Talent Trees v2.0

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Skill Trees

Skill Trees
Talent Trees Skill Proficiency Page
Talent trees replace the standalone feats in Chapter 6 of the
Player's Handbook. They build upon a character's skills, Athletics............................................................................................ 3
martial training, innate abilities, and areas of knowledge. Acrobatics........................................................................................ 4
They are designed to provide an organic progression of Sleight of Hand.............................................................................. 5
abilities and a wider range of opportunities than feats do,
allowing characters to gradually build their character in a Stealth................................................................................................ 6
way that feels natural. Arcana................................................................................................ 7
History............................................................................................... 8
Using Talent Trees
Investigation................................................................................... 9
You gain access to talent trees at character creation based on
the proficiencies given by your race, background, and class. Nature................................................................................................ 10
Later, as you level up, you earn opportunities for unlocking Religion.............................................................................................. 11
additional options from these trees or even unlocking entirely
new trees by earning and spending talent points. Animal Handling............................................................................ 12
Insight................................................................................................ 13
Kinds of Talent Trees Medicine........................................................................................... 14
There are two kinds of talent trees: skill trees and specialty
trees. Perception........................................................................................ 15
Skill trees are unlocked automatically by simply having Survival............................................................................................... 16
the matching skill proficiencies. So, whenever you gain a skill
proficiency (including at 1st level), you unlock the base option Deception......................................................................................... 17
for the corresponding skill tree. Intimidation..................................................................................... 18
Specialty trees are not associated with a skill. To unlock Performance.................................................................................... 19
these trees, you must explicitly spend a talent point, as
described in the following sections. Persuasion........................................................................................ 20

Gaining Skill Points Specialty Trees

Whenever you gain an Ability Score Improvement, you may Specialty Tree Page
forego one or both increases to your ability scores to gain
that many talent points. For example, upon reaching 4th level Defensive......................................................................................... 21
as a fighter, you could choose to increase your Strength score War Casting .................................................................................... 22
by 2, or increase your Strength score by 1 and gain a single
talent point, or simply gain two talent points. Any effect that Ranged Warfare.............................................................................. 23
would grant you a feat instead grants you two talent points. Melee Warfare................................................................................ 24
Pole Weapons................................................................................. 25
Spending Skill Points
You may spend skill points whenever you level up. Choose Restraining Weaopns.................................................................. 25
one of the following options for each talent point you spend. Blunt Weapons............................................................................... 25
Unlock a Skill Tree. You can spend a talent point to Cleaving Weapons........................................................................ 25
unlock a skill tree. You gain proficiency with the Flexible Weapons.......................................................................... 26
associated skill and unlock the base talent of the tree. You
may only unlock four skill trees in this fashion. Skirmishing Weapons................................................................. 26
Unlock a Specialty Tree. You can spend a talent point to Archaic Weapons.......................................................................... 26
unlock a Specialty tree and gain its base talent.
Progress on a Tree. You can spend a talent point to Adventuring..................................................................................... 27
progress one level on a talent tree that you have unlocked.
You may only spend points on options that follow a path
from the base of the tree towards the capstone, though
you may spend points along more than one path if you Sample Talent Tree
desire. You can't take an option multiple times unless the
option itself allows you to do so. Base Ability
Path 1, Step 1 Path 2, Step 1 Path 3, Step 1
Variant: Additional Talent Points Path 1, Step 2 Path 2, Step 2 Path 3, Step 2
At 1st-level you gain 2 extra talent points. You may spend
Capstone Ability
these points to progress on any skill trees that you have
unlocked, but not to unlock a new proficiency and not on a
specialty tree. Also, the DM may award additional talent points
for adventuring achievements, training or other milestones.
Strength When shoving a creature, you can push the target an
additional 5 feet away. In addition, you deal double damage to
Athletics objects and structures, have advantage on Strength
Athletics Skill Tree
(Athletics) checks to break or smash nonmagical inanimate
objects (such as doors or crates), and can do so as a bonus
Jumper action.
Strapping Choke-Hold Brute
Mighty Wrestler Charger When you use your action to Dash, you can use a bonus
Colossus action to make one melee weapon attack or shove a creature.
If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line immediately
Jumper before taking this bonus action, you either gain a +5 bonus to
the attack’s damage roll (if you chose to make a melee attack
You can make a running long jump or a running high jump and hit) or push the target up to 10 feet away from you (if you
after moving only 5 feet on foot, rather than 10 feet. chose to shove and you succeed).
Strapping Colossus
You're an examplary athlete. You gain:
As a shining example of athleticism, you gain the following
A swimming speed equal to your walking speed. benefits:
A climbing speed equal to your walking speed on vertical
surfaces that have handholds. You count as one size larger when determining your
Advantage on Constitution saving throws for the purposes carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or
of Forced March when traveling. lift.
You can use an action to automatically break out of non-
Mighty magical restraints and grapples. In addition, you have
Your experience lets you become exceptionally athletic. advantage on checks for breaking free of magical
While underwater, you can drag another person with you When you successfully shove a creature, the target takes
at your swimming speed. bludgeoning damage equal to your Strength modifier
You gain a climbing speed equal to your half your walking (minimum of 1).
speed on horizontal surfaces that have handholds, such as
When attacking with a weapon that has the versatile
property in one hand, you may roll damage as if you were
holding it in both hands.
You can use your action to try to pin a creature grappled by
you. To do so, make another grapple check. If you succeed,
your speed becomes 0 and the creature you are grappling
becomes restrained until the grapple ends.
When you are grappled, you can use your action to reverse
the grapple. Make a grapple check against the creature. If you
succeed, the creature that was grappling you becomes
grappled by you if it is no more than one size larger than you
and you are no longer considered grappled.
Additionally, all attacks you make at the creature you are
grappling are with Advantage.

By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA 3

Acrobatics Skill Tree
Handspring Expert
Free Stride Tumble Slippery
Withdraw Agility Escape Artist

Handspring Expert
When you are prone, standing up uses only 10 feet of your
Free Stride
You easily stride across terrain. Your speed increases by 10ft.
When you take the Dash action, difficult terrain doesn’t cost
you extra movement on that turn.
When you make an attack against a creature, you don’t
provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of
the turn, whether you hit or miss.
As an action or a bonus action, you can tumble through the
space of a hostile creature to a location on the other side. You
must have enough movement to reach the other side to do so.
You can fall up to 20 feet without taking damage. Damage
incurred from falling beyond that distance is calculated as if
you fell 20 feet less than the actual distance.
Agility Freerunning
When you take the Dodge action, you can immediately move When you take the Dash action, if you are wearing no armor
5 feet in any direction without provoking opportunity attacks, or only light armor, you can run on vertical surfaces, along
in addition to your normal movement. the edges of thin barriers, or hop from one outcropping to
another as if you were travelling along normal terrain. If you
Slippery stop moving while running across a wall, you begin to fall.
You have advantage on saving throws made to avoid or resist
traps and you have resistance to the damage dealt by traps.
Whenever you succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, you can
use your reaction to move up to half your movement. This
movement still triggers Attacks of Opportunity.
Escape Artist
On your turn, you can forego all of your movement to
automatically escape from nonmagical restraints such as
manacles or a creature that has you grappled.

