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Healing Salve of Tubang-Bakod (Jatropha curcas) leaves to alleviate back pain

Cantonjos, Daniel Benedict C.

Caynila, Paolo James D.

Hari, Grazshiel B.

Pacita Complex National High School


Table of Contents

Page no.

I. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………...3

a) Background of the Study………………………………………………………….6

b) Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………………8

c) Hypothesis………………………………………………………………………...8

d) Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………9

e) Scope and Limitations…………………………………………………………...10

II. Materials and Methods

a) Research Design…………………………………………………………………11

b) Research Procedure……………………………………………………………...12

Research Title

Throughout the years’ humankind has needed to do all sorts of physical activities. But

now, even though we are already starting to recover from the pandemic, going outside still risks

your health, and due to the pandemic creating a lot of jobs that involve just doing work at the

computer inside your home, numerous individuals are still getting back pain. With more people

spending their day sitting down and typing away at a keyboard, more people suffer from mild

back pain the more they try to do their job. While the 20th century has brought many

advancements to modern medicine to aid muscle aches and strains, we forgot the use of more

cheap and environmentally friendly traditional herbal medicines. Even though medicines for

muscle aches and strains are available for everybody now, some people still suffer because they

can't afford them. The problem is that modern drugs are too expensive for some people. Our goal

is to provide students, teachers, and ordinary people with a cheap and environmentally friendly

product for back pain.

Bossou et al. (2020) tell us, "Plants have long been used in traditional medicine to cure

diseases". We mostly tried to make medicines from plants that are abundant in our place. That is

why we decided to use Tubang-Bakod (Jatropha curcas) leaves to make a healing salve made

from its infused oil. It is a plant that is often underestimated or misunderstood by people. Its

seemingly poisonous properties hide the huge potential this plant has to offer. It can be used as a

potential biofuel alternative for developing countries (Archer, 2015). Tubang-Bakod (Jatropha

curcas) is also known for its various medicinal uses (Patil et al., 2013). According to Prasad

(2012), A lot of illnesses and diseases can be cured with the chemical compositions found in the

different parts of the plant. Each part of the plant can be refined into medicines. Its leaves are

antiparasitic, it can be applied to scabies, it is rubefacient for paralysis, rheumatic and it can also

be applied to hard tumors (Laxane et al., 2013). The methanolic leaf extract of Tubang-Bakod

(Jatropha curcas) also has significant analgesic properties and it may be acting through both

peripheral and central pain mechanisms (Yusuf & Maxwell, 2010). The roots of Tubang-Bakod

(Jatropha curcas) have great potency against bacteria (Ingel et al., 2017). (Bossou et al., 2020)

said that "Tubang-Bakod (Jatropha curcas) is one of the medicinal plants known for its multiple

purpose use, its antimicrobial, anti-cancer, and anti-HIV activity has been well recognized".

Abdelgadir & Staden (2013) also said that "Tubang-Bakod (Jatropha curcas) has been used by

farmers all around the world as a local remedy or medicine for ailments related to skin, cancer,

digestive, respiratory and infectious diseases". It is those statements that gave us enough reasons

why to use it.

According to Pandey et al. (2012), Tubang-Bakod (Jatropha curcas) is a plant that can

cure skin inflammation to even cancer. (Machado et al., 2012) also said that "Tubang-Bakod

(Jatropha curcas) also occasionally brings diseases which usually are fungus or fungus related".

That is why we should try to improve our technologies so that Tubang-Bakod (Jatropha curcas)

would never bring diseases ever again. Many people have already caught on that this plant can

be a good type of natural treatment for various illnesses (Abdelgadir & Staden, 2013). With the

fact that each part of the plant can be used for medicinal purposes. The parts of Tubang-Bakod

(Jatropha curcas) like the leaves have been proven to aid in these severe diseases but we want to

focus on a more common ailment — back pain.

What is back pain, its symptoms, and why does it happen? According to Cleveland Clinic

(2021), back pain occurs when a strain (injury) happens to the muscles or tendons in the back.

Other causes include arthritis, structural problems, and disk injuries, but the more common cause

now is sitting for long periods. Due to the pandemic, this has become more and more common.

Back pain is one of the most common reasons people visit their healthcare providers. Here are

some of the risk factors that affect how likely a person can get back pain. Age makes it so that

older people are more likely to have back pain due to their disks or spine wearing down. Weight

makes it so that people who are obese or carry extra weight are more likely to have back pain

due to the excess weight putting pressure on joints and disks. Health makes it so that people with

poor health have a higher risk of back pain. Occupation and lifestyle make it so that people with

jobs and activities requiring heavy lifting or bending can increase the risk of a back injury.

