Complete Notes
Complete Notes
Complete Notes
Self-management skills refer to our abilities to make choices, to control feelings, emotions,
reactions and manage activities using time management and organizational skills.
Stress is our body- and- minds response and reaction to challenging or taxing situation in our lives.
It is our bodies way of reacting and getting prepared to deal with the situation and the pressure it
In our daily lives, we when we encounter a situation that challenges us, our mind and body react in
a certain way as a response. This response sometimes helps us get past those events and come out as
victors but sometime this response affects us adversely this is called stress.
Stress is of 2 types:
Sarah could not prepare for her exams for many reasons
such as first her grandfather passed away and then she
met with an accident. Now exams are very near and she
is having symptoms like aches, shallow breathing, cold
hands and feet. All the systems are because of bad stress.
stress management refers to focusing human efforts for maintaining a healthy body and mind
capable of better withstanding stressful situations.
high expectations from self can leave one with chronic anxiety and stress, thus leading to mental
Managing stress is all about planning to cope effectively with daily pressures. The ultimate goal is
to strike a balance between home personal life, work, relationships, relaxation and fun. All this
follow the ABC of stress
A Aware: be aware of the adversities or stressful events, so that you know what is
causing stress.
B Beliefs: trust the way you handle and deal a situation.
C Consequences: know the outcomes of the events and use stress management tools to
overcome or minimize them.
Stress management techniques
The techniques that are useful in handling and minimizing the physical and emotional effects of
pressures and tensions in everyday life are called stress management techniques.
• Physical exercise Endorphins, Dopamine and serotonin are felt good chemicals released in
over body when we do physical exercises, we concentrate on our body movement and forgot
the daily tensions resulting in more energy and optimism; exercises improve over sleep,
which is often affected by stress.
• Yoga emphasizes proper breathing and mind, body and spirit connections. Yoga poses help
to calm mind and body. It focuses on the importance of being present in the moment and
finding sense of peace. With yoga we can learn how to reduce the impacts of stressful
situation and set over selves up for a much happier and healthier life.
• Meditation is being relaxed inside and outside and clearing our mind of all ports. The mind
stops following every new thought it come across. By learning to come over body and mind
over physical and emotional stress can be reduced significantly.
• taking breaks and good sleep
• positive thinking and outlook efforts to looking for the good and opportunities in a
situation rather than the bad.
• Enjoyment
• Vacations
• Natural walks
Emotional intelligence it refers to the ability to monitor and understand owns and others
feelings and emotions, and take appropriate actions.
Self-awareness is mainly of two types:
Internal self-awareness External self-awareness:
it represents how clearly, we see our own values, it means understanding how other people judge
passions, aspirations and reactions including us in terms of values, passions, thoughts,
thoughts, feelings, behaviors, strengths, behaviors, strengths and weaknesses. This
weaknesses and their impact on others. means how you appear to others and are being
perceived by others.
Self-motivation is the ability to do things on your own without being told to do so. It is a fire
within that lights over path and drivers us to do and achieve something.
Types of motivation
Internal motivation: love External motivation: reward
We should do things that make us happy, healthy Many times we do things because they give us
and feel good for example when you perform on respect, recognition and appreciation.
your sports day function and you learn
something new, such as exercises, race and other
sports events.
Self-regulation is the act of managing one's thoughts and feelings to engage in goal directed
action such as organizing behavior, controlling impulses and solving problems constructively. It is
an important skill that is required to know own emotions and behavior in tough situations and
challenges and manage them effectively. It aims at bringing owns oneself to calmer She self when
things are tough and are causing stress to them.
Components of self-regulation
• Awareness of own emotions and behavior
• willingness end of willpower to regulate Self
• Efforts to regulate self
• Exercise self-control
Goal setting refers to the process of planning and taking active steps to achieve a specific goal.
S M A R T Goals
• Specific: it involves a specific and clear goal. We need to answer questions like:
“who all are involved in the goal?, what do I want to do? , where do I start
from? , when do I start and finish?, which means do I use? why I am doing this,”
• measurable : our major goals answers questions like:
How much, how many?, and how do I know that I have achieved results?
• Achievable: it is breaking down a big goal into its smaller parts that will make the goal
Bigger goal I want to become a scientist breaking it into smaller goals like:
complete higher secondary complete graduation complete research work.
• realistic: A realistic goal would be something that we want to achieve and can work
towards it.
Unrealistic goal: I'll complete revision of years labels in one day and get good
Realistic goal: I spent two hours every day after school to revise laborers to get good
marks in the exams.
• Timebound : a SMART goal should have a time frame by When goal needs to be achieved.
Time Management refers to the planning out of available time and controlling the amount of
time to be spent on specific tasks in order to work more efficiently.
Time management is important as it gives these benefits:
• it improves performance
• it delivers best but work quality
• timely delivery
• brings more efficency
• reduces stress
Time management is the act of planning to stay organised that will result in increase productivity
and efficiency.
Phrases are the group of words that work together to communicate an element of speech
You are planning a day out with your friends make a list off at least 4 points which will take
care of to make your trip memorable?
• Choose the right time to travel to your ideal travel destination so you can be sure experience
everything that lured you to the country in the first place.
• Be sure to stick within your set travel budget to avoid running up debt you may struggle to
pay off.
• be sure to research new destination so you know what to expect and ensure they match your
travel style.
• feel free to be yourself and share a bit of your culture as well with the locals, making sure to
be respectful of any differences.
Competency based question
Low stamina
Help her identify her weaknesses which she needs to work upon in
order to participate in marathon Cannot run for long
work, feels stressed out all the day, lost appetite eats very less and
does not interact with others.
He is good physically he's not physically ill, yet his family
members took him to doctor and the doctor prescribed something
to lower Castrol levels but it could be?
10 To perform well at work and life in general, you must be able to time management
manage and improve yourself in various skills. which of the
following skills help you to prioritize the things you have to do to
remove waste and redundancy from work?
A computer automatically runs a basic program called BIOS ( basic input /output system) as
soon as it is switched on or the power button is pushed on.
An operating system refers to the set of programs that provides an interface to use the
resources of computer system effectively and efficiently. It begins itself and is executed when a
computer is switched on.
The operating system serves as the interface between the user and the computer.
Application programs used on the computer have to be written in such a way that they operate in
proper coordination with the operating system.
The primary goal of an operating system is thus to make the computer system convenient to
use and secondary goal is to use computer hardware in an efficient manner.
CUI : in operating system, the user sends commands and instructions to the computer by typing
commands at the command prompt. The display on the screen does not contain any graphics or
picture, rather it contains only lines and characters.
GUI (W I M P interfaces)
GUI our visual interface in which instead of typing in commands the user can use a mouse to point
and click object on the screen. The main features of a GUI are windows, icons ,menus and pointers
(WIMP), which make these operating system interactive in nature. WIMP operating systems require
much more RAM compared to the command line OSs.
GUI operating systems were first created by Xerox in 1973.
Touch screen interface {post- WIMP interfaces}
touch screen technology allows people to use their fingers to select icons and options straight from
the devices screen. Key features of a touch screen interface include many finger based gestures
apart from touch which are :
Pinching of screen, rotating of screen, swiping on screen.
Distributed OS:
It is accessed by a set of computers interconnected by a network. It gives an impression to the user
that he is working on a single system.
Time sharing: it allowed the computer to work on more than one application by switching among
them. This switching occurs so frequently that the user can interact with each program conveniently.
Real time operating system it processes instructions and produce a response within a specified
time. example ATM, traffic signals etc.
a real time operating system is a computing environment that reacts to input within a specific
period of time.
The Linux that we see today is the outcome of Unix operating system.
Unix is made-up of three major components :kernal, standard utility program and system
configuration files
Features of DOS
• It is a single user operating system
• The user interacts with the OS in our text mode environment
• It does not support a graphical interface, so the mouse cannot be used as an input device
• Basic file management functions like creating renaming, copying, moving, deleting etc can
be easily performed at command prompt.
Solaris is a Unix based operating system that was originally developed by Sun Microsystems and
was called as sunOS during 1993. At present it is known as Oracle Solaris after it acquisition by
Oracle in January 2010.
• It is known for its scalability and four originating many innovative features.
• It's supports workstation and servers data established by Sun Microsystems and other
• It helps symmetric multiprocessing where two or more identical processors are connected to
two a shared main memory and the single operating system controls all the processors.
In August 2010, the new version loris eleven was introduced as a closed source proprietary
operating system.
Microsoft Windows
• It is a widely used graphical user interface operating system for personal computers and
mobiles that provide a standard appearance on a rectangular screen.
• Introduced in 1985
Versions of Windows
Window 3.0 windows 3.1 windows 95 windows 98 window anti window 2000 windows me
Windows XP Windows Vista Windows Server 2008 Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 10
Windows 11 is the latest version of Windows operating system released on October 5 2021
Features of windows
• It is a user friendly operating system
• It provides multitasking featured that means many application can be opened at the same
point of time
• It is network friendly
• Using and removing peripheral devices can be done easily
• It supports the latest graphics, sound and multimedia software to run on it.
GNU Linux
• it is a popular operating system that comes in various distribution
• Linux operating system is similar to Windows operating system with some exceptional
features that make it a useful and flexible operating system.
• Development of Linux operating system started in 1991.
• It is an open source operating system
It's source code is freely available which let to fast improvement in the development of
Linux operating system. One can redesign it and distribute or release its developed version
to other.
• Another significant feature of Linux is that it is quite reliable and if bug occurs, one can
easily contact the open source community and resolve the problem it is the backbone of
many major computing centers around the world.
