Jolly Phonics and Letters and Sounds

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The wonderful way to teach reading and writing

Jolly Phonics & Letters and Sounds

Many schools continue to follow the structure of Letters and Sounds. Luckily, the
Jolly Phonics programme shares many of the principles of Letters and Sounds,
allowing schools the flexibility to be able to easily
integrate the programme into their curriculum.

Do both programmes cover the same material?

Both programmes feature direct, daily, systematic
teaching of phonics for reading and writing. They
are both active and multi-sensory and cover the core
features of all good synthetic phonics programmes:
letter-sound correspondences, blending for reading,
segmenting for writing, letter formation and tricky
words. Jolly Phonics, however, extends that teaching
with further spelling, grammar and punctuation lessons.

Are both programmes for the same age groups?

Letters and Sounds and Jolly Phonics both cover Reception to Year 2, but Jolly
Phonics extends this through the school with comprehensive lesson plans for years
3, 4, 5 and 6 as well.

What are the key differences between the programmes?

J olly P honics L etters and S ounds

Divided into daily lesson plans for Divided into phases. No lesson plans
Reception year, and weekly lesson included.
plans for Years 1-6.
Pace for Jolly Phonics is much faster, Slower pace, teaching main 40+ letter
and covers 42 letter sounds, 72 tricky sounds, common exception words,
words, blending, segmenting and main simple blending and segmenting in
alternatives in Reception. Revision, first year. Main alternatives, suffixes
extension and consolidation provided and practice taught through Years 1
throughout Years 1-6. and 2.
Jolly Phonics extends into systematic Basic spelling patterns are taught
spelling, punctuation and grammar during Years 1 and 2. No systematic
lessons for Years 1-6. grammar or punctuation lessons.
Some variation on graphemes: e.g. Some variation on graphemes: e.g.
<ie> for /ie/, <er> and <ur> taught as <igh> for /ie/, <ur> and <er> taught
same sound, long /ue/ taught in week as two separate sounds, long /ue/ not
8. taught.
Graphemes taught in different order Graphemes taught in different order
or at different stage within the or at different stage within the
programme. programme.

Can I use Jolly Phonics materials to teach Letters and Sounds?

Jolly Phonics has been designed to be a flexible programme, so you can use the
materials to deliver Letters and Sounds. This means that you will have to adapt
certain aspects of it as they are not perfectly matched.

Why Choose Jolly Phonics?

9 A comprehensive 7-year literacy scheme

embedding systematic and progressive
teaching of phonics, grammar, spelling
and punctuation
9 Teaching is multi-sensory and active,
with fun actions, stories and songs
9 Synthetic phonics programme for the
first year of teaching literacy to children
aged 3-5
9 Fun and structured grammar, spelling
and punctuation lessons to children aged
9 Independent research supports the
outstanding results
9 Continues to revise and extend children's
phonic knowledge
9 Flexible and easy to implement in your school
9 Developed by teachers for teachers

Find out more at

An integrated programme that grows with your children in school

Daily Phonics Children continue to refine and extend their earlier phonics knowledge with each year providing:
Lessons - 36 spelling lessons (1 per week) - 36 grammar or punctuation lessons (1 per week)

1st year of school 2nd year of school 3rd year of school 4th year of school 5th year of school 6th year of school 7th year of school
ages 4-5 ages 5-6 ages 6-7 ages 7-8 ages 8-9 ages 9-10 ages 10-11

Choose from photocopiable

handbooks or pupil and teacher
books to deliver the programme.

Use decodable readers to match

the skills that children are

Comparing Jolly Phonics & Letters and Sounds

As already mentioned, the Jolly Phonics programme closely aligns with Letters
and Sounds, though there are several differences. To make things easier for you,
this table below provides a breakdown of the Letters and Sounds phases, and how
Jolly Phonics links with these.

Letters and
Teaching Common Jolly Phonics
to L&S and JP
Phase 1 There is no direct correlation with this phase in JP.
This is concerned
with environmental
and musical sounds,
body percussion
and songs, stories
and rhymes.
Practice previously learnt Phase 2
letters and sounds.

