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Automated Traffic Law Enforcement System: A Feasibility Study for the

Congested Cities of Developing Countries

Article · February 2020

DOI: 10.15157/IJITIS.2020.3.1.346-363


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1 author:

Shormee Saha
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust


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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Interdisciplinary Sciences
www .IJITIS.org
ISSN: 2613-7305
Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 1-18, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15157/IJITIS.2020.3.1.346-363
Received November 27, 2019; Accepted January 4, 2020

Automated Traffic Law Enforcement System: A Feasibility Study for the

Congested Cities of Developing Countries
Shormee Saha
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Royal University of Dhaka,
Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Email: 165shormee@gmail.com

The population of the cities in developing countries are growing at a whirlwind speed.
Industrialization and urbanization are making the crowd of these countries more city-oriented
gradually. Most of these cities were not planned to cope up with a high growth rate of the
population. Therefore, congestion occurs with a negative impact on every sector of the lifestyle.
Regular traffic congestion in these cities is a remarkable problem which stabilizes the
productivity and the national economy as well. An automated traffic enforcement system is not a
new concept for any developed territory. But the implementation of such a system in any third
world country is the real challenge. Cities like Kabul, Dhaka, Kathmandu, Lusaka, Cairo, Hanoi,
Manila etc. are having a huge crowd but very narrow roads and poor traffic maintenance system
to regulate those crowds. The transport infrastructure is struggling to keep pace with demand.
But before we design any advanced traffic management system, we should look into what are the
factors that are causing congestion and how costly are the respective measurements against them.
This paper is intended to present a feasibility study on the implementation of the advanced
artificial intelligence techniques in the traffic management sectors of the developing countries. It
reviews theoretical and empirical work on the determinants on the implementation of automated
traffic law enforcement system particularly in the cities of the developing countries.

Keywords: Traffic Congestion, Automated Enforcement, Infrastructure, Developing Countries,

Safety, Driver, Dhaka.


Automated traffic law enforcement system is designed to reduce traffic crashes and to improve
abidance to traffic laws implementing the use of photographic and electronic technology. The
main objective is the effective deterrence of potential violators which could not be achieved by
the traditional law enforcement methods. These systems are being used extensively in many
countries including Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Israel, Germany, the Netherlands,
South Africa, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, USA, UK etc. It is difficult for police to enforce
red-light or laser-light encounter because they must follow the offenders through the light to

Shormee Saha

catch them. This can endanger other pedestrians, cyclists, motorists as well as the police officers

Considering the traffic system as a whole, including the resources and role of the police, it is
clear that, enforcement based on a very high subjective detention probability only, will not be
able to achieve even on a satisfactory level of the compliance of all traffic rules. Overall the use
of this advanced technology in traffic safety work in both assisting and controlling road user
behavior also serves this purpose well.

Every year traffic crashes kill the equivalent of highly populated city and describe the deaths as
accidents; something random and unavoidable. But technically, they are not accidents, they are
simply collisions with a cause and impacts. More than 80% of identifying factors behind the road
accidents are either driver errors of commission or omission. Traffic safety researches show that
the decision making of drivers in responding to the yellow signal, especially for those caught in
the dilemma zone, is governed by a multitude of traffic, situational, and behavioral factors.
Automatic enforcement measures play a significant part in the stopping tendency of drivers.
Studies have found that a large and highly significant reduction in red-light violations several
months after implementation of the automated enforcement system in USA, Canada, England
and Singapore. However, it is likely that the effects of this automated system may differ in other
cities of the developing countries. More novel strategies might be required for successful
implementation of this system since the factors behind the effective outcome are quite different.


An automated enforcement system uses an electronic camera to detect infringements and to

provide photographic documentation of the vehicle or driver violating the traffic law. The most
common ways to implement this system are
(a) Red-light cameras and
(b) Automated speed enforcement cameras.

2.1. Red-Light Cameras (RLC)

Red-light cameras are dedicated to taking pictures of the vehicles entering intersections after the
traffic signal has turned red. In most instances, Sensors in the pavement detect the offences.
These sensors are tied to a timing system that connects the pole-mounted camera and the traffic
signal. The camera takes photographs of the vehicle, license plate, and/or driver, usually when
the vehicle enters the intersection on red as well as while the vehicle is in the intersection. The
photos are further reviewed by local jurisdiction officials such as police officers or by both the
camera vendors and the jurisdiction officials. Then the law violating the vehicle’s owner or
driver may receive a citation. These have been in place in the USA since 1993, and are estimated
to be in use over 400 communities.