Structural problems make it so that people with scoliosis or poor posture experience severe back

pain. Diseases make it so that people who have a family history of osteoarthritis, certain types of

cancer, and other diseases have a higher risk of low back pain. And Mental health, which makes

it so that people with depression and anxiety have a higher chance of getting gas pain. Now for

its symptoms, dull, mild, or sharp pain in the back, stiffness of the muscles, posture problems,

and muscle spasms. The pain can range from mild to severe. In some cases, pain can make it

difficult or impossible to walk, sleep, work or do everyday activities.

The researchers think that the infused oil extracts of Tubang-Bakod (Jatropha Curcas)

leaves can cure or at least help with alleviating back pain. The reason why we chose this plant is

that it is abundant in the Philippines, they are still using it today, and people have already used it

since ancient times. In the province of the Philippines, people heat up the leaves and apply it to

their backs to relieve their back pain. The leaves contain phenolic compounds and saponins that

have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. The anti-inflammatory effect is the reason why

the leaves extract can alleviate back pain. The researchers attempt to find out if the infused oil

extract of Tubang-bakod (Jatropha Curcas) leaves mixed with the right amount of beeswax and

type of carrier oil can cure back pain or at least have a positive effect. It is imperative that you

use the correct type of carrier oil as different types of carrier oil can affect the outcome of the

product. According to McDermott (2017), the carrier oils that you should use are coconut oil,

jojoba oil, apricot kernel oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil, argan oil, rosehip oil, black seed oil,

grape seed oil, avocado oil, canola oil, and sunflower oil. For our experiment, we’re going to use

coconut oil as it is affordable, dries/absorbs fast, and doesn’t leave that much grease on your

skin, and it is also rich in fatty essential acids, which moisturize and enhance the strength of your

skin tissue.

Background of the Study

Plants are a rich source of many natural products, most of which are being used for

human welfare and the treatment of various diseases. An example of this is Tubang-Bakod

(Jatropha curcas). Jatropha Curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) is a multiple-purpose plant with the

potential for biodiesel production and medicinal uses. It is a plant beaming with endless

opportunities with every part of its body. Its possibility for medicine, in general, is very high

since it possesses Antimicrobial properties, though more study is needed before, it can be applied

to traditional remedies because of its toxic property (Bossou et al., 2020). Nonetheless, people

have already been using it since ancient times to cure their wounds and ailments (Abobatta,

2019). The study of Ingle et al. (2015) proves that Tubang-Bakod (Jatropha curcas) does contain

compounds with antibacterial activity, and that validates their use for the treatment of various

microbial infections in traditional medicine.

According to Laxane et al. (2013), the extracts of Tubang-Bakod (Jatropha curcas) are

abortifacient, anodyne, antiseptic, diuretic, emetic, hemostat, lactagogue, narcotic, purgative,

rubefacient, stypt, and vulnerary; physic nut is also a folk remedy for alopecia, ascites, burns,

convulsions, cough, dermatitis, diarrhea, dropsy, dysentery, dyspepsia, eczema, fever, gonorrhea,

hernia, incontinence, inflammation, jaundice, neuralgia, paralysis, parturition, pneumonia, rash,

rheumatism, scabies, sciatica, sores, stomachache, syphilis, tetanus, thrush, tumors, ulcers,

uterosis, and yellow fever. Additionally, Tubang-Bakod (Jatropha curcas) is known for its

various medicinal uses (Patil et al., 2013). Tubang-Bakod (Jatropha curcas) has also been used

for the treatment of a wide spectrum of ailments related to skin, cancer, digestive, respiratory and

infectious diseases (Abdalgadir and Van Staden, 2013). Since it is a multipurpose, drought-

resistant, perennial plant belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family, it has been slowly gaining

economic importance because of its several potentials in industrial application and medicinal

values (Prasad et al., 2012). Its genus name Jatropha also derives from the Greek word jatr´os

(doctor) and troph´e (food), which implies medicinal uses (Kumar and Sharma, 2008). The

chemical compounds present in herbal products or plants are a part of the physiological functions

of living organisms, so they are believed to have better compatibility with the human body

(Khanna et al., 1986).

For the Infused oil, it is simply the oil created from the process of putting a plant inside a

carrier oil and letting it sit together for about a few days.

Statements of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the properties of the Infused oil of Tubang-Bakod

(Jatropha Curcas) and its possible effects in relieving back pain. Specifically, the study aims to

accomplish the following:

1. Successfully make infused oil from the leaves of Tubang-Bakod

2. Mix the infused oil with beeswax to make the healing salve

3. Determine the product’s effects on back pain



This study only contains null and alternative forms of hypotheses. This research only has

null and alternative because the researchers only attempt to accomplish the goal.

Ho – The healing salve made with the infused oil of Tubang-Bakod (Jatropha curcas)

will not alleviate back pain.