4 By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA

Perplexing Handiwork
Sleight of Hand Your confusing movements allow you to capitalize on the
Sleight of Hand Skill Tree enemy's confusion to drive them back or topple them. You
Subtle Interaction
may use Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks in place of
Strength (Athletics) when taking the Shove action.
Clever Action Hidden Action Rapid Action
Thief of Focus
Thief of Order Thief of Propriety Thief of Focus
When a creature within 5 feet of you casts a spell with
Rapid Potions material components or an arcane focus which is held in its
hand, you can use your reaction to attempt to disturb the
Subtle Interaction components or focus to disrupt the casting of the spell. Make
a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check with disadvantage
You have advantage on Sleight of Hand checks to conceal an contested by the target's spell save DC. On a success, you
object that is small enough to fit in your palm. disturb the components or the focus in the creature's hand
and it fails to cast the spell this turn. This does not expend
Clever Action the affected creature's spell slot.
You can make an extra object interaction on each of your
turns. Rapid Potions
Thief of Order You can use a bonus action, instead of an action, to drink or
When you roll initiative at the beginning of combat, if you are administer potions.
not surprised, you may use your reaction to don or doff a
shield or take the Use an Object Action.
Additionally, whenever you could make an attack of
opportunity against a creature, you can choose to instead
take the Use an Object action.
Hidden Action
You have advantage on Sleight of Hand checks against
creatures that you are hidden from.
Thief of Propriety
As long as you are hidden from a creature no more than one
size larger than you, you can try to steal an object that it is
holding. You must make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check
contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check (the target chooses the ability to use. If
you succeed, the creature releases the object and you can
choose to either take the object in your empty hand or force
the creature to drop the object.

By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA 5

Stealth If you are hidden, you can move up to 10 feet in the open
Stealth Skill Tree without revealing yourself if you end the move in a position
Unlikely Spot
where you’re not clearly visible. Also, you are invisible to
creatures who rely on tremorsense if you
Skulk Startle Scamper
Slither Ambusher Dive
When you or a creature within 10 feet of you fails a Stealth
Disappear check, you can use your reaction to move up to 5 feet
(towards the creature), fall prone, and drag that creature with
Unlikely Spot you. If you do so, that creature can reroll its check.
You can try to Hide with disadvantage when you are lightly Disappear
obscured from the creature from which you are hiding.
You can utilize a foe's momentary distraction to disappear.
Skulk When a creature within 30 feet of you moves away from you,
When you are hidden from a creature and miss it with a makes an attack or casts a spell at a creature other than you,
ranged weapon attack, making the attack doesn't reveal your or takes damage from a source other than you, you can use
position. your reaction to attempt to Hide. If you succeed against every
When you take the Hide action, if you would hide behind hostile creature within 30 feet of you, you become perfectly
cover, you treat half cover as if it were three-quarters cover, silent and invisible until the beginning of your turn, and can
even if your position is revealed. instantly move to a space of your choice within 30 feet of you.
You are considered to be lightly obscured while you are
Whenever you successfully become hidden from a creature,
you gain advantage on the first Acrobatics, Athletics,
Intimidation, Performance, or Sleight of Hand check that you
make against it after you reveal yourself.
If you take the Hide action on the first round of combat, you
can roll a d6 and add it to your initiative, and creatures that
were surprised by you cannot use reactions until the end of
your next turn.

6 By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA

Intelligence Choose a class: bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or
wizard. You learn a cantrip of your choice from that class’s
Arcana spell list. Your spellcasting ability for the chosen cantrip is the
Arcana Skill Tree
same as that of the chosen class.
Magical Intuition Magic Initiate
Ritual Caster Apprentice Secrets from Beyond You learn one more cantrip of your choice from the class
chosen for Apprentice. In addition, choose one 1st-level spell
Ritual Collector Magic Initiate Planar Disruptor from that same list. You learn that spell and can cast it at its
Magesight lowest level. Once you cast it, you must finish a long rest
before you can cast it again. Your spellcasting ability for these
Magical Intuition spells depends on the class you chose for Apprentice.
Whenever you see a creature cast a spell, you can learn Secrets from Beyond
certain information about its capabilities compared to your After a minute of studying an elemental or aberration that
own. You can tell if the creature's spellcasting abilities are you can see, make a Arcana check. On a success, you can
superior, inferior, or equal in power to your own. Additionally, determine the creature's skills, abilities, including common
you may spend 1 minute examining a spell scroll to attacks, and if the creature is considered especially
determine the level of the spell it contains, regardless of if dangerous to a party of your level. However, you do not learn
you could cast the spell from the scroll. the specifics of the creature's statistics. In addition, studying
an opened portal for one minute lets you identify if it leads to
Ritual Caster: another plane of existence and what that plane is, if you know
Choose a class: bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or it.
wizard. You acquire a ritual book containing two 1st-level
ritual spells of your choice from the chosen class and you Planar Disruptor
learn to cast these spells as rituals. You must be holding the Select one type of creatures: Elementals or Aberrations. You
book to do so. Your spellcasting ability for these spells is the add your Intelligence Modifier to the damage of any weapon
same as that of the chosen class. You may take this option or spell attack directed at the chosen enemy type, once per
multiple times, but must choose a new class each time. round.
Ritual Collector: Magesight
If you come across a ritual spell in written form, such as a
magical spell scroll or a wizard’s spellbook, you might be able You may spend 1 minute opening your senses to the magic
to add it to your ritual book if it is on the spell list of a class around you. When this minute ends, you can use your action
you chosen with ritual caster and the spell’s level is no higher to cast the detect magic spell without expending a spell slot.
than one half your level (rounded up). The process of copying When you do so, your vision can penetrate twice the
the spell into your ritual book takes 2 hours and 50 gp per thickness of material as normal and if you spend the full 10-
level of the spell. minute duration of the spell examining the aura of a magical
item, you also learn its properties as if you had cast an
identify spell on it.

By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA 7

History The study of war tactics allow you to control the initiative of
History Skill Tree the battlefield:
Cultured You may use your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier in
Repository of Knowledge of Society Tactician place of your Dexterity modifier when rolling initiative.
Lore Once per long rest, during your turn you can use a bonus
Linguist Objects of Legend Martial Adept
action to issue a command to change tactics. Two friendly
creatures of your choice within 60 feet of you that can see
Learning from History or hear you exchange their initiative scores. Their scores
must be lower than yours for the feature to apply.
Cultured Martial Adept
You learn two languages of your choice. You learn two maneuvers of your choice from among those
available to the Battle Master archetype in the fighter class. If
Repository of Lore a maneuver you use requires your target to make a saving
Your vast studies allow you to become a living historical throw to resist the maneuver’s effects, the saving throw DC
archive. As an action, you can consult your accumulated equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or
knowledge on a topic. To do so is like consulting a bestiary, Dexterity modifier (your choice). If you already have
travel guide, or library inside your own mind. The DM will superiority dice, you gain one more; otherwise, you have one
give you the text of the relevant entry, though it may not superiority dice, which is a d6. These dice are used to fuel
always be immediately or obviously applicable to your your maneuvers. A superiority die is expended when you use
situation. You cannot do so again until you finish a short or it. You regain your expended superiority dice when you finish
long rest. a short or long rest.
For example, you might use this feature to quote a biology
book mentioning the poisonous fangs of a creature you're Learning from History
fighting, or recall a legend that the ancient men of Ardven
Hall used to build their houses deep underground.. When in a historically significant area, like a city, ruin,
battlefield, or stronghold, or when you prepare to enter one,
Linguist you can spend 10 minutes regaling creatures around you
Your study of history lets you become a polyglot and have a with the trials of the locale's past. Until the next long rest, you
deeper understanding of written text. You learn to read and and each creature that listens to the entirety of this lesson
write 3 languages of your choice, and you can recognize gains advantage on initiative checks while it remains within
languages that you can see or hear without knowing them. the area and a number of Historical Advantage points equal
Additionaly, you learn to create written ciphers. Others can’t to your Intelligence Modifier (minimum of 1), which the
decipher this code unless you teach them, they succeed on an creature can to gain advantage on any Skill Check or Attack
Intelligence check (DC equal to your Intelligence score + your Roll while within the area. You can use this feature against
proficiency bonus), or they use magic to decipher it. Finally, after you finish a long rest.
you can use your Repository of Lore feature twice between
Knowledge of Society
Your have learned much about the history of cultures and
societies. When you see a coat of arms, livery, logo, insignia,
or other piece of identifying information for a noble lineage,
guild, country, corporation, or other organization, you have
advantage on checks to identify it or recreate them as a
disguise.. You can also roughly tell where a humanoid is from
if you can hear it speak and have advantage on any checks
related to blending in with locals.
Objects of Legend
When you notice a magical item, you recognize the item's
rarity and if it is of legendary rarity, its name or the name of
its previous owner. You also gain advantage on appropriate
checks to gain any further information about the object.

