DanPilot Pilotage Pre-Planning Guide
DanPilot Pilotage Pre-Planning Guide
DanPilot Pilotage Pre-Planning Guide
planning guide
Table of Contents
Foreword by our Chief Pilot......................................................................... 7
About DanPilot................................................................................................. 11
1. Ordering a Pilot............................................................................................ 13
1.1. Request for Pilot................................................................................... 14
1.2. Pilot Certification................................................................................... 14
1.3. DanPilot Portable Pilot Unit................................................................... 16
1.4. Basic PPU system................................................................................. 16
1.5. Semi Standalone PPU System.............................................................. 17
1.6. Standalone PPU System....................................................................... 17
1.7. PEC (Pilot Exemption Card).................................................................. 17
1.8. Danish Geodata Agency and Sensorsurvey......................................... 18
2. Risk Management....................................................................................... 19
2.1. Risk Assesment..................................................................................... 19
2.3. Under Keel Clearance (UKC)................................................................. 21
2.4. Squat..................................................................................................... 21
2.5. Two Pilots on board.............................................................................. 22
2.6. DPR (Deviation from Pilotage Recommendation)................................. 22
8. Disclaimer...................................................................................................... 65
9. Appendix........................................................................................................ 67
Dear Reader
Firstly, I wish to thank you for selecting DanPilot as your service provider, we are
honored by the confidence vested in us.
By working with DanPilot for your transit pilotage through Danish waters, I wish
to assure you that you are in the most capable hands at all times, and that the Pilot
boarding your vessel is a highly skilled and experienced master mariner, with an
in-depth knowledge of the areas you will be navigating together.
Danish waters can be tricky to navigate, and are subject to intense traffic, crossing
ferries, low and variable draughts and strong currents. This is why the IMO official-
ly recommends making use of a Pilot when navigating through Great Belt for any
vessel with a draft of 11.0 m or more, or through Sound for tankers with a draft of
7.0 m or more. Fortunately, many vessels make use of a Pilot even with less draft
than the IMO Recommendation, in order to ensure themselves and their cargo a
safe and smooth transit through the Danish waters.
When boarding, the Pilot will bring along a “PPU” – Portable Pilot Unit – which is
a state-of-the-art navigation solution, ensuring that your vessel will navigate
through the optimal routing during transit. All our pilotages (more than 20.000 per
year) are stored, and the data is used for further education of our Pilots and optimi-
zation of the routings through Danish waters.
To ensure that we are capable of meeting the ever rising demands, DanPilot are
continuously investing in upgrading of our fully-owned fleet of pilot boats, and the
coming years from 2017-2019 will see delivery of a large number of new pilot boats,
designed with the purpose of delivering maximum performance year round, re-
gardless of weather and location.
As a Not For Profit organization, owned fully by the Danish State, our mission is
to safeguard the environment, and all vessels and crews passing through Danish
Being the only pilotage provider in Denmark having obtained ISO 9001 certifi-
cation for quality, DanPilot is your guarantee for the highest level of professional
services, and strict adherence to regulations regarding training, certification and
resting hours – all with the sole purpose of giving our customers the optimal safety.
It is my hope that you will be fully satisfied with the services rendered onboard your
vessel by our Pilot, and I invite any comments at any time as well as any suggestions
on how DanPilot can continue to improve our services towards you – our customer.
Please feel free to contact me anytime.
Yours Sincerely
About DanPilot
Established more than 450 years ago, pilotage is an ancient profession in Danish
waters. In the beginning, many small providers were present in the market, which
were later merged to 3 separate companies.
In 2006, the remaining 3 companies were merged into one; DanPilot, and in June
2013 DanPilot assumed the responsibilities of the Danish State Pilotage Service as
directed by the Act on DanPilot (Parliament Act no. 600 of 12 June 2013), DanPi-
lot is an independent state-owned company, responsible for pilotage in all Danish
waters and ports.
With the primary mission of safeguarding the environment, and ensuring safe pas-
sage for all vessels operating in Danish waters, DanPilot conducts more than 20.000
pilotages each year and is highly regarded by our customers for our expertise and
Currently serving more than 60 ports and transit pilotage through all Danish straits
and waters, DanPilot is a dedicated full service provider, capable of delivering Pilot
anywhere in Denmark on a short notice and at a competitive cost.
Our 170+ highly skilled and experienced marine Pilots are all master mariners with
extensive experience from the international merchant fleet, backed with a solid
knowledge of the local waters and ports, delivering the optimal safety and efficient
operation of your vessel. Our Pilots are continuously subjected to extensive training
and knowledge sharing to ensure that we are always up-to-date on the latest infor-
mation. In addition, we operate our own fleet of capable pilot vessels, making cer-
tain that we can deliver a Pilot anywhere at any time, regardless of weather and sea.
Always available 24/7/365, we are always at the ready to assist your vessel, whether
for port pilotage or transit pilotage.
Due to the above, we are confident in our vision to be the most reliable pilot service
in Europe, and to promise to you that
1. Ordering a Pilot
Please observe the below steps for ordering a pilotage from DanPilot.
When placing an order for pilotage, please provide the following information:
Please be advised that by law (Order 1343 §5 of Danish Pilotage Act), DanPilot is
required to issue a HELCOM notification to a vessel ordering a pilotage which does
not comply with the official IMO Recommendation SN./Circ. 263 of 23rd October
2007. DanPilot is not part of the Danish authorities, but is bound by law to issue
such notification to the vessel.
DanPilot does not guarantee the availability of Nonstop Pilotage as same is offered
when available resources permits such pilotage
In case of standard pilotage, one Pilot will board the vessel for pilotage at the em-
barkation point, and pilot change will be performed at one or more of the following
locations, depending on your pilotage order; DW T10/Grenaa A4, Korsør Roads,
Spodsbjerg, Gedser T74.
