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ISSN (Print): 0974-6846

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 11(44), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2018/v11i44/137642, November 2018 ISSN (Online): 0974-5645

Road and Traffic Enforcement System Using GPS

Enabled Mobile Cloud Computing
Y. Mohana Roopa1*, M. Ramesh Babu2 and D. Kishore Babu1
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Institute of Aeronautical Engineering,

Hyderabad – 500043, Telangana, India;,

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Institute of Aeronautical Engineering,
Dundigal, Hyderabad – 500043, Telangana, India;

Objective: Traffic enforcement systems are very important implementations of different technologies used worldwide.
Collecting data of violators by the traffic police is not always feasible in the current system of practice in India, as they are
not connected to the online database. Methods: This study introduces android based camera phone and tablet with latest
mobile data network facility as a technical field tool for the police to issue or check the traffic law enforcement status with
cost effective and rapid operational solution for present scenario. Findings: The traffic policeman is given an android
mobile working on Mobile data technology. When a violator is stopped, he/she is asked to produce his/her driving license
and other registration details. On the basis of these details, the device will be able to retrieve data relating to previous
offences committed by the driver or the vehicle from its database. The terminal prints the tickets and it is updated online.
Each device is capable of acting as a payment receiving station for any notice generated by any other device and issue the
receipt. Application: Moreover, this study introduced a system that will also enable the policemen to know whether the
vehicle involved in the traffic rule violation is stolen, the previous history of the vehicle or driver in accidents, and whether
any notice from the traffic police is pending against the vehicle.

Keywords: Advanced Video Graphics Array (AVGA), Mobile Cloud Computing, Road and Traffic Enforcement, Universal
Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), GPS

1. Introduction violation is committed. Present E-POS systems being used

at field, are outdated and very expensive with software
Traffic enforcement structures are very vital customization very difficult to implement. Repetitive
implementations of various technology used globally. violators are increasing in numbers, and they are not
However, there may be no single solution that entails a paying the fine tickets due to non-availability of public
unified incorporated machine that able to put in force interface to check their pending tickets. Still, the violation
all site visitors under legal guidelines. Existing solution information is being sent to vehicle owners through
does not support quick violation identifications due to snail mail (Postal), where vehicle owners get to know the
technology limitations. Vehicle number plates are not violation information very late and they are being caught
uniform and owners customized text format that leads by police as non-fine payers.
to system failures to auto scanning for vehicle register Since 2012, a new automatic traffic enforcement
number. Most of the vehicles are not RTA registered camera project has been in operation in Israel. Several
with owner’s mobile numbers. Though, photographic databases are included in this project, i.e. sensor data,
evidences are being issued by the officials but are not traffic reports, and road accident records. In 2014 a
geo enabled, hardly finding the place, where the place of business intelligence system was developed to obtain

*Author for correspondence

Road and Traffic Enforcement System Using GPS Enabled Mobile Cloud Computing

all the data from the sensors of the new project and to enormous growth of vehicles, poor traffic enforcement is
merge them with the existing data to run the project one of the major causes for traffic congestion and poor
effectively and efficiently. In1, the author demonstrated discipline on roads. Road users do not follow traffic rules
the importance of a business intelligence system for and violation of these rules has become norm rather than
operating, engineering, researching and managing aspects an exception. Existing manual monitoring and ticketing
of the project. But Traffic police currently have limited system prevalent in most of the cities is not effective, as
resources and they are assigned to tasks that cannot be deterrence level is minimum. In manual monitoring and
automated2–4. ticketing system, there is no mechanism to punish repeat
Many countries have been using speed and red- offenders. The system is also not transparent as manual
light enforcement cameras5. However, the automatic booking system breeds corruption and harassment9.
enforcement camera technology, like any resource, is The traffic management system provides a real-time
expensive and cannot be deployed everywhere at all data detection and notification mechanism to detect
times6. Almost three decades of use, automated traffic traffic speed violation, also to notify the police and the car
enforcement has mainly been applied to speed and red owner of the committed violation in order to be able to
light violations. In the recent years, however, there has been take the right procedure at the right time, resulting in an
an extension to other violations, e.g., following distance, increasing rate of saved lives. There are systems to identify
lane keeping, and toll payment violations. The increased whether the driver is alcoholic, or not. The speed of vehicle
use of digital video and image processing technology, as is measured and checked if vehicle is in over speed then
well as the electronic identification of vehicles, has paved shutdown signal is send to the vehicle then vehicle gets
the way for extending the applications to a still wider slow down and stopped. There are some mechanisms to
spectrum of violations, as well as making the enforcement check the vehicle parameters and document (Vehicle Reg.
considerably more efficient in the future7. The ESRA no, Seat belt status, alcohol status, insurance, tax etc.) status
(European Survey of Road users’ safety Attitudes) was if anything finds improper then the car gets arrested and
to develop a system for gathering reliable information stopped. Usage of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
about people’s attitudes towards road safety in a number technology can detect the theft vehicle when a vehicle
of European countries. This objective has been achieved gets theft10. The idea is to design a framework that can be
and the initial expectations have even been exceeded. utilized to design happening on the road and afterward
The outputs of the ESRA project can become building sends SMS to both the owner of the vehicle and the police
blocks of a road safety monitoring system in Europe that additionally take a picture. The proposed framework
goes beyond monitoring road traffic casualties and also comprises of microcontroller, RFID and Global System
includes indicators for the underlying causal factors. The for Mobile communications (GSM). The framework is
ESRA project has also demonstrated the feasibility and having two RFID readers alongside a tag that is joined to
the added value of joint data collection on road safety the vehicle and GSM is used to notify the vehicle’s owner
attitudes and performance by partner organizations in and police through SMS. Moreover, a photo of a vehicle is
a large number of European countries. The intention is taken by means of the camera and a fine is charged when
to repeat this initiative on a biennial or triennial basis, the speed limit is exceeded11. The point of the examination
retaining a core set of questions in every wave allowing is to fabricate a sensor framework for foundation to
the development of time series of road safety performance vehicle, which can transmit the data gave by active signs
indicators. This would become a solid foundation for a put making progress toward adjust the vehicle’s velocity
joint European (or even global) monitoring system on and prevent impacts. By active signs we mean normal
road safety attitudes and behavior8. activity signals that includes long-extend active RFID
Today, Indian Metros like New Delhi, Mumbai, labels with data put away into them. This data is gathered
Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad have nearly progressively by RFID sensors set on board of the vehicle,
20 million vehicles. As a consequence, there are too which will convert to consequently change its rate to
many vehicles occupying disproportionately inadequate adjust to the circumstances of the street. Specifically, it
quantum of roads. Therefore, the greatest challenge for included a fuzzy logic control algorithm to calculate the
city police managers is traffic management at par with longitudinal velocity of the vehicle, with actuators which
maintenance of order and prevention of crime. Apart from control the vehicle’s throttle and brake to reach and keep up

