SOP August 2022
SOP August 2022
SOP August 2022
2. While exercising these powers, safeguarding the interest of the Company is more important than simple observance of rules and
3. Exercise of powers shall be subject to observance of relevant policies, rules and regulations of the Company and principles of
financial propriety.
4. The powers delegated to an executive can be exercised by the executive above his level.
5. Where financial limit has been prescribed, this shall mean up to and including that amount per case except where annual limit
has been indicated. The approving authority shall ensure that annual limits are not exceeded and details are kept of the same.
Financial limit as defined under various clauses of SOP will be exclusive of GST. Hence, powers of SOP in various items of SOP
shall be construed as without GST.
6. It should be ensured that the powers mentioned herein are viewed in their correct perspective and exercised judiciously by the
officers concerned. The sanctioning authorities shall pay due regard to the Canons of Financial propriety.
7. Minimum level of Finance Officer for financial concurrence shall be up to two grades / scales lower than approving authority as
given in SOP. Wherever officer of that level is not available (for Project & Inspection Offices), finance concurrence can be by an
officer of the manager level at least. Financial concurrence for all proposals requiring Director(s)/ CMD’s approval should be
routed through an officer of at least GM rank in Finance Department.
8. MoU and contracts should be as per standard format to be issued by Legal Department. In case of deviation, clearance from
Legal Department and concerned Director is required. All cases of dispute, litigation and arbitration must be informed to Legal
9. Procedure for tender evaluation and decision – Tender Committee recommendations would be put by the Tender Committee to
Tender Accepting Authority directly. In cases where CMD is Tender Accepting Authority, Tender Committee recommendations
should be routed through concerned Director and Director Finance.
10. Wherever, there is no specific mention regarding Annual Ceiling etc. powers are to be construed as for Each Case.
11. Bills of suppliers/contractors are to be passed and sent to Finance by the officer who has powers to approve the expenditure as
per SoP, subject to maximum SBU Head.
12. SBU Head shall advise for raising Invoice / Bill to client. Invoice / Bill shall be signed by a Finance Officer not below the level of
13. AGMs designated as SBU Head will exercise powers as indicated in column SBU Head (GGM/GM).
14. Wherever there is a change in SoP w.r.t. earlier SoP, the revised SoP shall prevail including for cases in process at various stages.
15. Directors will have full powers for addressing routine / day-to-day issues & activities, though not specifically covered in SoP and
revision of various policies / procedures / guidelines for their respective area to the extent these are not contradictory to any
policies / procedures / guidelines approved by CMD / Board / Government.
16. In case of contradiction in powers of SoP and provisions contained in various policies / procedures / guidelines of the Company,
SoP shall prevail.
17. Where specific powers are not indicated for abroad / overseas projects, powers in SoP shall apply for abroad overseas projects
also. Powers indicated in INR shall be converted @ 1 USD = Rs 75 wherever they are being operated in Foreign Currency.
18. Powers in SoP shall be exercised considering various policies / guidelines issued by Government / company from time to time.
19. In case of issue of any orders / notifications / circulars with the approval of CMD having effect on SoP, the same will be effective
till the time Amendment to SoP is issued incorporating the same.
S Head Head (Other than DGMs
(GGM / Div. / SBU
GM) Head
1. Sanction of:
1.1 Projects in India
i) EOI, Offer and negotiation (including tender fee / cost of tender documents)
Consultancy Projects Full powers Full powers Upto Rs. Upto Rs. Upto Rs. 2 Nil Nil Nil 1. Operating ratio should not be higher than 85% . Offers with
(RITES' fees) 30 crore 15 crore crore Operating Ratio more than 85% would require concerned Director's
2. In case expenses are normalized (excluding cases where in-
Full powers Upto Rs. Upto Rs. Upto Rs. principle approval for normalisation exists) approval of concerned
100 crore 50 crore 25 crore Director & Director Finance would be required.
3. Negotiation with clients can be done by an officer of rank AGM &
Other Projects, EPC / Upto Rs. 5
Nil Nil Nil above with the approval of competent authority as per value.
