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School of Engineering and Architecture

Department of Electronics Engineering

In Partial Requirements of the Course

ME 2251L: Basic Electronics Laboratory

Laboratory Activity 9
Transistor Biasing

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Daga, Kristan O’neal Cervantes Engr. Jeorge C. Antonio
SEA-ECE Faculty

Date Submitted:

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TLO 9: Illustrate the transistor as a switching device and measure transistor base and
collector currents.


The steady state operation of a transistor depends a great deal on its base current,
collector voltage, and collector current values and therefore, if the transistor is to
operate correctly as a linear amplifier, it must be properly biased around its
operating point.
Establishing the correct operating point requires the selection of bias resistors and
load resistors to provide the appropriate input current and collector voltage
conditions. The correct biasing point for a bipolar transistor, either NPN or PNP,
generally lies somewhere between the two extremes of operation with respect to it
being either “fully-ON” or “fully-OFF” along its DC load line. This central operating
point is called the “Quiescent Operating Point”, or Q-point for short.
When a bipolar transistor is biased so that the Q-point is near the middle of its
operating range, that is approximately halfway between cut-off and saturation, it is
said to be operating as a Class-A amplifier. This mode of operation allows the
output voltage to increase and decrease around the amplifiers Q-point without
distortion as the input signal swings through one complete cycle. In other words, the
output is available for the full 360o of the input cycle.
So how do we set this Q-point biasing of a transistor? – The correct biasing of the
transistor is achieved using a process known commonly as Base Bias.

But before we start looking at the possible different transistor biasing arrangements,
lets first remind ourselves of a basic single transistor circuit along with its voltages
and currents as shown on the left.

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The function of the “DC Bias level” is to correctly set the transistors Q-point by
setting its Collector current ( IC ) to a constant and steady state value without any
external input signal applied to the transistors Base.
This steady-state or DC operating point is set by the values of the circuits DC supply
voltage ( Vcc ) and the value of any biasing resistors connected the transistors Base
Since the transistors Base bias currents are steady-state DC currents, the
appropriate use of coupling and bypass capacitors will help block any biasing
currents from other transistor stage affecting the bias conditions of the next. Base
bias networks can be used for Common-base (CB), common-collector (CC) or
common-emitter (CE) transistor configurations. In this simple transistor biasing
tutorial we will look at the different biasing arrangements available for a Common
Emitter Amplifier.

Base Biasing a Common Emitter Amplifier

One of the most frequently used biasing circuits for a transistor circuit is with the self-
biasing of the emitter-bias circuit were one or more biasing resistors are used to set
up the initial DC values for the three transistor currents, ( IB ), ( IC ) and ( IE ).
The two most common forms of bipolar transistor biasing are: Beta
Dependent and Beta Independent. Transistor bias voltages are largely dependent
on transistor beta, ( β ) so the biasing set up for one transistor may not necessarily
be the same for another transistor as their beta values may be different. Transistor
biasing can be achieved either by using a single feed back resistor or by using a
simple voltage divider network to provide the required biasing voltage.
The following are five examples of transistor Base bias configurations from a single
supply ( Vcc ).

Fixed Base Biasing a Transistor

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The circuit shown is called as a “fixed base bias circuit”, because the transistors
base current, IB remains constant for given values of Vcc, and therefore the
transistors operating point must also remain fixed. This two resistor biasing network is
used to establish the initial operating region of the transistor using a fixed current
This type of transistor biasing arrangement is also beta dependent biasing as the
steady-state condition of operation is a function of the transistors beta β value, so
the biasing point will vary over a wide range for transistors of the same type as the
characteristics of the transistors will not be exactly the same.
The emitter diode of the transistor is forward biased by applying the required
positive base bias voltage via the current limiting resistor RB. Assuming a standard
bipolar transistor, the forward base-emitter voltage drop would be 0.7V. Then the
value of RB is simply: (VCC – VBE)/IB where IB is defined as IC/β.
With this single resistor type of biasing arrangement the biasing voltages and
currents do not remain stable during transistor operation and can vary enormously.
Also the operating temperature of the transistor can adversely effect the operating

Collector Feedback Biasing a Transistor

This self biasing collector feedback configuration is another beta dependent

biasing method which requires two resistors to provide the necessary DC bias for
the transistor. The collector to base feedback configuration ensures that the
transistor is always biased in the active region regardless of the value of Beta (β).
The DC base bias voltage is derived from the collector voltage VC, thus providing
good stability.
In this circuit, the base bias resistor, RB is connected to the transistors collector C,
instead of to the supply voltage rail, Vcc. Now if the collector current increases, the
collector voltage drops, reducing the base drive and thereby automatically

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reducing the collector current to keep the transistors Q-point fixed. Therefore this
method of collector feedback biasing produces negative feedback round the
transistor as there is a direct feedback from the output terminal to the input
terminal via resistor, RB.
Since the biasing voltage is derived from the voltage drop across the load
resistor, RL, if the load current increases there will be a larger voltage drop across RL,
and a corresponding reduced collector voltage, VC. This effect will cause a
corresponding drop in the base current, IB which in turn, brings IC back to normal.
The opposite reaction will also occur when the transistors collector current reduces.
Then this method of biasing is called self-biasing with the transistors stability using this
type of feedback bias network being generally good for most amplifier designs.