Slackware, Solaris, BOSS, Mandrake, SUSE, Ubuntu, Red Hat, red flag, fedora
Indian distribution of Linux is BOSS (baharat operating system solutions) developed by,
CDAC and is being promoted by ministry of it Government of India for use and appliance in
Features of Linux
• it is a multitasking operating system that means many application can be opened at this same
point of time.
• It is available in GUI and CUI form.
• Linux is network friendly
• It is a multiuser operating system, that means many users can share the operating system at
the same point of time from different terminals
• It is an open source operating system
• It has a strong security system that districts intrusion to a computer system
• It is a portable and compatible, reliable and seldom crashes.
Recycle bin :is the temporary storage folder for deleted files, where did deleted files are stored
until deleted permanently.
The taskbar provides access to all the apps, settings, files and information on the computer.
On the taskbar:
• The start menu /dashboard is a launching menu for install computer programs on your
computer and performing other utility task.
• Clicking on an app icon on the taskbar opens that application
• Search box
• And important role of operating system is to manage files and folders on your storage disks
Storage location that store files or group of files under them are known as directories or folders.
Folder it is a container that holds one or more files folders are
also called directories.
Sub folder: a folder stored inside another folder.
Files a file is a common storage unit in a computer
and all programs and data are written or stored into a
file and read from a file
A file has a name and extension
Name Extension
Open Document Text (Writer) .odt
Open Document Database (BASE) .odb
Open Document Spreadsheet (CALC) .ods
Open Document presentation (Impress) .odp
Open Document Drawing .odg
Music .mp3, .wav
Picture or image .png, .jpg.
Portable Document Format .pdf
The organized file structure is referred to as multi level or hierarchical directory system.
The first level in a multi directory system is root directory which is created automatically at the time
of this formatting within the root directory additional directories and sub directories can be created.
Difference between copying and moving
Copying of files and folders means that along Moving of files and folders means selected files
with original copy of the selected files and or folders are removed from the original location
folders, a new copy of them is created at this and place at the new location.
specific location
A clipboard is a temporary memory buffer provided by the operating system to store data for
short term in a computer application it is used to hold copied or cut data temporarily while
transferring within and between application programs.
Computer maintenance refers to the actions carried out so as to keep a computer in a good
state of working.
Computer maintenance includes:
• Physical cleaning so as to remove dust and debris as these heat up a computer.
• Physical cleaning of a computer component is done by switching off your computer
after shutting down.
• the Cleaning of software installed in the computer cannot be achieved by cleaning
CPU cabinet
• Never spray or squirt any liquid onto any computer component. If spray is needed,
spray the liquid onto a cloth.
• It is important to select a vacuum cleaner for use with computer equipment that
will not generate how harmful static because electrostatic discharge harms sensitive
computer components. That is why we use non static generating vacuum for
cleaning computer.
• Commonly used cleaning tools for physical components of computer are:
component Used for
lint free cotton cloth Drive mouse keyboard , don’t use for RAM or motherboard
Water or rubbing cloth Moistening a cloth
Portable vacuum Sucking the dust, dirt, hair, cigarette particles out of a computer.
Exceeelent tool for wiping hard to reach areas in your keybord,
Cotton swabs
mouse and other locations.
Foam swabs, cleaning
Security threats
sharing password with friends
allow anyone to use your device
leave computer without logging out
For Scanning and cleaning viruses ,Windows 10 comes with Windows Defender program
which can scan and clean your computer
Antivirus software
• used to detect and remove viruses from computers, also protect against other types of
malicious software's such as key-loggers browser hijackers horses, bombs, rootkits,
spyware, adware, bot Nets and ransomware.
• Antivirus programs like Norton antivirus, quick-heal security ,kypersky antivirus etc for
scanning and cleaning your computer. A good antivirus program will clean computer
viruses, worms, malware
• make sure that the antivirus software installed your computer is regularly updated.
• it enforces rules about what data packets will be allowed to enter or leave a network will
stop it filtered traffic and lower the security risk from malicious packets traveling over the
public network.
• it detects and prevents unwanted spyware program installation detection may be either rule
based or based on downloaded definition files that identify currently active spyware
Strong passwords :
• strong password is a mix of character, alphabet and special symbols and are of sufficient
Damage caused by viruses
• Some viruses may delete or damage random documents or specific files that are crucial to
your operating systems this damage can run from rendering useless just a few files to
affecting your entire computer possibly requiring you to reinstall your operating system and
start from scratch.
• Slow down your computer
• Invade your e-mail program
• Not all computer problems are caused by viruses even though your computer or a particular
program may not be running properly, this could be caused by other things, such as a bug or
misconfiguration of a software or hardware.
When a combination of hardware and software enables a person with a disability or impairment to
use a computer it is known as assistive technology.
accessibility option in control panel are used to customize the way your keyboard, display, or mouse
Competency based questions
1 Omar is working on Linux in his college lap. He created Omar can undelete the
lot of scripts and other files and save them in his home deleted files.
Another new student also worked on Linux with his own
ID and password after Omar left Robin was sitting on
Omar seat. Also created many files and in the end
deleted all his work. Omar came and found out that
Ruben has related all the files in home directory.
Omar is really angry with Ruben thinking that omar's
files are deleted what would you tell Omar to do now?
2 ashu regularly uses his computer for his school Taking backups regularly
assignments as well as for the files Related to his Getting antivirus installed
interests. He has lots of files stored in his computer. But Removing some temporary
one day the computer could not boot properly and upon files regularly
booting it keep on rebooting. His seniors told him that it Regular computer scanning
was a virus attack. After a lot of efforts and help from
seniors, he was able to reboot the computer but all of his
work is lost. What could ashu have done to prevent this?
3 Anita has started to work on computers. He's a fast He can undelete the required
learner and is quickly learning new things. He files from the recycle bin.
volunteered for typing house letters depicting the
activities done by school houses. After completing the
letters, he realized that he was to place the school logo in
each of the letters. His teacher has made available the
school logo in an image file. What is the best possible
option for him?
He should open the logo file; Select and copy the logo;
Now open letter files and place the copied logo in each of
the open letter files .once done, close all the files together.
Anita also created some images for the letters using an
image editing software. During the process, he also
created some temporary files add some additional files.
So he decided to delete these. But while deleting files he
accidentally deleted his letter files too. What should he
do now?
4 Neha is receiving several mails from companies who are spam mails.
advertising a product or trying to attract her to their
website. Such type of mails are called
Entrepreneurs are responsible for the growth of over economy. Entrepreneurs are said to the pillar
of growth of any economy- not only they create jobs but also contribute massively to economy in
many other ways.
• Exports: a growing business would look towards expansion to foreign markets through exports.
This helps build and use of latest technology and processes to comply with global standards. It
leads to currency inflow and more stable business revenues even when local slowdowns are
• Entrepreneurship it does give you freedom but only in one aspect- you are your own boss.
However, with this freedom comes great responsibilities, and enhanced role and hugely
diversified job profile.
• An entrepreneur quality required is the art of delegation- the works that can be delegated or
outsourced or get done and the entrepreneur focus on the core function of the venture rather than
concentrating on other related jobs or tasks.
• Entrepreneurship means quick wealth- it is an easy way to get rich
• You require a Business School degree to be an entrepreneur.
• You need lots of money to be an entrepreneur.
Role of entrepreneurs
• Innovator or creator
• Choosing the right candidates and considering their cost to the business.
• Cash flow management
• Time management
• Delegation of task and authority
• Decision making
• Understand the risk involved
• Take risk and mitigation: this takes some foresightedness and planning in advance so that
calculated risk are taken and later and for the advantage of the business.
To become and intrapreneur ask yourself this questions
• what is my attitude toward work effort
1. How much risk can I bear regarding investment and income?
2. What is my attitude towards independence / freedom?
1. Am I ready to take crucial decisions?
4. Government grants and support: Start up India scale isn't initiative of the Indian
government, the primary objective of which is the promotion of startups, generation of
employment and wealth creation. It was launched on 16th of January, 2016 by Prime
Minister Narendra Modi.
government launched schemes for small businesses
1. The credit guarantee fund scheme for micro and small enterprises(CGS)
2. the MUDRA (Micro units development and refinance agency limited)loan scheme
• stand up India scheme
Some important points
Entrepreneurs are not job seekers but they create opportunities for employment for people
An entrepreneur is a person who establishs a business or venture that generates some value to
the customer and proves to be profitable for him.
4 characteristics of entrepreneurship
Ability to take up risks
believe in hard work and discipline
adaptable and flexible to achieve the goals of enhancing quality and customer satisfaction
Knowledge of the product and services and their need or demand in the market.
many people assume that entrepreneurs are born not made. But this is not true,
entrepreneurship can be learned. It may be in genes but, it takes self awareness and hard
work to develop the skills that entrepreneurs have.
charankya -Gujarat solar park is the large scale production of solar power in India.
the person who combines factors in a creative manner to generate value for customers and
create wealth is called an “entrepreneur”.
leadership skills helps anyone to lead, guide and supervise people who work for the business .
Digital documentation (advanced)
A word processor is a software that helps you type and work with text on a computer.
A style is a set of formats that you can apply to selected pages, text, frames and other elements in
your document to quickly change their appearance. when you apply a style, you apply a whole
group of formats at the same time.
Style help to improve consistency in a document. They also make major formatting changes
Types of styles:
• Page styles include margins, headers and footers, borders and backgrounds. In calc page styles
also include the sequence of printing sheets.
• Paragraph styles control all aspects of a paragraph appearance, suggests text, alignment, tap
stops line spacing and borders and can include character formatting. Paragraph styles in a text
document affect selected text within a paragraph, such as the font and size of text, or bold and
italic formats.
• Character styles affect selected text within a paragraph, such as the font and size of text or
bold and italic formats.
• Numbering styles apply similar alignment numbering or bullet characters and phones to
number numbered or bulleted lists.
