Educ Section - Philippine-Development-Plan-2023-2028

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Subchapter 2.

2 Improved Education and

Lifelong Learning
By 2028, Filipinos are envisioned to be smart and innovative with learning poverty substantially
addressed. Filipino learners have access to high-quality lifelong learning opportunities that develop
adequate competencies and character qualities which will allow them to thrive in society and the
world of work. Transformative lifelong learning opportunities shall be instrumental in developing and
protecting the capabilities of families to ensure that all Filipinos are able to realize their full potential to
keep pace with the envisioned socioeconomic transformation.

Assessment and Challenges

The Philippine education system is in urgent where state universities and colleges (SUC),
need of transformation. This has been the local universities and colleges (LUC), and
assessment of many studies on education private higher education institutions (HEI)
over the past decades. In 1991, the Education offer the same degree programs.26 Teacher
Commission pointed out the looming crisis in education needs improvement, given the
the overall quality of education in the country. consistently low passing rate in the licensure
In 2022, over three decades later, a second examination for teachers (LET). These
Education Commission will be convened deep-seated challenges have severely affected
to address the education crisis.  Education the learning conditions of students over the
infrastructure continues to grapple with past generations. The pandemic brought to
inadequacies in education perennials— the fore the issues that have been piling up
classrooms, teachers, textbooks, facilities, through decades of incapacity and suboptimal
and modern equipment—especially among investment in education (only 3.9% of GDP in
marginalized communities. 2020).27

Education policies have undermined better- The results are alarming as the World
performing private schools, as seen in the Bank estimates learning poverty rate in the
declining share in private school enrollment.25 Philippines at 90.9 percent.28 This means
At the height of the pandemic, some private that nine out of ten 10-year-old Filipino
schools had to close due to low enrollment children are unable to read and understand
spurred by household income losses, and the a simple text. There are also students who
exodus of private school teachers transferring remain non-readers even in high school.29
to public schools. During school year (SY) The proportion of learners achieving at
2020/21, at the height of the pandemic, 656,712 least “Proficient” level in the 2018 National
learners transferred from private to public Achievement Test at the third and sixth grade is
schools, which led to subsequent congestion at 6.39 percent and 12.63 percent, respectively.
in public schools. Meanwhile, in higher The country’s performance in international
education, there is lack of complementarity large-scale assessments (i.e., Programme for

Chapter 2 Promote Human and Social Development | 45

International Student Assessment [PISA] Philippines, the national university, has fallen
and Trends in International Mathematics to the 801st to 1,000th ranking in the 2023
and Science Study [TIMSS]) revealed serious World University Rankings.31 It is one of only
challenges in the sector, as the Philippines three Philippine universities ranked within
ranks the lowest overall among all countries the top 1,500 in the world from a total of 1,975
assessed.30 Inequalities persist at the secondary HEIs in the country.32
education level. At the tertiary level, only
42 percent of the 451,962 who applied for The time to transform the education system is
professional licenses in 2019 passed their now or the country risks missing out on the
respective licensure examinations. The demographic dividend. This has become even
number of examinees also went down to more urgent with the learning losses brought
120,768 in 2021 with a 48 percent passing about by the COVID-19 pandemic that are
rate. This brings into question the country’s expected to result in lost productivity over the
capacity to meet the industry demand for next decades if urgent action is not taken.
quality human resources. The University of the

Strategy Framework
Toward the ultimate goal of ensuring the government, but more importantly, with
transformative lifelong learning for all, the support of the private sector and other
several areas must be addressed not only by stakeholders (See Figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2 Strategy Framework to Improve Education and Lifelong Learning