2.2. Automated Speed Enforcement Cameras (ASE)

Usually, photo radar technology is used to monitor and enforce posted speed limits. ASE system

Automated Traffic Law Enforcement System: A Feasibility Study for the Congested Cities of Developing

• Fixed cameras: These are some automated cameras without any operator, which
continually monitor traffic speeds.
• Semi-fixed cameras: these cameras are rotated between housings resulting in housings
with active cameras and ‘dummy housings’ without cameras.
• Mobile camera operations: These cameras are most often installed in vehicles with or
without enforcement agents present.
• Average speed enforcement system: These use sensors to measure the average speed
between two checkpoints on a roadway.

Both the ASE and RLC can be combined together to achieve better efficiency. In all the ASE
systems, a digitally controlled camera takes pictures of the vehicles and the license plate if the
vehicle exceeds the enforcement threshold- a set number of miles more than the posted speed
limit. It is the responsibility of the camera to record the speed, date, time as well. If the state
requires driver liability, comprehensible photographs of the driver are also essential. Then the
system mails the citation to the owner of the vehicle, who may be required to identify the
offending driver or pay a fine. This Automated Speed Enforcement technology has been installed
in the U.S. since 1986 and is in use in 142 communities.


Automated traffic Enforcement works perfectly when the driving people have the perception that
they can be monitored for traffic rules violations anytime, anywhere. Moreover, the violators
must be notified immediately of a violation. The punishment for a violation which normally
includes the payment of a fine needs to be paid promptly and is perceived as high enough to act
as a strong disincentive. Administratively fine collection can be a laborious process if the
violator has no intention to pay.

Therefore, the following 3 factors have to be very clear to the violators:

 The authorities have accurate and adequate evidence that the violation took place
 There is no alternate of paying the issued fine
 The penalty will increase if the payment is delayed.

The entire automated traffic enforcement process can be viewed as a chain with various separate
and interdependent links. This chain starts with the initial detection of a violation and extends to
fine payment or in court. The entire system is designed with the following links.

3.1. Detection
It is done with types of equipment with a high detection rate. Identifying all passing vehicles is
mandatory because this is the primary requirement to catch all potentially violating vehicles.
Reliable and durable detection methods like inductive loops or modern tracking radars can be
used to maintain a consistent high detection rate. There are other methods available such as
video, piezo, laser, low mounted radar etc. But some of the methods may suffer from some
disadvantages due to the following issues: sensitivity, lighting conditions, obstruction by
adjacent vehicles, weather conditions (snow, fog, rain etc.), soiling by precipitation, dirt from

Shormee Saha

passing vehicles, high maintenance intensity, wear and tear, sensitivity to vandalism and damage

Figure 1: The automated Traffic Enforcement Mechanism

3.2. Measure
After the detection of a vehicle, its speed needs to be measured correctly with a legally pre-
defined accuracy. The most common average speed enforcement systems, section control,
calculate speed based on errorless time measurement over a predefined distance and not by
measuring the speed at a particular spot.

3.3 A decision on the violation

When a vehicle is measured exceeding a legally set speed limit, this must be determined as a
violation. The decision-making algorithm simply compares the speed values measured by the
enforcement cameras with two-speed values; the local speed limit and the registered speed.
Concurrent violations can be handled with the latest radar technology and the efficient data
processing capacity of the advanced enforcement cameras.

3.4. Register
Once a positive decision has been taken on a violation, the photographic or video data for the
violation need to be registered instantly in a secure, correct and unchangeable way. The use of
cryptography is vital while registering the evidence properly. It adds encryption, authentication
and integrity to the system. The license plate data from the registered image file are processed
and read in the enforcement camera by ANPR software and are integrated into the evidence file
digitally. ANPR (Automated Number Plate Recognition) is a technology which uses optical
character recognition on pictures and footages to scan vehicle registration plates and form
vehicle location data and information.

Automated Traffic Law Enforcement System: A Feasibility Study for the Congested Cities of Developing

The quality, clarity, readability, uniformity of a license plate affects the quality of the registered
evidence. The AAMVA (Association of American Motor Vehicle Administrators) issued a report
with detailed recommendations on several aspects of license plate design. For the governments,
good license plate readability improves enforcement efficiency and enhance security as well.

3.5. Transfer
After registering, the evidence data need to be transferred from the enforcement camera to a
central server which can be located with the municipality, central or regional government
organization or might be with a private entity depending on the contract. Such data can be
transferred by means of Wi-Fi, data line or 3G or 4G mobile broadband connection.

