ABTesting Intuition Busters
ABTesting Intuition Busters
ABTesting Intuition Busters
© Kohavi, Deng, Vermeer 2022. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use.
Not for redistribution. The definitive version will be published in KDD 2022 at https://doi.org/10.1145/3534678.3539160
A/B tests, or online controlled experiments (see appendix for
A/B tests, or online controlled experiments, are heavily used in references), are heavily used in industry to evaluate
industry to evaluate implementations of ideas. While the statistics implementations of ideas, with the larger companies starting over
behind controlled experiments are well documented and some 100 experiment treatments every business day (Gupta, et al. 2019).
basic pitfalls known, we have observed some seemingly intuitive While the statistics behind controlled experiments are well
concepts being touted, including by A/B tool vendors and documented and some pitfalls were shared (Crook, et al. 2009,
agencies, which are misleading, often badly so. Our goal is to Dmitriev, Frasca, et al. 2016, Kohavi, Tang and Xu 2020, Dmitriev,
describe these misunderstandings, the “intuition” behind them, Gupta, et al. 2017), we see many erroneous applications and
and to explain and bust that intuition with solid statistical misunderstanding of the statistics, including in books, papers, and
reasoning. We provide recommendations that experimentation software. The appendix shows the impact of these misunderstood
platform designers can implement to make it harder for concepts in courts and legislation.
experimenters to make these intuitive mistakes.
CCS CONCEPTS The concepts we share appear intuitive yet hide unexpected
complexities. Although some amount of abstraction leakage is
General and Reference → Cross-computing tools and techniques →
usually unavoidable (Kluck and Vermeer 2015), our goal is to
Experimentation; Mathematics of computing → Probability and statistics
share these common intuition busters so that experimentation
→ Probabilistic inference problems → Hypothesis testing and confidence
platforms can be designed to make it harder for experimenters to
interval computation
misuse them. Our contributions are as follows:
KEYWORDS • We share a collection of important intuition busters.
A/B Testing, Controlled experiments, Intuition busters Some well-known commercial vendors of A/B testing
ACM Reference format: software have focused on “intuitive” presentations of
results, resulting in incorrect claims to their users
Ron Kohavi, Alex Deng, Lukas Vermeer. A/B Testing Intuition Busters:
instead of addressing their underlying faulty intuitions.
Common Misunderstandings in Online Controlled Experiments. In
We believe that these solutions exacerbate the situation,
Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery
as they reinforce incorrect intuitions.
and Data Mining (KDD ’22), August 14-18, 2022, Washington DC, USA.
ACM, New York, NY, USA. 10 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3534678.3539160
• We drill deeply into one non-intuitive result, which to
the best of our knowledge has not been studied before:
the distribution of the treatment effect under non-
1. Introduction uniform assignment to variants. Non-uniform
Misinterpretation and abuse of statistical tests, assignments have been suggested in the statistical
confidence intervals, and statistical power have been literature. We highlight several concerns.
decried for decades, yet remain rampant. • We provide recommendations as well as deployed
A key problem is that there are no interpretations of examples for experimentation platform designers to
these concepts that are at once simple, intuitive, correct, help address the underlying faulty intuitions identified
and foolproof in our collection.
-- Greenland et al (2016)
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or 2. Motivating Example
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full You win some, you learn some
citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others -- Jason Mraz
than the author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy
otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior GuessTheTest is a website that shares “money-making A/B test
specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from Permissions@acm.org.
KDD ’22, August 14–18, 2022, Washington, DC, USA. case studies.” We believe such efforts to share ideas evaluated
© 2022 Copyright is held by the authors. Publication rights licensed to ACM. using A/B tests are useful and should be encouraged. That said,
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9385-0/22/08...$15.00.
KDD ’22, August 14-18, 2022, Washington DC, USA Ron Kohavi, Alex Deng, & Lukas Vermeer
some of the analyses could be improved with the “confidence,” which is defined as (1-p-value)*100%, and often
recommendations shared in this paper (indeed, some were already misinterpreted as the probability that the result is a true positive.
integrated into the web site based on feedback from one of the
Vendors who sell A/B testing software and should know better,
authors). This site is not unique and represents common industry
get this concept wrong. For example, Optimizely’s documentation
practices in sharing ideas. We are using it as a concrete example
equates p-value of 0.10 with “10% error rate” (Optimizely 2022):
that shows several patterns where the industry can improve.
…to determine whether your results are statistically significant: how
A real A/B test was shared on December 16, 2021, in confident you can be that the results actually reflect a change in your
GuessTheTest’s newsletter and website with the title: “Which visitors' behavior, not just noise or randomness… In statistical terms,
design radically increased conversions 337%?” (O'Malley 2021). it's 1-[p-value]. If you set a significance threshold of 90%...you can
The A/B test described two landing pages for a website (the expect a 10% error rate.
specific change is not important). The test ran for 35 days, and
Book authors about A/B Testing also get it wrong. The book A/B
traffic was split 50%/50% for maximum statistical power. The
Testing: The Most Powerful Way to Turn Clicks Into Customers
surprising results are shown in Table 1 below.