Enhance Early Childhood Care and Design and implement future-ready technical and Harmonize the trifocalized system of education
Development (ECCD) curriculum vocational education and training (TVET) programs for lifelong learning
Develop and implement catch-up programs to Implement structural reforms in LUCs to strengthen Strengthen School-based Management
address learning losses linkages with TVET communities Develop and improve learning materials in line
Ensure access to quality learning resources with international standards and trends
Increase involvement/participation of industry and Rationalize workload of teachers
Improve competencies of teachers
private sector in TVET
Strengthen school-based feeding program to Design a higher education career system
Improve enterprise-based training and bolster
address malnutrition
Strengthen private-public complementarity in Partner with independent third-party institutions
the provision of quality basic education in assessing and monitoring the progress of
Adopt modern learning spaces Pursue transnational knowledge co-creation linkages students’ proficiency across all levels
with HEIs
Optimize the roles of universities as innovation hubs
and incubation centers
Establish regional university systems
Provide more research-oriented scholarships and grants
Effectively implement online and blended learning
Develop alternative assessment and certification
Improve student support to ensure student success

46 | Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 1: Quality, inclusive, adaptive, resilient, and
future-ready basic education for all achieved
Enhance early childhood care and Ensure access to quality learning
development curriculum resources

Early childhood care and development (ECCD) The Department of Education (DepEd)
programs will be enriched by recalibrating the and LGUs will ensure that all public school
curriculum for preschool, focusing on the first students have a full set of textbooks for
1,000 days of life. Partnerships between the their grade level and all teachers receive a
ECCD Council and the National Nutrition full set of manuals. The National Education
Council will be institutionalized for the full Portal (NEP) will be developed as the online
implementation of Kalusugan at Nutrisyon ng repository for all quality-assessed learning
Mag-Nanay Act (RA 11148). Barangay day care materials for teachers and learners available
centers will be established in every barangay33 for dissemination. Inclusive and interactive
to provide a conducive learning environment e-books with embedded videos, audio, and
for preschoolers. Capacity building will be even sign language translations to attend to
provided for day care workers and preschool the needs of differently-abled children will
teachers. Development of socioemotional be made available in the NEP. To respond
skills and acquisition of healthy habits, such as better to class disruptions during emergency
good personal hygiene and eating nutritious situations, self-learning modules shall be
food, will be emphasized to improve the made available in print and digital form, in
resistance of learners to sickness and diseases. addition to the textbooks provided to schools.
As a policy, the delivery of blended learning,
Develop and implement catch-up utilizing both printed and digital resources
programs to address learning losses will be promoted. The Special Education Fund
Catch-up programs will be promoted to will also be utilized to provide such learning
reduce, if not reverse, the negative effects on resources.
educational outcomes of prolonged distance
Improve competencies of teachers
learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Access to Alternative Learning System will Training on the adoption of open educational
be expanded by establishing additional resources (OER), gamification of learning,
community learning centers in municipalities and other new pedagogical practices will be
and cities. The role of guidance counselors in implemented to enhance the competencies
encouraging the students to stay in school will of teachers. Pre- and in-service training
be enhanced. of teachers will be revisited to ensure that
capacity-building programs are up-to-date,
agile, and responsive to emerging skills
and other needs. The Excellence in Teacher

