The Book of Random Tables Quests 3

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The Book


Written By
Matt & Erin Davids
Edited By
Erin Davids

Layout & Design By

Matt Davids
All interior artwork is public domain. The cover is from iStockphoto and is copyrighted. Used under license.
The contents are copyrighted 2022 by dicegeeks and Matt Davids.
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maps, and more.

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Table of Contents

Quest Givers....................................................................................................................42-48
Thieves Guild..................................................................................................................60-63

How to Use this Book

Like the first two books in the series, this book is meant to help the dungeon masters and
game masters of fantasy tabletop role-playing games save time. Preparing RPG campaigns
and sessions can be taxing, and sometimes a spark is needed to light the creative fires.

DMs and GMs always need clever hooks and stories to launch their players on fantastic
adventures. These quest and adventure ideas can be used in a couple of different ways.

First, they can be used as the main objective of a campaign. Second, they can be used as side
quests or rumors during a larger campaign. To help use the ideas in either of these ways, the
quests range from simple to complex. This range gives DMs flexibility in crafting sessions.

The adventure ideas have been arranged in random tables so dungeon masters can roll
percentile dice to discover quests. The element of randomness in tabletop RPGs often brings
out the most fascinating and engaging stories. As game masters and players add to the seed
provided, unique tales emerge.

The quests are categorized by different themes: Apocalyptic, Espionage, Fey, Gnome, Maps,
Messages, Quest Givers, Ranger, Sky, and Thieves Guild.

Death and destruction reign in the Apocalyptic section. Gear up for spy action with the
Espionage quests. Journey in the fair country with ideas in the Fey table. Spent some time
with the little folk exploring the Gnome quests.

In the Maps table, game masters can give their players a unique map that leads to high
adventure. The Messages section provides special deliveries for hints and clues characters

People need jobs done and one hundred of those people are found in the Quest Givers
section. Rangers got to range with the variety of quests on the next table. Take to the skies
with Sky quests. Get sneaky with quests suited for the Thieves Guild.

With these one thousand adventure ideas, you will never have a lull at the gaming table.
Flip to any page, roll your dice and get ready for adventures you and your players will never

Matt Davids


1. Deadly mists are filling the river valleys. People are fleeing their homes. Cities are left empty as
people seek higher ground. Figure out the cause and help lead people to safety.
2. The plague is spreading through the great city at an alarming rate. They say it started in the dock
district. Help find a cure before the entire city dies of the disease.
3. All domesticated animals have gone mad and are attacking their owners. Some say a wizard was
experimenting on animals. Find the wizard to learn whether or not they have caused the animal
4. The plant blight has laid waste to the land. Sail with a group of refugees in search of a home
across the sea.
5. The rock giant war has spilled over into civilized lands. The boulders are destroying cities and
towns. The war needs to be stopped or all civilization will be destroyed.
6. The fish are dying in droves throughout the world. Some say it is a curse because of the crimes
of the last emperor. Discover the cause and break the curse.
7. The hurricane brought more than rain and wind damage. Sharks that walk on land descended
from the storm to feast. Destroy the beasts. However, whispers speak of their evil master who
lives beneath the sea.
8. The empire has banned all books. Ruthless troops are searching every house and putting to
death any who still have books. Defeat the empire before civilization is lost.
9. All the trees are dying. Discover the cause before no trees are left.
10. The leeches have left the swamps. They are on the move and growing bigger every day. Towns
and villages across the country are fleeing before the scourge. Help drive the leeches back and
discover why they are growing.
11. The lightning storms have continued for months. Crops are failing. Livestock is dying. People are
going mad. A wizard claims to know how to end the storms, but he is ridiculed and shunned. Find
the wizard and put his wild plan into place before the world ends.
12. The magically created servants seemed to be a gift from the gods. Less and less work had to be
done by people as the servants increased and did humanity’s dirty work. When the servants rose
up and began killing their masters, the world was plunged into ruin. Fight the servants and teach
the people how to work for themselves again.
13. The birds have turned against humanity. They are attacking without mercy. What has caused
them to do this and how can it be stopped?
14. The bees are gone. All of them from all around the world. Plants are not being pollinated and the
food supply is about to collapse. A wild rumor suggests a group of wizards captured all of the
bees for some wicked purpose. Find out if this is true and save the world.
15. The forests are on the move. Entire villages are being overtaken by woods. Chopping down trees
brings only wrath and faster growth. Find out what is happening and help the people.
16. The government was popular, and it used fear and hatred to come into power. Hatred of spell
casters. Now all magic is banned. Knowledge is being lost and casters slaughtered. Some are
finally questioning the government’s policies. End the reign of terror before all magic is lost.
17. The dragon scourge has returned. The serpents of old are destroying the land and burning as
they devour livestock and more. The old ways of driving the dragons back into slumber are long
forgotten by the foolish and lazy leaders of the land. Rise up and rediscover the old way and
drive the dragons to their caverns.
18. The spider rain has driven most out of the city. Now the rain of the spiders has stopped but the
city is infested. Kill the spiders in the city and help the people resettle their homes.
19. A plague whipped out nearly ninety percent of the population. Help rebuild civilization and learn
how to prevent the plague from returning.

20. The creature rose from the ocean overnight to feed. Its tentacles reach thousands of miles
inland, and humans seem to be its favored meal. Defeat the creature before the world is ended.
21. The sea is being overgrown with black algae. Shipping and fishing are at a standstill and people
are starving. Help rid the world of this evil.
22. All magic is broken. Every spell backfires or goes awry. Discover why and resolve the issue
before wizards destroy the world.
23. The demon stones that surround the equator of the world have split open after thousands of
years. The demons are laying waste to the entire world. Imprison them once again to end the
reign of terror.
24. The land has suffered under a drought for more than a decade. Lead a group of refugees to the
south in search of a new home.
25. In countless cities across the world, entire populations have been turned into stone. Find out
what caused this vile curse and break it.
26. Sinkholes are appearing all over the world. Buildings, fields, and even whole villages are being
consumed by the earth. Find the cause and stop it.
27. When the spores first came blowing into the land, no one was too concerned. But now every
building and crop is covered in fungus. Everyone is concerned. The east winds are bringing the
spores, so travel that way to learn how to stop the blight.
28. Clouds of gnats have descended on the land. The pestilence is making life unbearable. Figure
out how to rid the world of the gnats.
29. A disease is killing all of the horses in the world. Find a cure before society is irreparably changed.
30. The Wizard’s war has left the entire world in ruins. Help a band of survivors rebuild civilization.
31. Everyone in the world is now mute. Discover what curse is responsible and break it.
32. The fog settled on the land nearly a month ago. People are getting lost in it and work cannot
continue. Soon the people will starve. Discover the cause of the fog and get it to lift.
33. The Firefall devastated the land. A century later people are still clinging to their lives in a
wasteland. Help rebuild and bring order to the lawless lands.
34. The sun grows dim. The land grows colder and is harder to work. People are moving in great
numbers to the south. Keep a band of peasants safe on the journey.
35. The dead are rising. All across the entire world graves are emptying. Protect the people and
learn how to break the curse and release the dead from this unholy restlessness.
36. The grand empire fell and the barbarians are sacking the once-great cities. Lead survivors to
safety and preserve knowledge before it is lost.
37. When the giant spiders emerged from caves all over the world, they found meals ready and
numerous. As their choice food is humanoids and since they hadn’t eaten in more than a
thousand years whole cities were devoured. Rid the world of these evil creatures.
38. Even the smallest spark flames into an out-of-control blaze. People are afraid to make cooking
fires. Is this the work of some dread magic or a natural occurrence? Find out before the world
is devastated.
39. The portal opened in the sky fifteen years ago. However, it was only three years ago that the
creatures began pouring through it. Now, the land is being ravaged by otherworldly creatures.
The reward being offered for the closing of the portal is beyond imagination.
40. The Scab is growing and eating up the fertile lands. Find out what it is and stop its growth.
41. Killer bees are swarming the land. Drive the bees away before the land is left desolate.
42. The cattle plague is infecting and killing most livestock in the world. It is said that the cause is
magical. Discover the cause before the world is left without food.

43. The waters are rising and consuming villages and flooding great cities. Legend says this
happened once before in ages past. That time it was stopped by a wizard who crafted a
powerful gem that caused the waters to recede. Find the gem and use its power before the
world is inundated.
44. Something is causing rabbits to grow to enormous size. They’ve also developed a taste for
human flesh. Stop the rabbit monsters before they bring about the end of the world.
45. Goblins and orcs are pouring from the mountains. The hoards are slaughtering as they go
pushing the entire population to the brink of destruction. Stem the tide and push them back
or find their wicked master.
46. The ash clouds are blocking out the sun. Even though it is summer it remains cold, and it is
still snowing. Help the people find food and survive the year without summer. It will require
traveling far to the south.
47. The unrelenting winds are stripping the forests bare, and crops are beaten over. People are
fleeing to find shelter. Go with the winds to help people find a new home. Or, travel against
them to find the cause.
48. The ooze is seeping up through the ground. It kills every living thing it touches. Some say it
can be stopped, but it will not be easy. Hardy souls must descend into a large cavern while not
touching the ooze that surrounds them to discover the origin.
49. The soil on an entire continent will no longer produce food crops. The people are migrating en
masse. Help a group of survivors find a new home or learn the true reason why the soil is no
longer fertile.
50. Meteors are falling. They are small but life is being disrupted. Farms and villages are being
destroyed. Discover the cause and stop the meteors.
51. A baby has not been born in three years. Discover the cause before civilization ends.
52. All languages became confused overnight. Without communication, society is breaking down.
Find out what is causing this and return the world to normal.
53. An evil sorcerer has cursed all the children of the entire world putting them into an eternal
sleep. Break the curse and end the sorcerer’s reign of terror.
54. Only remnants survived after the stone plague. The ghastly statues of loved ones stand as
unholy reminders every single day. Some say it is not too late. The curse can be broken and the
world renewed.
55. Help rebuild after a locust plague.
56. An ancient race has emerged from underground, and they are set on reclaiming the suface as
their home. Can everyone live together in peace or will there be an apocalyptic war?
57. The mudslides have displaced thousands. Help lead people to safety in a new land, but the
journey won’t be easy. New dangers await on nearly every path.
58. Famine has gripped the land for years the people are at the breaking point. Many have left in
search of food. The king is hiring adventures who will journey to a faraway land to bring food
59. Fissures have opened spilling toxins into the air. Discover the cause before everyone has to
60. The powerful wizard who has always longed for solitude has cast a spell that is transforming
the entire population of the world into animals. Break the spell before it is too late.
61. Protect crops from an invasion of ants.
62. When the butterflies first came people thought they were beautiful. However, once insects
began biting people and infecting them with a disease, people no longer thought them
beautiful. Find a cure for the disease or rid the land of the butterflies before everyone is

63. Everyone is going blind. Find the cause and stop it before you go blind as well.
64. Streams and rivers are filled with foul frogs. They are spoiling the water and killing plants. Help
rid the land of these invaders and discover where they came from.
65. Hordes of rats have emerged from underground, swarming and swamping cities and
overrunning the countrysides. Drive the beasts away and learn what is happening beneath the
66. The wildfires swept the land leaving every plant burned and the land charred. Lead groups of
survivors to fertile lands.
67. The cultists sprang at once and kidnapped all the world’s leaders. Rescue the leaders and
destroy the cult.
68. They came from the stars offering gifts and wonders untold. Now, people have opened their
eyes and realized they are being held as slaves. Help defeat the magical beings and drive them
from the world.
69. People are going deaf from a strange illness. Society is falling apart. Find the cure.
70. The conquerors came in force and subjugated the land. Hide the last heir of the rightful king
until they are old enough to be placed on the throne and the invaded are defeated.
71. The rains have not stopped in months. The deluge is causing rivers and lakes to overflow their
banks. The people are moving higher and higher into the mountains.
72. Overnight large jungles have appeared all across the world. In order to survive the people are
trying to learn how to live with the jungles but things aren’t going well. Discover the secret of
where the jungles came from and how the world can be saved.
73. Wave after wave of ghosts is possessing people all over the world. Find out what has caused
this and stop it.
74. People’s spirits are being separated from their bodies by some strange magical force. The
spirits flit around visibly, but can’t grasp anything in the material world. Stop the magical force
before everyone is only a spirit.
75. It’s been raining rocks for months. The people are fleeing the land yet there seems to be
nowhere to run. Some suspect the cause not to be natural. Help discover the cause and stop
the falling rocks.
76. The land is flooding and there is no way to stop it. Help people build rafts and boats and sail to
new homes.
77. The gods returned in wrath. The world is devastated. Help rebuild and learn what provoked
the gods’ wrath.
78. The creature rose from the sea and is walking across the land leaving destruction in its path.
Kill the creature before it destroys all life.
79. A fast-spreading disease has killed more than ninety percent of the people in the land. Help the
survivors rebuild.
80. Putrid rain is spoiling the land. It seems to be coming in waves from the north. Travel to the
north to learn what the cause is and stop it.
81. An evil wizard is awakening an army from the buried remnants of an ancient war. As the hordes
issue forth they are laying waste to the land. Stop the wizard and his army before the world is
82. The dancing plague is seizing city after city. People are dancing themselves to death and the
world is paralyzed. Find the cure.
83. The sun is fading and the nights are growing longer. Some say the wizard council has damaged
the sun. Learn the truth and restore the sun.

