TMP 429 F
TMP 429 F
TMP 429 F
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to test the muscle have been employed to investigate muscle sore-
hypothesis that remodeling of skeletal muscle extracel- ness, inflammation, and regeneration (e.g., 1, 2– 4).
lular matrix (ECM) is involved in protecting human The majority of these studies have used high-force
muscle against injury. Biopsies were obtained from lengthening (eccentric) contractions. However, we re-
medial gastrocnemius muscles after a single bout of cently provided evidence for the capacity also of elec-
electrical stimulation (B) or a repeated bout (RB) 30 d trically stimulated isometric contractions to induce
later, or 30 d after a single stimulation bout (RBc). A muscle damage and initiate regenerative events in
muscle biopsy was collected from the control leg for humans, evidenced by infiltration of inflammatory
comparison with the stimulated leg. Satellite cell con- cells, the presence of desmin" and dystrophin" fibers,
tent, tenascin C, and muscle regeneration were assessed z-line disruption, and activated satellite cells (SCs;
by immunohistochemistry; real-time PCR was used to refs. 5, 6).
measure mRNA levels of collagens, laminins, heat- Lengthening contractions have also been the tradi-
shock proteins (HSPs), inflammation, and related tional model of choice in investigations into under-
growth factors. The large responses of HSPs, CCL2, standing how one exercise bout could protect against
and tenascin C detected 48 h after a single bout were muscle damage when a similar bout was repeated (the
attenuated in the RB trial, indicative of protection phenomenon known as the repeated-bout effect). The
against injury. Satellite cell content and 12 target genes, fact that a muscle can be protected from damage and
including IGF-1, were elevated 30 d after a single bout. soreness purely by a single bout of exercise performed
Among those displaying the greatest difference vs. from 1 wk up to several months (e.g., 7–9) prior to
control muscle, ECM laminin-!1 and collagen types I reexposure to the same exercise is intriguing and has
and III were elevated !6- to 9-fold (P<0.001). The implications not only for strategies in injury prevention
findings indicate that the sequenced events of load- but also potentially in understanding muscle plasticity
induced early deadhesion and later strengthening of in the context of acute and chronic muscle wasting. At
skeletal muscle ECM play a role in protecting human the cellular level, heat shock proteins (HSPs) have
muscle against future injury.—Mackey, A. L., Brand- received some attention, with support for and against a
stetter, S., Schjerling, P., Bojsen-Moller, J., Qvortrup, role in the repeated-bout effect (10 –12). Similarly,
K., Pedersen, M. M., Doessing, S. Kjaer, M., Magnus- evidence suggests that inflammatory cells might be
son, S. P., Langberg, H. Sequenced response of extra- involved (13, 14). While many candidates are likely, the
cellular matrix deadhesion and fibrotic regulators after connective tissue making up the endomysium and
muscle damage is involved in protection against future perimysium has received little attention, despite its
injury in human skeletal muscle. FASEB J. 25, 1943–1959 many roles, including accommodation of nociceptors,
(2011). transmission of force, registration and conversion of
mechanical signals, and as a niche regulator of myo-
Key Words: insulin-like growth factor-1 ! satellite cells ! colla- genic precursor cells (15–18). It has been shown clearly
gen ! tenascin C ! repeated bout effect
Correspondence: Institute of Sports Medicine, Bispebjerg
Hospital (building 8, 1st floor), Bispebjerg Bakke 23, DK-2400
The adaptation of skeletal muscle after injury to Copenhagen NV, Denmark. E-mail: abigail.mackey@gmail.
resist future damage is not understood. Models induc- com
ing controlled and standardized damage to skeletal doi: 10.1096/fj.10-176487
1944 Vol. 25 June 2011 The FASEB Journal ! MACKEY ET AL.
circulating CK. Plasma CK levels were measured at the Regeneration
Department of Clinical Biochemistry at Bispebjerg Hospital,
Copenhagen, as described in detail previously (5). Regeneration was investigated by double-staining serial sec-
tions with the following combinations of primary antibodies:
Muscle biopsies embryonic myosin (F1.652; Developmental Studies Hybrid-
oma Bank, Iowa City, IA, USA) and dystrophin; CD56
(347740; Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA, USA) and laminin;
Muscle biopsies were obtained from the belly of the gastroc- laminin '5 (4C7, ab17107; Abcam) and laminin; myosin type
nemius medialis by percutaneous needle biopsy with suction. I (A4.951; Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank) and
None of the participants in this study had previously had laminin; myosin type II (A4.74; Developmental Studies Hy-
biopsies taken from either gastrocnemius medialis muscle. bridoma Bank) and laminin.