Practice oral blending Teaches 19 letters - These letter sounds are all taught in the first 3 sets
and segmentation. satpinmdgo of JP.
c k ck e u r h b f ff Double letters (ck, ll, ff, ss) are taught by saying
Practice blending letters l ll ss ‘if two letters that make the same sound are next
learnt so far to read to each other then the sound is said only once’.
words. This can then be applied to any double letter
combination the child comes across.
Practice segmenting to The double letters (ck, ll, ff, ss) are also revised in
spell words, using words Grammar 1 term 1.
with letters and sounds
learnt so far.
Tricky Words – JP recommends starting to teach the Tricky Words
Practice tricky words to, the, no, go when set 7 sounds are taught. As ‘th’ is taught then
learnt so far. this means that the ‘th’ in ‘the’ is no longer tricky.
The word ‘to’ is in Tricky Word Set 1, and ‘no’ and
Practice reading captions ‘go’ are in Tricky Word set 2.
and sentences using
letters and sounds learnt
so far.
Phase 3
Teaches 25 These are taught in JP sets 4 – 7
graphemes –
j v w x y z zz qu ch In JP the /ie/ sound is taught with the grapheme
sh th ng ai ee oa oo ‘ie’.
ar or oi er The /ou/ sound is taught with the grapheme ‘ou’.
igh saying /ie/ The graphemes ‘igh’, ‘ow’ and ‘ur’ are taught as
ow saying /ou/ alternative spellings in YR terms 2 and 3. They are
ur saying /er/ also revised in Grammar 1.

The graphemes ‘air’, ‘ear’ and ‘are’ are taught as

Alphabet song – letter ear air ure alternative spellings for /air/ in JP terms 2 and 3.
names They are also revised in Grammar 2. The sounds
/ear/ and /ure/ are covered in Grammar 2. To
match with L & S when introducing the ‘ear’ spelling
for /air/, add in that it can also say /ear/ and give
some examples.

Tricky Words – JP Tricky Words set 1

he, she, we, me, be,
was, all, are JP Tricky Words set 2.
my, they, you ‘You’ is paired with ‘your’ as spelling is similar.

her Not covered in Tricky Words as spelling is regular.

Phase 4
Working on This is continuous within JP.
consonant blends
(ccvc / cvcc words)
and polysyllabic

Tricky Words – Introduced for reading and spelling at same time.

Alphabet song – letter
Introduced for
reading first and
then later for
said, no, some, JP Tricky Words set 2.
come, there,
have, like, little, JP Tricky Words set 3.
when, what,
were JP Tricky Words set 4.
Phase 5
Teach graphemes – Taught as alternative spellings in YR terms 2 and 3
ay oy wh a-e ir e-e (Whiteboard and Pupil books). They are also revised
ew i-e ea aw au u-e in Grammar 1.

ph zh Grammar 2.
Alternative Covered in Grammar Handbooks 1 and 2.

Tricky Words –
where, who, many, JP Tricky Words set 4.
because, any
Alphabet song – letter
their JP Tricky Words set 5.
once JP Tricky Words set 6.

Tricky Words Tricky Words included in JP but not L&S –

included in L&S but here, one, by, only, old, give, down, when, why,
not JP – which, more, before, other, want, saw, put, could,
oh, people, Mr, should, would, right, two, four, goes, does, made,
Mrs, looked, asked, upon, always, also, of, eight, love, cover, after,
called, water, again, every, mother, father, plus Word Family Spelling
thought, through, Lists in Grammar 2.
work, mouse,
laughed, different,
eyes, friends, please
Phase 6 Continued practice and revision across YR, Y1 and
Alphabet song – letter
Consolidation Y2 with Grammar Handbooks 1 and 2. These books
also include the teaching of basic grammar.

How the Jolly Phonics resources

Letters & Jolly Phonics & Grammar Resources

Sounds Phases

Phase 1:
Skills & Oral Jolly Stories
Jolly Jingles

Jolly Phonics Jolly Phonics

Phase 2: DVD Wall Frieze
Jolly Phonics
Single Letter Letter Sounds Apps
Sounds Like Posters
Sounds Fun DVD Jolly Phonics
Letters Letter Sound
Jolly Songs Strips
Read and See Jolly Phonics
Phase 3: Bumper Book
Little Word
Finger Phonics Picture
of Phonics Fun Board Books Flashcards
Digraphs & Books
Tricky Words Jolly Phonics Finger Phonics Jolly Phonics
Readers Big Books for the
Orange Level Whiteboard
Jolly Phonics
Workbooks Jolly Phonics
Phase 4: Pupil and
Jolly Phonics Teacher’s
Reading Books
Jolly Phonics

Phase 5:

Phase 6:
Suffixes &

fit with Letters and Sounds

Jolly Phonics & Grammar Resources

... Plus
of spe additional y
lling, p ears
and g unctuation
The Jo
Gramm Phonics an
a d
contin r programm
throug ues all the w e
h a
Stage to the end o y
2 with f Key
4, 5 an ammar 3,
d 6!

Jolly Phonics
Readers Red
Tricky Word
Jolly Phonics Jolly Phonics
Word Book Readers Yellow
Tricky Word Level Blends Wheels
Wall Flowers
Jolly Phonics
Cards Jolly Phonics
Tricky Word Readers Green
Hat Level

Jolly Phonics Jolly Dictionary

Readers Blue
Level Alternative
Spellings &
Jolly Phonics Alphabet
o r e T e aching Readers Purple Poster
Resourc Level
Grammar 1 &
Jolly Plays 2 (Big Books,
Pupil and

Jolly Phonics and Grammar Resources

A wide range of fantastic Jolly Phonics and Grammar resources are available for
use both at home and school. Here, we run through a selection of resources.

