ENGLISH-7-Q1-M1 Edited

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Quarter 1 - Module 1
Word Analogy
MELC: Supply other words or expressions
that complete an analogy.
(K to 12 BEC CG: EN7V-IV-c-23.1)
What I Need to Know

Whenever we read or hear words, we tend to think of things that are connected to them so
that we may fully understand what the words mean as they are used. This ability involves a lot
of analogy. We may not at all be fully aware about it, but simply connecting words to a set of
ideas, or comparing them to get full grasp of their meanings is already analogical in nature. With
this kind of thinking, we further expand and deepen our vocabulary. Likewise, we develop logical
reasoning, and analytical and critical thinking skills. Consequently, we build a better system or
network of understanding, not only of the words, but also of the situations and events around us.

Thus, in this module, you shall learn about word analogies to help you further enhance your
ability in understanding relationships between or among words. As you study this module, keep
in mind the following aims:

Most Essential Learning Competency: Supply other words or expressions that complete an
analogy. (K to 12 BEC CG: EN7V-IV-c-23.1)
Specifically, this module aims to:
 define analogy;
 identify the type of analogy between words or word pairs; and,
 determine relationships between or among words in an analogy.

What I Know
Directions: Choose from the options the correct word to complete each of the following
analogies. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
1. full : empty : first : __________ b. hot
a. beginning c. soft
b. last d. yellow
c. middle 6. gardener : hand shovel ::
d. one fireman : __________
2. stop : red :: __________ : green a. ball
a. go b. gun
b. park c. hose
c. wait d. notebook
d. walk 7. sun : day :: __________ : night
3. whale : sea :: lion : __________ a. asteroid
a. air b. comet
b. forest c. moon
c. space d. planet
d. underground 8. musicians : band :: __________ : choir
4. January : New Year :: a. players
December : __________ b. singers
a. Christmas Day c. teachers
b. Independence Day d. wolves
c. Labor Day
d. Valentine’s Day
5. monster : scary :: pillow : __________
a. hard
English 7 Module 1 - Quarter 1, Page 1 of 12
Supplying Words or Expressions
that Complete an Analogy
What’s In
Good day, learners! Welcome to the new school year. In this week’s lesson, you will learn
about word analogy. Big word, huh? Well, don’t worry because as you go through this lesson,
you will realize that completing word analogies is actually very easy. Now, grab your pen and
paper, and be ready to answer the fun activities set for you in this module.

Below is an activity called the Filipino Name Game. In this task, your knowledge of our
Filipino culture and identity will be tested. Let us see how familiar you are with things that relate
to us Filipinos.

Activity – Filipino Name Game

Directions: Name five (5) things for each category below. Write your list in a separate sheet of

What’s New
Activity 1 – Classified Box
Directions: Group the following objects under their proper categories in the boxes below. Write
the words in the correct boxes.

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This time, let us study the answers you have provided in the previous activity.

Activity 2 – All in One

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer for each item.
1. Which among the choices below is the keyword that relates to all the words in FUN UNDER
THE SUN category?
a) barbecue party b) marine life c) summer d) tsunami

2. All the ingredients in the category 100% HUNGER SATISFIED are used in making a _____.
a) fast food b) hamburger c) restaurant d) spaghetti

3. _______ is the keyword that relates to all the words in the category LEARNING GOES ON.
a) clinic b) medical laboratory c) online learning d) school

How well did you do in the preceding tasks? Did you answer most or all of the questions

The initial tasks you've just performed tested your skill in determining the relationships of
the words with one another. Knowing how to determine relationships of ideas or words is a very
important skill in completing word analogies, but what does word analogy actually mean?

As you proceed to the discussion, you will get to know the definition and types of analogy.
You will also learn the steps in completing word analogies. Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s

What is It

Word analogy (also called verbal analogy) is simply a comparison between or among

By word analogy, we establish the relationship of one word with another word, or a set of
words with another set of words based on their similar or shared features.