DanPilot’s internal simulator is used, among other things, for training transit and
the professional challenges faced by the pilots in their daily work. All pilots in Dan-
Pilot have completed this course, which are held at 3- or 5-year intervals as needed.
During the course, various focus points are chosen based on feedback from PnoX or
reportings. Examples of such focus points could be anchoring manoeuvres, change
of pilot in crowded waters or navigating with specific vessel types.
All courses, which are conducted in DanPilot’s internal simulator, have great focus
on knowledge sharing between pilots and debriefing where all course participants
are involved and contribute with input and questions. It is very important for Dan-
Pilot that these courses are as realistic as possible and take place in an interaction
with our customers in transit. Masters and first officers therefore always have an
open invitation to participate in such a course – please contact bsn@danpilot.dk if
an opportunity arises.
E-nav UKCM
RUKC Forecast Simulation: Education:
SafePilot DigitalPort Training E-learning
Land-based pilotage workshops
Safety in general
New Products GATT-Ship SAFETY
Marketing Fairs RELATIONS
At DanPilot, we conduct training and internal courses in our own ship simulator.
All our trainings and courses are fully ISO 9001 certified, ensuring the highest level
of professionalism and training.
2. Risk Management
1. Planning
2. Actual sailing / Performance
3. Monitoring and control
4. Risk Reduction
5. Conclusion
1. Planning
Under normal circumstances, planning is conducted upon the boarding of the pilot.
As part of the planning, the DanPilot pilot may provide the bridge team with a
replay of similar pilotage operations on his/her PPU.
To the extent possible, weather and sea notices are forwarded to the vessel prior to
arrival at the pilot boarding position, in cooperation with the appointed agent.
Risks are identified and evaluated, resulting in a classification as being either accep-
table or unacceptable. Unacceptable risks will prevent the job from being underta-
ken. Planning includes the full voyage from commencement of pilotage, including
manoeuvring in port and mooring.
4. Risk Reduction
The primary objective of DRR/M is to limit the consequences of large-scale acci-
dents and natural disasters. To the extent possible, preventive measures are taken
to limit these consequences as much as possible. Regardless, the core objective is to
establish an Emergency Management entity based on “anything that is available,
and which may assist in successfully hindering the spread of the accident, and effec-
tively managing the accident”.
DanPilot is part of the Danish Emergency Management Agency, actively acting as
liaison between the vessels and the Danish emergency and environmental protec-
tion agencies in the interest of preventing the consequences of major accidents. In
DanPilot, these situations are handled according to Standard Operating Procedures
Our approach
5. Conclusion
Conclusion of the job includes evaluation (potentially also collegial sparring), after-
sales services to the customer and follow-up on any problems that occurred during
the sailing.
Areas with well-defined water depth where experience demonstrates that vessels
may deviate from the recommended UKC. Likewise, narrow channels subject to
banking effect, narrow turning radius or currents may impact the recommended
Making use of Dynamic UKC equipment provides greater possibility for navigati-
on close to the limits of the recommended UKC for a given location. Such system
is presently being developed by DanPilot in ports where a potential for improved
utilization of the port capacity is identified.
2.4. Squat
Squat effect is not defined as deeper draft due to the effects of shallow water but is
caused by the constriction of the physical boundaries for the water flowing under-
neath the vessel, according to Bernoulli’s Theorem. This causes;
Vessels with significant block coefficient (large bottom surface) will experience
a greater squat effect than vessels with a smaller block coefficient (small bottom
Ship’s name:
(From now: The vessel)
IMO number:
Present draught:
Due to:
DanPilot will assist the master of the vessel during the voyage and or the manoeuvre. However,
neither DanPilot nor the pilot on board may be hold responsible for any damage to personnel, the
vessel or its cargo, other vessels or piers or any other third party should damages be sustained du-
ring the pilotage. Thus, the pilotage is conducted contrary to the explicit advice given by DanPilot.
Please note that this letter is conveyed to the Danish Maritime Authority in conformity with the
obligations laid down in the Danish Pilot Act, §16 and Executive Order no. 1343/2014, §9.
The vessel’s agent has been informed about
the pilot recommendation today at hours.
The Pilot has furthermore informed the Danish Maritime Assistance Service
today at hours.
Master’s name and signature Pilot’s name and signature
The pilot boat operator establishes VHF contact to the vessel on channel 87 or other
relevant working channel and gives the necessary instructions on the side of the
vessel and height above waterline at which the pilot’s ladder is to be placed. Further-
more, the vessel is instructed to establish the necessary lee and receives information
on the course in which this is expected to be possible.
The pilot boat must not commence approach of the vessel until this has established
the necessary lee and is on a steady course.
The pilot boat operator ensures that the ladder is at the correct height. If this is not
the case the approach must be interrupted, and the ladder adjusted correctly.
The pilot boat operator ensures that the ladder is properly illuminated. If this is not
the case the approach is interrupted.
Bags are taken on board by means of a heaving line. If the pilot assesses that he/she,
with due consideration for safety, including wind, weather, vessel and the nature of
the pilot boat, is able to board with a backpack, this is acceptable.
The ladder is not rigged until the pilot boat is in a safe leeward position along the
side of the vessel.
As soon as the pilot boat is clear of the vessel this is notified to the vessel/pilot by
It is agreed between the pilot and the pilot boat operator on which side of the vessel
the ladder will be rigged and at which height above waterline the ladder must be
positioned. The pilot boat operator informs the pilot of the course at which lee is
expected to be established
The pilot arranges for lee to be established on the side where the ladder/combination
will be used. In the event of traffic or other form of obstruction making it impossi-
ble to establish a lee, disembarkation cannot take place until it is possible to main-
tain a lee for the pilot boat.