Turnkey / Supply crore
ii) Post Award - Input Full powers Full powers Upto Upto Upto Rs.2 Nil Nil Nil With Finance concurrence. In case O.R. exceeds 85%, approval of
Estimate and Revised Rs.25 Rs.15 crore concerned Director is required.
Input Estimate crore crore
iii) Submission of As per requirement in the contract and subject to provision in the
Performance / Security input estimate. It should be ensured that guarantee is not open
Deposit / Advance Upto Rs. Upto Rs. Upto Rs. 20 ended and the terms of guarantees are vetted by Finance & Legal
Full powers Full powers Nil Nil Nil
Payment Guarantees 3 crore 1.5 crore lakhs Departments. SBU Heads will have full powers for Extension of Bank
1.2 Projects abroad
i) EOI, Offer and negotiation (including tender fee / cost of tender documents)
Consultancy Projects Full powers Upto Rs. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 1. Operating ratio should not be higher than 80%. Offers with
(RITES' fees) 10 Operating Ratio more than 80% would require concerned Director's
Full powers Nilcrore Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil approval.
2. In case expenses are normalized (excluding cases where in-
principle approval for normalisation exists) approval of concerned
Director & Director Finance would be required.
Other Projects, EPC / 3. Negotiation with clients can be done by an officer of rank GM &
Turnkey / Supply above with the approval of competent authority as per value.
ii) Post Award - Input Full powers Upto Rs. Upto Rs. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil With Finance concurrence. In case O.R. exceeds 80%, approval of
Estimate and Revised 10 5 concerned Director is required.
Input Estimate crore crore
S Head Head (Other than DGMs
(GGM / Div. / SBU
GM) Head
iii) Submission of Upto Rs. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil As per requirement in the contract and subject to provision in the
Performance / Security 1 input estimate. It should be ensured that guarantee is not open
Deposit / Advance Full powers Full powers crore ended and the terms of guarantees are vetted by Finance & Legal
Payment Guarantees Departments.
a) General MoU without Full powers Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 1. Based on extant policy / guidelines for pre-bid partnership.
Financial Commitment/ 2. JVs involving equity participation will require prior approval of
Implications BOD..
Project specific pre-bid Full powers Nil 3. Consultation with Finance Department for terms & conditions such
Jpartnership and similar as taxation, method of payments, Insurance, Guarantee etc. may be
arrangement including required in addition to Legal vetting.
their post bid 4. Joint bid with an associate resulting into an arrangement with
documentation. associate as sub-consultant or similar arrangement, Divisional Head
b) Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil will have full powers for extending back to back provision such as
Extension of time etc during execution.
Packaging of tenders for a Upto Rs. Upto Rs. Total estimated cost of project would be the basis. Reasons of
2.2 Full powers Full powers Nil Nil Nil Nil
project 50 crore 30 crore packaging to be recorded.
1. With Finance concurrence
2. In case client requires RITES to follow their own GCC / tender
conditions or GCC / tender conditions of thier funding agency or the
GCC / tender conditions of CPWD/ MOD/ MES/ Railways/ MORTH
Full powers etc. it will not be treated as deviation and the powers for approval of
Approval of deviations tender documents as given against item 3.0 will be required
Full powers upto power
from Standard Tender provided the PQ Criteria as per RITES Guidelines is adopted. If PQ
upto their of
2.3 and Contract Document, Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Criteria given in RITES Guidelines have to be modified, approval as
power of acceptance
Guidelines on Pre- per Item 2.2 will be required.
acceptance. of SBU
qualification criteria 3. Wherever Standard Tender document is not available, the tender
document prepared shall not be considered as deviation.