Ha – The healing salve made with the infused oil of Tubang-Bakod (Jatropha curcas)

will alleviate back pain.

Significance of the Study

Medicine is a revolutionary invention that changes our lives, from curing minor scratches

and wounds to healing bones/organs and extending one's lifespan. It has come a long way, and it

continues to change, improving every second.

This research aims to provide a simple solution to the inconvenience known as

back pain. Countless people suffer from this seemingly ordinary ailment and they just endure the

pain, to let it pass. The information or results that will yield from this study can be highly

beneficial to those people and the following:

Students. These are one of the main targets of this study. They spend most of their time

sitting down while doing something important. The people who are required to sit through many

hours of school and homework. The product that will be obtained from this study will alleviate

some of the burdens they experience in their everyday lives and may even encourage them to

start a business to give them more sources of income for their family.

Adults. People who do their jobs while sitting down. The ones who try to provide for

their families and themselves. A lot of adults suffer from back pain, especially ones who are of

age. This will surely alleviate some of the stress that they will feel when they work for days on

end on a project. This simply reduces the number of things these people have to worry about

when doing their jobs and making money. This may also help people who don’t have jobs since

the product will be cheap due to the fact that it is only made from natural materials that are easy

to obtain.

Researchers. This study may pique the curiosity of many researchers. They may

understand the value of Tubang-Bakod (Jatropha curcas) and start contributing to the research

of the plant. This research may also give new insights into preventing muscle aches and help

prolong the life of a human.

Scope and Limitations

This study aims to alleviate back pain by creating a healing salve made from the infused

oil of the Tubang-Bakod (Jatropha curcas). For our experiment, we will conduct it on an

enclosed area near the back of one of the researcher’s house. We will enlist about 30 test subjects

for our experiment. They will be enlisted around the area of San Pedro. 15 will be male and 15

will be female. Their age group would vary from around 18 to 40 years old. For the test, there

will be 3 trials with a 60 mins interval time between them. After the end of each trial, the test

subjects’ responses will be collected using the Likert scale method. We will not be able to collect

a much accurate data from the experiment due to lack of funding and the unavailability of certain

technologies to us, as such we will just stick with the Likert scale method.


Research Design

The researchers use the descriptive design in which the researcher explained what is the

problem and provided a solution for it.

Sampling Method

Figure 1. Flowchart of the Moethods


Research Procedure

First, we will 50 obtain clean and suitable leaves of Tubang-Bakod (Jatropha curcas)

from the backyard of one of the researcher's grandparent's houses. After collecting the leaves, we

will then dry them using an oven to make sure to preserve their quality and to remove the

possibility of the product having rancidity. After the herbs have been put in the oven, they will

then be put in the lowest possible setting to make sure they do not burn. After a couple of hours,

once we see that the leaves are perfectly dried now, we will then take about 1 ounce of the

weight of the dried leaves to use for the infusion process. Once we have the dried leaves, we will

then grind it with a blender into a fine power. Next, we will mix it with about ½ ounce volume of

80-proof vodka (everclear is the most ideal but 80-proof vodka will also work) as it is cheap but

it will still work. Then, we will tightly close the jar and let it sit for about 12 hours. After the 12

hours have passed, we will open it and put in about 7 ounces by volume of carrier oil. For our

carrier oil, we are going to use coconut oil for the experiment as it contains skin-nourishing fatty

acids and polyphenols. After putting the carrier oil and closing the lid once again, we will then

put it in a yogurt maker as the temperature at which they heat the yogurt (100-110 F) is the

perfect temperature for the oil to infuse at. We will leave it inside for about 3 days, shaking the

jar from time to time to really infuse the essence of the leaves into the oil. Once the 3 days are

over, we will then take our infused oil and strain it to make sure no plant matter gets in the

product. After that, we will then melt our beeswax in a metal pan. Once it is finally melted, we

will then mix it with the infused oil with varying amounts ratios, to create our different


A. Treatment Ratios

Treatment A 1:5 ratio of beeswax to infused oil

Treatment B 1:6 ratio of beeswax to infused oil

Treatment C 1:7 ratio of beeswax to infused oil

Treatment D 1:8 ratio of beeswax to infused oil

Table 1. Data Table for the Ratios of materials

Treatment A for Medium, Treatment B for Medium-Strong, Treatment B for Strong-Weak, and

Treatment A for Strong. The reason we did not go any higher is due to the fact that it practically

becomes liquid if you add even more. After having the ratios, we then test it on test subjects who

currently have back pain and compare the results to our control group, with Treatment negative

being just carrier oil, and the positive being the commercially available medicine for back pain

and observe which ratio will have the best effect on remediating back pain.



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