Determinants of Livelihood Diversification Strategies in Eastern Tigray Region of Ethiopia

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et al. Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:62 Agriculture & Food Security

RESEARCH Open Access

Determinants of livelihood diversification

strategies in Eastern Tigray Region of Ethiopia
Gebrehiwot Weldegebrial Gebru1*  , Hyacinth Ementa Ichoku2 and Philip Ogbonnia Phil‑Eze3

Background:  In Ethiopia, farm households engage and pursue diverse off-farm and non-farm livelihood activities to
cope with diverse challenges such as drought. Due to the unstable and meagre agricultural context of the study area,
farm income alone could not feed the ever increasing population. Without adopting context based livelihood diver‑
sification strategies; the challenge it presents could neither meet nor attain household food security and improve
livelihood security. The objective of the study was to analyse the determinants of livelihood diversification strategies
among rural households in Eastern Tigray Region of Ethiopia.
Methods:  Multistage sampling technique was used in selecting the study sites and 485 sample respondents. Data
were triangulated with information collected using focus group discussion and key informants interview to draw
qualitative conclusion.
Results:  Majority (83.1%) of the farmers were able to diversify their livelihoods into either off-farm or non-farm or
combined income activities, whereas the remaining 16.91% of the households were unable to diversify; often lacking
the means to engage in any form of income-generating activity apart from agricultural activities. Results of the multi‑
nomial logistic regression model revealed that households choice and adoption of livelihood diversification strategies
were positively affected by households level of education, access to credit, income, membership to cooperatives, land
size, and farm input use, whereas age, dependency ratio, family size, access to extension services, distance to market,
livestock ownership and agro-ecology negatively affected.
Conclusions:  Diversification into non-farm activities plays a significant role in the context of inadequate and rain-
fed-dependent agricultural income households. Households who diversified their livelihood activities are the ones
who able to build better asset and less vulnerable than the undiversified ones. Smallholder farmers’ food security and
livelihood improvement can only be realized if the government give due attention and put the right policy measures
in place that support non-farm livelihood diversification as part of national job creation for saving life of many people
and better livelihood.
Keywords:  Determinants, Livelihood diversification, On-farm, Off-farm, Non-farm, Income, Ethiopia

Background varied range of activities and occupations to minimize

Livelihood diversification is a process by which rural household income variability, reduce the adverse impacts
households construct a diverse portfolio of activities of seasonality, and provide employment or additional
and social support capabilities in their struggle for sur- income [1, 3, 4]. In fact, diversification in rural livelihoods
vival and improvement in their standards of living [1] is the subject of conceptual and policy-based research
and the means of gaining a living [2]. It can be defined because income from farming has come under pressure
as the maintenance and continuous alteration of highly due to population explosion [5]. Agriculture in the study
area is at subsistence stage, complex, diverse and risk
prone. It is also characterized by severe drought, rainfall
Department of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension, Mekelle dependence, poor soil fertility, high population growth
University, Mekelle, Ethiopia and small farm land that push the rural households to
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Gebru et al. Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:62 Page 2 of 9