Before the pilot leaves the bridge to go on deck the pilot notifies the pilot boat ope-
rator that he/she is on his/her way down. The pilot informs the master of the VHF
channel to which the pilot boat is tuned in and that this channel must not be turned
off until the pilot boat is clear of the vessel.
ses that he/she, with due consideration for safety, including wind, weather, vessel
and the nature of the pilot boat, is able to step on the ladder with a backpack, this is
The ladder is not rigged until the pilot boat is in a safe leeward position along the
side of the vessel.
As soon as the pilot boat is clear of the vessel this is notified to the vessel by VHF.
In general terms, the master leaves ”the con” to the pilot when they have reviewed
and signed the navigational plan and master/pilot exchange together. If, upon arri-
val on the bridge, the pilot observes any immediate hazards this is of course noti-
fied. If the master subsequently decides to take back ”the con” the pilot will conti-
nue to communicate anything he considers to be immediate hazards.
It is important to be vigilant of areas during the handing over process that may lead
to misunderstandings and subsequent disagreements. This includes professional
knowledge and practice as well as cultural differences.
When using them together, you obtain the safest navigation with the least possible
damage and lowest number of accidents.
with the possibilities inherent in vessel control and e-navigation it is only natural to
extend BRM to include both resources.
3.7.1. Communication
Planning and trouble solving mode:
When planning the navigation, ”open loop” is used where all participants are them-
selves responsible for ensuring that information has been understood and for asking
follow-up questions. It is important that the participants in the group have a sense
of equality to ensure that all relevant information or questions are presented.
Command mode:
To ensure that all orders have been understood, ”closed loop” is used where the
participants confirm a message by closed loop communication with repetition of
the message.
For example: Pilot says starboard 20, helmsman repeats starboard 20, pilot acknow-
ledges “yes”.
It is the responsibility of the person giving the orders (in this case the pilot) that the
message is understood by the participants.
To ensure the best possible execution, all functions are covered twice so that a team
may look like this:
The Master is ultimately responsible for the safety of the ship and prevention of
pollution. The Bridge Team is not relieved of its responsibility for safe navigation
following the embarkation of the Pilot. The following diagram illustrates an
example of a Bridge Team and Pilot co-operating and working together.
are understood by the listener. As a general he or she will be reluctant to convey their achieve the required goals through the
rule, the policy onboard should require the doubts about the navigational situation and conversation. If you are concerned about
listener to repeat what they have heard thereby reduce the overall effectiveness of the clarity of your speech, or your accent,
and for the speaker to then acknowledge 30the bridge team. Imagine if, due to being try to practise as often as you can.
that what the listener has just repeated afraid of angering a senior person, the junior Watching movies in that language is also
was correct. This is generally referred to as officer fails to report that the ship is setting an effective learning tool. Thanks to shorter
‘Closed Loop Communication’. off towards the wrong side of the channel! stays in ports, and difficulties arising from
The speaker’s duty does not end An encouraging tone helps give bridge security concerns, it may no longer be
once the listener has repeated the team members the confidence to share possible to make friends ashore to practise
Routines and communication not related to the navigation and manoeuvring of the
vessel are performed in a manner that does not interfere with or distract attention
from the task carried out by the bridge team.
It is especially important that the person responsible for ”the con” communicates
his/her intentions to the other participants so as to obtain the best possible common
understanding of the situation at all times.
People see themselves as rational, but the basic survival strategy will always
prompt us to use as little energy as possible and we therefore often choose the least
strenuous mental solution, namely instinct.
If you are not an expert, meaning that you have carried out the task many times,
the instinctive solution quickly becomes a risky solution. A person with a lot of
self-confidence and a large ego represents and increased risk since the person often
has a correspondingly high risk tolerance.
Fatigue further increases the risk of accidents since in this situation you are not able
to mobilise the mental resources required to find a rational solution.
A well-structured bridge team is a prerequisite for not choosing risky solutions.
Furthermore, it is crucial that the individual members can be relieved in case of an
excessive work load.
IMO has laid down standards for the presentation of maps and symbols.
There are no standards for the actual operation of the equipment and the individual
manufacturers develop their own user interfaces. It can therefore be very difficult to
find the requested information on equipment that is not used in the daily work.
According to the STCW Convention, the operator must be familiar with the equip-
ment but does not need to have an in-depth knowledge of operation and perfor-
mance / limits.
Consequently, the equipment does not have the most practical settings and is there-
fore not used as the most powerful resource that it really is.
During planning, the bridge team may determine the settings for the equipment,
for example scale/range, use of depth curves, route, radius, turn rate, speed, ukc, xte
ECDIS reference point (system position) is, however, often set near the pivot point
of the vessel where the vessel does not have a transverse but only a longitudinal
speed and can therefore be used when the vessel is sailing in track pilot mode. This,
however, means that the vessel is not in the most favourable position in the channel
in case of excessive drift or major turns and often with the stern closer to the outer
edge of a turn or the lee side of the channel than planned.
When planning the route for the turns, this effect may be eliminated if the route in
the turns is a bit closer to the inner side of the channel, typically approx. 1/3 of the
width of the channel.
