New Dynamic English Grammar and Composition-9

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Krishna Prasad Regmi

Edited by
Balaram Sharma
TU Topper in English Education (M.ED)
Koushalya Gurung

Shubharambha Publication Pvt. Ltd.

Kathmandu, Nepal
Published by:
Shubharambha Publication Pvt.Ltd.
Kathmandu, Nepal

Book: Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

Author : Krishna Prasad Regmi

Layout Design : Ram Malakar
Copyright © : Publisher
New Edition : 2075
Revised Edition : 2077

© : Publisher
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted by means (electronic,
photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior written permission from the
publisher. Any breach of this condition will entail legal action and prosecution.

Printed in Nepal
Dynamic English Grammar and Composition has been designed according to the new
English Curriculum prescribed by the Curriculum Development Centre. The series
comprises of ten textbooks from grade one to grade ten. The present book is an
amalgamation of survey of rules, structures and forms presented in lucid modern
English and illustrated with numerous examples.

The aim of this book is to bring about a change in teaching and learning English
grammar and composition-a change that will enable the learners to use grammar
in context using both inductive and deductive approaches aiming to develop four
language skills immensely. Practice in composition tasks will help to develop the
learner’s writing skills. It will encourage to writing their own thoughts, ideas and

This new edition contains huge examples and their application to communicative
approach that will increase the quality learning of English grammar. It is thought that
this change will improve the standard and acceptability of the book and I will consider
the attempts fruitful if students find the book fruitful.

I have left no stone unturned for the meaningful presentation of subject matter to
make it reader friendly. Detailed description of grammatical structures and adequate
exercises on them, plenty of guided and free writing composition with enough
practice questions, an adequate amount of vocabulary related sections and as much
as necessary self study materials have been presented in the following chapters.

I am thankful to Shubharambha Publication Pvt. Ltd. for their encouragement,

co-operation and help in preparing this book.

At last, I would like to assure all the concerned teachers, students and readers that
constructive comments and suggestions shall be tremendously appreciated and
incorporated in the upcoming edition.

The Author

Chapter I: Grammar

Articles...............................................8-19 Voice................................................101-113
Preposition......................................20-37 Connectives.....................................114-120
Question Tags..................................38-44 Conditional Sentences.....................121-127
Concord...........................................45-55 Causative Verbs...............................128-133
Sentence Transformation................56-65 Grammar Type I...............................134-136
Tense................................................66-86 Grammar Type II..............................137-141
Reported Speech...........................87-100

Chapter II: Guided Writing

Instructions..................................142-143 Messages of Congratulations..........153-154
Obligations and Prohibitions.......144-145 Invitation Card.................................155-156
Posters.........................................146-146 Writing Menus.................................157-157
Post Cards....................................147-148 Interpretation of Charts..................158-162
Advertisements ...........................149-150 Story Writing...................................163-167
Message of Condolence..............151-152 Writing News Story.........................168-170
Paragraph Writing.......................... 171-172
Chapter III: Free Writing

Letter Writing................ ..............173-183 Writing Leaflet /Brochure...............199-201

Writing an Email...........................184-197 Writing Dialogue.............................202-205
Essay Writing................. ..............188-195 Writing Views and Attitudes............206-207
Writing Newspaper Article...........196-196
Writing Reviews...........................197-198

Chapter IV: Seen Text....................208-252 Collective Nouns.............................297-297
Chapter V: Unseen Text................253-276 Glossary..........................................298-308
Chapter VI: Listening....................277-281 Irregular Verbs................................309-312
Chapter VII: Speaking...................282-286 Regular Verbs..................................313-315
Antonyms.....................................287-290 Model Question..............................316-320
Test Specification Grid,2017
Compulsory English Full Marks: 100 Theory: 75 Practical: 25
The Secondary Level Compulsory English Curriculum is based on language skills and aspects. Unlike
the grids of other core subjects, language skills are considered as different areas of learning. The
examination specification grid of this course reflects the assessment part of the curriculum. It assists
test item developers to design valid test items that will measure the attainment of the learning
outcomes set in the curriculum. It also gives the type and number of test items required to measure
a particular skill. Twenty five percent weightage is allocated for listening and speaking skills which
are tested conducting practical tests. Forty percent weightage is allocated for reading, and thirty five
percent weightage is allocated for writing. The language functions are tested under speaking, grammar
is tested within writing, and vocabulary is tested within reading. For the students with visual, speech
and hearing difficulties, alternative testing devices are used.
Competence Level (Knowledge/Understanding) and Performance Level (Practical Abilities)
Listening : 10 Marks Speaking : 15 Marks
Time: 20 Minutes Time: 15 Minutes
Type of Test items Type of Test items
1. Multiple choice with answers or pictures Each student at the beginning of speaking test
2. Fill in the blanks should be asked some very general questions
3. Ordering to make the students feel comfortable. The
4. Matching following types of test items will be used to
Short answer questions (Items should be prepared assess the speaking skill:
in such a way that the answers can be given in not 1. General interview (3 marks)
more than 4 words and it should be stated in the (Ask any three questions on personal/
instruction with an example.) common/familiar topics.)
Materials 2. Cued situation (4 marks)
Sound Files (Give students at least two cued situation so
Interviews, conversations, short discussions/talks, that they will speak at least two sentences
each using appropriate language functions/
adverts/commercials, reports, announcements,
news, detailed directions, stories, operating
3. Speaking on a given topic (4 marks)
instructions, messages, weather forecast, personal (Give a topic to the students, give them some
profiles, short narratives, recorded or broadcast time to think, and ask them to speak on the
audio material same.)
Note: The sound files should be authentic and clearly 4. Describing pictures, charts, maps, tables,
articulated with average speed of delivery. etc. OR, Narrating a sequence of events (4
Number of Sound Files marks)
Three sound files carrying 4, 4, and 2 marks (Ask any one question where students are
respectively will be used and the last sound file will required to speak at least 8 sentences.)
be used to test sounds, stress and intonation. For the students with visual difficulties give
Length of the Sound File them the same three test items mentioned
Maximum three minutes above, i.e. general interview, cued situation
Total Number of Test Items: 10 and speaking on a given topic. But instead of
Weighting per Item: 1 describing pictures, charts maps, tables, etc.
For the students with speech and hearing difficulties ask them to narrate a sequence of events or
any two of the following types of question can be to tell a story that they have heard, read or
asked each containing five marks: created.
1. Paragraph writing For the students with speech and
2. Picture describing hearing difficulties, give them an unseen
3. Dialogue writing comprehension passage carrying 15 marks.
Time: 10-15 minutes per students
4. Developing a story from the given outlines
For students with visual difficulties
For students with visual difficulties , listening
Interview: 3 marks
questions designed for all students will be
Verbal response on a given situation:4 marks
Speak on a given topic:8 marks

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 5

Reading : 40 Marks Writing: 35 Marks
Time: 1:15 Hours Time: 1 Hour
Number of Texts 1. Guided writing (I) (1x 5 = 5 Marks)
1. Two seen texts-(5+10)=15 Areas to be covered: directions, instructions, obligations
2. Two unseen texts-(10+15)=25 and prohibitions, posters, electronic text messages,
Question Types: post cards, advertisements, messages of condolence,
1. Multiple Choice messages of congratulations, menus, recipes.
2. Sequencing (Ask one question from one of the above areas with
3. Fill in the gaps (without choices) sufficient guideline. Word limit for this writing will be 75
4. Multiple matching to 130 words.)
5. True/False 2. Guided writing (II) (1x5=5 Marks)
6. Short Answer questions (Items Areas to be covered: interpretation of (charts, graphs,
should be prepared in such a way that the tables, lists, pictures), short stories (outlined), invitation
answers can be given in not more than letters, thanks giving letters , letter of regret, news
4 words and it should be stated in the stories, paragraphs
instruction with an example.) (Ask one question from one of the above areas with
Note: Each text from the textbook should sufficient guideline. Word limit for this writing will be 75
contain only one type of test method and to 130 words.)
each text outside the textbook should 3. Free writing (I) (1x6= 6 Marks)
not contain more than two types of test Areas to be covered: Dialogue (with the situation given),
methods. paragraph on personal experiences, short stories (only
Materials: provide either the beginning, ending , title or the
1. Two seen texts from grade 10 moral), views and attitudes (on some current issues of
textbook. importance)
2. One unseen text carrying 10 marks: (Ask one question from one of the above areas. Word
(Text types: news stories, menus, limit for this writing will be 100 to 150 words.)
notices, manuals, advertisement, diary 4. Free writing (II) (1x 8 = 8 Marks)
entry, e-mails, product guides, time Areas to be covered: Letters, emails (personal/informal,
table, etc.) official/formal) essays (descriptive or narrative),
3. One unseen text carrying 15 marks: newspaper articles (on a given topic), reviews (of
(Text types: stories, essays, letters, films, movies, books), brochures/leaflets (on places
science articles, newspaper articles, and events of historical/cultural/ religious/ social / or
book, film reviews, etc.) tourism importance)
4. NOTE: (Ask one question from one of the above areas. Word
1. Reading objectives Grade Ten English limit for this writing will be 150 to 200 words.)
Curriculum should be measured.
2.Except short answer question, Question Type Areas Marks
the types of questions should not be Type (I): Transformation 2
repeated in the two seen comprehension Reproduction Reported speech 1
Voice 1
passages. (1x 6 = 6 Marks) Tense 1
3. This is applied to the two unseen Tags 1
comprehension passages as well. Total marks 6
Type (II): Fill in Areas Marks
Instruction: The instruction should be the gaps with the Articles 0.5
Preposition 0.5
short, clear and of appropriate level of grammar items Concord 0.5
difficulty with reference to example. in a contextual Reported Speech 0.5
Each test method given in each reading passage (0.5x10 = Voice 0.5
text should contain an example at the 5 Marks) Tense 0.5
beginning. Tags 0.5
Conditional 0.5
Total number of test items: 40 Causative verb 0.5
Marks per item:1 Connectives 0.5
Total Marks 5

6 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

Phonetic Symbols
Consonant Sounds Vowel Sounds
Symbols Words Symbols Initial Medial Final Spelling
/k/ s king, pick, cat /i: / O{ eat meat see ee, ea, ie, eo, e, ei
/g/ u gate, ghost /I/ O it sit city i, u, o, e, y, a
/ŋ/ ª sing, sink /e/ P egg pen - e, ie, ea, ue
/tƒ/ r chair, match /æ/ of act man - a
/dʒ/ h jug, judge /a: / cf arm large car a, ear, ar
/z/ h is, zoo, balls /ə/ c ago perfect the a
/ʒ/ h genre, pleasure, /ʌ/ c up but - o, u, ou, u, oe
/t/ 6 tree, mat /ʒ: / cM earth bird sir ir, ur, er, ear
/d/ 8 do, middle /ɒ/ cf] on hot - o, a, ow
/ø/ y thank, with /ɔ: / cf]M all ball saw a, aw, au
/ð/ b those, breathe /ʊ / p - book - u, ou, o, oo
/n/ g nose, man /u: / pm ooze move two o, oo, wo, ue, ou
/p/ k pot, map Diphthongs
Symbols Initial Medial Final Spelling
/f/ km fan, potato, /eI/ PO eight same say a, ay
/b/ a bag, bulb /aI / cfO{ ice might sky uy, igh, ie, y, eye
/v/ e van, save / ɔI/ cf]O{ oil voice boy oy, oi
/m/ d man, same / Iə/ Oc ear real here ear, eer, ere
/j/ o yak /ʊə/ pc - influence poor our, ocr, ure
/r/ / red, carry /eə/ Pc area chair rare air, ear, ere, eir,
/l/ n late, sell /aʊ / cfp out loud cow o, ow, ew
/w/ j walk / əʊ/ cp old home go ou, ow
/ʃ/ z shoes, sugar,
wish, chef
/s/ ; sun, miss
/h/ x house, yahoo

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 7

Read the following description.

A bicycle is a machine designed to transport a person by

means of his or her own physical effort. It is, therefore,
almost entirely environmentally friendly. Since the amount
of friction generated is much reduced, it is also extremely
It consists of four main sections: the two spoked wheels, a
set of handlebars, and a revolving cog, held together by a
metal frame. The cyclist, who is balanced on top of a seat
covered by a soft saddle, leans forwards and grips the handlebars, pushing down with
his or her feet on the pedals which rotate up and down. They drive a central notched cog
which is connected by a metal chain to the back wheel hub. Alternative gear positions are
available by operating a gear lever at hand level. Also on the handlebars is the brake lever,
which is linked by a cable to a set of brakes on the back wheel. Accessories include an air
pump, with which the rubber tyres are filled periodically with air, a speedometer, and a
headlamp for use at night.

The coloured words a, an and the are articles. They are demonstrative
Do you
adjectives. There are two types of articles in English. They are indefinite
Know? a, an and definite the.

Speaking Practice
Answer these questions based on the given description.
a. What is a bicycle?
b. How many sections does a bicycle have?
c. Where are alternative gear positions available?
d. What do accessories include?
e. Is a bicycle environment friendly?
Listening Practice
Repeat these words after your teacher.
A An The No articles
a cap an uncle the Tripitak some cats
a dog an eagle the Times few women
a flag an inkpot the Gandaki many stalls
a gun an orange the Davies Falls lots of hope
a hen an idea the Gurungs much peeper
a jug an antelope the unemployed less concern
a kite an M Ed student the third all men

8 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

a lamp an euphemism the universe both cars
a nest an article the East several girls
a taxi an ox the binocular no crops

Grammar Focus: Indefinite Article: A, An

1. Indefinite article ‘a’ is used before a singular countable noun beginning with
a consonant sound.
Example: a cow, a desk, a house, a one eyed man, a university boy, a usage, a eucalyptus
tree, a utensil, a U-turn, a user, a useless machine, a one-way ticket, a useful book, a ewe,
a union, a European, a unique creature, a unicorn, a unanimous plan, a eulogy, a unit,
a one-eyed boy, a UN spokesman, a UK plane, a US soldier, etc.
2. Indefinite article ‘an’ is used before a singular countable noun beginning with a
vowel sound.
an elephant, an umbrella, an aero plane, an orange, an applicant, an hour, an honest
man, an heir, an heiress, an X-ray machine, an honorable person, an heirloom, etc.
3. Indefinite article 'a' 'an' is used with English alphabets and abbreviations when
they are separately read out.
Example: an MA, an MP, an MBBS, an HA, an FM, an LLM, an M. ED, an NGO, an MBA,
a ‘B’, a ‘D’, an ‘F’, an ‘H’, an I.A, an M.A, an LG, an SP, a B.ED, an SOS, an SDO, a UFO, a
TOEFL score, a UNESCO office, a WHO officer, etc.
4. Indefinite article 'a' 'an' is used when a noun belongs to a group/community, profession
and expresses the meaning ‘a kind of’ even though they are uncountable nouns Examples:
Noam Chomsky is a linguist.
Bill Gates is an entrepreneur.
Mrs. Sharma is a nurse.
He is a Newar.
Gold is a useful metal.
Milk is a drink.
Iron is a metal.
5. ‘A' 'an’ is used to say how a person looks like.
Manisha’s a little Hitler.
Rohan is an honourable person.
Rina is an enthusiastic learner.
Ritesh is a violent person.
6. 'A' 'an' is used when talking about prices, quantities and rates.
They cost it 50p a kilo.
I can type 50 words a minute.
He was driving at 50 miles an hour.
7. With some phrases:
Examples: as a rule, have a pity, to have a knowledge, to make a guess at, to have a pain/
cough/fever/headache/ a talk/ a rest/ a walk/ a noise/ to have a bath/ a drink, to pay
a visit, on an average, be in a temper, to give a warning, to take an interest, have a say,
at a glance, etc.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 9

Grammar Focus: Definite Article: The
Definite article ‘the’ is used:
1. when something is mentioned for the second time.
He is wearing a hat. The hat is made in Japan.
I saw an ugly man yesterday. The man was very tall.
2. before the names of things which are unique and only one: the earth, the sky
the universe, the moon, the great wall, the Jupiter, etc.
3. before superlative degree: Mt. Everest is the highest peak in the world. Which
is the coldest place in Nepal? She is the most beautiful of all in school.
4. abstract nouns qualified by an adjective or an adjectival phrase or clause : The Wisdom
of Solomon is famous. The intelligence of Einstein is very strong.
5. before ordinal numbers: the first, the second, the fifth, the last, the next, etc.
6. before the name of musical instruments: the guitar, the flute, the madal, the harmonium, etc.
7. before the names of river, seas and oceans: the Nile, the Red Sea, the Pacific Ocean, etc.
8. before the names of groups of island: the British Isles, the West Indies, etc.
9. before the names of mountain ranges: the Himalayas, the Alps, etc.
10. before the plural names of countries: the Netherlands, the Philippines, the UK, the
USA, etc.
11. before the names of canals: the Suez Canal, the Gandak Canal, etc.
12. before the names of deserts: the Sahara, the Thar, the Gobi, etc.
13. before the names of Newspapers: the Kathmandu Post, the Washington Post, the
Republica, etc.
14. before a period of decades: the fifties, the sixties, the eighties, etc.
15. before the names of directions and poles: the south, the North Pole, the east, the
west, etc.
16. before the names of periods of history: the modern Age, the stone Age, the
Victorian age, etc.
17. before the family names and castes: the Rana, the Gurung, the Brahmin, the
Tamang, etc.
18. before the names of holy books: the Ramayana, the Bible, the Quran, the Geeta, etc.
19. before the names of nationalities/religions/ races/ positions or posts: the Chinese,
the Hindus, the Black, the Prime Minister, the principal, the class teacher, etc.
20. before a noun modified by a ‘phrase’ or ‘clause’: The boy, who is in a black coat, is a
university student. I like the pen which is made in Nepal.
21. before the name of the adjectives that represent social groups: the old, the
unemployed the blind, the deaf, the young, the rich, the poor, the sick, the homeless,
the elderly, etc.
22. before special meals: the birthday party, the wedding anniversary party, etc.
23. before parts of day: the morning, the afternoon, the evening, etc.
24. before the names of ships and aeroplanes: the Mary Celeste, the Titanic, the Buddha
Air, etc.
25. before the names of hotels, restaurants, theaters, cinemas, clubs: the Soaltee, the
Guna Cinema, the Lion’s Club, the Rastriya Nach Ghar, etc.
26. before the names of scientific innovations: the telephone, the television, the computer,
the radio, etc.

10 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

27. before the names of political parties: the Congress, the CPN-UML, the Forum, the
Labour Party, the Communist Party, etc.
28. before the name of the historic events: the Martyrs’Day, the Independence Day, etc.
29. before the names of the museums and libraries: the National Museum, the American
Library, the Science Museum, etc.
30. before the names of the parts in the house: the kitchen, the bedroom, the study room,
the dining room, the toilet, etc.
31. some other examples:
Pokhara is known as the Cherapunji of Nepal.
The sooner it is done, the better result it produces.
The more you work hard, the more you earn.
Some of / a few of / most of the students passed the exam.
Repetition of the Article
The secretary and treasurer has gone on leave.
The secretary and the treasurer have gone on leave.
Here the first sentence clearly indicates that the nouns secretary and treasurer refer to
the same person. The repetition of the article in the second sentence indicates that the
nouns refer to two different persons.
Winston Churchill was a great orator and statesman. (Here the reference is to one
person – Churchill.)
There were on the jury among others a great orator and a great statesman. (Here the
reference is to two different persons.)
Grammar Focus: No Articles
We do not use article before:
1. uncountable and abstract nouns used in a general sense.
Honey is sweet. (NOT The honey is sweet.)
Sugar is bad for your teeth.
Wisdom is better than riches.
Virtue is its own reward.
Note that uncountable nouns take the article the when used in a particular sense.
Would you pass the sugar? (= the sugar on the table)
2. plural countable nouns used in a general sense.
Children usually rush about.
Computers are useful machines.
Note that plural nouns take the article the when they are used in a particular sense.
Where are the children? (Whose children? Our children)
3. the names of countries, people, continents, cities, rivers and lakes.
India is a democratic country. (NOT The India …)
Paris is the capital of France. (NOT The Paris …)
4. the names of meals.
Mother is cooking lunch.
Dinner is ready.
I had a late dinner yesterday.
The lunch we had at the restaurant was very good.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 11

5. the names of languages.
Can you speak English? (NOT Can you speak the English?)
They speak French at home.
6. school, college, university, church, bed, hospital, prison, etc. when these places are
used for primary purpose.
His dad is still in hospital.
We learned English at school.
He is at university.
I go to temple every day.
He usually goes to bed at 10 pm.
Note that 'the' is used before these words when the reference is to the building or
object rather than to the normal activity that goes on there.
I went to the hospital to see my friend.
I went to the temple to observe its architecture.
7. the names of days and months.
Saturday is the holiday in Nepal.
January is the first month of the year.
8. the names of diseases, games, colours and possessive pronouns.
He died of AIDs.
Cricket is a popular game.
My favourite colour is white.
I like his hair style.
Grammar Focus: Common Errors
Incorrect Correct
A red and white cow are grazing. A red and a white cow are grazing.
Horse is faithful animal. The Horse is a faithful animal.
He put his ability to test. He put his ability to the test.
I have got headache. l have got a headache.
The gold is more valuable than the silver. Gold is more valuable than silver.
His father is poet and a novelist. His father is a poet and novelist.
Paris is as famous city as London. Paris is as famous a city as London.
The wisdom is the gift of the God. Wisdom is a gift of God.
The tree has struck the root into the The tree has struck root into the ground.
The house caught the fire. The house caught fire.
Water of village well is very sweet. The water of village well is very sweet.
What kind of a man is he? What kind of man is he?
More we get more we want. The more we get, the more we want.
Neelam went to the sea at a very early age. Neelam went to sea at a very early age.

12 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

Additional Practice: Read these sentences.
1. A great fortune is a great slavery.
2. This is an uncensored newspaper editorial.
3. You're the third person to ask me that.
4. A great dowry is a bed full of brambles.
5. The boat hit an unexplored rock.
6. He taught himself to play the violin.
7. A good wife makes a good husband.
8. I have just become an uncle.
9. They placed the African elephant on their endangered list.
10. A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.
11. This is an uncluttered room in my house.
12. The more I think about it, the more dejected I turn out to be.
13. A nod from a lord is a breakfast for a fool.
14. He possesses an uncompromising attitude.
15. The less said about the whole thing, the happier I'll be.
16. A shy cat makes a proud mouse.
17. There was an uncommon occurrence of incident on after another.
18. I heard it on the radio.
19. A tattler is worse than a thief.
20. My friend had an uncontested divorce last year.
21. The speech reflected his love of theatricality and rhetoric.
22. A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf.
23. We had an uncontrollable urge to laugh.
24. Email lacks the immediacy of online chat.
25. A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will.
26. I have an uncontroversial opinion on the use of drugs.
27. I'm usually out during the day.
28. A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out.
29. I saw an uncouth young man yesterday.
30. In the Bible it states that humans were created in the image of God.
31. A foul morn may turn to a fair day.
32. He is an unctuous programme host.
33. With him, you should always expect the unexpected.
34. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
35. He gave me an uncut loaf of bread.
36. I was fascinated by the theatricality of the event.
37. A good beginning makes a good ending.
38. I got an undated letter from my friend yesterday.
39. The country has an undemocratically elected government.
40. A new person at a new position implements an insistent and keen reform.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 13

A. Put a, an, the or nothing where necessary.
1. ____gold is ____ most expensive.
2. ______ announcement about his resignation is pending.
3. We saw____ elephant in____ jungle.
4. Phurba is _____absolute knockout.
5. ____ cat loves fish.
6. We went to____east and found ____crowd of people.
7. ____ cow is ____ useful animal.
8. ____ first house in____ street is ours.
9. What____ lovely dress it is!
10. ____ Suez Canal is manmade.
11. ____doctor is reading____ newspaper.
12. ____large numbers of students study here.
13. ____rhino is in danger of becoming extinct.
14. What ____beautiful hill it is!
15. American scientists have found lots of information about ______space.
16. Assam is ______region of ____earthquake.
17. Can you tell me who invented____ radio?
18. What is Mr. Bhatt like? He is ____honest man.
19. Did you find ____answer to my question?
20. Disease is____ enemy of human beings.
21. Everybody loves ____nature.
22. What____ lovely garden it is!
23. Few people live in ____mountains.
24. Garima is ____most beautiful girl in our school.
25. Bibek is____ only son of his parents.
26. Carol is____ US citizen.
27. Satis is from ____remote village.
28. Manoj is going to America with______ Nepalese girl.
29. Karin is____ Eurasian boy.
30. Mr. Regmi is____ M.Ed. student.
31. The prince is____ heir of _____ palace.
32. I have got ____idea to solve this problem.
33. We have recently kept____ ewe.
34. They have read______ interesting book.
35. This is____ kind of pencil.
36. Don't forget to invite____ wretch.
37. I wanted it but I didn't have____ money.
38. My car accomplishes forty miles to____ gallon.
39. ____ more she thought about it,____ more depressed she became.
40. ____ less said about____ whole thing,____ happier I'll be.

14 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

B. Put a, an, the or nothing where necessary.
1. My brother is____ MP.
2. My father gave me____ one hundred note.
3. My father is____ M Phil student.
4. Please wait for ____hour.
5. Rabin found____ one rupee coin on the way.
6. Rajesh has gone to ____hospital for ____operation.
7. Ram always hates____ examination.
8. Bipin is ____ I.Sc. student.
9. Ranjeet is____ NGO officer.
10. Saddam was ____second Hitler.
11. Saturday is____ last day of____ week.
12. Sundar bought____ umbrella yesterday.
13. Do you know how to make____ wooden ruler?
14. Rekha Thapa is ____actress.
15. Shree is learning to play _____guitar.
16. Pemba is perfect in____ classical music.
17. Niraj is____ friend of them.
18. Prinsa must be____ intelligent girl.
19. There is six month’s day in ____South Pole.
20. There is____ university in Pokhara.
21. All these cricketers are from____ West Indies.
22. They are looking for____ clues.
23. Some boys are running across _____road.
24. He has climbed up____ Everest within 2 years.
25. They have decided to make ____uniform for staff.
26. I haven’t read____ Vedas.
27. They live in____ Netherlands.
28. We played ____volleyball yesterday.
29. There has been _____ unaccountable increase in cases of _____ disease.
30. Too many government departments are unaccountable to ____ general public.
31. Her contribution to____ research went largely unacknowledged.
32. Mr. Ashok Rai is____ unacknowledged leader of____ group.
33. People's rights are unaffected by____ new law.
34. Do you know _____ unstressed syllable?
35. She had_____ warm smile and _____ unaffected manner.
36. Retirement is _____ unaffordable luxury for workers.
37. Death is____ irrevocable laws of____ universe.
38. He has _____ unalterable belief.
39. ____ teacher made _____ unambiguous statement.
40. I have _____ unambitious plan to get rid of our present problem.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 15

C. Put a, an, the or nothing where necessary.
1. He got_____ unanimous vote of his native village people.
2. ____ jury reached _____unanimous verdict of not guilty.
3. She was____ unanimous choice of____ selection committee.
4. There has been _____ unannounced increase in bus fares lately.
5. He sang _____ unashamedly sentimental song at____ party.
6. ____ party now has _____ unassailable lead.
7. Their ten-point lead puts____ team in _____ almost unassailable position.
8. We have set _____ unattainable goal.
9. He put _____ unattractive brown colour in____ drawing.
10. This is _____ unbalanced article.
11. We should not have _____ unbalanced diet.
12. Mrs. Sushila Karki is _____ unbiased judge.
13. He had _____ unblemished reputation.
14. I had _____ astute feeling as I was being watched.
15. He has ____uncanny knack of being able to see immediately where____ problem lies.
16. My house has _____ uncared-for garden.
17. We live in _____ uncaring society.
18. It is _____ uncensored newspaper article.
19. ____ship hit _____ uncharted rock.
20. What _____ uncompetitive industry it is!
21. Budhi Gandaki Hydropower is _____ uncompleted project.
22. She left____ sentence uncompleted.
23. My father is _____ easygoing businessman.
24. Why can't I have _____ uncomplicated life?
25. He was triumphant in _____ uncontested election.
26. I had _____ uncontrollable urge to laugh.
27. He's _____ omnipresent child.
28. He chose _____ uncontroversial topic for his speech.
29. He has set _____ unconventional approach to____ problem.
30. She was _____ aggressive and uncooperative child.
31. I saw _____ uncouth young man at____ party today.
32. He is _____ unctuous programme host.
33. ____ uncut grass came up to her waist.
34. My mother gave me _____ abridged loaf of bread.
35. I got _____ undated letter from my friend today.
36. ____ money was lent for _____ undefined period of time.
37. Some countries have _____ undemocratic regime.
38. ____ present government is _____ undemocratically elected government.
39. It is _____ undeniable fact that crime is increasing.
40. There was _____ undignified rush for____ best seats.

16 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

D. Put a, an, the or nothing where necessary.
1. He uttered _____ unearthly cry.
2. ____ job involved getting up at some unearthly hour to catch____ first train.
3. What _____ unemotional speech it is!
4. She had _____ unerring instinct for_____ good business deal.
5. He gave _____ exact answer to my question.
6. There is _____ uneven distribution of resources in____ developing countries.
7. ____ teams are unevenly matched.
8. What _____ unexpected result it is!
9. Mr. Luitel is _____ unexpected visitor.
10. ____ announcement was not entirely unexpected.
11. ____ plane was unexpectedly delayed.
12. She died unexpectedly of_____ heart attack.
13. They had been given _____ unfair advantage.
14. ____ tests discriminate unfairly against older people.
15. There is _____ unfathomable mystery behind this story.
16. It was _____ inexcusable thing to say.
17. Suicide bombing is _____ unforgivable act of violence.
18. What _____ unhelpful response you have given!
19. They were forced to take_____ unilateral decision.
20. ____ rebels unilaterally declared_____ ceasefire.
21. I have required_____ babysitter.
22. ____first two questions were relatively easy but____ third one was hard.
23. There was _____ accident. _____car hit _____tree and____ driver was killed.
24. ____heat was getting to be too much for me.
25. ____nights are getting longer.
26. What's______ matter with you?
27. ____phone has been ringing for 2 minutes.
28. I patted my brother on____ back.
29. ____people I met there were very friendly.
30. It was____ best day of my life.
31. You're____ third person to ask me that.
32. Friday is____ thirteenth day of winter vacation.
33. He taught himself to play____ violin.
34. ____dolphin is _____ intelligent animal.
35. At ____ extreme edges coating is very thin.
36. I heard it on____ radio.
37. I'm usually out during____ day.
38. With him, you should always expect____ unexpected.
39. ____condition of____ unemployed person is too miserable.
40. I cannot learn____ French Literature within _____ hour.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 17

E. Put a, an, the or nothing where necessary.
1. It is____ LG television set.
2. It is____ opinion of Nepalese leaders.
3. Mr. Akbar is ____unique professor.
4. Mrs. Anuradha is ____honorable teacher.
5. Mt. Everest is ____highest peak in the world.
6. ____ pale wintry sun shone through ____ clouds.
7. ____ voice hailed us from ____ other side of ____ street.
8. For my money, he's one of ____ greatest comedians of all time.
9. He lives in ____ little universe of his own.
10. He was ____ dirty player and loved to kick out of ____ opposition.
11. I left him in ____ market haggling over ____ price of a shirt.
12. It's taken him ____ misery of ____ long time to get here.
13. I've been called all ____ names under ____ sun.
14. She lay listening to ____ moan of ____ wind in ____ trees behind ____ house.
15. ____ architect had produced ____ scale model of ____ proposed shopping complex.
16. ____ conference was hailed as ____ great success.
17. ____ dollar had ____ steady day on ____ money markets.
18. ____ fabric molds to ____ body.
19. ____ family made their money in ____ 18th century.
20. ____ firm was in ____ hell of ____ mess when he took over.
21. ____ idea of ____ parallel universe is hard to grasp.
22. ____ job only took about ____ hour.
23. ____ last three months have been hell.
24. ____ latest models will be on display at ____ motor show.
25. ____ marshes provide ____ rich habitat for water plants.
26. ____nation's constitution provided a model that other countries followed.
27. ____ new exam mocked ____ needs of ____ majority of children.
28. ____ nurse used ____ wad of cotton wool to stop ____ bleeding.
29. ____panda's natural habitat is ____ bamboo forest.
30. ____ police gave ____ full description of ____ thief's technique.
31. ____ research was carried out on _____ modest scale.
32. ____ sun was blazing hot.
33. ____unions mobilized thousands of workers in ____ protest against ____ cuts.
34. ____wedding gown is being modelled for us by ____ designer's daughter.
35. There was ____ call for moderation on ____ part of ____ trade unions.
36. This holiday is going to cost ____ nightmare of ____ lot of money.
37. We are laying ourselves on ____ deck.
38. We spent ____ long time bargaining with ____ authorities over our visas.
39. We talked about everything under ____ sun.
40. We were going to have ____ barbecue but ____ rain put ____ mockers on that idea.