84. All the world’s leaders have become oppressive and evil seemingly overnight. Some believe
it is the work of parasites that have taken them over and are controlling their minds. Free the
leaders and defeat the parasite creatures.
85. The moon has shattered. Tides have gone wild. Bits fall to earth raining fire and death.
86. All the volcanos are erupting at once. People are fleeing. Ash and smoke are choking out the
lands. Many think the eruptions are being caused by evil magic. Find the cause and stop it.
87. All of the rivers in the land are going dry. Travel deep into the north to learn why. Return water
to the land if you can.
88. People everywhere are plagued with boils. Find the cure or the cause, and end this terrible
89. The great earthquake ruined nearly all the buildings in the massive city. Help the people rebuild
and fight the tide of looting and disease.
90. A plague of madness is sweeping the world. Find the cause and stop it before no one is left sane.
91. The crack in the world opened from the northern to the southern hemisphere. The ocean is
draining into it and great steam billows fill the air. Find the ancient mage who may know the
secret to close the crack.
92. The major continent is splitting apart. The tectonic forces are incredible and earthquakes and
tsunamis are racking the world. Help rescue people or see if there is some other unnatural cause
that can be stopped.
93. The hail storm engulfed the entire world. Crops and livestock were destroyed. Countless people
perished under the huge chunks of ice. Help a city rebuild. They are looking for hardy souls to be
leaders. This is the time heroes are made.
94. While visiting a wizard, the wizard accidentally shrinks everyone in the world to the size of ants.
The party needs to cross the room and break the spell before everyone gets eaten by birds.
95. The last war ended with the release of a disease that is actually a magical weapon. It did its job
only too well. Both sides are now suffering and the world is nearing its end. Stop the disease
before all intelligent life is destroyed.
96. Crystals are piercing the soil and raising out of the land. The enormous formations are driving
the people out of the land. Travel underground to help stop the crystals from taking over the
97. All the fish in the great river are dying. People are scrambling to find food and they are afraid to
drink the water. Discover the cause and restore the river.
98. The tsunami was the stuff of nightmares. Whole villages were washed away and the land was
stripped bare for miles. Help the survivors rebuild.
99. A great red wave of magical energy passed over the world ten years ago and everything was laid
waste. Survivors are emerging from holes and caves. The time has come to rebuild civilization.
100. An angry wizard has cursed the rivers all across the world and turned them into blood. Find
the wizard’s lair and break the curse.


1. Impersonate members of a duke’s household staff to steal important papers containing
sensitive information about the king.
2. Sneak across enemy lines and gather as much information about their battle strategy as you
3. Impersonate peasants and attempt to gain access to secret underground meetings. Your
employer is a noble who is concerned about the meetings’ purposes.
4. Intercept a messenger with an important letter and learn the contents of the letter. However,
the letter must arrive on time and without the seal broken.
5. Observe and record the movements of a certain foreign noble as he moves throughout the city
for several days, and report the information to your employer.
6. Travel to a neighboring kingdom on a fact-finding mission. Gather as much information as you
can about their military strength and how beloved the monarchy is by the people.
7. Impersonate members of a diplomatic mission to a neighboring kingdom and secretly
assassinate the prime minister.
8. A neighboring kingdom is amassing soldiers near a border. Infiltrate and discover the reason.
9. Refugees have started trickling over the border. Go and investigate the possible causes before
the trickle becomes a flood. The queen is worried the region may become unstable.
10. A messenger en route with important papers has disappeared. Find them before the information
falls into the wrong hands.
11. Sneak into a neighboring kingdom to aid the defection of a prominent noble.
12. The king has grown jealous of a powerful noble. Learn about the noble’s plans and resources,
and report to the king.
13. A group of nobles is planning to move against the king. They would like someone to sneak into
the castle to learn how loyal the king’s servants are to him.
14. The queen is recruiting spies. Whoever can bring her the best information on a rival for the
throne will be greatly rewarded and hired.
15. Slip into an enemy-held town and organize a resistance.
16. Sneak supplies across a guarded border to a group of spies.
17. Break a resistance leader out of a foreign castle dungeon. The job must be done quickly and
quietly. Bring the person to the queen.
18. Intercept an enemy messenger and replace him with an imposter. Do not disturb the messages.
Deliver them, gather information, and then slip out.
19. Break into a mayor’s office and go through his papers. The king wishes to know if he is loyal.
20. Make your way quietly along the coast. There are reports of ships landing north of the port. If
the force is hostile, do not engage. Simply report back with the information.
21. Find out who has been smuggling weapons into the country, and quietly take down the
22. Infiltrate an underground fighting competition to gain access to and gather information on a
crime boss.
23. The king wishes to capture a notorious art fence. The king wishes the party to steal a precious
ancient vase from the museum and offer it for sale in hopes of drawing the fence out of hiding.
However, the king wants the situation as real as possible, so the party will actually have to steal
the vase from the museum. No one will know they are working for the king.
24. A fugitive noble has received aid from an enemy kingdom and is living in luxury in exchange for
information. The queen would like you to slip into the enemy stronghold and put the noble out
of commission. However, the deed cannot be linked to the queen.
25. A courier ship is docked in the port. Board the ship and secretly plant a message to the rulers
of several neighboring kingdoms.

26. Delay a diplomatic party, so the king’s agents can sneak into the palace.
27. Sabotage a dam in a neighboring kingdom to give the queen more bargaining power in
upcoming negotiations. However, the act cannot look like sabotage.
28. A new magic item may change the power dynamic in the region. Steal it before it is delivered
to an enemy kingdom or destroy it.
29. Slip into an enemy fortress and extract a friendly agent who has been hiding in the walls
gathering information.
30. Stir up riots and create general unrest in an enemy kingdom.
31. Impersonate a traveling acting troupe to sneak important information out of the country.
32. Secretly recruit mercenaries in a neutral city. The local authorities cannot learn of your activities.
33. Facilitate the return of an exiled claimant to the throne to sow confusion in an enemy kingdom.
34. Smuggle a wizard behind enemy lines to secretly craft a spell of doom.
35. Slip into an enemy-occupied town and save as many civilians as you can.
36. Investigate a noble who is suspected of illegal activity. The operation must be done quietly
without letting the noble know they are being surveilled.
37. Sneak behind enemy lines and delay or destroy supply shipments to troops in the field.
38. Help dig a secret tunnel underneath a heavily guarded border, and aid in the organization of a
smuggling ring.
39. Secretly abduct the crown prince of a neighboring kingdom.
40. Sneak a diplomatic envoy behind enemy lines to carry out secret negotiations with a powerful
41. Intercept a ship traveling to meet with enemy officials. Impersonate some of the crew to learn
the enemy’s plans.
42. Create a distraction during a parade, so agents can slip into the fortress.
43. Sneak into an enemy country and engineer a “natural” crop failure.
44. A claimant to the throne hires the party to quietly look into the other claimants’ backgrounds
to see if there is anything useful.
45. Plant a false message so that it is found by enemy forces. It needs to be done in such a way that
the message and the way that it is found are believable.
46. Sneak a wizard into the presence of the king. The wizard claims to have important information
for the king.
47. The kingdom is in an uproar and unrest and violence are widespread. Help slip the crown prince
out of the country.
48. Sneak the princess out of the castle so she can marry her sweetheart.
49. Smuggle weapons through a neutral port city.
50. Discover the spy in the queen’s court who has been passing secrets to the enemy.
51. Hide inside a statue being delivered to an enemy country. Then slip out at night to sabotage
their defenses.
52. Poison a letter that is to be delivered to an enemy noble.
53. Find a wizard who can create a confusion potion. Then sneak into an enemy city and pour it
into the main well.
54. Pretend to be an envoy from a distant country and deliver a gift to an enemy king. The gift is
some kind of cursed box.
55. Steal a noble’s ring to send false letters in their name to sow confusion and reduce their power.
56. Rescue the queen who has been locked in the tower.
57. A party member closely resembles a long-lost prince or princess. A group wishes to cause a
rebellion using them as a figurehead.
58. Search for a long-lost princess in an enemy country. There have been recent sightings of her.

59. Frame an enemy noble for a crime they didn’t commit, so they are removed as a threat to the
60. Steal a book from an enemy country’s royal wizard and replace it with a fake.
61. Strange rumors about a neighboring country are circulating in the land. Covertly enter the
kingdom and discover the truth.
62. Impersonate inn workers to intercept a strange traveler from a different kingdom to learn why
they are here.
63. Impersonate enemy soldiers to learn battle plans and then report back to the queen.
64. Plan and organize the assassination of a duke, who is planning on seizing power.
65. A dragon is recruiting agents to gather information on kingdoms in the area. He’s paying quite
66. Slip poison into the favorite wine of an enemy noble. The wine is kept at their favorite inn.
67. Locate a secret informant that hasn’t reported in a few days.
68. Pretend to be a group of prophets and spread doom and gloom through a neighboring country.
69. Raid an enemy fortress and steal as much information as you can and then escape.
70. Explore old tunnels under an enemy city, and find a way to enter the castle.
71. Create a listening post near the enemy command camp.
72. Find a way to break an enemy’s code they use for all their letters and orders.
73. Kidnap the creator of the enemy’s code and get them to decipher captured letters.
74. Search the port master’s office for shipping manifests to learn if they are smuggling contraband
into the kingdom.
75. Get hired as a crew on an enemy ship and learn what type of cargo they are carrying.
76. The ancients of the elder forest are the only beings that can read a special invisible ink. The
enemy employs one of them and writes all letters in that ink. Find another ancient of the elder
forest to read stolen documents.
77. Intercept enemy messenger ravens, and learn the enemy’s plans.
78. Set traps along an enemy’s supply line. Do not be spotted.
79. Plant a magically listening item in an enemy king’s war room.
80. A neighboring country is holding a large religious festival. Impersonate worshippers and gather
information about the kingdom.
81. Slip into a large group of pilgrims to learn exactly why they are traveling through the land.
82. Locate several merchant caravans that recently returned from a foreign land, and learn what
they saw there.
83. Recruit several merchants as spies, and then travel with them on their next journey to a
neighboring country.
84. Pose as foreign visitors to an enemy king’s coronation. Learn the new king’s character and if
he is warlike or not.
85. Assassinate an enemy’s army general. He is said to be traveling to a remote fort soon.
86. Explore ruins near the border to see if they are tunnels that could be used to smuggle troops
across the border.
87. It is said an enemy queen keeps her important documents in a vault beneath her castle. Gain
access to the documents through any means necessary, as long as it is done quietly.
88. Record and report the movements of the royal family to the court wizard.
89. Search inns near the border and interview any strangers who have arrived recently. Determine
if they are spies or normal travelers.
90. Interview the crews of several ships that recently docked in the port. Learn what you can from
the lands they came from.

91. Get a book to an enemy’s court wizard. It’s actually a listening magic item, so the queen can

92. Travel to a foreign port city, and set up a business as a front to spy out the city.
93. Blackmail an enemy noble into revealing his kingdom’s secrets.
95. Infiltrate an enemy’s spy network and report on their activities.
97. Help the queen’s spymaster impersonate a noble at a large gathering of enemy dignitaries.
98. One of the king’s most trusted spies disappeared en route to the enemy’s capital. Retrace

99. Bake a message into a loaf of bread and slip it to a prisoner in an enemy’s dungeon.
100. The king’s spymaster has discovered important information. However, as they were
trying to leave the enemy’s country they had to flee into ruins or be revealed as a spy.
Secretly travel to the ruins and return the spy home.


1. Find a silver harp that has been stolen from a fairy and return it to her.
2. Enter the fey to find and return dozens of nobles that the Unseelie Court is holding hostage.
3. Collect fairy wings for a warlock.
4. While traveling the fey, a winged serpent offers the party a reward in exchange for bringing it a
vial of the morning’s first dew.
5. Collect a unicorn tear for the fairy queen.
6. A shadow has fallen over the fey. Discover the cause and help rid the fey of this nightmare.
7. The party must drink from a stream deep in the fey to be cured of a plague that is killing them.
8. Enter the fey to retrieve a magical feather from a rare bird.
9. The fey is leaking into the mortal plane. Find out why and stop it.
10. Find a rare flower within the fey that can be used to make an antidote to cure a poisoned queen.
11. Convince a sprite to write love poetry for an awkward prince to give to a princess he’s in love
12. An imp’s sacred grove is dying. Search the fey for the cause and help her restore it.
13. Petition the Unseelie Court to release several human prisoners.
14. Collect bark from within the fey for a wizard.
15. Some evil has driven the lake fairies out of their home within the fey. Discover the source of the
evil and destroy it.
16. A one-eyed goblin volunteers to lead the party through the fey so they can find “The Key to the
17. A shadow approaches the party and asks for help in returning to the fey. It leads them into a
swamp where an entrance can be found. Once in the fey, the shadow abandons the party. The
party must then find their way back to their world, and as they leave the fey, a man gives them
gifts and reveals he was the shadow.
18. Dip a gold coin into the largest river in the fey to learn what magic it will release.
19. Find the golden bough and bring it out of the fey.
20. Help solve a dispute between two flocks of birds within the fey.
21. A group of wicked fairies has sieged the castle of the May Queen. Help her expel them.
22. Travel into the fey to learn the answer to a riddle that must be solved to save the life of a king.
23. The unicorns of the fey are dying. Help save them.
24. A fairy made off with a hermit’s manifesto. Track it into the fey and return the manuscript.
25. The queen charges the party with finding a way into the fey because she wishes to bring her dead
child back to life.
26. A wicked elf is allowing hordes of goblins to enter the fey. Stop him before the fey retaliates
against the entire mortal plane.
27. While traveling in the fey, a wild child spirit turns them into otters and forces them to gather
shells and food from the river before he changes them back.
28. Find out what is poisoning the heart of the fey and restore the once beautiful land to its former
29. The party seeks a favor from the winter king. Before he gives them what they wish, he asks them
to bring him a drop of sunlight.
30. The party must reach the fey quickly to save the life of a child. However, they must find and
convince a hag to tell them how to enter the fey.
31. Save a particular patch of forest sacred to a band of druids in order for them to tell you how to
enter the fey. The forest is being threatened by a mad wizard who is slashing and burning the
land to create a war machine.
32. Collect pollen from a rare flower in order to break the curse on a princess.

