Left Invariant Vector Fields of A Class of Top Spaces: N. Ebrahimi
Left Invariant Vector Fields of A Class of Top Spaces: N. Ebrahimi
Left Invariant Vector Fields of A Class of Top Spaces: N. Ebrahimi
N. Ebrahimi
1 Introduction
Lie groups were initially introduced as a tool to solve or simplify ordinary and partial
differential equations, and found numerous applications in Physics. The notion of
top space as a generalization of Lie group was considered in [1]. We recall first its
We denote the left translation and the right translation associated to an element
g ∈ T , the maps lg : T → T and rg : T → T , respectively defined by
A vector field X on a top space T is called a left invariant vector field if (lg )∗ (X(p)) =
X(lg (p)), where p, g ∈ T . Right invariant vector fields are similarly defined by sub-
stituting rg with lg .
Note that left and right translations in Lie groups are diffeomprphisms, while top
spaces don’t generally have this property. Suppose that T is a top space such that
T t = T , for some t ∈ T , where T t = {gt : g ∈ T }. The following theorem implies that
rt is a diffeomorphism for all t ∈ T . In particular, re(t) = id, for all t ∈ T .
f , then T t = T g, where t, g ∈ T . In particular,
Theorem 1.1. [1] If T t ∩ T g 6= ¡
T t = T e(t).
Definition 1.2. A top space T is called a right (left) top space if T t = T (tT = T ),
for some t ∈ T .
There exist right(left) top spaces with an infinite number of identities.
Example 1.3. [1] The n- dimensional torus T n = Rn /Zn with the product
Let Y be a smooth vector field on T such that Y (e(t)) = X(e(t)). We define the
following smooth functions on T :
Theorem 2.3. Let T be a right top space with its Lie algebra τ . Then dim(τ ) =
rank(le(t) ), for all t ∈ T .
Proof. Let α : τ → Te(t) (T ) be the map defined by α(X) = X(e(t)), for some t ∈ T .
We show that α is an one to one homorphism of Lie algebras and that img(α) =
img((le(t) )∗ ). But α is injective, for if α(X) = α(Y ), then X(e(t)) = Y (e(t)). Since X
and Y are left invariant vector fields X(g) = (lg )∗ X(e(t)) = (lg )∗ Y (e(t)) = Y (g) for all
g ∈ T then consequently X = Y . Let X(e(t)) ∈ Te(t) (T ). If there exists a left invariant
vector field Y ∈ τ such that α(Y ) = X(e(t)), then Y (e(t)) = (le(t) )∗ Y (e(t)) = X(e(t)),
and consequently X(e(t)) ∈ img((le(t) )∗ ). Conversely, if X(e(t)) ∈ img((le(t) )∗ ),
then there exists Y (e(t)) ∈ Te(t) (T ) such that (le(t) )∗ Y (e(t)) = X(e(t)). Hence
(le(t) )∗ X(e(t)) = X(e(t)).
Now let X be the left invariant vector field which is determined by X(e(t)). Then
α(X) = X(e(t)). It is trivial to check that α is linear and preserves the bracket
operation. Hence α : τ → img((le(t) )∗ is an isomorphism and dim(τ ) = rank(le(t) ),
which concludes the proof. ¤
Proof. If t, g ∈ e(T ), then (lt |gT )−1 (t) = g. Since T = ∪g∈e(T ) gT , we have lt−1 (t) =
∪g∈e(T ) (lt |gT )−1 (t) = e(T ). Moreover, by theorem 2.2 rank(lt ) is constant and con-
sequently e(T ) is embedded in T . ¤
Lemma 2.5. The function e : T → T is a smooth map and has constant rank.
Lemma 2.6. Let T be a right top space. Then (tT, i) is embedded in T , for t ∈ T .
Moreover, tT is a Lie group.