8 By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA

Investigation If you have reference materials or other similar resources,
Investigation Skill Tree you may add half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) to
An Eye for Trouble
Intelligence checks that you aren't proficient with.
Keen Mind Researcher Seeker Memetic Memory
Heedful Memetic Memory Attentive
You can spend 1 hour (which may be done during a short
rest) bolstering your knowledge about a skill. You must have
Rigor reference materials or other similar resources on hand to do
so. Choose a skill or tool. You gain proficiency in this skill or
An Eye for Trouble tool for a number of hours equal to your Intelligence modifier
(minimum of 1) and you do not unlock the base ability for the
When you find a trap or secret door while investigating a associated skill tree. You cannot gain proficiency with more
space such as a mouth of a cave, crawlspace, or entryway to a than one skill or tool at a time with this feature and you can
hideout, you learn the following additional details about the only gain proficiency in this way once per long rest.
trap or door:
Approximately how long ago the trap was set or door was Seeker
last used. Every time you successfully find a hidden or invisible
Likely requirements for resetting the trap or resealing the opponent using the Search Action, you have advantage on all
door behind you. attacks made against them, and they suffer disadvantage on
all Dexterity saves incurred by you, until the end of your next
Keen Mind turn.
You can accurately recall anything you have seen or heard
within the past month, you always know which way is north, Attentive
and you always know the number of hours left before the next You can go into a state of analyzing your enemy's every move,
sunrise or sunset. letting you predict an incoming strike. As a reaction, when a
creature attacks you and before you know the outcome of the
Heedful roll, you can make an Intelligence (Investigation) check
Your skill in Investigation makes you take in information with against a DC of their attack roll. If you succeed, that creature
ease. You gain the following benefits: has disadvantage on all attack rolls against you with that
attack until the end of its next turn. Once you use this feature,
You have a +5 bonus to your passive Intelligence you cannot do so again until you finish a short or a long rest.
(Investigation) score.
If given 1 minute to consult your copious mental notes, Rigor
you gain advantage on your next Intelligence check. Once
you use this feature, you must complete a short or long Once per short rest you can replace a roll you make for an
rest before you can do so again. Investigation check with a 20. You can do so after you make
You gain the benefits of training in half the normal time the roll, but before you know if the check succeeded or failed.

By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA 9

Natural Defiance
Nature You know how to avoid natural ambushers and organic traps:
Nature Skill Tree You can't be surprised by a plants and oozes and you have
Meteorologist advantage on saving throws incurred by them.
Knowledge of Knowledge of Plants Knowledge of If a plant or ooze would score a critical hit against you, it
Monsters and Oozes Materials instead becomes a regular hit.
You add your Intelligence Modifier (minimum of 1) to the
Monsterbane Natural Defiance Metallurgist damage of any weapon attack or spell attack directed
Naturecraft plants and oozes, once per round.
Knowledge of Materials
Nature Sense You have detailed knowledge of the various kinds of materials
Using your knowledge of nature or dowsing, you can divine that appear in the world. You automatically recognize and
details of your surroundings. By spending 10 minutes know the rarity of woods, textiles, minerals, gems and metals,
examining the signs and the environment around you, you and have advantage on checks to recall information about
can choose 2 of the following options: them.
You can also spend 10 minutes examining a structure to
Local Weather and Climate. You predict the weather for discern its age and locate possible weak points based on
the next 12 hours in the area, and learn whether the area mineralogical clues. When you deal damage to an object you
is in a season of drought, famine, feast, or flood. You must have examined in this way, you can deal maximum damage
be able to see the sky. instead of rolling.
Closest Water Source. You learn the location of the
closest source of clean freshwater within a mile of your Metallurgist
location. Once per round, when you deal damage to an inanimate
Residents. You discern if the local plantlife or animals object or a construct, you can add your Intelligence modifier
were tended by a ranger, druid, or a creature such as a (minimum 1) to the damage. In addition, you may spend 1
dryad within the last week. hour researching a stone, metal or wood to come up with the
formula for an acid potent enough to melt it. You can then
Knowledge of Monsters spend 10 minutes to alter a basic vial of acid with the use of a
After a minute of studying a beast, monstrosity or dragon that herbalism kit to work better with the material. It gains
you can see, make a Nature check. On a success, you can vulnerability to this specific acid and takes its maximum
determine the creature's preferred skills, common attacks, damage, instead of rolling.
and how dangerous is the creature to a party of your level.
However, you do not learn the specifics of the creature's Naturecraft
statistics. In addition, you have advantage on checks to
determine and harvest particularly valuable portions from a You can use the tools of an herbalist for a variety of purposes.
creature. By using 5 gp's worth of common herbalist's supplies and
spending at least 8 hours aquiring, preparing, and packing
Monsterbane them into a kit, you can create an herbalism kit from scratch.
Select one type of creatures: Beasts, Monstrosities or In addition to the other benefits an herbalism kit provides,
Dragons. You add your Intelligence Modifier (minimum of 1) you can spend 10 minutes to produce one of the following
to the damage of any weapon attack or spell attack directed at effects:
the chosen enemy type, once per round.
You can purify a portion of food or drink as via a purify
Knowledge of Plants and Oozes food and drink spell.
After a minute of studying a plant or ooze that you can see, You can increase the potency of a healing potion for 1
make a Nature check with a DC decided by the DM based on hour. When you do so, the potion restores the maximum
the rarity of the creature. On a success, you determine the number of hit points instead of rolling.
creature's preferred skills, common attacks, and how You can create up to 1 vial's worth of acid, sealing wax, or
dangerous is the creature to a party of your level. However, perfume.
you do not learn the specifics of the creature's statistics. In
addition, you know the most valuable types of plants and
fungi by sight and you know the likely forms of dangerous
habitat features or monsters in an area within 100 feet of
you, such as mushroom spores, poisonous shrubs,
carnivorous plants, grasping vines, etc.

10 By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA

Religion Your knowledge of the goals and behaviors of cults gives you
Religion Skill Tree deeper insight into dealing with them and the outsiders they
worship. You have advantage on your Religion checks made
to discern the information on cults. On a success, you may
Sense Lore of the Undeath Occultist add your Intelligence score to Deception, Investigation, and
Enchantment History checks when dealing with outsiders (fey, fiends and
Perform Draining Touch Alienbane celestials) or their cults.
Priest After a minute of studying an undead, fiend or celestial that
you can see, make a Religion check with a DC decided by the
Rites DM based on the rarity of the creature. On a success, you can
You learn and are able to cast the ceremony spell. Once you determine the creature's preferred skills, abilities, including
cast it, you must finish a long rest before you can cast it common attacks, and if the creature is considered especially
again. dangerous to a party of your level. However, you do not learn
the specifics of the creature's statistics.
Sense Enchantment Additionally, select one type of creatures: Undead, Fiends
You can take 10 minutes to attune yourself to the auras of or Celestials. You add your Intelligence Modifier (minimum of
creatures around you. You can discern if a target you can see 1) to the damage of any weapon attack or spell attack, once
is under the effect of an Enchantment spell of up to level 3. If per round, directed at the chosen enemy type.
you're a spellcaster - you can discern if a target is under the
effect of an Enchantment spell lower or equal to your Priest
maximum spell slot level. You can also discern if an object You learn the thaumaturgy cantrip if you don't already know
you're looking at is magical. it. You can cast this cantrip as a bonus action.
Perform Sacrament You can cast prayer of healing once per day at 2nd level
You learn three cleric rituals of your choice of 2nd level or without spending a spell slot. Your spellcasting ability
lower. modifier for this spell is your choice of either Wisdom or
You can cast these spells as rituals. Your spellcasting ability Intelligence.
modifier for these spells is your choice of either Wisdom or
Lore of the Undeath
You delve into the secrets of the undead, gaining the following
You learn 1 Necromancy spell of level 1, from any class
and can cast it using the spellcasting modifier of the
chosen class. Once you cast it, you must finish a
long rest before you can cast it again.
When you touch or are touched by an undead,
you can use your action to have it regain
1d6 hit points.
Draining Touch
You learn the chill touch cantrip, if you don't know
it already. You may select to use Wisdom
or Intelligence to cast that cantrip. When you
attack with this cantrip, the creature's
hit point maximum is reduced by the
amount of damage dealt.