• Graphic styles in drawings and presentations include line area, shadowing density, font,
connectors, dimensioning and other attributes.
• Frame style is used to format graphic and text frames, including wrapping type, borders,
backgrounds and columns.
• cell style include fonts, alignment, borders, Background, number formats (for example,
currency, date, number), and self protection in document.
• Presentation styles include attributes for font, indents, spacing, alignment and tabs.
The style and formatting windows shows the type of styles available for the component you are
using. Press F11 to open window or click style->manage style or click on styles icon from
properties window.
frame style
page style
list style
table style
To apply style
choose a particular type of style from styles window. then put insertion point to a particular
paragraph or frame or page. And double click on a type of inbuilt style.
In a document fill format mode is used to apply a style to many different areas quickly without
having to go back to the styles and formatting window and double click every time.
when you apply a style, you apply a group of formatting effects together in one single step.
When you create a new style from selection, it will not saved in the template.
Any changes you make to a style are effective only in the current document. To change styles in
more than one document, you need to change the template or copy these styles into the other
5. The gallery provides a convenient way two group
reusable objects such as graphics and sounds that you
can insert into your document. It does not come with
many graphics, but you can add your own pictures or
find extensions containing more graphics.
1. To open gallery, click gallery icon from properties
window or choose view-> gallery
2. Insert picture by dragging and dropping or right
click on picture and choose insert.
Modifying an image
1. Using the image toolbar
When you insert an image or select one already present in the document, the image
toolbar appears.
to obtain special effects and to apply small corrections to the graphic we can use any
of three toolbars.
Graphics mode: you can change color images to grayscale by selecting the image and then
selecting grayscale from the graphics mode list.
2. Flip horizontally or vertically
3. Filters
Name effect usage
In words the color values of the color image or the brightness value of a
grayscale image
Her dialog box is displayed to adjust the light source and will create the
To undo all the changes we can use ctrl+z or alt+backspace or By selecting edit->undo If we
are not satisfied with the changes.
Color toolbar is used two modify the individual RGB color components of the image as well
as the brightness, contrast, and gamma of the image.
Transparency: it is particularly useful when creating a watermark or when wrapping
the image in the background.
Transparency is particularly useful when creating a watermark or when wrapping the image
in the background in a document
when you add a graphic to a text document, you need to choose how to position it with respect to
the text and other graphics. It is a very time consuming and frustrating.
Positioning of a graphic is controlled by four settings:
• Arrangement refers to the placement of a graphic on an imaginary vertical axis.
Arrangement controls how graphics are stacked upon each other or relative to the text.
• Text wrapping refers to the relation of graphics to the surrounding text, which may wrap
around the graphic on one or both sides, be overprinted behind or in front of the graphic, or
treat the graphic as a separate photograph or character.
• In a document, alignment refers to the vertical or horizontal placement of a graphic in
relation to the chosen anchor point.
• In writer, anchoring refers to the reference point for the graphics. This point could be the
page or frame where the object is, a paragraph or even character.
Two other Toolbars can be opened from picture toolbar are: the graphic filter toolbar and
colour toolbar
Arrangement control how graphics are Stacked upon each other or relative to the text.
To Repeat the graphic across the entire background area, we need to select option tile in Word
We can change colour images to grayscale or black/white from graphics mode list.
A template is a document that contains predefined formatting styles, graphics, tables, objects and
other information that are commonly used in a particular pattern. Thus, it saves our time. We can
create template to design A pattern for leave application, online form, browser, front page of our
project etc. a template is used for creating other documents.
• A template is the model that you use to create other documents.
• A template can be created in writer by saving a document with .odt extension.
• If you do not specify a template when you start a new document then the document is based
on the default template for that type of document.
• You can create a template either from a document or by using a wizard.
• Template option is available under file menu
• To create a new template :click on templates a sub menu appears, click on save option from
sub-menu will open templates window.
• To modify a template click on templates a sub menu appears, click on organize option from
sub-menu will open template management window.
• To use a template : click on templates a sub menu appears, click on templates and
documents option from sub-menu to open it.
• To update a template click on templates a sub menu appears, click on edit option from sub-
• For resetting default templates: file->template-> select organize from sub-menu Will open
template management window, select commands from drop down button. Hover the mouse
over reset default templates-> select text document.
Table of contents
This features of writer enable us to build an automatic table of contents from heading present in
over document. Whenever changes are made in the textual part of the heading in any document or
the page on which the headache appears, those changes automatically appear in the table of contents
into which it is next updated.
To create table of contents : Click on insert menu-> select indexes and tables option. From sub
menu select indexes and tables, index/ table window will appears on the screen.
to update table of contents: Right click and select update index /table from the pop up menu After
placing cursor within the table of contents
Writers table of contents feature let you build an automated table of contents from the headings in
your document.
By default, writer evaluates 10 levels of headings when it builds the table of contents.
The insert index / table dialog box has five pages/ tabs
• Index /table tab if used to set attributes of the table of contents.
• Entries and style tab it's used to format the entries in the table of contents.
• Columns tab is used to put the table of contents into more than one column.
• Background tab is used to add color or graphics to the background of the table of contents.
Mail merge Is a feature of word processor like writer in which name and address of different
recipients are merged in one file and each address is merged with a copy of particular letter by itself
so that the same letter is addressed to different recipients.
To send mails by mail merge there has to be
Main document : It contains the contents of the letter that remains the same for each of the merge
document it may contain text, letter, graphics etc. It also contains the field names and address that
retrieves names from the data source file of address.
Data source(address of recipients ): It is a file that contains the name and address of recipients to be
merged with the document.
Mail merge feature is available under tools menu and created using mail merge wizard.
Steps :
1. selecting main document
2. selecting document type
3. Inserting address block
4. Creating salutation
5. Adjusting layout
6. Editing document
7. Personalizing document
8. Saving, printing or sending.
Ctrl+click key combination is pressed to directly reach to section or heading from the table of
Q1 Jagriti has inserted an image in a document. She wants to resize the keep ratio
image. Which option of the word processor image format should be
selected to let the two dimensions (height and width) change so that
the proportion is maintained, allowing for a scaled resizing?
Q2 Vinita has to prepare a report on her research work in which she text wrapping
needs to include images with text, which feature helps to balance the
relation of graphics to the surrounding text, which may wrap around
the graphics on one side or both side, Be overprinted behind or in
front of graphic or treat the graphic as a separate paragraph or
Q3 ramakanth is running a business and has to send letters to a number mail merge
of delegates a______________ can also be a quick way to take a list
of peoples mailing addresses and generate labels to envelope with the
address of different persons on each label or envelope.
Q4 Any settings that can be added to or modified in a document can be
saved in a template which of these settings below cannot be including
writers document and save as a template for later use For formula
Q5 A printer is making name slip stickers for a school. School has asked Template.
to put logo on the right with the school name on the left. The sticker
gives heading labels like name, roll number, class and subject with
space provided against each label. School children will use these
stickers on their notebooks. which writer feature will printer apply
so that name slips can be printed as per school requirements?
Q6 Publisher has 4 images over topic to which she wants to make global
changes to all the objects and move them together to a new page.
Weather table to him?
Q7 Trisha is a book editor. She wants to change the indentation of all
paragraphs, and change the font of all the titles in the book which
feature should she use to make the task easy style
An advertising company needs to prepare a separate sheet
containing batch number, customer name and addresses etcetera.
They will use this when they mail letters to all the customer together
which feature of require ?
Q8 Ace student is typing notes in writer. He has already applied many he fill format
has already applied many formatting styles to the heading of the first
paragraph in a document . As he continues writing more topics, he's
finding it difficult to give same style to the other heading to maintain
uniformity in Page which feature he should use for other heading to
look same in the document
Q9 Printer bonds to give users an overview open books content and
sexual. He also wants to provide link to section and subsection of the
same document. Professor should be used to accomplish the task
Q10 Amrita is Celebrating her 14th birthday. She wants to invite her Mail merge
friends and family members to the party. Which feature will she used
to send the same invite to many people with different addresses
without typing it again and again?
Q11 Tanu explained to his class that to apply an existing style, except character style.
for____________ position the insertion point in the paragraph,
frame or page and then double click on the name of the style in one
of these lists.
Q12 Gaurav has inserted an image in a document. He wants to remove Crop
the unwanted area of the image which option of the word processor
he will use to complete the task.
Q13 The students are preparing e-magazine. They want text to be Page wrap
rearranged to fill the space to the left and right of the image. this will
let the task text flow around the image .
Word related
Picture and clipart options are available under insert tab under illustrations group
Header option is available under header and footer group in insert tab
Data consolidation allows you to gather together your data from separate worksheets into a
master worksheet. In other words, the data consolidation function takes data from a series of
worksheets or workbooks and summarizes it into a single worksheet that you can update easily.
The function specifies how the values of the consolidation ranges are linked; the sum function is the
default setting. other statistical functions are average, min, Max. select link to source data to insert
the formulas.
The data from consolidation ranges and target range are saved when you save the worksheet. If you
later open a worksheet in which consultation has been defined this data will again be available.
Subtotal is a function then you use the function wizard. Because of its usefulness, the function has
a graphical interface it is accessible from data menu. Subtotal, total adds data arranged in an array
that is a group of cells with labels for columns and/or rows using the subtotals dialogue you can
select a raise then choose set cycle function to apply to them.
for efficiency you can choose up to three group of arrays to which to apply a function.
Scenarios are a tool to test “what- if” questions. each scenario is named and can be edited and
formatted separately. When you print this spreadsheet only the content of the currently active
scenario is printed .