18 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

F. Put a, an, the or nothing where necessary.
Abominable Snowman or Yeti is ____ mythical monster supposed to inhabit in ______
Himalayas at about ______ level of ______ snow line. Though reports of actual sightings of
such ______ creature are rare, certain mysterious markings in ______ snow have traditionally
been attributed to it. Those not caused by lumps of snow or stones falling from higher regions
and bouncing across ______ lower slopes have probably been produced by bears. At certain
gaits bears place ______ hind foot partly over ______ imprint of ______ forefoot, thus making
______ very large imprint that looks deceptively like ______ enormous human footprint
positioned in ______ opposite direction.
G. Put a, an, the or nothing where necessary.
______ compass is______ instrument for finding direction. ______simple compass is ______
magnetic needle mounted on______ pivot, or short pin. ______ needle, which can spin
freely, always points to ______ north. ______ pivot is attached to ______ compass card.
______ compass card is marked with______ directions. To use ______compass, ______
person lines up ______ needle with ______marking for north. Then______ person can figure
out all ______ other directions.
H. Put a, an, the or nothing where necessary.
Native to Africa, ______ostrich is ______ largest living bird. Unlike most other birds, ______
ostrich is unable to fly. When ______ ostrich does not want to be seen, it lies down on ______
ground. ______ most common type is ______ North African ostrich, found in ______ region
between Morocco and Sudan. ______ ostrich is ______ tall bird. ______ adult male may
reach ______ height of 8 feet (2.4 meters). ______ neck accounts for almost half of its height.
______ male weighs about 345 pounds (156 kilograms). ______ female is somewhat smaller
than ______ male.

Vocabulary in Use
A. Match the following words with their meanings given below.
1. deicide a father
2. fratricide a king
3. genocide a sister
4. homicide a wife
5. matricide worms
6. patricide a mother
7. regicide a human being
8. sororicide a person or nation
9. uxoricide a brother or sister
10. vermicide a god

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 19

Read the following description.
One of the learners was in a terrible state. He knew he
wanted to go somewhere but he didn't know how. At this
moment he was standing near a bridge. Should he go by
bus, by train, by car, by boat or possibly quite simply on
foot? He could walk across the bridge, under the bridge
but he couldn't possibly jump over the bridge. He just
knew he wanted to get out of town. Once he had arrived
there by car he could obviously get out of the car or the
train or the bus but he'd have to get off the boat. And now he had arrived in the town
centre and was sitting inside the tourist office looking out of the window. Well, he couldn't
actually see through the window because the glass was very dirty. He left the tourist office
and stood outside for a few minutes thinking what to do next. He saw a policeman coming
towards him and he thought he'd ask him where to go. But the policeman walked past
him and went along the street taking no notice of him. Anyhow when he thought about it,
what could a police officer do for him? The trouble was that he didn't speak the language
although he had learnt a few phrases by heart. He knew how to say: On what day is there a
festival? At what time do the shops shut? Can I put my bike against the wall? None of these
questions would be of use to him. What he really wanted to know was: Where is there a
hotel? He was on the point of giving up when he saw a wonderful hotel in front of him.
He walked up to the reception and within minutes he was sitting in a beautiful bedroom
that looked over the sea. He had a fabulous meal in the restaurant and then went back to
his room. He got into bed and fell into a deep sleep. It was in the middle of the night that
he suddenly realized he wouldn't have enough money to pay for the accommodation. He
decided to continue with his sleep and when he woke up he got ready and went down to
the restaurant for his breakfast. He didn't leave that hotel for three weeks. That was how
long it took for him to pay for that overnight stay by working in the kitchen as a washer

The coloured words in the given description are prepositions.

Prepositions are mostly little words that are used before a noun or
Do you pronoun to show its relation to some other word in the sentence. In
Know? other words, prepositions link a noun or pronoun to another noun or
pronoun in a sentence. Prepositions are used to show when something
happens, where something happens or where something is going to .

Speaking Practice
Answer these questions based on the given description.
a. Who was in a terrible state?
b. Where was he standing?
c. What did he just know?
d. Why couldn’t he see through the window?
e. What was the trouble with the learner?

20 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

Listening Practice
Repeat these prepositions after your teacher.
into after to about in onto since
over at between behind below by inside
on in through behind for beneath against
beside over during while under across among

Grammar Focus: Common Prepositions

1. Before months: in January, in Baishakh, etc.
2. Before years: in 2017, in 2075, etc.
3. Before seasons: in spring, in summer, in winter, etc.
4. In + period of time: in a few minutes, in a week, in two months, etc.
5. Place (comparatively larger): in Nepal, in Kathmandu, in Europe, in the world, etc.
6. Things worn on the body: in a blue sari, in a red cap, in a tie, etc.
7. Surrounded by something: in the ground, in the car, in the paint, in the bed, in an armchair,
in the lock, etc.
8. Somebody's job or profession: in army, in driving, in teaching, in business, etc.
9. To show state or condition: in love, in trouble, in good repair, in a hurry, in debt, in misery,
in poverty, etc.
10. Stages of life: in the childhood, in the womb, in the adulthood, etc.
11. With means of exchange: in cash, goods, etc.
12. With phrasal verbs: fill in, deal in, interested in, accurate in, backward in, absorbed in,
engaged in, deficient in, experienced in, correct in, successful in, call in, fall in, get in,
live in, set in, turn in, dwell in, succeed in, etc.
13. With some expressions: in a line, in a row, in the sky, in a photograph, in a mirror, in the
sun, in the shade, in other words, in addition to, in comparison to, etc.
1. Before days: on Sunday, on Friday, on Saturday, etc.
2. Before dates: on 6th Sept., on 20th of this month, etc.
3. Special occasions: on my birthday, on Christmas day, on the parents' day, etc.
4. Topic: on pollution, on dowry system, on democracy, on environment, etc.
5. Over something: on the wall, on the table, on my head, etc.
6. Position: on the floor, on the ground, on the menu, on the list, on a map, etc.
7. Means of transportation: on a bus, on a cycle, on a train, on a motorcycle, on foot,
8. Supported by something: on the foot, on the hook, on her back, etc.
9. To describe an activity or state: I am on vacation. I am on my business. We are on holidays.
I bought a book on loan.
10. Being worn: Put your coat on. I didn't have my glasses on.
11. With some phrasal verbs: act on, depend on, go on, impose on, keep on, live on, pass on,
put on, rely on, walk on, switch on, turn on, carry on, etc.
1. Before parts of day: at night, at noon, at dawn, at midnight, at dusk, at sunrise, at sunset,
2. Before time shown by watch: at eight, at five o'clock, at quarter past three, etc.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 21

3. Before name of festivals: at Dashain, at Tihar, at Id, at Fagu, etc.
4. Before age: at twenty, at the age of sixty, etc.
5. Before points: at the bus stop, at the airport, at the platform, at the traffic lights, at the
top, at the bottom, at the end of the party, etc.
6. Small areas: at Bagbazar, at Lagankhel, at Pulchowk, at Dallu, etc.
7. Other places: at the door, at the end, at the corner of the street, at reception, at home, at
campus, at the meeting, etc.
8. With price, speed, degree: at 90 mph, at 300, at 0 degree C, at 100 degree C, etc.
9. What somebody is doing or happening: I am at lunch. The country is now at war.
10. Where somebody works: at bank, at school, at collage, at T.U, etc.
11. With time adverbials: at present, at this moment, at the same time, etc.
12. With phrase: look at, aim at, laugh at, point at ,good at, bad at, smile at, angry at,
knock at, arrive at, wonder at, get at, etc.
1. In the direction of something: I walked to the office. It fell to the ground. It was on the
way to the station. He's going to Paris. It is my first visit to Africa. He pointed to something
on the opposite bank. Her childhood was spent travelling from place to place.
2. Located in the direction mentioned from something: Place the cursor to the left of the
first word. There are mountains to the north.
3. As far as something: The meadows lead down to the river. Her hair fell to her waist.
4. Reaching a particular state: The vegetables were cooked to perfection. He tore the letter
to pieces. She sang the baby to sleep. The letter reduced her to tears. His expression
changed from shock to joy.
5. The end or limit of a range or period of time: A drop in profits from $105 million to around
$75 million. , I'd say he was 25 to 30 years old. I like all kinds of music from opera to reggae.
We only work from Monday to Friday. I watched the program from beginning to end.
6. Before the start of something: How long is it to lunch? It's five to ten.
7. Person or thing that receives something: He gave it to his sister. I'll explain to you where
everything goes. I am deeply grateful to my parents. Who did she address the letter to? To
whom did she address the letter?
8. Directed towards: It was a threat to world peace. She made a reference to her recent
9. In honor of somebody, something: It is a monument to the soldiers who died in the war.
Let’s drink to John and his new job.
1. Who is intended to have or use something: There’s a letter for you. It's a book for
children. We got a new table for the dining room. This is the most suitable place for me.
2. In order to help somebody, something: What can I do for you? Can you translate this
letter for me? I took her classes for her while she was sick. Soldiers are fighting for their
3. Concerning somebody, something: They are anxious for her safety. Fortunately for us,
the weather changed.
4. In support of somebody, something: Are you for or against the proposal? They voted
for independence in a referendum. There’s a strong case for postponing the exam. I'm
all for people having fun. ‘What does she think about the movie?’ ‘She's all for it.’

22 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

5. to show purpose or function: This is a machine for slicing bread. Let's go for a walk.
Are you learning English for pleasure or for your work? What did you do that for?
6. to show a reason or cause: The town is famous for its cathedral. She gave me a watch
for my birthday. He got an award for bravery. I couldn't speak for laughing. He didn't
answer for fear of hurting her.
7. In order to obtain something: He came to me for advice. For more information, call
this number. There were over fifty applicants for the job.
8. to show a length of time: I'm going away for a few days. That's all the news there is for
9. to say how difficult, necessary, pleasant, etc. something is: It's useless for us to continue.
There's no need for you to go. For her to have survived such an ordeal was remarkable.
The box is too heavy for me to lift. Is it clear enough for you to read?
10. to show who can or should do something: It's not for me to say why he left. How to
spend the money is for you to decide.
1. point of time: I will have passed the exam by 2075 BS. I will have reached there by
2. In passive voice before an agent: Football was played by students. Our organization is
helped by an INGO.
3. To denote position: Ram is sitting by me. The book rack is by the cupboard.
4. To indicate a means of transport or a route system: travel by bus, car , train, plane,
travel by air, land , sea, etc.
5. To pass through something or place: I went out by the back door. He came by country
roads, not by motor ways.
6. With the means of doing something through: May I pay by cheque? You can contact
me by letter, telephone.
1. place or direction from which somebody, something starts: I am from Nepal. The bus
goes from Kathmandu to Dhading.
2. who sent or gave something: I got a letter from my boss. There was a gift from my
3. protection or prevention: Protect people from robbery. Save the children from
4. To make a distinction: Why are living things different from non-living things?
5. Indicating a cause: I’m suffering from fever.
1. with verbs to express movement on or to a particular place or position: Move the
books onto the second shelf. She stepped down from the train onto the platform.
2. to show that something faces in a particular direction: The window looked out onto
the terrace.
1. In the direction of somebody , something: We were heading towards the City Centre.
She had her back towards me.
2. Getting closer to achieving something: This is a first step towards political union.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 23

3. Closer to a point in time: I will be there towards the end of April.
4. In relation to somebody , something: He was warm and tender towards her. Our
attitude towards death is different.
5. With the aim of obtaining something: The money will go towards a new school
1. Opposing or disagreeing with somebody , something: That's against the law. She was
forced to marry against her will. The school teachers are against the principal.
2. Without any advantage: The evidence is against him. Her age is against her.
3. Close to, touching or hitting somebody , something: Put the piano there, against the
wall. The rain beat against the windows.
4. In order to prevent something from happening: There is an injection against rabies.
They took precautions against fire. Are we assured against burglary?

5. With something in the background, as a contrast: His red clothes stood out clearly
against the snow. The love story unfolds against a background of civil war.
6. Comparison between two things: You must weigh the benefits against the cost. Check
your receipts against the statement. What's the rate of exchange against the dollar?
1. Gone by in time: in past years, centuries, ages, in times past, The time for discussion is
2. Gone by recently; just ended: I haven't seen much of her in the past few weeks. The
past month has been really busy at work.
3. Belonging to an earlier time, past events: From past experience I'd say he'd probably
forgotten the time. Let's forget about who was more to blame—it's all past history.
1. To or in a higher position somewhere: She climbed up the flight of steps. The village is
further up the valley.
2. Along or further along a road or street: We live just up the road, past the post office.
3. Towards the place where a river starts: There is a cruise up the Rhine.
1. Partly or completely covering the surface: She put a blanket over the sleeping child.
He wore an overcoat over his suit. She put her hand over her mouth to stop herself
from screaming.
2. In or to a position higher than but not touching: They held a large umbrella over her.
The balcony juts out over the street. There was a lamp hanging over the table.
3. Across something: There is a bridge over the river. They ran over the grass. They had a
wonderful view over the park.
4. During something: We’ll discuss it over lunch. Over the next few days they got to know
the town well. She has not changed much over the years. He built up the business over
a period of ten years. We're away over the New Year.
5. In relation to something: We have an argument over money. It is a disagreement over
the best way to proceed.
6. By means of something: We heard it over the radio. She wouldn't tell me over the

24 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

1. At or to a higher place or position than something, somebody: The water came above
our knees. We were flying above the clouds. A captain in the navy ranks above a captain
in the army. They finished the year six places above their local rivals.
2. More than something: Temperatures have been above average. We cannot accept
children above the age of 10.
3. Too good or too honest to do something: She's not above lying when it suits her. He's
above suspicion.
1. At or to a lower level or position: He dived below the surface of the water. Please do
not write below this line. Skirts will be worn below the knee.
2. Of a lower amount, standard, rank or importance: The temperatures remained below
freezing all day. Her work was well below average for the class. A police sergeant is
below an inspector.
1. In, to or through a position that is below something: Have you looked under the bed?
She placed the ladder under the window.
2. Less than; younger than: An annual income of under Rs. 10,000 is not sufficient for
survival. It took us under an hour. Nobody under 18 is allowed to buy alcohol.
3. who or what controls, governs somebody , something: The country is now under
martial law. She has 20 staff working under her.
4. Experiencing a particular process: The hotel is still under construction. The matter is
under investigation.
5. Affected by something: The wall collapsed under the damage. I've been feeling under
stress lately.
1. Under somebody , something: They found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves.
The boat sank beneath the waves.
2. Not good enough for somebody: He considers such jobs beneath him. They thought
she had married beneath her.
1. Down or away from a place: I fell off the ladder. Keep off the grass! Scientists are still a
long way off finding a cure. We're getting right off the subject.
2. To say that something has been removed: You need to take the top off the bottle first!
I want about an inch off the back of my hair.
3. Away from work or duty or price: He's had ten days off school. They knocked Rs.
10,000 off the car.
1. To a position in or inside something: Come into the house. She dived into the water.
He threw the letter into the fire.
2. to show a change in state: The fruit can be made into jam. Can you translate this
passage into German? They came into power in 2008. She was sliding into depression.
3. About or concerning something: I had an inquiry into safety procedures.
4. Used when you are dividing numbers: Five into five is twenty five.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 25

1. Surrounded by somebody , something: There is a house among the trees. They strolled
among the crowds. I found the letter among his papers. It's OK, you're among friends
2. Being included or happening in groups of things or people: A British woman was
among the survivours. He was among the last to leave. This attitude is common among
the under-25s. Discuss it among yourselves first.
1. On the subject of somebody, something: We are talking about the book. I am writing
an essay about 'nationalism'.
2. At a time near, at approximately: There are about 500 students in my school.We
reached there at about 5:30.
3. Near to a place: I was lost somewhere about Ratna Park yesterday.
1. Having or carrying something: a boy with curly hair, a man with a stick, a coat with a
belt, a child with a broken leg, etc.
2. Indicating the tool or instrument used: draw with a pencil, cut it with a knife, feed the
baby with a spoon, etc.
3. In the company of something, somebody: I live with parents. They went on holiday
with a friend.
4. Indicating the manner or circumstance: I'll do it with pleasure. I welcomed her with
open arms.
5. With some adjectives: angry with, pleased with, satisfied with, delighted with, furious
with, etc.
1. Moving or passing from one side to the other: A river flows through my village. You
can see the germs through microscope.
2. By means of; because of: You can get success through persistent hard work.
3. Beginning to the end: The children cannot stay in the concert through the night.
1. Belonging to somebody or something: He is a friend of Mohan. It is the love of a
mother for her child. There is a great role of the teacher. the lid of the box, the director
of the company, a member of the team, the result of the debate, etc.
2. Coming from a particular background: A woman of Italian descent, the people of
Wales, etc.
3. with measurements and expressions of time, age, etc: Two kilos of potatoes, an
increase of 2%, a girl of 12, the fourth of July, the year of his birth, have a walk of an
evening, etc.
4. after nouns formed from verbs. The noun after ‘of’ can be either the object or the
subject of the action: the arrival of the police, criticism of the police, fear of
the dark, the howling of the wind, etc.

26 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

Summary of Preposition
with against

on the left to in away (from)

to the left outside inside on the right
into out (of) to the right
through through
at beside far
far near farther
under a a
beneath a among a
below a a

behind backward forward in front (of)

Grammar Focus: Preposition with Different Words

ABOUT care , complain , do , dream , speak , hear , read , remind , talk , tell , think , walk
, warn, concern, awful, lazy, dream, excited, hear, worry, anxious, just, look
ACROSS swim, walk, run, go
AFTER crave, hanker, look, run
AGAINST fight, hit, lean, offend, speak, struggle, vote
AMONG divide, quarrel, share
AT aim , arrive , fire , glance , hint , jeer , laugh , look , point , shoot , shout , smile ,
stare , throw , wait , wink, arrive, good, bad, stare, annoyed, gazed, angry, adept,
rejoice, shock
BY abide, live, complete, finish
DOWN drive, fall, go, sail, slide
FOR qualified, useful, beg, canvass, feel, hope, long, mourn, start, prepare, sue,
wait, wish, affect, ambition, anxiety, apology, appetite, candidate, capacity,
compensate, contempt, desire, fitness, fondness, need, passionate, pity, pretext,
FROM absolve , abstain , come , differ , escape , hear , hide , prevent , prohibit , protect
, recover , run away , suffer, conceal, cease, exclude, derive, differ, emerge,
exclude, preserve, refrain, abstinence, decent, exemption, intervene, respite,
borrow, absent
IN assist , believe , deal , excel , live , fill , glory , retire , involve , look , send ,
specialize , spend , succeed , swim , work , absorbed, accomplished
INTO break, bump, burst, come, crash, cut, dive, divide, drive, fall, fly, jump, pour, put,
run, split, turn

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 27

OF approve, ask, beware, complain, consist, despair, die, dream, hear, made, remind,
suspect, take care, think, warn, accuse, assured, afraid, aware, ashamed, bereft,
capable, cautious, composed, deprived
OFF break , burn , close , cut , drive , drop , fall , fence , finish , fly , get , go , keep, lop
, pay , run , set , ,sleep, switch , take, turn , walk, wipe
ON blame , call , carry , comment , concentrate , decide , get, insist , live , put , rely,
smile, spend, stand, switch, turn, urge, compliment, depend, determine, dwell,
embark, enlarge, impose, line, resolve, base, congratulate, appeal, jump, count,
OUT blow, come, go, leave, look, pick, run, shout , throw
OVER argue, cost, discuss, drop, fall, get, go, hand, hold, jump, knock, put, roll, speak,
think, travel, trip
PAST go, jog, walk, hurry
THROUGH drive, get, lost, rain, run, sat, sold, wade, walk
TO accede , agree , answer , apologize , apply , attend , belong , break , bring ,
complain , correspond , describe , explain , force , forget , go , happen , hope
, invite , jump , keep , like , listen , need , occur , prefer , promise, reconcile ,
reply, send , shout, speak, submit, talk, try, throw, wish, write, yield, acceptable,
addicted, affectionate, alien, common, contrary, due, faithful, indebted,
favorable, necessary
UNDER crawl, go, labour, stand
UP add , catch, clean, climb, cover, dig, drive, get, give, go, grow, hurry, keep, lock,
look, mix, pick, put, ring, run, save, shut, stay, tie, turn, wake, walk , wash
WITH contemporary, contented, delighted, endowed, fatigued, inspired, gifted,
infected, intimate, popular, satisfied, touched, associate, bear, coincide,
compare, comply, condole, part, disagree, fight, sympathize, comparison,
conformity, enmity, intercourse, intimacy
WITHOUT come, do, drive, go, speak, start

Grammar Focus: Preposition with other Phrases

ABOUT book about, about the war, do something about, like about the movie, special
about you, what about her, flung about the place
ABOVE above a dollar, above mine, above the shop, above average, aged nine and
above, rises above zero
AFTER quarter after six, a walk after lunch, after this week, life after death, day after
tomorrow, after midnight, ran after him
AMONG among the five, among the trees, among the crowd, talk among yourselves
AT at the beginning, at the table, at his feet, at lunch, free at lunchtime, at the
age of sixty, at the moment, at last, driving at 100 mph, at 10%, country at
war, at regular intervals, surprised at the news,
BELOW the houses below us, skirts below the knee, down below, see below

28 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

BY stories by the writer, all by myself, enter by this door, by listening to him,
grabbed me by my arm, back by two o’clock, must be in by ten, side by side,
by the time I arrived, twelve by ten in size, increased by 10 %, sold by the
thousand, stood by her side, paid by cheque
DURING during the holidays, during the war, during the night, during the weekend
FOR for a dollar, message for you, prize for the winner, for ten minutes, not for
sale, time for dinner, clothes for washing, for murder, for tonight, for two
reasons, walked for miles, play chess for years
FROM from here, postcard from Jumla, from his pocket, the flight from, a mile from
here, made from wood, prices start from Rs., 10, from bad to worse, died
from injuries, risk from cancer, from the evidence, different from mine, from
our point of view, shelter from rain, banned from driving, truth kept from
IN in a traffic jam, pain in my back, in a hurry, in a week’s time, in the mirror, in
exchange for, in great danger, in the queue, life in the 1870s, in his youth, in
my view, a champion in him, speak in English, watch in horror, in the crowd, in
record time, in love, in this room, in private, written in ink, in response, reply
to, living in luxury, cut in two
NEAR too near me, near enough to hear
OF a friend of mine, color of, a great deal of, fond of riding, unkind of you, face of
an angel, a quarter of, both of us, all of us, woman of wealth, many of, more
of, most of, much of, none of them, plenty of, several of, the back of, the top
of, pain of divorce, suffering of millions, of my own free will, died of cancer
OFF a long way off, be well off, off the grass, off the road
ON a book on palmistry, on fire, standing on my foot, no effect on him, run on
batteries, on the phone, forty dollars on a shirt, on time, on page 45, got on
my horse, improve on it, on his father’s death
OVER over fifty, develop over time, over the worst, over an argument, victory over,
over the radio, run over by, he’s over there
PAST a quarter past, half past, past the age
SINCE since 3 o’clock, since last week, since Monday, since she died, since the
THROUGH all through, through the door, slept through the lectures, get through the
TO five to eight, next to, went up to a stranger, told a story to him, drank himself
to death, nursed back to health, nothing to him, stand back to back, keys to
my car, old enough to, propose a toast to, sixty miles to a liter, exercising to
music, to your liking
UNDER under a tree, under age, under fifteen years old, under repair, under the
control of, under the impression, under the influence of, under the table,
under pressure to, ten soldiers under him
UNTIL until 3 o’clock, until it’s finished, until past midnight, wait until he’s here

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 29

WITH married with a child, trembling with fear, littered with paper, popular with
the voters, went to war with, part with my money, with me or against me,
improve with age
WITHOUT without doubt, without his help, without taking a break

Grammar Focus: Common Errors

Incorrect Correct
Let’s go for riding. Let’s go riding.
He went a walk. He went for a walk.
Our company's performance is inferior than Our company's performance is inferior to
theirs. theirs.
He is superior than you in strength. He is superior to you in strength.
Send this letter on my new address. Send this letter to my new address.
He goes in the school. He goes to the school.
I am going to home. I am going home.
I have not seen her since a long time. I have not seen her for a long time.
He rides in a cycle. He rides on a cycle.
He rides on a car. He rides in a car.
He sat in a table. He sat on a table.
The cat is in the roof. The cat is on the roof.
He wrote me. He wrote to me.
I shall explain them this. I shall explain this to them.
He suggested me this. He suggested this to me.
I arrived to the airport late. I arrived at the airport late.
I was to the theater last night. I was at the theater last night
This is the key of my room. This is the key to my room.
I saw it on the newspaper. I saw it in the newspaper.
I saw it in TV. I saw it on TV.
He is a citizen in Greece. He is a citizen of Greece.
He is good in English. He is good at English.
I’ll answer to the phone. I’ll answer the phone.
She is going to marry with a lawyer. She is going to marry a lawyer.
I asked to him to buy some bread. I asked him to buy some bread.
I’ll explain you the problem. I’ll explain the problem to you.

30 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

Additional Practice: Read these sentences.
1. He lived with his parents until he was thirty.
2. Who's going to wash the dishes after dinner?
3. We're going to buy some new skis before we go on our skiing holiday.
4. Everyone likes chocolate except Tom.
5. You should eat fruit instead of candy.
6. The tiger jumped into the trap.
7. The book fell onto the floor.
8. There has been an increase in unemployment.
9. He stepped off the stairs.
10. Please don't drive past the fruit stand, I want to stop there.
11. She ran down the hill.
12. The play ran from September to November.
13. I feel anxious about the interview.
14. We looked underneath the table.
15. He bent over to touch his toes.
16. He placed the letter inside the envelope.
17. There is a small table beside the bed.
18. He is moving his dog along the road.
19. I went through the window.
20. We are travelling towards the meeting hall.
21. Dad is taller than all of us.
22. I dream of finishing college in four years.
23. I put my pen on the table.
24. I’m fed up with this awful weather.
25. The love story unfolds against a background of civil war.
26. The opposition have called for him to resign.
27. We rowed across the river.
28. We arrived at the house in the afternoon.
29. You must finish the work by Friday.
30. Does this book belong to you?
31. We have not seen our waiter since we arrived.
32. The house is between the temple and school.
33. I visited my grandparents during the summer.
34. I found my pen lying among the books.
35. The bathroom is opposite the kitchen.
36. She looked after her ailing father.
37. The book fell onto the floor.
38. Women were only admitted into the club last year.
39. You must stay in bed until you get better.
40. We visited our grandparents during the summer.
41. An oak tree grows next to my house.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 31

42. We must walk home before it gets too dark.
43. The football rolled down the hill.
44. Mix the flour with water.
45. Is there room for me on this seat?
46. Traffic can cause damage to the environment.
47. I’m ashamed of what I did last Saturday.
48. There was a loud noise which woke us up at midnight.
49. Your dependence on Harry is not very healthy.
50. She’s not very interested in sports.
51. I’m looking for my pencil. Have you seen it?
52. I am thinking about this problem.
53. His honesty has never been called into question.
54. The cowboy rode into the setting sun.
55. I absolve you from all your sins.
56. We met by accident at the airport.
57. You'll have to abide by the rules of the club.
58. Hospital admissions for asthma attacks have doubled.
59. They argued for the right to strike.
60. A little more independence from him would help.
61. Sherry has a constant need for money.
62. There is an ice cream shop by the store.
63. I arrived at the airport an hour early.
64. He succeeded in passing his driving test.
65. He is very affectionate towards his children.

A. Fill in the blank spaces with correct prepositions.

Millions ___ different kinds of animals live __ Earth. Animals are found ___ the world, from
the freezing polar zones ___ the hottest deserts. They live ___ land and ___ the water. Animals
come ___ a huge variety of shapes and sizes, ranging ___ tiny insects and worms ____ giant
elephants and whales. Like plants, animals are living things. They need food and water____
live. Unlike plants, which make their own food, animals feed themselves ____ eating plants
or other animals. In addition, animals differ ___ plants because they can sense what goes on
____ them. Their bodies allow them to move ___ in reaction ___their surroundings. They
use their senses and movement ___ find food, mates, and safety. Animals can be divided ___
many groups. One of the easiest ways ____ group animals depends ____ whether they have
a backbone. Animals that have a backbone are called vertebrates. Animals that do not have a
backbone are called invertebrates. About 95 percent __ all animals are invertebrates.