33. Convince the fairy king to give you a gift.
34. Speak to the great stag spirit to learn how to defeat the evil troll lord trying to conquer the fey.
35. While traveling in the fey, help a lost warrior find their family and return to their homeland.
36. Return a magic ring that was stolen from the fairy queen before the fey takes vengeance.
37. A fey creature has stolen the king and queen’s firstborn child. Find the creature in the fey, and
return the child to its parents.
38. Find twelve eggs hidden within the fey and bring them to the queen of spring to receive a special
39. Journey into the fey to learn the healing word only known by an ancient spirit that can be used
to heal an ill princess.
40. Return an injured fairy to her home in the fey.
41. Earn the blessing of the Seelie Court by solving a riddle, defeating a demon, and helping an old
42. A deity commands the party to gather laurel leaves or there will be consequences.
43. Retrieve fruit from a tree in the fey. Then plant the seed in the fields of a poor farmer.
44. Go to the fey to find a magical compass that will lead the party to a fabulous treasure.
45. The party must convince a fairy to lead them to a secret garden, so they can retrieve a rare flower.
46. Find the prince of the fairies who ran away.
47. To be released from the fey, a creature demands the party retrieve a giant pearl from deep within
a magic pool for them.
48. The party travels through a fog bank and emerges in the fey. They must defeat a fiend before
they can return to their world.
49. A group of sprites have left the fey and are transforming a farmer’s garden into a fairy pool. Help
the farmer and the sprites.
50. Find a single golden rose pedal to heal a dying fairy.
51. Journey into the fey to deliver a gift to the queen of autumn.
52. Stop an angry ogre from rampaging through the fey.
53. Travel into the fey to acquire a dress for a poor girl who wishes to attend a ball.
54. An imp steals an item from the party. As they chase it, they realize they have entered the fey. The
imp turns out to be a fey prince who needs their help in reclaiming his kingdom.
55. While traveling through the fey the party is plagued by a tormenting spirit. They must learn its
secrets and help put it to rest before it drives them mad.
56. Convince the fairy queen to give you a lock of her hair.
57. Collect honey for a capricious fairy.
58. A band of angry elves has entered the fey with the intention of killing a fey creature out of
vengeance. Track them and help resolve the conflict.
59. Fairies have been attacking a small village. Find out why.
60. While exploring a ruin the party falls through a portal into the fey. They find themselves in a
twisted magical version of the ruin and must find a way out to return to their world.
61. Search the fey for a copper key that was stolen by fairies.
62. There is a map to a legendary library that holds a book which is key to one party member’s
background. The troll lives deep within the fey. Discover a way to enter the fey and acquire the
map from the troll.
63. Convince the fairy king to give you a bottle of his special wine.
64. In the heart of the fey lies a scroll of wisdom. Retrieve it and bring it to the king before his enemies
find it.
65. Convince a troll to release a group of fairies it’s captured.
66. A butterfly asks the party for help. She takes them into the fey so they can help her kind fight off
a group of evil spirits.
67. A map the party needs is found only within the fey. Find the Wise Old Owl and convince him to
reveal the entrance to the fey.
68. Find the abode of the north wind deep in the fey and convince it to bring a light winter this year.
69. An injured elf asks to be taken into the fey so he can find his mother.
70. Something has blinded the king of summer. Help cure him to receive a reward.
71. Travel deep into the fey to speak with an old tree to learn why the forests are dying.
72. Gather the colors of the rainbow to be granted special magic.
73. Journey into the fey to find a pouch of stardust and return it to heal a dying princess.
74. Return a lost fairy to their home within the fey.
75. Seek help from a fey creature that lives in a house at the bottom of a lake. Convince the creature
to share its herbal knowledge with an old wizard.
76. Retrieve a drop of water from a sacred pool deep in the fey.
77. A beautiful mermaid attempts to lure the party into her pool. She tells them a sad tale of lost
love and asks them to retrieve a special stone that belonged to her lover. It is now located in a
grove deep in the fey.
78. Travel into the fey to have a dagger enchanted so it can kill a demon plaguing a city.
79. Explore the Castle of Summer to expose a traitor whose goal is to kill the queen.
80. Take a special gem to the gnome king within the fey to be granted a magical power to defeat a
81. While traveling in the fey the party must convince a troll to allow them to cross its bridge.
82. Find a wizard who wandered off in the fey.
83. The Unseelie Court has cast the members of Seelie into different locations throughout the fey.
Locate them and help them remember what has happened and restore order to the fey.
84. An evil dragon has entered the fey. Stop it before it turns the fey into a wasteland.
85. Fairies kidnapped a young girl from a village. Travel into the fey to rescue the child.
86. Retrieve an acorn from a sacred oak in the fey. Take it to a wizard who promises the party he will
make them a special potion with it.
87. Trick a mean sprite into saying its name backward to banish it back to the fey.
88. Take the soul of a dead tree and bury it deep in the fey.
89. Help a group of pixies rebuild their houses in the forest.
90. Gather pumpkins and gourds and offer them to the autumn queen to be granted access to her
vault of knowledge. Then learn the secret to freeing an enslaved people.
91. While traveling in the fey, a forgetful creature asks for help finding treasure it hid thousands of
years ago.
92. Get pixie dust from the pixie queen and sprinkle it over a city cursed with blight.
93. Help a fey squirrel collect nuts and seeds. He promises a reward.
94. Deliver a letter to the Seelie Court from a great wizard.
95. A magical cloak was stolen from the king by a fairy. Track the fairy into the fey and return the
96. Mean spirits attack the party while they are traveling in the fey. Discover what has made the
spirits angry.
97. Fey folk are fleeing the fey. Find out why and help them.
98. Speak to the fish of the sparkling pond within the fey to learn the route to the hidden city of the
99. Rumor has it that an ancient spellbook lies in the middle of a swamp within the fey. Find and
learn its secrets.
100. Search for the fountain of youth within the fey.


1. An old gnome who disappeared decades ago has reappeared. He says he’s discovered ancient
wisdom in the mountains. Who will travel with him to see the discovery?
2. Deliver ink bottles to the monastery. The gnome monks seem to be using up ink faster than
3. The gnome choir is stranded in a remote inn. Help them get to the celebration in the city on
4. A gnome chasing a flying quill asks for help catching it.
5. Help a group of gnomes hollow out a gigantic tree. It is their plan to turn it into an observatory.
6. A gnome scribe needs special ink for an important document. Help them locate the ingredients
to make it. The ingredients can be found in a bog, a forest, and some are said to be held by a
7. Help gnome children catch a hedgehog. It has gotten loose in the tower of a strange olf
8. A gnome tailor needs help delivering a wedding dress to the princess before the wedding. The
dress is extremely delicate and must be handled with care.
9. A gnome baby was found floating down the river in a basket. Take the child back upriver to
find out why it was abandoned.
10. A gnome village is infested with rats. Help them rid the village of the vile creatures before they
destroy the library.
11. Explore the old ruined temple for relics that can be presented at the festival. A gnome begs
the party for help. She wishes the relics to impress the elders.
12. A gnome bounty hunter needs help capturing a fugitive who fled to a large city. The fugitive
is wanted for using black magic on innocents.
13. An ogre has taken over the old mine and the villagers are terrified. Investigate the mine and
stop the ogre. The ogre is actually an illusion made by a greedy old gnome who has discovered
the old mine still has rubies.
14. Help the orchardist plant seedlings before the weather changes. If the seeds aren’t planted in
time, the gnomes won’t have enough food come the fall.
15. A gnome wizard has gone mad and barricaded himself into his lab. Talk him out without
hurting him.
16. A group of gnome adventurers wishes to hire protection as they travel over dangerous
17. Help a gnome village prepare for the great spring festival by collecting flowers and branches
from the forest. In return for help, the gnomes are offering magical gifts.
18. A traveling group of gnomes needs help repairing their wagon. It is a strange contraption that
needs special parts and metals.
19. Officiate a gnome wedding. Someone has been trying to keep the couple from getting married
and the officiant has been poisoned.
20. Deliver a wagon load of apples to the inn for the old gnome widow. Return the fee to her
before the greedy mayor forecloses on her house.
21. A gnome wandered into town battered and beaten. He asks for help against the “forces of
the night.”
22. A gnome merchant caravan has gone missing. Help find it quickly because it was carrying a
new magical weapon.
23. Collect swamp gas for a gnome wizard.
24. Repair the gnome wizard’s aviary and recapture the escaped birds.
25. Help a group of gnomes hold a ceremony for a dying tree.

26. There’s been a collapse at the copper mine. Help the gnomes of surrounding villages to rescue
trapped miners.
27. Deliver the mail in a gnome village because the mailman is ill. The party will quickly notice that
a lot of the gnomes are feeling under the weather.
28. Orcs are besieging a gnome village. Help save the town before the orcs can steal the tinker’s
new invention.
29. Deliver new parchment bundles to the library.
30. A group of gnomes is hiring workers to help them drain a mountain lake. Supposedly ruins lay
under the water’s surface.
31. Help a gnome alchemist collect plant samples.
32. Travel to a nearby city to retrieve books for the local gnome librarian.
33. Near the town, a gnome wagon was found burnt out and raided. Investigate and learn what
34. A gnome noble is hiring adventurers to take him to the dwarf kingdom so he can buy rare
35. A gnome needs help repairing a raft because she is going to sail to the other side of a large
36. Gather firewood for the celebration in the gnome village. The great bonfire is said to produce
magical visions.
37. Help a gnome wizard search for a lost coin. Once found the coin transforms into an elven
princess that claims the wizard is keeping her prisoner.
38. An evil wizard is slashing and burning wide swaths of the old forest. The gnome villages are
in danger. Help them put a stop to the wizard’s evil work before their homes are destroyed.
39. Help a gnome child pick flowers for their mother’s grave.
40. Help a gnome wizard find the spell they misplaced decades ago. The tower is a cluttered mess
filled to the brim with books, parchments, and oddities. If the party finds the spell the wizard
says they can keep one item they find in the tower.
41. Warn a gnome village of an approaching forest fire. As the fire burns near the village it reveals
the ruins of an ancient castle.
42. Tell a story at the festival. There is a reward for the best storytellers.
43. An old gnome’s home was burglarized last night. Missing were a gold button from a coat, an
old penchant map, and three silver candleholders. Help investigate.
44. Help a talkative gnome search for buried treasure in a dry river bed.
45. The librarian is offering a bounty for any book brought to the library.
46. Travel to the next village to retrieve supplies for the tinker. Once there a dispute over payment
arises and the merchant asks for a favor before he will release the supplies.
47. An angry gnome cursed the city and left a threatening note at the inn. Track him down to learn
about the matter and solve the dispute.
48. Deliver a wagon load of tin to the tinker’s shop in another village. The tin merchant neglected
to mention the bandits along the road that are stealing metals from the gnomes in the area.
49. Something strange happened in the library recently. None of the workers will go back inside.
The gnome elders want someone to investigate.
50. The king wishes to employ a gnome wizard. Find one who is willing to work for him.
51. The party was invited to participate in the yearly invention fair where teams compete to make
the most useful or unusual inventions.
52. Repair the farmer’s silo after a bad storm. A gnome inventor claims to have some improvements
that can be worked into the construction.

53. A curious young gnome is now stuck in a tunnel deep under the ruins in the forest. Help free
54. Gnome children have been disappearing from the village, and the people are frantic. Help
them find their children. Whispers say the strange rainmaker who passed through recently
may be involved.
55. The old matron of the gnome towns is missing. Join the search parties looking for her in the
56. Help an elderly gnome find her brother before she dies. He is said to have traveled to some
islands off the coast.
57. A group of gnome villages is hosting a spelling bee. Contestants seem to keep getting sick.
Look into the matter.
58. A gnome tinker needs help repairing his wagon. He must not be late delivering a gift to the
59. Help a young gnome defend herself against unjust accusations during a council meeting.
60. A gnome has a map to a legendary library and is hiring adventurers who will help him find it.
61. Help the librarian find a lost book. If the book is not found, an innocent person may be blamed
for a crime.
62. Deliver a stack of books to the gnome wizard who lives in a tower in the countryside.
63. A gnome village has constructed a magic item as a gift for an elven king. Guard the caravan to
ensure the item arrives safely.
64. Two gnome villages are at odds over who invented a flying machine. Help settle the dispute.
65. A gnome wizard was found unconscious on the outskirts of town. Help heal him and learn
what happened.
66. A group of human refugees moved into an area populated by gnomes. Conflicts are starting to
arise between humans and gnomes. Help solve the disputes or resettle the humans elsewhere.
67. Help a gnome engineer repair the dam before it gives way.
68. The old widow needs help painting her house. She says she has something special for anyone
who helps.
69. A gnome tinker has heard of a special metal in a faraway land. He’s offering quite a sum if any
are willing to go there and bring some back.
70. A gnome would like help searching for a lost people group in the old forest.
71. Help a gnome lawyer defend a city guardsman against false claims.
72. A gnome inventor would like help testing their underground boring machine.
73. Escort a gnome wizard through a perilous swamp.
74. A gnome winemaker needs help delivering a large order to a duke’s castle.
75. Urgently deliver a special potion to an ill gnome.
76. Help a gnome baker deliver a giant cake to the queen.
77. Help gather pearls for a gnome jeweler. There’s a special cove where some choice pearls can
be found, but dangers lurk in the waters.
78. Help a group of gnomes investigate something that fell from the sky.
79. The tinker needs several special metals for a new invention. Search the foothills for deposits.
80. Help a young gnome catch his shadow. The shadow seems to have run amok.
81. Collect rock samples from the old mine for the gnome geology teacher.
82. Help a gnome find his great-grandfather’s grave.
83. Travel to the great port city and ask sailors and sea captains if they have seen any strange
magic items on their travels. If so, investigate and report the findings to the village elders.
84. Gnome refugees have been arriving in the city for a few days. Learn why they were driven
from their home and investigate.

85. The elven kingdom has purchased a large collection of books from the gnome library. Help
transport them to the elves safely.
86. Help a group of gnomes transport a submersible vehicle to the port city.
87. Repair the miller’s waterwheel.
88. A gnome inventor needs volunteers to help them with a new invention. It’s a hot air balloon,
so nothing could go wrong.
89. Help the librarian discover the identity of a book thief.
90. Help a gnome village harvest their crops before the first snow.
91. Several supply wagons have gone missing between gnome villages. The villagers wish to hire
someone to investigate.
92. A gnome ship has run aground. Help the crew free the vessel before their magic potions mix
with the water and explode.
93. A gnome claims to have found the fountain of youth. Investigate the gnome and the truth.
94. Help retrieve a gnome’s kite from a tree.
95. A gnome bookseller needs to deliver a load of books to the king’s castle before the rains come
and destroy them.
96. Escort an old gnome up into the hills so he can find a good place to die.
97. A gnome has been asking around the inn for someone to help her village from bandits. The
village is deep in the forest and soon the party realizes these aren’t normal bandits, they are
wicked tree folk.
98. Help a gnome plant a special seed in a remote valley. He claims the seed will grow into a plant
that produces powerful magic.
99. A young gnome asks the party for help catching a ghost. The restless spirit is driving the town
100. Join a party of gnomes on a nighttime excursion into the woods to find a mythical bird.