A scenario is essentially a saved set of cells value for your calculation
Goal Seek :you run a formula to calculate a result based upon existing values. by contrast, using
goal seek option under tools menu you can discover what values will produce the results that you
Solver option under tools menu amounts to a more elaborate form of Goal seek. The difference is
that the solver deals with equation with multiple unknown variables. it is specifically designed to
minimize or maximize the result according to a set of rules that you define.
once you have finished setting up the rules you can adjust the argument and the results by clicking
this solve button.
At the bottom of each worksheet window, there are small taps that indicate the names of the
worksheets in the workbook. By default, their names are sheet1, sheet 2 , sheet 3 and so on.
A cell reference refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet that can be used to find the
values or data that you want formula to calculate.
In one or several formulas, you can use a cell reference to refer to:
• Data from one or more continuous cells on the worksheet.
• Data contained in different areas of a worksheet
• Data on other worksheets in the same workbook
benefit of using a cell reference is when the data present in reference cells in another worksheet
changes, a value returned by this cell references automatically updated.
Hyperlinks can be used in calc to jump to a different location from within a spreadsheet and can
lead to other parts of the current file, to different files or even to websites.
Hyperlinks can be stored within your file as either relative or absolute
an absolute Link will stop working only if the A relative link will stop working only if the start
target is moved. and target location change relative to each other
for example if you have two spreadsheets in the same folder link to each other and you move the
entire folder to a new location a relative hyperlink will not break.
It is necessary to have multiple people working on a file at the same time this can be either speedup
data entry or simply make things easier for collaboration purposes spreadsheet software allows the
user to share the workbook and place it in the network location where cellular users can access its
Calc has the feature to track what data was changed, when the change was made, who made the
change and in which cell the change has occurred.
Sometimes multiple reviewers return edited versions of a worksheet at the same time. In this case it
may be quicker to review all these changes at once rather than one review at a time. For this
purpose, can provide the feature of merging worksheet.
A macro is a saved sequence of commands or keystrokes data stored for later use. macro are
specially useful to repeat a task the same way over and over again
When a document is created and saved, it automatically contains a library named standard. This
standard library is automatically loaded when the document is opened no other library is
automatically loaded.
4 This cell reference in a spreadsheet for cell range B2 to F15 is B2: F15
5 solver deals with equation with multiple unknown variables
6 An absolute link will stop working only if the target is moved while a relative link will stop
working only if this start and target location change relative to each other.
7 Scenarios are a tool to test what if questions
8 While performing goal seek, target value is used to type the desired result of the formula to
achieve the goal.
9 In spreadsheet tink is not a part of settings in scenario.
10 If we keep record changes option on ,calc will automatically add comment describing what
was changed and by whom.
11 Macros will be used to record series of commands.
12 By default, sheets tab are present at the bottom of the spreadsheet
13 It refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and can be used to find the values of data
that you want formula to calculate.
Ans: cell reference
14 Formulas in a spreadsheet must begin with a = sign
15 The consolidate feature in calc is found in data menu.
16 Copy result to option consolidate dialog box is used to select destination cells.
17 The consolidate data tool in calc helps to manage, analyse and summarize data.
18 Absolute hyperlink contains the full address of the destination file.
19 Relative hyperlinks referred to base address which is relative to the destination file.
20 Edit-> changes-> merge document is the correct sequence of steps in if we want to review
edited versions of multiple reviewers at once.
21 While consolidating data we are continually working with the same range of cells then we
should assign range name instead of cell references .
22 Scenario option is available in tools menu.
23 Subtotal is a function listed under the mathematical category when you use function Wizards.
Insert function
24 There is more option in consolidate data dialog box for additional settings.
25 We select the function from the function list to specify how the values of the consolidation
ranges are linked the sum function is the default setting.
26 Defined range option is available under the data menu
27 select the none from the group by list to remove this subtotals.
28 Scenario is essentially a safe set of self values for your calculations. It allows to switch
between these sets using the navigator or a drop down list with highlighted border.
29 Spreadsheet also allows you to link the cells from various worksheets and from various other
spreadsheets or workbooks to summarize data.
30 We can change the color of sheet names displayed down in spreadsheet using right click
select tab color.
31 Press control +N shortcut key to open a new workbook in a spreadsheet
32 A cell reference refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet which is used to find the
values that you want formula to calculate
33 If user forgets to record changes in spreadsheet software can find the changes by comparing
34 Comments are used to provide feedback or explanation of the changes that was made in this
35 If the source range is not named in the consolidate dialog box then click in the shrink button
to the right will stop
36 Argument passed to a microphone calc are always values
37 If you are continually working with the same range then you may give a name to the range
using define range option under data menu
38 In Calc using the subtotal dialogue, you can select arrays and then choose a statistical
function to apply to them for efficiency you can choose up to three groups of array to which
to apply a function
39 Solve option under tools menu amounts to a more elaborate form of goal seek. The
difference is that the solver deals with the equation with multiple unknown variables
40 In Calc, to create the reference with the mouse both spreadsheets needs not be open.
In Calc you can use a cell reference in one or several formulas to refer to data from one or more
• contiguous cells on the worksheet
• Data contained in a software
• Data contained in any format in databases.
Freeze in spreadsheet
The free spans tool allows you to lock your column or row heading so that when you Scroll down or
over the over to view the rest of your sheet the first column or top row remain on the screen.
Many conditions or items can be used to implement conditional formatting some of which are font
style and border color. Selecting different options or conditions will give us the changes we want to
make in this cell or group of cells.
freeze pane option is available under window group in view tab
Column contain same type of data
To add an absolute reference we can add dollar signs around the cell or click F4
CALC automatically adds a comment to the recorded changes that have been done along with the
authors name date and time of the creation of this comment in the comment box.
Sum is one of the functions available in the spreadsheet to perform addition of selected numbers in
the sheet.
Autosum automatically select the values around the cells either horizontally or vertically
Long answer questions
Q1. Given the following spreadsheet right the appropriate formula/ expression/ function to be used
for (A) to (e)
(a) write formula to calculate the total points (sum of points + bonus) ans: F2=sum(c2+d2)
of each player in cell F2 to F6 F3=sum(c3+d3)
(b) write the feature used for arranging we rank from highest to lowest ans: sort
(c) To find the player with maximum total to be written in cell F7. Ans: F7=max(F2:F6)
(d) to find the average of points to be written in cell F7 Ans:
Q2 write this spreadsheet formula/ expression/ function to perform the operation given in A to E
keeping in view of the following spreadsheet data
(a) To calculate amount with the help of corresponding rent and ans: E2=B2*D2
duration as rent * duration to be written in E2
(b) To calculate text as 10% of crossponding amount to be written in ans: F2=10/100*E2
(c) to calculate bill amount as total of corresponding amount and tax to Ans: G2=E2+F2
be written in G2
(d) to find highest rent from the column B to be written in B8 Ans: B8=MAX(b2:b7)
(e) To count the number of rooms occupied from the column C to be Ans: C8=count(c2:c7)
written in C8
Q3 The following data is from final result sheet of an educational institute. Answer the questions
that is followed under the worksheet.
(a) Increase the total marks of each student by three marks apply the feature of recording changes to
record this changes
Write the formula as= total + 3 or cell address of total marks +3 to apply features of record changes
to record those changes :
• Open the given worksheet to record changes
• Click on edit and select the changes option
• Click on the record option from this sub menu that appears
• Now start making changes in this spreadsheet document the change cells will become
highlighted via border around the cells
(b) Add comment Who display marks of English in place of eng , marks of Hindi in place of Hindi,
marks of maths in place of maths marks of science in place of science, percentage marks in place of
Step to use to display the above comments:
• select the cell in which comment is to be inserted
• Right click and select the option
• The comment box appears on the screen. Type the desired comment
• Click outside the box to close it. The new comment gets inserted.
Given the following spreadsheet, write the appropriate formula expression function to be used for(a)
to (e)
(a) write the formula to calculate the total sales of north zone,
ans =sum(b3:e3)
(b) write the feature used for arranging the sales from lowest to the highest
ans sorting
(c) to find the maximum sales in east zone.
Ans =max(b5:e5)
(d) to find the average sales in Jan to March in cell c7
ans c7=average(b3:b6)
(e) to find the difference between the sales in east zone and West zone in April-June
ans c5-c4
Competency based questions:
s. noQuestion answer
Hema is a Chartered accountant. she used to maintain the accounts in a
spreadsheet on everyday basis. There are number of steps which she needs
1 to follow every time. Can you suggest her a feature of spreadsheet through Using macros
which she can perform this task quickly without repeating these steps
every time.
Raj has created a worksheet where he added all the information of his
employees. He wants every employer to go through the worksheet and
2 update their addresses and phone number, if required. He also would like
to know the changes done by his employees. With which feature of
spreadsheet he should enable to see the changes made by his employees.
I have brought few clothing items from different vendors in the city. I have
bought same type of clothing items from different showrooms or vendors.
3 Now I need to know the total quantity brought from each vendor in my subtotal
order. Which of the following spreadsheet feature will be used to find the
total quantity quantity of each vendor
Sunita is making a project in spreadsheets. Her friend has told her how to
rename a spreadsheet as it will help her identify the worksheet data easily.
4 3
She was very excited and told the same to her brother. Her brother told her
that in spreadsheets a worksheet can be renamed using ____ways
Statement 1: data from the consolidation ranges and target range are saved
when you save the worksheet.
statement two
5 Statement 2: if you later open a worksheet in which consolidation has been
is wrong
defined this will not be available again.
Consider above two statements, identify the correct one
6 In spreadsheets, All the
Statement 1: to consolidate by row labels or column labels, the label must statements
contain in the selected source ranges. are correct
Statement 2: the text in the labels must be identical so that rows or
columns can be accurately matched.