Proof. Since tT = e−1 (e(t)) and the function e has constant rank, it is an embedded
submanifold of T . Therefore the maps m2 ◦ (i × i) : tT × tT → tT and m1 ◦ i : tT → tT
are smooth and tT is a Lie group. ¤
Theorem 2.7. Let T be a right top space. Then T is isomorphic with a right Rees
Proof. Let t ∈ e(T ) and let the map p : e(T ) → tT be defined by p(s) = t, for every
s ∈ e(T ). We prove that the right Rees matrix M (tT, e(T ), p) is isomorphic with T .
Let α : T → e(T ) × tT be the map defined by α(g) = (e(g), tg), for every g ∈ T . α is
injective and surjective and α−1 : e(T ) × tT → T is given by α−1 (s, tg) = stg. α and
α−1 are smooth. In addition α(gg 0 ) = α(g)α(g 0 ), hence α is an isomorphism of top
spaces. ¤
Definition 3.1. [2] Let T be a top space and let G be a topological group. Then a
covering projection P : T → G is called a top space covering projection, if P satisfies
the following conditions:
Theorem 3.1. [3] If T is a top space with a finite number of identities, then there
exists a topological group G and a top space covering P : T → G.
Let T be a top space with finite number of identities. Since e−1 (e(t)), for every
t ∈ T , it is open and it is a Lie group. Theorem 2.3 of [3] implies that these Lie
groups are diffeomorphic. In addition, the proof of theorem 3.1 implies that P : T →
Left invariant vector fields of a class of top spaces 41
e−1 (e(t0 )), P (t) = e(t0 )te(t0 ) is a top space covering, for every t ∈ T . Hence the
following theorem shows that the Lie algebra of a top space T with a finite number
of identities and the Lie algebra of the Lie group e−1 (e(t0 )) are isomorphic.
Theorem 3.2. [2] If T is a top space with card(e(T )) < ∞, G is a Lie group and P :
T → G a top space covering projection, then there exists a one-to-one correspondence
between left invariant vector fields of G and left invariant vector fields of T . Moreover
the Lie algebra created by the Left invariant vector fields of T is isomorphic to the Lie
algebra of G.
In the remainder of this section we show that the Lie algebra of a right top space
T and tT = e−1 (e(t)) are isomorphic as well.
Definition 3.2. [2] Suppose that T is a top space. A curve ϕ : R :→ T is called a
one parameter subgroup of T if it satisfies the condition ϕ(t1 + t2 ) = ϕ(t1 )ϕ(t2 ), for
all t1 , t2 ∈ R.
Theorem 3.3. Suppose that T is a right top space then there is a correspondence
between one parameter subgroups of T and its left invariant vector fields.
Proof. Let ϕ : R → T be a one parameter subgroup. We have ϕ(s) = ϕ(0 + s) =
ϕ(0)ϕ(s) = ϕ(s)ϕ(0). Hence e(ϕ(s)) = ϕ(0), for all s ∈ R. Consequently, ϕ(R) ⊆
ϕ(0)T and ϕ is a one parameter subgroup of the Lie group ϕ(0)T . Hence there exists
a left invariant vector field corresponding to ϕ.
Conversely, suppose that X is a left invariant vector field on T ; then X defines
a local one parameter group action σ : W ⊆ R × T → T , such that σ(0, g) = g and
(σg )∗ ( dt |0 ) = X(g). We define ϕ : (−δ, δ) → T by ϕ(t) = σ(t, ϕ(0)), where ϕ(0) ∈
e(T ), and (−δ, δ) is such that (−δ, δ) × ϕ(0) ⊆ W . We show that if t, s, t + s ∈ (−δ, δ).