1. Map to the Khirgakk Bee Hives: It is said that the honey from these sacred bee hives can bring
vitality and longevity. The greatest alchemists in the world use the honey in various potent
potions. However, these alchemists are very secretive about the location of the hives.
2. Map to Gomiris the Home of the Gods: Most say that it is impossible for a mortal to even read
a map that describes the way to this place, let alone go there. However, the map seems easy
enough to read. Could this be some sort of trick?
3. Map to the Lost Valley of Todazur: This valley is spoken of in legend. A huge vale covered in
vineyards. Storytellers say that the grapes are magical and are tended by invisible creatures,
who fiercely guard their fruitage.
4. Map to the Treasure Vault of Griweth: The ancient warrior Griweth had conquered huge swaths
of the land in ancient times. He instructed the priests to bury him in a secret location with seven
great treasures. These seven treasures are the seven most prized objects captured from the
seven ancient lands he conquered.
5. Map to the Obelisk of Atramis: The Obelisk is believed to grant one wish to those who come with
a pure heart, but it shall curse those whose ways are devious.
6. Map to the Algard Hot Springs: These hot springs are a favorite destination for those who know
the way. The staff at Algard are known for their ability to sense exactly what their clientele are
needing most to refresh and revitalize.
7. Map to the Soliana Canyon: The famous fox-fire flower is said to grow only on the sheer cliffs
of this dangerous canyon. They are most visible at night when the delicate blossoms show their
faces to the sickle moon. The flowers radiate an iridescent glow. The petals are used in many
magical concoctions.
8. Map to the Toshecion Underground Lair: The “demons” of the Toshecion Cult are well known
for their maliciousness and cruelty. They are secretive and hunt for innocents in the night. Some
say that they kill their victims in their abominable ceremonies. Others say that they drive them
mad, and the victim becomes another “demon” to swell their numbers.
9. Map to the Museum of Almithara: All great wizards desire to visit this museum at least once
in their lives. It houses ancient magical items that pertain to some of the most important
advancements in the history of wizardry.
10. Map to the Mirlenas Vaults: The Mirlenas Vaults are deep beneath the Great Mirlenas Lake. The
history books say the only way to reach them is to swim to a passage at the bottom of the lake,
navigate the treacherous underwater tunnel, and resurface in the small, ornately decorated
pool in the center of the main vault. Everyone knows the entrance to that tunnel is guarded by
a sea serpent. This map seems to be showing a passage that doesn’t require any swimming. The
entrance to this passage is found in the forest that edges the east side of the lake. The passage
ends in one of the smaller vaults far off the main one. Is the “Treasure of All Eternities” still
11. Map to the Kezig Pagoda: This pagoda houses an ancient relic, which was known to be carried
by the most powerful monk in ancient times.
12. Map to the Iwarim Whirlpool: Most would rather not go looking for the Iwarim Whirlpool. Those
who have seen it said that it was a strange and terrifying experience. The whirlpool emits a
terrifying, unearthly sound that can make the most stalwart-hearted person tremble and weep.
But at the very center of the vortex, for those who dare to look, there appears to be something
13. Map to the Ilythyrra Bog Graveyard. The bodies in this sacred ground are amazingly well-
preserved. It is said that the bog preserves their remains so that the spirits of those buried there
may remain on the earth and serve the gods of the surrounding forest.

14. Map to the Alesund Hound Kennels: The Alesund Hounds are trained in the art of war. Many
warriors seek out this place to find a companion that will fight alongside them. But it is said that
the hounds choose their owners and not the other way around.
15. Map to the Shrine Onigren. The god Onigren is to the cook, as a god of war is to a warrior. Many
famous chefs come to this shrine and place there a meal that they hope will satisfy this god. It
is said that Onigren will bless those who offer their very best to him, whether it be a poor man’s
homely meal or a rich man’s five-course dinner.
16. Map to the Kreegrim Graveyard: Would anyone want to visit this graveyard? The ghosts of this
graveyard chase off any who would approach it. Are they hiding something?
17. Map to the Mythic Bletish Mill. Come see a mill that can grind anything you put in it! Fine
powder is guaranteed no matter the substance.
18. Map to the Khotar Salt Mine: This mine is worked by children who have been kidnapped from
their homes.
19. Map to the Azagana Fjord. It is said that those who follow this fjord to its end will find the home
of the gods.
20. Map to the Lankaran Gold Mines: The Lankaran Gold Mines are the most profitable in the world,
but they are run by a powerful crime syndicate.
21. Map to the Karlskoga Bat Caves: The bats in these caves are able to be trained in stealth tactics.
Professional thieves and those trained in espionage come here to capture a pup in order to
raise and train it.
22. Map to the Zuruk Mausoleum: This map is made of a strange paper that never ages. It looks
like the ink just dried. If it is still standing, this Mausoleum would be the most ancient of all
Mausoleums. History speaks of it, but no one has known of its location for thousands upon
thousands of years.
23. Map to the Avlyrra Fire Fields: The map feels warm to the touch. The fire fields are tended
by monks. The Ingnitio Plant is known for having many uses. Even the roots can be used as a
cooking fuel. The monks are peaceful and will gladly barter with any who come to them. Only
the monks can safely tend and harvest the plant. Deviants who try to harvest the plant without
the monks’ knowledge will find their plans “go up in flames.”
24. Map to the Orive Pantheon: “The Pantheon of Pranksters” is what many call this place. Those
who approach it better be on their guard. However, if one is able to play a trick on one of the
gods, there may be a great reward…or a terrible retribution!
25. Map to the Drozag Steppes: The map is made of leather, rolled, and tied with a cord. The Drozag
Steppe people are known for their great wisdom.
26. Map to the Trikur Wizard Academy: Many great wizards had their start at this prestigious
school. They even host workshops for those who would like to learn new skills.
27. Map to the Aranorin Battlefield Memorial: The map is made of vellum and dyed a somber gray.
The memorial is visited by many, for many loved ones died in this great battle. The memorial
itself is so moving, that those who visit it often come away solemnly promising to do what they
can to stop all wars.
28. Map to the Gravago Swamp: The map is faded and hard to read. A wise shaman is said to live in
the center of this swamp. He will give advice to any who can find him.
29. Map to Monfort Castle: The map looks hastily drawn on a scrap of paper. Montfort Castle is
supposedly the secret fortress of an evil warlord.
30. Map to the Issavyre Sanctuary: The Sanctuary is a peaceful place for those who need healing.
The monks will tend to any sick or injured who show up at their door.

31. Map to the Clarlayna Tundra Fortress: This map is painted upon a woven cloth. The people of
the Clarlayna Tundra are honorable people, but they are also fierce. They will protect those
who are unable to protect themselves. Their fortress is considered a safe place for those who
need protection from an enemy.
32. Map to the Kythaela Silver Mines: The map is worn and faded. The silver mines have been
abandoned for years. Legends say that the miners dug too deep and woke a great evil.
33. Map to the Zefadolon Elephant Graveyard: Bandits have made their headquarters in this
desolate place.
34. Map to the Savinka Throne Mountain: The map is made of fine linen, the details are woven
into the fabric with silk threads. The mountain appears to have been carved into a massive
throne. The local religion says that the goddess will come back one day and resume her rule.
35. Map to the Perino Waterfall: The map is written in a lacy script with many flourishes. Many go
to this waterfall to meditate.
36. Map to the Shadow Realm of Draebanor: The map can only be read if it is placed in the shadow
of some object. It is said that only spirits can dwell in this dark realm. Those who attempt to
travel in or through it will over time find their very soul pulled from their body. But it is also
said that a powerful magic is housed in a sacred temple in the center of the realm.
37. Map to the Iyizarid Volcano: The spirit of the volcano is lonely but fickle. She will sometimes
give gifts to those who come and visit her.
38. Map to the Okukeg Spice Island: The map itself smells of cloves and cardamom. The coral
around this island is treacherous. A map is the only way to safely enter its harbor.
39. Map to the Statue of Brae: Brae is a goddess of bards. Those who compose a song or poem
before her statue will be allowed to enter through a secret door beneath the statue and
receive a musical instrument that she fashions specifically for the recipient.
40. Map to the Akranes Crystal Dome: This map is etched into a glass globe. An ancient race
created this massive dome in the center of a harsh desert. It is said that a lush utopia lies
within. Do the ancients still reside there?
41. Map to the Havoysund Pirate Keep: Deep in the jungle the pirates have their stronghold. It is
an ancient temple from some lost civilization. They have repurposed it for their own wicked
schemes...and to hold their stolen wealth. The surrounding jungle is riddled with booby traps.
The map shows the only safe route. Any who would dare to approach these pirates better
have this map!
42. Map to the Islivaria Lost Wood: The map’s ink drawings seem to shift on the page when no one
is looking. This wood is somewhere deep in the Islivaria Mountain Range. It is fiercely guarded
by the spirits who reside there. Those who go in search of it, find themselves traveling to a
dead end. When they turn around to backtrack, they find that the road has changed, and they
are unable to get back to where they started. Many have never made it back. Those who have
made it back, are mad.
43. Map to the Ruined Castle of Ghiazzin: The fortress of an ancient dark lord. Those who have
seen this castle say it seems to be alive, brooding, and malevolent. The stories say that the
fortress was besieged by those who love the good and hate what is evil. And the evil tyrant,
after being fatally wounded, attempted to fix his soul to the very walls of the castle. He died,
but some say that he succeeded in his sorcery.
44. Map to the Maritria Dry Lake: The Lake bed crackles in the heat of the day. This was once one
of the most pristine lakes of the land. But a powerful mage diverted the river that fed into
the lake so that he could use its waters for his own purposes. At night, it is said that a woman
wanders the lake bed weeping. She was once the guardian spirit of the lake.

45. Map to the Grusork Death Fields: The map is hastily drawn on a scrap of paper. Deep in the
enemy territory, the Grusork Death Fields isn’t your typical prisoner of war camp. Soldiers who
have been captured and sent here are doomed to grueling labor for the rest of their lives,
which tend to be very short.
46. Map to the Jungle of Slagatara: The map is limp from dampness. This jungle is said to be the only
place to find a particular plant known for its magnificent properties. The plant, when brewed in
a tea, can make the drinker let their guard down. They become more receptive to suggestions,
more willing to trust a stranger, and looser with sensitive information.
47. Map to the Hoffell Ghost Inn: This inn is all about the haunting. Run by ghosts and for a clientele
of only ghosts, those in the flesh are going to have a hard time getting in. However, if one could
find a way to convince the phantoms that you are also a ghost, the wraiths often have valuable
information. In fact, that is why some of them are no longer living.
48. Map to the Mythical Land of Yelenets: The beings of this land are said to be the “castoffs”
when the world was made. Creatures that were rejected by the great creator god as “flawed”
or “inferior,” were cast into this land of refuse.
49. Map to Borgifell the City of Devils: The map is of some strange black paper with livid green
writing. Most would rather avoid this “Pandemonium.” Chaos spills out of the doorways and
into the winding streets. Only those who have business with the demons seek this place out.
50. Map to the Village of the Thulkna: This tiny, remote village is said to be the only inhabited place
in the world that has never seen war. The people are gifted in the art of healing any condition.
They will treat anyone who asks.
51. Map to the Tyrkak Tower: The map is rolled and tied with a golden ribbon. The Tyrkak Tower
houses a mystical telescope that allows the user to see things in any part of the world.
52. Map to the Sylcyne Homeland: The Sylcynes are a people who are particularly in tune with the
spirit realm. If there is any need to go into the spirit realm or to speak with someone from the
spirit realm, the Sylcynes can help you.
53. Map to the Mountain Stronghold of Salleria: The remote stronghold is placed at the border of
two mighty empires. Often it has switched hands in its life. Even now, there is a battle to take it.
54. Map to the Ancient City of Tidaholm. The map is on a quality piece of vellum. Tidaholm was
abandoned thousands of years ago, and no one knows why. The ancient stoneworks are now
overgrown with jungle vines, but those who learn its ancient language shall be able to unlock
the secret of its demise and find its ancient treasure.
55. Map to the Liaven Manor. The map shows the location of the manor on one side and the layout
of the manor on the other. The lord of the manor went missing some days ago. No one saw
anyone approach or leave during that time. Could some of the underground cellars be hiding
secret passages?
56. Map to the Kogark Witch Tree: Long ago, an evil witch had kidnapped a young girl and raised
her as her own. She planned to train the girl in the art of magic in order to help her carry out her
devious schemes. But the girl discovered the truth and turned on the witch. Using the magic
she had learned, she trapped the witch within a giant beech tree. The tree now stands as a
huge, twisted, and gnarled reminder of her bravery. However, ever so often, people say that
they can hear a tapping deep within the trunk
57. Map to the Huskia Sky Temple: The map is stitched in silver thread onto some sort of dark blue
cloth. Located on the pinnacle of a mountain. The priests and priestesses of this temple are
able to commune with the spirits of the stars. Some say that they can even hold a star’s spirit
in their hands and use its power if the star is willing.