Two biopsies were collected from each individual in the RB
group 48 h after the second bout of ES, one from the leg that Tenascin C
had been stimulated and one from the contralateral leg as a
control. In the RBc group, which did not undergo a second
bout of ES, biopsies were collected 30 d after the single bout Tenascin-C immunoreactivity was digitally evaluated from
of ES in order to investigate any residual regeneration at this sections incubated with the primary antibody NCL-Tenas-C
time point. On extraction, part of the sample was immersed (Novocastra; Leica Microsystems, Newcastle On Tyne, UK), a
in 2% glutaraldehyde in 0.05 M sodium phosphate buffer biotinylated secondary antibody (E0433; Dako), Vector Elite
(pH 7.2) for analysis by transmission electron microscopy. ABC kit (PK6100; Vector Laboratories, Peterborough, UK)
The remaining part of the sample was aligned, embedded in and visualized with Immpact diaminobenzidine (DAB) sub-
Tissue-Tek (Sakura Finetek Europe, Zoeterwoude, The Nether- strate (SK-4105, Vector Laboratories). The percentage of
lands) and frozen by immersion in isopentane, precooled by pixels demonstrating tenascin-C immunoreactivity was calcu-
liquid nitrogen. Serial transverse sections (10 %m) were cut at lated from 2 nonoverlapping images of dimension 1323 $
"24°C using a cryostat and stored at "80°C. Muscle biopsies 1757 %m with the aid of the threshold function in ImageJ
from a previous study (5), stored in Tissue-Tek at "80°C since 1.42q (U.S. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD,
collection, were included for the mRNA analysis, and new USA).
immunohistochemical analyses were performed for the pres-
ent study. These biopsies were collected 48 h after a single Collagen types I and III
bout of ES identical to the one used in the current study and
are referred to here as the B group. We have previously Immunohistochemical staining for collagen types III (C7805,
published data documenting muscle damage and SC activa- Sigma-Aldrich Denmark A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark) and
tion in these biopsies (5, 6). The CD68 and laminin immu- type I (C2456, Sigma-Aldrich) was also performed to investi-
nohistochemical double-staining performed for one of the gate the localization of these collagen types in regenerating
previous studies (5) was reevaluated in the present study. All muscle.
other stainings of biopsies in the B group described in the
present study were performed in conjunction with staining
biopsies from the RB and RBc groups.
The number of SCs was determined from cross-sections
Immunohistochemical analysis of muscle biopsies stained with a combination of Pax7, Type I myosin, and
laminin, as described recently in detail (30). Briefly, sections
Immunohistochemical stainings were performed using the were incubated overnight with a mouse anti-Pax7 antibody
same antibodies as in a prior study (5). Briefly, visualization of (MO15020; Neuromics, Edina, MN, USA). A biotinylated
primary antibody binding was achieved with a combination of secondary antibody (E0433; Dako) was then applied, followed
two of the Molecular Probes Alexa Fluor 488/568 goat by Vector Elite ABC kit (PK6100; Vector Laboratories). DAB
anti-mouse/rabbit secondary antibodies (A11031, A11034, substrate visualized antibody binding. The sections were then
A11036, A11029; Invitrogen A/S, Taastrup, Denmark). 4&,6- incubated with primary antibodies against type I myosin
Diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) in the mounting medium (A4.951; Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank) and laminin.