By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA 11

Mounted Combatant
Wisdom While mounted, you have advantage on melee weapon attack
and melee spell attack rolls against any unmounted creature
Animal Handling that is smaller than your mount.
Animal Handling Skill Tree
If a creature would target your mount with an attack or spell,
you may choose to have the attack or spell target you instead.
Train Animal
Complex Training Mounted Combat Animal Savior One with the Rider
When you or an allied creature casts a spell of 2nd level or
Critter Friend One with the Rider Bolster Animal lower that targets just you, you can choose to have the spell
Animal Partnerr also affect your mount.
If your mount is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a
Train Animal Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead
takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only
Over the course of 2 hours (which can be done during a long half damage if it fails.
rest) you can attempt to train a willing beast of CR1/8 or less.
Choose or create a one-word command (such as "jump", Animal Savior
"bite", "stay" or "fetch") and make a DC 10 Wisdom (Animal When you make a Wisdom (Medicine) check to stabilize a
Handling) check. If you succeed, the beast learns to follow the beast that has been reduced to 0 hp, you can calm and soothe
command. As an action (without you having to perform an the animal under your care, adding both your bonuses to
additional check), you may shout out the command to the Animal Handling and Medicine to the check. If you succeed
animal and on its turn it will use its action to attempt to on the check, the beast then regains 1 hit point.
follow it, though it may not follow a command that would lead In addition, you have advantage on Animal Handling checks
it to be injured or killed. related to pacifying beasts.
Complex Training Bolster Animal
When you attempt to train an animal, you may attempt to Animals grow strong after time under your tender care.
train it to follow more complex commands. Choose or create Whenever you spend an hour or more training with a friendly
a short command (such as "fetch a healing potion from my beast (which can be done during a short or long rest), you can
bag," "watch for intruders," or "follow the scent on this rag") have it gain an amount of temporary HP equal to 3 times
and make a DC 15 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check. If you your Proficiency Bonus. Once you use this feature on a
succeed, the beast learns to follow the command as it would a creature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
simple command.
Additionally, you can now Train animals of CR 1/4 or lower. Animal Partner
Critter Friend You can give a trained animal commands as a bonus action.
If you spend at least 1 minute observing or interacting with a Additionally, you can select one beast that you have trained
beast, you may communicate simple ideas with the animal be your partner. The chosen beast increases its hit point
and understand maximum by twice your proficiency bonus. You can only
its responses, select one animal to be your partner at a time.
such as "Scary.

12 By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA

Insight When you damage a creature that is concentrating on a spell,
Insight Skill Tree that creature has disadvantage on the saving throw it makes
Shared Insights
to maintain its concentration.
Suspicious Disruptive Combat Insight Mage Slayer
Connoisseur of Mage Slayer Sentinel
You have advantage on saving throws against spells cast by
Lies creatures within 5 feet of you.
In addition, when a creature within 5 feet of you casts a
Next Move spell, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon
attack against that creature.
Shared Insights
When you use the Help action to aid an ally in attacking a Combat Insight
creature, the target of that attack can be within 15 feet of you You can predict and react to the movement of your opponents
(or 40 feet, if you are a Mastermind Rogue). However, the in combat.
target must be able to see or hear you. Creatures provoke opportunity attacks from you even if
they take the Disengage action before leaving your reach.
In addition, when you hit a creature with an opportunity
You can not suffer disadvantage on Insight checks to discern attack, the creature’s speed is reduced by half for the rest of
if somebody is lying to you. the turn.
Connoisseur of Lies Sentinel
You collect lies that you hear and know their weaknesses and When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the
what they reveal about the personality and disposition of the creature’s speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn.
liar. If you determine that a creature is lying, you have In addition, when a creature within 5 feet of you makes an
advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma checks attack against a target other than you (and that target doesn’t
against the creature for 1 minute as long as you can see the have this ability), you can use your reaction to make a melee
creature's mouth and eyes. weapon attack against the attacking creature.
Next Move
When a creature you can see starts its turn, you can use your
reaction to allow an ally to take an additional reaction this
round. Your ally must be able to see or hear you to gain this
benefit. A reaction given this way can't be used to make an
Opportunity Attack at the same creature twice, and all of the
additional features, such as Sneak Attack or Close-Quarters
Casting Talent, can only be used using the original creature's

By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA 13

Medicine You can use your knowledge of the body in combat to inflict
Medicine Skill Tree injuries upon your enemies. When you score a critical hit, you
may choose to have the target:
Surgeon Toxiturge Remedy Injury Become blinded and deafened until the end of your next
Healer Crippler Fortifying Treatment Have its speed reduced to 0 and become unable to take
Resuscitation reactions until the end of your next turn.
Remedy Injury
Medic You can use your knowledge of medicine to treat minor
You learn to use your medical supplies more effectively, and conditions. As an action, you can use 5 charges of healer's kit
package things tighter. The healer's kits that you use have to remove one of the following conditions from a creature:
twice as many charges. Additionally, when you use a healer's Blinded, Deafened or Frightened.
kit to stabilize a dying creature, it wakes up in 1d4 rounds Fortifying Treatment
instead of 1d4 hours. During a short rest, choose one willing creature you can
Surgeon touch. For this short rest, when it rolls a hit die to regain hit
When you use a healer’s kit to stabilize a dying creature, you points it regains the maximum value on the die instead of
can have that creature also regain 1 hit point. In addition, you rolling. You must expend a use of your healer's hit for each
can use your bonus action to move half your speed towards die that is maximized.
an unstable creature. In addition, at the end of a long rest, you can choose any
number of creatures and expend 1 use from your healer's kit
Healer for each of them. For the next 24 hours, each creature must
As an action, you can spend one use of a healer’s kit to tend fail an additional death save in order to die.
to a creature and restore 1d6 + 4 hit points to it, plus
additional hit points equal to the creature’s maximum Resuscitation
number of Hit Dice. The creature can’t regain hit points from You may attempt to resuscitate a humanoid or beast, which
this feat again until it finishes a short or long rest. recently died. If a creature has been dead for less than 60
seconds, you may attempt to conduct surgery on it. The
Toxiturge surgery requires 1 hour to complete and uses up 10 charges
As an action, using a healer's kit or poisoner's kit, you can of a healer's kit. The creature is under the effect of Gentle
check if a creature or liquid within 5 feet of you is poisoned Repose until the end of the surgery. If the resuscitation lasts
or poisonous. If you spend a use of healer's kit to examine a for the entire hour uninterrupted the creature is brought back
poisonous substance, you can identify the save DC of the to life at 1 hit point. It also suffers from three levels of
poison, if it has one. Exhaustion and can't be brought back to life by the use of this
When you encounter a living poisonous creature or talent until it finishes a long rest.
poisoned creature, you can attempt to extract the poison from
the creature. As an action, you expend a use of a healer's kit
and make a Wisdom (Medicine) check vs. the save DC of the
poison. On a success, you learn all the poison's effects. In
addition, you extract 1 usable dose of poison from the
creature if it was poisonous, or remove the poisoned
condition from it if it was poisoned. On a failure, the poison is
triggered immediately if it has a periodic or delayed effect.

