Reliable waterproofing
Plastomeric waterproofing membranes ESHADURO are
produced from special types of bitumen and selected polymer
materials based on propylene (APP). This special composition
enables ESHADURO to secure reliable and long lasting
The selection of the appropriate combination of reinforcement,
surface finishing and weight/thickness of the membrane offers
a variety of applications and high quality solutions in every
problem of waterproofing, like:
• Waterproofing of flat and inclined roofs
• Waterproofing bridge & metal decks
• Re-roofing, refurbishment
• Waterproofing of underground works / Foundations
• Waterproofing of reservoirs (tanks) and canals
Esha Bituminous membranes comply with ΕΝ 13707, ΕΝ 13969
and are certified with CE No. 1020-CPD-010021423.
Application to roofs according to ΕΝ 13707 and underground
structures according to ΕΝ 13969.
Surface preparation
demanding areas.
Before the application of the membrane it is necessary to
• In multiple layer waterproofing, application of the successive
prepare properly the substrate surface.
layers follows the same procedure and is done in the same
• The substrate surface must be thoroughly cleaned so as to
direction as the previous ones. Care is taken so that overlaps
remove all dust, loose matter and remaining oils, and be do not coincide with those of the previous layer.
smooth and dry. • In a ballasted roofing, a well calculated ballast should be
• Recommended surface slope: 1.5% minimum.
placed on an adequate membrane protection layer to avoid
• The surface must be primed with solvent based ESHALAC
50S bituminous varnish or water based ESHACOAT No1
at a consumption of 0,3 Kg/m2.
• As soon as the surface is tack free, the bituminous membrane Application notes
can be torch applied. • Application temperature should be higher than 5 °C.
Application of the bituminous membrane • The waterproofing should be carried out by technicians, properly
trained and certified in the bituminous membranes application.
• Membrane application starts from the lowest point of slopes
in order to secure unobstructed water flow, when membranes
are torched one in parallel to the other. For a more detailed description of bituminous waterproofing
• The membrane is then rolled and positioned parallel to its membranes’ application please contact the Esha Sales
adjacent one. It is then rerolled half-way without shifting. Department.
• The bottom surface of the re-rolled part is heated with a
propane torch until the bitumen becomes fluid and the
membrane is unrolled again to apply evenly on the substrate.
• Longitudinal overlaps must be at least 8 cm while transversal
ones must be kept to a minimum of 15 cm.
• Overlapping joints are treated with a metallic lap-joint
cylinder in order to apply the optimal pressure in these
Tensile strength L/T EN 12311-1 ± 20% 320/220 650/650 480/350 550/400 850/600 N/50mm
ASTM D4073-
Tear resistance L/T ± 15% 100/200 300/300 240/380 280/430 300/450 N
Static puncture resis- EN 12730/
L2 (7-15) L2 (7-15) L3 (15-25) L3 (15-25) L3 (15-25) kg
tance (concrete) UEAtc MOAT27
Dynamic puncture resis- EN 12691/
I2 I2 I3 I3 I3 Φ 8mm
tance (concrete) UEAtc MOAT27
Flexibility at low tem-
ΕΝ 1109 ±3 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 °C
Water tightness (72h) UEAtc/EN 1928 Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed
Tolerances in the nominal values are in accordance with respective standards. Producer reserves the right to modify the properties of his products.
The information contained in this leaflet is, to the best of our knowledge, true and reliable and is supported by the present state of our knowledge. According to
the care taken and the method of application, upon which we have no influence, the values are subject to divergence. Therefore for best results, prior to use, an
application test should be made by the user under his own processing conditions.