2 Vol 11 (44) | November 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Y. Mohana Roopa, M. Ramesh Babu and D. Kishore Babu

a given target speed12. Wi-Fi Traffic Enforcement (WiTE) finger print technology using the smart phone, finger-
is placing a Wi-Fi card on-board of all vehicles. This card print scanner. Traffic police can catch the pending ticket
is able to communicate with various Wi-Fi Access Points defaulters, theft vehicles, fake addressed vehicles, address
(APs) in an infrastructure along the roads of a city, where changed vehicle owners, wanted vehicles, watched vehicles,
APs will be available at all intersections. These APs can crime involved vehicles, vehicle numbers containing
either be an existing infrastructure or a specifically built multiple owners and vehicle transferred through brokers
infrastructure for the WiTE system. When simulating the who are not reflected in the RTA registers on the road.
system on OPNET Network Modeler, a Free Space Wi-Fi Traffic cops can also make e-Tickets on traffic violators
environment is used13. without stopping the vehicle on the roads can be sent the
Existing solutions include Radio Frequency traffic violation tickets to their concerned address of the
Identification (RFID) used for tolling13, Camera-based owner of the vehicle.
used for red light crossing violations14. Also, Radars15,
Wireless Magnetic Sensors16 and Induction Loops are 2.1.1 Android Smart Phone Module
used for speeding violations17. There are also Global
Terminal with GSM modem along with the UMTS
Positioning System (GPS)-based traffic monitoring
technology for the data transmission as communication
technologies; however, such solutions are mainly used for
network device. An alternative terminal should support
congestion reporting rather than traffic enforcement.
the UMTS/LTE system for communicating between
Each of the currently available solutions addresses
the Unit and the e-Challan data control room. Data
mainly a single violation, requiring a combination of
transmission should not exceed more than a second for
several solutions to address them all. The lack of a single
1KB data transmission from the unit to the Centralized
comprehensive system is the motivation for this study.
Data Base Server at e-Challan control room. Connectivity
should be established from unit to the server within 2 to 4
2. A New Geo-based Traffic secs for each unit power start-up.
2.1.2 Printer Module
New Geo-based Traffic Enforcement is recommended
Handheld terminal must contain the built in printer
with many advanced features to the existing application
containing thermal printing technology. Printer contains
like GPS based smart camera phones, UMTS/ LTE latest
and supports e-inches printer rolls. All the printouts
mobile internet technology, An Android application,
should work based on the thermal print technology should
Mobile multimodal communication.
be able to print the violations list for the continuous for
the period of 8hrs as minimum requirement. Printer
2.1 Methodology
should print at least a minimum of 28 to 32 characters
The system should allow the visible violations and per line. Printer should print a line within a time of 0.01
captures the image of the violations for the evidence scope. sec per line.
The captured information along with the image should
be stored in the remote centralized server. The captured 2.1.3 GPS Module
information and image should be transferred through
Global Position System should be able to integrate
UMTS (3G) (Through Mobile cloud) LTE (4G) from the
later on upgrade the handheld terminal to retrieve the
smart phone to the control room. Smart Phone should
information of the coordinates for finding out the geo
have a wide range display unit for better view preferably
location of camera sent photograph.
(Video Graphics Array) VGA display or Advanced Video
Graphics Array (AVGA) technology. Police official uses
the Smart Phone for new traffic challan tickets based on 2.1.4 Incident Records Module
the vehicle registration number or using the finger prints Visible traffic violations. Images for the traffic violation
from the fingerprint scanner of the smart phone. Traffic evidences. The primary violations can be noted down
police are able to find the multiple violators based on the using the handheld terminal. The primary traffic violation

