E-Challan: Online Traffic Rules Violation Penalty and Management System

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 176 – No. 37, July 2020

E-Challan: Online Traffic Rules Violation Penalty and

Management System

Allokik Pranshu Sanjay Kumar Ijju Swarnalatha P., PhD

School of Computer Science and School of Computer Science and School of Computer Science and
Engineering, VIT University Engineering, VIT University Engineering, VIT University
Vellore-632014, Tamil Nadu, India Vellore-632014, Tamil Nadu, India Vellore-632014, Tamil Nadu, India

ABSTRACT along and a comparative study with the past works is done to
The aim of this paper is to develop an online platform to provide a detailed overview about the E-Challan system.
facilitate the drivers and the traffic police to manage the This Project is mainly about an e-governance management
penalties for traffic violations. E-Challan System is the online system which allows different features to the stakeholders
platform aimed at providing a wide range of support in related to challan, vehicle details and license details. The
managing and monitoring the traffic penalties, helping users Software has different types of users who are dependent on
regarding the problems they face in paying for their challan. each other for the fully functioning of the application. The
The E-challan System is basically an interaction between Software allows to create and maintain a database containing
Police and drivers easily through an online platform or an app. information about different registered users, their license
This project prototype describes how challan becomes easy details and challans issued. The system also maintains a
for users through keeping it online. The online platform aims database of vehicles which are registered in the local RTO.
to reduce the paperwork, manual process and increase the This information can be used to verify drivers and in case of
convenience for the users. any violation of traffic rules to issue a challan to the driver.
Also, the software allows the system administrator to access
General Terms and update the databases when a new driver or vehicle is
Web Application, Traffic Penalty, E- Governance. registered. The system admin also creates initial login
credentials for the traffic department personnel. The
Keywords administrator is the sole authority who can manipulate all the
E-penalty, E-challan, Traffic Violation information in these databases.
Governance is a challenge in a country as diverse, vast and A detailed survey of existing projects and models was done to
rapidly developing as India. India needs a new and latest arrive on a foolproof and successful model.
technology for large-scale transformation and implementation
of government plans. While India is among the fastest The paper [1] discusses an electronic governance model of
developing economies in the world, India's equitable growth electronic challan and traffic penalty system using an
remains a critical imperative. This project is an attempt in this integrated existing method of penalty in India.
very direction of e-governance for a country like India with a
large population and high density. A similar approach is followed by [2] which implements the
model using an automatic challan system using MATLAB.
India's road network has grown at an annual rate of 4% since The model captures the image of the vehicle and extracts the
1951. Along with the rural and urban population density the number plate of the vehicle which breaches the traffic law.
density of roads has risen in India. The rising population has The model further processes to generate an automatic E-
resulted in more vehicles on roads. This has led to a high rate Challan which can be directly paid by the driver at RTO
of accidents. One of the major reasons for the high number of office or can avail other online payments also. The project
accidents on the road is that traffic rules are violated and not mainly focuses on the individual data extraction from multiple
followed. According to a survey, 78% of the accidents happen databases. The paper [3] discusses the traffic violation
due to violation of traffic rules by the driver such as speeding, detection using computer vision. The model extracts the
driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and hit and license plate using a new deep learning network structure
run cases. which is used to detect and locate the license plate
automatically. The vehicle no is detected and the information
India needs a highly regulated foolproof system of governance of the owner is extracted. The information is used to generate
to prevent these avoidable accidents and manage the traffic on an E-Challan and an instant appropriate fine message is sent
the roads. A system which makes the people follow the rules to the owner. Implementation of the whole model is very
and drive safely, without violating any rules. E-Challan is that efficient and requires very less human intervention. A new
foolproof regulated system. E-Challan is an online E- approach is suggested by [4] using a picode suggesting an
governance system to facilitate the traffic managers to manage innovative e-challan application using encoding and decoding
the traffic violation as well as for the drivers to manage the of the picode. The paper has discussed and illustrated an
penalties. E-Challan provides a wide range of support needed efficient method to read the picode and generate a challan for
for managing and monitoring traffic penalties. It is also a type the traffic violators using QRcode encoder.
of decentralized information system which allows all the
stakeholders to access the needed information anytime The paper [5] suggests a useful web- based application using a
anywhere. In the following sections a detailed methodology database program that records all the traffic offenses