Statement #3: if the row or column label does not match any that exist in
the target range, it will be appended as a new row or column.
Consider the three statements, identify the correct one
Rohan has 50,000 that he wants to invest in two mutual funds for one year.
Fund A is a low risk fund with 18% interest rate add fund B is a higher
7 solver
risk fund with 21% interest rate. Which feature of spreadsheet will help
him to decide
If we have to determine how many units of each three products should be
8 sold to reach a certain profit which of the following tools would likely to be Goal seek
the best choice?
A receptionist in this school prepares a report of students going out of this
school on half day leave. A student is asked few details to fill in a form
provided by the receptionist. This form is open to fill details and some
9 Micro
formatting is also done. Which feature of kelp will receptionist used to
reduce repetition of steps and have a button to Click to open this form and
complete all the formalities?
if a loan department wants to calculate different interest rates on an
10 investment, they can use a____________ for each interest rate and save scenario
various investment options for customers for quick view.
with the help of___________ you can calculate a value as part of a formula
to obtain the result you keep as your target. You thus define the formula
11 goal seek
with several fixed values and one variable value and the result of the
In an office sales report worksheet was shared among different
salesperson. While sharing worksheets they forget to record the changes Compare
that made. Now they want to find the changes. What can they do now to sheets
review the changes made by each salesperson.
Sunita is making a project in spreadsheets she want to rename a Rename a
13 spreadsheet as it will help her identify the worksheet data easily which worksheet
option she should use to solve her problem
To rename a worksheet:
select the worksheet to rename by clicking on it.
Right click on it and choose rename worksheet option or click home format rename sheet
from the sheet group
Type the desired name for this sheet and press enter or click on OK
Presentation software enables the user to add tables in the slides in order to represent the statistical
data meaningfully.
Free basic guidelines for charts in a presentation text to give transition effects in a
presentation software.
A database is defined as an organized collection of data that can be visualized as a container or
information. With the help of database, data can be stored modified and retrieved.
A database is a collection of logically related data that allows easy and efficient storage, retrieval
and manipulation of data.A database is defined as an integrated collection of data records files and
other objects.
Data means the representation of facts, concept or instruction in a formalized manner which is
suitable for interpretation or processing by humans or by automatic means.
Information is a meaningful and useful form obtained after processing the data. Hence it can be
defined as a set of organized data
Knowledge is the act of understanding the context in which the data has been produced or the
information has been used. It can be based on learning through information
Database management system (DBMS) refers to a package that enables the user to store,
modified and properly maintained free database and helps to extract useful information from the
database as and when required.
DBMS is a computerized record keeping system whose purpose is to manage the data and make it
available as per the requirement. Database can be referred to as our digital filing system.
DBMS is used to build the database and also manages the database in different way like:
• adding new records, editing, deleting of records
• Sorting (Arranging data in ascending/ descending order)
• inspecting the data based on queries
• Viewing, updating and manipulating data items
• Performing calculations on data and generating reports.
Most popular DBMS include Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access,
PostgreSQL, MySQL, FoxPro and SQLite.
Database servers are dedicated computers that can hold actual databases. It can run only the
DBMS and its related software's. Database is available only database servers are accessed through
command line or graphical user interface tools also called as front ends. other servers are referred to
as backends that process the request and provides the data. these servers are based on client server
model or architecture.
Database administrator:
• it governs the management system
• He's a person having the centralized control over the database system.
• He is an IT expert please responsible for the technical operations and management of database.
Elements of database
Data in a DBMS package is generally kept in a tabular format and is organized by fields, records
and files.A field represent a single type of related information; a record is complete set of values
stored under fields whereas a file is a collection of records and the records are kept in table.
Table is a collection of logically related records. The multiple records of a database are arranged
together in a tabular structure to make a table it is made-up of rows and columns.
Field Represents one related part of a table. It contains the logically related data paint in a
database. For example, age, name, address, designation and phone are fields in a table. Acolumn
represents a field.
Record is a collection of multiple data which is stored in related fields that can be treated as a
single unit it represents the data which is entered in a set of different fields which are related to a
particular item example 22, arash, new market lane, accountant, 858-600-9492 is one of the records
of the table. A row represents a record.
RELATION means establishing link between two or more tables of a database. RDBMS is a
relational database management system in which tables are linked to each other by fields. A
relational database is defined as a collective set of multiple data set organized into tables records
and columns. Is establishes a well-defined relationship between database tables. Table can share
information, which facilitates data searchability, organization and reporting. A relational database
uses structured query language (SQL) application that provides an easy programming interface for
database interaction.
There are different components that help in executing the purpose of database package.
• Tables:
• the table is the basic element of at at a base in which data is kept in columns (called fields)
and rows (called records).
• It acts as a container which stores data pertaining to a single object, subject or purpose.
• Queries
• a call or a request to generate some information from the table is called query. It is the
basic tool for retrieving information from the database
• Query helps in the filtration of a large volume of data and displays required permit of
• it fetches records from one or more tables of a database so that they can be viewed
analyzed and sorted on a common database.
• It also produces information according to specific need.
• Forms:
• it provides an interface in user specified layout which lets the user to view the data or enter
new data or to modify the existing data records.
• A form can be saved separately and when needed it can be modified or deleted within their
respective table.
• Reports:
• it displays the information in a format as per users need.
• It is used to view and print information
• report can present information whose data can be from a single table or from more than
one table.
• Reports can be previewed on screen as well as on pages.
Libre office base is used to create and manage database. Add database wizard screen is used
to create a database.
The database opening screen of the base has the following parts:
• title bar: it lies at the uppermost side of the opening screen. It displays the file name along with
maximize minimize and close button on right side.
• Menu Bar: It lies just below the title bar. It contains the buttons of various menus like file, edit,
view etc. That help while working with base.
• Standard toolbar: it flies below the menu bar. It contains the shortcut buttons or icons for
frequently used commands like new, open, save etc.
• status bar: it appears towards the bottom of the screen. It display information about the current
status of the opened application.
• task pane: also called as assistance window. it is a box on the upper side named as tasks.
• It contains three options to create a table:
• create table in design view...
• This option enables to create a table in design view in which the user has to
define table structure and the table name.
• When you click on this option it will open a window which contains 3 columns
field name, field type, description
• use wizard to create table...
• Wizards are deeply defined format which already exists in a package. This
option provides the facility that enables the user to select a category, required
fields from predefined tables and to set type formats and primary key to create
a table.
• When you click on use wizard to create table optiona table wizard window will
• Create view...
• This option is used to create a table by specifying the fields name, properties
and data type. The user can copy selected fields from specific table and create
a new table with a combination of fields from different tables.
• When you click on this option from task pane an ‘add tables’ window will
• While moving the mouse over the task pane options it gives the description about the task
options in the description window which is on the right side of the task pane.
• description pane: It displays the details about the task which will be performed when operation
is selected from tables, forms and reports option.
• Table window: it displays the name of the existing tables of the database. Besides the table
window there is a window with a button having two options as none end document. When the
document option is selected, then the records of the selected table are displayed in a row window
positioned beside the table window.
A table has multiple fields. Each field has a name for the respective type of data. a data type
indicates the type of data to be stored in that field. the field properties describe the behavior of that
• Field name is the identifier of a field as it contains the data that is to be stored in that field.
Generally, it represents a particular property of the table entity. Field name can consist of letters,
numbers and some special characters like period(.), exclamation (!), Single apostrophe (‘),
square brackets ([]) etc. If a field and consists of more than two words, join them by underscore
sign (_).
• Database stores different types of data like characters, date, number, symbol, OLE (Object
linking and embedding) objects etc. data type of a field specify what kind of data is to be stored
in that particular field and what kind of operation can be performed on that data. The data type of
a field depends upon the values to be entered in that field.
• Libre office BASE support the following data types:
• Numeric data type:boolean, Integer, Number, decimal, double, float
• Alphanumeric data type: longVarchar, char, varchar, varchar-ignorecase
• Date/time data type: date, time, timestamp
• Field properties
• the field properties control the behavior of the field. They are related directly with the
consistency in the data that is entered by the user.
• Field properties that are journalists set for different fields
• entry required: this property is applied is the field cannot be left blank.
• auto value: it refers to the data or value that is automatically applied in the field.
• Length it specifies the length of data that can be stored in a field.
• Default value: when the user enters the data in a table the default value is used in
each of the new records for the respective field selected. When the user opens table
in data sheet view the value in the field is available in this cell.
• Format: This property is used to determine the format of the output of the data.
• Key Field
• The key field links the data between two or more tables. 'BASE’ Sets relationship by
comparing the fields of tables and if they match there is an automatic linking which is
known as auto-join user can specifically link any two tables on the basis of key fields by
creating a relationship.
• Types of keys
• Primary key:
• It is a field which is used to uniquely identify records in our database.
• It is a unique field and it cannot be blank.
• there can be only one primary key in a table. If there are more than one
primary keys, then there will be two identities against arrow. There can only
one identity against arrow. So, we cannot have more than one primary key.
• To make retrieval of record faster, primary case or indexed in database.
• composite key
• also called as composite primary key. It refers to combination of two or more
fields that can uniquely identify or retrieve records.
• Foreign key:
• the main table of a database is referred to as the master table and the tables in
which the related data is stored are referred to as transaction table the tables
are related and linked together through a field which is in common. these
common key field in the transaction table is called the foreign key and its
value depends on the primary key values of the master table.
Object linking and embedding facilitates the sharing of application data and objects written
in different formats from multiple sources. linking establishes a connection between two objects and
embedding facilitates Application data insertion. For example, if we have to insert an excel sheet in
our table, we can insert it as an OLE object in our table.
• Deleting records from a primary key table if there are any matching related records available in
associated child table.