(Siroker and Koomen 2013) incorrectly defines p-value:
Table 1: Results of a real A/B Test …we can compute the probability that our observed difference (-0.007)
Variant Visitors Conversion Conversion Lift is due to random chance. This value, called the p-value...
s rate
The book You Should Test That: Conversion Optimization for More
Control 82 3 3.7% --
Treatment 75 12 16.0% 337%
Leads, Sales and Profit (Goward 2012) incorrectly states
…when statistical significance (that is, it’s unlikely the test results are
The analysis showed a massive lift of 337% for the Treatment with due to chance) has been achieved.
a p-value of 0.009 (using Fisher’s exact test, which is more
appropriate for small numbers, the p-value is 0.013), which the Even Andrew Gelman, a Statistics professor at Columbia
article said is “far below the standard < 0.05 cut-off,” and with University, has gotten it wrong in one of his published papers (due
observed power of 97%, “well beyond the accepted 80% minimum.” to an editorial change) and apologized (Gelman 2014).
Given the data presented, we strongly believe that this result The above examples, and several more in the appendix, show that
should not be trusted, and we hope to convince the readers and p-values and confidence are often misunderstood, even among
improve industry best practices so that similar experiment results experts who should know better. What is the p-value then? The
will not be shared without additional validation. Based on our p-value is the probability of obtaining a result equal to or more
feedback and feedback from others, GuessTheTest added that the extreme than what was observed, assuming that all the modeling
experiment was underpowered and suggested doing a replication
assumptions, including the null hypothesis, 𝐻0 , are true
(Greenland, Senn, et al. 2016). Conditioning 1 on the null
hypothesis is critical and most often misunderstood. In
3. Surprising Results Require Strong probabilistic terms, we have
Evidence—Lower P-Values p-value = 𝑃(Δ 𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒|𝐻0 𝑖𝑠 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒) .
Extraordinary claims require
extraordinary evidence" (ECREE) This conditional probability is not what is being described in the
-- Carl Sagan examples above. All the explanations above are variations of the
Surprising results make great story headlines and are often opposite conditional probability: what is the probability of the
remembered even when flaws are found, or the results do not null hypothesis given the delta observed:
replicate. Many of the most cited psychology findings failed to
𝑃(𝐻0 𝑖𝑠 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 |Δ 𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑)
replicate (Open Science Collaboration 2015). Recently, the term
Bernoulli’s Fallacy has been used to describe the issue as a “logical Bayes Rule can be used for inverting between these two, but the
flaw in the statistical methods” (Clayton 2021). crux of the problem is that it requires the prior probability of the
null hypothesis. Colquhoun (2017) makes a similar point and
While controlled experiments are the gold standard in science for
writes that “we hardly ever have a valid value for this prior.”
claiming causality, many people misunderstand p-values. A very
However, in companies running online controlled experiments at
common misunderstanding is that a statistically significant result
scale, we can construct good prior estimates based on historical
with p-value 0.05 has a 5% chance of being a false positive
(Goodman 2008, Greenland, Senn, et al. 2016, Vickers 2009). A
common alternative to p-values used by commercial vendors is One useful metric to look at is the False Positive Risk (FPR), which
is the probability that the statistically significant result is a false
positive, or the probability that 𝐻0 is true (no real effect) when the
1 Some authors prefer to use the semicolon notation; see discussion at:
A/B Testing Intuition Busters: Common Misunderstandings
KDD ’22, August 14–18, 2022, Washington DC
in Online Controlled Experiments
test was statistically significant (Colquhoun 2017). Using the with an FPR of 63%, so likely to be false. Alternatively, to override
following terminology: such low power, if we want the false positive probability,
𝑃(𝐻0 |𝑆𝑆) to be 0.05, we would need to set the p-value threshold
• SS is a statistically significant result
as follows:
• 𝜶 is the threshold used to determine statistical significance
(SS), commonly 0.05 for a two-tailed t-test. 0.05 ∗ (1 − 𝛽) ∗ (1 − 𝜋)
α/2 =
• 𝜷 is the type-II error (usually 0.2 for 80% power) 0.95 ∗ 𝜋
• 𝝅 is the prior probability of the null hypothesis, that is 𝑃(𝐻0 )
or α = 0.0016, much lower than the 0.009 reported.
