thru
540 70 F20 counter bore X-axis stroke limit X-axis stroke limit
depth 13 (165) 589 (165) (91)

X-axis stroke limit X-axis stroke limit 10

42.5 (107) 255 (113) 50.5


101 69 74



Specifications Unit: μm Specifications Unit: μm

Transportable Transportable
Positioning Parallelism A Squareness Ball screw Positioning Parallelism A Squareness Ball screw
Table reference number Repeatability Backlash mass (kg) Table reference number Repeatability Backlash mass (kg)
accuracy of X-Y motion of X-Y motion lead accuracy of X-Y motion of X-Y motion lead
Horizontal Horizontal

XY-HT2121-3**-*** ±1 20 1 15 8 4 10 XY-HT3232-3**-*** ±1 30 1 20 12 4 30

46 47
XY-17 Example of Use

XY Table
Electronic parts manufacturing inspection Laser beam machines Vertical wafer conveyor Conveying axis of welding robot

Thickness measuring equipment Lens machining equipment Electronic parts mounting equipment Bonding

PCB alignment (XYθ) PCB alignment (tilt) Wafer inspection Shape measuring equipment
48 49
XY-18 Technical (2)Example of XY table accuracy evaluation data
Target product: XY-MC3030−8∗∗−∗∗∗
Description Guide: Linear guide

(1) Accuracy evaluation system Drive system: Ball screw driven by AC servo motor (semi-closed loop control)

NSK High-Precision Linear Positioning Tables are

·Evaluation conditions
capable of meeting the required characteristics
with the use of "Accuracy evaluation system for
high precision linear positioning tables" originally

XY Table
TEMP = 23.0 [°C] HUMIDITY = 50 [%] PRESSURE = 100.65 [kPa]
developed by NSK.
SCAN = 7 DISTANCE = 5.7 [mm/step] SAMPLE DATA = 51 [points]
SPEED = 50.0 [mm/s] RESOLUTION = 2.000 [mm/pulse]

* * * * * JIS B 6330-1980 * * * * *
[μm] [±μm] [μm] [μm/100mm] [μm]
STD. 50.00 5.00
FORWARD 8.69 1.02 8.33 8.64
BACK 7.25 1.12 6.91 7.08
BIDIRECTIONAL 7.22 1.07 1.55 6.88 7.11

·Positioning accuracy ·Repeatability

FORWARD 8.69Mm Max-0.07, Min-8.76 REPEATABILITY FORWARD 1,02Mm Max+1,02, Min+0,24
50.00 50.00


s Measurement data 0.00 0.00
s Temperature data
-50.00 -50.00
0.00 142.50 285.00 0.00 142.50 285.00

·Pitching ·Yawing
s Laser head
s Controller
FORWARD 5.87" Max+0.92, Min-4.95 BIDRECTION 1.73" Max+0.54, Min-1.19
20.00 10.00

ERROR[ " ]

ERROR[ " ]
0.00 0.00

-20.00 -10.00
0.00 142.50 285.00 0.00 142.50 285.00

s Driver
Target product: XY−CT0505−4 * *

[mm] Command position

Calculation of actual acceleration
-5000 17500 40000
Guide: Crossed-roller guide
Drive system: Ball screw driven by AC servo motor

[mm/s] Measurement position

IN5 : Calculation of actual acceleration

·Dynamic characteristics (step responsiveness)

-50000 -27500
IN2 : Measurement position

AMeasurement conditions
<Room temperature control>
IN1 : Command position

· Atmospheric temperature 21.27[°C] · Command pattern Trapezoidal
· Humidity 50.00[%] · Command speed 300.0[mm/s]
· Atmospheric pressure 99.3[kPa] · Acceleration time 0.005[s]


· Motor resolution 2.5000[μm/p] · Deceleration time 0.005[s]
· Sampling period 0.50[ms] · Measurement distance 2.0[mm]

· In-position signal None · Measurement direction FORWARD

Calculation of actual speed
· Driver setting: Setting width for positioning 0.0[μm] · Setting width for positioning 1.500[μm]
· Driver setting memo (text)

ATo be evaluated

IN4: Calculate actual speed.
· Evaluated section 0.0000−0.0720[s] · Maximum value 2.001385[mm]

· Average value 1.585514[mm] · Minimum value −0.000030[mm]
IN4 : Calculation of actual speed
AEvaluation results


· Positioning time 0.0360[s] · Setting width for positioning −.−−−−[μm]
0 0.0144 0.0288 0.0432 0.0576 0.072
· Temporary positioning time 0.0175[s] TIME

50 51
(3)Characteristics and evaluation method 5Parallelism A of X-Y motion 6Parallelism B of X-Y motion
NSK's inspection procedures for linear positioning tables are established in accordance with the evaluation items for Parallelism of the X-Y motion (indicator is fixed to the flat Parallelism of the X-Y motion (indicator probe is moving
mechanical equipment standardized in the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS). This will be helpful for you to select a linear surface on which the table is mounted.) along the flat surface on which the table is mounted.) Fix
positioning table having the quality and functions best-suited for the machine in which the table is to be used. Set the indicator stand to the flat surface, on which the table the indicator stand to the center of the table. Set the
is mounted. Set the indicator probe on the center of the indicator probe on the flat surface on which the table is
table. Move the table the full stroke in both the X and Y mounted. Move the table the full stroke in both the X and Y
1Positioning accuracy 2Repeatability directions and take the maximum difference of the indicator directions and take the maximum difference of indicator
Perform positioning successively from the reference position Repeat positioning at any point seven times from the same
reading as the measured value. readings as the measured value.
in a specific direction. Measure the difference between the direction to measure the stopping position and determine one

XY Table
actual and desired travel distances for each point from the half of the maximum difference of readings. Repeat this
reference position. Repeat this measurement seven times to measurement almost over the entire travel distance at the Steel straightedge
determine the average value. Measure such average value intervals specified for each model. Take the maximum
almost over the entire travel distance at the intervals specified difference of the determined values as the measured value.
for each model. Take the maximum difference of the average Express one half of the maximum difference with a plus-or
Steel straightedge
values determined at respective positions as the measured minus (±) sign.

Measuring intervals l1

7Orthogonality of X-Y motion 8Other evaluation items

L Maximum difference This means the squareness of X axis and Y axis. In addition to the motions as given above, an XY table has
l7 A try square is placed on the table so that either one of the the following motions in respect to the moving axes.
legs in X or Y travel direction is set as a reference. Apply the Depending on the accuracy and the applications of
Travel distance L indicator probe to the try square leg in the direction of travel, individual XY tables, it may be necessary to consider these
Reference position and move the table the full stroke in that direction. Take the motions.
One half of the maximum difference of
measured value l1l2 l7 s s s maximum difference of the indicator reading as the measured Based on the specifications for the linear positioning table,
value. NSK is making voluntary checks of these characteristics, too.
3Lost motion 4Backlash
First, perform positioning for one point in a positive direction to Feed the table slightly in any direction and record the reading aStraightness
measure its position (See figure below). Then, give a of a test indicator in this condition as a reference value. Apply This means the degree of deviation of the table motion,
command to the table to travel in the same direction to a predetermined load in the table feeding direction without which should be linear, from the ideal straight line.
another point. Give the same command to the table to travel the use of the table feed system. (see figure below). Then, Y
Horizontal straightness: Horizontal direction of table moving
in a negative direction. Perform positioning for the point in the release the load and read the test indicator again. The X
negative direction to measure its position (See figure below). difference between the value obtained and the reference Vertical straightness: Vertical direction of table moving axis.
Give the same command to the table travel further in the value is the measured backlash value. This measurement is The straightness is measured by a test bar and indicator or by
negative direction to the start point. Give the same command to be made at the center and near both ends of the stroke to Try square a laser straightness measuring system. It is expressed as the
to the table to travel in a positive direction. Perform positioning determine the maximum value. minimum distance between two straight lines being parallel
for the point in the positive direction to measure its position with each other.
(the following figure). Repeat this motion and measurement The straightness is to be determined by calculation if it is not
several times in the positive and negative directions to possible to make the reference axis and table moving axis
determine the difference in average values of stopping Indicator Return completely parallel with each other for measurement.
positions for seven times of positioning, respectively. Perform Displacement under load Indicator
(incl. elastic displacement) Feeding by screw
this measurement almost over the entire travel distance at the
intervals specified for each model. Take the maximum Straightness

difference of the determined values as the measured value.

l1 Pitching
l'1 Horizontal straightness
l2 load
bPitching and yawing
Vertical straightness
Feed screw
l7 Pitching: Longitudinal angle change upon table movement
l'7 Yawing: Lateral angle change upon table movement
Measured value of lost motion The pitching and yawing are measured by a laser angle
1 1 measuring system and expressed as the maximum
7 {
=  (l1+l2+…+l7)− (l'1+l'2+…+l'7) max
7 } Yawing difference of readings.