3.1 Open Tenders Upto Upto Rs 75 Upto Rs Upto Rs Upto Rs.15 Upto Rs.2 Upto Rs.50 Nil
Rs.150 crore 50 crore 30 crore crore crore lakh
3.2 Limited Tenders Upto Rs.50 Upto Rs.15 Upto Rs.5 Upto Rs.2 Upto Rs.1 Upto Upto Rs.10 Nil
crore crore crore crore crore Rs.25 lakh lakh
S Head Head (Other than DGMs
(GGM / Div. / SBU
GM) Head
3.3 Single Tenders Upto Rs.30 Upto Rs.10 Upto Upto Nil Nil Nil Nil 1. All SBU Heads should ensure that all single tenders / nomination
crores crores Rs.50 Rs.25 awards should be posted on the web site ex-post-facto.
lakhs lakhs 2.Guidelines issued as per Annexure "B" attached to followed.
4 Calling & Acceptance of Upto Rs.75 Upto Rs.25 Upto Upto Nil Nil Nil Nil 1. Guidelines issued as per Annexure "C" attached to be follwed.
quotations for works, lakhs lakhs Rs.15 Rs.10 2. In case of International Projects , the powers would be four times
procurement of supplies lakhs lakhs the amounts shown in respective columns.
and subject to subject to
services for all type of Annual Annual
contracts (excluding Ceiling of Ceiling of
engaging manpower Rs 75 Rs 50
directly Lakhs Lakhs
or through agencies)
5 Purchases / services of special nature (On nomination basis / repeat order basis)
Procurement / services
from Govt. Organizations
/ Railways Workshops / Full Full
Production Units / RDSO / Full Powers Full Powers Powers Nil Nil Nil Nil Including payment of advance, if any.
Central PSUs
Nil Nil Nil To reduce purchase time and efforts for small value orders upto Rs.
25 lakh, one repeat order may be placed, dispensing with normal
tendering procedure, subject to:
Provision of Spares /
-Order value is below Rs.25 lakh and should not exceed the original
consumable purchase on
P.O Value
Repeat Order Basis
-The original/reference purchase order should not be more than two
5.2 (including repeat order Authority who approved the original Purchase order
year old.
placed by one division
- Firm's willingness in writing , to supply the item at the previous PO
against the orders of other
rates and terms and conditions.
- PO issuing authority should certify that the rate of the concerned
items has not come down and are still reasonable.
S Head Head (Other than DGMs
(GGM / Div. / SBU
GM) Head
Upto Rs.
1. Subject to instructions issued by Ministry / DPE from time to
10.4 Vehicles 25 Lakh in Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
each case
S Head Head (Other than DGMs
(GGM / Div. / SBU
GM) Head
11 Hiring
Furniture, office machines, 1. Subject to provision in sanctioned budget /estimate.
machinery, equipments,
tools & plants and any Full Full
11.1 other infrastructure as per Full Powers Full Powers Powers Powers
Nil Nil Nil Nil
Project requirement
11.4 Services
11.4.1 Administrative Approval for engagement of Agencies (excluding manpower) with expenditure out of RITES's Fee
11.4.3 Engagement of Govt. Full Powers Full Powers Upto Upto Upto Rs.20 Nil Nil Nil Subject to the following conditions:
Agencies / Institutions for Rs.50 Rs.30 lakh lakh in each 1. Provision exists in the sanctioned budget / estimate.
specialized lakh in in case. 2. Agency / Institute is as per list approved (Annexure- "D") or
studies/design/proof each each separately approved by Director
checking and lab testing case. case. 3. Advance payment to agencies / institutions will be with the approval
etc. without calling of SBU Head.
quotation / tenders.
11.5 Residential Full Powers Full Powers Full Full Full Powers Nil Nil Nil As per Standard Terms & Conditions of lease and guidelines from
Accommodation for Powers Powers time to time. Any deviation from standard terms of lease would
employees on Self / require approval of Divisional Head after vetting Finance & Legal.
Company Lease
12 Repairs & Maintenence
12.1 Maintenance of Company Full powers Upto Rs. 25 Upto Rs. Upto Rs. 5 Upto Rs. 1 Nil Nil Nil
owned /Leased office and Lakhs in 10 Lakhs Lakhs in Lakh in 1. To be done by officer nominated to maintain property.
accomodation each case. in each each each case. 2. Provision existing in sanctioned estimate / budget.
case. case. 3. Subject to provision of lease agreement.