58. Map to the Breheimen Imaginarium: The map is showy, more like an advertisement than a map.
Wonder of wonders! Once a person walks through its doors, they are transported to a world
limited only by their imagination. Some seek it out to find solutions and answers to problems
that they face. Beware though, some become lost in their deepest desires and never re-enter
the real world. Also, the price is steep to enter!
59. Map to the Wall of Askersund: A wall built as much out of spells and charms as it is built of
stones and mortar. This wall holds back a species of vile magical beasts that are bent on wanton
60. Map to the Elinlya River. The map is tiny, etched onto the back of a pendant made of some
metal that is not of this world. It is said that those who travel up this river will find its source
among the stars.
61. Map to the Sheonnorat Shipyard: This map is a bit crusty with sea salt. Those who wish to travel
by sea shall find any kind of ship they need at this shipyard. Master builders can also be found
here to customize a build.
62. Map to the Renva Oceanarium: The Renva Oceanarium can only be reached by a glass passage
that leads to the bottom of the sea. The mages that oversee the undersea use it as a place to
learn the deepest secrets of the world’s oceans.
63. Map to the Votara Baths: This is a popular destination for those who are looking to cleanse
both the mind and the body. It is run by priests and priestesses who specialize in helping those
with physical and mental trauma find healing through both washing and magic.
64. Map to the Admida Furnaces: Fires reign in this place. It is a smithy’s dream. Each of the furnaces
is magically enhanced and bestows special properties to the weapons forged in it.
65. Map to the Thorgruzz Pyramid: The map is drawn upon a soft piece of leather. In the center
of the ancient Thorgruzz Savannah, a massive Pyramid dominates the landscape. There are no
towns or cities near it, not even a small village. The people of the Savannah refuse to live near
it or even hunt within the reach of its shadow.
66. Map to the Leobilion Ice Fortress: In the deep north, the Leobilion people have chipped away
at the eternal ice to make a stronghold for themselves in times of trouble. The ice fortress
never melts, even in the summer. Some say that the Leobilionites have discovered a magical
way to keep ice from ever melting.
67. Map to the Hoyatha Prison: Only the most dangerous mages in the world are kept in this prison.
Layers of both physical and magical barriers make it a formidable place to break out of or break
into. There appears to be some cryptic hints on the back of the map, though.
68. Map to the Fabulous Realm of Avrinyth: Those who have seen it say it is the most beautiful
realm in the world. The people of Avrinyth have discovered a way to create floating islands
in the air. Beautiful waterfalls cascade from one island to another below it. There are even
floating rivers that connect the various islands. People travel by luxurious gondolas in the
sky among the exquisite gardens and architecture. However, the people who live below the
floating islands live in squalor and are forced to work for the aristocrats floating above them.
69. Map to the Canal of Advalur: This canal is pretty much the only way to the other side of the
great continents. Pirates patrol the southern tip of the southern continent while the northern
route is almost continually locked up in ice.
70. Map to the Oghuz Salt Flats: An ancient sea dried up and left a vast deposit of unusual minerals.
Potion specialists and alchemists can find many important ingredients in this desolate place.
71. Map to the Hall of Torshavn: Torshavn, also known as the “Gambling King” has set up a casino
right in his court. Only the most prestigious individuals are usually invited. However, if someone
showed up with a LOT of cash…

72. Map to the Secret Pass of Lomello: The script is lovely and slightly reflects the light. Most travel
by the main pass through the treacherous mountains, but there is another pass. This one will
take you to your destination much more quickly. However, there is a fairy toll along the way. If
you wish to use this pass, you must bring a gift to the Fairy Lomello.
73. Map to the Kolvereid Racetracks: The map is printed upon a bright ocher parchment. This is not
just a racetrack for horses. Every kind of race one could imagine on any type of beast is hosted
at this site.
74. Map to Saza the Weapons Master in the Mountains: This reclusive weapons master will take on
only the most earnest and disciplined of students.
75. Map to the Rorvik Geyser: A beautiful geyser that spews forth water a vibrant shade of
turquoise. The Geyser is also the home of a combative spirit that loves to throw out challenges
to the stout-hearted.
76. Map to the Quattordio Hanging Gardens: The map looks as though the person struggled to
hold the pen. It also has been ripped to shreds and mended. The hanging gardens are a sight
to see. Many have heard of these secret gardens, but few have actually seen them. Those who
have seen them describe its overwhelming beauty. Mysteriously, it seems that none will tell of
its location or even write down where it is. This map is rare indeed!
77. Map to Master Hianara’s Abode: Master Hianara specializes in unique magics and spells. She
is an excellent teacher but will not tolerate any student who does not take the course load
78. Map to the Hidden Tomb of Zavattarello. “The Mystical Pendant of Zavattarello is said to have
been buried with him. However, the Tomb is said to be both booby-trapped and cursed.
79. Map to the Underground Lake of Yusia: The lake is the largest known underground body of
water. On its farthest shore lies an underground city of cavern dwellers. Because of their
unique lifestyle, they have many unusual items to trade with “over-dwellers.”
80. Map to the training grounds of Master Glappilan the Mad: Master “Mad-Glap” is an eccentric
teacher of the disciplines of acrobatics and parkour. His methods are unusual but effective.
81. Map to the Volgograd Hunting Grounds: TheMythical Silver Stag is sometimes seen in these
hunting grounds. None have been able to track him down.
82. Map to Bronirk’s Training Camp: Bronirk is the greatest teacher of swordsmanship in the
area. He is patient with beginners and demands great gains from his more experienced sword
83. Map to the Abandoned Warminster College. Though the halls of this ancient school of learning
are now empty of students, some say that the great library of scrolls and tomes used by Masters
is still intact, hidden somewhere on the premises.
84. Map to the Tree Dwellings of the Hvalba: The great trees of the Hvalba forest rise higher than
any other in the world. The tree-dwellers tend to be secretive and suspicious but will offer
great hospitality to one who can prove they are trustworthy.
85. Map to the Norria Forest: The map feels heavy. Almost as if it weighs upon your very soul.
This place is also known as the Forest of Lost Souls. If a lost loved one is not ready to pass to
the other side for any reason, they might make their way here, wandering in the soft, eternal
86. Map to the Brikkarg Blight. A strange stone lies in the center of a perfect circle of decay. A smell
of death and ruin hangs in the air. The locals say it fell from the sky one day. The stone itself
seems to fester. The radius of the circle grows a little each year, but no one dares to enter the
circle itself and approach the stone. The map is clearly meant to help travelers veer away from
this evil. For it says, “An Evil grows here. Pass by with caution. Do not rest near here. Do not
stop even for a moment. Do not even look upon the face of the accursed stone.”

87. Map to Kashka –The City of Exiles: Legends say that long ago, there was a war among the gods.
Those that were defeated were banished here.
88. Map to the Sophutria Stables: The horses from the breeders at this stable are said to be the
finest in the land. But they won’t sell to just anyone. They are very protective of their horses. A
buyer must first gain their trust.
89. Map to the Jaclanis Observatory: On a high plateau in the desert, the Jaclanis Observatory
allows stargazers and astrologists to see into the vast regions of the universe.
90. Map to the Training Hall of Akurri: This map is rolled up tightly and sealed with the emblem of
the Akurri Monks. The Fighting Monks of Akurri welcome all disciples who wish to train their
minds, souls, and bodies in the ways of the martial arts.
91. Map to the Smaris Sinkhole: Locals say that a deluge of black, foul-smelling rain preceded
its appearance. The same foul smell wafts up from the 300-foot chasm. A feeling of great
malevolence seems to hang in the air above and around it.
92. Map to the Legendary Library of Hoterra: The library was started in the ancient days. The many
caretakers over the years have continued to add to both the premises and the collections. It
is really a Library of Libraries. There are hundreds of buildings on the grounds. Each houses a
collection dedicated to a different discipline.
93. Map to the Laugarva Desert Oracle: The map is printed upon fine calf-skin vellum. The only
way to safely reach this oracle is by this map. Any who would try to cross this desert without it
would end up as a feast for the vultures.
94. Map to the Brunnholl Tar Pits: The story goes that a group of treasure hunters set out to find a
legendary treasure. After great peril and the loss of some of the party, the treasure was found.
But the remaining adventurers were plagued with difficulties in getting back. One by one, the
adventurers were killed by some mishap or attack. Only one remained. In his grief over his lost
comrades, he threw the treasure into one of these tar pits and made his way back home. When
he was old and on his deathbed, he wrote their story on a somber shade of gray parchment and
drew a map to show where he had lost each of his friends and where the tar pits were located.
He did not disclose the location of the tar pit with the treasure, however.
95. Map to the Lodingen Arboretum: The map is made of calfskin. The ink is that of a rare purple
berry. The arboretum is maintained by a group of priestesses who have dedicated their lives to
the honoring and nurturing the souls of the trees. When someone walks through this peaceful
garden, they can almost hear the trees whispering. Those who are especially in tune with
nature can, like the priestesses, converse with the trees here.
96. Map to the Bramukork Menagerie: Except for the catastrophically dangerous animals, at least
one member of every known animal in the world is housed in this massive zoological park. It is
a wonderful place to take the family for an outing, but it also attracts many scholars wishing to
learn more about both magical and non-magical beasts.
97. Map to the Thalvith Thieves Guild: The map is folded so intricately, that only one who is
especially skillful with their hands can open it without tearing it to shreds. It is also sealed with
a substance that will mar the map if it is not removed in a special way. This guild is naturally
very secretive. But if someone wants to learn more about the “tricks of the trade,” there is no
better place to learn.
98. Map to the Opheros Dragon Bed: They say that, long ago, a massive dragon once slept here for
a thousand years. Grass and flowers refuse to grow in a 20 foot wide, snake-like depression,
which meanders through the narrow valley for about a quarter of a mile. The ground is still
warm to the touch. No one knows what happened to the dragon. But many claim that it left its
dragon hoard somewhere in that high mountain valley.

99. Map to the Cliff Dwellings of Sorvagur. The cliff dwellers are a timid people who prefer to be
left alone. But they are very wise in the ways of any kind of magic that involves the element of

100. Map of the Falkenus Pilgrimage: The map is printed on a fiery red page. The lettering seems
to be burned onto it. The Falkenus Temple is dedicated to the gods of fire. It is said that in this
very place, the gods descended and gave the gift of fire to the mortals. Those who travel the
sacred route to the Falkenus Holy Site are said to become enlightened in “the Ways of the


1. Nails hammered into a board spell out a message.
2. A royal herald delivers a formal message to the party.
3. The party finds a message written on the inside of a shield.
4. The party sees a message written in cow dung.
5. A message is written on a huge boulder near the road.
6. While traveling the party sees a message written in the clouds.
7. The party finds a message written on paper hidden in a tree stump.
8. The party finds a small wooden box with a message in it.
9. A boulder by the roadside has a message carved into it. The message is written in orc.
10. A barmaid informs the party that an “admirer” sent them a message.
11. The party finds a message written on their plate as they finish eating.
12. The party finds a scrap of leather with a message on it.
13. A sleeping NPC is mumbling something in his sleep. If the party listens closely, they will find it
is a message meant for them.
14. As a character doffs their armor, they notice a message written on the inside of the breastplate.
15. An NPC the party is speaking with has a simple message written on their eyelids. The party can
read as they blink, but the person will not admit to knowing about the message.
16. When the party arrives at an inn the barkeep lets them know someone left a message for
17. The party finds a message in an ancient text. The writing is clearly part of the original work
and not a later addition. And yet, it is clearly meant for them.
18. The party finds a message written on a silver plate.
19. The party finds a message written on a strip of satin.
20. The party finds a message written on the jawbone of a donkey lying by the side of the road.
21. While walking through the city one character notices a message written on paper has become
stuck to their foot.
22. The party sees a message written in the snow.
23. One night the entire party receives a message in a dream.
24. While visiting an inn, the party discovers a message carved into their table.
25. A party member finds a message written out of vegetables in their soup.
26. The party finds a message written on a leaf. The script is elven and the letters are formed from
27. The party sees dead bodies strewn about the road. Looked at from above they are arranged
in a way that spells out a message.
28. The party sees a message written in mud.
29. The party finds a message baked inside the bread they are eating.
30. The party finds a dagger with a message written on it.
31. A message is written on the back of a party member’s spoon.
32. As one of the characters puts on a glove, they notice a message written on the inside.
33. A seemingly random person walks up to the party, delivers a message, and then collapses.
34. The party finds a message written on a sling stone.
35. The party finds a message written on the wall in an alley in the city.
36. A character notices a message in a book they just received.
37. A barmaid slips one character a message scrawled on paper.
38. While pleasantly conversing with a bartender, all of a sudden the NPC’s eyes roll up in their
head and they speak in a different voice. They relay a message to the party and then revert
back to normal.

39. An orphan boy hands the party a message and runs off. The script is dwarven.
40. The party sees a message written in pebbles on a desk.
41. A spilled drink spells out a message on the table.
42. Dragonflies sitting on rocks near a pond spell out a message.
43. The party sees a message written in the stars.
44. A hedgerow has been shaped into a message.
45. A message is spelled out in apples in front of a small shop.
46. A frog approaches the party and gives them a message.
47. A mechanical bird brings the party a message written on parchment.
48. Footprints in mud spell out a message.
49. A character finds a message written on the seat of their chair.
50. A little old lady hands the party a message.
51. The party finds a message written on a staff.
52. A message is written on the back of the inn’s door. It is seen as the party enters and closes
the door.
53. The party sees a message written in the sand.
54. The party finds a message written on a gold piece.
55. A message is written on a horseshoe the party finds in the middle of the road.
56. The party is given a parchment with random words on it. The first letter of every word will
spell out a message.
57. An old man on a flying carpet drops a message to the party.
58. A vellum manuscript floats down out of the sky while the party is camping. The message is
written in halfling.
59. The party discovers a message written on the back of a menu at an inn.
60. A message is written on the back of a wanted poster. The wanted poster features one of the
party members.
61. As the party travels on the road, they find a neatly folded message with the wax seal of a
62. A carrier pigeon brings the party a message.
63. A spider web spells out a message.
64. The party finds a message written on the inside of a belt.
65. The party finds a message inside a split piece of firewood.
66. As the party is relaxing in an inn, one of them notices a message spelled out in the flames of
the fire.
67. The party sees a message written on an old painting.
68. While drinking in a tavern the party discovers a message written on the bottom of a tankard.
69. The party sees a message written in blood on a wall.
70. The party finds a message written on an iron block set into the ground.
71. A tiny wagon pulled by horses only a few inches tall and staffed with a driver and attendants,
which are also only a few inches tall, stops near the party. The attendants roll out a red carpet
and blow a trumpet. Then a fat little man exits the wagon and presents a message to the
72. A scroll with wings flies up and unfurls itself before the party.
73. A dog lays a bone at the party’s feet. There is a message written on it.
74. A young gnome rushes up to the party, hands them a message, and then flees.
75. The party sees a message written on flowers.

