A successful airport master plan guides the orderly development of an airport over time to meet future demand. It defines a phased development program that satisfies planning regulations and stakeholders while overcoming constraints. The master plan process involves forecasting traffic, analyzing facility needs, developing options, and establishing a capital investment and phasing plan through stakeholder consultation. Regular review and adjustment allows the plan to accommodate changing market conditions.
A successful airport master plan guides the orderly development of an airport over time to meet future demand. It defines a phased development program that satisfies planning regulations and stakeholders while overcoming constraints. The master plan process involves forecasting traffic, analyzing facility needs, developing options, and establishing a capital investment and phasing plan through stakeholder consultation. Regular review and adjustment allows the plan to accommodate changing market conditions.
A successful airport master plan guides the orderly development of an airport over time to meet future demand. It defines a phased development program that satisfies planning regulations and stakeholders while overcoming constraints. The master plan process involves forecasting traffic, analyzing facility needs, developing options, and establishing a capital investment and phasing plan through stakeholder consultation. Regular review and adjustment allows the plan to accommodate changing market conditions.
A successful airport master plan guides the orderly development of an airport over time to meet future demand. It defines a phased development program that satisfies planning regulations and stakeholders while overcoming constraints. The master plan process involves forecasting traffic, analyzing facility needs, developing options, and establishing a capital investment and phasing plan through stakeholder consultation. Regular review and adjustment allows the plan to accommodate changing market conditions.
Introduction - Provides guidance to stakeholders on
airport access requirements and All airports should develop a master plan in order to connectivity with landside access. guide future infrastructure development programs ▪ Airport master plans should be prepared by in a logical, sustainable and efficient manner. specialized teams with global experience, and a Airports that lack a master plan or vision of the proven history of delivering plans that enable all future risk developing capacity enhancements that stakeholders to expand their operations in a are incompatible, misconceived, incorrectly sized profitable manner. and poorly located, resulting in wasteful capex or ▪ Applies best practice design and planning restrictions in overall capacity. guidelines will help to inform master plan Master plans should be designed and planned as concepts and options. Refer to IATA’s Airport cost-efficiently as possible and aligned with Development Reference Manuel 12th Edition industry best practices to achieve the ultimate and IATA World Class Airports Position Paper. development potential of the airport. ▪ Is able to accommodate changes in traffic type and the business environment over time e.g. Master plans should be fully consulted upon with expansion based on modular, incremental stakeholders and agreed with the airline community design principles. before proceeding. This is in recognition of the fact ▪ Master plans should be reviewed every 5 years that the success of airlines will ensure the or more regularly as required by market economic benefits for all parties are maximized. developments. Successful Master Plan Managing Constraints A successful plan guides the orderly and timely Airport Master Plans need to manage constraints development of the airport to meet current and early in the planning process. Some of the most future air traffic demand. It should define a common constraints include: development program that meets the needs of the airport and airlines. A successful master plan: ▪ Past developments that impact future planning. ▪ Surrounding terrain or human infrastructure. ▪ Outlines a phasing plan detailing the ▪ Environmental regulations that restrict runway incremental expansion of facilities until the use, and operating hours. ultimate capacity is met, with minimum ▪ Inadequate land in reserve or is too expensive disruption to existing operations. or difficult to acquire. ▪ Satisfies all planning regulations and ▪ A lack of political support for the role of overcomes environmental constraints. aviation. ▪ Documents and mitigates issues facing the airport. Master Planning Process ▪ Is based on a process of consultation and A structured planning process is essential to transparency resulting in a master plan agreed develop a viable and credible master plan that is between all key stakeholders. informed by stakeholder inputs throughout. ▪ Is aligned and informed by airline strategies. ▪ Guides land use in the surrounding area of the IATA has developed a best practice, airport: comprehensive step by step master plan process - Protects the airport from encroachment by (see Appendix A – IATA Master Plan Process for an incompatible land uses. overview).
1 Airport Master Planning
The proposed steps and the key activities ▪ Fleet development, aircraft types and impacts undertaken during those steps include: ▪ Airport market position e.g. origin and destination, transfers, catchment areas. Pre-Planning Development of Options ▪ Identifying objectives. ▪ Identifies options for each major airport ▪ Scoping the effort and determining the scale component e.g. airspace, airfield, passenger and requirements of the master plan. and cargo terminals, support facilities, access. ▪ Determining consultant terms of reference ▪ Develops evaluation criteria to assess options. ▪ Establishing financial thresholds and funding, ▪ Shortlists alternatives. including the maximum level of affordable ▪ Conducts a detail financial and requirements investment. analysis of options. Air traffic/Demand ▪ Refines concepts. ▪ Forecasting future aircraft movements, ▪ Selects preferred, optimized master plan passenger and cargo traffic. option. ▪ Reviewing historical activity. ▪ Prepares the development plan based on the ▪ Identifying trends. recommended alternative for the short, medium and long term. Site Evaluation/Inventory ▪ Establishes a preliminary 10-year capital ▪ Inventory of existing physical and operational investment program. characteristics. ▪ Develops a phasing plan. ▪ Assessment of current facility in terms of their capacity, constraints and condition. Financial Assessment ▪ Estimate capital costs and how these will be Requirements Analysis financed and funded. ▪ Determines airlines strategic and functional ▪ Ensure airport charges are affordable based on needs including growth plans, operational and a positive business case for investment passenger needs. supported by airport users. ▪ Compares existing facilities to current and forecast demand. Reporting and Deliverables ▪ Identifies floor areas/footprint/plot sizes to ▪ Finalize and publish the written master plan inform incremental expansion and the ultimate report including all necessary graphic support. development. Related documentation ▪ Establishes demand levels that will trigger facility expansion. ▪ Appendix A – Master Plan Process (Airport ▪ Considers relative priorities for expansion. Development Reference Manual 12th Edition). ▪ Checks compliance with industry safety and ▪ IATA Airport Development Reference Manual design standards. 12th Edition ▪ IATA World Class Airports position paper. Strategic Choices ▪ ICAO Document 9184 Airport Planning Manual. Identifies primary strategic choices including: ▪ ICAO Annex 14, Vol. 1 Aerodrome Design and Operation. ▪ Government aviation policy. ▪ Environmental constraints. ▪ Home base airline / alliances / partnerships strategies.