52 53
(5) Examination of operating conditions The load inertia J L and starting torque T L of the table are
XY-19 Selection Procedure The linear positioning table travel speed, as examined in Section given in the dimensions table of the linear positioning
(1) Selection of tables (4) Investigation of speed (4) above, is the maximum operating speed of the table including tables. When calculating, add the load inertia and inertia of
In order to determine the rough specifications for any The maximum travel speed of the linear positioning table is its control system. For the table travel time, acceleration/ coupling to them.
deceleration time as well as holding time until vibrations are The deceleration time is found by the formula below:
linear positioning table, select the type of table in expressed by the following equation using the ball screw
reduced to a predetermined value must be considered. The · N · (JM+JL) · k
tb = 2π60 (1-9)
consideration of the stroke, load conditions, application, lead and allowable maximum motor speed. · (TPM-TL)
accuracy grade or other specifications. When the table is N actual travel time is obtained by adding these times to the time
V1=l1× 60 (1-2) The deceleration time may be calculated by the formula as
determined from the travel distance/maximum speed.
to be used in any special environment, dustproofing, given above. However, it is generally acceptable to
V1 : Travel speed [mm/s] Table travel time (long distance)
lubrication, materials and other relevant factors should also consider that ta is equal to tb.
l1 : Ball screw lead [mm]

XY Table
be taken into consideration. Motor speed N Travel distance <Hints on calculation>
N : Allowable maximum motor speed [r/min] Speed
TPM: For calculation of the acceleration/deceleration time of a
NSK offers a variety of products so as to meet the user's
(Example) V1 Table motion servo motor, use the instantaneous maximum torque. In
needs. Please contact your nearest NSK branch office or
Ball screw lead 10mm Travel distance L1 the case of a stepping motor, use the output torque at
sales office.
Allowable motor speed 3 000r/min Time the operating motor speed from the torque curve.
(2) Selection of drive system V = 10× 3 60
000 =500mm/s
ta tc tb 2Calculation of accelerating distance
In consideration of the accuracy grade, speed, response, td The accelerating distance is found by the formula below:
In this case, the motor output should be enough to cope
price or other relevant factors, select any of the following
with the table torque load. In the case of a stepping motor, t1
L3= 1
× V1 × t a (1-10)
drive systems:
its output torque will decrease sharply with higher speed. The decelerating distance is found by the formula
1 Open loop control by stepping motor
So, care should be paid to the case when the motor is used High speed positioning (short distance) below:
2 Semi-closed loop control by servo motor
3 Full-closed loop control by linear scale
at the speed of 1,500 r/min or higher. In the case of the full- Motor speed N L4= 1
× V1 × t b (1-11)
closed loop control, the maximum motor speed is restricted t1 : Travel time [s]
L3 : Accelerating distance [mm]
(3) Investigation of resolution by the highest output frequency of the linear scale, or the V2 t2 : Travel time [s]
L4 : Decelerating distance [mm]
L1 : Travel distance [mm]
Resolution is the smallest positioning increment (distanced highest input frequency of the motor driver unit, whichever L2 : Travel distance [mm] V1 : Travel speed [mm/s]
Travel distance L2
traveled) of the table that can be achieved per motor pulse. is lower. V1
V1 : Travel speed [mm/s] The decelerating distance may be calculated by the formula
It is expressed by the following equation using the ball Time
V2 : Setup speed [mm/s] as given above. However, it is generally acceptable to
ta : Acceleration time [s]
screw lead and the number of divisions per revolution of the consider that L3 is equal to L4.
tb : Deceleration time [s]
ta tb
tc : High speed travel time [s]
3Calculation of acceleration from the acceleration/
l1 deceleration time.
P1= P (1-1) te
td : Delay time in travel [s]
te : Holding time [s] The acceleration at the time of acceleration is found by
l1 : Ball screw lead = 10 [mm] the formula below:
P : Number of divisions per revolution of the motor = 2000 [pulse/r] 1Calculation of acceleration/deceleration time G1= Vta1 (1-12)
P1 : Resolution (least input increment) [mm] The acceleration time is found by the formula below:
The deceleration at the time of deceleration is found
(Example) · N · (JM+JL) · k
ta= 2π60 · (TPM-TL)
(1-3) by the formula below:
Ball screw lead
Number of divisions per revolution of motor
JM : Rotor inertia of motor [kg·m2] G2= Vtb1 (1-13)
JL : Load inertia of table [kg·m2]
Resolution = 2 10
000 JL = JL1+JL2 (1-4)
G1 : Acceleration at the time of acceleration [mm/s2]
· P D4·L(Inertia of screw shaft)
G2 : Deceleration at the time of deceleration [mm/s2]
In case of a full-closed loop control, the resolution is the JL1= π30 (1-5) The deceleration at the time of deceleration may be
same as the linear scale. 2
JL2=M·( l2 /2π) (Inertia of movable parts) (1-6) calculated by the formula as given above. However, it is
p : Material density (7.8 x 103 for steel) [kg/m3] generally acceptable to consider that G1 is equal to G2.
Control method Configuration Features 4Calculation of travel time
M : Mass of movable parts (including the load) [kg]
· Simple structure l2 : Ball screw lead [m] The travel time is found by the formula below:
· No gain control required (In case of long distance)
XY table
L : Length of ball screw [m]
· Loud driving noise
Open loop Command
· Not applicable to absolute position control D : Ball screw diameter [m] t1=ta+tb+tc+td+te (1-14)
Driver unit Stepping motor Ball screw
· Generation of intense heat from motor N : Motor speed [min-1] (In case of short distance)
· Stable at a standstill TPM : Motor acceleration/deceleration torque [N·m]
· Inexpensive t2=ta+tb+td+te (1-15)
TL : Load torque converted to motor shaft [N·m]
· Capable of quick response TL=Tpmax+TU+TM (1-7) 5 Calculation of travel distance
XY table
· Serviceable at the limiting performance Tpmax : Dynamic friction torque of ball screw [N·m] The travel distance is found by the formula below:
pulse Driver unit of motor TU : Friction torque of support bearings [N·m] (In case of long distance)
Servo motor Ball screw
Semi-closed loop Position/speed · Low driving noise
control circuit
· Gain control required TM : Load torque converted to ball screw shaft [N·m] L1=V1 · tc+L3+L4 (1-16)
· Inexpensive (μ · M · g+F+f ) · l2
TM= 2π · η (1-8) (In case of short distance)
F : Sliding resistance [N]
XY table · Capable of high-accuracy positioning L2= 1
×V1×ta2+ 1
×V1×tb2 (1-17)
f : External axial load [N]
Command · Less susceptible to the influence of
pulse Driver unit
Servo motor Ball screw external interference
μ : Friction coefficient (0.01)
Full Closed loop
control circuit · High resolution η : Transfer efficiency of ball screw system (0.9 to 0.95)
Signal · Troublesome adjustment owing to the k : Constant 1.3 to 2.0 · · · Servo motor
Linear scale or
complicated servo system 1.5 to 3.0 · · · Stepping motor
the like · Expensive g : Acceleration of gravity (9.8m/s2)
54 55
(6) Investigation of effective torque is usually higher than that of servo motor. Judging from the calculations made above, it could be Tool
Effective torque is the torque the motor will see during the For this reason, it is necessary to consider such confirmed that the acceleration/deceleration torque 0.73N·m
X-axis table Work
countermeasures as to reduce the current when the motor is 76% of the instantaneous maximum motor torque and the
entire move cycle. It is necessary to make sure the
is stopped by using the current-down function of the driver effective torque 0.18N·m is 56% of the rated motor torque.
effective torque is lower than the rated torque of the motor unit or to cool the motor with a fan or other suitable means. Therefore, the specifications are satisfied. Y-axis table
during the motor cycle. The effective torque is a function of 2Calculation example of effective torque
both the peak torque (accel/decal) and the continuous
(7) Influence of pitching and yawing
Position accuracy is defined as the maximum value of (a) In case when the working point is outside the table
torque (at speed) of the move cycle. 1. Travel distance 90mm
2. Positioning accuracy 10µm positioning error for an arbitrary distance within the
In the case when a servo motor is used, an instantaneous Tool
3. Repeatability ±3µm specified travel range, i.e. the absolute accuracy guaranteed
maximum torque is applied at the time of acceleration/

