Review 1
Review 1
Review 1
ISSN 2224-574X (Paper) ISSN 2224-8951 (Online)
Vol.82, 2020
Ethiopian Smallholder farmers is highly vulnerable to climate variability and change due to its great reliance on
climate sensetive economy .Different empirical evidence's has put forward about climate change perception and
adaptation practices.However, the findings of major studies are highly aggregated and are of little help in
addressing local peculiarities of perception and adaptation strategies .While, others were vague to understandand
and finally difficult to implement at farm level. Hence ,this paper reviews the empirical literature on smallholder
farmers’ perceptions and adaptation strategies of climate change in Ethiopia with specific objectives of; to review
the Smallholder framers’ perception to climate change, to identify climate change adaptation strategies used by
Smallholder farmers’ and to review factors that determine smallholder farmers choice of climate change
adaptation strategies in Ethiopia.This paper was prepared through wide spread review of empirical evidence's.
The review found that the majority of farmers in Ethiopia are aware of climate change in average change in
temperatures and rainfall pattern with passion of weather extremes such as droughts ,floods,pest and disease
manifestation. To deal with up the unfavorable sound effects of climate change, farmers have adopted strategies
like crop diversification, using improved varieties, changing planting and harvesting dates, irrigation, planting tree
crops, water and soil conservation techniques,switching to non-farm income activities, marketing during forage
shock, using drought tolerant breed andfodder preservation.But , preference of adaptation strategies differs from
place to place, farms to farms, and households capacity. At household level, most of the empirical evidence
revealed Agro-ecological setting, sex, education level, landholding, farm income, non-farm income, livestock
ownership, access to credit, extension visit, farmer-to-farmer extension, access to climate information and average
distance from home to the farm have significant influence on the choice of climate adaptation strategies.The review
result depicted that there is much dearth of empirical evidences regarding livestock sectors so far as much of the
research is focused on crop sector's.Therefore, it has been suggested to further investigate deep rooted emperical
evidence's on adaptation strategies of livestock sectors and available indigenous knowledge especially in pastoral
areas.Further more, there is a need to explore impacts of climate change and single adaptation strategies on
livelihood of smallholder's farmers at each farm level autonomously.
Keywords: adaptation strategies; climate change; Ethiopia, perceptions; Smallholder farmer's
DOI: 10.7176/IAGS/82-03
Publication date:May 31st 2020
1.1. Background
Climate change is one of the challenges to environment-human security and poses agreat threat to the livelihood
of people who rely more in the agriculture sector in the world(Tesfahunegn et al., 2016, Gedefaw et al., 2018).
Moreover, In Sub Saharan Africa , where smallholder farmers dominate the agriculture sector and are most
vulnerable to adverse effects of climate change, it continues to strongly shock agriculture (Juana et al., 2013, Seid
and Tamiru, 2015). From Sub Saharan Africa(SSA) ,Ethiopia is the most vurnelable country due to its high
dependence on climate sensitive economy (Asrat and Simane, 2018).
Actually, "impact of climate variability and change are not new Scenario in history of Ethiopian and the
three major famines periods of 1950,1960 and 1980s are the result of severe drought that is part of climate change
" (Fikadu et al. 2015).The frequency of hot days, and much larger increasing trends in the frequency of hot nights
((Berhanu, 2001, NMS, 2007,ACCCA, 2010, Feleke et al., 2016). Furthermore, mean annual temperature of
Ethiopia has already increased by 1.3˚C between 1960 and 2006, and projected to increase by 1.1 to 3.1°C by the
2060s, and 1.5 to 5.1°C by the 2090s. While rainfall, is expected to show some increment between 0.6 and 4.9%
and 1.1 to 18.2% for 2030 and 2050, respectively (NMA, 2006b, Weldlul 2016, REIT, 2017).
