Arson Analysis
Arson Analysis
Arson Analysis
Arson Investigation
Arson: Introduction,
Chemistry of fire,
Scientific investigation and evaluation of clue materials
Collection and preservation,
Analysis of flammable residues.
Terminology of Fire
Fire triangle
Thermal Equilibrium-
Heat of vaporization
Heat of fusion
Flammable liquids
Combustible liquids
Auto Ignition point
First law of thermodynamics
Arson is defined as purposely setting fire to a
house, building or other property.
The specific legal definition of arson varies from state to
state. However, a working definition of arson is: the
malicious burning of homes, residences, buildings, or
other types of real property. Malicious burning in this
context is intended to also include incendiary
explosions as well as fire.
Oxygen Heat
Gas: Butane (cigarette lighter fuel), propane, and natural gas are
examples of gaseous accelerants, which do not leave any residue at a
fire scene.
Petroleum distillates are derived from crude oil and are also called
hydrocarbons or petroleum hydrocarbons. In crude oil, volatility of
the individual components range from extremely volatile
substances such as propane (a gas at room temperature) to asphalt,
which remains solid even at high temperatures.
A flammable liquid in its liquid state will not burn. It only will
ignite when it vaporizes into a gaseous state. All flammable
liquids give off vapors that can ignite and burn when an ignition
source such as a lighted cigarette or spark is present.
Arsonists use several different methods to set fires, although some are more
common than others.
The most common method involves the pouring of an accelerant—an ignitable liquid
such as gasoline, kerosene, or lighter fluid— throughout the structure. The accelerant
allows for easy ignition and also increases the rate and spread of the fire, which will
follow the pour pattern of the accelerant. Many kinds of accelerants are readily
available to arsonists; some are particularly dangerous because of their tendency to
explode rather than just burn.
Some arsonists start fires by using incendiary devices, which can range from simple
to very complex in their construction.
Simple incendiary devices include lighted candles and flares, which can ignite their
Another frequently seen incendiary device is the Molotov cocktail: an ignitable liquid
contained in a glass bottle along with a cloth soaked in the liquid fuel.
Other chemical incendiary devices, such as those that utilize white phosphorus.
More complicated incendiary devices that operate on timers or other signals are seen
occasionally in civilian arson cases.
Fire investigators are careful to collect any evidence of incendiary devices found at
fire scenes; such evidence may include shattered glass, burned cloth, wires,
batteries, and other items that may have been used in timing mechanisms.
Arson Investigation Scheme
1. Observe the Fire and Scene Conditions
Procedure: While approaching a fire scene, first
responders should observe and mentally note the
following conditions and activities and, as soon as
conditions permit, initiate permanent documentation
of the information (e.g., written notes, voice
recordings, videotapes):
A. The presence, location, and condition of victims and witnesses.
B. Vehicles leaving the scene, bystanders, or unusual activities near the scene.
C. Flame and smoke conditions (e.g., the volume of flames and smoke; the
color, height, and location of the flames; the direction in which the flames
and smoke are moving).
D. The type of occupancy and use of the structure (e.g., a residential occupancy
being used as a business).
E. Conditions of the structure (e.g., lights turned on; fire through the roof;
walls standing; open, closed, or broken windows and doors).
F. Conditions surrounding the scene (e.g., blocked driveways, debris, damage
to other structures).
G. Weather conditions.
H. Unusual characteristics of the scene (e.g., the presence of containers,
exterior burning or charring on the building, the absence of normal
contents, unusual odors, fire trailers
I. The fire suppression techniques used, including ventilation,
J. forcible entry, and utility shutoff measures.
K. The status of fire alarms, security alarms, and sprinklers.
Exercise safely
Procedure: Upon arrival at the scene, first
responders should:
A. Evaluate the scene for safety hazards (e.g., structural
collapse of the building; smoke; electrical, chemical,
or biological hazards; other health risks).
B. Establish safety/hazard zones.
C. Communicate hazards to other personnel arriving at
the scene.
D. Use tools and personal protective equipment
appropriate to the task during all operations.