XY Table
deceleration. Therefore, the motor may burnout unless the 4. Parallelism 10µm over the entire stroke. It is said that the positioning accuracy
effective torque of the system is less them the rated 5. Load mass 5kg depends on the accuracy grade of the feed ball screw or
X-axis table
torque of the motor. Since a protective circuit in the driver 6. Positioning frequency 150/mim that of the linear scale in the case of a closed loop system.
7. Operation pattern Y-axis table
unit serves to prevent the burnout of the motor, it may not However, since it is practically impossible to bring the
take place. However, it is necessary to make sure that the Speed working point of the machine into coincidence with the ball
effective torque is lower than the rated torque. screw and scale, the positioning accuracy may be (b) In case when the working point is on the table

Operation pattern and effective torque influenced by pitching and yawing; although this depends Relation between Positioning Table and Working Point
on the table structure and the position of the working point. Fig. (7)-2
Speed Time In the case when the working point is located outside the
0.7 s or less
table as shown in Fig.(7)-2 (a), the positioning accuracy may l2
1 cycle be greatly influenced by yawing. Positioning accuracy may l1 Q
be less influenced in the case when the working point is
Selection located on the table as shown in Fig.(7)-2 (b). However, if
ta tc tb In consideration of the operating conditions, the CS l3 Q
the working point is high, the positioning accuracy may be
type table is selected here. $Z
1. Table XY-CS0010-140 influenced by pitching.
Ball screw lead 5mm An example of XY table application as a chip mounter is $X
Table inertia 0.11×10-4kg·m2 shown in Fig.(7)-1. The yawing angle of 1 second leads to
Torque ΔX = l1sin θ −l1sin θ −l3sin θ = −l3sin θ
Motor output torque Load torque 0.07N·m the positioning error of 0.001mm and that of 10 seconds to
TP ΔZ = l1(1−cos θ )−l2sin θ −l3(1−cos θ )H−l2sin θ (Levelness)
Load inertia converted to motor shaft (See Formula 1-6) 0.01mm at a point 200mm apart. Moreover, it should be ΔY = 0
5×(0.005/2π)2=0.03×10-4kg·m2 l3 = 100mm When l3 = 100 mm and θ =10 sec.:
noted that yawing of the same table may affect the
Coupling inertia 0.03×10-4kg·m2 ΔX = −0.005mm
TL Total load inertia 0.17×10-4kg·m2 positioning accuracy in different directions depending on
the overhanging direction as shown in the figure. Influence of Pitching on Positioning Accuracy
(See Formula 1-4)
2. Motor Pitching also leads to the positioning error in the same way
From the load inertia, 100W AC servo motor is when the working point is located significantly higher than
selected here. (a) (b)
the table work surface.
1Calculation of acceleration/deceleration torque Specifications for selected motor As mentioned above, not only the required accuracy, but
Rotor inertia 0.04×10-4kg·m2 l
The acceleration torque is found by the formula below: also the required accuracy items may vary greatly with the
Rated motor torque 0.32N·m
TP1= 2π · N60· (J M+JL)
· ta
×TL (1-18) Instantaneous maximum motor torque 0.96N·m table applications. So, full consultation and prearrangement $Y Q

Rated motor speed 3 000min-1 should be made depending on the applications. Q

The deceleration torque is found by the formula below: Y
3. Acceleration time (See Formula 1-3) Y $X Q
TP2= 2π · N60· (J M+JL)
×TL (1-19) X X $Y
· tb 2π×3000×(0.04+0.17)×10-4×1.3 =0.01s
60×(0.96−0.07) Part mounting $X
TP1 : Motor acceleration torque [N·m] point
The deceleration time is considered to be equal to
TP2 : Motor deceleration torque [N·m] ΔXHl(1−cos θ) The positioning accuracy at the
the acceleration time.
2Calculation of effective torque (Positioning error in X-axis direction) working point where 200 mm
4. Acceleration distance Parts ΔYHlsin θ overhanging in Y-axis direction takes
The effective torque is expressed by the formula below: feeder (Positioning error in Y-axis direction) place at the yawing angle of 10
1 ×250×0.01=1.25mm
Trms = TP12 · ta+TL2 · tc+TP22 · tb (1-20) 2 The positioning accuracy at the seconds (l = 200, θ = 10 sec.)is:
t 5. Travel time working point where 200 mm ΔXH0.010
overhanging in X-axis direction takes ΔYH0.0000004H0
Trms : Effective torque [N·m] L1=90−(1.25×2)=87.5(High speed travel distance) PCB
place at the yawing angle of 10
87.5÷250 XY table 200
If the effective torque Trms is lower than the rated motor CT1515-102 Conveyor line seconds (l=200, θ =10 sec.) is:
torque, the motor can be operated continuously in this =0.35s(High speed travel time) ΔXH0.0000004H0
0.01+0.35+0.01=0.37 (See Formula 1-14) ΔYH0.010
operation pattern. If effective torque Trms is in excess of
0.37s<0.7s(Specified travel time) ΔXHlsin θ
the rated torque, change to another type of motor or
6. Acceleration torque (See Formula 1-18) ΔYHl(1−cos θ )
change the operation pattern to make a period of one
cycle longer. 2π×3 000×(0.04+0.17)×10-4 +0.07 Schematic of XY Table Application as Chip Mounter Influence of Yawing on Positioning Accuracy
In the case when a stepping motor is used, there is no Fig. (7)-1
=0.73N·m<0.96N·m(Instantuneous maximum torque)
need for calculation of effective torque. This is because
7. Effective torque (See Formula 1-20)
the driver unit supplies constant current to the motor
particularly in the case when a constant-current type driver (0.732×0.01×0.072×0.35×0.732×0.01)×150
unit is used. Since the rated current flows even when the 60
motor is stopped, the temperature of the stepping motor =0.18N·m<0.32N·m(Rated torque)
56 57
XY-20 Precautions for Handling (2) NSK grease unit
NSK provides a hand operated grease pump and various types of grease in a bellows tube container (80 g/pc) that can be
1) Please pay extra attention to handling of XY table since it is precision equipment. attached to a pump.
2) Do not apply excessive load or impact when moving and installing XY table.
3) Do not hold motors or guides. Use hanging bolts provided for the heavy table.
4) Be sure to keep foreign matter, detrimental convex areas, etc. away from XY table mounting surface.
5) Avoid introducing foreign matter because it can cause ball screw and guide accuracy to deteriorate more quickly than
normal. Remove any foreign matter as soon as possible. At the same time, make sure to apply grease. Use grease

XY Table
designated by NSK.
6) See the following table,“Inspection of grease lubrication, grease replenishment intervals” for maintenance frequency of
7) Do not disassemble parts so that the guaranteed accuracy is affected.
8) The service limit of XY table depends on the respective service environment, frequency of use, and accuracy criteria.
Please consult NSK when you see signs of accuracy deterioration.
9) Apply a corrosion inhibitor when the unit will not be used for an extended period of time. Apply new grease to the ball
screw and guides when re-starting.

