Science 8 q2

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NAME OF STUDENT: __________________________________________________

SECTION: ________________________ CONTACT NUMBER: _______________

The world is on a red alert status because of the negative
impacts of climate change resulting from the misuse of Earth’s
resources. How can you best prepare for the possible disasters that
challenge your existence on Earth? How do you heed Earth’s warnings? How do you
change your lifestyle to adapt to Earth’s new challenges?

After going through this module, you are expected to:

Firm-up ● Differentiate the epicenter of an earthquake from its focus; intensity of
an earthquake from its magnitude active and inactive faults
● Trace the path of typhoons that enter the Philippine Area of
Responsibility (PAR) using a map and tracking data
● Compare and contrast comets, meteors, and asteroids
Deepen ● Explain how movements along faults generate earthquakes using
models or illustrations,
● Explain how earthquake waves provide information about the interior of
the earth
● Explain how typhoon develops and how it is affected by landmasses and
bodies of water
Transfer ● Participate in decision making on where to build structures based on
knowledge of the location of active faults in the community, and make
an emergency plan and prepare an emergency kit for use at home and
in school
● Demonstrate precautionary measures before, during, and after a
typhoon, including following advisories, storm signals, and calls for
evacuation given by government agencies in charge

Video Viewing Activity

The Ring of Fire is a band of volcanoes and frequent earthquakes that runs
from New Zealand, up through Eastern Asia, across the Bering Strait and all the way
down to the Southern tip of Chile. Volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis appear
around the boundaries of the several, fast moving, tectonic plates that make up the
region. When the plates collide, they create areas of volatility. Watch the video and
see more natural disasters than anywhere else on Earth, but what makes it particularly
dangerous is that few countries are prepared.
Video title: Why there's a ring of natural disasters around the Pacific
Video link:
Video screenshot:

Consider this question, how safety from natural disaster (such as earthquakes,
typhoons, and meteor attacks) can be ensured in the Philippines?

Map of Conceptual Change: Fill in the KWL chart below to assess your prior
knowledge and understanding of the topic.
(What I Know) (What I Want to learn) (What I Learned)
I know that… I want to know… I learned that…

An earthquake is brought about by an abrupt slip on a fault, much like what happens
when you snap your fingers. Going before the snap, you push your fingers together and
sideways. Since you are pushing them together, friction keeps them from moving to the side.
At the point when you push sideways hard enough to overcome this friction, your fingers move
unexpectedly, discharging energy in a form of sound waves that set the air vibrating and travel
from your hand to your ear, where you hear the snap.

The same process goes on in an earthquake. Stress in the outer layer of the Earth
pushes the sides of the fault together. The grinding over the surface of the fault holds the rocks
together so they do not slip promptly when pushed sideways. In the long run , enough pressure
develops, and the rocks slip suddenly releasing energy in waves that make a travel through
the rocks to cause the shaking that we feel during an earthquake.

Earthquake is the shaking of the surface of the Earth resulting from the sudden release
of energy in the Earth’s lithosphere. The energy will eventually be released once the fault
overcomes the friction movement.

Faults are thin zones of crushed blocks of rocks. These are often in centimeters to
thousands of kilometers long. Their surfaces can be vertical or horizontal. These can expand
into the earth and might possibly reach out up to the earth's surface. These are also breaking
in the Earth's crust where rocks on either side of the crack have slid past each other. There
are three kinds of faults: strike-slip, normal, and thrust (reverse) faults. Each type is the
outcome of different forces pushing or pulling on the crust, causing rocks to slide up, down or
past each other. The amount of ground displacement in an earthquake is called the slip.

Strike-slip faults are rocks sliding past one another on a horizontal plane, with little to
no vertical movement. Examples to these are the San Andreas Fault and the Anatolian Fault.

Normal faults are two blocks of crust layer pulling apart, extending the crust into a
valley thus, creating a space. A normal fault has the upper side or hanging wall appears to
have moved downward with respect to the footwall. The Basin and Range Province in North
America and the East African Rift Zone are two notable districts where normal fault is spreading
apart Earth's crust.

Reverse faults are also known as thrust faults, the slide one block of crust on top of
another. These faults are normally found in collision zones where tectonic plates push up
mountain ranges, for example, the Himalayas and Rocky Mountains.

Instruction: Describe each type of the faults based on the pictures

A fault is a weak point in the tectonic plate where the pressure inside the crust
is released. The area inside the Earth where an earthquake starts is known as the
focal point of the quake or the focus. It is centered on the portion of the fault that has
the greatest movement. The point at the Earth's surface directly above the focus is
known as the epicenter of the quake.

During an earthquake, the strongest shaking occurs at the epicenter.