A relationship refers to an association or connection between fields of two or more tables. When
you relate or connect to tables, there is need to enter the same data in separate tables.
Relationship between tables help to:
• save time as there is no need to enter the same data in separate tables that are connected
• It reduces data entry errors
• Summarize data from related and associated tables
Data validation
• it ensures that the data being entered in the table is correct and valid by applying some
conditions in the particular entry of field. In other words, it can be said that validation involves
checking of data against some user defined conditions and it allows entry of only that data with
satisfy the defined conditions
• Different ways to control the entry of data into a table:
• Field level validation ensures that the data entered in a particular field is correct and valid.
It checks the correctness of entries in a particular field on which validation has been
• In base, the field level validation is applied by setting some special properties to the
individual fields. A database administrator can apply more than one validation check on a
single field.
• The following properties can be applied for field level validation in a particular field of the
• Entry required properties applied to ensure that the field is not left blank while
saving the record in a table. If the user leaves the field blank and tries to save the
record an error message will be displayed and the record will not be saved. The
default value of entry required is ‘no’ to set it to ‘yes’ ,click on the option ‘list box’
and select the ‘yes’ option. Entry required option cannot be applied if the field is set
as ‘primary key’.
• The length property specifies maximum number of characters that a field can store,
if the user tries to store a record that has more number of characters than defined
length, then while saving the record. base, will give an error message and restrict the
user to save the record unless the number of characters that violates the rule is
related from the field this property can be applied to all data types and primary key
• Default value property specifies the value that will automatically be inserted in a
field whenever a new record entered into the table. If the user leaves the field blank,
the default value is saved in the recordbut if user modifies a value, the modified
value is saved. If the ‘default value’ property is changed, the change is not
applied automatically to existing records.
• Relationship refers to link between different tables of a table by matching the data on the basis of
the common primary key field.
• Relational database support different types of relationship between tables which are designed to
enforce the concept of referential integrity
• In database relationship of tables maybe between:
• one to one relationship: in this relationship both the tables must have primary key
columns. It occurs when there is exactly 1 record of tableA that correspond to exactly one
record with table B.
• One to many relationships: in this relationship one of the tables must have a primary key
column that will be associated with all the columns of related tables. It occurs when each
row in tableA can have many linked records in table B but each record in table B may have
only one corresponding record in table A.
• Many to many relationships: in this relationship none of the associated tables have
primary key column. It means that all the columns of primary key fields are associated
with all the columns of related tables. It occurs when each record in tableA may have many
linked records in table B and vice versa.
• Query is a tool through which data is evaluated or manipulated and reports are generated.
• A user can apply a filter criteria in query so that only those records which meet the criteria are
evaluated and displayed.
• In base, there are three ways to generate a query.
• Create query in design view...
• used wizard to create query...
• create query in SQL view...
• different operators can also be used in query for doing calculations like:
• Sum, Avg, count.
• Sum end average operators work with auto number, currency date/ time number and
bullion data types.
• Count operator works with all types of data.
• it enables to provide a user interface for entering of data or to display intermediary Information.
• In the form user can add or modify data.
• in base there are two options to create a form
• create form in design view...
• use wizard to create form...
• A Report summarizes or displays the information in a format that is suitable for viewing or
• Reports are used to present the result in a meaningful and useful manner.
• Reports can obtain information from tables or queries.
• Reports are printed to share information.
Data in a database can be stored and manipulated by using SQL. SQL is structured
query language for storing manipulating and retrieving data from a database.
SQL uses various commands to perform different oppression on the database such
commands are categorized into:
• data definition language (DDL)/ Data description language
• it is a standard for commands that define the different structure in a database.
• DDL statements create modify and remove database objects such as tables indexes and
• common DDL statements are CREATE, ALTER, TRUNCATE, RENAME, DROP.
• Data manipulation language (DML):
• DML is a language that enables user to retrieve, update, insert and delete data in a
• Common DML statements are: SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT INTO, and DELETE.
• Data control language (DCL):
• data control language is a language that has various commands which are used to grant end
take back authority from any database users.
• Common DCL statements are: Grant and Revoke.
• Transaction control language(TCL):
• it is a language that has various commands which are used to manage transaction in the
• These are used to manage the changes made by DML statements.
• some common statements are commit, savepoint and rollback.
To execute commands
• Click on tools menu and then select SQL option. ‘ execute SQL statement’ window appears
on the screen.
• type the SQL commands in the ‘command to execute’ section.
• Execute the command by pressing F5 function key or by clicking the execute icon in the
• successful execution of command is displayed on status section.
Managing query
queries or commands that are used to define the data structure and also to manipulate the data in a
database. query is used to collect specific information from the table. A query helps us to join
information from different tables and filter specific information as per the required Criteria.
A select statement retrieves 0 or more rows from one or more database tables or database views.
The select statement has many optional clauses :
• Where specify which rows to retrieve.
• Order by specifies an order to return the Rows.
SQL operators
SQL comparison operators
SQL arithmetic
SQL logical operators
IF A=34 AND B=44
operators description example Operatordescription
Check if the value used to compare a value to all
= of a is equal to values in another value set.
value of B. used To apply multiple
Checks if the value conditions in SQL statement
+,-,*, /, A! =B
!=, <> of a is not equal to compares the value in list
%(find out the TRUE ANY
value of B according to the condition
remainders). Check if the value used to search for values
!< of a is not less than within this set of values.
value of B reverses the meaning of any
if the value of a is logical operator.
!> not more than the Used to combine multiple
value of B condition in SQL statements
Other relational operators are <,<=, >, >=
SQL Aggregate Function
An aggregate function in SQL performs a calculation on multiple values and returns a single
value.SQL provides many aggregate functions that include avg, count,sum,min,max, etc. An
aggregate function ignores null values when it performs the calculation, except for the count
Records can also be added, modified or deleted from the existing table using the insert update
and delete commands.
insert statement
it is used to add one or more records to the database.
update statement-
it is used for modifying records in a database.
Delete statement
It is used to remove one or more records in a database.
a user while creating adatabase has not been find any field as
5 primary key. While saving a table database software asks the user ID
to allow software to specify primary key field this field is called as
a principal wants database operator to display these students data
6 in sunrise Manor sports elected sales in specific format. Which Reports
objective database object is being referred to here?
A: Database management system automatically take care of both A and are true and
7 backup and recovery reason is the correct
R: user need not take backup regularly explanation of A
A: Record is a set of information consisting of fields stored in your
8 database about one of the items A is true but R is false
R: a value that is the actual text cannot be put in this record.
A: when we put information in a table, we cannot have people
with the same name
9 A is false but R is true
R: this can be done by using some number or value that uniquely
identifies a record
Action what to store a huge amount information about his sperm
10 in a database will stop which type of table organization would be Relational
more suitable for this purpose?
Sanjeev designed a database for an organization. It contains a set
Relationship is not
of tables. He can fetch records from an individual table but he's
11 established among the
unable to retrieve information from another table. What is the
two tables.
drawback in his database?
Shweta is a database administrator. She wants to add records and Database management
manage the data in computer and make it available as per system
requirement. Which record keeping system can help you to to do LibreOffice base, MS
so? access.
Answer the calling questions on the basis of following table:
Table: student
primary key in student
Stud_id Stud_name class fees
table: stud_id
1 Leena ix 3400
primary key in teacher
2 Minakshi x 3700
table: t_id
13 Table : teacher
T_id T_name salary Stud_id
3200 Akansha 33000 1 foreign key in teacher
3201 Amit 25000 2 table: stud_id.
2. Identify the primary key in teacher and student table
3. identify the foreign key in teacher table.
The director of a company uses a database to store data about job
titles will stop this is a part of the database given below:
employee salary
Table: Furniture
Furniture_code description material MRP Discount_percent
F001 chair plastic 1200 4
F002 sofa wood 45,000 12
F003 chair wood 3000 5
F004 table plastic 4000 10
F005 table wood 25,000 7
Q2 F006 sofa leather 60,000 10
1. Display the average of murphie only those records whose material is wood?
Ans: select AVG(MRP) from furniture where material=”wood”;
2. Display the furniture code and discount percent of all the furniture items whose MRP
is more than 20,000
WHERE MRP>20000;
3. modify description to bed and material to fiber whose furniture code is F002
4. display all the details for the records whose description name ends with letter “E”.
Consider the following passenger table called airline
Passenger_ID Passenger_name Date_of_arrival Ticket_cost airlines destination
001 Shamili 13/03/20 35,000 Spice jet Bhopal
002 Anamika 13/03/20 30,000 GoAir Mumbai
003 Manju 13/03/20 20,000 indigo Jaipur
004 Anukriti 13/03/20 25,000 GoAir Bhopal
Give SQL command slash query for the following:
Q3 • display passenger ID, passenger name and airlines whose destination is Bhopal
• Modify the airlines to vistara for the record whose passenger ID 002
• Find the total of the ticket cost.
• Display passenger ID, date of arrival and destination for the record whose passenger
name has ‘n’ in second place.
The following vendor table and write the SQL queries:
Vendor ID VName Cart_cost location
V001 Mother dairy 2000 Rajasthan
V002 havmor 1100 Delhi
V003 amul 2500 Gujarat
V004 quality walls 1000 Lucknow
1. Create table ice cream with given fields in the above table with suitable data type.
Also decide the primary key field.
2. write a command to add a new row with the following details (“v005”,”
3. Write a query to display all records of the table ice cream whose cart_cost is more
than 1500.
4. Add a new field date_of_delivery with suitable data type.
Consider the table admin:
Deptid Deptname Employee_name city
Dep101 Accounts Saurav Pune
Dep102 sales Rahul Chennai
Dep103 purchase Pia Pune
Dep104 HR Gunjan Delhi
answer the following:
1. Suggest the primary key field and give reason.
Ans: primary key:Deptid (it will identify each record uniquely and will never be
2. write SQL commands forward queries for the following:
Q5 A) create a table admin with given fields and suitable data type.