3.6. Storage
Violation information is transferred to a secure data house or data storage location to issue
citation from the back office and is kept for longer-term storage and future reference for the
police, violators, police, public prosecutor or judge. These data should be properly backed up and
mirrored in reliable robust data centers.

3.7. Process evidence, issue and send a ticket

The captured pieces of evidence require further processing in the back office so that the notices
can be issued and sent to the owner of the violating vehicle. The operations and functionalities in
there completely depend on the legal framework and process architecture. The error rate of the
manual procedure is considerably higher than the ANPR processing. After justifying the
evidence, the authority access the vehicle registration database to match license plates with the
owner’s addresses and process the penalties.
Countries like France and Netherlands are able to annually process millions of violations from
automated enforcement systems without human intervention with the help of a combination of
administrative law, clear license plates, high definition enforcement cameras, effective ANPR
software and owner liability etc.

3.8. Receipt of ticket

After sending out just a citation by means of the post is an excellent opportunity for the violators
to ignore the penalty by refusing acceptance of registered mail. Therefore, the authorities include
email addresses and mobile phone numbers in the vehicle registration database. If the violator
doesn’t pay within the due time, the detection should be implemented in toll points and traffic
points to block that particular vehicle above the road.

3.9. Provide evidence upon violator’s request

While providing violation evidence to the owners, other relevant information can also be shown.
A key aspect that should be presented to a violator is targeted publicity on why enforcement
takes place on that specific location. For example “Your Maruti Suzuki Swift DZire with the
number plate “WB 38Y 5400” was found to cross the maximum speed limit while passing
Marqui’s Street on 3rd January 2019. Our enforcement system cares for your precious life since,
4 casualties, 5 injuries and 8 crashes occurred on the same street in the past 2 years.” Such

Shormee Saha

specific publicity contributes to an automated traffic enforcement system being seen as a road
safety measure and rather not as a revenue generator for the government.

3.10. Court
If all the above fails, the violator must know that a judge will ultimately cast a final verdict at
the end of this traffic enforcement chain. The authority should support the public prosecutor and
the judge by typed approval, verification and calibration certificates in their judgment.


To analyze the feasibility of the proposed system in a city of third world country, we must have
data and quantitative formulae to calculate the traffic safety. The Haddon Matrix is commonly
used worldwide to approach safety analysis in a systematic way. In 1980, William Haddon first
came with the idea of this two-dimensional model which applies basic principles of public health
to motor vehicle-related injuries. The first dimension represents the phases of injury and the
second dimension deals with the four factors of injury: Human, equipment/ vehicles, socio-
economic impact and the physical environment.

This model is an extremely effective tool to identify where and when to implement traffic safety
countermeasures, to plan crash-related data collection and to identify agencies or organizations
for collaborative efforts.
Table 1: Haddon Matrix

Human Equipment/ Physical Socioeconomic

Vehicles Environment

Pre- Poor vision or Failed brakes, Ill-timed DUI (Driving under

Crash reaction time, missing lights, signals, influence), OWI
speeding, alcohol, missing traffic Narrow (Operating while
risk-taking signs, lack of Shoulders intoxicated), Cultural
warning systems norms permitting
speeding, Red light
Crash Failure to use Poorly Poorly Lack of vehicle design
ORC (Occupant engineered designed guard regulations
Restraint airbags, rails
Controller) malfunctioning
safety belts
Post- High Poorly designed Poor Lack of support for
Crash vulnerability, fuel tanks emergency Emergency medical
alcohol communication service and trauma
systems systems.

Automated Traffic Law Enforcement System: A Feasibility Study for the Congested Cities of Developing

The Haddon Matrix above can be constructed from a set of crashes in an urban area. The pre-
crash/Human cell identifies potential modifications to driver behaviors that may reduce the
severity of a collision. The matrix itself provides a range of prospective issues which can be
addressed through a variety of countermeasures, including the 4Es of Safety; Engineering,
Enforcement, Education and Emergency response solution.
Relevant data has been collected from the ongoing studies on traffic management in a few cities
of the developing countries. These data have been used to generate infographic representation of
the present situation of the traffic of these cities.