diversify their livelihood strategy into non-farm income Research methods

activities. The context of various risks implies that farm The study sites
households livelihood diversification is primarily a risk The study was conducted during the year 2016/17 in
management strategy; both risk adaptation in anticipa- Saesietsaeda Emba district, Eastern Zone of Tigray,
tion of shocks and coping after actual shocks. It is viewed Ethiopia which is found at about 883 km north of Addis
as a general compromise made against high risk to favour Ababa. The agro-ecology of the district experiences
low output and low risk, maximize their personal income semi-arid climate which is characterized by spares and
and to guarantee smooth consumption expenditure [1, irregular rainfall, low vegetation cover, poor quality of
6]. Farm households engage and pursue diverse non-farm soil fertility, severe degradation, and drought. The study
livelihood activities to cope with diverse challenges and district receives an average annual rainfall ranging from
risks such as drought [4, 6, 7]. Non-farm activities have 350 to 500  mm and temperature ranging from 13 to
the potential to help households reduce poverty by offer- 20  °C. The predominantly unimodal rainfall from June
ing them with a form of insurance against the threats of to August is characterized by high temporal and spatial
farming and minimizing reliance on natural resources. variability [14].
Previous empirical study by [8] reports that rural resi-
dents across the developing world earn 35–50% of their Types and methods of data collection
income from non-farm sources. In Ethiopia, empiri- The study used multistage sampling method to select
cal studies found that non-farm income accounts for as the study district and the sample households. First, the
much as 40–45% of the average households income [9, study district was selected purposively out of the seven
10]. In this regard, it is obvious that the contribution of districts in Eastern zone of Tigray because of its drought
non-farm income is immense but varies from place to proneness, high population pressure, land degradation,
place and people to people due to different contextual scarcity of high cultivable land, existence of high out-
factors. migration and prevalence of food insecurity [15]. Second,
In fact, there are contexts where livelihood diversifica- stratified sampling technique was used to select five rural
tion strategies can have economic scope effect when rural Kebele1 administrations (KAs) out of the 25 rural KAs.
households invest resources across multiple scopes and The selected Kebeles are Raele, Hawile, May-megelta,
obtain higher per unit returns [3]. Farmers also need to Sendeda and Sewne. Finally, 485 sample households were
diversify due to their inability to specialize and to get suf- selected using proportional sampling followed by system-
ficient income, and also the need to make self-insurance atic random sampling technique from the study Kebe-
against drought. Especially, the better of rural households les. Primary data were collected from 485 households
that do not only diversify for survival but also for enhanc- using structured interview, whereas secondary data was
ing better financial returns and then accumulation of retrieved from relevant journals, books, papers and pro-
wealth for a better life. In addition to this, empirical stud- ject reports (Fig. 1).
ies consistently show that diversification to non-farm
livelihood strategies enables farm households to have Method of data analysis
better incomes, enhance food security, and increase agri- Data were analysed using one-way ANOVA such as
cultural production by smoothing capital constraints and mean, standard deviation, maximum, minimum, per-
help coping with environmental stresses [3, 4, 11, 12]. centage, frequency, and Chi-square test. Multinomial
Farm households that engage in highly productive non- logistic (MNL) regression analysis was estimated to
farm activities typically enjoy upward mobility in earning analyse the determinants of livelihood diversification
[3, 13]. The distribution of income and wealth status play strategies among rural households analyse determi-
crucial role in households’ choice over which type of live- nant factors for households to choose and adopt live-
lihood diversification strategy to select and apply. How- lihood diversification strategies where the dependent
ever, rural household’s livelihood diversification is not variable has multiple outcomes [j = 1, …, 4, where a
unique and the factors determining farmers for choos- household choice is relying on j(1) = on-farm alone;
ing and adopting livelihood diversification strategies was j(2) = on-farm + off-farm; j(3) = on-farm + non-farm;
not yet studied in the study district. Therefore, the objec- j(4) = on-farm + off-farm + non-farm income-generat-
tives of this study were to: (1) identify choices of house- ing activities]. The estimation of the MNL model was
hold livelihood diversification options and (2) analyse made by normalizing on-farm alone livelihood strategy
the determinants of livelihood diversification strategies
among rural households.
Kebele is the lowest administrative unit in Ethiopia as peasant association
in other countries.
Gebru et al. Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:62 Page 3 of 9

Fig. 1  Administrative map of the study District (Saesietsaeda Emba)