12.2 Company's vehicles and Full powers Upto Rs. 5 Upto Rs. Upto Rs. Upto Rs. Upto Rs. Upto Rs. Upto Rs.
1. To be done by officer nominated to maintain vehicle / specified
other assets (excluding Lakh each 2 Lakh 1 Lakh 50,000/- in 25,000/- in 5,000/- in 2,000/- in
Rolling Stock) case each case each case each case each case each case each case
2. Provision existing in sanctioned estimate / budget.
14.1 Write-off of debts /dues Upto Upto Upto Rs. Upto Upto Nil Nil Nil
/outstandings / Rs.20,00,00
Rs.5,00,000 2,00,000/- Rs.50,000 Rs.20,000/-
Subject to Finance concurrence and laid down procedures as per
recoverables 0/- in /- in /- in in each
Annexure "E"
each case in each each case each case case
Full Powers Upto Rs. 10 Upto Rs. Upto Rs. 2
with lakh in each 5 lakh in lakh in
14.2 Write back of fee / income Nil Nil Nil Nil Subject to finance concurrence.
consent of case each case each case
Sanction of imprest Finance Upto Upto Upto Upto Upto 1. Powers for GGM / GM (Other than SBU Head) and AGM are only
/advances to staff working Rs.200,000/- Rs.100,00 Rs.100,00 Rs.50,000/- Rs.25,000/- for RES Division.
15 under them. Full Powers in 0/- in 0/- in in each in each Nil Nil 2. Imprest shall be recouped only once in a month.
each case each each case case
case. case.
16 Insurance for Property and Full Powers Full Powers Full Full Full Powers Nil Nil Nil
assets of the client Powers Powers
(pending handing over) Subject to finance concurrence.
and of Company
Sanction of Misc. Upto Rs. 2 Upto Rs. Upto Rs. 1 Upto Upto
Expenses of contingent lakh in each 1 Lakh in Lakh in Rs.20,000/- Rs.10,000/-
17 nature and unforseen Full Powers case each case each case in each in each Nil Nil Subject to provision in input estimate / budget
expenses case case
S Head Head (Other than DGMs
(GGM / Div. / SBU
GM) Head
Upto Rs Upto Rs Upto Rs Upto Upto Rs. Upto Rs. Upto Rs.
25,000/- in 20,000/- 10,000/- in Rs.5,000/- 3,000 in 2,000 in 1,000 in
each case in each each in each each case each case each case
subject to case case case subject to subject to subject to
To authorize expenditure Annual subject to subject to subject to Annual Annual Annual
18 on hospitality / Full powers Ceiling of Annual Annual Annual Ceiling of Ceiling of Ceiling of Subject to provision in input estimate / budget
Entertainment in India Rs 5 Lakhs Ceiling of Ceiling of Ceiling of Rs 30,000/- Rs 20,000/- Rs 10,000/-
Rs 3 Rs 2 Rs 50,000/-
Lakhs Lakhs
Full powers
subject to
Purchase of Gift Articles each item
for Clients / mementos for being not
19 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Subject to budget provisions for SBU / Division.
guests /business more than
associates Rs.25,000/-
Up to Rs. Rs. 5 lakh Rs. 5 lakh Subject to guidelines issued on the subject.
To incur expenditure on
10 lakh in in each in each
21 legal / taxation issues / Full Powers Nil Nil Nil Nil
each case case case
22 Statutory levies such as Full Powers Full Powers Full Full
local taxes related to Powers Powers
Estate, Filing Fee etc. Nil Nil Nil Nil
Operation of posts and Administrative Ministry's approval is required for creation of posts at
25 approval of appointments, Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil the level of E-7 and above, in terms of DPE OM No. 16(11)/2008-GM
Recruitment dt. 4.11.2008
Full powers
Promotion and allied Full powers
25.1 upto Cluster Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
activities for Non Exe
Grant of leave and Full Powers Full Powers Full Full Full Powers Full Full Full Power for grant of extraordinary leave lies only with Director upto
revocation and recall Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers AGM and Divisional Head for Cluster-I. LAP(EL) and LHAP can be
from leave for staff sanctioned by GM and above level officers
working under
Sanction of travel by Full Powers Upto Upto Upto Upto Nil Nil Nil Travel by Air by Employees who are otherwise not entitled will require
higher class and stay in Rs.50,000/- Rs.20,000 Rs.10,000 Rs.5,000/- approval of Director.