It should also be noted that the radar’s CCRP (consistent common reference point),
which is the reference for VRM, EBL, CPA, TCPA and true vector, is usually the
conning position and may therefore be very different from the system position used
Channels in inlets and canals usually follow a natural course, which has often ori-
ginally been a river bed formed under ice during the last ice age. The channels have
gradually been straightened out, dredged and expanded as the vessel size has in-
creased so that the channel is no longer in the centre of the original river bed. The
areas outside the channel therefore have very varying depths and often with major
depth differences from one side of the channel to the other. This means that there is
often a very noticeable bank effect due to low water along the sides of the channel.
toward the nearby bank. This effect is called bank suction and increases directly
with the distance of the sailing line from the centreline of the channel.
The magnitude of the bank suction effect depends on a number of factors:
1. The distance of the vessel from the bank - theory and tests indicate that the
magnitude of the lateral force varies approximately as a function of the cube3 of
the distance.
2. The magnitude of the forces increases with decreasing depth/draught ratios and
increasing speed.
3. Studies also indicate that the ratio of bank height/channel depth has conside-
rable impact on bank effects. Bank suction forces are rapidly reduced as the
ratio decreases. Shallower bank slopes also help to reduce bank effects.
• https://www.soefartsstyrelsen.dk/SikkerhedTilSoes/Sejladssikkerhed/Entre-
• https://www.retsinformation.dk/forms/R0710.aspx?id=160281
The force from the current may be calculated by using the following formula:
Fc (ton) = K (0.033) * f (UKC factor) * Lpp * d (the affected area) * V2(current speed
in m/s)
Example: For a vessel with lpp 200 m, draught 10 m and current of 1 knot (0.5 m/s),
the impact of a cross current will be 17 tons in deep water and 87 tons at UKC 10%
For the same vessel, current of 1.5 knot (0.75 m/s) will result in 39 tons in deep wa-
ter and 197 t at UKC 10%.
It is noted that there is a difference of only 0.5 knot between the two examples.
UKC10% 250 m2 500 m2 1000 m2 1500 m2 2000 m2 2500 m2 3000 m2 3500 m2 4000 m2 4500 m2
The table above applies to 10% UKC and shows the force in tons.
For 20%, UKC is divided by 2
For 50 %, UKC is divided by 3
For 150 %, UKC is divided by 4
For 500 %, UKC is divided by 5
4.3. Wind
The wind impact may be calculated using the following formula:
”k” = 0.52*10-4 for transverse wind and 0.39*10-4 for longitudinal wind
If the above vessel was a container vessel the wind area would be 3825 m2 with 4
layers of containers on deck. A transverse wind would create a force of: 5 tons at 5
m/s, 45 tons at5 m/s and 125 tons at 25 m/s
Depending on the place of the ”centre of gravity” on the vessel, wind may create a
larger or smaller yawing moment. For the majority of vessels, the centre of gravi-
ty of the wind is midship or a bit astern of midship and thus astern of the pivotal
point. The effect of this will create a steering torque that will turn the ship to the
wind. Vessels with large accomodation forward will not have a similar steering
torque but be more neutral. At very slow speed or when the vessel has completely
stopped the effect may be that the vessel is turned down the wind.
Area 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000m2
5 m/s 1.3 2.0 2.6 3.3 3.9 4.6 5.2 6.5 7.8 9.1 10.4
10 m/s 5.2 7.8 10.4 13.0 15.6 18.2 20.8 26.0 31.2 36.4 41.6
13 m/s 8.8 13.2 17.6 22.0 26.4 30.8 35.2 43.9 52.7 61.5 70.3
15 m/s 11.7 17.6 23.4 29.3 35.1 41.0 46.8 58.5 70.2 81.9 93.6
20 m/s 20.8 31.2 41.6 52.0 62.4 72.8 83.2 104 125 146 166
As a result of the Coanda effect, a water jet from for example a tug that hits a roun-
ded bow may turn round the stern and form a not insignificant force on the oppo-
site side. The force is particularly intense if the water jet passes between the vessel
and a closed quay or a moored ship. For vessels with a large draught and low UKC
and making its way through the water at just 0.5-1.0 knots, the Coanda effect may
be greater than the force which may be created by an assisting tug ahead and it may
be necessary to stop the tug and slow down the vessel completely to neutralise the
effect before the manoeuvre with the front tug is continued.
The effect is also felt as a transverse force when coming alongside the quay or
leaving the quay in waters with heavy current. The force impacts in the ”centre of
gravity” for the surface that is affected by the water jet and may produce both a
transverse and a forward force.
A similar effect from the wind may be seen on passenger ships with aerodynamic
superstructure when the relative wind angle is not too big. In this situation, the
wind may be turned from the front and round to the lee side of the ship and produ-
ce a force which, from gale force winds and stronger, may have a negative impact on
the ship’s ability to turn when turning through the wind’s eye.
Ships with a low block coefficient do not produce the same effect since they often
have a sharper stern profile, meaning that the angle between the water flow and the
side of the ship at the bow is so large that the water ”stalls” and turns into turbulent
whirls that do not produce a collective force in a certain direction.
Experienced pilots solve the problem intuitively and set threshold values for the
speed for a certain ship type in relation to the remaining stopping distance and the
methods that may be used to stop the ship without losing control of its course.
Added mass is the dragged water that has to be decelerated together with the ship.
It is usually taken to be between 25% and 80% of the ship’s displacement, increasing
with decreasing UKC.
An approximated formula for calculating stopping distance could look like this:
The ship’s speed is usually adjusted so that it is possible to stop the ship completely
in a position 1 ship’s length before the final position. Depending on the ship’s size, it
is typically decided to decelerate the ship from 1.5 - 3 ship’s lengths from the chosen
stopping point or 2.5 - 4 ship’s lengths from the final position.
Similarly, it is possible to calculate the maximum speed which the ship may have in
the position from which the deceleration manoeuvre is to be initiated.