Take the words "truck" and "land" as examples. How do you think are they related? What
connection do these words have? "Truck" doesn't mean the same as "land." However, most will
definitely agree that a truck is a vehicle that travels by land. That is now where their connection
lies: the mode of transportation. Can you give other examples using this analogy?

Now, how is analogy done with word pairs? This time, let us take the word pairs 'shoot' and
'basketball', and 'spike' and 'volleyball' as examples. How are the words 'shoot' and 'basketball'
in the first pair related? how about the words 'spike' and 'volleyball' in the second pair? If you are
familiar with these games, you would think that 'shoot' is a one of the movements used in
basketball, while 'spike' is used in volleyball. Therefore, these two-word pairs are related
because they deal with movements in these particular games.

English 7 Module 1 - Quarter 1, Page 3 of 12

In academic tests, analogy items usually come in pairs as shown below:

Have you already encountered test items similar to the one given above? Which of the
choices do you think is the answer? Well, before you answer, let us find out what the expression
above means.

The colons ( : ) and double colons ( :: ) may make the item look like a complex formula, but
it can be simplified using plain language:

The expression is now read, "Foot is to sock as wrist is to _______." Reading word
analogy items this way makes it easier for you to establish the connection of words.


In order to complete a word analogy item, there are basic steps you may follow. Let
us use the item given in the previous page:

First, draw a line between the word pairs in the analogy item (or you can simply
1 imagine a line that divides the item.)

Then, locate the side where there is a complete pair. In the example, the complete
2 pair is found on the left side.

3 Next, determine the relationship that exists between the words in the complete pair.

English 7 Module 1 - Quarter 1, Page 4 of 12

How is one's foot related to a sock? Well, we can say that a person's foot gets
protected by wearing sock, or we could also say that a sock is worn on the foot. Clearly,
the relationship that exists between the foot and a sock deals with something one wears
for a certain body part.

4 Finally, once the connection between words in the complete pair is established, apply
that connection to the side where there is an incomplete pair.

Therefore, in the given analogy item, the missing word must be an object that is worn
on the wrist. Now, which of choices is used or worn on the wrist?

Is the belt for the wrist? No, it's used around the waist. How about eyeglasses? No.
They are for the eyes. How about the hat? Well, it is worn on the head. This leaves you the
last option which is the watch. Is the watch for the wrist? Yes!

Now, you've just found the right answer. WORD ANALOGY COMPLETED!


Much more important than knowing the above procedure is having good vocabulary skills
which you can develop by learning various analogy types. With this, you may better analyze
word relationships.

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There are still many other types of word analogies. Some other analogies are
determined in terms of relationships between objects and their characteristics, between
periods and corresponding events, between famous places and figures, and many others.

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What’s More
Activity 1 - Party Problems
Directions: Help Ms. Cassie find seven (7) “PARTY” words in the puzzle based on the clues
you will find in the clue box. Write your answer for each number on a separate sheet of paper.
Remember: All key words are related to the word 'PARTY.' Happy searching!

1. colorful, shiny, light objects that float
and pop
2. one, two or three layers? comes in
different flavors
3. something to quench the thirst: cocktail? juice?
4. something to eat: spaghetti, meat or chicken menu?
5. tokens: ref magnets? personalized pens? mugs?
6. fun activities with prizes: newspaper or crazy dance?
7. persons to invite: friends? classmates? relatives?

ACTIVITY 2 - Analogous Pair

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct word that completes each analogy. Then, identify
the type of analogy used in each item. Write your answers as shown in the example below.
Example: bird : fly :: fish : ________
a. climb b. crawl c. run d. swim
Answer: d – predication

1. weight : wait :: seen : __________.

a. eyes b. scene c. scheme d. sight
2. watermelon : waterfalls :: playground :: ________.
a. classroom b. playmate c. seesaw d. teammate
3. water : rinse :: towel :: _________.
a. dry b. sell c. throw d. wet
4. hungry is to eat as tired is to _________.
a. play b. quit c. rest d. stay
5. algebra is to mathematics as biology is to _________.
a. character b. education c. health d. science

What I Have Learned

Activity 1 - Summing it All Up
Directions: Review the previous discussions or access the following link:
https://tinyurl.com/G7WAReviewVideo to watch a review video of the whole lesson. Then, fill in
the blanks below to complete the thoughts of the following statements.