Sometimes, the ground surface breaks along the fault as shown in the figure below.
There are also times the movement is deep underground and the surface does not
break. Scientists often name an earthquake after the region that is closest to its
epicenter. Generally, if two earthquakes of equal strength originate from the same
epicenter, the one with the shallower focus causes more destruction. Seismic waves
from a deep-focus earthquake lose more of their energy as they travel farther up to


Instruction: Differentiate the epicenter of an earthquake from its focus.

Faults may be classified according to their level of activity: Active Faults are
known to have recently generated earthquakes within the last 10 000 years, which may
still continue to generate earthquakes. Inactive Faults do not show signs of ever
having generated an earthquake in the last 10 000 years but may possibly still generate
an earthquake in the future.

Map of active faults and trenches in the Philippines.

A fault may appear to be inactive, but it may actually generate earthquakes
hundreds of years apart, and may not have moved within the recorded history of the
area around the fault. Fault movement usually leaves visible features that geologists
can interpret. But if the area around the fault changes easily, such as due to rapid
erosion or widespread urban development, the interpretation of fault activity becomes
more difficult if it only moves suddenly every few hundreds of years. It is sometimes
easier to detect a slow type of fault movement called creep, which ranges from being
continuous to sporadic, with creep events lasting from minutes to days. In general, fault
creep happens without any associated earthquake activity, but it may be noticeable
because of ground subsidence and deformed structures that overlie the creeping fault.


Instruction: Differentiate the active and inactive fault.

Example of active fault found in the Example of inactive fault found in the
Philippines: Philippines:


When an earthquake happens, you will hear its strength being reported using
two different numbers. Intensity tells us how much a certain area was shaken when
the earthquake reached that area, whereas magnitude describes the total amount of
energy that was released by the earthquake at the focus. The amount of shaking is
usually stronger when an area is near the epicenter, and becomes weaker further
away. So, an earthquake may be described with more than one value of intensity but
only one value of magnitude.
The PHILVOCS earthquake intensity scale (PEIS) uses 10 levels to rate the
strength of an earthquake based on its effects on people, structure, and objects.

Intensity Scale Shaking Description
I Scarcely Perceptible Perceptible to people under favorable circumstances.
Delicately balanced objects are disturbed slightly. Still Water
in containers oscillates slowly.
II Slightly Felt Felt by few individuals at rest indoors. Hanging objects swing
slightly. Still Water in containers oscillates noticeably.
III Weak Felt by many people indoors, especially in the upper floors of
buildings. Vibration feels like one passing of a light truck.
Dizziness and nausea are experienced by some people.
Hanging objects swing moderately. Still water in containers
oscillates moderately.
IV Moderately Strong Felt generally by people indoors and by some people
outdoors. Light sleepers are awakened. Vibration feels like
the passing of a heavy truck. Hanging objects swing
considerably. Dinner, plates, glasses, windows and doors
rattle. Floors and walls of wood framed buildings creak.
Standing motor cars may rock slightly. Liquids in containers
are slightly disturbed. Water in containers oscillates strongly.
Rumbling sound may sometimes be heard.
V Strong Generally felt by most people indoors and outdoors. Many
sleeping people are awakened. Some are frightened, some
run outdoors. Strong shaking and rocking felt throughout the
building. Hanging objects swing violently. Dining utensils
clatter and clink; some are broken. Small, light and unstable
objects may fall or overturn. Liquids spill from filled open
containers. Standing vehicles rock noticeably. Shaking of
leaves and twigs of trees are noticeable.
VI Very Strong Many people are frightened; many run outdoors. Some
people lose their balance. Motorists feel like driving on flat
tires. Heavy objects or furniture move or may be shifted.
Small church bells may ring. Wall plaster may crack. Very old
or poorly built houses and man-made structures are slightly
damaged though well-built structures are not affected.
Limited rock falls and rolling boulders occur in hilly to
mountainous areas and escarpments. Trees are noticeably
VII Destructive Most people are frightened and run outdoors. People find it
difficult to stand on the upper floors. Heavy objects and
furniture overturn or topple. Big church bells may ring. Old or
poorly-built structures suffer considerable damage. Some
well-built structures are slightly damaged. Some cracks may