32 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions given in brackets.
1. We haven’t read _______the conflict in Italy. (of, about, on)
2. He likes to sit_______ (in, at, on) the front of the house.
3. He loves swimming_______ (on, in, into) the sea.
4. They met him_______ (in, during, at, nothing) last Saturday.
5. I must prevent him ________ speaking. (by, to, from, of)
6. They opened a school _______ poor children. (to for, by)
7. I prevented him_______ (for, to, from) speaking.
8. He saw a cobra_______ (by, on, in, nothing) his way to school.
9. I sleep_______ (on, in, at) my bed.
10. I sometimes dream _______you. (about, of, on)
11. Ruby threw the stone _______the sea. (round, above, into, away from)
12. I was shocked _______what I saw. (at, by, with, of)
13. She will come to your school _______Sunday. (to, on by, for)
14. He will give your money_______(in, at, on, nothing) next week.
15. I will visit you _______ Dashain. (at, in, with, by)
16. I’m informed ___a reliable source that there is a vacancy____an accountant.
(from, of, with)
17. I’m fed up ______the same food. (by, with, of)
18. I’m talking _______history now. (for, to, into, about)
19. I’m tired __________ working here. (on, of, in)
20. I saw a bird singing _______ dawn. (on, in, at)
21. Is he lying _______ the floor? (over, at ,on, under)
22. It has been raining _______last week. (from, since, for)
23. It’s my compliment _______your hard work. (in, on, for)
24. Keep on writing letters _______me. (with, to, for)
25. Listen_______ your teacher well. (with, to, for)
26. Look at those people swimming __________ the pool. (on, in, at)
27. Many people in Nepal get suffered________ cholera every year. (from, by, on)
28. Men are involved _________work. (at, in, on)
29. Subin married______ (to, with, for) an American lady.
30.Tula will have completed his work __________ 4 pm. (by, at, until)
31. Milkha gave __________ his trial to win the race. (of, up, off)
32. Osan will have completed her M.B.A _____2010. (by, for, from)
33. Pukar met him_______ (in, to, on, at) the way to work.
34. Mohan goes to school_______ (by, with, on) foot daily.
35. He was born_______ (on, at, in) January 1, 1985.
36. My father always goes to office __________ bus. (on, in, by)
37. His father lives in Chitwan _______ (to, by, with, of) his mother.
38. A friend came to meet me _______the occasion of Vijaya Dshami. (in, on, at)
39. My little sister dropped the stone _______the pot. (in, on, into, with)
40. My mother cut the mango_______ a knife. (with, on, for, by)

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 33

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions given in brackets.
1. My parents have done a lot for me. I am really grateful______them. (to, for, of)
2. The ruler was broken _______three pieces. (in, to, into)
3. Our school starts_______ (in, at, on) 10 in the morning.
4. My shoes are similar _______yours. (to, with, for, in)
5. Alina is fond_______ (at, of, off) watching T.V.
6. My sister sleeps _______eight o’clock. (over, till, through, by)
7. John always goes to school_______ (in, by, on) car.
8. We depend_______ (of, on, in) agriculture.
9. Nepal is rich_______ (in, of, for) hydroelectricity.
10. Nepal lies______________ China and India. (in, between, among, at)
11. Nepalese are famous _______ their bravery. (on, for, about)
12. Never feel happy _______other’s sorrow. (with, on, from, at)
13. Our Principal’s room is attached_______ (of, on, to, from) our teacher’s room.
14. Pemba is_______ (at, in, by) the door now.
15. Please concentrate _______your job. (in, on, at)
16. Please remind me _______today’s programmes. (of, about, on)
17. He has searched a job_______ (to, with, for) me.
18. Please see your face_______ (in, at, on) the mirror.
19. Nilu will have finished it _______ (for, at, from, by) tomorrow.
20. Put the pen __________your pocket. (on, into, over, at)
21. Rabindranath will have posted the letter _______next week. (by, on, at)
22. I will have finished it_______ (for, at, from, by) 2 O'clock.
23. Ram has lived here _______five years. (to, for, by)
24. Anu is famous _______ her dancing skill.(in, for, to)
25. Rita spread the cloth_______ (on, at, of, over) the table and offered tea.
26. Utsav laid unconscious _______some days ________hospital. (in, for, by, at)
27. We will have finished it _______Tuesday. (on, by, for)
28. She always quarrels_______ (by, with, over, between) her husband.
29. They deal __________ clothes. (in, with, for)
30. Sunita drives her bike_______ (at, in, by) the speed of 80km per hour.
31. Rama has been learning Japanese _______ 2008. (for , since, from)
32. She has specialized _______conflict theory. (in, to, into)
33. Tina is _________red sari.(on, in, at)
34. She is a girl_______ eighteen years. (of, in, on)
35. Mina is always jealous_______ (of, for, in) other’s progress.
36. She is conscious_______ (with, for, of) being punished.
37. We are visiting the zoo_______ Saturday. (on, in, at)
38. Rabina is engaged_______ (with, to, by) John.
39. Rita is famous_______ (with, for, to) singing songs.
40. She lives ___ the school. (near, past, along)

34 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

D. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions given in brackets.
1. I was asleep _____ the phone woke me up. (when/until/as)
2. They felt lonely ____ their children left home. (after/while/as)
3. We always have a good breakfast ____we go to work. (after/before/when)
4. I like all kinds of food____ Upma. (besides/except/as well as)
5. You should eat fruit ____candy.(beside/instead of/in case of)
6. The cowboy rode ___ the setting sun. (to/into/onto)
7. The tiger jumped ____ my face. (to/into/onto)
8. Shakespeare died ____ 1616. (to/in/at)
9. He walked _____ the office. (of/off/up)
10. No, you can’t watch a video. It’s ____ your bedtime already. ( past/through/across)
11. The football rolled ___the hill.(up/down/below)
12. They borrowed money ____ the bank. (from/through/to)
13. The jury had a lot of doubts ____the evidence. (on/about/with)
14. There’s a wooden floor ______ the carpet. (between/with/underneath)
15. Some geese flew ____their house. (over/above/up)
16. John and Sarah were hiding ___ the wardrobe. (in/inside/within)
17. There was a tree ____the river. (beside/besides/across)
18. A man was walking his dog ____ the riverbank. (along/across/in)
19. The freeway goes right ____ the city. (through/though/through)
20. We were travelling ____ Salyantar. (to/in/towards)
21. The neighborhood streets are less busy ____ downtown streets. (then/than/through)
22. I am ___ the problem. (aware about/aware of/on)
23. She insisted ____ paying for the meal. (in/on/at/for)
24. I’m pleased ____ my level of success. (by/with/at)
25. Andrew smiles ____ his mother. (as/like/of)
26. We're playing _____ the league champions next week. (for/against/to)
27. Ram blamed me ____what happened. (on/for/to)
28. He met me ____ lunch time. (on/in/at)
29. I got carried away and started shouting ___ the television. (on/in/at)
30. He was befuddled ___ drink. (due to/by/because)
31. Traffic can cause damage ___the environment. (for/to/in)
32. She was called away ___ the meeting to take an urgent phone call. (from/by/at)
33. It was a title bestowed ____ him by the king. (on/upon/to)
34. I visited my grandparents ____ the summer. (during/at/by)
35. The house is ___ the two streets. (among/between/by)
36. He made ____ the news. (up/of/off)
37. We have not seen our waiter ___ we arrived. (for/since/as long as)
38. Add ___ all the money I owe you. (up/by/to)
39. We will abide___ their decision. (up/by/to)
40. I will call you______ noon. (on, in, at)

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 35

E. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions given in brackets.
1. We are walking____ the shop. (to/towards for/at)
2. Helen got ____ acting purely by accident. (into/onto/to)
3. Last week, I worked _____ 9 pm every night. (up/until/at)
4. My soccer team played well ____ the championship tournament. (during/for/to)
5. My favourite restaurant is ____ the enormous shoe store. (beside/next to/by)
6. I’ll do my homework ____ dinner. (before/after/for)
7. He pounds nails ____ a hammer. (by/with/to)
8. I made this bookmark ____ my mom. (to/for/by)
9. She’s determined ____ take part. (to/for/by)
10. Don’t be jealous ____ others. (of/at/on)
11. We were amazed ____her sweet voice. (to/at/by)
12. She plays tennis ___ Fridays. (on/in/at)
13. I often get sleepy ____ the afternoon. (on/in/at)
14. We apologize ____ the late departure of this flight. (for/at/to/with)
15. The jury had a lot of doubts ____the evidence. (for/on/about)
16. The war was carried____ enemy territory. (into/onto/to)
17. Cut the cake ____ five pieces. (into/onto/to)
18. There was a tree _____ the river. (beside/besides/except)
19. Sally was sitting ____a tree. (on/in/under)
20. The boys chased ___each other. (on/after/before)
21. A little more independence ___ him would help. (by/from/with)
22. He hopes __ a raise in salary next year. (for/to/about)
23. I cannot go to the party so count me ___. (on/out/off)
24. He visited his father____dusk. (at/in/on)
25. I always try to be polite ___ people. (into/onto/to)
26. Riya called me ____ midnight. (in/on/at)
27. We were travelling ____ Mustang. (to/towards/for)
28. They borrowed money ___ the bank. (by/from/in)
29. The injured were carried ____ on stretchers. (on/away/with)
30. Extensive tests have been carried ___ on the patient. (out/away/with)
31. He has proved he can carry ___ on his promises. (through/away/with)
32. She was completely taken ___ by his anger. (aback/to/behind)
33. She lives ___ the school. (along/near/past)
34. We were ____ the foot of the hill. (on/in/at)
35. The thief was hiding ____ the cupboard. (in front of/behind/on)
36. He trembled ____ anger. (by/with/at)
37. Smoking is injurious ___ health. (into/onto/to)
38. He fell ____ the tree. (of/off/from)
39. She walked ____ the market. (towards/by/near)
40. The moon moves ___ the earth. (over/around/near)

36 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

F. Fill in the blank spaces with correct prepositions.
People enjoy visiting Florida ____ its pleasant weather and because there are lots of things
to do there. White-sand beaches ____ the coastline attract large crowds. Many people like
seeing and learning ____ marine animals ___ Orlando's Sea World. Biscayne National Park,
___ the Atlantic coast south ___ Miami, features brightly colored fish, plants, and corals.
Many birds fly ___ the Everglades National Park ___ the winter ___ their annual migration,
and many other animals reside there ___ the year. Busch Gardens ___Tampa has hundreds
___African animals roaming ___ an open environment.
G. Fill in the blank spaces with correct prepositions.
A: I think the Rhinoceros went ___the aquarium ___breakfast and murdered the Panther
___the shark tank ___a fish hook.
B: No. I think the Anaconda, working together ___ the Python, killed him ___the terrace café
just ___ lunch. They strangled him ___ a feather.
A: Never. It was the Panda. He was walking ___ the chimpanzee house ___time ___ tea when
he shot the Panther ___ the ears ___ his revolver.
B: You’re all wrong. I think it was the Camel, ___the picnic area ___the car park. He hit the
Panther ___ the head ___ an enormous fish belonging ___ the sea lion.
H. Fill in the blank spaces with correct prepositions.
One day, the Hodja put two big baskets ___ grapes ___ his donkey and set ___ to the market.
___ his way, he stopped to rest ___ the shade ___ a large plane tree, ___ a stream, ___
where other men and their donkeys were ___ resting. While the men were dozing, the Hodja
started to take grapes ___ their baskets and transfer them___ his. One of the men woke ___
and angrily demanded to know what he thought he was doing. The Hodja quickly explained,
“Don’t mind me. I’m a bit mad and often do strange things.” “___that case,” retorted the man,
“why don’t you take grapes ____ your basket and put them ___ someone else’s?” Looking
___quizzically, the Hodja replied. “I’m not that mad!”

Vocabulary in Use
A. Match the following words with their meanings given below.
1. audiology the study of measurement
2. carpology the study of forms, history and meanings of words
3. cytology the study of the phenomena of sleep
4. dermatology the study of the structures of tissues
5. epistemology the study of the science of hearing
6. entomology the study of the fruits and seeds
7. histology the study of the cells
8. hypnology the study of skin disorders
9. lexicology the study of the theory of knowledge
10. metrology the study of insects

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 37

Read the following dialogue.
Man: Although I tried my best, I couldn’t get the job, could I?
Woman: Sorry to hear it. You should keep on trying, shouldn’t you? And were there many
Man: No. There weren’t many, were there?
Woman: I think so. All candidates attended the interview, didn’t they?
Man: Yes, most of them did.
Woman: But you were the most qualified, weren’t you. I’m sure. You’ve topped the
university and you’ve work experience also, don’t you?
Man: Yes. Sometimes, despite all your efforts, you can’t get things done, because of
bad luck, can you?
Woman: I think so. What’ll you do next?
Man: I will apply for another job at a bank.
Woman: Good luck, then.
Man: Thanks.

In the above given dialogue, could I, shouldn’t you, were there,

didn’t they, weren’t you don’t you and can you are question tags.
Do you Tag Questions are a very common feature of spoken English and are
used mostly as a social convention, inviting a response from the other
person. They are used to elicit a response or just as a statement. Tags
are also used for asking for an agreement or confirmation. Tag is not a
separate sentence; it is a part of sentence.

Speaking Practice
Answer these questions based on the given dialogue.
a. What is a positive tag?
b. What is a negative tag?
c. What are question tags?
d. Which punctuation is used in tags?
e. What form of verbs is used in tags?
Listening Practice
Repeat these contractions after your teacher.
Word Contraction Word Contraction
am/’m aren’t…..? had + v3 hadn’t…..?
are/’re aren’t…..? had better not had…..?
can can’t…..? has + v3 hasn’t…..?
command will you? has to /have to /had to doesn’t/don’t/didn’t…..?
could couldn’t…..? has/have/had+ noun doesn’t/don’t/didn’t…..?
dare not dare…..? have + v3 haven’t…..?

38 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

dares doesn’t…..?
let(me/us/him/her/ will you?
do don’t…..? may mayn’t…..?
does doesn’t…..? might mightn’t…..?
did didn’t…..? must mustn’t…..?
don’t/ never + v + o will you? needed didn’t…..?
‘d + better hadn’t…..? needs doesn’t/needn’t…..?
‘d + have + v3 wouldn’t…..? shall shan’t…..?
‘d + rather wouldn’t…..? should shouldn’t…..?
‘d + v3 hadn’t…..? used to + v1 didn’t…..?
‘s + been + v4 hasn’t…..? v1 don’t…..?
‘s + being + v3 isn’t…..? v2 didn’t…..?
‘s + ing isn’t…..? v5 doesn’t…..?
‘s + noun isn’t…..? will won’t…..?
‘s + p.p. (v3) hasn’t…..? would rather not would…..?
had + noun didn’t…..? would/’d + v1 wouldn’t…..?

Grammar Focus: Rules of Question Tag

1. There should be comma (,) at the end of the statement.
He plays basketball, doesn't he?
2. A tag should begin with small letter.
Riya eats an apple, doesn't she?
3. Affirmative statement has a negative tag and negative statement has a positive tag.
Som works hard, doesn't he? (Positive statement-Negative tag)
They aren't running on the ground, are they? (Negative statement-Positive tag)
4. Nouns as subject of the Statement should be changed into pronoun.
They were in white dress, weren't they?
Let's play a game, shall we?
Let's not go there, shall we?
Let me do it, will you?
5. If there is auxiliary verb in the statement, the same auxiliary verb should be repeated in
the tag. Here is a list of auxiliary verbs.
Present Form Pasr Form
is/am/are was/were
have/has had
do/does did

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 39

shall/will should/would
can/may could/might
must had to
You are going there, aren’t you?
They ought to read this book, oughtn’t they?
We will fail the test, won’t we?
Risikesh can sing a song, can’t he?
We travel all over the world, don,t we?
6. If there is no auxiliary verb in the statement, do, does or did is used in the tag according
to the subject, number and form of the verb.
Sub +v1 (base form) = don’t: The boys love music, don’t they?
Sub +v2 (past form) = didn’t: Sima works hard, doesn’t she?
Sub +v5 (‘s’ or ‘es’ form) =doesn’t: Rohan sang a song, didn’t he?
7. If the subject of the statement is ‘this’ or ‘that’ the pronoun in the tag is ‘it’ but if the
subject is ‘these’ or ‘those’, the pronoun in the tag is ‘they’.
This is a nice bag, isn’t it?
That is not your anxiety, is it?
These are the things we need, aren’t they?
Those are my books, aren’t they?
8. If there is ‘You and I’ together in the subject of the statement, the pronoun in the tag
should be ‘we’.
You and I are friends, aren’t we?
You and I were working together, weren’t we?
9. If the verb ‘Have' is used as a main verb the tag will be as given below:
Have=do: We have a house, don't we?
Has=does: She has a car, doesn't she?
Had=did: I had a terrible headache, didn't I?
10. Imperative sentences take will you as a tag. But in the case of ‘Let’s’, ‘Shall we’ is
Close the door, will you?
Don't tell a lie, will you?
Let us go, will you?
Let’s have a party tonight, shall we?
Let's not go there, shall we?
Please, help us, will you?
11. A sentence having two clauses takes a tag according to the former clause.
I wish I would pass the exam, don't I?
I don't think she will come here, do I?
It is said that 5% of total workers are out of work, isn't it?
12. If there is sub+’d+rather+v1 and sub +’d +better+v1 in the statement the tag will be
wouldn’t and hadn’t respectively.
You'd better go there, hadn't you?
He'd rather prefer tea, wouldn't he?

40 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

13. Sentence with negative words such as neither, no, none, no one, nothing, scarcely,
barely, hardly, hardly ever, seldom, never, rarely, nobody, not often, infrequently are
always followed by a positive tag.
Neither of the students had breakfast, did they?
Nobody does homework, do they?
None of them liked the film, did they?
Nothing troubled me, did it?
Renu and Alisa hardly wake up early, do they?
Our students never play volleyball, do they?
14. Singular auxiliary verbs (is, was, has, does) change to plural auxiliary verbs (are, were,
have, do) to form tags if the subjects of the statements are somebody, someone, nobody,
no one, everybody, everyone, anybody, anyone, none, neither, etc.
Everyone likes playing, don't they?
Everybody likes the captain, don’t they?
No one respects a bad person, do they?
Neither of the books is valuable, are they?
Somebody has got my wallet, haven’t they?
15. If the subject of the statement is everything, anything, something, nothing, all + singular
verb, the pronoun in the tags is ‘it’.
Everything is acceptable, isn't it?
All is okay, isn't it?
Something is erroneous to you, isn’t it?
Grammar Focus: Common Errors
Incorrect Correct
We have many problems, haven’t we? We have many problems, don’t we?
Ram has a nice car, hasn’t he? Ram has a nice car, doesn’t he?
I had my lunch in a restaurant, hadn’t I? I had my lunch in a restaurant, didn’t I?
You'd better go there, wouldn’t you? You'd better go there, hadn’t you?
I am a boy, amn’t I? I am boy, aren’t I?
Don’t call him, do you? Don’t call him, will you?
Let’s have fun, will you? Let’ have fun, shall we?
Everyone likes me, doesn’t he? Everyone likes me, don’t they?
I shall be late tonight, shalln’t I? I shall be late tonight, shan’t I?
He cut his leg, doesn’t he? He cut his leg, didn’t he?
He hardly speaks Chinese, doesn’t he? He hardly speaks Chinese, does he?
This is a beautiful home, isn’t this? This is a beautiful home, isn’t it?
That was a terrible disaster, wasn’t that? That was a terrible disaster, wasn’t it?
One should work hard, shouldn’t they? One should work hard, shouldn’t one?
Nobody has awareness, has they? Nobody has awareness, do they?

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 41

A. Add a suitable question-tag to these sentences.
1. Alan has been working very hard today, _____?
2. Anybody can do that, _____?
3. Don’t make a noise, _____?
4. Everybody is talking about wildlife saving, _____?
5. Everyone can attend the class, _____?
6. Everything is perishable, _____?
7. Have a cup of tea, _____?
8. Ram always hates her, _____?
9. Tony hardly knew the answer, _____?
10. Tom is a student, _____?
11. Tarjan need not come, _____?
12. Som never gets angry, _____?
13. They will be here soon, _____?
14. Aman’s singing a song, _____?
15. I am not a pilot, _____?
16. The sun is setting now, _____?
17. Bob´s going to buy a new car this year, _____?
18. The shopping district extends for many blocks, _____?
19. Please visit us tonight, _____?
20. Don’t try to cross the limit, _____?
21. Let me tell you the whole thing first, _____?
22. Let’s have a party tonight, _____?
23. They have to work hard all the time, _____?
24. Madan has to convince her, _____?
25. They had a farmhouse nearby the wood, _____?
26. Hom doesn’t have to always buy stamps, _____?
27. There are many people ahead of him, _____?
28. There aren’t any people ahead of him, _____?
29. Ramesh hardly has to wait in line, _____?
30. Upendra didn’t have to wait, _____?
31. Vishnu won’t have to wait in line, _____?
32. I haven’t received any change, _____?
33. Nawaraj never mails me any packages, _____?
34. Mary goes shopping every day, _____?
35. The sun sets at about six o’clock, _____?
36. They went into the church, _____?
37. He doesn’t come here every day, _____?
38. She isn’t busy now, _____?
39. They didn’t come with her, _____?
40. She can’t speak French, _____?

42 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

B. Add a suitable question-tag to these sentences.
1. No one is ready _____?
2. No one solved the problem, _____?
3. Nobody is working, _____?
4. Nobody listened to me, _____?
5. Neither of them is good, _____?
6. None of the things are in condition, _____?
7. Manu never gets angry, _____?
8. Nothing is correct, _____?
9. Either of us is ready, _____?
10. Our school is very nice, _____?
11. Rita looks clean and tidy, _____?
12. She didn’t answer my question, _____?
13. Anu has her breakfast in bed, _____?
14. Bina would rather go there, _____?
15. Dina’d like some tea, _____?
16. Hira’s done well, _____?
17. Imran, bring me your pen, _____?
18. Somebody has called me, _____?
19. Someone destroyed it, _____?
20. Something is wrong, _____?
21. The milk should have been boiled, _____?
22. The traffic seldom seems heavy, _____?
23. My typist wouldn’t like it, _____?
24. The wind was blowing very hard, _____?
25. There used to be a pond, _____?
26. There’s plenty of time, _____?
27. They didn’t use to play gambles, _____?
28. My son knows them, _____?
29. We were absent from the lesson, _____?
30. They’d better stay at home, _____?
31. We’d finished the examination on time, ____?
32. None of us’re playing yesterday, _____?
33. This programme schedule is not reliable, _____?
34. Watch the movie carefully, _____?
35. They had a swim yesterday, _____?
36. We have our meal, _____?
37. I’ll come to your house next Saturday, _____?
38. We’re leaving tomorrow, _____?
39. Frank dares to tell a lie, _____?
40. You always write poor English, _____?

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 43

C. Add a suitable question-tag to these sentences.
1. They don’t live uptown, _____?
2. John often walks to the post office, _____?
3. Sekhar never goes there, _____?
4. Rajeev first goes to the window, _____?
5. Shree Krishna dropped the letter, _____?
6. Laxmi put a stamp on the envelope, _____?
7. Om gave him the stamps, _____?
8. Helen can speak English fluently, _____?
9. George had a very tall house in the city, _____?
10. You'd better not be absent for class, _____?
11. It might begin to rain soon, _____?
12. Mr. Smith may be out of town tomorrow _____?
13. They’d rather leave early in the morning, _____?
14. There used to be many students there, _____?
15. You need to consider that time is precious, _____?
16. Keep quiet, _____?
17. Lomu will finish the work, _____?
18. Let me open the door, _____?
19. Let us have a cup of tea, _____?
20. Let’s do our homework, _____?
21. Let’s finish our work, _____?
22. Let’s learn the English language, _____?
23. My sister doesn’t make a noise, _____?
24. Neither of them helped me, _____?
25. No one helped me last week, _____?

Vocabulary in Use
A. Match the following words with their meanings given below.
1. cosmology the study of birds
2. oncology the study of nature of being
3. ontology the study of tumours
4. ornithology the study of the theory of the universe
5. otology the study of fermentation
6. pathology the study of religion
7. petrology the study of the sounds of a language
8. phonology the study of the rocks
9. theology the study of bodily diseases
10. zymology the study of the ear

44 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

Read the following description.
The dog is one of the most popular animals in the world. It
was among the first animals to be domesticated, or trained
for use by humans. It is characterized by loyalty, friendship,
protectiveness, and affection. Therefore, dogs are also known
as man's best friend.
The dog is a social creature. It prefers the company of people
and of other dogs. Therefore, it is considered to be a pack
animal. Dogs claim territory and mark it as its own. Dogs
indicate their area by urinating and rubbing their scent on
the ground or on trees as a sign of their presence.
Dogs are capable of a wide range of responses to their
environment. For example, when a dog meets another dog
and its ears are erect, it is concentrating on the other dog. If its ears are pointing forward,
it is on the alert. If a dog holds its tail high and wags it, the animal is happy and confident.
If it drops its tail and remains still, the dog is anxious. If it pulls its tail between its legs, the
dog is afraid. If on meeting a person or another dog it pulls back its lips and growls, it is
making a threat.

In the above given description, the words in bold face are in subject-
verb agreement pattern. Singular subject must always agree with
Do you singular verb and plural subject must always agree with plural verb.
Know? Thus, the relationship between subject and verb is called subject- verb
agreement. A verb must agree with its subject in number and pronoun.
Here is a list of them.

Speaking Practice
Answer these questions based on the given description.
a. How is a dog characterized?
b. What does a dog prefer?
c. How do dogs indicate their idea?
d. What are dogs capable of?
e. What is a dog considered to be?
Listening Practice
Repeat these plural subjects after your teacher.
staff cattle livestock people vermin poultry
sheep deer salmon fish police outskirts
stairs arms swine gentry clergymen we
they men women students boys girls

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 45

Grammar Focus: Rules of Concord
1. Singular subject V5/was / is / has takes singular verb.
She was absent yesterday.
Manoj is kind and cooperative.
The earth rotates round the sun.
Our school has a beautiful garden.
2. Plural subject V1/were/ are/ have takes plural verb.
At this time yesterday we were playing games.
Cows eat fodder.
These players have very good appearance.
We are human being.
3. Modal auxiliary verbs such as will/would/ can/ could/shall/should/may/might /ought to/
must/need to/dare to/used to, etc. are always followed by plural verbs even if the subject
is singular.
All you need to do is complete this report.
We didn’t dare to tell what we thought.
Lakesh may be a good father but he’s a terrible husband.
They might get there on time, but I can’t be sure.
She must finish the work.
He would sing a song.
I will visit the park next month.
She can sing a song by herself.
I could do nothing except watching the picture.
The students ought to apologize for their mistake.
The staff used to go sailing on the lake in summer.
What shall I do for you?
You should labour hard.
4. Two or more nouns or pronouns joined by 'and' often require a plural verb.
Are your brother and sister job holder?
Fire and water do not agree.
Guna and I are working together.
But, if the noun suggests one idea to the mind or refers to the something, the verb is
Bread and butter is my only food.
Rice and Potato is our favorite food.
Slow and steady wins the race.
Time and tide waits for no man.
5. Two or more subjects joined by 'as well as', 'with', 'together with', 'along with',
accompanied by', 'including', 'in addition', ‘no less than’, etc. take verb according to the
former subject.
I, together with my helpers, am busy in works.
Kabit, together with his friends, was present.
The ship, along with its crew, was saved.
The shop, with its articles, was burnt down.

46 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

The text is accompanied by a series of stunning photographs.
There is, in addition, one further point to make.
Mira, and not you, has won the prize.
No one, besides Jubal, knows it.
Silver as well as gold is a precious metal.
Mr. Regmi as well as his sons is industrious
The guide book contains details of no less than 150 hiking routes.
6. Some nouns ending in –s are plural in form, but singular in meaning like:
a. Field of study/subjects: mathematics, linguistics, statistics, economics, ethics, physics,
ethics, politics, gymnastics, athletes
b. Diseases and Injuries: measles, shambles, rabies, AIDS, mumps, tuberculosis, syphilis,
paralysis, crisis, diabetes, shingles, rickets, etc.
c. Games and Sports: rounders, table tennis, checkers/ draughts, noughts and crosses,
musical bumps, fives, billiards, bowls, darts, dominoes, etc.
A musical bump is a child’s party game.
Darts is often played in British pubs.
Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with moral principles.
Linguistics is the scientific study of language.
Physics is my favorite subject.
Politics is a dirty game.
Rounders is played by two teams using a bat and ball.
Syphilis gets worse over a period of time.
7. Some nouns like staff, cattle, livestock, people, vermin, poultry, sheep, deer, salmon,
fish, police, outskirts, stairs, arms, swine, gentry and clergymen take plural verb.
Cattle were first tamed in Neolithic times.
How many stairs are there up to the second floor?
Most male deer have antlers.
The police are unable to examine the case.
The Sheep are grazing in the field.
The staff in this school are very supportive.
There were a lot of people at the party.
They keep/raise poultry on the farm.
They live on the periphery of Kathmandu.
This is a market where livestock are bought and sold.
Vermin are birds and mammals that prey on game.
But a sheep/ deer/ fish/ policeman/ clergyman takes singular verb.
A clergyman is a male priest or minister in the Christian Church.
A deer is coming to the village.
A policeman is running on the road.
He bought a sheep yesterday.
This fish tastes hilarious.
8. Two or more nouns qualified by each or every, joined by 'and' require singular verb.
Each and every dog has its day.
Every teacher, parent, and student is conscious about quality education.
Every girl and every boy is in school uniform.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 47

9. If the subject of a sentence begins with 'either of / neither of / each of / one of / everyone
of + plural nouns, it must be followed by singular verb.
Each of these books is written by foreign writers.
Either of the women is beautiful.
Every one of the students entertains my class.
Neither of these two boys is good at English.
One of the girls is so brilliant in this class.
10. Two or more nouns/pronouns corrected by 'either.....or.....’ and 'neither......nor......' take
verb according to the latter subject.
Either Sony or I am ready to do it.
Neither you nor Amrita helps me.
Either he or they have many problems.
Neither Rita nor her friends are good at singing.
11. Phrases beginning with -a crowd of / a band of/ a group of / a herd of / a flock of / a gang
of / a regiment of / a set of / a team of / a pack of / a pride of +plural nouns take both
plural and singular verbs.
A whole crowd is/are going to the ball.
A group of girls is / are kidding each other.
A herd of deer is/ are grazing on the ground.
A flock of sheep is/ are coming.
12. Phrases beginning with a chain of / a bunch of / a bouquet of / a batch of / a galaxy of /
a series of / a packet of +plural nouns generally take singular verb.
A bunch of flower is on the table.
13. Subjects that are about specific quantity or amount, distance, measurement and
arithmetic sums often have a singular verb.
Ten miles is a long distance.
Ten meters of cloth is required to cover the area.
Eighty thousand rupees is enough for my study.
Twelve hours equals to a day.
Six months is enough to finish this task.
Three plus three equals six.
Twenty minus five is fifteen.
Eighty dollars is a lot of money.
14. Plural noun which is a proper noun for some single object or some collective unit must
be followed by a singular verb.
The United States has a big navy.
The Arabian Nights is still a great favourite.
Tom and Jerry is a famous cartoon.
15. Some nouns like scissors/ shorts/ pants/ jeans/ trousers/ binoculars/ tongs/ pliers take a
plural verb but a pair of trousers/ shorts/ pliers/ pants/ jeans/ binoculars/ tongs/
pliers take a singular verb
The scissors are blunt.
The pliers are on the table.
A pair of scissors is blunt.

48 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

16. Collective nouns such as committee, crew, government, parliament, jury, staff, family,
team, audience may take either singular or plural verb.
Almost every family in the country owns a television.
He is a staff reporter for ‘The Himalayan Times’.
None of the passengers and crew was/were injured.
The audience is / are so excited
The audience was/were clapping for five minutes.
The committee has/have decided to close the restaurant.
The German parliament is called the ‘Bundestag’.
The government has/have been considering further tax cuts.
The jury has/have returned a verdict of guilty.
The present government is against corruption.
The team is / are trying best to win the match.
Three staff members were suspended after the incident.
17. The subject of a sentence beginning with some of / most of / all of / a few of / a lot of
+ plural nouns take a plural verb but some of / most of/ all of + uncountable nouns take
a singular verb.
Most of the students are good at mathematics.
A few girls have participated in the competition.
Most of the rice looks stale.
18. Indefinite pronouns as subjects have the following type of agreement:
Always Singular: anyone, everyone, someone, no one, everybody, anybody, nobody,
somebody, everything, nothing, anything, something, each, every, either, neither, much,
little, one, another, enough, other
Always Plural: both, few, many, several, others
Either singular or Plural: more, most, none, any, all, some
Someone is knocking at the door.
Nothing was wrong.
Nobody knows him.
None killed him.
Neither of them is a hard worker.
Either of them comes to me tonight.
19. Gerund and to-infinitive as subject is always followed by singular verb.
Learning is doing.
Reading is useful for us.
Seeing is believing.
Smoking is injurious to health.
To err is human.
To travel around the world is exciting.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 49

20. Agreement in Different Structures
WH + plural verb + plural noun Who are these men?
What are the boys doing?
WH + singular verb + singular noun What has happened to you?
Who was liable to do this?
No + plural noun + plural verb No laborers are needed for it.
No + singular noun + singular verb No laborer is needed for it.
A number + plural noun + plural A number of boys are absent today.
verb A number of students in the class are forty.
The number + plural noun + singular The number of boys today is eighteen.
verb The number of students in the class is forty.
There +singular verb + singular There is a guest in the restaurant.
There + plural verb + plural noun There are five doctors in the room.
Many a + singular noun + singular Many a good man has been addicted to drugs.
Many a + plural noun + plural verb Many good men have been addicted to drugs.
Here + singular verb + singular noun Here comes the leader.
Here + plural verb + plural noun Here are some books.
Pair + singular noun + singular verb The pair of shoes is missing.
A pair of shoes belongs to me.
Couple + plural noun + plural verb I saw a couple of men get out.
A couple of dresses need to be ironed.
Additional Practice: Read these sentences.
1. Which of these two flats would you like to buy? Either suits for you.
2. A number of students are absent today.
3. The number of players is fifteen?
4. Bears often hibernate in caves.
5. Cowboys tend herds of beef cattle.
6. Either you or I am mistaken.
7. Few girls in this village go to schools.
8. Gold and silver are precious metals.
9. Gulliver’s Travels is an interesting novel.
10. Every house has a black sheep.
11. He and I were watching TV.
12. He inherited a lot of wealth from his father, but now all is gone.
13. Her laughter was so catching we all joined in.
14. Here are two pieces of shirting. Each one is two meters long.
15. His caustic remarks hurt our sentiments.
16. Hundred cents is equal to one dollar.
17. I have two pens. But neither writes well.