as reference category for analysis. The maximum likeli- strategies were included in the MNL analysis using
hood estimates as indicated by the Chi-square test was SPSS version 20, and only the statistically significant
found to be highly significant (Table 3). Before running variables are discussed (Table 3).
the MNL model, seven continuous and nine discrete/
binary explanatory variables were checked for multi- Results and discussion
collinearity using Variation Inflation Factor (VIF) and Household livelihood diversification strategies
contingency coefficient, respectively. The VIF for all Results (Table  2) depicted that majority (83.1%) of the
the continuous variables were less than 10 and greater farmers were able to diversify their livelihoods into
than one. Similarly, the result of the contingency coef- either of the three livelihood diversification strategies
ficient test revealed that there is no problem of associa- or combined income activities, whereas the remaining
tion among the eleven discrete explanatory variables. 16.9% of the sample households were unable to diver-
This indicates no serious problem of multicollinear- sify their livelihoods, often lacking the means to engage
ity. Therefore, all the hypothesized explanatory vari- in any form of income-generating activity aside agri-
ables (Table 1) which were expected to affect the choice culture. They are totally dependent on crop and live-
and adoption of household livelihood diversification stock husbandry. On the other hand, 11.5, 59.8 and
Gebru et al. Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:62 Page 4 of 9

Table 1  Description of variables used in the model

Choices (j) Livelihood diversification strategies

j = 1, ON On-farm alone

j = 2, ON + OFF On-farm + off-farm
j = 3, ON + NF On-farm + non-farm
j = 4, ON + OFF + NF On-farm + off-farm + non-farm
Variables Description and unit of measurement Expected sign

SEX Binary, 1 if the head is male and 0 if female +/−

AGE Continuous, age of household head in years +
EDUCATION Categorical, education level of household head in years +
FAMILYSIZE Continuous, family size of the household in adult equivalent +
INCOME Continuous, annual income of the household head in ETB +
DEPENDANT Continuous, family members < 15 > 64 old age in adult equivalent −
LANDSIZE Continuous, land size holding of the household in hectare +
IRRIGATION Binary, 1 if head has access to irrigation and 0 otherwise +
INPUTUSE Binary, 1 if head has access to agricultural inputs and 0 otherwise +
EXTENSION Binary, 1 if head has access to extension services and 0 otherwise +
COOPRMEM Binary, 1 if head has access to formal cooperatives and 0 otherwise +
REMITANCE Binary, 1 if head has access to economic support and 0 otherwise +
CREDIT Binary, 1 head has access to credit and 0 otherwise +
DISTANCE Continuous, distance to market in km −
LIVESTK Continuous, total livestock ownership in tropical Livestock unit (TLU) +
WEALTH Categorical, 1 if better off, 2 if less poor and 3 if poor +

usage of improved agricultural inputs and high popu-

2 Choice of  livelihood diversification strategies lation growth. As a result of this and other factors, the
adopted by the sample households agricultural sector could not absorb the rural productive
Choice of livelihood Frequency Per cent Cumulative % labour force. In converse, it aggravates the already unsta-
diversification strategies ble livelihood situation of the farmers.
On-farm only 82 16.9 16.9
On-farm + off-farm 56 11.5 28.5 Determinants of smallholder farmer’s livelihood
On-farm + non-farm 290 59.8 88.2 diversification strategies
On-farm + off-farm + non-farm 57 11.8 100.0 Except sex, all the 15 hypothesized independent variables
Total 485 100.0 were found significantly affecting farmers choices and
adoption of certain livelihood diversification strategies at
different probability levels (Table 3).
As expected, age (AGE) was found significant at 5%
11.8% of the sample households were able to diversify probability level to negatively influence smallholder
into on-farm + off-farm, on-farm + non-farm, and on- farmers’ livelihood diversification into on-farm + non-
farm + off-farm +  non-farm income-generating liveli- farm income-generating activities. Interpretation of the
hood strategies, respectively (Table 2). odds-ratio implies that if other factors are held constant,
The already declining size of farm land coupled with the the odds-ratio in favour of the probability of the house-
high population growth could have a potentially negative hold to choose on-farm + non-farm income-generating
impact on rural welfare and food security in Sub-Saharan livelihood strategies of the household decreases by a
Africa (SSA) [4, 8, 16]. This is already negatively impact- factor of 5.750 as the age of the household increases by
ing the food security of the smallholder farmers and may 1 year. The probable reason is that young households are
also be severely affecting the predicted rapid population relatively better educated, have better access to technolo-
growth in the future. Secondly, Agricultural production gies, and look alternative livelihood opportunities. Edu-
and productivity is being challenged by the continuing cation level of the household head (EDUCATION) was
drought occurrence coupled with limited farm land, poor found to be one of the most important determinants of
Gebru et al. Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:62 Page 5 of 9