Chapter 2 Promote Human and Social Development | 47

Education Act (RA 11713) will be fully teacher-to-student ratio, providing adequate
implemented. This law strengthens the Teacher textbooks, and appropriately equipping
Education Council, establishes scholarship for libraries and laboratories, among others.
students in the teacher education program,
and institutionalizes the National Educators’ Adopt modern learning spaces
Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) as provider Additional learning spaces will be set up in
of quality professional development programs partnership with education stakeholders in
for in-service teachers, school leaders, and the private and voluntary sectors—including
other teaching-related personnel in all public civil society organizations (CSO), individual
and private basic education institutions. volunteers, philanthropists, and development
practitioners—to address the current shortage
Strengthen the school-based feeding
of roughly 91,000 classrooms. Learning
program to address malnutrition
continuity will be ensured amidst possible
Malnutrition-related cognitive impairments34 future disruptions through the use of
will be reduced by promoting a regular information and communication technology
diet of sufficient quantities and varieties of (ICT). This includes augmented reality,
nutrient-dense food among children. With the virtual reality, and Internet of Things (IoT).
support of the LGUs, the school-based feeding Learning spaces will be designed, configured,
program, including those of the barangay and equipped to emulate the classroom of
day care centers, will be improved and the future. Equipping libraries with online
strengthened. This will be done according to learning management systems will be initiated
the results of the assessments on its outcomes, in collaboration with LGUs drawing from the
especially in addressing malnutrition. Special Education Fund, and with partners
from the private sector and civil society.
Strengthen private–public Inclusive Learning Resource Centers (ILRC)
complementarity in the provision of for differently abled learners will be set up in
quality basic education all cities and municipalities pursuant to RA
The voucher system will be expanded to 11650 or the Instituting a Policy of Inclusion
promote complementarity between the public and Services for Learners with Disabilities in
and private education systems and provide Support of Inclusive Education Act. At the
students more options on which school to minimum, schools will be provided with water,
attend. Private investment in basic education sanitation, and hygiene facilities; electricity;
will be encouraged to prevent overcrowding and stable internet connectivity.
and stretching the resources of public schools.
Government spending on education will be
increased to four to six percent of GDP in
line with the Education 2030 Framework for
Action. Quality of basic education will be
improved by observing minimum standards
of service delivery, e.g., maintaining ideal

48 | Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 2: Globally competitive and inclusive TVET and
higher education, and improved research output attained
for a broader knowledge economy
Design and implement future-ready Increase involvement/participation of
TVET programs industry and private sector in TVET

Future-ready TVET programs will be Industry participation in the design,

designed and implemented to prepare trainees development, implementation, and assessment
for the world of work, Fourth Industrial of TVET programs will be intensified to
Revolution (4IR), and the global knowledge respond to the needs of the national and
economy. Ladderized education programs international labor markets. Partnership with
will be promoted. Building on the gains of the the private sector, particularly with critical
enhanced science, technology, engineering, industry players, will be built and strengthened
agriculture-fisheries, and mathematics through improving collaborative mechanisms.
(STEAM) strand, agri-entrepreneurship, A customer relationship management system
tropical agriculture farming management, that will monitor existing and potential
and modern agri-fisheries technologies will partners will be established35 (See Chapter 4).
be included among the course offerings of
technical-vocational institutes (TVI). The Improve enterprise-
human resource complement of TVIs should based training and bolster
also be scaled up and rightsized to ensure micro-credentials
availability of trainers capable of implementing Enterprise-based training (EBT) will be
these new course offerings and pursuing wider expanded and promoted as a dominant mode
clientele. of TVET delivery to improve workforce
employability. This will involve enhancing
Implement structural reforms in local
and promoting EBT programs—such as
universities and colleges to strengthen
dual training systems, apprenticeship, and
linkages with TVET communities
learnership—and strengthening the Tulong
Local government units, particularly their Trabaho Act (RA 11230). Additionally,
LUCs, and polytechnic institutions will be existing laws and guidelines will be reviewed
tapped to deliver TVET programs responsive to modify funding of training programs, from
to the needs of local communities and incentives to direct subsidies, and streamline
expand opportunities for adult learning. EBT procedures. This will be done to boost
This will be supported by capacity building participation from the private sector, especially
programs for LUCs in setting up, managing, in manufacturing (See Chapter 4).
and implementing TVET programs and
establishing linkages in the communities.
Provinces with high poverty incidence will be
given priority.

