15CVL204 - P2 To End Sem
15CVL204 - P2 To End Sem
15CVL204 - P2 To End Sem
Course instructor:
Lalith Prakash
Course content
Unit 1
(i) Introduction – classification of surveys – reconnaissance –
principle of working from whole to part – provision of control –
conventional signs
(iv) Plane table survey – two point problem – three point problem
– error in plane tabling
Course content
Unit 2
(i) Levelling – levelling instruments & its adjustments – fly levelling
– booking – corrections for refraction and curvature – reciprocal
levelling – longitudinal levelling and cross sectioning – contour
surveying – definition – characteristics – methods & uses of
contouring – plotting – areas and volumes – planimeter –
earthwork volume calculation.
(iv)Total station
Course Outcomes
Compound Curve
– Curve consist of 2 or more arcs
with different radii connecting
three tangents
– Lies on the same side of a
common tangent
– Centres of different arcs lie on
the same side
Curves: Horizontal Curve
• Reverse Curve
– Two arc bending in opposite directions.
– Centres lie on opposite sides of the curve
– Radii can be equal or different
– Have one common tangent
Curves: Horizontal Curve
• Reverse Curve
– Used to connect
• two parallel roads / railway lines
• when two roads intersect at a very small angle
– To the extend possible – avoid reverse curve
• superelevation cannot be provided at reverse curvature
(junction point)
Curves: Horizontal Curve
• Combined curve
– Combination of simple circular curves ad
transition curves
– Preferred in railways ad highways
Curves: Horizontal Curve
• Transition Curve (or spiral curve or easement
– Has a radius, gradually chaging from a finite to
infinite value or vice versa
– Curve of variable radius.
– Provided on both sides of a circular curve
Curves: Vertical Curve
• Provided at intersection of two gradients
smoothening the vertical profile
• Eases the changes from one grade to another
• Types:
• Summit / Crest curves
• Valley / Sag curves
Elements of Simple cicular curve
Point of
Point of
curve (or)
Properties of Simple Circular Curve
– Angle of intersection I
– Angle of Deflection ɸ = 180-I
– R = 1719/D
– Length of Curve (T1ET2) B ɸ
=Rɸ (ɸ in radians)
T1 ɸ/2 D T2
R ɸ/2 ɸ/2
Horizontal Curve Setting
• AB & BC meeting at B, with a deflection angle
ɸ (initially known measurements)
2. Mark T1 & T2
Horizontal Curve Setting
3. Length of curve (T1ET2)
= πRɸo/180
Given data:
Assume 20m chain
Horizontal Curve Setting
Problem 2- Solution
(i) Chainage of l = 375 chains + 12 links
375(20)+12 (.2) = 7502.40 m
(ii) Tangent length = R tan(ɸ/2)
= 571.26 m
(iii) Length of the curve = πRɸo/180
= 767.94 m
(iv) chainage of P.C = 7502.40 - 571.26
= 6931.14 m = (346 chains+55 links)
(v) Chainage of P.T = 6931.14 + 767.95
= 7699.09 m = (384 chains+95 links)
Horizontal Curve Setting
Problem 3
3) Two straights AB and BC intersect at a chainage
of 4242 m. The angle of intersection is 140°. It is
required to set out a 5° simple circular curve to
connect the straights. Calculate all necessary data
to set out the curve by the method of offsets from
the long chord produced with pegs app 30 m
Chainage at intersection point = 4242 m
angle of intersection = 140º
Degree of the curve =5
offset interval = 30 m
Horizontal Curve Setting
Problem 3- Solution
(i) Radius of curve, R = 1719/5 = 344 m
(ii) Deflection angle, ϕ = 180-140 = 40º
(iii) Tangent length = R tan (ϕ/2) = 125.2 m
(iv) Chainage of P.C = 4242-125.2 = 4116.8 m
(v) Length of the curve = πRɸo/180 = 240.16 m
(vi) Chainage of P.T = 4116.8 + 240.16 =
(vii) Length of long chord, T1T2 = 2R sin(ɸ/2)
= 235.30 m
(viii) Mid ordinate O0 = R[1-cos(ɸ/2)] = 20.74 m
Horizontal Curve Setting
Problem 3- Solution
(ix) there will be 3 ordinates either side of the mid
ordinate. (since O0 is exactly at the mid point of
T1T2 ie., 235.3 / 2 = 117.65 m)
a = O0 - X2 / 2R
= 20.74 - 302 / 2 (344)
= 19.43 m
b = 20.74 - 602 / 2 (344)
= 15.50 m
c = 20.74 - 902 / 2 (344)
= 8.967 m
Compound Curve
• Using one circular curve, it is not possible to
connect two tangents.
