Food Production Records 049715
Food Production Records 049715
Food Production Records 049715
Record breakfast, lunch and one snack daily. This is the most popular food production record utilized by
sponsors that prepare breakfast, lunch and PM snack on site Monday through Friday.
This form is used by sponsors that are approved for two meals and one snack served daily (Breakfast, Lunch,
This form is used by sponsors that have been approved for three meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Supper). Also, this
record can be used by food vendors providing more than one meal to a sponsor’s site.
This record is often used by the food vendor to document the total prepared breakfast items, the number of
servings prepared for various groups or age levels and a portion guide for serving to participants.
This record is primarily used at facilities where breakfast is prepared on site; the lunch is supplied by a food
vendor who completes a food production record for the meals they are contracted to supply. The form is used
by the sponsor to document breakfast items prepared on site.
This record is primarily used when the sponsor prepares their own breakfast and the lunch/supper is prepared
from a food vendor. For snacks the center can use dated menus.
Food vendors will typically complete this form and give to a sponsor or site staff when food is delivered each
day. Sponsors will keep the records on file. Sponsors may use this type of form if they want more space to
document food items prepared.
Food Production Record—Weekly Instructions
1. Write the date the menu was served, including month, day and year.
2. Record all food items served in the appropriate sections under Food Item. For a menu item such as tuna pea casserole, write each food
component in the appropriate section, e.g., write tuna in the meat/meat alternate section, peas in the vegetable section, and noodles in
grains section.
3. Enter the quantity of each food item prepared in the appropriate section under Quantity. Be specific and use weight or volume
measures only (examples: beef, raw 80/20, 10 pounds; potatoes, whole, raw, three pounds; one percent milk, one gallon, etc.).
4. Enter the number of children and/or adult servings planned for at each meal.
Food Production Record—Weekly
Week of: ______________________________________
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Food Component
Food Item/Quantity Food Item/Quantity Food Item/Quantity Food Item/Quantity Food Item/Quantity
Fruit or Vegetable
Number of Meals
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Food Component
Food Item/Quantity Food Item/Quantity Food Item/Quantity Food Item/Quantity Food Item/Quantity
Fruit or Vegetable
Meat/Meat Alternate
Number of Meals
Number of Snacks
Food Production Record—Daily
Cycle Week (Number)/Day ___________________ Date:______________________________
*Meat/meat alternate can be served in place of grains up to three times per week at breakfast.
Note: A daily Food Production Record for snack does not have to be completed; however, a written, dated menu
that specifically identifies the two food components that are planned/served must be documented.
*Meat/meat alternate can be served in place of grains up to three times per week at breakfast.
Note: A daily Food Production Record for snack does not have to be completed; however, a written, dated menu
that specifically identifies the two food components that are planned/served must be documented.
Meal/Prep Counts:
Total: ____________________________________
Food Used
(Include brand and Age Groups Planned Portion Size Quantity Prepared
Fruit or Vegetable
Other Item(s)
Food Production Record—Weekly, Breakfast
Monday (date): Specific Food Served Amount Prepared
1. Milk
2. Fruit or Vegetable
3. Grains
Number of meals/participants: _________________________________________________
Tuesday (date): Specific Food Served Amount Prepared
1. Milk
2. Fruit or Vegetable
3. Grains
Number of meals/participants: _________________________________________________
Wednesday (date): Specific Food Served Amount Prepared
1. Milk
2. Fruit or Vegetable
3. Grains
Number of meals/participants: _________________________________________________
Thursday (date): Specific Food Served Amount Prepared
1. Milk
2. Fruit or Vegetable
3. Grains
Number of meals/participants: _________________________________________________
Friday (date): Specific Food Served Amount Prepared
1. Milk
2. Fruit or Vegetable
3. Grains
Number of meals/participants: _________________________________________________
Saturday (date): Specific Food Served Amount Prepared
1. Milk
2. Fruit or Vegetable
3. Grains
Number of meals/participants: _________________________________________________
Sunday (date): Specific Food Served Amount Prepared
1. Milk
2. Fruit or Vegetable
3. Grains
Number of meals/participants: _________________________________________________
Food Production Record—Monthly, Breakfast Instructions
1. Record all creditable food items served in the appropriate sections under Food Item. For a menu item such as goulash, record each food
component in the appropriate section (i.e. record beef in the meat/meat alternate section, tomatoes in the fruit/vegetable section, and
noodles in grains/breads section).
2. Enter the quantity of each food item prepared in the appropriate section under Quantity. Be specific. Use weights, measures, or numbers
(i.e. 10 pounds; one gallon, 15 cups, etc.)
3. Enter the number of servings prepared for both children and adults.
Food Production Record—Monthly, Breakfast
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Food Component
Food Item/Quantity Food Item/Quantity Food Item/Quantity Food Item/Quantity Food Item/Quantity
Fruit or Vegetable
Number of Meals
Meal/Prep Counts:
Total: ____________________________________
Food Used
(Include brand and Age Groups Planned Portion Size Quantity Prepared
Meat/Meat Alternate
Fruit or Vegetable