14 By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA

Perception Skill Tree
Keen Senses Low-Light Vision
Aware Observant Low-Light Vision Dim light doesn't impose disadvantage on your Wisdom
(Perception) checks relying on sight and you gain blindsight
Alert Focused Tremortouch out to a range of 5 feet.
Keen Senses As an action, you can touch a surface and attempt to discern
the locations of moving creatures from the vibrations you feel.
You can read text off of a book, scroll, or handwritten- You gain 15ft of Tremorsense (stacks with any other features
document as long as it is within a number of feet equal to that give you Tremorsense) until the beginning of your next
your Passive Perception score, and you can overhear bits of turn.
lightly spoken, but not whispered conversations as long as
they are within twice this distance. Vigilant
Aware Your superior training allows for you to keep in-tune with
Other creatures don’t gain advantage on attack rolls against your surroundings:
you as a result of being hidden from you. You have advantages on saving throws against being
Alert deafened or blinded
You gain a +5 bonus to initiative and you can’t be surprised As a bonus action, you focus your attention on a creature
while you are conscious. of your choice, that you can see within 120 feet of you.
Until the start of your next turn the target can't become
hidden from you even if becomes invisible. You may use
Observant this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom
You have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) modifier (minimum of 1) and restore all the uses at the
score. end of a long rest.
If you can see a creature’s mouth while it is speaking a
language you understand, you can interpret what it’s saying
by reading its lips.
As an bonus action, you may enter a state of heightened focus
which lasts until the beginning of your next turn and
uses your concentration as if you were
concentrating on a spell. While focusing in
this manner, whenever you make a
Dexterity saving throw or a
Wisdom (Perception) check, you can roll
a d4 and add the number rolled to the
saving throw or ability check, as long as
you aren't blinded. You can enter this state
a number of times equal to your
Wisdom modifier.

By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA 15

Survival You gain proficiency with Tinkerer's Tools.
Survival Skill Tree Using the Tinkerer's Tools, you can increase the escape DC
Tools from Nature
of hunting traps that you place by your proficiency bonus, if
you pay the price of the trap again for the raw materials and
Survivalist Trapper Weathered Tracker spend a short rest enhancing it.
Fortify Dungeoneer Camouflage Additionally, you may cast snare as a non-magical effect
once per short rest.
Tools from Nature You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence
(Investigation) checks made to detect the presence of secret
You can start fires, craft shelters, cook food, and perform doors and traps.
similar mundane household tasks without requiring tools by Additionally, you can search for traps while traveling at a
using resources and items found while foraging. normal pace, instead of only at a slow pace.
In addition, as part of a short rest, you can harvest bone
and hide from a slain beast, construct, dragon, monstrosity, Weathered Tracker
or plant creature of size Small or larger to craft one of the You gain advantage on checks to discern the species of the
following items: a shield, a simple melee weapon worth 5gp creature based on its tracks.
or less, 1d10 darts or pieces of ammunition. The DM rules if Additionally, you ignore the adverse effects of harsh
there are enough resources for this (Using Small creatures weather. This may include not getting exhaustion due to
might only give darts, bolts, and light weapons, for example). being in very hot or very cold temperatures. You don't get
disadvantage on acrobatics checks while on ice.
You can make fires, craft shelters, cook food, etc. without Camouflage
having to make a survival check If you are outdoors or in a natural environment, you may
Additionally, select one terrain: arctic, coast, desert, forest, spend 10 minutes to create a camouflage for the local natural
grassland, mountain, swamp, or cavern. Difficult terrain area you're in (1 minute if you have a disguise kit). Being in a
doesn't slow down the group's travel. camouflage grants you advantage on all stealth checks, when
Fortify Hiding in the chosen terrain.
When making temporary modifications to a campsite, Survivor
battlefield, stronghold, or other area, you may add your
proficiency bonus to checks related to construction or You're masterful at surviving in harsh environments and gain
improvement of barriers, fortifications, or similar works. the following benefits:
These works add your proficiency bonus to their armor class You can add your Survival bonus to a death saving throw.
for the duration, and gain a number of temporary hit points You can not do so again until you finish a long rest.
equal to your level. When you're dying, you don't fall Unconscious until you've
If a restraint or fortification you create has a DC to break it failed at least one death saving throw.
(such as a If you succeed on all death saving throws, you are
blocked doorway instantly restored to 1 hit point.
or tied-up
creature), this DC
increases by your
proficiency bonus
as well.

16 By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA

Ravel the Web
Charisma When you lie or mislead a creature but fail your Deception
check, if that check was not made at disadvantage, you can
Deception attempt to do so again at disadvantage and must take the new
Deception Skill Tree
Straight Face Liar's Liar
Parrot Fake it 'til you Make it Ravel the Web You can add your Deception bonus to your Insight checks and
you have advantage checks to determine if someone is lying
Ventriloquist Apparent Competence Liar's Liar or attempting to pass themselves off as a different person.
Heart of Treachery
Heart of Treachery
Change of Heart You have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed.
You learn how to make use of the creatures dropping their You are also immune to spells that would determine if you
guard. For 1 minute after you successfully deceive someone, are telling the truth or compel you to do so. These spells do
you have advantage on your initiative roll if you start a combat not alert the caster when they fail on you.
and creatures you deceived are participating in it.
You have mastered the art of vocal mimicry. If you spend 1
minute listening and mentally practicing, you can unerringly
reproduce the exact words and voice of a person you have
listened to or vocalizations of an animal that you have heard.
If you attempt to deviate from the creature's exact wording
or alter the sound in any way, a successful Wisdom (Insight)
check contested by your Charisma (Deception) check allows
a listener to determine that the effect is faked.
Any time you can speak, you may cause your voice to emit
from a point up to 15 feet away. If a creature is within 30 feet
of you, you can give the impression that sounds you make
originate from that creature.
Your ventriloquism extends beyond just words, but also any
sounds you can make, including imitations of animals or the
verbal components of spells, though the spells still originate
from the caster, not the perceived projection of the voice.
However, this feature isn't as flawless as a minor Illusion, and
may still call for a Deception check.
Fake it 'til you Make it
When attempting to make an ability check for a task in which
you lack proficiency, you may attempt it using Deception
instead of the original skill. You do so with disadvantage. For
example, this would allow you to replace a Strength
(Athletics) check with a Strength (Deception) one made at
disadvantage. You can use this feature twice, regaining
expended uses when you complete a short or long rest.
Apparent Competence
When attempting to don armor or wield weapons with which
you are not proficient, you ignore the disadvantage imposed
by using armor with which you are not proficient and add half
your proficiency to attacks with weapons with which you are
not proficient. This effect lasts for 1 hour and you regain the
use of this ability after a short or long rest.

By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA 17

Intimidation After you damage a creature on your turn, you have
Intimidation Skill Tree advantage on intimidation checks against it until the end of
your next turn.
Threatening Creative Threat Punisher Brutal
Presence When you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, you can use your
Disrupting Interrogator Brutal reaction to attempt to frighten nearby creatures. When you
Hostility do so, make an Intimidation check against all hostile
creatures within 10 feet of that enemy. Each creature you
Fearless successfully intimidate becomes frightened by you until the
end of their next turns. Once you use this ability, you cannot
Imposing do so again until you complete a short or long rest.
When you're in the presence of the creature you're
intimidating, you may use Strength instead of Charisma for Fearless
Intimidation checks. You are immune to being Frightened. When a creature
attempts to frighten you, you get advantage on your next
Threatening Presence attack against it.
Spaces within 10 feet of you are considered difficult terrain
for creatures that are not immune to being frightened. Moving
1 foot in difficult terrain costs 2 feet of speed. You can choose
any number of creatures within range to ignore this
additional movement (friendly targets, for example).
Disrupting Hostility
If a hostile creature is within 10 feet of you, it has
disadvantage on its ranged attack rolls and skill checks that
rely on Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.
Creative Threat
You specialize in specific and sometimes unusual methods of
Intimidation, using your proficiencies in other skills to
amplify the effectiveness of your threats.
When you use a skill such as Animal Handling, Religion,
Athletics, Stealth, or Deception to enhance an Intimidation
check you make, you can add half your proficiency bonus in
the appropriate skill to your Intimidation check. For example,
using your strength to bend a creature's weapon in front of its
eyes, or using a rat or snake to threaten a creature afraid of
those animals, or using your knowledge of religion to
describe a Hellish scene. Each of these would allow you to
add half your bonuses of Athletics, Animal Handling, or
Religion respectively to your Intimidation roll.
After you succeed on an Intimidation check against a
creature, you and your allies have advantage on Insight,
Persuasion, and Deception checks against that creature for 1
minute. In addition, while brandishing a weapon with which
you are proficient, you can roll the weapon's damage die and
add half the result to an Intimidation check.