Table 3  Result of multinomial logistic regression model

Household livelihood diversification strategies adopted by the household

Independent variables On-farm + off-farm On-farm + non-farm On-farm + off-farm + non-farm

Coefficient SE OR Coefficient SE OR Coefficient SE OR

Intercept 5.601* 3.139 3.185 6.440* 2.513 6.568 5.327* 3.112 2.929
SEX .433 .545 .631 .085 .441 .037 .919 .571 2.593
AGE − .009 .018 .242 − .034** .014 5.750 − .002 .020 .014
EDUCATION .735* .391 3.536 .463*** .300 2.373 .233*** .392 .354
FAMILYSIZE − .203* .115 3.108 − .042** .082 .266 .050 .117 .179
INCOME .000*** .000 23.915 .000*** .000 24.367 .000*** .000 23.269
DEPENDANT − .332** .162 4.185 − .078 .124 .399 − .011 .170 .004
LANDSIZE − .362 .298 1.471 .556*** .209 7.056 .044 .279 .025
IRRIGATION − .980* .568 2.980 .444 .488 .825 .466 .616 .571
INPUTUSE 1.077 .838 1.653 1.347* .730 3.406 .893 .952 .879
EXTENSION − .550*** .161 11.660 − .187 .131 2.044 − .399** .174 5.263
COOPMEM .364 .440 .685 .903*** .330 7.506 1.099** .453 5.898
REMITANCE .230 .592 .152 .900** .428 4.431 − 1.902 .510 13.929
CREDIT − .396 .514 .593 .581 .417 1.946 1.222*** .520 5.519
DISTANCE − .094* .054 3.042 − .050 .037 1.805 − .009** .041 .046
LIVESTK − .055** .026 4.371 .014 .019 .531 − .053* .028 3.564
WEALTH .237 .275 .738 .181 .217 .696 .738*** .287 6.595
The reference category is: on-farm alone
 Maximum likelihood estimates
  Dependent variable Livelihood diversification strategies
  Number of observation 485
  − 2 Log likelihood model fitting Intercept only: 1075.644, Final: 798.242
  Chi-square test 277.403
  Degrees of freedom 54
  Significance 0.000
***, **, * Significant at less than 1, 5, and 10% probability level, respectively

livelihood diversification as prior expectation. Educa- to the educated once. Relatively, educated farmers are
tion level has a positive and significant (p < 0.1, p < 0.01, well endowed with knowledge and skill that helps them
and p  < .01) relationship with households livelihood how to make better living than the illiterate and poorly
diversification into on-farm + off-farm, on-farm + non- educated households. The result of this finding is in line
farm and combination of on-farm  + off-farm + non- with the findings obtained by [17].
farm livelihood diversification strategies, respectively. Productive family size adds significantly to the share
The result of the odds-ratio depicts that, keeping other of total income received from farming by participating
factors constant, the odds-ratio in favour of the likeli- in different non-farm income diversification strategies.
hood of the households to choose on-farm + off-farm, However, contrary to prior expectation, household size
on-farm + non-farm and combination of on-farm + off- (FAMLYSIZE) negatively and significantly (p < 0.1 and
farm + non-farm livelihood diversification strategies will p < 0.01) influenced the participation of households in on-
increase by a factor of 3.536, 2.373 and .354, respectively, farm + off-farm and on-farm + non-farm income diversi-
as education level of the household increases by 1  year fied livelihood strategies. Interpretation of the odds-ratio
from primary to secondary. The highly educated persons depicted that, if other factors held constant, the odds-
diversify their livelihood options via opting for salaried ratio in favour of the probability of the households to
jobs, self-employment, trading, etc., whereas the illiter- diversify into on-farm  +  off-farm and on-farm  + non-
ate and poorly educated households are forced to engage farm income diversified livelihood strategies decreases
themselves in low-priced labour, wage earnings and have by a factor of 3.108 and .042, respectively, as the family
even less chance to work in non-farm activities compared size of the household increases by one. The underlined
Gebru et al. Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:62 Page 6 of 9