Grease in bellows tube container

Service environment Storage environment
No. Item Criteria No. Item Criteria
1 Temperature 23°C±3°C 1 Temperature 23°C±15°C
2 Humidity 50±10%(No condensation) 2 Humidity 50±20%(No condensation)

Name (tube type) Reference number

NSK Grease Unit
(1) Maintenance and inspection
NSK Grease NSK Grease AS2 Yellow NSK GRS AS2
Even though high quality grease is used, its property and functions deteriorate as time passes. The grease needs to be
(80g in bellows tube container)
Although the grease is of high quality, it gradually deteriorates and its lubrication function diminishes. Also, the grease is NSK Grease PS2 Orange NSK GRS PS2
gradually removed by stroke movement. In some environments, the grease becomes dirty, and foreign objects may enter. NSK Grease LR3 Green NSK GRS LR3
Grease should be replenished depending on the frequency of use. NSK Grease LG2 Blue NSK GRS LG2
The following table shows general grease replenishment intervals. NSK Grease LGU Yellow NSK GRS LGU
NSK Grease NF2 Gray NSK GRS NF2
Inspection of grease lubrication, grease replenishment intervals
NSK Hand Grease Pump Unit
Inspection period Item inspected Replenishment intervals
NSK Hand Grease Pump NSK HGP
3 to 6 months Contamination, foreign matter such as Regular: Every year.
(One straight nozzle NSK HGP NA1 provided in the unit)
chips Units that go more than 3000 km/year should be
replenished every 3000 km. It can also be required Grease nozzle (Used for the above)
based on inspection results.
NSK straight nozzle NSK HGP NZ1
NSK chuck nozzle NSK HGP NZ2
1) As a general rule, avoid mixing greases of different brands. If greases with different thickeners are mixed, the grease
NSK fitting nozzle NSK HGP NZ3
structure may break down. Even if they have the same type of thickener, different additives can negatively affect each
other. NSK point nozzle NSK HGP NZ4
2) Viscosity of grease varies with temperature. Please note that friction force of linear guide bearing and ball screw torque NSK flexible nozzle NSK HGP NZ5
increase because low temperatures, especially in winter, raise viscosity. NSK flexible extension pipe NSK HGP NZ6
3) If it is difficult to apply grease at low temperatures in winter, warm the grease to room temperature first. NSK straight extension pipe NSK HGP NZ7
4) In an environment where coolant spatters or falls, grease lubrication performance may significantly decrease due to
NSK MCH exclusive fitting nozzle NSK HGP NZ8
emulsified lubricant and washing. Keep coolant away from grease with cover, etc.

(3) Compliance with RoHS Directive

Products in the catalog (products with specifications for special environments excluded) are RoHS Directive-compliant.
Please consult with NSK for special parts or special lubricants requested by a customer as well as customer-supplied

58 59
(4) Warranty period and scope XY-21 Checklist for table requirements specification
1) Warranty period
The period of warranty is one year from the date of delivery of the product or 2,400 operation hours, whichever comes Checklist for XY table requirements specification Form for customers and Giren
Items with F are minimum requirements for selection. Fill out the items with details as much as you can.
2) Scope of warranty
· The warranty applies to the product supplied by NSK (excluding consumable parts).
FCompany name Date
· The warranty does not apply to products supplied by the user or other companies.
· If the product fails during the warranty period, NSK will repair it free of charge. FName FDepartment you belong

XY Table
· The user shall be charged for repairs outside the warranty period..
FPerson in charge of NSK FContact details
· The price of the product NSK supplies does not include service expenses such as dispatch of engineers. Phone Fax No. Email
· If set up, service, or adjustment is required by our engineers during the warranty period, the user will be charged for it.
FUsage and device name (specific details
In such cases, the amount we charge is based on our schedule of fee-based services. unless it has little effect)
Horizontal (suspended), on a
FInstallation type wall, vertical
3) Exemptions
FAttachments Yes (Material type)/No
NSK reserves the right to invalidate the warranty during the warranty period if the following applies. In case of Yes, you don’t need to copy it to the
following table.
· The product has broken down as a result of installation or operation not compliant with the operating instruction book
Item Unit X-axis Y-axis Z-axis θ axis ( ) axis ( ) axis
specified by NSK Guide/drive F —— °
· The product has broken down as a result of inappropriate handling, usage, modification or careless handling by the Effective stroke F mm °
Stroke limit F mm
user. Carrier dimensions F mm
· The product has broken down due to causes not related to NSK. Installation space F mm
Ball screw lead mm
· The product has broken down as a result of modification or repair undertaken by a party other than NSK.
Resolution μm/pulse
· The product has broken down as a result of force majeure, such as natural disasters, beyond NSK’s responsibility. Load mass F kg
External load F N
Travel speed F mm/s
Warranty mentioned here is extended only to our product. NSK is not responsible for consequential damage resulting from Acceleration time F s S-1
malfunction of our product. 1-cycle time s
Main material Specified/Not
specified Material
Surface treatment Specified/ Type
Not specified
Repeatability F μm sec ( ")
Positioning F μm sec ( ")
Squareness of XY motion μm
Parallelism A of XY motion μm
Backlash μm sec ( ")
(5) Applications for special purposes Accuracy

This product is intended for general industrial use. It is not designed or manufactured for use in situations and environments Special notes for accuracy
that may affect human life. (Write specific details if you
have any special request
when measuring accuracy.)
Please contact NSK ahead of time if the product is to be usedfor special purposes, such as nuclear control, aerospace
Configuration Inquiry
instruments, medical equipment or equipment for a variety of safety devices. Table Yes/No/Supplied

NSK products are manufactured under stringent quality control. However, we recommend that safety devices be installed if Motor (Manufacturer, type) Yes/No
Scope of Driver (Manufacturer, type) Yes/No
fault or malfunction of our product used in conjunction with specific equipment may result in a serious accident or damage. manufacturing
Sensor (Manufacturer, type) Yes/No
External encoder (Linear
scale) Yes/No
Other (Option) Yes/No

mm/s Travel distance(mm)

Cycle pattern F
1-cycle diagram S

Attach a separate sheet if

there are several patterns.
*Write specific details, such as desired
1 cycle positioning time and stop time.

Service environment c General c Oil, water, chemicals, etc. c Clean c Chip and dust c Other
Environmental Applicable temperature c 22 to 24°C c 10 to 24°C c Other( °C)
conditions F
Other/requested *Contact NSK for information on the proper environment which guarantees the specified accuracy, and the recommended
items storage environment.
Product information
Existence of supplied parts
Free space
Special environment
Degree of vacuum

60 61
Table of contents AS-3 Features
AS-1 Coding of Reference Number……………… 62 (3) C type air bearing slide …………………… 66
AS-2 Construction ………………………………… 62 AS-6 Option
AS-3 Features ……………………………………… 63 (1) Air cleaner unit ……………………………… 67
1. High rigidity and low consumption flow rate obtained
AS-4 Example of Special-Purpose Products …… 63 AS-7 Technical Description of Air Bearing Slide 68 by adopting porous restrictor type aerostatic bearing
AS-5 Types of Air Bearing Slide (1) Principle and features ……………………… 68
(1) A type air bearing slide …………………… 64 (2) Example of performance evaluation data … 69 2. Seizure reduced by using alumina ceramic for structural materials
(2) B type air bearing slide …………………… 65 AS-8 Precautions for Handling of Air Bearing Slide … 70 and graphite with good sliding properties for bearing materials

AS-1 Coding of Reference Number 3. Provides special air bearing slide depending on intended use

Example of reference
number coding GLS 50 A 12 5 / 10 0- *** AS-4 Example of Special-Purpose Products
Air bearing slide Design No.
Guide rail width Stroke [mm]
In case when two or more guide rails are to be used;
outside dimensions Table length [mm]

In case when a drive system is added, it is expressed as follows.(See page 3.)

