Radiotelephony Mini Controller
Radiotelephony Mini Controller
Radiotelephony Mini Controller
A flight is to be made in a multi engine piston aeroplane (MEP1). The cruising level will be 14000ft. The
outside air temperature at FL is -3 ° C. The usable fuel is 123 US gallons. The power is set to long range
cruise. Find the range in NM with no reserve.
A. 1032 nm B. 1042 nm C. 1052 nm D. 1061 nm
2. (For this question use Flight planning Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.4)
Using the Range Profile Diagram, for the single engine aeroplane, determine the ground range, 20 kt HW
with 45 minutes reserve, in the following conditions:
Given: O.A.T.: ISA -15°C
Pressure altitude: 8000 ft
Power: Full throttle / 2500 RPM
A. 730 nm Correct Ans 703 nm B. 834 nm C. 686 nm D. 671 nm
5. (For this question use Annex 033-024 or Flight Planning Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.5)
Given: FL 060
Lean mixture
Full throttle 2300 RPM
Take-off fuel: 444 lbs
Take-off from MSL
Find: Endurance in hours.
A. 5H36 B. 5h14 C. 5H22 D. 5h18
6. (For this question use Flight Planning Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.2)
A flight is to be made in a multi engine piston aeroplane (MEP1). The cruising level will be 12500ft. The
outside air temperature at FL is -10 ° C. The usable fuel is 123 US gallons. The power is set to 55% power.
Find the range in NM with no reserve
A. 950 nm B. 872 nm C. 890 nm D. 983 nm
7. Given:
DOM = 3415 lbs
Trip fuel = 400 lbs
Passenger Mass = 600 lbs
Freight/baggage = 1050 lbs
Maximum structural TOM = 5850 lbs
Performance TOM = 5200 lbs
The traffic load is to be reduced to bring the TOM into the regulated TOM limits by:
A. 400 lbs B. 265 lbs C. 200 lbs D. 600 lbs
9. (For this question use Annex 032-014 or Performance Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.2)
O.A.T: 30°C
Pressure Altitude: 1000 ft
Aeroplane Mass: 3400 lbs
Tailwind component: 10 kt
Flaps: Approach setting
Runway: Tarred and Dry
With regard to the take-off performance chart for the single engine aeroplane determine the take-off
distance over a 50 ft obstacle height.
A. 610m B. 762m C. 439m D. 853m
10. An aircraft was over ‘Q’ at 1320 hours flying direct to ‘R’.
Distance ‘Q’ to ‘R’ 3016 NM
True air speed 480 knots
Mean wind component ‘out’ -90 kt
Mean wind component ‘back’ +75 kt
Safe endurance 10:00 HR
The distance from ‘Q’ to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) is
13. The total mass of an aircraft is 9000 kg. The centre of gravity (cg) position is at 2.0 m from the
datum line. The aft limit for cg is at 2.1 m from the datum line. What mass of cargo must be shifted
from the front cargo hold (at 0.8 m from the datum) to the aft hold (at 3.8 m), to move to the aft
A. 900 kg B. 30.0 kg C. 300 kg
14. (For this question use Performance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.7)
OAT: - 20°C
Pressure Altitude: 14000 ft
Gross Mass: 4000 lbs
Mixture: full rich
Other conditions as associated in the header of the graph. What is the two-engine rate of climb for the
conditions given?
A. 1550 ft/min B. 1300 ft/min C. 970 ft/min D. 170 ft/min
16. The reference landing speed (Vref) has the following minimum margin above the reference stalling
speed in the landing configuration (Vso)
A. 0.1 B. 0.2 C. C.0.23 D. 0.15
The horizontally travelled distance from the point of brake release to the point where the aircraft has
reached a height of 35 ft with the take-off safety speed V2 multiplied by 1.15
At an aerodrome with a pressure altitude of 4000 ft (QNH 1030; OAT = 20°C), what is the maximum
permissible weight in order to land over a 50 ft obstacle within the 2000 ft that is available with a 10
kt tailwind?