For example: Tanker 250 m, draught 14 m (UKC 10%), displacement 130000 t, re-
sulting in 30 tons deceleration force (tractive force deducted from the ship’s propul-
sion from own propeller)
Wind or current in the course changes the resulting deceleration force, which must
be taken into account in the calculation.
If the tugs are used on the main deck, bollards and hawses typically have a lower
SWL than at forward and aft.
The lowest SWL for either the hawse or the bollard must always be communicated
to the tug in tons.
When using bridle, the hawse that is the furthest from the centre as possible is used
and they typically have a lower SWL and therefore you do not have the same force
available. Bridle is normally used for towing a derelict or when centre hawses are
not available, such as ro-ro ships with stern ramp.
In addition to SWL considerations, hawses should not be used when the tow line is
chafed and thereby damaged.
ASD, Azimut stern drive tug has two azimut drives placed astern in the ship and
usually a powerful bow thruster. It is the most frequently used type in Danish
ports. It is a very flexible tug type, which is able to work bow to bow and carry out
escort tasks. As a port tug, they work with the line over the stern and therefore pull
backwards when they tow.
An ASD steers quite well when it sails backwards and up to 6 knots during bow to
bow navigation is completely safe. Speeds above 6 knots during bow to bow opera-
tion are dangerous to the tug as it may risk getting into a position where it cannot
navigate back in front of the assisted ship. It is always important to keep the tug
boat operator informed of course and speed changes well ahead of time.
Conventional tugs typically have a single fixed propeller and a conventional helm
system and usually a small bow thruster. They pull over the stern and may, at low
speeds of less than 2.5 kn, be pulled backwards if they are equipped with a Gob
rope (tie-down system).
To manoeuvre from one position to another, they generate a relatively heavy pull on
the tow line and may therefore create impact forces in directions that are undesi-
rable for the ship they assist.
The towing hook is usually placed a bit abaft the midships and therefore forward of
the helm. Tugs without gob rope may risk having a transverse pull so powerful that
it exceeds the turning force from the helmet and engine. It pulls the tug athwart the
towing direction and presents a risk of capsizing if the tow line is not released from
the tow hook.
The conventional tug operates best when moving forward. It is able to sail safely
when attached to a tow line at speeds up to 6 knots but already from 3 knots and
upwards the actual pull on the line is significantly reduced, and pulling in other
directions than the course of the towed ship is virtually impossible.
Compared to an ASD tug boat, the view from the manoeuvring platform on a con
ventional tug boat is often limited and it is therefore important to notify the navigator
of the tug boat well ahead of time before making changes to course or speed on the
ship receiving assistance.
If taking into account the limitations of a conventional tug boat, it is, however, an
excellent means of assistance.
There are also conventional tugs with two fixed propellers, which provide improved
manoeuvring properties, but in general they have the same limitations as the single
propeller tug.
In rare cases, you may see a Voith Schneider tug boat in Danish waters. They are
very manoeuvrable but otherwise work as an ASD tug with largely the same limita-
Prior to commencement of mooring, the Master and the Pilot should agree on the
procedures to be employed to ensure a smooth and safe operation. Please refer to
Seahealth Denmark (2013), Mooring – Do it safely, a guide to prevent accidents
while mooring, www.seahealth.dk/en
parted, but injuries have resulted from ropes jumping/slipping off drum-ends or bitts,
or personnel being caught or ’dragged’ by ropes, fixtures coming off mountings and
from other causes.
Risk assessment of mooring stations:
A risk assessment should be made of all mooring areas on board, looking at each area
with a view of purposely searching for hazards that may cause injury.
The moorings of a ship must resist the forces due to some, or possibly all, of the
following factors:
• Wind
• Current
• Tides
• Surges from passing ships
• Waves/swell
• Ice
• Changes in draft, trim or list.
Ensure mooring team does not let go of any moorings until explicit instructions are
given by the bridge of the vessel, even for moorings which are slack.
Carefully monitor the tension on the remaining moorings when shortening the
moorings when vessel is subjected to adverse currents and/or wind.
Ensure that the moorings are shortened to allow the use of the vessel’s propeller and
thrusters (where available) when vessel is subjected to adverse currents and/or wind.
This is of utmost importance.
Ensure that adequate personnel are on standby ashore to manually release any auto-
matic hooks in the event of equipment failure.
Failure to meet this recommendation will result in the Pilot issuing a DPR (Devi-
ation From Pilotage Recommendation) to be signed by the Master, certifying the
decision to proceed against our recommendation.
The onboard Harbor Pilot will discuss the mooring procedure with the Master and
advise if any special regulations apply when calling the subject port and/or termi-
Some terminals (oil and certain bulk terminals) are subject to specific requirements
on mooring which must be followed at all times. These procedures are included in
the Pier Info. The Pilot will advise on these specific regulations.
Some terminals may have special regulations in force regarding mooring depending
on the size of the vessel. This information will be divulged by the Harbor Pilot.
Breast lines must be set perpendicular to the longitudinal centreline to the extent
possible, and as far fore and aft as possible.
Spring lines must be set parallel to the longitudinal centreline to the extent possible.
When making use of forehands on wire-type moorings, same type and size of fore-
hands must be used on all moorings bearing load in the same direction.
All moorings bearing load in the same direction should to the extent possible be
of the same length, as elasticity is dependent on the length of the mooring, among
other factors.
All moorings must be tight while vessel is alongside – slack moorings may result in
vessel movement and build-up of inertia, which will in turn affect the SWL of the
It is recommended that all moorings used for mooring of a vessel are of the same
material and construction.
When alongside in ports where the moored vessel may be passed by other moving
vessels, please note that suction from passing vessels may occur.