1. In this module, I have learned that analogy is ____________________________________.

2. Among the various types of analogy types are __________, __________, and __________.
3. Learning different types of word analogy may help me _____________________________.

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What I Can Do
Activity – Analogy in Pictures
Directions: Choose one (1) type of analogy discussed in this module. Using magazines or
newspapers, search for 2 pairs of pictures that match your chosen analogy. Cut out the pictures
and paste them on a bond paper. Label the pictures, then identify the analogy shown by the
picture pairs.

Observe the following criteria/rubric from which the assessment of your outputs will be based.


5 4 3 2 1
Creativity Exhibits Use of There is There is little Very little or
and excellent use imagination adequate use use of no evidence
Presentation of imagination is more than of imagination imagination. of
using available adequate to which makes Presentation imagination
resources to make the the output is not that in the output
make the output look look impressive made. Not
output stand eye-catching. impressive enough. impressive at
out among enough. all.
Correctness All examples, There are There are Most of the Everything in
labels and minor or very some pictures do the output
pictures match few mistakes mistakes in not match the has nothing
the analogy in the use of the use of analogy to do with the
specified in the analogy. analogy. presented. chosen
output. analogy.

Originality Output is One or two Some Most of the The whole

entirely original examples/ examples or contents are work is
in terms of contents in contents are copied from a entirely
content and the output lifted from set of copied from a
presentation. are picked Internet sources. set of
from Internet sources or sources.
sources or books.

Activity 1 – True or False
Directions: Determine whether each statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write the word ‘TRUE’ if the
statement is true; write ‘FALSE’ if the statement is false.
1. Word analogy involves comparison of words or word pairs based on their similar
characteristics or features.
2. Having a wide range of vocabulary helps solve word analogies more easily.
3. A word is uniquely formed such that it cannot be connected to any other words.
4. Words that have opposite meanings are called synonyms.

English 7 Module 1 - Quarter 1, Page 8 of 12

Activity 2 – Analogy Completion
Directions: Choose the word that best completes each word analogy. Write the letter of the
correct answer for each number.
5. candy : sweet :: ice : _____
a. bitter b. cold c. hot d. sour
6. stove : _____ :: banana : fruit
a. pet b. appliance c. expensive d. standard
7. typhoon : flood :: garbage : _____
a. success b. education c. tourism d. pollution
8. pleasant : nice :: nasty : _____
a. offensive b. simple c. realistic d. basic
9. fox : box :: rich : _____
a. poor b. wealthy c. affluent d. witch
10. January : February :: Sunday : _____
a. Monday b. Tuesday c. Thursday d. Friday
Additional Activities
Activity – COVID-19 DOs and DON’Ts
Directions: Below are pictures that show good and bad practices in preventing the spread of
COVID-19. Classify the pictures accordingly using the tables below. Indicate the corresponding
numbers of these pictures and write opposite the numbers the things that we should do or should
not do to fight COVID-19.

Source: Microsoft stock images and Canva

Picture Picture
What we should DO What we should NOT DO
Number Number

English 7 Module 1 - Quarter 1, Page 9 of 12

Hanson, D. (2015, February 9). Analogies Anchor Chart {Plus a Freebie}. Retrieved May
21, 2020, from Crafting Connections.com: https://www.crafting-
Heick, T. (n.d.). 14 Types of Analogies; A Guide For Teaching With Analogies. Retrieved
from teachthought.com: https://www.teachthought.com/critical-thinking/types-of-
Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Analogy. Retrieved May 19, 2020, from Merriam-Webster.com
dictionary: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/analogy
Tallman, M. (n.d.). Everything You Need to Start Teaching Analogies. Retrieved May 26,
2020, from Upper Elementary Snapshots:
The Analogy Station. (n.d.). Retrieved May 26, 2020, from Weebly.com:

* All images used in this module were generated as free content from Microsoft
stock images and the developer’s Canva for Education and Bitmoji accounts.