point here is that large household size does not mean all the study district cannot feed the whole family and guar-
the household members are productive labour force. This antee farmers from diversifying their income activities.
is due to the fact that some of the household members The result of this finding is consistent with the findings of
are physically disabled and mentally disordered due to [17] and contrary to the findings of [18, 20].
the past war between the current government of Ethio- As expected, access to irrigation (IRRIGATION) has
pia and the military regime of Derg; and also due to the found positively and significantly affected households’
Ethio-Eritrean war from 1998 to 2002 and other diseases livelihood diversification strategy into on-farm + off-farm
in the study area. The result of this finding is in line with at 1% level of significance. Farmers who have access to
the findings obtained by [7, 18] and contrary to a find- potential small-scale irrigation and used it properly were
ing obtained by [19]. In line with this, the coefficient of able to make a surplus production and better income out
dependency households (DEPENDANT) was found of it. This helps them to cope with the failure of rain-
to have negative relationship with on-farm + off-farm dependent crop production due to risks associated with
choices of household livelihood diversification strategies climate change such as drought more than those who
and statistically significant at 5% probability level. This have not access to irrigation and nonusers of irrigation.
implies that households with high dependency ratio have In addition, the surplus income gained from irrigation
low probability level to participate in off-farm and non- helps them in strengthening their economic capacity
farm income-generating livelihood diversification strate- to participate in different non-farm livelihood diversi-
gies. The possible explanation for this could be attributed fication activities to improve their livelihood and food
to the fact that the availability of increased number of security level in the study area. Similarly, the estimated
individuals whose age is below 15 and above 64 implies coefficient for input use (INPUTUSE) has found posi-
that the availability of large number of dependants who tively and statistically affected households’ participation
are unable to engage themselves in non-farm income- in on-farm + non-farm livelihood diversification strat-
generating livelihood activities. The result of this study is egy at 10% level of significance. Access to agricultural
consistent with the finding obtained by [20]. inputs and its recommended application practices are
In agreement with prior expectation, the coefficient of an indispensable part of improving agricultural produc-
annual income (INCOME) was found positive and statis- tion and productivity. It is obvious that there is no good
tically significant at (p < .001) to the three broad catego- agricultural production without applying recommended
ries of livelihood diversification strategies implying that agronomic practices supplied with improved agricultural
households with high annual income have high prob- inputs, and no food security without improving agricul-
ability of choosing and diversifying their livelihood into tural production and productivity in the study district. In
high income return off-farm and non-farm activities. If other words, it is a must to shift from rain-fed-dependent
other factors remain constant, the odds-ratio in favour agricultural income into diversified non-farm income.
of the smallholder farmers to choose on-farm + off-farm, The result of this study is in line with the findings by [23].
on-farm + non-farm and combination of on-farm + off- Against to prior expectation, livestock holding
farm + non-farm income activities increases by a factor of (LIVESTK) in tropical livestock unit (TLU) has negatively
23.915, 24.367 and 23.269, respectively, as income of the and statistically affected households’ participation in on-
household increases by one ETB. The result of this study farm + off-farm livelihood diversification strategy at 5%
is consistent with the findings of [3, 21, 22]. Contrary to level of significance. Similarly, livestock holding has nega-
prior expectation, the relationship between farm land tively and statistically affected household’s participation
size (LANDSIZE) owned by the household and livelihood in on-farm + off-farm + non-farm livelihood diversifica-
diversification was found to have positive relationship tion strategy at 10% level of significance. The odds-ratio
except for on-farm + off-farm livelihood diversification revealed that, if other factors remain constant, the likeli-
strategy. It means the larger farm land you own, the rel- hood of rural households to choose on-farm + non-farm
atively better income you earn from on-farm. However, and combination of on-farm + off-farm + non-farm live-
this only could happen for those households who own lihood diversification strategies decreases by a factor of
relatively large and fertile farmland at good cropping 4.371 and 3.564, respectively as the livestock holding
seasons, apply recommended agronomic practices, have increases by one TLU. This means rural households who
productive family size and remain focused in the on-farm own more TLU have more probability to remain without
income. Otherwise, regardless of the farm size owned, diversifying their livelihood options into on-farm + off-
majority of the households in the study district diversify farm and/or combination of the three (on-farm + off-
their livelihood into non-farm income activities for two farm +  non-farm) livelihood strategies but able to
reasons such as primarily for survival and secondly for diversify into on-farm + non-farm income activities. The
better wealth accumulation. In fact, on-farm income in possible reason for this is that households who own more
Gebru et al. Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:62 Page 7 of 9