Using Bayes Rule, we can derive the following (Wacholder, et al. Table 2: False Positive Risk given the Success Rate, p-value
2004, Ioannidis 2005, Kohavi, Deng and Longbotham, et al. 2014, threshold of 0.025 (successes only), and 80% power
Benjamin, et al. 2017): Company/ Success FPR Reference
Source Rate
𝑃(𝐻0 )
𝑃(𝐻0 |𝑆𝑆) = 𝑃(𝑆𝑆|𝐻0) ∗ Microsoft 33% 5.9% (Kohavi, Crook and
Longbotham 2009)
𝑃(𝑆𝑆|𝐻0 )∗𝑃(𝐻0 )
= Avinash 20% 11.1% (Kaushik 2006)
𝑃(𝑆𝑆|𝐻0 )∗𝑃(𝐻0 )+𝑃(𝑆𝑆|¬𝐻0 )∗𝑃(¬𝐻0 )
= Bing 15% 15.0% (Kohavi, Deng and
α ∗ 𝜋 + (1 − 𝛽) ∗ (1 − 𝜋) Longbotham, et al. 2014)
Booking.com, 10% 22.0% (Manzi 2012, Thomke,
Several estimates of historical success rates (what the org believes
Google Ads, Experimentation Works:
are true improvements to the Overall Evaluation Criterion) have
Netflix The Surprising Power of
been published. These numbers may involve different accounting
Business Experiments
schemes, and we never know the true rates, but they suffice as
2020, Moran 2007)
ballpark estimates. The table below summarizes the
Airbnb Search 8% 26.4% https://www.linkedin.co
corresponding implied FPR, assuming 𝜋 = 1 − success-rate ,
experiments were properly powered at 80%, and using a p-value
of 0.05 but plugging in 0.025 into the above formula because only
statistically significant improvements are considered successful in We recommend that experimentation platforms show the FPR or
two-tailed t-tests. In practice, some results will have a estimates of the posterior probability in addition to p-values, and
significantly lower p-value than the threshold, and those have a that surprising results be replicated. At Microsoft, the
lower FPR, while results close to the threshold have a higher FPR, experimentation platform, ExP, provides estimates that the
as this is the overall FPR for p-value <= 0.05 in a two-tailed t-test treatment effect is not zero using Bayes Rule with priors from
(Goodman and Greenland 2007). Also, other factors like multiple historical data. In other organizations, FPR was used to set α.
variants, iterating on ideas several times, and flexibility in data
processing increase the FPR due to multiple hypothesis testing. 4. Experiments with Low Statistical Power
are NOT Trustworthy
What Table 2 summarizes is how much more likely it is to have a
false positive stat-sig result than what people intuitively think. When I finally stumbled onto power analysis…
Moving from the industry standard of 0.05 to 0.01 or 0.005 aligns it was as if I had died and gone to heaven
with the threshold suggested by the 72-author paper (Benjamin, -- Jacob Cohen (1990)
et al. 2017) for “claims of new discoveries.” Finally, if the result of Statistical power is the probability of detecting a meaningful
an experiment is highly unusual or surprising, one should invoke difference between the variants when there really is one, that is,
Twyman’s law—any figure that looks interesting or different is rejecting the null when there is a true difference of δ. When
usually wrong (Kohavi, Tang and Xu 2020)—and only accept the running controlled experiments, it is recommended that we pick
result if the p-value is very low. the sample size to have sufficient statistical power to detect a
In our motivating example, the lift to overall conversion was over minimum delta of interest. With an industry standard power of
300%. We have been involved in tens of thousands of A/B tests 80%, and p-value threshold of 0.05, the sample size for each of two
that ran at Airbnb, Booking, Amazon, and Microsoft, and have equally sized variants can be determined by this simple formula
never seen any change that improves conversions anywhere near (van Belle 2002):
this amount. We think it’s appropriate to invoke Twyman’s law 16 𝜎2
here. In the next section, we show that the pre-experiment power δ2
is about 3% (highly under-powered). Plugging that number in, Where 𝑛 is the number of users in each variant, and the variants
even with the highest success rate of 33% from Table 2, we end up
are assumed to be of equal size, 𝜎 2 is the variance of the metric of
interest, and δ is the sensitivity, or the minimum amount of power, the experiment is meaningless. Gelman et al. (2014) show
change you want to detect. that when power goes below 0.1, the probability of getting the
sign wrong (e.g., concluding that the effect is positive when it is
The derivation of the formula is useful for the rest of the section
in fact negative) approaches 50% as shown in Figure 1.