XY-A * cccc- * * *

AS-2 Construction
A type (for light load)
This type is of the construction in which a guide rail is supported at its ends and is best-suited for light load application.
Exhaust Exhaust B type (linear motor drive) C type (linear motor drive)

Exhaust Exhaust

Exhaust Exhaust

Two-point support

B type (for medium load)

This type is of the construction in which a guide rail is supported along its length and is best-suited for medium load application.

Exhaust Exhaust

Exhaust Exhaust

Air Slide
B type (double-slider) C type (linear motor drive/long)
Exhaust Exhaust

Supported along its length

C type (for heavy load)

This type uses combination of air bearings and magnetic attraction for the guide rail and is best suited for heavy load and long stroke application.
Magnet Exhaust

Exhaust Exhaust

Attraction material Exhaust

Supported along its length

In each figure, the hatched area indicates the guide rail (fixed).
An arrow | shows the point from which compressed air is injected. L type (long) R type (long)
62 63
AS-5 Types of Air Bearing Slide
(1) A type air bearing slide (2) B type air bearing slide
L For the air inlet, Pa For the air inlet, use either A or B.
Pa use either A or B.




Da Da D1 D1 Air inlet B
D2 Air inlet A Air inlet B Tb Da Da Tb
Air inlet A
Dc Dc Rw Iw
D2 Dc Dc




L1 Ta L
2-Rubber stopper The color is subject to change without notice. The color is subject to change without notice.

Dimensions Unit: mm Dimensions Unit: mm

Reference No. Table dimensions Table mounting dimensions Base mounting dimensions Rail dimensions Reference No. Table dimensions Table mounting dimensions Base mounting dimensions Center opening
Stroke Ta Tb H L L1 Da Db D1 Dc Dd De D2 Pa Pb P Rw Rh Stroke Ta Tb H L Da Db D1 Dc Dd De D2 Pa Pb P lw lh
GLS35A75/ 25 25 155 135 GLS115B150/ 50 50 200
Hole for
50 50 75 70 61 180 23.5 50 35 4-M4 38 — 30 2-M4 160 50 35 30 100 100 250
100 100 230 210 150 150 300 Hole for
150 160 76 50 50 9-M5 50 — 40 3-M4 100 — 25 39
GLS35A110/25 25 190 170 200 200 350 M6
Hole for
50 50 110 70 61 215 23.5 45 35 6-M4 36 — 30 3-M4 195 50 35 30 250 250 400
100 100 265 245 300 300 450
GLS50A125/ 25 25 215 185 GLS200B200/50 50 250
50 50 240 210 100 100 300
100 100 290 260 150 150 350 Hole for
Hole for 200 250 86 75 100 9-M5 75 20 37.5 6-M4 100 60 40 35
200 200 125 95 91 395 28.5 40 50 6-M5 80 30 30 4-M4 365 70 50 50 200 200 400 M8
300 300 495 465 250 250 450
400 400 595 565 300 300 500
500 500 695 665 GLS240B250/ 50 50 300
GLS50A175/200 200 445 415 100 100 350
300 300 545 515 Hole for 150 150 400 Hole for
175 95 91 28.5 75 50 6-M5 60 30 30 6-M4 70 50 50 250 300 105 100 120 9-M6 100 20 45 6-M5 100 80 60 40
400 400 645 615 M8 200 200 450 M10
500 500 745 715 250 250 500
GLS80A175/250 250 495 465 300 300 550
500 500 745 715
Hole for
600 600 175 140 131 845 28.5 60 80 6-M6 50 50 40 6-M5 815 110 80 80
700 700 945 915
800 800 1045 1015
Specifications Air pressure: 0.4 MPa

Air Slide
Reference No. Bearing rigidity Bearing load capacity Straightness Bearing air Movable part
Specifications Air pressure: 0.4 MPa consumption flow mass
(N/μm) (N) (μm/100mm) (kg)
Reference No. Bearing rigidity Bearing load capacity Straightness Bearing air Movable part Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal (L/min) (Normal)
consumption flow mass
(N/μm) (N) (μm/100mm) (kg) GLS115B150 250 120 500 240 0.2 0.2 6 4
Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal (L/min) (Normal) GLS200B200 470 400 940 800 0.2 0.2 15 9
GLS35A75 85 60 85 60 0.3 0.2 5 1 GLS240B250 690 570 1 380 1 140 0.2 0.2 21 17
GLS35A110 120 90 120 90 0.3 0.2 7 1.5 Note 1) For the bearing rigidity, given in the table above are the values only for the air bearing in which elastic deformation of guide is not taken into account.
Note 2) For the movable part mass, the values in case of alumina/ceramic material are given.
GLS50A125 250 200 250 200 0.3 0.3 8 2.7
GLS50A175 350 280 350 280 0.3 0.3 12 4
GLS80A175 570 470 570 470 0.3 0.3 25 7.5
Note 1) For the bearing rigidity, given in the table above are the values only for the air bearing in which elastic deformation of guide is not taken into account.
Note 2) For the straightness, the values at no-load are given in the table above. These values are larger in proportion to the load.
Note 3) For the movable part mass, the values in case of alumina/ceramic material are given.

64 65
AS-6 Option
(3) C type air bearing slide (1) Air cleaner unit
Pa Pa Pa Pa Specifications
Reference No.
Air flow capacity 20 100 300


Supply air pressure range 0.38~0.88 0.4~1.0

Power voltage Unnecessary AC100
Oil mist concentration on secondary side *Less than 100 particles of 0.3 µm or larger in size per 28.3L


Nominal filtration rating 0.01(95% collected particle size)

Dew point (under atmospheric pressure) −20 −17
Reducing valve setting range 0.05~0.7 0.05~1.0
Da Da D Magnet Tb
Air inlet Iw
Drain connector diameter Rc1/4
Ta Air inlet/outlet connector diameter Rc1/4 Rc3/8

Safety function Filter clogging indicator
Mass 11 25 30

(Note) The value marked with an asterisk (*) is to be obtained at the time when the oil mist
L Td discharging from the compressor has a concentration of 30 mg/m3.
Attraction material The color is subject to change without notice.
Block diagram
Fig. 3·3 GBD01B type (Membrane module type) GBD10B, 30 B type (Refrigerating air dryer type)
Dimensions Unit: mm 
7 AC100V
Base mounting Center 
3 Air

Reference No. Table dimensions Table mounting dimensions outlet
dimensions opening 

Stroke Ta Tb H L Da Db D Pa Pb P lw lh 
5 Air

Air inlet Air inlet outlet
GLS40C480/350 350 125 830 

700 700 480 480 195 1 200 200 200 9-M8 200 200 Hole for 165 45 Drain outlet Drain outlet

1 000 1 000 225 1 500

AAir cleaner unit indispensable for NSK air bearing unit. a

1 Mist separator a
7 Pressure gauge
Specifications Air pressure: 0.4 MPa ACompact and space-saving air cleaner unit of package a
2 Micro mist separator a
8 Dew point indicator
Reference No. Bearing rigidity Bearing load capacity Straightness Bearing air Movable part type in which a refrigerating dryer, air filter, super mist a
3 Filter module a
9 Silencer
consumption mass
(N/μm) (N) (μm/100mm) (kg) separator, decompression valve, etc. are housed. a
4 Throttle a
10 Refrigerating dryer
flow rate
Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal (L/min) (Normal) AA color indicator(safety monitor) is provided for all a
5 Reducing valve a
11 Pressure switch
GLS40C480 600 500 1 200 1 000 0.2 0.2 24 30 models denoting the filter clogging condition. a
6 Super mist separator
Note 1) For the bearing rigidity, given in the table above are the values only for the air bearing in which elastic deformation of guide is not taken into account. Ventilating opening
Note 2) For the movable part mass, the values in case of alumina/ceramic material are given. Outside drawing Pressure gauge Reducing valve (except for the 01B type)
Note 3) For the air bearing slide with the reference number marked with an asterisk (*), a stone surface plate is used for the base. A B
Note 4) For the sliders with a stroke of more than 1,000 mm, please consult with NSK separately.