Chapter 2 Promote Human and Social Development | 49

Pursue transnational knowledge Establish regional university systems
co-creation linkages with higher
The integration of SUCs into regional
education institutions
university systems or specialized institutions
Public and private HEIs shall take an active part will contribute to improved program delivery
in transnational knowledge co-creation and efficiency, reduce duplication, and foster
research with their counterparts regionally and complementarity between and among public
globally. The Transnational Higher Education and private HEIs. Various modalities of
Act (RA 11448) will be fully implemented to appropriate collaborative arrangements among
support the internationalization of Philippine SUCs shall be designed and implemented
HEIs. Additional mutual recognition (e.g., research cooperation, faculty exchange,
agreements (MRA) to facilitate the mobility of sharing of laboratory facilities, equipment,
Filipino professionals within the Association and other resources).
of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
countries and other countries and regions will Provide more research-oriented
be initiated (See Chapters 4 and 7). The higher scholarships and grants
education and TVET internationalization To achieve the goal of a knowledge-based
frameworks will be operationalized and economy, the government will establish a
implemented (See Chapter 8). strong national ecosystem for innovation and
knowledge production. It will continue and
Optimize the roles of universities
expand the provision of scholarships, including
as innovation hubs and incubation
centers grants-in-aid programs, to encourage
graduate students, research staff, and faculty
The government shall create a strong of HEIs to pursue basic and applied research
national environment for innovation and (See Chapter 8).
knowledge creation to promote participation
in the knowledge-based global economy and Effectively implement online and
advance research in higher education. This blended learning modalities
will give opportunities for aspiring researchers The use of online and mixed learning
to receive startup support and ensure that modalities in higher education will be
research outputs are supported for patenting continued to promote learning continuity
and commercialization within HEIs. This amidst possible future disruptions. Adult
strategy will be all-inclusive, allowing small learning will be facilitated through the use
niche institutions to take part and strengthen of technologies such as online video-sharing
their potential to ensure that research capacity platforms, learning management systems, and
is disseminated across all regions beyond large digital learning tools. Other options, such as
urban centers (See Chapter 8). television, radio, printed materials, and mobile
training laboratories, will be made available in
areas with limited internet connectivity. The
development and implementation of massive

50 | Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028

open online courses will be promoted as an Improve student support to ensure
optional mode of learning for students who student success
have difficulty accessing traditional education.
Higher education institutions shall strengthen
Develop alternative assessment and their student affairs and services programs
certification methods in order to provide them a peaceful, safe,
secure and healthy learning environment.
Standard assessment and certification methods The student support systems of HEIs shall
may be ineffective in a distance learning setup. ensure that their students can effectively
To evaluate student performance, identify skill transition from graduation to employment
gaps, and validate learned skills, alternative or entrepreneurship. Furthermore, the
assessment and certification procedures— implementation of the student internship in
i.e., online assessment, micro-credentials, the Philippines and abroad shall be improved
etc.—will be developed and institutionalized. so that students are able to translate their
The development of micro-credentials will theoretical learnings to practice. HEIs shall
be supported through the establishment of ensure that they will produce lifelong learners
common standards that will ensure their who are locally responsive, innovative, and
quality, transparency, recognition, and globally competitive.
international comparability (See Chapter 4).

Outcome 3: Governance for human capital development

Harmonize the trifocalized system of Workers) shall be enhanced. The Philippine
education for lifelong learning Qualifications Framework, Philippine Skills
Framework, and ASEAN Qualification
Having three distinct agencies (i.e., DepEd,
Reference Framework will be cascaded and
Commission on Higher Education [CHED],
promoted by the concerned agencies, especially
and Technical Education and Skills
DepEd, CHED, and TESDA. Qualification
Development Authority [TESDA]) focusing
frameworks of other regions (e.g., European
on basic education, higher education
Qualifications Framework, Arab Qualifications
and TVET, the trifocalized education
Framework), especially regions with high
system shall be rationalized. Coordination
job opportunities for Filipinos, will be given
and harmonization among the pillars of
proper consideration. Partnerships with local
the human capital development sector
and international institutions to enhance
(i.e., DepEd, CHED, TESDA, Department
continuing professional development, career
of Science and Technology, Professional
development support, credit transfer schemes
Regulation Commission [PRC], Department
and pathways, and equivalency systems will be
of Information and Communications
initiated to facilitate standards comparability
Technology, Department of Labor and
and professional mobility (See Chapter 4).
Employment, Department of Trade and
Industry, and Department of Migrant