appear on dikes, fish ponds, road surface, or concrete hollow
block walls. Limited liquefaction, lateral spreading and
landslides are observed. Trees are shaken strongly.
(Liquefaction is a process by which saturated sand loses
strength during an earthquake and behaves like liquid).
VIII Very Destructive People are panicky. People find it difficult to stand even
outdoors. Many well-built buildings are considerably
damaged. Concrete dikes and foundation of bridges are
destroyed by ground settling or toppling. Railway tracks are
bent or broken. Tombstones may be displaced, twisted or
overturned. Utility posts, towers and monuments mat tilt or
topple. Water and sewer pipes may be bent, twisted or
broken. Liquefaction and lateral spreading cause man- made
structures to sink, tilt or topple. Numerous landslides and
rockfalls occur in mountainous and hilly areas. Boulders are
thrown out from their positions particularly near the
epicenter. Fissures and faults rapture may be observed.
Trees are violently shaken. Water splash or stop over dikes
or banks of rivers.
IX Devastating People are forcibly thrown to the ground. Many cry and shake
with fear. Most buildings are totally damaged. Bridges and
elevated concrete structures are toppled or destroyed.
Numerous utility posts, towers and monuments are tilted,
toppled or broken. Water sewer pipes are bent, twisted or
broken. Landslides and liquefaction with lateral spreading
and sand boils are widespread. the ground is distorted into
undulations. Trees are shaken very violently with some
toppled or broken. Boulders are commonly thrown out. River
water splashes violently on slopes over dikes and banks.
X Completely Practically all man-made structures are destroyed. Massive
Devastating landslides and liquefaction, large scale subsidence and
uplifting of land forms and many ground fissures are
observed. Changes in river courses and destructive seiches
in large lakes occur. Many trees are toppled, broken and

Magnitude is determined from the information on a seismogram. The

seismologist studies the seismic waves printed in the seismograph, picks out the height
or amplitude of the largest seismic wave during the earthquake, and uses that
measurement to mathematically calculate the magnitude. The Richter Magnitude Scale
measures the quantity of seismic energy released by an earthquake.
Magnitude Description Earthquake Effects Approximate Amount of
Energy Releases
(equivalent kilograms of
Less than 2.0 Micro Micro earthquakes, not felt 0.476
2.0-2.9 Minor Generally not felt, but recorded 15
3.0-3.9 Often felt, but rarely causes 476
4.0-4.9 Light Noticeable shaking of indoor items, 15 000
rattling noises. Significant damage
5.0-5.9 Moderate Can cause major damage to poorly 476 000
constructed buildings over small
regions. At most, slightly damage to
well-designed buildings
6.0-6.9 Strong Can be destructive in areas up to 15 000 000
about 160 kilometers across in
populated areas
7.0-7.9 Major Can cause serious damage over 476 000 000
large areas
8.0-8.9 Great Can cause serious damage over 15 000 000 000
larger areas several hundred
kilometers across
9.0-9.9 Devastating in areas several 476 000 000 000
thousand kilometers across
10.0 and Massive Never recorded, widespread 15 000 000 000 000
greater devastation across very large areas
Magnitude Ratings and Their energy released.


Instruction: Differentiate intensity of an earthquake from its magnitude.

Instruction: Let us get real! Check your homes for earthquake risks. Earthquakes come
without warning. The best time to prepare for an earthquake is before it even happens.
The hazards that earthquakes pose include the collapse of buildings, fire, landslides,
and tsunamis. It is best to know beforehand if your house is prone to earthquake
hazards so that you can mitigate its effects. Fill in the table below by identifying and
locating the following hazards in your house.

Risk Indicator Risk Index How Many Location Action

(Write what action you
should do)
Cracks on the wall
Yes (1)
No (0)
Cracks on the
ceiling Yes (1)
No (0)
Cracks on the floor
Yes (1)
No (0)
Bookshelves that
are not bolted to Yes (1)
the wall No (0)
Mirrors, pictures
hanging over or Yes (1)
beside the bed No (0)
Electrical wires
crisscrossing walk Yes (1)
ways No (0)
Soft soil around or
beneath the house Yes (1)
No (0)
I don’t know (1)
House lies along
near fault line Yes (1)
No (0)
I don’t know (1)
Rate the earthquake risk hazards of your house:
Each indicator in the list has a negative effect in times of an earthquake.
Earthquake Risk Assessment Score:
Very low risk: 0; Low risk: 1-2; Moderate risk:3-4; High risk: 5-6; Very high risk: 7-8

Instruction: Make the fault model to explain how movements along
faults generate earthquakes.
Crayons or colored pencils, Scissors, Tape or glue, Metric ruler, Folder, Fault Model
Sheet (see page 14. Note: have it photocopied).
1. Color the fault model sheet by following the coloring key:
Rock Layer X - green
Rock Layer Y - yellow
Rock Layer Z - red
River - blue
Road - black
Railroad tracks - brown
Grass – green
2. Paste or glue the fault model onto a piece of folder.
3. Cut out the fault model each side down to form a box with drawn features on top.
4. Tape or glue the corners together. This box is a three-dimensional model of the top
layers of earth’s crust.
5. The dashed lines on your model represent a fault. Carefully cut along the dashed
lines. You will end up with two pieces.
6. Manipulate your model. Then answer the following questions.
A. Locate points A and B on your model. Move point B so that it is next to Point A. Observe your
model from the side (its cross-section).
● Which way did point B move relative to point A?
● What happened to rock layers X, Y and Z?
● Are the rock layers still continuous?
● What likely happened to the river? The road? The railroad tracks?
● Is this type of fault caused by tension, compression or shearing?
B. Locate points C and D on your model. Move Point C next to point D. Observe the cross-section
of your model.
● Which way did point D move relative to point C?
● What happened to rock layers X, Y and Z?
● Are the rock layers still continuous?
● What likely happened to the river? The road? The railroad tracks?
● Is this type of fault caused by tension, compression or shearing?
C. Locate points F and G on your model. Move the pieces of the model so that point F is next to