5.1. Traffic Index

It’s a composite index of the time consumed in traffic because of job commute, CO2
consumption estimation in traffic, estimation of time consumption dissatisfaction and overall
inefficiencies in the traffic system.
To calculate the design Traffic Index, the following equation is used.
TI = 9.0 (ESALs/106)0.119
TI = Traffic Index,
EASL = Equivalent Single Axle Load
5.2. Time Index
It’s an average time needed in a one-way transport, calculated in minutes.
Time Expected Index: It is an estimation of the dissatisfaction level due to long commute times.
It is assumed that the dissatisfaction of commute times increases exponentially with each minute
after one way commute time is longer than 25 minutes.

5.3. Inefficiency Index

It is an estimation of inefficiencies in the traffic. High inefficiencies are typically caused by the
very fact that people drive a car rather than using public transport or long commute times. It is
often used as a traffic measurement component in economies of scale.
Table 2: Present traffic scenarios of various countries
Name of the Country Traffic Time Index Time Insufficiency
City Index (in minutes) Expected Index
New Delhi India 271.78 55.24 10638.67 300.92
Dhaka Bangladesh 263.76 58.09 13580.04 331.94
Jakarta Indonesia 261.60 53.78 9308.09 293.28
Istanbul Turkey 245.19 52.04 7861.45 257.96
Lima Peru 226.28 50.20 6494.46 272.86
Bangkok Thailand 208.13 44.43 3223.11 258.79
Bogota Colombia 197.42 47.91 5027.18 203.30

Shormee Saha


Figure 2: The typical traffic in Bangkok Figure 3: The typical traffic in Jakarta

Figure 4: The typical traffic in Istanbul

Automated Traffic Law Enforcement System: A Feasibility Study for the Congested Cities of Developing

Figure 5: The typical traffic in Figure 6: The typical traffic in Figure 7: The typical traffic in New
Bogota Dhaka Delhi


Although the number of road traffic deaths continued to climb at 1.35 million in 2016, the rates
of death relative to the world’s population has stabilized in the last few years. The data presented
in the new report of 2018 shows that some countries have made progress.
The following table represents the top 10 countries the highest road traffic death rates.
Table 3: Countries with the highest estimated road traffic death rate

Countries with the highest estimated road traffic death rate, 2018
Rank Country Rate (per 1 lakhs)
1 Liberia 35.9
2 Sri Lanka 35.4
3 (combined) Burundi, Zimbabwe 34.7
4 (combined) Democratic Republic of Congo, Venezuela 33.7
5 Central African Republic 33.6
6 Thailand 32.7
7 Burkina Faso 30.5
8 Namibia 30.4
9 Cameroon 30.1
10 Mozambique 30.1

Shormee Saha

All of these 10 countries belong to the list of developing countries according to the International
Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook Database, 2018.

Figure 8: Info graphic presenting the injury rates, 2018

Therefore, we can assume that progress has not occurred at a pace fast enough to compensate for
the growing population and rapid motorization of transports taking place in the cities of
developing countries.

If we compare the previous report series released in 2015, we can find the following outcome:

Automated Traffic Law Enforcement System: A Feasibility Study for the Congested Cities of Developing

a. 22 further countries modified their laws on one or more risk factors to bring them in
line with best practice which covers an additional 1 billion people.

b. The number of countries which presently have laws setting speed limits that align with
best practice is 46 covering a population of 3 billion people.

c. The number of countries which presently have laws regarding drink-driving aligning with
best practice is 45 covering a population of 2.3 billion people.

d. The number of countries which presently have laws regarding the use of helmet on
motorcycles aligning with best practice is 49 covering a population of 2.7 billion people.

e. The number of countries which presently have laws regarding the use of seat-belts
aligning with best practice is 105 covering a population of 5.3 billion people.

f. The number of countries which presently have laws regarding the employment of child
restraint systems aligning with best practice is 3 covering a population of 652 million

g. The number of countries which are presently undertaking some systematic assessments or
star rating of existing roads is 114.

h. The number of countries which presently have enforced a minimum seven or all of the
eight priority UN vehicle standards are only 40 covering a population of 1 billion people.

i. More than half of the countries (62%) have a phone number having a full country
coverage to actuate the emergency care system.

j. 55% of the countries have a proper method to upskill and certify pre-hospital care

Figure 9: Info graphic presenting the reduction of death rates

Shormee Saha

There exists a disproportionate risk. Low and middle income countries bear an inordinate burden
of road traffic deaths.

Figure 10: Info graphic presenting the morality rate in low and middle income countries

Strong road traffic laws, when adequately enforced, ensure safe behaviors and make roads safer.
In the past 3 years, 22 countries have amended their road safety laws to align with the WHO’s
recommendations. This resulted in 1 billion additional people being covered by effective road
traffic laws.