25.8 hotels of higher class in in each in each in each in each
India. case. case case case
Nomination of employees Full powers Upto Upto Upto Nil Nil Nil Nil 1. Intimation to be sent to Personnel Branch in CO.
for training / seminars / Rs.50,000/- Rs.25,000 Rs.25,000 2. Proposal of nomination duly approved to be routed through the
Conferences within the per annum /- per /- per Department entrusted with work related to Training / Workshops /
country. on each annum on annum on Seminar etc. for further aciton and records.
employee each each 3. Deligation to Divisional Head of Training SBU sgall be double the
employee employee powers of Divisional Heads.
S Head Head (Other than DGMs
(GGM / Div. / SBU
GM) Head
Expenditure on Exhibition
/ Trade Fair / Meetings /
28 Full Powers lakh in each Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Seminars / Conferences /
official events
29 Foreign Projects
Secondment / deputation
of company employees
abroad including the terms
& conditions and their
29.1 recall / repartiation before Full powers Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
expiry of Secondment / for Non Exe
deputation agreement
S Head Head (Other than DGMs
(GGM / Div. / SBU
GM) Head
29.3 Payment of Fee to Concerned 1. Subject to condition that approval for engagement and
Professional Agency Director remunerations has been accorded by competent authority as per
Abroad appointed as per Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil extant policy.
extant guidelines 2. With associate finance concurrence as per agreement with the
a) Project Expenses Other
than Entertainment &
29.4 Full Powers Full Powers Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Subject to provision in input estimate / budget.
Capital expenditure
Option: - (b) Maximum 10% advance against Proforma Invoice and Bank Guarantee
and balance on receipt of material.
Option: - (c) Standard terms of Railway Production / Manufacturing Unit for purchases.
2. Point of Delivery :
3. Consignee :
4. Delivery Period :
6. Inspection :
7. Packing :
8. Warrantee / Guarantee :
9. Marking :
12. Documents :
13. Correspondence :
Prior administrative approval of the authority competent to call for single tender, as per Schedule of Powers in force shall
be obtained, besides obtaining finance concurrence.
Before according such administrative approval, the competent authority shall satisfy himself that at least one of the following
conditions are fulfilled:
1. a) That the situation is emergent, i. e. Accidents, force majeure, etc. involving dislocation / disruption of essential
Services / work.
b) Works / procurement / services of specialized nature, where procurement is possible from single source only.
d) That in case of proprietary articles, it is certified that a similar article is not manufactured by any other firm which
could be used in lieu.
2. Tight targets and urgency cannot be accepted as reason for calling single tend
3. There will be no requirement for calling tender for Proprietary Items and formation of tender committee for cases valuing
upto Rs 25 Lakhs.
1. The quantity of work / supply should not be split with an intention to bring the value down to a level of quotation.
2. Quotation should be called to meet any emergent / immediate requirement or small items costing more than Rs.50,000/-. No
repeat order is permitted in case of work undertaken on quotation basis. For procurement / works / services abroad, quotations
may be adopted in other situations also.
3. Minimum three sealed quotations should be collected / called from reputed and known contractors / suppliers. There need not be
prior finance concurrence.
4. In case of project sites situated at remote locations / abroad where obtaining three quotations is difficult, requirement of minimum
3 quotations can be relaxed by the Divisional Heads by recording reasons for such relaxation.