and the next section, so we will summarize its derivation (van
Belle 2002). Given two variants of size 𝑛 each with a standard
deviation of 𝜎 , we reject the null hypothesis that there is no
difference between Control and Treatment (treatment effect is
zero) if the observed value is larger than 𝑍1−𝛼/2 *SE (e.g., 𝑍1−𝛼/2
for 𝛼 = 0.05 in a two-tailed test is 𝑍0.975 = 1.96 ); 𝑆𝐸 , the
standard error for the difference is 𝜎√2⁄𝑛. We similarly reject the
alternative hypothesis that the difference is 𝛿 if the observed
value is smaller than 𝑍1−𝛽 *SE from 𝛿. (Without loss of generality,
we evaluate the left tail of a normal distribution centered on a
positive 𝛿 as the alternative; the same mirror computation can be
made with a normal centered on −𝛿 .) The critical value is,
therefore, when these two rejection criteria are equal (the
approximation ignores rejection based on the wrong tail,
sometimes called type III error, a very reasonable and common
Figure 1: Type S (sign) error of the treatment effect as a
function of statistical power (Gelman and Carlin 2014)
𝑍1−𝛼/2 ∗ SE = 𝛿 – 𝑍1−𝛽 *SE Equation 1
SE = 𝛿/( 𝑍1−𝛽 + 𝑍1−𝛼/2 ) Equation 2 The general guidance is that A/B tests are useful to detect effects
𝜎√2⁄𝑛 = 𝛿/( 𝑍1−𝛽 + 𝑍1−𝛼/2 ) of reasonable magnitudes when you have, at least, thousands of
𝑛 = 2𝜎 2 ( 𝑍1−𝛽 + 𝑍1−𝛼/2 )2 ⁄𝛿 2 active users, preferably tens of thousands (Kohavi, Deng and
Frasca, et al. 2013).
For 80% power, 𝛽 = 0.2, 𝑍1−𝛽 = 0.84, and 𝑍1−𝛼/2 = 1.96, so
Table 3 shows the False Positive Risk (FPR) for different levels of
the numerator is 15.68𝜎 2, conservatively rounded to 16. Another
power. Running experiments at 20% power with similar success
way to look at Equation 2, is that with 80% power, the detectable
rate to Booking.com, Google ads, Netflix, or Airbnb search, more
effect, 𝛿, is 2.8SE (0.84SE+1.96SE).
than half of your statistically significant results will be false
From our GuessTheTest motivating example, a conservative pre-
test statistical power calculation would be to detect a 10% relative
Table 3: False Positive Risk as in Table 2, but with 80%
change. In Optimizely’s survey (2021) of 808 companies, about
power, 50% power, and 20% power
half said experimentation drove 10% uplift in revenue over time
Company/ Success FPR @ FPR @ FPR @
from multiple experiments. At Bing, monthly improvements in
Source Rate 80% 50% 20%
revenue from multiple experiments were usually in the low single
Power Power Power
digits (Kohavi, Tang and Xu 2020, Figure 1.4). A large relative
percentage, such as 10% for a single experiment, is conservative in Microsoft 33% 5.9% 9.1% 20.0%
that it will require a smaller sample than attempting to detect Avinash 20% 11.1% 16.7% 33.3%
smaller changes. Assuming historical data showed 3.7% as the Kaushik
conversion rate (what we see for Control), we can plug-in Bing 15% 15.0% 22.1% 41.5%
𝜎 = 𝑝 ∗ (1 − 𝑝) = 3.7% ∗ (1 − 3.7%) = 3.563% and Booking.com, 10% 22.0% 31.0% 52.9%
Google Ads,
𝛿 = 3.7% ∗ 10% = 0.37% Netflix
The sample size recommended for each variant to achieve 80% Airbnb search 8% 26.4% 36.5% 59.0%
power is therefore:
Ioannidis (2005) made this point in a highly cited paper: Why Most
16𝜎 2 /𝛿 2 = 16 ∗ 3.563%/(0.37%)2 = 41,642 .
Published Research Findings Are False. With many low statistical
The above-mentioned test was run with about 80 users per power studies published, we should expect many false positives
variant, and thus grossly underpowered even for detecting a large when studies show statistically significant results. Moreover,
10% change. power is just one factor; other factors that can lead to incorrect
findings include: flexibility in designs, financial incentives, and
The power for detecting a 10% relative change with 80 users in
simply multiple hypothesis testing. Even if there is no ethical
this example is 3% (formula in the next section). With so little
concern, many researchers are effectively p-hacking.
A/B Testing Intuition Busters: Common Misunderstandings
KDD ’22, August 14–18, 2022, Washington DC
in Online Controlled Experiments
A seminal analysis of 78 articles in the Journal Abnormal and running iterations) a statistically significant result is obtained, it
Social Psychology during 1960 and 1961 showed that researchers is likely to be a false positive with an overestimated effect size.