Dual Feedback Transistor Biasing

Adding an additional resistor to the base bias network of the previous configuration
improves stability even more with respect to variations in Beta, ( β ) by increasing
the current flowing through the base biasing resistors.
The current flowing through RB1 is generally set at a value equal to about 10% of
collector current, IC. Obviously it must also be greater than the base current
required for the minimum value of Beta, β.
One of the advantages of this type of self biasing configuration is that the two
resistors provide both automatic biasing and Rƒ feedback at the same time.

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Transistor Biasing with Emitter Feedback

This type of transistor biasing configuration, often called self-emitter biasing, uses
both emitter and base-collector feedback to stabilize the collector current even
further. This is because resistors RB1 and RE as well as the base-emitter junction of the
transistor are all effectively connected in series with the supply voltage, VCC.
The downside of this emitter feedback configuration is that it reduces the output
gain due to the base resistor connection. The collector voltage determines the
current flowing through the feedback resistor, RB1 producing what is called
“degenerative feedback”.
The current flowing from the emitter, IE (which is a combination of IC + IB) causes a
voltage drop to appear across RE in such a direction, that it reverse biases the
base-emitter junction.
So if the emitter current increases, due to an increase in collector current, voltage
drop I*RE also increases. Since the polarity of this voltage reverse biases the base-
emitter junction, IB automatically decrease. Therefore the emitter current increase
less than it would have done had there been no self biasing resistor.
Generally, resistor values are set so that the voltage dropped across the emitter
resistor RE is approximately 10% of VCC and the current flowing through resistor RB1 is
10% of the collector current IC.
Thus this type of transistor biasing configuration works best at relatively low power
supply voltages.

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Voltage Divider Transistor Biasing

Here the common emitter transistor configuration is biased using a voltage divider
network to increase stability. The name of this biasing configuration comes from the
fact that the two resistors RB1 and RB2 form a voltage or potential divider network
across the supply with their center point junction connected the transistors base
terminal as shown.
This voltage divider biasing configuration is the most widely used transistor biasing
method. The emitter diode of the transistor is forward biased by the voltage value
developed across resistor RB2. Also, voltage divider network biasing makes the
transistor circuit independent of changes in beta as the biasing voltages set at the
transistors base, emitter, and collector terminals are not dependant on external
circuit values.
To calculate the voltage developed across resistor RB2 and therefore the voltage
applied to the base terminal we simply use the voltage divider formula for resistors
in series.
Generally the voltage drop across resistor RB2 is much less than for resistor RB1.
Clearly the transistors base voltage VB with respect to ground, will be equal to the
voltage across RB2.
The amount of biasing current flowing through resistor RB2 is generally set to 10 times
the value of the required base current IB so that it is sufficiently high enough to have
no effect on the voltage divider current or changes in Beta.
The goal of Transistor Biasing is to establish a known quiescent operating point, or
Q-point for the bipolar transistor to work efficiently and produce an undistorted
output signal. Correct DC biasing of the transistor also establishes its initial AC
operating region with practical biasing circuits using either a two or four-resistor bias

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In bipolar transistor circuits, the Q-point is represented by ( VCE, IC ) for the NPN
transistors or ( VEC, IC ) for PNP transistors. The stability of the base bias network and
therefore the Q-point is generally assessed by considering the collector current as a
function of both Beta (β) and temperature.
Here we have looked briefly at five different configurations for “biasing a transistor”
using resistive networks. But we can also bias a transistor using either silicon diodes,
zener diodes or active networks all connected to the transistors base terminal. We
could also correctly bias the transistor from a dual voltage power supply if so



Power Source - 0-6Vdc, 150mA

Practical Electronic Trainer
DS1 - Miniature Lamp, 5V-1W
Component Board M
Q1 - NPN Transistor, 2N2219A
Q2 - PNP Transistor, 2N2905A
R1 - 470Ω, 1W
R2 - Potentiometer


Objective A: Determine proper biasing polarity and measure base and collector
currents of NPN and PNP transistors in switching circuits.

1. a. Examine the on-off switching circuit shown in figure 1. Switch S1 is used to

connect the base of NPN transistor Q1 to either the emitter or +6 Vdc. Series
resistor R1 limits the base-to-emitter voltage drop.
Calculate the maximum current that can flow through R1 using a 6 Vdc
source. Disregard the base-to-emitter voltage drop.

IR1 = _______3/235_________mAdc

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b. Connect the circuit shown in figure 1.

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c. Adjust the power source to 6 Vdc. Operate S1 several times while observing
lamp DS1 and the two milliammeters. Does the lamp go on and off
depending on the position of S1? ____Yes_______

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d. Measure base and collector currents with lamp DS1 on.

IB = ________10.853________mA

IC = _______230.583_________mA

Insert MultiSim Screenshot:

e. Measure the base-to-emitter and collector-to-emitter voltages with lamp DS1

on. Use the VOM for these measurements.