5. There is no need to form a tender opening committee for the quotations. The same should be opened by a committee comprising
of three members one from SBU, one from other than SBU and one from Finance with following minimum level of officers: -
6. The accepting authority should satisfy him / her about the reasonability of rates and other terms with reference to the estimate
and prevailing market conditions. The basis of acceptance should be the lowest qualified quotation. All principles of
financial propriety should be followed.
10. In case of award of work on quotation basis, variation / deviation is not envisaged normally. However, in case deviation
happens, reasons for same are to be recorded and it will be dealt as under: -
i. Downward variation is allowed with the approval of the authority originally approved award of work on quotation.
iii. Guidelines as given in Section 17 of Construction Project Management (CPM) dealing with Extra, Substituted and
Deviated Items of work shall be applicable.
S. No. Name of the Govt. Agency / Institutions
10. CIMFR Dhanbad (Central Institute for Mining and fuel Research Dhanbad Roorkee Nagpur
19. Central Mining & Research Station – New Delhi & Pune
24. Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd., Garden Reach Road, Kolkata
34. Himachal Pradesh Remote Sensing, State Council for Scientific Technology and Environment, Shimla
38. National Council for Cement and Building Materials (NCCBM), Ballabhgarh
39. Centre for Wind Energy Technology (C-WET), Chennai, Tamil Nadu
42. Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, Howrah, West Bengal
1. Income is recognised in Books of Accounts as per company’s Accounting Policy on “Revenue Recognition”. Based on
the services/supplies rendered a s per the milestone laid down in the contracts, invoices are raised upon the
clients and revenue is recognized with corresponding recoverable in the Books of Accounts.
2. Uncertainty arises subsequently relating to realisation of recoverable from the clients for any reasons or recoverable have
become too old to be realised or concerned records are untraceable in client/RITES office(s) or Court has given award
against company, in such situations management have no option except to write off the debts.
3. The authority for approval of the write off action has been laid down in the delegation of power as contained in the Schedule
of Powers (SOP) of RITES. A proposal to write off may be examined by Finance & Accounts section which satisfies one or
more of the following criteria :-
3.1 Client has rejected the claim in full or in part on account of unsatisfactory services/supplies. Management also
inclined to agree to a greater extent.
3.2 The amount is small and follow up action may cost more than the recoverable amount or initiating any legal/arbitration action
may not be cost effective in such case, it would be economical to write off the recoverable.
3.3 In case arbitration clause is invoked and the decision has gone against the company, it may be decided not to take further
legal action but to write off recoverable. If no arbitration clause exists, it must be ensured whether legal action needs to be
initiated or not? The time limitation under the Limitation Act may also be kept in view.
3.4 Company is not intending to invoke arbitration/legal action against the client but to write off the recoverable to keep good
business relation with the client and company expects to get more business.
3.5 Adequate follow-up actions have been taken up at all levels but have not yielded any result. This needs to be mentioned and
linked along with the replies/correspondences with the clients.
3.6 Recoverable has become very old and client has expressed inability to pay or outright rejected the claims for want of
records, death, superannuation, transfer of offices, etc.
3.7 Follow up actions cannot be continued for want of records either at company level or client’s end as a result of sudden
demise/resignation/absconding of the concerned incumbent dealing the project. Due to this reason, recoverable may not likely
to be realized or even legal action may not be initiated.
3.8 In case no arbitration clause exists in the agreement, legal actions need to be initiated before recoverable becomes time barred
as per law of Limitation Act, but no legal action has been initiated within the limitation period and chances of realization of
debt is bleak despite follow up.
4. Proposal to write off should include j u s t i f i c a t i o n in view of p o s s i b i l i t y recovery of recoverable, legal or other actions
costs, period of outstanding, probability of recovery, reasons for rejection, legal position status, effect on future business,
operating ratio of the project, etc.
5. In case recoverable is not as per contractual obligations or is due to wrong billing, the same is to be dealt with as per a
separate procedure on “Write Back” in the Accounts Manual & not as per this procedure on write off. 5.1. The concerned
unit/office will initiate the proposal to write off through the respective