Filter clogging

Air Slide
Mist separator


4-F10 Drain outlet Power cable
(except for the 01B type)

Dimensions Unit: mm
Reference No. A B C D E F G
GBD01B 250 250 500 318 230 220 190
GBD10B 255 440 550 323 260 225 380
GBD30B 280 480 600 360 270 250 420

66 67
AS-7 Technical Description of Air Bearing Slide
(1) Principle and features (2) Example of performance evaluation data
· By machining the guide rail and air bearing slide parts with high accuracy, straightness in submicrons is realized. Target product: XY-AS0070 — 8 * * — * * *
· The ideal compactness, high rigidity, and low consumption flow rate are achieved by use of a porous restrictor for the Guide: Air bearing slide
air bearing. Drive system: Coreless linear motor
· Since the structural materials are made of ceramics, high accuracy can be maintained for a long period of time.
· Since a slider is supported by air film in contactless manner, sliding resistance is very low, thus leading to the
· Straightness (vertical) · Straightness (horizontal)
improvement in accuracy of motion (low vibration, high accuracy positioning, low velocity ripple, etc.)
· The air bearing slide is lubricated with dry and clean air. The dry and clean air will cause no environmental STRAIGHTNESS_VERTICAL STRAIGHTNESS_HORIZONTAL
FORWARD 0.78Mm Max+0.38, Min-0.40 FORWARD 0.34Mm Max+0.20, Min-0.14
contamination which is not the case with lubricating oil. The air bearing slide can be used for very clean applications. 2.00 2.00


*This air bearing slide can be used with various types of drive systems.
0.00 0.00

NSK system Load capacity

Compressed air Compressed air High -2.00 -2.00
NSK product 0.00 350.00 700.00 0.00 350.00 700.00

· Pitching · Yawing
(a) Porous restrictor (b) Surface restrictor
FORWARD 1.24" Max+1.39, Min+0.15 FORWARD 0.65" Max-0.04, Min-0.70
2.00 2.00

ERROR[ " ]

ERROR[ " ]
Compressed air Compressed air 0.00 0.00

-2.00 -2.00

0.00 350.00 700.00 0.00 350.00 700.00
(c) Pocketed orifice (d) Inherently compensated
restrictor ·Speed ripple

AMeasurement conditions

500 1000
Calculation of actual acceleration
· Atmospheric temperature 22.44[°C] · Command pattern
Type of restrictor Comparison of restrictors and bearing performance · Humidity 50.00[%] · Command speed 100.0[mm/s]
· Atmospheric pressure 101.3[kPa] · Acceleration time 0.100[s]
· Motor resolution 0.1000[µm/p] · Deceleration time 0.100[s]
IN5: Calculation of actual acceleration
· Sampling period 10.00[ms] · Measurement distance 720.0[mm]

· In-position signal None · Measurement direction FORWARD

Calculation of actual speed –1000 –500

"The air bearing slide is floating on compressed air film and · Driver setting: Setting width for positioning
· Driver setting memo (text)

is not susceptible to influence of bearing surface profile

Slider ATo be evaluated IN4: Calculate actual speed.

and surface roughness. This provides equalized floating. · Evaluated section
· Average value
· Maximum value
· Minimum value

Owing to the equalization effect; the straightness and

AEvaluation results

repeatability of movable parts can be improved. Air film · Average speed 99.996[mm/s]

· Speed ripple ±0.045[%] · Speed ripple(p−p) 0.09[%(p−p)]
· Speed accuracy ±0.0037[mm/s] · Speed accuracy(%) ±0.0037[%]

IN4: Calculation of actual speed

Guide rail (fixed) 0 2.252 4.504 6.756 9.008 11.26

Data about speed ripple (Enlarged)

Air Slide
Actual speed
Actual acceleration

Comparison of bearing characteristics 100.4 25

Calculation of actual acceleration[mm/s2]

Aerostatic bearing Hydrostatic bearing Ball bearing

Calculation of actual speed[mm/s]

Item 0

Accuracy of motion F a b 100.2

Stiffness a F F -25
Load capacity b F b 100.1

Vibration F a b -50
Damping a F F
Heat generation F a b
99.9 -75
Service life F F b
Dust generation F b a 99.8 -100
Cost a b F 0 100 200 300 400
500 600 700 800

68 69
AS-8 Precautions for Handling of Air Bearing Slide
1. Air supply
1) Supply clean, dry air. We recommend the use of NSK Air Clean Unit. Checklist for air bearing slide requirements specification Form for customers and Giren

2) Follow the prescribed air supply method. For additional safety, set up an interlock circuit in case of a drop in air supply
Items with F are minimum requirements for selection. Fill out the items with details as much as you can.

FCompany name Date

2. Mounting components
1) Build the components so that the surface accuracy of the face mounted on the air bearing slide is up to 0.003 mm. FName FDepartment you belong
2) If a component with poor flatness is mounted, the bearing may be deformed and cause malfunctions due to the very
FPerson in charge of NSK FContact details
small bearing gap in the air bearing slide.
0.003 or less Phone Fax No. Email
Mounting component

3. Accuracy of the air bearing slide installation surface FUsage and device name (specific details
Slider unless it has little effect)
1) Install the air bearing slide on the surface with accuracy of JIS class 0 Guide rail Horizontal (suspended), on a
FInstallation type wall, vertical
or better. Poor accuracy of the installation surface adversely affects FAttachments Yes (Material type)/No
straightness accuracy. In case of Yes, you don’t need to copy it to the
following table.
For best bearing performance, do not install the air bearing slide in an
Item Unit X-axis Y-axis Z-axis θ axis ( ) axis ( ) axis
enclosed space or block the exhaust outlet while it is in use. Guide/drive F ——
Effective stroke F mm
JIS: Class 0 Stroke limit F mm
4. Precautions in assembly
Carrier dimensions F mm
1) When mounting a component on the air bearing slide, make sure that compressed air is supplied to the air bearing Installation space F mm
slide as prescribed. Resolution μm/pulse
2) The bearing is made with material that slides well. Do not operate the air bearing slide or fit components to it without Specifications Load mass F kg
External load F N
air supply as it may damage the bearing and result in malfunction.
Travel speed F mm/s
Acceleration time F s
5. Exhaust disposal in the air bearing slide 1-cycle time s
Main material Specified/Not
1) Due to the design of the air bearing slide, load capacity may drop or the air bearing may lock when the air exhaust specified Material

outlet is blocked. Pay attention to mounting components around the exhaust outlet to ensure a smooth exhaust Surface treatment Specified/
Not specified
disposal from the exhaust outlet. Repeatability F μm
Positioning F μm
Speed ripple F ±%
6. Environment
Squareness of XY motion μm
Straightness F μm
Accuracy Pitching "
Service environment
Yawing "
No. Item Criteria Special notes for accuracy
1 Temperature 18°C~24 °C, temperature change ± 1°C or more (Write specific details if you
have any special request
when measuring accuracy.)
2 Humidity 50±10%(no condensation)
Configuration Inquiry
3 Cleanness No dust (clean room recommended) Air bearing slide Yes/No/Supplied
Motor (Manufacturer, type) Yes/No
Scope of Driver (Manufacturer, type) Yes/No
Sensor (Manufacturer, type) Yes/No
Storage environment External encoder (Linear
No. Item Criteria Other (Option) Yes/No

Air Slide
1 Temperature 20°C ± 10°C mm/s Travel distance(mm)

2 Humidity 50±20%(no condensation) Cycle pattern F

1-cycle diagram S
3 Cleanness No dust (clean room recommended) Attach a separate sheet if
there are several patterns.
Note: When the material of the air bearing slide and surface plate mounted onto it have different thermal expansion *Write specific details, such as desired
1 cycle positioning time and stop time.
coefficients, the guaranteed accuracy may not be reproduced even if the service temperature change is in the specified
Service environment c General c Clean c Other
range. If the temperature change has exceeded the standard range, loosen the tightening bolt of the mounting material, Environmental
Applicable temperature c ±1°C between 18 to 24°C c Other( ~ °C)
conditions F
adjust the temperature (for 1 to 3 days), then reassemble. items *Contact NSK for accuracy guarantee environment and storage environment.
Product information
Existence of supplied parts
Free space
Special environment
Degree of vacuum