(P36931; Molecular Probes ProLong Gold; Invitrogen) Alexa Fluor 488 goat anti-rabbit and 568 goat anti-mouse
stained the nuclei blue. As well as the rabbit anti-laminin secondary antibodies rendered type I myosin red and laminin
antibody (Z0097; Dako Denmark A/S, Glostrup, Denmark) green. Sites of Pax7 antigenicity were stained with DAB, visible
used as a general basement membrane marker, we also by light microscopy. See Fig. 2 for an example of this staining on
performed staining with a mouse antibody against laminin '5 one of the biopsies from this study. The number of Pax7 cells
chain (4C7, ab17107; Abcam, Cambridge, UK). To distin- associated with type I or type II fibers was determined and
guish between these two, the general laminin antibody is expressed relative to the total number of type I or type II fibers
referred to here as laminin, and the laminin '5 chain-specific included in the assessment.
antibody is referred to as laminin '5.
Macrophages and cellular activity
Myofiber damage
Macrophage staining was assessed in a similar manner to that
described above for tenascin C from 3 nonoverlapping im-
Macrophage infiltration of myofibers was evaluated from ages of dimensions 664 $ 882 %m, both to calculate the
sections double-stained with primary antibodies for CD68 percentage of pixels demonstrating CD68 immunoreactivity
(M0718; Dako) and laminin (Z0097; Dako). Intermediate and the number of CD68( cells per square millimeter of
filament and sarcolemma disruption was investigated by dou- tissue. As an indicator of general cellular activity, staining for
ble-staining with primary antibodies for desmin (18-0016; Ki67 (CP249, Biocare Medical, Concord, CA, USA) was
Zymed, San Francisco, CA, USA) and dystrophin (ab15277; performed and the number of positive cells expressed relative
Abcam), respectively. to 100 fibers.
Transmission electron microscopy precipitated again with the help of sodium-acetate (10 %l 3M
NaAc pH 5.5) and 200 %l 96% ethanol. The obtained pellet
Following 3 rinses in 0.15 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH was washed again with 75% ethanol, air-dried, and dissolved
7.2), the specimens were postfixed in 1% OsO4 in 0.15 M in 20 %l RNase-free water. RNA concentrations were deter-
sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) for 2 h. The specimens mined by spectroscopy at 260 nm. In addition, absorbance at
were dehydrated in a graded series of ethanol, transferred to 240 and 280 nm was measured to ensure the purity of the
propylene oxide, and embedded in Epon (TAAB Laborato- sample (260/280- and 260/240-nm ratio). Furthermore, RNA
ries Equipment Ltd., Aldermaston, UK) according to stan- quality was verified by RNA gel electrophoresis using a
dard procedures. Ultrathin sections were cut with a Reichert- formaldehyde agarose gel.
Jung Ultracut E microtome (Leica Microsystems), collected
on 1-hole copper grids with Formvar supporting membranes Real-time PCR
(Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and stained with uranyl ace-
tate and lead citrate. The sections were examined using a Total RNA (450 ng)was reverse transcribed into cDNA in 20
Philips CM 100 transmission electron microscope (Philips, %l using the OmniScript reverse transcriptase (Qiagen, Va-
Amsterdam, The Netherlands) operated at an accelerating lencia, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer’s protocol.
voltage of 80 kV. Digital images were obtained with an Following dilution of cDNA (1:20), 5 %l of diluted cDNA was
Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions (OSIS) Veleta, side-mounted amplified in a 25 %l reaction batch using 1$ QuantiTect
digital slow scan 2000 $ 2000 CCD camera (Olympus, Tokyo, SYBR Green (Qiagen) Master Mix and 100 nM of each primer
Japan) and the AnalySIS ITEM software package (ITEM (Table 1). The amplification was monitored in real time using
Software, Whitely,UK). Images from the RB and RBc groups a Mx3005P real-time PCR machine (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA,
were combined with the original images for the B group (5) USA). Cycle threshold (Ct) values were related to a standard
and were assessed as described previously (5) in a masked curve made with the cloned PCR products. Specificity was
procedure by an investigator not involved in any of the biopsy ensured by melting curve analysis after the PCR run. Ct values
analyses. ranged from 15 to 40. RPLP0 mRNA was chosen as an
internal control because it was assumed to be expressed
Gene expression analysis constitutively. To validate this assumption, another unrelated
and constitutively expressed mRNA, GAPDH, was measured
Muscle biopsies from all 3 groups were processed at the same and normalized to RPLP0. GAPDH-RPLP0 ratio showed a
time for this analysis. Biopsies were sectioned in batches (with nonconstitutive expression pattern, but RPLP0 was still con-
biopsies from each of the 3 groups represented in each sidered the best choice, as described in Discussion. mRNA
batch) at "24°C using a cryostat, and the frozen sections were data are presented as fold changes relative to the mean of all
collected into a precooled tube. After adding beads (five control values for muscle. Samples were successfully analyzed
2.3-mm steel beads and 1 silicium carbide grain; Biospec from all groups: 5 pairs from the B group, 9 from the RB
Products, Bartlesville, OK, USA) and 1000 %l TriReagent group, and 11 from the RBc group.