For further details on all of our resources, you can download a copy of our
catalogue at Alternatively, you can view all resources -
alongside sample pages allowing you to view the insides of resources - via our
online shop.

Many of our resources are also suitable for use at home.

These are marked with a

Early Learners and Home Learning

Whilst the Jolly Phonics programme is aimed at children aged 4-5, we have a
number of wonderful resources that can be introduced to children at an earlier
age, for parents or at nurseries.

* all resources

These resources include the Bumper Book of Phonics Fun, the Jolly Phonics Activity
Books, My First Letter Sounds and Jolly Stories. They contain a mixture of activities,
stories and writing practice to gradually introduce children to the 42 letter sounds.
These resources can also be used in the primary setting.

Jolly Phonics Training

Want to boost your knowledge to achieve better results in the classroom?
Then why not undertake Jolly Phonics Training!

Our fantastic Jolly Phonics Trainers are available to host tailor-made training
at your school for all staff, helping you make the most of the programme and
achieve excellent results.

Alternatively, teachers can register for our online courses, enabling you to
complete training in your own time from the comfort of your own home.

Visit for more information.

Core Teaching Resources
The core teaching resources of the Jolly Phonics programme provide different
options for delivery of content. There is a choice between: the interactive
classroom software, Jolly Phonics for the Whiteboard; the black-and-white
photocopiable Jolly Phonics Handbook; and the full-colour Jolly Phonics Teacher’s
and Pupil Books.

* * * *

Each of these core teaching resources provide the key content, but are supplied in
different ways and for different budgets. They can be used alongside each other,
or independently, to provide your children with the highest quality education.

After the initial year of Jolly Phonics, we also have core teaching resources for
the additional six years of Jolly Grammar, teaching key spelling, punctuation
and grammar concepts. For each year we once again have black-and white
photocopiable Grammar Handbooks, as well as full-colour Jolly Grammar
Teacher’s and Pupil Books.

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

2nd year of school 3rd year of school 4th year of school 5th year of school 6th year of school 7th year of school
ages 5-6 ages 6-7 ages 7-8 ages 8-9 ages 9-10 ages 10-11

Decodable Readers
Our range of over 145 Jolly Phonics Decodable Readers give children the
opportunity to practice their blending skills and start reading.

* all readers

These books are decodable, meaning that the text only contains words using
letter sounds and spelling patterns that children have already been taught,
meaning it is always within their reach. Tricky words are shown in each book,
alongside reading comprehension topics and a handy checklist detailing the skills
and knowledge requirements in order to tackle it.
Little Word

Read and

E-readers also available

(Level 0)

(Level 1)

(Level 2)

(Level 3)

(Level 4)

(Level 5)

to download via




Books per pack 14 24 21 24 24 18 18 6

Pages per book 12 8 12 8 12 16 16 16

New Tricky Words - - 7 4 10 20 20 11


Total Tricky Words 7

- - Book 7 11 21 41 61 72
Covered Only

New Alternative
- - - - 1 5 12 10
Spellings Introduced

Total Alternative
- - - - 1 6 18 28
Spellings Covered

1 1-3
Sentences per page 1 1 2 4 4 4
Word Words

- - Pink Pink & Yellow Blue & Orange &

Closest Book Band Red Green Turqoise
(1) (1 & 2) (3) (4 & 5) (6 & 7) (8)

Additional Classroom Resources
We have a wide range of resources, for both the Jolly Phonics and the Jolly
Grammar programmes, that are perfect for supporting your children’s learning.
These include exciting DVDs, a wide range of posters, songs, puppets, Finger
Phonics Books, workbooks, flashcards, magnetic letters, reading assessments, Big
Books, plays and more!

Many of these resources can be found bundled together in our Starter Kit and
Classroom Kit, enabling you to get all the best Jolly Phonics resources in one go.
Many of these items are also suitable for use at home.


Additionally, we have a selection of Jolly Phonics apps available to download

on Apple and Android phones and tablets. These apps include a wide variety of
games for children and teaching resources for teachers.

Spelling, punctuation and grammar resources

As the programme systematically progresses through the primary years, children
are introduced to brand new spelling, punctuation and grammar concepts (all
the while revising and consolidating previously learnt knowledge). A selection
of exciting resources to support this learning include the Jolly Dictionary, Blends
Wheels, workbooks, Big Books and more!

For further information on all of our resources, please visit our online
shop at
Discover the Jolly Phonics YouTube Channel!

Our YouTube channel contains a selection of useful videos for schools and teachers. This
includes videos on the use of the programme in different schools, discussions on the key
skills, information about resources and useful classroom tips for teachers.

Phone: 020 8501 0405
Social Media: @jollylearning

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