For Danish ports/terminals, there are no requirements for the use of fire wires du-
ring port call.
60 knots wind from any direction simultaneously with either: § 3 knots current
from directly ahead or astern (0 deg or 180 deg), or § 2 knots current at 10 deg or
170 deg, or § 0.75 knots current from the direction of maximum beam current
The above criteria are intended to cover conditions that could readily be encounte-
red on worldwide trade, but they cannot possibly cater for the most extreme com-
bination of environmental conditions at every terminal. At exposed terminals, or
those where for some reason the criteria are likely to be exceeded, the ship’s mo-
oring restraint should be supplemented with appropriate shore-based equipment.
Although responsibility for the adequate mooring of a tanker rests with the master,
the terminal has an interest in ensuring that vessels are securely and safely moored.
Cargo hoses or arms should not be connected until both the terminal representative
and the master are satisfied that the ship is safely moored.
Below are standard requirements for safe ship/shore access which must be strictly
complied with at all times:
• The ship/shore access must be given a final check by C/O prior to allowing the
personnel movement. In case of doubt, please discuss with shore personnel e.g.
Pilot/Loading Master/Terminal Supervisor etc. It should be recorded in SSSCL.
• Side rail man rope should be at least 18 mm dia and preferably manila rope
unless the gangway has specifically designed rope is available.
• The accommodation/MOT ladder must be used within the operating range
of up to 30 deg from horizontal, kindly have a stencil for max angle on MOT
ladder itself.
• A life buoy and heaving line must be placed near the gangway/access at all
• Safety net should be properly rigged while using accommodation and MOT
• The walking surface on the ladders should be non-slippery and must provide
proper grip.
• The portable stanchion height must be appropriate and in the range of 85-90
• Failure to arrange ship/shore access in a proper way may lead to serious conse-
5. Both hands raised above the shoulders, with open hands facing forward means
6. A raised hand with the fist being clenched and unclenched means ”heave or
hoist slowly”(inching).
6.14 Linesmen
As described in the mooring guidelines, Dan Pilot strongly recommends using
linesmen for all arrivals and departures. We do not find it safe that the vessel’s own
crew have to jump ashore onto quays that may cause injury or accident because any
foreign objects on the quay may be difficult to see due to occasionally poor lighting.
In the event of an accident or injury in this connection, the pilot is under an obliga-
tion under DanPilot’s policy to report this to the authorities.
• https://arbejdstilsynet.dk/da/selvbetjening/anmeld-arbejdsulykker
MAS is the link between the vessels and the authorities that need to react in case
of incidents at sea. In addition, the person on duty is also responsible for contact
to private players such as towage and salvage companies, cable owners, private sea
rescue etc.
In pursuance of laws and regulations, it has been decided that in case of accidents at
sea there must be immediate reporting to the person on duty at MAS in case of the
After reporting to the person on duty at MAS, the incident is reported as soon as
possible on emergency line 995 to the chief pilot or his/her substitute. When possi-
ble, the incident is described in a report through BROEN on the reporting pages.
Near-misses are reported to the chief pilot, who forwards it to the Danish Pilotage
7.3. VTS
Great Belt Trafic
VHF 74 (sector 1- northern) and VHF 11 (sector 2 - southern)
+45 58 37 68 68
www.beltrep.org/transit/ Reporting page
For VTS Storebælt, a duty of reporting applies to all vessels of at least 50 GT and all
vessels with an air draught of at least 15 m. Pleasure craft with a length of less than
15 m or less than 50 GT are not comprised by this duty.
Sound Trafic
VHF 73 (sector 1 – northern) and 71 (sector 2 – southern)
+46 771 63 06 00
www.sjofartsverket.se/en/sound-vts/reporting/online-reporting/ Reporting page
For VTS Øresund, a duty of reporting applies to all vessels of at least 300 GT.
7.4. Links
7.4.1. Weather and wind
Water level:
• http://www.dmi.dk/en/hav/maalinger/sea-level/
Marine Forecast:
• http://www.dmi.dk/hav/
Marine prediction:
• https://ifm.fcoo.dk/index.html#domain=denmark&zoom=10&lat=55.4422&lo
Weather chart:
• https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/surface-pressure/#?tab=surface-
Weather forecast
• https://www.yr.no/?spr=eng%20
7.5. Safeseanet
SafeSeaNet is a monitoring system for sea traffic which is set up as a network for
exchange of maritime data between the maritime authorities across the European
It was established for those who might benefit from it and for the following purpo-
ses, without limitation:
• Protection of the marine environment and maritime safety
The system provides information on the following:
• In addition to the general information on destination, ship data etc., AIS tracks
the vessel’s position several years back.
• Information on dangerous cargo
• Safety or pollution conditions regarding the vessel
• ISPS information
8. Disclaimer
Please note that all details in this guide, including positions, advice, headings, drafts
etc are believed to be accurate and correct, and are given in good faith. The included
details in this guide are for illustration purposes solely, and may not be used for
the purpose of navigation. Please consult DanPilot for details needed for navigati-
on. DanPilot cannot be held responsible for any errors, typos or omissions in this
9. Appendix
DanPilot has prepared the following recommendations for the use of tug boats. (see
Arrival Departure
4,000-20,000 DW 1 tug* 4,000-20,000 DW 1 tug*
20,000-70,000 DW 2 tugs* 20,000-70,000 DW 2 tugs*
70,000-130,000 DW 3 tugs* 70,000-130,000 DW 2 tugs*
130,000-210,000 DW 4 tugs* 130,000-210,000 DW 2 tugs*
Arrival Departure
4,000-20,000 DW 1 ASD/trac- 4,000-20,000 DW 1 ASD/Tractor
tor Tug* Tug*
20,000-70,000 DW 2 tugs** 20,000-70,000 DW 2 tugs**
70,000-130,000 DW 3 tugs* 70,000-130,000 DW 2 tugs*
130,000-210,000 DW 4 tugs* 130,000-210,000 DW 2 tugs*
In so far as it is possible, the ship is moored with the stern pointing to the east along
pier I and II respectively. If the ship is heading west
it may be necessary to increase the number of tugs upon departure.