Chapter 2 Promote Human and Social Development | 51

Strengthen school-based management Rationalize workload of teachers

Consistent with the overall thrust of local The workload of teachers will be reviewed
empowerment and decentralization, school- to enable them to focus on teaching rather
based management through the School than preparing routine reports, performing
Governing Council will be promoted to further administrative tasks, and being utilized by
deepen the link between the school and the other agencies for program implementation
community. School-based management grants as frontline government personnel. Teachers
of DepEd will be expanded and enhanced to shall focus more on addressing the learning
augment funding for programs and projects losses, coping with the new pedagogical
that are more responsive in catering to the practices, and enhancing their competencies
specific needs of individual schools. through participation in capacity building
interventions in accordance with international
Develop and improve learning standards. The human resources complement
materials in line with international of schools and other education institutions
standards and trends will be restructured (i.e., hiring more
Learning materials shall be continuously administrative and other non-teaching staff)
updated and improved based on recent trends to ensure effective and efficient service delivery
in international education frameworks and without putting undue burden on the teachers.
standards (e.g., promotion of civic education,
Design a higher education career
Education for Sustainable Development, and
global citizenship education with emphasis
on human rights, gender equality and social A higher education career system will be
inclusion, environmental sustainability, and designed and implemented for individuals
social justice in the curriculum). The aligned occupying leadership positions in HEIs. This
competencies of systems thinking, anticipatory will entail capacity building interventions
thinking, normative competence, strategic on leadership and technical skills needed for
competence, and interpersonal competence their positions. The career system shall create
will be the focus of curriculum and pedagogical a roster of qualified candidates for university
development. SUCs and HEIs shall be utilized presidents that have competencies at par with
in developing learning materials that adopt national and international standards while
new pedagogical practices across all levels. insulating them from political partisanship.
Continuous evaluation and updating of school
textbooks shall be given specific attention. Partner with independent third-party
Appropriate approaches shall be used in institutions in assessing and
developing mother tongue-based learning monitoring the progress of students’
materials and will be piloted, assessed, and proficiency across all levels
evaluated in selected schools. Independent third-party organizations will be
tapped to guarantee objective assessments of
students’ competencies at all education levels.

52 | Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028

Students shall undergo a regular assessment the foundation for developing more effective
that will be monitored and compared over time. instructional strategies and interventions.
The results of these assessments will serve as

Legislative Agenda
Table 2.2.1 presents legislative measures for consideration by Congress.
Table 2.2.1 Legislative Agenda to Ensure Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All


Review of the Country’s Basic Education System towards The proposed law seeks to revisit the K-12 curriculum to make Department of Education
Improving the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 the graduates more readily employable, better equipped with (DepEd)
critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and imbued with
the skills and capacities needed to be productive and active
citizens of the country.

Expansion of the National Feeding Program in secondary The proposed law addresses what is identified as among the DepEd, National Nutrition
schools biggest problems of the student population by expanding the Council
coverage of the School-Based Feeding Program, as mandated
by RA 11037, to include learners from Grades 7 to 12 to ensure
that proper government interventions are in place for the
youth in their formative and adolescent years.

Expansion of the Government Assistance to Students In recognition of the complementary role of the private schools DepEd
and Teachers in Private Education (GASTPE) to in providing basic education to Filipino learners, the measure
Elementary Level aims to expand the existing government assistance for high
school students and teachers in private education to include
students in private schools in the kindergarten up to Grade 6
level. The Teacher Salary Subsidy (TSS) is also proposed to be
expanded to cover teachers employed in private elementary

Strengthening of the Technical and Vocational Education This proposed measure aims to incorporate the existing Technical Education
and Training (TVET) in the Philippines by incorporating programs under the “Enterprise-Based Training Program” and Skills Development
Apprenticeship and Dual Training System, providing for administered by the Technical Education and Skills Authority (TESDA)
Continuous Training of the Unemployed, and Expanding Development Authority (TESDA) and expand the provision of
the Provision of Enterprise-Based Education and training programs being implemented within companies. The
Training program can be a mix of workplace training and classroom-
based learning. Strengthening partnerships among local
universities and colleges, TESDA, and TVET institutions are
suggested to be highlighted to ensure that programs will
cater to community needs and priorities, including agri-

Key legislations improving education infrastructure (See Chapter 12), reviving the Mandatory Reserve Officers Training DepEd, Commission on
Corps and/or integrating disaster risk response and management training in the curriculum of students (See Chapter 13), Higher Education, TESDA
promoting upskilling and reskilling of labor force (See Chapter 4), and advancing R&D and innovation (See Chapter 8).