A. 3650 lbs B. The aircraft cannot land within the parameters given C. 3080 lbs D. 2780 lbs
19. (For this question use Flight Planning Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.5)
A flight has to be made with a multi engine piston aeroplane (MEP 1). For calculations the usable fuel 123g.
4750 lbs. Aircraft clean, cowl flaps closed, climb at maximum continuous power, descent at 1000ft/min and
145 kt IAS, no wind, 4.2 gal fuel for start, taxi and take-off. What is the endurance for a flight at 13000 ft
with long range power set and 45 min reserve at 45% power:
20. An aircraft takes-off from an airport 2 hour before sunset. The pilot flies a track of 090°(T), W/V
130°/20 kt, TAS 100 kt. In order to return to the point of departure before sunset, the furthest distance
which may be travelled is:
A. 105 Nm B. 115 NM C. 97 NM D. 84 NM
23. (For this question use annex 032-015 or Performance Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.3)
O.A.T. at take-off: 25°C
Airport pressure altitude: 1000 ft
Aeroplane mass: 1632 kg Speed:
100 KIAS Wind component: 15 kts Headwind
Using the climb performance chart, for the single engine aeroplane, determine the ground distance to
reach a height of 2000 ft above the reference zero in the following conditions
24. (For this question use Flight Planning Manual MEP1 Figure 3.1)
A flight is to be made from one airport (elevation 2500 ft) to another in a multi engine piston aeroplane
(MEP1). The cruising level will be F 140. The temperature at F140 is ISA - 10° C. The temperature at the
departure aerodrome is 22° C. Calculate the time to climb with mixture rich.
26. The reference about which centre of gravity moments are taken is the
A. Centre of pressure B. Centre of mass C. Datum
27. The CG location of an aeroplane is behind the centre of pressure of the wing. To maintain straight
and level flight, the horizontal tail loading must be:
A. Zero
B. Upwards or downwards depending on elevator deflection
C. Upwards
D. Downwards
28. A twin-engine aeroplane of mass 2500 kg is in balanced level flight. The CG limits are 82 in to 95 in
aft of the datum of the aeroplane and the CG is approximately mid-range. A passenger of mass 85 kg
moves from the front seat, 85.5 inches aft of the datum to the rear seat, 157.6 inches aft of the
datum. What is the new CG position approximately?
A. 87.5 inches B. 91 inches C. 92.5 inches D. 2.5 inches
29. A jet aeroplane has a take-off weight of (W) of 460 000 N and a centre of gravity located at 15.40
m from the zero-reference point. Distance from reference point to leading edge = 14 m. Length of
MAC 4.6 m.
At the last moment the station manager has 12 000 N of freight added in the forward compartment at
10 m from the zero-reference point. The final location of the centre of gravity, calculated in
percentage of mean aerodynamic chord is equal to:
A. 35.5 % B. 27.5 % C. 16.3 % D. 30.4 %
30. (For this question use the Flight Planning Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.2)
A flight is to be made in a multi engine piston aeroplane (MEP1). The cruising level will be 14000ft. The
outside air temperature at FL is -23 ° C. The usable fuel is 123 US gallons. The power is set to long range
cruise. Find the range in NM with no reserve.
A. 930 nm B. 1032 nm C. 902 nm D. 1042 nm
31. (For this question use Performance Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.1)
O.A.T: -4°C
Pressure Altitude: 4000 ft
Aeroplane Mass: 3450 lbs
Tailwind component: 2.5 kt
Flaps: up Runway: Tarred and Dry
With regard to the take-off performance chart for the single engine aeroplane determine the take-off
distance to a height of 50 ft.
A. approximately : 1440 feet
B. approximately : 2200 feet
C. approximately : 2470 feet
D. approximately : 2800 feet
34. (For this question use Performance Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.2)
Given: O.A.T 38°C
Pressure Altitude: 4000 ft
Aeroplane Mass: 3400 lbs
Tailwind component: 5 kt
Flaps: Approach setting
Runway: Dry Grass 1.5% upslope
With regard to the take-off performance chart for the single engine aeroplane determine the take-off
distance to a height of 50 ft.
A. approximately : 5040 ft
B. approximately : 3960 ft
C. approximately : 3300 ft
D. approximately : 4260 ft