had only 50% power to detect medium-sized effects and only 20%
power to detect small effects (Cohen 1962). With such low power, 5. Post-hoc Power Calculations are Noisy
it is no wonder that published results are often wrong or and Misleading
exaggerated. In a superb paper by Button et al. (2013), the authors
This power is what I mean when I talk of
analyzed 48 articles that included meta-analyses in the
reasoning backward
neuroscience domain. Based on these meta-analyses, which
-- Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Scarlet
evaluated 730 individual studies published, they were able to
assess the key parameters for statistical power. Their conclusion:
Given an observed treatment effect 𝛿, one can assume that it is
the median statistical power in neuroscience is conservatively
the true effect and compute the “observed power” or “post-hoc
estimated at 21%. With such low power, many false positive
power” from Equation 1 above as follows:
results are to be expected, and many true effects are likely to be
𝑍1−𝛽 *SE = 𝛿 − 𝑍1−𝛼/2 ∗ SE
𝑍1−𝛽 = 𝛿 ⁄SE − 𝑍1−𝛼/2
The Open Science Collaboration (2015) attempted to replicate 100 1 − 𝛽 = Φ(𝛿 ⁄SE − 𝑍1−𝛼/2 )
studies from three major psychology journals, where studies
typically have low statistical power. Of these, only 36% had
The term 𝛿 ⁄SE is the observed Z-value used for the test statistic.
significant results compared to 97% in the original studies.
It is hence 𝑍1−𝑝𝑣𝑎𝑙/2 , and we can derive the ad-hoc power as
When the power is low, the probability of detecting a true effect 1 − 𝛽 = Φ(𝑍1−𝑝𝑣𝑎𝑙/2 − 𝑍1−𝛼/2 ).
is small, but another consequence of low power, which is often Note that power is thus fully determined by the p-value and 𝛼,
unrecognized, is that a statistically significant finding with low and the graph is shown in Figure 3. If the p-value is greater than
power is likely to highly exaggerate the size of the effect. The 0.05, then the power is less than 50% (technically as noted above,
winner’s curse says that the “lucky” experimenter who finds an this ignores type-III errors, which are tiny).
effect in a low power setting, or through repeated tests, is cursed
by finding an inflated effect (Lee and Shen 2018, Zöllner and
Pritchard 2007, Deng, et al. 2021). For studies in neuroscience, 100%
0.001, 91%
where power is usually in the range of 8% to 31%, initial treatment 90%
effects found are estimated to be inflated by 25% to 50% (Button, 0.005, 80%
et al. 2013). 70%
0.01, 73%
0.015, 68%
Gelman and Carlin (2014) show that when power is below 50%, 60%
the exaggeration ratio, defined as the expectation of the absolute 50% 0.05, 50%
value of the estimate, divided by the true effect size, becomes so 40% 0.1, 38% 0.4, 13%
high as to be meaningless, as shown in Figure 2. 0.15, 30%
30% 0.2, 25% 0.3, 18%
20% 0.5, 10%
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
and “post hoc power is unsalvageable as an analytic tool, despite response was that it was statistically significant once you turn on
any value it has for study planning.” the option for extreme outlier removal. We had inadvertently
allowed users to do multiple-comparisons and inflate type-I error
A key use of statistical power is to claim that for a non-significant
result, the true treatment effect is bounded by a small region of
Outlier removal must be blind to the hypothesis. André (2021)
∓𝜀 because otherwise there is a high probability (e.g., 80%) that
showed that outlier removal within a variant (e.g., removal of the
the observation would have been significant. This claim holds
1% extreme values, determined for each variant separately), rather
true for pre-experiment power calculations, but it fails
than across the data, can result in false-positive rates as high as
spectacularly for post-hoc, or observed power, calculations.
In The Abuse of Power: The Pervasive Fallacy of Power Calculations
for Data Analysis (Hoenig and Heisey 2001), the authors share Optimizely’s initial A/B system was showing near-real-time
what they call a “fatal logical flow” and the “power approach results, so their users peeked at the data and chose to stop when
paradox” (PAP). Suppose two experiments gave rise to it was statistically significant, a procedure recommended by the
nonrejected null hypotheses, and the observed power was larger company at the time. This type of multiple testing significantly
in the first than the second. The intuitive interpretation is that the inflates the type-I error rates (Johari, et al. 2017).
first experiment gives stronger support favoring the null
Flexibility in data collection, analysis, and reporting dramatically
hypothesis, as with high power, failure to reject the null
increases actual false-positive rates (Simmons, Nelson and
hypothesis implies that it is probably true. However, this
Simonsohn 2011). The culprit is researcher degrees of freedom,
interpretation is only correct for pre-experiment power. As shown
which include:
above, post-hoc power is determined by the p-value and 𝛼, so the
first experiment has a lower p-value, providing stronger support 1. Should more data be collected, or should we stop now?
against the null hypothesis! 2. Should some observations be excluded (e.g., outliers, bots)?