3. Preserve the Fire Scene
Principle: Evidence at a fire scene takes many different
forms, some of which are transient (i.e., they are not
permanent and may disappear quickly, such as
impressions in snow or evaporating liquids).
First responders must understand how rescue, medical,
fire suppression, overhaul, and salvage efforts can
adversely affect different forms of evidence and take steps
to preserve evidence accordingly.
First responders should assess the fire scene to identify
potential evidence, take preliminary steps to preserve it,
and notify appropriate authorities about its existence.
Procedure to preserve evidence
A. Observe and mentally note evidence that may be present at the scene, such as:
Fire patterns (including multiple fire locations).
Burn injuries to victims and fire patterns on clothing.
Trailers, ignitable liquids, or other unusual fuel distribution (e.g., piles of
newspapers, furniture pushed together).
Incendiary/ignition/explosive devices (e.g., lighters, matches, timing devices).
Shoe prints and tire impressions.
Broken windows and doors.
Distribution of broken glass and debris.
Indications of forced entry (tools and tool marks).
Discarded clothing.
Trace evidence (e.g., hairs, fibers, fingerprints, blood, other body fluids).
Evidence of crimes in addition to the possible arson (e.g., weapons, bodies, drugs,
clandestine drug laboratory equipment).
Witnesses, bystanders, and victims.
Any other unusual items or the absence of normal contents or structural
B. Recognize threats to evidence (i.e., its movement, removal, contamination,
or destruction) from any of the following sources:
Fire suppression activities, such as a straight stream applied at the point of
origin or deluge applications that may wash away or dilute potential evidence.
Overhaul activities that destroy fire patterns.
Salvage activities that involve moving or removing potential physical evidence.
Use of a tool in any manner that causes destruction of evidence.
Movement of knobs, switches, and controls on appliances and utilities.
Weather conditions that affect transient evidence (i.e., wind, precipitation, or
temperature changes).
Personnel walking through the scene.
Witnesses and victims leaving the scene.
Medical intervention and treatment of victims (e.g., by damaging evidence at
the scene or destroying victims’ clothing).
Premature removal or movement of bodies.
Vehicles at the scene (e.g., that introduce fluid to the scene through vehicle
leaks or destroy other evidence, including shoe prints and tire impressions).
Contamination from external sources, such as fuel-powered tools or
C. Protect evidence by:
Limiting excessive fire suppression, overhaul, and salvage.
Avoiding needless destruction of property.
Leaving bodies undisturbed.
Flagging items of evidence with cones or markers.
Recording observations through written notes or voice recordings.
Covering items or areas containing evidence with objects that will not
contaminate the evidence (e.g., clean boxes or tarpaulins).
Isolating items or areas containing evidence with rope, barrier tape, barricades,
or sentries.
Retaining and securing clothing items removed from victims and suspects.
Obtaining information about victims and witnesses (i.e., their names,
addresses, and telephone numbers).
Preserving transient evidence (e.g., trace evidence, shoe prints, tire
Removing evidence at risk of imminent destruction by the fire or the structural
collapse of the damaged building.
Ensuring that later arriving investigators are fully apprised of the evidence
Section C. Documenting the Scene
Principle: Photographic documentation creates a
permanent record of the scene and supplements the
written incident report(s), witness statements, or
reports on the position of evidence. The investigator
should create and preserve an accurate visual record of
the scene and the evidence prior to disturbing the
scene. Additional photography or videography should
occur as the investigation progresses.
Procedure: The scene should be photographed prior
to the disturbance or removal of any evidence and
throughout the scene investigation. The investigator
(or other individual responsible for evidence) should:
A. Photograph and/or videotape the assembled crowd and the
fire in progress.
B. Remove all nonessential personnel from the background
when photographing the scene and evidence.
C. Photograph the exterior and interior of the fire scene
(consider walls, doors, windows, ceilings, floors) in a
systematic and consistent manner. (Videotaping may serve
as an additional record but not as a replacement for still
D. Photograph any points or areas of origin, ignition sources,
and first material ignited.
E. Photograph any physical reconstruction of the scene.
F. Maintain photo and video logs.
Record the date, the name of the photographer, and the
How to Identify, Collect and Preserve
Collect samples.