When more than one tug is mentioned it must be accompanied by at least one ASD/
tractor tug.
*: If the ship has a good bow thruster 1 tug boat may be omitted. Minimum definiti-
on of good bow thruster:
5 % of DW - for example 20,000 DW x 0,05 = 1000 BHP
**: For ships of more than 50,000 DW with a draught exceeding 11 m, the number
of tugs is increased upon arrival to 3 and at departure to 2.
In case of a weather report of more than 11 m/s, further tugging assistance must be
agreed between the master and the pilot.
9.2. Fredericia
The above tables are minimum requirements and it is the vessel’s master, with
advice from the pilot, who is responsible for evaluating the conditions and ensuring
that proper safety margins are in place and ordering the necessary number of addi-
tional tugs. Vessels without any bow thrusters should follow the above table in 4.6.3
and, depending on conditions and the master’s and pilot’s discretion, they have one
additional tug or more. On arrival, tugs must be connected prior to passage of berth
no. 42, and on departure, tugs must be connected prior to any mooring singling up
9.3. Kalundborg
#: If the ship has a good bow thruster 1 tugboat may be omitted. Minimum definiti-
on of good bow thruster:
If the ship is in ballast: 3 % of DW - for example 20,000 DW x 0,03 = 600 BHP
If the ship is loaded: 5 % of DW - for example 20,000 DW x 0,05 = 1000 BHP
The third tug may be a conventional tug according to agreement with the pilot.
For draught > 10.5 metre: Arrival starboard to quay
For expected draught of more than 10.5 metres at departure, port side comes
alongside quay.
#: If the ship has a good bow thruster 1 tugboat may be omitted. Minimum definiti-
on of good bow thruster:
If the ship is in ballast: 3 % of DW - for example 20,000 DW x 0,03 = 600 BHP
If the ship is loaded: 5 % of DW - for example 20,000 DW x 0,05 = 1000 BHP
The third tug may be a conventional tug according to agreement with the pilot.
In case of a weather report of more than 11 m/s, one additional ASD/Tractor Tug
may be ordered according to agreement between the master and the pilot.
Arrival Departure
5,000-20,000 dw 1 ASD/Tractor tug 5,000-20,000 dw 1 ASD/Tractor tug
# #
20,000-55,000 dw 2 ASD/Tractor tug 20,000-55,000 dw 2 ASD/Tractor tug
# #
55,000-70,000 dw 2 ASD/Tractor tug 55,000-70,000 dw 2 ASD/Tractor tug
>70,000 dw 2/3 ASD/Tractor >70,000 dw 2 ASD/Tractor tug
tug ** see com- draught <10 m
>70,000 dw 3 ASD/Tractor tug
draught >10 m
#: If the ship has a good bow thruster 1 tugboat may be omitted. Minimum definiti-
on of good bow thruster:
If the ship is in ballast: 3 % of DW - for example 20,000 DW x 0,03 = 600 BHP
If the ship is loaded: 5 % of DW - for example 20,000 DW x 0,05 = 1000 BHP
The third tug may be a conventional tug according to agreement with the pilot.
Quay 13: draught > 10.5 metres + length of 190 metres, the starboard side comes
alongside the quay on arrival.
If the draught at departure from quay 13 is expected to be more than 10.5 meters,
the starboard side also comes alongside the quay.
In case of a weather report of more than 11 m/s, one additional ASD/Tractor Tug
may be ordered according to agreement between the master and the pilot.
In cases of doubt and under special weather conditions, the duty pilot must be con-
tacted. He will decide the number of tugboats or perhaps a postponement of arrival/
cessary for freighting but when we come close we can perhaps do without one tug
when the wind is favourable.
#: If the ship has a good bow thruster 1 tugboat may be omitted. Minimum definiti-
on of good bow thruster:
If the ship is in ballast: 3 % of DW - for example 20,000 DW x 0,03 = 600 BHP
If the ship is loaded: 5 % of DW - for example 20,000 DW x 0,05 = 1000 BHP
*Shuttle tankers only need 2 tugboats on arrival even though the requirements for a
good bow thruster are not completely fulfilled. And 1 tugboat on departure.
¤: Tug boat may be omitted altogether if the ship faces west at quay A.
In case of a weather report of more than 11 m/s, one additional ASD/Tractor Tug
may be ordered according to agreement between the master and the pilot.
In cases of doubt and under special weather conditions, the duty pilot must be con-
tacted. He will decide the number of tug boats or perhaps a postponement of arri-
val/departure. However, Statoil’s operational limits must be observed.
Arrival Departure
1,000-20,000 dw 1 ASD/Tractor Tug 1,000-20,000 dw 1 ASD/Tractor Tug
20,000-55,000 dw 2 stk. ASD/Tractor 20,000-55,000 dw 2 ASD/Tractor
Tug Tug #
55,000-130,000 dw 3 ASD/Tractor Tug 55,000-130,000 dw 2 ASD/Tractor
draught <14m Tug #
55,000-130,000 3 ASD/Tractor
DW draught >14m Tug #
130,000-170,000 3 ASD/Tractor Tug 130,000-170,000 2 ASD/Tractor
dw draught <14 m DW Tug #
draught <10.5 m
130,000-170,000 4 ASD/Tractor Tug 130,000-200,000 3 ASD/Tractor
DW DW Tug #
draught >14m draught >10.5 m
Shuttle tankers: 2 tugs may be omitted if there is a stern thruster that is just as good.