(Molecular Research Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA), the
mixture was shaken (Fastprep24; MP Biomedicals, Solon, Statistics
OH, USA) immediately for 15 s at speed 4 m/s and cooled on
ice for !2 min. This procedure was repeated twice. 1-bromo- The level of statistical significance for all tests was P ) 0.05.
3-chloropropane (BCP; 100 %l; Molecular Research Center) Unless otherwise specified, all data are presented as means #
was then added to separate the homogenized muscle samples se. mRNA data were log transformed and analyzed using
into an aqueous and an organic phase. The aqueous phase SigmaPlot for Windows 11.0 (Systat Software Inc., San Jose,
(450 %l; containing the RNA) was used to precipitate RNA CA, USA) by 2-way repeated measures ANOVA. Where a
with isopropanol (450 %l). Following the first wash with 75% significant group $ leg interaction was detected, comparisons
ethanol, the pellet was dissolved in 100 %l RNase-free water, between control and ES legs within and across groups were
1946 Vol. 25 June 2011 The FASEB Journal ! MACKEY ET AL.
TABLE 1. Primer sequences for PCR
performed using the Student-Newman-Keuls method. mRNA 4, 45 # 4, and 48 # 6 mA, respectively, increasing
data are presented as geometric means # back-transformed continually with time. All subjects received exactly the
se. All other data were analyzed with GraphPad Prism for same current at each 5-min interval during bout 2 as
Macintosh 4.0c (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA).
Force production under stimulation during bouts 1 and 2 in during bout 1 and could tolerate the stimulation current
the RB group was compared using a 2-tailed paired t test. delivered. Force production under stimulation was similar
Soreness and CK data for bouts 1 and 2 in the RB group were for both bouts (bout 1 vs. 2: 101#41 vs. 91#44 N;
analyzed using a 2-way repeated measures ANOVA with P*0.47). The stimulation current over the 30 min period
subsequent Bonferroni post hoc tests where a main interaction for the B, RB, and RBc groups was 29 # 10, 41 # 6, and
was observed. Soreness and CK data for the RBc group (effect 28 # 7 mA, respectively. Significant main effects of time
of biopsying alone) were analyzed using a 1-way repeated
and group (P)0.0001) were detected, indicating that the
measures ANOVA with subsequent Dunnett’s multiple com-
parison tests of each post-treatment time point vs. baseline, mean stimulation current delivered to the RB group was
where a significant main effect was detected. Soreness area greater than that delivered to the B and RBc groups.
under the curve was analyzed with a 1-way ANOVA test and
Newman-Keuls multiple comparison post hoc tests. Tenascin-C,
Ki67, z-line, and macrophage (RB and RBc group) data were Soreness
analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test, with Dunn’s multiple compar-
ison test where the main outcome was significant. Macro-
Muscle soreness was observed to increase in all individ-
phage data from the B group were compared with the
Wilcoxon signed rank test. Since the stability of the Pax7 uals in the RB trial following both bout 1 and bout 2,
antigen over time is unknown, the Pax7 analysis of the older peaking on d 2 or 3 (Fig. 3). A 2-way repeated measures
biopsies from the B group were subject to separate statistical ANOVA revealed a significant effect of time (P)0.0001),
analysis (paired t test) from the RB and RBc groups. Pax7 data but not bout or interaction, for all 3 soreness measures
from the RB and RBc groups were analyzed by 2-way repeated (palpation, contraction, and stretching). The pattern for
measures ANOVA. Stimulation current for the B, RB, and RBc the contraction and stretching data was similar to the
groups was also tested by 2-way repeated measures ANOVA.
palpation data displayed in Fig. 3.