50 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

18. In hot weather milk turns sour fast.
19. James, together with his friends, was present.
20. Kate, and not you, has won the prize.
21. One of the boys is very good in this class.
22. Mr. Mohan is an advocate, but neither of his two sons is good at studies.
23. My father joins the cavalry because he loves horses.
24. Neither the headmaster nor the teacher is responsible for this.
25. Neither the principal nor the teachers were able to give a satisfactory explanation.
26. No news is good news.
27. No one, besides James, knows it.
28. Oil and water do not mix.
29. Silver as well as gold is a precious metal.
30. Some economists believe that all is not well with the global economy.
31. Ten miles is a long distance to cover in an hour.
32. That woman has got two children. Both are girls.
33. The boy was actually waiting for school to reopen.
34. The consumption of beverages like tea and coffee is not without side effects.
35. The doting husband caters to his wife’s every wish.
36. The earth rotates on its own axis.
37. The father as well as his sons is industrious.
38. The girls are dancing merrily.
39. The introduction of computers in classrooms has improved the quality of education.
40. The king, with his ministers, is coming.
41. The leader, as well has his followers, was arrested.
42. The list of eligible students has been published.
43. The news is false.
44. The politician makes a categorical denial of the charges about bribes.
45. The quality of the mangoes was not very good.
46. The results of the examination have been announced.
47. The ship, with its crew, was saved.
48. The shop, with its articles, is burnt down.
49. The social services department has specialists for each welfare category.
50. The state of his affairs is a cause for concern.
51. The state of his affairs was sure to cause anxiety to his parents.
52. Neither of the two countries wants to agree to a ceasefire.
53. There are at least a few advantages to living alone.
54. Thousand dollars is a huge amount.
55. Time and tide waits for none.
56. Two thousand dollars is a large sum to lose.
57. Wool, as well as cotton, is exported from India.
58. None of them are coming home tonight.
59. One-third of the city is experiencing a blackout tonight.
60. Many a girl gets married at the age of 18.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 51

A. Select the correct form of the verb to complete the given sentences.
1. A group of students_____ playing outside. (is/am/are)
2. A herd of kangaroos_____(is/are/will) jumping.
3. All means of production_____been used.(has/is/have)
4. Come and _____ your (do/does/did) homework.
5. Dharma and I ______very busy today.(am/is/are)
6. Dip as well as Juna_____ (prefer/prefers/preferring) the coffee.
7. Each one of the people of this village _____ a fever.(have/has/is)
8. Either he or you _____ solved this problem. (has/have/having)
9. Even the school children _____ capable of thinking in abstract terms. (is/are/have)
10. Every child _____ a dream. (has/have/is)
11. Farina doesn’t like it but Ram _____ . (like/likes/liked)
12. I, who _____ your well wisher, help you. (Is/am/are)
13. Many people in a hall _____ (is/are/was) dancing.
14. Measles _____ broken out in this area. (has/have/having)
15. Mt. Everest ______ the highest peak in the world. (is/am/are)
16. Much paints _____ been taken.(has/have/had)
17. My scissors_____ (is/are/am) blunt.
18. Neither of the two men_____ (are/were/was) very strong.
19. Nepali, as well as Sanskrit _____ very interesting language. (is/am/are)
20. These boys _____ well behaved. (is/am/are)
21. Nobody _____ to be unsuccessful (want/wants)
22. Politics _____ (is/are/had) a dirty game.
23. All these boys______ honest.(is/am/are)
24. Ram and Sam_____ (has/have/had) not eaten yet.
25. Ram, but not Sita_____ attended the meeting.(have/has/is
26. Ravi as well as his friends_____ (is/am/are/have) present today.
27. Many a good teenager _____ selling drugs. (is/am/are)
28. Ten rupees_____ not enough for Tiffin. (is/am/are)
29. The effects of the cold_____ (is/are/were) very dangerous.
30. The leader, with his helpers_____ (were/has/was/had) sent for.
31. The police _____ going to arrest him. (is/am/are)
32. We don’t _____ (has/have/had) to listen to the music.
33. We need a bike. We_____ (needn’t/didn’t need/don’t need) a car.
34. Mohan drives a car but he _____ drive a bus.(doesn’t/ don’t)
35. My brother doesn’t _____ (try/tries/tried/trying) to pass.
36. Neither of them_____ there. (were/was/are)
37. She_____ eat (doesn’t/didn’t/don’t) for two days.
38. The actor and producer_____ (is/am/are/have) making a new film now.
39. The actress, along with her friends_____ going to the party tonight. (is/am/are)
40. The captain, with his players _____ (were/has/was/had) sent for.

52 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

B. Select the correct form of the verb to complete the given sentences.
1. A minority of the group ______me.(support/supports/have support)
2. A number of students_____ their verdict.(show/shows/have shown)
3. All the car doors_____ (was/were/has/is) locked.
4. Each and every girl ______sewing here.(learning/learn/learns)
5. Either of the students_____ (want/wants/nothing) to play.
6. Every one of the students_____ happy. (is/am/are)
7. His father, along with his sons, _____ gone to Pokhara. (has/have/are)
8. Kristina _____ (don’t/didn’t/doesn’t) write letter yesterday.
9. Lela doesn’t_____ (fried/fry/fries/had fried) onion.
10. The cost of fruits_____ (has/have/had) risen at present.
11. The earth_____ (move/moves/moved) round the sun.
12. The effects of crimes _____ likely to be devastating. (is/are/have)
13. The given data _____incorrect. (is/am/are)
14. A letter of sympathy___ (is/are/were) sent to someone who has had an accident.
15. A lot of money_____ (has/have/are) been spent for the party.
16. Each door _____ of different colour. (is/are/were)
17. Either Ram or Mohan_____ (has/have/had) taken purse.
18. Everybody _____ to be victorious.(want / wants)
19. I knew him but he______. (don’t, doesn’t, didn’t)
20. I like tea but he_____ (don’t/doesn’t/didn’t) like it.
21. My sister works in a bank but I _____. (don’t, doesn’t, didn’t)
22. Neither of these students _____ (is/are/has) honest.
23. Never_____ (smoke/smokes/smoked) in this room.
24. Ram does not_____ (hear/heard/hears) the notice.
25. She likes oranges but she_____ (likes/doesn’t like/didn’t like/liked) apples.
26. She’d not_____ (meet/met/meets/meeting) you.
27. The government _____ announced free education. (has/have/will)
28. The jury_____ it.(have decided/has decided/have decided)
29. The leader with his workers _____ the village.(has visited/have visited/are visiting)
30. The majority of the people _____ against the decision. (is/are/was/were)
31. The poet and writer _____ busy in writing. (is/are/were)
32. The police _____ recently caught the criminals.(has/have/had)
33. The poor _____ given shelter. (is/are/am)
34. The price of all food items _____ increased in double.(has/have).
35. Why didn’t you_____ (buy/buys/buying) any gift?
36. Why_____ (doesn’t/isn’t/hasn’t/don’t) you call the police?
37. Acoustics _____ not taught here. (is/am/are)
38. All these tables_____ (looks/look/looking) very shiny.
39. Billiards _____ my best game. (is/am/are)
40. Haven’t you _____ (find/found/finds/finding) the answer yet?

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 53

C. Select the correct form of the verb to complete the given sentences.
1. I bought some files yesterday but my friend did not_____ (buy/buys/bought) any.
2. I have not _____ (do/does/done) my homework.
3. I love music but my father_____. (don’t, doesn’t, didn’t)
4. Is she_____ (waits/wait/waiting) now?
5. Neither of them _____ hard. (study/studies)
6. Sudan plays the guitar but he_____ (do not /does not) play the piano.
7. The examination_____ (come/comes/is coming) nearer.
8. The old beggar_____ (dies/died/had died) yesterday.
9. The principal and the coordinator _____ coming. (is/are/have been)
10. The water of these rivers _____very dirty.( is/am/are/have)
11. There _____ a temple in the jungle. (is/are/was/were)
12. They have some money and so_____ (do/am/have) I.
13. They were good boys and so_____ (is/did/was) he.
14. Thirty dollars _____ not have much value for the rich. (do/does/is)
15. Thousands meters_____ (make/makes/have making) a kilometer.
16. Three parts of the business_____ (is/are/have been) left for me.
17. Twenty dollars_____ (is/am/are/have) too much to pay for an ordinary shirt.
18. Twenty rupees_____ enough for this pen. (is/are/was/were)
19. Twenty students in the room_____ (are/is/was/have) studying.
20. Two and two_____ (make/makes/making) four.
21. We_____ (are/is/were/was) not reading yesterday.
22. We_____ (reads/read/has read/are reading) at the moment.
23. You have not_____ (see/saw/seen) it before.
24. A golden retriever ___ one of those dogs that _____always faithful. (is/am/are)
25. Aman and Eroj _____ to the beach to surf with their friends. (go/goes)
26. All of my goals ___ being met and surpassed. (is/am/are)
27. Almost all of the newspaper ____ devoted to advertisements. (is/am/are)
28. At the end of the story, they ___ living happily ever after. (was/were/have)
29. Each of the vacation homes _____furnished with pots and pans. (is/am/are)
30. Either Gupta or I ___responsible for allocating the funds. (is/am/are)
31. Every one of the dancers ____very limber. (is/am/are)
32. Five dollars ____ all I have to my name. (is/am/are)
33. His dogs, which ___kept outside, bark all day long. (is/am/are)
34. Our staff members ____ very smart. (is/am/are)
35. Is it possible that John, as well as his family, ___ missing? (is/am/are)
36. My problem, which is minor, ____ a great significance. (has/have)
37. Neither of the lawyers _____willing to take the case. (is/am/are)
38. Neither she nor they ___ willing to predict the election results. (was/were)
39. None of them ___ coming home tonight. (is/am/are)
40. None of this ___ your business. (is/am/are)

54 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

D. Select the correct form of the verb to complete the given sentences.
1. One-third of the city ____ experiencing a blackout tonight. (is/am/are)
2. Eating a lot ____ you fat. (make / makes)
3. Taxes on interest ____ still deferrable. (is/am/are)
4. The anguish of the victims ____ gone unnoticed. (have/has)
5. The folder, not the letters, ____ misplaced. (was/were)
6. The group of children from that school ____ never seen the ocean. (have/has)
7. The majority of the state ____ Republican. (is/am/are)
8. The mother duck, along with all her ducklings, ____ so gracefully. (swim/swims)
9. The original document, as well as subsequent copies, ___ lost. (was/were)
10. The teacher or student ____ going to appear on stage first. (is/am/are)
11. There ___ maps hanging on the walls. (is/am/are)
12. Three-fourths of the pies ____ been eaten. (has/have)
13. Does anyone else ___ to ask questions? (want/wants)
14. Everyone ___ a chance to be there. (has/have)
15. Someone ___ crying for help. (is/am/are)
16. No one ____ selected for the tournament. (is/am/are)
17. Everybody ___ that I am a teacher. (know/knows)
18. ____ there anybody who can solve this problem? (Is/Am/Are)
19. Nobody ___ the truth here. (speak/speaks)
20. Somebody _____been locked there inside the toilet. (has/have)
21. Everything ___ perishable. (is/am/are)
22. Nothing _____ to them apart from their work. (matter/matters)
23. There ___ something to communicate between us. (is/am/are)
24. Each day ___ a special day for him. (is/am/are)
25. Every student ___ to be punctual at their work. (has/have)

Vocabulary in Use
A. Match the following words with their meanings given below.
1. altimeter measurement of electrical resistance
2. calorimeter measurement of light
3. chronometer measurement of rainfall
4. clinometer measurement of body temperature
5. electrometer measurement of altitude
6. manometer measurement of heat
7. ohmmeter measurement of time
8. photometer measurement of slopes
9. pluviometer measurement of electrical potential
10. thermometer measurement of the pressure of gases and liquids

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 55


Read the following story.

It wasn’t easy to take care of Nima. What a strange person she
was! She was always doing strange things and the other children
would laugh. I used to feel so ashamed of her. But it really wasn’t
her fault. Although she is older than I am and taller, she can’t do
many things. She can’t read or write. What she calls writing is just
wild scribble across the page.
Whenever I am with my friends she wants to be with us. My
mother has to go out to work so that leaves just me and said,
“Stay at home,” and “Look after her.”
“She is your sister! Take care of her properly. If you don’t who will? I’ve got to go out to
work, otherwise what are we going to eat?” Mother used to say.
Well, that was true. Ever since Father died, life hadn’t been very easy for Mother and I
guess I hadn’t made things any easier, grumbling about having to keep an eye on Nima and
all that! What an awkward situation I was facing!
She always wanted to join our games. Then, she’d make a mess of things because she really
didn’t understand any of the games. She didn’t keep the rules because she really didn’t
know them. We’d let her play to stop her from crying, but then she’d break a rule and if
we said “go out” she’d begin to cry again. My friends, Rita, Mona and others used to get
really mad, not just at her but at me as well. Then, I would lose my temper and walk off,
with Nima crying and stumbling behind me in her attempt to keep up with my strides. And
mother would be there, watching us from the kitchen window.
“Haven’t you any feeling? Can’t you see she feels hurt and left out? It isn’t her fault!” Then
mother would comfort her. And I would feel bad.

A sentence is a set of words that expresses a complete thought.

It must have a subject and a verb, but it may or may not have an
Do you object. A sentence that makes a statement begins with a capital letter
Know? and ends with a period. There are mainly four kinds of sentences in
English language. They are declarative, interrogative, exclamatory and

Speaking Practice
Answer these questions based on the given story.
a. Was it easy to take care of Nima?
b. What was she always doing?
c. What can’t she do?
d. What did her mother use to say?
e. What did she always want to do?

56 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

Listening Practice
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
Assertive Negative Interrogative
I help them. I do not help them. Do I help them?
We cut grass. We do not cut grass. Do we cut grass?
You clean your mouth. You do not clean your mouth. Do you clean your mouth?
He drinks water. He does not drink water. Does he drink water?
She washes her clothes. She does not wash her clothes. Does she wash her clothes?
It smells bad. It does not smell bad. Does it smell bad?
They need a car. They do not need a car. Do they need a car?

Grammar Focus: Types of Sentences

1. A declarative or Affirmative sentence makes a statement.
Narmada studies in the UK.
The students are swimming.
I will be there soon.
2. An interrogative sentence asks a question about person thing or reason.
Are you going swimming today?
What is the name of this school?
Where are the players?
3. An exclamatory sentence expresses surprise or strong feeling or emotion of an
How stupid person he is!
What a beautiful flower it is!
What a lovely weather !
4. An imperative sentence gives an order.
Don’t go too near the forest. Let him compose a song.
Never hurt your friends. Please have a sit.
Tell me the truth. Wait for me, please.
Grammar Focus: Sentence Transformation
A sentence that has an auxiliary verb takes 'NOT' instantly after the auxiliary verb when
it is changed into negative and auxiliary verb comes at the initial position of the sentence
when it is changed into interrogative.
He has learnt a grammar lesson. (Statement)
He hasn’t learnt a grammar lesson. (Negative)
Has he learnt a grammar lesson? (Interrogative)
We are playing football. (Statement)
We are not playing football. (Negative)
Are we playing football? (Interrogative)
They will visit temple tomorrow. (Statement)
They won't visit temple tomorrow. (Negative)
Will they visit temple tomorrow? (Interrogative)

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 57

If there is a main verb in a sentence, auxiliary verbs DO, DID and DOES are used for V1,
V2 and V5 respectively while changing them into negative and interrogative.
They have their dance class at 12 am. (Statement)
They don’t have their dance class at 12 am. (Negative)
Do they have their dance class at 12 am? (Interrogative)
I lost my bicycle yesterday. (Statement)
I didn’t lose my bicycle yesterday. (Negative)
Did I lose my bicycle yesterday? (Interrogative)
Krish speaks English well. (Statement)
Krish does not speak English well. (Negative)
Does Krish speak English well? (Interrogative)
When HAVE (Has, have and had) verb means possession, DO verb is used for
Lalita has a beautiful daughter. (Statement)
Lalit does not have a beautiful daughter. (Negative)
Does Lalit have a beautiful daughter? (Interrogative)
We have a beautiful swimming pool in our house. (Statement)
We don’t have a beautiful swimming pool in our house. (Negative)
Do we have a beautiful swimming pool in our house? (Interrogative)
Guna had a beautiful car. (Statement)
Guna did not have a beautiful car. (Negative)
Did Guna have a beautiful car? (Interrogative)
Sentences containing HAS TO / HAVE TO and HAD TO take DOES, DO and DID for
A merchant has to be insistent in today's practical market.(Statement)
A merchant doesn’t to be insistent in today's practical market. (Negative)
Does a merchant have to be insistent in today's practical market? (Interrogative)
We have to submit the report on time. (Statement)
We don’t have to submit the report on time. (Negative)
Do we have to submit the report on time? (Interrogative)
You had to meet us. (Statement)
You did not have to meet us. (Negative)
Did you have to meet us? (Interrogative)
Transformation of Imperative sentences
Sing a song. (Imperative)
Don’t sing a song. (Negative)
Will you sing a song? (Interrogative)
Let me tell you a story. (Imperative)
Don’t let me tell you a story. (Negative)
Will you let me tell you a story? (Interrogative)
Let’s have a party tomorrow. (Imperative)
Let’s not have a party tomorrow. (Negative)
Shall we have a party tomorrow? (Interrogative)

58 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

Grammar Focus: Transformation of sentences into negatives
Affirmative Negative
a few / very few not many
a lot of/enough much (uncountable), any (elsewhere)
all none
already/just/lately/recently yet
always/ever never
and so and neither
any of/some of/most of none of
anyone no one/none-object
as soon as no sooner…. than
as … as …not so
either ….or… neither …nor…
everyone no one/none
if unless
must need not (necessity), must not (prohibition)
often/usually seldom
only/alone none but
some no (in the beginning)
somebody nobody
someone no one
something nothing
sometimes never (negative), ever (question)
still any longer/anymore
too/also/as well either
Affirmative Negative
Very few students learn French now. Not many students learn French now.
He bought a lot of cakes. He didn’t buy any cakes.
All of them are well-dressed boys. None of them are well-dressed boys.
I have already passed my driving test. I haven’t passed my driving test yet.
She always manages her hair. She never manages her hair.
I wrote a story and so did he. I didn’t write a story and neither did he.
Some of them are naughty. None of hem are naughty.
Anyone can do it. Noone can do it.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 59

As soon as I saw her, she ran away. No sooner I saw her than she ran away.
Nilam is as clever as Nisha. Nilam is not so clever as Nisha.
Either he or his friends are good. Neither he nor his friends are good.
Everyone is worried about you. No one is worried about you.
If you there, you will see me. Unless you go there, you won’t see me.
You must go there. You need not go there.
They often/usually complain about him. They seldom complain about him.
Only I solved that problem. None but I solved that problem.
Some boys will go to the zoo next Friday. No boys will go to the zoo next Friday.
Somebody was knocking at the door. Nobody was knocking at the door.
Someone has called us. No one has called us.
Something is required for us. Nothing is required for us.
They sometimes go for movies. They never go for movies.
They are still working. They are not working any longer.
She likes mangoes, too. She doesn’t like mangoes, either.
A. Change the following sentences into negative and affirmative.
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
He eats an apple.
He is eating an apple.
He has eaten an apple.
He has been eating an apple.
He ate an apple.
He was eating an apple.
He had eaten an apple.
He had been eating an apple.
He will eat an apple.
He will be eating an apple.
He will have eaten an apple.
He will have been eating an apple.
B. Change the following sentences into negative and affirmative.
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I compose a song.
I am composing a song.
I have composed a song.

60 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

I have been composing a song.
I composed a song.
I was composing a song.
I had composed a song.
I had been composing a song.
I will compose a song.
I will be composing a song.
I will have composed a song.
I will have been composing a song.
I am going to compose a song
C. Change the following sentences into negative and affirmative.
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
The cat drinks milk.
The cat is drinking milk.
The cat has drunk milk.
The cat has been drinking milk.
The cat drank milk.
The cat was drinking milk.
The cat had drunk milk.
The cat had been drinking milk.
The cat will drink milk.
The cat will be drinking milk.
The cat will have drunk milk.
The cat will have been drinking milk.
D. Underline subject and predicate in the following sentences.
1. Cars and buses were set ablaze during the riot.
2. We were flying above the clouds.
3. He turned to her, his eyes ablaze with anger.
4. We were ably assisted by a team of volunteers.
5. They thought his behaviour was abnormal.
6. Close the window, please.
7. The ship was blown off.
8. He was already aboard the plane.
9. The plane crashed, killing all 157 passengers aboard.
10. We were served the most abominable coffee.
11. Smoking is injurious to our health.
12. Slow and steady wins the race.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 61

E. Change the following sentences into negative and affirmative.
1. Am I reading your paper?
2. Am I sitting in the right place?
3. Are Anne and Maria waiting for the bus?
4. Are the children playing football?
5. Are your parents staying here?
6. Can you enjoy yourself?
7. Could your brothers work all day?
8. Did he call you in the function?
9. Did they work in a factory?
10. Did we learn any lesson from that accident
11. Do you go to school on Saturdays?
12. Do you like this school?
13. Do you speak Italian?
14. Does he know London well?
15. Does Susan drive to work?
16. Does the dog sleep in your bedroom?
17. Does your brother miss you?
18. Had she told you anything?
19. Had the film started at six o’clock?
20. Has he driven you to school?
21. Has he finished reading poetry?
22. Have you come to work by bike?
23. Have you needed any money?
24. Is John watching television?
25. Is Mary listening to the CD player?
26. Is she coming now?
27. Is your mother watching television?
28. Might Paul swim for the school team?
29. Was he living in an apartment?
30. Was she swimming with you?
31. Were they planning to buy a computer?
32. Were you there in the party?
33. Does he study well?
34. Are you living in the village?
35. Can you type this email?
36. Was he singing a song?
37. Will you marry me?
38. Would he play cricket?
39. Are you ready for the party?
40. Could he dance?

62 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

F. Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative.
1. The new regulations will work to our advantage.
2. I can affirm that they may lose their job.
3. These medicines are safe to take.
4. The money goes the children.
5. Military intervention aggravates the conflict even further.
6. You want to go on the trip.
7. There is some hope that things will improve.
8. Students learn at different rates.
9. Forgive him for what he has done.
10. He will call you after he has spoken to them.
11. It will probably take ages to find a parking space.
12. You will have to abide by the rules of the club.
13. Warships accompany the convoy.
14. We must accomplish our objectives.
15. Clean your mouth.
16. The salary is fixed according to qualifications and experience.
17. Institutions that meet the standards will be accredited for teacher training.
18. Interest will accrue if you keep your money in a savings account.
19. All applications will be acknowledged.
20. Families will be better off under the new law.
21. They are meeting at the agreed time.
22. It is getting late to go to the party.
23. We shall be visiting the Taj Mahal at this time next week.
24. We will have completed our examination by next Friday this month.
25. He has just had his lunch with me.
26. He had had his medicine on time.
27. I have already submitted my project work.
28. He had been writing a story whole day yesterday.
29. Tony can sing a song like a professional singer.
30. I could suggest him if he asked me.
31. They used to go for morning walk every day.
32. She must go there at any cost.
33. It might affect the health of the villagers adversely.
34. You need to be very cautious about this problem.
35. I have been to the Alps many times before.
36. Nita does her every work without any fault.
37. Our school starts at 9 in the morning.
38. He always practices baseball for 2 hours.
39. Joe had his lunch in a very fine restaurant.
40. I have a lot of money at the moment.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 63

G. Change the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.
1. Do it slowly and carefully. (negative)
2. Does he go to school every day? (affirmative)
3. Drink that dirty water. (negative)
4. Either Roman or his friends come here. (negative)
5. Either you or she is responsible for this accident. (negative)
6. He forgets my name. (negative)
7. He comes here every day. (interrogative)
8. He didn’t go to school. (affirmative)
9. She has fallen off her bike. (interrogative)
10. He has not visited India yet. (affirmative)
11. He has to come here. (negative)
12. He must answer the letter. (negative)
13. I bought no apples. (affirmative)
14. I fell off my bike. (interrogative)
15. I have my meal at eight. (interrogative)
16. I like mangoes too. (negative)
17. I visit my parents very often. (negative)
18. Let’s go home. (interrogative)
19. None of the boys has a copy. (affirmative)
20. Nothing has happened. (affirmative)
21. Rita had a car. (negative)
22. She always goes to school. (interrogative)
23. She comes from Germany. (interrogative)
24. She hasn’t passed the SLC yet. (affirmative)
25. She loves him too. (negative)
26. She wrote a letter. (interrogative)
27. Someone stole my book. (interrogative)
28. Sunita has a kite. (negative)
29. The car costs a lot. (interrogative)
30. The couple has a naughty son. (interrogative)
31. The curry tastes bitter. (interrogative)
32. There wasn’t much milk. (affirmative)
33. They have to run fast. (negative)
34. They seldom visit the zoo. (affirmative)
35. We do it well. (interrogative)
36. We have a very cooperative family in our locality. (interrogative)
37. We have solved the problem. (negative)
38. We need a box. (negative)
39. Will she be available this afternoon? (affirmative)
40. You need not go to bazaar. (affirmative)

64 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

H. Change the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.
1. She goes to work by car. (interrogative )
2. We watch television every night. (negative)
3. He doesn't walk to work every day. (affirmative)
4. She plays football every Saturday. (interrogative)
5. He washes his car every week. (interrogative)
6. They live in Australia. ( interrogative )
7. They go to school by bus. (interrogative)
8. Does she finish her work at five o'clock? (affirmative)
9. He goes to the cinema on Fridays. (interrogative)
10. I am from Africa. (negative)
11. Does he live in this street? (affirmative)
12. He works in a restaurant. ( interrogative )
13. She gets up at five o'clock. (interrogative )
14. They eat a lot. (negative)
15. Does he work here? (affirmative)
16. She's watching television now. (interrogative)
17. He isn't staying at this hotel.(affirmative)
18. I have already read it. (negative)
19. They're working.(interrogative)
20. He's writing a letter. (interrogative)
21. He hasn't called me yet. (affirmative)
22. He won't call me. (affirmative)
23. She's studying at the moment. (interrogative)
24. They will have finished it by tomorrow. (negative)
25. You're reading my newspaper. (interrogative)
26. She's writing a letter.(interrogative)
27. They're not playing football. (affirmative)
28. He's listening to the radio. (interrogative)
29. You're playing football. (interrogative)
30. Did she help you yesterday? (affirmative)
31. Are you looking for me now? (affirmative)
32. Does he sing songs daily? (affirmative)
33. Do they work hard? (affirmative)
34. Anil generally drives a van. (negative)
35. He's talking to Mary. (interrogative)

Vocabulary in Use
A. Match the following words with their meanings given below.
1. acrophobia fear of women
2. claustrophobia fear of poisons
3. demophobia fear of strangers
4. entomophobia fear of animals
5. erotophobia fear of heights
6. gametophobia fear of confined spaces
7. gynophobia fear of crowds
8. iophobia fear of insects
9. xenophobia fear of sexual feelings
10. zoophobia fear of marriage

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 65


Read the following texts.

Hand puppets fit over the hand, somewhat like a glove. People operate them by moving their
wrist and fingers. The forefinger usually operates the head. The thumb and second finger
operate the two arms. They are the easiest puppets to control. When these puppets appear
on a stage, the puppeteers usually work below the stage. They lift the puppets up to the
stage. The dummies of most ventriloquists are hand puppets. They generally fit over the
ventriloquist’s hand and arm.
Homeopathy started with a German physician named Samuel Hahnemann in 1796.
Hahnemann did an experiment on himself with quinine, a medicine that had been used
successfully to treat malaria. Hahnemann found that large doses of quinine gave him the
symptoms of malaria, even though he did not have the disease. He then reasoned that any
drug that produces symptoms of a disease in a healthy person might be used to treat that
disease. He experimented with drugs on other healthy people to prove his finding.
Maya will stay at home tomorrow. She will go to temple in the morning. She will take bath in
the afternoon. She will do her homework and play with her brother. In the evening, she will
go out with her father. She will have a nice time ahead tomorrow.

Do you The given texts represent present, past and future tenses.

Speaking Practice
Answer these questions based on the given texts.
a. How many tenses are there in English?
b. Which tense does the first text represent?
c. Which tense does the second text represent?
d. Which tense does the third text represent?
e. What verbs in the text represent present tense?
f. What verbs in the text represent past tense?
g. What verbs in the text represent future tense?

Listening Practice
Repeat these structures after your teacher.
Simple Present sub + v1/v5 + obj
Present Continuous sub + is/am/are + v4 + obj
Present Perfect sub + has/have + v3 + obj
Present Perfect Continuous sub + has/have + been +v4 + obj
Simple Past sub + v2 + obj
Past Continuous sub + was/were + v4 + obj
Past Perfect sub + had + v3 + obj

66 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

Past Perfect Continuous sub + had + been v4 + obj
Simple Future sub + will/shall +v1 + obj
Future Continuous sub + will/shall +be + v4 + obj
Future Perfect sub + will/shall +have + v3 + obj
Future Perfect Continuous sub + will/shall +have + been + v4 + obj

Grammar Focus: Simple Present Tense

Read the following description.
The moon spins on its axis like the earth. The earth takes a day to spin on its axis. The moon
takes over 27 days to spin on its axis. It takes the same amount of time to circle the earth
once. This is why we always see the moon from the same side. People say the craters look
like a face. They call it ‘the man in the moon’. The moon has no light of its own. It reflects
the light of the sun. The moon has a day and night side. We see the moon from different
angles. We see the full day side of the moon for only part of each month. The rest of the
time, we see part of the moon. We can only see the moon when the sky is reasonably clear
of cloud.
In the given description, the coloured words are in simple present tense. Simple present
tense tells us about the things that are permanently true. Let’s observe the following table:
Subject Auxiliary Verb Main Verb
I, We, You, They like tea.
He, She likes tea.
I, We, You, They do not like tea.
He, She does not like tea.
Do I, we, you, they like tea?
Does he, she like tea?
Affirmative Sub+V1/V5+Obj
Negative Sub+ do/does+not+ V1+ +obj
Interrogative Do/Does +sub + obj +?
a. to express universal, general truths.
The earth rotates round the sun.
The sun sets in the west.
Water flows down.
b. to express habitual actions, regular actions.
I always go to temple. He never has wine.
She takes a glass of milk every morning.
c. to express scheduled future actions, future actions with present time table.
I take 7 o'clock plane tomorrow.
The bus leaves at 8 pm.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 67

d. to express English proverbs and quotations.
All that glitters is not gold.
Man is mortal. Honesty is the best policy.
e. to explain events in the live commentaries.
The caption catches the ball and throws it again.
f. to express timetable and travel management.
The show starts at 7:30 am.
The programme beigns at 10 am.
g. in the sentence beginning with ‘here’ and ‘there’.
Here comes the Prime Minister.
There the bus goes.
h. with simple future tense, in the clauses of cause and effect.
If you work hard, you’ll get good result.
If he comes to the party, we'll see him.
i. to tell about someone’s job or profession.
He works in a school.
Rohit is an engineer.
j. to describe events, situations or actions described in stories, dramas, fictions, films,
In Muna Madan, Madan dies on the way to home.
At last the hero accepts her proposal.
k. with the following adverbs:
always, seldom, daily, usually, occasionally, hardly, now-a-days, rarely, sometimes, never,
generally, frequently, often, every day, every week, every month, every year, once a week,
twice a day, trice a month, whenever, after, every time, etc.

Aryan frequently visits the temple.
Harke always sleeps in the day time.
We can see that elephant everytime we visit the zoo.
Nisha barely drinks alcohol.
The staffs go for a picnic once a year.
Whenever I need money, I memorize you.
Grammar Focus: Present Continuous Tense
Read the following description.
It is Tiffin time in school. The students are coming out of their class. They are walking in line
and going to the canteen. The canteen workers are distributing Tiffin for them. Now, they
are taking their Tiffin together. The teachers are supervising them. The teachers are also
having Tiffin together with the students. Some students are playing table tennis and some
of them are reading books in the library. The bell rings and the students along with their
teachers are going to their class.
In the given description, the coloured words are in present continuous tense. Present
continuous tense describes the things that are happening or existing for a period of time
without interruption. Let’s observe the following table:

68 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

Subject Auxiliary Verb Main Verb
I am drinking tea.
We, You, They are drinking tea.
He, She is drinking tea.
I am not drinking tea.
We, You, They are not drinking tea.
Am I drinking tea?
Are we, you, they drinking tea?
Is he, she drinking tea?
Affirmative Sub + is/am/are+ V4+obj
Negative Sub + is/am/are + not+V4+obj
Interrogative Is/Am/Are+sub+V4+obj+?
a. for an action going on at the time of speaking.
The students are playing in the ground.
The cars are running on the way.
b. for an action that is planned or arranged to take place in the near future.
My sister is arriving on Saturday.
They are going to Kathmandu next month.
c. for a long- term process and development.
The climate of the world is changing.
The pollution in Kathmandu valley is growing day by day.
d. for a changing situation.
My health is getting poorer.
He is getting grown-up.
e. for a temporary action which may not be actually happening at the time of speaking.
We are reading a book of Devkota.
Mr. Regmi is writing a book on grammar.
The students are living in an apartment.
I am taking tuition classes this month.
f. after short expressions that draw attention like: Stop! Listen! Look! Don't disturb! Don't
cross the road! After 'but today, but now', etc.
Do not make a noise! The baby is sleeping.
Hurry up! It is getting late.
Look! The police are coming here.
They always go to school on foot but today they are travelling by bus.
g. with the following adverbs:
now, still, at present, at the moment, at this time, this morning, afternoon, evening, next
day, week, month, year, soon, in the near future, tomorrow morning, etc.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 69

The players are walking on the ground now.
The old man is still sitting under the tree.
They are organizing a party this evening.

Grammar Focus: Present Perfect Tense

Read the following dialogue.
Anusa: Have you ever seen the Kathmandu Mall that’s just opened a quality shop.
Aastha: Yes, I have. It has opened it recently, hasn't it? I haven't been in there yet.
Anusa: I went there yesterday. It's really good. Look! I have bought some warm clothes.
It is good for the winter. Have you ever travelled in winter?
Aastha: No, I haven't travelled in the winter for ages actually. I've travelled in the summer,
Anusa: Where have you gone so far?
Aastha: I have been to Mustang many times.
Anusa: I've been to Pokhara twice, but I've never been to Mustang, yet. It’s getting late.
I’ve got to go early today. Bye, Aastha!
Aastha: Bye, Anusa!
In the above given dialogue, the cloured words are in present perfect tense. The present
perfect tense is the form of verb that expresses an action done in a period up to the present.
Let’s observe the following table:
Subject Auxiliary Verb Main Verb
I, We, You, They have drunk tea.
He, She has drunk tea.
I, We, You, They have not drunk tea.
He, She has not drunk tea.
Have I, we, you, they drunk tea?
Has he, she, it drunk tea?
Affirmative Sub + has/have+V3+obj
Negative Sub + has/have+ not+ V3+obj
Interrogative Has/Have+sub+V3+ obj+?
a. to denote a completed action in the recent past.
I have just completed the work. She has just come from the USA.
b. to denote recent past actions which have results in the present.
Subash has played volleyball. (She is sweating)
I have cut my finger. (It's bleeding)
c. with 'since + point of time or for + period of time’ to denote an action beginning at
sometime in the past and continuing up to the present moment.
I haven't seen them for 10 years.
I have joined the class for 3 months.

