Trends and Issues
Trends and Issues
Trends and Issues
Competent teachers are considered knowledgeable in their respective content areas.
Being part of the education system, teachers need to be aware of the contemporary issues
and trends in education. Issues such as population explosion, HIV/AIDS, Gender
Development, sustainable development require a broad based knowledge approach for
teacher preparation. Therefore, a course on contemporary issues and trends in education
is considered significant to develop an insight among teachers.
At the end of this course, the students will be able to:
Graded Assignments
Three assignment of this course will be given to students. First assignment will be based upon the
topics given in outline. Second assignment will be based upon which trends are being followed in
contemporary society in each of the topic assigned to them. Third assignment will be based upon
article review based on the trends and issues.
Non graded tasks
1. Interview the relevant person on each of the issue you are researching (based on assignment
1). This can be done from someone else in the class.
2. Select two issues of education that have not been focused on the outline.
3. Make your action plan for each of the issue assigned to you.
The minimum attendance requirement to appear in the Summative Examination of a course will be
75% of the classes held in that course. Any kind of leave (Emergency/Medical/etc.) requested by the
student, will be considered as absence from class.
Marks Distribution
a) Formative Assessment 40%
Sessional (i.e. Assignments/Presentations/Quizzes etc.) 20%
Mid Semester Examination 20%
b) Summative Examination 60%
Grading Policy
The letter grades and corresponding grade points are as follows:
Grade Marks in Percent Grade Points
A+ 90 & above 4.00
A 80 to 89 3.50 to 3.95
B 70 to 79 3.00 to 3.45
C 60 to 69 2.50 to 2.95
D 50 to 59 2.00 to 2.45
F Less than 50 0.00