Participants in the RBc group reported increased mus-
cle soreness after biopsy sampling alone, peaking on d 3
RESULTS to 2 AU, 1 d after the biopsy procedure (P)0.001). To
compare muscle soreness between bouts in the RB group
Stimulation current and evoked force production with the effect of biopsy sampling alone (RBc group), the
area under the curve from d 0 to 7 was calculated. Again,
Levels of stimulation current during the first bout at 5, 10, no significant differences were observed between bout 1
15, 20, 25, and 30 min were 32 # 5, 37 # 5, 40 # 4, 43 # and bout 2 for the RB group. The active contraction area
Myofiber damage
1948 Vol. 25 June 2011 The FASEB Journal ! MACKEY ET AL.
(desmin", dystrophin", infiltrated with CD68( cells) fiber each. No laminin '5( fibers were detected in any
was observed. In the biopsies collected from the mus- of the control leg biopsies. One biopsy from the
cles subjected to ES, desmin" fibers were observed in 2 stimulated leg of a member of the RBc group, clearly
subjects in the RB group and 2 subjects in the RBc demonstrating ongoing regeneration, was investigated
group vs. 4 subjects in the B group (5). Fibers infil- further (Fig. 6). The areas of laminin '5( endomysium
trated with CD68( cells were present in 4 biopsies from staining were associated with other signs of regenera-
the RB group and 2 from the RBc group, compared to tion (see Fig. 5 for details).
5 of 7 biopsies in the B group (5).
Tenascin C
Figure 5 displays the proportion of fibers from the Tenascin-C analysis revealed a greater extent of immu-
stimulated leg that were positive for embryonic myosin noreactivity in the B group when compared with the RB
or laminin '5. Two biopsies from the control leg of the and RBc groups (Fig. 7). The mean value for control
RBc trial contained 1 embryonic myosin (F1.652)( biopsies was 0.2%.
1950 Vol. 25 June 2011 The FASEB Journal ! MACKEY ET AL.
Figure 8. Immunohistochemical staining pat-
tern of collagen types I and III on cross-
sections of skeletal muscle 30 d after a single
bout of ES-induced isometric contractions
(RBc group). Two serial sections from the
stimulated and control legs of one individual
were double-stained with laminin and type I
(series 1 and 2) or type III (series 3 and 4)
collagen. The collagen (a) and laminin (b)
stainings are displayed separately and as com-
puter-generated merged images (c). Both colla-
gen types were observed in perimysium (ar-
rows) and endomysium (arrowheads), with
negligible staining of capillaries. Endomysium
around regenerating fibers appeared to dem-
onstrate more intense immunoreactivity for col-
lagen types I and III (circled area). Scale bars *
200 %m.
Pax7/f 0.15 # 0.03 0.14 # 0.02 0.11 # 0.01 0.16 # 0.01 0.07 # 0.01 0.13 # 0.02*
Pax7/ft I 0.10 # 0.01 0.14 # 0.01 0.07 # 0.01 0.11 # 0.01*
Pax7/ft II 0.12 # 0.01 0.18 # 0.02 0.08 # 0.01 0.16 # 0.02*
Control RBc group was biopsied 30 d after a single bout. Table shows number of SCs associated with
the 2 main fiber types (ft I and ft II), or combined fiber types (f), in the ES leg and control leg. Values
are means # se. Statistical analysis of data from B group was performed separately from analysis of data
from RB and RBc groups. SC content in control and ES legs of B group was found to be similar. *P )
0.01, main effect of leg.
control following B trial was seen for collagen type I after a single bout (B group). With regard to inflam-
(P*0.06) and type III (P*0.11). matory targets (Fig. 14), CCL2 [monocyte chemoattrac-
Myogenic-related factors (Fig. 13) did not demon- tant protein 1 (MCP-1)] was the only one to demon-
strate a dramatic response at the time points examined
in this study. Myf6 (MRF4) and p21 demonstrated a
main effect of leg (control)ES), and a tendency for a
main effect of leg (P*0.054) was observed for myoge-
nin. A suppression of c-met and HGF gene expression
levels was detected in the RB vs. RBc groups.