3. Segmentation by variables (e.g., gender, age, geography) and
Experimenters who get a non-significant result will sometimes do reporting just those as statistically significant.
a post-hoc power analysis and write something like this: the non-
significant result is due to a small sample size, as our power was The authors write that “In fact, it is unacceptably easy to publish
‘statistically significant’ evidence consistent with any
only 30%. This claim implies that they believe they have made a
type-II error and if only they had a larger sample, the null would
be rejected. This is catch-22—the claim cannot be made from the Gelman and Loken (2014) discuss how data-dependent analysis,
data using post-hoc power, as a non-significant result will always called the “garden of forking paths,” leads to statistically
translate to low post-hoc power. significant comparisons that do not hold up. Even without
Given the strong evidence that post-hoc power is a noisy and intentional p-hacking, researchers make multiple choices that
misleading tool, we strongly recommend that experimentation lead to a multiple-comparison problem and inflate type-I errors.
systems (e.g., https://abtestguide.com/calc) not show it at all. For example, Bem’s paper (2011) providing evidence of
Instead, if power calculations are desired, such systems should extrasensory perception (ESP) presented nine different
encourage their users to pre-register the minimum effect size of experiments and had multiple degrees of freedom that allowed
interest ahead of experiment execution, and then base their him to keep looking until he could find what he was searching for.
calculations on this input rather than the observed effect size. At The author found statistically significant results for erotic
Booking.com, the deployed experimentation platform— pictures, but performance could have been better overall, or for
Experiment Tool—asks users to enter this information when non-erotic pictures, or perhaps erotic pictures for men but not
creating a new experiment. women. If results were better in the second half, one could claim
evidence of learning; if it’s the opposite, one could claim fatigue.
6. Minimize Data Processing Options in For research, preregistration seems like a simple solution, and
Experimentation Platforms organizations like the Center for Open Science support such
Statistician: you have already calculated the p-value? preregistrations.
Surgeon: yes, I used multinomial logistic regression. For experimentation systems, we recommend that data processing
Statistician: Really? How did you come up with that? should be standardized. If there is a reason to modify the standard
Surgeon: I tried each analysis on the statistical software process, for example, outlier removal, it should be pre-specified as
dropdown menus, and that was the one part of the experiment configuration and there should be an audit
that gave the smallest p-value trail of changes to the configuration, as is done at Booking.com.
-- Andrew Vickers (2009) Finally, the benefit in doing A/B testing in software is that
replication is much cheaper and easier. If insight leads to a new
In an executive review, a group presented an idea that, they said, hypothesis about an interesting segment, pre-register it and run a
was evaluated in an A/B test and resulted in a significant increase replication study.
to a key business metric. When one of us (Kohavi) asked to see
the scorecard, and the metric’s p-value was far from significant.
Why did you say it was statistically significant, he asked? The
A/B Testing Intuition Busters: Common Misunderstandings
KDD ’22, August 14–18, 2022, Washington DC
in Online Controlled Experiments
7. Beware of Unequal Variants the nominal Type-I error rate on both tails. When a metric is
positively skewed, and the control is larger than the treatment,
The difference between theory and practice the t-test will over-estimate the Type-I error on one tail and
is larger in practice than the difference under-estimate on the other tail because the skewed distribution
between theory and practice in theory convergence to normal is different. But when equal sample sizes
-- Benjamin Brewster are used, the convergence is similar and the Δ(observed delta) is
represented well by a Normal- or t-distribution.
In theory, a single control can be shared with several treatments,
and the theory says that a larger control will be beneficial to Two common sources of skewness are 1) heavy-tailed
reduce the variance (Tang, et al. 2010). Assuming equal variances, measurements such as revenue and counts, often zero-inflated at
the effective sample size of a two-sample test is the harmonic the same time; and 2) binary/conversion metric with very small
1 1
mean 1/( + ). When there is one control taking a proportion positive rate. We ran two simulated A/A studies. In the first study,
1−𝑥 we drew 100,000 random samples from a heavy-tailed
𝑥 of users and 𝑘 equally sized treatments with size , the
𝑘 distribution, D1, of counts, like nights booked at a reservation site.
optimal control size should be chosen by minimizing the sum
𝑘 1 This distribution is both zero inflated (about 5% nonzero) and a
+ . We differentiate to get skewed non-zero component, with a skewness of 35. The second
1−𝑥 𝑥
𝑘 1 study drew 1,000,000 samples from a Bernoulli distribution, D2,
− .
(1 − 𝑥)2 𝑥 2 with a small p of 0.01%, which implies a skewness of 100.
The optimal control proportion x is the positive solution to In each study, we allocated 10% samples to the treatment. We then
compared two cases: in one, the control also allocated 10%; in the
(𝑘 − 1)𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 − 1 = 0 , which is . second, the remaining 90% were allocated to the control. We did
10,000 simulation trials and counted number of times 𝐻0 was
For example, when k = 3, instead of using 25% of users for all four
variants, we could use 36.6% for control and 21.1% for the rejected at the right tail and left tail at 2.5% level for each side (5%
treatments, making control more than 1.5x larger. When k = 9, two-sided). Skewness of Δ and metric value from the 10%
control would get 25% and each treatment only 8.3%, making treatment group are also reported.
control 3 times the size of treatment.
