HEINEKEN Supplier Code v3.0 - 04022019
HEINEKEN Supplier Code v3.0 - 04022019
HEINEKEN Supplier Code v3.0 - 04022019
We expect you, our Supplier, to help us deliver on our values and commitments to responsible business conduct
at all times. Working together, we can maximize our positive impact and grow together in a sustainable and
responsible way.
It is our responsibility to ensure that our Suppliers understand what is expected of them. The HEINEKEN Supplier
Code (“Supplier Code”) helps Suppliers to understand HEINEKEN’s minimum standards. We expect our Suppliers
to acquaint themselves with its contents.
We expect our Suppliers to adhere to all applicable laws and regulations where they operate, as well as the
minimum standards set out in this Supplier Code. These minimum standards should be incorporated into
Suppliers’ own operations and communicated to all individuals employed by the Supplier, regardless of the type
of contract or the location of their work, and individuals working for the Supplier through a third party contract.
HEINEKEN also expects Suppliers to take appropriate steps to ensure that their own suppliers comply with the
minimum standards of the Supplier Code.
HEINEKEN reviews compliance with the Supplier Code and has the right to undertake an assessment with any
Supplier. HEINEKEN expects Suppliers to undertake an assessment in its own operations and throughout its
supply chain in this regard.
In the event of non-compliance with the minimum standards, HEINEKEN will work together with Suppliers
to take corrective action within an appropriate timeframe. If a Supplier is not able or fails to correct the non-
compliance, HEINEKEN may end the relationship.
Responsible sourcing
Our Suppliers play a crucial role in helping us deliver on our commitments, and we want to develop open and
supportive two-way relationships that raise standards across the value chain.
Respecting and abiding by the Supplier Code is just the starting point for many Suppliers. By signing it, they
agree to live up to our expectations in the field of responsible business conduct; on business conduct, human
rights, health and safety, and protecting the environment.
We recognise that we have a duty to support our Suppliers to help improve standards and capabilities. The
introduction of the tips for continuous improvement sections act as a reference and offers support on how to
further improve on the respective fields of responsible business conduct in this Supplier Code.
Suppliers are encouraged to contact us in case of any questions about the contents of the Code or if they require
further guidance or support to ensure compliance.
1. Competition
The Supplier supports an open, fair and competitive business environment and will not engage in price
fixing or other unfair trade practices.
2. Bribery
We do not allow any form of bribery, in any place, at any time. The Supplier never accepts, asks for, engages
in, makes, offers, promises or authorizes any bribes. With bribery we mean giving or receiving anything
of value to or from any person, to obtain or retain business, influence decisions, or secure an improper
advantage. We expect the Supplier to report relevant concerns immediately - either to their HEINEKEN
contact or through HEINEKEN’s confidential Speak Up service.
3. Conflicts of interest
We require all our employees to make decisions in the best interest of HEINEKEN. This includes avoiding
situations in which a conflict could arise between the interest of HEINEKEN and a direct or indirect personal
interest. We expect the Supplier to respect this requirement and to cooperate with us to ensure it is upheld.
The Supplier should immediately disclose to HEINEKEN any situation in which they perceive a potential
conflict of interest so that appropriate action can be taken.
4. Financial records, confidential information, money
laundering and insider dealing
We expect our suppliers; to perform all business and commercial dealings transparently and record them
accurately in its books and records according to local law; not to engage in or facilitate any form of
money laundering; to treat all business, commercial and financial information regarding HEINEKEN and
its commercial partners as confidential. The Supplier does not use confidential information it possesses
regarding HEINEKEN to either engage in or support insider dealing.
5. Non-discrimination
The Supplier treats people equally and fairly, based on the principle of non-discrimination. The Supplier
respects cultural and individual diversity and promotes inclusiveness. The Supplier employs, rewards and
promotes based on the principle of equal opportunity, without distinction according to race, colour, gender,
sexual orientation, religion, national or social origin, age and disability. This means that the Supplier makes
employment decisions, including hiring, placement, promotion, development, training and compensation,
based on factors such as qualifications, experience, performance, skills and potential.
6. No harassment
The Supplier does not tolerate physical, verbal, sexual or psychological harassment, bullying, abuse or
threats in the workplace.
9. Children’s rights
The Supplier respects the rights of the child as stated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child,
including the right to education, the right to rest and play and the right to have basic needs met. The
Supplier will not engage in, or allow, child labour within their facilities or in those of their suppliers.
The Supplier follows the ILO definition of the minimum age for admission to employment or work. This
age shall not be lower than the age of completion of compulsory schooling and in any case not be under
15 years of age, except in some countries, where it is 14. The Supplier complies with local law if it sets a
higher age to define child labour.
Working hours
In the absence of local laws or collective agreements such as ILO standards, the recommendation
for normal working hours would be not to exceed 48 hours per working week, or 60 hours per working
week including overtime, and to allow employees at least one day of rest in every seven day period.
People are at the heart of our company. We are committed to provide a safe and healthy work place and prevent
harm to our employees, individuals working for us through a third party contract and other visitors. We also
expect our Suppliers to meet the following minimum expectations:
When working for us at our facilities or remotely, Supplier and Supplier’s employees must adhere to
applicable Safety and Health procedures and work instructions, including the HEINEKEN Life-Saving Rules.
Our own targets will help to drive change and reduce our environmental impact. We believe this is a
shared responsibility and we rely on our suppliers to help us achieve this. We expect our Suppliers to
adhere to local applicable laws concerning energy usage, water stewardship and waste management.
Tips for continuous improvement
Environmental Policy to reduce environmental impact
We encourage our suppliers to have their own environmental policy statement including ambitions to
reduce the environmental impact of their operations with regard to:
HEINEKEN encourages its Suppliers, including their employees, to speak up
if they have any concerns regarding a possible violation of our Code
of Business Conduct and policies, including this Supplier Code. We
welcome speaking up as an opportunity to identify and repair potential
misconduct, rather than turning a blind eye which may worsen a
Similar to HEINEKEN employees, Suppliers can speak up either anonymously (if allowed by the laws of the
country) or not by going to http://speakup.heineken.com and filing a report online or by phone, or by sending an
email to our Global Business Conduct Office at businessconduct@heineken.com.