The greatest mRNA levels of the 3 IGF-1 isoforms
(Fig. 14) were observed in the stimulated leg of the RBc
trial, with IGF1-Ec displaying the largest (!3-fold)
elevation vs. control treatment. No elevation was seen
in any of the IGF-1 isoforms with ES vs. control at 48 h
Figure 10. Top panel: scatter plot (with median bars) displaying
extent of z-line disruption (0 * none, 3 * severe disruption)
following a single bout (B group) or repeated bout (RB group)
of ES. Biopsies in RBc group were collected 30 d after a single
Figure 9. Scatter plots (with median bars) displaying the bout. Bottom panels: transmission electron micrographs of longi-
number of macrophages (CD68( cells) per square millimeter tudinal sections of human medial gastrocnemius from RBc group
of biopsy cross-section (A) and the number of Ki67( cells per biopsies. Representative images from 2 subjects (Sub 1 and 2) are
100 fibers (B) from electrically stimulated (ES) or control displayed, along with images from control (Con) legs of the same
(Con) muscle. Broken vertical line in panel A indicates that individuals. Images illustrate that, while strict z-line alignment and
biopsies in B group were subject to separate immunohisto- register have generally been restored, discrete and subtle differ-
chemical and statistical analyses from RB and RBc groups. ences are still visible at this time point. Scale bars * 1 %m. **P )
*P ) 0.05; **P ) 0.01. 0.01; ***P ) 0.001.
1952 Vol. 25 June 2011 The FASEB Journal ! MACKEY ET AL.
Figure 11. HSP and matricellular protein
gene expression levels in control (Con)
muscle and muscle subjected to a single
bout (B group) or a repeated bout (RB
group) of ES 1 mo after first bout. Biopsies
in RBc group were collected 30 d after a
single bout of ES. mRNA levels of GAPDH,
'+-crystallin, HSP27, HSP70, FAK1, tenas-
cin C, CTGF and TGF-+ are presented,
expressed relative to RPLP0 mRNA. Data
are back-transformed geometric means #
se, displayed on a logarithmic scale y axis.
strate a response in the B group, where a !4-fold content. The outcome of the delayed response is an
elevation vs. control was detected. attenuated early response following subsequent reexpo-
sure to a damaging stimulus.
The present findings indicate that, in human skeletal In an attempt to validate RPLP0 mRNA as an internal
muscle, acutely induced damage by ES results in an reference for mRNA levels throughout the experi-
initiation of deadhesive, disassembly, and disorganization ment, we first normalized another housekeeping mRNA,
responses in the contractile connective tissue, followed by GAPDH, with RPLP0. However, the GAPDH-RPLP0 ratio
a delayed anabolic response in the supporting ECM, showed an alteration in the expression pattern resulting
providing the basis for a prolonged strengthening of the in apparent lower GAPDH mRNA levels in the ES leg vs.
muscle matrix (Fig. 15). This results in a diminished control leg of the B and RB groups. (P)0.05; Fig. 11).
degradation of the skeletal muscle and its connective mRNA levels of ES and control in the RBc group were
tissue when subjected to a similar damaging exercise at a similar. GAPDH mRNA levels in muscle tissue are usually
later stage. The fact that sustained enhancement of SC !10 times higher than in other tissues of the body (31).