The party finds a message written in colored sand on the floor of an inn.

The party finds a seashell, and if they put it to their ears, they hear a whispered message.
The party finds a scroll written in nonsense until a magic powder is placed on it. The letters

As a character finishes eating, they notice a message written on their plate.

A raccoon approaches the party. It speaks magically and tells them a message. It then becomes

A message appears as light shines through a broken window.

The party finds a message written on a painted stick.
Ants crawling across the road spell out a message.
The party finds a message written on an orc tooth.
The party is given a scroll with a message that can only be read in moonlight.

The party finds a message written on a clay tablet hidden in a hole in a stone wall.
The party finds a message in one of the character’s saddlebags after they retrieve the horse

A party member wakes up to find a message seemingly tattooed on their skin.

While traveling through a forest the party sees a message etched into a tree trunk.
94. A random person comes to one of the party, clasps their hand firmly in a handshake, and
walks away. The party member now has a message written backward on the palm of their
While the party is traveling someone shoots an arrow, with a message attached to it, into a

The party sees a message written on the soles of someone’s shoes.

The characters see a grouping of butterflies spelling out a message as they cling to a tree.
99. The party finds a message in a bottle along the seashore.
100. While traveling on the road the party sees a message written in the dust on the ground.
The language is goblin.

Quest Givers

Quest Givers
1. Salis the Hidden: No one knows who or what Salis even is. The only way to speak to Salis is
through an intermediary. A maiden will tell you your quest. Salis gives quests that usually
involve cryptography.
2. The Tree of Life: In the center of the Great Forest, the Tree of Life does not so much speak
to you as fill your mind with her thoughts. The Tree of Life gives quests related to trees and
3. Isodera: Isodera is a dual-wielding short sword warrior who likes to think of herself as “no-
nonsense.” Isodera will give quests that involve fighting your way through a fortified area.
4. Vacan the Small: Vacan is an eight-foot-tall man with several teeth missing. He is boisterous
but friendly. Vacan’s quests seem to always end up with a brawl or a bar-fight somehow being
5. Fenfir: Fenfir is a lanky man with a pallid face and long, unkempt hair. Fenfir will give quests
that involve dark, supernatural creatures.
6. The Unicorn: Standing in The Unicorn’s presence, even the most stout-hearted feel intimidated.
The Unicorn will give quests that involve saving a magical beast.
7. Tendoora: Tendoora looks witch-like with her unkempt hair and searching eyes. She will give
you quests that involve curses.
8. The Ghost of the Battlefield: The Ghost has many wounds covering his body. He is somber
and wistful. The Ghost will give a quest involving a reconnection to a loved one he left behind.
9. Princess Consort Beatrice: Though some would say that she is not particularly beautiful, the
King says she is the most lovely woman he has ever seen. Beatrice is a confident and wise
advisor to her husband the king. She loves her people as she loves her own life. She will give
quests that will be for the benefit of the people of the realm.
10. Zorabos the Weak: A young royal. Zorabos barely survived childhood. No one knows what
is wrong with him. He cannot even stand for long periods of time. Zorabos is quiet and
thoughtful. He will give you quests that involve the finding of beautiful but rare items.
11. Margrave Jurdi: Aged and wise, but also stern and fierce. There are more wrinkles on her
face than that of a Shar-Pei puppy. She is the elder of her village. She will give you quests that
involve solving problems for her village.
12. The Ghost: The Ghost is melancholy and morose. Her long stringy hair hangs in the air with
knots dispersed throughout. She will ask anyone who would listen for help getting her
revenge on those who tormented her when she was alive.
13. Palotus Mawood: A maker of instruments. He has a slight build and long, dextrous fingers.
Palotus will send people on missions to fetch the highest quality materials for the making of
his world-renowned musical instruments.
14. The Singer: The Singer is a large woman possessing a bravado that makes her impossible to
ignore. She will give quests involving performances.
15. The Monk of the Monastery: The Monk is a thin and gentle, middle-aged man, dressed in a
simple brown robe. He will bestow quests of kind deeds to those who will accept him.
16. The Widow: She is a middle-aged woman with fly-away hair and a harried expression on her
face. With ten children to care for, she will take any help she can get in caring for her wayward
children or fetching something she needs to care for her family.
17. Aviphior: Aviphior is a master of alchemy. He is a deaf old man with a thin frame and round
glasses that make his eyes look enormous. He will pay handsomely for rare alchemic
18. Siossa: Siossa is a young woman who has an uncanny ability to make a connection with any
kind of animal. Her quests always involve animals.
19. Trisharic: Trisharic is a young dealer in textiles. He is always looking for new sources or supplies
of rare and beautiful fabrics. He is very wealthy and will pay handsomely.
Quest Givers
20. The Weaving Spider: It is said that the spider is actually a shapeshifter who has chosen this
form so that she can use her many legs to create intricate designs and life-like scenes upon
her loom. But she needs new inspiration.
21. Ursa the Harper: Ursa is a master of the harp. She has become bored with her repertoire and
has been looking for new songs.
22. Death Himself (or Herself): Death is a shadowy figure in a dark, hooded robe that seems to
phase in and out of the world. All Death’s quests are related to death.
23. The Hermit of the Hills: The Hermit is an eccentric old man with a long white beard and knobby
knees and elbows. He will give quests that involve caring for the forest animals and scaring
away those who would hurt his beloved land.
24. Kelirus: This is a quixotic woman who desires to travel the world and defeat evil. Her quests
always have an element of absurdity.
25. Kelan Goldspike: Kelan is the local goldsmith. She wears large glasses and a heavy leather
apron. Her hair is in a messy bun. She is always misplacing things and asking others to help
her find them.
26. Rhiphi: Rhiphi is a portly, gregarious little man who often can be found haunting the local
tavern. Rhiphi’s quests always seem to involve a cat in some way.
27. Wolneya: Wolneya is a tall clumsy woman who is an avid collector of rare books. She always
looking for more to add to her collection.
28. Tertulus: The young man is searching for spell scrolls that are used but in good condition. He
is hoping to start a school for young magic users in his town.
29. Noko the Sly: A short-statured, but strong man in his prime. Noko usually works alone on jobs
that involve stealth. However, once in a while, he requires a team to accomplish the goal.
30. The Shadow Walker: No one knows what the Shadow Walker looks like. He wears a wolf mask
and a dark, hooded robe. His tasks always involve reconnaissance.
31. The Red Hammer: No one knows the true name of The Red Hammer. Few even know what he
looks like. But he will send those he trusts on errands of information gathering.
32. Farhorn: Farhorn is a horse breeder of the highest caliber. With his long face and gangly legs,
he looks much like his charges. All his quests have to do with horses.
33. Baronetess Christina: The Baronetess is obsessed with the latest fashions and exotic clothing.
She will pay handsomely for anything new and exciting.
34. Rhedarin: He is the greatest falconer of the realm. Though he is young he has a gift for working
with raptors. All his quests involve his beloved birds.
35. The Great Eagle: A wise eagle who lives in an ancient nest upon an even more ancient tree.
He will reward those who will help him keep his mountain range safe for all who wish to live
36. The Shaman of the Wild Woods: A solemn man with a beautiful headdress and a colorful robe.
He will send adventurers on quests that involve strange magical items.
37. The Far Seer: Her eyes are clouded over in blindness. Her hair is white as snow, though
her features are young. Though she cannot see what is in front of her, her mind’s eye sees
glimpses of future events. She will bequeath a quest that will make the world a kinder place.
She will also warn of dangers that the questers are fated to encounter.
38. Dulgan the Shattered:Dulgan was a warrior of great renown. But his days of war are over
now. He walks with a cane, is blind in one eye, and missing most of his right hand. His quests
involve battles and fights.
39. Alath the Whisperer: Alath is a dealer in secrets. She is a small, middle-aged woman with
brown, wispy hair. All Alath’s quests are covert.

Quest Givers
40. King Guennet: He is the handsome young king of a small kingdom that is fighting to survive
around powerful neighbors. His tasks involve mostly diplomacy, but fighting and espionage
may be needed as well.
41. The Mermaid of the Azure Pool: The beautiful maiden with aquamarine eyes and turquoise
hair. She is lonely and longs for news of her kind in the greater world.
42. Yeoman Drossie: Drossie inherited the land from her father. He died when Drossie was still
just a teen. Her mother had been dead for years. Now, she is trying to manage things by
herself. She will reward any who can give her aid in running the estate.
43. Chaesys is a thief by trade. He is hired by rival aristocrats to find incriminating objects in their
houses. Sometimes it’s a bigger job, and he could use some help.
44. King Diccon: Though a king in name, he leaves the running of his country to his advisors.
Obsessed with food, the only thing he cares about is finding the next culinary delight to satisfy
his appetite. He will pay handsomely for new recipes and ingredients to be used by his many
chefs to create the most fabulous fare in the realm.
45. Squire Azer: A well-respected, honest owner of a large estate. Squire Azer cares for his land
and those who rent land from him. Therefore, the jobs he offers always benefit the land or
the people who work his land.
46. Frizyni: Middle-aged, small of stature, bright laughing eyes, a large pointy nose, and curly
unkempt hair. Frizyni is a collector of rare potion recipes and rare potion ingredients. She will
pay handsomely for either.
47. The Tree Sprite: Child-like and clothed in a delicate dress fashioned of leaves. She would fit
in your palm. The Tree Sprite loves to have co-conspirators in making mischief for any who
would harm her forest.
48. The Weeping Flower: Beautiful but melancholy, she is a great prophetess who sees only
premonitions of misfortune. She bestows quests that help to mitigate the disasters that only
she knows are coming.
49. The Beggar: Homeless, but willing and able to work. The old man is actually a well-respected
leader among the homeless. He often asks for help only for others, not for himself.
50. Daedi: Daedi is the no-nonsense, broad-chested head of the postal service. He is often looking
for help on “special” dispatches.
51. The Tender of the Flame: The Tender is the leader of a vigilante group in a large, lawless city.
She often needs strong fighters to help maintain peace.
52. Erinnen the Mayor: The mayor is a young, but wise woman who often needs hired hands to
promote the welfare of the town.
53. Peasant Jivote: Jivote is a large, bearded farmer in the prime of his life. His left eye is missing
because he got in a fight with a sheriff when he was younger. He is a leader of the peasants,
who have been mistreated for too long. He is always looking for those who would join his
54. Degeor the Woodsman: A stern, middle-aged, bearded man. Degeor is the caretaker of the
massive forest that belongs to the king of the realm. Often, criminals will find concealment
somewhere in its vastness. Degeor is always needing help rooting them out.
55. The Smith of Kylath: The Kylath smithy is one of the largest in the world. The master smith is
always looking for hired help to gain supplies or deliver goods.
56. Squire Ozanne: Ozanne is the rich young owner of a vast estate. He is a collector of rare or
ancient weapons of any sort. He will pay handsomely for such weapons.
57. Quint the Fisherman: Quint is a wizened old fisherman, bald but bearded. He is often needing
some hired help when it comes to fishing.

Quest Givers
58. The Ancient Shepherd of the Wilderness: The shepherd is old but still strong, intelligent, and
wise. He has calloused hands but a soft heart. He almost always is looking for helpers to care
for his large flock. However, he also often desires to help those in his mountain community in
any way that he can, and he will ask others to join him in his acts of kindness.
59. The Dragonfly: The Dragonfly is the codename for the leader of a large interconnected group
of hunters. If you wish to join this group, you must first complete the task the Dragonfly
determines for you.
60. Dehaen: Dehaen is a strong, determined young man who has made it his mission to fight the
many cults that plague his city. He is looking for like-minded people to join his cause.
61. The Magic Mouse: He is a mouse, but he is also a powerful wizard. His specialty is in dealing
with all things tiny, and he is able to shrink people who are willing to help him in his tasks.
Don’t worry. He can put you back to your normal size.
62. Endel: Endel is one of the chief and most trusted servants of the King. The King has just
purchased a large wilderness on his northern border from a neighboring kingdom. He has
assigned Endel to form and possibly lead a party of adventurers to explore this wild land.
63. Viallia: Viallia is a world-renowned painter of landscapes. She is always wanting new inspiration
and will pay those who would serve as her escort in the wilds of the world.
64. Sorotai the Enchanter: Sorotai is the expert when it comes to any kind of enchantment. An
excellent scholar, he is always seeking to broaden his knowledge on the topic and will reward
those who bring him anything that will deepen his understanding or sharpen his skills.
65. Viscountess Krea: The viscountess is a middle-aged woman with a kind face and sleek, black
hair pulled tightly into a braided bun. She loves to add to her already impressive ornamental
garden. She will pay well for beautiful or unique plants.
66. Ravarona: Long, blonde hair in a flowing braid. She looks younger than the fifty years she has
lived in the world. Ravarona is an avid collector of books on the subject of plants and their
medicinal uses. She is happy to pay for any book she can get her hands on pertaining to this
67. Gonoga the Foolish: Gonoga is an eccentric old man who feels that his town has gotten too
“settled.” He would love some co-conspirators to “rile things up” in his little town.
68. Naewarin: A toned man with a top knot, Naewarin is an acrobatic performer in the prime of
his life. He is always looking for new talent to join him in his performances.
69. The Jade Leopard: No one knows her given name. The Jade Leopard is an older woman who is
the richest woman in the city. She is an avid collector of statues and figurines and will always
pay top dollar for exceptional pieces.
70. The Elm of the Underworld: This mystical elm tree governs the underworld and sustains those
who have gone there after death. Sometimes the deceased become lost in the overworld.
The Elm will reward the living who will seek after these lost spirits.
71. Yissik the Seeker: Yissik is known for his treasure hunting skills. He is a master of codes and
maps, and he is willing to share the booty with those who share in the tasks of finding the
72. The Lady of the Lake: She is the misty woman who appears on the surface of the lake. Her
quests always have to do with finding legendary weapons.
73. The Glorius Muu: The Glorius Muu is the spiritual leader of a large group of traveling monks.
He is getting older and has a harder time traveling on his own. But he wants to meet with his
scattered disciples to see how they fare and, in the end, to appoint one of them to become
the next Muu when he dies.

