GRADE: _________ SECTION: ______________
ADVISER: ______________________________
Though wearing of school uniform is optional, it has been agreed before with the parents that the
students shall wear their prescribed and complete uniform at all times for proper identification. The uniform
carries the name of the school that is why it shall be worn with decency. Below is the description of the
prescribed uniform.
Ladies: short-sleeved plain white blouse (gala) with collar, checkerd blue necktie, blue
skirt (checkerd) with round pleats two inches below the knee, black shoes with
white socks.
Gentltmen: white polo with collar, black straight cut pants (not baston cut), plain
black shoes with white socks.
The MAPEH uniform must be worn only during their MAPEH classes, unless required for special
Identification Card (ID) is a part of the school uniform. It should be regarded with utmost respect. It
should be worn at all times, especially inside the school premises. In case the ID is lost, the student shall
secure a new one from the SSG adviser, after presenting a written request and
Shall pay for the new ID.
Boys should have clean and manly haircut. The acceptable haircut should be at least one (1) inch
above the earlobe and three (3) inches above the collar line. Hair must not cover the nape or touch the
eyebrows. Operation haircut shall be done every first Friday of the month. Faddish hair coloring and style are
prohibited. Wearing earrings among the boys are not allowed. Tattoos, too are not allowed for both male and
Girls’ hair must always be neatly combed, clipped or tied when needed. Bangs should not
cover the face. Faddish hair coloring and multiple earrings are not allowed. Colored nail polish for
both boys and girls are prohibited.
Students are not allowed to wear make-up during school days, except when there are activities that
require them to do so.
A student may not be admitted in his/her class if he/she fails to bring his/her parent or guardian to the
as requested by the school authorities. Or he/she must present to the office a letter from the parent.
In case a student gets absent, an excuse letter duly signed by the parent/guardian must be
presented to the adviser. Any student who is absent frequently is required to bring his/her parent or
guardian to the school for a conference with the adviser, the concerned subject teacher/s or school
A. Student enrolled in LPNHS are expected to be exemplary in their conduct in and out of the
school campus.
B. Offenses whether light, serious or grave have corresponding appropriate disciplinary
1.LIGHT OFFENSES are punishable by suspension from classes for one (1) or two (2)
days if offenses are committed three (3) to four (4) times. Offenses that are considered
light are as follows:
a. Wearing of unauthorized school uniform and ID
b. Tardiness/cutting classes/absences
c. Littering/Loitering
d. Creating noise in the school campus
e. Entertaining visitors during school hours
f. Playing during class hour
g. Going/jumping over the fence
h. Wearing indecent and seductive attires
i. Bringing/using cellular phones and other electronic gadgets during school days
j. Uttering bad words
k. Wearing caps inside the campus, office/classroom
2. SERIOUS OFFENSES are punishable by suspension from classes for three (3) days.
Offense that are considered serious are as follows:
a. Persistent commission of light offenses, that is five (5) times or more
b. Insubordination
c. Gambling
d. Smoking
e. Frequent bringing/using of cell phones, and other electronic gadgets like laptop, PSP,
I-pod is not allowed. Laptop may only be allowed for instructional purposes with the
written permission of the subject teacher.
f. Immoral conduct
g. Creating or viewing pornographic materials
h. Playing of computers during school days
3. GRAVE OFFENSE are punishable by suspension from classes for five (5) days or more or
dismissal from school.
a. Continued and willful disregard of school rules and regulations
b. Cheating in any school activity e.g. examinations, contests
c. Tampering or falsification of school papers/records/documents
d. Involvement in street fights originating from school
e. Membership in any organization not recognized by the school (Fraternity and the like)
f. Gross immorality. This refers to students who:
f.1. enter into live-in relationship
f.2. are engaged in prostitution
f.3. become pregnant out of wedlock
f.4. viewing pornographic videos
f.5. possession of pornographic videos
f.6. involvement of students in sex scandals
g. Carrying deadly weapons
h. Assaulting others
i. Harassing/molesting other students
j. Disrespect to school authorities
k. Assaulting any school personnel
l. Drunkenness/Intoxication
m. Vandalism
n. Extortion
o. Instigation
p. Theft
q. Forgery
r. Impersonation
s. Drug addiction
t. Drug trafficking
u. Violation of Municipal Ordinance
v. Fighting inside the school premise
w. Bullying
x. Boycotting
C. As a general rule, the guidance coordinator and the SSG adviser shall determine the gravity of
the offense after having gone through due process and shall be elevated with the Barangay
Officials and in coordination with the Philippine National Police (PNP) Cabatuan Unit, if the issue
is not settled at the school level.
D. Students who have been suspended for more than five(5) days or have been dismissed
from the school shall lose their privilege to re-enter in the school in the succeeding years.
E.The SSG officers headed by the SSG adviser shall conduct a monthly and unannounced body
Search(Operation Kap-kap) to student to ensure the safety of the students.
F. The students are not allowed to go out of the school campus unless they present an approval
Gate Pass duly signed by the teacher-concerned and the principal.
A student who is a member or joins any activity of any fraternity / sorority shall be
dismissed from the school.
_______________________________ _______________________________
Signed Over Printed Name of Student Signed Over Printed Name of Parent
Recommending Approval:
Secondary School Principal II