Q1 M1 Modal Verbs
Q1 M1 Modal Verbs
Q1 M1 Modal Verbs
The MODAL VERBS include can, must, may, might, will, would, should. They are used with other verbs to express ability,
obligation, possibility, and so on. Below is a list showing the most useful modals and their most common meanings:
Activity 1:
Directions: Select the correct modal or modal form to fit the sentence.
Activity 2:
Directions: Select a place in Cebu that you want to recommend to your friend. Give instructions on how he/she get to
the place; the possible things he/she can enjoy, things they have to and need to do before during and after the trip
through a friendly letter using modals. Make a draft on a separate paper and write your final output below.
CATEGORY 25 24 22 20
Grammar: The use Writer makes no errors in Writer makes 1-2 errors in Writer makes 3-4 errors in Writer makes more than 4
of modal verbs. using modal verbs. using modal verbs. using modal verbs. using modal verbs.
Sentences & Sentences and paragraphs are All sentences are complete and Most sentences are complete Many sentence fragments or
Paragraphs complete, well-constructed well-constructed (no and well-constructed. run-on sentences OR
and of varied structure. fragments, no run-ons). Paragraphing needs some paragraphing needs lots of
Paragraphing is generally done work. work.
Ideas Ideas were expressed in a clear Ideas were expressed in a Ideas were somewhat The letter seemed to be a
and organized fashion. It was pretty clear manner, but the organized but were not very collection of unrelated
easy to figure out what the organization could have been clear. It took more than one sentences. It was very
letter was about. better. reading to figure out what the difficult to figure out what
letter was about. the letter was about.
Neatness Letter is typed, clean, not Letter is neatly hand-written, Letter is typed and is crumpled Letter is typed and looks like
wrinkled, and is easy to read clean, not wrinkled, and is easy or slightly stained. It may have it had been shoved in a
with no distracting error to read with no distracting 1-2 distracting error pocket or locker. It may have
corrections. It was done with error corrections. It was done corrections. It was done with several distracting error
pride. with care. some care. corrections. It looks like it
was done in a hurry or
stored improperly.