Unfortunately," these temperature and rainfall variation are forecasted to slow down growth of economy,
increases severity of poverty,leads to food insecurity, and prolong existing and make new poverty gaps"(Gillis,
2014). And also, output of agriculture in Ethiopia expected to decline by 37 % by 2050 unless remedial measures
are taken into consideration (IPCC, 2012).Therefore, it is necessary to understand climate change challenges
especially amongst smallholder farmers since agriculture is an essential component of their means of living. For
International Affairs and Global Strategy
ISSN 2224-574X (Paper) ISSN 2224-8951 (Online)
Vol.82, 2020
these agricultural dependent vulnerable groups, even small variation in climate can have harmful impacts on their
Agriculture is a very paramount sector in Ethiopian economy which accounted for 34.9 %, 90%, 70% and
85%; of the GDP, total export revenue, raw material requirement and labor force of country’s respectively. Crop
production accounts for 65.3 % from the total agricultural share comprising 65.3 percent, followed by animal
farming & hunting (25.6 percent) and forestry (8.8 percent)(NBE, 2018).
In Ethiopia, climate change attributes like that of drought, land degradation, pests infestation and diseases
manifestation are among the major factors responsible for the low agricultural production and productivity(Yirga,
2007, Asrat and Simane, 2018).Climate change possibly will affects the agricultural sectors of diverse countries
in dissimilar ways, what is understandable is that these changes will convey about considerable wellbeing losses,
particularly for smallholders whose key basis of living derives from agriculture(Komba and Muchapondw,
2015) .The fact that climate change will adversely affect agriculture in the region has become a challenge for
sustainable development on the continent(Juana et al., 2013).
By and large, victims in the agriculture segment because of climate change have economy wide price, akin
to the turn down in Gross domestic product, led to loss of income and food deficit; thus, a general weakening in
households’ living standard (Seid and Tamiru, 2016 ). To reduce themselves against possible wellbeing losses,
smallholder farmers require to be familiar with the changes already going on in their climate and embark on fitting
measure(Komba and Muchapondw, 2015).
Accordingly, similar to any other third world countries, Ethiopia has two autonomous options to respond ;
climate change mitigation and adaptation"(Seid and Tamiru, 2016 ). Given the low level of manufacturing sector,
alleviation would not outfit to Ethiopia for it deters the growth spurs that has registered in the last few years. as an
option ,implementation of adaptation measures such as use of different crop varieties, agro forestry ,soil and water
conservation,adjusting planting date, and use of irrigation should be in use by farmers to conquer with climate
change (Temsgen, 2014).This can be achieved by the smallholder Farmer's themselves taking adaptive actions or
by governments implementing policies aimed at promoting appropriate and effective adaptation measures.
International Affairs and Global Strategy
ISSN 2224-574X (Paper) ISSN 2224-8951 (Online)
Vol.82, 2020
can also provide input to efforts to formulate programs and activities that could accelerate adaptation strategies at
household and community level.
International Affairs and Global Strategy
ISSN 2224-574X (Paper) ISSN 2224-8951 (Online)
Vol.82, 2020
International Affairs and Global Strategy
ISSN 2224-574X (Paper) ISSN 2224-8951 (Online)
Vol.82, 2020
confirmed the information about climate change is a pre-condition for adapting to its adverse effects.Different
empirical findings were investigated to digout farmersclimate change awareness status.
Bryan et al. (2009) investigated adaptation to climate change in Ethiopia and South Africa.The study revealed
that farmer's perceived change in rainfall and temperature pattern in both countries.
Afinding by Gutu et al. (2012) Investigated local level perception, adaptation and coping strategies to climate
change induced shocks in North Shewa, Ethiopi.The study employed Heckman two stage model ,revealed that
"Perception to climate change decide adaptation strategy situations..
According to Belaineh et al. (2013b),awareness of climate variability and change are varied between gender
and different social groups.
Fikadu et al. (2015) Analyzed Agents’ perception about the effect of climate risk on livestock production.
The study result depicted experts have awarded that climate change has affected smallholder farmers and livestock
herders. Though informative, the study was restricted to livestock production and experts’ perceptions of climate
change risks.