The following info graphic represents the result found in cognitive studies.

Automated Traffic Law Enforcement System: A Feasibility Study for the Congested Cities of Developing

Figure 11: Primary reasons of maximum accidents


In most of the cities of low and middle income countries the following occurrences are noticed.
1. The urban transportation sector in maximum cities is developed without much major
support or influence from the central government.
2. There are markable lacking of crucial personnel in planning, management, traffic
operation and safety jobs.
3. In the transportation sector, the plans that are made are not long-term in real.
4. Most of the urban transports are heavily deregulated and “messed up”.

Shormee Saha

5. Informal bus and other public transports are fiercely compete motivated by profits.

In a recent study, the ARI (Accident Research institute) of Bangladesh University of Engineering
and Technology established the following causes for the traffic system in Dhaka, Bangladesh
being so ineffective:
a. Dhaka’s transport responsibility is fragmented between DNCC, DSCC, DTCA, RHD,
BRTA, RAJUK, BRTC, LGED as opposed to one central regulatory body or multiple
coordinating regulatory bodies.
b. Absence of an integrated public transport system.
c. Negligence towards the intrusion of hawkers, construction, illegal parking etc.
d. Remiss enforcement of public safety inroads.
e. Absence manpower.
f. No clear and sustainable source of financing.
g. Subsidies for public transports are absent.

After studying the traffic condition of Mumbai, India, the following issues can be found:
a. Mumbai is a metro city. Urbanization is imbalanced in the city according to its
population growth.
b. Mumbai’s population is more than 23.5 million according to the recent data. This
population is also increasing at a rainless rate. Each road has to deal with a vehicle flow
above the capacity.
c. A fair majority of Mumbai’s population have personal vehicles. At least 49% of the total
vehicles on Mumbai’s road are private cars and 28.4% are two-wheelers.
d. Uneven roads around the city are one of the major factor causing so much of the traffic
e. None of the vehicles moves with constant speed or any gradual acceleration or de-
acceleration. This scenario is making haphazard unorganized vehicles’ queue.
f. The entire city is full of a huge number of auto-rickshaws. These drivers take shortcuts,
overtake from the wrong side, compete on the road and are simply uncontrollable by the
enforcement alone.
g. The climate of Mumbai is very calamities friendly. Sometimes heavy rains, floods etc
disrupt the locomotion.

There are many factors which contribute to traffic problems in Jakarta, Indonesia:
a. The growth rate of the vehicles exceeds the growth rate of the number of roads.
b. Public transports are not suitable. Jakarta is still served by 16000 angkots which could be
minimized. Many outdated buses like metro-mini need to be replaced by modern bus
c. There are so many bottleneck points in the roads of Jakarta; for instance, in toll road
entrances, road intersections, mall entrances etc.
d. Many people cross the road carelessly and disorderly, even if there exist few zebra cross
and foot over bridges.
e. Interrogation between multiple modes of transport isn’t optimal.
f. Many people don’t use public transport because no feasible route exists to their
destination. That is also a factor to drive people to use private vehicles.

Automated Traffic Law Enforcement System: A Feasibility Study for the Congested Cities of Developing

g. Angkots and buses pull off and park in the middle of the road or anywhere they want to
without following the rules.
h. Poor policymaking tends to aim for a short-term goal and lacks long term planning.
i. A good number of people can afford to buy and maintain personal motor vehicles. Too
many drivers/motorcyclists get their license instantly without proper traffic knowledge.
j. Traffic law enforcement authority is not strict and effective enough, which results in a
population which is in general very bad at obeying laws.

The following causes can be found to affect the traffic condition of Douala, the economic and
commercial capital of Cameroon:
a. The road infrastructure in Douala is inadequate to accommodate the total number and
weight of the vehicles around the city.
b. The narrow and poorly paved roads are filled with potholes making it difficult for the
drivers to move in relax.
c. The overpopulated city is planned efficiently to serve the swift locomotion of such a huge
number of people.
d. Road users are always in a hurry and nobody wants to let another driver go first. This
result in indiscipline and reckless driving causing intolerable traffic jams.
e. The urbanization happened without proper planning of the city structure. Therefore
whenever the government wants to build flyovers, roads, bypass or highways,
compounded by the rains, these construction sites considerably slows down the
movements of cars, pedestrians and goods in Douala.