point G.
● If you were standing at point F and looking across the fault, which way did the block on the
opposite side move?
● What happened to rock layers X, Y, and Z?
● Are the rock layers still continuous?
● What likely happened to the river? the road? the railroad tracks?
● Is this type of fault caused by tension, compression or shearing?

Instruction: Watch the following videos to understand earthquake. Then write an essay
following the process question.

Video Title: Understanding Earthquakes | National Geographic

Clickable Links:
Screenshot of Online Resource:

Video Title: Earthquakes 101 | National Geographic

Clickable Links:
Screenshot of Online Resource:

Process Question:
How do earthquake waves provide information about the interior of the earth?

Instruction: You already know why and how earthquakes occur. List the things we
need to do before, during, and after an earthquake.

Before During After

Process Question:
● How does one prepare for an earthquake?

● Why is it important to know the thing to do before, during, and after an


Being in the tropics, the Philippines is visited by typhoons almost every year.
These typhoons are also referred to as tropical cyclones. Some of these typhoons
leave minimal damages but a number have already been listed in history as
devastating. Not a single part of our country is exempted from these forces of nature.
More tropical cyclones are entering the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR)
than anywhere else in the world. With the average of 20 tropical cyclones in this region
per year, with about 8 or 9 of them crossing the Philippines. The peak of the typhoon
season is July through October, when nearly 70% of all typhoons develop.
The Philippines is prone to tropical cyclones because of its geographical
location which generally produce heavy rains, flooding of large areas, strong winds
which result in heavy casualties to human life, and destruction to crops and properties.
That is why it is very important to have sufficient knowledge on tropical cyclones for
our benefit.


Instruction: Plot on the map of the location and pathway of tropical storm Sendong
using the latitude and longitude locator in the table below. Then answer the questions
that follow.
Month/Day/Year Time Latitude (°N) Longitude (°E)
12/13/2011 6:00 AM 6.00 145.00
12/13/2011 12:00 PM 6.00 143.00
12/14/2011 6:00 PM 6.00 142.00
12/14/2011 12:00 AM 6.00 140.00
12/14/2011 6:00 AM 6.00 139.00
12/14/2011 12:00 PM 7.00 137.00
12/14/2011 6:00 PM 7.00 136.00
12/15/2011 12:00 AM 7.00 134.00
12/15/2011 6:00 AM 7.00 132.00
12/15/2011 12:00 PM 8.00 131.00
12/15/2011 6:00 PM 8.00 129.00
12/16/2011 12:00 MN 7.00 128.00
12/16/2011 6:00 AM 8.00 127.00
12/16/2011 12:00 PM 8.00 125.00
12/16/2011 6:00 PM 8.00 124.00
12/17/2011 12:00 MN 9.00 122.00
12/17/2011 6:00 AM 9.00 121.00
12/17/2011 12:00 PM 10.00 120.00
12/17/2011 6:00 PM 10.00 119.00
12/18/2011 12:00 MN 11.00 117.00
12/18/2011 6:00 AM 10.00 116.00
12/18/2011 12:00 PM 10.00 114.00
12/18/2011 6:00 PM 9.00 114.00
12/19/2011 12:00 MN 9.00 113.00

1. Where did tropical storm Sendong start to form?

2. When did tropical storm Sendong enter the PAR?

3. When did tropical storm Sendong leave the PAR

4. In what direction did tropical storm Sendong move?

5. Was your province hit by tropical storm Sendong?

Typhoons develop in stages and need the right combination of conditions to
Steps in Typhoon Development
1. Evaporation of water at ocean surface temperature of 26.5 o C or higher.
2. Warm, moist air rises upwards from the ocean surface, creating a low-pressure
area near the ocean surface.
3. Air from surrounding high pressure areas rushes toward the low-pressure area.
This air is initially dry and cooler, but near the ocean surface, the air is heated
and carries more water vapor from continuous evaporation.
4. As the warm air rises toward the cooler parts of the upper atmosphere, it cools
off and the water vapor begins to condense to form clouds.
5. More clouds form and wind speed pick up as the Coriolis effect causes the air
to spiral as it rises. As the winds rotate faster, the low-pressure area near the
ocean surface becomes a tropical depression, and may eventually turn into a