70 71
Worldwide Sales Offices P: Phone F: Fax ☆: Head Office


Nissei Bldg., 1-6-3 Ohsaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-8560, Japan
HONG KONG ☆ Suite 705, 7th Floor, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, T.S.T,
Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
P: +852-2739-9933 F: +852-2739-9323
P: +81-3-3779-7227 F: +81-3-3779-7644
SHENZHEN Room 624-626, 6/F, Kerry Center, Renminnan Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
P: +86-755-25904886 F: +86-755-25904883
P: +81-3-3779-7189 F: +81-3-3779-7917
South Africa:
TAIPEI ☆ 11F., No.87, Song Jiang Rd., Jhongshan District, Taipei City 104, Taiwan R.O.C.
NSK SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD. P: +886-2-2509-3305 F: +886-2-2509-1393
SANDTON 27 Galaxy Avenue, Linbro Business Park, Sandton 2146, South Africa TAICHUNG 3F. -2, No. 540, Sec. 3, Taiwan Blvd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan R.O.C.
P: +27-11-458-3600 F: +27-11-458-3608 P: +886-4-2708-3393 F: +886-4-2708-3395

s Asia and Oceania

TAINAN 5F. No.8, Daye 1st Rd., Southern Taiwan Science Park, Tainan City 741,
Taiwan R.O.C.
NSK AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. P: +886-6-505-5861 F: +886-6-505-5061
MELBOURNE ☆ 11 Dalmore Drive, Scoresby, Victoria 3179, Australia TAIWAN NSK TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
P: +61-3-9765-4400 F: +61-3-9764-8304 TAIPEI ☆ 11F., No.87, Song Jiang Rd., Jhongshan District, Taipei City 104, Taiwan R.O.C.
SYDNEY Unit 10, 24-28 River Road West, Parramatta, New South Wales, 2150, Australia P: +886-2-2509-3305 F: +886-2-2509-1393
P: +61-2-8843-8100 F: +61-2-9893-8406 TAICHUNG 10F-3, No.925, Sec.4, Taiwan Blvd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407,
BRISBANE 1/69 Selhurst Street, Coopers Plains, Queensland 4108, Australia Taiwan R.O.C.
P: +61-7-3347-2600 F: +61-7-3345-5376 P: +886-4-2358-2945 F: +886-4-2358-7682
PERTH Unit 1, 71 Tacoma Circuit, Canning Vale, Western Australia 6155, Australia TAINAN 5F. No.8, Daye 1st Rd., Southern Taiwan Science Park, Tainan City 741,
P: +61-8-9256-5000 F: +61-8-9256-1044 Taiwan R.O.C.
New Zealand: P: +886-6-505-5861 F: +886-6-505-5061
AUCKLAND 3 Te Apunga Place, Mt. Wellington, Auckland 1060, New Zealand NSK INDIA SALES CO.PVT.LTD.
P: +64-9-276-4992 F: +64-9-276-4082 CHENNAI ☆ 6th Floor, Bannari Amman Towers, No.29 Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore,
China: Chennai-600 004 Tamil Nadu, India
NSK (SHANGHAI) TRADING CO., LTD. P: +91-44-2847-9600 F: +91-44-2847-9601
JIANGSU No.8 NSK Rd., Huaqiao Economic Development Zone, Kunshan, Jiangsu, China (215332) GURGAON Unit No-202, 2nd Floor, Block-A, Iris Tech Park, Sector-48, Sohna Road,
P: +86-512-5796-3000 F: +86-512-5796-3300 Gurgaon-122018, Haryana, India
NSK (CHINA) INVESTMENT CO., LTD. P: +91-124-4104-530 F: +91-124-4104-532
JIANGSU ☆ No.8 NSK Rd., Huaqiao Economic Development Zone, Kunshan, Jiangsu, China (215332) MUMBAI 321, 'A' Wing, Ahura Centre, 82, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai
P: +86-512-5796-3000 F: +86-512-5796-3300 -400 093, India
BEIJING Room 2116, Beijing Fortune Bldg., 5 Dong San Huan Bei Lu, Chao Yang District, P: +91-22-2838-7787 F: +91-22-2838-5191
Beijing, China (100004) Indonesia:
P: +86-10-6590-8161 F: +86-10-6590-8166 PT. NSK INDONESIA
TIAN JIN Room 06, 09F The Exchange Tower 2, No. 189 NanJing Road, Heping District, JAKARTA Summitmas II, 6th Floor, JI. Jend Sudirman Kav. 61-62, Jakarta 12190, Indonesia
Tianjin, China (300050) P: +62-21-252-3458 F: +62-21-252-3223
P: +86-22-8319-5030 F: +86-22-8319-5033 Korea:
CHANGCHUN Room 2311, Building A, Zhongyin Building, 727 Xi'an Road, Changchun, Jilin, NSK KOREA CO., LTD.
China (130061) SEOUL Posco Center (West Wing) 9F, 440, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 135-777, Korea
P: +86-431-8898-8682 F: +86-431-8898-8670 P: +82-2-3287-0300 F: +82-2-3287-0345
SHENYANG Room 1101, China Resources Building, No. 286 Qingnian Street, Malaysia:
Heping District, Shenyang Liaoning, China (110004) NSK BEARINGS (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD.
P: +86-24-2334-2868 F: +86-24-2334-2058 SHAH ALAM ☆ No. 2, Jalan Pemaju, U1/15, Seksyen U1, Hicom Glenmarie Industrial Park,
DALIAN Room 1805 Xiwang Tower, No.136 Zhongshan Road, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Zhongshan District, Dalian, Liaoning, China (116001) P: +60-3-7803-8859 F: +60-3-7806-5982
P: +86-411-8800-8168 F: +86-411-8800-8160 PRAI No.24, Jalan kikik, Taman Inderawasih, 13600 Prai, Penang, Malaysia
NANJING Room A1 22F, Golden Eagle International Plaza, No.89 Hanzhong Road, Nanjing, P: +60-4-3902275 F: +60-4-3991830
Jiangsu, China (210029) JOHOR BAHRU 88 Jalan Ros Merah 2/17, Taman Johor Jaya, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
P: +86-25-8472-6671 F: +86-25-8472-6687 P: +60-7-3546290 F: +60-7-3546291
FUZHOU Room 1801-1811, B1#1A Class Office Building, Wanda Plaza, No.8 Aojiang Road, IPOH Gr. Floor, 89 Jalan Bendahara, 31650 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
Fuzhou, China (350009) P: +60-5-2555000 F: +60-5-2553373
P: +86-591-8380-1030 F: +86-591-8380-1225 Philippines:
WUHAN Room 1110, New World International Trade Tower I, No.568 Jianshe Road, Wuhan, NSK REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE
Hubei, China (430000) MANILA 8th Floor The Salcedo Towers 169 H.V. dela Costa St.,
P: +86-27-8556-9630 F: +86-27-8556-9615 Salcedo Village Makati City, Philippines 1227
QINGDAO Room 802, Farglory International Plaza, No.26 Xianggang Zhong Road, Shinan District, P: +63-2-893-9543 F: +63-2-893-9173
Qingdao, Shandong, China (266071) Singapore:
P: +86-532-5568-3877 F: +86-532-5568-3876 NSK INTERNATIONAL (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD.
GUANGZHOU Room 2302, TaiKoo Hui Tower 1, No.385 Tianhe Road, SINGAPORE 238A, Thomson Road, #24-01/05, Novena Square Tower A, Singapore 307684
Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China (510620) P: +65-6496-8000 F: +65-6250-5845
P: +86-20-3817-7800 F: +86-20-3786-4501 NSK SINGAPORE (PRIVATE) LTD.
CHANGSHA Room 1048, 10/F, Zhongtian Plaza, No.766 WuyiRoad, Changsha, Hunan, China (410005) SINGAPORE 238A, Thomson Road, #24-01/05, Novena Square Tower A, Singapore 307684
P: +86-731-8571-3100 F: +86-731-8571-3255 P: +65-6496-8000 F: +65-6250-5845
LUOYANG Room 1108, Fangda Hotel, 6 XiYuan Road, LuoYang HeNan, China (471003) Thailand:
P: +86-379-6069-6188 F: +86-379-6069-6180 NSK BEARINGS (THAILAND) CO.,LTD.
XI'AN Room 1007, B Changan Metropolls Center88 Nanguanzheng Steet, Xi'an, Shanxi, BANGKOK 26 Soi Onnuch 55/1 Pravet Subdistrict, Pravet District, Bangkok 10250, Thailand
China (710068) P: +66-2320-2555 F: +66-2320-2826
P: +86-29-8765-1896 F: +86-29-8765-1895 Vietnam:
CHONGQING Room 2306, Unit B, No.137, Keyuan 2nd Road, Jiulongpo District, Chonqing, NSK VIETNAM CO., LTD.
China (400039) HANOI Techno Center, Room 204-205, Thang Long Industrial Park, Dong Anh District,
P: +86-23-6806-5310 F: +86-23-6806-5292 Hanoi, Vietnam
CHENGDU Room1117, Lippo Tower, No.62 North Kehua Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China (610041) P: +84-4-3955-0159 F: +84-4-3955-0158
P: +86-28-8528-3680 F: +86-28-8528-3690 NSK REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE
NSK CHINA SALES CO., LTD. HO CHI MINH CITY Suite 307, Metropolitan Building, 235 Dong Khoi Street, District 1,HCMC, Vietnam
JIANGSU No.8 NSK Rd., Huaqiao Economic Development Zone, Kunshan, Jiangsu, China (215332) P: +84-8-3822-7907 F: +84-8-3822-7910
P: +86-512-5796-3000 F: +86-512-5796-3300

