ABC Journey Print All Phonograms FlashCards
ABC Journey Print All Phonograms FlashCards
ABC Journey Print All Phonograms FlashCards
By Stephen Kurkinen
a b c
d e f
g h i
c b a
Parent: /k/ , /s/ Parent: /b/ Parent: /a/ , /A/ , /ah/
(For Parents: cat, cent) (For Parents: bat) (For Parents: cat, ba-ker, fa-
Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while
writing letter. writing letter. Child: repeats sounds while
writing letter.
f e d
Parent: /f/ Parent: /e/ , /E/ Parent: /d/
(For Parents: fan) (For Parents: let, be) (For Parents: dog)
Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while
writing letter. writing letter. writing letter.
i h g
Parent: /i/ , /I/ Parent: /h/ Parent: /g/ , /j/
(For Parents: sit, i-vy) (For Parents: hat) (For Parents: go, gym)
Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while
writing letter. writing letter. writing letter.
j k l
m n o
p q r
l k j
Parent: /l/ Parent: /k/ Parent: /j/
(For Parents: lap) (For Parents: kite) (For Parents: jam)
Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while
writing letter. writing letter. writing letter.
o n m
Parent: /ah/ , /O/ , /OO/ Parent: /n/ Parent: /m/
(For Parents: on, go, do) (For Parents: nap) (For Parents: man)
Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while
writing letter. writing letter. writing letter.
r q p
Parent: /r/ Parent: /kw/ Parent: /p/
(For Parents: run) (For Parents: queen, ‘q (For Parents: pan)
always needs a ‘u.’ U here is
Child: repeats sounds while not a vowel.) Child: repeats sounds while
writing letter. writing letter.
Child: repeats sounds while
writing letter.
s t u
v w x
y z
u t s
Parent: /u/ , /U/ , /oo/ Parent: /t/ Parent: /s/ , /z/
(For Parents: sun, u-nit, put) (For Parents: top) (For Parents: sat, has)
Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while
writing letter. writing letter. writing letter.
x w v
Parent: /x/ , /z/ Parent: /w/ Parent: /v/
(For Parents: box, xylophone) (For Parents: wet) (For Parents: van)
Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while
writing letter. writing letter. writing letter.
z y
Parent: /z/ Parent: /y/ , /E/ , /I/
(For Parents: zoo) (For Parents: yes, baby, cry)
ay aw augh
Parent: /A/ Parent: /ah/ Parent: /ah/ /aff/
(For Parents: pray) (For Parents: raw) (For Parents: caught, laugh)
Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while
writing letters. writing letters. writing letters.
ck ci ch
Parent: /k/ Parent: /sh/ Parent: /ch/ , /k/ , /sh/
(For Parents: rock) (For Parents: so-cial) (For Parents: chin, Christ,
Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while
writing letters. writing letters. Child: repeats sounds while
writing letters.
dge ea ear
ed ee ei
eigh er ew
ear ea dge
Parent: /er/ Parent: /E/, /e/, /A/ Parent: /j/
(For Parents: early) (For Parents: seat, head, (For Parents: edge)
Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while
writing letters. Child: repeats sounds while writing letters.
writing letters.
ei ee ed
Parent: /A/, /E/, /i/ Parent: /ee/ Parent: /ed/, /d/, /t/
(For Parents: heir, seize, sov- (For Parents: keep) (For Parents: gift-ed, rolled,
er-eign) kicked)
Child: repeats sounds while
Child: repeats sounds while writing letters. Child: repeats sounds while
writing letters. writing letters.
ew er eigh
Parent: /oo/, /yoo/ Parent: /er/ Parent: /A/
(For Parents: dew, few) (For Parents: her) (For Parents: eight)
Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while
writing letters. writing letters. writing letters.
ey gn ie
igh ir kn
ng oa oe
ie gn ey
Parent: /E/, /I/ Parent: /n/ Parent: /A/, /E/
(For Parents: grieve, pie) (For Parents: sign) (For Parents: hey, key)
Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while
writing letters. writing letters. writing letters.
kn ir igh
Parent: /n/ Parent: /er/ Parent: /I/
(For Parents: knight) (For Parents: bird) (For Parents: night)
Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while
writing numbers. writing letters. writing letters.
oe oa ng
Parent: /O/ Parent: /O/
Parent: /ng/
(For Parents: toe) (For Parents: boat)
(For Parents: sing)
Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while
Child: repeats sounds while
writing letters. writing letters.
writing letters.
oi oo or
ou ough ow
oy ph sh
or oo oi
Parent: /or/ Parent: /oo/, /u/, /O/ Parent: /oy/
(For Parents: for) (For Parents: food, shook, (For Parents: oil)
Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while
writing letters. Child: repeats sounds while writing letters.
writing letters.
ow ough ou
Parent: /ow/, /O/ Parent: /O/, /oo/, /uf/, /off/, / Parent: /ow/, /O/, /OO/, /u/
(For Parents: cow, snow) ah/, /ow/
(For Parents: spout, soul,
(For Parents: though, through,
soup, coun-try)
Child: repeats sounds while tough, trough, thought,
writing letters. bough) Child: repeats sounds while
writing letters.
Child: repeats sounds while
writing letters.
sh ph oy
Parent: /sh/ Parent: /f/ Parent: /oy/
(For Parents: ship) (For Parents: phone) (For Parents: boy)
Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while
writing letters. writing letters. writing letters.
si tch th
ti ui ur
wh wr
th tch si
Parent: /th/ , /TH/ Parent: /ch/ Parent: /sh/, /zh/
(For Parents: think, that) (For Parents: latch) (For Parents: ses-sion, fu-
Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while
writing letters. writing letters. Child: repeats sounds while
writing letters.
ur ui ti
Parent: /er/ Parent: /oo/ Parent: /sh/
(For Parents: church) (For Parents: suit) (For Parents: na-tion)
Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while Child: repeats sounds while
writing letters. writing letters. writing letters.
wr wh
Parent: /r/ Parent: /w/
(For Parents: write) (For Parents: wheat)
Thank you so much for taking the <me to go through these phonogram flash cards
from my book ABC Journey. I hope they have been helpful.
I’m always trying to improve the quality of the resources I make, and to that end I
would greatly appreciate any feedback you might give. If you have any ques<ons,
see any areas needing improvement, or simple want to say hi, please send me an
email at: and I’ll do my best to respond in a <mely
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Stephen Kurkinen
The ABC Journey program is your clear roadmap for teaching your child
the alphabet, handwri<ng, phonics, and spelling, with confidence.