Conditions for Typhoon Formation
● Continuous Evaporation and Water Cycle – heat causes water to
evaporate, saturating the clouds and making them heavy rich moisture
that will eventually fall back to Earth as rain.
● Differences in Air Pressure – when air temperature increases, usually
over the equatorial waters, air molecules collide with each other and
escape to higher altitudes. In this manner, hot air becomes less compact.
As it rises, its molecules collide with cold air coming from the poles, which
is more compact or dense. This creates air pressure – a low-pressure
area begins to form.
● Convergent Winds – the difference between high and low air pressure
systems in the atmosphere creates winds. Accumulation of high-speed
winds moving toward a particular area is called convergent winds. The
Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is an area where the northern and
southern hemisphere winds converge, usually located between 10
degrees north and south of the equator. The Philippines lies within the


A tropical cyclone can only form over oceans of the world except in the South
Atlantic Ocean and the Southeastern Pacific due to its lower air temperature. Oceans
in the tropics, and landforms in nearby countries can affect the formation of typhoons.

Landforms (Orographic Effect)

Landforms affect wind directions, and therefore disrupt the spin of a typhoon.
Typhoon weakens because of lack of water to supply the needed moisture in the air.
When this happens, the air temperature drops; as the water vapor cools, fog forms,
and rain may fall on the windward side of the mountain. When the same atmosphere
descends on the other side of the mountain, it brings a minimal amount of water vapor.
A “rain shadow” or dry climate develops on the leeward side of the mountain.
The windward side has more vegetation compared to the leeward side. This is
because of the amount of precipitation the windward side receives. When air goes up
into the mountain, it loses its moisture and only dry air proceeds to the leeward side
making that side produce less vegetation.

Landforms like tall mountain ranges act as an obstacle to traveling air masses,
forcing them to rise over the peaks. A typhoon is likely to dissolve or decrease its wind
speed when it passes over a mountain or a mountain range. The cold air on top of a
mountain prevents the building up of a typhoon, which needs warmer air.

Bodies of Water
The bodies of water help in the formation and development of a typhoon. In
order for a typhoon to develop, it needs the abundance of warm water, high humidity,
and optimal location, ocean water with a temperature of 26.5˚C, spanning from the
surface up to the depth of at least 50 meters (160 ft), and low vertical wind shear. Warm
bodies of water are the main factors in the formation of a typhoon. The air in bodies of
water is warm due to the evaporation of water. This warm air builds up or increases
the wind speed of a typhoon. Typhoons gain energy from warm ocean water and lose
it over cold water.

The warm, moist air over the ocean moves up and away leaving lesser air near
the surface. The warm air rises, causing an area of lower air pressure. Air from the
surroundings with higher air pressure pushes into the low-pressure area. As the warm
air continues to rise, the surrounding air spins in to take its place. As the warmed, moist
air rises and cools off, the water in the air condensates and forms clouds. The whole
system of clouds and winds spins together and grows.


Instruction: Watch the video below and write an essay guided by the process question.
Video Title: Formation of A Tropical Cyclone
Video Link:

Process Question:
How does a typhoon develop and how is it affected by landmasses and bodies of


The tropical depression, tropical storm, severe tropical storm, typhoon, and
super typhoon are categories of tropical cyclones. In simple terms, a tropical cyclone
is a system of thunderstorms moving in a circular direction. As the winds strengthen or
weaken, the category is upgraded or downgraded accordingly.
Tropical Cyclone Category Maximum sustained winds in kilometer
per hour (kph)
Tropical Depression (TD) up to 61
Tropical Storm (TS) 62 to 88
Severe Tropical Storm (STS) 89 to 117
Typhoon (TY) 118 to 220
Super Typhoon (STY) exceeding 220
Classification of Tropical Cyclone with its Corresponding Wind Speed

When a tropical cyclone enters the PAR, the PAGASA will announce Public
Storm Warning Signals (PSWS). The lifting or assigning of a PSWS in a certain place
usually happens before the corresponding atmospheric conditions exist over the
locality. This is because the aim of the signal is to warn the people of the approaching
danger that the tropical cyclone may bring. It is important to remember that the
appropriate interval of the range of the wind speeds for every signal is only valid when
PAGASA puts to affect the signal number for the first time.

PSWS Lead Time Wind Speed Impacts of the Wind

(hrs) (kph)
1 36 30 - 60 no damage to very light damage
2 24 61 - 120 light to moderate damage
3 18 121 - 170 moderate to heavy damage
4 12 171 - 220 heavy to very heavy damage
5 12 more than 220 very heavy to widespread damage
Revised Public Storm Warning Signals


A tropical cyclone is a natural phenomenon that nobody can stop. We can only
prepare for its arrival through the communications coming from PAGASA. Weather
forecasts on television, on newspapers and over the radio may assist in the
dissemination of this information for the public to know. It is important as well, to have
sufficient knowledge about these weather conditions for us to be ready and be safe
should one hit our place.