Vol 11 (44) | November 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Road and Traffic Enforcement System Using GPS Enabled Mobile Cloud Computing

image should be in color. An incident record should have violation data including vehicle registration number with
at least two images with at least one image clarity shown the existing RTA database and for generation of challans
in the number plate and the traffic violation including the has to be provided by the vender. In case the customer has
red-light on the traffic signal. Images must clearly enable any legacy system with required database, the vendor has
the make and the model of the offending vehicle to be to provide necessary software and technical support for
identified. Images forming part of an incident record matching, retrieving and generation of challans from the
must be sufficient quality to prove the offence in the court existing database.
of law.
Incident data block: Each incident record must 2.1.7 Control Room Communication Module
have the following records, Site identification, name The system should have appropriate means of
and location. Traffic police station jurisdiction. Nearest communication between the control room (in station)
junction. Date and time of traffic violation/offence. and controllers (out station) installed at various junctions.
Booking officers name, cadre, and traffic police It should have the facility to transfer violation data
station/department. Vehicle registration code and vehicle capture on the hard disk to the control room either on
number. demand or automatically through PTS/broadband/fibre
optic/wireless etc. The interface software should support
2.1.5 Device Communication and Processing transmission of data irrespective of communication
Module network that is PSTN/broadband/fibre optic/wireless
Electronics of processing module, communication etc, necessary hardware and software interface for this
module should be maintained at server side management purpose should be provided by the bidder.
using UMTS/LTE mobile technology.
Data will be passing through the handheld terminal 2.1.8 Access Control Security Module
to the server and the data will be stored in the centralized The violation data will be transmitted using the GSM
server. Handheld terminal should not contain and store and UMTS/LTE technology from the handheld terminals
the data except handheld protocol. to the centralized server using the HTTPS (Hyper Text
Transfer Protocol secure) server. Appropriate encryption
2.1.6 User Interface Facility Module keys must be used for the encryption process and
The User Interface to be designed to have simple operation application should maintain the digital signature facilities
as required. The interface should be updated during the and important key loggers. The operator/user should
period of warranty/AMC as per new suggestions and be able to download the violator’s violations and images
operational requirements. The User Interface broadly from the public gateway. Administrator/Supervisor–
should fall into the categories of viewing violations access the system status, change configuration settings,
and system configuration. The violation viewer should change access codes and passwords, delete records.
provide a means of listing the invalid violations along with User/operator- access to download incident records,
the reasons of invalidation without deleting the records. log files and challan payment status. They cannot change
Software should provide interface for taking prints of the the configuration settings or mode of operation.
violations (including image and other details preferred).
A read only log of user actions to be maintained in the 2.1.9 MIS Reporting Module
server at the back office for each instance. There should The system must be able to give statistical information
be a password access system along with the user type based on the e-challans and e-ticket system.
(admin, user). Number of Challans booked Number of violations
All challans should have an image along with the Number of challan defaulters, Number of challan
violation details including the classification of the payments. Flow Diagram of proposed Android based
offence, place of offence, police station jurisdiction, solution for Road safety and Traffic Enforcement
speed, dangerous driving etc. The software should also be System as shown in Figure 1(a). The extension of
capable of generating query based statistical reports on contact, MIS/View in Figure 1(a) as shown in Figure 1(b)
the violation data. Necessary software for matching the respectively.

4 Vol 11 (44) | November 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Y. Mohana Roopa, M. Ramesh Babu and D. Kishore Babu

(a) (b)

Figure 1. (a) Flow diagram of proposed android based solution for road safety and traffic enforcement system, (b) Flow
Diagram of contract.

3. Proposed Solution systems are in any other case bodily secured. Policy should
be evolved to outline the phrases and situations.
A complete administrative facts protection policy ought
to be advanced which defines the records belongings that
this paper needs to defend, and defines the importance 4. Conclusion
of each computer users and computer operators to make The present method is designed in such a way, that it makes
certain protection of these property. This approach more comfortable to use the application with providing
encouraged that supervisory computing servers be the electronic field devices/gadgets with readymade
protected with the aid of a firewall. This will allow crew solution installed. The study highlights the key benefits to
to higher control how they’re accessed and used. The the department and public as well. Consequently, gaining
Kerberos/some other network authentication provider the local success will generate the market awareness and
turned into recommended for users of the data, Violation improve the sales.
related applications. Its miles additionally endorsed
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