Extract the fire debris and obtain a sample for instrumental
Carry out instrumental analysis.
Interpret the results.
Scheme of Analysis
Step-1. Extraction of samples from debris
1. Direct extraction (Syringing)
2. Solvent extraction (Carbon disulphide)
3. Head space method (Passive)
4. Adsorption/elution
6. Distillation (Steam)
Although solvent extraction was at one time a popular method, it has generally
been replaced by quicker, more efficient techniques.
Passive headspace extraction
In passive headspace extraction, the metal can used to collect
the debris is heated so that any accelerant present is
vaporized and becomes saturated within the area above the
debris in the can, which is known as the headspace. A small
hole is made in the top of the can and a gastight syringe is
used to draw up a sample of the vapor in the headspace,
which can then be injected into the GC-MS.
Passive headspace extraction is biased toward the more
volatile components, but it minimizes the capacity for cross-
contamination of the evidence because the accelerant
residue is extracted from the same container in which the
debris was collected.
A variation of the passive headspace extraction
technique is adsorption/elution, in which the debris is
heated in the can with a strip of activated charcoal
suspended in the headspace.
The accelerant vapor is trapped on the strip, from
which it is dissolved by a solvent for injection into the
Adsorption/elution is affected by the same volatility
bias as the passive headspace method, but because the
vapor is concentrated onto the charcoal strip,
adsorption/ elution greatly decreases the potential loss
of low-volatility compounds.
Solid-phase microextraction (SPME)
The solid-phase microextraction (SPME) technique employs a
coated fiber that is housed in a retractable apparatus.
The can containing the debris is heated, and this fiber is subjected to
the headspace of the can, where the accelerant vapor adsorbs onto
the fiber.
One advantage of SPME is that the fiber apparatus can be placed
directly into the injection port of the GC-MS. The heat of the
injection port causes the accelerant trapped on the fiber to desorb
from the fiber so that it can be carried into the instrument for
Another advantage of SPME is its potential use for on-site accelerant
collection. An investigator can use the SPME fiber apaparatus to
adsorb accelerant vapor at the fire scene; with the fiber retracted into
the apparatus, it is protected from the environment and can be
transported directly to the laboratory for analysis.
Samples extraction methods for GC analysis
Extraction: The accelerant is extracted from the sample using some methods.
Accelerant can also be sampled directly.
1. Direct sampling: Syringe method (2ml to 2 µl)
Steam distillation
Vacuum distillation
Solvent extraction
Charcoal sampling
Swept headspace
An Ignitable Liquid No Ignitable Liquids
Is Detected Were Detected
1. “Sample contains a medium We can look at this in four different
petroleum distillate (MPD), some ways...
examples are paint thinners and 1. No ignitable liquids were ever used
mineral spirits”. 2. Ignitable liquids were used to start the
fire, but have been totally consumed.
2. “Sample contains a mixture of 3. Ignitable liquids are still present;
gasoline and a heavy petroleum however, not in the collected sample.
distillate (HPD). Some examples of 4. Ignitable liquids are still present in the
a HPD are diesel fuels and heating collected sample; however, they are too
oils.” dilute to be detected.
Fire Investigation Terms
Fire - Produced when a substance undergoes rapid oxidation involving
heat and light.
Fire Triangle – Shows the three elements needed to produce and sustain a
Flash Point – The lowest temperature to which a substance must be
heated in order for the substance to give off vapors which will burn when
exposed to a flame or ignition source.
Point of Origin – The location where the fire started.
Burn patterns –Noticeable patterns created by the fire as it burns.
Accelerants – Substances, such as gasoline, paint thinner, and alcohol, that
accelerate the burning process.
Convection. Convection is the transfer of heat energy by the movement of
heated liquids or gases from the source of heat to a cooler part of the
Conduction. Conduction is the form of heat transfer that takes place
within solids when one portion of an object is heated. Energy is transferred
from the heated area to the unheated area at a rate dependent on the
difference in temperature and the physical properties of the material.
Arson – A fire started deliberately.