Expanmortar FC
Expanmortar FC
Expanmortar FC
Expanmortar* FC
Single component polymer modified cementitious
cosmetic repair mortar and pinhole filler
Uses Properties
Expanmortar* FC is designed for application to minor The following results were obtained at a liquid: powder
imperfections in concrete and masonry surfaces. It is ratio of 0.3:1 by weight or 1:3 by volume.
suitable for application in the range 0 to 6 mm, and can
be used in the following situations: Test method Typical result
@ 20oC @ 35oC
Filling pinholes prior to overcoating General re-profiling
over large areas, up to 6 mm depth Fairing coat, in Coefficient of thermal
association with other Expanmortar* mortars expansion : 7 to 12 x 10-6 /oC
• Cost effective - no independent primer necessary Setting time (BS 5075) : 60 mins 45 mins
• Time saving - curing not necessary
• High performance - excellent bond to the substrate Fresh wet density : 2000 kg/m3
Description Note: Working life and setting time will vary dependent
on ambient and substrate temperatures.
Expanmortar* FC is supplied as a ready to use blend of
dry powders which requires only the site addition of clean Instructions for use
water to produce a highly consistent cementitious mortar.
Expanmortar* FC exhibits excellent thermal compatibility Preparation
with concrete, and is fully compatible with other
Expanmortar* mortars and Expancote* protective coatings Clean the surface and remove any dust, unsound material,
plaster, oil, paint, grease, corrosion deposits or algae.
Specification Roughen the surface to remove any laitance and expose
the fine aggregate by light scabbling or grit-blasting.
The filler for minor surface imperfections (up to 6 mm
depth) shall be Expanmortar* FC - a single component, Oil and grease deposits should be removed by steam
polymer modified, cementitious mortar. The material shall cleaning, detergent scrubbing or the use of a proprietary
be capable of use without the need for an independent degreaser. The effectiveness of decontamination should
primer or curing system. then be assessed by a pull-off test.
Mixing in a suitably sized drum using an approved spiral Curing is not generally required. However, under extreme
paddle attached to an approved slow speed (400/500 conditions - high temperatures and drying winds - it may
rpm) heavy-duty drill is an acceptable alternative. be prudent to use Expanbond* AR as a curing agent.
Expanbond* AR does not require mechanical removal
If mixing small quantities by hand, Expanmortar* FC prior to over-coating.
should be volume-batched. Add 3 volumes of the
Expanmortar* FC powder (loose-filled to excess and Cleaning
struck off level with the top of the measuring container)
to one volume of potable water. This should be mixed Expanmortar* FC should be removed from tools,
vigorously until fully homogeneous. equipment and mixers with clean water immediately after
use. Cured material can only be removed by mechanical
Mixing - large volumes means.
For larger volumes, place 3 liters of cool, potable water Over-coating with protective/decorative finishes
into the mixer and, with the machine in operation, add
one full 10 kg bag of Expanmortar* FC and mix Expanmortar* FC may be over-coated with a protective
continuously for 3 to 5 minutes until fully homogeneous. /decorative coating after about 48 hours, dependent on
ambient conditions. Expanchem recommend the use of
Water addition may vary slightly according to both the the Expancote* range of protective, anti-carbonation
ambient temperature and the desired consistency of the coatings. These products provide a decorative and uniform
mix, but it should not exceed 3.0 liters/10 kg bags. appearance as well as protecting parts of the structure
which have not been repaired and might otherwise be
For additional anti-dusting, or enhanced performance at risk from the environment.
properties, add 0.9 liters of Expanbond* SBR to the
gauging water until the desired consistency is achieved. Limitations
Note: In all cases Expanmortar* FC powder must be Expanmortar* FC should not be used when the
added to the water. temperature is below 5°C and falling.
Do not proceed with the application when rainfall is It is suggested that, for temperatures above 35°C, the
imminent unless in a sheltered or protected situation. following guidelines are adopted as good working practice:
Shelf life
*Denotes the trademark registered.
All products have a shelf life of 6 months if kept in a dry
store in the original, unopened bags or packs.
Storage conditions
Important note
Expanchem Fospak products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject
to its standard terms and conditions of sale, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Epanchem Fospak
endeavours to ensure that the technical information on this data sheet is correct at the time of printing, it is the
customer’s responsibility to satisfy himself, by checking with the company that this information is still current at
the time of use, that the product is suitable for the intended application, and that the actual conditions of use are
in accordance with those recommended. Because Expanchem Fospak has no control over the conditions of use
of its products, all recommendations or suggestions regarding the use of these products are made without guarantee.