70 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

d. to express interesting incidents or experiences.
I have seen a one-eye person.
I have spent two months in Tansen.
I have read the Geeta.
e. for a new information or recent happening.
The children have just arrived from the party.
The principal has just resigned.
f. with the following adverbs:
already, recently, always, ever, lately, never, not + yet, just, today, this morning, since, for,
all the time, etc.
They have never seen the Alps.
I have recently published a book.
I have not written the document yet.
g. This is the first time; it is the first time + Present Perfect.
This is the first time I’ve seen him.
It is the first time Krishal has travelled by plane.
h. Present Perfect + Since + Simple Past.
I haven’t met him since he passed the SEE.
He hasn’t studied anywhere since he missed the annual exam.
Grammar Focus: Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Read the following dialogue and notice the use of present perfect continuous tense.
Saroj: I have to go to my office early. There is a meeting today.
Eroj: Are you conducting the meeting?
Saroj: Yes, I’ve been conducting office meeting since last month.
Eroj: Last month! I’ve been conducting office meeting for 2 years.
Saroj: Well, you have to give me some ideas about it. What’ve you been doing for 2
Eroj: I’ve been learning the techniques of conducting effective meeting so far. But I am
perfect now. You should have good communication skill for this.
Saroj: That’s fine. I’ve been conducting meeting for five minutes only. Now I will learn
much about it from you.
Eroj: Well, I am ready to help you.
In the above given dialogue, the coloured words are in present perfect continuous tense.
The present perfect continuous tense is the form of verb that expresses an action that
started somewhere in the past and is continuing up to now to the present. The action might
continue up to the future too. Let’s observe the following table:
Subject Auxiliary Verb Auxiliary Verb Main Verb
I , We, You, They have been drinking tea.
He, She has been drinking tea.
I, We, You, They have not been drinking tea.
He, She has not been drinking tea.
Have I, we, you, they been drinking tea?

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 71

Has he, she been drinking tea?
Affirmative Sub +has/have +been +V4 + obj
Negative Sub +has/have + not+been + V4 + obj
Interrogative Has/Have +sub+ been +V4 + obj+?
a. Present perfect continuous tense is used for an action this began at some time in the
past and is still continuing.
I have been waiting Rita for six hours.
Ramchandra has been living in this village since his childhood.
b. ‘Since +point of time', 'for +period of time + now', 'all +present time: all this morning,
afternoon, evening, all this week, month, years’.
I have been practicing dance all this morning.
The students have been studying here since their early days.
c. Used with these verbs: stay, live, wait, work, sleep, read, etc.
I have been reading for ten hours.
Mr. Arjun has been teaching here since 2016.
Grammar Focus: Simple Past Tense
Read the following description and notice the use of simple past tense.
I only missed the bus by a few minutes. I was annoyed. Because I missed my bus, I had
to wait for the next one. I had to wait for an hour and a half. I bought a cup of coffee and
a newspaper. I found a chair to sit on. I drank my coffee and read the newspaper while I
waited for the next bus. It was very frustrating.

In the above given description, the coloured words are in simple past tense. The simple
past tense is used to describe the completed actions in the past. Let’s observe the following
Subject Auxiliary Verb Main Verb
I, We, You, They drank tea.
He, She drank tea.
I, We, You, They did not drink tea.
He, She did not drink tea.
Did I, we, you, they drink tea?
Did he, she drink tea?
Affirmative Sub + V2 + obj
Negative Sub + did+not+ V1 + obj
Interrogative Did+ sub + V1 + obj+?

72 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

a. to denote an action completed in the past.
Sabin’s father died of cancer last year.
I pased the exam in 2057.
b. to express past habits.
My father went to temple every day. (But not now)
Harke ran miles every morning.
c. to express the historic events.
Chandra Shumsher Built Tri-Chandra College.
Devkota wrote Sakuntal.
d. with when clause.
When his father came in, he started watching TV.
When the bell rang, the teacher started his class.
e. with the following adverbials:
Yesterday, ago, last night, week, day, month, year, century, in the past, in + past time, just
now, a few minutes ago, long time ago, three days ago, when, while, until, before, after,
once, as soon as, 2005, etc.
I lost my bag last year.
They visited the City Center yesterday.
Grammar Focus: Past Continuous Tense
Read the following description.
At playtime it was raining so they stayed in. Mrs. Regmi was sitting at her desk, frowning.
She was sipping her mug of coffee slowly, taking each sip into her mouth and swilling it
round, then sucking it back through her teeth with a sharp intake. Chirikaji was looking at
his teacher. Everyone was looking up each other and Chirikaji was still staring at his teacher.
When Chirikaji looked back up, no-one was looking at him any longer. They were reading
their comics or playing games. They were doing their own work. As they were not planning
to leave soon, Chirikaji was planning to move. However, the rain was still pouring down
In the above given description, coloured words are in past continuous tense. Past continuous
tense describes the things that were happening or existing for a period of time without
interruption in the past. Let’s observe the following table:
Subject Auxiliary Verb Main Verb
I was drinking tea.
We, You, They were drinking tea.
He, She was drinking tea.
I was not drinking tea.
We, You, They were not drinking tea.
Was I drinking tea?
Were we, you, they drinking tea?

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 73

Was he, she, drinking tea?
Affirmative Sub +was/were +V4+ obj
Negative Sub +was/were +not+V4+ obj
Interrogative Was/Were +sub+V4+ obj+?
a. to denote an action going at sometime in the past.
I was washing clothes all morning yesterday.
It was raining all day on Saturday.
b. to refer to a temporary situation in the past.
Ajita was living with her uncle yesterday.
We were taking extra classes all last year.
c. with while clause.
The phone rang while I was watching TV.
d. It often occurs with ' all +past time'
all day yesterday, all last night , Sunday, week, month year, at this time yesterday, at this
moment yesterday, etc.
He was travelling by plane at this time yesterday.
We were painting the fence all day yesterday.
Grammar Focus: Past Perfect Tense
Read the following description and notice the use of past perfect tense.
Mira lay on her bed and stared at the ceiling. She was depressed. Her boyfriend Mohan had
gone on holiday with his brother the day before. He hadn't invited Mira to go with him. He
hadn't even said goodbye properly. And everything had been going so well. What had she
done wrong?
In the above given description, coloured words are in past perfect tense. The past perfect
tense is the form of verb that expresses an action done in a period in the past. Let’s observe
the following table:
Subject Auxiliary Verb Main Verb
I, We, You, They had drunk tea.
He, She had drunk tea.
I, We, You, They had not drunk tea.
He, She had not drunk tea.
Had I, we, you, they drunk tea?
Had he, she, it drunk tea?
Affirmative Sub +had +V3 + obj
Negative Sub +had +not+V3 + obj
Interrogative Had +sub+V3 + obj+?

74 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

a. Past perfect tense is used to denote an action completed before a certain moment in the
They had met him in Kathmandu in 2005.
We had seen him last three years before.
b. It is also used to show which of two actions in the past happened earlier than the
They went home after they had completed the work.
We had completed the work before we went home.
When he reached home, his father had already died.
c. Simple past for 2nd action, past perfect for 1st action
The thieves had flown away when the police arrived there.
d. As soon as +past perfect simple past (If two actions happen in the past one after
As soon as he had completed his work, he went for lunch.
Grammar Focus: Past Perfect Continuous Tense
The past perfect continuous tense is the form of verb that expresses an action that started
somewhere in the past and was continuing up some point of time in the past. Let’s observe
the following table:
Subject Auxiliary Verb Auxiliary Main Verb Object
I, We, You, They had been drinking tea.
He, She had been drinking tea.
I, We, You, They had not been drinking tea.
He, She had not been drinking tea.
Had I, we, you, they been drinking tea?
Had he, she been drinking tea?
Affirmative Sub +had +been +V4 + obj
Negative Sub +had + not+ been +V4 + obj
Interrogative Had +sub+ been +V4 + obj+?
This tense is used for an action that began at certain point in the past and continued up to
that time.
When I came here two years ago, Mr. Arjun had already been working there for six months.
He had been trying to get her on the phone.

Grammar Focus: Simple Future Tense

The simple future tense is the time that will come after the present or the event that will
happen then. Let’s observe the following table:
Subject Auxiliary Verb Main Verb
I, We, You, They will drink tea.
He, She, It will drink tea.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 75

I, We, You, They will not drink tea.
He, She, It will not drink tea.
Will I, we, you, they drink tea?
Will he, she drink tea?
Affirmative Sub +shall/will +V1 +obj
Negative Sub +shall/will +not+V1 +obj
Interrogative Shall/Will +sub+V1 +obj+?

a. This tense is used for an action that has still to take place.
I will go to Kathmandu next month.
She will be married soon.
b. It is used with 'If clause'
If it rains, I will stay at home.
If I pass the exam, I will join college.
c. I (don’t) think, I (don’t) expect, I am sure, probably + Simple Future Tense.
I expect he will surely pass the exam.
I am sure we will win the match.
I don’t think Neema will come to us.
d. It is used with the following time adverbials:
soon, tomorrow, tonight, shortly, next time, day, week, month, year, in a few minutes,
days, weeks, months, years, etc.
She will go to Bangladesh tomorrow.
I will finish this work in a couple of days.
Grammar Focus: Future Continuous Tense
The future continuous tense is the time that expresses an ongoing action at a certain point in
the future. Let’s observe the following table:
Subject Auxiliary Verb Main Verb
I, We, You, They will be drinking tea.
He, She will be drinking tea.
I, We, You, They will not be drinking tea.
He, She will not be drinking tea.
Will I, we, you, they be drinking tea?
Will he, she, be drinking tea?
Affirmative Sub +shall/will +be +V4 +obj
Negative Sub +shall/will +not+ be +V4 +obj
Interrogative Shall/Will +sub+ be +V4 +obj+?

76 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

a. It is used for an action going on at some time in future.
We will be reading books all the morning tomorrow.
b. It is used for future events that are planned.
I will be talking to them next week.
c. It is used with following adverbials: at this time tomorrow, at this moment tomorrow,
He will be reading in the class at this time tomorrow.
They will be playing cricket at this moment tomorrow.
Grammar Focus: Future Perfect Tense
The future perfect tense is the form of verb that expresses an action completed before a
particular point in the future. Let’s observe the following table:
Subject Auxiliary Verb Main Verb
I, We, You, They will have drunk tea.
He, She will have drunk tea.
I, We, You, They will not have drunk tea.
He, She will not have drunk tea.
Will I, we, you, they have drunk tea?
Will he, she have drunk tea?
Affirmative Sub +shall/will +have +V3 + obj
Negative Sub +shall/will + not + have +V3 + obj
Interrogative Shall/Will +sub+ have +V3 + obj+?
a. It is used to indicate the completion of action by a certain future time.
We will have finished the work by tomorrow.
By 2018, she will have passed the exam.
Before you go to see him, he will have left home.
I will have written a novel before January.
b. By + time, before + time, in + period of time.
They will have finished their higher studies by 2020.
He will have finished painting before 2 o’clock.
Tulsi will have finished her nursing in three years time.
Grammar Focus: Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Let’s observe the following table:
This tense expresses a continued or ongoing action that will start in future and is thought to
be continued till sometime in future.
Subject Auxiliary Verb Auxiliary Verb Auxiliary Main Verb
I, We, You, will have been drinking tea.
He, She will have been drinking tea.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 77

I, We, You, will not have been drinking tea.
He, She will not have been drinking tea.
Will I, we, you, have been drinking tea?
Will he, she have been drinking tea?
Affirmative Sub +shall/will +have +been +V4 + obj
Negative Sub +shall/will +not+ have +been +V4 + obj
Interrogative Shall/Will +sub + have +been +V4 + obj+?

 'By, before + future time' and 'for+ period of time'

By next year, he will have been teaching in the school for three years.
 'In + period of time' and 'for + period of time'
In two months, we will have been learning computer for a year.
Grammar Focus: Going to Future Tense
This tense expresses an action that is going to take place in near future.
Let’s observe the following table:
Subject Auxiliary Verb Main Verb
We, You, They are going to drink tea.
I am going to drink tea.
He, She is going to drink tea.
We, You, They are not going to drink tea.
I am not going to drink tea.
He, She is not going to drink tea.
Are we, you, they going to drink tea?
Am I going to drink tea?
Is he, she going to drink tea?
Affirmative Sub + is/am/are + going to + V1 + obj
Negative Sub + is/am/are + not+ going to + V1 + obj
Interrogative Is/Am/Are + sub+ going to + V1 + obj+?
 Used to express intention.
He is going to be a driver.
We are going to have three apples.
 Used to describe that something is beyond our control.
Gupta is going to die.
The wall is going to fall.
 Used for planned action.
Sanam is going out. He is going to post some letters.

78 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

 Used without a time expression.
Ritu is going to lend me her umbrella.
Grammar Focus: Summary of all Tenses

She played She plays She will paly

yesterday. everyday. again tomorrow.


She was playing She is playing She will be playing

at 9 AM this morning. right now. at 6 PM tonight.


1 2 1 2 1 2
When she retired, So, far, When she retires, she
she had played she has played will have played all
all her life. all her life. her life.

1 2 1 2 1 2
When she retired, When she retires, she
She has been playing will have been playing
she had been playing for 40 years.
for 40 years. for 40 years.

Grammar Focus: Tense Contrasts

A. When+ simple present, simple present/future
First action-when clause
Second action-main clause that is the result of first action
When the teacher goes to the class, the students greet him.
When I give them sweets, they will be happy.
B. When + simple past, past continuous
First action-main clause that has already been started
Second action-when clause that interrupts the first action
When the teacher entered the class, the students were running.
He telephoned me, when I was watching TV.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 79

C. When/by the time+ simple past, past perfect
First action-main clause in which one action had already completed before another
Second action-when clause
When the teacher entered the class, the students had already gone out.
By the time I reached the station, the bus had already left.
D. While + past continuous , simple past
First action-while clause
Second action-main clause
While it was snowing, they started their journey to Mustang.
While they were discussing, I drew a picture.
E. Simple past + after, that, what, as soon as + past perfect
First action-another clause
Second action-main clause
He arrived at the station after the bus had gone.
Ram started crying as soon as he had heard of his brother's accident.
F. Past perfect + by the time, before, until + simple past
First action-main clause
Second action-another clause
The train had gone before Roman arrived at the station.
The patient had died before the doctor examined him.
G. If/unless + simple present, simple future: to talk about particular time in future
If he does n’t study, he’ll fail the exam.
Unless you write to me, I won’t write to you.
H. As/when +simple past, simple past: one action caused another action
As I threatened Rashma, she started crying.
When I saw the principal, I hid inside the house.
Kritika fell down when I pushed her.
I. While + past continuous, past continuous: two actions are happening at the same
While I was singing, my brother was watching TV.
The class was going on while we were composing a song.
J. Going to/Present Continuous + time word
It is often possible to use either tense:
I'm seeing them tomorrow. I'm going to see them tomorrow.
The going to future is very common, especially in conversation.
If there is doubt about which of the two futures to use, it is better to use going to. With
the verbs go and come, it is better to use the present continuous. Present continuous +
time word is generally used for plans arranged for a particular time in the future.

80 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

Grammar Focus: Common Errors
The baby is sleeping for three hours. The baby has been sleeping for three hours.
Alex has sent out applications last month. Alex sent out applications last month.
Today, Ratna Park was one of the most Today, R atna Park is one of the most popular
popular of all the parks. of all the parks.
My comment hurted her feelings. My comment hurt her feelings.
She flied to Los Angeles for New Year. She flew to Los Angeles for New Year.
I confuse about what you just said. I am confused about what you just said.
The student were asking question. The students were asking questions.
You should seek advices when you are You should seek advice when you are making
making an important decision. an important decision.
It is raining for two days. It has been raining for two days.
I have seen him yesterday. I saw him yesterday.
He has returned from London last week. He returned from London last week.
I will call you when the dinner will be ready. I will call you when the dinner is ready.
He will help if you will ask him. He will help if you ask him.
I had been to New York recently. I went to New York recently.
I had written to him last week. I wrote to him last week.
He said that he was suffering from fever for He said that he had been suffering from fever
three days. for three days.

A. Change the following sentences into different aspects of tense.

Tense Sentences Sentences
Simple Present He drives a bus. She teaches students.
Present Continuous
Present Perfect
Present Perf. Continuous
Simple Past
Past Continuous
Past Perfect
Past Perfect Continuous
Simple Future
Future Continuous
Future Perfect
Future Perfect Continuous

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 81

B. Change the following sentences into different aspects of tense.
Tense Sentences Sentences
Simple Present The villagers plant trees. His father works in office.
Present Continuous
Present Perfect
Present Perf. Continuous
Simple Past
Past Continuous
Past Perfect
Past Perfect Continuous
Simple Future
Future Continuous
Future Perfect
Future Perfect Continuous
Going to Future
C. Change the following sentences into different aspects of tense.
Tense Sentences Sentences
Simple Present She polishes her shoes. The dog eats bones.
Present Continuous
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Simple Past
Past Continuous
Past Perfect
Past Perfect Continuous
Simple Future
Future Continuous
Future Perfect
Future Perfect Continuous
Going to Future

82 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

D. Put the correct form of verbs to complete the following sentences.
1. I (phone) Mary when we (get) to San Francisco.
2. (You be) at home tomorrow?
3. After he had passed class 9, he (join) class 10.
4. After I (visit) the hospital, I (go) and see her parents.
5. Alba (not see) me since 2010.
6. An honest man often (speak) the truth.
7. Anita (stay) at hotels before buying a house.
8. As I was going to school I (meet) my friend.
9. As she saw a snake she (scream).
10. As soon as they (phone) me, I (contact) you.
11. Before the policeman came, the thief (run away).
12. Before they met me they (phone) me.
13. Biren wishes he (have) wings.
14. Brinda is absent today. He (be) ill.
15. By six o’ clock, they (sleep) for eight hours.
16. By the time Ram comes here, I (finish) my homework.
17. Don't touch that! You (hurt) yourself!
18. Don't worry. I (pay) for the damage to your car.
19. Good students always (work) hard.
20. Riya (go) to school every day.
21. He (not do) anything before you (tell) him to.
22. I (finish) this book in a few days.
23. I (finish) this when I (be) at the office.
24. I (give) it to them when they (visit) us.
25. I (not send) the parcel until I (hear) from you.
26. Alan always (take) taxi to his office.
27. My wife always (cook) food in the kitchen.
28. Our class teacher never (come) late in the class.
29. Rain (fall) from the sky.
30. She (do) her homework before she (go) out.
31. Naina (visit) her parents before she (go) to the airport.
32. She (wash) her hand before every meal.
33. The earth (move) round the sun.
34. There (not be) any newspapers tomorrow.
35. Alisa and Anu (send) you the money before they (leave).
36. We always (sleep) at 10 o’ clock.
37. We usually (not go) to school on Saturdays.
38. When I (talk) to him, I (give) him your news.
39. When the principal entered into the class, all the students (stand) up.
40. You (be) very surprised when you (meet) him.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 83

E. Put the correct form of verbs to complete the following sentences.
1. Sabita (give) me a book last year.
2. All students (go) home by tomorrow.
3. As he (touch) the wire he was electrocuted.
4. Before she was taken to hospital, she (die).
5. By 2 o’ clock I (wait) for you for 3 hours.
6. By next year I (study) in class eleven for a year.
7. My uncle often (visit) to us on Saturdays.
8. Hem (come) my house tomorrow morning.
9. I (brush) my teeth before tea.
10. I (call) you as soon as we (sign) the contract.
11. I (see) you before I (fly) to Paris.
12. I (send) you a postcard when I (get) to Bermuda.
13. Sunita always (study) at night.
14. Kamala (buy) a new sari soon.
15. She (work) in a hospital before starting a clinic.
16. My children (go) to school in the morning.
17. Bina usually (speak) Hindi.
18. Amrita (drink) a cup of coffee after she had finished her dinner.
19. Nita (not arrive) yet.
20. Paru is pregnant. She (be have) a baby soon.
21. Probably it (rain) tomorrow.
22. Gina (ask) me about your problem every time.
23. Sabina can’t walk. She (break) her leg.
24. I was studying in my room when he (ring) the door bell.
25. Jeevan (draw) a picture when I asked him.
26. Shree (write) a letter. She is going to post it.
27. Utsav always (try) to learn hard.
28. The bus always (depart) at 10 o’clock.
29. The cat (sit) in front of the fire since tea time.
30. The fire (spread) to the next building before the fireman arrived.
31. The girls (be) singing for an hour before we get there.
32. An old beggar (die) yesterday.
33. The plane usually (depart) at 5 p.m.
34. Our school principal (resign) from his post.
35. The principal is to (conduct) assembly today.
36. The weather is fair. It (be) a sunny day today.
37. What (be) you doing tomorrow?
38. When he (reach) home, his mother (take) to hospital.
39. When his father (come) in, he (start) reading the book.
40. When I (let) student play, they (be) happy.

84 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

F. Put the correct form of verbs to complete the following sentences.
1. When I (scold) him, he (start) crying.
2. As soon as I (complete) my work, I (go) for dinner.
3. At last the hero (kill) the criminal.
4. Biru frequently (visit) the temple.
5. Dilip (visit) India by next month.
6. Anil (control) the ball and (kick) it away to the goal post.
7. By 2013, she (pass) the exam.
8. By next year, she (teach) in the school for three years.
9. By the time I (reach) the station, the train (go).
10. Chandra Shumsher (build) Tri-Chandra College.
11. Devkota (write) Muna Madan.
12. Do not make a noise! The child (sleep).
13. Imran (run) miles every morning.
14. Kiran (arrive) at the station after the train (go).
15. Lila (not study) anywhere since he (miss) the annual exam.
16. Mohan (start) crying as soon as he (hear) of his father’s death.
17. Niraj always (sleep) in the day time.
18. The dog is still (sit) under the tree.
19. Mona’s father is (buy) this plot of land in a couple of days.
20. Most of us (work) hard these days.
21. Rubin (play) in the ground at this time tomorrow.
22. Sabin (be) in college next year.
23. Manoj (pass) the driving test.
24. The students (discuss) for an hour.
25. All these boys (study) here for a year.
26. They (talk) to each other all that evening.
27. Students wished they (solve) the problem.
28. As I (see) the principal, I (run) away.
29. When the bell (ring), the teacher (enter) into the classroom.
30. As soon as the teacher (enter) the class, the students (leave) the class.
31. When the teacher (enter) the class, the students (play).
32. After the teacher (go) to the class, the students (stand) up.
33. Whenever I (need) money, I (remember) you.
34. My brother (watch) TV, while I(study) in my room.
35. While it (snow), they (start) their expedition.
36. While they (discuss), I (leave) for home.
37. When he hit the window it (break) down.
38. When I arrived in Kathmandu, it (be) raining heavily.
39. When I pushed him, he (fall) down.
40. When she hit on his head, he (faint).

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 85

G. Put the correct form of verbs to complete the following sentences.
1. Anup (telephone) me, when I (read).
2. Birbal (wash) clothes all morning yesterday.
3. Denga (talk) to us next week.
4. He (work) in a bank, for 5 years.
5. Here (come) the bus.
6. Hurry up! The bus (leave).
7. I (see) him last three years before.
8. Mr. Thapa (teach) here since 2007.
9. I (wait) her for six hours.
10. I (cut) my finger. It's bleeding.
11. He (take) the driving class for two months.
12. She (just come) from London.
13. I (not write) the document yet.
14. My brother (go) to Kathmandu next week.
15. I (finish) the work by tomorrow.
16. Milan (write) a novel before March.
17. The Minister (arrive) here next week.
18. My health (get) worse.
19. She hardly (drink) alcohol.
20. Lalita (live) in this village since 2061 B.S.
21. Trisana (practice) dance all this morning.
22. Shree (read) for ten hours.
23. She (play) volleyball. She is sweating.
24. The thieves (run away) when the police (arrive).
25. The train (go) before he (arrive) at the station.
26. Mr.Luitel (recently publish) the book.
27. They (pass) the exam in 1999.
28. They (paint) the fence all day yesterday.
29. We (take) extra classes these days.
30. They (read) books all the morning tomorrow.

Vocabulary in Use
A. Match the following words with their meanings given below.
1. anarchy rule by god or priests
2. aristocracy rule by a man; by descent through males
3. autocracy rule by a small group
4. democracy rule by mothers; with the mother as head
5. diarchy rule by the old people
6. gerontocracy rule by two authorities
7. matriarchy rule by people
8. oligarchy rule by one person
9. patriarchy rule by the nobility
10. theocracy rule by nobody; no government

86 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9


Read the following sentences.

Direct Speech Reported speech
She said to him, “You are intelligent” She told him that he was intelligent.
The teacher said, "Have you done your The teacher asked if they had done their
work?" work.
He said, “Hurrah! I won a prize” He exclaimed with joy that he had won a
I said to him, “Who are you?" I enquired of him who he was.
He said, “Mathematics is a science” He said that mathematics is a science.
He said, “Go to bed!” o go to bed. He told the child to go to bed.

We use reported speech when we are saying what other people say,
Do you think or believe. It is used to repeat what someone had previously said.
Know? The two ways of narrating are direct speech and indirect speech.

Speaking Practice
Answer these questions based on the given sentences.
a. What are the two ways of narrating?
b. What is direct speech?
c. What is indirect speech?
d. What punctuation marks are used in the direct speech?
e. What punctuation marks are used in the indirect speech?

Listening Practice
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
He said, “I am busy now.” He said that he was busy then.
She said, “Hurry up!” She asked to hurry up.
They said, “We need a car.” They said that they needed a car.
You said, “I was sick yesterday.” You said that you had been sick the day before.
We said, “We were there.” We said that we had been there.
Raj said, “I had seen you.” Raj said that he had seen me.
Tony said, “Please help me.” Tony requested to help him.
Sam said, “Keep quiet!” Sam warned to keep quiet.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 87

Grammar Focus: Changes in Reported Speech
1. Tense change
S.N Direct Speech Indirect speech
1. Simple present Simple past
2. Present continuous Past continuous
3. Present perfect Past perfect
4. Simple past Past perfect
5. Past continuous Past perfect continuous
6. Will/shall/can/may Would/should/could/might
7. Will/shall/can/may+have+v3 Would/should/could/might+have+v3
8. Has to/have to + v1 Had to + v1
9. Do not/doesnot+v1 Did not+v1
10. Must Had to
11. Would/should/could/might No change
12. Had + v3 No change
13. Had better/ought to/used to No change
14. Universal truth No change
2. Adverbial Change
S.N Direct Indirect
1. this that
2. these those
3. here there
4. today that day
5. now/just then
6. thus so
7. hence thence
8. tomorrow the following day/the next day
9. yesterday the previous day/the day before
10. next day/week/month the following day/week/month
11. the day before yesterday two days ago
12. last week/month/year the week/month/year before
13. ago before
14. hither thither
15. tonight that night
16. come go

88 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

3. Person Change
Person Subjective Objective Possessive Self-form
case case

1st I Me P1 P2
My Mine Myself
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
2nd You You Your Yours Yourself/Yourselves
3rd She Her Her Hers Herself
He Him His His Himself
It It It Its Itself
They Them Their Theirs Themselves

4. Reporting Verbs and Joining Words Change

S.N Reporting verbs Joining words
1. statement told/said that
2. request asked/requested to/not to
3. command told/said/ordered/commanded to/not to
4. yes/no question asked/enquired/questioned if/whether
5. w-h question asked/enquired/questioned w-h words
6. exclamation asked/exclaimed that/w-h words
7. optative wished/blessed/cursed that
5. Punctuation Mark Change
“ ” (Inverted comma),? (Question mark), ! (Exclamation mark) and, (comma)-full stop (.)
Grammar Focus: Different Types of Sentences
1. Universal Truths
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Dip said, "Asia is the largest continent." Dip said that Asia is the largest continent.
She told us, “The world is round.” She told us that the world is round.
Mr. Aman said, “We are mortal.” Mr. Aman said that we are mortal.
Priti said, "The sun rises in the East." Priti said that the sun rises in the East.
Tulku said, “Time and tide waits for none” Tulku said that time and tide waits for none
2. Conditionals II and III
Active: Manu said to me, “If I were you, I would fly high in the sky.”
Passive: Manu told me that he were me, he would fly high in the sky.
Active: Labish said, “If I had done well, I would have scored better in exam.”
Passive: Labish said that if he had done well, he would have scored better in exam.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 89

However, tense is changed in case of conditional I.
Active: Kabit said, “If you request Hem, he may solve your problem”.
Passive: Kabit said that if I requested Hem, he might solve my problem.
3. Assertive Sentences
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
said, said to said, told
Prem said, "I work in the kitchen." Prem said that he worked in the kitchen.
Prem said, "I'm working in the kitchen Prem said that he was working in the kitchen
now." then.
Prem said, "I have worked in the kitchen." Prem said that he had worked in the
Prem said, "I have been working in the Prem said that he had been working in the
kitchen." kitchen.
Prem said, "I worked in the kitchen Prem said that he had worked in the kitchen
yesterday." the day before.
Prem said, "I was working in the kitchen." Prem said that he had been working in the
Prem said, "I had worked in the kitchen." Prem said that he had worked in the
Prem said, "I had been working in the Prem said that he had been working in the
kitchen." kitchen.
Prem said, "I will work in the kitchen Prem said that he would work in the kitchen
tomorrow." the following day.
Prem said, "I can work in the kitchen." Prem said that he could work in the kitchen.
Prem said, "I may work in the kitchen." Prem said that he might work in the
Prem said, "I would work in the kitchen.” Prem said that he would work in the
Prem said, “I don’t work in the kitchen.” Prem said that he didn’t work in the
Prem said, “I have to work in the kitchen.” Prem said that he had to work in the
The verb tense remains the same in reported speech reporting verb (introductory verb is in
present or future tense.
Active: Prem says, “The house is ready for settlement.”
Passive: Prem says that the house is ready for settlement.
Active: Ritu will say, “I will call you.”
Passive: Ritu will say that she will call me.
Active: Aman has said, “I have completed the task”.
Passive: Aman has said that he has completed the task”.

90 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

4. Modal Verbs
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Prem said, “I could run faster” Prem said that he could run faster.
Dip said to me, “I might meet him” Dip told me that he might meet him.
He said to me, “I shall appreciate it.” He told me that he should appreciate it.
He said, “I can drive an auto” He said that he could drive an auto.
Krishal said to me, “I may buy a car.” Krishal told me that he might buy a car.
He said to me, “You must obey your elders.” He told me that I must obey my elders.
He told us, “We should be really glad.” He told us that they would be really glad.
They said, “We would apply for a visa” They said that they would apply for visa.
They said, “You must work hard.” They said that I had to work hard.
However, shall and should with first person pronoun (I, we) change into would.
Active: Dipen said to me, “I shall do it for you.”
Passive: Dipen told me that he would do it for me.
Active: The workers said, “We should be proud of you.”
Passive: The workers said that they would be proud of me.
5. Interrogative Sentences
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
asked, said to, said asked, enquired of, questioned, interrogated,
wanted to know
"Will you come?" she asked me. She asked me if/whether I would come.
Hom said, “Did you watch that movie Hom asked me if I had watched that movie the
yesterday?” day before.
He asked, "How old is your mother?" He asked how old her mother was.
Bir said, "Are you British or American?" Bir asked me whether I was British or
Aman said, "Can you type?" Aman asked if I could type.
She said, "Have you got a computer?" She wanted to know whether I had got a
Biren said, "Is it raining?" Biren asked if it was raining.
Sony said, “Do you speak English?” Sony asked me if I spoke English.
Eman said, “Does he play football?” Eman asked me if he played football.
Hari said, “Has he invited you in the Hari enquired if he had invited me in the
party?” party.
She said, “Were you present in the She asked if I had been present in the
program?” program.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 91

She asked, "What time does the train She asked what time the train arrived.
She asked, "When can we have dinner?" She asked when they could have dinner.
The elephant said to the mouse, "Why are The elephant asked the mouse why she was
you so small?" so small.
The mouse said to the elephant, "Where The mouse asked the elephant where she
do you live?" lived.
6. Imperative Sentences
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
said, said to ordered, commanded, advised, suggested,
requested, prayed, begged, persuaded,
"Don't give up," the teacher told her The teacher told her students not to give
students. up.
"Don't smoke," the doctor warned me. The doctor warned me not to smoke.
"Get up!" he said. He told me to get up.
"Leave the room," he told me. He told me to leave the room.
He said to me, "Get on with your He told me to get on with my homework.
He said to me, "Walk carefully!" He told me to walk carefully.
He said, "Don't hesitate”. He persuaded me not to hesitate.
I said to Paban, “Close the door.” I told Paban to close the door.
Mira said to Alan, “Don’t be late again Mira warned Alan not to be late again the
tomorrow.” next day.
Mother Said, "Don't fight with your sister”. Mother told me not to fight with my sister.
The beggar said, “Lady, give me some food The beggar begged the lady to give him some
to eat." food to eat.
The General said to the soldiers, “Be ready The General commanded the soldiers to be
to attack.” ready to attack.
7. Optative Sentences
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
said , said to said, told, prayed, blessed, wished, bade
She said to her, “Good bye, madam!” She bade her goodbye.
She said to me, “May you pass in the She wished me that I might pass in the
exam!” exam.
Mother said to me, “May you get success!” Mother blessed me for success.
He said to me, “May you prosper." He wished that I might prosper.
He said to Nita, “May you fall soon!” He cursed Nita that she might fall soon.