Also important for ensuring lifelong learning and reskilling of labor force (See Chapter 4),
opportunities are key legislations improving and advancing research and development and
education infrastructure (See Chapter 12), innovation (See Chapter 8).
reviving the Mandatory Reserve Officers Training
Corps and/or integrating disaster risk response
and management training in the curriculum of
students (See Chapter 13), promoting upskilling

Chapter 2 Promote Human and Social Development | 53

Results Matrix
Table 2.2.2 presents indicators and targets for lifelong learning opportunities.
Table 2.2.2 Results Matrix: Ensure Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All


(2021) 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 VERIFICATION INTER-AGENCY BODY

Subchapter 2.2 Improved Education and Lifelong Learning

1. Learning 90.9 Decreasing International Department of

poverty rate (%) (2019) Large-Scale Education (DepEd)
Assessment results,
World Bank report

2. Proportion of learners achieving at least “Proficient” in the National Achievement Test (NAT) (%) NAT Results, DepEd
Learner Information
2.1 Reading System,
Grade 3 56.0 63.4 66.2 68.90 71.7 74.40 77.2
Basic Education
Information System
Grade 6 17.7 32.9 40.2 47.6 54.9 62.2 69.5

Grade 10 36.4 43.2 49.2 55.2 61.2 67.2 73.2


Grade 12 24.0 34.0 39.0 44.0 49.0 54.0 59.0


2.2 Mathematics

Grade 3 27.1 36.0 42.0 48.0 54.0 60.0 66.0


Grade 6 17.6 31.4 38.4 45.4 52.4 59.4 66.4


Grade 10 13.1 30.4 38.4 46.3 54.1 61.8 69.6


Grade 12 2.8 18.0 23.0 28.0 33.0 38.0 43.0


3. Participation 16.0 23.0 28.0 33.0 43.0 53.0 63.0 Early CHildhood Care ECCD Council
Rate of 0–4.11 (2018) and Development
Years Old in *2018 has the (ECCD) Information
Early Learning highest encoding System,
Programs (%) rate by local National Child
government units Development Center
(LGUs); succeeding Enrollment Tracking
years have lower and Information
submission rates System,
National ECCD
Monitoring Evaluation
and Accountability
System (will be
fully utilized during
the 2nd term of
the Philippine
Development Plan)

4. Licensure examination passing rate

54 | Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028

(2021) 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 VERIFICATION INTER-AGENCY BODY

4.1 Licensure examination for teachers (LET) (%) LET results Commission on Higher
Education (CHED),
4.1.1 Elementary 52.36 54 56 58 60 62 64 Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC)
4.1.2 Secondary 51.13 53 55 57 59 61 63

4.2 Licensure examination across all disciplines (%) Licensure CHED, PRC
examination results
4.2.1 Overall 38.8 40 42 44 46 48 50
takers (2019)

4.2.2 First-time 57 59 61 63 65 67 69
takers (2019)

5. Global competitiveness of Philippine higher education institutions (HEI)

5.1 Number 21 22 24 25 27 28 30 Quacquarelli CHED

of HEIs in Symonds Asia
reputable rankings, Times
international Higher Education,
rankings World University
increased Rankings, Impact
Ranking, or other
ranking systems
identified by CHED

6. Technical 92 92 92.5 93 93.5 94 94.5 TESDA Management TESDA

Education Information System
and Skills
Rate (%)

Chapter 2 Promote Human and Social Development | 55

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