VBE = _____0.899272___________Vdc

VCE = _____0.235425___________Vdc

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f. Throw switch S1 to the opposite position causing DS1 to go out.
g. Measure base and collector currents with lamp DS1 off.

IB = ______-355.271 pA__________mA

IC = _____6.084 nA___________mA

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h. Measure base-to-emitter and collector-to-emitter voltages with lamp DS1 off.
VBE = _______41.849 n__________Vdc

VCE = _______6__________Vdc

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i. Return the voltage to zero.

2. a. Examine the on-off switching circuit shown in Figure 2. Note it is identical

circuit used in procedure 1 except now a PNP transistor Q2 is being used and
the power source and metering polarities have been reversed.
b. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 2.

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c. Repeat procedure 1 recording the following on-off measurements for the
PNP switching circuit.

With lamp DS1 on:

IB = ______10.512_______mA
IC = ____216.934_________mA
VBE = _______1.059______Vdc
VCE = ____0.576649_________Vdc

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With lamp DS1 off:

IB = _______-266.461 pA_______mA
IC = ______6.217 nA________mA
VBE = _____43.203 nV_________Vdc
VCE = ________6______Vdc

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d. Return the voltage to zero
e. Are your measured values for the PNP switching circuit similar, except for
polarity to your NPN measurements? _____Yes________

Objective B: Demonstrate and measure transistor base and collector currents when
the transistor is used as a variable lamp controller.

3. a. Examine the transistor lamp control circuit shown in Figure 3.

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Insert MultiSim Screenshot:

b. Does the potentiometer R2 act as a variable voltage divider in this circuit?

What is the voltage range at the arm of R2 as it is turned from full ccw to
full cw?

_____0_____Vdc to ____6_______Vdc

c. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 3. Set the arm of R2 to its full ccw
position for minimum resistance in the base-emitter circuit.
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d. Adjust the power source to 6Vdc.
e. Rotate the arm of R2 to its full cw position and back several times noting
the change in the lamp brightness.
f. Adjust R2 for exactly 125mAdc of collector current.
g. Measure and record in Table 1 the base current for a collector current of

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h. Repeat (g) for each of the collector currents listed in Table 1.
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i. Return the voltage to zero.
j. Calculate and record the current gain for your transistor at each of the lC
values listed in Table 1, using the equation:
Current Gain,â = IC / IB

k. Examine the data recorded in Table 1. Is the current gain of your transistor
the same each of the value of collector current? ____No______

Collector Current Base Current Current Gain, â

IC, mA IB, mA IC/ IB
125 mA 1.371 91.174
100 mA 0.984162 101.609
75 mA 0.659953 113.644
50 mA 0.397267 125.859
25 mA 0.167104 149.607
0 mA -0.044409 0


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For a transistor to function, the two PN junctions must be properly biased. The
base-emitter junction behaves like any other PN junction when viewed alone. If
the base-emitter junction is forward biased, the transistor is on. If it is reverse
biased, the transistor is off. This is just like a diode. If you forward bias a diode, the
diode conducts. If you reverse bias the diode, the diode cuts off.
Now, the base-emitter junction in a transistor is going to essentially turn the
transistor on or off. Now, the base-collector junction will not have that same
power, but the base-emitter junction will determine whether the transistor is
turned on or off. The base-collector junction also behaves as a pn junction, but it
will not have the ability to cause it to turn on or off.
Now, when we're looking at these two scenarios here, the emitter has been
taking out of the circuit and there's no current and the emitter is essentially
open. What we've done here is, we connected a battery across the collector-
base junction. In this case, the collector-base junction is forward biased and we
are experiencing a current flow, and this is much like a diode. In this scenario,

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the same thing is reverse biased. The only difference is the clarity. The diode is
opposite. Now, there is no current. You see the flow meters here indicate no
current here. They did maintain that the current was flowing. Keep in mind in
both cases, the emitter is open. It is out of the circuit. We're just showing the fact
that this behaves just like a diode and the base-emitter would function just like a
diode as well.


Transistor Biasing is setting a transistor’s DC operating voltage or current conditions

to the correct level so that any AC input signal can be amplified correctly by the
transistor. The steady-state operation depends significantly on its base current,
collector voltage, and collector current values; therefore, if the transistor operates
correctly as a linear amplifier, it must be adequately biased around its operating
point. Establishing the correct operating point requires the selection of bias
resistors and load resistors to provide the appropriate input current and collector
voltage conditions. The right biasing point for a bipolar transistor, either NPN or
PNP, generally lies between the two extremes of operation concerning either
“fully-ON” or “fully-OFF” along its DC load line. This central operating point is called
the “Quiescent Operating Point,” or Q-point for short. Transistors are one of the
primarily used semiconductor devices used for various applications, including
amplification and switching. However, to achieve these functions satisfactorily,
the transistor must be supplied with a certain amount of current and voltage.
Setting these conditions for a transistor circuit is referred to as Transistor Biasing. This
goal can be accomplished by various techniques that give rise to different kinds
of biasing circuits. However, all of these circuits are based on the principle of
providing right-amount of base current, IB4


- Transistor Biasing and Biasing of Transistors, Electronics Tutorial (2012)

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