Table 4 shows the results with the following observations:
Ramp-up is another scenario leading to more extreme unequal 1. The realized Type-I error is close to the nominal 2.5% rate
treatment vs. control sample size. When a treatment starts at a when control is the same size as treatment.
small percentage, say 2%, the remaining 98% traffic may seem to 2. When control is larger, Type-I error at the left tail is greater
be the obvious control. than 2.5%, while smaller than 2.5% at the right tail.
3. Skewness of the Δ is very close to 0 when control and
There are several reasons why this seemingly intuitive direction
treatment are equally sized. It is closer to the skewness of
fails in practice:
treatment metric when control is much larger.
1. Triggering. As organizations scale experimentation, they run
Table 4: Type I errors at left and right tails from 10,000
more triggered experiments, which give a stronger signal for
smaller populations, great for testing initial ideas and for simulation runs for two skewed distributions
Distri- Variants Type-I Type-I Skewness Skewness
machine learning classifiers (Kohavi, Tang and Xu 2020, bution Left tail Right ofΔ of 10%
Chapter 20, Triggering). It is practically too hard to share a tail variant
control and compute for each treatment whether to trigger, D1 10%/10% 2.35% 2.30% 0.0142 0.36
especially for experiment treatments that start at different 10%/90% 5.42% 0.85% 0.2817 0.36
D2 10%/10% 2.63% 2.63% -0.0018 0.32
times and introduce performance overhead (e.g., doing 10%/90% 5.75% 0.96% 0.2745 0.32
inference on both control and treatment to determine if the
results differ in order to trigger).
2. Because of cookie churn, unequal variants will cause a larger Skewness of a metric decreases with the rate of √𝑛 as the sample
percentage of users in the smaller variants to be size increases. Kohavi, Deng, et al. (2014) recommended that
contaminated and be exposed to different variants (their sample sizes for each variant large enough such that the skewness
probability of being re-randomized into a larger variant is of metrics be no greater than 1/√355 = 0.053. Because the
higher than to their original variant). If there are skewness of Δ is more critical for the t-test, note how in equally
mechanisms to map multiple cookies to users (e.g., based on sized variants, the skewness is materially smaller. Table 4 shows
logins), this mapping will cause sample-ratio mismatches
that even when the skewness of the metric itself is above 0.3, the
(Kohavi, Tang and Xu 2020, Fabijan, et al. 2019).
3. Shared resources, such as Least Recently Used (LRU) caches skewness of these Δ for equal sized cases were all smaller than
will have more cache entries for the larger variant, giving it 0.053. Because the ratio of skewness is so high (e.g.,
a performance advantage (Kohavi, Tang and Xu 2020). 0.2817/0.0142=~19.8), achieving the same skewness, that is,
convergence to normal, with unequal variants requires 19.82 ≈
Here we raise awareness of an important statistical issue 400 times more users.
mentioned in passing by Kohavi et al (2012). When distributions
are skewed, in an unequal assignment, the t-test cannot maintain
KDD ’22, August 14-18, 2022, Washington DC, USA Ron Kohavi, Alex Deng, & Lukas Vermeer
For experiment ramp-up, where the focus is to reject at the left tail Cohen, Jacob. 1990. "Things I have Learned (So Far)." American
so we can avoid degradation of experiences to users, using a much Psychologist 45 (12): 1304-1312.
larger control can lead to higher-than-expected false rejections, so https://www.academia.edu/1527968/Things_I_Have_Learned_
a correction should be applied (Boos and Hughes-Oliver 2000). For So_Far_.
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8. Summary Deng, Alex, Yicheng Li, Jiannan Lu, and Vivek Ramamurthy. 2021.
We shared five seemingly intuitive concepts that are heavily touted "On Post-Selection Inference in A/B Tests." Proceedings of the
in the industry, but are very misleading. We then shared our 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data
recommendations for how to design experimentation platforms to Mining. 2743-2752.
make it harder for experimenters to be misled by these. The Dmitriev, Pavel, Brian Frasca, Somit Gupta, Ron Kohavi, and
recommendations were implemented in some of the deployed Garnet Vaz. 2016. "Pitfalls of long-term online controlled
platforms in our organizations. experiments." IEEE International Conference on Big Data.
Washington, DC. 1367-1376.
Dmitriev, Pavel, Somit Gupta, Dong Woo Kim, and Garnet Vaz.
We thank Georgi Georgiev, Somit Gupta, Roger Longbotham,
2017. "A Dirty Dozen: Twelve Common Metric Interpretation
Deborah O’Malley, John Cutler, Pavel Dmitriev, Aleksander
Pitfalls in Online Controlled Experiments." Proceedings of the
Fabijan, Matt Gershoff, Adam Gustafson, Bertil Hatt, Michael
23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge
Hochster, Paul Raff, Andre Richter, Nathaniel Stevens, Wolfe Styke,
Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2017). Halifax, NS, Canada:
and Eduardo Zambrano for valuable feedback.