TLU could earn much money by selling their livestock diversified opportunities like trading, and then able to
and able to strengthen their financial capacity which is improve their livelihood. The result of this study is con-
very essential for entry to non-farm income-generating sistent with the findings obtained by [26, 27]. As hypoth-
activities. This result is in line with the findings of [19, 24, esized, access to credit was found only to have positive
25]. relationship and be statistically significant at (p < 0.01)
Access to extension services plays a central role in with farmers likelihood of diversifying their livelihood
improving and attaining the goal of agricultural and strategies into on-farm  +  non-farm income activities.
rural development goals. As expected, the results of the Keeping other factors constant, the odds-ratio in favour
estimated coefficient showed a negative and statistically of the smallholder farmers to choose combination of
significant relationship (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05) between the three (on-farm  + off-farm + non-farm) livelihood
frequencies of extension contact (EXTENSION) and diversification strategies increases by a factor of 5.519 as
farmers livelihood diversification into on-farm + non- access to credit increases by one. In fact, formal saving
farm and on-farm  + off-farm + non-farm activities, and credit institutions are available in the study area and
respectively. Contrary to the expectation, farmers who farm households observed having high interest for credit
have frequent contact with extension workers were found for the purpose of reducing problem of working capi-
to be the ones who diversified their livelihood diversi- tal, purchase of farm inputs and farm oxen; and to cover
fication strategies into non-farm activities. The possi- social obligatory expenditures. However, majority of the
ble explanation for this could be that extension workers smallholder farmers were not users of credit due to high
are not only providing agricultural extension services to interest rate (18%), fear of ability to repay, lack of collat-
farmers but also entrepreneurial skills, the entry point for eral and lack of enough entrepreneurial skills training [7].
participating in non-farm income business activities. The As expected, distance to market centre was found to
result of this study is consistent with the findings of [26]. have negative relationship and statistically significant
As projected, the sign of the estimated coefficients was at (p < 0.10 and p < 0.05) probability levels with house-
found to have positive relationship between membership hold’s likelihood of livelihood diversification into on-
to cooperatives (COOPMEM and on-farm + non-farm farm +  off-farm and on-farm  + off-farm + non-farm
and combination of on-farm + off-farm + non-farm liveli- income-generating activities, respectively. Interpretation
hood strategies and statistically significant at p < 0.01 and of the odds-ratio for the distance from nearest market
at p < 0.05 probability level, respectively. If other factors centre indicated that keeping other factors constant, the
remain constant, the odds-ratio in favour of the small- odds-ratio in favour of the smallholder farmers to choose
holder farmers to choose on-farm + non-farm or com- on-farm + off-farm and/or combination of the three (on-
bination of the three (on-farm + off-farm + non-farm) farm + off-farm +  non-farm) livelihood diversification
livelihood diversification strategies increases by a factor strategies decreases by factor of 3.042 and .046 as the
of 7.506 and 5.898, respectively, as membership to coop- distance from the household’s home to market centre
eratives increases by one. Households who are members increases by one km. It is clear that the more households
of formal cooperatives gain benefits like sharing income are distant from market centre, the more disadvantaged
and labour, access to credit, reduced individual transac- from diversifying their livelihood income into non-farm
tion cost, updated market information on farm produce options. As expected, wealth (WEALTH) has positively
such as on inputs and farm equipments. The result is in and statistically affected households’ likelihood into on-
agreement with previous findings obtained by [20]. farm + off-farm +  non-farm livelihood diversification
The result of the MNL regression model revealed that strategies at 10% level of significance. Keeping other fac-
remittance income (REMITANCE) was found to have tors constant, the odds-ratio in favour of the probability
positively and statistically affected household’s partici- of the households to choose on-farm + off-farm + non-
pation in on-farm + non-farm livelihood diversification farm livelihood diversification strategies increase by a
strategy at 5% level of significance. If other factors are factor of .738 as wealth status of the household increases
held constant, the odds-ratio in favour of the smallholder by one unit. It is true that individuals with a high initial
farmers to choose on-farm + non-farm livelihood diversi- livelihood asset have greater freedom of choosing high
fication strategies increases by a factor of 4.431 as remit- return non-farm activities and benefit most. The result of
tance income increases by one ETB. Hence, increasing this study is consistent with the findings of [4, 7, 13, 19,
rural households remittance income plays a vital role for 27, 28].
enhancing and smoothing household consumption prob-
lem, strengthen social network/social capital, increase
saving and investment, help households gain access to
Gebru et al. Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:62 Page 8 of 9