18 By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA

Performance When you perform for creatures for at least 10 minutes and
Performance Skill Tree your Charisma (Performance) check result is higher than a
creature's Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma scores
(whichever is highest), you get advantage on all other
Performer Theatrics Orator Charisma checks against those creatures for the next 10
Specialty Acts Stage-fighting Leadership minutes.
Famous Leadership
You can spend 10 minutes inspiring your companions,
Entertaining shoring up their resolve to fight. When you do so, choose up
to six friendly creatures (which can include yourself) within
You gain proficiency in one musical instrument and two game 30 feet of you who can see or hear you and who can
sets of your choice. understand you. Each creature can gain temporary hit points
equal to your level + your Charisma modifier. A creature can’t
Performer gain temporary hit points from this feat again until it has
You gain proficiency in disguise kits and can double your finished a short or long rest.
proficiency with checks you make with them to craft
disguises. Famous
You also learn a language of your choice.
Your fame precedes you wherever you go. You draw twice the
Specialty Acts normal size of crowd for events in which you perform or
Performers may specialize in a variety of different kinds of organize and you can add half of your Performance bonus to
acts, utilizing many different skills while playing their your Persuasion and Intimidation checks.
entertainment trade. Choose two skills from the list below.
Dexterity (Acrobatics)
Wisdom (Animal Handling)
Charisma (Deception)
Strength (Athletics)
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)
You can add half of your bonus to Performance to a check
made with the chosen skill.
When you take the Help action to aid an ally by distracting an
enemy, you can also choose to distract any number of
additional creatures within 5 feet of you, letting the chosen
ally have advantage on attack rolls against all of the affected
You gain proficiency with rapiers, sickles, scimitars, tridents,
daggers, and darts.
You can use your Charisma modifier in place of your
Strength or Dexterity modifier for attack rolls with these
weapons, but not the damage rolls.
Additionally, when you score a critical hit with one of these
weapons, you can use your reaction to take the Help action if
there is an ally within 30 feet of you.

By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA 19

Additionally, you have mastered the art of instigating conflict
Persuasion among thinking creatures.
Each creature that can understand your speech and can
Persuasion Skill Tree hear you must make a Charisma saving throw vs 8 + your
Inspiring Word Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus: a creature can
Voice of Truth Inspirational Leading by choose to fail this saving throw if it wishes. If a creature fails
Commander Example its saving throw, it becomes hostile to a number of creatures
Charmer Mediator/Agitator Following Suit
of your choice that it is indifferent toward. Each creature can
repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
Silver Tongue the effect on a success (though, the creature may remain
hostile after the effect ends depending on the actions taken
Inspiring Word against it in the interim).
Once you use this feature to either mediate or agitate, you
As an action, you can call out to a creature that can hear you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.
within 10 feet of you and cast the guidance spell targeting the
creature. You can do so a number of times equal to your Leading by Example
Charisma modifier, regaining any expended uses at the end of When you first perform an action as a demonstration, you
a long rest. have advantage on Persuasion checks to convince others to
follow suit.
Voice of Truth
You have advantage on Persuasion checks in which the goal Following Suit
is to convince someone of what you believe to be an objective Once per long rest, when you lead by example, you can aid
truth, such as convincing someone the local ruler is dead each creature in their attempts. As a bonus action, you may
after visiting their burial. select a number of creatures equal to your Charisma
modifier, within 30 feet of you and then proceed to make an
action tagetting the same object or creature. The creatures
If you are able to interact with a creature that can understand selected by you that perform the same action until the end of
you, whether through language or body cues, for 10 minutes, your next turn have advantage on any check involved with the
you may attempt a Persuasion check contested by the target's action, such as attacking the same enemy, or trying to lift a
Insight. On a fail, the target is charmed by you for an amount boulder.
of minutes equal to your Charisma modifier. The Charm
wears off if the creature has severe reasons to doubt you Silver Tongue
(open hostility, open deception etc.)
This feature does not work on creatures with an Your silver tongue grants you an impressive power of
Intelligence score lower than 4. character. Once per long rest you may use the suggestion
spell as a non-magical effect with a duration of hours equal to
Inspirational Commander your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1).
Whenever you use the Help action, the target can add your
proficiency bonus to the attempted ability check or attack.
Mediator / Agitator
You have mastered the art of mitigating conflict among
thinking creatures.
Each creature that can understand your speech and can
hear you must make a Charisma saving throw vs 8 + your
Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus: a creature can
choose to fail this saving throw if it wishes.
If a creature fails its saving throw, it
becomes indifferent about creatures of
your choice that it is hostile toward.
This indifference ends if the target
is attacked or harmed or if it witnesses any
of its friends being harmed.

20 By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA

Shield Bash
Defense If you take the Attack action on your turn, you can use a
Defensive & Armor Specialty Trees bonus action to try to shove a creature within 5 feet of you
with your shield.
Armor Training
Shield Master
If you aren’t incapacitated, you can add your shield’s AC
Light as a Efficient Shield Built To Stand bonus to any Dexterity saving throw you make against a spell
Feather Wearing Bash or other harmful effect that targets only you.
Many Medium Armor Shield Heavy Armor Additionally, if you are subjected to an effect that allows
Pockets Master Master Master you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half
Protected damage, you can use your reaction to take no damage if you
succeed on the saving throw, interposing your shield between
Armor Training yourself and the source of the effect.
You gain proficiency with armor or improve your existing Built to stand
armor proficiencies. You may take this option multiple times. When you're wearing heavy armor, you have advantage on all
You gain proficiency with light armor. If you already have checks that would knock you prone or push you.
this proficiency, you gain proficiency in medium armor and Additionally, your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy
shields. If you already have proficiency in medium armor, you armor with a Strength requirement greater than your
gain proficiency in heavy armor. Strength score.
When you take this option, if you already have proficiency
with the armor you desire, you can choose to progress again Heavy Armor Master
on this tree instead of gaining armor proficiency. While you are wearing heavy armor, bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing damage that you take from non magical
Light as a Feather weapons is reduced by your proficiency bonus.
When an enemy hits you with a melee attack, you can use
your reaction to prepare yourself to disengage. Until the end Protected
of your next turn, your movement does not provoke attacks of You're experienced in wearing and managing different armor:
opportunity from that creature.
In addition, wearing light armor does not impose You ignore half of the weight of the armor you're wearing
disadvantage on your Stealth checks and donning and doffing for the purposes of encumberance.
light armor takes you 12 seconds. You have advantage on all checks and saving throws that
would corrode or rust your armor.
Many Pockets Wearing Light or no Armor increases your movement
You are able to hide a small number of small knick-knacks, speed by 5ft.
tools, or even small creatures in crevices, pockets, or You can add half your proiciency bonus, rounded down, to
elsewhere on your person. If you wear clothing or light armor, initiative rolls while wearing medium, light or no armor.
you can store up to 10 tiny items weighing 1 lb or less (such You may don and doff your shield as a bonus action.
as a dagger, mouse, or potion) in your armor. You have Repairing and upgrading your armor yourself costs you
advantage on checks related to keeping them hidden and half the price.
when you use an object interaction to retrieve one, you can
retrieve two instead.
Additionally, as an action, you can maneuver one of the
items into an easy-to-access spot in your armor. When you
take the Use an Object action to use this item, you can do so
as a bonus action. You can only have one item set up in this
way at a time.
Efficient Wearing
Wearing medium armor doesn’t impose
disadvantage on your Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Medium Armor Master
If you wear medium armor, you add your Dexterity modifier,
to a maximum of +3, to the base number from your
armor type to determine your Armor Class.