Then ϕ(t + s) = ϕ(t)ϕ(s). If the parameter s is fixed and σ(t, ϕ(s)) = ϕ(s)ϕ(t),
then we have σ(0, ϕ(s)) = ϕ(s)ϕ(0) = ϕ(s), since ϕ(0) ∈ e(T ) and T is a right top
space. In addition, σ satisfies the same differential equation for σ:
d d d
dt (σ(t, ϕ(s))) = dt (ϕ(s)ϕ(t)) = lϕ(s)∗ ϕ∗ ( dt |t ) = lϕ(s)∗ (X(ϕ(t)))
= X(ϕ(s)ϕ(t)) = X(σ(t, ϕ(s)).
By the uniqueness theorem of ordinary differential equation, we conclude that:
ϕ(t + s) = σ(t + s, ϕ(0)) = σ(t, σ(s, ϕ(0))) = σ(t, ϕ(s)) = ϕ(s)ϕ(t).
This implies that ϕ((−δ, δ)) ⊆ ϕ(0)T . Now it suffices to prove that (−δ, δ) = R. But
ϕ : (−δ, δ) → ϕ(0)T is smooth, since ϕ(0)T is imbedded in T . Hence X(ϕ(s)) ∈
Tϕ(s) ϕ(0)T . Consequently, X|ϕ(0)T is a smooth left invariant vector field on the Lie
group ϕ(0)T and we have (−δ, δ) = R. ¤
Theorem 3.4. Let T be a right top space. Then there exists a correspondence between
one parameter subgroups of tT , for every t ∈ e(T ) and one parameter subgroups of T .
Proof. Let t ∈ e(T ). Lemma 2.6 implies that tT is Lie group and lt : T → tT is a
smooth map. Then lt (g) = t, for g ∈ e(T ) and lt (t1 t2 ) = tt1 t2 = tt1 tt2 = lt (t1 )lt (t2 ).
Hence if α is a one parameter subgroup of T , then lt ◦ α is a one parameter S subgroup
of tT . In addition if α is a one parameter subgroup of tT then lt−1 (α) = g∈e(T ) gα.
For every g ∈ e(T ), gα, is a one parameter subgroup of T . ¤
42 N. Ebrahimi
Theorem 3.5. Let T be a right top space. Then there is a one to one correspondence
between left invariant vector fields of T and left invariant vector fields of tT , for
t ∈ e(T ). Moreover, the Lie algebra created by the left invariant vector fields of T is
isomorphic to the Lie algebra of tT .
Proof. If X is a left invariant vector field of T then by theorem 3.3 there is a one
parameter subgroup of T correspondence to X that ϕ(0) = t. Theorem 3.4 implies
that tϕ is a one parameter subgroup of tT . Since tT is a Lie group, then there exists
exactly one left invariant vector field in correspondence to tϕ. Conversely, if X is a
left invariant vector field on tT , then its one parameter group is contained in T and
by theorem 3.3 there exists a left invariant vector field correspondence to this one
parameter subgroup. ¤
Proof. Theorem 2.7 implies that T 'α M (nT, e(T ), p) and N ' M (nN, e(N ), p), for
some n ∈ e(N ). In addition by using Lemma 4.1, α|ΓN : ΓN → M (nT, e(N ), p)
is an isomorphism. Note that nN = Nn and nT = Tn . Nn is a closed sub-
group of the Lie group Tn , since N is closed by assumption. Hence by theorem
3.58 of [5], Tn /Nn has a manifold structure such that π0 : Tn → Tn /Nn is smooth
and for every gNn ∈ Tn /Nn there exists a local section i.e, there are a neighbor-
hood W0 of gNn and a map τ0 : W0 → Tn such that π0 ◦ τ0 = id. A coset of
M (Tn , e(T ), p)/M (Tn , e(N ), p) is of form (m, gNn ), where m ∈ e(N ) and g ∈ Tn .
Hence M (Tn , e(T ), p)/M (Nn , e(N ), p) = e(N ) × Tn /Nn and consequently it has a
manifold structure. Under this manifold structure π1 = id × π0 is smooth. In ad-
dition if (m, gNn ) ∈ M (Tn , e(T ), p)/M (Nn , e(N ), p) then we define τ1 = (id, τ0 ) on
W1 = e(N ) × W0 . Now it is clear that τ1 ◦ π1 = id.