ACM. 1427-1436. http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3097983.3098024.
Fabijan, Aleksander, Jayant Gupchup, Somit Gupta, Jeff Omhover,
9. References Wen Qin, Lukas Vermeer, and Pavel Dmitriev. 2019.
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A/B Testing Intuition Busters: Appendix
Introduction This statement is wrong and was likely fixed after a LinkedIn
post from one of us that highlighted this error.
This appendix provides additional support and useful
references to several sections in the main paper. The book Designing with Data: Improving the User Experience
with A/B Testing (King, Churchill and Tan 2017) incorrectly
There are many references for A/B tests, or online controlled states
experiments (Kohavi, Tang and Xu 2020, Luca and Bazerman p-values represent the probability that the difference you
2020, Thomke 2020, Georgiev 2019, Kohavi, Longbotham, et observed is due to random chance
al. 2009, Goward 2012, Siroker and Koomen 2013); (Box,
Hunter and Hunter 2005, Imbens and Rubin 2015, Gerber and GuessTheTest defined confidence incorrectly (GuessTheTest
Green 2012). 2022) as
A 95% confidence level means there’s just a 5% chance the
Statistical concepts that are misunderstood have not only results are due to random factors -- and not the variables
caused businesses to make incorrect decisions, hurting user that changed within the A/B test
experiences and the businesses themselves, but have also The owner is in the process of updating its definitions based
resulted in innocent people being convicted of murder and on our feedback.
serving years in jail.
In courts, incorrect use of conditional probabilities is called The web site AB Test Guide (https://abtestguide.com/calc/)
the Prosecutor’s fallacy and “The use of p-values can also uses the following incorrect wording when the tool is used,
lead to the prosecutor’s fallacy” (Fenton, Neil and Berger and the result is statistically significant:
2016). Sally Clark and Angela Cannings were convicted of the You can be 95% confident that this result is a consequence
murder of their babies, in part based on a claim presented by of the changes you made and not a result of random
eminent British pediatrician, Professor Meadow, who chance
incorrectly stated that the chance of two babies dying in
those circumstances are 1 in 73 million (Hill 2005). The Royal The industry standard threshold of 0.05 for p-value is stated
Statistical Society issued a statement saying that the “figure in medical guidance (FDA 1998, Kennedy-Shaffer 2017).
of 1 in 73 million thus has no statistical basis” and that “This
(mis-)interpretation is a serious error of logic known as Minimize Data Processing Options in
Prosecutor’s Fallacy” (2001).
Experimentation Platforms
In the US, right turn on red was studied in the 1970s but Additional discussion of ESP following up on Bem’s paper
“these studies were underpowered” and the differences on (2011) are in Schimmack et. al. (2018).
key metrics were not statistically significant, so right turn on
red was adopted; later studies showed “60% more pedestrians In Many Analysts, One Data Set: Making Transparent How
were being run over, and twice as many bicyclists were Variations in Analytic Choices Affect Results (Silberzhan, et al.
struck” (Reinhart 2015). 2018), the authors shared how 29 teams involving 61 analysts
used the same data set to address the same research question.
Surprising Results Require Strong Analytic approaches varied widely, and estimated effect sizes
Evidence—Lower P-Values ranged from 0.89 to 2.93. Twenty teams (69%) found a
statistically significant positive effect, and nine teams (31%)
Eliason (2018) shares 16 popular myths that persist despite did not. Many subjective decisions are part of the data
evidence they are likely false. In the Belief in the Law of Small processing and analysis and can materially impact the
Numbers (Tvesrky and Kahneman 1971), the authors take the outcome.
reader through intuition busting exercises in statistical
power and replication. In the online world, we typically deal with a larger number
of units than in domains like psychology. Simmons et al.
Additional examples where concepts are incorrectly stated (2011) recommend at least 20 observations per cell, whereas
by people or organizations in the field of A/B testing include: in A/B testing we recommend thousands to tens of thousands
of users (Kohavi, Deng, et al. 2013). On the one hand, this
Until December 2021, Adobe’s documentation stated that larger sample size results in less dramatic swings in p-values
The confidence of an experience or offer represents the because experiments are adequately powered, but on the
probability that the lift of the associated experience/offer other hand online experiments offer more opportunities for
over the control experience/offer is “real” (not caused by optional stopping and post-hoc segmentation, which suffer
random chance). Typically, 95% is the recommended level from multiple hypothesis testing.
of confidence for the lift to be considered significant.
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KDD ’22, August 14-18, 2022, Washington DC, USA Kohavi, Deng, and Vermeer
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