1. Listen to your 1. Special 1. Keep your 1.Stay in safe 1.Stay in safe
radio for more attention should radio on and houses or houses or
information be given to the listen to the evacuation evacuation
about weather latest position, latest news centers centers
disturbance. the direction, about typhoons.
and speed 2. All travels and 2. All travels and
2. Check the movement as 2. Everybody is outdoor activitiesoutdoor activities
ability of the the cyclone advised to stay should be should be
house to may intensify in safe and canceled. canceled.
withstand strong and move strong houses.
winds and towards the 3 .Keep listening
strengthen it if locality. 3. Evacuate fromto your radio to
necessary. low-lying areas the latest news
2. The general to higher about the
3. The people public, especiallygrounds. typhoon.
are advised to people traveling
monitor the by sea and air 4. Stay away
latest severe are cautioned to from coasts and
weather Bulletin avoid riverbanks.
issued by unnecessary
PAGASA every risks. 5. Watch out for
six hours. In the the passage of
meantime, 3. Protect the "EYE" of the
business may be properties beforetyphoon.
carried out as signals are
usual except upgraded.
when flood
occurs 4. Board up
windows or put
storm shutters in
place and
securely fasten
it. Stay at home.

Instruction: Prepare a prototype survival kit for yourself with supplies to last at least
three days. You may organize the following materials in a backpack and keep it in a
safe but accessible location in your house – you will never know when you will need
them. Take a photo of the survival kit and paste the photo in the space provided.

My Three-Day Survival Kit

Answer the following:

1. What items can you add to your survival kit?

2. What items should you not put in your survival kit?


Comets, meteors, and asteroids come in different sizes and compositions. A

relatively higher amount of silicate content caused these celestial bodies to reflect light.
Silicates are types of metal that contain silicon, oxygen, and at least one metal. If an
asteroid has less silica content, then it would be hard to see it even with the aid of a
telescope because only a small part of the asteroid can reflect light and it might seem
smaller than its actual size.
Both the comet and asteroid orbit the Earth and move relatively slowly when
viewed from the Earth. This means that you can view a comet for up to a year in the
night sky. The main difference between the comet and asteroid is the origin. Comets
typically come from the Oort Cloud which is beyond the solar system and some from
The Kuiper Belt which is beyond Neptune's orbit. Long-period comets originate
from the Oort Cloud while a short-period comes from the Kuiper Belt. Comet Halley is
the most well-known short-period comet of the 20th century since it takes 75 to 76 years
for this comet to orbit the Sun. We can view it in the sky every time it comes closer to
the Sun. All other comets have been identified as long-period comets since it takes 200
to several thousand years to complete their orbit around the Sun. On the other hand,
asteroids originate from the Asteroid Belt. These are found between Mars and Jupiter.
The recent theory states that the Asteroid Belt was heavily populated with
asteroids, but the gravitational pull of Jupiter has made these asteroids thrown. It was
also theorized that Jupiter’s gravitational pull prevented these asteroids from forming
into a new planet. Another group of astronomical researchers theorized that the
Asteroid Belt was an empty space and the debris of other planets have filled this area
with the objects which are then called asteroids.
The orbit of an asteroid is more rounded and less elliptical than the orbit of a
comet. In February 2013, Asteroid 2012 DA14 made a closer approach to Earth as it
orbited around the Sun. Distance in space was measured by lightyears and this
asteroid was just 0.4 lightyears away from the Earth, the closest that an asteroid has
ever been on Earth. In December 2012, during the issue of the doomsday prophecies,
Asteroid Toutatis made a near approach to Earth but not as close as Asteroid 2012
The orbit of an asteroid is more circular compared to that of the comet. An
asteroid’s orbit lies between Mars and Jupiter. The region between these two planets
is called the Asteroid Belt. On the other hand, the orbit of a comet is more elongated
or elliptical in shape since it extends from the far region of the solar system. Oort Cloud
is found beyond the solar system while Kuiper Belt is located beyond Neptune.
Another difference between asteroids and comets is their chemical
compositions. Asteroids contain rocks and metals while comets contain ice or icy
objects including dust, metals, and elements like Sodium and Argon. Unlike a comet,
an asteroid is composed of rocky metals that are mostly Iron and Nickel. Scientists
discovered that Comet-Hale Bopp contains Argon which made the comet appear
The “dirty snowball” made of ice is the nucleus of a comet. As the comet gets
closer to the Sun, the ice melts and evaporates together with dust particles. These
particles of gasses make a shining “head” around the comet called a coma.
Scientists theorized that Earth has been too hot to have water on the surface. A
closer study reveals that the collected samples of ice from drilling down the Earth’s
crust and marine layers have brought water to the planet. The comet’s composition
provides clues for them to understand how Earth obtained liquid water which makes it
The composition of an asteroid provides information to the chemical
compositions of planets in the solar system. Iron and Nickel are the asteroid's
components which are the same metals that make up the Earth’s core. An element
called Iridium was discovered on oceanic sedimentary layers of Denmark, Italy, and
New Zealand, by Alvarez Brothers namely Luis and Walter Alvarez. They have
discovered the rocks that contain higher levels of Iridium compared to the Earth’s crust
which is with the same level of Iridium of the asteroid. Because of this, they have
presumed that asteroids landed on Earth that caused the death of the dinosaurs. They
came up with their hypothesis which was later called the Alvarez Hypothesis.
Based on Alvarez hypothesis, an asteroid with about ten kilometers in diameter