92 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

8. Exclamatory Sentences
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
said, said to cried, exclaimed, applauded, confessed,
Anita said to me, “Congratulation!” Anita congratulated me.
I said, "Alas! How foolish I have been." I confessed with regret that I had been very
He said, “Hurrah! My mother has come.” He exclaimed with joy that his mother had
He said, “What a beautiful present it is!” He exclaimed with joy that it was a beautiful
I said to him, “Thank you!” I thanked him.
She said, “Alas! My dog died.” She expressed her sorrow that her dog had
9. Hopes, Intentions and Promises
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
said, said to Promised, hoped, threatened
He said, "I'll pay you the money He promised to pay me the money the
tomorrow." next day.
He promised that he would pay me the
money the next day.
He said, “Give me the keys to the safe or He threatened to shoot me if I didn’t give
I’ll shoot you!” him the keys to the safe.
He threatened that he would shoot me if I
didn’t give him the keys to the safe
They said, "We should arrive in London They hoped to arrive in London before
before nightfall." nightfall.
They hoped they would arrive in London
before nightfall.
10. Requests and suggestions
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
said, said to suggested, warned, asked, advised, invited,
begged, taught, forbade, urged
"Please, revise for the test," she said. She urged me to revise for the test.
"Put on your coat," he said. He advised me to put on my coat.
“You had better hurry Krishna” she said. She advised Krishna to hurry.
I said to David, “Please help me washing the I asked/requested David to help me by
dishes.” washing the dishes.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 93

He said, “Could I have three kilos of He asked for three kilos of onions.
I said to him, “Please guide me how these I requested/asked him to guide me how
sentences are changed.” those sentences were changed.
Jack said to Maggie, “Please Jack don’t tell Jack begged Maggie not to tell anyone his
anyone my secret!” secret.
Our teachers said to us, “Don’t follow that Our teachers advised/ forbade, prohibited
bad company.” us not to/to follow that bad company.
He said, “Could you please be quiet,” He asked/requested me to be quiet.

He said, “Please help me.” He requested to help him.

He said, “Sugar, please.” He asked for sugar.

He said, “You ought to love your parents.” He advised me to love my parents.

He said: “Why don’t you get a mechanic to He suggested that I should get a mechanic to
look at the car?” look at the car.
The doctor said to me, “Stop smoking!” The doctor advised/suggested me to stop
11. Offers
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
said , said to suggested, ordered, urged, advocated,
She ordered, “Let the guards be armed.” She ordered that the guards should be
She said, “Let’s leave the container at the She suggested leaving the container at the
station.” station.
She suggested that they should leave the
container at the station.
She said, “What shall I do for you?” She asked what he should do for me.
He said to us, “Let’s stop now and finish it He suggested stopping then and finishing it
later.” later.
He suggested that we should stop then and
finish it later
The strike leaders said to the workers, “Let’s The strike leaders urged (advocated/advised)
show the bosses that we are united.” the workers to show the bosses that they
were united.
They said to the teacher, “Let us come in, They requested to the teacher to let them
sir.” go in.

94 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

12. Miscellaneous
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
"I have been waiting since the morning," Ram complained that he had been waiting
Ram complained. since the morning.
She admitted that she had broken the
"I have broken the window," she admitted.

"I may write to him," he promised. He promised that he might write to him.

She reminded me that she would come on

"I will come on Sunday," she reminded me.

"She went to Budhathum," I thought. I thought that she had gone to Budhathum.

He explained that they were doing

"We are doing exercises," he explained.
He said, "You must be tired after such a
He said that I must be tired after such a trip.
“Will all persons not travelling please go He asked all passengers not travelling to go
ashore,” he said. ashore.
He said to me, "I needn't be at school He told me that he needn't be/didn't have to
today.” be at school that day.

He said to me, “Open the door, will you?” He told me to open the door.

He said to me, “They had better go." He suggested me that they had better go.

He said, "I must wash up.” He said that he had to wash up.

He said that he wished they had been in

He said, "I wish they were in Greece."

He said, "We must do it in June." He said that they had to do it in June.

He said, “If she leaves the house, follow He said that if she left the house I was to
her.” follow her.

He said, “You might visit the zoo.” He requested me to visit the zoo.

He says, “Meet me at the station. He says that we are to meet at the station.

Babin said, "I would rather fly." Babin said that he would rather fly.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 95

A. Change these sentences into indirect speech.
1. Mary asked, “Where does John live?”
2. Helen said to me, “How long have you lived here?’’
3. Mr. Smith asked us, “Do you understand this exercise?”
4. I asked John, “What time is it?”
5. He asked me, “Do you have to work tonight?”
6. John said, “Is it raining?”
7. Mr. Yadav said to me, “Are you going to the movies with us?”
8. The teacher asked, “Did you see that documentary?”
9. Durgesh asked me, “When are you leaving for Europe?’’
10. Upendra asked me, “What does the word mean?”
11. I asked him, “When did you read that book?”
12. Abin said to me, “How are you today?”
13. I asked her, “Is John here?”
14. She said to him, “Do you like my new hat?”
15. I asked her, “Where is it?”
16. John said to me, “Wait five minutes for me.”
17. The teacher said to us, “Don’t write in pencil.”
18. I asked him, “Be more careful.”
19. Sudan asked me, ‘’Please don’t be late.”
20. Bibas said to me, “Try to come on time.”
21. Rajan said to me, “Don’t make the same mistake again.”
22. Nitesh warned the child, “Don’t cross the road.”
23. Manoj said to me, “Don’t forget what I told you.”
24. Osan begged me, ‘’Please send me the money at once.”
25. Pratap asked me, “Sit down for a few minutes.”
26. The teacher said, “Sit in the first row.”
27. Niraj said to me, “Wait outside in the hall.”
28. Mohan said, “Come back later.”
29. The Principal said, “Do your exercises in ink.”
30. She said to me, “Give this message to Mrs. Sharma.”
31. My mother said, “Don’t waste so much time.”
32. The invigilator said, “Don’t look at your friend’s paper.”
33. The teacher said, “Sit up straight.”
34. He said, “Go to the whiteboard.”
35. The captain said, “Take your feet off the desk.”
36. My father said, “Prepare your lessons more carefully.”
37. The new teacher said to me, “Sit down, and read the story.”
38. Roman said, “Where´s John?”
39. Ramchandra said, “How are you getting on?”
40. Lalit said to us, “Why are you disturbing us?”

96 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

B. Change these sentences into indirect speech.
1. The visitor said, “Is he in the building?”
2. My mother asked, “Where does she live?”
3. The coordinator asked, “Is he a good student?”
4. He wanted to know, “How much does it cost?”
5. They asked me, “Where is she going?”
6. He questioned me, “How is he getting along?”
7. The manager asked, “Is the elevator out of order?”
8. The inspector asked, “Where is the criminal now?”
9. The assistant said to me, “Is Mr. Shrestha here?”
10. The neighbour asked me, “When will he get back?”
11. The instructor said, “How tall is he?”
12. She said, “He gave me some books.”
13. The students said, “They gave us some magazines.”
14. Rosita said, “He sent his mother several letters.”
15. The players said to us, “They brought us many presents from abroad.”
16. Karina informed me, “I gave him the note which you sent.”
17. The class said to their teacher, “Please give us some dictation today.”
18. The workers said, “They sent us an invitation to the party.”
19. The students said, “He told us the story of his trip.”
20. Bibber said, “John gladly lent me the money.”
21. One of my friends said to me, “Please lend me your pencil for a few minutes.”
22. The store keeper said to his boss, “They sent us the material right away.”
23. My English teacher said to me, “Please hand me that book.”
24. Gita said to Rita, “Open the door”?
25. Grace said to me, "I know where Ray is. He's down by the river, fishing."
26. Harry said to Kamala, “Can I help you?”
27. Iman said to Santa, “Wash your face.”
28. Anurag asked me, "How did you find my address?"
29. Dharma asked me, "How much did you pay for the bicycle?"
30. Rabin has often said to us, "I'm tired of living in this noisy city."
31. He never says, "I'm sorry" when he makes a mistake.
32. Yamuna said to us, "I’ll wait for you at the bus station. Don't be late.
33. Guru said, "I have been invited to her wedding."
34. Ashika said, "I'm just going to the market. I shan't be late."
35. Induka said, "It was raining all the day yesterday."
36. Mohan said, "My brother is working in the post office now."
37. He said, "The washing-line has broken."
38. The instructor said, “Be careful when you come to the bend!"
39. My father said to me, “Don't waste your money.”
40. My mother said to me, "Enjoy yourself at the party”.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 97

C. Change these sentences into indirect speech.
1. I said to him, "Gems will forget his bag again unless you remind him”.
2. Hira said to me, “They would punish me every time.”
3. He told us, "Hurry up!”
4. She said to me, "I have brought you this book”.
5. My sister said to me, "Don't forget to collect my watch from the shop”.
6. Yuban said to me, "I can't find the shop you told me about”.
7. My sister said, "Let the birds go”. ”Don't put them in a cage.”
8. My mother said to me, "Make sure that you do not hurt yourselves.”
9. Youbaraj said to me, “Are you calling me a liar?”
10. Atul said to me, “Have a good time at the party.”
11. The fat man cried, “I want more hamburgers!”
12. The teacher said to us, “Oh! What lovely weather!”
13. Ray said to his brother, “See you later!”
14. Amish said, “Why do you want to know about me?”
15. Dev asked his sister, "Who left the cupboard open?"
16. Dina said, “What a fool I am!”
17. Sonu asked, “How do you know that I’m going to the market?”
18. My father said to me one evening, "Will you stop practising your violin?”
19. My mother told Manu, "Write to uncle Purusottam and thank him for the present”.
20. Mr. Shrestha said to me, "You are late again”.
21. Sudan told her brother, "You have put on a lot of weight since I last saw you”.
22. John said to me, "You were late yesterday”.
23. My mother said to me, "You will be late if you don't hurry up”.
24. He told me, "I’ll buy a new watch for you when I go to Pokhara next week."
25. I asked him, "Why did the evidence go wrong?"
26. I said to them, "I haven't lost anything."
27. She said to me, "I like your jeans”.
28. Sunil said to me, "I can never understand you”.
29. Bipin said to his mother, "I shall be starting my computer lessons next month”.
30. He complained, "I wasn't told about the fire”.
31. Shreejal said to me, "I think it will rain soon."
32. She said to me, "My bicycle has been stolen."
33. My brother said to me, “I should study harder.”
34. Nuka said to me, "How was it done?”
35. Krista said, "What shall I eat, mother?”
36. My brother said to me, "Why are you late?”
37. The captain said to me, "Why did you come late today?"
38. Iman said to me, “Are you calling me a liar?”
39. “Don’t take drugs,” my father said to me.
40. Tulsa said to me, “Have a nice time ahead."

98 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

D. Change these sentences into indirect speech.
1. One of the boys cried, “I want more cakes!”
2. The teacher said, “Oh! What a beautiful garden it is!”
3. Anju said to us, “Go to hell!”
4. Akbar said to him, “There is a judge who is very clever”.
5. Amish: “Why do you want to know?”
6. Anna said to Roman, “What do you do these days?”
7. Carol said to them, "Will we get a break after this session?”
8. Dina said, “What an strange problem it is!”
9. Father said to the policeman, “I don’t know. Why don’t you ask him yourself?”
10. Reema said to Rita, “Open the door, please”?
11. Kajal said to her “How do you know that I'm here? ”
12. Harry said to them, "Why were you crying?"
13. Jenish asked them, “How much does it cost?”
14. Kaman said to Kamala, “Can I help you?”
15. He said to Santa, “Please, wash your face.”
16. Lolita asked her, “Tell me the time, please.”
17. Manish asked me, “Where are you going?”
18. Nina asked me, “Why were you late again?”
19. Orin said to me, “When shall I open the door?”
20. Mother said to Hari, “You have neglected my words since last year.”
21. Pritam said to his brother, “Can I borrow your pen today?”
22. Mr. Bhattarai said to me, “Come in, please.”
23. Resma said to me, “Will you open the door, please?”
24. Sabina said to them, “The earth moves round the sun.”
25. Dolma said, "I have eaten Chinese food once."
26. Shopkeeper said to us, "What a nice uniform!"
27. Mother said to us, “Didn’t you understand what your father said?”
28. Urmila said to me, “I’m free now.”
29. They said, “Please, help us.”
30. The gardener said to us, “What a beautiful flower it is!”
31. Coach said to us, “You lost the match, didn’t you?”
32. He said, “Man is mortal.”
33. Inkar said to me, “Put your books in your bag.”
34. Hitesh said, “Will you come to the party with me today?”
35. I said to the tourist, “Would you move your car, please.”
36. She said to them, “Did you invite your class fellow?”
37. Joni said to Sami, “Are you weeping now?”
38. Kina said, “It may rain tomorrow.”
39. Krishna said to Madan, “Lend me your pen, please.”
40. Mrs. Gurung said, “What a foolish mistake I have made!”

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 99

E. Change the following sentences into direct speech.
1. They offered me to play the game.
2. He exclaimed with pleasure that he had a good idea.
3. He expressed his joy that it was a beautiful day.
4. Peter said that he had enjoyed himself very much.
5. She said that she was almost sure.
6. He asked me how long it would take me to go home.
7. She asked me if I had listened to the 9 o'clock news
8. The hero told me to open the door.
9. Brother explained that they were doing exercises.
10. The thief admitted that he had broken the window.
11. Manu complained that he had been waiting since morning.
12. Rubin thought that Jubisa had gone to Budhathum.
13. He said that he wished they were in Germany.
14. He asked me if I was going to stay in.
15. She asked him if he would go home by bus.
16. They asked me to keep quiet.
17. She exclaimed with happiness that she had had an interesting thing to say.
18. My friend asked me where I had bought my car from.
19. Helen told Peter to be careful.
20. They asked him why he had broken it.
21. The teacher exclaimed with anger that he had done an easy exercise.
22. Manish expressed his disgust that he had asked a difficult question.
23. He told the children to stop that noise.
24. She told him not to wait for her outside the cinema.
25. Krishna asked me where I lived.
26. Lila interrogated me where I had put his bag.
27. Luna suggested me to look at the cupboard.
28. She said that they had to speak the truth.
29. The doctor advised to give up smoking.
30. She wanted to know whether I was fine.

Vocabulary in Use
A. Match the following words with their meanings given below.
1. abnegation laziness; sloth, apathy
2. abstruse keen insight or discernment, penetration
3. accidie a divine creative impulse; inspiration
4. acumen hard to understand; obscure; profound
5. afflatus self-denial; the rejection or renunciation of a doctrine
6. ambivalent eager; greedy
7. apiculture the practice of self discipline
8. arcane mysterious, secret; understood by few
9. ascesis bee keeping
10. avid having opposing feeling of love and hate

100 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9


Read the following description.

This story is being written by me, the author. The events that happened last week are being
analyzed by me. Most of the events are supposed to be true. But this story has to be written
carefully. You can imagine that it is being written as a detective story by me. As my detective
has just been killed, many things have to be discovered by us.
When our hero went to bed in a guest room in the isolated house, he was murdered in
the middle of the night there. His room had been entered at about one in the morning.
The poor chap was hit over the head. He was killed with one almighty blow. It has been
discovered so far that the deadly deed had been done with an enormous drumstick. The
weapon had been stolen from a school guard by the murderer. I have been informed that
the guard was in the toilet when his drumstick was being stolen.
My story has been ruined now. How can a detective story be continued without its detective?
My creativity has been murdered. My great novel will never be finished. My desires to
write a novel will never be fulfilled. My novel would have been enjoyed by so many people
if I had been able to write it. It has been a deep blow for me as well as for the detective.

In the description given above, the sentences in bold face are in passive
voice. Here, the use of verbs exhibit that the passive voice is the form
Do you of a verb used when the subject is affected by the action of the verb in
Know? a sentence. Thus, if the object is affected by the action of the verb, that
is active voice and if the subject is affected by the action of the verb,
that is in passive voice.

Speaking Practice
Answer these questions based on the given description.
a. What is being done by the narrator?
b. What are most of the events supposed to be?
c. What type of story is being written by the narrator?
d. What has to be done by us?
e. What has been informed to the narrator?
Listening Practice
Repeat these short passives after your teacher
eats v5 is eaten is+v3
is eating is+v4 is being eaten is +being+v3
eaten v2 was eaten was+v3
was eating was+v4 was being eaten was+ being +v3
have eaten have+v3 have been eaten have+ been +v3
had eaten had + v3 had been eaten had + been+ v3
will eat will +v1 will be eaten will +be +v3
would eat would +v1 would be eaten would + be + v3

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 101

would have would + have +v3 would have been would + have +
eaten eaten been+v3
to eat to+v1 to be eaten to+ be+ v3
to have eaten to+ have+ v3 to have been eaten to +have +been +v3
eating v4 being eaten being+v3
The students should have prior knowledge of the following type before they start to change
the active sentences into passive.
a. Types of sentences
Declarative I write a letter.
Negative I do not write a letter.
Interrogative Do I write a letter?
Imperative Write a letter.
Optative May I write a letter!
b. Types of tenses and aspects
Simple present He writes a story.
Present continuous He is writing a story.
Present perfect He has written a story.
Simple past He wrote a story.
Past continuous He was writing story.
Past perfect He had written a story.
Simple future He will write a story.
Future perfect He will have written a story.
Going to future He is going to write a story.
c. Verb forms
V1 play, haunt, frighten, invite, go, visit
V2 played, haunted, frightened, invited, went, visited
V3 played, haunted, frightened, invited, gone, visited
V4 playing, haunting, frightening., inviting, going, visiting
V5 plays, haunts, frightens, invites, goes, visits
d. Subject pronouns

I, we, you, she, he, it, they

e. Object pronouns

me, us, you, her, him, it, them

102 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

Active: He writes a story.
Sub+ verb + object
Passive: A story is written by me.
Object + aux+ v3 +prep +sub

Grammar Focus: Change in Passive Voice

1. Subject and object change
We need to consider the following rules while changing the position of the subject and
Active: He scolded me.
Passive: I was scolded by him.
Active: He gifted me a good watch.
Passive: A good watch was gifted to me by him.

2. Pronoun Change
Active voice Passive voice
I Me
We Us
You You
He Him
She Her
It It
They Them
Who By Whom

Grammar Focus: Passive of Different Tenses

Go through the following chart to know about the use of auxiliary verbs in different tenses:
Tense Active Passive
I write an essay. S + v1/v5 +obj An essay is Obj +is/am/are + v3 + by
Simple Present

written by me. + sub

I do not write an S + do/does +not An essay is not Obj +is/am/are + not + v3
essay. +obj written by me. + by + sub
Do I write an Do /Does +sub Is an essay Is/Am/Are + obj + v3 + by
essay? +v1 + obj written by me? + sub)

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 103

Present Perfect Tense Present Cont. Tense I am writing an S + is/am/are + An essay is being Obj +is/am/are + being +
essay. v4 +obj written by me. v3 + by + sub
I am not writing S + is/am/are + An essay is not Obj +is/am/are + not +
an essay. not + v4 + obj being written by being + v3 + by + sub
Am I writing an Is/Am/Are + sub Is an essay being Is/Am/Are + obj + being +
essay? + v4 + obj written by me? v3 + by + sub
I have written an S + have/has+ An essay has Obj + have/has + been +
essay. v3+obj been written by v3 + by + sub
I have not written S + have/has + An essay has not Obj +have/has + not +
an essay. not + v3 + obj been written by been + v3+ by + sub
Have I written Have/Has + sub Has an essay Have/Has + obj + been +
an essay? + v3+ obj been written by v3+ sub
I wrote an essay. S + v2 + obj An essay was Obj + was/were + v3 + by
Simple Past Tense

written by me. + sub

I did not write s + didn't + v1 + An essay was not Obj + was/were + not + v3
an essay. obj written by me. +by + sub
Did I write an Did + sub +v1 + Was an essay Was/were + obj + v3 + by
essay? obj written by me? + sub
I was writing an S + was/were + An essay was Obj + was/were + being +
essay. v4 + obj being written by v3 + sub
Past Cont. Tense

I was not writing S + was/were + An essay was not Obj + was/were + not +
an essay. not + v4 + obj being written by being + v3 + sub
Was I writing an Was/were + sub Was an essay Was/Were + obj + being +
essay? + v4 + obj being written by v3 + by + sub
I had written an S + had + v3 + An essay had Obj + had + been + v3 + by
essay. obj been written by + sub
Past Perfect Tense

I had not written S + had + not + An essay had not Obj + had + not + been +
an essay. v3 + obj been written by v3 + by + sub
Had I written an Had + sub + v3 + Had an essay Had + obj + been + v3 + by
essay? obj been written by + sub

104 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

I will write an S + will/shall +
An essay will be Obj + will/shall + be + by
Simple Future Tense essay. v1 + obj written by me. + sub
I will not write S+ will/shall +not
An essay will not Obj + will/shall + not + be
an essay. + v1 + obj be written by + v3 + by + sub
Will I write an Will/Shall + sub Will an essay be Will/Shall + obj + be + v3 +
essay? + v1 + obj written by me? by + sub
I will have written S + w i l l / s h a l l + An essay will Obj + will/shall +have +
an essay. have + v3 + obj have been been + v3 + by + sub
Future Perfect Tense

written by me.
I will not have Sub + will/shall + An essay will Obj + will/shall + not +
written an not + have + v3 not have been have + been + v3 + sub
essay. +obj written by me.
Will I have Will/shall + sub + Will an essay Will/Shall + obj + have +
written an have + v3 + obj have been been + v3 + by + sub
essay? written by me?
I am going to S + i s / a m / a r e / An essay is going Obj + is/am/are/was/were
write an essay. w a s / w e r e + to be written by + going to + be + v3 + by
Going to Future Tense

going to + v1 + me. + sub

I am not going to S + is/am/are/ An essay is not Obj + is/am/are/was/were
write an essay. was/were + not going to be + not + going to + be + v3
+ going to + v1 written by me. + by + sub
+ obj
Am I going to Is/Am/Are/was/ Is an essay going Is/Am/Are/Was/Were +
write an essay? were + s+ going to be written by obj + going to + be + v3 +
to + v1 + obj me? by + sub
Grammar Focus: Passive of Different Sentences
1. Passive of Modals
Active Passive
(S + modal + v1 + obj) (Obj + modal + be + v3 + sub)
(S + modal +not+ v1 + obj) (Obj + modal +not+ be + v3 +by+ sub)
(Aux + s + v1 + obj +?) (Aux + obj + be + v3 +by+sub +?)
She can play the flute. The flute can be played by her.
She cannot play the flute. The flute cannot be played by her.
Can she play the flute? Can the flute be played by her?
I may buy the computer. The computer may be bought by me.
I may not buy the computer. The computer may not be bought by me.
May I buy the computer? May the computer be bought by me?
Nabin might play chess. Might chess be played by Nabin.
Nabin might not play chess. Chess might not be played Nabin.
Might Nabin play chess? Might chess be played by Nabin?

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 105

We should study all units. All units should be studied by us.
We should not study all units. All units should not be studied by us.
Should we study all units? Should all units be studied by us?
We must have started a job. A job must have been started by us.
We must not have started a job. A job must not have been started by us.
Musct we have started a job? Must a job have been started by us?
2. Passive of WH Question
Active Passive
WH word + aux + sub + verb + obj +? WH word + aux + sub + be + v3 + obj +?
Where have you bought this book? Where has this book been bought?
When will Ribi return the note? When will the note be returned by Ribi?
How did she send your message? How were you sent your message by her?
Whom did you give my boot? Who was given my boot?
Whom are you looking for? Who is/are being looked for?
What are you eating? What is being eaten by you?
What did Rina sell you? What was sold to you by Rina?
What have you seen? What has been seen (by you)?
Who + verb + Obj +? By whom + aux/be verb + sub + v3 +?
Who broke the laptop? By whom the laptop was broken?
Who/whom was the laptop broken by?
Who can perform it? By whom can it be performed?
Who/whom can it be performed by?
3. Passive of Imperatives
Active Voice Passive Voice
(V+ obj)-order/command (Let + obj + be + v3)
Open the parcel. Let the parcel be opened.
Complete the assignment. Let the assignment be completed.
Turn off the computer. Let the computer be turned off.
Prepare your lesson. Let your lesson be prepared.
Slay the snake. Let the snake be slain.
Punish her. Let her be punished.
Speak the fact. Let the fact be spoken.
Revise your lessons. Let your lessons be revised.
Clean your face. Let your face be cleaned.
(Let + obj1 + verb + obj2)-double object (Let + obj2 + be + v3 + by + obj1)
Let me write a story. Let a story be written by me.

106 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

Let them sing a song. Let a song be sung by them.
Let Saroj perform a play. Let a play be performed by Saroj.
Let us play a match. Let a match be played by us.
(Verb + obj)-advice/suggestion (Obj + should/must + be + v3)
Do regular exercise. Regular exercise should/must be done.
Drink plenty of water. Plenty of water should/must be drunk.
Help the powerless. The powerless should/must be helped.
Obey your elders. Your elders should/must be obeyed.
(please, kindly, do+ verb +obj)-request You are requested to + verb +obj+
Do help them. You are requested to help them.
Kindly help me. You are requested to help me.
Please don't smoke. You are requested not to smoke.
4. Passive of Have to/Has to/Had to
Active Voice Passive Voice
(S + have to/has to/had to + v1 + (Obj + have to/has to/had to + be + v3 + by + sub)
I have to finish the project. The project has to be finished by me.
Ram has to study French. French has to be studied by Ram.
They had to cook food. Food had to be cooked by them.
Verbs not used in the Passive voice
Verbs referring to states of being like have, belong, be, seem, resemble, etc. do not usually
have passive constructions. In that case we either choosing another verb or avoid using the
Active: Then we had breakfast.
Passive: Then breakfast was eaten. (NOT Then breakfast was had.)
Transitive and Intransitive verb
A verb can be either transitive or intransitive. A transitive verb needs an object in sentence to
give complete meaning while an intransitive verb does not need an object in sentence to give
complete meaning. For example,
Transitive verb: send
Active: He sent an email.
Passive: An email was sent by him.
Here, send is a transitive verb and it needs an object i.e. email to express full meaning.
Intransitive Verb: laugh, happen, die, agree, look, seem, arrive, fall, occur, sleep, be, go, rain,
stay, become, recover, walk, come, live, remain, work, reach, sit, etc.
Active: He giggles.
Passive: He is giggled.
Active: The accident happened at 3 o’clock.
Passive: The accident was happened at 3 o’clock.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 107

Active: My grandmother died ten years ago.
Passive: My grandmother was died ten years ago.
Here, giggle, happen and die are intransitive verbs and they do not need object for expressing
full meaning.
Grammar Focus: Other Passive Constructions
1. Passive Combination with Preposition
Active Passive
Sub + verb + preposition + obj Obj + be + v3 + preposition + sub
We must go into this topic. This topic must be gone into.
He knocked at the door. The door was knocked at by him.
They were looking for some useful journals. Some useful journals were being looked for.
You must call to him. He must be called to.
We must write to her. She must be written to.
Some Verbs take Preposition Instead of `By'
Know, oblige, marry-to
Deal, please, displease, satisfy, dissatisfy, fill, cover-with
Interest, consist, envelope, absorb, contain-in
Surprise, astonish, alarm, amaze, frighten, shock-at
Active Passive
Manu pleases me. I am pleased with Manu.
The poem interests me. I am interested in the poem.
His death shocks me. I am shocked at his death.
He knows me. I am known to him.
His death surprised us. We were surprised at his death.
That bottle contains water. Water is contained in that bottle.
2. Get Passive
Active Passive
She helps us. We get helped by her.
Manu married Sita. Manu got married to Sita.
3. Causative Verb
Active Passive
Bina makes Alisha cry. Alisha is made to cry.
Bipul made me sing a song. I was made to sing a song.
He made us dance. We were made to dance.
She makes us recite a poem. We are made to recite a poem.

108 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

4. Passive of Infinitives and Gerund
Active Passive
S + like/dislike/love/hate + noun + v + ing S + like/dislike/love/hate + being + v3
I like people praising me. I like being praised.
We don't like people laughing at us. We don't like being laughed at.
They hate people looking at them. They hate being looked at.
Sub + wish/want/love/like+obj1+ to + v1+ Sub+ wish/want/love/like+obj2+ to be+
obj2 v3+ by + obj1
I want Krishal to write a story. I want a story to be written by Krishal.
Sub + decide, think, urge, propose, Sub + decide, think, urge, propose, determine,
determine, agree+ to +V1+obj agree + that +obj+should+be+V3
She decided to buy a laptop. She decided that a laptop should be bought.
5. Passive Combination with Manner Adverb
Active Passive
S + verb + obj + manner adv S + be verb + manner adv + v3
We do the work very well. The work is very well done by us.
I was doing the task slowly. The task was being slowly done by me.
He always speaks to everyone politely. Everyone is always politely spoken by him.
6. Reflexive Passive
Active: Don't let people insult you.
Passive: Don't let yourself be insulted.
7. Verb+ Yourself
Active: Prepare yourself for the test.
Passive: Be prepared yourself for the test.
8. Impersonal Passive
If we don’t want to identify a specific person as agent, but prefer not to use a passive form,
we can use an impersonal subject. They, we, people, etc. are impersonal subjects.
Active Passive
They said he was a detective. It was said that he was a detective.
He was said to be a detective.
We think he is the leader. It is thought that he is the leader.
He is thought be the leader.
We believe that the sun is a star. It is believed that the sun is a star.
The sun is believed to be a star.
People believe that he hid in a house. It is believed that he hid in a house.
He is believed to have hid in a house.
They say that English is an international It is said that English is an international
language. language.
English is said to be an international

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 109

People say that she is a clever person. She is said to be a clever person.
It is said that she is a clever person.
People believed that she was an expert . She was believed to have been an expert.
It was believed that she was an expert.
9. Miscellaneous Sentences
Active Passive
A bus knocked down me. I was knocked down by a bus.
Honey tastes the best. Honey is the best when it is tasted.
I didn't eat anything. Nothing was eaten.
You can believe in her. She can be believed in by you.
A. Change these sentences into passive voice.
1. He was watching TV all this morning.
2. How did he send you the message?
3. How is Tarzan passing his time?
4. Nobody saw me at the party.
5. I hate students flattering me.
6. We have cut our hair.
7. They have to attend the meeting.
8. She must tell the truth.
9. I wrote a letter yesterday.
10. Was Ana going to write a letter?
11. Is anyone using this room today?
12. Was Kabila reading a book?
13. Jowl sings the songs sweetly.
14. Karan doesn’t read a book.
15. Risika has to do her work.
16. Let her not use the computer.
17. Alina performs a song on the stage.
18. The journalists are broadcasting the news.
19. Many people have cast vote in election.
20. Bipul defeated his opponent.
21. Kristina was painting the wall all morning.
22. Dip had written to her when he was in holiday.
23. Eliza had posted the letter on time.
24. What would you do if you lost your bag?
25. I can sing pop song.
26. He could eat ten eggs at a time.
27. What shall I do for you?
28. Why should I call her?
29. He might scold his son for this incident.
30. We ought to call her.