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 176 – No. 37, July 2020

committed throughout the nation. It maintains a centralized Each of the users have been provided with a variety of
database to keep the adequate record and provides an online different functionalities and resources which they can use on
payment facility to the violators. The project is developed the online platform with verified login credentials.
using Python, Ajax, MySQL, Php and python.
A novel approach is discussed in the paper [6] proposing an
efficient e-challan generation technique using OCR,
generating challan using android application. The application
works by detecting the plate, then fetching the details from the
database and generating the challan. A similar approach is
used by [7] suggesting the need of an efficient and smart
automated traffic penalty generation system. The authors
suggest the retrieval of information of vehicles from the
official database using smartphones, by scanning the QR
code. The officer can then generate an e-challan with the app
and the challan will be sent to the driver using SMS.
A new IOT based automatic penalty charging approach is
suggested by [8]. The authors have used the IOT based
approach for development of the solution for violation of
traffic rules using microcontrollers, RFID, LCD interfaced
with AVR. The proposed system will continuously monitor
the vehicles using RFID readers and transceivers, and will
automatically generate a challan for violation of any traffic
rules. If the driver fails to pay the charges in a given period of
time, the regional transport office (RTO) may suspend the
license of the driver.
The paper [9] presents a system called TRuVIS (Traffic Rule
Violation Information System) which is basically an alert
system developed using Arduino, which regulates, monitors
and takes action against rule violation by the driver. The Fig 1: Stakeholders and use case diagram
system generates a challan and sends the notification to the
driver’s phone. The application is developed mainly for 3.2 Determining the requirements of the
regulating the horn violation. stakeholders
The paper [10] discusses the disadvantages of manual e- (A) TRAFFIC POLICE PERSONNEL:
challan generating process, the problem of fake challans, loss
1. The new personnel SHALL be issued an initial
to the government and inconvenience caused to the driver.
login ID and a password by system administrator.
The author suggests a smart automatic e-challan system based
on RFID and GPS modules. The system can locate the vehicle 2. The new personnel SHALL be able to generate
using the GPS and the official can generate a challan using the his/her login ID and a password
information of the vehicle saved in the database, which will
be then sent to the owner of the vehicle using SMS. 3. The personnel SHALL be able to login using his or
her ID and password.
3. METHODOLOGY 4. The personnel SHALL be able to reset his or her
The paper presents a web-application developed with a step password in-case he or she forgets it.
by step methodology as discussed below.
5. The personnel SHALL be able to input the details of
3.1 Define the stakeholders of this web- the license.
application. 6. The personnel SHALL be able to get the details of
There are 3 distinct type of users on the platform namely: the owner of the license.
1. Traffic Police Personnel: The registered employee 7. The personnel SHALL be able to input the details of
of the traffic police who can issue the challans to the the vehicle.
drivers who have violated any traffic rules across
the city. 8. The personnel SHALL be able to get the details of
the owner of the vehicle.
2. Drivers: The licensed people who have been
permitted to drive the vehicles across the city and 9. The personnel SHALL be able to input the details
have been issued a challan due to violation of any required for issuing the challan like offence,
traffic rules. These people can pay and manage their location, time and comments.
issued challan on the platform. 10. The personnel SHALL be able to issue a challan
3. System Administrator: The system administrator is successfully.
responsible for the management of accounts of the 11. The personnel SHALL be able to see the challan
above users and is responsible for issuing login history of the driver.
credentials to the traffic police personnel, and
insertion of new vehicle, driver and license details 12. The personnel SHALL be able to see the challans
in the database. issued by himself or herself.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 176 – No. 37, July 2020

(B) DRIVER: 3.4 Using Technical Specs develop the web-

1. A new driver SHALL be able to sign-up application.
himself/herself using his/her general information The project has used a variety of front and back end
like his license details, email and phone number. frameworks for implementations such as:
2. The new driver SHALL be able to generate his/her 1. HTML: For front-end development
login ID and a password
2. CSS: For front-end development
3. The driver SHALL be able to login using his or her
ID and password. 3. JS: For animations and display time