made an impact on Earth. This phenomenon caused the blocking of sunlight in the air,
bringing a period of long winter that caused the mass extinction of plants and animals
including the dinosaurs.
Scientists theorized that Earth has been too hot to have water on the surface. A
closer study reveals that the collected samples of ice from drilling down the Earth’s
crust and marine layers has brought water to the planet. The comet’s composition
provides clues for them to understand how Earth obtained liquid water which makes it
Meteoroids are remnants or fragments of asteroids and comets located outside
the Earth's atmosphere. Meteoroids originated from the collision of asteroids. They
were also known to be the debris of comets that travel around the sun or debris from
the impact of collision of Mars or the moon with asteroids. When these meteoroids
enter the Earth’s atmosphere, it will then be called meteors. When these land on the
Earth’s ground, it is then called meteorites. A little body begins as a meteoroid
skimming through space between the planets until it enters the Earth's atmosphere
creating a streak of light as a meteor or commonly known as a “shooting star”.
Afterwards, if it was not vaporized completely by frictional heat and landed on the
Earth’s ground, it is called a meteorite. There are times in the year where we observe
meteor showers occurring when the Earth passes through debris left by comets or

Instruction: Fill in the Venn diagram by identifying the different components present in
comets, meteors, and asteroids. The intersection of the circles, write the components
that are both present in the two circles from the two Near-Earth Objects mentioned. At
the center, write the components that are common from comets, meteors, and



Instruction: Read the news article and answer the questions that follow.
Risks of Asteroid Strike to Earth from Elon Musk's Starlink Project Feared
By: Nirmal Narayanan

December 10, 2019- In an attempt to provide internet to all corners of the globe, Elon
Musk's Starlink project will gradually send tens of thousands of satellites into the earth's orbit.
But some astronomers believe the project could increase the chances of an asteroid hitting
Space agencies like NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and
astronomers make use of telescopes to track near-earth objects that could pose a threat to
earth in the future. However, the task will become extremely difficult when telescopes have to
filter out tens of thousands of Starlink satellites that are already in the earth's orbit.
A few months back, while interacting with followers on Twitter, the Tesla founder revealed
that humans do not have a proper shield to protect the planet from doomsday asteroids. He
made the comments when one of his followers asked whether asteroid Apophis will hit earth in
"Great name! Wouldn't worry about this particular one, but a big rock will hit Earth
eventually & we currently have no defense," wrote Musk on Twitter. However, later Musk called
NASA's planetary defense mission 'Armageddon', prompting fears that something sinister from
deep space was on its way to earth.

Process Question:
1. What is the news article all about?

2. What could possibly happen if the asteroid hit the Earth?

3. What are the disadvantages of having too many satellites in the Earth’s orbit?

4. Based on the news you have read, could the impact of the asteroid cause
extinction to some organisms including animals? Support your answer.

5. What could be the possible measures humans can do to avoid or block the
asteroid from hitting the Earth?

Transfer Goal: Students on their own and in the long run will be able
to independently use their learning to participate in decision making
on where to build structures based on knowledge of the location of
active faults in the community, and make an emergency plan and
prepare an emergency kit for use at home and in school


FOR ONLINE LEARNERS: The learners are expected to create a SONG / VIDEO
COMPOSITION that promotes and appreciate the love, resiliency, and values-based
of Filipino family and communities in times of emergency situations (such as
Earthquake, Typhoon, and Pandemic). It must cite real-life current emergency
situations and also include activities that respond to the needs of Filipino families and
communities like bayanihan or community pantries. It will be submitted and
disseminated in different social media platforms upon approval. This is to show the
drive and optimism about a brighter future ahead despite all the struggles that had
been experienced by everyone.

FOR THE MODULAR LEARNERS: The learners are expected to create a WRITTEN
LYRICS OF OWN COMPOSITION that promotes and appreciate the love, resiliency,
and values-based of Filipino family and communities in times of emergency situations
(such as Earthquake, Typhoon, and Pandemic). It must cite real-life current emergency
situations and also include activities that respond to the needs of Filipino families and
communities like bayanihan or community pantries. It will be submitted and
disseminated in different social media platforms upon approval. This is to show the
drive and optimism about a brighter future ahead despite all the struggles that had
been experienced by everyone.