content was observed in damaged muscle beyond muscle Furthermore, a huge amount of invading cells was ob-
fiber regeneration suggests that crosstalk between muscle served after ES. Taken together, we argue that in muscle
stem cell activity and the matrix components of skeletal cell lysates with high GAPDH mRNA levels, invading cells
muscle exists, with the overall goal to protect the individ- with lower GAPDH mRNA levels, such as macrophages,
ual muscle fiber from damage on reexposure to extreme would lead to a dilution of total GAPDH mRNA within this
loading. We suggest a sequential series of responses to cell lysate, thus resulting in lower concentrations of GAPDH
damage in skeletal muscle, with an early response favoring mRNA, as was clearly observed after each bout of stimulation
muscle damage, inflammation, disassembly, and disorga- (B and RB groups) but not after a longer period of recovery
nization. Following this, a more anabolic matrix-oriented (RBc group). Hence, normalization of GAPDH with RPLP0
response is seen, which includes growth factors and showed a changing expression of a housekeeping gene,
collagen, in concert with a prolonged elevation of SC which we assume to be caused by a simple dilution effect of
GAPDH. We therefore conclude that, although not perfect, We observed an attenuated increase in circulating CK
the most reasonable was to normalize all other targets to following the second bout when compared to the first
RPLP0. It should be noted, though, that other muscle- bout, in line with the only other human study (32)
specific mRNA might be subject to the same dilution effect investigating repeated bouts of electrically stimulated isomet-
(seen as a 2-fold drop in B). For example, the similar drop in ric contractions. Measurement of muscle HSP gene expres-
laminin-+2 in the B group might accordingly be explained sion in the 3 sets of biopsies in the present study provides
by the dilution effect, whereas the increase in the RBc group further evidence for a repeated bout effect with a large
is likely to be a “real” effect. up-regulation following B treatment and an attenuated in-
crease in the small HSPs (HSP27 and '+-crystallin) following
Attenuated early damage response to a repeated RB treatment. Previous studies have either reported an
damaging stimulus attenuated HSP response with a repeated bout of exercise
(11, 13), or no attenuation with the second bout (10–13),
This is the first study of human muscle biopsies subjected providing an unclear picture with regard to the response of
to 2 bouts of electrically stimulated isometric contractions. HSPs to repeated bouts. While our HSP results do not
1954 Vol. 25 June 2011 The FASEB Journal ! MACKEY ET AL.
Figure 14. IGF-1 and inflammatory-related gene expression levels in control (Con) muscle and muscle subjected to a single bout
(B group) or a repeated bout (RB group) of ES 1 mo after first bout. Biopsies in RBc group were collected 30 d after a single
bout of ES. mRNA levels of IGF1-Ea (IGF1a), IGF1-Eb (IGF1b), IGF1-Ec (IGF1c; MGF), CCL2 (MCP-1), interleukin (Il)-1+, and
tumor necrosis factor ' (TNF-') are presented, expressed relative to RPLP0 mRNA. Data are back-transformed geometric
means # se, displayed on a logarithmic scale y axis.
provide support for a protective role of HSPs against muscle previously. The immunohistochemistry data generally
damage with electrically stimulated isometric contractions, mirror the gene expression findings and not only
they do, together with the data on CK, CCL2, and the suggest a greater tenascin-C response following a single
qualitative assessment of macrophage-infiltrated and bout than a repeated bout but also reveal sustained
desmin" fibers, provide strong support for the occurrence tenascin-C up-regulation 30 d into muscle regenera-
of less muscle damage after the second bout in this model. tion. The presence of tenascin-C protein, as well as
The observation of a similar extent of z-line disruption after during embryogenesis (33), has been observed in re-
the single and repeated bouts, though, suggests more intri- sponse to mechanical stress, such as previously reported
cate adaptations in providing protection against ES-induced in loaded human (4, 24, 28) and chicken muscle (27),
damage at the level of the sarcomere. or at mRNA level (28). In contrast to the adhesion-
Tenascin C rapidly creates a deadhesive ECM environment promoting ECM proteins, the role of matricellular
tenascin C in skeletal muscle is in deadhesion, the
The response of tenascin C at protein and mRNA levels process of disassembly of focal adhesion complexes,
in loaded human muscle has not been investigated which is believed to promote a more favorable environ-
1956 Vol. 25 June 2011 The FASEB Journal ! MACKEY ET AL.
Slow resolution of local inflammation in regenerating area of the triceps surae muscles (51), resulting in a
muscle minor contribution to the total force produced by the
triceps surae muscle group during a voluntary contrac-
Levels of MCP-1 (CCL2) were higher in the stimulated tion. While stimulation current is generally not consid-
leg of RBc vs. control, indicating sustained chemotactic ered a good indication of contraction intensity due to
signaling of the muscle at this time point. The immu- such variables as the thickness of subcutaneous fat, skin
nohistochemical analysis of macrophages confirmed impedance, and the positioning of the electrodes with
this activity and, in line with the SC data, indicated respect to the motor point, we cannot rule out the
continuing enhanced cellular activity in the regenerat- possibility that the RB group was subjected to greater
ing muscle. Over 30 yr ago it was reported that collagen contraction intensity than the B and RBc groups.