Quest Givers
74. Naelen the Worn: Naelen’s face is lined and careworn, though he is only middle-aged. He is
a trainer of warriors and a collector of books and scrolls that relate to combat. He is always
looking to train new warriors and always willing to pay for rare books on the subject of combat
and war tactics.
75. The Cloud of Iar: The Cloud of Iar hovers in the center of the Temple of the sky gods. It glows
different colors based on its mood. All quests given by the cloud have to do with the sky and
the weather.
76. Zoldor the Freedom Fighter: Zolder was an escaped slave. He wears the garb of a warrior and
keeps his dreadlocks in a tight ponytail. All of Zolder’s quests have to do with the liberation
of enslaved people.
77. Tella: She is the famous playwright of the city. Even the royals come to see her plays. Tella is
always on the lookout for fresh acting talent or fresh ideas for stories.
78. Sylvyre: Sylvyre’s leathery skin and salt-encrusted hair reveal his seafaring ways. Sylvyre’s
quests are all about exploring unknown parts of the great seas.
79. Noqille: A sleek black cat, Noquille will give quests that always involve the night or the dark
in some way.
80. Axar: Axar is an architect in a great city. He is tall but gangly. All quests that come from him
are related to blueprints and designs.
81. The Ring Wielder: The Ring Wielder is a stout, curly-haired individual who collects rare and
magical rings. He pays well for either and is also willing to trade.
82. Vespillo has been given the task of collecting sacred items. He is the chief priest of the Temple
of the Holies. All his quests have to do with the retrieval of holy objects.
83. Dracoblaese: Dracoblaese is the organizer of an underground fight club. Often in the ring
himself, he is always looking for competitors. Prizes are awarded to victors.
84. The Old Wizard of the Mountain: The Old Wizard collects scrolls of ancient magics. The older
the better. He can pay for new additions to his collection or trade if there is something that
you need.
85. Ferris the Orphan: Ferris grew up on the streets of the large city. He knows how the gangs
and cartels keep the people living in fear. All Ferris’s quests revolve around ridding the city of
86. Vicar Audrin: Old and gray-bearded, the Vicar has cared for his flock and chapel for many
years. All the vicar’s quests have to do with helping those who have faced some disaster or
are destitute.
87. Baroness Anchoret: The Baroness is embroiled in a complicated political war with a neighboring
fief. She constantly needs some espionage work done.
88. The Great Toad: The Great Toad is the King of all Swamps. His quests have to do with swamps.
89. The Queen of the Fairies: She is only about five inches tall, but she holds great power and
magic. Her quests are always related to the affairs and welfare of the fairy folk.
90. Cizora the Demon Fighter. Cizora is a monk who has specialized in the fighting of demons. All
his quests involve battling and destroying demons.
91. Greddi the Strong: She runs a respected bodyguard business in the center of the city. Any
who are needing protection or an escort request her services. Greddi is always looking for
strong fighters who are brave enough for the job.
92. The Herbalist: The Herbalist is an ancient woman wise in the way of herbology. She knows all
plants but is too old to retrieve them herself. She will happily pay for someone to fetch them
for her.

Quest Givers
93. The Pale Dragon: The dragon’s white skin shimmers with a translucent sheen. His quests are
always related to dragons.
94. The Falconer: He is the keeper and trainer of the King’s hunting birds. He is an older gentleman
who is looking to add some variety to the King’s collection. He will reward those who can find
new species of hunting raptors.
95. The Pirate Privateer: Though his father was killed by pirates when he was a child, the young
man made his way through the ranks of the king’s navy. Now the King has tasked him with
fighting the pirates that plague the sea routes. The Privateer is looking for fighters who wish
to rid the seas of pirates.
96. Merton of the Fields: Merton raises the best horses in the realm. He also trains them himself.
He wants to do some outcrossing in order to add some new qualities to his breed. Merton’s
quests have to do with finding new and unique breeds of horses or training horses for certain
97. Heiric: Heiric is young, intelligent, and ambitious. He is the Chief of Scouts in the King’s Royal
Army. All his quests have to do with reconnaissance and scouting.
98. The Librarian: The Librarian is after books…always. She is the young, new head of the Royal
Library and takes her job of collecting new books very seriously. All new offerings will be well-
99. Zatoq the Wise: Zatoq has written and collected many proverbs in his long life. He says he will
continue to seek wisdom from every corner of the earth. All his quests have to do with finding
wisdom, wise sayings, or wise people.
100. Aruqora the Name Breaker: Of average height and build. She is a master of disguise. All
her quests require being undercover and disguised. But of course, she will help you with the
second part.


1. Two children wandered off into the woods. Track them and return them safely to their parents.
2. Stop a huge boar from attacking nearby farms.
3. A shape-shifting, man-eating monster has been luring people into the woods by posing as a
lost child.
4. Woodland creatures are dying in unusually large numbers. Investigate to find the cause.
5. A merchant is hiring guides to escort a caravan through a dense forest.
6. The king is hiring trackers to locate bandits hiding in a forest.
7. The queen is holding a contest to discover the best woodsmen in the land. Each contestant
has to complete a series of challenges.
8. Strange sightings have been reported in the nearby forest. The villagers want someone to
9. The king wishes to build several new roads through the forest. He is looking for someone to
scout the best locations.
10. The queen would like to tame new horses. Capture several wild horses to gain her favor.
11. Track an outlaw through a relentless desert.
12. Explore caves near the coastline for signs of a dragon.
13. Find a wizard who disappeared in a swamp decades ago.
14. Locate a lost mine in the mountains.
15. An orc raiding party attacked the town last night. Track them to their lair and make sure they
never hurt anyone again.
16. Search a deep gorge to find out if rumors about a lost people are true.
17. The trees in the old forest are disappearing. Discover the cause.
18. A noble would like to start a logging business. They are hiring rangers to scout the land.
19. A merchant caravan went missing in the woods. Trace their route and discover what happened.
20. Travel deep into the woods to locate an isolated gnome village, so they can be warned of an
impending disaster.
21. The king is offering a fortune for anyone who can locate a rare tree and bring him some of
the wood.
22. Lead a royal wedding caravan through perilous terrain.
23. Help evaluate a town before it floods.
24. The queen is hiring hardy souls to explore the land upriver from the kingdom. She would like
to open the untracked region to trade.
25. The king wishes to find a new pass through the mountains. He will pay a fortune to whoever
finds one first.
26. The general store owner is paying quite well for wolf pelts.
27. The innkeeper is offering to pay anyone who brings her honey.
28. A shipwright is hiring people who can select the finest timber in the forest for his masterwork
29. Help townspeople find the best location for a new well.
30. Help townspeople divert a river without harming nearby wildlife.
31. Take a noble on a birdwatching tour of the king’s forest.
32. Lead a band of nobles on a hunting trip.
33. Explore seaside caves and determine if they could be used to harbor ships.
34. Ancient rumors say there was once a fortress located in what now is an unexplored swamp.
Locate any ruins and return any artifacts to the king.
35. Scout a way for the queen’s army to pass through rough terrain quickly.
36. Lead pioneers across a vast grassland.
37. Help lost pilgrims find their way through a jungle.

38. Scour the forest for a rare medicinal herb. A child’s life depends on it.
39. Strange growths have appeared on many trees in the area. Discover the cause before they
spread further.
40. Find a white stag and bring him to the king for a great reward.
41. A forest fire is raging out of control. Help people and animals get out of the area.
42. A shadow has fallen over the old forest. Investigate to discover the cause.
43. The rivers in the area are extremely low yet there isn’t a drought. Explore the region to find
out why.
44. The king is looking for explorers to investigate several islands that were recently discovered.
45. Find a rare plant in a marsh to help a wizard.
46. Explore a bog to find the grave of an ancient king.
47. Lead refugees out of a region devastated by an earthquake so they can find a new home.
48. An evil king has unleashed bands of orcs that are slashing and burning a forest. Stop them.
49. Help a lost family find their way out of a fen.
50. A noble is holding a contest to see who can traverse the forest the fastest and hopefully open
a new route to an isolated town.
51. A village is asking for help. Several townspeople supposedly saw werewolves in the forest.
52. Several ogres are terrorizing the region. Find their cave and eliminate the threat to villages of
the area.
53. A group of the king’s men has dammed the river without giving any explanation to the
inhabitants of the region. The locals are suffering from it. Find out the reason and solve the
54. Reports of a hideous monstrosity lurking in the great forest have reached the queen. She is
offering a reward for its capture or killing.
55. Sightings of a river monster have alarmed people and slowed trade on the river. A reward is
being offered to anyone who can rid the river of this horror.
56. A strange beast that had lost its children has kidnapped three of the children in the village and
carried them into the woods. Go rescue them.
57. A large section of crops has been destroyed and the earth fouled. Huge tracks lead into the
woods. The farmers are afraid to investigate.
58. A woman in a beautiful gown is found sleeping in the woods. When she is awakened, she has
no memory of who she is or how she got there. Solve the mystery and return her to where
she belongs.
59. A giant has fortified a ruin in the hills and is gathering rabble to help. The villages fear raids as
soon as the harvest arrives.
60. Deserters from a duke’s army are said to be holed up in a ruin in the forest. They force the
townspeople to give them supplies and are harassing them constantly.
61. Something walks at night along the rocky coast. They say it eats children. The local officials
want the truth to be discovered.
62. Escort pilgrims through a treacherous forest.
63. A poacher has been setting traps in a sacred forest. Stop him before the spirits become angry.
64. Bring fifty hawk feathers to the fletcher.
65. Capture a mating pair of falcons for the king’s falconer.
66. A mutated ape was sighted near the old barrows. Travelers are frightened to pass near the
place now.
67. It is said that an unholy coven has taken up residence in the ruins of the old manor deep
within the forest. All the villages are nervous and are looking for help.
68. Bring twenty mink furs to the tailor.

69. Bring five hares to the cook at the inn.
70. Bring four and twenty blackbirds to the baker.
71. A robber baron has declared the region “his land” and is sending his thugs to tax the
72. A group of refugee-turned-settlers had made a small hamlet in the meadow. But all the people
have disappeared. Find out what happened to them.
73. A large bear has gone mad and is attacking villagers as they travel the forest road. Help make
the road safe again.
74. Capture a white stork alive. The librarian wishes to keep one so he can make quills easily.
75. Strange webbed tracks were found near the wharf leading off down the coast. Investigate.
76. Teach a young orphan to live off the land.
77. Track a farmer’s lost goat and return it to them.
78. Explore the river to find its source. The king is curious and willing to pay well.
79. Bandits kidnapped several travelers along the road. Track them into the forest and rescue the
80. The village’s sacred trees are dying. Travel deep into the forest to find special seeds so new
ones may be planted.
81. Goblins have blockaded the east road. Remove them and reopen the road.
82. Reports of bugbears moving through the forest have the town on edge. Hunt them down.
83. Thieves stole the crown jewels and fled into an unexplored swamp. Track them and recover
the jewels at all costs.
84. A litter of strange, but cute, tiny furry beasts are curled up in an old tree stump. Their mother
doesn’t seem to be around. Decide what to do with them.
85. Scout the river to find the best place for the miller to build a waterwheel.
86. A strange vine has infested the old forest. It is hurting and terrorizing all who attempt to
travel through the region. Find the root of the problem.
87. Some creatures are devouring all of the plants in certain areas throughout the region. Find
the cause to see if they can be stopped.
88. Help defend a manor against a swarm of army ants.
89. A group of bandits is demanding a “tax” to pass by that way. Deal with them.
90. Explore a bog to find the king’s lost horse.
91. Help a merchant caravan navigate a treacherous marsh.
92. Fell creatures are moving closer to civilized lands. Help organize defenses and cull beasts so
the townsfolk don’t even know they are in danger.
93. An isolated inn along the forest road has burned down and no one’s heard from the innkeeper
or their family. Go to the remnants of the building to discover clues to learn the fate of the
94. An old ranger has put out a call asking other rangers to meet them at a secluded inn.
95. A messenger with an important letter for the king has gone missing in the woods. Find him.
96. An owl keeps appearing to the party at odd times. It seems to want to lead them deep into
the forest.
97. A slaver is driving some captives from a village in the woods. Deal with her and free the
98. Explore the forest to find a suitable spot for the king to have a new bridge built over the river.
99. Poison seems to be coming from upriver. It is killing fish and birds along the river and forcing
people to find water elsewhere. Investigate to discover the cause.
100. The crown prince ran away and is believed to be living in the old forest. Track him down
and return him to the kingdom.


1. Use an airship to heist a rare magic item from a fortified wizard’s tower.
2. Thieves stole the king’s airship. Track it and return it to the king.
3. An airship arrived from a faraway land. The crew is seeking to trade with the city and they
have exotic goods. Steal their airship.
4. Use an airship to hunt down a fugitive.
5. Use an airship to collect pieces of a map spread over several distant lands and kingdoms.
6. The ancient sky creatures must land in their ancestral nesting grounds before they give birth,
But they have become disoriented in a storm. Use an airship to guide the sky creatures out of
the storm and to their nesting grounds.
7. Sky pirates have been raiding the city. Build an airship and fight them on their own turf.
8. Take an airship over the great desert to search for a lost merchant caravan.
9. Use an airship to sneak a spy out of an enemy city.
10. Use an airship to attack a monstrous beast that lives in the caldera of a volcano.
11. The queen wants a group of adventurers to fly a hot air balloon over a range of impassable
mountains and return with news of the other side.
12. Use an airship to transport a wizard to another continent.
13. Use the king’s airship to locate his grandfather’s lost crown. If it is found, he will give them
the airship.
14. Use an airship to transport refugees to their new island home.
15. A damaged airship is drifting near the city and everyone is curious. The king has said whoever
can capture the airship can keep it.
16. Take an airship over the swamp to find a lost boat.
17. Use an airship to attack a castle.
18. The party comes across a wounded birdman. They nurse him back to health and find he is the
heir to a kingdom based on a floating city and has been wrongly banished. He asks them for
19. Use an airship to hunt for birds.
20. Use an airship to track down goblin raiding bands.
21. The clouds in the distance have turned an ominous blood red. The smell of some strange
chemical is on the wind. People upwind are running in terror, not stopping to explain.
22. A new type of cloud has formed in the sky. Its droplets can be harvested for powerful magics.
The people of the land have discussed creating a floating town by using balloons, lightweight
wood, and maybe a little bit of magic. Then they could follow the cloud formations and
harvest them more easily.
23. Protect an airship merchant convoy as it flies through dangerous skies.
24. Help an inventor complete his airship and test it.
25. The great sky turtles are moving west for an unknown reason. Hitch a ride on one to learn
their destination.
26. Use an airship to kill small dragons attacking the city.
27. A floating tree has appeared in the skies overhead. Legends say that the fruit of this tree has
magical properties. Find a way to get up to it and harvest its fruit.
28. A long-lived species of tree grows extremely tall and only produces fruit on the topmost
branches. It has always been an effort to create a safe way from the ground to harvest the
fruits. The local government is looking into using a skycraft as an answer to their harvesting
problems. They are holding a contest for the invention of such a craft. The prize for winning
is quite generous.
29. Exchange the queen’s airship for her son who is being held hostage.
30. The great airship race will be held soon. A wealthy duke is looking to sponsor a team.
31. A massive floating airship base has lost control and is slowly sinking. At its current trajectory,
it will crash into a major city. Find the cause and solve the issue before disaster ensues.
32. Use an airship to kidnap an evil duke.