● The learners will create a song/video composition that shows love, resiliency,
and values-based decisions of Filipino families and communities in times of
emergency situations (such as Earthquake, Typhoon, and Pandemic). It must
cite real-life current emergency situations and also include activities that
respond to the needs of Filipino families and communities like bayanihan or
community pantries. (Filipino, Science, PE and Health, AP, Math, CLE, TLE)

● The song/video composition must have pitch, rhythm, expression, and style, and
may use characteristic elements of the arts of OPM. The learners must use
appropriate editing tools in composition. (Music, Arts, Computer)
● Lastly, the song composition features a variety of effective paragraphs,
appropriate grammatical signals or expressions in topic development, and
appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior. (English)

The learner is a COMPOSER / VIDEO EDITOR that advocates love for country and
optimism especially in times of emergency situations.

For Online Learners the task addresses a wider general public audience in a different
social media platform. While Modular Learners address their task to family members
and immediate community.

In years, Filipinos had always been experiencing emergency situations (such as
Earthquake, Typhoon, and Pandemic) that affected the way the people live. But
Filipinos are known to wear the best smiles, are best in terms of being optimistic and
know that there is a silver lining in everything. The local government unit urges the
Sangguniang Kabataan council to assist them in making ways in doing appropriate
tasks that show social, political, and spiritual roles in the local community that shows
love and support in this country.

The Online Learners will create a SONG / VIDEO COMPOSITION. The Modular
Learners are to create a WRITTEN LYRICS OF OWN COMPOSITION that promotes
community- wide initiatives, strategies, and share information about the essence of
community – giving, sharing amidst the emergency situations.

Organization, Content, Creativity, Audience



Organization The composition The The The The

follow the composition composition composition composition
correct follow the follow the are easy to unorganized,
arrangement of correct correct understand, difficult to
ideas. It is easy arrangement of arrangement neat and understand
to understand, ideas. It is easy of ideas. It is presentable. It and follow. It
follow and clear to understand easy to is fairly easy to is visually
to read; visually and follow understand follow. unappealing.
appealing and clearly to read. and follow.
relevant to the
discussed ideas.

Content The data The data The data The data The data
presented have presented have presented presented have presented
100% accuracy. 80-99% have 60- 79% 40-59% have 40%
The insights are accuracy. The accuracy. The accuracy. The below
comprehensively insights are insights are insights are accuracy. The
discussed. There moderately minimally unsatisfactorily ideas
is a deep discussed, discussed, discussed, presented
understanding of understood and understood understood and show no
the idea. The reflectively and reflectively evidence of
thoughts are thought of. reflectively thought of. insights,
reflective and thought of. understanding
convincing. , or reflective
Statements are thought about
supported by the topic.
experience or
related research.

Creativity The insights are The insights are The insights The insights The insights
discussed neatly presented in are presented are presented are presented
and well- varied means. in texts and in pure text. with no
presented limited creativity at
through image/s. all.
image (cut-outs
or drawn), and
texts. The write-
up report is
appealing to the

Audience It is shared to 5 It is shared to 5 It is shared to It is shared to Write-up

readers with a readers with 2-4 readers 2-4 readers report has
complete incomplete with complete with reached 1
number of number of number of incomplete reader or has
feedback. feedbacks feedbacks number of no reader at
feedbacks all.


Teacher Feedback

Now that you have accomplished your performance task, let’s look back and review
your learning process in this lesson.

Answer the self-assessment based on your learned knowledge and skills in this

I can differentiate the epicenter of an earthquake from its

focus; intensity of an earthquake from its magnitude active
and inactive faults
I can trace the path of typhoons that enter the Philippine
Area of Responsibility (PAR) using a map and tracking data
I can compare and contrast comets, meteors, and asteroids
I can explain how movements along faults generate
earthquakes using models or illustrations,
I can explain how earthquake waves provide information
about the interior of the earth
I can explain how typhoon develops and how it is affected
by landmasses and bodies of water
I can participate in decision making on where to build
structures based on knowledge of the location of active
faults in the community, and make an emergency plan and
prepare an emergency kit for use at home and in school
I can demonstrate precautionary measures before, during,
and after a typhoon, including following advisories, storm
signals, and calls for evacuation given by government
agencies in charge

Write your personal reflections in the journal log below by answering the questions.
How did I get started? What were my first thoughts?

Which activity helped me understand the topic better?

Which part of the lesson did I find most challenging? Did I try anything that
didn’t work? How did I feel about it?

What did I learn? And how did I prove my ideas?

How might I apply this line of thinking to other problems or situations?


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