By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA 21

Half-Hand Casting
War Casting You can perform the somatic components of spells even
War Casting Specialty Tree when you have weapons or a shield in one or both hands.
Battle Spells Close-Quarters Casting
Damage Spell Sniper Half-hand Casting You have advantage on Constitution saving throws to
Specialist maintain concentration on a spell when you take damage.
Potent Specialty Spell Mastery Close-Quarters Casting Additionally, when a hostile creature’s movement provokes an
opportunity attack from you, you can use your reaction to cast
Warmage a spell at the creature, rather than making an opportunity
attack. The spell must have a casting time of 1 action and
Battle Spells must target only that creature.
You learn two cantrips from the bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer,
warlock, or wizard spell lists that deal damage. Your Warmage
spellcasting ability for it is the same as that of the chosen You gain a bonus to spell attack rolls equal to the magic
class. bonus of a magical weapon you are holding.
When you take this talent and already have the spellcasting You can cast spells without the material component if the
feature, you may choose to progress on the tree, instead of cost of the material is less than 50 gp. Continous effect spells
learning two cantrips. may only last up to one hour when using this feat before
being needed to be cast again.
Damage Specialist Additionally, you may use your free object interaction to
Choose a damage type from the following list: acid, cold, fire, teleport one missile or thrown weapon that was in your
lightning, necrotic, poison, radiant, or thunder. Spells you posession within the last minute back to your hand. The item
cast ignore resistance to damage of the chosen type. You can must also be within 100ft of you for this feature to work.
select this option multiple times. Each time you do so, you In addition, you can take 1 hour to mark one weapon as
must choose a different damage type. your Mage Weapon and may use it as your arcane focus or
holy symbol.
Potent Specialty
When you roll a 1 on a damage die for a spell that deals one
or more types of damage that you have chosen with Damage
Specialist, you can reroll the die once and use the result.
Spell Sniper
When you cast a spell that requires you to make an attack
roll, the spell’s range is doubled. Your ranged spell attacks
ignore half cover and treat three-quarters cover as half cover.
Spell Mastery
Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose
disadvantage on your ranged spell attack rolls.
Also, when you cast a spell with a duration of
instantaneous, an area of effect, and a range greater than 5
feet, you may choose to modify the range and the shape of
that spell. The spell area of effect in the shape of a sphere
increases by 5ft in radius. The range becomes double the
range of the original spell or 300 feet, whichever is farther.
Additionally, the minimum damage each creature in the
area of effect takes is equal to your spellcasting ability
modifier, regardless of the result of its saving throw.

22 By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA

Your experience with thrown weapons allows you to use
Ranged Warfare them efficiently in combat. You gain the following benefits:
Ranged Specialty Tree Weapons with the thrown property are treated as
Ranged Training ammunition for the purpose of drawing them.
Attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on
Close Quarters
Power Shot Slinger your ranged weapon attack rolls with thrown weapons.
Melee weapons with the thrown property that you are
Quick Shot Sharpshooter Lobber holding are considered ranged weapons.
Deadshot Lobber
With this talent, you learn to throw unwieldy weapons. You
Ranged Training gain the following benefits:
You gain proficiency with weapons used at range, or improve All light weapons get a range of 20/60.
your existing proficiencies. You may take this talent multiple All non-light and non-heavy weapons get a range of 15/40.
times. All heavy weapons get a range of 10/30.
You gain proficiency with three simple or martial ranged You gain proficiency in improvised weapons for the
weapons or melee weapons with the thrown property. purpose of throwing them. You may treat improvised
When you take this talent and already have proficiency weapons weighing less than 2 lbs as having the finesse
with ranged or thrown weapons you desire, you can choose property.
to progress on this tree, instead of gaining weapon
proficiencies. Deadshot
Close Quarters Shooter When you score a critical attack with a ranged or thrown
Due to extensive usage of ranged weapons in tight spaces, weapon - the missile gets stuck deeper in the enemy, causing
you gain the following benefits: a grave wound. The target takes damage equal to the attack's
non-critical damage each turn. This can be stopped by
Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose making a Medicine or Strength check (DC = 8 + your
disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls. proficiency modifier) to remove the arrow as an action.
You have advantage if you attack a prone creature within 5
feet of you with a ranged weapon attack.
Quick Shot
You are able to prepare missiles quickly. You gain the
following benefits:
You ignore the loading property of ranged weapons you
When you use the Attack action and attack with a one
handed weapon, you can use a bonus action to make an
attack with a one handed ranged weapon or throw a
weapon you are holding.
Power Shot
Training in the use of ranged weapons allows you to
overcome obstacles and capitalize on your upper body
strength. You gain the following benefits:
Your ranged and thrown weapon attacks ignore half cover
and three-quarters cover.
You can use Strength instead of Dexterity for attack and
damage rolls with shortbows and longbows.
Your missiles invariably find their target, allowing you to
make more difficult shots. You gain the following benefits:
Attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on
your ranged and thrown weapon attack rolls.
Before you make an attack with a ranged or thrown
weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to
take a penalty to the attack roll equal to your proficiency
bonus. If the attack hits, you add a bonus to the attack’s
damage equal to double your proficiency bonus.
By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA 23
Dual-Wielding Expert
Melee Warfare Wielding two weapons becomes second nature. You gain the
Melee Specialty Tree following benefits:
Melee Training You can use two-weapon fighting even when the one
Fencing Expert Dual-Wielding Great Weapon handed melee weapons you are wielding aren’t light.
Expert Expert You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you
Fencing Master Dual-Wielding Great Weapon
would normally be able to draw or stow only one.
Master Master Dual-Wielding Master
Rending Strike You master fighting with two weapons, gaining the following
Melee Training You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you are wielding a
You gain proficiency with weapons used in melee, or improve separate melee weapon in each hand.
your existing proficiencies. You may take this talent multiple When an attack of opportunity misses you, you can make
times. one attack of opportunity at the same target as a reaction.
You gain proficiency with three simple or martial melee
weapons. Great Weapon Expert
When you take this talent and already have proficiency with On your turn, when you score a critical hit with a heavy melee
melee weapons you desire, you can choose to progress on weapon or reduce a creature to 0 hit points with one, you can
this tree, instead of gaining weapon proficiencies. make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action.
Great Weapon Master
Fencing Expert Whenever you make a melee attack with a heavy weapon, you
Training to fight with a single weapon allows you to be more can choose to take a penalty to the attack roll equal to your
agile and free in your movements. You gain the following proficiency bonus. If the attack hits, you add a bonus to the
benefits: attack’s damage equal to double your proficiency bonus.
You gain +1 bonus to AC while wielding a one-handed
weapon with which you're proficient in one hand and Rending Strike
nothing in your other hand. As a bonus action, you can prepare your weapon to pierce
You can draw or stow one one-handed weapon as a part of your target's defenses with an exceptionally forceful strike.
the Attack action without using your Object Interaction. Before the end of your next turn, using the Attack action, you
Fencing Master can make a special melee attack with a melee weapon. The
When you are wielding a melee weapon with which you are target must make a Dexterity saving throw against a DC of 8
proficient in one hand and nothing in the other, when another + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice) + your
creature hits you with a melee attack, you can use your proficiency bonus. The creature has advantage or
reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your AC for that disadvantage on this Dexterity saving throw, depending on
attack, potentially causing the attack to miss you. whether or not a normal attack would have one. If it fails, it
takes damage as if you had hit it with a normal melee attack.