Let β : T /N → M (Tn , e(T ), p)/M (Nn , e(N ), p) be the map defined by β(xNx ) =
(e(x), nxNn ). We prove that β is a one to one correspondence. It is well defined, for if
xNx = yNy then e(x) = e(y). Remark 4.2 implies that xN = yN hence nxN = nyN
and consequently β(xNx ) = β(yNy ). It is one to one, since if β(xNx ) = β(yNy )
then e(x) = e(y) and nxN = nyN . Consequently xN = e(x)nxN = e(x)nyN =
yN . In addition β is on to, sine if (m, gNn ) ∈ M (Tn , e(T ), p)/M (Nn , e(N ), p) then
β(mgN ) = (m, ngNn ). Now β induces a manifold structure on T /N . Note that
π1 ◦α = β ◦π. Hence π is a smooth map. In addition if one define τ : β −1 (W1 ) → T /N
by τ = α−1 ◦ τ1 ◦ β. Then π ◦ τ = id and the proof is complete. ¤
Definition 4.3. A generalized left action of a top space T on a manifold M is a
smooth map λ : T × M → M such that:
• for each t1 and t2 ∈ T , λ(t1 , λ(t2 , m)) = λ(t1 t2 , m);
• for each m ∈ M and t ∈ T , λ(e(t), m) = m.
Definition 4.4. Let λ be an action on the top space T . Then H(m) = {t ∈ T :
λ(t, m) = m} is called the stabilizer of λ.
Remark 4.5. Let λ be a generalized left action of the top space T on the manifold
M . One can define for each m ∈ M and t ∈ T two maps which are related to λ:
• λm : T → M, λm (s) = λ(s, m) for every s ∈ T ;
• λt : M → M , λt (n) = λ(t, n) for every n ∈ M .
−1 −1
Note that λt ◦ λt = λt ◦ λt = id, and consequently λt is a diffeomorphism for
every t ∈ T . Moreover, H(m) = λ−1m (m). A generalized action λ is transitive if for
every n, m ∈ M there is t ∈ T such that λ(t, n) = m.
Theorem 4.3. Let T be a right top space and λ be a left action of T on the manifold
M . Then H(m) is a sub - top space of T .
Proof. Since T is a right top space, se(t) = s, for every s, t ∈ T . Hence λ(e(s), λ(s, m)) =
λ(s, λ(e(t), m)) and we have λe(s) ◦λm (s) = λs ◦λm (e(t)). Consequently (λe(s) )∗ (λm (s))◦
(λm )∗ (s) = (λs )∗ (λm (e(t)) ◦ (λm )∗ (e(t)). Since λe(s) and λs are diffeomorphisms
rank(λm ) in e(t) and s is equal. Hence rank(λm ) is constant and consequently
H(m) = λ−1 m (m) is an embedded submanifold. In addition it is a generalized group
and consequently it is a sub - top space. ¤
44 N. Ebrahimi
[1] M. R. Molaei, Top spaces, J. Interdiscip. Math. 7, 2 (2004), 173-181.
[2] M. R. Molaei and M. R. Farhangdoost, Lie algebras of a class of top spaces,
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[3] M. R. Molaei and M. R. Farhangdoost, Characterization of top spaces by diffeo-
morphic Lie groups, Differ. Geom. Dyn. Syst. 11 (2009), 130-134.
[4] M. R. Molaei, G. S. Khadekar and M. R. Farhangdoost, On Top spaces, Balkan
J. Geom. Appl. 11, 1 (2006), 101-106.
[5] F. Warner, Foundations of Differentiable manifolds and Lie groups, Springer,
Author’s address:
Neda Ebrahimi
Department of Mathematics,
Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman.
E-mail: n ebrahimi@mail.uk.ac.ir