According to Nega et al. (2015) study on perception of climate change and its impact by smallholders in
pastoral/agro pastoral systems of Borana, South Ethiopia ,farmer's have aware the climate change is there and its
negative impact on agriculture and Overall economy of the addition this study depicted Age, education
level, livestock holding, access to climate information and extension services significantly affected awareness
Solomon et al. (2016) was investigated perception and adaptation models of climate change by the rural
people of Lake Tana Sub-basin.From Heckman probit and multinomial logit revealed that marital status, farm size,
climate change information access and the level of income generation play a crucial role in perception to climate
Wondimagegn and Lemma (2016) stududied on climate change perception and choice of adaptation strategie :
using empirical evidence's from smallholder farmers in east Ethiopia.The study revealed that , majority of farmers
in the study area are familiarized of climate change patterns and its impacts on livelihood of smallholder's farmers.
Weldlul (2016) study on Analysis of Smallholder Farmers’ Perceptions of Climate Change and Adaptation
Strategies to Climate Change: The Case of Western Amhara RegionThe result from descriptive statistics and
multinomial logit mode depicted that about 87.3% noticed climatic change and their perception of climatic variable
Abrham et al. (2017) also investigated smallholder farmers‟ adaptation to climate change and determinants
of their adaptation decisions in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. The end result from descriptive statistics and
multinomial logit model revealed that most of the farmers have perceived climate change and attempted to adap
climate change.
Bewuketu (2017) also investigates Farmers’ Perception and Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change: The
Case of Woreillu District of Amhara Region, Northeastern Ethiopia using descriptive statistics and Likert scale
and multivariate model. The descriptive statistics result showed that 87.74% and 83.22% of the respondents
perceived the existence of climate change with its attributes, temperature and rainfall, respectively.
Gedefa et al. (2018) Study on Farmer's Perceptions and Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change, Its
Determinants and Impacts in Ethiopia: Evidence from Qwara District using a descriptive statistics and logistic
regression analysis revealed that 90% of the respondents responded that there is a change in climate parameters
overtime. Climatic variability was perceived an increasing rate. The farmers also told that previously drought was
occurred within ten years’ interval but now it is observing at a frequency of less than five years. Asrat and Simane
(2018) also assessed farmers’ perception of climate change, local indicators of climate change and types of
adaptation measures exercised to cop up with the risk of the change in climate. The result showed that farmers in
the study area perceive the change in climate patterns and have devised a means to survive through implementing
different adaptation strategies.
International Affairs and Global Strategy
ISSN 2224-574X (Paper) ISSN 2224-8951 (Online)
Vol.82, 2020
shifted to livestock that resist water stress and hot temperatures like, camels and goats ((Belaineh et al., 2013b,
Feleke et al., 2016).
Also,some other investigation depicted that houshold who have many family size will be more interested to
prefer the coping and adaptation mechanism such as soil conservation techniques, chemical treatments that are
labor intensive to implemted(Deressa et al., 2008, Aymone, 2009).
Moreover, ACCCA (2010) studied on analyses of adaptation strategy of farm households in Tigray ,Ethiopia
using multivariate probit model.The study depicted that soil and water conservation practices,adjusting planting
date,fertilizer usage,access to credit,and diversifies of crops are the most common adaptation strategy taken by
farm households.
Belaineh et al. (2013b)examined smallholder farmer's perceptions and adaptation to climate variability and
climate change in Doba District, West Hararghe Ethiopia using multinomial logit model.The finding showed that
diversification of crops soil and water conservatio,shift to non farm activities,and irrigation using rain water
conservation are major adaptation strategies employed in the study area.while livestock herders are practices
adaptation stratetgy like marketing during forage shock and fodder preservations.
A research done by Gebru et al. (2015 )on farmers‟ climate change adaptation options and their determinants
in Tigray Region, North Ethiopia.The result from the study employed descriptive statistics and multinomial logit
model revealed that farmers use change in crop type or crop variety,soil and water conservation
practices(SWC),diversificatio of crop varieties ,adjusting planting date and use of irrigation are most common
adaptation strategy in the area.