CITY CHAR(35) );
B) display all the records for the department HR
C) change the city to Jaipur for the department code dep104
D) display all the records in descending order of employee's
David is working in a software company as a trainee. He's handling a database
containing a table named employee. data stored in the table is as follows:
Table: employee
ID name designation date of birth salary
EP20132 Pushkar Sharma manager 15 / 12/ 1988 52,000
EP20133 Nithya Yadav manager 12/ 10/ 1988 50,000
EP20134 Priya Agrawal accountant 5/ 9/ 1985 35,000
EP20135 Gautam swami editor 30/ 3/ 1978 30,000
EP20136 Shalini Mehra executive 20 /9/1990 25,000
Help him in doing the following tasks:
1. He wants to find the employees name whose salary is equal to 50,000 or more.
Q6 2. He is trying to calculate the yearly salary of an employee whose ‘salary’ is 25000.
3. He wants to display ‘ID’, ‘NAME’, and ‘DESIGNATION’ of the employee whose
‘DESIGNATION’ is executive.
4. Help him writing the query to change the designation of the employees to ‘chief
editor’ whose current designation is ‘editor’.
5. He wants to delete the record of the employee whose ID is EP20136.
A shopkeeper maintains a database table named item for his shop. The table contains the
following data:
12 PEN 10 17
13 ERASER 5 15
14 NOTEBOOK 15 20
Now, help him doing the following task on the table:
1. write a query to insert a new record of the following details : 15, pencil, 20, 10
ANS: INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES(15,’ pencil’, 20, 10);
Q7 2. Write a query to display detail of items whose quantity is more than 10.
3. Write a query to change the quantity of item number 13 to 25
4. Display the total amount of each item. The amount must be calculated as the price
multiplied by quantity for each item.
5. Display the name of item whose price is 10
Consider the teacher table given below:
1 SANJANA 34 MATHS 15/ 6/ 2017 12,000 M
2 NEHA 31 SCIENCE 15/ 2/ 2017 15,000 F
3 MUKUL 32 COMPUTER 22/ 1/ 2019 18,000 M
4 RIYA 35 MATHS 24/ 3/2018 16,000 F
5 MEGHNA 34 SCIENCE 5/ 5/ 2021 22,000 M
6 JATIN 42 COMPUTER 27/ 4/ 2022 25,000 M
7 GANESH 55 SCIENCE 21/ 8/ 2018 33,000 M
8 KESHAV 28 COMPUTER 31/7/2020 40,000 F
Write SQL commands:
1. To show all the information about IT teachers.
2. To list all the details of the teachers who are getting salary between 20,000 to 35,000
3. To display the subject of all the teachers whose age is more than 40 years
4. Who display the list of names of all the teachers in alphabetical order
Consider the following table: student
1001 ROSHAN 9 10/ 1/ 2019 76 green M
1002 RIYA 9 15/ 2/ 2017 87 green F
1003 SAMEER 10 22/ 1/ 2019 81 red M
1004 KOYAL 9 24/ 3/2018 68 red F
1005 NIMA 9 5/ 5/ 2021 72 green M
1006 NISHANT 9 27/ 4/ 2022 91 blue F
1007 RAJAT 10 21/ 8/ 2018 99 Blue M
Write SQLcommands:
1. To display the details of all students of green HOUSE.
2. To increase the marks by 5 whose admission number is 1005
3. To display the details of all students whose marks are less than 80
4. Display the list of all students in descending order of marks
Q10 write the output of the following query
Network refers to the interconnected groups of people, objects, companies or computers. A
computer network is a link of two or more computers and computing devices which are connected
together to share information and resources among each other. Networking helps the user with an
access to share several hardware resources like computers, printers, servers etc.
networks can be divided into 3 broad categories, based upon Geographical area
Network architectures
3. Client server architecture:
4. There is one server dedicated to perform services to the users that is clients
5. A server has a CPU with high storage and speed compared to other computers connected to
a network
2. Only server can provide services and terminals can send request to a server.
4. peer-to-peer architecture: networks in which all the computers are connected to each other
under different topologies and where each workstation has equal right to access data on a
3. The type of network where all computers connected has an equal status.
5. Each terminal has an equally competent CPU.
3. Each terminal or a computer can send requests to provide services.
The World Wide Web is a framework for accessing the documents that are spread over
millions of computing devices over the Internet.
• It was introduced in 1989 by the English physicist, Sir Tim berners Lee.
• WWW is a widespread information retrieval service which enables to access gather store
and display information in form of text, photographs, graphics, audio, video, etc. That have
been uploaded on the Internet.
• It allows the multimedia and hypertext files to be displayed and linked on the Internet
features of WWW
1. User friendly: WWW resources are easily accessible on any Internet enabled device using a
web browser.
2. Data sharing: WWW user can send and receive text files sheets presentations and audio and
video files to others.
3. Interactive: WWW provides graphical interface which is interactive and easy to use. it
facilitates convenient interaction between users and the server using hyperlinks and input boxes
like radio buttons, checkboxes, text boxes etc.
Protocol refers to this set of rules which defines the standardized way of doing action and
formatting data so that two or more devices are able to communicate and understand each other.
TCP / IP: transmission control protocol and Internet Protocol are two different protocols rules for
governing the communication among computers connected to the Internet.
• The IP(Internet Protocol) manages the movement of the packets over the Internet.
It routes the data packet to its proper destination address. It also allows any computer to
further forward these packets to another computer.
• TCP (transmission control protocol) has to make sure that all packets reach their
destination in order/sequence and if some packets are missing, they are resent.
HTTP S: hypertext transfer protocol is a protocol which is used for secure data transmissions
between a web client and a web browser it is an extended version of HTTP as it has an SSL (secure
socket layer) certificate.
• It ensured the encryption of data while sending and decryption of data at the receiving.
• it is less prone to hacking.
• For sending packets between devices on the same network Ethernet is used.
• Each web page has a unique address or location that is called as URL.
• it identifies the location on the Internet. Web browser utilize URL to open or retrieve files
on Internet.
Dial-up is a type of connectivity that uses modems and telephone lines to connect to the Internet. In
this type of connection, the speed of the data transfer is lesser in comparison to broadband or DSL
and the Internet connectivity has to be established each time a user switches the computer on or
uses the telephone line for voice calling.
A wireless network does not use wires two transfer data or voice between different devices and
computer systems examples are 3G or WiMAX or Wi-Fi.
Satellite services can provide broadband Internet access in rural or outlying areas unreached by
wide phone lines or cable connections.
Accessibility options in control panel has option to customize the way your keyboard, display
or mouse will function. Many of these functions are useful for people with disabilities . Click
start-> control panel-> ease of access-> is of access center to open the accessibility options window.
• it enables to ignore brief or report it repeated key strokes, making typing easier for people
with hand tremors.
• It is used to ignore the repetitive action that occurs due to pressing of keys for some long
duration or in rapid succession.
• Toggle keys
• it helps people we have vision impairment or cognitive disabilities.
• It gets active for special purpose when pressed on by reducing beep(sound) whenever the
keys such as NUM lock, caps lock etc. are pressed
• Sound sentry:
• generates visual warning such as blinking title bar, flashing border whenever the computer
produces the sound.
• Sound
• it is a feature that conveys inputs with the help of a narrator and an audio, it helped the
users who are challenged with auditory impairments.
• Cursor
• it assist people with vision impairment. This option helps to change the width of cursor
thereby making it easier for the persons who cannot see thin lines clearly.
• display
• This feature assists people with visual impairment, with the use of distinct colors to display
with a high contrast scheme by adjusting the color and brightness between text, images and
• Mouse
• it is used to activate the control of movements of mouse with the help of a numeric keypad.
• It also helps to changes the size and color of the mouse pointer.
Instant messaging (IM) Refers to instantaneous exchange of messages between this sender and
receiver on Internet. Instant messaging take place with specially developed applications like Google
chat Skype, hike, wechat, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp etc. Other than text messages, many
instant messaging applications enables file transfer audio chat video calling etc. Instant messaging
software is widely used for personal as well as commercial use.
Instant messaging takes place in real time and the response from the recipients are spontaneous.
Blog referred to uploaded comments on www. it is a platform where writers are opinion makers
share their views on any subject of their choice. Users can create a web page and publish articles in
it, readers can share knowledge and post comments.
Some of the popular blog sites are: (free) WWW. WWW. (free)
Categories of blogs
• Personal blogs: the most common N traditional type of a blog is a personal blog. It may be
sentimental and can be customized to be read by the Blogger only it allows the Blogger to share
their thoughts and feelings with friends or others on the Internet. An example of personal
blogging website is Blogger.
• Corporate blogs: blogs that are uploaded for business or commercial purposes are called
corporate blocks. These blogs are used by companies or organizations to enhance internal
communication. It includes feedback of customers regarding promotion of products, brands or
public relations.
• Genre blogs: The blogs data used for publications of articles on specific topics and subjects are
called genera Genre blogs. One can find a variety of political blogs from a travel blog, home
decoration blogs from a fashion blog from educational blogs etc. on the Internet.
• Spam blogs: Their sole purpose is to spam. A spam blog is a type of scrapper site in which the
contents are either unauthentic, stolen or copied from other websites. They are generally
unknown and obscure.
Difference between blog and website :
Blog Website
One can find frequent updates from the author in once website is published limited updates from
blog author can be found.
reader can comment on published post users can't comment
post contains details such as publishing date, author Content posted on website does not contain
reference, categories, etc. such information.