From the above para, it is clearly understandable that the conditions of our considered cities are
no way even nearer to the traffic state of the cities innovating the automated traffic enforcement
systems. There would be the following challenges be noticed.

a) Inadequate financial support: This is the first and foremost challenge to implement the
proposed system. Unlike the developed cities, these cities are not financially solvent
enough to invest such a big amount on the project of an automated traffic enforcement
system which may even result in practically NULL efficiency. The government itself or
with external financial support can, however, implement testing prototypes, but there is a
huge chance that the same system may give a different result on the neighboring area.

b) Outlaw Citizen: We are discussing automated enforcement in such areas where a large
number of people are not even aware of the proper traffic laws to be followed. Some
people know the rules and follow, but they also find it beneficial not to follow the rules
when they are in a hurry. The enforcement system itself is not effective enough. The
drivers, motorcyclists or pedestrians know well that there won’t be many hazards if they
are caught against the law. Sometimes they bypass the issuing of the case by offering

Shormee Saha

c) Acknowledgement of the drivers and pedestrians: Most of these countries have a low
literacy rate. When a new system is implemented in a city, the city dwellers need to be
acknowledged well about the use, productivity, impacts, mechanism etc of that system.
The licensing and registration database is updated manually but not in digital manners.
It’s way too tough to track the vehicles as well as the drivers. The drivers in most cases
are not literate enough and they cannot be acknowledged by leaflets, brochures,
pamphlets or signboards. They don’t have much time in their hands to listen to radios or
watch televisions. The only way these people can be made to attend any workshop or
seminar is if they are paid which is not even a worthy solution.

d) Narrow and congested roads: There are so many narrow and congested roads available
in these cities. When the automated system is implemented on a broader road with
efficient vehicle management it may give good results. The same system may fail or
result in rather more congestion in the other roads where various kind of vehicles have
been creating chaos from long ago.

e) Insufficiency in long-term goal: The traffic management authority and enforcement

squad don’t have any long-term sustainable plans with the transportation committee.
Political issues are the culprits behind this lacking. The political figures like the transport
minister or mayor can super head the initiatives, take the responsibilities and be
accountable to the public.

f) Insufficient Public Transports: Adequate traffic management and efficient public

transportation together can reduce at least 60% of the impacts and losses created by
traffic hazards. The safety in public transports is also a major factor here. For starters,
sexual harassment on public transportation is fairly commonplace. There have been many
cases of notorious rapes on moving buses. Women, children and the elderly face
tremendous difficulties while riding public transportation due to cramped conditions and
hasty vehicles.

g) A special diversion for the construction sites: Governments are continuously trying to
minimize the traffic congestions introducing new roads, flyovers, bridges, bypasses etc.
But, construction sites usually create extra chaos and traffic overcrowding. Considering
such roadways, the installation of speed tracking cameras is beyond imagination.

h) Security: Every technology comes with privacy and security issues. The authentication
and authorization in the data centers should be reliable and robust. Proper encryption
algorithms should be implemented so that the security cannot be bypassed by the

i) Dependency: The success and the failure of an automated enforcement system in a city
of developing country totally depends on all the other major factors causing the traffic
crisis. If the infrastructure is developed enough, people become respectful to the laws, the
Automated Traffic Law Enforcement System: A Feasibility Study for the Congested Cities of Developing

traffic authorities support the honest regulations, only then it would be possible to install
and utilize the advancement of technology to reduce the traffic congestions. The
government should incorporate an institution which will be solely responsible for all
transport-related activities in a city. This agency should also develop plans and policies in
addition to developing public transportation and dedicated bicycle and pedestrian
networks to support standard public transport routes.

j) Maintenance: The proposed system requires very exorbitant maintenance. The climatic
situation sometimes becomes an obstacle to the situation. There is also a need for a
demonstration to the public, politicians and interest groups that automated systems have
an important safety role and are not just a tool to raise additional revenue from the


Enforcement is traditionally unpopular and technologies that aim to impose driver moderation
through ‘spot camera’ enforcement at specific locations are particularly resented. Based on the
overall findings of the study it can be assumed that an automated traffic law enforcement system
solely can never solve the entire traffic congestions and the caused hazards in a developing city.
But that doesn’t mean the introduction of the system in such cities is an insane idea. Although
some cities in India like New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata etc. are trying to grab the benefits of this
system. Although the speed cameras are working well, traffic enforcement hasn’t been
automated yet. But with proper planning and collective efforts of the enforcement authorities and
the city dwellers, it will be possible to achieve the desired outcomes.


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