Also,Wondimagegn and Lemma (2016) conducted a study on climate change perception and choice of
adaptation strategie : empirical evidence from smallholder farmers in east Ethiopia. The multivariate probit model
result revealed that the adjusting planting date ,cultivating different crops, planting different crop varieties, use of
SWC practices,andshift to non-farm income activities are major adaptation strategies to change in climate in the
study area.
Asrat and Simane (2018b) assessed farmers’ perception of climate change, local indicators of climate change
and types of adaptation measures exercised to cop up with the risk of the change in climate using Heckman samples
selection model. The result from the study showed that implementing different adaptation strategies like use of
improved crop varieties, agro forestry practices, soil conservation practices, irrigation practices, and adjusting
planting dates are the most important adaptation strategies by smallholder farmers. However, adaptation decision
is location-specific and influenced by key drivers such as socioeconomic, environmental, and institutional factors.
In general : Smallholder farmers in Ethiopia are struggling to climate change by using adaptation strategies
such as diversification of crops,changing planting date and harvesting dates,irrigation, planting tree crops,
increased use of water and soil conservation practices(SWC), and shifting to off-farm activities ,where as that of
livestock herders employed adaptation strategies like, livestock slaughtering and selling them during extended
drought periods,fodder preservation and restocking after the drought, switched to camel and goats rearing because
of their habit of drought tolerance and Withstanding of water stress, and dug more boreholes in drought areas.
2.6.Factors that determine Smallholder farmers Choice of climate change adaptation strategies in Ethiopia
Different empirical findings innate that different demographic factors (such as gender, age of farmers, years of
farming experience, household size and years of education) as well as institutional factors (such as access to credit
and extension services and non farmincome generating activities) were identified as significant determinants of
climate change adaptation strategies (Kurukulasuriya and Mendelson, 2006, Maddison, 2006, Deressa et al., 2008,
Mertz et al., 2009, Fosu-Mensah et al., 2010, Acquah-de Graft and Onumah, 2011, Mandleni and Anim, 2011,
Badege et al., 2013, Abid et al., 2015, Weldlul 2016, Abrham et al., 2017, Bewuketu, 2017, Asrat and Simane,
(Aemro et al., 2012b) investigated climate change adaptation strategies of smallholder farmers in Babilie
District, East Harerghe Zone of Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia. The outcome of multinomial logit model
analysis showed that sex, age, and education of the household head; family size, livestock ownership, household
farm income, non_farm income, access to credit, distance to the nearest market , access to farmer-to-farmer
extension, agro-ecological zones, access to climate information, and extension contact found to have a significant
impact on climate change adaptation strategies.
According to Temesgen(2014) study on climate change adaptations of smallholder farmers in Southeast
Ethiopia using descriptive statistics and multinomial logit model depicted that education, access to climate
information, access to credit and farm income are signifcantly affected adaptation strategy like that of using
agronomic practices and agricultural inputs .
A research done by Gebru et al. (2015 ) on farmers‟ climate change adaptation options and their determinants
in Tigray Region, North Ethiopia using descriptive statistics and multinomial logit model revealed that farmers,
educational level, age, sex of the household head; farm income, access to extension service, access to credit, access
to climate information and agro-ecological settings were the most important determinant factors that significantly
International Affairs and Global Strategy
ISSN 2224-574X (Paper) ISSN 2224-8951 (Online)
Vol.82, 2020
The authors have not declared any conflict of interests.
First and for most, we would like to extend our unshared thanks to the almighty God for providing us the
opportunity and smoothening of all aspects regarding the program. next to God, we extend our thanks and
appreciation to our advisor Mr. Yadeta Bekele ,Ermias Melaku and Dr. Rijalu Negash for there supportive idea
and knowledge they made in our senior seminar work.
International Affairs and Global Strategy
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Vol.82, 2020