However, always 1 tug on arrival and departure.
9.4. Nyborg
Tug boat is ordered through agent.
Arrival Departure
0-5,000 DW 1 conventional # 0-5,000 DW 1 conventional #
5,000-10,000 DW 1 ASD/Tractor 5,000-10,000 DW 1 ASD/Tractor
Tug # Tug #
10,000-70,000 DW 2 ASD/Tractor Tug 10,000-70,000 DW 2 ASD/Tractor Tug
Vessels without bow thruster are recommended to use at least one conventional tug
#: If the ship has a good bow thruster tugboat may be omitted. Minimum definition
of good bow thruster. If the ship is in ballast: 3 % of DW - for example 20,000 DW x
0,03 = 600 BHP
If the ship is loaded: 5 % of DW - for example 20,000 DW x 0,05 = 1000 BHP
Avernakke: For winds of more than 6 m/s from NE to SE, the pilot is consulted
regarding use of tug.
In cases of doubt and under special weather conditions, the duty pilot must be con-
tacted. He will recommend the number of tug boats or perhaps a postponement of
9.5 Odense/Lindø
Svitzer has a small tug boat (Svitzer Idun) at the yard. Otherwise, the large Svitzer
tugs are used - they are ordered by the agent. Always two at large vessels.
Odense Port Terminal (Lindø) pier 62-76 and dock 1-4: The following applies for
ordinary single-propeller vessels:
Particularly manoeuvrable vessels are assessed individually. The above also applies
to night navigation.
9.6. Stigsnæs
Tug boats at Stigsnæs and Gulfhavn (tanker quays)
When wind forces of 0-11 m/s are predicted and current of 1 knot or less, the
following is recommended:
Arrival Departue
5,000-20,000 DW 1 ASD/Tractor 5000-20.000 DW 1 ASD/Tractor
Tug# Tug#
20,000-55,000 DW 2 ASD/Tractor 20,000-85,000 DW 2 ASD/Tractor
Tug# ballast Tug#
55,000-85,000 DW 3 ASD/Tractor 85,000-130,000 2 ASD/Tractor
Tug# DW loaded Tug#
Draught < 13 m
85,000-130,000 3 ASD/Tractor 85,000-130,000 3 ASD/Tractor
DW Tug# DW loaded Tug#
Draught < 15 m Draught > 13 m
and < 15 m
#: If the ship has a good bow thruster 1 tugboat may be omitted. Minimum definiti-
on of good bow thruster:
In case of a weather report of more than 11 m/s and expected current >1 knot, one
additional ASD/Tractor Tug may be ordered according to agreement between the
master and the pilot.
In cases of doubt and under special weather conditions, the duty pilot must be
contacted. He will decide the number of tug boats or perhaps a postponement of
Arrival Departue
1000-20,000 DW 1 ASD/Tractor Tug 1000-20,000 DW 1 ASD/Tractor Tug
20,000-55,000 DW 2 ASD/Tractor Tug 20,000-55,000 DW 2 ASD/Tractor Tug
55,000-130,000 3 ASD/Tractor Tug 55,000-130,000 2 ASD/Tractor Tug
Draught < 12 m
130,000-170,000 4 ASD/Tractor Tug 55,000-170,000 3 ASD/Tractor Tug
Draught > 12 m
and < 14 m
55,000-170,000 4 ASD/Tractor Tug
> 14 m
The third tug may be a conventional tug according to agreement with the pilot.
When wind forces of 0-11 m/s are predicted the following is recommended:
Arrival Departue
5000-20,000 DW 1 ASD/Tractor 5,000-20,000 DW 1 ASD/Tractor
Tug # Tug #
20,000-55,000 DW 2 1 ASD/Tractor 20,000-180,000 2 conv
Tug and 1 conv. # BALLAST
#: If the vessel has a good bow thruster 1 tugboat may be omitted. Minimum defini-
tion of good bow thruster:
The third tug may be a conventional tug according to agreement with the pilot.
9.9. Aabenraa
A local 400 Hk boat in place, otherwise normally assistance from Svitzer, Joulious,
Calorious or German tug boats.
When wind forces of 0-11 m/s are predicted.
Arrival Departure
4,000-20,000 DW 1 ASD/Tractor Tug 4,000-20,000 DW 1 ASD/Tractor Tug
#* #*
20,000-50,000 DW 2 ASD/Tractor Tug 20,000-50,000 DW 2 ASD/Tractor Tug
#* #*
Loaded vessels of more than 35,000 DW for quay no. 9 always 2 tug boats.
*: If the ship has good bow and stern thrusters tugboats may be omitted altogether.
In case of a weather report of more than 11 m/s, further tugging assistance must be
agreed between the master and the pilot.
ILO port Safety and Health (revised 2016)
• https://www.ilo.org/sector/activities/sectoral-meetings/WCMS_546257/lang--
Mooring – do it Safely
• http://www.marinedocs.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Mooring-Do-It-Sa-
Safety in mooring
• https://www.iadc-dredging.com/ul/cms/terraetaqua/document/4/8/5/485/485/1/
OCIMF – guide-to-purchasing-high-modulus-synthetic-fibre-mooring
• https://www.ocimf.org/media/53251/guide-to-purchasing-high-modu-
Mooring accident
• https://www.nautinst.org/en/forums/mars/mars-2012.cfm/mooring%20Acci-
Mission: - Safeguarding
our customers’ vessels
and the environment