24 By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA

Blunt Weapon Expertise
Weapon Trees Blunt weapons are exceptional at breaking things with raw
Pole, Restraining, Blunt & Cleaving force. You gain the following benefits:
Using the Attack action, you can make a special melee
Pole Weapon Restraining Blunt Cleaving attack to daze a creature. The target must make a
Expertise Weapon
Constitution saving throw against a DC of 8 + your
Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus. If it fails, it
Pole Weapon Restraining Blunt Cleaving can't take reactions until the start of its next turn.
Mastery Weapon Weapon Weapon Attacks with these weapons deal double damage to
Mastery Mastery Mastery objects and structures.
Pole Expertise Blunt Weapon Mastery
You learn to use the long pole of the weapon to your You learn to put the heavy impact of the blunt weapon to use
advantage, gaining the following benefits: by putting the enemy off-balance, gaining the following
When you take the Attack action and attack with only a
glaive, halberd, pike, spear, or quarterstaff you can use a Once per Attack action, whenever you hit with those
bonus action to make a melee attack with the opposite weapons, you can knock the target back 5 feet if the target
end of the weapon. The weapon’s damage die for this is no more than one size larger than you.
attack is a d4, and the attack deals bludgeoning damage. Whenever you hit a creature with blunt weapons, you may
Quarterstaves and spears must be held in both hands for use a Bonus Action to attempt to Shove a creature.
this feature to work.
When you use your action to Attack, if you moved 20 feet Cleaving Weapon Expertise:
or more in a straight line before hitting a target with a You learn to use the momentum of weapons like the
lance, you deal an additional 1d4 piercing damage to the longsword, battleaxe, greatsword and greataxe to knock your
target. enemies off balance.
Pole Mastery As an attack while you are wielding a longsword,
You master the lengthy pole weapons, gaining the follwoing battleaxe, greatsword or greataxe, you may use the heft of
benefits: your weapon to rebuff up to two adjacent creatures. Make
a single attack roll against one or two adjacent creatures
While you are wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, spear, or within 5 feet of you. If the attack hits a target, you push it
quarterstaff other creatures provoke an opportunity attack up to 10 feet away from you.
from you when they enter the reach of your weapon. Cleaving Weapon Mastery:
If you move 20 feet in a straight line before hitting a target
with a lance, you can push it up to 10 feet and may use a You learn to use the bulk of weapons like the longsword,
bonus action to Shove the target. battleaxe, greatsword and greataxe to cleave through your
Restraining Weapon Expertise
You learn how to effectively use weapons like tridents, war When you attack with a longsword, battleaxe, greatsword
picks and sickles to limit your enemies' mobility by hooking or greataxe, you may choose to target two creatures within
them or pinning them down: 5 feet of each other and within your reach with a single
attack. This attack uses the same attack and damage roll
You do not need a free hand to grapple while you are for both targets and the damage dealt in this way is halved.
wielding a trident, war pick or sickle.
The damage of all tridents you wield increases to 1d8
piercing damage (1d10 versatile)
Restraining Weapon Mastery
Your mastery over weapons that restrict opponents is rarely
When you hit a creature with a trident, war pick or sickle
on your turn, you can use your bonus action to attempt to
grapple the targeted creature.

By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA 25

Skirmishing Weapon Expertise:
Weapon Trees You learn how to use light and mobile weaponry to gracefully
Flexible, Skirmishing & Archaic parry attacks, gaining the following benefits:
When a creature misses you with an attack of opportunity,
Flexible Skirmishing Weapon Archaic Weapon you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack
Expertise Expertise against the creature with your skirmishing weapon.
Light Hammers and Handaxes that you wield gain the
Flexible Skirmishing Weapon Archaic Weapon Finesse property.
Weapon Mastery Mastery
Mastery Skirmishing Weapon Mastery:
You learn how to fully utilize the increased mobility when
Flexible Weapon Expertise wielding light and mobile weaponry, gaining the following
You learn how to wield tricky weapons like flails and whips benefits:
with more control. When you attack a creature with this weapon during your
As a bonus action on your turn, you can prepare to extend turn and miss, you can use your bonus action to make
your flail to sweep over shields. Until the end of this turn, another attack with the weapon against the same
your attack rolls with a flail gain a +2 bonus against any creature.
target using a shield. When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can
The whips you wield gain the Light Property and, as an move 5 feet at no movement cost as part of the attack.
action, can be used to pull objects weighing 5 pounds or This movement may still trigger an attack of opportunity.
less, within your whip's reach, towards you. If you have a
free hand, you may catch the object, otherwise it lands at Archaic Weapon Expertise
your feet You train at using weapons rarely seen on battlefields and
training manuals, gaining the following benefits:
Flexible Weapon Mastery
Your master the unwieldy weapons and can use them more You may use Strength instead of Dexterity for the attack
effectively than most: and damage rolls you make with a sling. Also, when you
score a critical hit using a sling, the target can't take
When you hit with an opportunity attack using a flail or reactions until the end of your next turn.
whip, the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn't impose
(DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + the attribute you use for disadvantage on your attack rolls with a net. Also, the net
the weapon) or be knocked prone. escape DC wielded by you is increased by your proficiency
Whenever you have advantage on a melee attack roll you modifier.
make with a whip and hit, you can knock a weapon or You ignore the loading property of blowguns and may use
another item from the target's grasp if the lower of the two Constitution instead of Dexterity for all attack and damage
d20 rolls would also hit the target. rolls made with a blowgun.
Archaic Weapon Mastery
You're incredibly proficient at using various unique weapons,
grasping the full potential of their unorthodox nature. You
gain the following benefits:
Once per turn, when you make a ranged attack with a
sling, you can target two creatures that you can see that
are within 5 feet of each other. You must have ammunition
for each of them.
After using the Attack action with the net, you can use a
bonus action to attack with a one-handed weapon you are
When you shoot a blowgun or throw a dart that have
poisoned applied to them, you can attempt to aim for
weaker points. You may take a -5 to the attack roll. If the
attack still hits, the target has disadvantage on the saving
throw against the poison.

26 By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA

Adventuring Specialty Tree
Jack of Trades
Hardy Favored Resilient
Tough Lucky Durable
Master of Some

Jack of Trades
You gain proficiency with 3 tools of your choice. If you already
have the desired proficiencies, you may instead choose to
advance on the tree, instead of gaining proficiency with tools .
Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to
your level when you gain this talent. Whenever you gain a
level thereafter, your hit point maximum increases by 1
additional hit point.
Your hit point maximum increases further by an amount
equal to your level and whenever you gain a level, your hit
point maximum increases by another 1 additional hit point.
You have 1 Luck Point.
When you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving
throw, you can spend one luck point to roll an additional d20.
You can choose to spend one of your luck points after you roll
the die, but before the outcome is determined. You choose
which of the d20s is used for the attack roll, ability check, or
saving throw. Also you can spend one luck point when an
attack roll is made against you and then choose whether the
attack uses the attacker’s roll or yours.
If more than one creature spends a luck point to influence
the outcome of a roll, the points cancel each other out; no
additional dice are rolled. You regain your expended luck
points when you finish a long rest.
You gain 2 additional Luck Points.
Choose one ability score. You gain proficiency in saving
throws using the chosen ability.
When you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, the minimum
number of hit points you regain from the roll equals twice
your Constitution modifier (minimum of 2).
Master of Some
Choose one skill in which you have proficiency. You gain
expertise with that skill, which means your proficiency bonus
is doubled for any ability check you make with it. The skill
you choose must be one that isn't already benefiting from a
feature, such as Expertise, that doubles your proficiency

By /u/Craios125 (Yoonki!) & /u/ImFromNASA 27

Huge THANK YOU to the artists featured in this
John Howe
Monte Cook Games
Wizards of the Coast
Infinity Blade Team
Dongho Kang
Winona Nelson
Subroto Bhaumik
Jason Engle
Servia D.
Adrian W.
Dave Rapoza
Igor Kieryluk
Mason Roy

Also, a huge thank you to /u/ImFromNasa.

Couldn't have done it without you!

Finally, a big thank you for taking your time and reading
through our work! Feel free to send angry comments and
good vibes at Yoonki#7514 on Discord and /u/Craios125
on Reddit.

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