33. Locate the fabled airship in a temple ruin and restore it to its original condition and then take
to the skies.
34. Use an airship to transport a gold shipment.
35. Use an airship to evacuate a village during a flood.
36. A merchant airship has gone missing. Help find it and its crew.
37. Use an airship to rescue a princess on a runaway hot air balloon.
38. Use an airship to survey a massive jungle for a powerful merchant.
39. The sky city came sweeping over the land leaving a trail of refuse in its path. Now, it threatens
to destroy the kingdom with its garbage. Find a way to reach the city and learn why it has
come and how to change its course.
40. Use an airship to help a rainmaker seed clouds to cause it to rain.
41. Use an airship to round up herds of cattle.
42. While traveling, the party finds the remains of a crashed airship. Rebuild it and take to the
43. Use an airship to water crops during a drought.
44. The princess was kidnapped by a giant vulture. Follow the bird and rescue her.
45. An inventor who claims to have invented a flying wagon needs crew members for a test flight.
46. The queen desperately needs an item from across the burning lands. Find a way to travel
above them and win the queen’s favor.
47. Use an airship in a parade throughout the city.
48. Help the city’s small fleet of airships defend themselves against sky pirates.
49. Use an airship to break an inmate out of an island prison.
50. Open up new trade routes for airships.
51. A new world has appeared in the sky. Oceans and forests can be seen on its surface. People
are terrified and the queen is looking for adventurers to travel to the other world to learn if
it is dangerous.
52. Help take down a band of sky raiders.
53. A crazy wizard says he’s invented a machine that can travel to the moon. He’s hiring a crew
for the maiden voyage.
54. A dark spot has been moving through the sky. Flocks of strange birds follow it. Find a way to
investigate the spot.
55. A large pyramid has hovered over the peak of the tallest mountain for at least a thousand
years. Many have tried to reach it, but none have returned. Rumors and tales of great wealth
56. The floating mountains were thought to be a myth. Now, a group of travelers claims to have
found them and are offering to sell a map.
57. Steal an enemy’s prototype airship and bring it back to the king.
58. Designs and plans for an airship were found in the great archives. The queen wishes someone
to build one.
59. The great airship is ready to launch and sail above the great sea of trees. It just needs a few
more hardy souls to help the crew.
60. Use an airship to search for a lost child.
61. Use an airship to patrol the border between two rival kingdoms.
62. A desert encircles a tower. The tower is said to hold untold treasures. Those who touch the
sands of the desert turn to sand. The party must find a way across but beware of the dangers
from above.
63. The sun isn’t shining, and the stars and moon have disappeared. Take to the skies to unravel
this mystery and put things right.
64. Use an airship to hunt the sky leviathans.
65. Use an airship to spy on another kingdom.
66. Take an airship over the bay to locate a shipwreck.

67. A floating castle appeared over the kingdom causing a great panic. The King asks adventurers
to investigate.
68. Another world is falling toward the earth. Find a way to land on it, find the reason it has left
its home in the sky, and divert its course before both worlds are destroyed.
69. The floating city of the ancient sky kings has sat quietly in the sky for centuries. If someone
could reach it, surely the plunder would be great.
70. The entire population of a town was turned into birds. Track them and learn what foul magic
is at work.
71. A glittering, magical rainbow has appeared in the sky. Legends say that if a person could get
to it, they can dip a cup into its colors and use the liquid rainbow for powerful spells.
72. Use an airship to take the king on a tour around the kingdom.
73. Use an airship to scout a route for an advancing army.
74. Cross the sea in an airship to find new lands to settle.
75. Use an airship to deliver an important message to another kingdom.
76. The invading armies came from the skies in strange flying machines. The queen’s forces have
captured one of the flying machines and are seeking a crew to fly it to the homeland of the
77. A massive cloud is spewing fire and raining boiling oil. Is this some sorcery or is there something
mechanical hidden in the fog?
78. An airship with no apparent crew onboard has been caught in some trees near the town.
79. Use an airship to aid loggers in the Queen’s Forest.
80. A hole has opened up in the sky. Investigate and return information to the queen.
81. All the birds are gone. The sky seems strange and quiet. Take to the wing and learn what has
82. Use an airship to transport a load of dragon eggs to a faraway land.
83. Use an airship to rescue a captured diplomat.
84. Use an airship to smuggle weapons to resistance fighters in another country.
85. The great winds blow through the valleys tempting brave souls to create flying machines.
Create a glider and see where the great winds take you.
86. Build defenses to thwart an airship invasion.
87. Use an airship to fight a forest fire.
88. The king has heard old stories of armies that could fly on amazing machines. Help find or build
an airship for the king.
89. The evil wizard has retreated to his cloud castle after attacking and burning several cities. Find
a way to reach the castle in the clouds and destroy the wizard.
90. Use an airship to a rare magic item to an elven kingdom.
91. Take an airship to locate a lost city in an immense forest.
92. A mysterious island has appeared off the coast. The waters surrounding it repel all ships.
Perhaps it can be reached by air.
93. Take an airship across the sea to discover the location of the fabled spice islands.
94. A society of sky people from another world has brought their floating islands to this world.
They are a group of refugees from a war-torn world. They don’t want to take any of the
original inhabitants’ land. But after the long journey, they need help repairing their floating
islands with the resources of the world below. They are also needing help learning to grow
the local fruits and grains on their floating lands. Lastly, they want to establish trade with
their new neighbors.
95. Use a hot air balloon to return a baby dragon to its mother high atop a mountain.
96. Take command of an airship and lead raids on an enemy kingdom.
97. Use an airship to deliver much-needed medicine to a distant city.

98. A floating land has appeared in the skies above, but it seems to be upside down. All the people
on it walk upon its underside. The buildings seem to hang down and point at the earth below.
99. A strange cloud has descended upon the land. The creatures who live in the cloud are confused
and are attacking the people of the realm. Find a way to return their home to the skies.
100. Reports from the frontier say an airship was spotted over the neighboring kingdom. The
king would like the reports investigated.

Thieves Guild

Thieves Guild
1. A wizard wants a secret recipe that was discovered by a rival wizard. Steal it and get it to
2. Steal a secret potion recipe from the potion shop owner.
3. A string of burglaries in the upper-class side of town has everyone on edge. Nobody in the
guild knows or will confess to the crimes. Investigate and find the burglar.
4. Smuggle a load of illegal goods out of town.
5. Track down a guild member who has gone rogue and bring them alive to the guild leader.
6. Steal a wand from a wizard.
7. Steal a crimson cloak from a bard who is passing through town.
8. Conduct a series of small raids on a rival guild.
9. A noble has paid a great sum for two elephant tusks to be mounted in his palace. An
interested party is willing to pay even more to have the guild steal them.
10. Raid an ancient warrior’s tomb and steal the sword laid upon his breast.
11. Steal food from the rich to feed the poor.
12. Replace a letter being delivered to the king with a fake one.
13. Sneak into the king’s chambers and plant a note that says, “You’re next.”
14. Steal scrolls from the town’s vault.
15. Steal and replace a newly buried coffin out of the graveyard. The person inside is actually
alive and needs someone to smuggle them out of the city.
16. Steal a magic quill from a gnome scholar.
17. A new merchant has defied the guild. Demonstrate to him why it is better to cooperate.
18. An exotic vessel has arrived from a faraway land. The captain and crew brag that they have
trade goods worth many gold pieces. Sneak on board and take an inventory.
19. Sneak into the mayor’s office and plant an incriminating letter.
20. Steal the last will and testament of the lady mayor. It should be in a strongbox in her office.
21. Steal the keys from the sheriff and give them to the prisoners who were unjustly imprisoned.
22. Smuggle the enemy’s plans for a new weapon across enemy lines.
23. Smuggle the young princess out of a dangerous situation and into the custody of her loving
24. Steal a saddle from a noble’s stables.
25. Steal the king’s favorite slippers.
26. Steal a dagger from the queen.
27. Smuggle a baby dragon to a collector of oddities in the city.
28. Raid a warehouse and steal some of the goods. Make it look like a fire destroyed the goods.
29. Raid the ancient emperor’s tomb. It is said that the entire tomb is booby-trapped.
30. Steal a certain coin from a noble’s coin collection
31. Steal a diamond from the city museum.
32. Steal the solid gold chamber pot from the queen’s bed-chamber.
33. Some fishermen haven’t paid their dues. Go to their cabins and find any money they are
34. Someone is killing members of the guild. Investigate before you become a victim.
35. A member of the guild has been kidnapped and is being held hostage. Go to pay the ransom
and deliver a little surprise if you desire.
36. Steal the coat of arms from the town meeting hall.
37. Steal war plans from the king’s general. He carries them in a map case. He always has it close
to himself.
38. Sneak into the mayor’s and hide. Stay there and eavesdrop on him all day and sneak out at
night. Report everything you hear to the guild.
39. Retrieve a special order short sword from the blacksmith and bring it to the guild leader.
40. Steal all the wanted posters with the faces of guild members and replace them with wanted
posters with the sheriff’s face.

Thieves Guild
41. Pickpocket three people before noon.
42. Offer a workshop at the Sticky Fingers Secret Convention held every year in the underground
43. Steal a painting from a noble’s mansion and replace it with a fake.
44. Sneak into a wealthy merchant’s office and plant an envelope marked, “from a friend.”
Inside the envelope is, what appears to be, a detailed description of the competitor’s plans
written in their own hand. It is actually a clever forgery with false information.
45. Steal a scroll from the old hermit.
46. A wealthy dwarf noble has traveled to the city and established himself in the best rooms at
the inn. Pay his rooms a visit and take a small “toll.”
47. The three great noble houses of the city each possess a precious stone as a symbol of their
power. The guild wants these stones.
48. Steal an opal from the second-story bedroom of a noble.
49. A fellow member was caught in the act. He is now in the town dungeon. Liberate your
50. Steal a magnificent stallion from the inn’s stables.
51. Poison the drink of a certain nobleman. He only drinks a special vintage of wine found in his
own wine cellar.
52. Sneak into a noble’s manor and let loose his prized fighting hounds.
53. Steal a sea chart from a sea captain’s quarters and replace it with a faulty one.
54. Steal a bundle of letters from the innkeeper’s chambers.
55. Steal a magic belt from a dwarven grave.
56. Steal a golden spoon from a noble. He wears it on a chain around his neck.
57. Steal an iron ring from a dwarven lord.
58. Steal some honey from a noble’s beehives.
59. Steal a brooch from a noble’s manor house. The noble has trained attack dogs.
60. Steal a certain potion from the crazy old wizard who lives at the edge of town.
61. Go to the poor quarter of town to recruit orphans into the guild.
62. Steal the queen’s signet ring so the leader of the guild can use it. Then return it unnoticed.
63. Steal the scroll case of the town’s most prominent lawyer.
64. Steal a magic ruby ring from a gnome hermit. He has intricate booby traps all around his
65. A party of adventurers needs a burglar. If you’re up for some freelance work that is.
66. Steal four books from the library.
67. Smuggle a secret message that is baked in a pie to the general of the army.
68. Steal the ivory key that a certain noblewoman always wears around her neck. She must not
be harmed.
69. Rumor has it a map was found on a dead body last night. Go get the map for the guild. It
should be in the captain of the guard’s office.
70. Steal a small gold idol from a ship moored in the port
71. Escort the daughter of a high-ranking guild member to the next town.
72. Find out who stole a noble’s painting. It was not the work of the guild.
73. Steal several ingredients from the herbalist shop and bring them to the old healer that works
for the guild.
74. Steal an ancient sword from the town’s lore keeper.
75. Steal a rare orchid from a noble’s flower garden.
76. Steal a single hair from the head of an elf maiden.
77. Smuggle an illegal plant to an herbalist in town.
78. Steal an onyx gemstone from a noble. It is said to be ancient and cursed.
79. Some adventurer at the inn has been bragging about how he has a treasure map. Relieve
him of his property.

Thieves Guild
Sneak into the harbor master’s office and copy a ledger about arriving and departing ships.
Steal a dungeon map from the captain of the guard.

Some new players moved into town and set up a casino operation. It’s time for the guild to

Steal a longsword from the blacksmith shop.

A boastful noblewoman has been showing off her wealth around town. Relieve her of her

Delay a messenger now traveling up the road toward the city by at least a day.
Bring a hundred gold pieces to the guild leader no questions asked.

A wealthy noblewoman is looking to employ a thief for certain odd jobs concerning her
political rival. She would be a generous patron.
Steal an incriminating letter from the captain of the guard.
A ship’s captain double-crossed the guild. Set fire to his ship.

Smuggle a secret message to the lady-in-waiting of the queen.

Steal the alarm horn from the main gate tower of the city.

Take the ashes of a deceased member of the guild up to the pool near the waterfall just
north of town and sprinkle them there.
100. Steal a painting from a noble’s private collection.

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maps, and more.

The contents are copyrighted 2022 by dicegeeks and Matt Davids.


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