Worldwide Sales Offices P: Phone F: Fax ☆: Head Office

sEurope Brazil:
United Kingdom:
NSK EUROPE LTD. (EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS) SAO PAULO ☆ Rua 13 de Maio, 1633-14th Andar-Bela Vista-CEP 01327-905 São Paulo, SP, Brazil
MAIDENHEAD Belmont Place, Belmont Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 6TB, U.K. P: +55-11-3269-4786 F: +55-11-3269-4720
P: +44-1628-509-800 F: +44-1628-509-808 BELO HORIZONTE Rua Ceara 1431-4th andar-sala 405-Funcionarios Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil
NEWARK Northern Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire NG24 2JF, U.K. P: +55-31-3274-2591 F: +55-31-3273-4408
P: +44-1636-605-123 F: +44-1636-605-000 JOINVILLE Rua Blumenau, 178-sala 910-Centro Joinville-SC, Brazil 89204-250
P: +55-47-3422-5445 F: +55-47-3422-2817
NSK FRANCE S.A.S. PORTO ALEGRE Av. Cristovão Colombo, 1694-sala 202-Floresta Porto Alegre-RS, Brazil 90560 001
PARIS Quartier de l’Europe, 2 Rue Georges Guynemer, 78283 Guyancourt, France P: +55-51-3222-1324 F: +55-51-3222-2599
P: +33-1-30-57-39-39 F: +33-1-30-57-00-01 RECIFE Av. Conselheiro Aguiar, 2738-6th andar-conj. 604-Boa Viagem Recife-PE, Brazil 51020-020
P: +55-81-3326-3781 F: +55-81-3326-5047
DUSSELDORF ☆ Harkortstrasse 15, D-40880 Ratingen, Germany NSK PERU S.A.C.
P: +49-2102-4810 F: +49-2102-4812-290 LIMA Av. Caminos del Inca 670, Ofic : # 402, Santiago del Surco, Lima, Perú
STUTTGART Liebknechtstrasse 33, D-70565 Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany P: +51-1-652-3372 F: +51-1-638-0555
P: +49-711-79082-0 F: +49-711-79082-289 Mexico:
WOLFSBURG Tischlerstrasse 3, D-38440 Wolfsburg, Germany NSK RODAMIENTOS MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V.
P: +49-5361-27647-10 F: +49-5361-27647-70 MEXICO CITY ☆ Av. Presidente Juarez No.2007 Lote 5, Col. San Jeronimo Tepetlacalco,
Tlalnepantla, Estado de Mexico, Mexico, C.P.54090
P: +52-55-3682-2900 F: +52-55-3682-2937
MILANO Via Garibaldi 215, Garbagnate Milanese (Milano) 20024, Italy MONTERREY Av. Ricardo Margain 575, IOS Torre C, Suite 516, Parque Corporativo Santa
P: +39-299-5191 F: +39-299-025778 Engracia, San Pedro Garza Garcia, N.L. Mexico, C.P.66267
P: +52-81-8000-7300 F: +52-81-8000-7095
TILBURG De Kroonstraat 38, 5048 AP Tilburg, Netherlands
P: +31-13-4647647 F: +31-13-4647648
WARSAW Ul. Migdalowa 4/73, 02-796, Warsaw, Poland
P: +48-22-645-1525 F: +48-22-645-1529
SAINT-PETERSBURG Office I 703, Bldg 29, 18th Line of Vasilievskiy Ostrov, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 199178
P: +7-812-332-5071 F: +7-812-332-5072
BARCELONA C/Tarragona, 161 Cuerpo Bajo, 2a Planta, 08014, Barcelona, Spain
P: +34-93-289-2763 F: +34-93-433-5776
ISTANBUL 19 Mayis Mah. Ataturk Cad., Ulya Engin Is Merkezi No: 68 Kat. 6, P.K. : 34734,
Kozyatagi-Istanbul, Turkey
P: +90-216-477-7111 F: +90-216-477-7174
United Arab Emirates:
DUBAI JAFZA View 19, Floor 24 Office LB192402/3, PO Box 262163, DownTown Jebel Ali,
Dubai, UAE
P: +971-4-804-8207 F: +971-4-884-7227

sNorth and South America

United States of America:
ANN ARBOR 4200 Goss Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105, U.S.A.
P: +1-734-913-7500 F: +1-734-913-7511
ANN ARBOR 4200 Goss Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105, U.S.A.
P: +1-734-913-7500 F: +1-734-913-7511
FRANKLIN ☆ 3450 Bearing Drive, Franklin, Indiana 46131, U.S.A.
P: +1-317-738-5000 F: +1-317-738-5050
SAN JOSE 780 Montague Expressway, Suite 504, San Jose, California, 95131, U.S.A.
P: +1-408-944-9400 F: +1-408-944-9405
MIAMI 3470 NW 82 Avenue Suite 625, Miami FL 33122, U.S.A.
P: +1-305-477-0605 F: +1-305-477-0377
TORONTO ☆ 5585 McAdam Road, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4Z 1N4
P: +1-905-890-0740 F: +1-800-800-2788
MONTREAL 2150-32E Avenue Lachine, Quebec, Canada H8T 3H7
P: +1-514-633-1220 F: +1-800-800-2788
VANCOUVER 3353 Wayburne Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada V5G 4L4
P: +1-877-994-6675 F: +1-800-800-2788
BUENOS AIRES Garcia del Rio 2477 Piso 7 Oficina "A" (1429) Buenos Aires-Argentina
P: +54-11-4704-5100 F: +54-11-4704-0033

< As of January 2015>

For the latest information, please refer to the NSK website.

NSK Ltd. has a basic policy not to export any products or technology designated as controlled items by export-related laws. When exporting the products in this brochure, the laws of the exporting country
must be observed. Specifications are subject to change without notice and without any obligation on the part of the manufacturer. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the data contained in
this brochure, but no liability can be accepted for any loss or damage suffered through errors or omissions. We will gratefully acknowledge any additions or corrections.
Precision Positioning Table

Precision Positioning Table

High precision positioning table accomplished by uniquely developed
advanced positioning technology and evaluation technology.

Percentage of Waste Paper pulp 100%,

excluding covers and endpapers.

CAT. No.E3418 2015 Z-X Printed in Japan ©NSK Ltd. First edision published in APR. 2006

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