110 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

C. Change these sentences into passive voice.
1. A good salesperson has to have a good personality.
2. Adolescence brings about major changes in a young person's body.
3. Being tall gave him an advantage over the other players.
4. Check your receipts against the statement.
5. I don't need all this aggravation at work.
6. Let him write a poem.
7. Police are advising people to stay at home.
8. Pollution can aggravate asthma.
9. Put the piano against the wall.
10. She advises the government on environmental issues.
11. She needs more friends of her own age.
12. She never took a taxi.
13. The companies are seeking competitive advantage over their trading rivals.
14. The drug may cause an aggravation of the condition.
15. They must contact us as soon as possible.
16. We had to cancel the ticket.
17. The airline had cancelled the flight.
18. We are not writing the report.
19. I do not play basketball.
20. He has not called us till now.
21. Let him post this letter.
22. Let us tell you a detective story.
23. Let them convey their message.
24. Don’t threaten the poor beggar.
25. Don’t try to convince us.
26. My son pleased me.
27. The story interested me.
28. The death of Prakash Dahal shocked us.
29. Hamish knows me.
30. Kritinidi’s death surprised us.
31. That kettle contains milk.
32. People said she was a fraud.
33. People think he is the principal.
34. They believe that the sun is a star.
35. The public believe that he hid in a haunted house.
36. The group does not advocate the use of violence.
37. The legislation aims to afford protection to employees.
38. The narrow windows admit little light into the room.
39. The tree affords some shelter from the sun.
40. They have attracted strong adverse criticism.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 111

D. Change these sentences into active voice.
1. Two crash victims were admitted to the local hospital.
2. She was admonished for chewing gum in class.
3. The walls were adorned with paintings.
4. The water supply had been stopped by the authority.
5. Her health was adversely affected by the climate.
6. The decision was affirmed by the Court of Appeal.
7. The woods were aflamed with autumn colours.
8. She was forced to marry against her will.
9. The scores were aggregated by them.
10. We were ably assisted by a team of volunteers.
11. He was abetted in the deception by his wife.
12. The plan was aborted at the last minute.
13. He was arrested on charges of corruption by the police.
14. He was killed in an accident.
15. Abortion is thought to be a criminal activity.
16. The class is being taught now.
17. The wall has been painted by the students.
18. I am pleased with his personality.
19. I am shocked at his hairstyle.
20. The proposal will be reviewed soon by the governing body.
21. Were you scolded by the manager?
22. Were the students taught by them?
23. Was a pen bought by you?
24. The weak should not be dominated.
25. Are you helped by them?
26. English is spoken all over the world.
27. Cows are kept by the farmers.
28. The pen is to be found by you.
29. Game is not being played by them.
30. Had you been invited by them?
31. He has been caught by the cold.
32. How was food cooked by you?
33. I am given a book.
34. An essay had to be written by them.
35. A meeting has to be attended by me.
36. Rice will be eaten by me.
37. An essay would be written by them.
38. I was not callled.
39. She had not been invited by them.
40. We were not told about the party by him.

112 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

E. Change these sentences into passive voice.
1. We cannot afford any more delays.
2. We call him a liar.
3. We employ an expert to advise on new technology.
4. We took full advantage of the hotel facilities.
5. Wine affects our health.
6. You must weigh the benefits against the cost.
7. Your lawyer can advise you whether to take any action.
8. Drink plenty of water every day.
9. Please take a bath and do exercise.
10. Why don’t you visit the park yourself?
11. We did not call her at the party.
12. Karan has done his homework.
13. We are considering several new proposals.
14. Hunters are killing the wild animals.
15. A massive earthquake destroyed many houses.
E. Read the following passage and write the verbs in passive.
1. Seven tablespoons of cocoa powder (measure) into a small bowl. Half a cup of boiling
water (add). The mixture (stir) until it is smooth. It (leave) to cool down. A half cup of softened
butter (put) in a large bowl. Two cups of white sugar (add). The mixture (stir) until it is smooth.
Next, three eggs (add), and the mixture (stir) again. The dry ingredients (add) along with
next - two cups of flour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. The
last additions that (make) to the batter is a cup of sour cream and all of the cocoa mixture.
The batter (mix) well. The batter (pour) into two cake tins. The cakes (bake) in the oven for
45 minutes. After the cake has cooled, chocolate icing (spread) over them and the cakes
(decorate). The best part (save) for last. Then, the cakes (eat)!
2. Last weekend my sister had a birthday party. There was a snowstorm that day and the
traffic was horrible. I was so late I missed most of the party. By the time I arrived all the cake
(eat) and most of the wine (drink). All the gifts (open) too. Songs (sing) and wishes (say). A
good time (have) by everyone! I stayed long enough to finish the last of the wine and help my
sister clean up after the party. The drive home was much easier because the roads (plow) by
the time I left my sister’s apartment.

Vocabulary in Use
A. Match the following words with their meanings given below.
1. ebullient radiant, shining brilliantly
2. edacious ecstasy, delight, high spirit
3. effulgent to issue or originate
4. elation voracious, greedy
5. emanate cheerful, exuberant, high-spirited
6. epitome very bad, appalling
7. esculent scanty, small
8. execrable to destroy or root out completely
9. exiguous fit to eat, edible
10. extirpate a person embedding a quality; a typical example

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 113


Read the following description.

Biddy, looking very neat and modest in her black dress, went quietly here
and there and was very helpful. When I had spoken to Biddy, as I thought
it not a time for talking, I went and sat down near Joe, and there began
to wonder in what part of the house my sister was. The air of the parlour
being faint with the smell of sweet cake, I looked about for the table of
refreshments; it was scarcely visible until one had got accustomed to
the gloom, but there was a cut up plum cake upon it, and there were
cut up oranges and biscuits, and two decanters that I knew very well as
ornaments, but had never seen used in all my life-one full of port and
one full of sherry. Standing at this table, I became conscious of the servile
Pumblechook in a black cloak and several yards of hatband, who was
alternately stuffing himself, and making obsequious movements to catch my attention.
Source: Mrs. Gargery’s funeral’, from Great expectations by Charles Dickens

Connectives are any words that connect two parts of a clause or a

sentence. The words and, when, what, but, that and who in the story
Do you
given above are some of the examples of connectives used to join two
Know? clauses or sentences showing the relationship between the items. They
can also be used to avoid repetition of grammatical phrases.

Speaking Practice
Answer these questions based on the given description.
a. How did Biddy look?
b. Where did Biddy go?
c. How was the air of the parlour?
d. What was there on the table of refreshments?
e. What did he become standing at the table?
Listening Practice
Repeat these connectives after your teacher.
as long as either…or neither…nor as.. as not only….but also
even though despite in spite of how because as
for and but after before than
since if unless why however yet
so so that so….that because of nor or
until when while till though although

114 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

Grammar Focus: Types of Conjunctions
For because I must find a new job, for I am jobless.
And in addition to He goes to school and attends the assembly.
Nor and not Neither these boys nor those girls study well.
But however I like coffee but I don’t like black tea.
Or either Do you have any uncles or aunts?
Yet but Raj is good person, yet you don’t trust him.
So therefore My sister is very smart, so everyone likes her.
As reason I did not go to office as I was sick.
Since because; as I will not speak to you since you speak to me.
Because for the reason He did not eat anything because he was sick.
Therefore logical result My study is poor therefore I am must study well.
Though despite the fact Though he is rich, he walks barefoot.
Although despite the fact Although I tried my best, I could not get success.
Despite unexpected result Crops are not good despite good weather this
In spite of unexpected result They went to picnic in spite of bad weather.
So that the reason for sth I went to market so that I could do shopping.
To for the purpose of I bought a radio to listen to news.
In order to for the purpose of She went to library in order to read books.
If in that condition If you help me, I will help you in turn.
Unless if not You won’t succeed unless you follow time.
However to whatever He told me not to do it. I however did it anyway.
While Shows time order He was sleeping while I was singing.
[same time]
After Shows time order I went home after we had decided to call it a day.
[first action]
When Shows time order We dream when we sleep.
[first action]
Before Shows time order He drinks a glass of water before sleeping.
[second action]

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 115

Both …and not only...but also Both son and daughter are equally important.
Either…or choice of two He either sings or dances in the class.
Neither…nor true negative They neither have money nor land with them.
Whether…or Choice Whether you go by bus or by train.
Not only...but sth else is also true I not only visited the zoo but also took photos.

Additional Practice: Study these sentences.

1. All that preparation was for nothing because the visit was cancelled.
2. Besides working as a doctor, he also writes novels in his spare time.
3. Coursework is taken into account as well as exam results.
4. Nobody loves him despite his honesty.
5. Though he earns much, he is miser.
6. He is hardworking but he does not earn much.
7. He always turns up just when you least expect him.
8. He gets aggressive when he is drunk.
9. He is the best teacher, even though he has the least experience.
10. He is sleeping as he is sick today.
11. Her honesty is beyond question.
12. I have great admiration for her as a writer.
13. It's been an age since we've seen them.
14. I've known her at least as long as you have.
15. I've yet to see all the players in action.
16. She has the window open, however cold it is outside.
17. The argument continued until the chairman called them both to order.
18. The virus is still active in the blood.
19. They abandoned the match because of rain.
20. They accept the risks as a part of the job.
21. They went swimming in spite of all the danger signs.
22. He often gets scolded because he never does his work perfectly.
23. Neither he nor his children are labourious.
24. Either Nuka or her father is taking bath.
25. He not only sang a song but also danced at the party.
A. Fill in the blank spaces with correct connective words.
I like the book _____ you wrote called Caribbean dozen. I say one of the poems____ I am
skipping. I’ve been saying that poem ___I was four ____ now I say the new version given in
your book. I look at the book every day ____ I can learn the last verse. Mrs. Brinda reads us
the poem ___ we finish our class work. Maya likes the one about the chocolate bars ____ it is
only of five words. I like writing poems ____ I’m not as good at it as Shreya. I feel better ____
nobody bothers me. I could write you a poem or I could draw a picture of a cat for you. I like
the picture of the rabbit ___I like the poem too. I want to have rabbit ____I am not allowed
to have any.

116 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

B. Choose the correct connectives to complete the following sentences.
1. My uncle____ (whom/who/where) lives in Kabul sent me a long letter.
2. Our hiking was filled with fun, ____ dangerous. (though/however/in spite of)
3. People liked him ____ he was generous.(because/so/why)
4. Rabin_____ (who/whose/whom) everyone loves is my best friend.
5. Raj, _____ (which/whose/whom/where) everyone likes, works in school.
6. _____ (In spite of/Because of/Because) his negligence, he passed the exam.
7. ____ (Although/Because of/In spite of) he is rich, he doesn’t organize any party.
8. ____ (Because of/Although/In spite of) his intelligence, Puskar failed the exam.
9. ____ (Because of/Although/So) Mohan is lazy, he is a very nice boy.
10. ____ (Because of/Because/However) his strength, he won race.
11. ____ (In order to/Because of/Because) his guilt, he was punished.
12. ____ he was in trouble, I helped him.(As/So/That)
13. ____ were his words that the listeners were hypnotized.(So/Such/As/That)
14. ____you are intelligent, you will learn programming in a few weeks.(If/Unless/until)
15. _____his overweight, he plays football well. (In spite of/Since/Beacuse of)
16. ____now on, I am going to go jogging every day.(From/Since/For)
17. ____she didn’t like the cutlet, I enjoyed it very much. (Though/Despite/However)
18. ____he had been alive today; he would have let to do it. (If/Whether/Unless)
19. Do you know ____ did this?(who/whom/that)
20. He could not go to Mumbai ____ he lacked money. (because/so/so that)
21. He did ____ he was told.(as/like/so)
22. He has been staying here ____ his childhood. (since/for/from)
23. He has not been keeping good health ____he moved to the city.(since/for/from)
24. He ran so fast ____ he became breathless. (as/that/to)
25. He rushed home ____ he heard the news.(at once/as soon as/as)
26. Kailas is honest, helpful_____ (but/and/so that) hardworking.
27. Labour hard _____ you die. (as/still/until)
28. Mahesh went to hospital ____he could visit the doctor. (to/because/so that)
29. Many people had gathered there ____no one could do anything. (but/when/after)
30. Many people of our country are the victim____ (for/by/of) poverty.
31. I like the pen____ (where/which/who) writes softly.
32. I looked around ____ I didn’t see anyone.(but/for/so)
33. I love the village_____ (that/when/where) I was born.
34. I met a girl____ (whom/whose/which) eyes were blue.
35. You cannot succeed ____ you study hard.(if /unless/however)
36. I donot let you go ____you tell me about the place you are going. (as/since/when)
37. They managed to do it, _____ I was not there. (although/however/despite)
38. This house is taller _____that building. (than/then/of)
39. We went out ____ the rain.(in spite of/because of/despite)
40. You are going to take that job ____ you like it or not.(whether/if/unless)

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 117

C. Choose the correct connectives to complete the following sentences.
1. I read a novel____ (who/where/which) is interesting.
2. I should take an extra class____ (by/for/in order to) secure good mark in exam.
3. I talk to you _____a friend. (as/while/as if)
4. I was late; ____everybody else was on time. (although/however/despite)
5. I went there ____ I had not been invited. (although/however/because)
6. ____ (What/Because/Why) he said was true.
7. ____he was not feeling well; he decided to see his doctor. (Though/As/Because)
8. He is a good boy,____ a few person like him.(though/as/however)
9. ____ she is arrogant, I can’t help liking her.(Though/As/Despite)
10. ____ she is very young, she is capable of taking decisions on her own.(Though/As/
11. I went there ____ (for/so that/because) I was invited at the party.
12. I went to school____ (though/through/thorough) the temple.
13. I will forgive you _____ you don’t repeat the offence.(on condition that/lest/as if/
14. I will give you money ____ you return tomorrow. (so that/provided that/though)
15. I would like to return to the village ____ (where/which/while) is peaceful environment.
16. I’ll tell you the direction_____ (because/so that/for/however) you can find the way.
17. I’m hopeful ____ (for/to/of) his speedy recovery.
18. It became dark ____ (and/because/so) we could not play.
19. It was unfortunate____ (so/far/because/that) you were absent.
20. Mend your ways ____ it is too late.(before/when/after)
21. He wants to marry the girl_____ (whose/when/which) father is a teacher.
22. My heart leaps up_____ (when/where/which) I behold a rainbow in the sky.
23. Saturday was the day____ (which/where/when) it rained heavily.
24. Selma could not attend her school____ (because/because of/therefore) her illness.
25. Rima couldn’t solve it _____ (because of/as/in spite of/although) her weakness.
26. Naina did not believe me____ (because/for/so that/in spite of/because of) my maturity.
27. Mina did not finish her homework____ (because/for/so) she was punished.
28. He doesn’t drink tea____ (nor/but/either) coffee.
29. Lomu failed her exam _____her hard working habit. (despite/even/although)
30. He got up early____ (because/for/so that) he could go to the temple.
31. Mohan is more intelligent ____you are. (for/than/then)
32. Kina is not only intelligent ____friendly. (also/but also/but also)
33. Alina is the girl_____ (who/whom/which) always fails the exam.
34. Bipasa knows the value of time____ (since/because/that) she is a student.
35. Kripa sings and dances_____. (as well as/as well/as)
36. I went on working ____ it was raining. (although/despite/in spite of)
37. Sita went to work ____ the fact that it was a holiday. (despite/in spite of/because of)
38. She yelled for help ____ there was no one to hear her.(yet/but/and)
39. That house has been empty ____ several years.(since/from/for)
40. I had invited him; ____, he didn’t come. (although/despite/however)

118 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

D. Choose the correct connectives to complete the following sentences:
1. I hate the girl_____ (that/which/whose) voice is loud.
2. I have known him ____our school days.(for/since/from)
3. I knew nothing____ (unless/after/until) you told me about it.
4. I know _____ (to/what/which) you are thinking about.
5. He had to buy another bull, _____the farm work was piling up.( because/for/unless)
6. Some robbers threatened to kill him ____ he didn’t give them his money.(if/ for/unless)
7. The shop was open ____ six in the morning.(from/since/for)
8. There will be no trouble____ you keep your mouth shut. (unless/whether/as long as)
9. I am going to my native place ____ the summer.(for/since/from)
10. We asked him ____ old he was.(how/how much/when)
11. I asked him ____ he was born.(where/which/that)
12. They don’t like you____ (when/however/because) you don’t love them.
13. I go to market____ (for/in order to/so) buy some clothes.
14. The old man _____ lived next door died yesterday. (who/which/when)
15. The dress ____ you bought last week is very lovely. (who/which/when)
16. The flowers ____I cut this morning are still fresh. (who/which/when)
17. The hotel ____ I’m staying has a swimming pool. (where/which/when)
18. The pencil _____ is lying on the table is mine.(who/which/when)
19. ____he came to house, he went to bathroom. (As soon as/While/As)
20. Children should play games ___their health may improve.(in order that/in order to/
21. Raj can play football ____he cannot play basket ball. (though/but/as)
22. Sonam chooses biology ____he can become a doctor. (so that/so….that/that)
23. Pankaj held my hand, ____I should fall.(lest/because/to)
24. Tilak read the book ____copied important facts. (then/and/but)
25. Aman was ___ weak ___ he could hardly stand. (so that/so __that/that)
26. He went to China ____ business exhibition. (to/for/because)
27. I don't have enough money. ___ I can't afford this product. (so/since/from)
28. We have not seen him _____ we moved into this city. (for/since/from)
29. I met the boy ___ he was walking along the road. (when/while/that)
30. He telephoned her ____ sharing some ideas on project work. (to/for/so that)
31. I will not forget that incident___ I die. (till/since/for)
32. ____you meet me tomorrow, you will get some money. (If/Unless/For)
33. My father went to hospital ___ he had a bad headache. (for/since/from)
34. She scored highest mark ___her hard work. (despite/because/because of)
35. Rina spoke ___ she knew everything. (as/as if/if)
36. The football match was cancelled ____it was raining. (because of/because/despite)
37. They will help you _____ you tell them the truth.(for/provided/to)
38. They won’t help you ____ you tell them the truth. (if/unless/for)
39. You won't get your certificate ____ you pay fee. (if/unless/for)
40. I cannot admit you ____ you have a ticket.(even/ even if/if)

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 119

E. Choose the correct connectives to complete the following sentences.
1. He was stupid______, he failed the exam. (therefore/because/as)
2. I went to doctor ____ some medicine. (to/in order to/for)
3. They played football _____ 4 Pm. (until/when/while)
4. My mother can read, ____she can't write. (though/but/since)
5. Sami couldn't attend her class____ her brother's wedding.( because of/ because/as)
6. ___ bad weather, they climbed the mountain.( Because/ Because of / In spite of)
7. The boy____ I like very much is good at football. ( whom/ whose/ what)
8. I met him yesterday,___ he didn't say anything to me.( though/ therefore/however)
9. Yesterday, I met the man ____ was singing a song. (who/ whose/ whom)
10. She got up early____ she could go for morning walk.(so/ however/ so that)
11. He lost his way___ his weak eyesight. (so that/ however/ due to)
12. She is happy ____she has lost her money bag.( however/ though/ even)
13. ____her cleverness, she couldn't present smartly. (Despite/ In order to/Because of)
14. My brother tried hard,_____ he couldn't finish the task in time.( though/however/ so)
15. The girl____ hair is curly is running a restaurant. (who/ whose/ whom)
16. I was born in Pokhara____ is a very beautiful city. (which/ where/ who)
17. The book____ is on the table is about the beauty of Nepal. (where/ which/ who)
18. The city____ we can see many temples is Kathmandu. (which/ where/ what)
19. The time____ I usually get up is 4:30 a. m. (what/ which/ when)
20. ________ I want to know is about her success. ( What/ Who/ Whom)
21. You will be punished for____ you have done.(what/ when / while)
22. I went to library___ read some story books.(because/ for /to)
23. My friend was lazy, ____he failed the exams.( however/ despite/therefore)
24. I never play volleyball____ my left hand is weak.(but /although/since)
25. She was not only a farmer____ an electrician. (but also/ as well as /along with)
26. He eats egg, ____, he never eats meat. ( but/ however/ therefore)
27. I went to market____ buy a grammar book.( for/ to / because of)
28. ____ he was late, he missed his school bus.( Before/ As/ Until)
29. Rabi often goes to river___ fetch water.( so that/ in order to/ because)
30. They are happy____ they go.(where/ wherever/ which)
31. We go to bank____ deposit our money.(to/ for/ because of)
32. The school was closed____ severe cold.( because of/ in spite of/ in order to)
33. Our flight was cancelled____ poor visibility.(in spite of/because / because of)
34. God helps those____ help other people.(which/ what/ who)
35. She is ____ weak____she cannot stand herself. (so/so that/so.....that)

Vocabulary in Use
A. Match the following words with their meanings given below.
1. bacchant senseless talk or writing, senseless
2. balderdash an enormous creature or thing
3. behemoth riotous; roistering
4. bellicose a blessing
5. benison eager to fight; warlike
6. blatherskite wooded, bushy
7. bosky a foolish chatterer
8. brobdingnagian master; sir
9. brummagem huge, immense, gigantic
10. bwana cheap and showy and perhaps counterfe it

120 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9


Read the following description.

Recent scientific research has shown that if people practiced just five simple behaviors,
they could not only prolong their lives but also make them healthier as well. If you are
willing to commit to leading a longer, healthier life, read on. First, eat the right foods in
the right amounts. Three-fourths of your plate should be filled with fruits, vegetables,
and whole grains. If you cannot give up eating meat, choose lean meats. Eat poultry, fish,
beans, and foods that are low in saturated fats, cholesterol, salt, and sugar. Next, exercise
at least 30 minutes a day at least three days a week. If you exercise five or more days a
week or at least 75 minutes each time, the results will be even better for you. Choose the
type of exercise you enjoy. If you don’t have 30 consecutive minutes, then you can break
it into three 10-minute periods and get some of the same benefits. Exercise helps increase
muscle, strengthen bones, and improve balance. If you haven’t exercised in a while, you
should see your doctor before you begin a programme. Not only will exercise improve your
physical health, it also relieves stress and fosters good mental health.
Third, find time to volunteer in your community. If you volunteer even just a few hours a
month, you will still get the benefits that helping others give you. People who volunteer
suffer less from depression and are less likely to have heart disease than those who do not
In addition, if you want to live longer and be healthier, be sure to get sufficient sleep. If you
are over the age of 18, you will probably need seven to nine hours of sleep each night. If
you cannot get that much sleep, take a short nap of 20–30 minutes per day.
Finally, it’s important to drink water. The body is between 55 percent and 75 percent water,
and water helps it metabolize fat and maintain muscle tone. You can get water through
fruits and vegetables, but if you really want to be good to your body, you can simply drink
lots of water!
These five behaviours are the keys to living a longer and healthier life. Imagine, if you had
started these behaviors years ago, you would have been ahead of the game!

In the above given description, the coloured words represent different

types of conditionals. Conditional sentences have two parts: the if-
Do you
clause and the main-clause. Clauses beginning with words such as if,
Know? unless, provided, even if, but for, suppose, etc. are called if clause and
clauses that begin with the subject are called main clause.

Speaking Practice
Answer these questions based on the given description.
a. What could they do if people practiced five simple behaviours?
b. What can you do if cannot give up eating meat?
c. What will be results if you exercise five or more days a week?
d. What would have happened if you had started these behaviours years ago?
e. What should you do if you haven’t exercised in a while?

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 121

Listening Practice
Repeat these structures after your teacher.
Type If Clause Main Clause
Zero s+v1+v5+obj s+v1+v5+obj
One s+v1+v5+obj s+will/may/can+v1+obj
Two s+v2+obj s+would/might/could+v1+obj
Three s+had+v3+obj s+would/might/could+have+v3+obj
Had+s+v3+obj s+would/might/could+have+v3+obj
Consider the following things in conditionals.
The order of the clauses is not fixed – the if clause can be first or second.
We never use will or won’t in the if clause.
We never use would or wouldn’t in the if clause.
We never use would have or wouldn’t have in the if clause.
If the if clause comes first, a comma is usually used.
If the if clause comes second, there is no need to use a comma.
Grammar Focus: Structure of Conditionals
CONDITIONAL If you heat iron, it becomes hot.
USES: Facts which are generally true or the scientific facts. The
condition always has the same result.
CONDITIONAL If you labour hard, you can get success.
USES: A situation which is possible in the future. Predicting the
likely result in future is possible.
CONDITIONAL If you laboured hard, you could get success.
USES: A situation which is hypothetical or unlikely to happen. Unreal or
improbable situation now or in the future.
CONDITIONALS If you had laboured hard, you could have got success.
USES: An imiginary situation in which one is regreting about the past. A
hypothetical situation that did not happen.

Grammar Focus: Miscellaneous Conditionals

1. Zero conditional
simple present+ simple present for universal truths
If you cut your finger, it bleeds.
If you heat ice, it melts.
If you heat water, it evaporates.
Wood floats if you throw it in water.
Oil floats if you pour it into water.
2. Instructions for the future
simple present + imperatives
If she beats you, call me instantly.
If somebody comes here, please tell them I am out.
If your parents rebuke you, don't feel bad.
If you are fine, go to work today.

122 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

If you see my brother, tell him to go home.
Don’t waste your time if you want to pass exam.
3. Suggestion/ warning for the future
simple present+subject+should+v1
If he cannot run fast, he should quit his race.
You should study hard if you are weak at English.
If you have to catch the early train, you should wake up early.
If you need fee concession, you have to meet the principal.
If you want to decrease weight, you must keep fit.
If you want to be first, you should take extra class.
4. First real conditional
simple present+s+will/may/can+v1 for possible things
If you exercise daily, you will be healthy.
If you practise more, your pronunciation will be good.
If he earns much, his life will be easy.
If she helps other, others will help her too.
If they invite us, we may go to them.
If we work day and night, we can earn much.
5. Second unreal conditional
simple past +would/could/might+v1
If you exercised daily, you would be healthy.
If you practised more, your pronunciation would be good.
If he earned much, his life would be easy.
If she helped other, others would help her too.
If they invited us, we might go to them.
If we worked day and night, we could earn much.
6. Third hypothetical conditional
past perfect +would/could/might+ have+v3 for hypothetical things
If you had exercised daily, you would have been healthy.
If you had practised more, your pronunciation would have been good.
If he had earned much, his life would have been easy.
If she had helped other, others would have helped her too.
If they had invited us, we might have gone to them.
If we had worked day and night, we could have earned much.
Grammar Focus: Common Errors.
Incorrect Correct
If I was there, I would help you. If I were there, I would help you.
If you will study hard, you may succeed. If you study hard, you may succeed.
If you would have a flat, you wouldn’t have If you had a flat, you wouldn’t have
problem. problem.
If they would have played well, they would If they had played well, they would have won
have won the match. the match.
If you heat water, it will boil. If you heat water, it boils.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 123

A. Use the correct form of verbs to complete each of the following sentences.
1. If he were here, he ____ (help) us.
2. If I knew her, I ____ (speak) to her.
3. If he came to class more often, he____ (learn) more.
4. She ____ (make) more progress if she studied more.
5. She ____ (speak) English better if she had had more practice.
6. If he came to class on time, he ____ (be) a better student.
7. If he went to bed earlier, he ____ (feel) better.
8. If he had more money, he ____ (take) trip to Japan.
9. She ____ (go) with us if she were not so busy.
10. If he were stronger, he ____ (work) harder.
11. If today were a holiday, we ____ (go) to the park.
12. If I were free tomorrow, I ______ (visit) the museum
13. If I____ (have) your address, I would have called you.
14. If the weather ____ (be) nice yesterday, they would have gone to the park.
15. If you ____ (call) me, I would have been glad to go.
16. If he ____ (wear) his overcoat, he would not have caught cold.
17. I would have visited you if I____ (know) you were living in Kathmandu.
18. If I____ (be) in your place, I would have told him.
19. He would have gotten sick if he ____ (go) out in the rain.
20. If he____ (tell) me the truth, I would not have been so angry.
21. If yesterday ____ (be) a holiday, we would have gone to the show.
22. If he had studied more, he ___ (succeed).
23. If he had not worn his overcoat, he ____ (catch) cold.
24. I ____ (help) him if he had asked me.
25. He ____ (be) angry if he had learned the truth.
26. We ____ (come) earlier if we had known about it.
27. We ____ (be) glad to meet you if you had invited us.
28. He____ (write) to you if he had had your address.
29. William never comes to class on time unless he___ (punish).
30. If he has very little practice in speaking, he____ (be) good.
31. If I had been in New York now, I ____ (visit) many places.
32. What would you do if you_______ (be) the Prime Minister?
33. What would you have done if you _____ (be) in prison?
34. What will you do if you____ (get) a bag full of money?
35. Had I had an umbrella, I _____ (not be) wet.
36. Had I woken up earlier, I _____ (catch) the first train.
37. We would go to the cinema if there_____ (be) holiday yesterday.
38. Your uniform would look better if you ____ (wash) them.
39. She will pay the grand piano for you if you ____ (request) her.
40. Come before seven o’clock if you ___ (want) to meet me.

124 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

B. Use the correct form of verbs to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Do you believe that if you ____ (walk) under a ladder, you’ll have bad luck?
2. Do you ever wish you ____ (be) someone famous?
3. Had he been a resident of the state, he _____there. (learn)
4. Had I not played so badly, I______ that match this afternoon. (win)
5. Had I studied more, I _____ a higher score on the test. (get)
6. Had they known about the fundraiser, they ____ a donation. (make)
7. I get nervous if I _____ in front of a group. (stand)
8. I think you would regret it if you ___to stay here in karnali. (decide)
9. If Alex had time, he ____you pack for your move.(help)
10. If he were here, he _____ the discussion skillfully. (lead)
11. If he’d had more time, he____ a new sport.(take up)
12. If I knew the answer right now, I ___ you. (tell)
13. If I had studied more, I ___better on this morning’s test.(do)
14. If I were you, I ___ the job. (accept)
15. If I were you, I ____ this rule about unreal conditions. (memorize)
16. If I weren’t planning about a party, I ____you pack, too.(help)
17. If I worked at two jobs, I _____ a much better salary. (have)
18. If it rains, it _____ down. (pour)
19. If I had a more flexible schedule, I __in later and leave later. (come)
20. If plants are covered with mulch, diseases ___ them so easily. (not infect)
21. If they had known about our condition, they ____a donation. (make)
22. If today _____ (be) Friday, we could sleep late.
23. If we get many applications, we___ the best students for admission. (select)
24. If weeds are not picked, the plants ___ for water and nutrients. (compete)
25. If wishes ____ (be) horses, the beggars would ride them.
26. If you choose the wrong plants for your garden, the plants _____.( not grow)
27. If you had filled out your form sooner, you ____ from them earlier. (hear)
28. If you had offered them more, they____ it. (take)
29. If you had talked to an advisor, he ______you. (suggest)
30. If you liked small houses, I _____ you to look at houses in my area. (invite)
31. If you park in a restricted area, you _____ pay fine.(need to)
32. If you research your options, you ___ the right choice. (make)
33. If you skip the open house, you ____ the chance to meet estate agent. (miss)
34. If you sleep more, you _____ so tired all of the time. (be)
35. Imagine that if money ____ (grow) on trees, we’d all be rich!
36. The plants may not need fertilizer if the soil ____ rich.(be)
37. They would have bought the house if they ____ able to afford it. (be)
38. They would have known about it if they ___ for an inspection. (arrange)
39. We’d all miss you if you ___this company. (leave)
40. Had I had some money, I___you.(help)

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 125

C . Complete the following sentences with the appropriate conditional clauses.
1. If you like to come to me you ___.
2. You might be able to save some money if ___.
3. You will fail the SEE if ___.
4. You will see rhinos and tigers if ___.
5. I’d build a hospital if ___.
6. I’d fly in the sky if ___.
7. I’d have joined a medicine course if ___.
8. I’d have recognized her if ___.
9. Be prepared if ___.
10. Come before seven o’clock if ___.
11. Had I gone to bed earlier, I ___.
12. Had I known the answer, I ___.
13. Had it not been a hot day, I ___.
14. Had she not moved out the wrong way, she ___.
15. Had the cinema not been full, we ___.
16. Hurry up if ___.
17. If he could sing, he ___.
18. If he had more time, he ___.
19. If he liked me, he ___.
20. If he has time, he ___.
21. If he studied more, he ___.
22. If he were a film star, he___.
23. If I bought a car, I ___.
24. If I had lived in America, I ___.
25. If I were the Prime Minister of Nepal, I ___.
26. If I were you, I ___.
27. If John were here, he ___.
28. If l were in Florida now, I ___.
29. If someone does not tell me the way, I ___.
30. If the weather is cold, we ___.
31. If you go to India, you ___.
32. If you had worked harder, you ___.
33. If you learn English, you ___.
34. If you smoke a lot, you ___.
35. If you want to be a doctor, you ___.
36. She could live more cheaply if ___.
37. She will play the piano for you if ___.
38. You will get into trouble if ___.
39. You would be very angry with us if ___.
40. Your dress would look better if ___.

126 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

D. Answer the following questions with the appropriate conditional clauses.
1. Would you be pleased or sorry to hear if your friend was sick?
2. Would you be pleased or sorry to hear if you had won a large prize?
3. What would you do if you were poor?
4. What would you have done, if you had got one million money?
5. What would you do if a beautiful girl proposed you?
6. What will you say if someone scolds you without any reason?
7. How would your father have reacted if you had married at an early age?
8. Where would you have gone, if you had had one month holiday?
9. How would you have controlled corruption, if you had been the PM of the country?
10. Would John have gone to the stadium with you if he had not been sick?
11. Would the party have been better if Mina had been present?
12. Would you be pleased or sorry to hear if you had failed your examination?
13. Would you be pleased or sorry to hear if you were not going to graduate?
14. Would Rajesh speak English better if he spent more time on his lessons?
15. If you knew English perfectly, what other language would you begin to study?