Conclusions and recommendations paramount importance for getting better income and sta-
The study concludes that smallholder farmers at Saesi- ble livelihood as response to drought; and (5) expansion
etsaeda Emba district of Eastern Tigray Ethiopia use of rural–urban road has vital role to link and strengthen
diverse livelihood strategies to achieve their prioritized the socio-economic liaison and foster development
livelihood objectives. The primarily objective of the poor between the rural and urban people.
households was for survival, whereas the primary objec-
tive of the better-off households was for wealth accumu-
lation and better living. Majority of the households in the TLU: tropical livestock unit; MNL: multinomial logistics.
study area have unevenly diversified sources of income.
They diversify their income sources into non-farm activi- Authors’ contributions
All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
ties motivated by low farm income and availability of
surplus family labour to earn attractive return. In fact, Author details
households who diverse their livelihood activities are  Department of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension, Mekelle
University, Mekelle, Ethiopia. 2 Department of Economics, University of Nigeria,
less vulnerable than the undiversified farm households. Nsukka, Nigeria. 3 Department of Geography, University of Nigeria, Nsukka,
Majority (83.1%) of the sample households were able to Nigeria.
diversify into on-farm + off-farm or on-farm + non-farm
or combination of on-farm + off-farm + non-farm liveli- Not applicable.
hood strategies, whereas 16.9% of the sample households
were unable to diversify their livelihoods, often lacking Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
the means to engage in any form of income-generating
activities aside from agriculture. It is noteworthy that Availability of data and materials
despite the less attention given by the government, non- Not applicable.

farm activities play significant role in the context of inad- Consent for publication
equate and rain-fed-dependent subsistence agricultural Not applicable.
income areas.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Furthermore, results of the multinomial logistic regres- Not applicable.
sion model attested that households’ choice and adop-
tion of livelihood diversification strategies were positively Funding
The authors thank Mekelle University (PhD Research, 2017), capacity build‑
determined by the households’ level of education, access ing competitive grant training the next generation of scientist provided
to credit, income, membership of cooperatives, remit- by Carnegie Cooperation of New York through the Regional Universities
tance income, farmland, access to irrigation and access Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) (RU/2016/INTRA-ACP/
RG/025,2017) and Association of African Universities (PC/6, 2016) for providing
to credit, whereas age, dependency ratio, family size, financial support.
access to extension services, distance to market, livestock
ownership and agro-ecology were found to have negative Publisher’s Note
relationship and significantly affecting households’ choice Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in pub‑
and adoption of livelihood diversification strategies. lished maps and institutional affiliations.

To enhance the adoption of household livelihood diver- Received: 25 July 2018 Accepted: 30 August 2018
sification strategies and to improve the livelihood of the
smallholder farmers in the study area as a result, the
study recommends the following: (1) government should
recognize and support non-farm livelihood diversifica- References
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