• Set out two curves of different radii to
connect the rear and forward tangents
• Take a suitable common tangent
Compound Curve
AB - Rear tangent
BC – Forward tangent
DE – Common tangent
ɸ - deflection angle b/w
rear and forward tangent
ɸ1 & ɸ2 ?
O1 – Centre of short circle
Rs – Radius of short circle
T1 & T2 – tangent points
for short curve
Ts – total tangent length of
short side
ts – tangent length of short
Compound Curve
1. ɸ = ɸ1 + ɸ2
2. Ts = BD+DT1
=DE sin (ɸ2/ ɸ)
+Rs tan (ɸ1/2)
3. TL
4. Common tangent
5.Curve length
6. Deflection angle
Compound Curve - Practise
1) Two tangents AB and BC
intersect at B.
Angle ADE = 150o &
Angle DEC = 140o
Radius of 1st curve = 200 m
Radius of 2nd curve = 300 m
Chainage of B = 950 m
Calculate the necessary data
for setting out the
compound curve
Transition curve
Transition curve - requirements
• should originate tangentially from the straight
• should meet tangentially with the circular curve
• radius should be infinite at the origin
• radius at the junction with the circular curve
should be same as that of the circular curve
• length should be such that full superelevation is
• rate of increase of curvature along the transition
should be same as that of increase of super
Transition curve -super elevation
(iii) Tacheometric
• Its a branch of surveying in which the vertical
distances ad horizontal distances are measured by
opitical means
• Also called as Tachymetry or Telemetry
• It is a rapid method
• Less accurate on flat grounds when compared to
chain surveying
• but on rough and steep grounds the accuracy is
• suitable for filling in details on topographical maps,
preliminary location survey and surveying steep
grounds, broken boudaries and water streches.
Instruments used
1. Tacheometer:
– it is a transit theodolite fitted with a stadia
– A stadia diaphragm consists of two stadia
hairs at equal distances, one above or other
below the horizontal hair of the cross-hairs
Instruments used
1. Tacheometer:
Essential characteristics:
– Value of multiplying constant should be 100
– Value of additive constant should be zero
– the telescope should be fitted with anallactic
– the magnification of the telescope should be
20-80 diameters
– Magnifying power of the eye piece is kept high
Instruments used
2. Stadia rod
– also known as vertical stave
– it is a rod 5-15m long, graduated in decimals of a
– for larger distances (greater than 100 m), stadia rod is
used since the graduations of an ordinary staff
become indistinct
– the rod must be held truly vertical, else it would lead
to serious errors in computes distances
– the verticality is maitained with the help of plum bob
attached or by using a sighting instrument fixed at
right angles to the side of the staff
Instruments used
2. Stadia rod
Instruments used
3. Subtense bar
– Also known as horizontal stave
– Used for measuring oth horizontal and vertical
– Used to determine short distances upto 200 m
– it is a horizontal metal bar with two targets fixed at
known distance of 3.5 m apart
Instruments used
3. Subtense bar
Instruments used
3. Subtense bar
– Also known as horizontal stave
– Used for measuring oth horizontal and vertical
– Used to determine short distances upto 200 m
– it is a horizontal metal bar with two targets fixed at
known distance of 3.5 m apart
– It is mounted on a tripod
– Spirit level is provided for levelling
– Alidade provides a line of sight perpendicular to the
bar, which is there by set normal to line of
Instruments used
3. Subtense bar
– The targets are set apart at a known distance (3.5 m)
and the horizontal angle between the target are
measured using theodolite/tacheometer
– Vertical angle to the bar is also read
– Then the horizontal and vertical distances are computed
using trignometric relation
Various methods of
1. Stadia method
2. Tangential method
3. Range finding
Various methods of
1. Stadia method:
Various methods of
1. Stadia method:
– the vertical distace between the stadia wires
is termed as stadia interval
– the parallactic angle(defined by stadia wires)
is kept fixed and the staff intercept is varied.
This method is called as fixed hair method
Distance and elevation formula -
Horizontal sights
Distance and elevation formula -
Horizontal sights
Distance and elevation formula -
Horizontal sights
Distance and elevation formula -
Horizontal sights : problem
1.The stadia readings with horizontal sight on a vertical
staff held 50 m from a tacheometer were 1.285 m and
1.780 m. The focal length of the object glass was 25 cm.
The distance between the object glass and the vertical axis
of the tacheometer was 15cm. Calculated the stadia
C = f+d = 25+15 = 40 cms = 0.4 m
s = 1.780 -1.285 = 0.495 m
D = f.s/i +(f+d)
50= 0.25/i x 0.495 m+ 0.4
i = 2.49 mm
Distance and elevation formula -
Inclined sights