English 7 Module 1 - Quarter 1, Page 10 of 12

English 7 Module 1 - Quarter 1, Page 11 of 12
Activity 1
Party Problems
sunglasses ketchup students
beach ball cheese slice classroom
slippers beef patties school
sunbed and buns supplies
parasol books
Activity 1
1. TRUE Activity 2
2. TRUE 1. C
1. balloons 2. B
3. FALSE 2. cake
4. FALSE 3. D
3. drinks
4. food
Activity 2 5. giveaways What’s New
5. B 8. A 6. games
6. B 9. D 7. guests Answers may vary.
7. D 10. A Analogous Pair
1. B - sound
Assessment What’s In
2. B - completion
3. A - function
4. C - cause-effect
Answers may vary
1. B 3. B 5. C 7. C
Learned 5. D - classification 2. A 4. A 6. C 8. B
What I Have What’s More What I Know - Pretest
Answer Key
English 7 – Quarter 1
MELC 1: Supply other words or expressions that complete an analogy.

Name: ___________________________________ Score: __________

Grade & Section: __________________________ English Teacher: ___________________

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer for each of the following items.
1. Words that are same in meaning are called ________.
a. antonyms b. homophones c. pseudonyms d. synonyms
2. Words with opposite meanings such as big and small, and right and wrong are called ____.
a. antonyms b. homophones c. pseudonyms d. synonyms
3. The words ‘see’ and ‘sea’, both of which have the same sound, are called ___________.
a. antonyms b. homophones c. pseudonyms d. synonyms
4. ‘Smoking: lung cancer :: cavity : toothache’ shows an example of a/an ______ analogy.
a. antonym b. cause-effect c. object-function d. part-whole
5. ‘Deep : shallow :: young : old’ shows an example of a/an________ analogy.
a. antonym b. cause-effect c. object-function d. part-whole
6. The cause-effect analogy ‘heavy rain : flood :: excessive eating : obesity’ simply means
that ______.
a. A heavy rain causes obesity while excessive eating causes flood.
b. Flood causes excessive eating while obesity causes heavy rain.
c. Heavy rain causes flood while excessive eating causes obesity.
d. When there is flood due to rain, people eat a lot and end up with obesity.
Which of the options best completes each of the expressions in item numbers 7-12?
7. Television is to watching as radio is to _________.
a. eating b. flying c. listening d. swimming
8. Red is to apple as blue is to ________.
a. cloud b. leaves c. sea d. tooth
9. typhoon : flood :: garbage : _______.
a. success b. education c. tourism d. pollution
10. ant : anthill :: bee : _________.
a. beehive b. cave c. kennel d. pen
11. chess: game :: _________ : _________
a. club : disco b. candy : flavor c. jobless : career d. shoes :: footwear
12. Albay : Mount Mayon :: _________ : __________
a. Ilocos Region : Region I c. Pangasinan : Hundred Islands
b. Luzon: Philippines d. Vigan City : Ilocos Sur
Choose the letter of the word that does not belong to each group in numbers 13-14.
13. a. basketball b. chess c. football d. volleyball
14. a. gumamela b. rose c. sampaguita d. mango
15. Determine which among the options correctly categorizes the given analogy.
a. hard : soft :: heavy : light – FUNCTION
b. wear : ware :: which : witch – ANTONYM
c. dolphin : aquatic :: elephant : wild – CLASSIFICATION
d. shampoo : hair :: soap : body – SYNONYM
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