Vocabulary in Use
A. Match the following words with their meanings given below.
1. cabal conviction, absolute certainty
2. cachinnate a universal remedy, a panacea
3. cadaver to rebuke or criticize severely
4. calumny the drawing of maps
5. cantankerous stanza, verse
6. canto bad tempered, quarrelsome
7. cartography dead body, a corpse
8. castigate hateful misrepresentation,
9. catholicon to laugh loudly
10. certitude a secret intrigue

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 127

Read the following dialogue.
SON: Please don’t get upset, but I have a decision made to stop attending art classes.
MOTHER: So, why should that get me to feel upset?
SON: Well, I have decided to get into a really different course this time. I am getting really
fed up with this one. I think it makes me look really cherish.
MOTHER: Oh! What are you thinking of getting done?
SON: Well, I thought I would join pottery classes so that I get to participate in the pottery
MOTHER: Your friend Saurav had done that last month. I don’t think he’s going to get any
good experience by taking that up!
SON: I knew you’d get annoyed about it. I don’t have to attend any camp for ages, so I
thought I wouldn’t get to try something new for quite a while. Anyway, I have got to go. I
said I’d get there at 3:00.
MOTHER: Have you got the money paid for it?
SON: No. I thought I’d have sister Amrita pay for it. What do you think?

In the above dialogue, the coloured words are causatives. The causative
Do you verbs are those verbs that are used to show that someone causes
Know? something to happen. There are three verbs used as causative verbs in
English. They are get, make and have.

Speaking Practice
Answer these questions based on the given dialogue.
a. Who are the speakers?
b. What are they talking about?
c. What verbs are causative verbs?
d. What is son thinking of getting done?
e. What did son think he wouldn’t get to try?
Listening Practice
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
Get with Agent Get with Object
I get him to sing a song. I get my shoes polished.
We got them to work for us. We got our homework checked.
You will get me to write a poem. You will get your coat washed.
He gets his brother to polish his shoes. He gets his uniform ironed.
She has got her sister to prepare tea. She is getting her mouth washed.
They had got us to write a report. They were getting their room cleaned.
Father is getting me to clean his room. Father gets his shorts stitched.
Make/Have with Agent Have with Object
I have/make Raj clean my room. I have my house painted.
We have/make them work for us. We have our garden managed.

128 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

You had/made me write a poem. You have your eyes tested.
He has/makes his sister cook food. He has his hair trimmed.
She has/makes her mother carry her bag. She had her eye glasses changed.
They had/made Hem play the flute. They will have their uniform washed.

Grammar Focus: Make

Active: Subject +make +agent +V1+ Object
Passive: Agent + aux. +made + to + V1 + (by agent)
Riya made me sing a song.
The story made me laugh.
The tracher always makes us work hard.
Did he make you write a poem?
He was made to dance.
Roman is made to stand in class.
They were made to pay the fine.
Grammar Focus: Get
Subject + get + agent + to + V1 + Object
Subject + get+ Object + V3
I got him to sing a song.
Rita gets me to call a taxi.
They get me to bring a cup of tea for them.
I get my hair dyed.
I got my car repaired.
Get this letter posted.
He gets his house painted.
Grammar Focus: Have
Subject + have + agent + V1 + (Object)
Subject + have + Object + V3
I had my teacher check my home work.
She always has me sleep with her.
I must have Sonam translate this text.
We have him work for us.
Did you have your father pay for the suit?
I didn't have him trim my hair.
I had my room cleaned.
She has her house painted.
Go and have your bicycle exchanged.
Grammar Focus: Common Errors
Incorrect Correct
I am made study hard. I am made to study hard.
We are made study hard. We are made to study hard.
They were made study hard. They were made to study hard.
He was made study hard. He was made to study hard.
I have him to work hard. I have him work hard.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 129

A. Choose the best answer and fill in the gaps of the following sentences.
1. Anaya _____her house painted. (has, make ,get)
2. Get it _____at any cost. (do, to do, done)
3. Get this letter_____ .(to translate, translate, translated)
4. Have your hair_____.(trim, to trim, trimmed)
5. Gopi has his watch_____ .(to mend, mend, mended)
6. Gems _____his father to buy a book. (has, makes, gets)
7. Aryan makes her _____him. (follow, to follow, followed)
8. Get your car_____ .(wash, to wash, washed)
9. Please get your homework _____. (check, to check, checked)
10. Binod gets his cycle_____.(mend, to mend, mended)
11. Chameli gets her eyes_____ .(cure, to cure, cured)
12. Durga got a book_____. (open, to open, opened)
13. Elisha got her bicycle_____ .(repair, to repair, repaired)
14. Fulmati got me_____ her son on the way to her home. (carry, to carry, carried)
15. Guru had journalist _____ about him. (write, to write, written)
16. He has a helper_____ (to clean, clean, cleaned) the house.
17. Imran has his shoes _____. (polish, to polish, polished)
18. Jimmy has my property _____ in the bank. (deposit, to deposit, deposited)
19. Kaman has my car _____. (wash, to wash, washed)
20. Lobsang has the picture _____ .(paint, to paint, painted)
21. Sonam made me _____the chair to his room. (bring, to bring, brought)
22. Niruta made me _____angry. (feel, to feel, felt)
23. Oman made us _____ a song yesterday. (sang, to sang, sing, singing)
24. Pemba will get the driver _____ his car. (stop, stopped, to stop)
25. Rashmi will have to have a suit _____before leaving. (leave, left, to leave)
26. She _____ (get, has, make) the letter written.
27. Tashi has his teeth_____. (restore, to restore, restored)
28. Yam had his mother _____water from the nearest tap. (fetch, to fetch, fetched)
29. His mother made him _____ his medicine. (to take, take, taken)
30. Mr. Thapa is going to get him_____ a letter. (write, to write, written)
31. Sailendra gets my servant _____a newspaper for me. (to bring, bring, brought)
32. I get my windows _____. (paint, to paint, painted)
33. Niten gets the cobbler _____ his hair. (cut, to cut, cutting)
34. I have the man _____my hair. (to cut, cut, cuts)
35. They made me _____for them. (work, worked, to work).
36. I make her _____hard. (labour, to labour, laboured)
37. Hem makes her _____him. (follow, to follow, followed)
38. She made them_____ homework. (do, to do, done)
39. The teacher made them _____instruction. (read, reads, to read
40. She has the house _____ .(repair, to repair, repaired)

130 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

B. Choose the best answer and fill in the gaps of the following sentences.
1. I get a coat_____ .(stitch, to stitch, stitched)
2. He has his cycle_____.(mend, to mend, mended)
3. They got their case _____.(decided, to decide, decide)
4. Peeling onions always makes me _____. (cry, to cry, cried)
5. We had a professional photographer _____pictures of everyone.(to take, taken take)
6. I need to get my suit _____. (clean, to clean, cleaned)
7. She had the beautician _____ her hair. (design, to design, designed)
8. They have their sheets _____.(clean, to clean, cleaned)
9. I have my teeth _____.(fill, to fill, filled)
10. People have drivers_____their cars. (drive, to drive, driven)
11. She had the mechanic _____her car. (repair, repaired, to repair)
12. I had the plumber _____the pipes. (mend, to mend, mended)
13. They have the waiter _____food. (serve, to serve, served)
14. Have your homework _____.(check, to check, checked)
15. They got the cook _____food for them. (cook, to cook, cooked)
16. She gets her servant _____household works. (do, to do, done)
17. He gets his eyes_____. (cure, to cure, cured)
18. Manu got her dress_____.(makes, to make, made)
19. I get my windows _____.(paint, to paint, painted)
20. We get our seats_____.(book, to book, booked)
21. I got my roof_____ (repair, to repair, repaired) yesterday.
22. People get cobblers_____ their shoes. (make, to make, made)
23. She gets her tea_____.(serve, to serve, served)
24. They got the government_____some programme for them.(bring, to bring, brought)
25. The students were made _____hard. (to study, study, studied)
26. She has me_____these dishes. (clean, to clean, cleaned)
27. Get your hair_____.(trim, to trim, trimmed)
28. Please get the house _____. (paint, to paint, painted)
29. Have your car _____(wash, to wash, washed)
30. I get the cobbler _____my hair. (cut, to cut, cutting)
31. Alice stopped at the service station to have the tank _____.(fill, to fill, filled)
32. I got Mary _____ me some money. (lend, to lend, lent)
33. I went to a doctor to have the spot on my nose _____. (remove, to remove, removed)
34. Please have me _____you. (help, to help, helped)
35. My teacher makes me _____at the front. (stand, to stand, stood)
36. I am going to get him _____a letter. (write, to write, written)
37. My wife is making me _____a game. (play, to play, played)
38. I had an engineer_____ (to design, design, designed) the building.
39. Sumina has me_____ (to write, write, written) a letter.
40. She_____ (get, make, has) me solve the problem.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 131

C. Fill in the blanks with correct forms of the verbs given in the brackets.
1. The teacher had the class_____ (speak) on Children’s Day.
2. He got the cobbler _____his shoes. (polish)
3. They will get their work _____soon. (complete)
4. The teacher had his speech _____ for the conference. (write)
5. Arun had his house _____last week. (paint)
6. Who made you _____such stupid joke? (crack)
7. He made his father _____a new motorbike. (buy)
8. Kim was _____sing a song. (make)
9. Dip has got many books_____ .(publish)
10. She made the baby _____ a nap. (take)
11. Do you think we can get him _____the work? (do)
12. The Finance Minister made everyone _____the tax. (pay)
13. I am getting my brother _____me. (help)
14. My father always gets me_____ market to buy things. (go)
15. They have me _____a song. (sing)
16. He has his task_____ .(complete)
17. She has me _____for her. (work)
18. Get your pen _____ .(refill)
19. Have your bicycle _____. (mend)
20. The students were _____sing in the programme. (make)
21. The people have the leaders_____ their promise. (keep)
22. The government gets the public _____in the sanitation programme. (participate)
23. He has already had his message_____ .(deliver)
24. A student is _____labour hard in school. (make)
25. Our class teacher always makes us _____in the assembly. (stand)
26. The boss gets his servant _____the floor. (sweep)
27. Get these plants _____ (water) every day.
28. Have your notebook _____ (cover) by now.
29. I got a teacher _____ (teach) him a grammar lesson.
30. I have my friends_____ (wash) the clothes.
31. He_____ (have) the letter written.
32. I made my son _____ the windows before he could go outside to play. (wash)
33. Mrs. Rai had her house _____. (decorate)
34. The teacher had the class _____ a 3000 word research paper. (write)
35. Diya got some kids in the neighbourhood _____ out her garage. (clean)
36. I went to the bank to have a cheque _____. (cash)
37. After I had the sleeves _____, the jacket I bought fit me perfectly. (shorten)
38. My boss made me _____ my report because he wasn't satisfied with it. (redo)
39. I have my hair _____.(dye)
40. The wise king had the stone_____. (remove/to remove/removed)

132 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

D. Rewrite the following sentences using the verbs given in the brackets.
1. I washed my car. (have)
2. He cuts my hair. (get)
3. She typed the documents. (have)
4. The mechanic fixed my washing machine. (get)
5. Abiral cuts grass for his cow. (have)
6. Bibas decorated his bedroom. (get)
7. I repaired my fridge. (have)
8. Dharma tidied his garden. (get)
9. The editor edited the article. (have)
10. The washman cleaned the carpets. (get)
11. One of the photographers printed my photo. (have)
12. Puran checked my teeth. (get)
13. Mr. Neupane applied for TOEFL test. (have)
14. Garima cleaned the windows. (have)
15. Bandana collected homework copies. (get)
16. Kishor delivered the furniture. (have)
17. Mihang repaired the roof. (get)
18. Niraj wrote the report. (have)
19. She revised that book. (have)
20. I dyed my hair. (get)
21. He sent the money. (have)
22. My father built the shed. (get)
23. I cut the paper into two pieces. (get)
24. We prepared delicious food for the party. (get)
25. Mr. Pyakuryal completed his M Phil. (have)

Vocabulary in Use
A. Match the following words with their meanings given below.
1. kedgeree unnecessary excitement or activity
2. kleptomania a hot dish of rice, fish and eggs cooked together
3. kerfuffle a mental illness causing of stealing things
4. kibbled a person who likes to destroy other’s enjoyment
5. killjoy crushed into rough pieces
6. kinsfolk destiny, fate
7. kismet a person’s relatives
8. kitsch a small hill
9. koppie to complain about something all the time
10. kvetch tastelessness

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 133


1. Change the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.

a. I put some sugar in tea. (Into Interrogative)
b. Nobody is perfect. (Into Affirmative)
c. He said to me, "Write carefully!" (Into Indirect Speech)
d. I have to write a letter. (Into Passive Voice)
e. I _____ (eat) all the guavas you gave me. (Put the verb in the bracket in correct
f. Let’s go there, ______________? (Supply the correct tag)
2. Rewrite the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.
a. It has some meaning. (Into Negative)
b. He speaks well. (Into Interrogative)
c. I said to him, “How are you?” (Into Indirect Speech)
d. Help the poor. (Into Passive Voice)
e. I _____ (go) to school tomorrow. (Put the verb in the bracket in correct tense)
f. Let him sing a song, _____________? (Supply the correct tag)
3. Rewrite the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.
a. They won the match yesterday. (Into Negative)
b. She has to take the exam. (Into Interrogative)
c. Our teachers said to us, “Don’t follow that bad company”. (Into Indirect Speech)
d. Let me write a letter. (Into Passive Voice)
e. I ____ (sing) a song at present. (Put the verb in the bracket in correct tense)
f. Everyone is unique, ________? (Supply the correct tag)
4. Rewrite the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.
a. Shut the door. (Into Negative)
b. They had to go there. (Into Interrogative)
c. “You had better hurry Ashok” she said. (Into Indirect Speech)
d. Where do you post this letter? (Into Passive Voice)
e. It _______ (rain) heavily yesterday. (Put the verb in the bracket in correct tense)
f. Everybody has slept now, ________________? (Supply the correct tag)
5. Rewrite the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.
a. Does he owe any money? (Into Affirmative)
b. He found something in the room. (Into Negative)
c. She said, “Please help me.” (Into Indirect Speech)
d. What are you writing? (Into Passive Voice)
e. I ______ (visit) India last year. (Put the verb in the bracket in correct tense)
f. Neither of them is good, ________? (Supply the correct tag)

134 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

6. Rewrite the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.
a. We don’t like playing, either. (Into Affirmative)
b. I bought some fruits yesterday. (Into Negative)
c. She said, “Please lend a hand to me.” (Into Indirect Speech)
d. What will you give me? (Into Passive Voice)
e. I ______ (travel) India last year. (Put the verb in the bracket in correct tense)
f. None of them are good, ________? (Supply the correct tag)
7. Rewrite the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.
a. He has a wallet. (Into Interrogative)
b. We rarely call them. (Into Affirmative)
c. He said, “I will have finished the work” (Into Indirect Speech)
d. A committee chooses the winner. (Into Passive)
e. He ______ (study) English when he got a part in a movie. (Put the verb in the bracket in
correct tense)
f. One has to respect others, _______? (Supply the correct tag)
8. Rewrite the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.
a. I love reading stories as well. (Into Negative)
b. They had many problems. (Into Interrogative)
c. He said, “The Sun rises in east” ( Into Indirect Speech)
d. They are presenting an award now. (Into Passive)
e. He cracked a rib while he_____ (play) golf. (Put the verb in the bracket in correct
f. You haven’t got a car, _______? (Supply the correct tag)
9. Rewrite the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.
a. He didn’t have any books. (Into Interrogative)
b. I haven’t seen him yet. ((Into Affirmative)
c. "Forgive the boy for his first mistake," said the mother to her husband. ( Into Indirect
d. They announced the winner’s name. (Into Passive)
e. When he ____ (hear) the news, he stood up. (Put the verb in the bracket in correct
f. They don’t like fish _____? (Supply the correct tag)
10. Rewrite the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.
a. The ship was unloaded at the dock. (Into Negative)
b. Susan dropped the computer on the floor. (Into Interrogative)
c. The gentleman ordered his servant not to stay there (Into Direct Speech)
d. The winners were being interviewed. (Into Active Voice)
e. Before telling the police, he____ (call) the fire department. (Put the verb in the bracket
in correct tense)
f. You have tea at 4, ______? (Supply the correct tags)

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 135

11. Rewrite the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.
a. The collection of antique shoes and costumes was for sale. (Into Interrogative)
b. Jeffrey often forgets his girlfriend's birthday. (Into Negative)
c. He said, “please give me a glass of water” (Into Indirect Speech)
d. They have chosen the best movie. (Into Passive Voice)
e. How often_____ ( you go) to the movies? (Put the verb in the bracket in correct
f. I am not disturbing you, ____________ ?(Supply the correct tag)
12. Rewrite the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.
a. The thief took my new watch. (Into Negative)
b. Bale remembered his birthday at the last moment. (Into Interrogative)
c. The teacher said to him, “Get out.” (Into Indirect Speech)
d. Old movies were filmed in black and white. (Into Active voice)
e. How long_____ (you know) Sam? (Put the verb in the bracket in correct tense)
f. Tourists used to come here, ______________?(Supply the correct tag)
13. Rewrite the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.
a. He takes vitamins every day. (Into Negative)
b. How do you pronounce the word? (Into Affirmative)
c. I was watching TV when I_____ (hear) a bang. (Put the verb in the bracket in correct
d. The master said to the servant, "Where do you come from?" (Into Indirect Speech)
e. Someone will send you an invitation. (Into Passive)
f. He has to fill a form, ____________?(Supply the correct Tag)
14. Rewrite the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.
a. The students remembered to take the quiz. (Into Negative)
b. The fire department went to the house. (Into Interrogative)
c. After he_____ (see) the movie, he bought the DVD. (Put the verb in the bracket in
correct tense)
d. She exclaimed with sorrow that she failed in the exam. (Into direct Speech)
e. They have shown us the movie. (Into Passive)
f. You don’t have to follow him, ______________?(Supply the correct tag)
15. Rewrite the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.
a. One of the boys broke his leg. (Into Negative)
b. Someone did something brave. (Into Interrogative)
c. Renu arrived while we_____ (have) lunch. (Put the verb in the bracket in correct
d. John exclaimed with wonder that it was a nice shirt. (Into Direct Speech)
e. Someone told the students the answers. (Into Passive)
f. He didn’t have to choose one, _____________? (Supply the correct tag)

136 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9


1. Choose the correct word from the brackets to complete the passage below.
We were losing the battle. Our king was old. He was hiding just outside the castle walls. Of the
three soldiers who ______ (had appointed, had been appointed, appointed) to protect him,
two had been killed and I was left alone. Fortunately for us, our queen was ______ (a, an,
the) young and active woman. She had fought ______ (in, on, with) great courage and already
killed two enemy officers herself. ______ (Since, Of, For) we had a list of so many men it was
difficult for her to attack. She ______ (for, since, therefore) decided to defend the king at any
cost. A great number of enemies attacked and finally she was also killed. The king said that
we ___ (must, had to, have to) run away from the castle. But it was too late. I imagined, "If
we had to run away, we ______ (would be, would have been, will be) killed." ______ (A, An,
The) enemy came up and led us into the ring of enemies. They had us ____ (tell, to tell, told)
everything about us. The situation made us ______ (say, to say, said) everything.
2. Choose the correct word from the brackets to complete the passage below.
Water is___ (a, an, the) very common thing but it is quite essential to us. We can't live
without water,______? (can’t we, can we, don’t we) Water has no taste, color, or smell. It
______ (take, takes, took) the shape and colour of the vessel if it is put into it Water can
dissolve many substances. So it is difficult to get pure water. Scientists say______ (that, what,
if) water is a compound made up of two gases, hydrogen and oxygen. Waters is found in wells,
ponds, lakes, rivers, and seas. Water is plentiful on the earth but there is shortage of water
in deserts. Water___(has, had, have) many uses. It is used for drinking and washing. It helps
us to get food. We get our food from plants and animals. Plants can't grow without water
and animals cannot live without it. If we boil water, it ___ (change, will change, changes) into
steam. Steam is used to drive engines. Running water ___ (be used, is used, was used) to
produce electricity. We should drink pure water. Water ___(can make, can be made, can be
made) pure by boiling. Impure water contains germs___ (and, but, also) disease which makes
us___ (fall, to fall, fallen) sick.
3. Choose the best word from the brackets to complete the passage below.
There ___ (was, were, is) a small brother and small sister. They had a stepmother. They____
(maltreated, was treated, were maltreated) by their stepmother. They fled away from home.
After running for a while, the brother said: "I'm so thirsty. Let's find a spring and have___ (a,
an, the) drink." ______ (Although, however, In spite of), as the brother bent down to drink,
his sister heard a voice:" Who drinks from me will turn___ (in, to, into) a fawn." It was the
witch. Too late, the sister tried to prevent her brother from drinking. The boy changed into a
fawn. The fawn ran off into the forest and the sister followed him. There they found ______
(a, an, the) abandoned collage and lived together. One day a king, along with his haunters ___
(saw, sees, seen) the fawn. The fawn went to the girl. She was so much beautiful. The King
fell in love and asked her if she ___ (could be, can be, may be) his wife. He further said, "If
you accepted my proposal, you______ (will be, would be, can be) rich and happy." She wept

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 137

with happiness. The tears dropped upon the fawn and changed into a man again. This made
them___ (become, to become, became) very happy.
4. Choose the correct word from the brackets to complete the passage below.
Many years ago, there was___ (a, an, the) woodcutter who___ (lives, lived, has lived) in a
small hut___ (in, on, at) a village. He went to the woods to gather firewood___ (in order to,
because, because of) survive. He did not have any property except an iron axe. One day his
axe fell into the water when he was cutting some firewood near a lake. The axe ___ (was lost,
lost, has lost) and it made him______ (feel, felt, to feel) unhappy. The water god heard his cry
and came up to him. The god___ (has, have, had) an axe made of gold in his hand. "______ (Is
this, Are these, Do they) your axe?’’ he asked. He replied that he had an iron axe. His answer
had the god take pity on him. He thought if he had told a lie he___ (would not ask, would not
have asked, will not have asked) for an iron axe. So he gave him both the golden axe and his
own iron axe. The woodcutter was really honest, ___(was, wasn't, was not) he?
5. Choose the correct word from the brackets to complete the passage below.
There are innumerable realities and myths about music. Music is a composition of different
musical instruments. No one dislikes music, ___ (will they, do they, does he)? It is said that
music ______ (attracts, attracted, had attracted) not only everybody___ (but also, also, but)
everything. It is said that even stone starts moving with music. It is said in the history that even
in the war music could stop the enemies. Music is ______ (a, an, the) means of entertainment.
______ (A, An, The) entertainment provides us ______ (of, with, for) pleasure. If we listen
______ (in, on, to) the music, we feel relieved. Music makes us___ (forget, to forget, forgot)
the tension and worry. _____ (Therefore, And, But) music is lovely to all. I listen to the music
and feel light. I think I will be interested in music____ (unless, until, still) I die.
6. Choose the correct word from the brackets to complete the passage below:
It was years since I had visited my home town and I was determined to enjoy my stay. I went
to see my old friend Suman____ (who, whom, which) was a member of the local council. ___
(On, In, At) that time Suman was managing for a writer to give ___ (a, an, the) talk _____
(in, on, off) modern literature at the town library. Suman was going to introduce the guest
speaker and that evening we went to meet him. Since he had not yet arrived, I ___ (leave,
leaves, left)him and went in reading room where _____(a, an, the) large audience______
(has already gathered, have already gathered, had already gathered). Suman called me. He
seemed worried. He explained that he_____ (received, receives, had received)a message that
the writer couldn't come. Suman asked me if I ______ (will mind, would mind, would have
minded) acting as the speaker. Without making my mind up, I ___ (led, was led, lead) to Hall
to address the audience.
7. Choose the correct word from the brackets to complete the passage below:
The cause of all this______ (was, were, had) a very strange noise. It sounded ___ (as if, though,
if) thousands and thousands of birds were singing together. The noise was quite frightening

138 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

and many people looked disturbed. ___(A, An, The) extraordinary thing was that, apart from
one or two pigeons, there was not a bird in sight. No one ___ (was, were, had) able to solve
the mystery, until two policemen arrived. They noticed a large addressed advertisement for
a film high up ___ (on, in, at) a wall as the noise seemed to be coming from all the direction.
The noise made by birds singing ___ (being broadcast, was being broadcast, were being
broadcast) over powerful loudspeakers. The police asked the advertisers ___ (take, to take,
taken) the recorder away because the advertisement had attracted so much attention. It was
very sure that if the crowd was not controlled, no bus ___ (can run, could run, may run) on
the street. Common people had policeman___ (control, to control, controlled) the crowd___
(scatter, scattered, to scatter) in a minute.
8. Choose the correct word from the brackets to complete the passage below.
It was very hot___ (in, on, at) the small court room and everybody ___ (were, had, was)
feeling sleepy. After ___ (a, an, the) tiring morning, the clerks were anxious to get off to
lunch and even the judge must felt relieved when the last case___ (came, come, comes) up
before the court. A short, middle man with grey hair and small blue eyes was now standing
before him. The man was accused of breaking____ (in, into. of) a house and stealing a cheap
watch. The witness ___ (that, which, who) was called did not find a very clear account of
what had happened. He claimed to have seen a man outside the house one night, but on
being questioned further, he got confused that he ____ (was, where, is) not sure whether
this was the man. The judge considered the matter for a short time and then declared that
as there was no real proof, the man___ (can't be found, couldn't be found, couldn't found)
guilty of any crime. The Judge, along with the jury ______ (was, were, had) about to leave
the court. The accused man looked puzzled. Noticing this judge paused for a while. The man
said, "Excuse me, sir, but do I have to give the watch box or not?" This made all the people __
(got, get, to get) surprised.
9. Choose the correct word from the brackets to complete the passage below.
Culture provides people ___ (in, for, with) identity. One of the identities ___ (is, are, have)
culture among the many other means of identities. Every man and woman___ (love, loved,
loves) the culture where they are born. Culture shapes everything of the people like their
feelings, thoughts, and activities. Culture gives the way of life style, ___ (don't they, doesn't
it, didn't it)? People ___ (can’t adjust, can’t be adjusted, can’t be adjusted) themselves in the
culture that is totally different from his own. It is said that we__ (learned, learn, would learn)
culture on the family and society, from the childhood that never changes on life. We learn
culture automatically and gradually. If we live in a society culturally different from our own,
we ____ (find, found, would found) ourselves uncomfortable to live ___, (although, however,
as) educated people can adjust in any culture more than uneducated people. Anyway, culture
provides ___ (a, an, the) ownness to live with. Culture makes us ____ (unite, to united, united)
each other.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 139

10. Choose the correct word from the brackets to complete the passage below.
It was ___ (a, an, the) mystery. Every evening, the king's beautiful daughter___ (locked, was
locked, were locked) in her room, and every morning her shoes were worn out___ (of, by,
from) dancing too much. The king offered a great reward to whoever ___ (can solve, may
solve, could solve) his mystery. The king said, "I can give you even more if you ___ (find,
found, will found) out the reality." At last a young man came who had a magic coat that
could make him ____ (not see, not sees, not seen). He ___ (had given, had been, had been
given) this coat by his grandmother. With the help of the magic coat, he could be invisible ___
(though, however, in spite of) he was near there. In the night, she used to wake up and go to
the castle. There was a dance party. One of the dancers___ (were, was, had) a prince with
whom she danced. After a dance of whole night, she returned home. The young man found
this out. This reality made the king___ (be, to be, been) much angry.
11. Choose the correct words from the brackets to complete the passage below.
He was born in___ (a/an/the) United States at the run___ (of/from/in)the century. As a
young man, he ___ (is/was/will be) very active, and spent a lot of time hunting and fishing.
He started working as journalist, __(and/but/though) during the First World War he was an
ambulance driver in Italy, where he ___ (was wounded/had wounded/wounded) in 1917.
Had he not been to battle field he____ (did not injure/would not injure/ would not have
injured). After he lost his leg in the war, he said___ (that he would leave the job/that I leave
the job/that he will leave the job). In 1945, he got his resignation ___ (to approve/approved/
approve) and went to live in Cuba. For 10 years, he ___ (was enjoying/has been enjoying/
had been enjoying) his life with his daughter since 1955 before he ___ (had died/died/would
die) in 1956.
12. Choose the correct word from the brackets to complete the passage below.
It was very late when an old beggar man came to a rich farmyard. He ____ (had travelled,
travelled, will have travelled) far that day, he was tired and hungry. He said to himself, ‘I
must get someone ____ (to help, help, helped) me because it is snowing. I will go up here;
maybe the farmer will help me. He could probably give me somewhere to lie down.’ ____ (So,
When, Since) the old beggar man walked up to the farmhouse and he knocked at the door.
The farmer was just finishing his tea, and his wife said, ‘There’s someone ____ (for, on, at)
the door. You heard the knock, ___ (did, didn’t, wouldn’t) you? The farmer said, ‘Well, I’ll go
and see who’s there.’ He walked out and there at his door stood an old beggar man with his
old gray hair and his old ragged coat. And the farmer said, ‘____ (What do you want, what
he wanted, what did you want), old man?’ He said, ‘Please, sir. I’m just ___ (a, an, the) old
beggar. It’s a cold night and it’s snowing. I’m hungry and tired. I ____ (would get, will get, get)
some rest if you provide me a place to lie down for the night.’ And the farmer said, ‘You’re a
beggar! Old man, I need my barns for my cattle. The woods ___ (is, are, was) fit for you. Go
and sleep in the woods, old man, we shelter no beggars here.’ The old beggar just turned
round. He said, ‘I’m sorry, sir’ and he walked away. And the door ____ (was closed, closed,
will close) by the farmer.

140 Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9

13. Choose the correct word from the brackets to complete the passage below.
One summer day, two men ___ (walked/were walking/have walked) along. Soon, it became
too hot to go any further and, seeing ___ (a/an/the) large pine tree nearby, they threw
themselves on the ground _____ (so that/because/to) rest in its shade. Gazing ____ (up/
off/on) into the branches, one man said to the other: "What a useless tree this is. It ___
(does/do/did) not have fruits or nuts that we can eat. "___ (Don't be/Not to be/Not be) so
ungrateful," rustled the tree in reply. "I am being extremely useful to you at this very moment,
sheltering you from the hot Sun. And you call me a good-for-nothing!" They had not thought
in that way, _____? (did they/had they/hadn't they) The tree ___ (provided/was provided/
was being provided) them with the shade in such a hot summer day. The event made them
_____ (to think/thought/think) broadly. If we think broadly, we ______ (would realize/would
have realized/will realize) that all creations have a good purpose.
14. Choose the correct word from the brackets to complete the passage below.
One hot day, ___ (a/an/the) ant was searching some water. After walking around for some
time, she ___ (came/was coming/has come) to a spring. She had to climb ___ (up/on/in) a
blade of grass to reach the spring While making her way up, she ___ (was fallen/is fallen/
fell) into the water. She ___ (could have drowned/could drown/may drown) if a dove had not
seen her. The ant was in trouble, ___? (isn't it/wasn't it/was it). The dove plucked off a leaf
and dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and
climbed up there. Soon it ___ (was/were/has) carried safely to dry ground. Just at that time,
a hunter nearby was throwing out his net towards the dove ___ (because/to/so that) he could
trap it. Guessing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit the hunter on the heel. The pain
made him ___ (drop/to drop/dropped) his net. The dove flew away to safety. Thus it is said
that one good turn ___ (deserves/deserved/had deserved) another good turn.
15. Choose the correct word from the brackets to complete the passage below.
Once, ___ (a/an/the) wise woman who was travelling in the mountains found a precious
stone ___ (on/at/in) a stream. The next day, she met another traveller ___ (who/whom/
whose) was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry
traveller ___ (sees/saw/has seen) the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him.
She did so without hesitation, ___? (didn't she/doesn't she/hadn't she) He knew the stone
___ (were/was/had been) worth enough to give him security for a lifetime. But a few days
later he came back to return the stone to the wise woman. "___ (I've been/He's been/He'd
been) thinking," He said, "I know how valuable the stone is, but I give it back in the hope that
you can give me something even more precious." This way the woman ___ (was asked/has
been asked/had been asked) to give him some more precious thing. This made the woman
___ (feel/to feel/felt) angry. She took the stone and chased the man away. If the man had not
been so greedy, he____ (could keep/could have kept/can keep) the stone with him.

Dynamic English Grammar and Composition Book-9 141

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