Offline blog editor: because it is a tool that enables to create blog posts without any connectivity
to the Internet connection and publish the blog whenever Internet connectivity is available. Some
offline blog editors are
BlogDesk Window live writer Qumana
Online transaction includes payment mechanism in which the transfer of money takes place
online over electronic media.
• It includes online banking or Internet banking.
• Online transaction processing (OLTP) his information system that facilitates and manages.
• Transaction oriented applications, typically for data entry and retrieval of processing of
transactions. Online transaction covers both computer and mobile transactions.
A strong password is one that is more secure by virtue of being difficult for a machine or a
human to guess or to unlock. Though advanced hacking and password breaking techniques and
break into most user accounts but a complex password means that any such attack is made difficult
and time taking to execute. Critical and sensitive domains like banks and other financial
intermediaries used even two factor authentication techniques to protect the user which use OTP or
one time pin along with the use of password to log into the accounts.
A strong password is hard to guess, but it should be easy for user to remember
Characteristics of strong passwords
A strong password is necessary to avoid unauthorized access to an account.
• A combination of uppercase lowercase words of ample land along with numbers and special
characters make a password complex
• Password strength can be achieved by incorporating Mentioned characteristics
• Keep the password of at least8 characters; The more characters the better
Tips for keeping password secure
• password should be changed regularly, at least once a month, never use the same password for
different websites
• Avoid typing or using password on computers that are not trusted
• Never save password for a web form on a computer that you do not control or that is used by
more than one person
• Never tell the passwords to anyone
• never right the passwords
• Don't reuse the same password across different accounts either if I hacker gets the password to
one account, they can use it for all the accounts
competency based questions
aarush has created a blog on WordPress. he shared her blog
address to her teacher for review and suggestions. Her teacher is she forgot to publish the
not able to view the blog even her Internet was working fine post
what process does arash forgot to do
Rahul needs to purchase T-shirt. He asked his friend about it
and his friend suggested some websites from which he can buy unified payment
so he checked the websites and choose a T-shirt to buy. what interface(UPI)
payment method he should use for faster payment
a person with auditory impairment requires visual warning
3 signals like blinking titlebar while typing. Which software is sound sentry
designed to help such people
the school has network connecting all the computer labs for
4 sharing printer and file transfers which type of network are they LAN
a bank has branches all over the world. It remains connected for
data sharing and file transfers. It is a_____ type of network
an office in old building cannot run or set up cables for Internet
6 connectivity they have only wireless Internet connections. Which Wi-Fi
Internet connectivity canthey go for
a poet wants to convey messages about events, reviews and
announcements. It is to be done regularly so that he remains in
7 touch with other poets. He needs to publish his poetic content blog
and maintain personal diary. In which way can he create
personal web pages for this purpose
A: the data is broken up into bits of same size pieces called
both Aand R are true but
8 R is not the correct
R: we must decide what are the plans available from the ISP.
explanation of a.
use the correct option
headphones, speaker,
microphone ,web camera
Rahul has spread just some stationary items from an online site.
He has to make online payments for the items to complete the
transaction. Help him by answering his following queries:
1. suggest any two options that he can use to make payment of
his bill on the online shopping website.
Credit ,debit card or by
Internet banking
a customer does not have
2. Name any two situations where online shopping could be sufficient time to visit
useful. stores
Visiting a store is more
expensive than
purchasing a product
A product or service that
is not available in the
local market is available
Web security and workplace safety
As we connect our system to a network it is prone to risk of unauthorized intrusion. With increasing
dependence on Internet for almost every simple task leakage of personal information is obvious.the
popularity of net banking and various payment scheme is attracting tocrackers who intrude in
different ways. Stealing of others data and to make money out ofit has become business.
Intrusion allows thieves to steal private information such as files, passwords, data and even
sensitive financial information.
Internet security is a branch of computer science that is related to a network and web browser
security which in turn helps to keep the data intact and safe leading to prevention of cyber-attacks.
Online threats such as phishing e-mail and chat spoofing etc. have increased the chances of cyber-
attacks so this present area Internet security is of utmost important.
when a program runs repeatedly Omar program virus or delete re loaded in a program by the
developer a program file infecting virus is also known as the file injector. Sunday and cascade are
the common examples of program viruses.
2. use anti spyware (software)
3. avoid exploring the error dialogs on Internet
4. Avoid using free deals offer on Internet
5. Be sure of the authenticity of a desired program before installing it in your computer.
It refers to an unwanted and unsolicited message which is received in the box of a personal e-mail
account or in newsgroups. The one who sent this spam is called a spammer. Generally, stamps are
sent with an intention to advertise products and services.
9. Unusual network active activity such as excessive transfer of data even when all the applications
are close.
2. It is an attack in which communications are done in such a way that it appears to come from an
authentic source.
3. It is usually done through e-mail. The goal is to steal sensitive and confidential personal
information, End to install malware on the victim's machine
4. some common type of phishing attacks is e-mail phishing, HTTP phishing and spear phishing
5. Following can act as Signs to detect phishing e-mail:
3. cyber criminals make grammar and spelling mistakes Because they use dictionary to open
to convert in a specific language.
4. Some links in the e-mail are usually with unknown URLs. To verify, take the mouse over
the link to see if the address matches the link that was typed in the message.
5. The cyber criminals don't know the names of targets except the e-mail address, so they use
just a part of targeted e-mail address.
While using different tools or devices in the workplace, there are chances of fire ignition
which can be caused due to any of the following reasons
2. emission of sparks from electric devices or wired connections.
3. Flame of gas ovens, lighters, welding torches.
4. Sparks from wood or metal source and other types of similar equipment.
5. heat generated from combustion engine, ACs, space heaters, blowers and other similar machines.
6. Chemical ignition from chemicals that combust under normal working temperatures.
7. Smoking
8. Lightning and thundering etc.
Falls and slips are certain incidents that can happen suddenly anywhere be at your home, your
workplace or roads etc. Wet, greasy and clustered floor space are the major causes of injury at
Use of electricity is of foremost importance in work. Casual exposure to electricity can result in
serious problems including electric shocks, burns, explosions and falls.
First Aid is the first and immediate treatment or care given to a person who is ill or is hurt before
regular medical help is obtained. It is the way to give temporary relief to the victim in order to save
his life, prevent the condition from worsening or to nurture recovery until a proper professional
medical facility is provided.
Accident can be defined as an unfortunate, unexpected and unforeseen incident that may cause
injury or damage. it is unintentional event with undesirable consequences that can be mild, severe
or devastating.
Emergency is a non-visualized situation that needs immediate attention and seeks priority over
anything. It might pose a risk to life, peace, property, health and it needs organized intervention to
prevent hazards and devastating consequences.
Accident is instant but emergency may be ongoing and emergency situation at workplace:
3. threatens or endangers the employees, customer or the public.
4. Disrupts or shutdowns the operation at workplace
5. Causes physical damage of articles in the workplace
Hazards at the workplace are unsafe but working condition that can cause discomfort, injury,
illness and death. There are many hazards factors that create unsafe environment in the workplace.
4. Structural hazard: parking or repairing in large buildings or other pointing or structures is
5. Electrical hazards: improper wiring, trailing codes running across the floor, exposed current etc
can cause electric current/ shocks which can be hazardous.
6. Machine related hazards: working with unguarded and moving machinery parts can cause
accidents end caused injury, such situations are also is hazardous.
7. Biological hazards: exposures to biological factors like fungi, bacteria, viruses, molds insect
bites, etc. Are hazardous as they can cause illness.
8. physical hazards: there are certain extracts hazards at work list that can harm the body without
even touching life column radiation, exposure to sunlight/ ultraviolet rays coma temperature
extremes, noise pollution.
9. Chemical hazards: hazards which occur in situations when a worker is exposed to gas vapors
and chemicals that can be used in articles like:
5. cleaning products, paints, assets, solvents etc.
6. Gas is like acetylene, propane, carbon monoxide and helium
7. Flammable materials like gasoline explosive chemicals etc.
8. Pesticides
6. Ergonomic hazards: As is the trend sitting on chairs and working on computers for long hours
is inevitable. But user face physical problems because of incorrect posture during prolonged use
of computers. This result in musculoskeletal injuries, which if not managed, can have significant
long term and short-term impacts on the well-being of employees. Musculoskeletal injuries
damage muscles, tendons, bones, joints, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels etc.
We all know about the famous saying ‘health is wealth’. And we can remain happy only if we
are in the best pursuit of Wellness and health. Every human should take measures to keep
oneself in the best of health conditions.
A healthy and disciplined lifestyle has a long-lasting impact on an individual which ultimately
yields a healthy environment at home and workplace.
question answers
_____ is a type of emergency that requires
1 Fire, floods, explosion
_____ Is a software or hardware-based protection
2 mechanism that can assist in keeping a private firewall
network secure
do not immediately respond to mails
from unknown users
_______ and help in protecting your computer Do not open the attachment from an
from recent threats unknown source
Do not leave personal information in
unknown systems
People working in a chemical factory may get
4 affected due to presence of certain chemicals. occupational hazard
This illness is an______
Inwhich situation will ‘buddy system’ be helpful Evacuating the building in case of
for individuals with disabilities emergency
If emergency like earthquake occurs during
6 Emergency drills
school hours where old schools are present, it
becomes schools responsible to train children how
to take precautions and immediately handle such
situations. What can school do to have children
trained to handle such conditions and stay safe.
A: disaster may be either natural or caused by
some human activity.
Both A and Rtrue and R is the correct
7 R: emergency situation can cause physical or
explanation of A
environmental damage if not handled
_____ Is the immediate assistant provided to the
8 injured to save life and minimize health low still first Aid
the proper medical Aid/ facility is provided