4. The driver SHALL be able to reset his or her 4. Php: For front and back end connections, session
password in-case he or she forgets it. creation and queries

5. The driver SHALL be able to view his challan 5. AJAX: With Ajax, web application can send and
history retrieve data from a server asynchronously without
interfering with the display and behavior of the
6. The driver SHALL be able to view the challans existing page.
issued to him by the traffic personnel.
6. jQuery: For animations
7. The driver SHALL be able to pay the issued
challans due for payment. 7. MySQL: Back end development


The application provides a number of features such as display
1. The Administrator SHALL be able to login using vehicle details, display driver details, pay challan and issue
his or her ID and password. challan. The core application of the website is to issue and pay
2. The Administrator SHALL be able to reset his or challan, working of which is described in the following
her password in-case he or she forgets it. section.

3. The Administrator SHALL be able to generate new Step 1: Personnel login:

admins by issuing them an initial login ID and The traffic police personnel login in the web- application
password. using his credentials. On his desktop he/she can see all the
functionalities which can be used by him/her. For issuing the
4. The Administrator SHALL be able to insert the challan the personnel click on the issue challan icon and an
details of the new vehicle registered. issue challan form is opened.
5. The Administrator SHALL be able to insert the
details of the new license registered.
6. The Administrator SHALL be able to generate new
personnel credentials by issuing them an initial
login ID and password.
7. The Administrator SHALL be able to get the details
of personnel.

3.3 Determine the relationships between the

different entities and classes.

Fig 3: Personnel Login

Fig 2: Class Diagram

Fig 4: Personnel Desktop

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 176 – No. 37, July 2020

Step 2: Issue Challan: Step 3: Payment of the challan by the Driver:

The personnel will identify the traffic violator and will enter Similar to traffic personnel the driver will login in the web-
his/her license no which will display the vehicles registered application and will arrive on his/her desktop. By selecting the
with the driver. The police personnel can select the vehicle, pay challan icon, all the challans issued to the driver will be
location and offence from a drop-down list, and then click on displayed, the driver can select the pay button corresponding
the issue challan button to issue the challan. The System will to the challan he wants to pay, and after successful payment,
generate the challan and the details will be updated in the the challan payment details will be updated in the database.

Fig 5: Enter License Number Fig 8: Driver Desktop

Fig 9: Search Challan

Fig 6: Select Offense

Fig 7: Stored in the database Fig 10: Display of the challan details and
The next step will be by the driver, to whom the challan has The payment details and the challan status will be updated in
been issued, the driver will go to his/her desktop and pay the the database.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 176 – No. 37, July 2020

Fig 11: Architecture of the web-application

5. CONCLUSIONS [4] Dubey, R. S., & Warker, K. V. (2017, June). An

The project mainly focuses on issue and view or pay challan effective approach for e-challan for traffic violator using
along with details extraction of vehicles, license numbers and picode. In 2017 International Conference on Intelligent
challan details. The project can be extended to a full stack Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS) (pp. 810-813).
functional website in future providing other features such as IEEE.
license creation, RTO vehicle registrations and many more. [5] S Onah, K. (2018). DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION
The system can also be modified by using the latest OF TRAFFIC OFFENCE TRACKING
technologies as discussed in the literature survey like QRcode SYSTEM (Doctoral dissertation, Godfrey Okoye
and RFID scanner. This will limit human intervention and will University Ugwuomu Nike, Enugu).
result in a more efficient model of the existing system.
[6] Welekar, A. R., Dahake, R. S., Bodhane, S. M., Wawre,
6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS T. B., Umbarkar, R. P., & Ghormode, P. S. (2018).
The authors are grateful to the VIT University for providing Analysis of Rules Violation & Efficient E-Challan
the platform, resources and support for this project. The Generation Using OCR In Real Time Traffic.
authors are also grateful to their colleagues, Onkar Sharma,
[7] Jichkar, N., Deulkar, A., Thakare, A., Bolakhe, S., &
Gagan Deep Singh and Aditya K Rahul for their valuable
Vaidya, S. A Novel Approach for Automated E-challan
feedback, constant guidance and support.
Generation using QR Code and OCR.
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