serves as a chemotactic stimulus for monocytes (48), However, the analyses performed on these biopsies do
contributing to evidence for an active role of muscle not indicate a greater extent of damage in this group
ECM, in concert with inflammatory cells, in adaptation and, given that the individuals in the RB group were
to loading. An additional finding of the present study stimulated equally during bouts 1 and 2, this potential
was the strong indication of incomplete repair 30 d limitation does not detract from the main findings of
after a damaging stimulus to the muscle, providing this study, summarized below. Lastly, collecting a mus-
novel documentation of the time course of regenera- cle biopsy from the control leg at the time of sampling
tion of human skeletal muscle. from the stimulated leg, instead of repeatedly biopsying
the stimulated leg, not only removes the potential for
Strengths and limitations of the model signal contamination from a previous biopsy (52) but
also allows us to interpret differences between the legs
as arising from the ES and not from diurnal or dietary
In general terms, given that ES does not respect the
variation, or altered levels of daily physical activity (52).
order of motor unit recruitment known for voluntary
contractions, further work is required to confirm to
what extent the current findings can be transferred to
a model of voluntary muscle contraction. However, it is CONCLUSIONS
likely that the more indiscriminate recruitment during
ES when compared to voluntary contractions would This study confirms the occurrence of a protective
result in initiation of a stronger, but not necessarily effect of an initial muscle-damaging stimulus against
dissimilar, repair response (4). The reason for using later injury in human skeletal muscle by an attenuated
our ES model was to minimize the interindividual response in circulating and biopsy markers following
variation in muscle damage observed with voluntary the second bout. We observed at 30 d after 1 bout of ES
contraction models. A further strength of the model is previously undocumented dramatic and subtle changes
that, due to its relatively small size, the medial gastroc- in the structure and activity of muscle and its surround-
nemius muscle can be stimulated wholly and uniformly ing connective tissue and identified new potential
(49), thus eliminating concerns about biopsy sampling players in this protection, which sheds light on the time
from an unaffected part of the muscle, as is often a course of muscle regeneration and its resistance toward
concern with biopsying larger human muscles. With future damage. Together, these findings demonstrate
regard to subjecting the same muscle to repeated bouts an ordered response to a damaging stimulus (Fig. 15).
of ES, direct evidence for the occurrence of a lesser An initial muscle fiber damaging, deadhesive, and
extent of damage after the second bout was provided by disassembly response with early elevated CK, soreness,
the attenuation in response of circulating CK, while z-line disruption, HSPs, tenascin, and inflammation
indirect evidence was apparent in the comparison of markers occurs, which favors a disorganization of the
biopsy markers in the B and RB groups. Despite this, no muscle-matrix tissue. This was time-wise followed by a
attenuation in muscle soreness after the second bout delayed elevation in expression of anabolic matrix
was observed in this study—a finding that was unex- growth factors and collagen, favoring ECM strengthen-
pected and is in contrast to a previous ES study (32). ing, as well as a continued elevation of SC content.
While this finding can perhaps be explained by the When the muscle was reexposed to the same damaging
differences between the two studies in the number of stimulus 1 mo later, the disorganizing responses were
contractions, the muscle group stimulated, and the markedly reduced compared to the initial response,
length of time between the two bouts, further work is which suggests a protective role of the intramuscular
required to explain why muscle soreness was not atten- connective tissue against future pronounced muscle
uated with our study design. Examination of the re- injury. Furthermore, the partial suppression of gene
sponse of pain-related substances such as bradykinin expression of CTGF and 4 components of the ECM
and nerve growth factor in our model may provide following the repeated bout suggests a complex and
some insight (50). In relation to comparing the 3 continual reordering of remodeling events of skeletal
groups, force measurements would have provided a muscle and its connective tissue, depending on expo-
solid base for comparison. However, a limitation of our sure to periods of loading or recovery. Finally, the
model is that the medialis gastrocnemius muscle only delayed SC response coupled to the increased anabolic
comprises 20% of the total physiological cross-sectional ECM response raises the possibility that SCs are in-
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