Towage Information: The Mersey Docks and Harbour Company Limited
Towage Information: The Mersey Docks and Harbour Company Limited
Towage Information: The Mersey Docks and Harbour Company Limited
Tug Types
Twin-screw conventional tugs offer increased manoeuvrability over a single-screw tug, as the two
screws can be worked independently and in opposite directions, thus enabling the tug to pivot
within its own length.
ASD tugs can be referred to as “reverse-tractor tugs”. This definition is applied mainly to tugs with
stern-mounted azimuthing propellers but with limited or no towing fixtures on their aft decks.
The Voith-Schneider Tractor Tug (employing Voith-Schneider cycloidal propellers) was introduced
mainly for ship-handling due to its exceptional manoeuvrability and safety in operation, which is
inherent in the tractor principle.
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Differences between the Voith-Schneider tractor tug and the azimuthing tractor tug are:
• Propulsion systems, cycloidal propellers verses screws in nozzles
• Response time of Voith-Schneider tug is faster
• Azimuth tractor tug is more efficient (in terms of tonnes bollard pull per BHP)
Variations on the ATT design are the “ROTOR-Tug” and “Ship Docking Module” (SDM). At this
time, no ROTOR-Tugs or SDM-Tugs are operating in the Port of Liverpool.
Manoeuvrability Excellent for use in harbour/terminal Voith: very rapid response time due to
towage. the fast pitch changing of the blades,
excellent for dangerous operations.
Main disadvantage Limited offshore capabilities Draft and unable to undertake long
distance tows.
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Propulsions Systems
At the heart of every tug, and the feature that probably attracts most attention, is the propulsion
system. In order to give an overview of the various propulsion systems, the following table has
been prepared.
Controllable pitch The pitch of the blades can be Conventional tugs, ASD, Decreases the response
propellers adjusted to suit the operation. ATT and VST (cycloidal). time, especially from ahead
Offers fast response from Also fitted to Ocean-going to astern.
ahead to astern. tugs
Azimuthing propulsion Entire propeller can be rotated ASD and ATT as harbour Excellent for mooring/un-
360o Effectiveness may be or terminal tugs mooring
increased by use of CPP or
slipping clutches.
Fitted to a single screw tug All types except Tractor Retractable thrusters
(operating as a combi-tug), a Tugs enable tugs to be multi-
retractable azimuthing bow functional
thruster enables the possibility
to perform more services.
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Bollard Pull
The bollard pull of a tug is the amount of static force (pull) that can be exerted when tethered to a
measuring device. Mostly this is done through a secured towing line connected to a dockside
bollard. Due to the requirements of the classification society/authority, the locations of these trials
are mostly in very secluded places, where weather conditions would have little affect on the
results. These trials have been introduced because the variety of propulsion systems available at
this moment no longer make it possible to judge the force available from a tug by the horsepower
of its engines alone. Particularly with ship-handling tugs, the trials will include the pulling both
ahead and astern, due to the fact that both functions are used during different modes of operation.
The towing force (pull) of the tug depends on its engine power and on the type of propeller, as
becomes evident in the following table.
For the same installed horsepower, an ASD or ATT tug will have a higher bollard pull rating than a
VST tug.
Methods of Operation
Over the last decade, passage escort has emerged as an operational requirement for the marine
service provider at marine terminals, and is often referred to as either PASSIVE or ACTIVE
escorting, depending upon the service provided.
Passive Escorting is when a tug shadows the ship, but does not make fast. Active Escorting is
when the tug does make fast, usually as the stern tug, and is often referred to as the INDIRECT
towing mode.
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On the Line
“On the line” towing means that the tug is connected to the assisted vessel by a towline. This is the
traditional method of harbour assistance in many European ports.
The towline is connected to the tug by a towing hook, towing winch or secured to towing bits (all of
which are known as the towing point). The location of the towing point will vary between tugs types:
conventional, ASD or Tractor.
The danger with towing on the line is the risk of girting and capsizing. Girting happens when the
towline comes at right-angles to the tug. The tug is pulled bodily through the water by its tow, which
can lead to deck-edge immersion, flooding and capsize; unless the towline is released in good time.
The location of the towing point on ASD tugs (when operating over the bow) and Tractor tugs reduces
the risk of girting.
When made fast to a vessel’s bow, the effectiveness of tugs towing on a line will decrease with
increasing headway. This is because, as headway increases, more of the tug’s power is used in
maintaining its position relative to the vessel, as opposed to being applied as an assisting force
through the towline.
The push-pull operation means that the tug is connected to the assisted vessel by a short line (ASD
and conventional tugs will use a bow line, whilst tractor tugs will use a stern line) and remains in close
proximity to the vessel. This enables the tug to push on the vessel, but then check/control the vessel
by pulling-back on the short line. This method originates from Japan and South-Asia.
Due to the limited power of conventional tugs when running their propellers astern, their ability to pull-
back on the line will be limited.
When the tug is not connected to the vessel by a bow or stern line, this is simply called pushing. This
method of operation is used by (amongst others) conventional tugs operating in North America.
Indirect Towing
Indirect towing is a way of enlarging the exerted force when turning and/or decelerating the tow. This
mode applies only to the trailing tug, here referred to as the stern tug. The tug is made fast to the
vessel by a towline and is dragged by the assisted vessel. The tug uses its thrust to maintain a
sheered position relative to the tow’s heading whilst the towing force is generated by the drag forces
acting on the tug’s hull and transmitted via the towline. The drag forces on the tug can be
substantially higher than the bollard pull when the speed through the water is greater than 6 knots
With the towline at a large angle to the tug's centre line, indirect towing is a potentially dangerous
manoeuvre. Indirect towing requires a highly skilled tug master to achieve the high towline forces
without girting and capsizing the tug. The advent of the purpose-built escort tug, designed for
exerting such high loads, has made this operation much more controllable and therefore much
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Tug Types and Methods of Operation
The table below summarises the suitability of the three distinct tug types in relation to the basic ship-
handling methods as earlier discussed. It also gives a very clear reason why Marine Service
Providers favour ASD and tractor tug types over conventional tugs for ship handling.
Given the fact that, where possible, Push-Pull is the preferred method of operation, it could be said
that to undertake the equivalent operation employing conventional tugs only, double the number of
conventional tugs could be required when compared to a similar operation employing either ASD or
tractor type tugs.
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Conclusions Regarding Tug Types
Assuming normal port operations with maximum ship speeds of six to seven knots, it can be
concluded – with some reservations – that the suitability of different tug types can broadly be
ranked as follows:
A list of current ship-handling tugs operating in the Port of Liverpool is available on the Company’s
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